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857 RcKiiicrctl al the General P<<sl Office Published fur irannnisMwt within by East Africa as a Scnipuper Uganda Gazette Authority VoI.CXIIINo.35 5th June, 2020 Price: Shs. 5,000 CONTENTS Page General Notice No. 532 of 2020. The Advocates Act— Notices............ ... 857 THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. The Trademarks Act—Notices............ ... 857-863 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE Advertisements..................................... ... 863-868 OF ELIGIBILITY. It is hereby notified that an application has been presented to the Law Council by Watzemba Vincent, who is slated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from General Notice No. 530 of 2020. Uganda Christian University, Mukono, having been awarded on the 7th day of July, 2017 and a Diploma in Legal Practice THE ADVOCATES ACT. CAP. 267. awarded by the Law Development Centre on the 13th day of December, 2019, for the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE for entry of his name on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. OF ELIGIBILITY. Kampala, MARGARETAPINY, 24lh March, 2020. Secretary, Law Council. Ir is hereby notified that an application has been presented to the Law Council by Twcbaze Joshua, who is General Notice No. 533 of 2020. stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from THE TRADE MARKS ACT. Nkumba University, Entebbe, having been awarded on the (Cap. 83). 4th day of November, 2017 and a Diploma in Legal Practice NOTICE. awarded by the Law Development Centre on the 13th day of December, 2019, for the issuance of a Certificate of Notice is hereby given that any person who has grounds Eligibility for entry of his name on the Roll of Advocates to oppose the registration of any of the marks advertised herein may within sixty days from the date of this Gazette, lodge a for Uganda. Notice of opposition on Trade Mark Form No. 6 together with a fee of Shs. 4000 in case of National applicants or USS Kampala, MARGARETAPINY, 250 in case of Foreign applicants. The period of lodging 24th March, 2020. Secretary, Law Council. Notice of opposition may be extended in suitable cases by the Registrar as he thinks fit upon such terms as he may direct. Formal opposition should not be lodged until after reasonable General Notice No. 531 of 2020. notice has been given by letter to the applicant so that he may have an opportunity to withdraw his application before the THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. expense of opposition proceedings is incurred. Failure lo give such notice will be taken into account in considering NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE any application by the opponent for an order for costs if the OF ELIGIBILITY. opposition is unconteslcd by the applicant. Representations of the marks herein advertised can be inspected at the office of the Registrar of Trade Marks, Amamu House, Plot No. 5B Ii is hereby nohfied that an application has been George Street, P.O. Box 6848. Kampala. presented to the Law Council by Mukiibi Henry; who is slated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from (541) Representation of Mark Uganda Christian University, Mukono, having been awarded on the 7th day of July, 2017 and a Diploma in Legal Practice awarded by the Law Development Centre on the 13lh day of December, 2019, for the issuance of a Certificate of (210) Application No. 2020/67513 in Part “A”. Eligibility for entry- of his name on the Roll of Advocates (220) Date of filing application— 03rd March, 2020. for Uganda. (310) (320) (330) (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Agricultural buffering Kampala, MARGARET APINY, agent. 24th March, 2020. Secretary, Law Council. (511) Class: 5 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY UGANDA PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CORPORATION UPPC020260500035 858 THE UGANDA GAZETTE [5rn Junt. 2020 (526) (220) Date of filing application— 03rd March, 2020. (591) (310) (320) (330) (646) (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Fungicide. (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO (511) Class: 1 CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOTNOs. 37,38.41 &43, MULWANAROAD, INDUSTRIAL (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give no AREA. P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. right to the exclusive use of the word '‘Fungicide" except as represented (740) Address for Agent/Representative — (591) (750) Address for Service— OSHO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOT NOs. 37, 38, 41 (646) & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA. UGANDA. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOTNOs. 37,38,41 &43,MULWANAROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA. UGANDA. (541) Representation of Mark (740) A ddress for Agent/Representative — a* AQUA RIGHT 5 (750) Address for Service— OSHO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOT NOs. 37, 38, 41 (210) & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA. Appijcaiion No. 2020/67512 in Part “A". P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (220) Dale of filing application— 03rd March, 2020. (310) (320)(330) (541) Representation of Mark (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Agricultural buffering agent. (511) Class: 1 (526) (591) (210) Application No. 2020/67511 in Part "A". (646) (220) Date of filing application— 03rd March, 2020. (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO (310) (320) (330) CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, I’LOTNOs. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Herbicide. 37,38.41&43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL (511) Class: 5 AREA, P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give (740) Address for Agent/Representative — no right to the exclusive use of the word "30% and (750) Address for Service- OSHO CHEMICAL “Herbicide" except as represented INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOT NOs. 37, 38, 41 (591) & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, (646) P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOTNOs. (541) Representation of Mark 37,38,41 &43,MULWANAROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA. P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. TOKEN32 (740) A ddress for Agent/Representative — FUNGICK>£, ./> ?L- (750) Address for Service— OSHO CHEMICAL (210) Applicaiion No. 2020/67516 in Pari “A”. INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOT NOs. 37. 38. 41 (220) Date of filing application— 03rd March, 2020. & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, (310) (320)(330) P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Fungicide. (511) Class: 5 (541) Representation of Mark (526) (591) (646) (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO (210) Application No. 2020/67510 in Pari "A”. CHEMICALINDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOTNOs. (220) Date of filing application— 03rd March. 2020. 37,38,41 &43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL (310) (320) (330) AREA. P.O. BOX 12627. KAMPALA, UGANDA. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— I lerbicide. (740) Address for Agent/Representative — (511) Class: 1 (750) Address for Service— OSHO CHEMICAL (526) INDUSTRIES LIMITED. PLOT Nos. 37, 38, 41 (591) & 43, MULWANA ROAD. INDUSTRIAL AREA, (646) P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED. PLOT NOs. (541) Representation of Mark 37,38,41 &43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, P.O. BOX 12627. KAMPALA. UGANDA. o> TOKEN324 (740) Address for Agent/Representative — . emlSlrtAr ■ (750) Address for Service— OSHO CHEMICAL (210) Application No. 2020/67517 in Part “A". INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOT NOs. 37. 38. 41 5111 Ji Nt. 2020] THE l-GANDA GAZETTE 859 & 43, MULWANA ROAD. INDUSTRIAL AREA, (526) P.O. BOX 12627. KAMPALA. UGANDA. (591) (646) (54 1) Representation of Murk (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO CHEMICAL INDUS TRIES LIMITED. PLOT NOs. 37,38,41 & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (210) Application No. 2020/67518 in Part *A”. (740) Address for Agent/Representative — (220) Date oj filing application— 03rd March, 2020. (750) Address for Service - OSHO CHEMICAL (310) (320)(330) INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOT NOs. 37, 38, 41 (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Herbicide. & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUS TRIAL AREA, (511) Class: 5 P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (526) Disclaimer Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “I IERBIC1DE" (541) Representation of Mark except as represented (591) (646) (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO (210) Application No. 2020/67515 in Part "A”. CHEMICAL INDUS TRIES LIMITED, PLOTNOs. (220) Date of filing application— 03rd March, 2020. 37.38,41 & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL (310) (320)(330) AREA. P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Miticide/Acaricide. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (511) ('lass: I (750) Address for Service— OSHO CHEMICAL (526) INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOT NOs. 37, 38. 41 (591) & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, (646) P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO CHEMICAL INDUS TRIES LIMITED, PLOTNOs. (54 1) Representation of Mark 37,38,41 & 43, MULWANA ROAD. INDUS TRIAL AREA, P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA. UGANDA. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (750) Address for Service— OSHO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, PLOT NOs. 37. 38. 41 (210) Applicaiion No. 2020/67519 in Part “A”. & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUS TRIAL AREA. (220) Date of filing application— 03rd March, 2020. P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (310) (320)(330) (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Herbicide. (541) Representation of Mark (511) Class: 1 (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give no WISDOM right to the exclusive use ofthe word "1IERBICIDE" (210) Application No. 2019/66304 in Part “A”. except as represented (220) Date of filing application— I Oth October, 2019, (591) (310) (320) (330) (646) (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Toothpaste, dentifrices and mouthwashes; non-medicated preparations for (731) Name of Applicant and Address— OSHO the care of the teeth and gums; breath fresheners; CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMI TED. PLOTNOs. preparations for cleaning dentures; oral hygiene 37. 38,4 1 & 43, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL preparation; disclosing tablets; mouthwashes (non AREA, P.O. BOX 12627, KAMPALA.