(Cyanoramphus Novaezelandiae) from Motuihe Island to Little Barrier Island, New Zealand
48 Notornis, 2010, Vol. 57: 48-49 0029-4470 © The Ornithological Society of New Zealand, Inc. SHORT NOTE Homing of a red-crowned parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) from Motuihe Island to Little Barrier Island, New Zealand LUIS ORTIZ-CATEDRAL Ecology and Conservation Group, Institute of Natural Sciences, Massey University, Private Bag 102-904 North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland, New Zealand The red-crowned parakeet (Cyanoramphus parakeets were released by members of the novaezelandiae) is New Zealand’s most widespread Motuihe Island Trust and the general public in parakeet species, with a range extending from the a remnant of coastal bush on the west side of the Kermadecs Archipelago, across the North and island. In Apr 2009, I returned to Little Barrier I South Is, to the Chatham and Antipodes Is (Higgins with a team of volunteers to capture parakeets 1999; Juniper & Parr 1998). As the species has destined for translocation to Tawharanui Regional declined on the main islands of New Zealand, it has Park. Mist netting took place between 21 and 25 been translocated to a number of offshore islands Apr in Te Maraeroa flats. On 23 Apr, a banded over the last 40 years including Cuvier, Matiu/ female was captured and confirmed as one of Somes, Tiritiri Matangi and Whale Is (Dawe 1979; the parakeets released on Motuihe I the previous McHalick 1999; Miskelly et al. 2005). In May 2008, month. Thus, this bird had flown a minimum of a group of 31 red-crowned parakeets captured on ca. 65 km between Motuihe and Little Barrier Is. Little Barrier I was released on Motuihe I as part of On recapture on Little Barrier I, the recaptured an island restoration project.
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