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Entire Document DOCUMENT RESUME ED 447 582 EA 030 738 TITLE Department of Defense Education Activity School, District, Area, and System, 1995-1996: Accountability Profiles. INSTITUTION Department of Defense Education Activity, Arlington, VA. PUB DATE 1997-03-00 NOTE 393p.; For the DoDEA Accountability Report, see EA 030 737. Cover page varies. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Accountability; *Educational Assessment; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation; *Profiles; Program Implementation; Reports; School Policy IDENTIFIERS *Dependents Schools ABSTRACT This report is part of a two-volume publication that outlines the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) 5-year plan to transform education in DoD schools. It is based on the vision that the DoDEA will be a learner-centered organization, unbound by traditional school concepts of time, location, and age requirements, and will be recognized for its ability to provide students with the knowledge and high-level skills required for success. The accountability profiles presented here provide information on the school, district, area, and system levels. The report is divided into two documents. The first document includes the system, area, district, and school profiles for the Department of Defense's overseas schools, whereas the second document focuses on the department's domestic schools. The areas, districts, and schools are organized alphabetically within each larger organizational group. Each profile includes student-enrollment data, the mobility rate, the military services and civilian groups served by DoDEA schools, professional-educator demographics, and the percentage of teachers who have completed various levels of education. Each profile also includes principals' and superintendents' assessments, listing the highlights of their programs, important benchmarks for growth, parents' perceptions of the schools, and each school's degree of parent participation. (RJM) ENTIRE DOCUMENT POOR PRE ''T UALO Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. N oo tr) Department of Defense Education Activity Acc untability Profiles 177 rio U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvorneni EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) ilThisdocument has been reproduced as CX) received from the person or organization (V) originating it. r- Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. (Y\ Points at view or opinions stated in this document do riot necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. in aGlobal BEST COPY AVAILABLE Secretary of Defense The Honorable William S. Cohen Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness The Honorable Edwin Dorn Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management Policy The Honorable Fred Pang Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Personnel Support, Families and Education Ms. Carolyn H. Becraft Director, Department of Defense Education Activity Dr. Lillian Gonzalez Printed date: March 1997 Artwork included on front cover by DoDEA students: Nicole Mayoras, Grade 2, Darmstadt Elementary School, Germany and John Paul Giegler, Grade 3, Bob Hope Elementary School, Okinawa BEST COPY AVAILABLE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE EDUCATION ACTIVITY SCHOOL, DISTRICT, AREA, AND SYSTEM 1995-1996 ACCOUNTABILITY PROFILES Department of Defense Education Activity 4040 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203-1635 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 4 Table of Contents Page Message From Dr. Lillian Gonzalez Introduction 1 How to Use This Report 2 DoDDS System Profile Lillian Gonzalez, Director Section A Europe Area Profile JohnDavis, Area Superintendent Section B Brussels District Profile Robert R. Tryon, Superintendent Section C AFCENT Elementary School Robert W. Nance, Principal AFCENT High School Helen K. Galloway, Principal Bitburg Elementary School Dorothy Behm, Principal Bitburg Middle School James A. Lawther, Principal Bitburg High School Bill Boyer, Principal Bonn Elementary School Susan Martz-Cothran, Principal Bonn High School Lavonne Tawney, Principal Brussels Elementary/High School Harold Haggard, Principal Geilenkirchen Elementary School J. Van Dierendonck, Principal Kleine Brogel Elementary School Steve Hain, Principal SHAPE Elementary School Linda Curtis, Principal SHAPE High School B. Ferg-Carter, Principal Spangdahlem Elementry School Dee Edwards, Principal Spangdahlem Middle School C. Ake-Boyer, Principal Volkel Elementary School Joseph Wertheimer, Principal Heidelberg District Profile JoanWilcox, Superintendent Section D Augsburg Elementary School Linda McCauley, Principal Augsburg High School Paul Finkbeiner, Principal Bad Aibling Elementary/High School R. E. Youngman, Principal Boeblingen Elementary School Charles Callahan, Principal Gannisch Elementary School Lynne Holland, Principal Heidelberg Middle School Donald E. Johnson, Principal Heidelberg High School Lewis Johnson, Sr., Principal Mannheim Elementary School A. S. Hamilton, Principal Mannheim Middle School Frank E. Roehl, Principal Mannheim High School Ken Goldstein, Principal Mark Twain Elementary School Charles Ragland, Principal Patch Elementary School Carol Ackermann, Principal Patch High School Ira Scheier, Principal Patrick Henry Elementary School Gayle Vaughn-Wiles, Principal Robinson Barracks Elementary School Cynthia Gess ling, Principal Worms Elementary School Terry Emerson, Principal Hessen District Profile Marcia Johnson, Superintendent Section E Argonner Elementary School Jim Harrison, Principal Aukamm Elementary School Sandra Daniels, Principal Babenhausen Elementary School Jacqueline Hulbert, Principal Bad Nauheim Elementary School Barbara Burke, Principal Butzbach Elementary School David Russell, Principal Darmstadt Elementary School Julie Gaski, Principal Darmstadt Middle School Laura Crehan, Principal Gelnhausen Elementary School Carl McClelland, Principal General H.H. Arnold High School Ed Siemaszko, Principal Giessen Elementary School Ora Flippen-Casper, Principal Giessen Middle/High School Robert Bennett, Principal Hainerberg Elementary School Meren James, Principal Halvorsen-Tunner Elementary/Middle School Ophelia Phillips, Principal Hanau Middle School Robert E. Sennett, Principal Hanau High School Sandra R. Mathys, Principal Sportfield Elementary School John J. O'Reilly, Jr., Principal Wiesbaden Middle School Robert Brinton, Principal Italy District Profile Candace Ransing, Superintendent Section F Aviano Elementary School Norm Jaffee, Principal Aviano High School Frank O'Gara, Principal Gaeta Elementary/Junior High School Robert Kirkpatrick, Principal La Maddalena Elementary School Kathleen Cummings, Principal Livorno Elementary/High School James McNeil, Principal Naples Elementary School Edward Drozdowski, Principal Naples High School Michael Diekmann, Principal Pordenone Elementary School Joan Porter, Principal Sigonella Elementary/High School Robert Kubarek, Principal Vajont Elementary School Nick Siuda, Principal Verona Elementary School Wilma Holt, Principal Vicenza Elementary School Robert Allen, Principal Vicenza High School Peter Price, Principal Kaiserslautern District Profile Terrence Kacik, Superintendent Section G Bad Kreuznach Elementary School Katherine Peters, Principal Bad Kreuznach High School Charles Helmstetler, Principal Baumholder High School Thomas Dignan, Principal Dexheim Elementary School Gary J. Waltner, Principal Kaiserslautern Elementary School Lester Hany, Principal Kaiserslautern Middle School Joel Zuckerman, Principal Kaiserslautern High School Martha Brown, Principal Landstuhl Elementary/Middle School Jennifer L. Rowland, Principal Neubruecke Elementary School Margaret Hoffman, Principal 6 Pirmasens Elementary/Middle School Richard Nielsen, Principal Ramstein Elementary School Lee Hunt, Principal Ramstein Intermediate School Judith A. Mayo, Principal Ramstein Junior High School Jacqueline Yardley, Principal Ramstein High School William Disselhorst, Principal Sembach Elementary/Middle School Shelley A. Rucker, Principal Smith Elementary School Richard Snell, Principal Vogelweh Elementary School Jillian Breaux, Principal Wetzel Elementary School Robert J. Richards, Principal Turkey District Profile Thomas Ellinger, Superintendent Section H Ankara Elementary School/High School Sandra Daniels, Principal Bahrain Elementary/High School Carl Albrecht, Principal Incirlik Elementary School Jean Waddell, Principal Incirlik High School Samuel Menniti, Principal Izmir Elementary/High School Allen Davenport, Principal Lajes Elementary School Susan Ussery, Principal Lajes High School Gilbert Fernades, Principal Rota Elementary School Barbara Rudometkin, Principal Rota High School Gene Peri llo, Principal Sevilla Elementary School Rosemary Letonoff, Principal United Kingdom District Profile Andrew Zacharias, Superintendent Section I Alconbury Elementary School William Ramos, Principal Alconbury High School Charles Toth, Principal Alfred T. Mahan Elementary School John W. Allen, Principal Alfred T. Mahan High School Arnold Watland, Principal Croughton Elementary/High School Emma Siegel, Principal Feltwell Elementary School Sharon Freed, Principal Lakenheath Elementary School Patricia Munday, Principal Lakenheath Middle School G. Williams-Fitzpatrick, Principal Lakenheath High School Blan Palmer, Principal London Central High School Paul Ristow, Principal Menwith Hill Elementary/Middle School Thomas Smith, Principal William F. Halsey Elementary/Middle School Barbara Mayers, Principal West Ruislip Elementary School Cathy Magni, Principal
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