Auckland Conservation Board Annual Report 2013-2014

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Auckland Conservation Board Annual Report 2013-2014 Te Runanga Papa Atawhai o Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Conservation Board Annual Report 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 Presented to the New Zealand Conservation Authority pursuant to Section 6(0) of the Conservation Act 1987 Presentation of the Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland Conservation Strategy to the New Zealand Conservation Authority 9 April 2014. From left to right: Yvonne Sharp - NZCA acting chairperson, Laurie Beamish – Conservation Board Deputy Chair, Brian Stephenson – NZCA. ISSN 1172-0514 (Print) ISSN 1175-1851(Online) - 1 - Table of Contents I. Introductory comments from Chairperson II. Report on meetings and activity: 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 III. Appendices One: Auckland Conservation Board Financial Report 2013-14 Two: Provision of Advice Public Forum IV. Map of Auckland region SERVICED BY Department of Conservation Private Bag 68908 Newton, Auckland 1145 - 2 - I. Foreword to Annual Report, Auckland Conservation Board, 2013 – 2014. Tena koutou e nga rangitira e nga whaea As I approach my fifth year on the Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Conservation Board, commencing my third year as Chairperson, I have been privileged to share with our retiring board members, great pride in the Board and the work it has carried out over this period. The Board has maintained close contacts with a number of communities of interest, given advice to the Department and Minister, and undertaken a considerable piece of work in conjunction with Department of Conservation staff to complete a new Conservation Management Strategy for the Auckland Conservancy. In respect to the retiring board members, it has been a pleasure to work with people who were only too willing to give their time, knowledge and energy to advance the cause of conservation for this and future generations. The Board continues to be concerned with water quality in the Auckland region, in particular the excessive runoff of nutrients and contaminants into our waterways which threaten both our freshwater and our marine ecosystems. The conservation status of marine environments in our rohe also continues to be a major interest for the Board; from the critically endangered Maui’s dolphin on the West Coast to Bryde’s whale in the Hauraki Gulf - Tīkapa Moana. I appreciate the support given by Board members past and present, with special thanks to Department of Conservation staff who have worked hard with us to progress the Auckland Conservation Strategy, and I look forward to the coming year when we have more significant work to undertake in cooperation with our treaty settlement partners Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau and Ngāti Manuhiri, preparing Conservation Management Plans for Te Hauturu-o-Toi / Little Barrier Island and the Tāmaki Makaurau Motu plan. Nga mihi nui (signed) Ross Aitken Chairperson - 3 - II. Report on Meetings and Activity – 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 1. INTRODUCTION The Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Conservation Board is an independent statutory body appointed by the Minister of Conservation. It was established by section 6L of the Conservation Act 1987. The Board has the responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the conservation management strategy (CMS) and conservation management plans (CMPs) for its region. As well as providing for interaction between the public and the Department of Conservation at the conservancy level, the Board also acts as an advocate for the protection of conservation values. Its prime role is to advise the Department, and the New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA). The functions of the Board are set out in Sections 6M of the Conservation Act 1987, and in the Marine Reserves Act 1971, the Reserves Act 1977. Under section 6(O) of the Conservation Act 1987 conservation boards are required to provide the New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA) with an annual report. 2. MEMBERSHIP Membership of the Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Conservation Board as at 30 June 2014 was: Ross Aitken, Mahurangi Business mentor 30/06/2016 Lawrence Beamish, Umupuia CEO Te Waka Totara Trust 30/06/2016 Stella Chan, Remuera Barrister and Solicitor (retiring) 30/06/2014 Thomas Grace, Woodhill Farmer 30/06/2015 Joan Knight, Birkenhead Director Zerowaste NZ Ltd (retiring) 30/06/2014 Ian McDougall, Pukekohe Semi retired grower 30/06/2015 Ian Rodger, Cockle Bay Agricultural scientist (retiring) 30/06/2014 From 1 July 2014 the board membership will comprise: Ross Aitken, Mahurangi Chairperson (appointed by the Minister) 30/06/2016 Lawrence Beamish, Umupuia CEO Te Waka Totara Trust 30/06/2016 Michael Fitchett, Grey Lynn Retired accountant 30/06/2017 Thomas Grace, Woodhill Farmer 30/06/2015 Alec Te Aroha Hawke, Orakei Event Director 30/06/2016 Carolyn Mayes, Albany Company Director 30/06/2017 Ian McDougall, Pukekohe Semi retired grower 30/06/2015 Rodney Ngawaka, Te Motu Aotea Kaumatua, Treaty negotiator, Trustee 30/06/2017 From 1 October 2014 the board membership will include three representatives of the Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau who are James Brown Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau - Waiohua Tamaki Rōpū nominee Nathan Kennedy Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau - Marutūāhu rōpū nominee Glenn Wilcox Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau - Ngāti Whātua rōpū nominee - 4 - Ross Aitken, Mahurangi: the Board Chair was previously a senior General Manager of the Westpac Group both in New Zealand and Australia. He now owns and operates Waipiata Lodge with his wife Natalie. Ross is actively involved with Business Mentors in New Zealand and the Solomon Islands, he is a member of Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society Inc, Forest and Bird Mid Northern and Hauturu/Little Barrier Island Supporters Trust. His recreational interests include kayaking, tramping and swimming. Laurie Beamish, Umupuia: the Deputy Chair has almost 40 years marine experience commercial fishing and as a charter boat skipper voyaged extensively on both coasts of the North Island and Kermadecs. Laurie is CEO of the Ngāi Tai environmental arm, co – secretary of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Tribal Trust, a trustee and member of the Ngāi Tai Tiriti negotiation team on the Tāmaki Makarau collective. He has direct ancestral links to both European and Maori first settlers in the Auckland region. Laurie’s recreational interests include traditional food gathering, Waka Taua, boating, surfing, and diving. Michael Fitchett, Grey Lynn: is a retired accountant with commercial and legal knowledge. He has experience and networks in tourism and the maritime industry, working with local authorities, DOC and volunteer conservation groups. Michael is widely travelled throughout NZ, experienced with hearings & statutory processes, with advocacy skills acting as an advocate for Maritime NZ. His outdoor recreation interests include skiing, tramping, yacht racing, touring and photography. Thomas Grace, Woodhill: is now a beef (previously dairy) farmer, and Rodney Local Board member, former Rodney District Councillor, who donated Thomas Grace Reserve to RDC. In the past he has chaired a number of community and sporting organisations, and his recreational interests include forest running and historic military vehicles. Te Aroha (Alec) Hawke, Orakei: is an event director with Iwi Affiliation to Ngāti Whātua Orakei, Tangata whenua with knowledge of tikanga. Alec is an active member at Orakei Marae with abackground in consensus building, networking and strategic planning. He has a ministerial appointment to Auckland University Council, Ngāti Whātua Orakei appointment on Vector Arena Events Committee. Recreational interests include biking, camping, fishing, gardening, walking. Mrs Carolyn (Lyn) Mayes, Albany: is a company director and founder of Mad World 2001, also a management consultant who works to build networks and collaboration to improve NZ’s environmental performance, building consensus to create best practise best cost outcomes. She is a strong advocate for wider industry engagement in conservation programmes, her recreational interests include running, walking and gardening. Ian McDougall, Pukekohe: was previously a commercial grower and exporter, now semi – retired working as a grounds man, gardener. Ian is the convenor for management of the Punga Punga wetland ecological site at Pukekawa, and served on Waikato Council Regional Pest Management Committee, and as a trustee of the ASB Community Trust. His outdoor recreation interests include game bird hunting and fishing. Rodney Ngawaka, Te Motu Aotea: is a Treaty negotiator and Kaitiaki for the Ngāti Rehua Ngāti Wai Ki Aotea Trust Board Resource Management Unit. Rodney is a Kaumatua and Kaitiakitanga environmental advisor, his projects include planning for return of Kokako to Te Paparahi, Kauri Dieback PTA forum, and the Rakitu pest eradication. He contributed to a feasibility study by Ngati Rehua into eco –tourism, and developing a MOU with Windy Hill Catchment Trust for partnership to translocate Kakariki. He has been a Kaumatua, trustee and volunteer for Okiwi School, OPC, GBI Charitable Trust, Glenfern Sanctuary, Orama Christian Trust, Motu Kaikoura Trust, Kawa Marae, Motutairehe Marae. His primary recreational interests are in Kaitiakitanga. - 5 - 3. ATTENDANCE Individual Board member’s attendance at Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Conservation Board activities during 2013/14 is displayed in the table below. 2013 -14 Board Meetings, Aitken Beamish Chan Glenn Grace Gummer Knight McDougall Rodger trips & workshops 2013 - 2014 12-14 Aug 2013 √ √ √ √ √ X √ N/A √ Aotea GBI 17 Sept 2013 CMS √ X √ √ √ X √ N/A √ presentation 10 Oct 2013 CMS √ X √ √ √ X √ N/A √ workshop 24 Oct 2013 CMS √ X X √ √ X √ N/A √ workshop 12 Nov 2013 CMS √ X √ √ X X √ N/A √ workshop 19 Nov CMS workshop & √ X √ √ √ X √ N/A √ Board mtg 11 Dec 2013 CMS √ X √ √ √ X √ N/A √ workshop 4 Feb 2014 Board √ √ √ √ √ X √ N/A √ meeting 22 May 2014 Board √ √ √ N/A √ N/A √ √ √ meeting 25 June 2013 CMS √ X √ N/A √ N/A √ √ √ workshop Total Board meetings : 4 3 4 3 4 0 4 1 4 Total Board field 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 N/A 1 inspections Total Board 6 0 5 5 5 0 6 1 6 Workshops Key:√ - attended X - absent N/A – Not appointed OL – Overseas Leave - 6 - 4.
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