Meth Is NOT Just Another Drug Theme, "School Days at the Old Masses
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» of2004 I he ( ombincd Newspapers of the Wufervliet Record, Coloma Courier and Hartford News To subscribe dial 463-NEWS TRI-CITY RE HOAG & 50?^ 111? Year Issue #1 January 6, 2005 SPR!NGpOR 1 X 2% cost increase and wordage questioneu Bainbridge Twp. OKs Watervliet Fire Dept. contract;Treasurer adds tax collection dates By Angela Stair Supervisor Jollay and trustee Don lection of taxes was going well and four arrests made in the Township The Bainbridge Township Board Baicrs met with the Fire Board at its he had scheduled two more days on six different charges. approved the contract with the December meeting to clarify the ter- when he would be at the Township Deputy Lighthart told the Board Watervliet Fire Department at its minology and ask for a justification office to collect taxes before the that the car he was driving had the regular meeting January 3. for the 2% increase in cost. February 14 deadline. Those days new portable computer equipment Township Supervisor Jerry Jollay Supervisor Jollay said they found arc both on Saturdays, January 15 on it. He invited the Board to ask at explained that the holdup on the out the 10% of expenses had been and February 12, from 9:00 a.m. to any time and they would be happy to approval was because the Township the same for the past 10 years and 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. give anyone a demonstration. He had asked that the Fire Board add a felt an increase was justified Epple said he would be there said the grant was large and so the clause covering insurance that was because of increase in costs over Monday, February 28, from 9:00 technical equipment is very good. asked for by the Township's insur- that time. a.m. until 12:00 noon and then from So far they have had no problems, ance company. The Fire Board explained that the 1:00-5:00 p.m. He reminded the and it has proven to be very helpful. The Watervliet Fire Board sent back terminology is still the same, just public that the deadline to pay taxes Supervisor Jollay thanked the pub- the contract with the clause and dif- updated. Supervisor Jollay said is February 14, and any paid to him lic for its attendance at the meeting ferent terminology. Jollay said a everything was the same as the orig- between Feb. 14 and Feb. 18 must and told those in attendance that he raise from 10% to 12% of all inal contract, with only the 10% include a penalty of 3%. After Feb. would like them to know if at any i: \ expenses excluding labor, major being changed to 12% of the 28, the taxes must be paid to the time they would like information equipment items, building mortgage expenses. The Board approved it County Treasurer and will include a about the Township or its activities, and building improvements had unanimously. penalty of 4% and interest of 1%. they should feel free to call him and been made in the contract. Treasurer Mark Epple said the col- The Board approved the paying of ask. PROUD PA RE NTS... Melissa Nelson and Robert Schulz of Watervliet $33,536.45 in bills and $4,608.53 "My door is always open, my phone pose with Darren Schulz, the first baby born at Community Hospital in for payroll, for a total of $38,144.98. is always available, or feel free to Watervliet in 2005. (Angela Stair photo) Board members also approved mak- stop in the Township office any- 8 ing the bills from the Tri-City time," Jollay said. "You are the pub- Darren Schulz is l ' Record for $1,606 and Rapid Print lic and what we do is for you, so for $307.76 as mid- month bills to please ask us if you have a ques- be paid. tion." baby of 2005 born at Supervisor Jollay asked the Board to approve giving Clerk Deb Grieser the permission to pay the credit card Area support Community Hospital bill as a mid-month bill to avoid late fees. The card is used for office sup- and prayers plies and workshop meetings and is By Angela Stair be having Damian's birthday party not large, but late fees have been Darren Schulz arrived at 2:28 a.m. on Sunday and she did not expect to go out to charged because of having to wait on January 2, 2005, at Community deliver Darren on that day. But for Board approval to pay it. The Hospital in Watervliet. He weighed birthday celebrations were carried Board approved making it a mid- victims of in at 6 pounds, 13 ounces. His par- on anyway at home, she said; and month bill. ents are Melissa Nelson and Robert added that they were also celebrat-^ Berrien County Sheriff's Deputy Schulz of Watervliet. ing Robert's birthday, December 31. the Tsunami Don Lighthart Jr. made the monthly Nurse Robin Shlur said Melissa was Proud grandparents on Melissa's report of the Sheriff's Department By Angela Stair supposed to deliver at Lakeland in side of the family are Sheryl Nelson activity in Bainbridge Township. With the terrible destruction of the St. Joseph but got as far as Coloma of Watervliet and Larry Nelson of There were 60 complaints that were recent Tsunami in Asia, many local and knew they would not make it so Arkansas. Grandparents on Robert's worked in the Township, with the people have wanted to lend a hand to came back to Watervliet. side of the family are Bob and Karen issuance of 27 tickets. There were the people suffering the horrors and Melissa said the birth was very fast. Schulz who live between Watervliet aftermath of the disaster. Local They had arrived at the Watervliet and Hartford. churches are offering prayers for the hospital at 2:00 a.m. and at 2:28 a.m. Community Hospital Marketing Ice sculpture victims and many are collecting Darren was bom. She said he is a Director Rachel Wade said the hos- monetarily to help with the relief very good baby and hardly cries. pital gave the first baby of 2005, ideas, sponsors efforts. Darren has two older siblings: Darren Schulz, a basket of baby Reverend Ron Hanson of Hartford Destiny who will be 7 years old in items. She said it contained items sought for 14th NAMED TO ALL-STATE FIRST TEAM...Hartford's Jamin Olds was United Methodist Church said they February; and Damian who turned 8 like diapers, blankets, a stuffed ani- M M named to the Class C all-state first team in basketball. For more on have offered a special time to pray on December 27. mal, onezies, lotion, and other items. annual festival the past year in area sports, see Page 5. (Mike Leith photo) for the victims during their Sunday Melissa said they were supposed to Organizers of the 14th annual Ice services. He also said the missionary Sculpture Festival in Watervliet are offerings would be going toward the looking for a few good ideas for this Warning given: area among the worst, problem growing relief effort for them also. year's event slated for the weekend St. Joseph Catholic Church in of January 22. Watervliet is taking up collections Chairman Karl Bayer says the for the relief of survivors during its Meth is NOT just another drug theme, "School Days at the Old Masses. Church Secretary Cheryl WHS," could be a bit challenging to By Angela Stair loose all desire for sex. Family and t, McAndrew said. If you are a land- Coordinator E.J. McAndrew. "We Clayton said the money would go to the dozen or so carvers from the E.J. McAndrew, the coordinator of children mean nothing to them; only ord, beware of who is renting your feel that an aggressive marketing Catholic Relief Services, which is Michiana Culinary Association. Van Buren County Methampheta- their next supply of meth is impor- property, McAndrew added. campaign, highlighted by Meth active at the site of not only this dis- The Watervliet Business mine Task Force, spoke to the tant. Property values will go down. Awareness Month, will help inform aster but for any disaster. Association chose the theme in the Hartford Chamber of Commerce Breaking and entering, home inva- residents and community leaders Clayton said the church office is wake of the demolition of the high members at their banquet in Mom chose meth over sion, and violence is on the increase about this growing problem in our open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily if school building that stood on the December. Her message was clear; in rural areas and are meth-related, area." someone would like to make a mon- giving up her kids comer of the downtown for the past meth is not just another drug. McAndrew said. The courts are What to look for etary donation to help the survivors. McAndrew tofd of one woman that 70 years. With meth, 42% of first-time users loaded with meth and meth-related If you suspect a lab, STAY AWAY! The church would add it to the col- had been given three weeks by the Bayer says to contact him at 463- have a desire to use again and 84% offenses. If you find glass bottles or plastic lections that are being sent. court to clean up her act or her chil- 6397 with sculpture suggestions. of second-time users become The problem is growing, bottles with a tube coming out, do Monetary donations to help the peo- dren would be put in foster homes.