1 Information Resources 2 Squire, Jason. The Movie Business Book, Pages 100‐116 3 Squire, Jason. The Movie Business Book, Pages 138‐145 4 “Why Buying Wars Was a Brilliant move by Disney” (The Atlantic ) 5 MPAA 2014 Theatrical Statistics 6 Case #1: Warner Bros. Entertainment 7 Squire, Jason. The Movie Business Book, Pages 61‐71 8 Squire, Jason. The Movie Business Book, Pages 84‐90 9 Squire, Jason. The Movie Business Book, Pages 149‐159 “Why Hollywood is Creating So Many Boring Superhero Movies.” (The Atlantic ) 10 “ to Produce and Acquire Movies for Theatrical Release” (Hollywood 11 Reporter) “ 's Ted Sarandos Explains Adam Sandler, 'Crouching Tiger' Deals: ‘Putting 12 Our Money Where Our Mouth Is’" (Hollywood Reporter) 13 Squire, Jason. The Movie Business Book, Pages 280‐314 Case #2: and , Inc.: To Acquire or Not to 14 Acquire “The Brilliant, Unnerving Meta‐Marketing of ‘The Lego Movie’” (New York 15 Times) 16 Squire, Jason. The Movie Business Book. Pages 363‐400 “Strong Profit Margin at Underlines a Hollywood Shift” (The 17 New York Times ) 18 “How Does the Film Industry Actually Make Money” ( ) 19 “Hollywood Wants Numbers on the Digital Box Office” (The New York Times ) “The Six Graphs You Need to See to Understand the Economics of Awful 20 Blockbuster Movies” (The Atlantic ) “How Hollywood Accounting Can Make a $450 Million Movie ‘Unprofitable’” 21 (The Atlantic) 22 “Why Do All Movie Tickets Cost the Same?” (The Atlantic ) 23 “New HBO Now Streaming Service Shows Consumer Will is King” (NPR ) 24 Case #3: The CW: Launching a Television Network The Business of Media Distribution: Monetizing Film, TV and Video Content in an Online World by Jeff Ulin Chapter 6: Television Distribution (pages 221‐291) 25 26 “Barely Keeping Up in TV’s New Golden Age” (The New York Times ) “ Underscores the Big Business of Must‐See, Live TV” (The New York 27 Times) 28 “Sports Could Save the TV Business – or Destroy It” (The Atlantic) 29 “AMC is Thriving by Breaking the Rules of Legacy TV” (The Atlantic) 30 “ vs. the Cord Cutters” (The New York Times) 31 “The Myth of Teens Rejecting Television” (The Atlantic) 32 “New Challenges Chip Away at Cable’s Pillar of Profit” (The New York Times ) 33 “More Cracks in TV’s Business Model” (The New York Times) 34 “How ESPN Makes Money – in 1 Graph” (The Atlantic) 35 “If Cable is Dying, Why Is It Still Making So Much Money?” (The Atlantic) 36 Case #4: MRC’s House of Cards 37 “How Netflix is Changing the TV Industry” (Investopedia) 38 “Ted Sarandos: Netflix Appetite for Originals Growing Stronger” (Variety) “Nielsen’s Plan to Count TV Viewers Across Screens Faces Obstacles” (Re/Code) 39 “ As DVR’s Shift TV Habits, Ratings Calculations Follow” (The New York Times) 40 41 Case #5: Music and the (Real) World: Thirty Years of MTV “Discovery Expands Its Reach Overseas to Ensure Growth” (The New York Times) 42 “ Hollywood’s Changing Its Movies to Appease the Chinese? Good” (The 43 Atlantic) 44 Case #6: YouTube, and the Rise of Internet Video 45 “Four Takeaways From the NFL‐Yahoo Deal” (Forbes) “Showtime to Launch Standalone Service on , PlayStation in Addition to 46 Apple Devices” (Variety )