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Sequel to passenger ferries: new sailing ship collector’s album

If you wish to know more about the rigours of life on board the old Åland sailing ships, their routes and their often tragic fate, then the collector’s album with Allan Palmer’s enchanting sailing ship stamps was made for you. For six years, you can follow the series with a total of twelve stamps portraying Åland sailing ships from the era of peasant sailing to what developed into the world’s largest fleet of sailing ships. Learn about an interesting part of Åland history! The edition of the purpose-made album and collector’s sheets is limited.


ÅLAND POST LTD STAMPS PO BOX 1100 AX-22111 MARIEHAMN ÅLAND, Finland Contents Telephone visiting address From Finland: Flygfältsvägen 10 Editorial 2 018 636 641 Sviby, Jomala News 3 From abroad: +358 18 636 641 editors Beach magic 4 Telephone hours (GMT +2 h): Anita Häggblom From peasant sailing to world’s Mon–Fri 9 am – 4 pm Heidemarie Eriksson largest fleet of sailing ships 6 1 July - 15 August: Cecilia Mattsson Mon–Fri 9 am – 3 pm Åland sheep as black print 11 text Fax Anna Karlsson A bell of great symbolism 12 From Finland: Translation 018 636 608 Debated Carl Larsson Kristine Lybeck Sund From abroad: – on stamp 14 +358 18 636 608 Layout Emelie Hage Lina Loikas Internet – with creativity in her genes 16 Production 2014 First day covers 20 Nordic stamps: April Kommunikation 2014 Exhibition cards 21 Waasa Graphics E-mail 2014 Special cancellations 22 Cover photo [email protected] Therese Andersson Calendar 23

We reserve the right to change the information in this publication.


Åland Auctions has found its form

After three auctions with the business concentrated to Finland, auctioneer Tom Granberg begins to find his feet. Åland Auction no. 4 is still in its early days.

”Just wondering how life’s treating you nowadays. It has been quite a while since we last heard from you.” On 8 March 1912, Rudolf sends a greeting card to Mr William Eriksson in Port Adelaide. The post- card went under the hammer for 18 euro at Åland Auctions auction no. 2. Most expensive (1600 euro) was a rare Finnish misprint from 1930. As the first postal administration in the world, Åland Post runs its own auction site, based in Finland but operating globally. “We have objects from both Great Britain and the Netherlands and find it positive that we have made our way to Europe,” appraiser and auctioneer Tom Do you have any interesting objects to sell? Granberg says. Get in touch with appraiser and auctioneer The number of submitted items and customers is Tom Granberg by phone +358 40 708 7007 steadily increasing, says Tom, who has an enormous or e-mail [email protected]. task appraising the objects submitted for every auction. “We receive a variety of items; from stamps and philatelic litterature to coins, medals, silver, gold and glassware. We may accept larger artworks in the future. Our customers’ interests determine the extent of our assortment,” Tom explains. stamp Music with sepac app

Åland Post’s issue ’Golden age of Åland music’ features three of the most popular Åland bands during the groovy 1960s when pop music found its way across the Sea of Åland. But how much beat, swing and refrain does an illustration really communicate? Scan each of the stamps with the Sepac stamps app to listen to the respective band’s greatest hit. Don’t pass up on Hitch Hikers’ “Sweety”, Anacondas’ “It’s really rain in my heart” or Stockdoves “Mej lurar du inte” (i.e. You don’t fool me). Download the free Sepac stamps app from Google Play (Android) or App Store (iPhone).

ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN • 3 “Beach finds” is the theme for Åland Post’s 3-year frama series starting in 2015. Photographer Tiina Tahvanainen has immortalized feathers, a bottle message and floats from fishing nets. “To me, beach finds are tiny magical knick-knacks that are just lying about, waiting to become somebody’s treasure,” Tiina says.

beach magic

Knick-knacks found on the beach have a special outside Montpellier. This created some quandry: air to them. Where have they been and who had “I flew from Åland to France with the shells them? Were they lost or thrown away? How did packed in bubble wrap and the seaweed wrapped they end up here? in a wet towel. Luckily, nothing was damaged. I was “To me, a beach find is something that I find staying in the countryside with no beach in sight, pretty and valuable enough to bring home with me. so I got some sand and arranged a miniature beach Rusty bolts, hoary planks, lovely shells, something in the yard. Our dog Viivi really enjoyed having that you don’t even know what is or was,” Tiina its own little beach in the yard where I found her Tahvanainen explains. sunbathing between my shootings.” She is the photographer behind the Post’s new 3-year series of postal labels on the theme “Beach collector since childhood finds”. As it turns out, she was the perfect choice As defender of worn items, Tiina is constantly on for the commission. The worn and torn, rusty, the lookout. aged and chipped are recurrent elements in Tiina’s “I’ve been collecting old oddities since child- motifs. hood. Now, as an adult, my collecting has become “This commission was cut out for me. Old clob- slightly more sophisticated. Surrounding myself ber is so much more interesting than new stuff. with old, beautiful things makes me feel safe.” Old things have a history you don’t know anything Tiina makes her finds at flea markets, junk yards, about but that you can fantasize about.” auctions, in old attics and, of course, on the beach. “My collection of shells is my favourite beach Freight to France finds. And all my hoary planks. Oh, and of course, When working on the assignment, Tiina partly that old light bulb that I found on a deserted beach lived in France. The beach finds in the illustrations in France and that now adorns one of my photo are primarily from Åland but the photo-work was posters. I enjoy the excitement of finding some- partly performed at her parents-in-law’s home just thing quite unique.”

4 • ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN Beach finds – feather

D ATe of issue: 2 February 2015

photographer: Tiina Tahvanainen

denominations of Series: The first day cancel shows a seashell. €0.80; 0.90; 0.95 and 1.10 (postage liable to change)

Price FDC: preliminary €4.40

Size: 40.00 x 30.34 mm

Paper: Fluorescens 100 g/m²

Printing method: 5-colour offset On the first day cover we see several other beach Printing house: The Lowe Martin finds. Shells, stones and other knick-knacks kept by Group photographer Tiina Tahvanainen in her chest full of beach treasures.

Tiina sifted through her beach finds Photographer Tiina Tahvanainen has a preference to shooting flowers, journeys, decor, old wornout stuff, food and other things that make life worth living. Tiina has worked with photography as a way of expression for some 10 years, artistically as well as commercially. When it comes to shooting stamp motifs, the small format

is the largest challenge. What can stay and what must go? Tiina TahvanainenÅLANDSPOSTEN had to choose FRIMÄRKEN carefully • among 5 her collected beach finds to create the frama series. For a century, from the mid-1800s until WWII, an impressive fleet of Åland sailing ships sailed the Seven Seas, twelve of which are now being chronologically featured on a stamp series from Åland Post. “Sailing ships are among the most beautiful creations of mankind. The combination of functionality and beauty never ceases to fascinate me,” artist and experienced yachtsman Allan Palmer explains.

From peasant sailing to world’s largest fleet of sailing ships

In the beginning of 2015, Åland Post launches a new dramatic history or similar causes. The fact of the 6-year series of stamps featuring Åland sailing ships. matter is that, to most sailors, life at sea was simply First out are the schooner Lemland and the barquen- common everyday work, nothing dramatic at all,” tine Leo, both characteristic of the mid-1800s, a Allan explains. time when Åland peasants first acquired the right to import steel and build their own vessels. The so called a Hundred years of sailing peasant sailing started; from having transported only The series covers almost a century, from the launch of their own goods, merchants began shipping the goods Lemland in 1856 untill WWII. During the interwar of others as well, mainly timber and fish to begin with. years, Åland ship owner Gustaf Erikson bought sailing Insufficient documentation has made portraying ships from around the world at a good price. Conse- these earliest vessels difficult. A few ship portraits quently, Åland had an impressive fleet of sailing ships may exist and, in some cases, models but even model- long after other countries had turned to steam ships. makers often had to imagine what the earliest cargo Lemland with its rustic design is the oldest ship vessels looked like. Artist Allan Palmer has the formal in the series. competence to make the correct presumptions. With “Looking at the form of the hull and the rig- many years of experience sailing ships, he has rigged ging, these first ships were just a development of the some ten ships and is captain of the brig Tre Kronor rustic fishing boats built by peasants and common af . people earlier. You built “as you were supposed to “The twelve ships chosen for the series clearly build”, Allan says. distinguish themselves through rigging, epoch and In the case of Leo, built in 1870, we see distinct function. We have attempted to eliminate ships tendencies of a more international design of both that have already been exposed because of their rig and hull.

6 • ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN “The fact of the matter is that, to most sailors, life at sea was just daily routine, nothing dramatic at all”


Photo: Per Björkdahl 332•333 Leo and Lemland Maximikort DATE OF ISSUE: 2 February 2015

ARTIst: Allan Palmer

EDITION: 140 000, 170 000

Denominations: Världen (€1.10), €0.85

Price FDC: €2.60

Stamp sizes: 40 x 30 mm

SHEET sIZeS: 2 x 12 stamps

Paper: 102 g/m²

Perforation: 13 per 2 cm Maximikort Printing method: 4-colour offset

Printing house: Cartor Security Printing

For the maximum cards, Allan has made less-sophisticated drawings of the ships.

A customized album for the Sailing ship series will also be available.

8 • ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN The characteristic figurehead of the ship Leo was taken as model for the first day cancel.

The first day cover illustrates the ships from a different angle. The twelve sailing ships chosen for the series clearly differ with respect to type of rig, area of use and age. First out in the series are the oldest ships Leo and Lemland. Gutter pair strips

Allan Palmer – cut out for the job Ship builder and rig master Allan Palmer owns the two-masted schooner Nordboen and is captain of the brig Tre Kronor. He knows a great deal about and is very interested in the history of shipping and has worked at both the Åland Maritime Museum and onboard the museum ship Pommern. He is a trained artist and a skilled painter and sculptor. In addition, he has some twenty earlier stamps under ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN • 9 his belt. Allan was the obvious choice of artist for this stamp series. engen r e r øv nna Gu - ans : H On weekdays, Allan Palmer is captain of the brig Tre Kronor. Here in severe weather in the Baltic Sea hoto

during Tall Ships Race 2013. P

“Ship builders were influenced by their experi- knowledge in the field.” ences around the world. Ships passed Åland and When Allan paints, he pays great attention to the islanders sailed out into the world. Leo, for removing all the unnecessities. He frequently instance, might as well be built in Germany or makes sketches with ballpoint pen on a checked England, the local characteristics are gone.” notepad. He paints in water colour with possible streaks of gouache if a line needs augmentation. Allan’s own title “I enjoy the feeling of spontaneity I get from Allan Palmer prefers not to be characterized as an watercolour. There is no going back. And good artist. This is his small and quiet objection to what quality watercolour can’t be compared to anything he considers to be pretentious and convenient else,” Allan explains. artistry and, at the same time, a praise to the true artists. customized album “Yes, I have problems with the flippant attitude A limited edition of customized albums for the sail- to the artist profession. In art school, I was soon ing ship stamps will be produced and shipped to fed up when I saw how quickly people changed and subscribers together with the first two issues that became pretentious.” will be presented with photo and text. A subscrip- To avoid this trap, Allan has invented the pro- tion guarantees delivery of coming collector’s sheets fession “art craftsman”, a far more convenient and in the series. correct description. The interest in old sailing ships is strong, not “Most of my and illustrations are made only among stamp collectors. During Tall Ships’ on commission, as a piece of handicraft. As an artist Races, for instance, Allan Palmer has seen the popu- you wish to somehow image yourself in the paint- lation of cities doubling when people came to look ing. It’s not consistent with what I do.” at the lovely silhouettes. Is it still possible to identify you as the craftsman “With a risk of being biased, I find that sailing behind a specific painting? ships are some of the most beautiful creations of “When it comes to my marine paintings, people mankind. The combination of technique, innova- tell me that they recognize something, that it is tion and beauty just keeps on fascinating me.” evident that the paintings are made with great

10 • ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN One of Åland Post’s more exciting stamp projects, the engraved miniature sheet featuring Åland sheep, has now been concluded. The project was a co-operation between Åland Post and Postage Stamp Printing Bureau of China Post Group. vakar tryckstarten i Beijing. Åland sheep as black print

Under the guidance of well-known Swedish engra- Signed and Numbered ver Martin Mörck, ten Chinese engravers have The issue is complemented by a numbered edition been trained and had an in-house competition to of 5000 black prints, 2000 of which are signed by produce the motifs. Stamp engraving is a time- the engravers Liu Minghui and Yang Zhiying. A consuming type of craft involving a great deal of select cover holds each print, which is presented in detailed work that cannot be reversed or remade. English, Chinese and Swedish. Once keyline drawing was done, the trainees had “Black prints can only be produced in connec- three months to complete their engravings. The tion with engraved stamps. Åland rarely issues entire project has taken one year. hand-engraved stamps but, when we do, it is an “The most difficult to teach the trainees was exquisite product. Thus, the black print is the patience and focus. A skilled engraver must be able finest we can produce,” Anita Häggblom, director to draw and have a sensitive feeling for materials, a of Åland Post Stamps, smiles. penetrating eye as well as an enormous craftsman- ship. You must have an instinctive feeling for the craft”, Martin explains.

Engraver Martin Mörck and Åland Post’s designer Cecilia Mattsson supervise the start of printing in Beijing. The black print is presented in a cover inspired by the Chinese tradition of giving away a ”red envelope” monetary gift during special occasions. ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN • 11 Great love and big secrets. Once upon a time, the Peach-leaved bellflower symbolized strong feelings. When it is eternalized, finding it is easier than photographing it.

A bell of great symbolism

Peach-leaved bellflower, an enchanting meadow Two possible solutions flower, appears in road shoulders, meadows and Spotting the bellflower proved considerably easier gardens in the beginning of July. With its one than shooting a photo of it. The small format of a metre tall stem and nodding blue bells it has always stamp requires a clean background to accommo- been a source of inspiration to poets and writers, date both text and denomination. for example Gustaf Fröding, when writing about “I had two possible solutions. One was to lie on the lovesick thrush which is silenced by a kite in my back under the flower in midday to get a shot his poem “I skogen” (i.e. in the forest) from 1891. with the clear-blue sky as background. Another was Andy Horner shot the bellflower featured on the to wait until late in the evening when the last rays of stamp. He found the motif alongside the cycle path sunshine shone directly on the flower as the house some 100 metres from his home in Mariehamn. cast its black shadow on the background,” Andy explains. He snapped both shots and complimented with a few detailed images of the snakelike stamens and pistils of the bellflower. During the Victorian 1800s, floriography was Peach-leaved bellflower practised as a way of discretely expressing passion- – Campanula persicifolia ate feelings. The specific types of flowers, their colour and number all had specific meanings. The

FAMILY: Campanulaceae peach bell symbolized: “Don’t gossip to anyone GROWING FORM: Perennial herb about what you know.” The blue colour implied HEIGHT: 30–100 cm. Erect, unbranched, naked stem “I wish to stay by your side until death”. Today, FLOWER: Bell-shaped, five blue fused corolla lobes the old way of expression is mostly brought to HABITAT: Groves, forests, meadows, road shoulders, forest margins, banks, rocky outcrops life at weddings or funerals but, in everyday com- FLOWERING PERIOD: July–August munication, the language of flowers has been re- placed by social media, for better or for worse.


12 • ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN The sun creates shadows in the delicate bellflower featured on the maximum card. Gutter pair strip

334• Peach-leaved bellflower

DATe of issue: 10 April 2015

photographer: Andy Horner

edition: 140 000

denomination: €0.85

Price FDC: €1.50

stamp SizE: 31.92 x 36.5 mm

sheet size: 2 x 15 stamps

Paper: 102 g/m²

perforation: 13 per 2 cm

printing method: 4-colour offset

printing house: Cartor Security Printing More bellflowers appear on the first day cover. A flower that is easy to find but difficult to photograph because of its blue colour.

Andy Horner on photographing bellflowers As a photographer of plants, Andy Horner likes to experiment with the light settings, hence depicting the motif in completely different ways. Getting a good photo of the Peach-leaved bellflower caused certain problems. The hue of blue of the bellflower seemed to be perceived differently than the human eye by both the digital

sensor and traditional film, making the colour slightly purple in theÅLANDSPOSTEN photo. ”Presumably, FRIMÄRKEN this shade • 13 of blue lies very close to the invisible ultraviolet colour of the spectrum”, Andy says. One of Carl Larsson’s most debated works of art now appears on a stamp. The final 90 m² version of the painting is displayed at the Swedish National Museum of Fine Arts in Stockholm. Åland businessman Anders Wiklöf owns an earlier version of the painting.

Debated Carl Larsson – painting on stamp Carl Larsson, one of the most popular and well- dening and so seems the Larsson family to have had. known painters in , was best known for his Perhaps Carl Larsson’s visual language also appeals pictures of everyday life with his wife and family in to me because he, too, had a modest background.” their home in Sundborn, Falun municipality. He also mastered greatly differing genres such as carica- Motif from norse saga ture, landscape, portrait, historical illustration and Midvinterblot shows another, more dramatic side monumental painting. to Carl Larsson. His source of inspiration was the Now appearing on a stamp is a smaller version of skaldic poem , dated to the early 900s. Carl Larsson’s spectacular painting Midvinterblot The painting depicts how Swedish king (Blót), displayed at businessman Anders Wiklöf’s lets himself be sacrificed in order to avert years of summer residence Andersudde in Åland since more famine. Measuring 6.4 x 13.6 m, the monumental than a decade as part of his art collection. painting is now on display in the hall of the central staircase in Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, but the exciting auction road there was not uncomplicated; from first sketch The smaller Midvinterblot was painted parallelly to final version of the painting, Larsson had to fight and signed, unlike its gigantic double. The painting the conservative establishment as well as his own went under the hammer for SEK 3.2m. more left-wing artist friends. The critics considered “So far, Midvinterblot is the only painting I the painting to be unpalatable, historically incor- have purchased in person, at the quality auction rect and, finally, even outmoded. It was ultimately of Auktionsverk in 2002. There were rejected by the Nationalmuseum in 1916 and has great expectations on the sale, suspense was in the changed owner several times. air; I was lucky to obtain the painting with no great “The fate of Midvinterblot broke me down! This competition,” Anders Wiklöf smiles. I admit with subdued rage”, Carl Larsson writes in He appreciates Larsson’s way of depicting life in his autobiography Me (i.e. Jag). Sundborn and has another Sundborn motif in his But history proved him right. In 1992, the collection – Lisbeth and cherry blossom. Nationalmuseum bought it from its Japanese owner “Larsson’s way of expressing family and everyday and the painting now hangs where it was intended life appeals to me. I have an interest in decor and gar- to be.

14 • ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN 335 • Sepac – Midvinterblot, Carl Larsson

DATe of issue: 10 April 2015

Artist: Carl Larsson

design: Cecilia Mattsson

edition: 140 000

Denomination: €3.00

Price FDC: €3.65

Stamp size: 62.44 x 40.6 mm

sheet size: 2 x 6 stamps

Paper: 102 g/m²

perforation: 13 per 2 cm

printing method: 5-colour offset The version of Carl Larsson’s Midvinterblot which hangs printing house: Cartor Security Printing in Åland is a parallel work of art, not a template for the monumental painting. As a matter of fact, unlike the larger painting, the smaller painting is signed by the painter.

The first day cancel shows Carl Larsson’s signature.

The gutter pair strip presents part of the painting where king Domalde sacrifices himself to put an end to many years of failing crops in the Swedish kingdom.

Carl Larsson – the people’s artist In 1853, Carl Larsson was born in Gamla Stan, the old quarter of Stockholm, which was then an overpopulated and poor slum district. During his lifetime, he climbed the social ladder from working class boy to esteemed painter. Rather than the result of delusions of grandeur, Carl Larsson’s preference for monumental painting was more the result of his ambition to make his work available and accessible to the public. Art for the people without snobbery, aimed at a larger public. ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN • 15 With creativity in her genes Emelie Hage Emelie

Drawing, colouring, cutting and pasting from her girl’s room to the top of Swedish advertising business, she wanted to become a graphic designer even before the student councel- lor understood what it was. A familiar name to Åland Post, artist Emelie Hage created the 2014 Christmas seals, stamp and decorations.

“Please eat something, you can’t draw all the time.” to resume painting again, which he had loved so Emelie’s voice echos the voice of more than three much when he was young. decades. Back then, her parents used to urge her “I can still recall the sailing trips of my childhood at breakfast, and now she tries to persuade her summers. Mom and dad would be in the cockpit daughter Sickan, who just won’t stop drawing. and a small hand holding a new drawing would Paper and pen lie next to the bed, one drawing is appear from the cabin all the time. I’ve always been finished before breakfast, another before the last drawing and it does seem to be hereditary,” smiles sandwich bite. Emelie mentions her father the Emelie Hage, art director at Forsman & Bodenfors captain, who upon retirement attended a one-year and artist behind the Åland Post 2014 Christmas art course at the Åland folk high school wanting concept on a Little Christmas theme.


ese r the MATILDA SA MATILDA : hoto P

demanding workplace From the outset, Emelie found it difficult to With a staff of 350, Forsman & Bodenfors is one choose between a career in music or the arts line. of the largest Swedish advertising agencies. The Following secondary school and practical occupa- agency has for example created the award-winning tional experience with the editors of the newspaper commercial “The Epic Split” in which Jean Claude Nya Åland, she made her decision, leading to four van Damme carries out a split between two revers- years of Visual Arts studies at Konstfack. But she ing Volvo trucks. Emelie works at F & B Factory found the teaching profession to be too limited that specializes in strategic communications for and applied to schools focusing more on advertis- costumers such as Åhlens, Comvic and Tele2. ing and communication. Since graduating, Emelie A demanding job in an ever-competitive, diverse has worked at Stockholm University, with external and intense environment, simply perfect for communication, digital design and, later, at the Emelie, who felt that she had begun to stagnate in inter-Nordic communication agency Citat. her previous job. “The advertising business may be hard but, for “I was contemplating cutting down on my work the time being, I enjoy my work. I don’t stress easily, hours and pursuing more of my own projects. I feel more energized. But my fuse does get shorter When I got this job offer, I simply couldn’t turn when I’ve been working at full blast for a longer it down.” period of time.”

ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN • 17 Emelie laughs a little, maybe because she is currently at ease, letting herself be grilled in the sun outside an open-air cafe in Mariehamn. She has been on holiday for a few weeks but hasn’t yet Emelie Hage reached the midway point. The days merge while life is enjoyed at sea or on the cliffs at the cottage in Saltvik. AGE: 40 RESIDENCE: Stockholm FAMILY: Partner Leo, daughter Sickan 7, son strict and ornate Stellan 5 Emelie has not had a regular exhibition for some WORK: Art Director time, and her freelance illustrations have been on LEISURE TIME: Walks, sings in a female choir hold for work and children. But when she was WISH TO DO MORE OFTEN: Travel painting a great deal in acryllic for a period she WISH TO NOT DO QUITE SO OFTEN: Keep track called her style “Edward Hopper-inspired”. of things MY CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS: Plenty of “I painted fairly strictly with much contrast, campy red and pink Christmas ornaments. slightly mystic in ochre and blue. My illustrations, Many were bought in places I have visited on the contrary, are characterized by a somewhat around the world. This is my way of buying ornate and detailed style. Romantic, fleeting and souvenirs. benign.” MY CHRISTMAS IN 3 WORDS: Colour, flavour, As a child, she preferred to draw trees, as forests music or trunks. And cutaways of houses full of various figures and their lives on every floor. “There were certain personalities. To some extent, they still appear today in my work with mood boards and the like, hurriedly sketched figures that I sort of recognize.”

Familiar name to Åland Post Emelie has worked for Åland Post several times before. She was the cartoonist behind the Gutte Guding series in the Post’s children’s club magazine for several years, and she is also the artist behind the 2004 Christmas seals and two 1998 stamps featur- ing horticulture. “Working with stamps affects you. I, for example, always go to the post office and demand to know which stamp motifs I can choose from when I must post something; just any stamp won’t do. Stamps are a way of decorating your envelopes, you’ll find one for every occasion. They are like small works of art, and securities at that, a type of currency. Stamps are great!” Gold-plated Christmas decorations made from brass.

18 • ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN Emelie Hage portrays various stallholders on the Christmas seals.

Christmas seals 2014

DATe of issue: 9 October 2014

Artist: Emelie Hage

Edition: 7000 sheets of 20 self-adhesive seals

Price: €4.00

Size of seals: 26 x 23 mm size of sheet: 210 x 146 mm

Paper: 80 g/m²

Printing method: 4-colour offset

Printing house: Newprint

Some of the beautiful and tasty items sold at the Christmas fair have served as model for this year’s Christmas decorations designed by Emelie Hage.

Emelie Hage– a Christmas lover at the fair The Åland phenomenon Little Christmas was the theme to be featured when Emelie Hage received the com- mission to create the 2014 Christmas stamp, seals and decorations; a perfect commission for a Christmas lover. That she would find inspration from the Jan Karlsgården Little Christmas fair was given, but most important of all was that the various elements had to have a connection. The stamp features visitors at the fair, a parent ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN • 19 and child. Stallholders are depicted on the Christmas seals and their produce is immortalized in gold-plated brass to gleam in the Christmas tree. 2014 FIrst daY COverS

25.8. Postal stationery,

7.2. Old wooden duck Scoter, decoys, Velvet label Postal Autumn 7.2. Mariehamn Theatre Society 100 years 8.5. Europa – Music instruments 9.6. My Åland, Helenius Robert

8.5. Sepac – Nettle-leaved bellflower 7.2. Passenger ferries:7.2. Passenger M/S Birka Princess, M/S Viking Grace 25.8. Golden Age of Åland music 17.3. Nordic–Ships at sea 9.10. Christmas 2014 31.5. Powerlifting ero tolerance Z 31.5. My Stamps – Summer 11.4. 5.11. Åland sheep

This year’s set of first day covers holds 13 FDCs. Included in the set are also the first day cover of the postal label series featuring old wooden duck decoys as well as the three items of postal stationery. The 2014 FDC Year Set is available from 5 November and costs €39.50.


Int.Briefmarkenbörse Int. Briefmarkenmesse 6–8.3, Munich 8–10.5, Essen

Stamps in Svedala 2014 Philakorea Int. Briefmarkenbörse Salon d’automne 29–30.3, Svedala 7–12.8, Seoul 23–25.10, Sindelfingen 6–9.11, 25.8. Golden Age of Åland music

Frimärkets dag Baltex 2014 Frimärksmässan Veronafil 2014 29.3, Postmuseum, Stockholm 29–31.8, Malmö 23–26.10. Helsinki 21–23.11, Verona 9.10. Christmas 2014 5.11. Åland sheep ABOEX 2014 Sydfrimex 2014 Nordia 2014 The 7th Shanghai China 11–13.4, Turku 18–19.10, Eskilstrup 21–23.11, Lillestrøm Coin and Stamp Expo 14–16.11, Shanghai

Åland Post takes part in a number of stamp exhibitions every year. At all exhibitions we offer an exhibition card holding a special exhibition stamp, cancelled with an exhibition cancel. Artist Sandra Henriksson designed the 2014 exhibition products on the theme ’bell towers’. All 14 exhibition cards are included in this €30.00 pack which is avail- able from 21 November. Also available at €123.20 is a pack of all the 2014 exhibition stamps, i.e. 14 mini-sheets. ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN • 21 2014 Special CANCELLATIONS

8.5. Nettle-leaved bellflower 31.5. Powerlifting 31.5. My Stamps, Summer (maximum card) (maximum card) (maximum card)

14.6. Postal Boat Race 26.9. Association Vårt Hjärta 9.10. Stamp day 15 years

5.11. Åland sheep (maximum card) 8.11. Finnish Red Cross- 20.11. Åland stamps Åland Branch 75 years 30 years

Every year, we highlight a number of Åland events by issuing a special cancel. All the special cancellations are gathered in a pack released at the end of the year. The pack holds various covers franked with Åland stamps, each cancelled with a special cancel. The 2014 pack sells at €15.50 and is available from 20 November. 22 • ÅLANDSPOSTEN FRIMÄRKEN CALENDAR 2015 ISSUES

2 February Beach finds, Feather Postal label, 1 postcard 2 February Sailing ships 2 stamps, 2 maximum cards 10 April Peach-leaved bellflower 1 stamp, 1 maximum card 10 April Sepac – Midvinterblot, Carl Larsson 1 stamp, 1 postcard 1 May Harness racing 1 stamp, 1 postcard 8 May Europa – Old toys 1 stamp, 1 postcard 8 May My Stamps – My Åland Mini-sheet of 8 stamps, 1 motif, 1 postcard 8 May Postal stationery, Maypoles 3 postal stationery cards 22 June Julius Sundblom 150 years 1 stamp, 1 postcards September Åland hunting dogs Booklet of 9 stamps, 3 motifs, 3 maximum cards 3 September Folk dress brooches 2 stamps, 2 postcards October Christmas 2015 2 stamps, 2 postcards 30 October Åland Sea Rescue Society 50 years 1 stamp, 1 postcard

October Christmas seals Sheet of 20 self-adhesive seals


DELIverY DEADLINE SUBS. numBEr CHANGES DELIverY COnTeNTS 1-2015 5 March April Postal label, 2 sailing ships, Peach-leaved bellflower, Sepac – Midvinterblot, 3 maximum cards, 2 postcards 2-2015 29 April June Harness racing, Europa – Old toys, My Stamps – My Åland (mini-sheet), Julius Sundblom, 3 postal stationery cards, 4 postcards 3-2015 3 September October Hunting dogs (booklet), 2 folk dress brooches, 2 Christmas, Ål. Sea Rescue Society, 3 maximum cards, 5 postcards 4-2015 28 October November Year sets, packs, year pages, Christmas seals and decorations etc.


ProduCt ProduCt Model car no. 31 2015 Euro coin set Stamp watch no. 16 Stamp watch no. 17 Year Book 2014–2015 Model car no.32 Sepac folder no. 6

The times of delivery were not set at the time of printing.


2015 EXHIBITIONS SPRING Åland Post takes part in the following exhibitions during spring 2015. Additions and/or alterations are likely to be made; a complete and updated list is available at

Frimärkets dag Int. Briefmarkenmesse Lapoex 2015 Stockholm, Sweden Munich, Germany Lahti, Finland Spring 5–7 March 10–12 April

taipei 2015 Int. Briefmarkenmesse Turun Kevät Taiwan Essen, Germany Turku, Finland 24–28 April 7–9 May Spring

stamps in svedala Svedala, Sweden Spring

At all the above exhibitions we offer an exhibition card, stamp and cancel. The 2015 Åland exhibition products feature windmills and will be designed by artist Tord Nygren

2015 Special CANCELLATIONS The following 2015 events have so far been issued with special cancellations:

2.2 SAILING SHIPS (maximUM CARDS) 14.6 åland HUNTING AND fisHING museum 20 YEArS

10.4 PEACH-LEAVED BELLFLOWER (MAXIMUM SEPT. ÅLAND huNTING dOGS (MAXIMUM CARD) CARDS) 13.6 postAL BOAT rACe oCt. STAMP DAY Additions to the above list are likely to be made. In this case, they will be listed in the next edition of this magazine and announced at, where also illustrations of the special cancels can be viewed.


Åland Post Stamps will be closed on the following public holidays:

CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR EPIPHANY 24–26 December 1 January 6 January


NEXt magaZinE

The next edition of Ålandsposten Frimärken will be posted in April 2015.