tivo work. Apparently the Kaffirs had no ['anil, Garden and Household. written language till some persevering mis- sionary having acquired .» knowledge of their reduced it to a A Glance at Wheal. lingo system. I saw several hooks printed in their tongue and very neatly hut the I:,. long reign of cotton as king of hound, diamonds from the C ipe were \‘‘ry bright, and I am afraid I looked at them ; is diminishing in products yearly more than at the books. The agent elaiius that and the time seems last mincy, ap- I the African grape is far more delicious than am ... hing whet, wheat will wield the com- other and that their wines are especially desir- able. I ial sceptre of American agriculture. presume he t Id the truth. f had no of his but ;v is at this no of the gustatory proof statement, there worn day production Republican whole of Journal. pyramids bottles supposed to be filled i that contains of trade such elements with the enticing iluid. i;v as the item of wheat, tt single VOLUME 40. JUNE COXY IVAL mtOAPBKIM S. survived the most severe financial de- BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, 22, 1870 NUMBER 51. The mention of these African wines reminds "ii n in this and and country Europe me how my fancies concerning Quakers have the farmer to on- been I did that sp-adily encouraged A of Land at Sea. came back in Ah ! so so so anil changed. suppose ••the world, Song tion, ten miles distant, and hands. tender, good, beauti- languid movements escaped her moth- w hat could she do but school herself to soeiation, and that he invented the in- the v icid 1 ho hero and smoking the flesh and Lucifer’- were entirely cast out ge capitalist the his master. The news ful ! No wonder she him. er’s notice, lint Celeste observed fant in "Now would I a thousand of carriage with worshipped that patience? There was no need of her leav- merely order to open a new tit-1-, for the Irom their seren is ever to a solid in- give furlongs compositions. Yesterday, ■el ready give S.do of there is no sen lor :tn acre of barren heath, did not meet Llewellyn until his arrival But slit? looked up at last, heavy-eyed, Flore’s exquisite cheeks had a soft pallor, ing Ilawkeshome. Mrs. Walford luatron- tobacco, doubt that he has taking the train for agricultural to its value the most liberal ground—long earned pleasure hail! i-oinent by fully whatever pay he may have receiv- r>\ ./ brown furze, anything."—[Tempest, Scene 1. there, lie had telegraphed to them from with quivering lips. and that she ate little breakfast. Yet she ized it most And the child I fouii 1 in>'«*|f vis witii a family party of -tmeiiis it of to effectually. ed. The tact, however, does not »onstituc an is. course, subject he saw it to FriomN. The ladies wore the regulation bon- Soft wind, low piping the shrouds all dav, New York of the train would take. “No, don't say that, Llewellyn. Because only watch wistfully that beauti- ltae was the left her to which will lead oi and the through only living thing argument parents to prefer nets. their skirts were of flounces and inactivity consequent Dost thou not of the woods to me? The had been addressed to his I am old and and a ful face, and to wish for a a love. guiltless whisper telegram poor plain—only gov- little, only So the summer went so smoking infants, ingenious as the new inven- •nation in but the inevitable do- Oh! fur thy wings, that I might days bv, they had no ornaments save those of meek and price, speed away father. He arrived to learn of his father’s erness. And are—a Greer, the noblest little, of that of contour. lor others. tion is, it cannot be called a beneticent one, and Over this trackless waste of weary sea! you perfection bright quiet spirits. The gentlemen wore hats of d which is bound to follow eonsump- ail men unconnected with the lifelessness. one of a proud family. You father would That evening Mrs. Walford called Flore Yet there was a shade of comfort in the ♦obacco trade broadest brims, straight-bodied coats, vest* : loud al- ! will that the any indispensable item, on, sweet wind, a of summer her sincerely hope smoking iufaut of buttoned to their hills, and an so sing song leaves, The awed and agitated servant told him wish me dead if he knew you said such into dressing-room. tender blue of the summer the solemn expression -ite 1 this a Lisping, through shadows in tlie sky, i Massachusetts will not be duplicated and will sanctified that 1 y adjusts special one; trembling land, man him words to me. Is there not some “Shut the and wondered if it were not dis- 01 ruses under blunderingly The young faced other door, my dear, lock it,” voice of the the refrain of the rest- never be introduced ;:,at is a nodding moss-grown eaves, pines, successfully into American tressing for them to mingle with common sin- rapidly establishing feeling Of raindrops tinkling on the pane. we can it? For I do not wish not her breath. less, families. V. Times. cottage sternly. way plan observing daughter's quick ever-seeking sea. when she must [X. ners. Fancy my horror when the meekest .savoring confidence among all oper- “1 ‘■Hob, what are you talking about? You to go !" hope the walls havn’t ears, as they say. needs go out among them with ltae. She Obadiah of them all drew out a cigar in breadstuff*. Under thy pinions bent the springing wheat, case, are drunk !” ller face fell into her hands Her You may do hair to instead of felt then that the end had solemnly his brethren, and the 1 he large livid-daisies bowed their starry crowns; again. my night, not yet come. Centennial Pencilling**, helped striking knowing the many resources that are wicked brimstone otf an innocent little The wild thyme sighed to thee, and, faintly swi ct, “Swear to hebben I ain't, sail! It's true voice had broken upon the last word, and liosa. Flore, 1 want to talk with you. Yet the wedding was announced. And stick— the of this 1 he scent of gorse was blown across the downs Anna S. IT. the called a match—lie elicited that vieiou- rally developing greatness emit'! Marse Saville’s gone to his sobs shook her delicate form from head to What do you think of Ilawkeshome?” then the house was filled with the bustle lady correspondent -park it is Almighty which smokers worship as as the Per- :rv, glorious to contemplate that waitin’ fur to whose and devoutly Soft wind, low piidng the shrouds to me, rest, and de family’s all you foot. Flore's first was that her meet- of preparation. Mrs. Walford, in the most witty charming Jotters so sians all lire. The rest followed his u destined to become the chief cus- through thought hap- worship What would 1 give to mam where thou hast been? come home, an’ tell ’em what to do “Celeste, it is 1 who am not lit for you,” with Deslonde had been detected. Sbo amiable of moods, displayed to Celeste pily describe the and example arid then* they sat enjoying themselves, 01 ol -the stall'ot life," that the en- -V thousand furlongs of this restless sea ing objects happenings saw the tears in the eyes of was his answer. Flore's beautiful trousseau. The flic sanctified look became beatific seen through l'or one lone mile of moor or woodland green ! Llewellyn only slipped behind her mother's chair, thread- filmy at the continues her tile i-ing producers will thereby bo the The shock her Exposition, contribu- curling clou Is. the white-headed old servitor. He held in his arms, and kissed all out her black braids with un- laces, the masses of soft the .cut of renumeration. It is ing slim, embroidery, tions to the I was destined to still further revelations, for worthy was so that he turned of her face that was not hid. lit- silks. press. We copy the follow- great physically Lovely liut her secret was undis- sheeny when 1 entered the little res- a tact when we see steady fingers, lovely California minly gratify ing of was too lien A of sick, and, falling among the cushions tle heart—the temptation great covered Mrs. H alford's were \\ the bridal came she saw ing— taurant, you might know a Frenchman’s taste [ idled States in their centennial Vase Gold, thoughts morning only lfob to him directed its the carriage, silently motioned for ■She yielded inch by inch—clung to at on another trank. them put upon the the veil Those historically restless individuals of an- decorating) at a corner table there ,. in young beauty oming up competition for Euro- The old Greer mansion ot llawkeshome cient Athens who sat another party of the sect. This res- drive homeward. last, giving kiss for kiss. isn’t it ?—the old You and orange-blossoms. The came— persistently craved “some quiet the historical “Superb, place. guests new taurant i- noted for a new brand of -upplies against promi- stood above the sea. I'lie ocean winds which a older than l. is not thing,” ought to have lived in t hi genera- especially high Hushing away the trembling dog “Only year That never saw like it, did Flore? gay strangers—and in the bright California wine *• .if old and the Hlack Sea. anything you, morning tion, and attended our Exposition. ended he Golden Wine of Egypt beat upon it, and the white curling waves fawned lie at the door, venerable, lie said, with it of a Positively upon him, alighted very Celeste,” though the Limes is a tine es- September day, Flore Walford and new sensations have lost tiudr San Mateo.” It is delicious, hut what right i : present practical purposes one about unstirred and pronounced largely charm. leapt it; but, haughty held another ser- smile. tate. But this is Greer were married. An occasional is all had the people to know it ( an you imagine lias beei out open by hall'-frightened like the old English home Llewellyn surprise very wed, hut to very strongly brought as tiie Greer it stood, was to be secret resolve one’s self a bow it looked to >ec those sisters tender- proverbial pride, vant. The engagement kept of my ancestors. And is In flic old library the into perpetual point of ad- oddly too course ot the wheat mar- Llewellyn wealthy. wedding-presents raise the full of the previous the soon as he forth in the for the and a to fulfil! this miration i> a wearisome strain, and dear ly glasses liquid gold, hide frowning upon surrounding landscape. As stepped hall, present, plan 1 as well tell that we were—works of art in marble, and friends, is is a may you, my dear, gold, that is w them an instant in the of their which that wheat not coinmo- I'lie race were wo- precisely hat you w ill have to do if \ou depths poke-bon- English all crowded about him—men, purpose was made. are not. Your silver; and em- neis tnut need bo with. ‘-As they father’s habits—well, they jewels, pearls, diamonds, come here. and return them empty ? If was most hastily parted llawkeshome had been built after the for the first was to send for an aunt in the men and children. Hut, time, Llewellyn made bad work ot We have eralds. Hare pictures leaned against the decorously done, hut the incongruity of the ! is cold" and "as as wheat’’are my property. Tin: ORANGE i-RF.H .STATE. good old ancestral home in England, where the saw him unmanned. Mrs. Walford, a widow. w;t 11 <1;iintv was remarkable. they utterly Taking South, the our home,and it war comes, devices tor the bride's u-’u thing i-omiiig Greers had lived in wealth and for only place, | Unless your geography lessons arc more re- synonymously significant. pride his little sister in his arms, he bowed his •‘Aunt Heloise has been twice married as were crowded in lavish Tin* KXIUIIIS TF.Ml'I. All t’AH Al >F. is threatened, we shall be absolute together abund- cent than 111 or unless 'ciic of increased cultivation, it is centuries. 'I'lie old mansion had For beg- > own, you have been family face upon her golden hair, and wept. —first to a Deslonde, of Baltimore. She How do like ance everywhere. interested in diamond I’rom all over the land the masonic nod two and a halt million of gars. you your cousin Llew- specially fields,” 1 fraternity that been burned and in the of are v pillaged reign the great (freer love was strong as the lias one child, whom I have never seen— ?” "Hut here, this is i have not don't believe you know where that Orange corning *'ommande after eemmandery : wheat arc for harvest in ellyn something their banners maturing King Oliver; but the American Ilawkes- Greer a i believe,” said seen," exclaimed Free State is located. Fve just been consult-, carry through the steeps. Phe\ pride. daughter, Llewellyn “Ho is nicer than any one who comes happy Llewellyn, lifting have all fresh : nil i, with a of bu,- with its solid and old ing my however, and 1 can toll get plumes in their hats, anil product nearly hoiue, masonry trees, he obtained command of w? 1 come here, for the sake a vase of JCnevdopedia. liy-and-by “They readily to see us at the Limes.” quaint, delicately wrought *vliih* >asht's and dean so make bushels In the last twisted the sea seemed as gold you that away down in tin* south-east corner aprons, they expected. by winds, aged himself. The duties ot the situation were of relatic the sea-air, and from the m iship, change.” lie is. 1 arn vou have table, of Africa, north of end north- imposing appearance, and pretend theyen- ia nO.g’t.s.mni bushels were as “Certainly glad Pape Colony, crop and stable its ancestral model. and on thn all A letter w s sent. Without the 11" it. Don’t believe it i assumed; following day delay, sense to see "Nor chimed in Flore. "How charm- west from Natal, ‘cut oh’ from a i ioy you These Fhiladtd- -■ enough it, Flore, since lie is | compieb.-ly e,l. Advices from other home wlieal- Here of the had lived was I'hiu streets were never made for generations family that was mortal of 1’rofessor Greer Walfords arrived at Hawkeshome. worth several hundred thousand *ng •” sca-port advantages, persistent 1 Pitchmen have processions; u oon- dollars, are with mg districts indicate both thrifty and died. Here, at the time in the ! somehow so persistently iusisted upon being bey paved cobble-stone, and my heart my story laid family resting-place. Mrs. Heloise had all the worst and can his wife like a ‘•That,” said Mrs, Walford, “is a :. of ibundance. Ill the qualities keep princess.” gift free, that Great Hrituin has 'deeds for tlie agony tiles.• poor must uni promise opens, dwelt Professor Seville Greer, Little line’s was so for her conduded t" allow Knights grief deep, of the Greers. She was brilliant, The was full from Gaspard Deslondo, Flore. It came *tidtire while to keep To-morrow Woi 1 ither for tlie ids and his lit- arrogant, cool, pink dressing-room j their independence. They have eithei dispers- trying step. coming Llewellyn, son, Kaphaella, that Celeste her at- but a few are 'o a years gave unceasing suave, selfish. She dressed like a of the scent of rose-water, l'lurn’s mar- moments ago, with a note re- cd and driven “Ut the native tribes, « r dsc thee nigbt they haw grand reception down ..a> not tle The mother had queen, generally projiitious, daughter. lovely' long tention. She left her at last, that no one I have concluded such lown, which will in* a grand crush. We have sleeping, and had a temper like a spoiled child. velous eyes looked at her questing opened it but your- treaties with them that iced hy the trade that a ma- since erosst d the dark river, 'i'lie little dim A thoughtful ! their land in wo commanderies here .a this hotel, and cross- and stole down into the library. With all this, she was a mother's desire. self It is locked, you .see—this lid— they possess .[uietnes*. nK> ,iis- il. n il; innto be good housekeep- tiny 's are commor. supplied girl was supplied with a governess—a white Minerva in a there and here is | cowry of the diamond fields has, of course, ver\ extremely gleamed corner; er, for the servants were afraid of her, “There must be a mistress of tliu key. you had ■ n and The of here, Perhaps materially increased the power and w \alth oV •'i:\sinu: duilvsinv,. storing crop. gleam (juiet,pale-faced girl—Celeste (irey. Plain, was a of the book- best it now. A glimmer gold along and dared not course. not continued open 1 this little .Slate so conniet in me mast ai- disobey. Why you!" Mrs. W. lovely tiling Very independent that fauns for- One is unpretending, site seemed at lirst sight al- shelves the air was scented with the niee in thing ‘specially u«>;ie«:dde amid tin* ; She took the reins at Hawkes- hair is with Gaspard. 1 have I merly worth only S'.'in", now bring $10,000! ends !iw to most out of in that abode of vaulted instantly “My dear, my just dripping thought—but, throngs ol people who are now examining the brightness spccula- place taint of Russia leather. Face nevermind. What does it Jus: think of that! I think 1 had rather haw a fragrance home, and drove all before her. that rose-water! What are ? As contain, Flore P Exposition. They do not n to eotnid *r it u here, ami has lunl in- rods ai.il art-rich with and you doing owned a iug trilling panels, grace downward on a sofa Greer. Perfume ?” farm than to have hunted for possible In ss lay Llewellyn Flore, her was beautiful, ele- 1 was must have a wife, parade. Mali} indie- an wearing \<»r\ :i ill!' recent turn of quo- hi sine: inn me iieau mouiei daughter, saying, Llewellyn diamonds. Now when tin* nations arc upward luxury every She his name, lie sprang up. i*or me ioek cliekcu under the sending 1*1.‘in linen over-dresses and dusters; < spoke seventeen years old. Quiet, and he does not tiny to America «»f tIn-ir the'pretty Hitside of such hotv- gant, just though probably give samples productions, this lark ■ hearings, hail known the spirit that liitl in that small 1 lc; drew her to the sola. As the child slim hiiml. | blue, Mark, and green foulard eambri with almond and an indolent much to the here we girl’s She bent close, little government, claims its .section, decorates hc situation of wheat is as for siveet shaped eyes, thought subject yet, cagerh'. oiit', are very common; black silks, of course, regarded breast—pure, great saeriliee, hail he twined his arras around her. of u most uisici u: ami done, A smoke, an i\, u- ;o a uv ■liv secure. and at smile. arc m the house, anti you know your at- puli' wreathing explosion, accept countless, and back grenadines almost as nothing present with love. She hail, as it were, breathed his hers. With un- “new sensation" from Africa. festoons of pressed cheek against beautilulasked ami the death-bolt, hidden in the vase of bay numerous, while the dc is ■a!- that an owners will he in- “isn’t she Llewellyn, tractions, i' lore. There, that will do. 1 pretty boge seen year an and said comlorted him. | orange. blue, rod and while bunting, make the ( inspiration, utterable tenderness she to Celeste in the that have for gold, had her brain. She fell back ?very whore; and the heap striped silks make arc thus coming window think 1 said enough the present. pierced » closure and must upted. Foreign buyers early ■. or my sake, treat Celeste Grey as a Such were old to her. to the very conspicuous, you pass m tv serviceable eostunie'. They can he bought griefs All, his lull of Rosa makes braids a those around her, dead ! their confidence, The sales of and sister. 1 trust till the night, eyes surprised delight. the little closer, but against disligured, il when you enter the main building, ><• ii ro- made tdr the .eg daughter future last one, of her household had been :-rady forty dollars; dust readily gods “Your Then siie added, it will do. Go to bed and wear Vainly the awe stricken ot ive.s countless visitor-. t sis we are of little to cousin—yes.” now, your guests pressed dides oft them, and tin y -ire very comfortable. pa days—and just open- my child motherless heart such sorrow. are ca-es of her—my laid low. She knew by I to the aid of the mother and There birds ot inarvelou- o-ear m softly: “Lwish were pretty, Llewellyn.’ rose-colored cashmere in the appalled shape Don't lony dresses or netboots! The tin* free whom I must leave.'’ morning. are -us period receipts—have daughter as a sister she her cool t and plumage; tin-re euri in-eo-, and in l«>ors are Tenderly pressed '•You ?” with a look of “It Ton are now 1 look at panic-stricken husband. The least constantly wet to keep down the dust, i'ms eded the deliveries, amount- lor live she surprise. looking pale, you they 1 one ease aeolieetion ot So, years had dwelt with butterflies, which, when 10 must hold a palms upon Llewellyn's throbbing temples would and be aloud, That insolent Darrah woman has insulted could do was to hide the dead bride's dis- you constantly up long dress, ahout 1. '"o.oiio bushels, for homeless 1ml for that root— spoil you!” laughed in their siiiili^lit air, must have looked uni that ti exertion to ehielly them, stately with her the 1 Hitting tling added all other —soothed, pure magnetism, kissed her and went back to the me so torte*! from their r.t;trl!i,r the Greers lightly, to-day—” •hurts,becomes intolerable. A round hat droop- xpmt. appreciated,cherished by proud strain of excited and the bear her form to hrilliaut hut ii:i\e ’i feeling. By by others. Flore She went to her own rigid her chamber. they chatig-Tui -been that over tie fun head is a f: is is inasmuch as the who were said to care lor no escaped. ng blessing, heeaus*— important, vig- living tiling clock struck eleven. sat A is 'There are o-trieh ctin- Llewellyn up. lie was much more with them than with room. Mrs. Wali'ord had said cruel—a horrible ! dazzling. hug cl'^ rmith men will please this—because, ils movement lias been free from re- own Yes, enough. revenge skip you but their blue-blooded kin. what a comfort ningly plaeed iu baskets lined with nn»», while \iiow, .11 “Dear little Celeste, you it was of the was “Find him— iiml Deslonde! ymi keep your h dr in crimps all Sellers have been sel- her, since necessarily part Celeste the hall as Gaspard above ar-* live haggling. lint., Celeste life was passing through drooping them lone, white piiiim*-. and be n to be necessarily, Grey's have ever been to us all!" Find him—kill him !" scream- lay | pared lively in the eve- had worked out. a of wind blew Flore’s chamber-door him—hang front that famous bint Some of these are ful- "i to a one. I lie old was de- programme they gust The oidv amusement otVend at. required press samples upon pur- lonely professor A soft from an alabaster in ed the maddened ng. present to light globe as time .Mrs. Waiford The latter was before mother. ly thro- feet in you tind skins (.: ,d' m -'•vs, and our advanced voted to scientific and the Still, pressed, open. standing the length: In* inmates (‘entenuial llotids— l m an those quotations, pursuits, spent hall stole in on them. fur of \ the found occasion to : in But he was never found, lie had sorts i-arefuily eured; robes aried col- mar the the orchestra at .ted elsewhere, have ruled with satis- most of bis time in his His say long eheval-mirror, triumphing her planned grounds—is Operti’s laboratory. “But are ill and tired. J his work too well ors, great eases of native wool, and one huge xanbn. but who has you looking dear you treat Lie’s own Her white loose robe had fur that. sigh'-soers have been on their v steadiness, l ine quality had mind was his manner reserved. “My Llewellyn, beauty. box tilled wit it ••mohair.” so line and \\ bite that abstracted, must not keep you lie added. In that terrible hour ot his bride’s >er all day arc nun-h too tired to care tor any ...'ll to do in transactions. up,” governess with marked consideration.” front her shoulders—the young its delicate filaments like silver. Then- quickening If aroused from his silent habit, he was must not lie here slipped polished glisten •nbTtainnmnt outside their own hotels, and we “But, Llewellyn, you •T was not aware that attentions wax was her death, the bloom of was stricken are eases of some of i- it like our \ e tire to .■ am that tanners are ho- my light striking youth grain: very ire in tin of a room giad paternal, kind; but it was generally un- all ruby lips,broad lucky possession great-ball grieving night.” were was the careless answer. forever from the lace <>t Greer, Own, hut the Kallir corn looks ,ike tnd a alive to the fact that in observable,” lids, and clinging, tendril hair. Llewellyn precisely remarkably tine string band. Then we ling progressively derstood the family that demands upon coriander there are little of ••No; I will retire.” “A i am fond of and his hair turned white like an seed; groups fig- cave our wide balconies, and a great e is the lever in start- very plain girl, pretty “My dream !” murmured Celeste with a aged quality strong the attention, and intrusion upon the time, down at and let ures cut with a pen knife, illustrating tin* man- n tin lie looked her fondly, is one of man's. center of the plashes endlessly, active movement in or servants—it my idiosyncrasies,” start. ner and dress of the setlk and close two held, dairy of the were nut desiied. He lived r>, by, its over the calla lilies which arc professor her go. As soon as she was buried lie tied from ■ending spray cud and whether are observed the lady. The of with enormous tusks from some giant eh hut »n all sides of produce; prices the life "1 a recluse. A sense thought marriage Llewellyn pliant; it. It sounds coo/, no matter bhe that his home. He went abroad. He was ab- centers a slept sweetly night. “We value Celeste lor her worth, and was not alone Mrs. the deliber- general interest in siuad stand where .vl.at the us. or high, excellence of stock invariably file care ui the vast Greer had Wallorda; thermometer tells anna s. u. property of hung over her when she arose sent the uncut diamond- are displayed. don’t biles east momentum when a peace her devotion to llae,” replied Llewellyn. ate intention was. But Flore followed her years. The;, prepon- been left 1o the care of his son Llew- ot her dress- seem brilliant to us who know little early and stood before the mirror are Years, which Mrs. lleloise Wal- especially Method of iiii'i' of low class would “Homely people generally very lead, and adopted that At her during Macaulay's Work, drag heavily. ellyn. out her hair. readily. ford about them, aid most oft hem seem *n>tf color." ing-room, brushing long returned Mrs. Waiford. “Flore is lleloise Greer had had the same vo- made her third marriage, and left this connection special attention to A ardent with a good,” age, but there they are oil the blank velvet, and vou As s,Hin as into his head all frank, mercurial, spirit, There came a little rap at the door— Uawkeshomo to the ot Macaulay hadgot v wheat i- some of down on the rocks to see the sun- undisputed sway can I alley the exultation of the fortunate seeker :1m information to being given by brow of light, a heart of courage, Llewel- Darrah’s little going voluptuous, easily swayed temperament relating any particular cpl- Temperance rap. set. Will take her shawl, ?" now Mrs. Hurrah—the home of GeleHe who lir.-t handled tin* shining pebbles. Beneath sodi in h:s as 0 farmers. The was the of you Llewellyn which her daughter possessed. peaceful history i>ueh,for iixance. Ar- enterprising tendency Greer personification the we see a of the lyn “Come in !” called Celeste. He and still and ltae. these gems, display pebbles x.' I Is expedition t’o Scotland, or the attainder te t" ;tin into amber shades of sprang up, Celeste, sitting And now no wonder that by better latnily qualities. Generations I would come and see if Llewellyn accompanying them. Some ot them are very >f Sir John or the in ot the “Thought up at the saw the two over 1'he beautiful child was a tall Fenwick, calling in same lias window, going Greer ceased to remember that there were young beautiful. A little model of an exceed petition locality prompted culture and cool blood had established his were Miss said the old funny dipped coinage,) im would it down and w rite ■ sick, Grey,” soft tresses of her dear you the illuminated locks. For one little mo- girl—the long, is lahelh d “a native • distribution of seed in various sections brave, Apollo aspect. An unusual such things as death and sorrow in the ingly clumsy wagon vvool- H’ tin: w hole storv at a headlong paee; skcteJi- blight creature. sister-friend were thinned, when there It :s laden with mock and tie- with the aim to obtain a ment she her stipulation—that liansport.’’ bales, ng m the outlines under the and ami i- country, executive him master of an- regretted world. All that two attractive women genial ability .^rendered 1 am well,” Celeste came back to the home of his can lanev how it imi-t creak and •i us ible of this reliable and “No; very the engagement, should be held secret. journeying you groan impulse of a first conception; and secur- crop always the situation made his the distaste could do to make ids life a was oxen draw early by swered. paradise birth a tall, man, with chastened while the slow if across the great ng in black and white each idea and -t cereal. Mew Yorker. it is better not to be stared at— grave epitaph [Rural of his father for business transactions and “No, done. \ud all the cheer, tin- music, or iloWh into tile v ii A ea-e uni turn as priced Mrs. Darrah up some soiled good brow and white as with above plab-atts deep and phrase it if.»w. I straight from gathered 1 am as hair, age, native bound an i w the duties ol wealth. much ab- commented on. just happy,” the circled about Flore’s beautiful of | ipes, tipped, ith brass, he brain to his lingers His manu- Though the jardiniere of tulips gayety, and Alter lie lelt hu>y rapid Fodder Corn for the towels—pushed Flore’s came bright piercing eyes. would doubtless attract adnnr: fi-m. hut you at this to tin* >t one hut Dairy sent from home, lie was, to all practical of though laugh back, enticing- ligure; her presence lent the most potent mript stage «*ye> any into the the reflection Horne, he never staid until he knelt before see we have T.e.ked at .Austria's sunlight—caught To already mag- limself appeared to consist „f column after eoj- corn ran he as late as elici ts, the master of Haivkeshome. ly. liy-and-by—” charm to every hour. this end site 'dder put in the Celeste’s face in the Celeste nificent meerschaum display, and after that, ail imn of dashes ana lloiirislms, in which a glass. had come to the at her Grey. Celeste, therefore, was left alone w ith llae footstool lived Slid was tired with ambition, and other se-.-ms t June, and even up to July. Late “Thought you might be—up so late last “Celeste, 1 have come over land and smoking apparatus vry iiisiguili- straight line, with a halt-formed letter at each and fallen with her head in 'The wood has been iu ■i- make excellent fail feed lor her little charge—line, the} called her—a feet, asleep, her mother artfully tanned the flame. She eaiit. olive cut sections •ini and unoth' r in the middle, did lbr a dairy night.” sea, many, many miles, to like a duty beautiful or nine old. her belore the two came saun- before her of her plead and splendidly polished, and you gain an in- >vord. It was from amid a chaos of such hicr- .. when to fail and de- child, eight years in the tone a sud- lap, figures spread glowing pictures grass begins Something brought beggar for the only pure woman's love my creased respect for that far away land, at that Ladv Hut a child. A sensitive over the rocks in the twi- future, as it would he when she dwelt at very >glypl»iis 'Trevelyan, after her hroth- rate on account of frost. It is a only bright, den red to Celeste’s cheek. She turned tering purple w great life has ever known. 1 will servo seven step. I saw a wise papa idi three bright s ocath. that account of the last with of and Hut there was for her its mistress. She tl.•ciphered to the and thing, eyes angelic innocence, a look light. light enough Hawkeshome, pointed iliein from ea-e t » s tig hay crop, many dairy- about, lixed surprised, questioning years for it, if needs he, but must re- looking hoys, leading ease, iav of W:,l: tin. w liieli fitly dose the“Histor\ a to mark how suited you are un- smile of willful a witch, a thoughtfully perfectly out to he made—a Uot-houso ad- and them about the various articles j;i ;i Vs j»cimi as enabled to carry stock along naughtiness; through the vail of her hair, upon her changes store it to me at last." telling Macaulay had lini'lu-d his rough to each other the that fart XeC -ded all school lessons. Tin s** it c ol without sprite, a the pride of her father, the young, graceful, patri- ded (to flowers tor way Ir ift, In* began to till it in at the rate of six middle January feeding pet; visitor. Old Temperance looked back, supply evening par- She wound her arms about him, were. She had never observed slight will never forget tile productions of the ides of written in so oil corn of her brother, fo Celeste was cian figures a terrace raised here, a hoys foolscap every morning, .-ole reliance being placed plaything ties.) rockery her cheek to as she had done !Tee Stale. the of meaningly. this before, had been much until the wish to pressed his, Orange arge a hand, and with >uch a multitude of Ider which is cured and Khork- left formation this child's character. A'hat do mean ?’’ asked Celeste. though they made there, become mis- properly you in the of his old sorrow. Ul'KLV lAi.MA'.S EXliliill. ■lasurrs, that the whole sj\ page, were, on an heart! had tress of Hawkeshome with in- day in the field, whence it is used from Faithful, patient Safely the do Mrs. Darrah?” together. grew Flore ! M ei age, into two of “What you mean, “That love has oyer been yours, Fh w- me was eon.pressed pages print. iu llut Celeste hud no because Africa had made hungry, and l rush- l: to as wanted, mother trusted Celeste Grey. I don’t Grey iear, to a passion. She studied her powers, her This portion he called his “[ask,” and he was week, “Well. Miss Grey expect any ellyu." ing along t"i lunch, wln-u some wonderfu Oil this winter of which 1 write,llawkes- she believed that Llewellyn Greer loved charms as never before. she de- lever quite easy unless he completed it daily, i;i raising corn fodder, good, rich, mel- thanks for what I’m going to say—not me. Rapidly Another 'neath that brushes, like exaggerated leatlier dusters. at- was her. For she had been dear to him. from a marriage, stately dole he seldom sought to accomplish; for he a -.il is 1 hero is no that liome unusually quiet. Llewellyn was I bo with but I years veloped weak, idle, beautiful girl traded my attention, and lo! there was tin required, crop you'll angry me; roof-—a true one. And the Greers lad learned that this was as expect face ot his cousin his to-day l not by long experience 1 corn : on a three months’ in 'The pretty pleased into a handsome woman of bold Hawaiian department! Had shaken bear manuring better than but away—abroad stay think it’s to warn you, ’cause I’m passions —a race—are noted for and mien as he eoiiid d * at his best; and, at my duty more. mighty love, hands with Kalakaua, had I not listened to a 1 except ate London. With him the cheer of the house fancy—nothing and had principles. i.s best, he never did work at all. “I had in* sowings well-decomposed manures, old and young, and don’t know not for the about the late and there- you're rolled curls over her pride. speeches treaty, ■ i in the tire uu- was Hue's and the almost She Kao’s lingers, Celeste felt the presence of evil. There art to write,” he savs in his journd of March soil, best, gone. piano much of the evil of this world. You was fore had I not. a special interest iu those H i- incorporated ( h “l iiiu loo -- still out into the all ’d)i; i:> this the weather to be moist, as noiseless passing of the soft-looted ser- alone with Mr. looking fragrant night, was that in Mrs. Walibrd's hard, black waiiatt islands: Lunch could wait. In 1 walk- s.-|j'-mdulgriit matter, happen* sitting young Llewellyn The Infant. t and l attribute much of the suc- were the save the waves the dills un- in her Smoking may he; yet r.-h manures are liable to bo- vants only sounds of the great, last o’clock. quiet lapping eves, daughter’s flush of lovliness, ed. Of course i looked first at tin* corals. barnyard night till past eleven Now, •c.ss wlreli I have had P> my habit of writing silent mansion. the rocks—she that to her sensitive heart the alarm. Then; has been a dearth ol* novelties ’There were w hite baskets of this loveliest ma- rne and ol little use. rich, 1 know are a innocent ceasingly. Suddenly—on gave bitterly mly when l am in the humor, and of dry you good, girl—too t terial, holding sprays of delicate rose- slopping At a window Celeste saw a man’s She llae into in babies. Last winter tin* We produced sev- large is We have grown of corn fod- could hear the to think ot unless others figure. drew companionship, while soon as the thoughts and words r.-a>e to !h»w good crops good harm, eral new of babies, some wilh color, making a contrast of great beauty, while of the sea. Far A the a astonishment tilled tier entirely styles j ast. I here are, therefore, few lees in wine, '•i mi sod in old the of lashing tempestuous away would swear to but ’tain’t one young man—heated, perhaps, by profound that the feather dusters to be my meadows, crop it; every more and others wilh less heads and limbs than apparent proved t is it its white salt and ascent, for he was himself with did not see as she saw. all the cream of tin* bottle.” ms taken oil' in land fanning common « of state, at all court cer- being June, the spread tossing caps, that believes in human natuT asl do; and Llewellyn the variety of infants. However \- plumes indispensable at was When iengtli. after repeated revisions, and sow corn. cold. The over. Distant sails his straw hat. His form youthful, el- she beheld them flatter him, eellent these babies have been emonies. Some of them were red and white, .odiateiy ploughed with gulls piped 1 must—must warn you, Miss Grey, that Day by day improved may dacaithn had -atistied liimsoll that his w riting and Ho leaned a win him from her in do not seem to have succeeded others jet black, and others, still, were made ; \;.d in seasons when there lias been a seemed shivering lleeing before the can’t in this Mr. egant. negligently against blind him, pure influ- theory, they vas as as he could make it. he would sub- you go living way in Hither from the feathers. good tree—one of the wind twisted old trees ence tender love. am practice. they would network at all, entirely changeful peacock uit it to the severest of all tests, _riit we have known blasts. now his lather's dead. You'll and Vi him she 1 that of being hay crop many Llewellyn, or else they were found on trial to be less etli- You have heard of tin* royal capes made from Ceicste went to the one for to the Celeste could him she would 1 cad aloud to others. nu n to resmt to this method to ob- library day. lose character. ’Tain’t proper.” peculiar spot—and thought not; reproach not. cient than infants of the old-fashioned model. the breasts of exquisite birds. They are far your see Unit the head was amount of a book, ’['lie old looked from she could A month, six weeks, and she saw hint so At rate soon into an as too valuable to be sent away trom the islands, the requisite fodder for professor up “this Hyronie. any they pass obscurity “But—but,” stammered Celeste, -aw models made in the .same their stock the winter, his manuscripts. the hair black and curling. changed as to be utterly infatuated and in profound as that which enwraps tile Ketdv mo- but L liny way. Value oi' Koad Dust. Tying through 1 have no other. The \vi re I is my home! pro- his tor, and not one of them has been exhibited at ! while there necklaces of golden feathers, tie best to this is to drill “My dear, hope Llewellyn will not Soon she awoke llae, and led her to her love with lovely young cousin. way grow crop fessor has been dear as a father to tin* of Amer- so line that they seemed formed from chenille. the season of late think of until the me; never loved me!” Philadelphia among productions During dry summers, the seed, and if drills are not at returning nurse. Then she out on the wide “He said her me one wa- large spring opens.” slipped aching ican inventive Stimulated by these nu- 'The agent told that the smallest , The wind whistled and there’s llais-, genius. ivory country resident should seemv seve- ... 1. it will lie found more vindictively about south stone terrace. would find heart. merous Western failures, tlu* Ka.-t has how in- considered worth #i>ni) at the Bland! For the advantageous but ain't her sister, and Llewellyn 1 al barrels ot road dust. It is worth the towers of llawkeshunie. it “Yes; you you that he had on- manufacture of these necklaces a many use small ones rather tnan to sow seemed el- her out for a little moment’s talk. To say She believed felt for her vented an infant which has at least the merit of only single ain't Mr. Llewellyn’s sister; and I’ve my leather beneath the of a rare I iuies its cost as an absorbent. Those who adeast. We like the rows to lie at least oquent with menace to Ceieste at that mo- retail some little ly pity, kindness, and that it was hut lit- complete novelty. As might he expected from growing wings about him as a sis- good-night—to happen- new is a bird is so that to make one ornament a. I secure its use a valuable ■ your the lacl that the Massachusetts taken, Loop poultry by inches to two feet as it al- ment. thoughts loving of the in confidence—to ask ting that one younger and more beautiful baby eiily apart, ter. needn't turn so or ing day softly it- are ot a moral in- lea-: a thousand birds must be captured an 1 | as as with ■ Now, you white, production, peculiarities ertilizer, nearly strong guano, the air and to be dis- “1 hope not,” she murmured, in te- if she were a hand should win him from her. But a sense of robbed of this morsel! light properly blush either—folks can’t the voice of happy—to put loving stead of a physical character. Outwardly it re- precious golden nme of its odor. Place an help void and desolation to crush her. disagreeable uted through the plants, while the sponse. again on her silken hair. began sembles all other male infants of three w*ai\s of mi:. m:m;tt uk.mon.stka n;s. natur’; 1 don’t cast no blame on you for noli or two of road dust in the bottom ot will admit ol She went up to her chamber. Llewel- llut before lie came a faint, whis- She strove to he patient—to he true to age and of the usual pattern, but mentally and tlie space horse-hoeing, and l can a still but silvery .Mr. Bergh (hearing above statement, and he barrel; then. as the house is who attached that, keep tongue.; herself—to let no or bitterness morally it is entirely original. This remarkable poultry Iiich will add to tiic growth and value of lyn's dog, Marquise, always tle stole through the darkness. Then a anger stain hastily concluding that for the acquisition o, there’ll have to be a made, if your baby is a confirmed smoker, and the record- of ocularly cleaned, deposit a layer an inch the himself to her iu his master’s absence, lay change white dress rustled her, her soul; but ever a shrill voice within her every feather a bird must lose its liie) wrote b> crop, is taken care of. And if softly past glim- the patent office may be searched in vain for any hick of the and so on alternate- stretched on the crimson good now, you’re “Cruel! the Centennial Commissioners t< remonstrate cleanings, from two to four bushels of seed are rug before the mered on the terrace seemed calling; cruel!” or of a a sensible as I and will listen steps, disappeared model, drawing specification three-year- their these necklaces to the 1 v, lasers oT each till the barrrel is full. ■ girl, think, agaiu.-t admitting d tin; latter when sown lire, lie rose, went to the window, looked tlie trees. If she had made an ellbrt to counteract old baby capable of consuming strong cigar- and quantity to the caution of a well old wo- among exhibition. 1 lad he taken pains to inform L'lie thinner each is, the more wo over meaning influence! more tobacco. layer perfect adeast.: lint prefer not to have the out the stormy waters, and whined. “Who was that?” asked Llewellyn, sud- the Walford for she had caporal himself he might have known that the shrewd man, you will bear me no ill will, but just The normal Massachusetts boy learns to vi 11 be the intermixture the ingredients. mil;- grow t .i) thickly together, as bv Rae, curled up on a lounge, with a book at her side. power than she knew. But she had no natives do not destroy these birds; they know take care of I should denly, smoke by degrees. He leads himself gently up I- the soil of which tin- road du.-t is made ■ will so the the stalks are of iairv tales, looked yourself, though “I do not know, it was a ser- to make such an She the leathers grow again, taking only aiding silli-light apt up. l’erbaps disposition attempt. to tobacco a course .»f s .d‘ miss out of the house should, by preliminary ^i\qu- one, the little is set free. clayey, the layers each may be of be weak, liable to lie strated bv “lie is afraid will to you sadly—I vant." was humble, and yet in her vine and dried fern and when he captive pr< something happen proud, way. cigars, leaves, { (lust indeed, my dear.” XAiivi-: woods. *qual thickness; if.sandy, the should ,ds, and are less nutritious then when she said, in a soft, tone, “It be that it but—but 1 that come to finally makes his first attempt upon a genuine Llewellyn,” grave not the may was; The long, lonely evenings ' >o at least twice ns thick as tile of Celeste could speak for beating Connecticut lie selects a secure retreat 1 was with the of the native layers a seed is not so thiekiv sown. peculiar to her at times. 1 observed the that Flore her while the sound oi and cigar, delighted beauty of her heart and the of her throat. thought perfume plane guitar the and of sub- is 1 Old barrels of kind may It was the choking behind barn, undergoes agonies woods. 'The Kell exquisitely veined and Iroppings. any Much lias been said, first and last con- otherwise unspoken fear of uses. And now, little one. how has the rose from below ! The confused, miser- She turned to the mirror, mechani- up sequent nausea in tin* haymow. The smoking clouded, while its line grain makes it stiseep- I >o used for this purpose; but if previously the value of corn fodder for the the household. silently ?” which ruing day gone able days, in even the child in her infant, on the contrary, disdained to trith* with tible ot the highest, poli-h. The natives make naked with crude nr coated Hut at last cally arranging her hair, and Mrs. Darrah petroleum duel inn of milk, and some have they had a letter from him Celeste knew the name of in- care noticed that she had no the inefficient vine, or to smoke iiis first their dishes from this, and are exceed- urged out. hardly heart in the grape j poe they villi tar. will last If that he should not slipped in seclusion. before he readied his e the gas they many years at it is of little or no account. This hit- embark until the last of How should she the truth— lessons once so cigar Long ingly beautiful, whi tables and ornament- When Celeste came trigue. guess carefully given 1 In: contents are on a lloor into tlown, i,iewellyn third birthday lie bad boldly seized one of his j are even more beautiful. Among the volcanic pounded opinion, il it. linos not Iroiu April. Unit, tun waiting was tore s lov- a crisis came at last, nno was alone in originate stranger father's host lour-ccnt and smoked iL in is more than the lineI belorc Inc fertilizer Ail ausence ol two months had had an early breakfast, and driven cigars products nothing interesting powder applying. :iudice, must have come from tlie man- longer then to her Des- the when there came a on the next town. er, nephew mother, Gaspard school-room, light the nursery, careless of the curtains and heed- volcanic minerals. The. sulphur is be sown from a drill. Komi dust is was away business to Little especial!} may in which the is expected. lonile, anil l'orbiilden her. A reck- knock at the door. It was less of his mother's hair. Moreover, this feat and then there is a curious substance crop grown—by being ltae, exhausted still slept. young, pushed open, pretty, one of the most perfect deodorizers of wn too Celeste gentle lips turned white by grief, Mrs. Walford had was witnout the smallest of called "I’ete’s hair.” It looks much like thickly, thereby obtaining plants Grey's less Southerner. glad- and Llewellyn Greer entered. accomplished pang very their contents also in- site The sunshine came in at nausea. \v line ills asiomsneu ami morn ma- hair but is a ma-s of needle-like vaults—converting 'hat could not mature, and in with disappointment. And yet did not Spring soltly come north to Flore from him. rose her tangled really properly ly separate She up, pale, eyes dilating witli 1to rich manure. IT.ice a barrel or box of was the all the luxurious ture friends expected to sec im turn deadly crystals, so delicately line that the lightest touch the nutritive elements know her own heart. She lonely, she windows, bright All her ambition for this or the next msequenee lacking world, tlie wildest abdominal re- mem. tin* useu lor it in the with a small and house was but Celeste wander- surprise. pule and undergo breaks tapa-cioui. gar- closet, dipper f a the dismal weather beautiful, was in her well-grown crop. thought; oppressed centred daughter. “Celeste!” morse. be declined to do anything of the sort, ments tlie natives, is anything but pretty. throw down a into the vault each ed in the rich rooms with a sick heart. by pint We have used fodder corn for her, when the tears would come. As she one hour cried for more Since that 1m to a uniform thinness sticks or many Celeste spent happy with Llew- He cainu and took her hand kindly; sho and actually cigars. It is aten by time it is and there will be no cars in our own and with wore her face, old Dar- Every familiar and perfect object tortured now six months lie has clubs, for it is the inner bark of a tree, re- occupied, dairy, always pale Temperance ellyn Greer. How long it was before site felt that was all. His blooming face had period, fully ago, only ofi'ensivi odor whatever. This is the her heart ached with dread and ter- shown an incessant and in texture and simpler, the best results. It a How of nth, housekeeper—the only one who her; knew another ! in it a look of iiltle of unappeasable appetite sembling general appearance promotes concern, deeper must and better than a water-closet, her ror and and so the for tobacco. Though he still prefers cigars, he coarse Japanese paper. It be awkward cheaper milk and the at a time suspected secret—looked at her sharp- unspeakable misery, Flore Watford, like most dread- Sho to a sank into keeps up supply people, feeling. pointed seat, smokes pipes as a matter of economy, and stulV to wear, for it is dreadfully still*, and and never freezes or gets out of order. alien it would be dillicuit to obtain wretched morning passed. any ly. ed her mother's furious temper. She was another, all was chews fine-cut with the solemnity and unerring wouldn’t drape gracefully at ail. There are the an hulk that knowing tiope gone. Mixing road dust with equal other to take its for this love, love,when one is They had told her Llewellyn would of a Western senator. The tec- casks of native and of native crop place pur- •■Always young,’’ when, at her chamber “I wish to talk with you. Celeste. You marksmanship sugar samples of coal ashes i-' an not be back until She frightened standing will improvement, making ise. And it a milk of she muttered. She was a silent night. longed for return from hie efforts ol his unhappy mother to prevent grain, all of which the polite agent very produces good strange, window, on her her walk will listen to me ?” the fertilizer more friable. Gen- his and dreaded to see him. him from smoking in the and in hi d [Country jiialitv, as we have demon- old creature, but faithful to her master’s coming, yet, with her she heard Gas- parlor fully explain. repeatedly Llewellyn, cousin, “Certainly.” have been entirely fruitless, lie not only over the doorway to the section occupied by tleman. cited to the family. What should she say to him ? Where was and “The by resorting proper analysis paril Deslonde’ssignal-call, knew that change you know—you know 1 smokes in every room in the house, hut he the C' lpo of (Jood Hope, two enormous ele- t Celeste had a vision one It was she to go ? And then, with a throb of different samples. We urge, therefore, night. iie had followed her from the Limes to could not help it,” lie stammered. strews ashes on the key board of the piano, phant tusks make a perfect and). They are Tbo Natural Age of Fruit Trees. not a dream it was a wild she realized that he would on as measure upon all dairymen to grow a patch of fod- ; single face which joy, never, Hawkeshome. She rushed down to meet “You could nut help it -no,” sho repeat- and droiis his lighted pipe his pillow, he more titan six feet in length; they and haunted her never consent to her Hawkeshoine sinks into slumber. To the relatives and inches in eircumb reih e and It seems to be the common belief that der corn, and. even if it should not be appeared after she was leaving him, and trembling with excitement, met ed. quietly, holding down her twenty-three they —she felt that she was dear to breaking friends of the family, he is a source of mingled three hundred and forty-four pounds. is to ot '•anted lor there will be no awake and had risen—a woman’s him, dearer his weigh there no limit the natural age soiling, loss, face, glad, glittering eyes. heart. wonder and indignation, lie has been known Just, think how huge the creature mu»t have inee with than she dared the remem- trees. But this is a mis- the crop can be used for corn fod- young, ruby-lipped, broad-lidded, acknowledge; her in his arms, “l ou cannot care much for such a fick- to beg his grandmother to put a box of cigars been who bore them. Some people who had apple certainly of his “My darling!” snatching vinelike hair, and vo- brance his voice, hold came take. We all know that the tree der, thus not only increasing the supply trailing, polished, caressing up- and rapturously kissing her. le fellow,” ho continued, with an uneasy —"Jteina Victoria lnlimiduds, very dark, if evidently never attended menageries peach ■ shoulders. on the thrilled her heart his Christmas stork- The ma was one of tails to be at twelve to t good milk at this season, but taking luptuous previous night “Oh, but, Gaspard, you should not have laugh “You must have decided that it you please, grandma”—in lounging along. those* usually profitable human was with a warmth and and to ask a local deacon, who is a individuals, eager to learn, and just fifteen of and the amt the of and an ‘•No lieing ever so beauti- momentary comfort. come here ! And have a too ! was all a ing, keen-eyed years age. cheny place bay making import- you cigar, mistake.” narrow he must know what cld great admirer of the late Mr. Trask, "if he beginning to discover how had been to ant sa\ in tbe morn kinds of ful,” she said to herself, and then turned Yes, Temperance or mama see average only twenty thirty years; ing expensive Fray put it out, will it—and ■Yes, a mistake,' she murmured, a happened to have a chew about him.” Of the former range of his observations, and not plum to the mirror of her table with an had said; but that he would wish her to the in favorable circumstances, for cattle food. [Kxchange. dressing my white dress! Let us go further away sirange, physical sickness making her, for course, lie has a money box to whic h friends in the least abashed by the throngs about him, pear, look. Her relleetion she did not for a moment believe. JJut are ,‘o rare eases a much earnest gazed back go, from the house. Why did \ ou come here a moment, hotli deaf and blind. and visitors requested contribute. The ho l heard this— fifty years—in longer Farm at her with then came the conviction that ordinary Massachusetts boy always lias a box Mariar! Just look a hear! Just so, like a man’s life, the Paragraphs. intentness—pale, plain. No, Llewellyn Gaspard ?” She took no sense of what he was say- “l*y jingo! time; although, unmanned was not the of the kind, with a view to collecting money see them air horns !*' duration of the of health and that earnest face had little beauty. Greer, by grief, Because I love beauti- he continued with com- period vigor A .Minnesota man claims to have a ma- “Why? you, my ing, though talking for tlie missionaries, and empties its content, Mariar was out of sight, but a high-pitch *d "1 should love to be beautiful,” mur- one to appeal to—to take counsel with. varies greatly, according to constitution, ten acres from ful.” composure and ease. from time to time into tlie till of tlie candy mer- voice “For the land’s sake! What chine that will clear grass- parative responded, its ter- mured Celeste. I that there “lint if she matter P chant, that tlie latter is ac- kind of a critter did them on? A Texan nature, climate, etc., approaching in a “Should go away now, may mamma, finds it out, will be But what do those mere words hoping personally grow hoppers day. The winter broke at last. The sea with tlie numerous mission- steel* ain’t nothin’ to ’em!" mination is indicated of glit- be no tempting when he comes, and is dreadful. She will storm at me, beat me, I told you that I was not the one for quainted deserving clearly by signs aries, and that he always sends them his small The agent from that far away land and disease. On and A terrapin “farm” lias been started at tered in the April sunshine. The marshes kind, sad, and me?” she mur- almost. And must at remember, regards debility very deep needing you give up hoping you, first, you Llewellyn,” flic infant either knows noth- all rules with a of con- the took on change, smoking grammatical sublimity favorable soils, and, where the trees are ■Mobile, and its for a faint her face a of me, Mamma never with a faint produce engaged green. Gay carriage-loads mured, pressing against pane, anything Gaspard. smile. ing or cares nothing about missionaries. lie tempt; he is very kind about imparting infor- New York market. of rolled across the beach. not damaged by severity of climate, pleasure-seekers and looking oft' over the mocking, bright will allow me to speak to you if she can "Well, I don’t love you any less than I shamelessly demands contributions for a surely mation— minus grammar—so he answered, apple Rae to bathe in the which it. base-hull club, and when he h is col- **Thim’s thim’s orchards are occasionally found bearing 1 he Florida for the begged surf, waters. help did then, you know. And will he happy imaginary tusks; elephant’s tusks; they orange crop present cents he rushes to a tobacco out of his fair ot fruit at to one hun- was not yet warm Celeste without was so and He knew she was in for she as been.” lected twenty-live grow right out of his front, mouth.” crops eighty ■mason is the estimated worth enough. eager- Everything bright earnest, here, you have always 25,000,000, shop, where lie selects two imported “IJosa Then leaving the group he came to me to ex- dred of but these are as ly examined the newspapers, for ! trembled with Did know so little of the wants years age, nearly looking glad agitation. he, then, Conchas” with a care and which an It was turn to being $375,000. intelligence plain ostrich incubator. my rare as for their owners to so the arrival of the a must live long. Europa. Suddenly hand was laid upon her “It’s chilly here—1 not stay,” she of her nature as to imagine that she had challenge tlie admiration of every really able marvel now. I have hoard of ostrich farms, A cow birth to three At it was Very few soils are of the best kind for an Shelby, Ivy., gave length announced. shoulder. She glanced up. Llewellyn murmured. ever been happy, alone, unloved? smoker. but didn’t know the birds were hatched by calves and the Sentinel all Rut that there it will he said that The orchard, and ottr climate is recently, says night came, also, a secret Greer looked steadily down into her face. “And you will go without a kiss, a word “1 will see you again to talk with you Of course, tliij depraved steam (so to speak). clumsy looking everywhere are alive arid well. to child is growing thin and weak in wooden concern lias where the either too warm or at times too cold for doing messenger Hawkeshome. The icy ling- ‘•They have been talking to you, the of love?” he cried passionately. “Flore, about this, Celeste. But 1 have an en- consequence compartments of his constant use of tobacco. Unfortunately great eggs are placed. I'hese are near water the best health of the trees. 1 ers of Death touched the of fools!” he said. are did love me! Those now. Injury by lie are in im- pulsations “Celeste, you looking you evenings last gagement You-’ for the of it must he ac- and beneath the tanks rude fur- potato bugs appearing opponents smoking, tanks, lamps severe cold all the I am Professor Greer’s heart as he and in What is summer—” as a blackening wood, mense quantities in many places in the slept, wretchedly. the matter? Tell Then came a silvery call, gay bird- knowledged that the infant smoker is growing nish the requisite amount of heat till the hatch- the convinced is a common cause ot the Delaware river valley, and farmers will the morning household looked upon me the truth.” “Yes, yes! she answered, nervously. note, through the grand old halls. fat and bale on his perpetual diet of smoke, lie ing is accomplished. I had no idea how thick very the still form and smokes from dawn to twilight, and his nerves the shell of an ostrich egg was till I handled a premature failure of orchards; but starva- not half the usual in conse- pallid cheek, appalled! She tried to speak ; the words slopped “But I didn’t think. And there is no use “Llewellyn ! Llewellyn !” plant crop are as firm as those of a His of one. It was like crockery, not porce- in of exhaustion of the The sole daughter of the house in her throat. in now. I can’t Mamma He trapeze performer. piece tion, consequence quence. clung, caring marry you. sprang up. looks him as a break it. father upon complete success, lain, and so hard I couldn’t The is still more and this is a silent, and to Celeste. “I ho said. "1 me. 1 as are soil, common, seared, appealing, know,” thought, and always conquers might well do "My cousin and aunt—they waiting and it is the judgment of all who have seen told me that but for these machines the The grasshopper pest is upon south- agent more difficult matter to than most It was her first understood experience with came 1 had business which as she wants me first as last. Gas- for me to drive with them. You aro sure three a of tlie have been ex- remedy western tor the fourth time. home, though to, Oh, him—including selectmen, justice ostrich would long ago entirely Minnesota, been too we do for bonnet when trees have death. Site had young to under- have detained mo until don’t look at mo so ! You break do not blame me, Celeste ?” peace, and six ministers of assorted denomina- tinct. What should trim- people suppose, especially From where were laid last might night. pard, my you quarters eggs lost her tions—that as a Smoking Infant it is impossible He had some stuffed specimens of the attained size. stand when she mother. Celeste Celeste, 1 can only say one thing; will heart!” and then she burst in "1 do not blame you, Llewellyn ;” and mings? full-bearing [Cultivator. year come of in outcrying to find a flaw in his construction or operation. mammoth chicks at two and fourteen days. reports hatching large with her, and the house of death here as wife? the darkness. sho him her hand. numbers. wept you stay my gave It must, then, he conceded that the East lias give no hint of their future beauty, for awaited the of Greer. They Tlie Farmer the seed of coming Llewellyn A rush of blinding emotion made her Jt was midnight before she stole back He pressed her icy lingers, hut not with signally triumphed over tlie West in the inven- they have extremely long necks and legs, a Maryland says ‘’Look here, my sou,” said the farmer, Marquise, the old hound, alter sniffing giddy. She sank into the cushioned arm- into the house, exhausted with emotion. love’s warmth—oh. she knew so well the tion of a new and thoroughly successful variety homely little body and no tail worth mention- sunflowers is a most wholesome food tor of the master of of Still it is to see in what while the is an "you can almost see the potatoes grow at the cold hand Hawkes- chair beside her, and buried her lace in Early the next morning, Mrs. Wall'ord’s difference—and then he was gone, talking baby. impossible ing, incipient plumage ugly horses in winter and spring; half a pint a respect n smoking infant is a desirable brownish drab. down in your “Yes, father, and home, and looking into face after face of her little hands. with old with Flore Walford on the terrace specially day will keep them in health and spirit* patch.” standing quarrel Temperance merrily object. If it be true—ras is darkly rumored— We were shown lion’s skins, the various the lad who the distressed with sleek and more animated than weeds, too,” replied the is to family, disappeared. “For I cannot let you go, dear Celeste.” Darrah broke out at some new provoca- below. And there was no further conver- that tlie father of the marvellous Massachusetts woods of the section, the different varieties of coats, do railroad the hoeing. He waited all night at the sta- i lie bent close, and kissed those little tion, fancied or real, and Flore’s pale face sation with Celeste. child is in the pay of the Tobacco Dealers’ As- grains, the wines and many specimens of 11a- any other food. si; i-r inn ■■■■■MMawy^TiBW-^awMgiirwTM gfegggaga, National Convention. the where he .found Blaine’s name tvaa a Republican country “And Nlcnnor Lay Dead in His Trouble with the The Seth says lied about Maine’s idol, and did it name Appropriations. Portland Advertiser, which can sec Nows of the and they talisman, lie revered the of Morton, the de- Harness.” City Connty. The Cincinnati Convention was called to or- fender of the of but he REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. in that outraged people Louisiana, The bills for the as far into a political mill-stone as most way. believed the name of Blaine will arouse the people making appropriations Have you seen Cy. Davis’ new soda fountain? dor on Wednesday Ex-Gov. Mor- The Cincinnati that met os- The examination of the School will take morning, by of tins country as that of Morton will not. He Convention, of and has an of High great JUNE 22, 1876. expenses running the government are papers, independent way About time for gan, who T. M. Pomeroy, of New had for Bristow and for the THURSDAY, those delicious native strawberries. place on and of this week. Tin- appointed deep respect great poet to forward the foremost men Thursday Friday of New York who lmd seconded him tensibly put to fail of a in its has this to York, Chairman. The usual Secre- here, (laughter) likely passage Congress by recording views, say— A few white vests and thin hats have crept timid- following is the order of exercises : Temporary and great respect also for the distinguished PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING of the as of gentle- party, exponents its princi- a When Lord Beacon was for tak- 0:00 A. taries and other officers were and man from our late Minister to disagreement between the two branches. impeached ly out. Thursday, M., Language Lessons; l):-45, appointed, Massachusetts, Eng- -BY— land. (Great laughter.) lie Blaine’s record ples, is really remarkable for the ing presents from persons who had suits in his Algebra : 10:45, Arithmetic; 11.25, Trigonometry. some discussion had as to the manner of bal- eulogized only The state of the case is this: The Demo- Robert of Lincoln is his name in all the ! in eloquent ana impassioned terms, but elicited court, lie said, “I was the .justest judge that telling WILLIAM H. SIMPSON. of those who were its Thursday, 2:00 1*. M., Algebra; 2:45. Rhetoric; loting, «\e. Speeches were made by Gen. Lo- strong tokens of dissent and displeasure when he slaughter represent- cratic after and arduous la- was in Kngland these fifty years; hut it was fields now. House, long 15:15, 4 i uttered a sentence to the effect that the Republican EDITOR ANI) PROPRIETOR. the justest censure in that was these English History; :30, Physical Geography. gan, by Gen. Hawley, Gov. and others. atives. The result reminds the parliament Dog weather in .June L a freak of the Noyes party was bleeding and dead of Democratic victories spectator bor, has made deductions in the sums here- two day strange Friday, 0:00 A. M., 0:45, Reading; 10:45, Subscription Terms. In advance, $2.00 a hundred years.” Mr. Blaine may fairly ap- Ctesar; Edward McPherson- of was before Blaine in the halls of came to the year; of the Roman arenas clerk of the weather. Pennsylvania Congress within the at the of the alter the tights of ply these words to his owu case. Latin Reader. rescue. year, $2.00; expiration year, tofore to the amount of magnanimous made Permanent President. Ex-Gov. [ appropriated thirty Mr. F. II. Black has Dingley Mr. of Maine in of $3.00. the The stoutest and The commenced the building of a Friday, 2:00 P. 51., Writing and Drawing; 2:30, i Frye followed support the gladiators. most millions, to with the times. bearing of this remark, of course, was the Maine member of the Committee on [nomination of “Maine’s idol son.” Whoever is Advertising Terms. For one square, (one inch correspond house on Union street. Original Essays, Select Readings, Declamations. of in for valiant in the dust. is in the and nominated by this convention, he will carry Maine length column,) $1.00 one week, and 20 lighters lay prone The of the office lias cut application of it. Resolutions, S. L. Milliken of the Commit- ior each pay holders been About time for girls to go a fishing and come hack | by 20,000 majority. cents subsequent insertion. A fraction of a Blaine, who faced his enemies, however •flic yearly conference of the Unitarian churches tee on Credentials. lie was eloquent and forcible in the square charged as a full one. down about ten a moderate with sun burned noses. describing per cent, very of Maine is held this week in Belfast. Dele, great cause involved in the contest and de- M. Petkngill & 0 State numerous and with undaunted The also assert their being On after some dis- pending &ST$. Co., St., Boston, powerful, Bucksport people unsatisfied Thursday, preliminary its for its own sake under reduction. The which An chap calls soda “sweetened wind' from the churches are in attendance, and un- claring invincibility any and 37 Park Row New York, are our authorized Senate, dispenses claim to gations cussions, the resolutions were and chosen leader. and who would so filly have head- have the Democratic Congres- —and he is about presented Agents for procuring subscriptions and forwarding courage, a of this to right. being entertained by members of the local society at HAVES. large part patronage, objects are as follows— advertisements. Convention in that beautiful tewn. adopted. They ed the ticket, was treacherously stabbed sipnal Woods, Mathews & Laker are loading sell. Lillian their houses. On Tuesday evening there was an Gov. Noyes, on behalf of Ohio, the name R. No. 6 this, and refuses to the bill unless TII!-: l'LATKORM. presented j6sir*S. Niles, Treinont Street, Boston, is pass Rush of Bos. of Gov. Haves, one who is well known and in the house of his friends. the It would be a for such an as- with hay for Boston. Opening Sermon by Rev. R. Shippen greatly agent for the publisher of this and his receipts Morton, amended. So good place When in the economy of Providence this land was beloved by Ohio, w ho when treason raised its head, paper, the is that the ton. at >.30 devotional meet- and orders are always recognized. probability The Bible that “Wine is a a Wednesday morning, to be of human and when the unlike idol of the Southern Bris- semblage, and is a Democratic town be- says babbler,” vet fa- purged slavery, those who are invincible in peace and invisi- Republicans; action of the 0 1-2 business and Rev. Dr. of the of the Senate will defeat the appro- is ing. meeting, essay by strength government people by ble in war, entered the military service and till the the of reform sides. vorite brand of it Mumm. lire people and for the people was to be demon- struggle ended followed his leader and his flag. lie *3~Batk.; & Locke, 34 Park Row, New York, tow, champion ; Conkling, and the will be Hill of Portland. 2 p. m., essay by Rev. Mr. liixbyof the came its priations, government We have passed the days in the year, and strated, Republican party into power; had defeated successively Thurman, Pendleton and are authorized agents for procuring advertisements the favorite of the in the Em- longest Be.fast. 7 1-2 Sermon by Rev. Dr. .Sheldon of Water deeds have passed into history and we look buck to Win. Allen, lie has in the habit of for the Journal. party great without K. If. are now on the decrease. got beating money, alter the expiration of the ltollins. Republican, was on Tues- they ville, and connnnuion service. To-day, Thursduy— them with pride, incited by their memories amt high Democrats and from the force of habit will do it the soldier llartranft, Gov- s aims lor the ol' our and and pire State; elected U. S. have and as well 1-2 devotional 9 1-2 bv Rev. Mr. good country mankind, again if nominated. He is brave and honest, unpre- *»~Geo. i\ KOWELL & CO., 40 Park Row, New present fiscal year, July 1st. The Presi- day Senator from New Hamp- Lightning bugs arrived, you may meeting; essay looking to the future with unfaltering courage, hope tentious, wise, a scholar and a York, will receive advertisements for this paper, at ernor of were slain, get the lines for tinker mackerel. Even of Ellsworth, to be followed by discussion. sagacious, gentleman. Pennsylvania—all dent has sent in a the shire. Ho will take the of Senator ready and purpose. We, the representatives of the party, LI is simplicity of life is a standing rebuke to the ex- the lowest rates. Their orders will receive prompt message suggesting place in .National Convention assembled, make the follow- leads to in or attention. and the hitherto almost unknown The citizens who wear new hats now are mostly travagance which corruption public Hayes of an act the Cragin, whose term next March. The dense fog of the past two weeks has been a ing declaration of grace 121 passage extending provisions expires principles private life. Take him for the standard bearer, be- Ajrll Dodd, Washington St., Bostoa, stalks victor over the field. It is those who didn’t believe Blaine would get it first—The United States of America Is a an not by great detriment to navigation; vessels have remain nation, cause in him is a candidate who can carry Ohio, In- is authorized Agent for the Journal. of the bills now in force, in not a the combined of appropriation Lecture at the Universalist Church next league, liy workings the diana, Illinois and New Y'ork, as well as all the rest. means an instance of “the survival of The managers of the Portland and Bos- Sunday ed in harbors rather than to face the dangers of a N ational and State Governments under their any case no new bill shall be respec- Ben Wade seconded Hayes’nomination. He was Subscribers are requested to take notice ol the passed. This will evening. Subject—“The Soul’s Opportunity.” and obscure coast. Some of those that did tive the of are ton line of steamers have sets rocky constitutions, rights every citizen se- a man beloved by all Republicans, respected by all date on the colored attached to the paper. It the fittest.” Talent, three of false slips leadership, courage, be to the whole of retrench- venture have met with disaster The cured at home and protected abroad and the com- a man who would run without is the form of now used. For relinquish plan Is the fire cracker fiend to be let loose to burn the and loss. brig Democrats, opposi- only receipt instance, teeth that were left in rooms mon welfare promoted. devotion, the that by passen- Jume.' tion. 15 May 70, means that the subscription is paid to that eloquence—all qualities ment, and the House will probably stand city on the coining Fourth of July, Mr. Mayor? Davis, of Stockton, after waiting nine days Second—l'he Republican party has preserved these Mr. St. James of Mo., also the nomina- date. When a new is the date will supported payment made, men admire in council and follow in the gers—aeci-dentally, of course. lor the fog to lift, started down the bay Sunday. governments to the one hundredth anniversary of tion of Hayes. be changed to correspond, and SUBSCRIBERS ARE firm, and let the Republican Senate take When the Lodge of Good Templars meets, it seems the nation’s birth and are now embodiments of W. She left Saturday Cove, Northport, and stood toward they Mr. Davis of Yu., further seconded the Hayes REQUESTED TO SEE THAT THEIR DATES ARE field—were fatal gifts to their possessors, ns though all the people were out, and travelling in tin* great truths at its cradle, “that all men as a man the the spoken always equal to every successive station CORRECT. Subscribers in arrears are requested to responsibility. Winslow, Boston forger, was re- that direction. Long Island, tacked and headed for the main land. are created equal; that they are endowed by their which he tills. forward the sums due. and the choice fell on a man with no rep- leased the was -oen until she struck on what is called Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which by British authorities last week, Nothing The names of Conklin and Hartranft were al- The Conven- Fourth of July and the circus are coming. Better arc life, liberty ami the pursuit of happiness. That utation beyond his own state—a man who Republican Congressional and Knight’s Point, near Duck I rap, in Lincolnville, for the attainment of these ends have #3~In sending money, state THE POST OFFICE remains in London. This act will dis- chain your cook stove to the floor, if you don’t want governments so their friends. After where she became a total the sails and presented by respective to which the paper is sent..«»» never said or did or tion for the Fifth District will be held at loss, except been instituted among men, deriving their just pow- suggested anything solve the extradition the boys to sell it for old iron. which the Convention to treaty. which have been saved. The Davis had a er.- from the consent of the governed.” Until those adjourned Friday. Ellsworth on of this week. There rigging above the and fell on him Friday William of son truths are cheerfully obeyed, if needed, to be vigor- THIRD DAY. THE BALLOTING. ! [Persons desiring Probate Advertising in their commonplace, Henry Colburn, formerly this city, lull cargo of ice, upon which there was no insurance enforced, the work of tin; is control to in the will need to make is to be a time The war cloud in has blown of the late died ously Republican party appear Journal, because ho was a candidate likely lively among the Europe Henry Colburn, February gf»th, at She loaded at Hampden and was bound to New unfinished. The Convention proceeded to vote for a can- that of the Court. 1 representing request 45 faithful. A movement has for some over for the it is Portland, Oregon, aged years. York. The was about two hundred and Third—The permanent pacification of the South- didate for President immeuiately on assembling, respectable mediocrity, and that only. quiet present, although iikely brig tons, ern sections of the Union, the Charles W. was owned the Z. B. Ellis, complete protection with the result— time been on towards a to appear at moment The Haney has purchased the furnishing principally by captain, of all its citizens in the fret* enjoyment of all tliei following FOR If the party had nailed to the mast the going securing again any GOVERNOR, department off:. C. Hilton’s and will of Stockton. There was but little insurance on her rights are duties to which the are that troubles in clothing store, Republican party "Whole number of votes, 754 name of one of its honored and majority will favor the adoption of a Turkey continue. The to for the en- leaders, in future conduct that business. Schr. Globe with wood from Bangor went ashore at icredly pledged. power provide Necessary to a choice. 37s forcement of the principles is embodieddn tile recent JOHN C. resolution that the claims of the western Point and filled. she has since beeu oil down with it would — Sandy Blaine, 285 TALBOT, gone flying colors, There were no There will be a dance in Brewster’s South got Constitutional amendments in the Coiign s- >stponed first fair day. ments of the Government, to put into immediate Conkling, For Electors of President and Vice-President consistency delegations were so black that the house and vigorous exercise -.til their constitutional powers (11 come in this direction from The strongest proof of tin* of hard The admirers of musical excellence iu Belfast and Hayes, At TITCOMB, before the with a double and after this prevalence lor any ju.-t cause lor discontent on the Large—JOSEPH goes country couldn’t be removing Ilurtranft, 58 CHARLES W. lighted. times is the fact that a Boston runner vicinity are to have a rare treat—one that we ne .u of und to ROBERTS. Convention. This movement will lie in recently part any class, securing every American Jewell, 11 confession of weakness—of fear and trem- citizen and exact in the walked the whole distance from to Bel had thought they would realize at hone-. Miss Clara complete liberty equality 3 the Roekport e\i Wheeler, interest of Milliken, who, of A subscriber at to us as rcise of all civil, political and public rights. To The Cincinnati Platform. bling in its councils, and lack of inspiring weary Rockland writes fol- fast. 15. .Nickels will gi\e a farewell concert in this city or this eml we imperatively demand u Congress and and there was no choice. to lows— trying entice the Congressional stood The the 13th of July, prior to her departure for Europe liief executive, whose courage and fidelity to those leadership in the field. house and barn owned by George Nickels of An angry discussion ensued on the Tho declaration of which the Miss Nickels is a native of our town ot duties shall not falter until these results shall be question principles to Waldo corn in a Mil. W. II. Simpson, Sir: Seeing that my located on the Mt. neighboring What miracle the to by rattling quart Searsport, Ephraim road, were placed beyond dispute or recall. whether a was bound to vote as a party expects be subscription for the Journal is not out until and needs no introduction to our delegation assemblage ol'ofliee-holders and otiiee ex- totally destroyed*by lire on Monday morning. Loss Searsjiprt, people f ourth—In the fourth act of Congress signed by measure, is going to Ellsworth some time in 1 would like to know unit, if so instructed. The chair decided that done in its behalf, which it shall prepared August. insured who know and appreciate her and her musical tal President Grant, the national government assumed put forth in national by reap t have not $1000; for $700. pectants recently with a lasso for forcible why received it for three weeks to remove any doubts or purpose to discharge all just could vote as he Tb capture. Well, ents. She will be accompanied by Miss Clara Louis* every delegate pleased. victory from such a can past. O. E. Clay. To make the races more at the to public creditors, and solemnly pledged convention is more remarkable for sowing, scarcely Respectfully, interesting park obligations then length there are a chances in this Cary, also a native of Maine, and one whose fame it- faith to make provisional tin* earliest practicable voting proceeded— be The thus far great many Your copy of the Journal is regularly and Friday afternoon, the judges, between the heats, than breadth. It intimates much more conjectured. responses as a vocalist is world wide. Miss Cary has just re- period tor the redemption of the United Mates notes SECOND BALLOT. business. Hale be announced the scores of the may shrewd" enough carefully mailed in the same package with Republican horse race in coin. Commercial prosperity, public moral?- and more have been few and feeble. Cannon have turned from Europe, where she achieved successes than it says, and says much than it at held the same afternoon. the national credit demand that this be tul- The second ballot resulted as follows: to hold the as as it is worth ubmft one hundred and others. Of course Cincinnati, promise place long fifty -•-■cond t>> tie is. f none of the great arti-ts who have lilled a and sounded here and there, like the minute by continuous steady progress to specie Whole number of votes, 754 means. Like country hoards, it it readies Rockland. The of the The P. M. guide for, and aside duty Post- yacht Bonnie, Capt. Burgess, lias dis- won high positions iti the world of song. Her Euro payment. Blaine had 20b of a a few bands have contending stepping appar- fifth—Under the Constitution the President and out roads that it never travels it- guns funeral; given master or liis clerk is to find and deliver to continued her Carver’s Harbor trips, and is now on tour h:i> been one of Morton, 120 points ently to accommodate Seth, you pean continued triumph, iu heuds ot deportments are to make nominations out really give the for summer Bristow, 114 self. ft that in tho of Prov- melody that was like the Dead March tlie missing copies. Your proper course is to railway painting up excursions. Mie which she won not only the highest testimonial* for office, the .Senate is to advise, consent to says economy to a place Democratic successor. The is an excellent vessel for that business. and the House of Conk 03 in orators have but their call oil the Postmaster with a statement of the irom critics, hut the more substantial ones of inv- appointments, Representa- ling, idence the Republican came into Saul; spoken, tives i- to accuse and faithless officers. 04 party Fifth District is now debatable ents and rich from crowned pro***cute Ilayes, ground, ease. If then fail to write This is the season when the young lady of the jewels head Her name I he best interest of the service demand that Hart rani to the land of lias touched the hearts of those you get your papers, public t, 03 power purge slavery. We eloquence alone ought to crowd tin* hull. Besides the uhov>- these distinctions be Senators and and may hereabout as sur- to tills office we household goes out to view tin* twinkling stars and respected, that Wheeler, 3 who remembered the dead things happen again, and will look into the who be should the idea that Providence aided C.osars, rather the Miss Nickels will be assisted by Miss Abbie Clark Representatives may judged accusers, 1 suppose as the defeat of Elaine at Cincin- matter. inhale evening fragrance, and rushes hack to get ii"t dictate to office. The invariable Washburn, prising Mr. \V. appointments than the Brutus. This is the a out of the tieck of her dress. \V. Clark, and probably Miss Persia Bell aud there was no choice. that party into power is based upon Ren. living aspect caterpillar nati The idle mechanics and there to be no with *ueli un and of the* impover- Certainly ought doubt, honesty, fidelity capacity appointee:*, giv- THIRD BALLOT. franklins maxim, that "Cod those which the once great and powerful party Tuttle took some excellent stereoscopic views of ing the in those where helps ishod sailors ot tho as well as Generalities. surpassed attract ions as these, of a reception th.it party power places harmony seaboard, the interior of the Good Templar hall, as it and ol the administration its to The tiiitd liallot was announced as follows: as the hours move on towards its appeared will !*<• a to vigor require policy that help themselves.” Certainly the Re- presents tlio tanners satisfaction the-e [distinguished artistes but all others to be tilled ot' the interior, are The cheese at Union lias commenced nt the reception of the banner. Tin* tl«»r:i 1 decora represented, permitting Whole number of Too beginning factory opera- and a credit to our city. Tin and other .selected with sole relerence to tin* ettici votes, themselves fate in the ides of November. tions. tions and programme by persons Blaine had publicans helped abundantly to tliink that there is a reason lor tho trimmings were elaborate, and make a eiicv of the public service and the right of citizens 293 particulars will be given next week. 121 as soon as had a chance. 13ut that Fair catches of mackerel have been made off the pretty picture. t«» -hare in the honor of rendering faithful service to Bristow, they Boutello's Restaurant on Wheels. hard times, ami that the Republican lead- their Morion, 113 Halifax coast. A touching incident at the iu country. “the of Providence” was at work Some changes have been made among the work happened cemetery sixth—We rejoice in the conscience of 9(1 economy ers, who a better state ot this A quickened Conkling, It will be remembered that the en- promised things, Jerry was kicked in the chin men at the Belfast slice Mr. city recently gentleman was walking along tlie and will very Murphy fearfully by factory. Jason Gordon peoph concerning political affairs, hold 08 in the matter is to finite a vicious horse at Rockland. the Hartrauft, understanding should he held has been made foreman of the >.vi n,o when he was approached by two little all public oflicers to a rigid responsibility and engage 67 thusiastic and much pulled up editor of mainly responsible. lasting room, and Hayes, with bunches of violets in their who that the prosecution and punishment of all who be- very strange. An implicit trust in an A postofiice lias been established sit Columbia, Me., new hands taken on. It looks as though they would girls, hands, official trusts shall be and Wheeler, 2 the took exclusive of Wm. II. tray speedy, thorough un- Bangor Whig, charge Aha! It is at Allen, postmaster. -aid “Please, sir, will you show ns Mr. Alfred \\ Washburne, l can alone reconcile us proven, last, that the have a prosperous season. sparing. overruling power Johnson's Blaine’s interest for some time to Sixteen lambs out of one flock were killed in c... grav» While aiding tluir search, he Seventh—The public school system oi the several and there was no choice. previous which Proctor Knott A on the east side two to such a belief. “Whom lie loveth He despatch received, naan the hail storm ot F last. gentleman recently caught asked Slates is the bulwark of the American Kepublie, and the Cincinnati and by riday why they desired to tinci that particular place FOURTH BALLOT. Convention. Anybody boys robbing a bird’s nest on a lilac tree in his gar- with a view to it' security and permanence we re- exonerating Mr. Blaine from the bond “Last was the r* chastoneth.” The Rhode Island Legislature on Tuesday re-elect- winter, ply, “when it. was cold, and commend an ana ndrnent to the Constitution of the The result of the fourth ballot was announced that did not at once bow down den. lie applied his boot to their persons in such a everybody business, and to come from ed Senator Anthony by ail almost unanimous vote. we were very poor, we had a barrel of Hour sent to L'uited states foi bidding the application of any pub- The resolution regarding a return to purporting manner that they will always remember it when they lic funds or property lor the benelit of school as follows: before “Maine's idol,” or intimated that ns from money that he left when he died. 1 don’t any Josiali Caldwell, in was tele- They expect to make $20,000 worth of silk in to rob another bird’s 01 institution under sectarian control. when London, attempt nest, Whole number of 754 specie payments, considered with Kansas in 1s7<>. Last made worth. know what we should have done without and \v*- votes, the idol was a mortal like the rest of 11s, year they $7,000 it, Eighth—The revenue necessary for current expen- from this and then tele- The returned from Cincinnati been Blaine had 292 reference to the which graphed country, delegates have want to put these tlowers on his And with ditures, the obligations of the public debt must be prominence the An Indiana man lias planted six acres of water- grave.’’ Bristow, 126 was at once in the columns of the for a few in bow the accident largely derived from duties on importations, which scalped graphed back—just as Mr. Knott supposed melons. He lias also planted a of bull- busy days explaining grateful tears they laid on the mound their oiler Morion. ins has to to the large crop so tar as possible should be to tin party sought give question a and For one, we didn’t expect other re. adjusted promote Whig, more and The cable dogs man-traps. happened. any ing of llowers. It was the interests of American labor and advance the 84 Probably complacent telegraph clerk has been before simple wayside dying pros Conkling, in and in State is a suit after the was made a man Congress elections, opening prayer by "f u: perity of the whole country. Ilartranft. 71 self-sufficient individual never set out on a tbe The girls of Fulton County, 111., had a sheep shear- thought kind hearted man, this legacy to tho committee, the match the named Mullen—it was too much like -Ninth—We reaffirm oiir to further 68 It declares for "a contin- produced dispatches ing other day, and the winner sheared Mulligan. in want; but how it will the future opposition Hayes, nullity. simply than was -pring up along of the lands to and mo- journey the redoubtable Captain sworn to thirteen sheep in two hours. grants public corporations Washburne, 3 and them. So the matter, on years in blossoms sweeter than those iu and demand that the national domain be uous and to Capt. llerriman’s new ship, now loading at Ban kingly gar nopolies, 2 steady progress specie pay- when he the Blaine Club on its The oldest male citizen of Portland is believed to devoted to free homes for the Wheeler, joined which Mr. Blaine a has at last been named. She is to be called the ■lens—flowers that will cause the giver’s memory to people. expended great deal be a colored the name ! gor, Tenth—It is No ments;” That is indeed lucid! It gentleman by of Thomas. 11. the imperative duty of the Govern- choice. ap- westward That Pullman train “semll sweet anil blossom in the dust.” And what a progress. of virtuous Staples, who is yo years old. 1*. It. Hazeltine. It has been understood all along ment to so modify existing treaties with European FIFTH BALLOT. indignation, was a fraud and plies equally well to the of a be named alter her the late beautiful that the governments, that the same shall be af- progress was itselt, the sun and A F rench Alexis that she would builder, thought kindly, compassionate protection The fifth ballot resulted as victory “following a Irom the banker, Estrangin, shot himself forded to American citizens that is to follows; deception beginning. heart of one before can so reach out from it* adopted given toad through a tar barrel, or a railroad dead the other day because In- lost a million francs ('. I*. Carter, but tin* present owners have decided goto* native born and that all laws he to Whole number of votes. keeping company with the hours” When necessary passed 755 by a speculation in Egyptian bonds. otherwise. grave to relieve the xutl'erings of the living. Such u protect emigrants in the absence ol power in the Blaine had 286 train across the country. A burglar drill- I he Portland it crowned the pass of tho and Press, speaking of tho monument is better ami more than marble. •State for that purpose. Alleghanies A large bark is now loading deal at the is to the of 11. ; enduring Bristow, 114 a bank safe be said to be mak- Sturgis Attention called notice K. Hooper, Eleventh—It is the immediate duty of Congress to ing may looked down on the of tho Maine Democratic thinks that mill in Wiseasset for the English market. It will Haves, 104 panorama west, platform, tuner. Mr. 11. makes annual visits t<> thi~ AoilM.NI' to M ( fully investigate the effect of the* emigration and im- carry something over l.OOUJJUO feet. piano i.AMKi: A MllUllu On Stttur Morton, 95 ing a continuous and ‘•the usual portation of Mongolians on the moral and material steady progress the Captain felt platitude about gold as the ba- city, and gives excellent satisfaction.—Notice of day morning last, about ”0 minutes before :t o'clock The floor of a new Catholic church at interests of the country. Conkling, 62 towards After all the stout when galleries Freedom specie.” promises “Like Cortez with eye* sis of our foreclosure by Alice [. Thumbs.— the steamer while her iu a Twelfth—The with 69 eagle currency is weakened the Honesdale, Pa., gave way on Sunday, file contrac- notice, Cambridge, feeling way Republican party recognizes Hartrauft, He stared at the Pacific—and all his men by the substantial advance to- for and the denuncia- tor was killed and thirty others wounded. F.rastes F. Nelson, Palermo —Pocket book lost by- dense Mon struck on the lianami. tin- approval recently made Washburne, 3 itself, abounding Looked at each other with a wild surmise— addition of silver.” It he a fog past began, wards the may weak- establishment of equal rights for women, 2 Will < ’urtis, Monroe. that makes out on the southwest side of tin- Wheeler, tions of on this Silent, upon a peak in Darien.” The widow of President Lincoln been re- point by the important amendments effected Re- Democracy, question, the but the of a having many by ness, purchaser quarter's stored to We in the Jaws which No choice. reason, has been relieved of guardianship, As some were Main street, island. understand that the otlicers complain publican legislatures concern the national was The Captain did not fail to remember boys swaggering up SIXTH BALLOT. great Republican party, that worth of by decree of court, in which her son acquiesced. that personal and property relations of wives, mothers merchandise, when he a rum from one they wiv unable to get any from the fog the wise that llings Tuesday, bottle containing slipped reply and widows, and by the and election ol created out of the of saying “dinner lubricates whistle appointment The sixth ballot resulted as follows: economy Providence, down a silver wants some The Machias Union says that two of the young of their and fell to the side-walk It was <»n tin- island as a guide. and tin-refore sup women to the superintendence of chari- dollar, kind of pockets, education, business.” He a of men who went, from tlmt town to California Iasi were ties and other trusts. The honest Whole number of has come at last to this Can published list the a lady who turned tin posed they not up with it. I'm* steamer struck public demands of votes, 704 complexion. daily a that will tho winter have returned. can do as well at home. immediately picked up by platitude provide change. They a shelv this class of citizens for additional rights and Blaine had 308 ol contents into the threw the bottle into tin ing ledge, on which she lay -a-Uy as the tide privi- the acutest ear the of a feeding places, suggestive the nice and gutter, leges and immunities should be treated with respect- perceive jingle Gold don't do does it ? John Boyle O’Reilly says that lie did not make the Hayes, 113 coinage that, street, and on. h'11, and suffered no serious injury. The passengers ful consideration. to be It was plans nor furnish any means to accomplish the re- passed Bristow, 111 silver dime in such a declaration ? appetizing tilings enjoyed. were Thirteenth—The Constitution confers on cent of Fenian other than advice got ashore speedily, as the sea was smooth, Congress escape prisoners, It is doubtful whether any will be Morton, 65 as as the ot Didn't and campaign tiags and sovereign power over the Territories of the United The reliance of the in this savory darkey’s anticipation Mr. Representative Frye suggestion. there was no danger to life. A number of porgy Conkling, 61 groat party indulge swung to the breeze in this city. The masts from Mates and their government, and in the exercise of steamers the possum he expected to catch. in a little at when A Gloucester man remarked tin* other when came to the rescue, atnl us tin title ro-< this power it is the right and duty of Congress to Ilartranft, 50 campaign, as it has been in those imme- hragadocia Cincinnati, day, which both Democratic and Republican tiags have and in the Territories that relic 4 he heard that tin* Old South church was to be sold, aided the Cambridge to get off. She was not so bad prohibit extirpate Washburne, Well, the arrived at Cincinnati. he that Blaine hitherto tlown have been cut down, and ‘there’s ol barbarism, and we demand is the of the Captain promised would take the that “It doesn’t do for the Almighty to own a corner polygamy, such legis- Wheeler, 2 diately preceding it, potency ly hurt but that her pumps her free. 1 In- Lew lot in Boston.” to hitch it to. !l is doubtful if was kept lation as shall secure this end, and the supremacy of Hu had not at the field in Maine and it nothing anybody No choice. At this shirt. The. fifteenth and sixteenth anticipated seeing gath- sweep by ”0.000, and istoii. from Portland for on at American institutions in all the Territories. point Morton, Conkling, bloody a neither Macinus, arriving and Twenty-four mill operatives perished by the burn- ever changed by campaign t!ag. Suppose Fourteenth—The pledge which the Nation has Bristow, Hartrauft withdrew, and the con- ering any bigger men than himself—but then into Massachusetts and assist to Rockland and learning of tin* disaster, iuiuu-diutch resolutions lling to the breeze this ensan- go of a mill in Ayr, Scotland, The lire was has this time > given to our soldiers ami sailors must be vention proceeded to a ing Friday. party any fullilled, somehow lie seemed to be and it caused by the friction in the machinery. Loss of started for Monhi-gan, but met tin- Cambridge at flie will always those who and like the murder- outranked, sweep by (id,Out) ? Mr. stew Axel has commenced to lil! out to the grateful people regard SEVENTH BALLOT, guined garment, Frye’s may $2,000,000. Ilayford Owl Head. The their lives for their country’s in property Kutuluiin took the freight and pus perilled preservation Blaine wasn’t boil if so cros- which resulted as follows : crazed of blood” nominated, notwithstanding over, he puts much heat under embankment made by the railroad extension the kindest remembruneo. Macbeth, picture “gouts A bill providing that no man shall act as a jury- .-••tigers of tin- Cambridge to their destinations. Tin f ifteenth—W<- sincerely deprecate nil sectional the of in the it. man in Texas who cannot read and write the ing the shore between Simpson’s and Lane’s wharf. Whole number of votes, 7.56 that have no real existence. The two great expenditure huge type Eng- Katahdin will mak.- two trips p< r week, leaving feeling and tendencies. We therefore note with deep lish has passed the Senate of that State A stone water course has been laid at the hot had 364 language large the Penobscot e\ a solicitude that the Democratic party count as its Hayes Whig. The situation of the all conquer- with five votes. y Monday ami Thursday, until Blaine, 3,51 paragraphs are full of such stuff and non- The the Maine to only dissenting tom and the whole will be covered with earth token chicl hope of success upon the electoral vote oi' a from Penobscot is Whig says delegation the Cambridge .-hall 1"- repair* d. united secured the efforts of those Bristow, 21 sense as ing delegate expressed James N. Brown, a well known hack driver of from the hill between and Miller afreets, .south, through sectional strife,” Cincinnati a c ine Spring op- “imperilling gave to of Il- turned to his house after to the who were recently arrayed against the Nation, and the on Ingersoll Rockland, driving Pitcher’s barn. On last < and ltulhcrford B. Hayes, of Ohio, was nomi- of by Yankee epigram Sir William posite hay Saturday Capt. J^hn Robbins, of .North we invoke the earnest attention of the Nation to the national honor and human rights,” linois for his handsome of steamer Wednesday morning, after his breakfast, nated. presentation and died within an hour thereafter. port, committed oiieide at ISaugor. Tin- Whig has grave truth that ti success thus achieved would re- with Howe’s attempt to subjugate the rebels of C. B. and B. P. Hazeltine, whom we recently sectional and the national Mr. Hayes having received the is the “sympathy treason,” &c. Do these name to the following account of the atlair open strife, imperil honor majority Blaine’s the Convention. mentioned as at >ince re nominee for this a hundred Inger- The -1th of July is named for a day of fraterniza- fishing Moosehead, have and human rights. Bepuhlican President. Thu scene men that the war ended eleven country years ago— Last Saturday morning tin-mate of tin sclnamc: forget tion of ex-Confederates with the Northern turned laden with trout, and are now Sixteenth—We the Democratic with ot excitement which followed was indiseriba- soll should have reciprocated with a military home, again about •* and the charge party “Lord Howe, he went in, pair men at and Joe got up o’clock, captain asked him to the same in as Philadelphia; Johnson, Beauregard being character and when it bie, hats and ? Do fail to remember at the Lake. W. H. Btirrill, attracted the close tin- cabin door, afterwards In* a spirit shouting, waving fans, cheering, years ago they And Lord! how he came out.” of crutches to each and a stretch- and others, are to bo there. by reports shortly hoard with treason, and with its con delegate, expected and sympathized making the band Yankee Doodle. of the rare is there with them. S. < gurgling sound, upon stepping into the cabin In- trol of the House of playing that the men of the South have the didn’t so sports, strout, Representatives the triumph Mr. ol acqui- Naturally Captain feel fris- er for A vast tlock of found tin- captain lying on tin* iloor l'rye, Maine, took tbe platform and ('apt. Boutelle. potato bugs, apparently migrating and of Portland, have been at the Kineo attempting and opportunity of the Nation’s recent foes; with eastward from New took residence on a ves- Esq. lady cut his throat with a ra/or. Ho bad rut a thanked the supporters of the candidate from esced in the result, and declare them- when he started on his homeward Jersey, gu-h largo reasserting and applauding in the National Capitol ky way. sel otf bound for New House for some time. enough to iu-< the razor, and was to tini-h Maine : “No can Long Branch, York, complete- tning sentiments of with words express Maine's The battle lias been the deed. I In- mate unrepentant rebellion, sending grati- selves citizens of a common as The Cortez was all taken out great fought. Maine’s ly covering sails, spars and rigging. trie.I to relieve him of tin- tude. Cod bless all country, conquering a Union soldiers to the rear, with deliberately pro- you forever. The Conven- great statesman, the only man in the contest On Saturday, City Marshal Patterson received weapon, but was beat on back bv tin- captain who posing to the faith of the Govern- tion in its wisdom has selected Mr. as to defend it as its citizens Tlie anchor of Columbus’ which the great brandished tin* razor: the mate repudiate plighted Hayes ready any- of him. It is reported of the bill of fare wiio has a national reputation, lias been defeat- ship, telegram from Bangor to stop two young men with but dually succeeded ment with being equally false and imbecile upon the standard hearer. Maine endorses admiral was forced to abandoned on an island during in knocking it out of his hand with a broomstick. accepts, ed. Press. a horse and A search about the was the of the where? the members of the Con- furnished for the [Portland bis to the West has been buggy, city wa re overshadowing importance iiuanciul ques- and will support him in November. Our leader Why, homeward journey, that voyage Indies, lately placed Physicians promptly called and dres-cd tin- tion; with thwarting the ends of justice by partisan II that ho so, it is the next to the in the museum of the Louvre, in Paris. made, and at the Sanborn House parties were found ugly wound. (Mr. Blaine) will take tbe field in Maine and vention had but to look about it and see the dish was the Maine thing mismanagement and obstruction ol prominent goose who of lie wa> to the Howell, ami when investigations; it A witli no hair on his exactly answered the description, both men transported tug with itsell the ol' sweep by 20,000. then go into Massachusetts defeat of the and a mail head and a bullet-hole proving through period its ascend- from state of the was party itself, forerunner opposite Stearns ,‘k to/- mill lit* •■■mmunicat*-i to in and assist to it He delegations every South, that cooked at Cincinnati, that the in the calf of bis leg says lie is satisfied that there is and team—and it was that two rogues were ancy the lower House of Congress utterly incom- sweep by 60,000.” moved thought tin-mate that In* w anted some watt r, ami while In that the nomination of the result in November. in the iilaek Hills. He also says lie is satisfied petent to administer the Governnu nt. We warn the of Mr. Hayes be unani- not one of whom had a of to calf’s head had no gold caught. But proved to be two innocent young was gout to procure it, the story wrong Bangor pluck H it, that that there are Indians in the Black Hills. they desperate captain jumped a thus alike »• country against party unworthy, recreant mously adopted. “Often do the men from West overboard atnl was tlrow in tl. It >-m- that he was rehearse. Such as res- spires NVinterport, named Bowden and I and incapable. denunciation those the was and that hum- of events stride on before (he bound to die. II*- wa -m liarra-.-eil Imaneialh, am! THE VICE PRESIDENCY. Champagne Mum, great events, .sixty vessels came up the Kennebec Thursday, en- •Seventh—The National Administration Morrill, who hud taken a quiet drive into the city. was to merits olutions is And in to-day already walks to-in >rrow.“ gaged in the coal, lumber and ice busiuess. It was determined plane himsell beyoinl tin* reach of commendation for its work embody the merest in ble was abundant. honorable in the man- The candidates for the nomination for the pop-cock pie very a anil the number mortal cares. Shortly after his wound had been magnificent fleet, probably largest This is the season of the tree's agement of domestic and affairs, and Pres- shade perfection. dressed -iiiiio oin- ask* <1 him win In- did not foreign Vice Presidency, were W. A. Wheeler, of New the world. entering the river in one day for many years. [Gar- | jump ident Grunt deserves the continued and The Boston which endeavors if In- wanted ;<> commit r< hearty York, and Jewell of Connecticut. Herald, diner Reporter. The Church street promenade i- attractive, and as she I overboard -uicide. It*- gratitude of the American people for his patriotism The resolution that created the The of the Cincinnati bal lut- plied that he could -*a ini too well tor that. \\ e have The roll was then aud when New great reception to take an view of strolls under the leafy arches, with a broadcloth and his immense service in war and in peace. called, always impartial party The I Hike of U.oinlmrgh is otf yachting in the not yet heard of tin* nvovt-r. id tin* boils. It i- York was called Mr. furore of the tho faithful in this was a Woodford took the plat- that in relation to non- ings by city Mediterranean, and the Duchess lias hack to sleeve around her waist, and glimpses of teareil that it will he ditlieult to timl us cm PRESENTATION 01' candidates. day, matters, remarks of the ticket: gone catching it, tin- form and Republican -t withdrew his name. When South her papa at St. Petersburgli. The way these two the eternal she murmurs dear it rent will cam it out t<> a. sectarian is one that meets strange scene. A bulletin board was im- stars, ,“oh, John, probably The nomination of candidates next in Carolina had been called Mr. Wheeler had al- public school, “With an nomination at St. young hearts beat as one is tiiat Heaven being equally good something this could ‘twouid J»e heaven for (’apt. Robbins was a man of many excellent 011 a it can not without a always last, enough ipiali order, the name of Marshall Jewell was ready received 366 votes. Mr. of Cl. with almost universal It is door near Woodcock’s store, Louis, will stand about an even eliance to be contemplate sigh. pre- Kellogg approval. the provised me.” is sound like a fourth of and frank in business and nt withdrew the name of Mr. Jewell and moved elected.” Then there a duly ties—manly matters, sented by Mr. of Connecticut. Mr. , of where the result of was It is stated that a train on the Farmington branch Kellogg that Mr. Wheeler’s nomination he made spirit the Constitution of the United ballotings posted torpedo. We were fumbling for our night k< stud feetionateh kind to his family. W ith a little hotter unan- Ah, vkiit till I tide Sam Tilden shall of the Maine Central railroad was obliged to stop, a 1’iioinpsou of Indiana announced tin* name of in tin* battle of In imous. Agreed to. Mr. Wheeler's nomination States, and the principle is incorporated in big letters. Tho men who worshipped few days since, owing to a swarm of caterpillars on Couldn’t help hearing it. antago ground life might liau- Oliver 1*. The was declared. come forward next ! the rails. To make the wheels roll the rails, won a -Morton. following is copied near smilingly week along good position ami li\od happily. Put the pool into the Rill of of Maine’s idol drew and read the were to cover We are indebted to the following named gentlemen The chair read a from Mr. Blaine, Rights nearly every panels they obliged them with sand. from the report: telegram fellow was ovt-i whelmed by the recent loss of a ves- Mr. Hale to at of that as for large lists of campaign subscribers to the Jour, n iti.stow. asking stop Columbus, O., on state in the Union. There was prophetic door, they would the A powerful mind suggests that the Demo- The Commercial says Mr. James Green- sel scarcely Bangor mil:—T. A. .LA. Bob that curried down all his savings, and saw noth his way to and his con- acre was a little and not to Snow, Winterport, McGown, Gen. Harlan of canu* Washington present cratic party is like a man riding in a car—lie frightened, Tuesday, Kentucky forward amid the need of a hurrah over book of fate. The first ballot cor- hut want ajnl in the and gratulations anil sincere to Cov. this matter scarcely seen blame. In a ease of onions from Bermuda ert Jr., and A. \\ Gret Ellsworth; T. B. ing discouragement present, greatest applause exhibited in the convention to respects Hayes, making doesn’t anything until lie lias passed it. opening Gerry, ly, a live to the floor. His no bit tor rt for the future than u suicide’s nominate IJenj. H. Itristow in obedience to the in i TELEGRAMS FROM BLAINE. —unless the enemies of responded to expectation, but still [Portland Press. centipede dropped vipership Grose, Bockport; William Berry, Burnham ; B. 1 >. fuge death Blaine wanted to they now a dish of alcohol at Dr. Hamlin’s. t ructions of the entire of bis occupies Republican party state. Ulainc has sent to were cheerful. The car E. Huse, Camden, and numerous others for small i» Tiie announcement of his name was Messrs. Hamlin, Ifall, next showed Blaine The “Maine's More truth than porfry embodied in the the signal for ,Mr. show that could the candidate recently passed idol,” An old in Now wus his week's saying and .Stevens they reject livgro York paid lists. the names come we the another tremendous round of Frye the following despatch : By way in, infer that “This world is all a circus." Shake a\ its applause. Harlan pro- some votes less, ami looked in each fiat on his back. wages a day or two since, receiving the most of it in spear “This reeded at and to state Kristow’s Hear to all friends who have so and and steal his thunder. they mean to be in this length forcibly pub- my nobly silver hall' dollars, lie looked benignly at them as people posted campaign. world is all a stage, and men ami women lic stood the merely record, being frequently interrupted by cheers. devotedly by me, profoundest expres- There is one others’ laces with anxious And so in his chuckled as though in Poland of Vermont seconded other resolution that should inquiry. Tlie country suffers from stagnation of busi- tpey lay palm, trlunlph, players." Aetimj i- represented in all branches ot Judge the noinimi- sions of my heart's warmest and l,l>at’s the stall' de rats can’t chart Fiuk. I In* uliirm of lire was sounded gratitude. ness, from ami from exclaimed, Thursday non aim reierreu to the tact that a larger proportion J. have and for fear that on with varying result until it was reported corrupt rings corrupt par- life, for were mankind not possessed with a certain G. liLAINK. consideration, the tisans, midnight of last week, and the house of people of liis state belong to the Republican [Lewiston Journal. During tin1 the Kastern State Normal School dwelling ol party of the nomination that Morton and Bristow were year, amount dramatic talent, this world would present than is the case in almost any other state. Vermont Upon hearing of Mr. Hayes, reader may not have its in withdrawn, at Castine has registered hou pupils, l.'t owned and occupied by Frank A. Cottrell on North- Mr. language fully No doubt of it. Let us not have them representiag a sad Amusements ure courted had no candidate of its own, but has a interest Blaine sent him the counties, and loo towns in Maine, also tour diti'rrent appearance. by the deep following telegram’: we it here— when they took courage. But the seventh port , below the square, was discovered on in this convention. The crisis is an one. June 10. mind, reproduce obscured a states; 170 have attended the school this entire human race. Itoyaltv love their court important Washington, by Haze. I’nele Sam Tilden pupils to the distant**, the (lames hail jesters The boast of the is that into this Gov. It. B. ballot shew that the Ohio term, go cent, more than were ever Owing great Democracy they go Hayes, Columbus, O— We rejoice in the quickened conscience of the candidate had being per regis- Homan warriors their lute players and musicians to canvass with a united South in their favor. This is is the man to smash the kick out tered before a term. made rapid before the arrived, and 1 offer you iny sineerest on will hold rings, during progress engine and so it needs congratulations people concerning political affairs; all run from 111! to and was the spur them on to deeds of valor, or lull their tired probably true, only a up 386!, win- the house was The furniture comparatively your nomination. Jt will be alike my officers to a and en- the and start A miser who died near had entirely destroyed. small fragment of the Northern vote to remit the highest public rigid responsibility, corruptionists up business. recently l’ohiek, Va., into calm love their i as well as horse. A wetter blanket never was in is spirits repose ; aristocracy "pi destinies of the to the hands pleasure, my first political duly to do gage that the prosecution and punishment of ning tell always said that he wanted to he buried near his saved very good condition. It supposed country again of those vate theatricals,” of who to break the utmost in my power to elec- all who official trusts shall be money, the place of its deposit being kept a secret in the lire from a defective Loss composed professional players sought up Union. tjie promote your betray speedy, on a more crowd. “Who in It would tic uselcs- to disguise Hie factThat originated chimney. Mr. Curtis of New York took tion. The earliest moment of ami disgusted his own mind, lie designated the place of his burial churches their annual festivals; societies their fete the platform amid my returning and thorough unsparing. and Wheeler’’ is not the about $2500; insured for $2000. and loud in “Hayes ticket which to his death, and a search in the long applause behalf of that vast confirmed health will be devoted to h—1 is was the of an in- previous vicinity days; politicians their “ratifications;” the lover of body securing One can fail to Hayes?” inquiry would most in the a of of New who have seen scarcely smile at this readily ignite powder State disclosed jug containing $1170.” Republicans York, that you as large a vote in Maine as sbe would have l'ui.skN ation. The of the banner the chase his and while each in reform is within the dividual not well There was a of Maine. [Lewiston Journal. presentation gun flogs, their turn possible Republican party, be- given for myself. (Signed) J. G. Blaine. bald The conscience of the posted. cause they have seen the heavy arm of the hypocrisy. tlag to Belfast Lodge of Good Templars occurred on select means ol personal amusement and recreation govern- faint, a faint at a fol- Why. you don't mean to say that there ment descend upon the thieves, lie rose to second never to be very attempt cheer, last to from the cares of this I people required quickened. It Comments ou the Candidates. Thursday evening according programme, and busy eventful and troubled the nomination of Hristow. 11c to eulo- a isn’t to be even a Hash in the proceeded The are the lowed sort of a and a pan? was a most affair. At life. no i> Bristow’s record from following appointments was alert. But it was the by rasping growl, enjoyable 7 o’clock p. in. be But amusement more exhiliruting, no gize the beginning of the rebel- always official Washington, June 17. lion when lie took his lile in his hand to the made at the recent | chorus of curses. For the next hour the tween live and six hundred members of the order pastime more healthful than to visit the circus. present session of the East conscience at that isn’t time. In conclusion he said if this is not to be the Washington needed to it about time for Blaine to accuse President (limit thinks is a 1 is all Hayes strong sat down to a most excellent repast in 11 ay ford Hall, his a resort that love to assemble at, a long last successful convention of the it Maine Conference at for the passers along the street would have Republican party Bucksport, be It was the Democratic House some one of in some candidate and Wheeler would add looked tor the must go into the canvas with these pricked. having indirect way strength after which they adjourned to their lodge room. day by wealthy million, and over- cries; Urst abso- that the crowd wore lute of ail the of ensuing year: C. A. Plummer, that thought staying to to the ticket. taxed labou r and tin ir children. Mere ail is protection rights citizens every- Presiding by its investigations placed coals of procured an advance of his Grand Worthy Chief Templar 11. A. Shorev, of equal where; second, the hardest kind of hard and copy speech Senator Morton the money Elder. hear the remarks at some- says nominations was then introduced and the ity, all good nature -in fact a reunion, as at the earliest return to no fire on these hitherto inert concluding the Bridgton, presented it; third, rings, no cliques, no turtles, and accepting Cincinnati nomination ? are and thinks excellent, the Democrats banner in a most handsome manner. In his re- gathering of n separated household. No institution combination of personal interests, no personal' gov- Bucksport, W. W. Marsh; Bucksport Center; made them body’s funeral, and preparing to join the ernment but the travel. Had there been no will have to nominate Hendricks. is more looked for (applause), nothing will of the peo- supplied by Zebulon Davis; East Bucksport was elected Governor of Ohio last marks he said that Belfast Lodge was not only the eagerly and sought after than ple clearly expressed. (Grout applause). procession. Grief is contagious, and wc Hayes Senator and Dedham, E. M. Fowler; Oriand, S. H. Democratic majority there would have Conkling thinks the ticket is banner lodge of the state, but the United States, Murray's Circus, whose uaine is familiar to the en Richard 11. Dana of Massachusetts, also seconded fall 0500 Beale; A. Church : Cen- noticed that some of the by majority. He was big excellent. tire American Bristow’s nomination, lie knew no other name that Orringtou, Orriugton been no resolution about a Democracy scarcely and more, was the largest lodge in the world! The people, a cherished word in every ter and D. M. “quickened was sure to Massachusetts next South, True; Searsport, W. T. to cover the over In his of the carry November seemed to be visibly affected by the so- enough state; spread the giving opinion ticket, Sec- liev. Mr. Boss received the banner in behalf of the household, and whose urrival is anxiously looked (applause and hisses). Mark what I said. Not that Jewell; Belfast aud Northport, Geo. conscience.” And these resolvers are Pratt; ready whole lie will lie liristow was even more enthusias- in a short The banner was made in tor. fhe day is set, the looked for time fast no other name can carry Massachusetts, but that 1 Prospect, supplied by M. E. Castine of the occasion. country thin, very thin. retary lodge, speech. long Bridgham; to and those fellows lemnity' tic than Senator lie In know no other that is si re to do it (renewed hisses). and Doslien Shore, J. H. Motoes; Penobscot prosecute punish, too; (Jonkling. eulogized Bangor, and is of blue silk, about four feet in length approaching. fact Murray’s Circus will be hen bLAIXE. and Brooksvilie. F. D. who for Blaine a Gov. and said that he two in with On July 1st. See advertisement. supplied by Handy; apologize Babcock, and whose of- Lord said that he “liked a addressed little crowd of the Hayes, telegraphed by width, fringed gilt trimmings. Deer Isle, bv Jos. Byron good When Maine was called upon a scene of the wild supplied Williams; Suriy two ago to General Harlan to trans- the reverse side is a representation ol the globe, it ami O. K. ficial head at the White House removed and brethren at his house on and days Fran k tou r. Joseph Kinney, Arthur l'age and est enthusiasm ensued, delegates and spectators ris- Brooklyn, Wilson; Ellsworth, B. M. hater,” elsewhere compliments— Monday, fer his to in letters (Bristow’s) delegates Hayes as bears the following inscription golden dames ing to their feet, waving hats and fans and cheering Mitchell; Tremont and Eden, W. H. Crawford; an at St. Louis for too “The patient search and said some “think- Page were last week fined $ 1.VJ0 each, fur loud attorney prosecuting vigil long pretty tilings—probably soon as ho deemed iL lie Presented to and long, dying away only to be renewed and Isle and Swan B. F. Of him who a expedient Cranberry Island, Stinson; treasures up wrong.” of It! cruelly driving a horse to Bangor and back. The with three cheers for Blaine. the swindlers. damn” all the while. as Bill.I'AST I.OIMIK, M*. 30, I.I AST, closing Franklin and Sullivan, S. Wentworth; Goulds- vigorously whiskey Long ing thought that Schurz had supported Mr. Ingcrsoll of Illinois, took the It must have been with ot April 12th, 1>7«», Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals platform. He, boro, supplied by M. and live ! something last he would work for him the too, was satisfied with the of Bristow, but it Palmer; Millbridge humbug Hayes year, by made the complaint. loyalty Steuben, B. C. this We fear that the sale of Cincinnati hams of I. (). of Massachusetts cauuot nominee of this Blackwood; Harrington aud feeling that the editor of the Lewis- in this, ami that the ticket would Grand Lodge Maine, G. T.. carry any G. N. carry in convention lie was not satisfied with the of Cherrylield, Eldridge; Columbia Falls is ruined the in Maine. the of the For making the largest gain membership—750. loyalty and C. T. The Konnebec Journal can’t a ton Journal, on a sheet blistered among Republicans support Republicans of the Massachusetts. If it ean’t. carry it by 75,u0o Addison, Estabrooks; Columbia, suppress by indig- Since the above date the lodge has gain- they The Bullock and school. Ho continually The Prohibitionists have issued a call for a State had better sell out Faueuil llall for a Democratic Centerville and Cape Shore, W. Machias nant Blaineites will never relish them Adams, Bryant Iteed; good many wry faces at the defeat of tears, wrote the ed in membership, and now numbers over 800. Convention in Boston *»th. to nominate a can- hull and remove the monument and following— the was .Inly (applause), from Whitneyville, V. P. Wardwell; East Ma- thought platform excellent, al- didate for (lovernor. Bunker Hill, lie a again. urged that the party demand now cliias, Cutler and Whiting, supplied by J. W. Blaine, but concludes that the party will “Maine has short memory, but we appre- in his the hard Tin*: Racks. The races on the Belfast trotting for President a reformer after as well as elec- to though opinion money before A. J. hend her memory is long enough recollect terminated on after a course The Bunker Block, owned by Samuel Bunker, at a man of and Strout; Lubec, Lockhart; Pembroke, survive, and that tor The was not so hard as it park Friday afternoon, tion, political statesmanlike appear- "lighting eternal that it is Massachusetts which has Democratic National Convention plattorm might No. Anson, was totally consumed tire, with its supplied J. N. prevented of three were not by ance (applause), a man of integrity, one who knows by Biram; Eastport, Whitney; have been. Bristow days. They successful, owing to contents about B. B. will for the the nomination for President of the noblest lte- meets next the also thought Hayes, Wednesday morning four o’clock. enough to know that the national debt must be Calais, Byrne; Milltown, M. C. Beale; principles, strip great polit- Tuesday, “7th. \Yre hope the and which the paid leader. There is a of an old a hard was not foggy rainy weather, kept away through the of the American that Prineetown, supplied W. B. Itob- publican story though money man, the A young niau named Collins, of Weld, committed prosperity people, by Fenlason; ical before us.” !.et us to lie able to announce the crowd and the track. There were six races must campaign just woman who was a deal irritated because result iu our injured suicide money be made, not by law but by labor. hinston, Charlotte, Meddyhemps and Cooper, good hardest of the hard. The plank as to Saturday night by hanging. The cause was could be more effective and that it won’t do she was not invited to a funeral. in all, and the purses trotted for amounted in tin* sickness and mental He was :.*f> Nothing impressive S. M. Dunton; Wesley and North- beg that. Keep your neighbor’s next issue. Chinese was a depression. years the of Alexander, immigration piece of dem- old and unmarried. than speaker’s statement the requirements C. ‘Sometime,’ says she, ‘we may have a funeral aggregate to $1000. The three minute race of Wed- field, ltogers. clothes on, for heaven’s sake. but with of the Republican party growing out of the in our and we’ll see then who’ll he in- agogism, these exceptions, he family, Mr. Talbot was not the choice of a nesday was won by F. W. horse, F., J’he following i< a verbatim of an necessities of the hour. Each sentence was forci- vited !’” certainly of the Berry’s Henry copy expressive Mr. Cornelius I of find a nar- of the approved platform. letter a young at the Centennial to bly epigrammatic and elicited its round of applause, biggin Milford, very majority Bangor convention. [Portland in three straight heats—time,2.52, 2.40, 2.45. In the lady wrote her row escape from being to death u furious “I will do all can for mother when he said the demands a can- gored by Dana told the convention that no other if we recollect Blaine and Ben. Press. suppose you you 2.34 class especially party cow He went out to aright, Getchell’s horse, Fred Logan, of Water didate of spotless purity, but does not demuud that Saturday night. drive his own the ticket?” the reporter asked. PllILADKMMIIA, dime, 1870. cow home, when a heifer to another name than Bristow’s was sure to save Butler had a difference in course of Ho will be of a of the ville, took the first money—time 2.38 1-2, 2.37, 2.41. Dear Mother Oh! Oh!! Oh!!! Oh!!!! he shall present a certificate of character from a con- belonging gen- once, certainly majority as leman attacked him and film in the “Well, yes, much as I can,” Bristow O-o-o o o o-o-li!!!!!! federate Congress. His announcement of the name gored abdomen, The 2.50 class on was won by Blacking a about six inches in and Massachusetts to the More which the if understand their interests. Thursday ^ our of James G. Blaine was the for cutting place length nearly Republicans. ex-speaker’s sharp tongue gave people, they with some uffectionate daughter, Mary. signal unother scene into the replied, hesitation, “although ton’s horse, of Rockland. Best 2.42 1-4. of tremendous stomach. Mr. i>. escaped u second attack Ozro, time, excitement. than If Uncle Sam Tilden shall Butler a severe Ben. is a I shall not be much in after A named Charles E. while in by throwing himself into an old cellar. He is now likely. lashing. power very polities The 2.38 class was won Wheeldon’s Honest boy Locke, engaged The party wants a leader with the audacity of can’t seem to much enthu- by horse, down in quite a critical condition. bo They7 get up this, as indeed I have not been in the scraping the mainmast of the schooner Loella genius. The grandest In the combination of heart, presented, the solid men of the state in Massachusetts, and has the habit of Farmer, of Bangor. Best time, 2.30. The attend- at fell a on war Bangor, distance of 80 feet to the deck. He conscience and bruin known to the American lion. siasm the cry of and YVhcol- received people Bernard C. Bailey, one of the oldest and will around to Isn’t it Hayes past.” ance these days was very light, but on Friday a good a compound fracture of the left leg below to-day is James G. Blaine. (Wild To de- most gather him, the rallying treasuring up wrongs. just pos- tin- applause.) respected citizens of Bath died last Tuesday, er. There's more in The com- diffi- knee, fracture of the thigh ami a compound true sert him would be like an its nothing attractive Republican papers generally crowd was present. There seemed to be great army deserting general. lie lias been twice mayor of the was of "Honest Government.” sible that Blaine has been too smart for lure of the right arm above the elbow. Jn the name of the city, formerly cry ment The Times great republic, of all her defend- President of the People’s Twenty-Five Cent Savings the sound than in the party. favorably. Chicago culty in getting a send oil' on every heat, and it was ers and supporters, her soldiers or who died and has also his own a the is a Lynchers at In Kan. living Bank, been president of the Marine Na- interests? However, this is says nomination surprise and bit- seven o’clock before the races ended. The Liberty, Montgomery county, in the field or in the skeleton clutch of Andersonville nearly sis, two weeks a man to a tree tional Bank Its lie was a mem- ter to ago, hanged young aud I that of sipce organization, called Blaine “Maine’s idol.” But as it and wo The Boston Herald disappointment party managers. 2.42 class was won Rowe’s horse, Slowcome, of until he confessed the of a Libby, nominate prince parliamentar- ber of the Maine Historical Society, aud also of tile Frye very pretty quarrel stands, publishes the opin- by stealing twenty dollar ians, that leader of leaders, James G. Blaine. He was Whether can be beaten on 2.40 2.44 3 2.45 1 4. The 2.31 bill, and then gave him one hundred lashes. The (Im- Cincinnati. always active in af- the convention wouldn’t "Your wor- no llayes depends Ellsworth—time, 3-4, 4, mense municipal say have disposition to spoil it. Let the ions of men on the Blaine defeat, next the man from whom the bill had been applause.) fairs, and one of the most zeaious In leading the wisdom or which at St. class was taken Fred of day Mr. Turner of establishing prevails by Getcliell’s horse, Logan, stolen found of Georgia stated his journey through the Home for Aged Women in Bath. ship” to him. little B’s and omits Louis. it at the bottom his trunk, where he I busy proceed. strangely Mulligan. Waterville—time, 2.38 on each heat. himself had placed it. g jjjMmi, m The Republican Candidates. Who Comments of the Press. Freedom; Lucinda Boynton, late of Liberty; John Children Cry For Castoria. It is as They are, and What They Have Carver, late of Searsport; Rodney R. Carver, late ol to take as and john h. Murrays New Yoke, June 16. jileasaut honey, is absolutely CO TO Continued Reduction I?oiio. Searsport; John Wadlin, late ofNortliport; Cyrene harmless. It is sure to cure wind The Herald says Hayes won the nomi- expel worms, great H. H. Johnson & 1>. the Kingsbury, late of Waldo; Benjamin Kingsburyi the bowels and and Co., Rutherford Hayes, Republican eandi- nation for the while Blaine colic, regulate stomach, • HAVE JUST Presidency, late of Belfast; Willard Walton, late of C* RETURNED FROM ,1. nte tor President of the United States, was Belfast; overcome caused or came out of the Republican tight as much irritability by rash cutting ii in Delaware, Ohio, Oct. i, is-j-j. lie grad- l*. Carter, late of Belfast. RAILROAD CIRCUS ON THE the leader of the as teeth. It is a substitute for Castor .WELLS’ PRICES OF BOSTON was perfect Oil, i! i't'd at and party Henry Clay Accounts Allowed on Estates ok—Hannah Kenyon (’oilers Gambier, Ohio, ESTABLISHED 18CL with ti LARGE and varied Stock of of the aud for Costiveness in or old there is -FOR— award attended the Cambridge Law School. the leader in their E. F. young Whigs palmiest Ilememvay, late of Belfast; Benjamin Staples, Mr. John II. Murray, Solo Proprietor and Manager. In a is thirty-fourth lie to Hon in existence so and year began practice days, crediting Cameron with being late of Monroe; Ambrose Sayward, late of Burn- nothing effective reliable. Recognized throughout the entire United States FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ■ a m Cincinnati, and shortly received an ap- the skillful leader of the anti-Blaine forces. ham; John R. Robbins, late of-; 3m 11 intment as City Solicitor, which he held un- Stephen The Herald the late of late of ,;:e war broke out. whereupon he assisted in congratulates Republican Ellis, Stockton; Halsey Keen, Senrs- Tilt ONLY LEGITIME CIRCUS IN and the on • using the Twanty-third Ohio Volunteers. and party* country the dcleat of raont; Enoch Kidder, of-, a non compos; heirs AMERICA, WILL KXIUISIT AT Coods! as his went out Major of that regiment. lie led his Blaine, for nomination now would of Josiah 1’. Black, late of Palermo; heirs of Free’ CarpetingS Drythem of G» n. Reno's division. Offer at prices much LOWER than ever regiment, forming part have been the downfall of his Ho man and Phebe C. late of Stockton; heirs party. Kelley, of We ask attention to offered ill this before. We Hi the battle of South Mountain, in September, have advertisement in special Belfast. city refrain from would given the Democrats a walk- Henry Averill, late of Frankfort. quoting the can satis- 1m1». having received a commissioni as lieutcn- column of JACKSON’S CATARRH SNUFF WHO NOW HAS Til!! prices,‘and public over. As to Warrant or on fy themselves by and examin .nt colonel. The was the lirst tliates- the ticket it is a fair one. It Insolvency Returned Es- calling regiment and TROCHE POWDER—:t reliable reme- in/ our well selected stock, that on means but tates of—David late of Saturday ideda i ositioii South Mountain. Lieut. nothing mediocrity, but repre- Durgin, Belfast; George our are than dy. tf goods Cheaper Col. Hum s wa> severely wounded in the arm. sents the average common sense, sober- O. Clement, late of Montville. Xi&rgest Stock thosejwho quote prices in ’mu remained with his regiment throughout the Warrant of Partition Issued on Estate of t heir advertisements. minded classes, and will the JHLT lu the a poll party 1st, 1876. State of Maine which 1 have We mean what we and invite the .i1 ■!ion. He had received brigadier-generalship of lately purchased just say, vote. —Frye Hall, late Belfast. Mr. to hi ii lie was nominated, in 1st)!, to represent Murray takes great pleasure in announcing public give us a call. The Bun Allowance Made on Estate of—Robert C. SPECIAL NOTICES. the head, and of all Bareback > amid Congressional District of Ohio, and sa)s, “Hayes is a candidate front, Champion Riders, late of [email protected], ejected over Joseph C. Lutlcr, the Demo- whose weakness and unimportance are his Gilkey, Searsport. i'ie candidate, by 30!w» majority. principal recommendations to the republi- Will Probated of—Allen Brackett, late of Liu" painting, papering INTew He -< : ved on and in which after the of le- and Graining doin' in the best manner. York, unimportant committees, can llis name colnville, payment sundry House party, in Congress or else- Painting and Papering Front Halls, Parlors and .;!•■ he uniformly voted for the Reconstruo- gacies; he devises the balance of his of where has been identified with no property Sitting Rooms, u specialty. Orders solicited and :i act and other measures of his party, he did policy and We have in every description to his son John A. Brackett. will be attended to. Satisfaction as to Boston. special bargains the or measure or action of kind. He has promptly [>;uticularl\ distinguish himself. In fall any price and work assured by !>«.*, Gen llayrs was renominated and re- no marked powers that have been brought M. A. CULLNAN, films, Parasols So. r.'t 1»\ a ‘•mail majority over Theodore Indisputable Evidence. Corner of Miller and Cross Hosiery, Flowers, into play. He has no strong points ot Sts. Cambrics, 1C had served but one session in the St. Elmo, III., July S, 1874. Belfast, May 10, 1870. 5\v45s Prints, Cretonnes, character, lie has been but a in 1' .iiieth C'li'.rc", when he was pitted against lucky II.V. PIERCE. 31.1>., Buffalo, X. Y.I wish B. F. P E R O A L E S .v -ti G. Thurman lbr the Governorship, and politics. to add my testimony to the wonderful curative WELLS, .-ted by a majority uf*2:»s:3 votes, lie was not Above ail Hayes is no reformer, lie is properties of your Alt, Ext., or Golden 3Iedical 7 Main Street, BELFAST. iuninated the next \ ear; but inlsGl), through not the man to clean out political corrup- Discovery. I have taken great interest in this Jackson’s Catarrh Snuff liiUieiiee of Columbus Delano, then Com- medicine since I first used it. I was af- tion, to destroy the desperate rings which badly AND TROCHE POWDER, i -Her ot Internal lo-venue, who used the flicted with dyspepsia, liver deranged and an have hold of the or to do A DELIGHTFUL AND PLEASANT REMEDY IN I d» 1 al patrouago in hi- favor, lie wa< again got country almost perfect prostration ot the nervous ••pull DOWN sys- A NEW LOT OF minuted for Governor. Gen. Uosccrans re- anything to obliterate the abomination of tem. So rapid and complete did the Discovery Catarrh, Headache, Bad Breath, Hoarseness, Asth- Ik W. ma, Bronchitis, Burkett & v. Bo’s. •! the I >emoeratie nomination.but declined, Giantism. effect a perfect cure that it seemed more like Coughs, Deafness, ()v., ! Mr. Pendleton whose name had been witli- and a wonder to and since And all disorders resulting from COLDS in Mr. Rnimr The Times says the convention has magic perfect myself, Chas. W. Fish, 'STOUR VEST”! prints .iwn in fa\'or of Kosecrans, wa> nominated in that time we have never been without a bottle a Head, Throat and Vocal closed a three in which we are given the Republican party ticket and a of Organs. Having just years’ engagement selling very cheap. 1. I ndcr these cireunistanees Gov. the Discovery and Purgative Pellets in (lie where he 1ms had on it can must run. This Remedy does not “DRY UP” a Catarrh but Europe, the honor of appearing was eiected a of 7ols. platform which and house. are a solid, sound the by majority They family phys- LOOSKNS it; frees the head of all offensive matter, before and nobility of the several < royalty capitals, ’li-'iigh wn. Grant had carried the State The World calls a colorless can- ician in the house and at all times to llv Bad and receiving valuable gifts as Court favors, and endors by Hayes ready quickly removing Breath Headache; allays "TITK are now a r tio.ooo in lsds. to the relief of sickness— without anti ed as the best horseman that ever visited the coun- having supply of VESTS majority didate upon a platform of platitudes. The charge. We soothes the burning heat in Catarrh; is so mild *” Gov. Haves did not come forw ard as a have never had a in the and in its effects that it try. Mr. Fish wears the bright and and can furnish our hands II amt n assortment wii1 in- again is a a doctor house since we agreeable positively distinguished with prices good nomination collapse, not compro- honor of the Bareback Baler of ’lie iiididate until .ast fall, when In was elected first tlie use of Pellets and being Champion work. tiuenee the trade to mise. began your Discovery. Cures Without Sneezing! World. buy readily and r the venerable William Allen on the secta- I have recommended the use of these BROWN AND BLEACHED medi- Parties OWING for MACHINES can now is the time to As a is to the largely, pur- m -ehool and hard money issues. Judge Tuft cines in several severe and complicated cases Trocii© Powder, pleasant fasti, now and never when have work. MONROE hands who chase, for have never brrii a eandidab* for tin- nomination, and arising from, as I an state of nauseates; swallowed, instant 1) goods The Tribune the de- thought, impure to COTTONS ! Chicago publishes gives the Throat and Vocal Organs a are ready to work, will us been offered the lla\e> had declined to allow liis name to the blood, and in no one case have they failed please notify public tail's of an extraordinary suicide which oc- A l REDUCED PRICKS. i- d against him; but upon the refusal ot to more than accomplish all are claimed to Delicious Sensation ot Coolness & Comfort THE FAMOUS CLOWNS: GEO. A. QUIMBY & CO, at as LOW curred in they bargains to the ind., last week. A do. 1 will one as mention nominate Judge. Gov. Lafayette, only mention remarkable, Is the best Voice Tonic in the world ! Belfast. June 10, 1875. tf'50 as at the present il-iM s aeeejitcd. He wa> elected by a majority skilful mechanic and inventor, tired of life, (though I could give you dozens). Ilcnry Kos- TOM time. : V)ll votes alter one of the most bitter cori- his to bear the con- ter, furniture dealer, of who wasone Tr- it! Safe, Reliable, and 35 Cents. brought genius upon lliisplace, only BAEEY, The we make our are —1> cw-r seen in Ohio. A- a Gov. of tlie most ever his Sold or mailed address prices upon goods lawyer. trivance of a of automotic pitiful objects seen, face by Druggists, free; Hibernian Vocalist and Humorist. species guillo- and so in H abilities have never been rated high in swollen oul of shape, scales and eruptions with- COOPER, WILSON & strictly reliable, LOW fact, iye’s tine. the of which were CO., Prop’rs, Philadelpia. workings arranged out end, to his which was com- that we are neither ashamed nor Our .'toek of Black Hoods cannot be extending body, W. W. Whipple Sc Co, Portland, Me.; Geo. C. Wliiiiisioal surpassed. < and secured with deliberation and ini \Ni»n*\t»: fok vk iM’iaAiniA'T. patient pletely covered with blotches "and scales. Noth- Goodwin & Co.; Weeks Sc Rust Bros. & Walker, —OF— afraid to them Potter; The Drollest of the quote publicly absolute so that when the ing that lie took seemed to effect it a particle. I Boston, wholesale Droll. Black Black ongre'-inan William A. Wheeler, who has accuracy, prop- Bird. agls. iy_»G through the press, if the Drap'de'ete. Alpacas for er time had arrived the finally induced him to try a few Dottles of the Black Black Black i« «l tli Republican nomination Viee- horrid machine value of can- Cashmeres, Mohairs, Golden 31edienl with use of •<>: goods Fie-iie-iu. is a native of Malome, i’raiiUIin, did its work with inexorable Discovery, daily -O C- Hernani, Black Grenadine. precision. tlie Pellets, assuring him it would cure BELFAST not stand a pub- 111 N. V. ltd \v:i> bore June lsl!>. \fier The manner in which it was surely PRICE CURRENT. accomplished him. He commenced its use some six weeks lic announ- !'■•!•! ''lirse in il l ni\*• i-itv ot Vermont, Corrected the Journal Mr. Murray’s Brigade oi Ladies’ Weel;ly for Boots. is in horrid since, two Pellets each fora \1 Wle r •ie,:l law and took up practice perhaps unparalleled ingenuity, taking night week, cement lie a room :tl a hotel and said he then one each night, and the as di- By Charles H. Sargent, No. S Main Street. nativi -limn, lb w i> elected District engaged Discovery Vaulters, Tumblers, I would call the attention of rected. The result is, his skin is Flour 10.50 Leapors, they Attorney Democrat, an Assembly-man as was perfecting an invention, and would to-day per- $5.00a Corned Beef lOall anil the Corn ?2a77 Mutton Aerial cannot be cheap. :i >!;,!.■ Si'liulnr :n a >! ieaii, fectly smooth, scaly eruptions are 8 Artists, Acrobats, Will!- -111,! R-pllI a week, and his hill the ladies of Belfast and vicin- In Dress Goods wo have a line all wool piobably stay prepaid gone, lie lias taken some seven or bot- Corn Meal 75 Lamb ?uO good i-aiding ,.\er tlie Senatr m KjS and In eight till that time, lie called tit a machine tles in ail and considers himself Rye Meal 1.50 Turkey 18a20 Gymnasts and ,.i le took a scat in * the shop cured. This Jugglers ongress. During Rye OOaOO Chicken OOaOO to stock of Knickerbockers, De Plaid and a new broad axe ami case had baffled Ihe skill of our Dost Will surpass even his former ity my large BOOTS, Beiges. .inn li-- voted for the Pacitie Railroad land procured large physicians. Barley 00 Fowl 18a20 endeavors—thereby Messrs. Dunsiore A of this retaining the enviable his exhibition’s ! a In Jm;T Mr. Wheeler served a> Chair- two bars of t hick iron, sixteen incites long, Co., druggists, place, Oats 50 Geese loan.' irputation anti Plain. arc of everywhere sustain. SLIPPERS, TIES, &c., which ■ New York Constitutional selling largely your medicines and tlie Beans Sl.50al.75 Hie Conven- which lie had riveted to the head of the Duck L'al4 COTTON AND WOOL was to demand steadily increases, and thev Potatoes 30a55 ! 1 re-elected Congress in jsjts, axe tin either fastened to these liars give per- Hay $10.00al5.00 I now offer side, fect satisfaction in ease. at the hi- -eat in Mr. Plaine*.- iirst session a- every Apples 0.00a?0.00 Straw $(>.OOaS.OO -C ;o: O- very cheap- SPLENDID QUALITY OF in the shape of a handle to an axe lie had \V. II. Dried Apples fall Washed Wool 50 KNICKERBOCKERS -t. Mr. P.iaine made him Chairman of Respectfully, CIIA3IPLIN, est am a Butter 16020 Unwashed 27 prices. I iu Plain -mmitteeon tin Pacific in which -ystom of wooden bars led Ag’t. Am. Exp. Co. The Grand Arenic of the receiving daily and Stripe which are remarkably low. Railroad, eight long, Cheese 15 Hides 5 Display Afternoon Festivi- n he serve*! the < the extreme ot was to ties will conclude with a Ballet Ban- during ensuing ’ongre-- end which fastened Eggs 15 Calf Skins 12 Laughable I in BLACK SILKS ! A correspondent says: “For real excellence wherein the Clowns and a splendid bargains Kid, rrom tin* time ot his lirst election until a secured to the lloor two Round Hog OOaOO Lamb 1.25a 1.75 tomime, Serge, cross-piece, by of convenience to SI. 25 -iiit. Mr. W heeler has voo-d for accommodations, places of in- Pork Backs 15 Hard Only per yd., valued at $1.75. c\ery axe was Wood $5.00a5.59 hinges. The raised and held and in fact to nil of the 1 com- and Foxed Button Boots.which ! -ul-sidy, whether of money or lands. terest, parts city, Lard 15al7 Soft $5.00a5.50 to its a mend tlie old and well known American House Beef balO Shorts ct. the ijuestion of protection, as w ell as other nearly perpendicular position by per $140 Engaged for this production only,) will appear. of Boston. This Hotel is one of the and Veal 7 Lime I am selling low. Call and a. it; ■!-, hi* lias been a strict party man. double cord fastened to the wall. Bet ween largest $1.20 very We also have a full assortment of new style perhaps Dost known of New Dry Cod 5a0 Butter Salt ”5 the cords stood a candle, so that England hotels, -O :0 O- arranged and ils extensive patronage from businessmen, Pollock 4 l-2a5 Plaster $1.40al.40 examine The Feeling iu Washington when the candle burned down to the cords H. G. Seed Clover I7a24 prices. Worsted Malta tourists, families, and parties making excursions $3.25a3.50 Fringes, Laces, Gimps. The Evening’s Performance will terminate with the and to the line. it would burn them oil' and the axe fall. Boston, shows that others besides ENGLISH everything pertaining trimming \\ xsiiixiltox, June IS. through my- Grand Slmksperean and Equestrian Tragedy of Where the ixe would strike he a self appreciate ils advantages.” \ more tired and disgusted set ol peo- placed J. W. small box, open on one side, in which, MARRIED. CLARK, e the relumed Iilaine it than delegates Tlic and iniliience RICHARD the THIRD! Dalerna Dress Goods! wneu louiiu, wits ins neau wun stunt' cot- strengthening supporting 13 Phenix Belfast. wmiltl be hard to tind. are lull of In this With all its sublime situations, Terrific Battle Row, They of Hi;XT’s Rum i liv acts on the Kid- city, .him* 18th, bv Bov. .1. A. Boss, Mr. 20 cts. ton whit'll hail been chloroformed. 11 is promptly .Sword and u Only per yd. explanations, full of excuses, lull ol' lig- A. Iv. Pierce and Miss Mary A. Brown. I.oth of Bel- Scenes, Combats, reproduction chin Wits held from his neck a stick neys, llhulder, and Prostrate Gland, and ban- fast. of the immortal THE DOUBLE BUSK u:i Maine had a tip by showing that majority In .June nut across the box, holes on either ishes disease from them. Hunt’s Remedy al- Bangor, ldth, by Bev. Geo. W. Field, M. BATTLE OF BOSWORTH FIELD. P.-iOBATE NOTICES. I the that election was through E. \\ ording of Belfast, and Mi>s Hattie .Slade, eldest delegates; Hayes’s so cures DEATH OE and the CORSET side, holding his head tirmly in position, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Complaints daughter ol Henry Haney, Esq., of WHITE SURREY .. accident; that it could not possibly Bangor. so much called for we are the sole Agents. lie was to the lloor with of the I rino Genital in Ellsworth, .June 12th, Mr. William T. KILLING OE KING RICHARD. To the Honorable Judge of Probate for the County e strapped tightly Organs, and fortities the Treworgy J happened on any other ballot, and and Miss Naomi M. both of Ellsworth. of Waldo: two one around his another Joyce, “mi if it had not happened on the seventh straps, legs, whole system, lit XT’s Remedy lias the sanc- in Surry, June 12th, .Mr. Hemail A. Trewonry and OX A NX A FITZGERALD, of Scarsmonf, in about his arms anti breast. The Miss Addie L, Smith, both of Surry. t>4; said County, Administratrix of the estate of ■allot Maine would have, been nominated j straps tion of the medical faculty. Knickerbocker Dress (iooiis! Wt* In Harboi, June loth, E. \\ illiam Keating1, l:it«* of Searsmont, in said have a full lint* of were both screwed to the lloor, Prospect Cupt. Irving Mr. entire .“stud ot Trained Horses, includ- County, the The blame for his defeat rendering of Mi Ida E. Goulds- Murray1' deceased, that the eighth. it Sawyer Millbridge,and Allen,of Ids famous respectfully represents goods, At 20 Cents per yard. impossible to move. It is that ing chatties and credits of said are irgelv laid to the door of McPherson supposed Pills, Potions and Pungencies, deceased not sullici- WHITE GOODS! he set his axe, the anil to answer his just debts and of Admin- r ilcle- lighted candle, flit charges ALSO A FINE LINE OF antagonizing the Pennsylvania istration, by the sum of t hundred dollars. himself to the his head Hutton parties are popular in the West. We “BLACK EAGLE,” wenty-eight ;ati"ii and Dun Cameron to hold strapped lloor, put Whekkeoue your petitioner prays your honor to enabling don’t Know whence derive their name un- will participate in this thrilling .spectacle, with in the box with the chloroformed cotton, they 1 >1 KIK grant her a license to sell at public or private sale, U.mi for the combi- less it is because sure to the two armies of soldiers and a HOLLA SIS A HUFFS! together long enough they’re always come complete and convey so much of the real estate of said decen- anil was insensible when the axe east of characters, the same as i< n Maine to and se- probably off. presented ed, (including the reversion of the Widow’s dower against organize Obituary notices, the Xante and at unv lirst-class theatre. fell. The axe and would beyond Date, Aye as will his debts and incidental Neckties, & me the benefit id the which fixings weigh with Glenn’s Sueitiuk Soap must be paid for. J thereon,) satisfy Hamburgs Hosery stampede Washing freely and of'Administration. about lilty pounds, and would affected with the THE STREET PARADE charges, charges which wt* art* to sell at low on the seventh ballot. Coneern- probably parts obnoxious skin diseases, In Searsmont, 5th, Mrs. Dexter ROX AN N A I- I Bi?ess prepared prices. happened a May Heal, aged T/AiKll A LI). Goods! fall distance of from ten to fifteen feet. which have been dressed with offensive 51 ‘J months and 5 Will occur where- .ug the ticket there is not the slightest cn- usually years, days. Every Morning, at about 10o’clock, 1.1is was will a cure In June Erastu- in will he seen the (.olden Car of TRIUMPH! a A in the returned head completely severed from sulphur ointments, effect certain Ellsworth, lgth, Hartshorn, Esq., great At Court of Probate, hold at Belfast, within aud great variety Spring Shades, iuusiasm. Indeed, delegates without 00 years. The sixteen IJeautilul Thoro’- tor the the and axe in leaving behind any disgusting odor. aged Liliputian IMuetons; County of Waldo, on the second Tuesdav less than hotly, the buried the boards in bred W. 25 Cents per yd. are enthusiastic those who re- •Sold everywhere. Sedgwick, .May .'loth, Jonathan Bridges, aged Arabian Steeds, under the guidance of J. of June, A. D. 1870. I Wo BUTTON KID beneath. 74 2 months mained here, but members of all the Re- years, und 14 days. Paul, the master whip of the age; 14 imported Shet- Upon the foregoing Petition, Ordered, That the In Feb. land driven bv E. ami the The Peruvian Syrup is an Iron Tonic Portland, Oregon, 25th, William Henry Ponies, Carps!ine; general petitioner give notice to till per-ons interested by | factions “Oh, I oi this 45 Street identilhd with this Circus. publican say, dejectedly: prepared expressly to supply the lilood with Colburn, formerly city, aged years. Display causing a copy of said petition,with this order there- j don't object to it.1' That is the only strong Particulars of the Death of Josiah R. its Iron element. Being free from alcliohol in on, to be published three weeks successively in the j Cheaper than ever before uttered In this city. Republican Journal, a at that liaraetcristic of the ticket. It is a ticket, Simpson. any form, its energising effects are not follow- paper printed Belfast, ed they may appear at a Probate Court, to be held ut j the which the Grant by corresponding reaction, but are perma- SHIP NKWS. the Probate Office in perhaps only onoupon We lilt■ litioiiftI. a few weeks the death Belfast aforesaid, on the sec- j ago, nent, infusing strength, vigor and new life Into oud of party could have united and to which none Tuesday July next, at ten o’clock in the ! Black Cashmeres! by in ot .Mr. all parts of the system, and building up an Iron TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. forenoon, and shew if whv the i the of drowning .Nicaragua, .Simpson, cause, any they have, great family ollico-holders have Constitution. It is an excellent substitute for PORT OF BELFAST. same should not be since then the papers of that region have come Doors Open, Afternoon at 1; Evening at 7. Per- granted. CHEAPER THAN EVER, Buttrick’s Patterns is or WM. M. any particular objection. Kvcrybody wine brandy where a stimulant is needed. formances commence at‘J and b o’clock. BUST, Judge. to hand, with accounts of the accident A true from 75 cts. to Full line for Spring and Summer. Catalogue free. uislied that it liaycs and Wheeler can he by Sold by all druggists. AU1UVKD. copy. Attest—B. 1*. Field, Register. Selling $1.25 per yd. which June ADMISSION 50 Cents teil there will be but little Mr. S. lost his life. The following is a 14th, sells. A.W. Ellis, Ferguson, Ellsworth, change in A use of Talbot’s Iron Tonic, in for ten 25 goodly Bondout; Forest Queen, Bobbins, Bangor; Children, under years, Cents To the Honorable of Probate for the : ol affairs here. 1 translations from Ml Porvenir de Nicaragua, of warm .Judge County H. H & O management luis, weather, when so weak and languid, North, Mathews, Bangor, lor Salem. Wiil Exhibit at of Waldo. JOHNSON! C while the ticket is to the April full- will often prevent many serious sicknesses. .June 15th, sells. Sea Flower, Bates, Bangor; Lil- unsatisfactory lian, Boston; Boston. DURGIX, nf Belfast, in said County, fast we Rear it in mind, hard-working mail and woman Byan, Earl, Cunningham, Camden, June 30th. of the voters, it is so Tuesday recoiled the satl intelligence June Executrix of the last will and testament "1 majority negative and it a 10th, sloop Thomas, Harvey, schr. SARAH of the death of r. give trial. Mothers, that great over- Bangor; David it it no at d the by drowning M I. It. Simpson, Geo. B. Salem. & Durgin, lute of Belfast, in said County, de antagonizes one, party and so to Ferguson, Ferguson, BANGOR. JULY 3d 4th. who, as most of our readers was the grown pale boy, indisposed move, is June reused, respectfully represents that the chat- unite : or know, 17th. str. Lewiston, Deeiing, Bocklaud, with goods, in its support. that the Re- not so lazy as you think. He needs Iron. Give ties and credits of said deceased are not -utlieient to P manager ot the line of steamers plying between passengers steamer Cambridge; schs. Mary, Mac.ee. | HINTS ! dmans have to thank the Democratic him Talbot’s Iron Tonic. answer his just debts and charges of Administra notice (iranada and Crcytown. On the of I Ellsworth, for New York; E. s. Wilson, Patterson, i Rest made evening 1ST otioe. tion, by the Mini of three hundred dollar*. That the iptality (all perfect) which killed off all their the Kith, iMr. Simpson left Castilho for Bangor; Amazon, Warren, Bockport; Idnpire, '.e-tigations, tirey- to Persons Visiting New real estate of said deceased consists <>t a lot of laud, town in a small steam launch. before Important Byan, Boston; Volant, Smith, Yinuliiaven. is given that I have this 6 Cents lers who the Shortly June schr. hereby day situate at the corner of Pearl aud Cross streets in per yard. really represented party, York or the Contennial. isth, Senator. Condon, Bangor. son Prince It. Nelson his he daylight on the following morning, while near- N’OTICEgiven my time, said Be,fast.: that the residue thereof would be it is confes-ed here Democrats June I'.'th, sclis. Fannie & Edith, Plv- and shall claim none of Lis great- CHOI C K P A T T E 11 N S by the Colorado Bartlett, being a minor, wages or a ing river, the launch ran ashore The Grand Union Hotel, New mouth, Mass. ly depreciated by partial sale of anv entire portion To the Ladies! ml alike. A rain York, opposite pav iinv bills of his contracting after this date. of the same. Republicans diizzling . Fullerton, Br.) Crane, cribed real estate situated in said to I'augue and a discourse oil the Lincolnville, Upon the foregoing Petition, Ordered, That the proposi- soon -auk together. Mr. Chamoro reappeared Parrsboro’, X. S. wit: It being the same conveyed to said Wyman by petitioner give notice to all per.*ons interested n that libs Government is a nation and at the surface, and was rescued some Alice I. her deed dated to by Lowest Prices! T. PITCHER ft Sensible W. Advice. Perry August ~4, 1877>, by par- by causing a copy of said petition, with this order theiv- Co.p a To further harmo- ties in a canoe who to he domestic coins. which records reference is had for full league. promote happened near, hut You are asked every day through the columns description; on, to be published three weeks suecesMvely in the whose was unknown to now, therefore, tlm conditions of said mortgage hav- in the household most of all the factions presence previous the of and to use Ar. at Bath, June 15th, s.chr. Charlie Bucki, Foss, Republican .Journal, a paper printed at Belfast, that Take newspapers by your Druggist ing been broken, reason thereof I claim a fore- pleasure in announcin'; to Ladies accident. Mr. Simpson never reappeared. The N. <'. by they may appear at a Probate Court to be held at the : n e been invited to in the talk. The something for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Wilmington, closure of the same to the statute in such and Misses of lit'Hast and join river was for several hut all ef- Ar. at .June 4th, schr. Fred A. agreeable Probate < Mlice in Belfast, afore.-aid, on tin* second vicinity, dragged days, that know about, discour- Gloucester, Carle, cases made and d. ALICE I I'HOMRS. Gominittce have a you nothing you get 12th ult. providi of next., at teu o’clock in the fore- a mgrem-ional swung forts to recover his body were unsuccessful. Condon, Cadiz, June 1870. 3wf>l Tuesday July that they have engaged first-class aged spending money with hut little success. Lincolnville, 10, and shew if and Wheeler front its office S. came Ar. at New York, June Mb, schr. Jos. noon, cause, any they have, the liaycs Hag Mr. to this country in lstiil. He was to Farwell, why Now give you satisfactory proof that Green’s Baracoa. same should not be granted. but for the time the here employed some lour years in the Chontaics Gregory, Iminw, party gold August Flower will cure you of Dyspepsia Sid. from Georgetown, D. C., June 101 h, schr. Geo. WM. M. BUST, Judge. mines, erecting quartz and ill 1S70 ms In be in a comatose condition. machinery; and Liver Complaint with all its effects, such E. Fessenden, Bebee, Providence. A true copy, Attest —B. P. Field, Register. Spring SacquesI came to Managua ai d in the cultivation Watches, Jewelry engaged as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos- Sid. from Bucksville, S. June 10th, schr. Lizzie C L O A K of eollce. In IsTI he conceit cd the idea of —a n Ready made at LOWER PRICES than sup- tiveiiess, palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Lane, West, Searsport. n— At :i Probate Court held at Bedfast, within and for t ire plying the of Masava with their -AND- at St. John. Province of Quebec. city water, only Water brash, coining up of food after eating, oi:i:k;n the County of Waldo, on the second Tuesday ol customers can make them. previous having been the limited A. 1)., 187(5. supply quan- low spirits, Ac., we ask you to go to your Drug- Ar. :it Cardenas, June James dune, S,. June is. St. 1\ Indians the toilsome l.Jth, brig Miller, Albans, Vt., .John, tity brought by up path- gist, R. II. and a Bottle of i'arker, St. Thomas. SILVER SALMON!) having presented an in from fake Moody, get Sample WARE! I,as to-day been visited with the great- way Masava. Notwithstanding the Green’s August Flower for 10 cents and try sld. from Cadiz, June 2d, schrs. Wolaka, Perkins, ITU)WARD'J strument purporting t<> be the last will and tes- •uiueuities no met with in tlio tament of ,1. Salmon.!, late of in sui.l •: lire it has ever as iii:my prosecution it, or a Size for To two doses Limerick; Hth, J.G. Drew, Wadlin, Gloucester. Mary Belfast, e\p< rieneed, great Regular cents, for of this project, :i few months from its first con- Ar. at Marysj ort, June 17th, O’Brien, miii constantly NEW and I>ES1KAI»GH County of Waldo, deceased, Probate. DRESSMAKER fi barkMaggie adding ; to its and wealtii will relieve you. mos. 112 cow. That the said Edward portion population ception >:i\v tin* inhabitants of Masaya rejoicing Flynn, Boston. I Patterns to all departments of my stock, making Ordered, give notice to all ■rere Ar. at 1st, Harriet JI. Me it one of the LARGEST and REST ASSORTED in persons interested by causing a copy of this order to the Chicago and Boston tires. A in a bountiful supply of water, pumped into a Think for Yourself. Kangoon, May ship —FROM— liilvery, Iilake, Liverpool. I his section of the State, l'rices reduced. All goods be published three weeks successively in the Repub- COO feet in width and one mile large tank in the chief square of the city. The Thousands lead miserable \oH in “Irani JLaces ? itory lives, suffering At Dunedin, X. .May 1th, bark Stillman It. AI rolling VERY LOW at lican Journal, printed at Belfast, that they may ap- enterprise and cneig\ of Mr. Simplon has add- from a discorded stomach and at a Probate to noth, embracing the entire business dyspcisia, liver, en, Taylor, from New York, disch’g. pear Court, be held at Belfast, w ithin A new Assortment arrived. ed greatly to the of the the from IIERVEY’S and for said on the second just t ion uf Hie town, is burned over. Sev- prosperity city, producing biliousness, heartburn, costivencss, Sld. Seville, previous to June 17th, sHir. T. Jewelry Story, County, Tuesday of ubundaiiee and cheapness <»f water facilitating weakness, appetite, low spirits, rais- [|. Livingston, McDonald, New York. Phenix Row. July next, at ten of the clock before noon, ami hotels, .'tore two or three irregular BOSTON, every except, the erection of buildings, and bringing many ing food after eating and often ending in fatal Sld. from Antwerp, .June lftli, ship It. B. Fuller, show cause, if any they have, why the same should nine to reside in the town Jilmore, Cardiif, to load for Bombay. not be proved, approved ami allowed. ignilieaiit gn eeries, eluirches, the who found it mi- attacks of fever. They know they are sick, Ami under the of peoplebearable W 31. 31. RUST, Judge. charge i-t in house, court house and before, notwithstanding its elevated little The SPOK I N. postolliee, yet get sympathy. unfailing remedy, Piano-Forte A true copy. Attest— B. P. Fikui, Register. position and climate. This mani- is Tuning, >. consulate. the two banks, docks, healthy city which is yearly restoring thousands, DaCos- June Mil, lat. -held N., Ion. 6:25 \V., bark Edwin fested its sorrow for tin; loss it had sustained ta's Radical Cure sold W. O. Poor & --••Is in the a ol the by Son, Iteed, Higgins, from Shields for San Francisco. At a Probate Court hold at within and for Miss E. A. Pitcher. river, portion ltigh- the in Belfast, by draping public buildings mourning sole agents for Belfast. A. J. Jordan, agent & the of on the second ol' w- across the Kielitlieu the C1IAKTKKS. Polishing County Waldo, Tuesday bridge river, for several days. for Orland. It. B. for Bucks- Repairing A. 1). 187(5. Stover, agent Schr. Geo. —11Y A- June, •loiin's woolen mills, about Several years ago Mr. erected in this B. Fessenden, coal, Georgetown, 1). C., employing Simpson port. to ton. Bark Thomas Fletch CARVER, widow of Rodney R Carver, Bate eity an establishment for Providence, $1.50 per CARPETINGS hands, stone china rooms, and about hulling coffee, sawing A iloe. bottle will convince you of its merits. cases relined New York to JO Piano-Forte Maker. of Searsport, iu said County of Waldo, deceased, lumber. L*r, 21,000 oil, Java, Practical JANE our at " bells. out a a Look at stores and houses are reduced to ash- raMing Ax., turning class Don't delay another hour after reading Ibis, cents. Bark F.mma F. Herriman, New York to Ca- having presented petition for an allowance from Ingrains and variety <»t work never seen in Ibis the estate of said deceased. Tin- lire broke out at the country but go ami get a botde, and your relief is as diz or Seville, and back to a port north of Cape Jlat- personal head ofKieli- before, and from will be in Belfast n Ordered, That the said Jane notice to all 50 Cents per lnauufaeturing many articles that certain as you live. Will you do it, or will you teras, private terms ; tobacco out. Schr. Flora Con- f|3HE subscriber, Boston, give yard- ii ii str< et on the cast si11. in bad been to few to oiler his services to former persons interested a of this order to Bosquet's previously imported.’ To-day the continue to suffer!' Think for yourself. don, New \ ork Para and return; private terms. A days patrons by causing copy They [impose to cut unit manufacture '■ in his line of business, and till orders left with JOHN be three weeks in the am mill. There was a southwest commodious and elegant buildings of this es- l’rolesser Barker’s Pleasant Worm is published successively Republi- strong Syrup Ship Sold. Among a number of ships recently l’EIRCE will he attended to. can Journal, printed at Belfast, that they may ap- tablishment adorn our eity and form the ehief safe and No d blowing and the lire spread rapidly. perfectly extremely palatable. sold in England was the Sclmldis, 25M1 tons register, STEPHEN' GROVER, pear at a Probate Court, to be held at Belfast, within attraction to visitors. Oft shall the shrill note GARMENTS & DRESSES, I In L S. Consul’s the S. Hotel physic required. Costs 25 cents. Try it. lift) built at Bath in 1840, for £0100. 3w50 l'iano-forte Maker. and for said County, on the second Tuesday ot office, of the steam whistle recall to mind the gener- DISASTKHS. July next, at ten of the (dock before noon, and uni some ski tons of coal on the wharf ous Is lost to us To Consumptives. The advertiser, a retired anil to all those their work friend who forever. show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said entrusting physician, discovered, while a Brig Annie M. (of Yarmouth, Me.), Drink- Mr. Mojlieur. the About a year ago Mr. Simpson purchased the having providentally Knight petition should not be granted. with us a lit will he iiiim-diately ignited. Medical Missionary in Southern Asia, a very water, from St. John, N. B. for Havana, was wreck- perfect line of steamers between Granada and simple Shoes WM. M. RUST, Judge. Kxtra of the water had shut running \ tor the cure ed at Cherokee A & Rubbers vopiielor works, cgetable remedy and permanent May 28th, Sound, Abacoa. portion Boots, ■— guaranteed. All who have had with speedy A true copy, Attest B. P. Fii:li>, Register. Weight Carpetings! 1 If tiie water that in (Ireytown. dealings of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and of the cargo was saved. We would also notify that wo keep eon aquuducL morning him in connection with this last can G7 the promptness with which the trans- radical specific for Nervous Debility, Premature Liverpool, before reported as having put into Vnlpa At Court Belfast, stoutly every the County of Waldo, on the .-ecoml oi of oinpany was obliged to draw water from portation of passengers and freight lias been Decay, and all Nervous Complaints, feels it his duty raiso leaky, had discharged about 1200 tons of cargo Tuesday for the manufacture m make it known to his fellows. Actuated 17. June, A. D. 1*70. t lie river in eonsequenee. Word was sent carried on. I IN failing health compelled him suffering May to abandon the business by this motive, he will cheerfully send (free ol' Bom it ay, May 15. The John Clark, American RUNNELS, Administratrix of the estatt 1 and to and lie sold the steam- Montreal lordly ibis place, ask- charge) to nil who desire it, the rfeipe for preparing, ship, from Liverpool (coal), which arrived here May _J of Samuel Y. Runnels late of Stockton, in said & er', intending to take an extended tour in Eu- IY’DIA GARMENTS SUITS. ing for The Bertrand steamer from and lull directions for successfully using, this prov- 0» " as found to have a large quantity of smoke aris- Boots & Shoes County of Waldo, deceased, having presented her help. to bis and was rope regain health, making his ideutuliy discovered remedy. Those who wish to ing from her cargo; about live teet of water was lirst account oi administration for allowance. Montreal arrived about 11 IIU o’clock, and last in trip connection with this line, when lie avail themselves of tin* benefits of tills discovery thrown into tin* hold and the discharge promptly The place to Buy is at Ordered, That the said Administratrix give notice two a hook and met with the sa. 187(5. TAPESTRIES! 1STew Tiling'! bedding, pitch- like a tish when he linds that lie has taken pounded of vegetable ingredients, and contain mid FO A EI) IIO 01 % also SL ITT S, June, 'd from buildings on the east side of Rieii- enough to make his head swim. TOX SHOES, also MEN’S and ROY’S CALF LAMSOX, Administrator of tin* Estate of Patterns of nothing which can lie injurious to the human LOST. LOOTS, ALEXAS LOOT, also CALF STRAT 2.r> Different 1ST icicle Flatted.! leu street into the river and floated down JD.• Susan Clement, late of Montville, in said constitution. Other remedies advertised as RUCKLE SHOES, also Common KIT, THICK, of Waldo, deceased, having presented his ■ me of to On afternoon,'between this city and Mon- County it still burning, the locks. The Monday and ST LIT SHOES, for common wear. In fact lirst and filial account of Administration for allow- for contain roe, a pocket book, containing a sum of money. The stock is mention in and DURABLE! John Bank carried oil their and cures Consumption, probably opi- the too numerous to detail, ance. Carpetings CLEAn,LIGHT, money Probate Court. finder will be rewarded the same to the and TRI- Tapestry a in all by returning linally, call and examine the QUALITY That the said Administrator no PAD! else in their um, which is somewhat dangerous drug subscriber. WILL Ordered, give for customers to ENAMELLED WOOD posited everything vaults. CURTIS. CES, and will be sure to As I propose to a rare opportunity \vm. m. hi st, jrnoK. «. i*. Fii.i.n, register. you buy. ticeto all persons interested by causing a ol A cases, and if taken Monroe, June 21st, 187b. 3\v51 as copy RECEIVED AT Miss Lay was burned to death. The freely by consumptive pa- give all COOT LARGAIXS as long they LAST, this order to be published three weeks successively make selections at JUST if 1 am able to attend to business. Don’t the good woolen had about worth The business was transacted at the June it must do for its forget in the .Journal at Belfast, that company $80,000 following tients, great injury ; tendency at Republican printed WM. O POOR & place, at a Probate Court, to be held at SON’S, I flannels burned. The houses were Term of said Court— is to confine the morbid matter in the they may appear system, Belfast, within and for said Comity, oil the second Johnson’s Block. Belfast. loss on Estates nr- Piano H.. H. Boston Prices! aostly brick and stone. The is vari- Administration Ukaxtkd which, of course, must make a cure impossible. Tuning. FORBES, Tuesday of July next, at ten of the clock before late of Isaac M. Knowles -0- noon, and show cause, if they have, the estimated from $500,000 to $1,500,- Benjamin Sidelingcr, Troy, \ Schenek’s not to any wily usly 1 Pulmonic Syrup is warranted No. 13 Main Street. same should not be allowed. oo are Administrator; l'liineas A. Grillin, late ol Searsport* of Boston About 200 families homeless, contain a of It is nnnDr'D Belfast, June 5, 1876. WM. M. RUST, Judge. June 8tli. particle opium; composed • XX* XX XT JCjXv respectfully west of them their all. Benjamin F. Pendleton Administrator; John Wad Rtr A truecopy, Attest:—B. P. Fh:li>. Register. losing of but harmless which act on gives notice to his patrons that he will visit Belfast Bn, late of powerful herbs, Xortliport, Nancy O. Wadlin Administra. every three or four months, and would be glad to Oil Olot-lis, Sarah P. on the lungs, liver, stomach, and blood, and contract for hv the At a Probate Court held at within and for Maino Delegates to St' Louis. trix; Linscott, late of Belmont, George tuning y, year, say, Special Notice. Belfast, thus correct all once a year $2.00. twice a the County of Waldo, on the second Tuesday ol Linscott Administrator; George L. French, late of morbid secretions, and expel all year As I am out Stock on account of poor $4,00, three times year $5.00. Some closing my June, A. D. 187(5. Hemp Oarpetings. Grand are gw * me note or ac- llie following the elected Everett II. French lie the diseased matter from the These are 0 §fUJHfla* * health, all persons indebted to by Opening delegates Searsport, Administrator; body. Pianos in his circu® it stand well by one Administrator of the of Kt count, are hereby notified that their accounts must LAMSOX, Estate the recent State and District Conven- becca late ot means per year. Fisk, Belfast, Silas 1). Brown Adminis- the only by which can he tuning settled or will be in the • George O. Clement, late of Montville, in said Straw 3vl settings, 'i"iis Consumption Mr. is well and known in be immediately, they placed JD. to attend the Democratic National B. Hooper favorably Belfast, of other for County of Waldo, deceased, having presented Ids trator; Sarah Mathews, late of Lincolnville, Celia cured, and us Sclienck’s Pulmonic Sea and trusts he will have a liberal hands parties collection. Syrup, patronage, having 11. 1L FORBES. lirst and limil account of Administration for allow- Convention to be held in St. Louis on the A, Kells Administratrix. had an experience for over twenty-five F’estth.ers, Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are the years. June 1876. 49tf ance. FLugs, -' lh only He will be in Belfast in about a week. Belfast, 5, instant: Guardians F. Ordered, That the said Administrator give notice Appointed—Joseph Longfellow medicines which operate in this way, it is ob- At J. and to all persons interested by causing a copy of this &ZG. large—Samuel Anderson,Portland ; over minor heir of Josiuh P. Black, late of Pipe Organs Tuned Regulated.