Extensions of Remarks E1393 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E1393 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1393 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE WESTERN WAYNE They found the area so beautiful that they feel confident that the people of Dearborn COUNTY CONSERVATION CLUB began inviting friends and family to spend County will be well served by these officials. days with them in the tranquil area and soon, f local children and adults began flocking to the HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER RECOGNITION OF ENERGY, CITI- OF MICHIGAN refuge that the Griscoms had fondly named ‘‘Briar Bush.’’ ZENS, AND ECONOMIC TRANS- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After the Griscoms passed away, area resi- FORMATION FOR INDIANA AND Tuesday, July 8, 2008 dents led by T. Russell Frank established the AMERICA EVENT AT THE UNI- VERSITY OF NOTRE DAME Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I ‘‘Friends of Briar Bush’’ organization, which rise to honor and acknowledge the Western was instrumental in encouraging the Township Wayne County Conservation Club, a group to acquire the land in 1962. The Friends of HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY dedicated to the preservation and continuation Briar Bush carried on the Griscoms’ mission OF INDIANA of outdoor sporting for all generations, upon by offering the woodland retreat as a Natural IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reaching their 70th anniversary of the club’s Education Center for local children and adults. Tuesday, July 8, 2008 establishment. Over the years, Briar Bush has become an Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise The Western Wayne County Conservation important facet of the Abington Community. In today to recognize the Energy, Citizens, and Club provides many services to the Michigan 2000, the Center implemented a renovation Economic Transformation for Indiana and community. The Club has created more oppor- project to make the Center even more visitor- America event held on July 7, 2008, spon- tunities for outdoor sporting with their sponsor- friendly and expanded their education pro- sored by the University of Notre Dame Energy ship of a launching trap and skeet fields, a 3– grams, which has enabled the Center to serve Center. This conference brought together D walk-thru archery range, and a black pow- over 47,000 visitors annually. leaders in energy research from the University der group with a walk-thru range. Additionally, Briar Bush programs have received numer- of Notre Dame, the U.S. Department of En- The Wayne County Conservation Club has ous awards, including ‘‘Best of Philly.’’ The ergy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Purdue fundraisers for the Pinkerton School for the Briar Bush day camp is currently in the run- University, the state of Indiana, and academic Blind, the Rouge River Clean-up, hunter edu- ning for a Nickelodeon ‘‘Parents Pick Award’’ think tanks. cation classes, Girl Scout and Boy Scout for the best day camp for small children. The University of Notre Dame Energy Cen- camping activities, and for the University of The Briar Bush Nature Center is a true Ab- ter was established in 2005 to develop new Michigan Burn Center. ington community treasure. It is my pleasure technologies for energy efficiency, safe nu- The Western Wayne County Conservation to stand before you to honor this special orga- clear waste storage, clean coal utilization, CO2 Club has been recognized for their dedication nization for achieving its’ 100th anniversary separation and sequestration, and alternative to outdoor sports. The Club has received milestone. It is my most sincere hope that renewable energy sources. The Center also prominent awards including the President’s Briar Bush will continue to educate our com- plays a key role in energy education and lit- Award from the National Wildlife Federations, munity about the joy of nature for many years eracy, affecting energy policy and exploring North American Hunter’s Safety Award, and to come. the ethical implications associated with energy the National Rifle Association President’s f sources, availability and policy. It involves ap- Award. To the Michigan community, the proximately 25 faculty members in the Col- Wayne County Conservation Club is an orga- RECOGNIZING EMERGENCY MAN- leges of Engineering, Science, Arts & Letters nization dedicated to their goals, committed to AGEMENT, DISASTER RECOVERY and Business. The Notre Dame Energy Center serving their community and defending Ameri- AND RELIEF EFFORTS IN DEAR- and its faculty members have funding support cans’ Second Amendment Rights. BORN COUNTY from the U.S. Department of Energy and ex- Madam Speaker, the Western Wayne Coun- tensive collaborations with researchers at ty Conservation Club is a group which has HON. MIKE PENCE Sandia, Argonne National Labs and the Na- mastered outdoor sporting and has excelled in OF INDIANA tional Energy Technology Laboratory. using their mission to help other community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Meeting U.S. energy needs in an environ- organizations. I ask my colleagues to join me mentally sustainable manner without jeopard- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 in congratulating the Western Wayne County izing economic growth or national security in- Conservation Club for reaching 70 years as an Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to terests through undue reliance on foreign en- organization and honoring the group’s devoted commend and recognize the extraordinary ergy sources is arguably our most demanding service to the community and our country. contributions of emergency management, dis- challenge. Achieving this goal will require mul- f aster response, and recovery personnel as tiple solutions and strategies. To meet this well as elected officials and community lead- challenge, the University of Notre Dame, CONGRATULATING BRIAR BUSH ers in my district which was devastated by the through their Energy Center and conferences NATURE CENTER ON ITS 100TH recent severe weather in Indiana. such as this, combines existing research ex- ANNIVERSARY I wish particularly to honor the Board of pertise and new research infrastructure with Commissioners, County Council, and all the visionary thinkers from both Indiana and the HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ other outstanding individuals in Dearborn federal government. OF PENNSYLVANIA County who rose to the occasion during these A collaboration also is currently being un- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES difficult times. This area suffered greatly from dertaken by the Notre Dame Energy Center severe storms and weather, creating a catas- that addresses the Indiana Dunes National Tuesday, July 8, 2008 trophe of nature that inflicted injuries, de- Lakeshore, which is a resource that is very im- Ms. SCHWARTZ. Madam Speaker, I rise stroyed property, and displaced many of our portant to the Northwest Indiana community. before you today to congratulate Briar Bush citizens. In response, these officials went This project seeks to provide energy-related Nature Center on the occasion of its 100th an- above and beyond the call of duty, showing consulting services to the park during the niversary. Briar Bush Nature Center is a true great poise while saving many lives and serv- coming summer months that will promote the testament to community outreach and wildlife ing the people of their communities. responsible use of an irreplaceable national preservation, both in its work over the past Madam Speaker, I commend these fine men treasure. As part of the project, students will century and in its very roots. and women for their tremendous dedication to track and quantify the cost savings related to In 1908, a Quaker couple, Everett and Flor- the Hoosier families, businesses, farmers and energy use reduction and lower greenhouse ence Griscom, fell in love with a twelve acre communities that they serve. As Hoosiers con- gas emissions. This collaboration will help pre- plot in the heart of Abington, Pennsylvania. tinue to recover from Mother Nature’s fury, I serve the unique ecosystem of the Indiana ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K08JY8.002 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 Dunes National Lakeshore and will allow fu- tainly due to the great residents of this city consciously inflicted upon the Ukrainian peo- ture generations to enjoy this tremendous nat- who are the true heart of this community. ple by the totalitarian tyranny of dictator Jo- ural, educational, and recreational asset of Their hard work, family values, and commit- seph Stalin. With its radical agricultural collec- Northwest Indiana. ment contribute to the daily growth of River- tivization policies, Stalin’s brutal Soviet regime I would like to thank Dr. Joan Brennecke dale. I look forward to seeing the continual de- caused widespread famine and mass starva- and Dr. Paul Bohn for organizing the July 7th velopment and prosperity of this city and it is tion, systematically murdering millions of inno- event and for their tireless work in addressing an honor to represent them in the United cent men, women and children. our nation’s energy problems. The conference States Congress. The Holodomor was an intentional act per- will offer Hoosiers the opportunity to hear from In closing, I would like to extend my con- petrated against the Ukrainians as punishment state and national leaders in energy research. gratulations to the city of Riverdale for marking for their resistance to Soviet control. Evidence While prices at the gas pumps may be getting its 100th Anniversary and I wish them a in the form of recently released KGB archival most of the attention now, the energy crisis is healthy and prosperous one hundred more. documents reveal the Soviet government’s about more than just oil.

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