uricated to the Council C,627»M.251.1931»VII» the Members 'of the League»


Commun j. cat Ion from the Re::-'" op ?.ntatlve of on the

Note by the Secretary-General.

The Secretary-General has the honour to circulate to the Council the following communication from the Representative of China on the Council*

Delegation of the Republic of China to the Assembly of the League of Natl ont?

41 Quai Wilson, Geneva =

September 27th, 1931.

The Honourable Sir James Eric Drumnond, K.C.M.G-, C„B*., Secretary-General of the League of Hâtions.


I have the honour to enclose herewith copies of seven further

oaMe messages I have received in addition to the previous twenty- five, copies of which have already been sent to you5 thus making a

total of Nos. 1-32. I shall be glad if you will be good enough to have these messages circulated at once to the Members of the Council,

(Signed) for Sao-ke Alfred Sse K. L. Low,, fl 0-26, Text of a telegram received by the Chinese Delegation, dated Hanking, September 26th, 1931.

From Peking September 25th Japanese occupied TUngliao junction

Ch e ngch i a tun- Tungl i a o and T&Jius h an- Tongl i a o Railways twenty-thirds

Scores inaecent people killed. Official buildings private residences plundered. Five plain-clothes Japanese corps reported organized by

Japanese Kwantung garrison each of 1,000 men including Japanese

Koreans being assigned duties Peking-Mukden, Mukden-Hailun,

Ssupingkai-Taonan, Tahushan-Tungliao, Taonan-Angangchi, Kirin-

Changchun. Kirin-Hailuçi, Kirin-Tunghua and Chinese Eastern Railways. - 2 -

Japanese troops taking census Mukden announced freedom movement to and from city disallowed except special permits, Minos laid Mukden arsenal all Chinese Government fighting planes transported towards

Korea. Japanese armoured cars patrol streets » Train 102 upon arrival Huangkutung yesterday fired upon "by Japanese machine-gun.

Passengers were killed and injured, Japanese troops reported planning occupy east section Peking-Mukden Railway. Tv/o Japanese detachments proceeded from South Manchuria station towards Chuliu via Euangkaton on armoured trains proceeding towards Tahusfran to effect junction units all along Tahushan-Tungliao Railway. Uorth Eastern Defence

Headquarters and Mukden Provincial Government removed towards Chine ho?? from Mukden. Four Japanese planea dropped bombs city dawn yesterday morning. Scores Japanese soldiers disguising as Chinese discovered at station-,

go. 27.

Text of a cablegram received by the Chinese Delegation, dauei IJanking, September 25th, 19 31.

All China seething with indignation and Government hard put to quieten populace with assurances that Japanese troops will be immeô iately forced to withdraw by enlightened world opinion without necessity force. As instance of mounting indignation as days go by is United Press message despatched 4 p„m, this afternoon showing even in British colony Hongkong situation tenser "Police had hectic day coping anti-Japanese riots all over city, Situation worsening, police reserve force ordered stand by„n - 3 - îlo. 2 3.

Text cf a cablegram received, by the Chine so Delegation dated Hanking, September 25th> 19310

Foreign official source reports from Mukden concensus foreign Chinese opinion that excuse for attack invasion deliberately incited by Japanese who for many nights previous held ma chine--gun practice which on Friday developed into attack,

There no signs Chinese used field-guns as Japanese alleged nor any resistance. Japanese firing on Tî-TT stores endanger: 1 whole city surroundings, Foreign observers re turned today state Japanese disallow anyone visit site alleged explosion railway line 0 Japanese officer Mukden stated line was rep a ed

6 a.m. nineteenth "There is now no trace explosion./7 Three

Japanese versions commencement trouble; one, eriplosionl two, no explosion but pulling up line by Chinese; three 3 explosion of line caused Japanese rail guards run towards it, met Chinese soldiers running investigate, clashed» Latter reason given by Major Usuda S+aff Officer General Hon^o four sham fights be ing conducted developed to walls north camp brought on conflict^

Pculet connected with aerodrome morning nineteenth saw several unarmed people shot wantonly by Japanese, Saw reservists viiite bands one being barber Yamato Hotel in his white coat armed bandolier rifle in action. Private motor-cars talcsn from

Chinese citizens in large numbers driven into Japanese concession,

Poulet en route Keiping twentyfourth saw Japanese plane over

Chinchowc General in command stated four bombs seen dropped.

All observers comment on wanton killing. Japanese machine-guns placed international settlement opposite International Club fired on motor-car carrying Brigadier Hanyuenpamg, killing chauffeur, wounding general who died nineteenth, many shots struck club$ some entered,, - 4 -

No .2 9.

Text of a cablegram received, by the Chinese Delegation,

dated Nanking,, September 26th, 1931.

nJ.D. Thomsen. British Manager of Pel:ing-Mukden Railway 9 left Huangkutung, Mukden on train 102 Thursday, twenty-fourth

with wife also one German one Italian lady friends in special

ear attached to train which was packed with refugees from Mukden 0

After proceeding one hour about thirty-four kilometres

Japanese military aereplans armed with machine-gun appeared

suddenly, machine-gunned train; noise aeroplane machine-gun

fire distinctly heard from his car, When train halted, noise

motor audible, plane invisiblec Thomson immediately examined

train found fourth fifth carriages from rear profusely spattered bullet marks. Enquiries for casualties revealed

two Chinese refugees killed, five wounded., others panic-strikenQ

He examined one of the killed and several of the wounded, He understands one wounded died later, Thomson definitely states

attack totally unwarranted no soldiers in vicinity or cn train,

Thomson examined bullet holes found every case bullets angle penetrated downward /showing fired from above. Railway track vicinity higher than ground, Thomson furnished above details

to British Consul-General Tientsin adding lives wife, children

self and other foreigners as much in danger as any refugee aboard; considers attack up an passenger train filled defence­

less refugees net only unwarranted but outrageous. Since

Thomsonîs return news received similar attack another train,

Japanese aeroplane attacked train 105 Yaoyangho eleven ten morning twenty-fourth* Train 103 down fired on at Chuliho five forty-five morning twenty-fifth two railway guards

taken off by Japanese,n -5-

No- 50.

Text of a cablegram received by the Chinese Delegation,

dated Nanking, September 26th, 1931.

Japanese marines at Chinwangtao. That Japanese intend occupy Mukden and Kirin permanently evidenced by fact that they have commenced collecting taxes various occupied terri­ tories Chinese merchants refusing resume business are placed under arrest. Colonel Pohibara Japanese mayor Mukden already re-organized Mukden Municipality appointed Japanese to differ­ ent municipal posts. Machine-guns mounted west gate Mukden, two Japanese companies detailed in neighbourhood. Post office forced fly Japanese flag. President Fengyung University detained by Japanese troops General Tsangshihyi chairman

Mukden Provincial Government still detained on hunger strike.

Asked to sign document admitting Chinese soldiers had first launched attacks South Manchurian Railway Tsang flatly refused declaring he rather lose heaft than affix signature on fabricated document. From Chefoo twenty-sixth order being efficiently maintained by local authorities who have taken every precaution protection Japanese nationals. No.31.

Text of a cablegram received by the Chinese Delegation,

dated Nanking, September 27th, 1931.

"To the black series bombing and machine-gunning

passenger trains on Peking-Mukden Railway by Japanese

troops new sinister act was added yesterday. Locomotive

and five cars train 102 derailed to-day near Paichipu

about fifty miles south Mukden owing removal rails by

alleged bandits in fact Japanese agents who looted train.

Thirty passengers killed among them reported one

Englishman, one Russian, one Hindoo. Shortly after

derailment Japanese locomotive and two cars ooccupied by

twenty Japanese arrived examined wreck and returned

northwards. -7-

I\Tq , 5 2 .

Text of a cablegram received by the Chinese Delegation,

dated Nanking, September 27th, 1951,

Feeling tense all over the country, Taiyuen, Tsinan,

Hankow, Manchang, , Swatow, Hongkong and Ningpo

yesterday popular demonstrations and mass meetings advocated

strong measures. No untoward incidents. Local Government

authorities take precautionary measures careful protecting

Japanese residents. From Peking twenty-sixth Tsangshihyi,

Mukden Provincial Government chairman still under Japanese

detention hunger strike for five days. Among casualties of

derailment of train 102 deaths many innocent passengers s one

railway guard, two oilers, two firemen, besides Englishman,

Russian, Hindoo. Japanese rif3.es discovered near torn rails.

Japanese airplane dropped four bombs on Chinese barracks at

Chinchow where Mukden Provincial Government now functioning.-

Many Chinese soldiers killed. From twenty-sixth two

Japanese detachments boarded Chinese Eastern Railway passenger

train to and forced engineer start train who refusing

shot by Japanese troops. From Tientsin twenty-sixth Japanese

troops laid mines on Peking-Mukden Railway at Mukden, Huangkutung,

Yaoyangho, Paichipo and Sinmin, Peking-Mukden Railway officials

protested Japanese commander who refused removal giving protection

excuse. From Hsuchowfu twenty-sixth two Japanese war-crafts

arrived Haichow twenty-fifth nine p.m, landing marines. Local negotiations Japanese marines unland failed.