Congressional Record—House H2155
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May 15, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2155 school seniors regardless of whether isting 3809 regulations that affect the vision, I have sent the enclosed notice they played ball or not. This problem mining industry. That study, author- to the Federal Register for publication, has been worked out, however, by al- ized by Congress, concluded that the stating that the emergency declared lowing the Rangers to wear a different existing laws were effective in pro- with respect to Burma is to continue in color beret to distinguish their unique tecting the environment. Yet the Clin- effect beyond May 20, 2001. The most contribution. ton administration last year promul- recent notice continuing this emer- Even though I believe the Army is gated new 3809 regulations in spite of gency was published in the Federal Reg- spending too much money on berets, the National Academy’s findings and in ister on May 19, 2000. $30 million and climbing, and even direct violation of Federal law. As long as the Government of Burma though I have problems with where continues is policies of committing b 1415 they are made, particularly in China, large-scale repression of the demo- although that contract has been can- In fiscal year 2000, the Interior appro- cratic opposition in Burma, this situa- celed, I believe Congress does not have priations bill clearly prohibited the tion continues to pose an unusual and the time or the charter to meddle with promulgation of any new 3809 rules ex- extraordinary threat to the national what the Army does or does not wear. cept those ‘‘which are not inconsistent security and foreign policy of the If we can trust the chief of staff of the with the National Academy of Science United States. For this reason, I have Army to command our young Ameri- studies.’’ determined that it is necessary to cans in wartime, certainly we can trust Thankfully, President Bush realized maintain in force these emergency au- him to determine what kind of uniform the error of President Clinton’s ways, thorities beyond May 20, 2001. they will wear. and now we have only to roll back the GEORGE W. BUSH. f unnecessary and unlawful 3809 regula- THE WHITE HOUSE, May 15, 2001. tions proposed by the previous admin- f CONGRATULATING DENISE istration, which do not protect the en- QUINONES AND TITO TRINIDAD vironment or the American people. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER ´ PRO TEMPORE (Mr. ACEVEDO-VILA asked and was f given permission to address the House The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- for 1 minute.) PERIODIC REPORT ON NATIONAL ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Mr. ACEVEDO-VILA´ . Mr. Speaker, I EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO announces that he will postpone fur- would like to congratulate two Puerto BURMA—MESSAGE FROM THE ther proceedings today on each motion Ricans that in the past weekend made PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED to suspend the rules on which a re- all of us very proud. I am talking about STATES (H. DOC. NO. 107–70) corded vote or the yeas and nays are Denise Quinones, who won the Miss The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. GIB- ordered or on which the vote is ob- Universe contest held in Puerto Rico BONS) laid before the House the fol- jected to under clause 6 of rule XX. last Friday, and Felix ‘‘Tito’’ Trinidad lowing message from the President of Such record votes, if postponed, will who on Saturday added the middle- the United States; which was read and, be taken after debate has been con- weight championship to his already together with the accompanying pa- cluded on all motions to suspend the amazing resume. pers, without objection, referred to the rules, but not before 6 p.m. today. Denise and Tito, as we call him down Committee on International Relations f there, make us proud because they rep- and ordered to be printed: EXPEDITING CONSTRUCTION OF resent some of the best qualities of the To the Congress of the United States: WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL IN Puerto Rican people. Denise is much As required by section 401(c) of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA more than a beautiful face. She is ex- National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. tremely bright, well educated, fully bi- Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, I move to 1641(c), and section 204(c) of the Inter- suspend the rules and pass the bill lingual and ready to meet the chal- national Emergency Economic Powers lenges of the future. Denise is a true (H.R. 1696) to expedite the construction Act (IEEPA), 50 U.S.C. 1703(c), I trans- of the World War II memorial in the role model for our youth. mit herewith a 6-month periodic report We also celebrate the triumph of our District of Columbia. on the national emergency with re- champion Felix ‘‘Tito’’ Trinidad who is The Clerk read as follows: spect to Burma that was declared in the best pound-for-pound boxer in the H.R. 1696 Executive Order 13047 of May 20, 1997. world. Tito embodies the talent and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- GEORGE W. BUSH. discipline of Puerto Rican youth. His resentatives of the United States of America in THE WHITE HOUSE, May 15, 2001. Congress assembled, unbreakable will in the ring reflects f SECTION 1. EXPEDITED COMMENCEMENT BY the strength of the Puerto Rican peo- AMERICAN BATTLE MONUMENTS ple. CONTINUATION OF EMERGENCY COMMISSION OF CONSTRUCTION OF Today, Puerto Rico celebrates two WITH RESPECT TO BURMA—MES- WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL. real stars. Denise and Tito remind us SAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF Section 2113 of title 36, United States Code, that we can accomplish anything THE UNITED STATES (H. DOC. as added by section 601(a) of the Veterans Millennium Health Care and Benefits Act through dedication and perseverance. NO. 107–71) (Public Law 106–117; 113 Stat. 1576), is amend- Felicidades a ambos. (Congratulations The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ed by adding at the end the following new to both of you.) fore the House the following message subsection: f from the President of the United ‘‘(i) CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTION TO COM- MENCE CONSTRUCTION.—(1) The requirements SUSPENSION OF UNLAWFUL AND States; which was read and, together of the National Environmental Policy Act of UNNECESSARY REGULATIONS with the accompanying papers, without 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Commemora- objection, referred to the Committee (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given tive Works Act (40 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.), and on International Relations and ordered permission to address the House for 1 all other laws pertaining to the siting and to be printed: design for the World War II memorial having minute and to revise and extend his re- been met, the Commission shall expedi- marks.) To the Congress of the United States: tiously proceed with the construction of the Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, indus- Section 202(d) of the National Emer- World War II memorial at the dedicated tries around this Nation continually gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides Rainbow Pool site in the District of Colum- are burdened by unfair and unneces- for the automatic termination of a na- bia. sary regulations. However, last year tional emergency unless, prior to the ‘‘(2) The construction of the World War II the mining industry faced an addi- anniversary date of its declaration, the memorial authorized by paragraph (1) shall tional and unnecessary burden, an un- President publishes in the Federal Reg- be consistent with— ‘‘(A) the final architectural submission lawful regulation. ister and transmits to the Congress a made to the Commission of Fine Arts and Previously, Congress called for the notice stating that the emergency is to the National Capital Planning Commission National Academy of Sciences to study continue in effect beyond the anniver- on June 30, 2000, as supplemented on Novem- and assess the effectiveness of the ex- sary date. In accordance with this pro- ber 2, 2000; and VerDate 15-MAY-2001 02:19 May 16, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15MY7.009 pfrm04 PsN: H15PT1 H2156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 15, 2001 ‘‘(B) such reasonable construction permit authorized, Mr. Speaker. Millions of who served in the Armed Forces during requirements as may be required by the Sec- World War II veterans have gone to World War II, as well as the millions of retary of the Interior, acting through the their eternal rest. According to VA sta- other Americans who contributed in National Park Service. ‘‘(3) The decision to construct the World tistics, 3 million World War II veterans countless ways to the war effort. War II memorial at the dedicated Rainbow have died since this memorial was au- Mr. Speaker, the time to construct Pool site, decisions implementing this sub- thorized in 1993. this memorial is now. More than 50 section, and decisions regarding the design Once begun, construction of the me- years after the end of World War II, for the World War II memorial are final and morial will take approximately 30 there does not exist in our Nation’s conclusive and shall not be subject to admin- months. In that time, nearly 1 million Capital a fitting memorial to the serv- istrative or judicial review.’’. additional World War II veterans will ice and sacrifices of millions of Ameri- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- pass away. Each day of delay tragically cans who preserved democracy and de- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Ar- adds 1,100 more. And still construction feated totalitarianism during World izona (Mr.