VQ'lwme 55

No..- 3, --

JWI1Y, 19~3 . JULY, 1973


Annual Meeting NatIonal Macaroni ManufactureR A.-Iatlon 'July 8-12

Standardl Gaol On

D.. U.d Eggi with ; Both on Plentiful foodl Lilt. ...- .. -~. The Macaroni Journal July OfjielDI publlcallon 0/ the Nat/oMI Macaroni Manufacturers Association, 1973 139 North Ashland Avenue, Pdatlne, illinois. Address all correspondence Vol. 55 re,ardin, advertLrln, or editorial materials to Robert M. areen, Editor, No.3 P.O. 80% 336, Palotlnt, III/noll 6C067 •

• • . Vincent DcDomenlco Poge .... H. Edward Toner 4 Pm. •... Nlcbolu A. Rossi Plant Operations Seminar ...... 1bu'II ~know Pm...... L D. Williams The Economics of ••....••..••.••••...••....••••••.... 10 Secretary •••• R. M. Orun Triangle Package Machinery Celebrates SOth Year .•.....••••••••. 14 01 Research .. 1. 1. Winston howgood'ourteC8Dical'service is About American Beaut)' Macaroni Company ...... 14 Checkwc:lghcn Pay Oft for Ronzonl Macaroni ...... • • •.....•.•..• 16 .unIesI,.. tryit. Macaroni Around the World ....••••..••....••• •..•....••••..• 18 Area: In the Industry ••••.•..•. ••••• •• ••••.•..•••••..•..••• •..•.•.. 23 WI1Iouabby S. Dad. EmlDuele Ronzonl, Jr. Super Markel Institute Elects Officcrs •••. .• ••...• • .•• •..•••...• .. 24 Nicbolu A. RosII 26 H. Edward Toner UPC-The Promise-The Problems ...... Paul Vermyion The Super Market Industry Speaks .•.•....••.•.....•.••.•...•..• 27 Area: Durum Wheat Institute Protests School Lunch Substitutes ..•. •• • ... 30 Alba! ROvariDO Ralph . SarlI In the Mills-Technic" Popers ...... " •... 31 UoydB.Sldnner Convention Program-69th Annual Meeting of NMMA ..••••••..•. 34 Wal .... VWau'W!lIf:;", 36 . , Lawrence D. Durum and Eggs •• ••• ...••..• •••... .•....•• ••...... •.•••... Area: . Index to Advertisers-Push •. ... •• ...•••• . .•.• •... ••• ...• 38 Vincent DcDomenlco A"iOlo Ouhlo Ernest Scarpelli It'. , ..... Timer : I Cool .pnn, day. ,lve w.y to early macaroni, apaghettl, noodles. You 10M F. Ronald lummer, the out-of·doorl beckon., and should ftnd them available in your alore moet of u. are lpendlnl more and more now at attractive prlcea. 'e' Ume ouliide. Are you having more H_,.', how 10 mak_ cbuek wagOft t: M. (Andy) Ande""" meail on the paUo nowT More plcnici cbW. to ""_ alxl Alvin M. KarlIn or barbecue. at the park or beachT Take % pound ground beef: 1 table· elld,nt: Vincent F. La Rosa More leilure time. with perhaps leu apoon meltedlat or olli 1 cup chopped time In the IdtchenT onion: ~ lreen pepper, ftnely chopped. 'I'hlI may be a 100d time to "10 puta" Brown the In the or 011. Then , , -turn more to hearty, but easy one­ add the onion and green pepper. Cook dish me.1I of ma:aronl, lpalhettl, or until 10ft. -'-___$ 8.00 ptr yeor noodle., that may be time-IRving. And Next, you take 3." cups of whole _-"-___$10.00 per yeor you can 10 all the way from the plainer conned tomatoes, undrained and dishel like macaroni and cheese or mashed: 2 cups of canned kidney bean., "':~===$1.00_ $\.00 lOCh chuck walon chill to lourmet dishes of undrained: 1." teaspoon salt: 11-' tel· Rullliin lobster and upar8eus en cauerole, rpoon chill powder: and 4 ounces of en· Rossottl Salesl 75 yeart or con~nUOUl snvfcc to the MiCaronllri~lUtry. trout with lreen noodle .. shrimp cuny riched durum "walon wheels" or elbow Rexham Corporation, Saddle Brook. New Jcraey 07662 . '. with sPllhetU, or to In exoUc noodle macaroni. Mix them all together. Then t .. : ~. • .•" chetH! cake. add to the meat mixture. The U.S. Department of Alricuiture'. Simmer, covered, untl1 the macaronI 11st of foods most plentiful In June fea· is tender, yet nnn, usually 10 to 15 min· ,~ prod.etl 01 Ihe p.. l~ !""Ur~ ~Ie,. An~ 11'. re.dy I... rye, 3 I.,


PLANT OPERATIONS SEMINAR OME seventy macaroni managers, S plant peuonnel, and suPPliers at. And what's coming to dinner :'lUI: tended the Plant Operations Seminar A test market on the new Red , killtt In Omaha. TVP Dinner has proven malt PI ,Jlj\'t A reception was held at the head. 62~% of the customers POUl I I'f. quarters hotel, the Omaha Hilton on sponded that they liked the p odUCl Sunday evening. For the next three very much ... 80 % said they \'ou!.j repurchase It. day, the group WDS up bright and early (or breakfast at 1 Dnd departure ot 8. Is no longer a food .,Ilh! They saw a lot Dnd they learned a )01. future. Recent mcat price Inc l'east! have brought the luture a wh tl le k.I The Seminar Committee that planned closer. And almost any family II. such an excellent meeting Included target. The dinners are proportioned I_ Arvllle E. Davis Dnd Harold J. Wendt accommodate as little os two bccaust of Gooch Foods; Dr. Millon G. Wald. baurn and hi. brother Sidney Wald­ almost half 01 the country's housl' hold! consist of only one or two people. baum, Milton G, Waldbaum Company; Salel plan. now being launched art C. Mickey Skinner, Vice President for pointed to a large section of the mid­ Production, Skinner Macaroni Com­ 'n .he computer room, pany. welt and dbtrlbution to the hel\iiJ combinations of macaroni and cheese populated eastern markets Is contfJII. and spaghetti and sauce. In 1964 the plated. In Martha Gooch Country line was expanded to Include dump­ At luncheon at the Raddlson Corn. lings, lalagna, macaroni salad, Stro­ The first tour of the Plant Operations husker Hotel, Robert Jones ADM NI' Ganoff, Romanoff, tuna and noodle com­ tionol Representative for special prod, Seminar WBJ the Gooch Mill and Maca­ bination. In 1972 Hamburger Stretchers roni Plant In Lincoln, Nebraska. This ucts, gave lome Interesting background were added to the line and In 1973 is Big R'!d territory, home of the Ne. on soy products. His address appean ~ Gooch hal begun marketing new TVP page 17. braska Com Huskers. It Is also Martha (textured vegetable protein) dinners, Gooch country, a character created by There was much Interest in IN The new "good eating" and "dollar microwave dryer that Gooch has no Gooch Foods as an image of their In· Itretchlng" concept of "add to" dinners tereJt In consumer., cenlly purchased but It Is not open· has given posta a new meaning. The tionol as yet and unlortunately ell'de Plant and XlJchen new main dl.h recipe for the budget Frederickson of Mlcrodry wal slrk·iD­ minded housewife II add one pound of As one group began their tour of the bed. Gooch President Harold Wend! sround beef to a carton of dry Ingre­ stated that they hod bought the equip­ mill and plant with Peter Kolb and dient. (including pasta) and feed a ment because It produces a slerile prod· Poul Hudson to see milling, packagina family of rivel Retllillng at about 591' uct, Is compact and only takes 1" houn of nour and nour mixes, and macaroni these productl have won an acceptance 01 drying time. manufacture, the other group visited that has surprised manufacturers and After lunch, Billie Oakley, whu had Martha Gooch Kitchen. escorted by retailers alike. Ihown the sroup her test kitchel' 1M Emmett Taylor and Billie Oakley. Five flavors are being marketed by how new products are sampled, loot Mr. Taylor had a display showing the Gooch as Red Skillet Hamburger the group Ollt to the local TV l ' lt1 C~ beginning of Gooch's dinner line In Stretchen for their share of this $150,- to demonstrate typical commercii Is, II 19S9. BUlY Day Dinners Included four 000,000 plul market In 1973. WilS a most Interesting day.

Milton G. Waldbaum Company In Wakefield, Nebraska

AKEFJELD I. 120 mile. north of ment that would be seen ihe lollt ,yin' W Omaha In the northeast comer 01 day at the Skinner Macaroni Com ,all1, Nebraska, not for Irom Sioux City, On the lecond bus James J. WiJ It on. Iowa and the Minnesota and South 00- Director 01 Rescarch (or NMMA db­ kola borden, cussed good manufactu1'Ing pro lletl After our breakfast of bacon and while Frank J. Santo, Regional Oh !(ICJr eggs, we boorded buses at 8:00 a.m. and of the USDA Poultry Division Gr, dinJ started off and rather than walle our Branch, dlscuu ed the Egg Prod Ut i ,In, time looking out the window at the spection Act. rural landscape, we hod speakers on On our arrival In Wakefield, we -Nfrt each of the two bUle •. greeted by General Manager pnd Viet On BUI One Dr. Edward L. Holmel Preaident Dan Gardner. He exph,lnrd 01 the American Sanitation Institute that lOme 6.5 truckl pick up eggl .Ialb' ,ave a run· down on compliance with in the Wakefield vicinity to mokl' tbt OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health plant the larlelt Integrated elS pror­ Act Creiulatlonl. Charles Hoskins of the eulnl operation in th!C world under onl • u_ kiM Siconci rOWI PackagIng lunes at Gooch mill Quality contral Is the heart of Woldboum Dc Franciscl Machine Corporation dis. roof. U,,., Ilftl Martha Gooch Test Kltchenl. Upptr ,,,hh Emmett Tay .or, Ind. IOUl't ..'e, primary emphalil will be placed ~ upon III protein value. Thll 11 becaute the prine/pal dietary deficiency In the ~ Ext. 281 world I. protein availability and pro­ 3 tein malnutrition II the mOllt dlmcult 2 dietary problem to aolve. To compre­ 1 hend the economics of protein one mUlt o fint undentand the nature c! pruteJn. Iso Lye Ph. M+C 'let Thr Try 4~'~ __"_h_L __ • __ ._ ·_1I_1t_1_IN' DIYISIDN • FAiMIIS UNION GIAIN IIIMINAl ASSOCIAIIOII 10 tl.~ .us At IUIM G1Y,...-oTA. 0fftCII. 'T. PA_, .....otA SSI'...... :. The EconomlCl of P",teln R.latl.. COIla of Utlllaable Proleln u D.rt.. d frOID s.lKI~ Food. BO\l eta (Continued (rom page 10) Price of Crude Utilizable C, 'it of Source Protein NPU Protein Uti ,zilblt In white nour the low point II t)'l ll~ e . Food Source Material Content Value Content PI I I~I D per lb. % % c;:;, $I ~ rlb. It c.nIl' contains 50% of the required Me ... and products lysine, and hence the dam J. only 50";' Pork, bonel.,u careall 43.0 15.7 84.0 13.2 J.U effective. If all the other amino acids Beef, boneleu carcall 4B.7 19.5 7B.7 15.0 l.U were available to the level ot line 10 ChiCKen. mature 32.7 19.0 09.0 13,2 2." Frankfurters 64.0 14.2 04,0 9.1 llH and the IYllne leve! remained the same, Gelatin 70,0 85.6 2.5 2.1 22.71 01 tor a. )luur body I, concerned, only Fish 44,6 18.3 79,ti 14.5 3.01 flOr,;, of the protein you eat Is utilized •• Flth protein concentrate 40.0 60.0 71.7 67.4 .70 a protein. D~ ProclW:lI MIlk, whole, fluid 0.7 3.5 '>' '.- 81.6 2.~ \~. 2.:U In soy nour. the limiting amino acid Milk, skim, powder 22.4 35.6 79.6 28,3 .78 I, methionine. Of the prolein eaten only Cheadar cheese !U.9 25.0 69.8 17.4 :UI1 e've 63% of the protein can hA uUllzed by Whey, dried D.O 12.7 83.9 10.7 .8t Whey protein concentrate 75,0 84.0 84.0 70,0 1.08 the body for protein manufaclure, The Casein 80.0 99.0 72.1 71.4 .8t dam II only 63% eff ...ctlve . Now Jel', EIII, medium .Ize 25.0 12.8 93.5 12.0 2.og add to our prevlau. calculations. Beans.....-.ou-da averaae 6.7 21.4 3B.4 8.2 .81 100 pound. of white "(lur (10%) Peas, dried D.5 24.0 46.7 11.2 .41 gOI contains 10 pound, of p:oteln. The Peanuta, shelled 18,2 26,9 42.7 11.5 1.$1 a poor IYllne level limits It. effective­ flour, low h~ 8.D 44.7 61.4 27.4 .31 nen 50% . Therefore, only 5 pound, , extruded 28.0 52.5 58.0 30.4 .02 Se.ame seed 23.6 33.4 53.4 17.8 1.32 or protein are effecUwly ulillred. Sunflower .eed 17.5 23.0 D8.1 13.4 1.31 100 pounds of .oy 80'Ir t'onhlin. 50 Cottonseed meal 13.0 42.3 52.7 22.3 .5' pounds of protein. Ml!thlonlut 11m· OnIDa its its efTedlveneu 10 83%. 'l·hu. Com meal, whole 6.4 9.2 51.1 4.7 1.36 winner! , white 6.5 11.8 45.6 5.4 1.21 only 31,5 pounds 01 thn protein i. with .3~ Lysine 7.2 11.8 59,0 7.0 1.03 utWubt. a. a protein .OUn.... :. Wheat Iluten 22.1 80.0 37.0 29.6 .15 To .ummarize: RIC"!:, whole 0.0 7.5 70.2 5.3 .11 Whot, whole ,rain 3.3 12.2 65.2 8.0 ,41 100 pounds of white nuur hal 5 Rel 'j n~c:ftI PrIce. are fann value or the equivalent price at a manufacturer, It! pounds of uUUuble protein. 100 wholesal" loti. pound. of .oy flour has 31.5 pound. AmlDo Add Contenl ot Foodi. M. S. Orr and B. K. Watt-Home Economic Itt­ of utilizable proleln. .earch Report No .•, USDA, Weshlnaton, D.C. 1968. Let'. put the .c:onom1ct hlto protein: Amino Add Conteat of Food It Biological Data on Prol.!m-FAO NutrlliolUi Join the winner's circle I When you 100 pounds of flour costs $7.00 per Studle. Report No. 24. start with the world's finest durum hundredweight. It yield. 10 pounds wheat, and mill it in the newest and of protein of which only 50c;:;, 1. It. D M Ear~ln'l Up ended April 1 realstered wide i.I~" utilizable. The Archer Daniell Midland Co. Indi­ over the previous year. mo,t modern milling I,cilftle" cated net eamlnls after taxes were up J. Allan Maeder, president, attributed So: you're sure to come up w.i~h a 5 pound. of utilizable protein cosll 48% In the nine month. ended March the solei Improvement primarily 10 $7.00 or '1.40 per pound. 100 pound. 31, as compared with fllure. for the continued erowth In the·' winnar! The finest durum products ftOUf, tonnula feed and poultry bw!. of lOy flour cosll '13,50 per hun­ correspondlnl period of the precedlnl are precision ~illed under con· year. neuel. dredwelaht and contains 50 pounds trolled conditions to bring you of protein. That proteIn .... 63~ effi­ For the ftnt nine months of current In the 40 week. ended April 1. Con­ cient and therefore provide. :U.! fiscal yt:ar, July throulh March, net Aara sale. totaled $310,683,973, tol1l' Durakota No 1 Semolina, Perfecto pared with $226,06~,217 In the sarnt pounds of utilizable protein. Thll earnings after taxes totaled ,11,642,834, Durum Granular, or Excello FJn~'y cost per pound of utlllzable protein or ,1.69 a shore, alalnst eamlnls of period of the 1972 fisc.,l year. Net ~sm, I. 42('. '8,001,848, or ,1.22 a share, adjusted for Ings for the fint three quarter. an. )unl­ Durum Patent Flour. If you want aehall.e Cot.b a stock split In same period of preced­ ed to $5,218,102, equal to $1.86 a ih.ft a winner, call today. Inl year. on the common Itock, compared ""itb The thart that follow ••how. a com­ Provision. for federal and Itale In· $2,472,587, or 77r a share, In the , rtl'i· Phone (701) 772·4841 parl.on of relative costs of protein a. 01.11 ye.r. An extraordinary cho It • derived from .elective food .ourees. I come taxes In the first nine months of the current fts:al yeara were $10,387,190, year aaa further ~duced Incon ! bl have tried to update It to reflect cur­ $246,875, or U • abare. rent food values. Take it home and In­ alalnst $7,265,000 for the &arne period 0 Ih8 dUrUm 080018 sert the co.t you pay for protein food. year alo. at your lrocery store. You wUl be sur­ ADM also reported. net eamlnl' of P,nnlyl.anla Dutch Noo l utl'l\lIl111 11II ullllo. :-\11 reo · In 1012, In KansBs City, Mo. dteliiollnn whh:h ell ll l'" ment to pace the growing populDrlt~ of The macaroni market was quite dif­ pruduct tlulltncl"'!lln. Fnllli R.lph S.rli ferent then, In that consumption of the our prodUcts, To succeed, to ext, nd lin), nllmllllt III IIIH:kllllinli distribution beyond city IImltl ml'.l nl mac hlnns III tlllfnrlm i rulll, 700-year-old product was primarily an .lnlUll nneulIsl}·. ethnic matter, automating the plant. By happy coillcl· ., OR a nrm to reach Bnd pass 50 dencc. the packaging equipment Indus' F years of continuous business-and In those pre-WWI days, a substantial ELECTRIC PANELS AND CDNTROLS ., quantity of macaroni was Imported try wa. rapidly emerglne about Ihe American Beauty is now turning Its 61st same time. Actually, you could say we year-certalnly requires a whole lot from Italy. Production here and over Tt. .. locr 10 PfllCUcnlllUlolJllltlun I, In Iho tllllh,n of II Ir"llm UIIIlIl cillcl rl clI l cnmponcnl. l uch QI there. Involved a lot of hand work. from grew up together. "Io "'u control. IOnAt tlll\·1c1l1 onliiolld Ilnlll relA}'I. Alecen cnllinceri ineutpotlliu pto\'lI n cunur.ut· more than deft application of Darwin's PackaBlng equipment not oub' t idll )· 1\· 311I1bl~ cnmlllmcnil which IIrD 1IIIIId ll ld And till nnl rl1ll!tlrll u ... lr ll(J rtllnllr~· III\IT~~~"' Inln. Law of survival of the fittest. ptoCCnlng to packaglne. 11\1111 nrc cOlilumllll1l1nll 0 1111111 1 Illll1l1l1.lun, cunlnel AIIlI~t:U (.lItlloralilln fur th,lI fu, U ill I Companies were small and family helped extend distribUtion-lines by effi· 11~led Icr\,lcu; 1'llIn l cnlllnccrinil nnd 11I)'lIul. eleclrlcal lind mcehnnlcul. IUIIII)' 0 ellu limen, Timing, drive, ethics and skilled man­ owned, with distribution confined to ciently putting the product In sealrd Clet: Uon Ind .larlu\I,,\1I fturn unll lum eu wllh unu telpunslbml)·. agement account lor a large measur~ at metropolitan areas. (Continued on page 16) 18:'0 W. CU.. YMPIC: .OU~.VARD. ,-0. ANa."•• , CA.'-'''. 80008 14 JUlV. 1913 15

~ ... ..

' . '; 1.'''~ ;!. ;0.: ~ .~·,r"'·'''''' " :: American Beauty Macaroni welchts were lpot.checked by pi 'Inc (Continued from page 14) a package out ot thC! line and weir lint It on a nearby scale, "Pockacel '('rt containers, It also WO! far fextrusion dies need repair, recondi­ many ftnnl that have retained their Ronzoni has had only minimal dl ·:n· orialnal corporate .tructure, we've lime. Because of the soUd ,tate :Ir· tioning, modifying, rebulldlng or redesigning. found It has brought U5 closer to our cullry In controls, a section can })( re· customers, supplier! and employees, placed In a matter of minutes, Mr. I on· Call It a close-knit company, with own­ zonl added, "Naturally, we keC!p a 'JP' ()Ml Interested In all operations, big or ply of porta on hand, but when we I ,.'t'd Get QUICK SERVICE and BEnER PRODUCTION RESULTS IImall, It has been a key to maintaininG: a vital part, HI·Speed will rush It .iT· the wlde·mnge of expertise necel!ary mall to us, and Invariably we wllll .. I\'c to bring AmNlcan Beauty to Its 61st It the next day," year In 01 vigorous a state as any To sum up In Mr, Ronzoni', ,.\I.'n youngster you'd care to nnme, words, "It goC!s without sayln8 thai we are pleased with thC! opC!ratin8 I,m, clency of the H1·SpeC!d units," Checkweighe., Pay Off D. mnLDn~1 E.. Sons/Inc. For Ronxon; Macaroni Fiu Hi.S,..d Mod.1 CM·60 ChKkwelghers, S57 THIRD AVE. BROOKLYN. N.Y .. U.S.A. 11:U5 Can a Hi-Speed CM-60 CheekweighC!r plus HI.Speed Metal Detecton, move dif. Telephone: (2121 499·3555 find happiness with a !;O-year-old fam­ Ilcult·to·handle pockoges 01 mocaronl and Notio"ol Mocoro"' We,k spaghetti at Une Spt"

King Mldal Semolina Ind Ourum Flour from Pe.vey, for Pastl with liThe Goldin Touch." Purl Golden Color. Grea. Elling Charicterlilici.

AI the new Peavey mill In Hest· Ing and filtering processes that Istlcs. And at the Peavey mills, Ings, Minn., as In all the King make Ourum run on a Semolina aulomatlon of virtually aU proc­ Midas SemOlina and Ourum lIour mill something special • . • proc· osses means that quality levels mUls, Ourum wheat rece Ives all esses that mean pure. golden are maintained - all the way. We the extra milling, clean ing, purify- pasta with line eating character- wouldn't tlave II any other way. Peavey Company, Flour Mills, Minneapolis, Mlnn, 55415

~~.. PEAVEY COMPANY V Flour Mills ,.

Macaroni Around the World And the In:ome derived from the.e exports docs the same for a lot of (Continued from poge 19) American tubles. Dnd larger preIS:!!. Nevertheless, the trend of lalcs 15 prcdlc".~ d up and there British Moyie Is some optimism for Improvement. Brltllh Pasta manufacturers are Japan proud of their products, fO much so that they are making a new fUm about Continental Groin Company adver­ them. tises: "Tokoo Okamoto's pasta palace Is helping pDY ofT Roy Stewart's com­ More lind more people are buying bine," pasta, so "we feel there Is a nced for an ed~tutional tUm about British An Itolion style r(,staurant in Japan? pa.ta," explained Freddie Fox, a direc­ It comes os no surprise to anyone ac­ tor of n. H. Clark, the millers. quainted with todoy's cosmopollton Japan. "All the fUms that arc currently available are either made overaeas, or One Indkotlon of changing Japanese are a bit out of date. They don't toke eating habit. Is on upward trend In Into account that the British posta in­ wheat consumption, The typical Japan­ dustry has grown considerably over the ese diet now Includes ienerous amounts past few years. and that Brltllh pula of bread, paltry, noodle. Dnd pasta­ Is among the best in the world-far Including Chef Okamoto's spaghetti ul .uperlor to most 01 the importcd dente. brand .... The foci that Japan', mountainous Adwanlur. wllh Pula topography 11 unsuitable for wheat pro­ duction haa not held her back. Since The 16mm color tUm, which hal been given the provisional title of, Adven­ she can't grow enoulh wheat, she buys Laft to ,lthtt PrHuc., John Blomlield, Mr. ture With Pasta, will give a brief out­ It. Picot ond Aul510nl Camrroman Anhur Da· line of the history of pasta, ita manu­ vii. Last year, Japanese wheat Imports facturing process and It. application in amounted to about 180 million bushels all forms of catering. -Including 18 mll1lon bushels grown Deyelopmontl of by American wheat farmel"ll like nay Shooting Is taking place at various IPACK-IMA '73 locations In London, Oreat Yarmouth Stewnrt. This year, the U.S. share will A meeting of tho IPACK-IMA ',3 and SI. Albans. be close to 100 million bushels. committee, headed by Chairman Mario And that's only wheat. When the fUm, which 11 Jointly spon­ Sagain, recently outlined developmentl sored by thc principle .emollna millers Japan also bUYI lubltantlal quanti­ of the Exhibition to be held In tht in this country, Is ready for relca.e In Milan Fairground. Oct. 8-14. Gioyanni Foods Acquired tiel of U.S. feed grains and protein IUp­ May it will have a running time of 20 Delmonlc" Canteat plementl. In fact, all told, ahe'l our minutes, Thr.. heion Delmonico Food. Is offering 11 one­ By San Giorgio Will S. Dade, President of SUIl 010\'­ number one relular customer for agri. JaM, I, • a.m Organized Into three sectors o( pack· week ttl!) to 1i.1me for two to a;pur in­ cultural exportl. roUt'lI liWartn'11S of Its new slogo.n, glo Macaroni. Inc., hu. unnounccd thut Meanwhile, imagine younelf In a 12 ing and packallng, food'ptoC1!ss!ng rna· '1'hlw!'l get Plore ItaUan when you Snn Giorgio htls acquired the assets of These exportl help put food on a lot ft. by 12 kitchen, with eight other chlnery, and mechanical handling tM n. Itn', Delmonico." Glov,lDnl Foods, Easl Greenville, Pa .• of Japanese tablel. show Is already large enough to DC up), people squeezed In around you; four prodUcers of frozcn pli li ta products. Rve pavilions, Including the En&;i (!fr· TI> "Discover Italy" contest was are lamps blazing down on you for ten San Giorgio plll.,s to continue pro­ houra; a microphone taped to your Ing Pavilion which Is noted for It. .ut· kltk oft May 21 with announcements on' Paul Dixon Television st,uw d :lctloll IIf thcse prOQ lrch undcr the chest, with the wldes wound round your ness. Somc 535 exhibitors were J gi5' Olovannl brand name and subsequently tered up to the month of April and I)'nr ,ted In Cincinnati, Dayton, Co­ wai.t; and a tUm camera .tarinl at you will offer a new line or frozen pusta many more are expected. A wldc >Ct. luml and IndlanapoUs marketa. It ju.t a few feet away from your face. products undcr the Sun Giorgio brand trum of foreign participants give. tht endl ..... lth the grand prize drawing In You are then asked to cook 20 perfect nome. Exhibition a strong international · lor· mid ne. The grand prize winner. IlP- dl.hes showing how just one prodUct John Messina, 0. partner of Giovanni acler. pea f on the Paul Dixon show June could be used In recipes covering "II 18. Foods, will join Sun Olorglo In the the courses in any meal. The packing &«lIon runl the \ n,r C· warehouse facility In May in New Hope, capacity of Manager of Operations at That this feal Is possible at all, .ay. from plastics processing to new e ·lm· ~ It entries were submitted on Eust Greenville with generul re5ponsl­ o,h .1100 box end •• Magnavox color Minnesota. a great deal for pasta as a convenience pies of machines and complete pro est· The plant will Include 108,000 square bUlly ror production. ttle .on .ets were given 81 runner­ food. But It .ays a great deal more for Ing lines. feel of space when completed and an­ Sun Giorgio Is u large producer uf dry up j ~es . The trip to Rome Includcs the cook. The food-proceiling machinery ;ec. pusta products and IIpaghctli lIuuee!! air re on AUtalia Airlines, mCllll, other 20,000 square feet of office spOl'e Pasta Food. Limited's Senior Home tor will have a large exhibit of n Ica· with dlctributlon In Ihe Eu ~ tern Sea­ hOll' and spending money. at a later dute. Economl.t, Jenny Roe, not only pre­ ronl procelSing machines a. weI III John Lln.trolh, Creumette senior vice board IItutes. Giovanni Foods will oper­ 0 , l1Ionlco president Joseph p, Vivi­ pared the 20 appetizing and attractive manufacturing units and president, said tho compuny expect. u ate all II dlvlllion or S:II\ Giorgio, ..... hlch looking dishes under the:Je condition., equipment for other Relds of food jll'O' ano ·.iY. the contest, which wa. pro­ production output of 500,000 pounds Is a wholly-owned lIubsidlary uf Her­ mott·,1 with dally television, she kept her sense of humor aU the ducllon. dally. Actual production will begin Oct. shey Foods Corporatlun, lIershl'Y. Po.. way through the ten hours. An exten.lon of and Is e!\lIetted to .tlmulate .ales 01 well as cOilt attention to the macaroni prod­ I. ''The teally dlmcult part," says packaging will be organized by lilt Llnstroth, who has been with Cream­ UctJ producer's Italian theme. Delmonico Productions Jenny. "wa. when they taped my feet U.S. Trade Center in Milan. eltes for 32 ycan, designed the planl, Carroll Morgnn has been promoted to to the Roor, .0 that 1 could not move The mechanical handling sector, cOm' purchased all the machinery and mode Di.trlct Sales Manager of the Louisville out of the camera's ranle." pared with previous editions, prondseJ,"" to O.,.n New Plant the plant lay-out for all the equipment. market. Olem Macaroni 01 Tel Aviv: "Generallons a greater degree of compactness and The Creamette Co., manufacturers of Construction on the bulldlng bcgan Dennis Sprow!cs, formcrly Manufac­ 01 know·naw, Ine mOil madern macnlnery National Macaranl WHk representation. • Crcamette macaroni product., opened in October 1972 by the Rlluenhorst turing Managcr, has becn promotcd to ond lelected raw matetlall are Ine IICllt Corp. Production Manager. of top quality." October 11-20, 1973 • nl!W manufacturing, packaging lind 23 22 Till! MACARONI JOURNAL JULY. 1973 Super Market Institute DWARD J. SCHNUCK, chairman DC E the board Dnd chief executive om. cer, Schnuck Marketl, Inc., Bridgeton, Mo., was elected president of Super Market Institute at the Institute', 38th Annual Convention In Dallal, He .Lle. ceed. James Cooke, chairman DC the board and chief executive officer, Penn Fruit Company, Inc" Philadelphia, Pa. 8MI Is the education and research scm DC the Cood distribution industry. The present membership of the Insti­ tute is over 800 super morket companies and grocery wholesalers throughout the world. In 1972 the retail alores ac­ counted lor $57 billion In .ales; the wholesaler members served more than 58,9S6 retail food .tOtes and had whole­ sale sales of $12 billion. Prior to election as prelddent, Mr. Schnuck served two terma as SMt's tlrst vice president. From 1989 to 1971 he served as vice president; trom 1986 to 1989 as a director at lurge, and filled the 8MI lecretary was Earl W. Madlen, same omce tram 1981 to 1984. Markel, Inc., La, Angeles, Cal.; Sam president, Madlen', Super Valu Store" Singer, president, Applebaum's Food Mankato, Minn. LIlIg". In 8L LoWa Markets. Inc., 8t. Paul, Minn.; Bernard The toUowlng TCllonal dlrecton were Wellberg, president, Chatham SU)lff Since 1952, Mr. Schnuck', tlnn has elected to threc·year lerma: C. L. (Pete) MarkeLl, lnc., Warren, Mich., and JDmtJ llrown at a meteoric rate unl1l It hi Newaome, vice president, Publlx Super T. Wyman, chairman ot the executln now the larlle.t retail food chain In the Markets, Miami, Fla. (Southeast); J. L. committee, Super Valu Stores, Inc .. metropt.Uton St. Lout, orea. The chain Scott, vice chairman and chlet execu. Hopkins, Minn. operates tiD large, modern .uper mar. live Officer, Albertson'l, Inc., Boise, Ida. kels ,and plan. to continue III i'apld More than 10,000 people attended ho (Mountain): Don Byerly, prelldent, SMI's 38th Annual Convention Dnd rate ot expansion. Corporah head. Byerly Foods, In(:., Edina, Minn. (We il l quarters are located on a ts5·acre tract Educational Exposition. This includes North Central): Ray D. Waite, presl. SMI memben, people auoclated wllh In Bridleton with four modem build­ dent, Oshawa Group, Totonto (Canada): Inll-the admJnlstration bulldlnl, a the exhibits, and industry guelts. It II and John Salrubury, chairman, J. the tood Industry', bille.t yearly e\'enl ,roCf!ry distribuUon center, a perishable SaInsbury, Ltd., London, Enlland warehouse em:ompautng a freeur, (Western Europe). dairy and produce distribution taclUty, and the bakery plant. The total com· ConUnulnl as rellona) dlreclorl are Mr. Cook. Mak.. a plex has over 300,000 square teet of Charles C. Butt, preaident. H. E. Butt Fr •••WhHling floor space under roof. Grocery Company, Corpus ChrbU, Microwave drying, the first really new development in a long time, has quietly been Texas (Welt South Centra)): AVram J. 8MI President James Cooke, c: alt· proven by some of the lorgest posto producers. Elected tint vice president ot SMI Goldberg, prelldent. Stop &: 8hop Com. man ot Penn Fruit Company, PhJ), -lei· - It dries ten times faster. _ It reduces dryer mointenonce to about one hour a was Milton Perlmutter, prelldent, panies, Inc. (New Enlland); Thom .. P. phla, Ipoke out at the Dallas con en· week (011 stolnless steen. - It improves product quality. - It can double or triple Supennarkets General Corp., Wood· Infullno, president, Nutley Park Shop tion on "predatory tactics" of n Ijor production. _ Lower copitol Investment. - It oenerolly can be Installed without bridge, N.J. Perlmutter had been serv. Rite, Inc., Nutley, N.J. (Middle AUan. chains Indicating the advenary prt :eU shutting down the line. inl 8MI as a vice prelldent prior to hi. tic): Don E. Marah, president, Marah among supermarkets la not WOI . Inl AND NOW the lalest development Incorporates (J) preliminary drying, (2) drying, present omce. He hUI previoully been 8upcrmarkeu, Inc., Yorktown, Ind. "when one giant r.talter can dem raJ­ and (3) controlled cooling all In one 8.23.15 foot unit .. . laking only 1/5th the an 8MI director at large (1989 to 1972) (Ealt North Cenlral), and Ben lze practically an entire industry a we spoce required for conventional drying. U.S. Patents Pending and Atlantic rellonal dlredor (1985. Schwartz, prelldent, Foods Company have wltneued In lhe past year." 19<18). Markets, Los Angeles, Cat. (Pacific). He olIO' called tor 8 complete t , :er­ Olh.r OllIe." Elected dlrecton vi I.ule tor three. haul of the national brand·markt In. Othcr newly elected omcers Include: year terms were: l...awrence A. Del system, as It now exists, with cHmms, vice president-Harry Beckner, presl. Sonia, prealdent and chlet exetutlve tlon of many "third, tourth and ",ven dcnt, Jewel Food Storel, dlv. at Jewel omcer, Von'l Grocery Company, Los lecond manutacturer brands" anll • Companies, Inc., Melrose Park, III.; and Angele., Cal., and Carl Fazio, chairman greatly increascd use ot private Jab C! l. treasurer, Jack Evans, president, Tom ot the board 1;'jlher FoO(Ji, Inc., Bed. He also called retailers "cowards" for Thumb Storel, Inc., div. of Cultum tord Hellhli, .Jhlo. not Ipeaklnl out alalnlt Government Companlel, Inc., Dallas, Texu. Re. Continuing al dlrectorl at large are: attack. Whether the "faUure ot courtlie" elected to a third term al vice presl· Stephp.n I. D'AaOlllno, president and charle I. accurate or not, one can't dis· MICRODRY CORPORATION dents were Robert O. Aden, chalnnan chief operaUn. officer, D'Acoltlno pute that, tor a variety ot reaaont. some 3111 Fostorll Way, San Rlmon, Cal. 845&3 ot the board, Thl! Kroller Company, SupermarketJ, New Rochelle, N.Y.; quite le.IUmate. they have been reluc­ 415/837·9108 Cincinnati, Ohio, and John P. Thomp· WUlIam R. Deeley, pre.ldent, Alpha tant to condemn certain Government lon, chalnnan at the board, The South. Beta Acme Markets, Inc., La Habra, acUons and .tatement.. land Corporation, 001181. Re·eJecled Cal.; Yom Inadomi, pRudent. JonSons (ConUnued on lJaae 28) 24 Tue MACARONI JOUaNAl. 2S M,. COOkeS ...... UPC-Th. Pro",l_ vestment. reliablUty, availability nd the Unlversel Product Code, to prepare the symboll. We all have art salcs of $139,772. (Continued from pale 24) Th. PlOble",. responsiveness to problems of eq ip­ :aklng atepi to l1mit their lIa­ departments and we may as well colled 31 % of the super markcts In this menl He deftned programabUlt)· It errors. the tee." study currently give trading slamps. Finally, Cooke 8ctUsed brand manu­ Fritz Biermler, aulatant vIce-preli­ store level al an euential elemen of !lscusalon of preliminary UPC LMNA members predicted a 20 to 30 This ngure Is not expected to change facturers of aelft.hly trying to create 8 dent, Infonnallon se",I~I, Red Owl any electronic front-end I)'stem. Ions at LMNA'I annUAl sprin" per cent Increase In the number or in 1973. consumer franchise throueh hu,e ad Storel Ilrencd the need lor retaUers labels printed as a result of UPC_ Nu­ expenditure. at the expense of retail Manu.f.ctu"r'1 Sid, Thomas Doadan, H. M. Smyth and wholesalers to apply the product i'aul, expressed confidence that trient labeUng and UPC are making Maca,oni at SMI Convention markups. He called on many supplier. code to their prlvate·laDel operations, On the manufacturer Iide 01 vr'e, buslnell boom for label manufacturers. bol could be prlntcd under nor­ Skinner Macaroni Company had a to take the labels off their products and DS 8 means of 811urinl the manufaltur­ Harry Chandler, vice prelldent, &.II:. kallnl-industry tolerancel, but While both changel probably will be tum them Into private bronds. Ing side nf the Industry that the dll,rl­ choice exhibitor's spot at the Super and distribution, Quaker Oatl Co., uut. t h~ magnitude of any error would effected coincidentally, some confi­ butlon side II commltled to product Markd Institute exhibition from which Comment lined some of the Itepi hll nrm has than on other prlntlna jobl. dentially admitted separate printings todlng. taken. Quaker II among the manurac. they displayed their whole line. l commented a 5 lb. canned lor each would have made them a big­ Steve Weinat!!ln of Supermarket Since private label sales of non­ turers most advanced In plannlnl lind ger bundle. . Ravllrino & Freschl and Red Cross rould carry the symbol 01 a 16 oz. Macaroni Company dllplayed jointly New. lay.: variable-welaht Itema compose 16-~'" Implementing UPC. of chili becaule of 8 mllprlnted bar featuring "Skroodles," n dainty cork­ There', no doubt that lome of Cooke'. per cent of prelent movement, accord- Chandler dlsculled a lurvey In which the UPC I)'mbo1. He emphasized, screw shaped macaroni product. Their charle. are true-at least to loml! ex­ 109 to Blennier, marketlnl the UP~ 24 manufacturers, representing $20 bll. Th. Supe, Mo,k.t we make an error, our responsibility unIque shope and the way In which tent. On the other hOond, hts teelin,a symbol on those lIeml at the proc:ellor lion In annual salel, gave their UPC Indu.try Speok. be limited only to printing." they hold sauces make them particu­ may be colored by the extremely rough level (Iource Iymbol marklnl' would timetables. Seventeen expected to com­ Super Market Institute II the educa­ competitive a!tuatlon In the Philadel­ Adler, Fort Dearborn Litho­ larly appealing to children. be a major Itep In achlevlnl the 10Urce­ plete putting the code and Itl symbcl Chlcaao, LMNA prellden!, cau­ tion and re.earch arm of the food dis­ phia area, which II not necessarily re­ marked level 01 5U per cent of doUar on con.umer packales by January 1975. tribution Industry. It Is a non-profit American Beauty Macaroni Company ftectlve of the enUre country. memben "not to pennlt CUlto­ had attractively colored sheets show­ volume that McKlnaey & Co. estlmatn The most alplncant problem lilted organization of lome BOO super market to mike you the authority on Ing theIr advanced packaging, quick-fix But there are retallen who arc gullti' would be neceuary to make Icannmll by the manulacturers, accordlnl to what's riJht and what Isn't, as they've operators and It'OCery wholesalers who of predatory lactlcs. There alway. were products at the checkltand econom­ have Joined tOlether in the cgmmon economIcal dinners, and packaged Ida­ Chandler, II the "aullnment 01 11.­ lritd to do wllh nutritional labelln,. ho potato fiakes. and there .lwr,:. wi1l be; that, un· lCaily Jeaslble. bUlly for failure to ICan accurately." UPC 11 another area where we'll be sct pursuit of more ernclc"t distribution rortunately, I, the nature of the bull­ throulh tonstant study and the regular In the Kraft Deli/ Prepared Foodl Slut wUb Lug, VOIWDe Quaker, he said, will have aU .hlp­ up u the experts 11 we're not careful." Deportment dlsploy were Chicken Noo­ nell beaat. There alao are leciUmate pin, contalnen marked with the UPe exchanle of Ideas and Information. The Print Orcl ... ClauM Institute pursues thcse objectlvel dle Dinner, Beel Ravioli In Sauce, Meat difference. of opinion on what consti­ Recommendlna that retaUen Itart number by Auault. The tlrm intends to tute. predatory tactic.. Sometimes the through a prolram of conventions, Baits In Tomato Sauce, Spaghetti Sauce private-label marklnl with the larlest­ place code and I)'mbol on consumer Memben! of the group'l executive with Meot. Dell Items were popular Ju.tlce Department or the FI'C takes packalel as loon a. poulble, "In oroer meetinla, educational programs, and volume lIema, Blermler explained that tommltlee are preparinl a label print­ continuous Itudles of food distribution attractions at the Ihow. acUon to atop lltelaUtYi other 11lItanCf:' the fint .tep 11 to obtain a manulacturer to let 81 much experience II poulble order clause to spell out the extcnt of 10 unpuniahed. Indultry operations. Campbell Soup Company featured a number from Distribution Number before .cannlng becomel widespread in the printer's responllbillty fllr error. number of new products including MuufKtur.'" Vlnrpolnl B·.nk, tho W8Ihinlton IrouP admlnia­ the marketplace," Chandler .ald. LMNA memben! agreed a Icanner Sal•• Franco-American Beet RaviolI's, bite­ terin, the product code. 11 a retailer Coa.. ,nloa COlli would be required to check printed Ilze ravioli in IH~ and 26 oz_ cans. New It', abo true that manufacturers are contributed. to the fund for product The average increase In company ro­ symbol, IlIII on the prell. Dosdall spld taU dollar lalel from the year 1971-1972 varieties 01 chunky soups were dis­ In bUlineu to make money and their code development, he Is automatically He lave the followlna breakdown of played. he had contacled leven equipment was 10%. primary concern II not with the re­ entitled to a manufacturer number. Quaker'. UPC conversion coata: $50,000 manufacturers for price and delivery Franco-American division, Campbell taUen' probleml a. luch. Some con­ lor chanlin, shlpplnl containers; $70,· uUmlles. None or the fl.n!t six would The average Increase In company re­ Soup Coo, Camden, N.J ., In ne ....• print tinue to take what dl.tributon con­ Then the relo.Uer must auJgn prod­ 000, computer prolram chanleli $lnO,· comment (,In Icanners not yet In pro­ tail dollar ..Ies olldenUcal Itorel (that ads, laYI ravioli can also be round. The Iider hannful actlonl despite protesta­ uct numbers to Iteml where he controls 0"0, equipment cost.; $200,000, apply lnl duction. But when It was Intimated la, counting only those stores In opera· Idea II to keep kldl from growing up tion.. Whether they lucceed dependl the label, and mUlt provide label print­ tlon In both 1971 and 1972) was B%. en with lpeclncatlonl, printing gaulel the symbol to consumer packaltl. ''he Inothrr firm had quoted a $2,500 price, "thinking that ravioli has to be square." on their merchandiling cloul If they company expects Incremental COlt: to the It'vcnth aKreed the nlure wal The average Increale In company haven't lot It, they'd betler Ulten or and rum masten. He must also aelect a Iymbol she and determine Its place on run $150,000 lor the rest of this :. ~ ar Wlbout right" wholesale lalel was 14%. they'U 101e cullomen!. If consumers and $lO1),~ !nr 1974, for a total t ?C ... dd 'N' Dinn ... the label. A. private-label items come Ont' ,lember called UPC "the worst Weekly IDlel per Iquare foot for 1972 want their product., however, they can cost of $670,000 o\'''!r a three-~ ~ ar averaled $4.34. Six Items are in the Add 'N Heat up for label review, the UPC can be I for poaalble error I've ever atlord to be more independent. period. Dinner Une being IntroducL>d by Jeno's included, Blerm:er aaid. redlcttng printing fidelity prob­ Sales per Iquare loot lor only those On the other hand, most manufac­ Probabl, Sariaga conventional luper markets built In Inc. In aclected major markell. Unlike The Red Owl executive IUlle.ted Jch 81 Ink squeerlnl, paper previous products of Ihls type which turers are reasonable and cooperative. 11 and Ilur. 1972 was $3.17. Obvloully thl. J. not becaule they're dlstributon think In lenna of market­ Larry Ruuell, Senior Auoclate, Ic· Sales per cullomer transaction fOf usually call for the addition of fresh altrulltlc, but because it makes 1000 Inl private label now, testlnl equJp­ Kinsey &c Coo, alvlnl a random of t rd On e other hand, Jt was noted, II 1972 averalcd $6.5B. meat, thll line colis ror either left­ tenle to cooperate with CUltomers ment by mJd-1974 and preparinl for and 10ft savinll likely from the p: !d. the Pi :r on preu stretched uniformly, Salel per man· hour lor 1972 averaged overs or fresh meals. Newspaper and when you need them and want them to "major capital expenditures" In 1975. uct code and electronic front-end . {.­ the b.· and spaces In the symbol would 140.24. teleVisIon advertising lupport the In­ be latiJfted It posalble. tema of varioul types, Include, 1 rhlnt proportionally to the orilinal, Oroll pront In 1972 with a warehouse troduction. How Aboul MODef' caveat at the beglnnlnl of hli t Ik: mlldr VPC aUII readable, In the case And the complalntl are not all one­ was 21.3';Co of total lalesj without a ''You cannot predicl what grocery :'t' of III or double-Image, It wal ,old Iided. While manufacturen helltate to POllnl the queltlon of how the re­ warehouse 10.4%. Doubl. Enl,••• taDers wUl do in tenn, ot Inve,tn ~ nt the , - mer would read the symbol as volCf: objectlonl, they alao are lub­ taller will come up with tho money Store Labor Expense Ratio wal B.4% Each two-pound On-.Cor Double En­ over the next lew yean." nothll . rather than as a wrona num· Jected to pressurel from distributors. needed for electronic front-end Iy.teml, ber. of total .saici. tree package contains two one-pound Blermler ..Id he WDI "auumlnl the With that reminder, Russcli-went on Store Fringe BenefUs In 1972 were servlngl 01 natural go-togethers like Year of UPC electronic Indultry will provide 10aslnl to say It II the retailer'. Job to edUI Jle Impnllion T.. t 1.2% of lalel. meat (beef & gravy) and potatoes, Veal the cgnaumer to the beneftts of s!Lch It wal an exciting convention. Con­ arranaemenla," u hu been Ita practice Do~ III explained hll company had The overage .hrlnk figure lor the Parmigiana with Mostaccloll In Meat In other areal. He eltlmated equipment SYllems. "We have no guarantee (u" ran a "lI,ooO-lmprelll.on test of the RCA grocery department was 0.7% of groc­ Sauce, Turkey Croquettes with Maca­ trlbuUn, were the move to a new city, tomen! will accept the I)'stem, but we the ulual Idea-provoking worklhops, rental COlts would run t27,BOO, In­ 9mbl)l. and, with no particular Instruc­ ery department lale•. roni and Cheese. Introduction of these c1udlna maintenance and auumln, a feel they wlll, and there Is a need to t10nt 10 the prell people, everything The average net pront, before taxes, new Irozen dinners with advertising the talks by Cooke and by Robert Aden educate them to the I)'ltem now." on labor relationl and lut, but far ftve year write-of!. Worlu:d. In 1972 was 1.3% of total lalel. olTering coupons. lrom lealt, the electronic checkoul Before making equJpment dedllona, lAbel m.nufacturers .tlll are In the Averaae weekly lales per luper mar­ ---- From the exhibit noor to the general retallerl mUlt deftne their needl con­ dark about how the muter 'UPCs will ket for only those stores built in 1972 .... I.B. P,"ld.nt Jellion and worklhops, the electronic lulting, Btermler lualested, SMI'I 'rln"',. Fo ..... , be 'Produced and dlltributed. Doadall wal $62,500. Mrs. Ellen H. Semrow, fonnp.r dI· reilitera provided a spark. It wu deft­ front-end evaluation manual and data­ E,IO .. with UPC· noted a '15 charle for each of lomo Super Itorel, that Is, those luper mar­ rector of nutrition education for the nitely the-yur of UPC. proceulnl penonnel. He Ul'led retallera Members of the Label Manufacturert 100,000 I)'mbola wal expected, and kell with 25.000 or more Iquare feet of Amelican Institute 01 Daklnl, has been abo to tonslder price and return on In- NaUonal AuoclaUon exJ)eCt probtems la 1IId: "The prinl

rrOOIUCI is consistently excellent oec (lu se drying acllon IS always steady You can ~ o unt on the product to come out Wl lh apP' ·all ng color and texture. Uniform and Slral{f nl every lime Ideal lor handling Wl1t1 JE.1C" spaghl' !l1 51H,nll In,vt'IS 1 ~ I 'lC II V lilt' " ;lnl,' IloIlh aUlop lallc weighing. transport ing and pack­ ....

ag lnc machines. ' . I ' . " " '. ,' '. ' , " , Climlate zones are DOSltl Vf!lv separated. '1c ly Ilglll enclosure Witt' Suilier patented , T " control allows 111911 temperature, dlllid ily drYing environment. ity range 500-4,000 Ibs/hr. lid slick lengl l1s: 60 or 80 mcl1es. r details :) uIlHn rellab lilly 0 1 Bull hH ( I'- YlH~ ,mel 'l

, ' __ 4._'theli"e. It's one thing to have the best pasta-producing machinery" And another to be able to package it quickly, Properly, And uniformly. In bags or box£;;. No ~atter what kind of pasta you're me,king - long goods, short goods, swallow nests or .... hatever - one of our Zambonl packaging mac,hines is designed to meet your in-plant requirements. Quickly. Properiy. And uniformly. In bag~. or boxes. . That's the long and short of it. , "

Bt\iU:;:I\U DOlT. ·INGG. M:, G. BRAIBANTI &C. S. P. A. • 20122 Milano- Largo Toscanini 1 '1<.1'. " ·" .'$\ 3200 FRUIT RIDGE AVENUE, NW, GRANU RAPIDS. MICHIGAN 49504 W PHONE : (6161463·5451 WERNER/LEHARA TELEK : 22·6428 CA8LE: WERNERMACH World-wide sales agenls for .the Zambonl Works, Casalecchio dl Reno (Bologna) Italy.

- - .- .. -- . ~ , .

69th Annual Meeting Convention Prog am National Macaroni Manufadur.r. AlIOCiatlon the Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia

S•• da,. J.I, • 2:00 p,m, Boord of Directors meet In the Hunt Room. 6:30 p,m, Welcoming Reception In the Commonwealth Room. Ma.",. J.I, 9 First General Session In the Commonwealth Room Vice President lowrence D. Williams conducting~ ."MJ 9:00 a,m, The President's Report-Vincent DeDomenlco Appointment of Convention Committees: Nominations, Audit, Resolutions. 9:30 a,m. T... d. I. th. Grac • ., fltld Moderator: Robert W. Mueller, Editor, Progressive Grocer. Ponellsts: Everette Snowba~r, President, Dillon Companies; James H. Matthews, Gen, Director MerchandiSing, Super Volu; Newton W. Briggs, VP Cleveland Dlv., The Kroger Company. 10:30 a.m. Break-followed by round-toble discussions. 12:00 I'<)Qn Adlol mmenl. 2:00 p.m. Tennis Tournament. 6:30 p.m. Suppliers' Social In the Crystal Room. 7:30 p.m. Italian Dlnnner Party In the Commonwealth Rooom.

T...... '. J.I, 10 8:00 a.m. National Macaroni Institute Committee Breakfast, Virginia R'-Am. Second General Session In the Commonwealth Room Vice President Nicholas A. Rossi conducting. ' 9:00 a,m. National Macaroni Institute Report by Elinor Ehrman and Theodore R. Sills. 9:30 a.m. Durum Wheat Institute Report by H. Howard Lampman. 10:00 a.m. Meeting Consumerism-Jean Judge, Director of Consumer Affairs, The Grand Union Co., Paterson, New Jersey. Universal Product Code--John longan, Distribution Numbers Bank. Nutdtlonal Labelini/-Jame. J. Winston. N.M.M.A. Developments In Washington-- Thomas F. Roche, Halfpenny, Hahn and Roche. Questions and Answers. 12:00 noon AdJoumament 1:00 p.m. Golf Tournament, Lower Cascades, shot..gun start. 6:30 p.m. Suppliers' Social In the C.ystal Room.

Wed ...... ,. J.1y 11 9:00 a.m. Third General Session in the Commonwealth Room. Macaroni Makes Sense / Cents Chairman Will S. Dade will conduct discussions of simulated business problems characteristic to the macoronl business. Assisting discussion leoders: Paul A. Vermylen, Wolter F. Viliaume, Joseph P. Viviana. Macaroni makes sense for the consumer to balance her footi budget. 11:30 a.m. Convention Reports: Nominations, Audit, Resolutions. Macaroni makes cents for the grocer in building related item sales. 12:00 noon Adjournment. The Institute makes sense for macaroni manufacturers by building a 12:30 p.m. Boord of Directors Organizational Meeting In the Alleghany Cascades Room. bigger market for macaroni. Send your pennies in eocn month. 6:30 p.m. Suppliers' Social in the Georgian Room. 7:30 p.m. Dinner Donce In the Commonweolth Room. Thunda,. 12 NATIONAL MACARONI INSTITUTE 9:00 a.m. Boord of Directors meet in the Empire Room. 12:00 noon AdJournment. P. O. Box 336, Palatine, Illinois 60067 IULY. 1973 ,

Quarterl, Durum Report amounted to 49,800,000 as alalnst 38,- Prediction. are that the ell m rkrl 400,000 the lime period a year alo. should cuntlnue .tronl with .ome 1m. durum wheat &rowers plan Over 12,500,000 bu.hel. went to China Ited potential for Increased bu. .elt. U• S• to Increase acreage seeded and 9,300,000 to U.S,S.R. The price of hog. and cattle will :on. to durum thl, . prin" encouraged by tinue to be lood, althoullh not qui ! as JACOBS·WINSTON record exports which continue to domi­ CULldJan SUuatlod high a. durinl the flul three mont J of nate the .cene. The Crop Reportln, Durum wheat acreale I. expected to 1973. Board In May reported prospecUve decrea." by 17% and If acreale Inten­ LABORATORIES, lac. acresle of durum wheat at 3,054,000 tion. are carried out, prairie farmers EST,1920 acre., 18 % above amount .ceded In will plant 2,830,000 acre. to thl. crop Conium .. Tipi 1972. lncrea.ed wheat allotments, de­ compared to 3,180,000 Irown In 1972. Stretch your food budget by conlbln. created alock. and bleher prlcea all con­ Ing the more expensive protein foods COIISIlliing and Analytical Chemists, sptclali:dng In tributed to the e'lCpanalon In Intended with macaroni, spaghetti, and noudl" all malltrs involving Iht examination, production plantlnss. North Dakota where nearly Durum Mill Grind Up to extend the number of .ervlngR, At and labeling 0/ Macaroni, Noodle and Egg Producu. nine· tenth. or the naUon', durum I. The U.S. Department of Commerce the .ame time, thele "pa.ta" produeta Ie

INOEXTO ADVERTISERS ADM MIIIIII, Co •...... •..... _...... 9 Hara's how to diract A",,", Mllllnl DI.I.I." ...... 11 A... ,o CO'PONtlOII ....•_ ..•_ ....•...... _ 15 traffic into avery 'r.llNntl-WIr"tr lIh.,...... 32·33 Intw" 'hormonu",o' Co...... 37 III"", MI •• ...••.... _• ... _...... •.... .• ..•.•. 2.·29 section of your store. D.f,."cI,cI Mochl"l COrpoN"." .... _ 6.7 DI.,..0,,4 Pu...... P'Hllcts 01 •• ....• _. J9 It's easy. Just feature macaroni products, and you'll '"to",otloIlOI Multlf.od. Corp...... •...• 40 be amazed at the traffic patterns you can create. Jocoll ...Wh.ltoll LeN,olo,'...... _•.... __ 37 Mlelr.,,1 JOMmol ....••....••.....•.... _...... 37 Just six simple pasta recipes, for example, call for MoW.d & Solll, D., '"C . ... __ ... _...... _... 17 32 related items in addition to the spaghetti, elbow Mkrolilry Co'pcMotl'II •.•...•...•... _...... 2S macaroni and egq noodles. These items lead yow Hotlo"ol Meet,.../ IIII'Huto ...... _.... lS Horth o.bto Mill .....•...... _.. ...•.. _... U customers through every section of your store: ....., Co. "our Mill, ...... 20·21 I •• h.", Corp • ...... _. .... _...... _. .... __ 2 M•• l OI'DC ...r P .. otluc. Dairy a;;;'. Ta•• Galo.s .uU•• WANTID-M.coro,,1 'nMlwd~" M." to o,.,.t, ..,. ••• I ...... lhh.cI palf. pl.,.t I" .....u •••• C..... loup• O..... peppe.. 1 Ch..... C",.4.. Thl. I. • w"lqw. .,partw"h, to Chi...... w •• Mu"rooms ClaH" "'0.' ,,,to the "'••••• "'.". fleW with • ,,,wit! orl."tN COMr"" bpe,I."" ,,, ••• Lunch.on L.mon Julc. Plml.nlo. Ma... "u41"., dryl"... ",.. ,I",. .t"h. laI.d.U C.I • .,. Am.rlcan ",,,"It,. '51 ... te,l, to '.0. 1o. 336, ,.10,1.. , III. '0067. , ....kl " .. t .... I ••ar ...... Ic •• OIHD"•• 1 chHH WOIC ••t.llhlr. OarUe ..rm ..... IAUC. Tomat... ehHM Food Trad. Ca ••" tomat... aoma.o ConYintion Cal.ndar ehH" Oct. 1·41 Atlantic:: City. '73 Pack·Info. Oct. B·141 IPACK·IMA '73, Milan, Italy Falrgroundl. You'll almost need a policeman to direct the trallir.! Noy, 3D·D,c. 51 National Food Brokers Aun. 70th annual convention, New THE NATION ,~l York City. Jan. 27·30, 1074: National Exposition ~ for Food Procellors, Atlantic City. Jan. 3D·Feb. 31 NMMA Winter Conven· MACARONI tlon, Boca Raton, Fla. -INSTITUTE 'I II,7'/,(J ~JI ' ,j' SPAIiI11I -'-' ~;LA'I ~1l~ ···;;'-'" PAftI~ This advertisement appeared in Progressive Grocer, May i, ue, for Super Market Institute convention distribution.

Competition of IIpaghettl. In each cOle there a e 14 John E. White, Red Cross Macaroni Individual boxes which makes the lotal Sales Manager in Galesburg, III., read number ot units ot spaghetti 13,21l-J. In about Ronco', "World'i largest spa· weigh! the tolal Is 6.6 toni. Can )'0:.1 ghetti display" at Giant Foods In Mem· imagine what a dinner you could hl\'e phis In the January luue ot the Maca· if D few calel ot spaghetti lauce weN! ronl Journal. added? He sold Rich Hosklnlon, K Mart Food The diJplay made the local papCrI II Manager In Bloomington, III., on build· well 01 merchandlllnil history In the Ing a display to beat the record. The Bloomington·Nonnal market. new record is this display of 5S0 cases Oka,. Who put egg in the noodles? 'I


Sal Marltato did. less chance of contamination, and less time So now when you buy Multifoods' and mess. new noodle mix called "Duregg" • Ouregg eliminates the nsed to fe-fre8ze -811 you add Is waler. unused egg. We've gone ahead and added the • Duregg assures a consistent blend. egg solids to Multlloods' top· • Ouregg eliminates the necessity to invenlory quality durum flour. two Ingredients. Storage and record keeping A number of our customers have already ordered . is reduced. "Ouregg" In hefty lois. • Ouragg simplifies delivery. Now It's one Here are 8 tew reasons why you should: lource - Mulliloods. • Duregg eliminates tlm&-consumlng, In-plant • Duregg lowers your manpower requirements. blending of flour and egg Bollds with ex­ pensive machinery • Enoug h laid. Orderyou r Du regg wilh a p hone call. • Duregg is ready when you need It. No thawing. The number Is 812/339·8444. @MRUL.TIFOODS DURUII PRODUCTS DIVISION GENERALOFFtCES, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. &5402