HEARING DATE AND TIME: March 29, 2011 at 9:45 a.m. (Eastern time) OBJECTION DEADLINE: March 22, 2011 at 4:00 p.m.. (Eastern time) John Lewis Mealer, pro per (pro se) 6333 Gardenia Lane Show Low, Arizona 85901
[email protected], 928-532-8191 CREDITOR/CLAIMANT UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ) MOTORS LIQUIDATION COMPANY, et al., ) Chapter 11 Case No. ) f/k/a General Motors Corp., et al. ) 09-50026 (REG) ) Debtor ) Jointly Administered ) ) ) ) ) (Creditor's Principal Brief) ) CREDITOR'S RESPONSE, OBJECTION and MOTION TO DENY THE RELIEF REQUESTED IN DEBTOR'S OBJECTION, DISAGREEMENT and MOTION TO DENY ENTRY OF ORDER DISALLOWING and EXPUNGING ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM NO. 70792 FILED BY JOHN L MEALER Creditor/Claimant/Plaintiff Mealer's Response, Disagreement, Objection and Motion is based on the attached Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed and timely served concurrently all pleadings and papers on file herein and such pleadings as filed in the Arizona District Court Case No: 3:10-cv-08172-JWS, which is integral to this complaint and attached hereto as Exhibits, and upon such oral and documentary evidence as may be presented at a hearing if necessary on this [responsive] principal brief Motion To Deny the Relief Requested in Debtor's Objection and Motion To Deny Entry of Order Disallowing and Expunging Administrative Claim No. 70792 Filed By John L Mealer.. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Relief Requested........................................................................................................... 2 II. Jurisdiction …............................................................................................................... 5 III. Preliminary Statement (Background of Mealer's Claims)............................................ 6 IV. Debtor's liability is clear and concise............................................................................. 7 V. Internet Postings (Doctrine of Accord and Satisfaction Improperly Applied).................9 VI.