Cheshire Rugby Football Union • Annual General Meeting

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Cheshire Rugby Football Union • Annual General Meeting CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION • ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING •Notic e is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETrNG orthe CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION will be held at the CHEST ER RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB, HARE LANE, VICARS CROSS, CHESTER o n THURSDAY, 3rd JULY, 1997 at 6.30 p.rn. 7. Bcaumaris Drive 0. 1. ADAMS Thingwall , Honorary Sccretary Wirral L6 1 7 XP 12th June, 1997 AGENDA 1. Not ice of the Ann ual Gene ral Meeting 2. To confiml the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 4th July, 1996. 3. To adopt the Hon. Treasurcr's Report and Accounls. 4. To adopt the Committcc's Report. 5. To clcet tht: Officers for the Ycar 1997/98. The Committcc nominations: (a) President: C. l . Coventry (b)past Presidents: P.G. Turner, A.H . Rushton, G.c. Cox, A.l. Hart, M. Cohen, W. Gott, J.M. Young, F.R. Povall. N.H. Middlebrook. (c)Scnior Vice-President: D.P. Wright. (d) Vice-Presidents: J.N. Lenton, D. 1. Adams. D. Ewing. 6. The following officcrs being eligiblc and no rurther nominations being rcccivcd arc hcrcby elected: (a)Honorary Secretary: 0 .1. Adams (b)Assistant Honorary Sccrctary: A.G. de 8. MalTS (c) Honorary Trcasurer: M. Cohen (d)Assistant Honorary Trcasurer: N.H. Middlebrook (e)Honorary Match Sccretary L. Galey 7. To elect the Committee for the ycar 1997/98. One representativc from cach club, one mcmbcr from each of the Referees' Societies and two representatives from the schoo1s. 8. Proposed by D.l. Adams seconded by J.M. Young that the Annual Subscription for Schools be increased ta f25 . 9. Ta e lect the auditor fo r th e year 1997/98. The Committee's nomination:­ \II. Potts F.C.C.A. 10. Any Other Business. COMMITTEE'S REPORT 1996-97 COMM ITTEE Six Committce Meetings wcrc held during the year and the following is a record ofattcndancc. N.H. Middlebrook (President) ........................... 6 J. Leary (Holmcs Chape!) .. .. .. 0 C.J . Coventry (Senior v.P.) . ............ 6 D. Western (Hoylakt) ............ .. 4 J.N. Lenton (Vice President) ........ 0 M.H. Jordan (ICI Wolfbounds) ........ 0 D,P. Wright (Vice President) ... .... .............. ........ 3 C. Monks (Lymm) ... 5 • D 1. Adams (Vice President) .. ..................... .s J. Tlylor (Macclesfield) ................... ... 4 • D. Ewing (Vice President) . ................... ... 5 M.J. Cleverly (Marple) ...... .... 0 l'.G. Turner (Past President) .............................................. 0 S. Hale (Monlell Canngton) ...................... 1 A.t!. RUShton (Past PresideOl) . ..... 0 E. Deln (Gentlemen of Moore) . .. 2 G .C. Cox (RFU RepreseOlltive) . .. 5 J.C.B. Pinninj;ton (New Brij;hton) ... 6 A.I. 113i1 (Pasl PresideOl) .. ....................................... 0 R. McLaveny (Nonhwich) . 2 M. Cohen (Past PresidcOl) ... .................... ............. 4 D.J . Mason (Old Ansclmians) .. .. 4 W. GOII (Pasl President) ..... ......................................... 6 K. Broadbcnt (Old Saliansl ........................ .... 1 J.M. Voung (Pas! President) .... ......... 6 P. Newns (Oldershlw) . ..... ...... ... ............ .. 0 F.R. Povall (Past President) . .............................. 4 N. Morris (Parkonians) .. 1 A.G . de O. Marrs (Assi. Uon. Sec.) .......... : ............. 4 P. Ashcroft (Pon Sunlight) .. 6 L. Galey (lion. Match. Secrtt:uy) .... 3 J. Pereival (Prcnlon) . ..................... .. 2 P. Blakeman (AllrinchaO\I . ......... ... .. 5 • A. Sproston (Reasehealh Collegc) . 0 M.R. Williams lAsh\on-on - Me~y) ............ ........ 5 J. Gore (Runcom) ............................... .. 0 P. Steeples (Birkenhead Park). ....... ................... ........... 1 1. Gardiner (Sale) .. ..................... 2 N. Dood (Bowdon) ... .... .... .... ........ 1 • 1. Wyatt (Sandbach) ......... .... ......... .. ... ..... .. .. ................... 5 T.I .F. Priee (Caldy) . ............... ..... 4 0 .0 . Pye lShell Slanlow) ... 6 G. lIodgson (Capenhursl) ... ..................... ................ 2 R. Ilasiehursi (Stockpon) .......... ......... ....... 2 M.J . Lord (Isle of Man) ..... .............................. 6 S. Wilson (Vagabonds) .. ............... 3 G.II. All en (Cheshire Police) ........... 0 A. Me Lean (Wallasey) ........ ............... 4 11. W. Davies (Chester) ... 5 M.l Hamlin (Wilmslowl .. ........ ..................... 2 P. Reid (Chester Collej;c) .. ............ 0 A.J. Will iams (Winnington Pa rk) ...... ............ ..... 4 D Shcphcrd (Chrisllcton) . ... 0 R. Rowlinson (Winsford) ......... 0 A. Itilty (LlW Collegel ..................... ........ .................. 0 C. Gemrd ( ........ .......... 6 A.J.G . Senn (Congleton) ........ .......................... ... 2 W. Buckland (Liverpool Referees) .. .................. 5 Crcwc & Alsagcr College Rep. ... ... ... 0 G . Ilughes (Manchester Rtferces) .. ............ 2 J.M . Fa IT (Crewc & Nan\wich) .. .... .................................... 5 D. Thomson (Sehools) .. ............................. .... 2 E. Taylor (Dukinfie1d) ...... ..... 0 B. David (5chooI5) ........... .................... 0 Il Melean (Helsby) ....................... .. 0 F.S. Pelus (Y.D.O .) ......... 1 • Includes Replacement Representative J. Wade (Y.D.O.) ............... 1 CLUBS Altrineham (Kersal) Crewe & Nantwieh New Brighton Sale Ashton-on-Merscy Douglas Nonh Are3 Coll. Stockport Birkenhead Park Duk.infield Nonhwich Shen (Stanlow) Dowdon lIc1sby OidAselmÎ3ns S. NOm.lCls· Caldy Holmes Chapel Old Birkonian Slockpon Capc:nhursl Hoylake Old Salians Vagabonds Casl!ctown t ICI & Zcncca WolThounds· Oldersh:lw Wallasey Cheshire Regiment Lymm Parkonians Western Vikings· Chester IOM Police Port Sunlight Witll'lSlow Chesler Collcge Macclcsfield Prcnton Winnington Park ChriSllelon· Matple Winsford Congleton Monteil Carringlon """""yReascheathe Col1ege· Wirral Crewe & Alsager College Gentlemen of Moore Runcom • These clubs are NOT affiliated to the RFU SCHOOLS Schools Affilialed 10 Cheshire RFU 1997198 Alsaller C.S. Ellesmere Pon Calholî e H.S. Pensby Boys B.S. Sandbach School Altrincham G.s. Fallibroome Couilly U.S. Plessington R.C. IlS. Sir John Oe:me's College Ahrincham Prep. School Grappenhall H.S. Poynton COU illY H.S. South Wirral B.S. Ashton-on-Mersey Sehoal Hartford H.S. Queen Elizabeth Il IlS. Stockport G.S. Dallakctmcen H.S. Uilbre H.S. Qucen's Park ~I . S . Tarpor1ey Counly H.S. 8eech Hall &:hool Holmcs Chapel C.S. Ramillies Hall School Terra Nova Scllool 8irkmhead School Jeff Joseph Sale Moor T.C. Ramsey G.S. The Counly H.S. Leftwich Birkenhead Sulh Form Coll. King Williams Collcge Ridge Danycrs College The King's School Chester Bishop Hebcr Counly I-I.S. King's School, Macclesficld Ruskin Counly IlS. The Ryley's School macon H.S. Lymm H.S. RUlhin School Verdin H.S. Bramhall County H.S. MalbanJc School Rydal Sehoa! ViCloria Community Sc.hool Btidgcv.-ater Counly H.S. M:uple Hall School St. Ambrose Coll. W~Wey School Brine Lea:9 County H.S. Middlewich Country H.S. St. Ansclm's College Wallasey Consonium Calday Grange G.S. Mosslands School SI. David's College Weavcmam H.S. Ca.stlc Rumen H.S. Moulton C.P. School St. Nicholas n.S. Whitby County H.S. Chcadle Hu lme $choal Neston County H.S. St. Ninian'! H.S. William Hulme G.S. Christlcton H.S. Oldcrshaw School St. Thomas More Wilmslow County H.S. Cl:lrcndon Co l1 cge Padg3te H.S. Clllholie H.S. WÎrral G.S. cran County Primllf)' Sehool Park H.S. Sa.leG.S. Wirnl Met. College COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP Rcsults! Novembcr 30th v. Northumberland Lost 2 1 ·6 Dcccmher 7th v. Warwickshire Won24 · 12 Dcccmbcr 141h v. Nous, U nes & Derby Lost41 - 17 Playcrs reprcscnting the Counly wc rc: NOl"thumberland Warwick Nous, Lines & De rby • Robin Blackmorc Lymm FB Keith Jones Northwich FB FB • Paul Mu nn Wakefield RW RW RW • Gary Langhorn Manchester C C C • RÎchjud Hughes Sale C C C • Kris Crampton Macclcsficld LW LW LW • Simon Ashcroft Stoke OH OH OH Chri stoph er Cambcll Winninglon Pa rk SH IR) IR) • Chri stopher Kin sey Lymm SH SH Mark Dorringlon New Brighton P P P • Andy Yatcs Lymm H H H + Mike Hill Waterl oo P P P + Dave Craddock Manchester l L L AIllJy Whittle Lymm L L L Richard Sproslon Win ninglon Pilrk as No.N + Kev in 8 rookman New Brighton OS OS OS Mike Bcbbinglon Winni nglon Park NO.H I R) Peter Millachip Lymm US BS • David Worthinglon Macclcsficld (R) • Geoff Joncs New Brighton No.8 James Fcrguson Lymm I R) # AW3 rded Cap fûr 121h Championshi p game. + Awarded badge for 61h Championship game. • Awarded Ti e for 1S I Championship game. (R) Replacement. In the tirst game against Northumberland al Northcm RFC Iherc were Il new playcrs in the !eam, and the lack of cxpcrience showcd, with many CITors and fa ilure to retain possession. Even worse, a greal dea! of good possession won by the fonvards, especîall y in the line·oul, was w3sted by poor kicking. A much improved displ ay against the Counly Champions for Ihe past Iwo seasons, Warwickshi re, wilh so rne excellenl rugby producing a 19 poinls lead in Ihe tirsl 20 minules oflhe game. There was a relaxalion of effort in Ihe second ha lfwhcn Warwickshire Ihrealcncd 10 lake conlrol, but good dcfence kept the score down and Ih t team Ihoroughly deser"ed the 24· 12 victory. Poor lackling gave away 100 many trics al Newark agamsi Nous, Unes. & Derby, and a 24 point start for the opposition proved impossible to calch up. COUNTY COMPETITIONS RESULTS Tetl ey Biller Cheshi re Cup Final: .. .. .. ........ ........ ........... Sale bea! Chester Tetley Biller Cheshire Plate Final: ................................ Old Anselmians heat Caldy Cheshire Colts Championship : ...... .. .......... ................... Stockport won the League Slate
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