•---To All Parents Take Heed!
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VOL. 5, NO. 32 THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1968 - SIXTEEN PAGES_ $5.00 per year 10 por copyr copy wo Contracts Approved Foir1968-69 School Year The Indian Creek Boara ox ville High School was approved by Education approved contracts for the board. six principal positions. Those Other action included approval employed for the 1968-1969 of a two-year depository agree- school year are: Michael ment with the Mingo National Ondayko, Harmony Elementary; Bank; approval for the clerk to Joseph Talarico, Bantam Ridge request a tax advance of $250,000; Elementary; Joseph Roshak, approval of a playground super- Stark Elementary; Albino Bodo, visor for Harmony Elementary; assistant Wintersville High acknowledgment of receipt of a School; and William Welch, as- negotiation agreement, for fur- sistant Buchanan Junior High. ther study, with the Indian Creek Vincent Talarico and Jerry Al- Education Association; and bert will share the assistant Win- setting the dates for the 1969 tersville Elementary position. budget hearing and advertisement Resignations were accepted of same. from S.D. Cunningham, business assistant; Mrs. Mary Hoobler, home economics teacher; Mrs. Categories For The Lynn Reimer and Mrs. Marilyn DeLuca, elementary teachers; Fourth of July Parade Mrs. Juarine Lee, cafeteria Roy L. Lane, chairman of the supervisor; and Miss Donna Nel- awards and judges sub-committee son, secretary. Mrs. Hoobler and of the Weirton Junior Chamber Mr. Cunningham are retirees. of Commerce, announced that Twelve teachers were em- there will be eight categories ployed for the 1968-1969 school entered in this years 4th of July year. They are: Mrs. Elizabeth parade, which will take place at The Jefferson Council of the American Legion held their installation of officers on June 20, 1968 at Bordenklrcher, Miss GloriaStra- 10:00 on Main and West Streets in the Wintersville American Legion Post Home #557. Officers installed were: (seated, 1 to r) William face, Miss Mary Ann Vasich, and Weirton. - Huntsman-lst Vice Commander, Tiltonsville; James R. Scott-Outgoing Jefferson County Commander; Louis Ferrero, elementary; Miss The categories are as follows: Earl Muenze-Commander, Jefferson County; Mr. -Roger Munson-lst Vice Commander of the Ohio Patricia Gibson, biology; Miss First - Floats, judged on how Department of the American Legion, Installing officer and guest speaker; (Standing, 1 to r) George Marylou Panebianco, art; Philip well they depict the parade theme, Hall-Adjutant, Wintersville; Clarence Kimmel-Chaplain, Wintersville; Lou Adams-2nd Vice Com- DeStefano, English; Miss Elaine "Freedom in Not Free", ingenu- mander, Tiltonsville; Rasper Thompson-trustee, Steubenville; Harry Sutherin-trustee, Mingo Junction; Soukup, home economics; George ity of the float and the ability and Andy Hazlett-Finance Officer, Wintersville. Rodak, Jr., social studies; Guy to make the best float at the least Marlnacci, mathematics; Frank expense. Musante, music; and John Minor, Second - Fire Trucks, •---To All 0@@*O@ English. Third - Decorated cars that Parents Take Heed! Other employment included best depict the parade theme. high school summer school Fourth - Marching and drill teachers: ESEA Title I project units. supervisor, tounselor, teachers, Fifth - bands from the Ohio teacher aides, clerical aides, and Valley area. bus drivers; the Neighborhood Sixth - Decorated bicycles. Youth Corps director and secre- Seventh - Horse units or single tary; four substitute school bus riders. drivers; and BenedictSicone, Jr., Eighth - Antique cars. as bus mechanic. Floats in the money competi- The bid of J.T. Owens, Inc., tion must pay an entry fee of $25. for gas conversion units for the Floats in all other categories boilers at Wintersville High and must post a $10 entrance fee, Bantam Ridge Elementary- which will be returned after the, Schools was accepted by the parade. board. The bid price was $24,470. Other bidders were Ofler's, Inc., EARLY NEWS DEADLINE and Cattrell Plumbing. FOR HOLIDAY EDITION A contract for the construction Due to the coming 4th of of bus garages at Hills Elemen- July Holiday, the Wintersville ^ tary and Wintersvflle High School Citizen will be published on was awarded to J.G. Madden and Wednesday, July 3. Shown above are Chief of Police Vic Calabrese (left) and Patrolman Ben Stillwagon (right) reminding Son, Canfield, Ohio. Also, the Deadline for news for .this all parents that under the Ohio Vandalism Law, they are responsible for damage and all other acts of lease proPosal ofNationalHomes,- issue is Saturday at 2:00 pm vandalism committed by their children. Inc., for six temporary class- and ads must be in by noon on rooms to be erected at Winters- Monday. Sheriff Wells Elected Weirton Steel to Hold Democrats Membership Drive To State Office Fireworks Display On June 20, 21, and 22, 1968, A colornu fireworks dispiay the Ohio League of Young Demo- will be sponsored again this year crats held their biannual conven- by Weirton Steel Division of tion in Youngstown, Ohio at the National Steel Corporation as part Voyager Inn, for the purpose of of Weirton's observance of Inde- electing new officers for a two pendence Day, it was announced year term. by J.H. Harris, Chairman. On June 22, 1968, the meeting The annual display will be held of the Young Democrats of the at 10 p.m. Thursday, July 4 at State of Ohio was called to order the Weirton airport, where ade- by Ron Logan, State President, at quate parking is available. 2:30 p.m. Sheriff Dick Wells led the Pledge of Allegiance to the The fireworks program will flag. include many set pieces, more The delegates from Jefferson than 200 multiple break aerial County were as follows: John rockets and a finale of several Tegano, President of Jefferson hundred aerial rockets and flash County Young Democrats Club, shells. Gerald DiLoretta, Richard Angel- Zambelli Fireworks Manufac- ica, Dick Wells, Noel Stultz. turing Company of New Castle, Several committee reports Pa. will be in charge of the dis- were given and accepted by the play. In case of rain on July 4, body. Next order of business was the program will be held on July election of officers. Richard J, 5. Permits have been obtained Ryan, Columbus, Ohio, Franklin from the city of Weirton and the County, was elected president of West Virginia fire marshal. The Jefferson County Democratic chaitman Dr. Robert Price, the State Club, along with Sheriff An estimated 15,000 persons (center), officially started the 1968 Democratic Membership Drive Dick Wells being elected Vice- attend the Weirton Steel Fire- by presenting the first membership application to Mayor Albert President of the League of Young works display each year. Robert Olexia of Mingo Junction, Ohio (right). Mr. Olexia was later given Democrats of Ohio. spear - head the campaign ror M. Rine of the Public Relations the first wallet size membership card. Patrick J. Petrella (left), The guest-speaker was John A, Hubert Humphrey. Judge James Department of Weirton Steel is chairman of the drive, stated that each application should be promptly Gronouski, who resigned as Am- R. McKenna gave the invocation coordinating the fireworks pro- attended to. Chairman Price feels that it is better to receive a bassador of Warsaw, Poland, to for the evening. gram. small donation from many rather than a large donation from a few. PAGE 2 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN "THE WINTERSVILLE CITIZEN" ON THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1968 i - ' _ J¢;" I Two Ridge Church Holds Ground Breaking Girl Scout Troop #464 Attends Camp Girl Scouts from Troop #464 have returned from Troop Camp WINTERSV at "Fairie Point" Camp, Bonnie Belmont. Activities while in camp included the usual Outdoor cook- The ing, and regular camp chores. Flag Ceremonies, Campfire pro- Established December 6, 1962 grams, Wide Games, Knot tying, Rudy Toaliani, and crafts. The girls joined with Publisher-Co-Editor a Cadette Troop from Bridgeport Patricia Taliani Co-Editor to enjoy an evening of dancing and songs. They also learned to re- Subscription Rotes. cognize wild plants and trees, and $5.00 per year or 10# per copy determined which could be used Advertising rates furnisthe for food. on request Highlight was an experiment in primitive pottery. The girls used natural clay obtained onthe Camp property by digging 18 inches be- low the surface, they washed the clay molded it into figures, bowls Published weeky'bt and ashtrays. These were sun- 559 Canton Road dried and then fired in the camp- Iintersville, Ohio 43952 fire. Phone: 264-4303 Fishing was tried with good Second Class Postage results and the fish were cleaned and cooked and sampled with Paid At Steulenvwlle. Ohio virious reactions. The Girls went on a Moonlight hike and listened for night sounds. Cadette Scout Janice Francis, Seniors Carole Hazlett and Carla Boyd, assisted leaders Mrs. J.L. By MRS, JAMES WALTERS McClain and Mrs. Harry Hen- "...strive not about words to no profit, but to the dricks. subvertingof the Ground breaking ceremonies were held at the Two Ridge United Presbyterian Church on June 9. Con- Other recent activities of this hearers....But foolish and un- struction is expected to take place this week. The cost of the building is $70,000. It will be a two story Troop includes a combined Fly- learned questions avoid..." structure housing 10 class rooms, a fellowship hall, a kitchen, a cry room, an office and the Minister's Up and Court of Awards. Girls (II Timothy 2: 14, 23). means: Don't study. The project is expected to be completed in November. All donations are gratefully accepted. received into the Junior Troop This verse really time in useless dis- Shown above are members of the Building Committee and the Session and guests present at the included: Nancy Davis, Vickie spend your ceremonies. (Front row, 1 to r) Mr. John Price; Mr.