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Table of Contents (PDF) Contents Preface Lizhen Ji, Frans Oort, and Shing-Tung Yau ..................................................................ix Photographs ....................................................................................................................xi The Legacy of Bernhard Riemann After One Hundred and Fifty Years, Volume I What One Should Know About Riemann But May Not Know? Lizhen Ji and Shing-Tung Yau ......................................................................................1 Riemann’s Influence in Geometry, Analysis and Number Theory Sir Michael F. Atiyah.................................................................................................57 Riemann’s Saddle-point Method and the Riemann–Siegel Formula M. V. Berry ..............................................................................................................69 The Period Matrices and Theta Functions of Riemann Ching-Li Chai ...........................................................................................................79 Riemann’s Hypothesis Brian Conrey ..........................................................................................................107 Extension of Holomorphic Functions Defined on Non-Reduced Analytic Subvarieties Jean-Pierre Demailly...............................................................................................191 Bundles with Extra Geometric or Dynamic Structure F. T. Farrell............................................................................................................223 The Theory of Shock Waves: From Riemann through Today James Glimm, Dan Marchesin, and Bradley Plohr......................................................251 Riemann’s Existence Theorem David Harbater ......................................................................................................275 The Historical Roots of the Concept of Riemann Surfaces Lizhen Ji.................................................................................................................287 The Story of Riemann’s Moduli Space Lizhen Ji.................................................................................................................307 Riemann and the Modern Concept of Space Jürgen Jost ..............................................................................................................359 vii viii CONTENTS The Legacy of Bernhard Riemann After One Hundred and Fifty Years, Volume II Survey on Analytic and Topological Torsion Wolfgang Lück........................................................................................................379 The Riemann Minimal Examples William H. Meeks III and Joaquín Pérez....................................................................417 Manifolds of Mappings and Shapes Peter W. Michor......................................................................................................459 The Riemann Hypothesis over Finite Fields: From Weil to the Present Day James S. Milne ........................................................................................................487 The Riemann-Hurwitz Formula Frans Oort .............................................................................................................567 Early History of the Riemann Hypothesis in Positive Characteristic Frans Oort and Norbert Schappacher .......................................................................595 Riemann’s Influence in Number Theory from a Computational and Experimental Perspective Michael Rubinstein..................................................................................................633 Riemann Problem and Shock Capturing Schemes Chi-Wang Shu ........................................................................................................681 A Discourse on the Measurable Riemann Mapping Theorem & Incompressible Fluid Motion Dennis Sullivan.......................................................................................................691 The Mertens Conjecture Herman J. J. te Riele ................................................................................................703 Hodge Structures, Coniveau and Algebraic Cycles Claire Voisin...........................................................................................................719 .
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