The American Legion 48Th National Convention: Official Program and Annual Report [1966]
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Petat S "PPo rt ,r *ient s 1 LQ Sion Pr'ht £0 lN Die struck rhodium finished heavy metal with full color baked enamel Flag. Jewelers quality for lifetime Flag Tab with Card wear. Available with nail and clutch back (No. 80099); Pin and Silk screen, full color metal Flag tab. Comes with safety catch (No. 80098); or Ringed statement of purpose and support card. Continue charm (No. 80097) $1.50 this most worthwhile program. Over 13 million Flag tabs with cards have been given to the pub- ic by American Legion Posts and Auxiliary Units on a free distribution basis. No. 80095 Flag tabs with cards, per package of 1,000 $4.90 PREPAID. CLUTCH PIN CHARM BACK BACK (Quantity Prices for 50,000 or More) Jeweled Flag Pin New! Sparkling colored stones set in yellow gold metal outlines a Flag for full fashion wear on all occasions. No. 80096 $1.75 WRITE FOR QUANTITY PRICES ON ALL ITEMS ON THIS PAGE ACTUAL SIZE Presentation Set Items Available From Ideal for home or office. A specially NATIONAL EMBLEM SALES designed set, offered for the first time as a part of The American Legion’s "OPERATION SHOW YOUR COLORS.” Printed rayon 8 x 12" Flag, golden fringe with cord and tassels, mounted on a vacuum- THE AMERICAN LEGION gold plated wood staff with spear, on a heavy weight plastic base. Gift 700 N. Pennsylvania boxed. No. 72880 $2.50 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 FOR GOD AND COUNTRY WE ASSOCIATE OURSELVES TOGETHER FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the commun- ity, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. American Legion Auxiliary Forty-Sixth National Convention Augusl 29 - September 1, 1966 Forty-Fifth Marche Nationale La Boutique des Huif Chapeaux el Quarante Femmes FORTY-EIGHTH NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE AMERICAN LEGION AUGUST 26-SEPTEMBER 1 , 1 966 WASHINGTON, D. C. Hello, Joe, Jack, Bert, Phil,Tom, Ernie, John, Bill, Dave, Charlie, Walt, Dick, Stu, Don, Herb, Bob, Harry, George, Arnie, Mort, Fred, Al, Pete, Jerry, Pat, Stan, Jim, Barry, Greg, Marv, Sam, Gene, Gary, Carl, Oscar, Elliot, Norm, Frank,Warren, Ben, Paul,Vince, Henry, Lou,Ted, Ken, Mike, Milt, Dan, Len, Bud, Archie, Larry. Warmest best wishes to you and all your fellow conventioneers, from the people who make Canadian Club. “The Best In The House”” in 87 lands 6 YEARS OLD. IMPORTED IN BOTTLE FROM CANADA BY HIRAM WALKER IMPORTERS INC.. DETROIT, MICH. 86.8 PROOF. BLENDED CANADIAN WHISKY The American Legion Convention Program I N D E X Page Page Airline Information 88 8 and 40 Program 80 Auxiliary Program 55 Emblem Sales Stores 85 Board of Directors 73 Executive Committee 71 Business Session, The Legion 33 First Aid 72 Ceremonies and Special Events 79 Honorary Officers, D.C. Corporation 69 Commission and Committee Meetings 50 Memorial Program 53 Committee Chairmen 77 Officers, D.C. Corporation 67 Contests, Uniformed Groups 52 Parade Orders 17 Convention Commission 65 Registration, Information, Directory, Delegation Hotels, etc. 24 Tickets, etc. 31 Distinguished Guests 38 Service Academy Awards 49 Drum and Bugle Corps Finals 28 Shuttle Bus Schedule 29 3 Soft Whiskey: Whiskey with the tiger taken out 4s you know, tigers are "in” these x\days. But not in Soft Whiskey. No, sir. Soft Whiskey goes down the ol' hatch as soft (We tried to think of something softer but we couldn’t.) So how do we do it? It’s simple once you know how. (Let's nottalk about how long it took us to knowhow.) First of all, we do some of our dis- tilling in small batches. Instead of big ones. And second of all, that’s all we’re going to tell you. But hold on. Before you send out for a bottle, there’s one other thing you better know. Soft Whiskey is 86 proof. Got it? Soft Whiskey is 86 proof. Remember it. Because Soft Whiskey does any- thing any other whiskey can do. It just does it softer. Sure we took the tiger out. But not the tiger’s strength. BLENDED WHISKEY • 86 PROOF - 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS © 1966 CALVERT DIST. CO., N.Y.C. National and international problem areas occupy so much of the time, talents and energies today. Because of this, it is significant that The American Legion is gathering in National Convention here in the District of Columbia, the seat of our federal government. This Forty-Eighth Annual National Convention of The American Legion is the second we have conducted in our nation’s Capital. At no time in the life span of the Legion and on few occasions since the birth of the nation has there been a greater need for understanding the times in which we live—for knowing the importance of our government’s policies, and the urgency of opposing or supporting them as the best interests of our great heritage shall demand. Throughout this year we have sought to carry to the far corners of this land American Legion thinking on two basic issues, one international and one domes- tic, both of which we believe to have a strong bearing on the future of freedom at home and abroad. We have expounded on our belief for the need to defend freedom in Viet Nam and throughout the world, and upon the need for all Americans to develop an abiding respect for living by the rule of law, the keystone of our society and for world order. The work is far from finished. I know this Convention will both reaffirm and strengthen those fundamental mandates upon which our major emphasis was based during this year now ending. I know too, that we shall go forth here with renewed faith and firmer understanding, that our efforts in the service of God and country in the year ahead shall be even more determined and effective. 5 The American Legion WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL COMMANDER D C. 1608 K STREET, N W , WASHINGTON, 20006 Members of The American Legion, Members of the American Legion Auxiliary: I am proud and happy to announce the publication of THE AMERICAN LEGION STORY, by Raymond Moley, Jr. I recommend it to every one of you, for by reading this book, you will gain a deeper understanding of The American Legion and of your part in it. It can also promote understanding and new recognition of our organization's achievements in each community. For that reason, I urge that every local Post and Auxiliary Unit present copies of THE AMERICAN LEGION STORY to influential citizens, as well as to libraries and other educational institutions in their area. This straightforward, well-told story presents a graphic picture of The American Legion and our work. It records the ups and downs of our history--our fights, our losses, our victories and our contributions to the glory of America. It will represent The American Legion and its cause throughout the nation--effectively , usefully, and impressively. ames, National Commander can Legion By Raymond Moley, Jr. with a foreword by J. Edgar Hoover The history of a great institution and a dynamic force in American affairs — a proud narrative of what individuals have done and can do in a free society. Regular publication date is Sept. 26; regular price, $6.95. For Legionnaires, copies are available here and now for $5.95. For special quantity discounts, contact the publisher. DUELL, SLOAN & PEARCE an affiliate of Meredith Press Order Dept. 1716 Locust Street ' Des Moines, Iowa 50303 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear Commander James: Tt is a genuine pleasure to send warmest greetings to the annual convention of the American Legion. The men and women of the Legion have worked untiringly for a better country. You may take special pride in your work among young people and your emphasis on developing those traits of good citizenship—honesty, integrity, and personal conviction—which are the foun- dation of a free society. The American Legion has given unequivocal support to its country’s policy in Vietnam. As men of the Legion know, armed conflict is abhorrent. But you also know that tyranny and slavery are even more abhorrent. And you fully grasp the importance and the need of the nation’s resolve to honor our international commitments and to preserve the liberties we all cherish. I wish each of you a most productive convention and a most pleasant stay in our nation’s capital. Sincerely, Mr. L. Eldon James National Commander The American Legion Hampton, Virginia 23369 THIRTY-SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 7 YOU KNOW BETTER The real thing isn’t easy to make. America’s brand of democracy is steeped in time, tears and suffering. Will the next generation and ones after cherish our recipe for freedom as we have? Boys’ Clubs of America thinks so. With the help of organizations such as the American Legion, Boys’ Clubs have been building ‘Juvenile Decency’ for more than a century. Right now some 750,000 Boys’ Club members are living and learning good citizenship and the meaning of responsible adulthood.