Holocaust, A-Bomb ======Demjanjuk Sticks To Alibi

Survivors Linked by David Landau Reason For Lying proceedings - that he had never To The Americans actually been in Sobibor (nor in American cleri c participating, said (JTA) - J ohn Demjanjuk, into by Robert Israel Demj anjuk says he li ed to T reblinka). (JTA) - The survivo rs of t he in an interview here. "Now, when his second wee k of testimony in Americans in order to avoid being we return to our countri es, we his own defense, is plainly not But Sobibor was an unfo rtunate atomic bomb dropped here 42 repatriated to the USSR. The choice if it really was arbitrary as years ago are both distinct from must see to it that we continue our going to be broken by the prosecution says he lied in order to interfaith wo rk ." prosecution in one sudden collapse the defendant claims, fo r the town and connected to the survivors of conceal his true identity - Ivan of Sobibor hosted another the Nazi Holocaust, according to T he religious leaders have of his alibi. Rather, as the long the Terrible, butcher of Treblinka. offe red proposals to solve court sessions proceed, it seems notorious concentration camp. Rabbi J oseph Glaser, executive His claim to have lived outside And Sobibor is also me ntioned on international conflicts such as clear that State Attorney Yona vice president of the Central Blattman and his able assistant, Ru ssia prior to and during the war, the defendant's alleged SS Conference of American Rabbis. Demjanjuk says, left the ~~:[!~;i~rm:n~ac:h~t ~~~l~t:r Michael Shaked, hope to chip identity card, as the camp he was " In the case of the Jews, it was a Americans no reason to suspect sent to on completion of his SS calculated, cold- blooded plan to they conducted a silent vigil for away at the accused man's story, him of membership in the Red wo rl d peace and rang a peace bell bit by painstaking bit, and in this guard training at Trawniki. murder an entire people," he Army, even though he was of Demjanjuk maintains that the explained in an interview here. "In at the Enryaku Temple. way cause it to crumble eventually conscription age at the start of the Glaser said wherever he has in the eyes of the three-j udge card, a central piece of evidence in the case of the J apanese, the war. the case, is a KGB forge ry as the traveled throughout J apan he has Jerusalem court. bombings we re a cruel act of war." In fact, he says, he did serve in Soviet Union's revenge against However, he added, "the been asked about the Nazi The court for its part is the Red Army. He claims to have Holocaust. watching attentively to see him. survivors of both events are linked whether the prosecution's feared repatriation because of his But perhaps, Shaked pressed by the fact they have suffe red and "The Japanese have told me, cumulative assault wi ll undermine all eged membershi p in the on, Demjanjuk chose the town of have a responsibi li ty to tell their 'Our witnesses are dying off, and the defendant, or whether, after turncoat Vlasov army, a Russian Sobibor because he was indeed story to humanity to insure many of them are unwilling to POW di vision that fo ught on the fami liar with it - it being fairly neither will ever happen again." share their stori es with others.' 1 his gruell ing wee ks in the witness German side. In Russia he would told them this is true wi th t he box, Demjanjuk can emerge with close to Treblinka - and because Glaser was in J ap·an to attend his story, though bruised and have been considered a traitor and he preferred for obvious reasons two major gatherings. On Jewish survivors, too. Often I have buffeted, still sufficie ntly intact to would have been executed. not to cite Treblinka itself. Thursday, he joined an estimated hea rd survivors of the camps say avoid a conviction. . Demjanjuk's lie may have been Demjanjuk replied that the 55,000 people in the Peace that people look at them in understandable in the di sbelief and that people do not Last Tuesday, Judge Dov Levin friend had suggested Sobibor Memorial Park here fo r a circumstances, Shaked conceded, because it had a substantial believe their stori es. But they are gravely and repeatedly warned memorial service for the victims of but why did he choose t he town Ukrai nian population. o th the bomb that devastated the city. ur wi tnesses and we must listen." Demjanjuk at he was Sobibor as his false residence in Contradicting his previous In recent months, several undertaking a "grave On Wednesday, Glaser laid a Poland? Why not choose a place testimony, he does not now claim wreath at the Memorial reports have described responsibility" by not giving direct he claims to have been familiar anti·Semi tic publications in answers to the prosecutor. that Sobibor was a misspelling on Centopath in memory of the with, such as Rowno, the POW his U.S. immigration form, and bomb's dead. Japan. Schudrich has been The questions, though camp in Poland where he spent that the town in fact chosen was The rabbi also was participating monitoring these publications. seemingly technical, were key to two weeks, or Chelm, where he Sambor. He now says that only in the World Conference on "To date," Schudrich said, his wartime alibi. They focused on claims to have been imprisoned 18 years later in the U.S., possibly Religion and Peace, which has "there have been at least a dozen his admittedly false entries on his months? after proceedings against him had brought together 500 religious books that are inflammatory in U.S. immigration application, The prosecution placed begun, he tried to find Sobibor on representatives from various nature. Two of those books, by submitted at a displaced persons Demjanjuk at the Treblinka death a map. When he was unable to branches of Judaism, Christianity, Masami Uno, have sold close to camp after World War II. The camp during that 18 month period, find it he presumed that the choice Buddhism, Shinto, Islam and 800,000 copies." defendant had written that he where he is accused of driving must have been Sambor. Confucianism. One of Uno's books, "If You spent the war years as a farmer in hundreds of thousands of Jews to Refers To The The conference began last week Understand the Jews, You Can Poland in the village of Sobibor. their deaths in the gas chamber. Fedorenko Case at Mt. Hiei in Kyoto, a site sacred Understand the World," talks Questioned about the actual Demjanjuk claims his choice of To press his point home further, to Buddhists. The participants, about "international Jewish process of filling out that form, Sobibor was arbitrary. Aided by a Shaked referred to the case of who also included Rabbi Michael capital" that has damaged the Demjanjuk seemed to be avoiding helpful friend at the DP camp, he Feodor Fedorenko, a convicted Schudrich of the Jewish Japanese economy. _ answering, incurring Levin's says he picked any Polish town Treblinka guard recently executed community of Tokyo, then caine "There has historicaily been wrath. "We will take that into that came to mind. But he insisted in the USSR, whose history here for the ceremony and great curiosity about Jews in account" Levin thundered. - repeatedly during last week's (Continued on page 9) travelled to Nagasaki before Japan," Schudrich said. Jews are returning to Kyoto. an enigma to the Japanese and Interfaith Work they are curious about Jews. Must Continue That's one of the reasons these Pollard Scores 1$raeli, U.S. Leaders "There has been a great feeling books have sold so well. But it's {JTA) Convicted spy the now disbanded Lekem the Israelis." of camaraderie among the important to note that what Jonathan Pollard claims the espionage agency that recruited Pollard claims that Weinberger participants," Glaser, the only (Continued on page 9) classified U.S. information he and directed Pollard. has "approved such a radical gave and sold to Israel was for an Jonathan Pollard, 32, received a pro-Arab tilt in U.S. Middle East Israeli-sanctioned high and noble life term in March for his policy" by accepting the Arab Yiddish Eldercamp Hamish cause "pertaining to the covenant espionage activities. A former claim that Israel's strategic villue and survival." civilian analyst for the U.S. Navy, is marginal, by selling He adds in a 14-page he told the federal court that he "ultra-sophisticated" arms and by handwritten letter from federal had come to realize that rather denying Israel "critical prison here, published by the St. than spy, he should have taken his information needed to neutralize Louis Jewish Light, that Israel concerns that Israel wasn't the new generation of Soviet unfairly repudiated him and left rece1vmg enough security weapons being deployed along her him and his wife Anne to take the information through the channels northern border.'' rap. of the Navy and as far as the Regretting that he broke the Pollard's letter is the first President. . law, Pollard nonetheless writes communication with a U.S. Jewish He added that he regretted that "after months of agonizing newspaper since he was sacrificing his wife "on the altar of . . . I came to the conclusion that transferred to prison here, political ideology." Anne, 26, was the choice I faced was between my according to the Jewish Light. All sentenced to two concurrent belief in Israel's right to continued known Jewish prisoners in five-year terms for being an security and my legal obligation to Missouri receive the newspaper. accessory to her husband's uphold Mr. Weinberger's betrayal "I wasn't motivated by greed espionage and receiving stolen of the Jewish State. Having thus and I didn't set out to become a government material. He claims identified my options, I acted martyr," he writes. " . . . I don't the inadequate treatment she accordingly." The convicted spy condemn the cause I served but receives for a rare, painful also attacks Morris Abram, only the cowardly leaders who gastrointestinal disorder keeps her chairman of the Conference of decided to sacrifice us all on the in agony. Presidents of Major American twin altars of diplomatic and Says U.S. Policy Jewish Organizations, and other personal expediency." Compelled Him U.S. Jewish leaders "of his ilk." "Rogue Operation" Pollard also contends that He accuses them of being "glib Israeli leaders at first termed Secretary of Defense Caspar apologists" who should "limit Eve Sepolsky, right, waits for the next culinary cue in Pollard's work a· "rogue Weinberger's "even-handedness themselves to fund-raising and preparing parogeo from Elaine Strajcher. They are in the operation.'' .No proof to the pqlicy" toward the Middle East - leave the less glamorous affairs kitchen at the Jewish Community Center where last week's contrary has been reported, yet seeking to erode "the Israeli such as intelligence gathering to Yiddish Eldercamp, sponsored by the Bureau of Jewish official Israeli investigations have army's military superiority over those of who are not afraid to be Education, was held. For story, see page 8 . (photo by Dorothea criticized the top governmental the Arabs" - "eventually exposed as 'unhyphenated' Jews.'' Sry\fer) leafleis/i!ll . for, .PO,O! Pi,;e~ig!\~, 1>( , , p~e~ipita,ted ll! Y. jqv,o)ve~~qt, 'l"itlt, , , (Continued on page 9) · 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 Brandeis President To Speak At Touro Evelyn E. Handler, president of Brandeis University, will urge Local News construction of a new agenda for education during an Aug. 23 address to The Society of Friends of Touro Synagogue in Newport, R.I. Handler's talk, schedueld for $38,000 More Needed ·Cokin Wins 2:30 p.m. at the Synagogue at 85 Hadassah Award Touro St., will focus on the need For Transplant fo r private businesses and state JR's Fastlane, a Providence Curnett, has organized a Mrs. Jacob Cokin, and federal government agencies dance club featuring local bands, fund-raising campaign in the Pawtucket-Cent ral Falls Chapter to work more closely together in held a fund-raiser on Aug. 4 to Warwick School Department, of Hadassah, has been named a addressing problems in education. raise money for Marcie where she is a teacher. winner of the National Hadassah Handler was invited to address Szynkarski, who desperately needs A fundraising barbecue held at Leadership Award, announced by the group by its president, Aaron a liver transplant. $2500 was Oak Hill Stables in Cranston on Hadassah National President J . Slom. raised at that function. July 12 yielded $1,800 and was Ruth W. Popkin at the The Touro Synagogue was Marcie is the wife of Michael attended by more than 60 people. organization's 73rd National founded in the 18th century by Szynkarski, a Cranston native Altogether $162,000 has been Convention in Baltimore, Sephardic Jews, who came to who was graduated from Cranston raised. is very grateful Maryland. Newport about 1658, and is the High School East and the to Rhode Islanders for their caring "Sara Cokin has demonstrated oldest synagogue in North University of Rhode Island. The and generosity. the commitment, compassion and America. In 1946 the synagogue members of his family all reside in Marcie has had numerous dedicated leadership exemplified was designated a National Rhode Island. Married two medical setbacks this summer, by the life and work of Henrietta Historic Site by the National Park University of New Hampshire. months ago, the Szynkarski's which have delayed her prospects Szold, Hadassah's founder," Service. Among the synagogue's Before that she served as dean of recently learned that Marcie needs of getting on the liver donor list. Popkin said in announcing the memorabilia is a letter to the the sciences and mathematics a liver transplant within six Her spirits and will to live remain award. " It is a privilege to honor Society of Friends of Touro division at Hunter College, City months or she could die. strong and she hopes to be on the Sara Cokin with this award for her Synagogue from George University of New York, and as a To get on the donor list, the donor list within the next couple service to her people, her Washington written in 1790. faculty member in Hunter Szynkarskis must first raise weeks. community and Hadassah." Handler was inaugurated in College's biological sciences $200,000, the total cost of the Contributions can be made to: Mrs. Cokin is a past president, 1983 as the fifth president of department. transplant, on their own. Family The Marcie Liver Transplant vice-president and has been an Brandeis University, a private, She is the author of numerous members throughout the United Fund, University Savings active board member of Jewish-sponsored, liberal arts and articles in the field of leukemia States are trying to raise funds, Association, 5214 Kirby Blvd., Pawtucket-Central Falls research university located just research and holds a Ph.D. in and Michael's sister, Monika Houston, Texas 77098. Hadassah for more than outside of Boston. From 1980-83, biology from New York twenty-five years. She is active in she was president of the University. many areas of public service, including past vice-president of ''Career Directions Licht Urges DOT Picnic For her Temple's Sisterhood as well as JCCRI Singles a member of the Executive Board, For Women" At RWC To Pursue Agreements a member of the board of the Roger Williams College will On Sunday, August 16, the Meet at the Jewish Community Rhode Island Section, National launch its new "Career Directions Lieutenant Governor Richard Jewish Community Center Singles Center of Rhode Island, 401 Council of Jewish Women, an for Women" program on A. Licht says the Department of will sponsor a picnic at Lincoln Elmgrove Avenue in Providence at honorary board member of the Saturday, September 19 at 9 a.m. Transportation should more Woods State Park, sites 51-54, at 1 p.m. to carpool. The fee for the Jewish Home for the Aged, and an with a keynote speech by U.S. actively pursue reciprocal parking 1:30 p.m. picnic is $ 1.00 per person. active board member of the Rep. Claudine Schneider. The privileges for Rhode Island's Swimming will be available JCCRI Singles is open to all Miriam Hospital Women's event is free and open to the handicapped citizens in other along with sports equipment. divorced, widowed or Association. public. As space is limited, states. In a letter to DOT Director Enjoy games, frisbees and a never-married persons ages 21 to A delegate to the National advance reservations should be Matthew Gill, Licht said he is chance to see old friends and meet 60. Hadassah Convention in made by telephoning pleased to hear from the new ones. Bring cold food or food Please call Judith Jaffe at Baltimore was Mrs. Ruth 401 -253-1400 weekdays. The department that agreements or to barbecue; watermelon and cold 861-8800 by August 13 for Blustein, co-president of the opening program will be followed statutory provisions have taken beverages will be provided. reservations. Pa~ucket-Central Falls Chapter. by a luncheon; attendance is effect in 30 states, an increase of optional. The charge for the 11 states since Licht and DOT luncheon is $5. first focused attention on the issue Playgroup At JCC in 1984. Nevertheless, he said his "Career Directions for Women" office and the department must West Bay Jewish Community is an innovative program designed not relax their efforts to win BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS Center has openings in their to assist and support women who reciprocal agreements with the Cooperative Playgroup for have been at home and are ready remainder of the 50 states. toddlers (age 2). Classes are held to explore other options. "We should renew our efforts to in the East Greenwich area. For ensure that the mobility of the more information, call 831-1390. The program kick-off will be handicapped is not further followed by six seminars to be held hindered by laws denying them on successive Wednesdays - access to parking areas designed Notes From September 30, October 7, 14, 21, for theiT use," said Licht. MARTY'S and 28, and Nov. 4 from 9 until Referring to a memo he received· Ohawe Sholam 11:30 a.m. Subjects to be discussed from DOT, Licht wrote, "I KOSHER MEAT MARKET include: the current and .future job commend the department for its Services this Shabbat begin at 9 market, exploring career interests, diligent pursuit of these 467-8903 88½ Rolfe St., Cranston a.m. There is a Kiddush tapping one's creativity, creating agreements in the last three immediately following services. the dream job, and launching the years," adding that "We must Koshered Meats For You Friday services begin at 7:35 p.m. job search. The seminar leaders remain true to our goal of Saturday Rabbi Jacobs will give will be Gail Rogan, president of extending these privileges in all 50 his class at 6:30 p.m. Mincha will Life Work Strategies, a CHICKEN WINGS 49c lb. states." be at 7:25 p.m. followed by the Massachusetts career planning Noting that the DOT memo is Third Sabbath meal. Ma'ariv will firm; Dr. Elizabeth Ayres, dean of unclear about the policy of several CHICKEN LEGS 59c lb. begin at 8:25 p.m. with Havdalah the School of Continuing states, Licht asked that the at 8:35 p.m. Education and Graduate Studies department "seek and provide my TURKEY BREASTS S2.39 lb. Our synagogue is embarking on at American International office with more precise a membership drive. We have a College, Springfield, Mass.; information about the status of EGG ROLLS S2.49 pkg. small but growing congregation Martha Izzi, regional our request for an agreement with which has a youth group, a couples administrator, Women's Bureau, those states. I will write to t he club, a teenage seminar U.S. Department of Labor; Dr. TURKEY PASTRAMI s3_39 lb. appropriate governing bodies, as in-the-planning and adult Karen Haskell, dean of students, well as my counterparts in those education, as well as many more Roger Williams College; Dr. states to urge them to comply with activities. We are just a little over Lorraine Dennis, psychology a reciprocal agreement," Licht a mile from day schools, the faculty member at Roger Williams asserted. .. As we continue our Mikvah and the Jewish College; and Frances Katzanek, efforts in this area, I will be Community Center. director of career services at Roger available to assist you in any way Anyone interested in our shul Williams College. possible, whether with letters, can call Rabbi and Eve Jacobs at phone calls, or lobbying in other The program, believed to be the 724-3552; David and Nita Pliskin states." at 725-3886; or Barrie and Annette first of its kind in New England, is The Lieutenant Governor Weisman at 723-2669. sponsored by Career Services at played an instrumental role, with Upcoming events include a Roger Williams College. Governor Michael Dukakis and couples club family get-together Frances Katzanek, director of the Massachusetts Legislature, in on Sunday, August 23 and a Career Services, and Patricia bringing about a reciprocal synagogue cookout on Sunday of Scott, assistant director, said that parking agreement with Labor Day weekend. Massachusetts in 1986. Licht The schedule of services during women at home who are thinking about moving into the work force became a proponent of the issue the week are as follows: have a "tremendous" need for this after hearing a number of Mornings: Sunday 8 a.m., kind of program. complaints from handicapped Monday and Thursday 6:40 a.m., Rhode Island motorists who had Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Cost for the seminars is $20 per received tickets in Massachusetts 6:50 a.m. Evenings: 7:30 p.m. session or $100 for the entire for parking in spaces reserved for series of six sessions. For more the handicapped. As it stood, information and a brochure, call Masschusetts law required police Career Services, Roger Williams to ticket any plate not issued by College, at 401 -253-1400 the Massachusetts Registry of weekdays. MotorNs,hicles. , . , · · ' ! ' ' t , ' , t .. ( , ' ~., .t~· · . . . • ' .. . -.....,. •• +.. ~ .... l • ~ O"r.:J' ..._,.,T1- •n I :'T' THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 - 3 Immigrant Family To Hold Competition For Cancer Fundraiser RISD Museum On Tape Local school children, senior During the summer, the Unpublished Authors citizens, legislators and visitors to Museum of Art, 224 Benefit St., The Association of Jewish Rhode Island are now able to get a Providence is open Wednesday to Libraries announces the third taste of the wealth of art, activities Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. The annual Sydney Taylor Manuscript and resources available at Rhode Museum Shop is open the same Competition for aspiring authors Island School of Design's Museum hours. General admission to the of children's books. A cash award of Art before ever setting foot in Museum is $1 for adults 19 and of $1,000 will be given for the best the Benefit Street institution. A over; $.50 for senior citizens; and fiction manuscript appropriate for recently released video tape is $.25 for children 5 to 18. readers aged 8 to 12, written by an currently being made available to Admission is waived on Saturdays. unpublished author. The story schools planning to visit the Group rates are available and should have universal appeal, yet Museum, the Greater Providence voluntary donations welcome. serve to deepen the understanding Visitors and Convention Bureau, The Museum receives partial of Judaism and reveal positive the State Department of support for its activities and aspects of Jewish life. For entry Economic Development, the programs from an Institutional forms and rules, please contact Governor's and Mayor's offices Support Grant from the Rhode Ms. Lillian Schwartz, and the State Department of Island State Council on the Arts Coordinator, 15 Goldsmith St., Library Services. and from the Institute of Museum Providence, RI 02906. Deadline Coordinated by Curator of Services, a federal agency which for submission of manuscripts is Education David Stark, with text offers operating and program January 15, 1988. written by Assistant Curator support to select museums Susan Glasheen, the tape covers nationwide. all facets of the Museum, from its Coffee Exchange social to its cultural and ·- - educational functions. Among the ,- WESfT A referral service Ivor and Alita Mason stand in front of their home where the programs it looks at are tours, for companions 7th Annual Cancer Research Party will be held on Saturday, special exhibitions, openings, to the elderly, August 15. The Masons donate the proceeds from their fund after-school art classes, concerts . raiser to cancer research at The Miriam Hospital. I since 1967. and lectures for adults. The video "" also notes the importance of the 401 47.1-1213 214 W1Ckrnrkn Sotti, Pnwidmct, RI 401,17},1198 In the spirit of today's religious Q.ff40v;iflC'lio11lwh.,kbrancoffca· cspm,10·p;u1ry and yard "to thank God and my Museum's popular French ecumenicism, Ivor Mason and his friends for helping me and my impressionist gallery and of family will use their home, lawn family settle in this great Pendleton House, the first and musical talents on August 15 country." Mason noted at that American wing in the country WIENER TRAVEL to raise cancer research money for first party that one of his closest built to house colonial furniture The Miriam Hospital. The friends could You are invited to join Dorothy Ann Wiener not attend due to and decorative arts. It shows Masons, a black immigrant family cancer. The friend died shortly RISO students copying paintings TO NOV. 11 to NOV.25 from Costa Rica active in the afterwards, and Mason decided to and producing original pieces ISRAEL FLIGHTS FROM BOSTON VIA Episcopal Church, will be hosting hold the lawn party each year "to based on the great works of art on EL AL ISRAEL AIRLINES the seventh annual Ivor Mason raise funds to fight the disease view in the Museum's 45 galleries, Deluxe Hotel• 9 Days Sightseeing• Full Israeli Breakfast Daily Cancer Research Lawn Party this that took my friend from me." and focuses briefly on Museum •Escorted• All Taxes• All Tips $1599 ~~; ~': i'to'!v Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Mason decided to donate the Director Franklin Robinson as he 178 Doyle Avenue. funds to The Miriam because reveals treasures "behind the Funds raised from the party are "they were doing cancer research, scenes," where the bulk of the 766 Hope St., Prov. R.I. donated to The Miriam's Ivor they are on the East Side, and they Museum's 65,000 holdings are Mason Cancer Research Fund, showed a very strong interest in -Wiener 272-6200 stored. which supports ongoing cancer what I wanted to do." research at the Hospital. The The Lawn Party has grown each Fund was established in year, with last year's event raising appreciation of Mason's successful more than $7,000 from the and totally unsolicited efforts, estimated 600 attendee's. which have resulted in the Mason obtains donations of purchase of several pieces of food, drink, money, prizes, and equipment used in cancer printing services from area research. In all, Mason's lawn businesses to produce and . I parties .have brought in more than promote the lawn party. In I I / / $40,000, mostly through donations addition, he convinces local talent - ---- 1111111111 ~.,, . from the 300-600 neighborhood to donate free entertainment as a - ENGLAND~.~~ \_,.~CE' - ll_------I ~ residents who annually attend the drawing card. This year his two nine-hour event. sons, Carl and Tony, will play - . - The 60-year-old Mason came to much of the afternoon with their ------the United States from Costa Rica popular rock band, Precision. In without his wife and three addition, at 10 a.m., The Puppet \ ocEAt----J children in 1972 to "improve my Workshop will perform "The Fish family's economic situation.'' Who Climbed The Mountain," a After taking a variety of jobs along puppet show depicting the life of the east coast, Mason arrived in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and Providence in 1976 and, after at 11 a.m., local Cape Verdian saving his money for three years, youths will perform a dance brought his family here in 1979. recital. The next year Mason held a At 3 p.m., Joseph Paolino, neighborhood party in his home mayor of Providence, will present prizes to the two winners of this year's lawn party raffle. For more information, contact Jewish Educators The Miriam Hospital-at 331-8500, Attend Conference extension 2014, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Seventeen Rhode Island teachers and educators will attend CCRI Offers the 12th Annual Conference of Telecourses HOPE Alternatives in Jewish Education (CAJE) in Carrollton, Georgia this Community College of Rhode •ST . August. Island will offer nine telecourses Through the sponsorship of the beginning the week of August 30 Teacher Training Committee of on WSBE-TV (Channel 36) and IL the Bureau of Jewish Education, various cable channels. these Rhode Islanders will join The courses being offered are: ., 2,000 Jewish professionals for an principles of management, intensive week of study with introduction to business, AlJ·// master teachers, varied learning principles of economics I, history experiences, and innovative of the United States to 1877, OF COUR'SE, programs. Session highlights cover topics in mathematics, general a wide spectrum of issues in psychology, English composition EVER.'(C:,N~ lAY 10-t-o 5" : ~o. Ruth Page, Lonna Picker, Naomi Office of Off-Campus Programs at Schwartz and Mer:yLWoolfi,,,,,,~ 333•7126, ' •,W o J ' 4 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY; AUGUST 13, 1987 us that halacha has kept us together as a people for 2000 years. AJCongress States Policy Divorce laws reflect age old values. He agreed that we have the right On Issues to criticize, yet emphasized we Editorial must do so with humility. The American Je~h Congress Church is the role of Catholic "Solutions must and can be found says that hope for the future of Churches in Europe during World within our halachic sources. Catholic.Jewish relations lay in War II. As we state in our open Throughout the responsa the moral sensitivity and courage letter, despite the extraordinary literature, halacha has responded of Catholic leaders who were heroism of so many individual with great sensitivity." Rabbi willing to express their pain and Catholics, the official churchea Riskin called for the distress over the action by Pope were largely silent, and abandoned establishment of a rabbinic John Paul II, not in a joint prayer the Jews in their agony. Women In Halacha committee, specifically dedicated session called for by Cardinal To this day, the Pope has failed Tamra Morris The rabbinic judged ruled in favor to finding halachic solutions to the O'Connor. to utter a single word · on this In traditional Jewish law, of Mrs. X. They agreed to 'compel' problems of divorce and abuses of A statement by Henry Siegman, painful subject. This ie why we marriage requires a gift of value Mr. X to grant her a divorce. How women. executive director of AJCongress, asked in our letter, "ls it possible, from man to woman, and her is one compelled when already Already, there is a foundation also expressed regret that the New Your Holiness, that in acceptance of it. Despite marriage serving a life prison term? The for ameliorating the plight of York prelate had criticized a Waldheim's forgetfulness there is being an act of acquisition, court recommended solitary abused women: the permissibility full-page American Jewish an echo, however distant, of the consent of the woman is confinement until the divorce was of recourse through the rabbinic Congress advertisement in a Church's forgetfulness as well?" imperative for the validity of the .granted. A short time later, courts. For certain offenses recent New York Times as It must be stated honestly and contract. Conversely, divorce ·can following nearly 20 years of outlined at length in the halacha, "inflammatory." The advertise­ directly. On Thursday, June 25, be . initiated by one party only - physical abuse, Mrs. X regained the judges may 'compel' the ment in the form of an open letter Pope John Paul II told the world the husband, stemming from the her autonomy. husband to issue a 'get.' The to the Pope criticized the Pontiff's that a man accused of complicity Biblical injunction, "that he write Even after relating this tragic Talmud also limits the reasons for failure to cite Waldheim's in Nazi atrocities against the.Jews her a bill of divorcement" of story, a11d possessing many more which the beit din (quorum of involvement in war crimes as a and other people is nevertheless fit Deuteronomy 24:1. The inability like .it in her years of experience, judges) can compel. In deciding World War II Nazi officer. to be honored by him at the to initiate divorce is viewed as Dr. Shenhav did not unilaterally cases of divorce, the court may The AJCongress statement, Vatican, and to be praised for his circumscribing the autonomy of a condemn the rabbinic court, take either a lenient or restrictive referring to the Pope's praise of activities in "securing peace woman over her own life. although she does consider it approach to the concept of Waldheim for activities in among all nations." Does Cardinal "So, what's the problem? I can generaly unresponsive, ineffective 'compulsion.' Moses ben securing peace among all O'Connor really believe that, after initiate a civil divorce?" According and highly politicized. She Maimonides (Rambam), a 12th n~tions," asked whether Cardinal such a statement, Jewish leaders to Jewish · law, a woman is applauded those judges who seem century halachist, chose a lenient , 0 Connor really believed that have so little self-respect as to forbidden to remarry until she to search their souls to understand direction. He ruled that if a after such a statement Jewish pretend that nothing has changed possesses a "Get," a piece of paper the torment and inner struggles of woman says about her husband, , leaders would "have so little and will participate in the declaring her divorced from her individuals, and who find ways, in "Ma'is Ala - I despise him and I self-respect as to pretend that ceremony with the Pope scheduled husband. A woman, living apart the mire of _la)"S, to rule _leniently cannot bring myself to be possesed nothing has changed" and would for Miami in September? from her husband, has the status (n fa_vor o( the woman - to grant by," then th~ . rabbjs . may participate in a ceremonial Cardinal O'Connor might do of "agunah," deserted wife. As an her more control over her own life. compeJ -the husband to grant a meeting with the Pope scheduled well to listen to the reaction of agunah, a woman is forbidden to Women at the. First di_vorce. Rambam expounds in the for September 11 in Miami. some of his own colleagues, remarry, because she cannot International Conference on Mishnah Torah, Hilchot !shut The text of the Siegman including Archbishop John May, release herself from the previous Women and Judaism agreed 14:8, "for she is not captive that statement follows: President of the National mariage bond, unless her husband unilaterally, secular and observant she should be possessed by one We regret that Cardinal Conference of Catholic Bishops in is proven dead or agrees to grant a alike, that something must be who is hateful to her." Although O'_C_o?nor so easily and quickly· the United States and in Europe, divorce. Should she remarry done to prevent this abuse of this ruling does , not permit a cotic1zed our open letter to Pope Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger, the anyway, she is considered an · women. Blu Greenberg, nationaly woman to initiate her own divorce, John Paul II as "inflammatory." Archbishop of Paris, and Albert adulteress. Children issued from acclaimed lecturer, author and the courts are given greater · In _fact, our open letter was Cardinal De Courtray, Primate of such a union will be considered mother of five , stresses leniency in ruling in her favor. restramed and respectful, and Gaul and the head of the Catholic "mamzerim," bastards, permitted emphatically that the rabbis Rabbis must look for ways of raised important questions that bishops in France. All of them, as in Jewish law to marry only other should be the first to take broadening, wherever possible, the require honest answers. well as many of the American such mamzerim or converts. The initiatives in preventing and instances that allow 'compulsion' To say, as Cardinal O'Connor Catholics from whom we have threat of this predicament has rectifying cases of wife-abuse. of a recalcitrant husband. does, that the Pope repeatedly heard, are pained and distressed resulted in extortion, bribery and Following the rabbis example, Another method of resolving condemned Nazi crimes against by the action of Pope John Paul. It blackmail of women by their education is the next step. this problem is through a the _Jews is to avoid those is not joint prayer, as welcome as husbands. Educational materials should be prenuptial agreement, which quest1o~s. No on~ d~ubts that the that always may be, but the moral The threat to the continuity of introduced into schools to break states that, should either party , Pope, hke all ClVllized persons, sensitivity of these Catholic the Jewish people is frightening. established accepted patterns of feel ,their spouse has 'become was revolted by Nazi crimes religious leaders, and their courage Dissuaded by archaic laws, women abuse (the pattern of' abusive distasteful to me', the marriage against the Jews. This is hardly in speaking out, that sustains our who face an irrepairable marital behavior is often repeated in must be dissolved. The the question. The real question for hope for the future of situation will leave the restrictive children of abusers). Education Conservative movement has the Pope and for the Catholic Catholic-Jewish relations. guidelines of halacha regarding should be provided to men in the incorporated an agreement of this divorce and carry on with their sharing of responsibilities of kind directly into the marriage lives in accordance with secular, nurturing in the home contract. civil law. Future generations of education provided by women who Any attempt to solve these Jewish children will have may be hesitant to relinquish types of problems within the Robert Israel is -taking a leave of questionable identities as Jews power they have traditionally held framework of halacha must be absence. His column From · The and an irrepairable schism will in the home. A book of guidance guided by an awareness that the Editor will reappear when he returns. permanently divide halachically could be presented to prospective task of the halacha is to bring observant Jews from liberal and grooms. peace. This is understood by the secular ones. Suggestions for changes in Maharsha, a sixteenth century The situation is more grave in personal status laws were Talmudic commentator, as a Israel, where civil law is religious presented arising from the many husband and wife living together law in matters of personal status. hours spent discussing the issue, in peace. Building on the ideas of In a state where a majority of the and from hours and years of the Maharsha, Rabbi Riskin population is not halachically preparation by certain individuals. invokes a prayer. "Peace won't observant, all matters of marriage The problem was approached come with facile solutions. It will (USPS4M-710) - E-, W... By Tllo and divorce must be conducted quite creatively by one small come when women take their through rabbinic courts, where community in England, without rightful place as students and as • EDITOR:--..-.- disputes and questions are settled involving a rabbinic court at all. experts in Jewish It will come ROBERT /SRAEL in strict accordance with halacha. All the women of the town refused when the law is questioned with In Israel, secular Israelis find the to go to the mikveh, thus respect and with the profound • ASSOCIATE EDITOR: most intimate parts of their lives forbidding conjugal relations knowledge which enables our TERRYRAKY regulated by a system of laws to between husband and wife. Within generation to continue the which they, as individuals, do not two weeks, the men of the glorious pages in the responsa • ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: BRUCE WEISMAN subscribe. community had pressured the literature of our people. It will "I want to share a story with reluctant husband to grant his come when the interpreters of the • ACCOUNT REP.: you," begins Dr. Sharon Shenhav, wife a divorce. However, this law have the strength and the MARY FITZPATRICK an American-born Israeli lawyer innovative and courageous courage to say what they believe is currently appearing in the communal stand, within halachic right and to decide in accordance rabbinic courts. Mrs. X was standards, is meaningless in a with what they believe is right.'' physically abused by her husband community which lives within a Tamra Morris is National for 16 years of their marriage. structure they do not accept. Program Director for the National After receiving help, Mrs. X · Masha Lubelsky, President of Jewish Center·------­ requested a 'get' - religious Na'amat Pioneer Women in Tel for Learning divorce - from the rabbinic court Aviv, representing that majority of and and was denied. The court cited secular Israeli society bound by Leadership. 'shalom-bayit'; the juetification for religious laws in matters of denial was 'maintaining peace · n personal status, advocates the home.' separation of religion and state. Two years later, Mrs. X "If a 'Cohen' wishes to marry a returned to court. This time divorcee, he ehould be allowed to bearing evidence of phyeical . . . Each citizen of this state is beatings and a medical report. Her entitled to choice." Regarding her husband, appearing in court and readiness to forsake the authority declaring "I love her," caused the of halacha, Lubelsky responded court again to rule in favor of emphatically, "We have the right 'ehalom bayit' and return her to to criticize. If we don't use this ~­ his home. right, what will be in the future?" Subsequently, Mr. X was In vehement reeponse to Candlellghtlng convicted of murder and the rape Lubeleky, Rabbi Shlomo Riakin of little children, and sentenced to (founder of Moadot Or Torah August 14, 1987· life in priaon. When the case came Yeahiva in Efrat, larael and rabbi up again, Mr. X physically of Lincoln Square Synagogue in 7:30 p.m. attacked Mn. X in the courtroom. New York for 18 ~) reminded '---...... !,~-= ·-==-======·· ·=·::. .:.:. :;..------:::.:.-. ·:, :··. ~-•• ·::::. ·::.: -.-. , .· •· .;• .,' -•;, I • ,::' l.'Lt ~_(\ \ C, '.)...... ,, ~.,.,,,, •., ("l~t .._ l ,')._' 1 l)·'\""'I I \I I\, • ,"'.; I ) i i THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 - 5- A New Threat To Soviet Jews A Debt Owed To Rescuers Of Jews Anti-Semitism takes many It must be said, to the credit of by Susan Birnbaum It has just been announced that are socially isolated, setting up shapes and guises. -Some lie the Soviet government's daily (JTA) - In the early 1960's, on September 15, the foundation speakers' bureaus, and recording dormant, only to surface when Izvestia and weekly Ogonyok, that Rabbi Harold Schulweis, then a will become a project of the the stories. We're also facilitating conditions permit. they have not taken the activities conservative rabbi in Oakland, International Center for to help survivors write testimony As this article is written, Soviet and philosophy of Pamyat lightly. Calif., came to know Herman Holocaust Studies of the to Yad Vashem in Jerusalem in leader Mikhail Gorbachev is On June 3, Izvestia drew a parallel "Fritz" Graebe, superintendent of Anti-Defamation League of B'nai order to get these rescuers presiding over a social and between Pamyat and the Nazi a building in San Francisco, of B'rith. AOL's national director recorded as Righteous Among the economic revolution known as movement of tlie 1920s, meager financial means, who had Abraham Foxman said that Nations." glasnost or "openness," which highlighting the virulent once been a prestigious engineer in Schulweis. came to him a year ago Schulweis, now rabbi at Valley appears to offer new hope to anti-Semitism of both Germany. Graebe was assigned in and said, "It's bigger than I am." Beth Shalom in Encino, a Los Soviet Jews wishing to emigrate. organizations. Like the Nazis, August 1941 to manage a railroad Thereafter, plans were set in Angeles suburb, has written a The great experiment coud come members of Pamyat subscribe to engineering project for the motion to make the foundation an letter to be sent to all rabbis of all to a screeching halt at any time if the "conspiracy" theory and quote Germans in the Ukraine. And integral part of the ADL. divisions of Judaism to ask them Gorbachev's considerable from the infamous "Protocols of there he witnessed the murder of Foxman told JTA, "There's a to app-eal from their pulpits on opposition gains an upper hand. the Elders of Zion." According to nearly 1,500 Jews by Nazi lesson, in that there is good and Rosh hashanah for those who were Even as the emigration picture Pamyat, everything (including extermination squads. bad in all of us, and we must rescued by Righteous Christians seems brighter, a new threat to Chernobyl) can be blamed on Graebe then engineered his recognize both. If we are to survive to come forward with their stories, Soviet Jews is becoming apparent Jews. greatest project: a rescue network as a people, it's to laud and and with the current whereabouts in the anti-Semitic agenda of a Vitaly Korotych, the editor of that saved the lives of hundreds of applaud and use as examples of those who survive. nationalist group called Pamyat Ogonyok, one of the first to Jewish refugees in a dozen people who did what is just and Schulweis said the foundation (Memory), organized in 1980 by criticize Pamyat, concluded that it Ukrainian cities and villages. For right. It's a fitting part of our has already received contributions officials of the Soviet Ministry of uses anti-Semitism for internal his rescue work, at tremendous institution. It's part of what we're from rabbis, as well as laymen Civil Aviation. Members have political ends. He sees Pamyat personal risk, in which Graebe all about.'' from all over the world. The close ties with the Soviet Army members as foes of Gorbachev's organized the Jews into work An Important Step concept of helping the rescuers and the military industry. Its goal policy of openness who claim that squads, Graebe became known as Dennis Klein, director of the comes from the Jewish ethic, he is to .foster Russian nationalism he is a puppet manipulated by "The Moses of Rovno." ADL Holocaust Center, is also explained: "hakarat hatov" - which historically has been Jews. Graebe was the only German to enthusiastic about the transfer of recognizing the good. This imbued with anti-Semitism. The stated objective of Pamyat volunteer to testify at the the foundation . to the ADL. recognition of the ·rescuers "really Even some Soviet newspapers to protect old buildings, Nuremberg trials of war criminals. "We're all really excited about it," provides an opportunity to relate have expressed concern that monuments and other objects of And for this he was hounded, his he said, adding: "It supplies an differently to .the world out there Gorbachev's openness . and Russia's cultural heritage - is far family taunted. His position taken understanding of that period that and to change an inner democratization are likely to be from reality. In an interview from him, his money completely I don't think any program will give perception," he said. exploited by nationalistic published in great Britain's gone, Graebe came to America that much attention to, certainly Schulweis explained the · elements like Pamyat. Guardian newspaper on June 24, with his family in 1948. not within the Jewish community. foundation's goals as "to make a Soviet Jewish refusenik Victor an ex-actor, art photographer and Many Similar Cases To my knowledge, there's been no conscious, systematic effort to Fulmacl)t says members of one of the main forces behind That such a man should be full-time program addressing this find out the numberless rescuers Pamyat have support in such Pamyat, Dmitri Vasiliev, said the forgotten by those he. had rescued issue." who have been accounted for. We scientific bodies and academic following: haunted Schulweis, who began to The AOL has allotted close to need a (Simon) Wiesenthal and a facilities as the Moscow - "They (meaning the Jews, think about starting a foundation $100,000 for the foundation, (Beale) Klarsfeld to search out the Mathematical Institute. He calls Freemasons and 'cosmopolitans') to help Righteous Gentiles. The Foxman said. The foundation will good as we have spent out energies them "a dangerous group with "want to destroy our culture; they ailing Graebe was "just one of have a full -time ADL - correctly - to hunt down the influence and facilities to spread deny our past; they build factories many that I came across," administrator, Frank Reiss. evil. The evil has been well their poisonous propaganda." on the graves of our saints and Schulweis told JTA. In 1962, Fogelman remains the researched, but the good, A member of Pamyat, Valeriy warrior monks." Schulweis founded the Institute foundation's director, Schulweis is tragically, have been unsung - Yemelyanov, exhorts his fellow - "Jews account for 0.69 for Righteous Acts, whose founding and continuing and that has to be acknowledged. members "to safeguard our percent of the total population and archives were placed in the Judah chairman, and John Ruskay, who "In the last year, we've gotten hinterland during the war against they hold more than 20 percent of Magnes Museum at Berkeley. is vice chancellor - of the Jewish hundreds of letters from Jewish Zionism." the top jobs. How can they claim "And not one rescuer of Jews Theological Seminary of America survivors whose conscience has According to Soviet law, ethnic to be persecuted when there are so wrote us," he said. here, is foundation secretary. been pricked. The Jewish world and racial incitement is a criminal many in the press, literature, arts Schulweis said he also received Seeking To Befriend community has not engaged in a offense. Moreover, the and medicine? They want to reports from individuals who had The Rescuers systematic and active search for Communist Party is committed to impose their views." visited in Canada with one of the And, said Fogelman, the the rescuers, who clearly exist in ''proletarian internationalism." The fact that there are people who hid the family of Anne foundation is seeking volunteers greater numbers than we Yet no one in the Party hierarchy practically no Jews in the upper Frank in Amsterdam, Viktor "who will befriend rescuers who imagined." suggests that the chairman of echelons of the Party, the armed Kugler, who was in dire economic Pamyat, Konstantin Andreyev, or forces and many\other spheres of and health straits. any other member be charged with Soviet life apparimtly does not And he began to hear stories, LET A FRIEND IN ON THE NEWS! a criminal offense and prosecuted. impress Vasiliev. such as the one of Mother Maria To the contrary, Boris Yeltsin, a In a June 15 article headlined of Paris, who was sent to a With a Gift Subscrip_tion to the Politburo candidate-member, met "Frenzy," Izvestia revealed that a concentration camp, where she with members of Pamyat, and a prominent Pamyat member and gave her identification papers to a . report- of the meeting was self-styled advocate of sobriety Jewish woman, who survived published in Moslwvsknya Pravda. was in fact a drunkard who had because of them, while Mother R.I. HERALD Soviet sources have told killed his wife and spent time in a Maria went to the gas chamber. Western journalists the mental hospital. He has been well Almost all the rescuers he unbelievable story that the known to Jews, in and outside the learned about were impoverished authorities are "allowing Soviet Union, as a vicious and forgotten. Many had been FOR JUST s10.oo ('.14 out of state) you can give anti-Semites freedom of anti-Semite. turned out of their communities a friend or relative 52 weeks of the most compre­ Unless Soviet authorities expression so that they can, in for helping Jews. Schulweis's hensive publication dedicated to the Jewish_ turn, be exposed to criticism in the change their lax attitude towards thought were then clear: "If a Community. Timely features. local & social Soviet press and mass media." Pamyat, a pogrom atmosphere Christian risked his life to save a Should Gorbachev lose power, it is could once again become a fact of Jew, don't I as a Jew have an events. From the Editor and our Around Town feared that Soviet repression life in the Soviet Union. obligation to help him live out his section highlight each and every weekly __issue . against Jews might escalate. life in dignity?" Foundation To Be Part Of A Jewish Response To Hunger ADL Since 1981, Dr. Eva Fogelman Mazon, an organization founded think of the less fortunate." in New York has been director of 18 months ago as "a Jewish So far, 15,000 Jews across the the Rescuer Project at the City response to hunger," has just nation have "invested their University of New York Graduate To give your gift just fill out the coupon below announced its third round of religious celebrations with new Center, which was initially grants to fund hunger projects meaning" by giving to Mazon, sponsored by the John Slawson and mail it to: across the country. according to Mr. Mann. Fund of the American Jewish More than $150,000 is being The effort began in California Committee. For the past 10 years, Subscription Dept. distributed to 20 programs in 14 and has spread eastward. The idea Fogelman, a social psychologist R.I. Herald states, according to Theodore R. was the brainchild of Leonard and psychotherapist, has been Mann, Mazon's president. The Fein, publisher of Moment involved with research and P.O. Box 6063 grants are designed to help the Magazine. Mazon's offices are in therapy related to the impact of needy on a nonsectarian basis. Los Angeles. the Holocaust on survivors and Providence, R.I. 02940 . "Hunger and homeleasness Information about Mazon and their children. know no religious, racial or ethnic how to make contributions can be Fogelman, who recently distinctions," said Mr. Mann, who obtained by writing or calling received her Ph.D. as a result of is also president of the American Irving Cramer, Executive this work, told JTA that "As a Jewish Congress. Director, Mazon, Suite 200, 2288 result of my research in this area, I An unusual aspect of Mazon - Westwood Boulevard, Los have encountered many rescuers Sender's Name a Hebrew word meaning food - is Angeles, CA 90064, (213) · 470- who were socially isolated because Address ______Zip _____ its fund-raising technique. Tbe 7769. of the good deeds they had done organization, which maintains a for Jews during the Holocaust. Phone# (for verification) skeletal administrative structure Rescuers were attacked, some Enclosed is my *check or money order for $ ___ to keep overhead to a minimum, New Number For were killed after the war. We have ($10 per subscription, $14 out--01-state) raises its funds from Jewish Halacha Line information that rescuers were families celebrating festive physically threatened and PLEASE SEND MY GIFT TO: occasions, such as weddings and (JTA) - A phone line for ostracized by their communities Name bar and bat mitzvahs. The families questions on Jewish law has been for being 'Jew-lovers.' And some are asked to donate an amount given a new and permanent continue to have fears until equal to 3 percent of the cost of the number, 212-363-8133. The line, I today." Addi.a ------.. 1Addr.a fete as a contribution to feed the begun in spring by the National And so Schulweis and Fogelman I poor, the homeleas and the aged. Conference of Agudath Israel joined forces last year to bring this ------..., ------~ ----, "It's an effective and Branch Rabbonim, is open shame out of the closet. Together Phone i, ______Phone i, ~ meaningful approach," said Monday and Wednesday from 4-6 Mr. they worked on a bicoastal project, - .D I Mann. "It is in keeping with the p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday the Foundation to Sustain ; •. •;FPI_LE, _AIIE--MAKE-=-'!_~~~~-~ HPIAU)_=--.J traditional Jewish injunction that from 7-9 p.m. EJ

Our mag_nifi_cent new guest building. The Fun Starts With Great Entertainment Schneider To Host The Marquis. 1s open! Come see what Photographic Show all the excitement is about. t"!~~=~~~N eovs . • 18 Hole Golf Course• Teoms & Racquetball OiUBBV CHECKER FABIAN BOBBY RYDELL AUG 29

~oix~~;5~n~f~!o?~~~oi~!~~t~ ~~r::~sClub DIAHANN CARROLL ·&VIC ciAMONE, LABOR bAY WEEKEN U.S. Rep. Claudine Schneider · of the Ocean State to which he has announced that she will be contributed many of the • 2 Nightclubs with New Shows Every Night K t h r • Nursery & S~pervised Day Camp• Teen ll S er S hosting a show of photographs by photographs. Programs : N11e Patrol • Country Cookouts Monticello, New York 12101 • {9t4) 794-6000 Laurence E. Rossiter in her For this exhibit, Mr. Rossiter • Theme Nights CAU. TOU FREE (IOO) 431-1273 • Major Credit Cards Honored continuing series of exhibits of has chosen to offer a selection of works by contemporary Rhode >rints some of which appear in the Island artists. The show will be 'Rhode Island Scene" and many of held at Rep. Schneider's District which depict the scenic charm Klein's Kosher Katering HAIRCOLORING Congressional Office, 30 Rolfe found in Rep. Schneider's district. Square, Cranston, from July 27 to Mr. Rossiter's work has been 421-0271 is make-up for your hair September 7. The exhibit is open shown in local galleries and art ..dfr ... and the ll)ecialitta at Mam'111lle Salon to the public Monday through association shows and his 849 N. Main Street have a beautiful eelection of 1hadea. It'• Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. photographs have appeared in your choice to 10 subtle or dramatic - Ibero_ i, •Wllltreakini, bigb-li,t,tinr, Mr. Rossiter, a consultant in publications to include the :1=re~t~!1«'~.=.e'fo: industrial chemistry, has been Providence Journal and the Klein's will be closed Sunday, August 16th things for your hair. recording the Rhode Island scene "Wickford Anthology," a 1987 Con1ultation1 are complimentary, our in color and black-and-white publication of the N. Kingstown for Janis and Jonathan's wedding. fees are affordable. (Eumple: Wecbarp photographs. His views of the Chamber of Commerce. Prints are 0 countryside, especially those of the also on permanent display at f~~:: r~rr ~ub\~~~.i:~tf; We apologize for the reduced staff froating ii $20.00). coastal areas capture the essence of Southeastern Massachusetts You can tl'U8t ua. We ani experienced the beauty of the Rhode Island University, his alma mater, and on Aug. 17th & 18th. and m~re, we lilten very carefully to landscape winning him awards in the North Kingstown Free ~:h =~bee. You 11hould enjoy your vilit local art shows. Quite recently, he Library. He has contributed works Look for in-store specials posted dally. has also been actively promoting to the Channel 36 Art Auction. RESTAURANT OPENING MAMSELLE SALON this corner of New England by Mr. Rossiter and his wife reside 107 T-A.._ (Al FIi - A.._1 joining in the publication of "The in North Kingstown where he also THE FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER --,MA•335-t385 Rhode Island Scene," a maintains his studio/laboratory. . ·· ·· --·- ...... / - '· . ' .. ·- -·· ...... _; ... , . ' .. - .. " , -- . -.. , ., ... . , .... ,.., ... -. _, ~-... .- '-···. --· . . - p~~~~\;,~\\\{\\~~~\.\.'\\.~\.\\.\.\\.\.\.\XI THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 - 7 Lori Gersten Marries Michael Shore Hadassah Seeks Young Leaders by Alan Feiler and discussions at the convention Ser retary of State George Shultz (JTA) With the clear dealt with women's place in Jewish discuss a variety of domestic and majority of its nearly 400,000 life and how to balance family and international matters. members past the age of 50, work. According to Hadassah's At the formal opening of the Hadassah, the women's Zionist national officials, career seminars convention, Hadassah national organization, finds itself in the and offering child care are some of treasurer Deborah Kaplan predicament faced by many Jewish the ways that the organization is announced that the organization service organizations - needing attracting younger members. raised $65.5 million in 1986-87, an young leadership in an age when Recently, Hadassah created a increase of $9 million. women increasingly are juggling young leadership division that Contributions included $16.4 careers and families. promotes career women and million raised for the Hadassah Although Hadassah's member­ outreach programs for young Medical organization, $2.9 million ship and fund-raising figures are members who are wives and for the organization's Youth up, officials of the 75-year-old mothers. However, according to Aliyah program, $1.7 million for organization, which held its 73rd J ames Lee, director of Hadassah educational services in Israel, $1 annual convention here earlier this public relations, involvement in million for the Jewish National month, said that it is imperative to Hadassah ultimately depends on Fund and $1.9 million for projects reorganize the goals and agendas of the commitment of the individual. for Zionist youth activities. In its 1,700 chapters to meet the Blake concurred. "Young addition, dues were increased by demands and interests of the women are still joining Hadassah $2.8 million, and it was later 1980's career woman who wants to because of · the work that the announced that more than $1.25 contribute to the · development of organization does. The whole million in pledges was raised at the Israel. concept of tzedakah is part of convention's annual founder's "We live in different times," said Jewish culture. Hadassah is not dinner. · Carol Kaplan, president of the dying. It's growing," she said. A Senator Urges Child Care southeastern region of Hadassah, sense of pride over 75 years of In an impassioned speech that who at age 39 is the youngest accomplishments combined at the was frequently cheered by member of the national board. convention with excitement for Hadassah delegates, Mikulski Kaplan said that older women the future of the organization and called for increased U.S. funding continue to be the backbone of the main benefactors of its efforts for Israeli schools and hospitals. Hadassah, ·which has been highly - American Jewish women and She also called for more affordable instrumental in the growth of Israel. child care and long-term health Israel's medical and educational More than 2,500 delegates from care to help American women. resources. all 50 states and Israel converged Shultz, who was honored for his But, Kaplan said, "between upon the Baltimore Convention work on human rights, praised in their families and working, there's Center to celebrate the 75th his speech American Jews for their very little leftover time today fo r anniversary of the founding of commitment to civic duty and younger women to get involved. Hadassah by Baltimore native human rights, and called for a We have to show them that there Henrietta Szold and listen to such continued American presence in is still a place for them in speakers as former Israeli world affairs, including those Hadassah, even if they only have Ambassador Simcha Dinitz, concerning Middle East peace limited time. It's a real challenge Maryland Senators Paul Sarbanes prospects. for our organization." (D) and Barbara Mikulski (D) and Hadassab At Night Kaplan ought to know. A mother who runs a retail store with her husband in Macon, Ga., she finds th Lori Ellen Gersten and Michael bride. at she can tackle Hadassah projects only very late in the day. Andrew Shore, both of Vernon, Stephen Shore, brother of the Her presidency includes Hadassah Conn., were married on August 9, bridegroom, was best man; ushers 7 to 7 1987, at 5:30 p.m. at The were Gary Gersten . and Carl chapters in Georgia, South Carolina and portions of North Oceancliff in Newport. Rabbi Gersten, brot hers of the bride, and Lawrence Silverman officiated. Eric Kaplan. Carolina. often say to myself, 'Why am The bride is the daughter of Mr. The bride, a graduate of the "I I doing this?' when it's 2 a.m. and Rainbow and Mrs. Barry Levin of Cranston University of Rhode Island, is a my family is sleeping soundly and the late Bertram Gersten. The Scientific Programming Analyst while I'm working at my desk," bridegroom is the son of Mr. and at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. The said Kaplan, who quickly answered Mrs. Edwin Shore of West bridegroom, a graduate of Boston B akery her own question: "This is the only Hartford, Connecticut. University, is an Information way for me to live in Macon, Ga., Judith O'Leary was maid of Systems Analyst at Pratt & 800 RESERVOIR AVENUE, CRANSTON, R.I. 944-8180 and direct my feelings about honor; bridesmaids were Jerilyn Whitney Aircraft. Zionism. Hadassah is my Greenfield and Cynthia Edgaro, Following a reception at The passport." sisters of the bridegroom, and Oceancliff, t he couple left for a WEEKEND SPECIAL "Hadassah is aware that we Robin Gersten, sister-in-law of the honeymoon in Hawaii. need to have available programs FRI.-SAT .-SUN. for career women," said Toby Blake, a Baltimore member. Pound Cake "We're having more meetings in s1.99 each The Rhode Island State Counc, l Douth at Gallery Director, the evenings and on weekends, and Plain, Walnut Regularly 52.49 on the Arts, in cooperation with Photographic Resource Center, we're featuring more subject & Marble the Rhode Island Registry of Boston; J effrey Keough matters that will bring in the Motor Vehicles, Providence, is Director of Exhibitions, professional women." sponsoring a juried art exhibit Massachusetts College of Art; and Indeed, many of the sessions WE USE ONLY THE FINEST IN KOSHER INGREDIENTS open to all Rhode Island artists 18 Gary Richman Artist, or older. The dates of exhibition Professor, University of Rhode are October-December 31 , 1987. Island. Jury is by slides (limit 3); only Complete guidelines are ' [ . -··- -- .. -·- . ·- ..-- ·---··--..-·-- ·-.. - ·- .. -·....[. - ··- ·-· . ·----··-·- 7 artworks in two-dimensions will available from RISCA by calling be accepted for exhibition. No fee 277-3880. Deadline for receiving required to compete. slides: September 1, 1987. Distinguished jurors include Anita I KG~~~PMGEEOTNTEING l i HONEYMOON WITH I Preserve A Friendship ... I THE R.I. HERALD i MARR[ ED? I Don't Drink i and Drive ... i TELL US 1HDR NAME AND ADDRESS AND ! WE1.l SEND 1HEM 'I A COMPLIMENTARY i SUBSCRIPTION I i ,------, -+-· IC ouple's N ame------­ I I Address ------~ !%~,d~::.••e Zip _ _ _ I Address------\ I Zip ____

1' • I • \ I Mail thrs coupon to. '. : / ..._ , ~~ I Rhode Island Herald Rhode ~ , ~~ i ~-0 · Box 6063 Herald ' ~· ..~ ~-----~~ .:~~.:.~·~:~-~':~------8 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987

Around Town Doubly Inspiring! · by Dorothea Snyder

With close-knit camaraderie between booths, aptly attired campers, and presenters and recipients, a unique assorted activities. graduation day ceremony embraced Ruth Page of the Bureau of Jewish warmth and grateful words. Education remarked that "The Lower No graduation day was more hnmish East Side theme was an emotional than the one for the Yiddish Eldercamp's approach to the week-long program. 63 adult campers, who joyfully sprung out Other days were directed to the study of of their seats when they heard their Yiddish culture. Yiddish names called by co-chairs Millie "It was a week that combined nostalgia, and Sam Eisenstadt. juxtaposed with the intellectual." It was the wind-up of a week's focus on Inspired by the Yiddish Eldercamp's "Arts In Yiddish Culture," success, Millie Eisenstadt spoke enthusiastically sponsored by the Bureau animatedly of plans for the third next of Jewish Education with the cooperative summer. assistance of the Jewish Community In praise of the program, Millie's Center where it was held. husband Sam voiced his appreciation for Mornings were filled with Yiddish "the world of our fathers and our mothers, language and literature classes. from which we still have much to learn. I Afternoons covered a lot of territory ... am grateful to all whose enthusiasm Yiddish and social activism, ideology of created such an exciting week." Yiddish phrases, Yiddish dancing, etc. One of the graduates affectionately A mid-week highlight was the sights termed Millie and Sam's presence and The parogen in Elaine Strajcher's hand are ready to land on the baking pan, and sounds of the Lower East Side with en_ergies "Doubly inspiring!" and then into the oven with the approving smiles of Charlotte Cohen, Millie Eisenstadt, Sam Eisenstadt, Elaine, and Anita Stein, from left.

Greta Steiner, right, bargains with Ruth Ross (Simma) over "Shmattas." Bintel Briefer Frank Prosnitz has a captured audience. (photos by Dorothea Snyder.

Nothing can distract Evelyn Blazar from work at her New Year's calendar.

"The next step," says ceramics teacher Ruth Berenson, right, to Lillian Lapidos, left, "is ..."

Garbed in their rendition of early Lower East Side dres& are some of the Bureau of Jewish Education staff and instructors. From left, are Beth What would the Lower East Side be without "A Nickle, A Pickle?" Food Samdperil, Bureau summer intern; Minna Ellison, Ruth Page and Ruth 1 mer~~~'~a:-e Joeb s~~,,,~~·.1·.~-,~~.ll~t!';..,•~"'•r-,~fi~I\I ''/-"· • .. _., .•·,.\'/•'•,, "...... ~e.r~?9!i9D;\ ...._, ....., .... ,,1,·.\':.\·., .. \.., ,.\t '.'.'.\ ..•, (,., " 1 /,. t,t,•.• , .•• • • l\f .·~·:•/,•., THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 - 9 diplomatic sources disclosed. The two officials will meet while " We are a small community, Treblinka and later to another Pollard Scores Israeli, attending the UN General around 170 families. My concern camp Pelitz. He had used the town Assembly which is to open on is that what Japanese are reading of Pelitz as his false residence on not lead to action against Jews." his U.S. immigration application. U.S. Leaders (continued from page o September 21. Peres is scheduled to arrive in New York on Several of the books in question Obviously he had thought it wiser have blamed Jews for to name Pelitz rather than He says Abram abetted the Arab contrary, he claims that he and his September 28, after Rosh international catastrophes, botr. Treblinka. cause by "endorsing Caspar wife bore the costs of· their Hashanah. At this reference to Fedorenko, Weinberger's rather fanciful espionage, including a trip to Diplomats pointed out that political and social, including the Tanaka scandal in Japan, the Demjanjuk repeated the phrase off-the-record assessment of my Europe, until they could be Israeli Foreign Ministers have met that has cropped up again and actions as having constituted 'the reimbursed. in previous years with top Soviet Watergate scandal in the U.S. and the current epidemic rise of AIDS. again during his gravest assault against the He contends that "perhaps in officials while attending the "In one sense there is positive cross-examination: "I was never at integrity of this country's national reaction to complaints being General Assembly. Therefore, admiration for Jews here," Treblinka nor at Sobibor." defenses in over 200 years."' voiced by the Jewish community they noted, the meeting between Schudrich said. "Since Japanese Canadian Lawyer To Join Weinberger later repudiated about the unjust nature of my Peres and Shevardnadze should think Jews are rich and clever, Defense Team that statement. sentence, the government appears not be viewed as something they would like to emulate that, The defense team, meanwhile, is set to unleash a stream of unusual or as a breakthrough in But above all, Pollard writes, but the negative information is soon to be strengthened by a "Abram's outrageous claim that I unattributable 'leaks' designed to the relations betwen the two more than negative because it is Canadian attorney, a Queen's had, in fact, subverted Israel's smear my reputation to the point countries. false." He added that the Japanese counsel from Toronto, who speaks where nobody would be willing to The Soviet Union severed its interest struck me as being are not readily exposed to Ukrainian. stand up for me." diplomatic relations with Israel unaccountably naive ... It would information to the contrary. Paul Chumak, 42 years old, who He says he was forced to see a during the 1967 Six-Day War and appear that salon Jews like Abram The rabbi hopes to spearhead a has served as a public prosecutor either can't comprehend or accept psychiatrist after the failure of a has not restored them since. According to the sources, Peres campaign to finance the opening fo r the province of Ontario, is the unfortunate dichotomy that Navy operation he was associated of a Jewish cultural center in already attending the daily with, but the psychiatrist gave him and Shevardnadze will discuss exists between the noble halachic Tokyo where Japanese could sessions, listening to the "a clean bill of health." Soviet-Israeli relations; an (Jewish legal) values for which comfortably become better translation from a place in the Israel stands and the unpalatable international conference on Mideast peace; and the situation acquainted with Jewish life, public section. But he is exP.ected means she must sometimes use in to be granted soon the necessary of Soviet Jews. literature and customs. order to survive." Peres And license to practice temporarily in While in New York, Peres will Nevertheless, he declares that Israel - and will join Yoram also · meet with dozens of he and Anne "are still confident Shefte] and John Gill as Shevardnadze diplomats, including representa­ that the American Jewish Demjanjuk's defense team. tives of East European and Demjanjuk community, if not its leaders, will Demjanjuk's son, John Jr., told African countries who do not have one day conquer its fears and To Meet (continued from page 1) reporters last week that the family at present diplomatic ties with complexes long enough to correct had paid some $600,000 over the · Israel. allegedly followed similar lines to the terrible injustice which has by Yitzhak Rabi Demjanjuk's. Fedorenko, also a past five years to attorney Mark been visited upon our heads." (JTA) Israeli Foreign Ukrainian, had, like the O'Connor, of Buffalo, N.Y, whom Pollard also writes in defense of Minister Shimon Peres is Holocaust, defendant, been imprisoned at the defendant dismissed as his his reputation. He says he took no scheduled to meet with Soviet (continued from page 1) Row no and then at Chelm. But he lead attorney earlier this month. Israeli money until six months Foreign Minister Eduard people are reading hasn't yet been admitted being recruited there by into his espionage, and then only Shevardnadze in the SS. at Israeli insistence. On the converted into real anti-Semitic at the end of September, actions. Fedorenko was posted to

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10 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 Israel's 40th Anniversary To Be Celebrated Representatives of more than Television networks are expected Business & Financial 100 national organizations to broadcast entertainment gathered for the first full meeting specials and morning news shows of the National Committee for from Israel. Gala live Israel's 40th Anniversary on July performances will be featured in 23. The National Committee, major concert halls and Israel under the auspices of the Film Festivals will be screened in A Tax Withholding Strategy Conference of Presidents of Major many cities. In addition, three American Jewish Organizations, significant international festivals According to the IRS, deadline, it's important to get your filing their return. serves as the overall coordinating and conferences featuring top three-quarters of individual W-4 in as soon as possible. Until Withholding Strategies body and central clearing house Israeli talent will tour the United taxpayers receive a tax refund you do, your employer will use the By withholding too much, you for activities in the United States States. A major exhibition of each year. Though getting a check number of exemptions listed on take home a smaller paycheck. If celebrating Israel's 40th Israeli industrial products will be from the government each spring your old form. After October 1, if too little is taken out, you may get anniversary. The Committee is held and retail outlets and seems like a good thing, it's a you've failed to file a new form, a jolting tax bill next year. And, co-chaired by the presidents of supermarkets will feature Israel losing proposition in the long run. your withholding will you must pay or withhold at least Israel Bonds, Council of Jewish Weeks promoting consumer goods By over-withholding, these automatically be adjusted to the 90 percent of your actual 1987 tax Federations, American Zionist from Israel. Conferences on taxpayers are actually lending highest rates - one exemption if or the amount of your 1986 tax Federation, Synagogue Council of U.S.-Israel business exchanges are their money interest-free to the you're single, two if you're liability before the calendar year America, National Jewish also planned. Student exchange government. married. Your take-home pay may ends to avoid a penalty. Community Relations Advisory programs and contests will be However, some taxpayers may drop substantially. If married, and both you and Council, and United Jewish held, and a special curriculum for under-withhold this year without Fuss Over Forms your spouse are employed, you Appeal. high school social studies classes realizing it even though personal The new W-4 comes in two must each file a W-4. Individuals National Committee Chairman will be distributed. Bibliographies exemptions are greater under the versions. The first is long, holding more than one job must Howard Squadron noted, "The and other study guides on Israel new tax law. In 1986, exemptions complicated and caused a minor file a W-4 with each employer. 40th anniversary will be marked and Zionism will be made were $1,080 for yourself and each taxpayer revolt when it was issued. You may claim all of your by the largest, most extensive available. Organizational travel dependent. They're $1,900 each in The IRS responded with the withholding allowances on one celebration of Israel's programs, missions and 1987. This means that employers simpler W-4A form. You can use form or some on each, but you independence since the founding coventions in Israel are scheduled. began to withhold less money from either, but using the long form will can't claim the same allowances of the State. Hundreds of local and Major exhibits and displays of paychecks starting last January. result in a more accurate more than once. national activities will be held Israel will travel across the However, if you claimed calculation, which may benefit you The most practical withholding throughout the United States country during this milestone deductions in 1986 that have been more. approach is to claim all possible during the 18-month celebration year. eliminated or restricted in 1987 - The IRS estimates that about allowances on the W-4 filed for beginning this fall." Mr. Squadron reported that the IRAs, consumer interest expense, half of all taxpayers can complete the highest-paying job and to Morris B. Abram, Chairman of Natonal Committee regularly will state sales tax or medical a W-4 simply by filling in the first claim "O" allowances on the other the Conference of Presidents issue a Guide to Events and expenses, for example - you may five lines. This includes those who form. Your withholdings will stated, "This celebration in the Resources and hopes to furnish wind up owing a lot of tax next are single or don't have a working usually be more accurate this way. U.S. will utilize all mediums to experts to consult on and to aid in April 15, and be subject to the spouse, don't itemize their Should your tax status change salute Israel's achievements on the implementation of specific estmated tax penalty. deductions, don't have a second after you file a W-4, just file this historic occasion and will projects. In ,addition, In either case, taxpayers should job and have no more than $950 in another W-4 within 10 days of affirm the strong bond of sub-committees will be established take the opportunity to make their nonwage income, such as that event. Common changes that friendship beteen the to review proposals and to assist withholding rates more accurate dividends, interest or rents. The may affect your tax status are governments and people of the with projects. now. ~ Because tax reform has shorter W-4A is weighted toward having a child, receiving United States and Israel." Mr. Squadron announced that changed individual income tax withholding more income than is unanticipated income, getting Committee members represent the official logo for the 40th rates and personal deductions, the necessary to satisfy your tax married or becoming divorced. the entire spectrum of American anniversary has been assigned IRS says you must fill out a new obligation. Some people actually Jewish life as well as Israeli exclusively to the National W-4 form for your employer by Taxpayers with more complex over-withhold on purpose because governmental bodies and Committee, which has taken legal October 1. If you work for a financial situations - those who they find it difficult to save. But, commercial entities directly steps to protect its use. He noted company that withholds part of claim tax credits and those with there are ways to put aside your involved in planning 40th that ~idelines for using the logo your paycheck for taxes, you have large amounts of investment money "painlessly" - such as a anniversary festivities. Agency will be issued by the National some recalculating to do this year. income - should use the long payroll deduction plan - that representatives indicated that Committee to advise organizations The W-4 form helps you to form W-4. The IRS uses the allow you to fund an Individual their plans are well underway and institutions regarding determine your taxable income example of a two-income couple Retirement Account (IRA) or an throughout the United States. authorized usage. and the exemptions, deductions earning $51,000, with three employer-sponsored retirement and credits you can use to offset dependents and listing income plan. In these retirement accounts that income. Your employer then adjustments, interest earnings and your funds can be invested and Political Uproar In Israel Over uses the W-4 to figure how much itemized deductions. Using the earn interest or dividends free of your pay to withhold for the short W-4A, this couple would from income taxes until Proposal To Transfer Arabs IRS. Ideally, you and Uncle Sam overpay and get a $1,168 refund. withdrawal. should come out about even when Using the longer W-4, they would The sooner you file a new W-4, (JTA) - Likud Deputy Defense Redman noted Dekel's remarks you file your income tax return. take home larger paychecks every the sooner your correct share of Minister Michael Dekel's had "inspired a strong negative Though October 1 is the legal week, and owe $272 in taxes when taxes - and not more - will be declaration in support of reaction" from the Israeli press taken out of your paycheck. But, transferring Arabs from the and members of various political remember, once you've filed your territories to Jordan has prompted parties. W-4 for 1987, it won't hurt to an uproar in political circles. Reactions To The Proposal STEVEN D. LASSER, D.M.D. double-check that · the right Dekel, speaking to the Netanya The radical left Progressive List amount is being withheld. branch of the Herut movement, for Peace, in response to Dekel's suggested the transfer. as the only remarks, immediately introduced DENTISTRY FOR CHILDREN solution to the Palestinian a motion of non-confidence in the 1st Israeli Program problem. government. But Premier Yitzhak and ADOLESCENTS Dekel was quoted as saying, "In Shamir said Likud did not back To Train Drug order to avoid having this area Dekel's idea. Other Likud Counselors turn into a powder ·keg aimed at MKs,such as Meir Cohen-Avidov, announces the relocation the United States, which is A Bar-llan University supported Dekel's suggestion. interested in stability in the area, of his Cranston office to: sociologist, who became "hooked" Labor Party leader and Foreign the Western countries have the on the need for training Minister Shimon Peres called moral and political responsibility Dekel's statement "nonsense." professionals to treat drug addicts to handle the transfer of the Arab 1090 New London Avenue while studying for his Ph.D. at the Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, population of Judea and Samaria University of Pennsylvania, now of Labor, said the proposal to their country - the Hashemite Cranston, Rhode Island 02920 heads the first such program in indicates the extent of Dekel's and Kingdom of Jordan." The U.S. others' fear of the dell'ographic Israel. State Department reacted sharply Dr. Yoav Santo, national dangers of incorporating the to Dekel's remarks Friday saying 401-943-7535 coordinator of drug addiction and territories into Israel. it "utterly rejects" the idea of a alcoholism in Israel's Ministry of Speaking to a Labor Party transfer. Health, is teaching 37 students at gathering, Rabin said, "All the "This contradicts efforts to the Bar-llan campus in Ramat talk of a transfer, or of promote an atmosphere of Gan. He is a lecturer in Bar-Han's second-class citizens, is in effect, reconciliation and trust between department of criminology. an admission of the failure of the Arabs and Israel in which progress Some of his students are already concept of a democratic greater can be made toward peace and a working with drug addicts. Others Israel with Jewish values. just solution to the Palestinians plan to specialize in the treatment "Those backing a greater Israel based on United Nations Security of addicts when they complete the who do not say transfer, or Council proposal 242," said program, which. includes courses second-class citizens, are Charles Redman, State purportedly saying we'll give them in pharmacology, mental health Department spokesman. and addiction, along with the right to vote. In the event, the .Brier~ Brier 2.2 million Arab& who are eligible individual and group therapy with to vote will tilt the balance and INSURANCE PENSION~ INVESTMENTS drug addicts. or his claims that drugs enhance "The key to preventing drug his sexual performance or turn Israel into a non-Zionist addiction - and to treating drug creativity." country." Rabin favors a addicts - is to help them learn Until the Bar-llan program was territorial compromise. social skills for dealing with others launched, persons working with Peres, reflecting a prominent so they won't have to turn to drugs drug addicts in Israel - except for Labor position, said Israel had the to compensate," Dr. Santo says. a few who received their training choice of dividing the land with He added: abroad - have had to learn by the Palestinians and imposing a Milton I. Brier Jeffrey G. Brier "Even trained therapists and trial and error, Dr. Santo said. partition on the country, or social workers require special "Graduates of the Bar-llan sharing the government with training to treat addicts. For program will fill a vital need by Palestinians in a confederation. enabling us to open new facilities Rabin added, "The talk of 89 Ship Street, Providence, Rhode Isla nd 02903 401 -274-5000 example," he said, "The therapist must know how to deal with the where Israel's drug addicts will be transfer is the start of moral addict's denial - 'I can atop treated by professionally-qualified collapse. ls it conceivable that a -€al.1ni «lrugs"wliene;e,r please' - personnel," he concluded. Jew would talk about transfer?" THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 11 .------Refuseniks Demonstrate Books in Review In Moscow

Book Review: Book Review: The Jewish Ways Of Remembering Life At The From a Ruined Garden, edited by constant death. As such, this book Margins ,Jack Kugelmas and Jonathan is among the best. of its genre, and Boyarin, Schocken, N.Y. serves us as a modern day yizkor, Of Existence The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto, making us pause in our Before My Life Began. By Jay edited by Lucjan Dobroszycki, comfo rtable lives to remember t.he Neugeborne. Simon and Schuster, Yale University, New Haven. lives which were lost. 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New Against the Apocalypse, David From a Ruined Garden presents translated excerpts from t.he York, NY 10020. 1985. 391 pages. Roskies, Harvard University, $18.95. Cambridge, Mass. memorial books of Polish J ew ry. After t.he War, Jews, banned Th£ Street. By Israel Rabon; by Susan Grossman together in their groups of translated from the Yiddish and (JSPS) - There are three landsmanschafts (associations of with an Afterword by Leonard traditional ways in which Jews individuals from the same town or Wolf. Schocken Books, 62 Cooper memorialize the dead, but the shtet.l), and produced volumes· of Square, New York, NY 10003. Holocaust, because of its memorial books. They followed a 1985. 192 pages. $14.95. magnitude and scope, has precedent begun in the Middle Reviewed by Diane Levenberg challenged our abilities to Ages, when the communities Both of these novels deal with sufficiently mourn and remember ravaged by t.he Crusades wrote characters who, in extreme those which it. consumed. chronicles to memorialize their situations, make drastic choices, The familiar kaddish recited by dead. This practice continued spiritually die and are reborn. mourners during the first eleven throughout the ages as community However, since their similarity months a death and on each books (often called pinkes) which ends there, each needs to be Bravely taking their demand to the heart of Moscow, annive rsary, does not speak recorded the major events of the examined separately, on its own refuseniks Grigory and Tatyana Danovich, along with their directly of the dead at all. Rather town. terms. six-year-old daughter, Lilia and infant son, Natan, stand on the it reaches beyond the individual This book fo rms a hesped of the Whatever Jay Neugeboren's steps of the famed Lenin Library, bearing signs "Let Our death to reaffirm the basic tenets Jewish community lost. in the intention in Before My Life Began, Family Go to Israel." The photo was obtained by the Student of Judaism: the belief in God a nd Holocaust fo r it includes not only his sixt h novel, it is unlikely that Struggle for Soviet Jewry from noted American photojournalist in an ultimate justice in the world tales of t.he Holocaust and the he was aiming to please his Jewish Ricki Rosen. In what may he a sign of these times of "glasnost," which the Holocaust challenges. heartrending experiences of those audience. Attention must be paid police allowed the Danoviches to demonstrate for five days. But The other modes of who returned to their homes after to a writer who takes such risks. they also warned them they would not defend them if some T his is one of those compelling angry Russian "patriots" attacked them. The anti-Semitic memorializing t.he dead do not the war's end 1 but warm vignettes reaffirm or challenge Jewish of t he richness of life before t.he novels one can't set aside for very comments and spitting by some passersby was clear evidence beliefs. The hesped, the eulogy fo r Holocaust.. T here is the story of long. It is an ambitious work, but that the more tolerant attitude of the Gorbachev regime has not the deceased at. the funeral, Est.her Kaye the zogerin (sayer) despite its merits, it is likely to changed the overall policy of contempt and harassment toward summarizes the deceased and who in the month before Rosh offend many of its readers. It Jews in the USSR. reminds us of what we have lost.. Hashanah would lead t.he women describes the seamy sordid side of T he yizkor prayer, recited during to the Jewish cemetery and beg Jewish life - Jewish gangsters, But the li fe he lives inside still has a chance to think through the holidays, reminds us of the lost their deceased relatives to teenage murderers, seductive belongs to David Voloshin. choices that he makes, they are individual and gives us a moment intercede in t.he Heavenly Court mothers. It takes many of our Eighteen years after he has almost all provoked by this innate to pause in an act of remembrance. on their behalf. Leybl tells important Jewish values, marches murdered his uncle's murderer, goodness. Amidst the absurd, remembrance. of her-childhood experiences when them in the heat of Neugeboren's (remember eighteen in Hebrew tormented, circus world of the In these senses, the way of she plotted to find out what. a prose, and lets them fall out as spells life) David Aaron returns street, he is befriended by a ,Jewish remembering has been a pinkes book was and catch a they may. We would be more "home" to confront his true number of grotesque characters. process. Just as no one prayer can glimpse at. it, only to be terrified comfortable if some stories were identity. Eventually he finds work - as a encompass the entire process, so when she finally found it in front left untold. We would · be more Like a deck of cards, we are narrator in a movie theater and in too no one book can encompass all of her. As a memorial to the life secure if t he values we cherish dealt a history, Neugeboren seems the coal mines. Passionately that. must. . be said about the that was, this book is necessary came out to meet us, stood at to be saying, and from then on, reciting the films' heroic plots, the Holocaust. However, our need to reading. attention, and marched when we choosing from what our destined former soldier transcends his remember is particularly well Against the Apocalypse is the told them to. hand offers, we have to play out spiritual despair. As for the coal served by three very different kaddL 71,e most inltllilffll can nw built. of lil\!?~!\~~r f,~~!1 t~ l.,tlh/~f,~~I~: ~r,I better future. l ' .,r.J'j' .1 ,, .,. ' .•· ! ',f •' ' • f•JI, t .v... '. \ .. ' 12 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGU~T ia, 1987 Exhibition Honoring Educator At U. Of Hartford A 'Tribute to Annie Fisher,' an behavior to their students. First a exhibition honoring one of teacher and later a district Arts·& Entertainment Hartford's most influential principal in an area of Hartford educators, will be on view at the containing children from various University of Hartford Aug. ethnic backgrounds, her influence 31-Sept. 30. was felt by many. It is being sponsored by the Fisher was not only the first Jewish Historical Society of woman district school "Company" At Colonial Theatre-by-the-Sea Hartford in cooperation with the superintendent, she was Maurice Greenberg Center for Hartford's first woman school Company, a musical comedy by production of Pal Joey. Tommy Brent's Theatre-By­ Judaic Studies. The exhibition, in principal, of Barnard Brown Stephen Sondheim and George Starring as Robert is Tim The-Sea production of "Sweet the Joseloff Gallery of the School. A teacher for 41 years, she Furth, opens at the Colonial Ewing, who appeared in the Charity" will open August 18 in Hartfort Art School, will open was honored by having a school on Theatre in Westerly, Rhode Off-Broadway revival of Pacific Matunuck, RI., and play through with a public reception from 7 to 9 Plainfield Street named for her in Island, on August 21 and runs Overtures and has performed at September 13. This razzle-dazzle p.m. on Monday, the 31st. 1963. The following year she through September 6. Curtain Carnegie Hall, on television, and musical concerning Charity, the A native of Russia, Fisher came received an honorary degree from time is 8 p.m. Wednesday through in regional theatres across the prostitute with a heart of gold, and to the United States at the age of the University of Hartford. Saturday and 5 p.m. on Sunday. country. Among others appearing her pursuit of love, life, happiness seven and graduated from As the first president of the Tickets are available at the Box in Company are Marion and the man of her dreams, was Hartford Public High School in Emanuel Synagogue Sisterhood, Office or by calling (401) Markham, Janet Metz, Randy recently revived on Broadway with 1900. It was a time of limited Fisher played an active role in the 596-0810. Ticket prices are: Adults Pearlman, David Silverthorn, Debbie Allen ("Fame") and won opportunities for Jews and for decision making of that $15.00, Senior Citizens $12.00, Jennifer Dorr White, and Steven four Tony Awards. women. Yet Fisher attended congregation. She also organized and $10.00 for Children urider 15. Williford. Ms. Markham, a native "Sweet Charity" with its book Wesleyan University, which had the Young Women's Hebrew Company is the story of five of Westerly, RI., recently by Neil Simon; music by Cy recently become coeducational, on Association. married couples in New York and appeared in Nine at the Colonial Coleman ("Barnum"), and lyrics a full scholarship. She was one of Fisher is remembered their friend Robert. Robert has along with Ms. Metz. Randy by Dorothy Fields (" Annie Get seven women to graduate in her particularly for her work in always remained on the outside· of Pearlman has previously appeared Your Gun"), combined with Bob class and the first woman in the curricular development and in the life, never committing himself to at the Colonial in Tintypes and Fosse's dynamic dances conquered history of the university to receive teaching of English as a second anything or anyone. With the help Side by Side by Sondheim. David Broadway when Gwen Verdon a B.S. degree. language. She is remembeted, too, of his friends and many of Silverthorn, a resident of starred, and the country when Involved t hroughout her life for her commitment to · her Sondheim's most memorable Charlestown, has just appeared at Shirley Maclaine played the title with the cause of immigrants, students, her heritage, and to her songs, Robert learns that being the Colonial as Weston in Fifth of role in the movie. Fisher began teaching courses for new country. alone is not the same as being July, along with Ms. White and Starring in this production are the foreign born shortly after her At the exhibit's opening, there alive. Company has been called Mr. Williford. Ms. White also Vivian Paxton as Charity, James graduation. She wrote one book will be brief remarks by people witty, incisive, and telling, but also appeared in the Colonial's Weatherstone as Oscar, Mary and was co-author of another used who knew her and were involved tender, loving, and true. Artistic production of Crimes of the Heart, Kilpatrick as Nickie, Sonya in night school classes for the in different aspects of her life. Director Harland Meltzer, and is a native of Narragansett, Hensley as Hekne, Nick Augustus teaching of English. Graphic. designer John Alves director of this summer's Nine, RI. as Vitoria, and Maria Day as Fisher believed that teachers will set up the exhibition, whi~h is will direct Company. The Musical For more information on Ursula. Other featured players were responsible, not only for also being sponsored by Fi"sher's Director will be Andrew Wilder, individual and group sales, call the include Darryl Howell, Dana teaching subject matter, but also nephew Robert Balgley of Musical Director of last summer's Box Office at (401) 596-0810. Jackson, Julie Lynch, Jackie for imparting methods of proper Bloomfield and Florida. Castro, Madelon Finnegan, Geralyn Kozel, Pam Klappas, and Judith Rivera. Also featured are Newport Jau Festival Bob Bray, Rob Cardazone, Peter Performing on Saturday, Oldport Marine operates a SUMMER Gregus, Glenn Leslie, Chris August 15: Wynton Marsalis, continuous boat service from their Mahn, Charlie Marcus, John Kenny G., Nancy Wilson, Stanley dock on Sayer's Wharf in the McDermott, John Fedele, and Jordan, The Crusaders. downtown harbor area to Fort CLEARANCE Michael Ruff, Maxon Gee, Performing on Sunday, August Adams. Madeline Reich. 16: George Benson, Branford For information on lodging call 35 to 600/o Discount This production has been Marsalis, The Dizzy Gillespie Big Newport Chamber of Commerce: On Selected Merchandise directed by Gene Foote who was a Band, Dianne Reeves, Michael 401-847-1600. member of the original Broadway Brecker. For camping information call CHILDREN'S PARTY FAVORS company as well as assistant to Festival location: Fort Adams 800-566-2484 or 401-277-2601 Mr. Fosse in that production and Children's, Bridal and All Occasion Party Supplies State Park, Ocean Drive, within RI. on the movie, "All That Jazz." Newport, RI. Tickets for the JVC Jazz Doug Besterman is the musical Parking gates open at 9:30 a.m., Festival-Newport are general director, William Mrckvicka is the field gates open at 10:30 a.m., admission $20.00 per person per /i a~~~~;\;;;;~;· -~ set designer, Tom Sturge is the performances begin at 11:30 a.m. day in advance, but go up to $23.00 lighting designer, Patrick Lose is YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR PARTY1 NEEDS and run until 6:30 p.m. after close of business on Friday, the costume designer, and John F. There is ample parking on the August 7. Sullivan is the production stage The "Only" 01scouNT PRICES HouRs, grounds for $5.00 all day. Tickets are now on sale at all manager. A variety of good food and drink major outlets including Ticketron PARTY WAREHOUSE Jeanne Stein Mon.-Thurs. 9:30-e Performances will be given (including authentic Cajun and Strawberries Record Stores. 31 O East Ave., Pawt. Mc1v1sA Frt. 9,30.1 Tuesday through Friday evenings jambalaya) is available on the To charge by phone call Teletron: at 8:30 p.m., Saturdays at 6 p.m. 800-382-8080. 726-2491 Sat. 9:30·5 grounds, but patrons are welcome and 9 p.m., Sunday at 7 p.m. and to bring picnic baskets. Please For any other information on Wednesday matinees at 2 p.m. note: Alcoholic beverages are not the J VC Jazz Festival-Newport, Tickets may be ordered by mail to allowed on the festival field. which is the original Newport Jazz Theatre-By-The-Sea, Matunuck, It is a good idea to bring Festival produced by George R.L, 02879 or by phone at (401) blankets or beach chairs, but not Wein, call the Festival office at 789-1094. . tents, umbrellas, or anything that 401-847-3700. Currently playing at woul~ obstruct the view of others. .I ~~-- ~~ Theatre-By-The-Sea, is Tommy Brent's production of the Burlesque masical, "Sugar Beth-El 1 Babies," playing through August The Benefactors Fund of revolutionize the treatment of r 16. Temple Beth-El is proud to child sex abuse cases in New York i I New ·ear~on announce two dynamic programs State and led a successful fo r this fall. On Tuesday, campaign for passage of a law to September 29, the Fund will aid the prosecution of raoists. ~ Art And Strings present Tony Award-Winning Ben Steinberg, distinguished OldcapeCod National Theatre of the Dears composer of music for the At Royal Crest production of the haunting love synagogue, will return to Temple Rosh Hashanah, Sept 23-25 story, "The Dybbuk." The Beth-El, November 13-15 as · Warwick Picture Frame and National Theatre will be scholar-in -residence. Sponsored A special program for a special holiday. Mark the turning of Gallery will present Art in the celebrating its 20th Anniversary by the Freda and Louis Kaufman the year for you and your family at Sea Crest, Cape Cod's Afternoon on the grounds of Royal season with Ansky's timeless Memorial Fund, Mr. Steinberg Crest Estates Apartments on beautiful oceanfront resort. Enjoy: • Traditional holiday drama about a great human love will appear before the Sunday, August 16 from 1-5 p.m. which fails until heaven congregation on three separate cuisine, including kiddush after services. • Sumptuous The apartment complex is located breakfast and gourment dinner (MAP). • Nightly enter­ intervenes. The troupe of deaf and occasions during the weekend. off Route 117 Wesi on Cedar Pond hearing actors will present "The On Friday . during Shebbat tainment and dancing in our Piano Lounge and Nightclub. Drive in Warwick. The public is Dybbuk" in sign language and services, Steinberg will premiere a • Private white sand beach, plus indoor pool, sauna, exer­ invited to view an array of artwork spoken English, a unique style new work written for choir and cise area, and whirlpool.• Free tennis on four all-weather under a canopied tent while a which enables audiences to hear orchestra featuring members of stringed trio from the Rhode and see every word. the Beth-El Choir. The piece is a courts.• Six 18-hole golf courses nearby. Make your Island Philharmonic Orchestra reservations now! On Wednesday, October 21, The wordless hymn and a setting of Ma entertains. New England artists Benefactors will present an Y'didot. Saturday the guest Dan Britt and Sybil will be evening with Elizabeth Holtzman, composer will present "The Music featured guests. the youngest woman ever elected of Ben Steinberg." He will discuss In the event of inclement to Congress and the first woman his music, both sacred and secular, weather, Art in the Afternoon will District Attorney in New York in a session illustrated by himself, be held inside the Clubhouse on City. During her distinguished the Temple Beth-El Choir and the apartment complex. No career in Congress, Holtzman Cantorial Soloist Alice Solorow. sea crest admission will be charged; ample served on the House Judiciary On Sunday, the Temple's OCEANFRONT RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER free parking is available. Call Committee during the Brotherhood will sponsor a 821 -9742 for further information. Old Silver Beach on Cape Cod, North Falmouth, MA 02556 impeachment hearings on Richard breakfast featuring Steinberg in a (617) 548-3850, TOLL FREE in MA 1 800 352-7175 Nixon end won international presentation entitled, "Songs of TOLL FREE RI , NH, VT, CT, NY, NJ 1800225-3110 acclaim for her work against Nazi Jerusalem: A Celebration of war criminals. As District Contrasts. 11 . Atforne'y ' Holtzman . nelped . . THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 - 13 I

Exhibition Schedule At RISD Museum Traveling Exhibitions: A Decade of Collecting - Part 20th-century modernism. The overwhelmed the landscape. represented include Rembrandt, Nancy Sayles Day Collection of One through September 6 - Part exhibition includes John Taken during World War II and Delacroix, Bonnard and Modern Latin American Art - Two through September 20. This Singleton Copley's portrait of the immediate post-war years, the Bonington. A catalogue This collection of paintings, two-tiered exhibition features the Re~cca Boylston Gill (ca. 1773), as photographs - by John Vachon, accompanies this exhibition. prints, drawings and photographs most important from among the well as four paintings by Georgia Charles Rotkin, Esther Bubley, RISO Graduate Student Show - by contemporary Latin American I 7,000 works recently added to the O'Keeffe recently acguired by the Russell Lee, Harold Corsini, Sol May 20 through June 5. · This artists includes works by Diego Museum's permanent collection. Museum. Other highlights include Libsohn and others - portray a annual exhibition focuses on a Rivera, Wifredo Lam and Among those on view in the first Winslow Homer's On a Lee Shore confident and united nation, selection of outstanding works by Fernando Botero. Travel schedule: tier are major paintings by (1900), Frank Benson's oil on proud of its material prosperity, in students graduating with Master Boston University Art Gallery, Bassano, Couture, Leger and canvas, Summer (1909), John love with the freedom and of Fine Arts or Master of Boston, MA, September 11 Sargent; prints and drawings by Singer Sargent's Senor Manuel mobility that automobiles and Industrial Design degrees. through October 25; University Cassatt, Lichtenstein, Matisse, Garcia (1905) and fine examples highways p,romised. Executed Departmental programs Gallery, University of Florida at Renoir, Rowlandson and Turner. from such pivotal painters as under the direction of sociologist represented include ceramics, Gainesville, FL, November 13 Decorative arts range from early Stuart, Cole, Durand, Cassatt and Roy Stryker, welt known for his furniture, glass, graphic design, th.rough December 20. American furniture and silver to Bellows. work in the Farm Security industrial design, jewelry and light The Spirit of Barbizon contemporary glass. Textiles on Batik: Northern Javanese Administration in the 1930s, these metals, painting, photography, Organized by the Art Museum view include a ballgown by Textiles from the Collection of images treat the subject in a lively, and sculpture. Association of America, this Jacques Fath and an umbrella by Inger McCabe Elliot - August 21 narrative manner, recording the Also on view at the Museum of exhibition draws on the Museum's Robert Venturi. The second tier, A through November 15. Selected daily business and social life of Art this year: large collection of French Decade of Collecting: from the collection of one of the roadside diners, drive-ins, tourist Ottoman Turkish Art Barbizon art and American Contemporary Art from the world's authorities on batik, this camps, gas and bus stations. A September 25 through January 24. naturalist landscapes influenced Permanent Collection, revolves exhibition focuses on Northern full-color catalogue will Hokusai and His Followers by it. The show is accompanied by around painting, sculpture, Javanese pieces and the batik accompany this exhibition. through September 27. a scholarly catalogue. Travel photography and decorative arts. tradition, from the earliest Prints from the Fazzano Meisho-e: Famous Places in schedule: Arnot Art Museum, Artists represented include Emilio 18th-century examples up . to Collection - September 18 through Japanese Prints by Hiroshige - Elmira, NY, through September Cruz, Judy Kensley McKie (RISO contemporary pieces. November 8. This exhibition October 2 through January 24. 13; Montogmery Museum of Fine '66), Dale Chihuly (RISO '68), The Highway as Habitat: A Roy features 200 American and The Illustrations of Fritz Arts, Montgomery, AL, November Robert Wilson and an installation Stryker Documentation, European prints which have been Eichenberg · October 16 through 8 through January 3, 1988. piece by Mary Miss. 1943-1955 - August 28 through selected from the Fazzano November 8. American Painting from Copley October 11. The historical brothers' gift of more than 1300 to O'Keeffe - Through January 3. photographs in this loan prints and drawings, given to the Drawn from among the best works exhibition, organized by the Art Museum in 1984. With an in the Museum's permanent Museum of the University of emphasis on the area of American WE MAKE VACATIONING collection, Americdn Painting California at Santa Barbara, prints from 1870 to 1950, the show from Copley to O'Keeffe features revive a bygone era when the includes works by every major A FAMILY AFFAIR. masterworks ranging from automobile had revolutionized American artist from Whistler to colonial portraiture to early American culture but not yet - Sloan to Benton. Eropean artists Hall Announces Trinity Rep's New Season Adrian Hall, Artistic Director of Upstairs Theatre is the great for all productions will be Trinity Repertory Company, has American comedy The Man Who announced. announced the plays for 1987-88, Came To Dinner by George S. Subscriptions for the 24th Trinity Rep's 24th Season. The Kaufman and Moss Hart. The Season are now selling at a year will include classic plays, the versatile Upstairs Theatre will record-breaking pace. Theatrego­ best of the contemporary theatre, come alive with this uproarious ers can subscribe to either a and important premiere tale of a nationally-known radio four-play series in the Upstairs or productions. commentator/ storyteller who is Downstairs Theatres, or to the RESERVE NOW FOR ROSH HASHANAH Trinity Rep's 24th season complete eight-play series. injured at dinnertime and forced September 23 · 27 Services conducted by begins in the Upstairs Theatre on to spend several chaotic - weeks Subscribers save up to 38% off the Wednesday · Sunday lhe Incomparable September 25 with Mourning with a bewildered small-town single-ticket price, receive 4 Night Minimum Cantor AVRUM DUBOW and the Becomes Electra, a powerful and Ohio family. The Man Who Came exchange privileges, first chance 5300 - 5380 / Abraham Nadel Sym· p~r pv,~ . p..-r slay phonic Choir under the surging drama by the great to Dinner runs through February at buying tickets to A Christmas penonal direction of American playwright Eugene 28. Carol, booklets of FIRST CHILD FREE I Flore.not Nadel. ',(Sharing wm,e room wtth p,a,enu.Htlng Dietary laws Obsefved O'Neill. Set immediately after the Running from February 12 thought-provoking essays for the In Oilkhn', Dl,iWlg Room.) Civil War, Mourning Becomes through March 27 in the Humanities Program, parking Electra traces the tragic fall of a Downstairs Theatre will be either discounts, and discounts at many LABOR DAY WEEKEND proud New England family as they Julie Bovasso's Angleo's Wedding of the area's best restaurants. Fri .. Sept. 4 · Mon .. Sept. 7 4 Days · 3 Nights of Special descend into adultery, incest, and or a new play by David Rabe. For information on subscribing Summer-Ending Celebrations murder. O'Neill's masterful use of Bovasso, noted for her work on the or reserving tickets, call the Box Office at (401) 351-4242. VISA language and brilliant screenplay of Prizzi's Honor, has rrs All ON THE PREMISES! ~ OPEN Au YEAR For Reservations understanding of human passion written a witty and realistic story and MasterCard are accepted. Including Indoor & outdoor ten. CaU Toll Free build in intensity toward a of conflicts in an Italian-American Discounts up to 50% are :n~~:1:~~o;:i,~:~rent HOTEL 1-800431-3124 Aus 36 holes of golf nearby • Teer . • Or See Your stunning climax. Mourning family. Rabe is the author of available to groups of twenty or Disco • Indoor/Outdoor Pools • ~ Travel Agent Heahh Club • Miniature Golf • 3 MasterCharge and Visa Becomes Electra will continue Hurlyburly, one of the most more. For Group Discount Fabulous Gourmet Meals 0a[[y • ' Honored through October 25. acclaimed and controversial plays information, call Mark Steffenson Nite Club • Fantastic Ente11ainmen1 The Downstairs Theatre series of Trinity Rep's 1986-87 season. at (401) 521-1100. The Pina/or Pff/ect Conomdo,.. • Sooth Fallsburg. New York IZ179 • (914}434~ begins on October 2 with John The third production in the Guare's Tony Award-winning The Upstairs Theatre will be either of House of Blue Leaves. This mad two great American dramas, farce depicts a beleaguered, Tennessee Williams's Camino middle-aged zookeeper who Real or Lillian Hellman's The dreams of becoming a famous Autum Garden. Williams's play is THE BEST songwriter, but seems destined a highly imaginative exploration only for domestic craziness of of purity and corruption in a major proportions. The intimate coastal town inhabited by such For Just Pennies A Day Downstairs Theatre is a perfect characters as Don Quixote, setting for this engaging and Casanova, and a vagrant Each week in the Rhode Island Herald, you'll find editorial views and opinions touching comedy, which runs American boxer named Kilroy. From the Editor, feature stories from the Jewish Student Press Service (JSPS), news through November 15. The Autumn Garden is •a dispatches from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), recipes for delicious kosher Next in the Upstairs Theatre is Chekhovian treatment of a group the eleventh annual production of of disillusioned guests in a cooking, pages devoted to Social Events, Education, and Arts and Entertainment, Trinity Rep's holiday class A Southern heartbreak house. The providing the most complete listing of activities state-wide. Christmas Carol by Charles third play in the Upstairs Dickens, adapted by Adrian Hall Theatre wil) run from March 11 Rhode Island Herald readers subscribe because no other publication comes across and Richard. Cumming, with through April 10. to matching their diversity and depth of interest in Jewish living. original music and lyrics by The final production in the Richard Cumming. The annual Downstairs Theatre is Little Shop sellout production begins of Horrors, Howard Ashman's Return the coupon below today to subscribe or renew your subscription. Just $10.00 November 23 and continues musical spoof of Roger Corman's 1 (in Rhode Island; $14.00 out of state) brings you 52 issues that will stimulate you. through December 27. A 1960's parody of horror films. Inform you. Entertain you. Don't miss a single one. Christmas Carol presents the Trinity is sure to deliver a unique ....______well-known story of Ebenezer and rollicking treatment of the Scrooge's transformation from a long-running off-Broadway hit I bitter old miser to a kind and about a man-eating plant. Finally, I YES! Please begin my subscription for compassionate man. Public ticket The Upstairs Theatre will play 0 $10.00 per year O $14 per year (out of R.l.) I sales begin at the Box Office in host to a new play, perhaps the I mid-October. long-awaited premiere of .1 I. Next in the Downstairs Theatre Frederich the Great by Heinrich 1 NAME 1· is August Wilson's Ma Rainey's Mann, who left the play I I Blach Bottom, a searing inside unfinished at death. Completed by I ADDRESS I portrayal of the effects of racism. Alexander Lang and translated by I Ma Rainey's Blach Bottom offers Providence's James Schevill, this I I both powerful music through the innovative historical drama I artistry of authentic blues, and concerns the raging conflict · I powerful drama through its between the young Frederick the . I MAIL CHECK TO: I depiction of the great Ma Rainey, Great and his father. Little Shop of I "mother of the blues," and her Horrors runs from April 15 R.I. JEWISH HERALD band. Ma Rainey's Blach Bottom through May 29, while dates for P.O. Box 6063 I runs from December 11 through the final Upstairs production have I 1- January 24. not been eet. · Provide~ce, R.I. 02940 , Beginning January 29 in the ...• ,PJ~tor:\. .? .~,i~~re, 'i~? ,~~~~ :.,.______..,.,...,;..,; ___ "'!"!"!"~!'!"-!' . !!'. !!'. '!'.'!'. '!. '!!. '!!', '!!. "!'.'!!, '!!.'!'.'!'."!',"!'.!'!.!'!.!'!."!."!_!'!_!'!.!'!.!'!."!.•"! .!'!,!"."!_,!"~!"!"- .~. !", !". !". '!". !". '!". '!'. '!". '!'."l',• , 14 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 Conference Of Senior Housing Fla. Judge: Residents Held BBi Membership Obituaries Thirty past and present officers and maintaining a positive Discriminatory of the resident councils of B'nai working relationship with B'rith-sponsored senior citizens management." (JTA) - A respected state housing complexes participated in For many, it was an opportunity appellate court judge said he will the first national conference to hear the successes and not renew his membership in designed solely fo r the residents of frustrations of others in dealing B'nai B'rith because the LOUIS CHAFITZ REBECCA LEVITEN such facilities. wit h such challenges. "Everybody organization is technically Louis Chafitz, 75, of 83 MIAMI BEACH; Fla. Unlike many previous citizens here had an aim to learn," said discriminatory in admitting only Chancery St., New Beford, died Rebecca Leviten, 83, of 5001 housing conferences, the Ernest Botswain of Irving B. Jews. Sunday, August 2, 1987, after a Collins Ave., forme_rly of Milton managers and staff of the Matross Covenant House in The J ewish Journal reports that long illness. He was the husband Street, Fall River, died Monday, buildings did not participate. Brighton, Mass. "Each of us was Judge Hugh Glickstein will resign of Clara (Rutchik) Chafitz and son August 3, 1987, at Mt. Sinai Rather, the five-day seminar was challenged to display knowledge as from the Jewish service of the late Joseph and Anna Hospital, Miami. She was the designed to teach the delegates a leader. There were differences of organization after 25 years in (Galinkin) Chafitz. widow of Morris Leviten. how to better perform their duties opinion, but they were handled order to meet the guidelines he He was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Born in Stockton, Calif., a as leaders. Resident councils and amicably. I was overcome by my promoted that the state's judges be and lived in New Bedford for more daughter of the late Perry and assoc1at1ons coordinate and fortune to find that these people screened for membership in than 35 years. He was a member of Mollie Chervinsky, she lived in formulate myriad activities from were such fine thinkers." discriminatory clubs and Temple Ahavath Achim. Mr. Fall River for many years before how to react in emergency "One thing that really thrilled organizations. Chafitz was a tool dealer in moving to Florida several years situations to producing me here, in addition to all that I Glickstein said he hadn't Greater New Bedford for more ago. vaudeville-type road shows. heard and learned in the sessions, considered that his B'nai B'rith than 30 years, retiring eight years Mrs. Leviten was a member of Delegates to the conference, was after dinner when all the kids membership was problematic until ago. Temple Beth-El and a former held July 22-26 at the B'nai B'rith were singing and dancing," said a reporter asked him about the Mr. Chafitz was a member of president of the Jewish Home for Perlman Camp in Starlight, Louis Cohen of St. Louis's Jews-only membership. "It hit me the Jewish War Veterans and was the Aged. Pennsylvania represented nearly Covenant House. " I had learned like a ton of bricks," he a volunteer with the Service Corps She leaves two sons, Paul 3,500 seniors living in the 20 B'nai all of the songs when I went to commented. of Retired Executives of the Small Leviten of Providence and David B'rith-sponsored apartment school, but it's been a long time But Louise Shure, regional Business Administration. He was Leviten of De Land, Fla., three buildings nationwide. The and I had forgotten some of them. director of the Palm Beach a member of the Eureka Lodge, grandchildren and a apartments are rented to low to It really was a t hrill for me to see County Anti-Defamation League AF & AM, the Aleppo Temple of great-grandchild. middle-income senior citizens. and hear all of this." of B'nai B'rith, said B'nai B'rith Sbriners, and was a 32nd-degree A graveside service was held at T hroughout the conference, "This was a very fine membership restrictions are Mason. He also was a member of Beth-El Cemetery, Fall River. delegates discussed, debated, and conference," he added. "I was just constitutional and that Glickstein the New Bedford Jewish analyzed ways to attack the so impressed by what we did here. need not resign. Convalescent Home. various problems they face as It was a great chance to learn what "He is trying to say that all Survivors include his widow; AMIT Women leaders. Their enthusiasm and others were doing." clubs that discriminate on the two daughters, Gail Prerau of Leader Dies energy were evident as every At the conference's end, Nathan basis of religion are exclusionary Chesnut Hill and Arline Bresler of working session ran overtime and Nagler, chairman of the B'nai - that is not on the basis of Newton; and a grandchild. (J TA) - Mollie Golub of New conversations continued until late B'rith Senior Citizens Housing reality," Shure said. Arrangements were by the Max York, a lawyer and honorary in the evening. Committee, hailed the importance Added Art Schulman, Sugarman Memorial Chapel, 458 national president of AMIT The friendly atmosphere of t he of the delegates' work. "From my communications director of B'nai Hope St., Providence. Women, died here Monday, July conference was enhanced by the experience and my knowledge, B'rith International in 13, 1987, at the age of 87. She had beautiful mountain surroundings many college courses have less Washington, D.C., "It seems Rabbi Steinberg Dies been active in the religious and more than 500 children time than we have spent here. I illogical and unlikely to have At 86 women's Zionist movement for campers. Throughout their time at want to thank you for the non-Jews involved in an more than 40 years at the local, the camp, the seniors took part in thousands of senior citizens that organization that focuses almost Harav Moshe Steinberg of New regional and national levels. a variety of camp activities and ate you represent, for the lives they entirely on Jewish issues - very York City, head of the Beth Din of several meals with the general have, for the abuse you have to few share that interest." the Rabbinical Council of America Golub served as national camp population. The activities take, and for everything that you and noted talmudic scholar, died president of AMIT, formerly were designed to teach techniques put up with. You certainly deserve The judge said he will continue on July 20, it was announced. He American Mizrachi Women, from that can be implemented in the our thanks." to support the work of B'nai was 86. 1949-51, and was elected again in delegates' buildings. They Nagler said the B'nai B'rith B'rith, and be has submitted a Known as a halachic authority, 1956 to a one-year term. included Israeli dancing, arts and Senior Citizen Housing resolution to open the Rabbi Steinberg was frequently crafts, exercise, and a workshop on Committee hopes to make the membership to non-Jews. It was consulted by world and Israeli She negotiated with govern­ novelty games. conference an annual event and turned down, but B'nai B'rith has religious authorities on matters of mental agenci!ts in the U.S. "This conference really opened will continue to strive to attain decided to form an affiliate Jewish traditional law. and Israel on a variety of projects our eyes and helped us find out more quality-housing for organization called Friends of As "Rosh" of the Beth Din of aiding children and new first hand as to what is going on in fixed-income seniors. B'nai B'rith. the Rabbinical Council of immigrants in Israel. She travelled our buildings and how we can help B'nai B'rith also sponsors Glickstein, 55, was voted 1984 America, he directed and extensively to rally support for her each other develop successful "parents homes" in Australia and Outstanding Judge of the Year by established the largest Beth Din in organization's work, aimed at programs," said Dr. Mark Olshan, Israel, senior citizens "flatlets" in the Florida Bar and granted a 1985 the United States to serve the creating a secure and religious director of the B'nai B'rith Senior England, an_apartm ent building in U.S. Congressional Award for his needs of the Jewish community in Israel. Its projects expanded Citizens Housing Committee. T oronto and a medical-residence efforts in heightening awareness all religious matters. greatly during her terms in office. "What we found, in addition to in Vancouver, Canada. of children's needs. Born in Premyslany, Galicia, learning about many individual Poland, he became Chief Rabbi of situations in the buildings, is that Brody in Poland at the age of 33. these people really face the same After World War II, he was named types of problems that are found Chief Rabbi of Cracow. He came Don't in most organizational structures to the United States in 1947. - the difficulties in getting people A synagogue in New York was involved, stimulating fundraising, established in memory of his Drink &Drive grandfather, Rabbi Avraham Steinberg, the author of Machzeh Avraham. Rabbi Steinberg's U.S. Federal law now requires *all funeral homes to father was the renowned Rabbi 11!1!1 provide itemized pricing. Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel Shemaya Steinberg. He is survived by his wife, has provided this courtesy for over eleven years. Rachel. Max Sugarman MOUNT SINAI Memorial Chapel MEMORIAL CHAPEL

The Rhode Island Jewish funeral Family records for three generations are in our files, home that can be trusted ... . making our staff better prepared to maintain our for its honesty ... integrity .. . high standards of service with Reverence and Dignity and compliance with the highest In the Jewish Tradition. standards of Jewish ethics and conduct.

Over 100 years service to R.I. 331-8094 Jewish families by our director, Mitchell, his father and grandfather.

458 HOPE ST., PROVIDENCE Corner Hope & Doyle Ave. HOME OF YOUR FAMILY RECORDS. IN FLORIDA (305) 861 -9066 331-3337 Call Collect from out-of-state LEWIS J. BOSLER. R.E 825 Hope at Fourth Street In Florida call: 305-940-0759 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987 - 15 Cornerstone Laid For Museum's described Prof. Shapira, is, in a sense, "an antithesis of the old New Wing wing: . . . from the ruins of the unity of the Jewish people comes a If ,;-- view of modern Jewish li fe of vast variety, differences within its Classifieds [ .,,. .. motivating spirit and goals, all its ?th Hatefutsoth aspects and perspectives. Its only similarity is the strength and deep emotional commitment toward the survival of the people." Abe Spiegel himself spoke of the APARTMENT FOR RENT MORTGAGES WANTED family's feeling that a "dream has come true . . . Beth Hatefutsoth MODERN, LUXURY APARTMENT. Central TOP CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES, serves as a bridge between the past A/ C, new washer/ dryer, fully appl ianced NOTES LEASES ANNUNIIfES, pensions, and the present, between the large kitchen. 2 bedrooms. den, dining room. structured settlements. lottery & other cash young generation of Jews all over living room. 2nd floor. Edgewood near water. awards, & all payments paid to you from the world and their heritage, and Call 941 -9332. 8/ 13/87 anywhere. I also buy, trade & sell land, between Jews and the non-Jewish farms, income & commercial properties & CAR FOR SALE waterfrontage & permitted projects. For ex­ world. We are proud to associate tremely Fast Confidential Service, call ourselves with Beth Hatefutsoth." Howard toll free before you sell or list your MERCEDES 1985 1900 Silver Blue. loaded. Beth Hatefutsoth was opened in property: 1-800-428-9669 or 1-617-259- Immaculate, 22,600 mi. $18,500. 863-3953 1978 and has since gained 9124. 8/ 13/87 or 728-0443. 8/ 13/87 worldwide admiration and appreciation. More than 3 million visitors have already seen it - CLEANING SERVICES making it clearly one of the most PAINTING popular cultural and educational GOOD WORKER, References, dependable centers in Israel. person to clean your house. If no answer PAINTING: Interior and Exterior; Washing keep trying: 941-2298 8/ 13/87 walls and woodwork; Quality workmanship. Please call Freeman Gray Painting Co. 732- WINOOWS - Residential/ commercial. Free Increased 2713. 8/ 20/87 Prominent Los Angeles banker Mayor Mr. Tom Bradley. estimates. Quality work. Also entire house Immigration To Israel cleaning services. 726-3766. 8/ 27 / 87 and businessman, Abe Spiegel, his Participating with them on the wife Edita, their son Thomas and dais were Israeli Minister of (JTA) - Immigration to Israel CONDO FOR RENT CLASSBOX CORRESPONDENCE TO : grandsons Anthony and Ivan, Absorption Yaacov Tsur; was up 49 percent during the first ClassBox No. were present at a Special ceremony Chairman of the Beth Hatefutsoth six months of 1987, t he Central The A.I. Jewish Herald WEST PALM BEACH 2 bedroom condo­ P.O. Box 6063 which took place at Beth Executive Committee and Mayor Bureau of Suitistics reported. In minium. furnished, available winter season. Providence, A.I. 02940 Hatefutsoth, the Nahum of Tel Aviv-Yafo Shlomo Labat; the first six months, a total of 3 month minimum rental. 942-8490. Goldmann Museum of the J ewish Mrs. Ruth Shamir-Popkin, 5,400 persons - 2,900 immigrants 8/ 20/87 This newspaper will not, knowingly, accept Diaspora, in Tel Aviv, on June 30, President of the American Friends and 2,500 potential immigrants - any advertising for real estate which is in 1987: the laying of the cornerstone of Beth Hatefutsoth in the came to Israel, the Bureau said. violation of the A.I. Fair Housing Act and for the Museum's new wing. Western Region; and Prof. Anita The number of immigrants in CONTRACTING Section 804 (C) ol Title VIII of the 1968 Civil The new addition will carry the Shapira, member of the Spiegel January-June almost doubled as Rights Act. Our readers are hereby informed name "The Abraham and Edita Building planning committee. compared with the corresponding R&M CONTRACTING - Complete Remod­ that all dwelling/ housing accommodations Spiegel Family Building," in Among the large audience period last year, and the number eling, Carpentry· Roofing· Pa inting· Com­ advertised in this newspaper are available on honor of the Spiegel family's gathered were members of the of potential immigrants increased mercial & Residential Maintenance. Reason­ an equal opportunity basis. generous $3 million donation Beth Hatefutsoth International by 16 percent, for an overall able Rates. Insured. Apartment and house which is helping to make the cleaning. Grounds maintenance. General re­ Council from around the world, growth in immigration of 49 pairs and upkeep. For further information construction possible at this time. representatives of numerous percent. call 727-1053. or 457-7092 and leave name To be housed in the 5200 sq. mtr. Friends Associations, members of The Central Bureau of and number after beep. 8/ 27 /87 will be a continuation of the the Knesset and people from Statistics spokesperson also Swimming current ·permanent exhibition, Israel and abroad involved in the reported that in the first six In The Desert taking Diaspora Jewry from the work of the Museum. months of 1987, 676 immigrants ENTERTAINMENT European Enlightement of the In speaking of the Museum's and potential immigrants arrived 18th century through to modern new addition, Chairman/Mayor from the U.S. (the same as last STEVE YOKEN ENTERTAINMENT - Profes­ times. Also available there will be Labat noted the interesting year; 409 from South Africa (240 sional Master of Ceremonies and Disc much-needed facilities for the coincidence that the three people in 1986); 732 from the Soviet Jockey. Specialists in Bar/ Bat Mitzvahs and educational departments of Beth most closely responsible for its Union (240 last year); 267 from candle-ligh!ing ceremonies . Radio Station Hatefutsoth and for the expanded existence are all survivors of the England (227 last year); 250 from Prizes. (Optlon1I - N.Y. Laser Ught Show) and modernized photodocumen­ Holocaust: Abe and Edita ·Spiegel France (315 last year); and 504 Many references . 617-679-1545. 12/27/ 87 tary archives. and Abba Kovner, whose creative from Argentina ( 471 in the first The Spiegel family were joined spirit and thinking will shape this six months of 1986). FUR COAT FOR SALE at the ceremony by dozens of their building as it does the original. friends including Los Angeles What they are creating, Haifa's Jewry BLACKGLAMA full length mink coat, size Declining 10-12. $2,000 firm . 885-5518. 8/1 3/87 ADL Names Associate National (JTA) The Jewish population in Haifa declined by Director 6,000 persons (2.5 percent of the HELP WANTED general population) between 1981 The Anti-Defamation League of paramilitary training activities and 1985, while the Arab NATIONAL COMPANY seeking sales repre­ B'nai B'rith has named Justin J. and ethnic vandalism and population grew from 7.2 percent sentatives in the Financial Service Industry, Finger as the agency's associate intimidation that have served as of the population to 8.4 percent Three-year training program. Call Vincent Palma (401) 521-2200. 8/ 13/87 national director. Mr. Finger has the basis for legislation by during this period, according to been director of AOL's national numerous states across the the annual report of the Civil Rights Division since 1978. country. "Shekmuna" housing rehabilita- LANDSCAPING The announcement was made He has coordinated the tion company in the Carmel city. A Ben-Gurion University of Monday by Abraham H. Foxman, preparation of the · League's Haifa's total population is the Negev student plays LAWN CARE AU PHASES: lawn mainte­ swimming instructor to an the League's national director. annual audits of anti-Semitic 224,625, including 205,757 Jews nance & renovations, tree & shrubbery trim­ Burton S. Levinson, AOL's vandalism and desecration as well (91.6 percent) and 18,868 Arabs ming', lawn fertilization & grub control pro­ Ethiopian child at the national chairman, said the as major studies and publications, (8.4 percent). gram. New lawns, sod work, landscape university pool. Studenta Anti-Defamation League is including "Racism and Violence: In addition, Haifa's percentage design & construction . Commercial & resi­ serve as companions and "fortunate in having at its helm The Organized Hate Movement in in Israel's general population has dential. Insured. FREE ESTIMATES. Reason­ tutors to children of an able fees. New England Landscape, Inc. 232- estimated 6,000 Ethiopian two leaders with a combined AOL America," "The LaRouche dwindled from 9.3 percent in 1951 1857, 949-4966. 8/13/87 experience of 50 years." Political Cult: Packaging to 5.3 percent in 1985. settlers in the Negev. Mr. Finger joined AOL in 1959 Extrem,·sm," and a secur1'ty - and was the League's Southern handbook for the protection of r------:::------. Counsel, headquartered in community institutions. I CLASS1FfED AD ORDER SHEET I· Atlanta, GA, during the turbulent period of the civil rights struggle. Prior to joining AOL, he was I . As associate national director, Staff Counsel to the New York II Name ______Phone ______Mr. Finger will continue to head State Crime Commission, the New the AOL's Civil Rights Division. York Waterfront Commission-and I Address------I In that post, he is responsible for the New York State Commission I the Legal Affairs, Fact Finding of Investigation. A graduate of I and Research Departments as well New York University and Classification ______Headline------I as the Nazi War Criminals Task Fordham University School of Force. Law, he is a member of the New Message------An . authority on extremist York and Georgia Bars. I movements in the United States, Active in local community he has testified before affairs, Mr. Finger has served as I Congressional and state legislative president of his local school board II committees that have investigated in . He has been a such groups 88 the Ku Klux Klan chairman of the board of trustees I and neo-Nazis. He has also of Tifferith Israel Synagogue, RATES PAYMENT testified on such subjects as the Manhattan and was a recipient of 15 words for $3.00 Payment MUST be received i Arab boycott against Israel. his community's annual Israel by Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Finger has directed the Bonds award. 12• per each PRIOR to the Thursday on preparation of numerous amicus Mr. Finger's wife, Dr. Sophia additional word which the ad is to appear. curiae (friend of the court) briefs Finger, is an assistant principal in 10% discount for ads run• before the U.S. Supreme Court the New York City public school ning continuously for J yr. I and other federal courts in behalf system. The Fingers have two II of the agency. He has also married daughters, Janet and L.. supervised the preparation of AOL Laurel, who reside in Houston, R.J. JEWISH HERALD, P .0. Box 6063, Providence, RI 02940 J QIPllll. • . • ...vt~ • • •• ti.iltli111 •• 'J'~i..-. nd.t,vp,grn~...... ------______,______.. 16 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD.- THURSUA Y, AUGUST 13, 1987 Participants Needed For Diabetes, Israel Displeased With NBC Documentary by Hugh Orgel non-representative Israeli officials Hypertension Study (JTA) - Israeli spokesmen say were on camera. NBC has complained that the "The project, which is produce side effects which are the refusal by the three top Scientists at The Miriam refusal of interviews by Shamir, Hospital are seeking 200 diabetics conducted by a trained further aggravated for diabetes. government leaders to grant Foreign Minister Shimon Peres for a study testing a new drug-free psychologist, combines four It is advocated that the first line interviews to NBC-TV treatment approach aimed at specific behavioral trea~ment of treatment for borderline correspondents is an expresssion and Defense Minister Yitzhak lowering blood pressure and blood components into a single hypertension entail lifestyle of displeasure over a July I Rabin is a boycott of the network. sugar. treatment plan," according to changes such as those introduced network documentary on Israel. The Foreign Press Association in The researchers seek Michael J. Follick, Ph.D., in the High Blood Premier Yitzhak Shamir's Israel is looking into the situation, individuals with Type II diabetes principal investigator for t he Pressure-Diabetes Treatment spokesman, Avi Pazner, said saying official attempts at a (adult onset) and borderline high study. Follick is Director of The Program. NBC's "Six Days Plus 20 Years .. boycott of a foreign news agency blood pressure. Miriam's Division of Behavioral Individuals with Type II A Dream Is Dying" was a was a dangerous, undemocratic The study includes teaching Medicine and Associate Professor diabetes and borderline "completely biased and one-sided precedent that smacked of news participants lifestyle change and of Psychiatry at Brown hypertension must meet the documentary on Israel." He management such as that helping them develop partner Universicy. following criteria to be eligible for complained that only practiced in the Soviet bloc. support techniques as treatment The program includes calorie the study: between the ages of for diabetics with borderline and sodium restrictions, a 35-65, have mildly elevated blood hypertension. progressive program for aerobic pressure, and have a spouse or Diabetes and high blood walking, stress management partner willing to participate. pressure can be a dangerous techniques, and home monitoring Subjects will be screened for combination. It's estimated that of blood sugar and blood pressure. additional criteria in August and 243 Reservoir Ave .. Prov. !near Cran,1011 LineJ 461 -0425 I three million Americans have both The study utilizes the concept of the program will begin in RHOQf /$_LANDS ONfeY COMPLETE KOSIIER DELI diseases simultaneously. In Rhode non drug therapy for this September. Island alone there are 26,000 Type combination of diseases and also The Miriam Hospital's Division II diabetics and over 9,100 of those includes strategies for spouse or of Behavioral Medicine is ~ TURKEY FRANKS ggc 1 lb. pkg. have hypertension. partner support. The program, conducting the project in Both diseases often occur which is free of charge, consists of conjunction wit h the Diabetic ~ RO CK CORNISH HENS ! together because of common risk 14 two- hour sessions during a Outpatient Education Program of s1 .39 lb. factors: age, family history and 16-week peri od. the Rhode Island Department of Thurs. 8-13 ONLY obesity (80% of diabetics are "Many individuals with Health (RIDH ). T he research is obese). High blood pressure is two uncontrolled diabetes experience being fu nded by the RIDH. to three times more common complications such as diseases of For additional info rmation on among diabetics than the kidneys and eyes," according participating in the study, or to SALAMI & BOLOGNA s2.99 1b . non-diabetics. As separate to Larry Go rkin, Ph.D., a learn whether you are borderline conditions, both hypertension and psychologist at The Miriam and hypertensive, please ca ll Judy ITALIAN SAUSAGE 11b. pkg . diabetes place an individual at risk Cli nical Instructor at Brown . DePue, Ed.D., Project s2.99 for cardiovascular disease and Gork in is co-principal investigator Coordinator fo r T he Miri am Hot or Sweet premature death from heart attack fo r the study. T hese complications Hospital's High Blood or stroke. This risk is four times are worsened by hypertension. In Pressure- Diabetes T reatment WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES greater when the two conditions addition, a problem arises wh en Program at 861-0978. are combined. high blood pressure medicatio ns

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