By Alaina and Alanna grade 3

Happy Birthday Erickson! By: Ashley grade 4

Welcome it’s Erickson’s 15th Birthday! I’ve been at Erickson for five years. Erickson is a fun place to learn. I like Erickson’s special events, people and crafts. Erickson is a great school for kids. Get your passport out and learn about some other countries during Interna- tional Month, one special event we have here at Erickson. We do other events as well, like the Feast and Field Day. On Field Day, we do tug-a-war with our class. Also at the Feast we celebrate Thanksgiv- ing with good food. Special events are the best times or days of Erickson School. Every year I have different kinds of cool teachers and friends! The teachers I have are all cool, awesome and also nice. The friends always play with me and are nice. The aids help me like my teacher and my friends. There are a lot of nice people in the Erickson building. Cutting, writing and pasting is what we do for crafts. We did the butter- fly, Haiku poem and the flower. For the butterfly, I used tissue paper for the holes. For the Haiku poem, I had to do the sylla- bles 5, 7, 5. Also I got to teach origami because a Haiku poem is a Japanese poem. The flower was the thing I liked in school. Doing crafts helps me learn. Things I Like About Erickson I’ll miss learning at Erickson when I am in th By: Alicia grade 4 6 grade. I’ll miss the special events, the people I know and the crafts. I can’t be- Hey! Do you want to know what my favorite days of lieve next year will be my last year at school are? They are Wacky Wednesday, Field Day and field Erickson. trips. These are very special events to me. Grab your water and start pulling for tug-a-war! It’s so cool on wacky days because you get to wear crazy stuff! You have so much fun on Field Day and I love playing the games. Yum! Yum! Thanksgiving is on its way. I think the Teachers are funny food is great at the Feast. Oh it’s so exciting! We have a ton One can be knowledgeable of fun! It’s so happy because you get a lot of exercise. Lovely performance Field trips are fun. The animals are so fun at the zoo. The zoo is so fun. You get to see a lot of animals and feel the animals. Going to Robert Crown was great. We learned the rights! When we go to band concerts they are awesome. They must practice hard and try hard! It’s so hot and warm outside. Drink a cold bottle of water. Go Erickson Go! Come here there are a lot of events. By Jasper and Austin Grade 3

My favorite memory of Erickson is Field Day of 2007 because I liked the tug-of-war. We almost won, but we did a good job. Field Day was fun because I got to exercise outside and spend time with my friends. I hope we win this year. By Joaquin grade 2

My favorite memory of Erickson was the 2007 Field Day. I liked the tug-of-war because you can see who is the strongest class. I also liked that we got to play cool games and hang out with my friends. Field Day is the great- est event of the year. By Trace grade 2

My favorite memory of Erickson was the band playing from Westfield Middle School. They played many differ- ent instruments. They even told us what they were called and how they sounded. They did a great job coming to Erickson Elementary School for a very great performance. By Hannah grade 2 By Mateusz, Ethan, Diana, Curtis Grade 3

My favorite memory was of Erickson’s Feast in second grade because I ate a lot of food and had fun. I sat by my friends. My favorite food was corn, ham, and potatoes. I also saw some parents that I knew too. The Thanksgiving Feast was a lot of fun. By Alec grade 2

My favorite memory of Erickson was when we won Field Day in first grade because my mom and my grandma were there to watch me. Another great memory was the tug-of-war. My favorite event was the tug-of-war because I’m very strong. If you win you can keep playing and win again. I can’t wait for Field Day in second grade! By Dominic grade 2

My favorite memory of Erickson was Field Day in first grade. There were a lot of games and it was fun. My favor- ite game was fun. My favorite game was the River. It is very fun. Also, we get to pick our class name. Our class name for second grade Field Day is Mitchell’s Panthers. I can’t wait until Field Day in second grade. By Anthony grade 2

My favorite memory pf Erickson was the 100th day of school. We got to make hats. It was Rebecca’s birthday so we got cookies. We had a parade around the school. We went from room to room. It was so much fun. By Sophia grade 2

My favorite memory of Erickson was when we last had field day in first grade. We played many different games. The last game we played was tug-of-war and we won, but then Mrs. Volkman beat us. We had a fun time last field day! By Malik grade 2

My favorite memory of Erickson was when I got to sing to classes at the Thanksgiving Feast. We sang, “Albuquerque Turkey,” “Everybody’s Welcome,” and “Over the River.” It was fun. The food was great. That is one of my best memories at Erickson! By Chloe grade 2 By Michael , Antoinette, Jason, & Nicky Grade 3

Well this school has a lot in its history. This is Erickson’s mascot, Eric Eagle, speaking. I have been here since this place was built. I have seen students come and go to middle school. Principals have been replaced too. Through the good times and bad, the school went through it all. After fifteen years this school is still standing strong. Happy 15th birthday Erickson! Your truly are, learning at its finest! By Chris grade 5

Yay! I am making a cake for the Erickson Eagle. It is fun. The cake is for Erickson’s 15th birthday party. Erickson has been here for 15 years. It is another year older. The cake is big and it says Happy 15th Birthday Erickson. The letters are in red and yellow and taste like vanilla. It is good. The cake is as big as a whale. The teachers and the students are going to eat the awe- some chocolate cake. Yum! It has blue icing because blue is one of the school colors. Erickson has been through fifteen years of teaching children. This cake is special because of that. This has been the best birthday ever. By DaQuan grade 5 Erickson Elementary Different teachers 6 grades Educational assemblies Many changes Assistant Principal Gym Teacher Fun Parties Many Activities International Month Writers’ Fair DARE lessons New Knowledge Many accomplishments Let’s Celebrate 15 Years

By Vivian grade 5 By Farah, Athena, & Shivani Grade 3 My favorite memory of Erickson is Field Day in first grade. My favorite part was when we won the tug-of-war. Our class won all of our games. I came in second in Jump the River. I came in first on Jump Rope. Field Day was fun.

By Jack grade 2

My favorite memory is when I went to AR Night Out. I liked when we got to go around the school and find out the answers to the questions we got about books. There were teachers in the hall. If we weren’t doing the rules then we had to sing a song or something else! The rules were hard. We had to hold hands the whole time unless we wanted a drink of water. The other rule was we had to smile the whole time. We also got to go bowling and we got to get a book. AR Night Out was awesome!

By Emily grade 2

My favorite memory of Erickson is when we had the EAGLE Awards. We got to sing two songs. “In the Pages of a Book” was one of them. The assem- bly showed us what books we voted for in each grade. That was my favorite memory. By Anthony, Dawid, & Ammara Grade 3 By Bianca grade 2

These are some of my favorite memories of Erickson. Field Day in first grade because my class and everyone did a good job at Field Day. The Westfield Band concert was very good and so was my sister on the trumpet. The field trips were all good. The best field trip was the Wizard of Oz play. Also the book that we read on Halloween in second grade, the girl’s name was Halloween spelled backward. I remember I really liked the trickery! By Lauren grade 2

My favorite memory of Erickson is when the Westfield band played for us. They were fantastic. They showed us different instruments like the brass, woodwind, and others. Then they got into groups and played different music pieces. I liked the part when the man played the piccolo trumpet and a trumpet. I think Erickson is the best and I hope it has a good birthday. By Brianna grade 2

My favorite memory is when I went to the play called The Wizard of Oz. I had so much fun at the play. I sat next to Emily. The play was really long and really good. I had so much fun seeing The Wizard of Oz. By Clare grade 2

One of my favorite memories at Erickson is my friends because they always help when you need it. My other fa- vorite thing is the teachers because they are so nice and they help you when you get stuck. I love Erickson because when you get hurt the nurses help it stop. That’s why I love Erickson. It is a safe place to be and the people are nice. By Brianna grade 2

My favorite memory is Johnny Appleseed Day. We ate apples and we described what they tasted like. We also talked about apples and we saw the star inside the ap- ple. I thought the apple was juicy, crunchy, and sour. I didn’t meas- ure the apple. I had so much fun on Johnny Appleseed Day.

By Jonathan grade 2

My favorite memory is the pirate assembly because the swords looked like they were real, but they were not. It just had shiny plastic that looked like a real sword. The best part was the pi- rates and Jeremy Jacob. The pi- rates had green teeth. Jeremy Jacob had to get tucked in at night. It was very, very cool! By Nicole grade 2 By Jackeline, Kiana, & Tetis Grade 3

My favorite memory is when we went to see the assembly called How I My favorite memory is the 100th Became a Pirate. I liked how they made all of the weird disgusting Day of School in second grade. I sounds. Jeremy was scared that the pirates were going to take him, but like it because we got to parade when the big pirate took care of Jeremy he felt okay. The pirate tucked around the school with our hats. him into bed and read a book to him. He was all happy and comfortable in We also got to hear what we wore his bed. My favorite character in the play was the girl pirate. The girl on our hats. We also got to work pirate was the funniest character in the play. I also liked Jeremy as a in a 100s day packet and we had character. Jeremy was a very funny character, too. I loved the assembly. to write 100 words! By Jaclyn grade 2 By Jason grade 2

My favorite memory is studying Mexico during International My favorite memory is AR Night Out. We did a hunt. We first got in a Month when I was in first grade. group of four. I was with Dominic, Rebecca, and Emily. Each group had We did a Mexican dance. We a teacher that told them a riddle to a book. We had to go to a room and wore sombreros. We made sera- find the answer. Then we had to go to Miss Mitchell and Mrs. Bucci and pes. Erickson is a wonderful they gave us a point. At the end we took a book and flashlight and read place. the book in the dark. By Rebecca grade 2 By Cameron grade 2

To be a kid at Erickson means to learn to jump rope in gym. And in art we paint our Bugz pictures and we color our pictures. by Johnny grade 1

To be a kid at Erickson means to check out books at library and when we have gym we prac- tice stacking cups, four corners and we practiced eight corners for Field Day. By Joey grade 1

Enjoyable memories were created at our school Recognizing families you’ve seen in the past. Erickson Elementary is special because we have lots of fun and we are learning at the same time. Introducing new students every year. By Ary grade 3 elebrate your 15th birthday C Erickson Elementary is special because it has been in Knowledge is passed down as you age. Bloomingdale for a very long time and it has lots of nice teachers By Madison grade 3 Shocking progress made in educating children. Ongoing traditions will be done in the future

Erickson Elementary is special because it has many special Never failed to teach a student! activities. Another way that Erickson Elementary is special because we have nice parties for the holidays. By Nicole grade 5 By Kenny grade 3

Erickson is turning 15. Erickson Elementary is special because there are lots of nice teachers. Reading is still going strong here, at the 15th year. By Kevin grade 3 Introducing academic strategies to children. Could stop at stare at the academic progress made. Erickson Elementary is special because it has many different specials like gym, art, music, IMC and it has fun teachers. Knowledge from teachers passing down to students. By Rishi grade 3 So many students have been coming and going.

Offers great education to students for 15 years and Erickson Elementary is special because all the teachers are running. the best and none of the teachers are mean to me. ever gave up on a student! By Dharani grade 3 N By James grade 5

To be a kid at Erickson means to play at recess with your friends. And to learn to read books like Pinkilishis. By Alany grade 1 To be a kid at Erickson means to see the mascot, the Erickson eagle and practice drawing it and also learn to write abut a lot of stuff in my journal or my book or something I do at school called writers’ work- shop. I love Erickson! by Joseph grade 1

Erickson Elementary is special because we have a lot of fun teachers and we do fun projects.

By Mark grade 3

Erickson Elementary is special because it is an awesome school because we do great things. By Jenny grade 3

Erickson Elementary is special because it has great teachers and great principals. I also like the parties. I love the computer lab. Erickson Elementary is a great place to go to school. By Taya grade 3

Erickson Elementary is special because it has the best teachers. They are all full of fun ideas to make learning supers. They have another great idea everyday. Everyday is like an adventure at Erickson. By Joey grade 3

Erickson Elementary is special because we learn not to do drugs and there are good rules to follow. Erickson also has fun stuff like AR store and the school store. By Tiffany grade 3

Erickson Elementary is special because it has very good programs for learning. Also it is a nice to go to. By Liz grade 3

Erickson Elementary is special because they have fun crafts and projects and all these cool prizes. Like if you read and do good in school. It also has lots of good teachers. By Ian grade 3

To be a kid at Erickson means to learn a lot of fun activities. I To be a kid at Erickson means to play baseball. You make new friends in my class. I can play different sports at Erickson. You learn to also play with my friends at re- read books like chapter books. cess. By Taylor grade 1 by Rohan grade 1

To be a kid at Erickson means to see what the teacher is doing and listen to what the teacher is saying. Erickson is cool! By Casey grade 1

Erickson Elementary is special because it shows school spirit and it has good learning skills for kids. The principal’s keep us safe and give out Erickson’s birthday good rules to keep us healthy. 15 years By Lea grade 3 Blue gold Erickson Eagles Erickson Elementary is special because we do a lot of activities like Writ- New blacktop ers’ Fair, AR and the school store. Improved playground By Aaron grade 3 New students Graduating students Erickson Elementary is special because it has a lot of cool things like it New Teachers has a lot of assemblies and parties and it is fun. Field trips By Donovan grade 3 Field Day Awesome times Erickson Elementary is special because we have AR and the school store. Many changes We have nice teachers that include every one. Excellent past By Jony grade 3 Better future Happy Birthday! Erickson Elementary is special because you learn a lot and have fun. Plus it has lots of fun and silly teachers. And we all have fun. By Kelly grade 5 By Daniel grade 3

My favorite Erickson memory is in first grade on Field Day. I liked it because e had hot lunch and did events. My favorite part was the jump rope Erickson has been here for 15 years! event. Ready for more students to enter to welcome! By Elizabeth grade 2

Into many more wonderful adventures as you get older! My favorite Erickson memory is when we went to Can be the best grade school I went to in Bloomingdale the assembly called Student Story Contest per- Known for some of the best teachers and education. formed by all the teachers. I liked it because it was very funny. I also liked it because we got to Soon going to have many more new students entering. see different acts. Only 15 years old and just so enormous inside By Jorie grade 2 Nothing but excellent results in the future! My favorite Erickson memory is my birthday in By Dakota grade 5 first grade because my cupcakes looked really big. Everyone in my class liked my cake. By Angela grade 2 Erickson’s birthday is…. Erickson’s Birthday The day to celebrate after fifteen long years! Fifteen years of Learning epidemic learning at Erickson Elementary School. You started at Erick- Superior teachers son and will remember it for many years to come. From the Vivacious students tall blue lockers of magnificent first grade to the tan ones at 15 years fifth grade with mischievous students learning in their rooms 1st- 5th with the help of their intelligent teachers. With Dr. Markgraf Field Day and Ms. Green working hard in their office, Erickson Elemen- 2 principals tary will always stay standing! Let’s celebrate Erickson’s Sing songs birthday! Even though I’m leaving you this year, I wish you a Running fun happy birthday for as long as you stand so tall. Creative paints Reading books By Michael grade 5 Blossoming students Fantastic shows Yearbooks B-Birthday wishes for Erickson Elementary. Great School L-Looking forward to the next 15 years!

By Jarissa grade 5 U-Under the watchful eyes of teachers. E-Exceptional education for 15 years.

A-Always a helping hand. Erickson’s Birthday N-Never lets you down.

First made D-Does it right! Then changed Through years G-Good teachers who care. New experiences O-Older by one more year. Many children L-Learning for many more years. New teachers th Many awards D-Don’t forget to wish Erickson a Happy 15 Birthday!!! New playground By Daniel grade 5 DARE program Elementary school Kindergarteners change To the Fifth grade Everyone gets smarter 6 years So fast Responsible children as they get older Delightful years wish Erickson a happy 15th birthday I By Jonathan grade 5 Caring teachers Known for the best teachers Sweet school year Only goes to 5th grade Now a year older

Congratulations! Have a wonderful 15th birthday! By Elyza grade 5 Events in Field Day have changed and came back to stay HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Ready for teaching new things Fifteenth year In the library there are more books for kids to read New assistant Cool books in classes were made Principal at th Erickson School Kindergarten through 5 grade New mural Spirit colors are blue and gold Technology advancements Open for fifteen years New teachers Students came New things, better school….Happy Birthday Erickson! Students left By Arianna grade 5 More books New Playground Erickson, happy, happy birthday Five years Ready for school spirit. Go BLUE and GOLD! Great teachers In the library, many new books were donated for Erickson! Happy birthday!

Classes from 1993-2008…Don’t forget the future! By Daniel grade 5 Kicking with Field Day. Whoooo! Students, students come and go th On your 15 birthday, we will celebrate! Now have and enjoyable future! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERICKSON! By Mona grade 5

My favorite memory is when we had the assembly named Erickson’s birthday! student written plays. It was funny and a lot of fun to watch with my friends because the teachers performed the plays. 15th one By Malvika grade 2 New things Assistant principal My favorite Erickson memory is when I was in first grade. It Recess equipment was Field Day. My team won the tug-of-war. I liked it be- cause it was exciting to win. Technology grows By Mahir grade 2 New mural Teachers go Teachers come Everyone is celebrating Erickson’s 15th Birthday! Specials change Ready for school spirit, first Friday of every month Students arrive Students graduate In technology, we’re more modern Change schools Classes change along with everybody else Bye Erickson Kindhearted students come and go Delightful year Happy Birthday! School celebrates with a magnificent mural Opened the imaginative minds of children for 15 years! By Stephen grade 5 No place better to learn for K-5 than Erickson Elementary School! By Damian grade 5 Yahoo! Yippy! It’s my birthday! Hi. My name My favorite Erickson memory is is Eric Eagle. My full name is Erickson but everyone going to Portfolio Night because I calls me Eric. Today I am turning 15 years old. Yah! I got to pick my favorite piece and am soo excited. My best friend, the Westfield Warrior, is read it to my parents. I liked how throwing me a big party. He is making me a HUGE my parents liked what I did. I chocolate cake. All the mascots around Bloomingdale are liked the grades I had. coming. I wonder what my presents are. The students at By Tejas grade 2 Erickson, the school mascot I am, are also excited. They are taking a BIG school photo like the one they took five My favorite Erickson memory is years ago. when we saw the Creative Writing AWESOME! My party was the best party on Contest Assembly. It was funny. earth. The cake was the BEST cake I have ever had. I The teachers acted out that stories got 7 slices of cake. Some presents were a big juicy fish that were written by students. and a shirt that says Erickson is the Best School Ever. By Gia grade 2 Also, I got a big sign saying, “15 years already?” And the My favorite Erickson memory is cake was a present. I loved my party. I can’t wait to get when I was in my first grade class. the school picture. It better be good! My class won the tug-of-war on By Emma grade 5 Field Day. By Gino grade 2

My favorite Erickson memory was when the clown was doing tricks. The clown was teaching us the pil- lars of character. By Christian grade 2

My favorite Erickson memory was when I was in first grade. I liked Field Day because we got to play tug-of-war and other games. By Jose grade 2 By Magdalena grade 4 My favorite Erickson memory is going to watch the Wizard of Oz. Everybody that attended Erickson has good memories. It was so cool when the flying Rowdy kids coming to and from five days a week continuously monkey did all those tricks. It was “It takes a whole district to teach a child.” also cool when the fire came out of the witch’s hand. Celebrating 15 years of a “new” school. By Caroline grade 2 Kind teachers who brought memories to Erickson. Sad times when students graduated or moved. My favorite Erickson memory is when we had the Thanksgiving Optimistic children who were and are very excited to attend school Feast. I got to sing songs and every day! some people got to go up two Notable memories from the past 15 years, and many more to come! times. We got to wear hats and I By Mari grade 5 got to eat corn. By Akhila grade 2 Mrs. Conway AM kindergarten

I like Erickson School because I like my friends By Arthur I like Erickson School because I love my teachers By Olivia I like Erickson School because I like movie days By Joey Excellent teachers in every grade I like Erickson School because of my friends By Jack Responsible and respectful principals. I like Erickson School because gym and playing are fun am happy it is your birthday. I By Dimitri Celebrating 15 years of learning. I like Erickson School because of my snack time By John Kind parapros who help students when they are puzzled. I like Erickson School because I like going to the li- Students learn a lot every year! brary By Rachel One of the best schools in the state. I like Erickson School because gym class is fun By Anthony ew technology since the first year for Erickson. N I like Erickson School because I like gym Congratulations! By Kyle By Nico grade 5 I like Erickson School because I like everything

By Cheyenne

I like Erickson School because it is special

By Mico Everyone loves you, even on your special day. I like Erickson School because I like playing with my friends Really, I hope you have fun By Ken I’m happy you made it to 15 I like Erickson School because I like gym By Gadiel Caring for your children, even on your birthday. I like Erickson School because gym and recess are fun nowledge is your passion, and a great birthday present K By Hima So many presents for you! I like Erickson School because we get vacations By Vincent Only for the fantastic, Erickson, happy birthday! Now you’re 15!!! Enjoy it! Students learning By Annie grade 5 Teachers teaching Kids playing Moms lunch-packing Books falling Erickson’s 15th birthday and we’re having a party Music playing Drawing pictures Reading and learning everyday in or out of classrooms Blue, gold In our the rooms teachers and aides are helping Computer games Classes are cheering for Erickson’s birthday Hot lunch Sports enjoyed Kids are happy with their friends at lunch Beginner Band School spirit in Erickson in all grades Character counts On the playground, aides watch the kids run around Kids birthdays Fun projects New school year and soon there will be more kids. By Robyn grade 5 THAT IS ERICKSON!!!

By Kayla grade 5 Happy 15th Birthday Erickson

veryone is excited to be here Erickson’s birthday is… E Remember the happy times at our school -Enjoyed around the school -Very important to the teachers and all other staff I can’t remember the last time I had such a fun class -Celebrated with a panoramic picture Children run and play at recess -Celebrated by wearing blue and gold -Cool because we are the fifteenth-fifth grade class of Kids have a great time learning at school Erickson! chool is a way you get education Let’s celebrate Erickson’s birthday! S By Dylan grade 5 On Field Day there are a lot of games to play Now let’s celebrate with a birthday party Mrs. Conway’s Kindergarten PM By Zach grade 5

I like Erickson School because I like learning By Nayelli I like Erickson School because I learn By Brian Erickson Celebration I like Erickson School because I like my teachers By Ryan Children learning I like Erickson School because I like to go to gym Caring teachers By Kevin Fun activities I like Erickson School because I learn to read. Many classrooms By Kasia Nice classmates I like Erickson School because my teachers are fun. Field Day By Giuseppina Lorado Taft I like Erickson School because it is fun. Blue Gold By Julietta Exciting Specials I like Erickson School because there are lots of grades Energetic Gym By Myra Noisy Music I like Erickson School because we get to go to gym. Messy Art By Drew 15 years I like Erickson School because art is fun and Mrs. Conway is nice Erickson’s Birthday!!! By Anthony I like Erickson School because I like my friends By Rachel grade 5 By Ryan I like Erickson School because I can play with Olivia By Jenna I like Erickson School because I play with Jenna By Olivia I like Erickson School because I like to work By Nicholas I like Erickson School because I get to meet new friends By Arthur I like Erickson School because I like gym By Guy I like Erickson School because I meet lots of new friends By Kelli Have a Happy 15th Birthday Erickson Every kid learns something new each day. Ready, set, gooooo! Gym and recess are a place to be energetic I loved every teacher I ever had Can you beat it? Mr. Ryan has you do obstacles on field day! Kling! Mrs. Cherrie and her cowbell! You will learn to be creative in art! Soooo much homework but you learn a lot! Older kids will always remember Erickson and their years there Now let’s celebrate Erickson’s 15th birthday. By Marisa grade 5

Happy Birthday!

It’s my birthday already? Me, the Erickson Eagle, is turning 15 years old today. We have to make invitations for the party and deliver them to all my friends. The invitations should have a special tune to it or a song in it. Now we have to deliver all these invitations. On the day of the party…Everyone was having a blast, which reminded me of all the memories of the past 15 years I was growing up. I remembered how I was so happy to share the joy of celebrating Writers’ Fair and Halloween by traveling all around the school. It’s time for the cake! The birthday cake was covered with 15 candles and was shaped like an eagle. So we sang happy birthday and ate the cake. So we all yelled, “Happy 15th birthday Erickson.” By Renier grade 5

Happy 15th Birthday Erickson! Erickson’s birthday is… Enjoyable because its been here 15 years Celebrations for the 15 years this school has been here Important to the teachers, students, and staff Important to the Mother Nature’s Bald Eagle Celebrated with the colors Blue and Gold Let’s celebrate Erickson’s birthday! By Brandon grade 5 By Joseph grade 2 Erickson has been here for fifteen years Root for our colors blue and gold! Go Erickson! It is the best school in the whole entire world! Catch balls, do relays, jump rope, and even dance in PE Kool games on field day to play all day! School! School! I love school. School is where I want to be. I love Erickson! Ya! Omg! Happy Birthday Erickson! Not too many times have I not been happy with the school and staff members at Erickson! By Brittany grade 5 Kindergarten Miss Minelli TH ERICKSON’S 15 BIRTHDAY I love Erickson because we read books. We go to the Teachers teaching library on Monday and I like to have free choice. Kids learning By Nicholas Aides helping I love Erickson because I like to find the gingerbread School bell ringing man. Spirit rising By Danielle People cheering I love Erickson because we get to go on field trips and grinning we do projects. Fingers typing By Evelyn Pencils writing I love Erickson because the teachers are nice and I Happy faces like the work Children playing By Grace Books laying I love Erickson because we can play and make ginger- Folders opened bread men Test complete By Alex Erickson birthday I love Erickson because of the Thanksgiving Feast. I loved the Halloween party and Christmas party and I By Eric grade 5 love art and field trips. By Michael I love Erickson because I like free choice and snack. Let’s Celebrate By Josh I love Erickson because I get to see Ashley and go to Erickson’s birthday art. By Isabelle Children learning I love Erickson because I like reading books and li- Best teachers brary 15 years By Nicky Fun times I love Erickson because I get to read books and I get Many classrooms to have free choice and go to gym. Field day By Taylor I love Erickson because I get to play free choice and Fun field trips read books. Great Books By Vincent Cool experiments I love Erickson because I like to go to art Caring people By Natalie Hard workers I love Erickson because we work hard Spirit day By Jakub I love Erickson because we have fun doing the ginger- Blue Gold bread man. Many laptops By Timmy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love Erickson because I like to play outside and play with my friends By Irene grade 5 By Sean I love Erickson because of free choice and working By Jacob

Happy birthday Happy Fifteenth Birthday Erickson Children playing

Teachers teaching Students learning • Teachers teaching Creative writing • Parapros helping Colorful imaging • Librarians reading Advanced reading • Teachers running Fun celebrating • Teachers painting Neat handwriting • Teachers singing Hard studying • Principals checking Harder remembering • Kids laughing Great singing • Kids reading Physical sports • Kids playing Mastering art • Kids learning Computer researching • Watching assemblies Great memories • Kids behaving Happy birthday! • Kids experiments

• Kids celebrating By Daniel grade 5

Happy Fifteenth Birthday Erickson By Chloe grade 5

The Fifteenth Birthday

Erickson is a wonderful place for kids with cool teachers Respect everyone in school no matter what. In every classroom the students are always happy kids Care about others around the school Know lots of teachers through the years Some new kids join in the new school here so we make them feel like it’s their old school Over the top with wonderful activities for the birthday for Erickson which I love New year to celebrate Erickson birthday By Frankie grade 5

Erickson, Erickson I love Erickson School because we get two It is the best, principals. We have lunch and we have com- You learn a lot every time you go there. puter lab. I like the teachers and I like math It is cool! I love Erickson! and I enjoy making crafts. I love Erickson. By Leah grade 1 By Steven grade 1

I love Erickson School because of Mountain Language. I like going to IMC, PE, music, com- puter lab, and art. I like seeing my friends. By Alex grade 1

I love Erickson School because you can learn lots of stuff. Erickson has the nicest teachers. I like science because it is interesting. I enjoyed making our ice cream project. By Mia grade 1

I love Erickson. I love Erickson School so much. I love SRA. At school we have the best teachers and principals. I love Erickson. I love PE and IMC and art and music. I love field day. Happy birthday Erickson. By Kaylee

I love Erickson because we get earphones to plug into the computers. When we go to gym we play games and we dance. In music we sing and color in class. We learn and do homework. At art we paint pictures. I like Erickson School. By Alex R. grade 1

Yeah! Yeah! It’s Erickson’s birthday. I love going to Erickson. I like the teachers. I like hot lunch. I love computer lab because we get to do keyboarding with sound. Erickson. By Sam grade 1

I love Erickson because I go to art to see Mrs. Cherrie. I like to make crafts to take home. I like to go to Erickson School! Erickson, Erickson, rah, rah, rah! By Madison grade 1

Erickson is fifteen. Wow! Erickson, Erickson We had a picture of all the kids and teachers I love Erickson. I like school because of math, projects, and writing. It is a good place to be. I love the number fifteen. I love school. Erickson, Erickson By Nate grade 1 I love Erickson. It’s the best school for me! Erickson, Erickson is cool. By Ryan grade 1 Erickson, Erickson it is fifteen years old. I love Erickson. It is the best! Erickson, Erickson By Alexis grade 1 It is great, Erickson, Erickson At Erickson School we can our teachers and friends. Lots of fun, I like to see the principals. School is awesome! I love Erickson, Erickson school. We love Erickson! By Mike grade 1 By Anthony grade 1

Excellent Happy 15th Birthday Recesses are great Erickson Interesting learning My favorite Erickson memory is anxiously Character counts is good to know getting ready for a new group of students each year and watching them grow academically Keep growing minds and socially. tudents go here Happy Birthday S Mrs. B. Uppling One of the best schools Never lets us down I love Erickson By Cristina grade 1

Erickson, Erickson it is your birthday! You are fifteen years old. Happy birthday Erickson, Erickson Happy Birthday! Erickson! You are 15 years old! You are just a building- I love Erickson. brick and mortar, wood and Do you love Erickson? beams, windows, walls, It is the best school ever! classrooms. But yet, you are By Mati grade 1 no ordinary building. You are much more than that! For 15 years, you are the place where students and educators Erickson, Erickson have come together to grow I love Erickson! and learn. You are the place Erickson, Erickson that people will remember It’s the best school ever! learning to read, write, and spell and do math. This is By Athena grade 1 where future leaders, busi- nessmen, and women, doc- tors, attorneys and CEOs can say that they got their founda- tion. Lifelong friendships were seeded and nurtured Erickson, Erickson is a good place to be. within your walls. It is good to learn how to write and read. So on this, your 15th I love Erickson School. birthday Erickson, those of us By Natalie grade 1 who have come here day after day, celebrate with you and thank you for providing such Erickson is a school where kids learn different a pleasant building in which things. It is fun! You can meet lots of new friends to educate children. and do special things. Erickson is a really good place to study at. I love Erickson! By Mrs. Fass By Renette grade 1 Erickson Anniversary Haiku By Mrs. Kotche One of my favorite memories at Erickson took place when Erickson opened in the fall of Eagle on the wall 1993. It was amazing how we blended students and staff from Students standing tall with DuJardin and the former Central heads held high School. At the time we also had teachers from Westfield as part of our sixth grade. We all worked Grades from k through five together as a team to make a new Learning, striving to be all school community- Erickson Ele- mentary with our very own school they can achieve there traditions. In the last fifteen years the Reading, Art, Science parent and community support has been outstanding. I love the way Physical Education, we all work as a team to provide Music, Library the best education for our students. The students at Erickson are so ea- ger to learn. Erickson is a wonder- Extended Response ful place to be a teacher. Language Arts, Math, lessons in By Miss Mitchell Social Studies too

Fifteen years learning People being together Growing, Helping, Friends

Fifteen years, WOW, what do you think? They just went by in just a wink Every day we learn Reading is fun Wonderful students to work with each day Time at recess to watch them all play Is the best school Come and work Helping with math and guided reading Know things groups Even got to see a pirate-acting troupe School is fun One hundred days of school Second grade 1…, 2…, 3…, every day I Not the worst school would say I hope I’ve made a small difference along By Sarah grade 1 the way By Mrs. Ortner Erickson

I am writing a poem. Wait! Let me think. Appreciate teachers It is not going to rhyme. Hmmmm! Okay I Great reading got it. Lots of learning Let me tell you I like this school. Excellent school By Camille and Shyam grade 2 It is fun. There is a lot of things to do Like math, reading, spelling and more. Erickson! Learning is fun! It is it’s 15th birthday. By Shyam grade 2 I love going to Erickson. I learn a lot of things. It has specials. Hurrah! Hurrah! I love PE! Erickson is turning fifteen today. By Nick grade 2 We are so excited. By Doria and Gabriella grade 2 agle awards E Ready to learn

Intelligent students Education Celebrate holiday Activities Kindness to kids Groups Students are excellent Love Erickson Outside recess Erickson Elementary By Doria and Gabriella grade 2 Nice teachers By Paige grade 2

I love going to Erickson because it has a lot of nice teachers and nice students By Michael H grade 3 I love going to Erickson because there is lots of activities like field day and parties and you learn a lot of stuff too like division and multiplication. By Robert grade 3 I love going to Erickson because it always cares about the earth and it is a really caring school to go to. By Nicol grade 3 I love going to Erickson because every teacher is the nicest teacher By Joey grade 3 I love going to Erickson because I have very nice friends that go, all the teachers are exciting, nice and fun. The school plans fun things for the students and I learn so much here. By Joey L grade 3 I love going to Erickson because I meet new friends and I meet new teachers and I learn about different things. By Amanda grade 3 I love going to Erickson because it is fun meeting new friends and all the teachers are nice! By Jenna grade 3 I love going to Erickson because they have so many books in the IMC. By Sean grade 3 I love going to Erickson because I love to go check out books at the IMC By Kaitlyn grade 3 Erickson rules Reminder of Erickson’s 15th birthday I love going to Erickson because you get to do projects, I like Erickson do writing, and recess, do some work and field day. By Rahib grade 3 Caring Kind teachers I love going to Erickson because I got to check out School more interesting books from the library. By Sabrina grade 3 Our School Nice friends at Erickson I love going to Erickson because of all my friends. I was new here but I made a lot of new friends. Eagle awards By Nicole grade 3 Light Erickson colors I love going to Erickson because I feel safe and it has Elementary School the best teachers and it is fun! Memories By Jaclyn grade 3 Erickson is the best I love going to Erickson because it is the best school Nice th ever. I love learning at Erickson. Happy 15 Birthday! Take time to read By Aliya grade 3 All students of Erickson I love going to Erickson because I have made a lot of Read all the time friends. Erickson has nice teachers and that makes us Yell for Erickson all smart here! By Jacob grade 2 By Matthew grade 3

I love going to Erickson because all of the teachers are nice and the library has a ton of books and a lot of peo- At Erickson I learned how to read, ple are nice. write and do multiplication. I love By Michael grade 3 second grade because I learned two digit subtraction and addition. I love going to Erickson because it has phenomenal By Paige grade 2 books, math is fun because of multiplication and divi- sion. By Michael S. grade 3

I love going to Erickson because it has wonderful teachers that make our wise minds grow everyday in class! By Lauren grade 3

I love going to Erickson because if all the cool activi- ties. My favorite one is AR because if you read a book and take the test you get a prize. That makes me read more. By Matthew grade 3

My favorite Erickson memory is Erickson, Erickson it is the best school and kids learn to Field Day in first grade. We did write and read and do SRA a lot of different kinds of games Erickson, Erickson you have the nicest teachers ever. and I really liked the popcorn and Erickson, Erickson you are the best school ever! the drinks. By Lukasz grade 1 By Raven grade 2

My favorite Erickson memory is the Thanksgiving Feast because we got to sing. They had food that I ate. Only special second graders could sing again and I was one of them. By Colin grade 2

My favorite Erickson memory is

By Megan in first grade. We had a garage grade 4 sale. I was able to buy a purse. It was a lot of fun. By Jasmine grade Happy Birthday Erickson By Mrs. Zywiciel

In the ten years I’ve taught fourth grade at Erickson, I’ve come An Erickson Poem to love this place. The best things about Erickson are the students, staff and fun events we have here. I couldn’t imagine teaching anywhere else! The students really make this school something special! The Everlasting memories kids treat each other well. They are always willing to help out a friend in need. The kids also do many nice things for their teachers. I have a bul- Reading books from the IMC letin board filled with drawing that my students made for me. My desk is International month covered in vases of flower that my students brought in for Teacher Ap- preciation Week. The creative, hard-working, fun-loving students at Character counts Erickson are the best part of my job as a teacher. Kickball at recess Teachers at Erickson really support each other and care about this school. The staff at Erickson have become more than my co- Switch for some classes workers, they are my friends. I know I can count on them for a kind word on a hard day or a good idea on how to make a lesson better for my Outstanding students. The fourth grade team I work with share ideas and lessons so Neat and clean often. I feel very lucky to work with such great teachers! Erickson is a fun place to teach and learn because of the special events we have here. We have International Month and Writers’ Fair Eating lunch in the gym every other year to offer interesting ways to share what we’ve learned. Art We have the Creative Writing Assembly where children’s writing is cele- brated. I have so much fun acting in the plays based on student’s writing. Great staff Field Day is also a fun day to get outside and see my students succeed in fun events. A lot of planning goes into these events to be sure that they Language are fun for the students, their parents, and the staff. Excelling students Erickson has so much to offer it’s students, staff, and families. I feel very lucky to be a fourth grade teacher here. I can’t believe that I’ve Students of the Week been here to ten years. That means I’ve taught over 230 students! Time By Abigail grade 3 sure flies when you are having fun! By: Jackie grade 4

I’ve been at Erickson for five years and I know a lot. Erickson is a great place to go to school. The best part about Erickson is International Month, Fun Fair and Field Day. I can’t think of any other place then Erickson Elemen- tary School. Do you like Thanksgiving? Well here at Erickson, we have a feast. There are other special events like Writer’s Fair and Portfolio Night too. All these events are the best part about Erickson Elementary. Who dresses wacky? Erickson does! At Erickson we dress wacky on Wednesday. One time we dressed wacky on Beach Day. We also did Famous Person Day. So come on over to Erickson Elementary and dress wacky! Mmmm! something smells good! Oh I know it’s Erickson’s Bake Sale. The Bake Sale happens during Port- folio Night. There are cupcakes, cookies and cake. But before you go, grab something at the Bake Sale. Do you like fitness or P.E.? Erickson P.E. classes are awesome!! In P.E. we do fun sports like square dancing, Field Day games and other fun units. Another activity is on Field Day. You can do…Tug-a-War!! The fun part is you verse other classes and see who wins!! Whatever class wins, wins first place in what grade you are in. Let’s go play some games in P.E. I hope you learned a lot about Erickson. So if you are looking for a new school, come to Erickson Elementary School because Erickson is your place to go!

By: Michael N. grade 4

Extra, Extra! Read all about Erickson’s 15th birthday. What I have learned in four years, let’s go to the first thing. I will tell you about Famous Person Day/Wacky Wednesday. Then I will tell you about Field Day/P.E. and the last thing I will tell you is about field trips. I will show you. Famous Person Day/Wacky Wednesday is fun!! The Wacky Wednesday was Stuffed Animal Day. I brought a monkey because I like monkeys. One of my favorites is Sports Day. I love to play baseball. It is my favorite sport. My favorite of all time is Famous Person Day. I dressed up as Carlton Fisk. Let’s go on. Field Day/P.E. rocks! One of my favorites is “Jump the River.” I came in fourth place. My 2nd favorite is “Obstacle Course.” I ran a 53 second one. My all time favorite is “Home Run Derby.” I hit 7 homers. Come on, field trips rock! One of my favorites was the zoo. I like the monkeys. One other one was the mu- seum. I liked the dinosaurs. My last one was bowling. I hit an X, fun, fun, fun. I had a great time. Famous Person Day/Wacky Wednesday, Field Day/P.E. and field trips, I had a great year!

By: Austin grade 4

In the five years I’ve been at Erickson, I liked recess, parties and weekly folders. At recess at Erickson, I swing on the swings. I can go really high. Another reason I like recess is I play two- hand touch football with my friends. I remember when I made a touchdown. The last thing I like at recess is some- times I look for grasshoppers. From books, I learned that grasshoppers change into locusts. Erickson has fun parties on different holidays. The Halloween party is fun because you eat candy and play spooky games. The Christmas party is fun because you play Christmas party games and have cupcakes and cookies. The Valentine’s Day party is great because it is cool that we get to pass out valentines to people in the class and sign our classmates Field Day t-shirts. At Erickson, weekly folders are good, too. I remember the first time I filled out my Star card. I jumped up and down. I was so excited. I picked out a pencil and I got to bring two friends to eat with the teacher. At weekly folders, I like how it is quiet and it is different from the daily routine. I like that. During this quiet time, I decide to read to help for me to get good influence and it is fun. Recess, parties and weekly folders are the things I like best at Erickson School. What’s your favorite in your school? I would suggest Erickson is the best school.

Erickson is turning 15 years old. I’ve been here in Erickson for five years. There are some great things about this school. Here are some examples, field day, kindergarten Christmas parties, and seeing new friends and teachers. I wonder how many more things I’ll see at Erickson. No school in school, it’s field day! On field day my favorites game is tug-of-war. After that we get rib- bons for the class that did the best. This year we’re having new games, a lot of them have changed. I liked the old ones better, they were more fun. Everyone loves field day. The kindergarten Christmas party was a happy day. This was the first and only time my dad came to a party. It was a very fun day. We made gingerbread houses. We made it out of cookies, candy and cream. Three days later my brother ate it, he was only a baby. I wonder if he will come again. School is a great place to meet new people. The teachers were nice. Mrs. Stankoskey was funny. I made lots of new friends, I made a least one each year. My favorite teachers were my third and fourth grade teachers since they were so nice. I might meet more nice people in school. These were some great things in Erickson but there could be more. Field day, the kindergarten Christ- mas party, and seeing new people are great things to do at school. I’m sure that Erickson is a great place to be. By Christian grade 4

By: Michael J. grade 4

For five years I’ve been at Erickson. I’ve learned a lot. There are parties for holidays and you make maps in So- cial Studies. Also, there is Field Day and many more. Now you will learn how great Erickson is. Parties are great to be at because you do a lot of ac- tivities. For food you get treats, for example last year I got ice cream and M&M’s. The games you play are like guess- ing because two times this year there was something in a box and we passed it around. Our prizes were candy canes and a huge Hershey’s bar. I really enjoy all the parties at Erickson. For Social Studies we made maps that I really en- joyed. This time for a map we used an overlay, since it’s the end of the year, we make symbols on it with a Sharpie. When it was the 3rd quarter, we went on a program called Map Makers Toolkit and there were all different symbols, such as stamps. We made maps of regions of the United States of America. The map we are doing now is the S.W. region. Field Day was great and we played a bunch of games. Our lunch for Field Day was hot dogs and juice. One of my favorite games for Field Day was “Jump the River.” At the end of the day, we had a big assembly and your class could have gotten 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place. Field Day is awesome because you want to do it everyday. Erickson is great when you do a lot of activities.

If you are looking for a good essay here it is. Do you like special events, teachers, or parties? Read the paragraphs to find out more, have fun races, for example the Valentine’s Day party. Some are challenging like the tug-of-war in field day. Teachers are nice, for instance Mrs. Z. All the teachers are fun like Mrs. G. All the teachers are great like Mrs. Z. Parties are fun, let’s read on. The Valentines’ Party was fun. Halloween party food factor was gross. The Christmas party was cold and fun. Thanks for giving the parties. I hope you liked my paragraphs so here is the end. Do you know more about special events, teachers, and parties here at Erickson? Goodbye I hoped you liked my essay. By Danny grade 4 My memory is how I am in Student Council. I I have a lot of memories from Erickson feel good about it. I also like the Garage Sale. I School because we learned to read. Erick- loved it. I got most of the things I wanted. I son is the best school ever. My memories had fun last year on Field Day. And that’s the are the first day of school because we did a end. project. By Leah grade 1 By Allie grade 1

Everything rocks at Erickson School! Erickson School you give me many memo- By Conner grade 1 ries and you are the best school in the world! Roses are red By Matthew grade 1 Violets are blue I love Erickson School I have an Erickson shirt. What do you How ‘bout you? have? By Troy grade 1 By Giuseppe grade 1

I’ve had so much fun in the five years I’ve been at Erickson. Erickson is a great place to learn. I have made lots of improvements. I’m ready to learn. Teachers have great ideas. Teachers always have a fun project to do. Teachers help you if you are stuck on a word. They are great when it comes to learning. Teachers are the best thing when it comes to school. Ready, set, tug! Field Day was very exciting. We played lots of games like tug-of-war. We raced by running and beating the time. In third grade we went to the awards ceremony. We won out of the whole school. We had so much fun. I’m ready to make a project. My favorite party we had was Halloween. We had a party and parade. We also had a Christmas party and it was very fun. We had a Valentine’s Day party. We passed a present and I got to open it up. I had a blast. I’m ready to learn. I loved all the teachers. I had field day. And was my favorite. was all the parties. My Mom helped put them together. I had lots of fun in the five years I’ve been at Erickson. By Johnna grade 4

I can’t believe I have fun in school. Erickson is great fun. It is the most fun on Field Day. Wacky Wednesday, and PE. I can’t imagine a more fun place. I can’t believe we get a day off of school in school. The best thing about Field Day is Jump the River. Last year you ran and jumped. This year there’s levels and for level one and two you stand and jump. Another fun Field Day game is Home Run Derby. It is pretty easy, you just hit a ball off a tee into a fence. Mr. Ryan took it out but he added in more fun games for us. Cup stacking is hard but fun. I got in practice second place, first boy. Cup stacking is harder this year. You are not doing it as a class. Crazy, backwards and celebrities? I almost started snoozing in school because it was pajama day. I felt like I never ever got out of bed. Pants shoes and shirt are all backwards because it is backwards day. At the end of the day it felt like nothing was wrong, but the next day on accident I wore my shirt backwards. Eve- ryone was gone but celebrities took their place. I dressed up as myself. Cups, rivers, and running I wonder. In PE we practice field day. We mostly practice the obstacle course, and cup stacking. The obstacle course is sort of hard but my class is really good at it. Jumping, running, and backwards day. Field Day, Wacky Wednesdays, and PE are all part of Erick- son. I love Erickson. By Nino grade 4 I’ve learned a lot in the five years I’ve been here. I’ve grown up a lot. Here are three things I enjoyed, the creative writing contest, parties, and Fun Fair. Erickson is great! At the writing assembly teachers dress up and act out kids stories. You get a trophy if your story wins. The trophy is great. Teachers are great actors. They’re very funny. I like their costumes. They’re very creative! This a very fun event. The parties are very fun. The games are fun. We have a sack race and more. The treats are very good too. They’re very tasty. The parties are the most fun when my sister comes. She’s very cute. The Fun Fair is great. The games are fun. They’re very cool. I like seeing my friends. That’s the best part. I like seeing old teachers. It’s great because they’ve all been great. These events are very fun. Erickson is great. I’m sad I will have to leave in one year. I will always re- member all the great times I’ve had at Erickson. By Nicky grade 4

Happy birthday Erickson. The best school in the world. I go to Erickson School. My favorite things I like about Erickson are PE with my friends, special events, any my favorite subject. I couldn’t think of a better place to be. Fly to the jungle! We are in amazing Brazil. One special event at Erickson is International Month. An- other special event is Writers’ Fair. It is a time to show our writing. Assemblies are funny sometimes. A good assembly we had this year was “How I Became a Pirate.” “Time to work out!” Mr. Ryan said. Mr. Ryan is our gym teacher. PE at Erickson is really fun. Jog- ging and playing hockey are the best activities. We jog for practice for the mile run. We jog at the beginning of every class. I like hockey because I watch a lot of hockey. I’m good at floor hockey and its fun to score goals. “Time for an experiment!” Mrs. Zywiciel my science teacher says. Science is fun because we do ex- periments and learn about the earth. The sand dune experiment was awesome. Social studies is great because of history of the Lakotas, Cherokee, and the Hopi. Math is fun because I learn to work with numbers. I like the Frabble game. It is fun. I love Erickson! The best things I like about Erickson are the special events, gym class and all of my favorite subjects. I’ve been here for five years and they’re the best five years of school ever. By Nicholas grade 4

Erickson is the best school Read, read, read a lot! It’s the best school you ever went to Cool Erickson kids! Kids rock! So you got an A+ on your test Erickson is cool. On field day you won! Reading is fun Now you are smarter! It’s always fun. Soon you will get taller Cool teachers Cool every day Kids have fun at Erickson How did you get an A? Super teachers Oh so you did! Oh I love Erickson O wow you smarter Non-stop fun By Andrea grade 1 Love and lots of A+s By Taryn grade 1 My favorite Erickson memory is the Thanksgiv- ing Feast. I liked this because we ate a lot of food and performed on stage. First, I worked at Central By Tyler grade 2 School. I remember going on a My favorite Erickson memory is Field Day last tour while Erickson was being year. It was so much fun. Although I came in built. second place in the tug-of-war, it was still fun. I have always been very By Derrick grade 2

proud to be a part of Erickson My favorite Erickson memory is when I did my Elementary and also School Dis- animal report. I liked coloring the pictures the trict 13. We are a valued body of best. the Bloomingdale community. By Nick grade 2

My favorite Erickson memory is Field Day last by Mrs. Rothbaum year when I was in first grade. I won tug-of-war with my first grade class. By Kevin grade 2

I’m so glad I go to Erickson to learn, have great teachers, and play. Three things I like that makes Erick- son so much fun and a great place are special events, me and my friends, and specials. Erickson is a great place to go to school. Special events are cool, fun, and sometimes loud which makes it even more fun. Field Day is filled with excitement. Field Day is exciting cause we get to do games and have fun. Christmas parties are nice cause my mom went to it and we made a gingerbread house. Halloween parties are awesome. At the fun Halloween party we wear our costumes and go to other rooms. This makes school such a great place. Me and my friends have a great time at school. The big book about me is cool. The big book about me is cool cause it’s all about me! Friends are nice and some are true friends. Some friends like mine are true when they listen to you, don’t tell on you for any reason, and stick by your side. Recess is fun. Recess is fun because you get to play with your friends and make new ones. I also appreciate all the teachers and aides and people in the office. Specials are so much fun when you play and do things you like. PE is too much fun. PE is fun because we get to do fitness testing and it includes the mile run. IMC is fun. IMC is fun when Miss Grover reads to us. Computer lab is awesome because I learn how to type faster. I’m not a good typist. Erickson has so much to do and its’ so much fun. I’m glad I got great teachers, get to play, and learn. All the special events, me and my friends, and spe- cials. I had so much fun from the five years at Erickson. By Kayla grade 4

Fourth grade is a ton of fun. There are many things to learn at Erickson. Some things that are fun at Erickson is Field Day in first grade, field trip to Brookfield Zoo, and running the mile in fourth grade. Fourth grade is great. Tweet! Tweet! Our team wins! In first grade we won tug-of-war. Mrs. Rothbaum was so happy. After we went to the gym and got our certificates. Brookfield Zoo was a blast. I remember the giraffe, rhinos, and alligators. Also, my mom was the chap- erone. I wish there were bears there too. I wish I could do it again. I remember running the mile in fourth grade. I got 7:17. Also I got first place. It was so much fun. Fourth grade was a blast. There are so many things to learn. Some things that are fun are field day, in first grade, field trips, and running. Fourth grade is great. By Marcus grade 4 Hey do you want to hear three awesome things about Erickson? One thing is PE for all the fun units. Field day for all the fun activities. Field trips for all the cool stuff and to have a fun time. PE is really fun with all the fun units. And all the nice PE teachers. My favorite activity is Capture the Flag. Field Day is a day after every year and you have a really fun time and all the stuff you do in PE. Some of the stuff will be out there. Field trips are so fun when you see the zoo and learn or learn about drugs and you body and all the other filed trips like seeing a play and acting in plays. Now you had a awesome time. I hope. So now you see three very fun things about at Erickson and there is a lot more stuff but that it is it for now. By Blake

In the five years I’ve been at Erickson I’ve learned a lot. In those years here are some of the events and sponsors like Field Day, fun fair, and PTO and Student Council. There’s always something coming our way. Get ready, get set, pull! Tug-of-war is a game that my class has won every time. Jump rope is one of the other games I love the best. Jump the River is fun because it is fun to be challenged like that. We have no school at school on Field Day. Eat, play, and hang out. One of my favorite games is catch the duck. At the fun fair they also have yummy, delicious, food. I also like to play with our teacher. The one day you go to school and at night you just play and eat. In the past five years I’ve learned, I’ve enjoyed every part of the PTO and Student Council sponsors. On Famous Person Day I dress up as Taylor Swift. I like acting wacky on Wacky Wednesday. On Field Day we play fun games. Different stuff for different days. I can’t believe I have only one more year here. Some events are field day, fun fair and PTO and Student Council sponsors. I don’t know another school like Erickson. By Alyx grade 4

I feel so fortunate to have been able to experience my first year of teaching here at Erickson. I was welcomed into the Erickson family in such a way that I will never forget this first year. I have been surrounded by so many teachers who have taken me under their wing and taught me so many new ideas to use in my classroom. My first class, filled with so many bright children who brought a smile to my face each and every day. They did not only grow tremen- dously this year, they taught me a lot as well. To my fellow teachers who have become new friends, my students and their parents, I thank you for all of your support and encouragement as I couldn’t have had such a wonderful first year of teaching without all of you! A special thanks to Mrs. Conway who has been there for me from day one, as well as Mrs. Kampe, for all of her as- sistance in my classroom. Last but not least, Dr. Markgraf, for believing in me and giving me the chance to make a difference in all of these children’s lives. Sincerely, Miss Minelli

My favorite Erickson memory is the tug-of-war from Field Day. It was fun. My class came in second place. By Matthew grade 2

My favorite Erickson memory is International Month. I liked inter- national month because I studied France. France is my favorite country. By Lindsey grade 2

My favorite Erickson memory is the assembly that the teachers did. I liked it because the teachers acted out the stories that the stu- dents wrote. Also I liked it be- cause the plays were all different. Most of them were very funny. By Allie grade 2

Erickson Elementary is the best because the school has nice teach- ers and principals. The school also has a good nurse. My favorite By Alexa grade 5 thing about Erickson is the mascot. It is the Eagle. By Joseph grade 1

I think Erickson School is the best because we have exciting field trips. We have special events. We have writers’ workshop. We have gym, art, and music. He have DEAR, math, and science. There are many reasons that I love Erick- son School. By Joey grade 1

Our school has good things like Teddy Bear Night and PE and IMC and Art and Music and of course our teacher. We have a good school. I love it so much. Chloe grade 1

By Lauren grade 3

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Recess with friends To be a kid at Erickson means to learn new Indoor tornado drills with heads down things like reading good books, and the Extended responses abut our stories teachers are very, very nice! By Sarah grade 1 Sweating on field day and drinking lots of water By Jack, Samantha & Yola grade 3 To be a kid at Erickson means to learn more about different animals and plants. It also means to play on the monkey bars and Erickson play soccer and practice jump rope and talk Read! about the things that you do. By Brandt grade 1 I love school! Do Crafts To be a kid at Erickson means to learn new things in gym like playing clean up that Don’t Kick! room. I like my class room too because I See work that people did! have friends like my best friend Casey. By Kate grade 1 Keep On working! No goofing off! To be a kid at Erickson means you get to go By Owen grade 1 on Field Trips like when we got to go to Blackberry Farm and the Christmas Carol play. We learn new things each day like when we made paper flowers. I like Erick- Hi! My name is Jane. My best memory of son so much. school is when me and my class went to the By Ashley grade 1 Bloomingdale library. My favorite thing to do at school is to read and write. To be a kid at Erickson means to play at re- By Jane grade 1 cess with friends. To be at Erickson means to be a good citizen. I have a lot of friends and I have a lot of By Emily grade 1 memories because Erickson is the best and Erickson is very cool! Erickson is great! To be a kid at Erickson means to learn how By Nicole grade 1 to play Field Day games in PE. I also learn how to tell time in Math. Also we go on I like when we had 100s day of school because field trips in first grade. It means I can play we got to read the 100s story to a group. And at the park with my friends. I like Portfolio Night. By Melina grade 1 By Marcella grade 1 To be a kid at Erickson means you see kids practice jump rope and play tag on the monkey bars with their friends. By Isabella grade 1

To be a kid at Erickson means to practice the motions for the Bugz play and your parts. It means we learn in science and math. To be a kid at Erickson means to be a good citizen! Erickson By Nina grade 1 Responsible ISAT To be a kid at Erickson means playing at recess. It means having Caring teachers like Mrs. Volkman. Erickson is a great place to be. By Chloe grade 1 Kind Share To be a kid at Erickson means to play tag on the monkey bars. You On the move learn how to do SRA at Erickson. I like the teachers. By David grade 1 Nice What do you think about Erickson Elementary? Does anybody know? Happy birthday! Erickson is awesome! Just like you all the teachers are too! By Jordan grade 1 Adults Polite Roses are red Perfect Violets are blue Young School is cool Just like you. Our school is called Erickson Elementary Boy scouts My favorite memory is Bugz and Field Day. Intelligent Field Day is outside You play games Respectful You have a lot of fun at Field Day. Twinkling In Bugz you get to sing songs Hard-working But I don’t like singing. And in bugs you do movements with your hands Delightful And your body. Achieve You have to learn a lot of the movements. Yearbook The hardest movement is the firefly movements. By Robert grade 3 I don’t have a part but the people who do have to make costumes My favorite song is the march of the army ants. By Joe grade 1

My favorite thing about first grade is specials and PE and art and music and computer lab and IMC. What is your favorite thing about first grade? By Daniella grade 1 Teachers

Trustworthy to everyone Excellent in every way Awesome teachers Care for kids Help you understand Elated when get good grades Rewarding education Super teachers

by Alex, Gerard, & Jackson grade 3

Happy Birthday Erickson! By: Patti grade 4

In the five years I’ve been here I learned a lot. Three things I enjoyed while learning are parties, Field Day and Interna- Outstanding Erickson Teachers tional Day. Do you think you want to get started? Wonderful teachers Let’s get partying! I like fourth Respect us in every way grade because we have parties like the Val- They educate us entine’s party. One thing we did was a jump race. At the Halloween party, we passed goodies out. At the Christmas By Alanna, Jas & Sabrina party, we made a snowman craft. We had a great time. One, two, three we’re off to win! The tug-of-war is a competition where the class pulls the ropes and wins. We also play the beanbag toss. You try to get points. In cup stacking, you stack them up and down. Hooray! Our class won first place! Get out your passports because we’re going to Poland. International Day is when you learn about your country. Study it because you can remember it. You do fun things. Play games and do projects this month. I hope you learned a lot about Po- land. This is the best year ever. I liked the parties, Field Day and International Day. By: Nick grade 4 By: Peter grade 4

What’s up? Do you want to th have some fun? Well come to Erick- Do you know what’s cookin’ in 4 grade? Lots! There were son. Recess, Field Day and A.R. point three spices I like. First, all of my spices: clubs, it’s the best yet! You can learn ¼ of some days while having fun! ¾ of activities We are just like the F.B.I. Do 1 ounce of P.T.O.F. you want to know why? You can pre- Now it’s time to cook! Have you ever eaten something from another country? Well in tend all the swings are planes and you rd drive. I also pretend that the grass is 3 grade International Month, we ate Polish cookies. Mmmmm! We water and then you can act like you studied about mountains, life, etc. Wacky Wednesday was sponsored by have a boat. Gadgets? We all like Student Council. Like Beach Day and Famous Person Day, just to name gadgets, but we don’t have them. a few. Recess was the best of all! Friends played with me and made Imagine you have them. You could some new friends too. It is relaxing but here’s something else. have, do or see everything when you Have you ever made maps? In Social Studies we made four. It pretend at recess. is fun and hard all at once. In math, you use fun units and thoughtful It’s all fun and games on math responses. But in L.A. it is way different, you write poems. Want Field Day. If you like to jump, “Jump some more fun? Well here you get it! the River” is for you! You have to Do you know what P.T.O.F. means? It means Parents Too Are jump the farthest to win. If you’re Fun! Parties are fun because you get candy and have lots of fun. Stu- more of a runner, “Chase me” is your dent Council days are fun because you can sit by friends and be cool. Hot lunches taste spectacular. They are good but hot dogs taste the best. game. “Chase Me” is kind of like a th more advanced type of tag. Maybe Here you have it, the 4 grade special. But wait my spices: you’re a slow and steady person, ¼ of some days “Explosive Bottle” is your game. You ¾ of activities have to move the bottle to the target in 1 ounce of P.T.O.F. a team without touching the bottle or We are wrapped up, so waiters take your orders?! knocking it down. Whatever type of game you like, it’s all at Field Day. If you work hard at reading for the Accelerated Reading Program By: Jimmy grade 4 (A.R.) it’s all worth it in the end. If you get 50 points, you could go to the In my five years I have been at Erickson, I’ve learned a lot. I principal at lunch to have pizza. With have three favorite things here. They are Field Day, Math and Social 50 points you get a special nigh tout. Studies. Erickson is a great school to learn at. You get pizza and pop and go bowling “3, 2, 1 pull the rope!” I say on my favorite day—Field Day. to win prizes and you get to have a Field Day has a lot of games and they are very fun and they keep me relay with questions about books. At going. The food is very good and it gives me energy to play the games. the end, you can relax and read. If Tug-a-War is my favorite because it is a team sport and it is competi- you make it all the way to 100 points, tive. Field Day is my favorite day of the year! you get to go on a very special field Ready, Set, Go! The time test starts. Math is fun and I learn a trip while the rest of the class is in lot everyday. The hard problems, multiplication, division, adding and school. I made it all the way to 120 A. subtracting, all fun but they can get hard. Work time is hard with the R. points, so you can too! problems hard papers and fractions all are very hard. Math is my favor- Do you agree with me that recess, ite subject but sometimes I wish it wasn’t. Math is my favorite subject Field Day and A.R. point clubs are the because it helps me with my learning and it helps me with my problems. best that Erickson has to offer? At Also, I am going to use it for the rest of my life. Math is my favorite Field Day you get a whole day to have subject this year, but next year it won’t be. fun and play really fun games. At the Southwest, southeast, northwest, and more. Social Studies 50 point A.R. Night Out and 100 point maps I do are very hard and you need to follow the directions. My nd club field trip, these are my favorite worksheets are harder then ever. This subject is my 2 favorite subject. too. I think Erickson is the best school It is easy but sometimes very hard. The tests are torture. I mean torture, ever!!! While you are learning a lot, torture, torture! These tests are so hard it took me almost an hour to you can have tons and tons of fun! complete it. Sometimes Social Studies could be easy, sometimes torture. Erickson is the best school, I would ever go to. Even when I’m in col- lege, I still won’t forget this wonderful school…Erickson. Things I Like About Erickson By: Dale grade 4

I like Erickson because now I don’t have to move. At Erickson School, the first day, I got a lot of friends! In 2 ½ months Erickson School is the best. On the first day everyone in my whole class said Hi!!! Nick was the first friend I met. Danny is one of my friends that play with me. Christian is the one who helps By Nate me a lot with Math. So as you can see I have Grade 1 met a lot of friends. The first time in recess I played with Nick, Danny and Christian. Danny and I played airplane on the swings. On the mon- key bars me, Nick and Danny played army training. Outside Nick brought a game called Zathura and all of us played it. So, as you can see I love recess because I can play. The seventh time I went to Gym, I did the mile run! I had to jog first and then run. At square dances, everybody had to work with a girl. We had to jump 1, 2, 3, then 4!!!! So you can see, P.E. is the best for me. Out of all these the best for me is P.E. so we can be fit. I’ve been really, really good at P. E.!!!

Happy Birthday Erickson! By: Sherrin grade 4

Come to Erickson to have fun! Erickson is a fun and great place to learn. It’s fun at Erickson because we have parties like Christmas parties and also Halloween parties. We also have special events. Another fun thing is Field Day. We play games all day long on that day. Let’s party! At Erickson we have Christmas parties, Halloween parties, Thanksgiving and Valentine parties. We play games like Fear Factor and potato sack races. Also some families come in and help out and en- joy the party. I love how we celebrate parties at Erickson. Special events are so much fun! These events are sponsored by the Student Council. They do stuff like Famous Person Day, when you dress up like someone famous. There is also Pajama Day, when you come to school in your pajamas and slippers. Also we have Wacky Wednesdays, like Backwards Day. I love how we have special events at Erickson. Go team! Go! I love how we have Field Day. We play games like beanbag toss and cup stacking. We also get hot lunch for free and also get to make signs for our team. Field Day is my favorite day of the school year. These are all the ways that Erickson is a great school because of Field Day, special events and parties.