July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1393 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING THE WESTERN WAYNE They found the area so beautiful that they feel confident that the people of Dearborn COUNTY CONSERVATION CLUB began inviting friends and family to spend County will be well served by these officials. days with them in the tranquil area and soon, f local children and adults began flocking to the HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER RECOGNITION OF ENERGY, CITI- OF MICHIGAN refuge that the Griscoms had fondly named ‘‘Briar Bush.’’ ZENS, AND ECONOMIC TRANS- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After the Griscoms passed away, area resi- FORMATION FOR INDIANA AND Tuesday, July 8, 2008 dents led by T. Russell Frank established the AMERICA EVENT AT THE UNI- VERSITY OF NOTRE DAME Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I ‘‘Friends of Briar Bush’’ organization, which rise to honor and acknowledge the Western was instrumental in encouraging the Township Wayne County Conservation Club, a group to acquire the land in 1962. The Friends of HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY dedicated to the preservation and continuation Briar Bush carried on the Griscoms’ mission OF INDIANA of outdoor sporting for all generations, upon by offering the woodland retreat as a Natural IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reaching their 70th anniversary of the club’s Education Center for local children and adults. Tuesday, July 8, 2008 establishment. Over the years, Briar Bush has become an Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise The Western Wayne County Conservation important facet of the Abington Community. In today to recognize the Energy, Citizens, and Club provides many services to the Michigan 2000, the Center implemented a renovation Economic Transformation for Indiana and community. The Club has created more oppor- project to make the Center even more visitor- America event held on July 7, 2008, spon- tunities for outdoor sporting with their sponsor- friendly and expanded their education pro- sored by the University of Notre Dame Energy ship of a launching trap and skeet fields, a 3– grams, which has enabled the Center to serve Center. This conference brought together D walk-thru archery range, and a black pow- over 47,000 visitors annually. leaders in energy research from the University der group with a walk-thru range. Additionally, Briar Bush programs have received numer- of Notre Dame, the U.S. Department of En- The Wayne County Conservation Club has ous awards, including ‘‘Best of Philly.’’ The ergy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Purdue fundraisers for the Pinkerton School for the Briar Bush day camp is currently in the run- University, the state of Indiana, and academic Blind, the Rouge River Clean-up, hunter edu- ning for a Nickelodeon ‘‘Parents Pick Award’’ think tanks. cation classes, Girl Scout and Boy Scout for the best day camp for small children. The University of Notre Dame Energy Cen- camping activities, and for the University of The Briar Bush Nature Center is a true Ab- ter was established in 2005 to develop new Michigan Burn Center. ington community treasure. It is my pleasure technologies for energy efficiency, safe nu- The Western Wayne County Conservation to stand before you to honor this special orga- clear waste storage, clean coal utilization, CO2 Club has been recognized for their dedication nization for achieving its’ 100th anniversary separation and sequestration, and alternative to outdoor sports. The Club has received milestone. It is my most sincere hope that renewable energy sources. The Center also prominent awards including the President’s Briar Bush will continue to educate our com- plays a key role in energy education and lit- Award from the National Wildlife Federations, munity about the joy of nature for many years eracy, affecting energy policy and exploring North American Hunter’s Safety Award, and to come. the ethical implications associated with energy the National Rifle Association President’s f sources, availability and policy. It involves ap- Award. To the Michigan community, the proximately 25 faculty members in the Col- Wayne County Conservation Club is an orga- RECOGNIZING EMERGENCY MAN- leges of Engineering, Science, Arts & Letters nization dedicated to their goals, committed to AGEMENT, DISASTER RECOVERY and Business. The Notre Dame Energy Center serving their community and defending Ameri- AND RELIEF EFFORTS IN DEAR- and its faculty members have funding support cans’ Second Amendment Rights. BORN COUNTY from the U.S. Department of Energy and ex- Madam Speaker, the Western Wayne Coun- tensive collaborations with researchers at ty Conservation Club is a group which has HON. MIKE PENCE Sandia, Argonne National Labs and the Na- mastered outdoor sporting and has excelled in OF INDIANA tional Energy Technology Laboratory. using their mission to help other community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Meeting U.S. energy needs in an environ- organizations. I ask my colleagues to join me mentally sustainable manner without jeopard- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 in congratulating the Western Wayne County izing economic growth or national security in- Conservation Club for reaching 70 years as an Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to terests through undue reliance on foreign en- organization and honoring the group’s devoted commend and recognize the extraordinary ergy sources is arguably our most demanding service to the community and our country. contributions of emergency management, dis- challenge. Achieving this goal will require mul- f aster response, and recovery personnel as tiple solutions and strategies. To meet this well as elected officials and community lead- challenge, the University of Notre Dame, CONGRATULATING BRIAR BUSH ers in my district which was devastated by the through their Energy Center and conferences NATURE CENTER ON ITS 100TH recent severe weather in Indiana. such as this, combines existing research ex- ANNIVERSARY I wish particularly to honor the Board of pertise and new research infrastructure with Commissioners, County Council, and all the visionary thinkers from both Indiana and the HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ other outstanding individuals in Dearborn federal government. OF PENNSYLVANIA County who rose to the occasion during these A collaboration also is currently being un- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES difficult times. This area suffered greatly from dertaken by the Notre Dame Energy Center severe storms and weather, creating a catas- that addresses the Indiana Dunes National Tuesday, July 8, 2008 trophe of nature that inflicted injuries, de- Lakeshore, which is a resource that is very im- Ms. SCHWARTZ. Madam Speaker, I rise stroyed property, and displaced many of our portant to the Northwest Indiana community. before you today to congratulate Briar Bush citizens. In response, these officials went This project seeks to provide energy-related Nature Center on the occasion of its 100th an- above and beyond the call of duty, showing consulting services to the park during the niversary. Briar Bush Nature Center is a true great poise while saving many lives and serv- coming summer months that will promote the testament to community outreach and wildlife ing the people of their communities. responsible use of an irreplaceable national preservation, both in its work over the past Madam Speaker, I commend these fine men treasure. As part of the project, students will century and in its very roots. and women for their tremendous dedication to track and quantify the cost savings related to In 1908, a Quaker couple, Everett and Flor- the Hoosier families, businesses, farmers and energy use reduction and lower greenhouse ence Griscom, fell in love with a twelve acre communities that they serve. As Hoosiers con- gas emissions. This collaboration will help pre- plot in the heart of Abington, Pennsylvania. tinue to recover from Mother Nature’s fury, I serve the unique ecosystem of the Indiana

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K08JY8.002 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 Dunes National Lakeshore and will allow fu- tainly due to the great residents of this city consciously inflicted upon the Ukrainian peo- ture generations to enjoy this tremendous nat- who are the true heart of this community. ple by the totalitarian tyranny of dictator Jo- ural, educational, and recreational asset of Their hard work, family values, and commit- seph Stalin. With its radical agricultural collec- Northwest Indiana. ment contribute to the daily growth of River- tivization policies, Stalin’s brutal Soviet regime I would like to thank Dr. Joan Brennecke dale. I look forward to seeing the continual de- caused widespread famine and mass starva- and Dr. Paul Bohn for organizing the July 7th velopment and prosperity of this city and it is tion, systematically murdering millions of inno- event and for their tireless work in addressing an honor to represent them in the United cent men, women and children. our nation’s energy problems. The conference States Congress. The Holodomor was an intentional act per- will offer Hoosiers the opportunity to hear from In closing, I would like to extend my con- petrated against the Ukrainians as punishment state and national leaders in energy research. gratulations to the city of Riverdale for marking for their resistance to Soviet control. Evidence While prices at the gas pumps may be getting its 100th Anniversary and I wish them a in the form of recently released KGB archival most of the attention now, the energy crisis is healthy and prosperous one hundred more. documents reveal the Soviet government’s about more than just oil. As a nation, with the f ruthless plans. The Commission on the help of our research universities, we need to Ukraine Famine created by the United States continue efforts in examining our entire mix of TRIBUTE TO LISA KOLL Congress in 1985 issued a report 3 years later energy sources and how to go about changing confirming the existence of a deliberate policy that mix over the long term in order to in- HON. TOM LATHAM to starve the Ukrainian people and concluded crease our economic and national security. OF IOWA in 1988 that ‘‘Joseph Stalin and those around The state of Indiana and its industries can IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him committed genocide against Ukrainians in benefit from this type of research and discus- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 1932–1933.’’ sion, and I believe that Indiana will be at the In sheer numbers, this genocidal tragedy forefront of this nation’s energy revolution. The Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today ranks among the worst examples of man’s in- sluggish economy and increasing energy costs to honor a great achievement by the Fort humanity towards man, and offers one of his- have left families struggling to make ends Dodge, Iowa native and current member of the tory’s starkest examples of the devastation meet. The work being done by those involved Iowa State University women’s track team, that is wrought by oppressive governments at this event seek to ease their burden and Lisa Koll. Lisa earned a national championship when they use food as a weapon. The create the next generation of energy-related in the NCAA women’s 10,000 meter race. Holodomor was perhaps the greatest national jobs in Indiana. Although Lisa never won a state champion- catastrophe in the history of the Ukraine, and f ship in her career at Fort Dodge High School, its emotional repercussions still affect the as a collegiate sophomore, she won a national Ukrainian people to this day. COMMEMORATING THE 100TH ANNI- title on the same blue track at Drake Univer- By remembering that horrific period, we VERSARY OF THE CITY OF RIV- sity where the Iowa High School State Cham- work towards a day when such atrocities will ERDALE, GEORGIA pionships are held. She is the first Iowa State never again occur in the world. This year, the track athlete to win a national championship 75th anniversary of the famine was com- HON. DAVID SCOTT since 1984 after completing the over six mile memorated in Kiev and indeed throughout the OF GEORGIA race in 32:44.95—short of her own American world. All Americans should join in remem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES collegiate record of 32:11.13 set earlier this bering this historical atrocity and resolve to act spring, but good enough for a Drake Stadium Tuesday, July 8, 2008 against future crimes against humanity. The Record and national championship. Walk Against Genocide not only serves to Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I Lisa’s impressive feat demonstrates the re- commemorate the innocent men, women and rise today to offer my congratulations to the ward for hard work, dedication and determina- children of the Ukraine who lost their lives, but City of Riverdale, Georgia for reaching its tion. I am honored to represent Lisa Koll in the also to take a stand against acts of genocide 100th anniversary this July. Home to over United States Congress, and I know that all of that still occur in the world today. The Walk 15,000 people, this great city, on the outskirts my colleagues join me in congratulating her on Against Genocide is thus an uplifting mani- of the bustling city of Atlanta, is known for its her national championship and wish her suc- festation of the enduring resilience of the close knit communities, beautiful landscapes cess in her future running career. human spirit. and abundant resources. With a rich history of f Madam Speaker, I ask that my distinguished vibrant festivals and community building activi- colleagues join me in saluting the participants IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 75TH ties, Riverdale prides itself on promoting the in the Walk Against Genocide and in recog- ANNIVERSARY OF THE UKRAIN- well-being of its residents. This city was for- nizing the Ukrainian Congress Committee of IAN GENOCIDE ON THE OCCASION mally founded in 1908 as a railroad depot. America and the United Ukrainian American OF THE WALK AGAINST GENO- However, its history traces back to before the Organizations of New York on the occasion of CIDE IN NEW YORK CITY Civil War and owes much of its early success the 75th anniversary commemorating the to a generous donation of land by Mr. and Ukrainian genocide. Mrs. W.S. Rivers, who wanted to see the area HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY f and its businesses thrive and prosper. OF NEW YORK The City of Riverdale will mark the occasion IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BIRTHDAY WISHES FOR LOUIS E. by holding a Centennial Celebration. This TESSIER, THE SUPERVISOR OF celebration will include a full commemoration Tuesday, July 8, 2008 THE TOWN OF LAKE GEORGE, NY of the centennial year as well as a tribute to Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Madam Riverdale’s rich history. Additionally, the Cen- Speaker, I rise to commemorate the 75th anni- HON. KIRSTEN E. GILLIBRAND tennial Celebration will strive to educate the versary of the genocide perpetrated on the OF NEW YORK public on the history of Riverdale, encourage Ukrainian people by Joseph Stalin’s mur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community involvement and recognize organi- derous Soviet regime. This month, countless zations, businesses, and institutions that have Ukrainian-Americans and persons of goodwill, Tuesday, July 8, 2008 been a part of this city for 100 years. Among including members of the Ukrainian Congress Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Madam Speaker, it is the events planned for this celebration are a Committee of America and the United Ukrain- my honor to rise today on behalf of Louis E. Centennial Parade, concerts and picnics, a ian American Organizations of New York, join Tessier, the Supervisor of the Town of Lake Centennial Gala and a Tree Planting, as well together in a Walk Against Genocide in New George, in recognition of his 80th birthday on as other activities designed to further foster a York City in remembrance of the terrible July 19, 2008. I extend my congratulations on greater sense of involvement among the city’s events in the Ukraine in 1932–33 that took the this special occasion to Lou, his wife Mary, his residents. lives of millions. Participants in the Walk are daughter, Rene, and to his entire family. I would like to recognize Dr. Evelyn Wynn- honoring the Ukrainians who perished in the Mr. Tessier has a distinguished career in Dixon, Mayor of Riverdale, along with City famine by observing a moment of remem- public service. He was elected into and has Council members Rick Scoggins, Wayne brance. held his office since 1984. He served as the Franklin Hall, Wanda Wallace, and Kenneth Three quarters of a century ago, the Ukrain- Warren County Budget Officer from 1992 Ruffin for their hard work and dedication to ian genocide, also referred to as the through 1995 and as the Warren County this community. And congratulations are cer- Holodomor, or ‘‘Death by Starvation,’’ was Chairman of the Board of Supervisors from

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K08JY8.008 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1395 1996 through 2000. He has served on a long Ms. Adriel Espinoza, Mr. Michael Roitman, Mr. thority Board, Tennessee Municipal League list of many of the county’s committees—ev- Andrew Spivak, Mr. Michael Thomas, Ms. Board, Sumner County Resource Agency, erything from Airport to Youth Programs. Dur- Sara Kantor, Mr. Max Berkley, Dr. Stanley U.S. Conference of Mayors, Hendersonville ing his career, he has also been appointed to Ames, Mrs. Georgia Ames, Mr. Allen Anes, and Gallatin Chambers of Commerce, Civitan the following: Mrs. Eileen Anes, Mr. Eli Applebaum, Ms. Club and Rotary Club. Board of Directors of the Warren-Hamilton Vanessa Aragonez, Mr. Jerome Blut, Mrs. Ar- Hank served his state and nation as a first Counties Action Committee for Economic Op- lene Blut, Rabbi Hershel Brooks, Ms. Diane lieutenant in the Tennessee National Guard. portunity, Inc.; Warren County Sewer Commis- Brounstein, Mr. Jonathan Craft, Mr. David Hank will be missed by his wife, Nancy, his sion; County Jury Board Member; Advisory Dahan, Mr. Bob Dubin, Mrs. Shelley Dubin, children Nick, Lance and Amanda and his Council for Warren-Hamilton Counties Office Mr. Peter Dubowsky, Mr. Leslie Dunn, Mrs. many friends in Sumner County and across for the Aging; Warren County Traffic Safety Joan Dunn, Mrs. Liz Goodman, Mr. David Tennessee. Board; Warren County Deferred Compensa- Jacobson, Mrs. Jewell Jacobson, Ms. Eva f tion Program; Warren County Representative Kallick, Ms. Stephanie Lehrner, Dr. Larry M. of the Adirondack Park Centennial Committee; Lehrner, Dr. Marc Leitner, Ms. Terri Greer, TRIBUTE TO GENERAL ROBERT Industrial Development Agency; Warren Coun- Ms. Vivian Perlmutter, Mr. Brett Primack, Mrs. MAGNUS, USMC ty Labor/Management Committee; Inter-Coun- Christina Primack, Mr. Joshua J. Primack, Mr. ty Committee of the Legislative Bodies of the Jordan Primack, Mrs. Deborah Primack, Mrs. HON. IKE SKELTON Adirondack Representatives; Adirondack/ Laurie Robinson, Dr. Joseph Shalev, Mrs. OF MISSOURI Glens Falls Transportation Council; Warren Batsheva Shalev, Ms. Lisa Skurow, Ms. Nicole IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES County Local Development Corporation (LDC); Steiner, Mr. David Stone, Mr. Steven Strasser, Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Warren County LDC—Executive Committee of Mrs. Sharon Strasser, Mr. Stuart Blake Tener, the Board of Directors; Inter-County Solid Mr. Sam Ventura, Mrs. Rachael Ventura, Mr. Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, it has Waste Coordinating Committee; Bi-County Ad Michael Werner, Mrs. Dana Werner, Mrs. Lynn come to my attention that a distinguished mili- Hoc Committee for Burn Plant Negotiations; Wexler, Rabbi Yitzack Wyne, Mr. Benny tary career is coming to an end. General Rob- Negotiating Committee for Burn Plant Acquisi- Yerushalmi, Mr. Elad Yerushalmi, Mr. Jeff ert Magnus, U.S. Marine Corps, is retiring tion; Warren County Criminal Justice Advisory Zucker, Mr. David-Jacques Farahi, Ms. from active duty after serving our nation for 40 Board, Alternatives to Incarceration Service Parinaz Farahi, Mr. Hy Kashenberg, Ms. Bren- years. Plans; Sub-committee on Revenue Enhance- da L. Nelson, Ms. Tali Farahi, and Mr. General Magnus enlisted in the Navy in ment; Airport Consultant Selection Board; Faramarz Yousefzadeh. February 1968. He graduated from the Univer- Lake Champlain—Lake George Regional Madam Speaker, I am honored to recog- sity of Virginia in 1969 with a bachelor of arts Planning Board; Bi-County Ad Hoc Committee nizes the Nevada AIPAC delegation. These in- degree in history and received a masters of for Hartford Landfill Negotiations. dividuals have dedicated themselves to a very science in business administration from Stray- Please join me, the Town of Lake George, worthy cause, and I applaud their efforts and er College in 1993. He received a commission the people of Warren County and New York’s wish them the best in their future endeavors. in June 1969 and completed the following mili- 20th Congressional District in wishing Super- tary training schools: Naval Aviation flight f visor Lou Tessier a very happy 80th Birthday. training, nuclear safety officers course, sur- f HONORING HANK THOMPSON’S vival evasion resistance and escape course, SERVICE TO SUMNER COUNTY weapons and tactics instructors course, avia- PAYING TRIBUTE TO NEVADA tion safety command course, Marine Corps AIPAC DELEGATION HON. BART GORDON Command and Staff College, National War College, CAPSTONE Course, Joint Force Air HON. JON C. PORTER OF TENNESSEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Component Commanders Course, Executive OF NEVADA Business Course. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, July 8, 2008 During his 40 years of service, General Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Mr. GORDON of Tennessee. Madam Magnus has served during several operation Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, it is my dis- Speaker, I rise today to honor my friend, Hank tours and held many squadron assignments. tinct pleasure to rise today to honor the Ne- Thompson, who passed away July 6. These include intelligence officer, HMM–264; vada delegation from the American Israel Pub- As a County Commissioner, Mayor of Hen- operations officer, H&MS–15 SAR Detach- lic Affairs Committee. I am delighted to have dersonville and Sumner County Executive, ment, Task Force Delta, Nam Phong, Thai- my colleagues in the Nevada Congressional Hank served the people of Sumner County for land; training officer, Station Operations and Delegations, Representatives SHELLY BERKLEY more than 25 years. Engineering Squadron, MCAS Quantico; avia- and DEAN HELLER, join me in recognizing the Hank always sought what was best for the tion safety officer, MAG–26 and HMM–263; advocacy efforts of the AIPAC delegation. people he represented. He was a very for- weapons and tactics instructor, MAG–26 and The Nevada delegation from the American ward-thinking public servant and a good friend HMM–261; operations officer, MAG–29; exec- Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) re- and adviser to me. I worked with him for many utive officer, HMM–365, MAG–29; com- cently visited Washington, DC to advocate on years and always admired his passion and manding officer HMM–365, MAG–29; com- behalf of Israel and ensure that American sup- love for his community. mander, Marine Corps Air Bases Western port for Israel remains strong. AIPAC is work- Following the devastating Gallatin tornado in Area; and deputy commander, Marine Forces ing to promote strategic cooperation between 2006, Hank was the first person to contact me Pacific. the two nations, to develop sound U.S. anti- to get federal assistance for storm victims. He General Magnus also has served in several terrorist policies, to share homeland security also led the local assistance effort, helping staff assignments, including aviation assault techniques and technologies, and to stop people put their lives back together and re- medium lift requirements officer; chief, Logis- rogue nations such as Iran from acquiring build their communities. tics Readiness Center, joint staff; executive weapons of mass destruction. He was a tireless advocate for the people of assistant to the director of the Joint Staff; Following several days of meetings and Sumner County and his contributions to the head, Aviation Plans and Programs Branch; speakers, the Nevada delegation visited with families there are countless. Whether it was Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Aviation; their Congressional Representatives to advo- building bridges, expanding highways, creating Assistant Deputy Commandant for Plans, Poli- cate on behalf of these ideals and share their greenways or building new baseball and soc- cies, and Operations; and Deputy Com- views with the Nevada Congressional delega- cer fields, Hank was always Sumner County’s mandant for Programs and Resources. tion. It is truly an honor to meet with such number one advocate. I spent many hours in General Magnus’s decorations and awards dedicated advocates. AIPAC has a strong his car, driving from community to community include: Distinguished Service Medal, Defense record of creating citizen advocates who are while he showed me projects he envisioned Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit passionate about pro-Israel issues and are for the area. Medal, and the Navy Achievement Medal. dedicated to learning how they can affect He served on the boards of numerous orga- General Magnus is concluding his career Israel’s future and security by promoting nizations, including Children Are People, Inc.; having served as the Assistant Commandant strong ties with the United States. the Jason Foundation and Youth Inc. Hank of the Marine Corps. In this capacity, he has This years Nevada AIPAC delegation in- was a member of the Homeland Security Re- been the principal adviser to the Commandant cluded: Ms. Ariel Shalin, Miss Heather Brown, gion Executive Board, Regional Transit Au- of the Marine Corps on all decisions affecting

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K08JY8.016 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 the readiness and future health of the Marine EARMARK DECLARATION RECOGNIZING EMERGENCY MAN- Corps. I am certain that the Members of the AGEMENT, DISASTER RECOVERY House will join me in honoring General Mag- AND RELIEF EFFORTS IN ADAMS nus and his family for their outstanding service HON. JAMES T. WALSH COUNTY to our country. OF NEW YORK HON. MIKE PENCE f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING ANNE RAGSDALE Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Mr. WALSH of New York. Madam Speaker Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN consistent with Republican transparency commend and recognize the extraordinary standards, the following is a disclosure for OF TENNESSEE contributions of emergency management, dis- each of my requested projects in the Duncan aster response, and recovery personnel as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hunter National Defense Authorization Act of well as elected officials and community lead- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Fiscal Year 2009, H.R. 5658: ers in my district which was devastated by the recent severe weather in Indiana. Requesting Member: Rep. JAMES T. WALSH. Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Speaker, as I I wish particularly to honor the Board of come to the floor today to speak, friends and Bill Number: H.R. 5658. Commissioners, County Council, and all the colleagues of Anne Ragsdale are gathering in Account: Research, Development, Test and other outstanding individuals in Adams County Nashville to celebrate her life and her many Evaluation, Army Account. who rose to the occasion during these difficult contributions to her city and to her country. times. This area suffered greatly from severe Anne Ragsdale was an extraordinary woman Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Syracuse storms and weather, creating a catastrophe of who chose to spend her life encouraging oth- Research Corporation. nature that inflicted injuries, destroyed prop- ers and inspiring those of us who knew her to Address of Requesting Entity: 6225 Running erty, and displaced many of our citizens. In re- give selflessly of our time and talents. Anne Ridge Rd., Syracuse, NY 13212. sponse, these officials went above and be- Ragsdale believed in this great nation and its yond the call of duty, showing great poise goodness and felt that every child who called Description of Request: Include $4 million in while saving many lives and serving the peo- America home should be able to dream big H.R. 5658—Army Account RDT&E—Advanced ple of their communities. dreams and have those dreams come true. Tactical Computer Science and Sensor Tech- Madam Speaker, I commend these fine men She embodied the spirit of philanthropy, never nology—to assist transition of the Foliage Pen- and women for their tremendous dedication to giving for any reason other than knowing that etrating, Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Track- the Hoosier families, businesses, farmers and her gifts would make a positive difference in ing, and Engagement Radar (FORESTER) communities that they serve. As Hoosiers con- the lives of others. She did not focus on her- prototype to an operational configuration add- tinue to recover from Mother Nature’s fury, I self. She focused on the people around her: ing User specific capabilities. feel confident that the people of Adams Coun- her family, her friends, her charitable causes, ty will be well served by these officials. and her church. As a matter of fact, if she The FORESTER Program is on-going with f were standing here on this floor with me radar integration and testing continuing today, she would probably tell me to use the through the remainder of FY08 on the A160 TRIBUTE TO SFC GREG HUBBY time focusing on a cause for human good and Hummingbird. The Program objectives are not to use the time talking about her. Those of being met, namely to detect and track moving HON. TOM LATHAM us who called her our friend loved this trait in dismounted soldiers and vehicles under foli- OF IOWA Anne. age to a range of at least 30 km, and to detect IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Anne held a deep and abiding faith and was and track people and vehicles in the open or Tuesday, July 8, 2008 an active member of First Southern Methodist through foliage to a range of at least 50 km. Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today Church of Nashville and was a member of St. FORESTER can also detect and track moving Paul Southern Methodist Church for 25 years. to recognize SFC Greg Hubby, a native of low-altitude air vehicles such as helicopters, In the community, her true passion involved Boone, Iowa, as a recipient of a Bronze Star helping children in need and providing them small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and aircraft Medal for heroic achievement during combat with education in a safe and loving environ- to a range of 75 km. Additionally, FORESTER operations in support of Operation Iraqi Free- ment. She and her husband, Dick, have been has a real-time radar mode to image targets dom. The Bronze Star is the fourth highest wonderful supporters of scholarships and edu- concealed in the foliage. The FY09 request award that the Department of Defense gives cational opportunities for children at schools will provide funding necessary to transition for bravery, heroism, and meritorious service. throughout Tennessee. FORESTER to the User community and apply SFC Hubby earned the Bronze Star while he was a retention NCO with the 3rd Infantry She was a small businesswoman, home- the technology to additional platforms. Battalion, stationed in Mosul. During one of his maker, and activist for many charitable Currently, U.S. Forces have no radar capa- helicopter trips to another outpost, their heli- causes. She was also co-founder and board bility to detect and track activity under foliage. copter came under fire. member of Birthright of Nashville, YMCA Com- FORESTER is an airborne sensor system that SFC Hubby’s bravery goes above and be- munity Action Programs and East Academy. provides standoff and persistent wide-area yond what we are asked of as citizens of this She served on the board of directors of the surveillance of dismounted troops and vehicles country. Although recruiters are typically non- Salvation Army, Nashville for 15 years and moving through foliage. Designed and devel- deployable, SPC Hubby reached out to share also on the board of Alive Hospice. She was in the sacrifices of our other brave men and a founding member of the Nashville Sym- oped to fly on the A160 Hummingbird un- women who have served in Iraq and Afghani- phony’s Schermerhorn Symphony Center. She manned helicopter, FORESTER is one-of-a- stan by volunteering his service at a time of especially enjoyed serving as the costume de- kind technology providing the warfighter with need. His heroism illustrates the compassion signer for the Nashville Children’s Theatre. all-weather, day-night target detection and tracking capability in real-time. This request of Iowans; willing to risk their own lives for Anne Ragsdale will be missed. Her partici- their country. For this I offer him my utmost would leverage the existing technology to ac- pation and support will be missed by the congratulations and thanks for his service and commodate other platforms and border sur- schools, churches and organizations to which sacrifice for this great nation. she provided leadership and support. She will veillance applications. Specifically, transition I commend SFC Greg Hubby’s courageous- be missed by her friends who leaned on her the FORESTER prototype to an operational ness and service, and I am honored to rep- for support and comfort. She will be missed by configuration adding User specific capabilities, resent him in the United States Congress. I the family she adored and cherished. including: performance improvements, platform know my colleagues join me in recognizing his Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join integration, flight test execution, and dem- service and wishing him and his family the me in appreciation of a life well lived. onstration of the system on new platforms. very best in their future endeavors.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.001 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1397 IN RECOGNITION OF THE FORT TI- Fort Ticonderoga retained its strategic sig- lic Community in Boulder City, Nevada to build CONDEROGA ASSOCIATION ON nificance during the American Revolution. On an entirely new complex of church offices, par- THE OCCASION OF THE GRAND May 10, 1775, American soldiers won their ish halls, multi-purpose classrooms, and a OPENING OF THE DEBORAH first victory in the Revolution when they cap- pastor’s residence. The entire parish center CLARKE MARS EDUCATION CEN- tured Fort Ticonderoga in a surprise attack at was built and dedicated in 1981. TER dawn. The cannons from Ticonderoga were Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Fa- then hauled all the way across the Common- ther Joe for his thirty years of service. Words HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY wealth of Massachusetts by troops led by cannot express how much Father Joe has OF NEW YORK Henry Knox, and used to successfully pros- done for the people and the city of Boulder IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ecute the Siege of Boston, driving the Red- City. His quest to touch the lives of and help as many people as possible, his devotion to Tuesday, July 8, 2008 coats away from the Massachusetts Bay. Today, the Fort Ticonderoga Association his work, and his zeal to better the community Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Madam strives to engage, educate, and entertain visi- are truly commendable and I applaud all his Speaker, I rise today along with my colleague, tors by sharing the authentic stories of diverse efforts. the Honorable KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND to pay trib- cultures that met at the Ticonderoga peninsula f ute to the Fort Ticonderoga Association, the in war and peace over the last 250 years. Its FAIRFAX COUNTY PLANNING COM- non-profit organization chartered by the State members achieve this goal through accurate University of New York Regents to administer MISSION MARKS ITS 70TH ANNI- historical interpretations, high standards of the great National Historic Landmark at Fort VERSARY preservation, and able management of the Ticonderoga. This July, the Association will Fort’s world-class collections of scholarly open the Deborah Clarke Mars Education works, through innovative educational offer- HON. TOM DAVIS Center, which will house an authentic re-cre- OF VIRGINIA ings, and with operational excellence. ation of the magasin du Roi, or ‘‘King’s Ware- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under the diligent care of the Association, house’’, that stood on the Fort’s parade Tuesday, July 8, 2008 ground from 1756 to 1759, as well as facilities Fort Ticonderoga has earned numerous for educational programs, lectures, and awards, including the Upstate History Alliance Mr. DAVIS of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I symposia. This month, the Fort Ticonderoga Award of Excellence, the Adirondack Architec- rise today to commemorate the 70th anniver- Association also observed the 250th anniver- tural Heritage Award of Excellence for the sary of the Fairfax County Planning Commis- sary of one of the bloodiest conflicts of the Kings’ Garden Restoration, and the Preserva- sion. French and Indian War, the Battle of Carillon, tion League of New York State Award of Ex- The Fairfax County Planning Commission’s by staging a two-day re-enactment of the con- cellence. Fort Ticonderoga also received a goal has been to advise the Board of Super- flict. State and Local History Certificate of Com- visors on all matters related to the orderly The Fort Ticonderoga Association was orga- mendation from the American Association for growth and development of Fairfax County. nized in 1931. It has carried on the steward- ‘‘America’s First Victory.’’ Clearly, its role in This includes the preparation of a comprehen- ship of the historic site by the Pell family, American history left an important legacy for sive plan for the physical development of the whose members have maintained the Fort Fort Ticonderoga that resonates even today. county in addition to amending zoning and since the early 19th century. William Ferris Madam Speaker, I ask that my distinguished subdivision ordinances. The Commission pro- Pell, a noted businessman and preservationist, colleagues join me in recognizing the enor- vides citizens with an opportunity to voice their originally purchased Fort Ticonderoga and the mous contributions to the preservation and support for or opinion on developments in and surrounding lands to prevent the stripping of stewardship of American history performed by around their community. precious materials from the legendary stone the Fort Ticonderoga Association. The Fairfax County Planning Commission forts that rest on the site. He established his f was founded on Wednesday, July 6, 1938. summer home-turned-hotel, the Pavillion, on Throughout the past 70 years, the Fairfax PAYING TRIBUTE TO FATHER the beautiful grounds, offering affordable ac- County Board of Supervisors has appointed a JOSEPH P. ANNESE commodations to travelers visiting the historic total of 121 citizens to serve as commis- ruins for nearly six decades. Stephen Pell, his sioners. The Planning Commission consists of great-grandson, began restoration of the Fort HON. JON C. PORTER two standing committees, the Personnel and and the Pavillion in 1908; subsequently, the OF NEVADA Budget Committee and Policy and Procedure site became a popular tourist destination and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee. Additionally, there are seven sub- was added to the National Register of Historic Tuesday, July 8, 2008 committees honing their focus towards capital Places. improvement, the environment, parks, redevel- Fort Ticonderoga and the surrounding Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, it is my dis- opment and housing, land use process review, grounds have a rich history. Its site was origi- tinct pleasure to rise today to honor my friend school facilities, transportation, and Fort nally chosen for its strategic location on the Ti- Father Joseph P. Annese by entering his Belvoir. The Planning Commission and staff conderoga peninsula on the shore of Lake name in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, the offi- have held thousands of public hearings, hun- Champlain that protected the portage to near- cial record of the proceedings and debates of dreds of committee meetings, and have for- by Lake George. At the time, it was the the United States Congress since 1873. Today warded thousands of recommendations to pro- French Empire’s southernmost fort in the New I pay tribute to Father Joseph P. Annese for mote orderly, balanced and equitable growth. World and a sensitive and strategic military in- his years of dedicated service to the Boulder Fairfax County is a thriving, urban county stallation coveted by the world’s two largest City community. with a population that exceeds that of seven empires, the British and the French. This July Father Joe has dedicated himself to the St. States. The median household income is one will mark the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Andrew Catholic Community for thirty years. of the highest in the Nation. Over half of the Carillon, a major battle in the French and In- His passion for helping the community and his adult population has at least a bachelor’s de- dian War in which outnumbered French troops dedication to his calling has made Father Joe gree. His also home to George Mason Univer- led by Louis-Joseph le Marquis de Montcalm an essential part of the community. sity. With an enrollment of over 30,000 stu- successfully and valiantly defeated a British Father Joe started his seminary years in the dents, GMU is a leader in science, technology attacking force. On July 8, 1758, British Gen- Divine World Seminary and was ordained in and a variety of other fields. These are all eral James Abercromby led a British and colo- 1962. He then taught high school seminary in signs of the county’s strength. This strength nial army of 16,000 men against a small Erie, Pa., then in Bordertown, New Jersey, has been nurtured and spurred along by the French force of 3,200 entrenched at Fort Car- and finally in Verbum Dei High School in Planning Commission’s foresight and vision. illon (the original name of Fort Ticonderoga). Watts, California. Before coming to Boulder Their work is not done, however; they have Despite being outnumbered by more than 4 to City, Father Joe joined the Diocese of Reno/ set an ambitious 2009 agenda. This year they 1, the French forces prevailed and forced the Las Vegas in 1971. He then became an asso- will address green building, recycling and British to retreat. In honor of their victory, the ciate pastor at St. James Parish in Las Vegas issues related to Fort Belvoir in addition to French erected a cross on the battle site, of in 1971, where he served for one year, and their regular duties. The actions this group which a reproduction still stands at the was named an associate pastor at St. Chris- takes today will continue to shape and direct ‘‘French Lines’’ even today. A year later, Brit- topher’s Parish in North Las Vegas for five this county in the years to come. ish forces under Lord Jefferey Amherst suc- years. In 1978, Bishop McFarland assigned Madam Speaker, in closing, I would like to cessfully conquered the Fort. Father Joe as Pastor of the St. Andrew Catho- thank and send appreciation to the Fairfax

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K08JY8.013 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1398 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 County Planning Commission and their staff ing the borough in ways great and small. The patriation of over 150 Cuban migrants attempt- for their hard work and dedication to Fairfax Eagles have made Somerset an immeasurably ing to illegally enter the United States. Under County. Their untiring, dynamic efforts have enhanced place to live, work, and raise fami- Lieutenant Pate’s command, Marlin safely made Fairfax County a wonderful place to live lies. evaded six major Hurricanes and conducted a and raise a family. I call upon my colleagues The Somerset Fraternal Order of Eagles total of 21 Search and Rescue cases saving to join me in commending and congratulating has provided a trustworthy atmosphere which the lives of 50 people. the Fairfax County Planning Commission on has worked to help a multitude of men, Two years ago, Lieutenant Pate reported to 70 years of excellence. women, and children throughout its history. I the Hill as an Assistant House Liaison Officer f would like to congratulate the members and for the Coast Guard. Since arriving in 2006, leadership of Aerie #1801 and Eagles who Lieutenant Pate has worked tirelessly to pro- PERSONAL EXPLANATION have assembled from across the country to be vide Members of Congress and their staff with in Somerset on this occasion. I look forward to timely, accurate, and detailed information HON. TIM MURPHY celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of needed to fulfill their duties. Through his care- OF PENNSYLVANIA such a wonderful organization, as it has ful planning and execution of dozens of Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brought a greater appreciation to our area and gressional Delegation trips and hundreds of has surely been an asset to the community. briefings, Lieutenant Pate clearly articulated Tuesday, July 8, 2008 f Coast Guard views in support of needed au- Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Madam thorities and appropriations, working construc- Speaker, on rollcall no. 470, H. Res. 1098, COMMENDING LIEUTENANT AN- tively with the Congress to ensure careful Supporting the goals and ideals of the Year of DREW PATE FOR HIS SERVICE stewardship of resources. the American Veteran, had I been present, I TO THE U.S. HOUSE OF REP- On July 14, 2008, Lieutenant Pate will leave would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ RESENTATIVES AND THE his post in the House Liaison Office and report f UNITED STATES COAST GUARD to the Office of Senator ROGER WICKER (MS) for a one-year assignment as a Military Fel- HONORING THE FRATERNAL HON. HAROLD ROGERS low. ORDER OF EAGLES AERIE #1801 OF KENTUCKY I am proud to know and pay tribute to him in the United States Congress. On behalf of HON. BILL SHUSTER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, July 8, 2008 the Representatives and staff who have been OF PENNSYLVANIA fortunate enough to know and work with An- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, drew, I wish him, his wife Kristen, and their I rise today to honor Lieutenant Andrew Pate Tuesday, July 8, 2008 son Aidan, clear skies and following seas. for his service to the U.S. House of Rep- f Mr. SHUSTER. Madam Speaker, it is with resentatives and the United States Coast great pleasure that I offer my congratulations Guard. NISEI BASEBALL to the members and leadership of the Fra- As some of you may know, Lieutenant Pate ternal Order of Eagles Aerie #1801 in Som- was detailed to the Coast Guard’s House Liai- HON. DORIS O. MATSUI erset, Pennsylvania, who will celebrate their son office in July of 2006, and I am proud to OF CALIFORNIA 100th anniversary on July 30, 2008. have had the opportunity to work closely with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Originally founded in 1898 by a group of him over the past two years. My colleagues, theatre owners, the Fraternal Order of Eagles staff, and I have valued his knowledge and Tuesday, July 8, 2008 was created to act as a social haven for the understanding of the Coast Guard’s oper- Ms. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I rise today like-minded. As the Fraternal Order of Eagles ational missions, day-to-day challenges, and in tribute of Nisei Pioneer Day and the past spread throughout the United States, they roles and responsibilities. generations of Japanese American baseball sought, as they continue to do so today, to es- Lieutenant Andrew Leigh Pate is a native of players, coaches, and teams. For over a cen- tablish a fraternal system to encourage and Wesley Chapel, Florida. In the summer of tury, Japanese American baseball has been a provide assistance to members and their fami- 1998 he enrolled at the United States Coast strong bond that brought communities and cul- lies through a system of mutual insurance Guard Academy, with summer duty assign- tures together while also teaching good which provided death benefits. In 1908, the ments onboard Coast Guard cutters North- sportsmanship. As the Japanese American citizens of Somerset organized the Fraternal land, Eagle and Drummond. First elected as community and baseball fans gather to cele- Order of Eagles Aerie #1801. Over the past Treasurer of his Academy Class in 1998, Lieu- brate the Nisei Pioneer Day Program in Sac- one hundred years Aerie #1801 has focused tenant Pate has served continuously as Presi- ramento, I ask that all my colleagues join me on achieving their original objective, to ‘‘make dent of his Academy Class since the spring of in honoring Nisei baseball. human life more desirable by lessening its ills 2000. Baseball has been an important sport in the and promoting peace, prosperity, gladness, In May of 2002, Lieutenant Pate graduated Japanese community since it was first intro- and hope.’’ They have truly succeeded in their from the Academy with a Bachelor’s degree in duced in Japan in 1872 by American school quest. Government. His first assignment was on- teacher Horace Wilson. By the turn of the cen- Throughout its history, the Fraternal Order board the High Endurance Cutter USCGC tury baseball had become the Nation’s most of Eagles has sought to leave a truly memo- Gallatin (WHEC 721) home ported in Charles- popular sport and in 1905 Japan’s national rable past on the pages of history. Not only ton, South Carolina. While onboard Gallatin, champion Waseda University team toured the does the Eagles’ historical participation consist Lieutenant Pate served in a variety of posi- United States competing against various of seven U.S. presidents, including Theodore tions including Assistant Operations Officer, American colleges. Unfortunately, during this Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter Combat Information Center Officer, and Mari- same time, anti-Japanese movements were on and Ronald Reagan, but they have also been time Law Enforcement Boarding Officer. His the rise in the United States. During this dif- incredibly charitable. Across the United States tour highlights include the interdiction and re- ficult time, Nisei baseball was able to bring the Eagles donate more than $100 million patriation of over 570 Haitian migrants during Japanese Americans into the Nation’s main- every year to charities. Members of Aerie Operations Able Manner and Able Sentry. stream. #1801 lift up their community as well as sur- In June of 2004, Lieutenant Pate transferred The 1920s and 1930s are often referred to rounding communities by raising funds for a to Fort Myers Beach, Florida as the fourth as the ‘‘Golden Age’’ of Japanese American multitude of local and national charities. These Commanding Officer of the 87-foot Coastal baseball. During this time many Japanese charities include the Golden Eagles Fund, Patrol Boat USCGC Marlin (WPB 87304). American communities across the West Coast Robert Hansen Diabetes Fund, and the Jimmy From June 2004 to July 2006, Marlin success- were organizing teams and leagues. This Durante Children’s Fund. Through actively fully conducted over 250 law enforcement brought the Japanese American community to- pursuing lifting up those around them, the Ea- boardings in an operational area covering gether in the wake of increasing anti-Japanese gles Aerie #1801 has truly been an integral more than 108,000 square miles. These ef- legislation. While laws such as the Immigration part of Somerset, Pennsylvania. The leader- forts resulted in the apprehension of 10 want- Act of 1924 were effectively ending Japanese ship and members of Aerie #1801 have con- ed fugitives, the voyage termination of 18 immigration into the United States, baseball tinuously provided Somerset with examples of commercial fishing vessels for hazardous was providing a valuable bridge between the civic leadership, charitable giving, and improv- safety conditions and the interdiction and re- East and West Coast cultures for Issei and

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.004 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1399 Nisei here in the United States. It continued to initiatives that will continue to improve care for Louis; the 1138th Engineer Company (Sapper) play an important role in defining and devel- patients whose lives depend on dialysis and in Farmington; and the 70th Troop Command oping a cultural identity throughout the 1930s. other kidney replacement treatments. from Jefferson Barracks. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor and Professionally, Sandra graduated with a I know the Members of the House will join President Roosevelt’s Executive Order initi- Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Nurs- me in recognizing the outstanding dedication ating the removal and incarceration of Japa- ing from the College of Scholastica in Duluth, of the Missouri National Guard, and in wishing nese Americans, the tradition of baseball reso- Minnesota. She became a Registered Nurse them luck throughout this emergency oper- nated within these communities. Daily baseball in 1977 and a Certified Nephrology Nurse in ation. games not only served as a distraction from 1992. Sandra currently is the lead Clinical f the monotony of the internment camps, but it Informatics Analyst and Application Coordi- also provided them with a sense of normalcy nator at the SMDC Health System in Duluth INTRODUCTION OF THE NATIONAL and community. Today we celebrate the his- Minnesota. Sandra has also worked at the Mil- GUARD TECHNICIAN RECRUIT- torical impact Nisei baseball has had not only ler-Dawn Medical Center and St. Mary’s Hos- MENT AND RETENTION ACT on the Japanese American community in the pital, both in Duluth. United States, but across our Nation as a I honor her efforts to promote the care of HON. JOE COURTNEY whole. It provided a sense of community dur- those suffering from kidney disease. I recog- OF CONNECTICUT ing one of the darkest periods of our Nation’s nize her achievements as a nurse, patient ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES history. vocate, and healthcare leader. I commend Tuesday, July 8, 2008 In recent years Japanese ballplayers have Sandra on her service to the American Ne- helped transform the game of baseball at the phrology Nurses’ Association and our country. Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I am highest levels. Japanese players competing at Please join me in commending Sandra M. proud to introduce legislation today that will re- the major league level, such as Ichiro Suzuki, Bodin for her years of vision, leadership, and store fairness for our military technicians, who Hideki Matsui and Hideo Nomo, have been in- commitment. work every day in Connecticut and across the strumental in attracting new fans to the sport. f Nation to support our National Guard. The success of these major leaguers and the If the National Guard serves as the back- strides made by past Nisei and Issei ball- TRIBUTE TO THE MISSOURI bone of our military, then our military techni- players have led to a rich and rooted history NATIONAL GUARD cians serve as the backbone of our National that can be celebrated for generations to Guard. They play a critical role in ensuring come. HON. IKE SKELTON that our National Guard is ready to respond I am honored to pay tribute to a century of OF MISSOURI and deploy in support of military operations Japanese American baseball and the enduring IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES abroad by supporting the training, equipment repair and restoration, logistics and other crit- effect it has had on the Japanese American Tuesday, July 8, 2008 community. On behalf of the people of Sac- ical functions. ramento and the Fifth Congressional District of Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, let me Military technicians are known as ‘‘dual-sta- California, I ask all my colleagues to join me take this means to recognize the brave men tus’’ employees, through which they must re- in commemorating the past and present Japa- and women of the Missouri National Guard, tain membership in the Air or Army National nese American baseball pioneers and their for their commitment to providing flood relief. Guard in their State in order to maintain full- lasting legacy on our country. The Missouri National Guard Citizen-Sol- time employment as a technician. Dual-status diers and Airmen have been mobilized by Mis- military technicians are subject to the restric- f souri government leaders to assist in the Mis- tions of the Technician Act of 1969, 32 USC HONORING SANDRA M. BODIN souri emergency flood response. The mem- 709, and other provisions of the law under bers have been mobilized in the communities which they are specifically prohibited from re- HON. LOIS CAPPS of Clarksville, Hannibal, Canton, West Quincy, ceiving certain benefits and rights available to OF CALIFORNIA LaGrange, Winfield, Alexandria, St. Charles them as members of the National Guard, such IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES City, and St. Charles County. Those sup- as reenlistment bonuses and student loan re- porting the flood response are assisting in payment assistance. In addition, if a member Tuesday, July 8, 2008 missions that include sandbagging operations, of the National Guard becomes a technician Mrs. CAPPS. Madam Speaker, today I rise levee monitoring, and manning traffic control within 6 months of receiving an enlistment or to honor Sandra M. Bodin, who just completed points. Since the mobilization of forces, more reenlistment bonus, the Department of De- her services as President of the American Ne- than 1,000 Guard members have responded fense can, and often does, require them to phrology Nurses’ Association, ANNA, for her to the call to duty. With force rotations, there pay back those bonuses. dedication and contributions to nephrology are currently around 700 members on active The law also fails to fairly compensate tech- nursing and kidney patients across the coun- duty. nicians for the increased overtime hours that try. Personnel have come from across the state technicians must work to fulfill their mission by ANNA is one of the largest and most pres- to aid Missouri towns during this emergency. providing technicians compensatory time, rath- tigious nursing associations in America. The These units include the 7th Civil Support er than monetary compensation, in return for organization is the recognized leader in ne- Team from Fort Leonard Wood; the 135th Mili- overtime work. Many technicians cannot use phrology nursing practice, education, research, tary History Detachment from Jefferson City; the compensatory time without impacting time- and advocacy. ANNA’s members are reg- the 835th Combat Support Sustainment Bat- sensitive military work schedules and, with the istered nurses and health care professionals talion from Jefferson City; 735th Quarter- military’s current ‘‘use it or lose it’’ policy under at all levels of practice. They care for patients master Company with detachments in DeSoto, which such time is lost if unused within 21 pay of all ages who are experiencing, or are at risk Jefferson City, Rolla, Cape Girardeau and Jef- cycles, many technicians face the prospect of for, kidney disease. The organization’s mission ferson Barracks; the 1138th Transportation losing the time off they have earned. is to advance nephrology nursing practice and Company from Jefferson Barracks; the 1035th Last summer, I had the chance to visit the positively influence outcomes for patients with Maintenance Company from Jefferson Bar- 1109th Aviation Classification and Repair kidney or other disease processes requiring racks; 3175th Chemical Company from St. Pe- Depot, AVCRAD, in Groton and see first hand replacement therapies through advocacy, ters; the 1438th Engineer Company from the work they were doing to support of our scholarship, and excellence. Macon and Kirksville; the 220th Engineer National Guard. There, nearly 300 military As an active member of ANNA, Sandra has Company from Festus; the 880th Haul Team technicians provide maintenance and logistics served as President, Vice President, and as a from Perryville; the 1137th Military Police for aircraft and equipment for 14 States across member of the Board of Directors. Also, she Company from Kennett, Jackson and the northeast and supports Connecticut’s fleet received the Ron Brady Memorial Award for Doniphan; the 1138th Military Police Company of Black Hawk helicopters. During my visit, the Excellence in Volunteer Leadership from from West Plains and Springfield; the 1175th leadership of the unit described how busy the ANNA in 2002. Military Police Company from St. Clair and St. facility has been over the past several years. As ANNA’s president Sandra has inspired Louis; 1140th Engineer Battalion from Cape They’ve literally been burning the midnight oil nephrology nurses to reach the highest levels Girardeau; the 205th Military Police Battalion in trying to keep up with the demand of keep- of practice and patient care. She is a visionary from Poplar Bluff; the 203rd Engineer Battalion ing equipment repaired and ready to deploy. leader who has implemented a broad range of from Joplin; the 131st Fighter Wing from St. It’s an incredible operation, and one that is

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.008 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1400 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 just so important to our military serving in will be the 19th time a member of the Rayle itage that thousands of Greater New Haven harm’s way. family will race in Akron. Courtney joins Jimmy residents share. Each year, the Society of St. Just recently, about 150 members of the Rayle Sr., Billy Rayle, Jimmy Rayle Jr., and Trofimena keeps our community spirit alive AVCRAD—many of them military techni- Jeff Rayle in a long tradition of excellence in honoring St. Trofimena on her feast day of cians—deployed just last week in support of this sport. As Courtney now looks to compete July 13 and at a mass in memory of her de- Operation Iraqi Freedom. Yet, as these techni- for the national soap box title, I, along with the ceased members in November. It is through cians deploy abroad side by side with their fel- people of Maryland, wish her the best of luck. efforts such as these that we renew our his- low guardsmen, they are not treated equally The origin of soap box derby racing dates tory and help pass it along. because of their full time employment as a back to 1934 when a photographer for the Forged through the bonds of family, the military technician. At a time when we rely on Dayton Daily News in Ohio, Myron E. Scott, members of the Society of St. Trofimena con- military technicians more than ever to ensure saw boys racing engineless cars down a hill, tinue to be active in the community—enriching that our Armed Forces are ready to serve, I inspiring him to organize a race and award the our neighborhood and ensuring that our rich strongly believe that we must do more to sup- winner with a ‘‘loving cup.’’ The venue was history is not forgotten by new generations. port, recruit and retain both our skilled military later moved to Akron—the site of today’s na- The original mission of the society is still ap- technicians and dedicated members of the Na- tional derby championship—on account of the parent today as we gather to celebrate their tional Guard. We must update outdated 30- numerous hills. With the hard work of count- centennial anniversary. It is with great pride year-old laws to ensure that they adequately less civic organizations, a permanent track site that I stand today to extend my deepest reflect the challenges and needs of today’s for the youth racing classic was created in thanks and warmest congratulations to the military technician. Akron with the assistance of the Works members of the Society of St. Trofimena on The bill I am introducing today, the National Progress Administration (WPA). their 100th anniversary. Guard Technician Recruitment and Retention The All-American Soap Box Derby is the Act, would restore fairness for our National second-oldest racing event in the Nation—sec- f Guard technicians. The bill ensures that no ond only to the Indianapolis 500. This event PAYING TRIBUTE TO ROBERT military technician is denied the opportunity to has been called the greatest amateur racing JAMES GARLOW receive an enlistment or reenlistment bonus competition in the world, and it is an excellent for their service in the National Guard, that opportunity for contestants from all around the they are given the opportunity to participate in country to learn building skills while gaining a HON. JON C. PORTER a student loan repayment program and are not real sense of accomplishment. Congratulations OF NEVADA required to repay bonuses they receive for to all of this year’s competitors, and congratu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their service in the National Guard if they ac- lations once again to Miss Courtney Rayle. Tuesday, July 8, 2008 cept a position as a military technician. And, f the bill will repeal the overtime prohibition Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, it is my dis- against overtime pay for National Guard tech- HONORS THE SOCIETY OF ST. tinct pleasure to rise today to honor Mr. Rob- nicians and instead provide for flexibility in TROFIMENA AS THEY CELE- ert James Garlow by entering his name in the overtime compensation by allowing military BRATE THEIR 100TH ANNIVER- Congressional Record, the official record of technicians to chose between compensatory SARY the proceedings and debates of the United time or overtime pay at one and a half times States Congress since 1873. Today, I honor their basic rate of pay—whatever suits their in- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO Mr. Garlow for his extensive service to both dividual situation and needs. OF CONNECTICUT our country and community. Madam Speaker, if a military technician can IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Garlow joined the U.S. Air Force on Oc- tober 19, 1966. He graduated Officer’s Train- train, serve and deploy as a member of the Tuesday, July 8, 2008 National Guard, I do not think it is too much ing School in 1967 and earned his Master’s in for them to ask to keep the benefits they de- Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, it is my Engineering Facilities in 1974. Mr. Garlow’s serve for their service in the National Guard. great pleasure to rise today to join my neigh- service as an engineer in the Air Force took With all we ask of them today, I simply dis- borhood, Wooster Square in New Haven, Con- him and his wife Susan around the globe, with agree with the notion that a member of the necticut, and the Italian-American community assignments in Texas, New Mexico, Japan, National Guard has to give up the benefits in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the So- North Dakota, Ohio, Germany, Panama City, they are entitled to because they chose to ciety of St. Trofimena. Founded in a home on and Spain before his arrival at Nellis Air Force serve their Nation as a military technician. Mili- Wooster Street in December of 1908, 100 Base in Las Vegas, Nevada in July of 1983. tary technicians are the ones that keep the years later, the Society of St. Trofimena con- Since that time, Robert and Susan have called National Guard ready to serve—and it is time tinues to play an integral role in the lives of Boulder City, Nevada home. During this time, that we serve them. many of the families of Wooster Square. Mr. Garlow received his Nevada registration I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Immigrating to the United States in 2004, a as a Professional Civil Engineer. porting this important legislation. group of Minoresi, families from the town of In 1986, Robert retired from the Air Force Minori, Italy, came to America in search of as a Civil Engineer Officer with the rank of f work and made New Haven their home. In an Major after 20 years of service. Since his re- TRIBUTE TO COURTNEY RAYLE effort to provide mutual aid and comfort to tirement from the military, Robert has worked each other they decided to form a fraternal in the Las Vegas Valley as a Director of Facili- HON. STENY H. HOYER group—the Society of St. Trofimena, Virgine & ties for numerous companies and most re- OF MARYLAND Martine. According to its original by-laws, its cently retired from the City of North Las Vegas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES primary purpose was to unite all descendents where he worked as a Senior Project Man- of the town of Minori and to increase and ager. Tuesday, July 8, 2008 spread the devotion of St. Torfimena. As a Mr. Garlow is a member of the Veterans of Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, today I rise tribute, Antonio Esposito commissioned and Foreign Wars (VFW), Military Order of the to offer my congratulations to Courtney Rayle, donated to the society a statue of St. Cootie (MOC), Vietnam Veterans of America, the winner of the Masters Division of the 67th Trofimena that was made in Italy and shipped and Scottish American Military Society Greater Washington Soap Box Derby held in to New Haven. This statue has been used in (SAMS). He has served as Chairman of the our Nation’s Capital on June 22. all of the festivals honoring her and has been Nevada Veterans Assistance League and the I am very pleased that Miss Rayle, who is paraded through the streets of Wooster Veterans Cemetery Volunteer Group. Mr. a resident of Mechanicsville, Maryland and my Square. Garlow volunteers a great deal of his time to constituent, has now earned the right to com- The society flourished for more than 50 these two organizations and has been an ad- pete in the 71st Annual All-American Soap years before membership began to wane, vocate and supporter to our veterans in South- Box Derby national championship on July 26 however, in 1980 a group of descendents, ern Nevada. in Akron, Ohio. Courtney has worked tirelessly spearheaded by Frances D’Amato Crisci and Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Mr. to earn such a noteworthy win; due to her her brother Anthony D’Amato met to reorga- Robert James Garlow for his most recent re- hard work, the victory marks the seventh time nize. In the years since its inception, members tirement, his continued volunteerism in the someone from the Rayle family has won the of the Society of St. Trofimena assumed a crit- community, and wish him the best in his future Greater Washington Soap Box race. This year ical responsibility—maintaining the Italian her- endeavors.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.011 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1401 MEDICARE IMPROVEMENTS FOR Dr. Grassle is known for his innovative treatment. Often, this is due to stigma. Stigma PATIENTS AND PROVIDERS ACT thinking and many scientific achievements, that is reinforced by our reimbursement struc- OF 2008 which are highlighted by his pioneering work ture that favors the treatment of our physical on the biology of hydrothermal vents, biodiver- health over our mental health. H.R. 6331 ends SPEECH OF sity, and effects of waste disposal in deep sea this stigma by phasing in a 20-percent copay- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY systems. He devoted his time and effort to en- ment for Medicare mental health services over OF CALIFORNIA sure that the results of science were trans- 6 years. By ending arbitrary and discriminatory ferred in a timely manner to environmental financial limits and making treatment more af- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES managers and policymakers. His work on fordable, we can ensure that all seniors have Tuesday, June 24, 2008 waste disposal culminated into a national pol- access to mental health services. I urge my Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 6331, icy change based on his scientific findings and colleagues to support H.R. 6331. the Medicare Improvements for Patients and testimony before Congress. f Providers Act will delay cuts in physician pay- Serving the state of New Jersey, Dr. ments under Medicare until next year. I hope Grassle advanced novel approaches for dis- HONORING FORMER VICE MAYOR that this is the last temporary delay and next posal and management of contaminated sedi- MICKEY NOVACK OF SURFSIDE year we will implement a permanent fix to this ments that helped to preserve the region’s ON HER 90TH BIRTHDAY problem. It’s important to Medicare patients port industry and coastal-based economy. He and physicians that there is a continuity of also fostered new approaches to science edu- HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN payments so physicians can continue to treat cation that have enriched the critical thinking OF FLORIDA Medicare patients and Medicare patients do skills of youth in New Jersey and throughout IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Nation. not lose access to the physician most familiar Tuesday, July 8, 2008 with their medical needs. Madam Speaker, I sincerely hope that my When we implement a permanent fix to the colleagues will join me in celebrating the serv- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speaker, I Medicare physician payment cuts, I hope to ice of Dr. J. Frederick Grassle, a man whose rise to honor one of South Florida’s most out- address the issue of the Medicare physician deep commitment to excellence in marine and standing citizens, the Honorable Mickey geographic payment discrepancy that is faced coastal research, education for all ages, and Novack, who recently turned 90. In the after- by many areas in California and across the services to resource managers have enabled math of the Second World War, former country. One of these areas is Sonoma Coun- New Jersey to be a national and international Surfside vice mayor Novack left London, ty, in my District. This inconsistency has led to leader in these fields. where she was born, and came to this coun- doctor’s reimbursements being based upon f try. Having arrived in New York, she later geographic location and not the true cost of moved to Surfside, Florida, where she estab- providing services. Because of this discrep- MEDICARE IMPROVEMENTS FOR lished herself as an exemplary citizen both in ancy, doctors in Sonoma County receive a PATIENTS AND PROVIDERS ACT her public and family life. lower payment for the same services than OF 2008 Former vice mayor Novack has contributed to many different types of organizations in her doctors in next door Marin County and this SPEECH OF discrepancy is causing doctors to leave community, in several different capacities. She Sonoma County. Congress must act to fix this HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY has consistently played a proactive role in discrepancy and ensure that physicians with OF RHODE ISLAND Surfside and was both the vice mayor and the Medicare patients can continue to afford to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commissioner of the city’s government. She has also utilized her financial expertise in her see Medicare patients regardless of where a Tuesday, June 24, 2008 practice is located. positions of president of the Surfside Tax- I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 6331, Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- payers Association and as the treasurer of nu- Medicare Improvements for Patients and Pro- port of H.R. 6331, the Medicare Improvement merous other organizations. These range from viders Act and look forward to working to- for Patients and Providers Act. This important the PTA to Women in Government Service. gether to provide a permanent solution to the bill includes mental health parity for Medicare Professional life aside, she has been the cor- Medicare physician payment issues so that beneficiaries. Currently, there is a discrimina- nerstone of a family dedicated to public serv- our Nation’s seniors receive the best possible tory 50-percent copayment requirement for ice, education and the improvement of their care from the physician who knows the patient mental health services, while a 20-percent co- community. the best. payment exists for physical health care serv- The fervor and ardor with which former vice ices under Medicare. f mayor Novack devoted herself to the commu- As the lead sponsor of H.R. 1424, the Paul nity and her family in conjunction with her life IN HONOR OF DR. J. FREDERICK Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity achievements are truly inspirational. I am GRASSLE Act, I am fighting to enact mental health parity proud to represent her as her Congress- for individuals who receive their insurance in woman and delighted to share with you her HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. the private sector. Federal employees, includ- achievements. OF NEW JERSEY ing Members of Congress, have had equal ac- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cess to mental health and addiction services since 2001 with little or no cost increase. It’s HONORING MR. DICK DEITZ Tuesday, July 8, 2008 time for the private sector and Medicare to join Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today in this effort to protect the health of all Ameri- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS to honor Dr. J. Frederick Grassle on his retire- cans, regardless of age or diagnosis. OF ILLINOIS ment from the Institute of Marine and Coastal In my home State of Rhode Island, I spend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sciences at Rutgers, the State University of countless hours in senior centers and high- New Jersey. Dr. Grassle served as director of rises talking to my constituents, and it’s clear Tuesday, July 8, 2008 the Institute for 19 years. that there is an epidemic of undiagnosed and Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Under Dr. Grassle’s direction, the Institute untreated mental illness among older Ameri- to congratulate and honor Mr. Dick Deitz of gained a national and international reputation cans. In fact, as many as one-quarter of sen- McLeansboro, Illinois. for excellence in marine and coastal research, iors have significant clinical depression. But Mr. Deitz is to be inducted into the 2008 Na- education and service. the one thing we must remember is that de- tional High School Hall of Fame, the highest Dr. Grassle’s creativity and vision led to es- pression does not have to be a byproduct of honor that an individual associated with high tablishment of the world’s first undersea ob- aging—it isn’t ‘‘normal’’ to get depressed as school sports can receive. This Hall of Fame servatory, commonly known as LEO–15. This you get older. Allowing mental illness to go honors athletes, coaches, officials, and admin- achievement enabled development of the Na- untreated in our seniors is not only unethical, istrators for their extraordinary achievements tion’s Integrated Ocean Observing System that but it increases health care costs, especially in high school sports. now supports critical national missions associ- for those seniors with depression who are un- Mr. Deitz has been working as a football, ated with saving lives at sea, enhancing able to manage their chronic illnesses. basketball, and baseball official in Illinois since homeland security, and forecasting effects of Tragically, only 3 percent of older adults 1958 and has been the state’s rules inter- natural disasters. with mental illness ever seek mental health preter in basketball and baseball since 1976.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.014 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 He is the head official for the Illinois High tant that we enhance opportunities to educate Mary moved to Boulder City with her hus- School Association (IHSA) football playoffs, a new generation of VA health care providers. band, Bruce Eaton, on July 4, 1932, where and he is an IHSA clinician in both football Reinstating the authorization for this program Bruce worked on the Hoover Dam project. and basketball. will provide VA another tool to attract qualified Mary cared for their children and stayed home Mr. Deitz officiated state tournaments in health professionals to care for our nation’s until Bruce enlisted in the Army in 1942. Mary boys basketball and state finals in football; veterans. stayed in Boulder City and began working as making him one of a select few in the State Even as VA is experiencing recruiting dif- a home economics teacher, and continued to to work finals in both major sports. He was in- ficulties, many servicemembers from Oper- teach middle school and high school for 13 ducted into the Illinois Basketball Coaches As- ation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring years. She eventually became the first presi- sociation Hall of Fame in 1998, and since Freedom are trained combat medics respon- dent of the classroom teachers, the union at 1993, he has been mayor of McLeansboro, Illi- sible for providing frontline trauma care on the the time, and also participated in many nois. battlefield. When they come home, we can groups, such as Volunteers of America, East- I extend my congratulations to Dick Deitz provide the opportunity for these new veterans ern Star, Rainbow Girls. She was a charter and his family for his impressive accomplish- to continue their medical education, and use member of Grace Community Church. ments and his induction into the National High their knowledge and experience to provide Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Mary School Hall of Fame. needed services to their fellow veterans. Eaton for her achievements and dedication to f Madam Speaker, the quality of health care the Boulder City community. I applaud her ef- available to our veterans is dependent on the forts. I wish her a happy centennial and all the ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX ability of VA to recruit and retain qualified best in her future endeavors. health care personnel. I hope my colleagues f HON. TIM MAHONEY on both sides of the aisle will join me in this REGARDING H.R. 6381, THE MED- OF FLORIDA effort to build a new generation of health care ICAL DEVICE SAFETY ACT OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES professionals and cosponsor the Veterans 2008 Health Scholarship Act of 2008. Tuesday, July 8, 2008 f Mr. MAHONEY of Florida. Madam Speaker, HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY as I stated for the record on June 26, 2008, RECOGNIZING EMERGENCY MAN- OF IOWA I missed votes on June 25, 2008, due to the AGEMENT, DISASTER RECOVERY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES funeral of my friend, Mason Smoak. AND RELIEF EFFORTS IN WAYNE Tuesday, July 8, 2008 COUNTY One of the votes I missed was a vote on the Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speaker, I Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). I applaud our rise in support of H.R. 6381, the Medical De- leadership for its work to ensure that the AMT HON. MIKE PENCE vice Safety Act of 2008. I am proud to be an does not hit middle- and working-class families OF INDIANA original cosponsor of this legislation, which will in a way that would not increase our national IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES address the Supreme Court’s flawed decision debt. I have voted against the AMT in the Tuesday, July 8, 2008 in Riegel v. Medtronic that completely ignored past—and, had I been able to vote on June Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Congressional intent regarding the ability of in- 25, 2008, I would have voted ‘‘no’’—because commend and recognize the extraordinary jured patients to hold medical device manufac- changing the taxation on carried interest contributions of emergency management, dis- turers accountable for their injuries. This bill sends the wrong message that Congress val- aster response, and recovery personnel as will restore Congress’s original intent to allow ues money more than ingenuity, with the unin- well as elected officials and community lead- injured patients to seek recourse for their inju- tended consequences potentially being a con- ers in my district which was devastated by the ries suffered at the hands of negligent device striction of private capital to America’s small recent severe weather in Indiana. manufacturers. American patients need the Medical Device businesses. It is my hope that Congress will I wish particularly to honor the Board of Safety Act of 2008 to ensure that they have continue to address this vital issue responsibly Commissioners, County Council, and all the the ability to hold negligent device manufactur- and in a bipartisan manner. other outstanding individuals in Wayne County ers accountable for injuries caused by unsafe f who rose to the occasion during these difficult products. It also would prevent these manu- times. This area suffered greatly from severe VETERANS HEALTH SCHOLARSHIP facturers from receiving total immunity from storms and weather, creating a catastrophe of ACT OF 2008 any claims simply by virtue of receiving a nature that inflicted injuries, destroyed prop- Food and Drug Administration device ap- erty, and displaced many of our citizens. In re- HON. STEVE BUYER proval. sponse, these officials went above and be- It is important for Congress to quickly make OF INDIANA yond the call of duty, showing great poise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES its intent clear, as the Supreme Court will like- while saving many lives and serving the peo- ly take up a parallel issue this fall regarding Tuesday, July 8, 2008 ple of their communities. accountability for pharmaceutical manufactur- Madam Speaker, I commend these fine men Mr. BUYER. Madam Speaker, today I am ers. Earlier this year, I was proud to partici- and women for their tremendous dedication to introducing the Veterans Health Scholarship pate in a hearing in the Committee on Over- the Hoosier families, businesses, farmers and Act of 2008. This legislation would extend the sight and Government Reform which looked communities that they serve. As Hoosiers con- authority of the Department of Veterans Af- deeper into this issue. Witness testimony tinue to recover from Mother Nature’s fury, I fairs, VA, to reinstate the Health Professional made it clear that when we allow the FDA to feel confident that the people of Wayne Coun- Scholarship Program and give priority to vet- have the final say on device safety, patient ty will be well served by these officials. erans in awarding these scholarships. safety is compromised. Strong State laws are VA is known for its high quality health care. f critical to maintaining accountability for device However, the supply of highly trained medical PAYING TRIBUTE TO MARY EATON manufacturers, and allowing the FDA to pre- personnel is not growing as fast as the de- empt these State laws is a surefire way to mand, and VA struggles to recruit highly HON. JON C. PORTER lead to negligence and the production of un- trained health care professionals critical to OF NEVADA safe products. providing veterans the care and services they The civil justice system and the Federal reg- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES need. ulatory system were always meant to com- The Health Professional Scholarship Pro- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 plement each other. Both are necessary to gram was originally established to improve re- Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, it is my dis- adequately protect Americans. The FDA sim- cruitment and retention and help reduce the tinct pleasure to rise today to honor my friend ply cannot do it alone. The agency is under- national nursing shortage. VA lost an impor- Mary Eaton by entering her name in the CON- staffed and underfunded, and I support addi- tant tool to meet their current and anticipated GRESSIONAL RECORD, the official record of the tional funding to help this critical agency. How- staffing needs when the program expired in proceedings and debates of the United States ever, allowing the buck to stop solely with the 1998 and was not reinstated. As concerns Congress since 1873. Today, I pay tribute to FDA on issues of life and death is simply con- over recruitment and retention of health care Mary Eaton of Boulder City, who celebrated tradictory to our system of checks and bal- professionals increase, it is especially impor- her 100th birthday on April 14, 2008. ances. This is just one more reason that it is

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.018 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1403 vital that Congress pass the Medical Device enabled the Air Force to provide unprece- Justice Sylvia Hinds-Radix sits on the Su- Safety Act of 2008 to restore the balance be- dented Global Reach, Global Vigilance and preme Court of New York and is the first Bar- tween the civil justice system and the Federal Global Power for both traditional and non-tra- bados national to serve in that capacity. Jus- regulatory system that Congress intended ditional missions. Under his leadership, the Air tice Hinds-Radix has been an advocate for the when it passed the Medical Device Amend- Force spread its wings over America’s cities, poor since of her career. She ments of 1976. delivered relief to victims of tsunamis and hur- credits her family for her success and for her f ricanes, expanded international ties to reas- motivation to be a voice to the voiceless in her sure allies and deter enemies—all while flying community. HONORING GENERAL T. MICHAEL and fighting as an indispensable part of the Michael Flanigan is the Community Rela- ‘‘BUZZ’’ MOSELEY’S CAREER OF Joint force in Iraq, Afghanistan and other thea- tions Director for Citi Bank in the Brooklyn and PUBLIC SERVICE ters of the Global War on Terror. Staten Island region and serves on several His commitment to his Airmen has been boards of directors. Mr. Flanigan started his HON. SAM JOHNSON peerless. In a constrained fiscal environ- education at Jamaica College and went on to OF TEXAS ment—and with lives in the balance—General earn a masters in finance and marketing from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Moseley’s uncommon courage, expertise and New York University. Mr. Flanigan believes that ‘‘hard times shouldn’t dissuade us from Tuesday, July 8, 2008 foresight have forged a set of transformational initiatives designed to spark an intellectual our goals’’ and wants to help others achieve Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Madam renaissance while recapitalizing an aging air their goals by becoming more involved in phi- Speaker, I rise today to pay special tribute to fleet, worn down by 18 years of continuous lanthropy. Many more Caribbean Americans have con- General T. Michael ‘‘Buzz’’ Moseley, 18th combat. He has sought to provide his Airmen tributed to the American fabric than those that Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, an exem- with the quality of life they deserve, while see- plary patriot and extraordinary leader, who, on were mentioned today. I would like us as a ing to their training, education and leadership. nation to recognize the struggles and victories July 9, 2008, completed 37 years of distin- He has refocused the Service on a single core guished service to our Nation. of the Caribbean community and how impor- mission: bolstering warrior ethos and fostering tant their work is to the history and continued General Moseley began his accomplished joint and combined synergies. career at Texas A&M and Webb AFB, where triumph of America. I would like to take this He has worked tirelessly to reinvigorate the opportunity during Caribbean-American Herit- he earned his wings in 1973. He proceeded to innovation, flexibility, and creative, strategic a series of demanding assignments as flight age Month to celebrate the contributions of all thinking that have been Airmen’s hallmarks Caribbean Americans to our Nation. instructor, test pilot and mission commander. since the dawn of aviation. In the context of f His peerless operational skills were honed by this conceptual, organizational and techno- the most prestigious positions, to include com- logical transformation, General Moseley has IN RECOGNITION OF SYRACUSE mand at every level—most notably the Air redefined the Air Force for the 21st Century, BROADCASTER MIKE PRICE Force Fighter Weapons School, the 9th Air ensuring that America’s guardians will con- Force, and the U.S. Central Command Air tinue to fly, fight and win in both today’s bat- HON. JAMES T. WALSH Forces. General Moseley led airmen in peace, tles and in tomorrow’s crucibles. OF NEW YORK crisis, and war—from Operation Southern While many distinguished awards and deco- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Watch, through the harrowing days in the rations adorn his uniform—from his own grate- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 wake of September the 11, 2001, to engaging ful Nation as well as from such staunch allies the Taliban in Operation Enduring Freedom as Britain, France, Korea, Brazil, Singapore, Mr. WALSH of New York. Madam Speaker, and the destruction of Saddam Hussein’s war and the UAE—what stands out most and what I rise today to honor Mike Price, a Syracuse broadcasting legend, as he retires after 46 machine in Operation Iraqi Freedom. we honor him for today is his unflinching com- years at NewsChannel 9 WSYR. The breadth of General Moseley’s assign- mitment to the cause of freedom and justice. ments and the professionalism with which he Mike began his career with Channel 9, then General T. Michael ‘‘Buzz’’ Moseley has WIXT–TV, on September 2, 1962 just before has carried them out, reflect a keen intellect earned the deepest respect from all whom he and unrivaled grasp of national security poli- the station went on air for the very first time. has served during his illustrious career—most He quickly grew to earn a reputation for being cies and air power’s role in implementing notably this Congress and a grateful Nation. them. Equally impressive, has been General an honest and good natured broadcaster who f Moseley’s staunch, consistent advocacy of treated all people with deep respect. Mike inter-Service and international cooperation as PROMINENT CARIBBEAN AMERI- rose to fame through his portrayal of the char- acter ‘‘Baron Daemon,’’ a vampire that hosted the most effective way of assuring allies, dis- CANS RECOGNIZED DURING CAR- late night horror shows. His character became suading and deterring adversaries, and defeat- IBBEAN AMERICAN HERITAGE so popular that the station added a late after- ing implacable foes. MONTH noon show titled ‘‘Barron and his Buddies.’’ A brilliant speaker with a sharp wit and en- Additionally, Mike recorded a popular single dearing style, General Moseley has frequently HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL called ‘‘The Transylvania Twist,’’ which is testified before the Congress on a wide variety OF NEW YORK played every Halloween. For 25 years, Mike of issues critical to the Air Force’s—and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was the anchor of ‘‘Good News’’ on Nation’s—readiness to face an uncertain fu- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 NewsChannel 9, which recognized community ture. However controversial the topic or point- happenings and school groups across the Syr- ed the questioning, he has always been a Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today acuse area. Mike’s hard work and dedication most poised, eloquent proponent of balancing to recognize the profiles of four prominent to NewsChannel 9 helped the station to reach current exigencies with future requirements. members of the Caribbean Diaspora during the number one spot in local ratings. His focus has remained unwavering: assure Caribbean-American Heritage Month that were Mike Price valiantly served his country for that USAF remains America’s asymmetric ad- featured in a special section of CaribNews, a 30 years as a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. vantage—our Nation’s multidimensional, global New York based publication that serves as the Coast Guard Reserve, serving in the Persian maneuver force—the force of first and last re- voice of the Caribbean Diaspora community. Gulf War in 1991. He went on to produce a sort. Jamaican American, Beryl Levi, is the Presi- documentary about his experiences during this As the 18th Chief of Staff and a member of dent of a successful frozen food company. time that received several awards. Mike is a the Joint Chiefs of Staff from September 2005 Mrs. Levi and her husband started the com- Syracuse native, attending Onondaga Valley to August 2008, General Moseley has been a pany with high hopes and countless well-wish- Academy and Syracuse University. Addition- trusted advisor on all aspects of airpower and ers. Today, Tower Isle Frozen Foods is con- ally, he is the recipient of the Syracuse Press its key role in promoting and defending Amer- sidered ‘‘the pioneer Jamaican food proc- Club’s Career Achievement Award. After un- ica’s interests at home and abroad. His 37 essing company in the U.S.’’ dergoing open-heart surgery in 2001 and shar- years of distinguished service epitomize bold Rosemonde Pierre-Louis is a Haitian Amer- ing his recovery with viewers, Mike has been leadership, strategic vision, intellectual flexi- ican and the Deputy Borough President of an inspiration and a valuable resource to bility, innovation, honor, integrity, dignity and Manhattan. Ms. Pierre-Louis completed her many who undergo the same treatment. selfless devotion. undergraduate studies at Tufts University in On behalf of the people of the 25th District His exceptional grasp of war-fighters’ needs, Massachusetts and obtained her law degree of New York, I congratulate Mike on a wonder- born of his own combatant experience, has from Case Western University School of Law. ful career and wish him the best as he retires.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.021 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1404 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 I thank him for his many decades of serving souri. In April 2008, Arrow Rock was des- and Chuck Drewicz, the Cougars were on the the Syracuse community. ignated as a Preserve America Community. prowl; knocking teams out of the tournament f Arrow Rock is one of 600 nationwide sites bracket left and right. The final game was a that have earned the designation of being a nail-biter. With two outs and a 2–2 count, sen- HONORING WASHINGTON POST EX- Preserve America Community. This Federal ior Hallie Minch slammed the game winning ECUTIVE EDITOR LEONARD designation helps in the historic preservation hit, driving in teammate Katie Torok to make DOWNIE JR. work for communities throughout the United the final score 2 to 1. States. Preserve America is focused on pro- The Cougars season rounded out to 32 HON. TOM DAVIS viding financial support systems for the non- wins and 6 losses after the championship OF VIRGINIA physical work done in historic preservation game on June 14, 2008. To seniors, Hallie IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES communities. The Arrow Rock community will Minch, Christina Seward, Katie Torok, Stacey Brickan, Kristina Susalla, Tricia York, Tuesday, July 8, 2008 now be able to apply for Federal grants, awards, and other help in research, planning, Breannea King, and Karen Greficz; juniors, Mr. DAVIS of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I and training efforts to help in the preservation Shannon Pietruska, Katelyn Shattleroe, rise today to honor Leonard Downie Jr. for 17 of their village. First Lady Laura Bush said, in Jenniger Leone, Melissa Dimitrijevich, Amanda years of service and dedication as the execu- a written statement, ‘‘Preserve America Com- Quartz; sophomore Allison Chiti, and Fresh- tive editor for The Washington Post. Leonard munities demonstrate that they are committed men, Carley Shattleroe and Naomi Oxendine, is widely recognized as one of the great edi- to preserving America’s heritage while ensur- the thrill of softball will have given them an un- tors of our time. ing a future filled with opportunities for learn- forgettable day on Bailey Field. Mr. Downie began his career for The Wash- ing and enjoyment.’’ Madam Speaker, the Garden City Cougars ington Post as a summer intern in 1964. He I am certain that the Members of the House deserve to be recognized for their determina- soon established himself as a well-known local will join me in congratulating the historic pres- tion, achievement, and spirit. I ask my col- investigative reporter in Washington, special- ervation group of Arrow Rock for their accom- leagues to join me in congratulating the Gar- izing in crime, courts, housing and urban af- plishments and in wishing them luck in all den City Cougars for obtaining this spectac- fairs. To honor his superior reporting, Mr. there future endeavors. ular title and honoring their devotion to our community and country. Downie received two Washington-Baltimore f Newspaper Guild Front Page awards, The f INTRODUCTION OF H.R. 6431, DE- American Bar Association Gavel Award for RECOGNIZING EMERGENCY MAN- PARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- legal reporting, and the John Hancock Award AGEMENT, DISASTER RECOVERY FAIRS ELECTRONIC REPORTING for excellent business and financial writing. AND RELIEF EFFORTS IN MADI- ACT Mr. Downie then worked on the Metropolitan SON COUNTY staff for 15 years, where he earned the title of deputy metropolitan editor. In 1979, he was HON. STEVE BUYER named London correspondent. 3 years later, HON. MIKE PENCE OF INDIANA OF INDIANA he returned to Washington as national editor, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and, in 1984, became the managing editor and director of The Los Angeles Times-Wash- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Tuesday, July 8, 2008 ington Post News Service. Mr. BUYER. Madam Speaker, today I am Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to On September 1, 1991, after 7 years as introducing the Department of Veterans Af- commend and recognize the extraordinary managing editor, Mr. Downie was named ex- fairs, VA, Electronic Reporting Act. This legis- contributions of emergency management, dis- ecutive editor of the Washington Post. Under lation would require VA to submit to Congress aster response, and recovery personnel as his guidance, the Post developed into a major reports required by law in an electronic form. well as elected officials and community lead- online force. His immense talent for investiga- VA is required to submit numerous reports ers in my district which was devastated by the tive journalism was also apparent as the Post to Congress on issues ranging from assist- recent severe weather in Indiana. won numerous prizes for high-profile expo- ance provided to homeless veterans to the es- I wish particularly to honor the Board of sitions, including CIA prisons in tablishment of new cemeteries. This fiscal Commissioners, County Council, and all the Eastern European and the Watergate Scandal. year we will receive over forty reports man- other outstanding individuals in Madison His excellent leadership was rewarded; the dated in title 38, United States Code. County who rose to the occasion during these post won 25 Pulitzer Prizes under his tenure. Requiring VA to submit these reports elec- difficult times. This area suffered greatly from Mr. Downie announced his last day at The tronically would be more efficient and reduce severe storms and weather, creating a catas- Washington Post will be on September 9, paper waste. It would also maximize the utility trophe of nature that inflicted injuries, de- 2008. Leonard, always modest, summed up of the information created, collected, and pro- stroyed property, and displaced many of our his management philosophy in one sentence: vided to Congress in these reports. citizens. In response, these officials went ‘‘You hire people smarter and more talented Madam Speaker, VA submits thousands of above and beyond the call of duty, showing than you and enable them to do their best pages of reports to Congress each year and great poise while saving many lives and serv- work.’’ I hope my colleagues on both sides of the ing the people of their communities. Madam Speaker, in closing, I would like to aisle will join me in this effort to improve the Madam Speaker, I commend these fine men thank Mr. Downie for molding The Washington efficiency and effectiveness of government in- and women for their tremendous dedication to Post into a dominant news outlet, for his con- formation management. the Hoosier families, businesses, farmers and communities that they serve. As Hoosiers con- tributions to journalism, and for doing his part f to keep our world honest. I ask my colleagues tinue to recover from Mother Nature’s fury, I to join me in congratulating him on his many HONORING THE GARDEN CITY feel confident that the people of Madison successes and in wishing him the best of luck COUGARS County will be well served by these officials. in all future endeavors. f f HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER TRIBUTE TO BARBARA TRIEFF OF MICHIGAN TRIBUTE TO THE HISTORIC PRES- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ERVATION GROUP OF ARROW HON. TOM LATHAM ROCK, MISSOURI Tuesday, July 8, 2008 OF IOWA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I HON. IKE SKELTON rise to acknowledge the Garden City Cougars, Tuesday, July 8, 2008 OF MISSOURI champion women’s high school softball team, Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES upon reaching Garden City High School’s first ognize Mrs. Barbara Trieff, an English and team State title. journalism teacher at Interstate 35 High Tuesday, July 8, 2008 The Cougars, a MHSAA Division 1 team, School in Truro, Iowa, on the occasion of her Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, let me were determined to achieve victory this sea- retirement. I also wish to express my appre- take this opportunity to congratulate the his- son. Led by Head Coach, Barry Patterson and ciation for Barbara’s dedication and commit- toric preservation group of Arrow Rock, Mis- Assistant Coaches, Al Russell, Mark Minch, ment to the youth of Iowa.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.025 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1405 For the past 34 years, Mrs. Trieff has con- est media market, but around the country, and Journal in 1960, and later moved from print tributed her time and talents to improving at the able direction of Vice President and media to radio working as a reporter for KLAS youths’ lives through education and mentoring. General Manager Betty Ellen Berlamino, radio in the early 1960s. In 1966, Bob moved She grew up on a farm and graduated from WPIX–TV continues to maintain its distinctive to what is now KNTV Channel 13 as a part Orient Macksburg High School in 1970 before flair and brand identity. time sports reporter and weatherman and later attending Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. WPIX–TV has earned more than 150 Emmy moved to KLAS–TV as a reporter and anchor. In 1975 she started her career in education by Awards, including for Outstanding Morning Over the course of his career, Bob has been teaching junior high English at Westwood in News Program and for its News at 10. In addi- dedicated to providing accurate reporting on Sloan, Iowa. After her first year of teaching, tion, the CW11 has been honored with numer- important events and correcting historical inac- she applied for, and obtained a high school ous Edward R. Murrow Awards, New York curacies about the Las Vegas area. Bob’s English teaching position at Interstate 35 High State Broadcasters Awards, New York State knowledge of history and events in Las Vegas School where she remained for the next 32 Associated Press Broadcasters Awards, New are irreplaceable, and the passion and ethics years. Mrs. Trieff certainly left a positive mark York Press Club Awards, and Deadline Club he brought to the field has shaped hundreds at I-35 High School, playing a crucial role in Awards for excellence in reporting, news cov- of journalists. many school programs including the develop- erage, public affairs, news specials, and fea- Bob also serves as the Chairman of the Ne- ment of the Life Skills course, Career Plan- tures. vada State Museum and Historical Society as ning, Career Day, the job shadowing program, Over the course of six decades, WPIX has well as the Las Vegas Historical Preservation and instating a reading program as well as the marked numerous milestones in TV history, in- Commission. Additionally, Bob served as a Advanced Placement English literature class. cluding the first use of instant replay, which historian for Las Vegas’ centennial celebration Mrs. Trieff has truly made a lasting impact took place on July 17, 1959 during its broad- in 2005. on students, family and faculty throughout her cast of a ballgame between the New York Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Bob illustrious career, and her leadership at I-35 Yankees and the Chicago White Sox. WPIX Stoldal. His journalistic practices serve as an will certainly be missed by everyone. I con- also aired the first appearance on New York example for the next generation, and I ap- sider it an honor to represent Mrs. Barbara television of the Rolling Stones on ‘‘The Clay plaud him on his success. I also commend Trieff in the United States Congress, and I Cole Show’’ in 1964. From the Giants to the Bob for his dedication to history and his efforts wish her and her husband Richard a happy Yankees to the Mets, from Cap’n Jack McCar- to ensure its accuracy for posterity. I wish him and healthy retirement. thy to Officer Joe Bolton, WPIX has enjoyed a the best in his retirement and with his future endeavors. f rich and illustrious history. The little station that could, WPIX and its talented and hard- f IN RECOGNITION OF WPIX–TV ON working employees have richly earned the THE DAILY 45: WILLIS GRAHAM THE OCCASION OF ITS 60TH AN- right to celebrate the station’s 60th anniver- NIVERSARY sary. Its success derives from the resilience HON. BOBBY L. RUSH and drive required to realize the American OF ILLINOIS HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY dream. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK In addition to its broadcasting excellence, Tuesday, July 8, 2008 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WPIX has dedicated itself to community serv- Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, everyday, 45 Tuesday, July 8, 2008 ice. In 1981, it partnered with the McCormick Tribute Foundation to create the CW11 Care people, on average, are fatally shot in the Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Madam for Kids fund. Since its creation, the fund has United States. Too many lives are cut short Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to WPIX–TV, the provided more than $7 million in grants to out- unnecessarily. award-winning and groundbreaking New York standing nonprofit organizations in the Tri- Just yesterday, in Chicago, 29-year-old Wil- City television station historically known to mil- State area that address the unmet needs of lis Graham was found suffering gunshot lions of New Yorkers as Channel 11. This kids and their families, including AIDS support wounds. He was dead upon arrival at the hos- month, the first independent television station services, drop-out prevention, drug abuse pre- pital from multiple gunshot wounds, according in our nation’s greatest city is celebrating its vention/treatment, and child abuse prevention/ to police. This shooting occurred on Chicago’s 60th anniversary. All Americans should pay treatment programs. These interests address south side in the Englewood community. An- tribute to its remarkable success in bringing a wide range of children’s needs and the goal other family grieves. Another gun became the thoughtful, newsworthy and entertaining pro- of this fund is not only to provide grants, but tool used to take the life of a human being. I gramming into our homes over the course of also significant programming that is important could stop speaking on this issue, but am I not the past six decades. to families with children and teenagers. my brother’s keeper? Are you not your broth- Since its founding, WPIX–TV has been a Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues er’s keeper? leader in the field of television broadcasting. A join me in recognizing the enormous contribu- Americans of conscience must come to- pioneer, it established a standard of innova- tions to our lives made by WPIX–TV Channel gether to stop the senseless death of ‘‘The tive, visionary programming that other TV sta- 11 New York. Daily 45.’’ When will Americans say ‘‘enough tions have sought to emulate. It never lost is enough, stop the killing!’’ f sight of its mission to deliver the most accu- f PAYING TRIBUTE TO BOB rate, timely, and pertinent issues of the day. IN RECOGNITION OF JUDY STOLDAL Even as the television industry has undergone NEWBILL BURNS AS SANTA huge changes, WPIX–TV’s originality, cre- ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA’S POINT ativity, and understanding remain its hallmarks HON. JON C. PORTER OF LIGHT RECIPIENT today. OF NEVADA The flagship station of the CW Television IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Network, WPIX–TV is seen in more than 10 HON. JEFF MILLER million homes. It has come a long way from Tuesday, July 8, 2008 OF FLORIDA the humble origins of its launch. The station’s Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, it is my dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES top-rated CW network programming, the tinct pleasure to rise today to honor Bob Tuesday, July 8, 2008 award-winning CW11 News at Ten, the CW11 Stoldal by entering his name in the CONGRES- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on Morning News, its extensive library of hit mov- SIONAL RECORD, the official record of the pro- behalf of the United States Congress, it is an ies, first-run programs, off-network sitcom fa- ceedings and debates of the United States honor for me to rise today in recognition of vorites, quality children’s programming and Congress since 1873. Today, I honor Bob Judy Newbill Burns as Santa Rosa County, public affairs shows, and outstanding event Stoldal for his devoted service to the Las Florida’s Point of Light Recipient. coverage have contributed immensely to the Vegas community and congratulate him on his For the past 6 years, Ms. Burns has volun- station’s success. Under the leadership of retirement. teered her time to help autistic children. News Director Karen Scott and with out- Bob has been an institution in journalism cir- Through the Autism Society of the Panhandle, standing reporting by veteran broadcast jour- cles in Las Vegas for five decades, most re- Ms. Burns has vigorously worked to expand nalists like the Emmy Award-winning Marvin cently as the top news executive for KLAS–TV educational opportunities for children with au- Scott, WPIX–TV’s news programming remains Channel 8. Bob began his career in journalism tism. The Kids for Camp Program, spear- widely respected, not just in the nation’s larg- as a typesetter for the Las Vegas Review headed by Ms. Burns and the Autism Society

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K08JY8.011 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 of the Panhandle, provides 6 weeks of edu- wide focus, as hundreds of Koshares served made it clear that he will be considering the cation for over 50 children with autism and in every war in which the United States has Caribbean as, a place to invest funds under provide instructional workshops for local spe- fought since World War II. his control as New York City Comptroller. cial education teachers. Daily activities at the ‘‘Doing those dances was demanding and The CARICOM Conference was crucial to camp include arts and crafts, swimming, ca- required hard work,’’ said one of the original address key issues of enterprise in the Carib- noeing, and other therapeutic activities. The organizers, Jimmy Taylor. ‘‘The dances were bean but also to recognize the substantial camp is intended to provide a normal summer important to learn, but it was more important economic influence of Caribbean nations as vacation for those afflicted with autism. what you took with you throughout your life well as their enormous potential for growth. The Point of Light Award recognizes a Flor- from the experience. It gave young boys an f ida resident who demonstrates exceptional outlet for their energy, gave them a sense of TRIBUTE TO CASSIE KEITT WEEKS service to the community. Recipients are an- accomplishment, and it trained their minds to nounced each week and prior to their selec- analyze and complete a project.’’ Mr. Taylor tion are reviewed by a panel of judges that are went on to West Point and served his country HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN considered leaders in the areas of vol- during World War II with honors. OF SOUTH CAROLINA unteerism and service. Volunteers play a vital The loss of Koshares during World War II IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES role in the extension of education. Ms. Burns spurred their vast collection of art and arti- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 has exceeded the expected duties of a volun- facts. In memory of their fallen comrades, they Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I rise teer and her recognition as Santa Rosa Coun- originally bought three paintings. By continuing today to pay tribute to a wonderful constituent ty, Florida’s Point of Light is evidence of her to gather pieces over the years, the Koshares on the occasion of her 100th birthday. Mrs. immense philanthropy. Ms. Burns’ dedication amassed one of the most extensive collections Cassie Keitt Weeks of Fort Motte, South Caro- and devotion to autistic children benefits the of southwestern art and artifacts in the West. lina will become a centenarian on August 5, entire community and her outstanding accom- Service remains a large part of the meaning plishments have distinguished her as one of 2008. This is a remarkable milestone that few of the organization. The Koshares continue to of us are ever able to achieve. the great people in Northwest Florida. Santa foster leadership skills and to provide an envi- Cassie Keitt is the daughter of the late Hat- Rosa County is greatly indebted to her service ronment for young people to learn about the tie Young and Elijah ‘‘Bub’’ Keitt of Fort Motte. and is honored to have her as one of their heritage of Southeastern Colorado. They also She was married to the late Jesse Weeks, Sr. own. persist in sharing that heritage with others Mrs. Weeks can trace her ancestry to Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United through their museum and performances. slaves on the Lang Syne Plantation and the States Congress, I am proud to recognize Boys, and now girls, benefit from the program, Goshen Plantations in Fort Motte. Both Mrs. Judy Newbill Burns on this outstanding and the Arkansas Valley is richer because of Weeks and her husband were employed by achievement. the history and culture provided by the the Peterkin family at the Lang Syne Planta- f Koshare Indian Dancers. It is my distinct tion until their retirement. honor to recognize the Koshares and to wish The church is a central part of Mrs. Weeks’ HONORING THE KOSHARE INDIAN them continued success. DANCERS life. Her great-grandfather is on the original f deed as an organizer of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Fort Motte. It was the first church HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE COMPTROLLER RECOGNIZES THE organized by former slaves in the community, OF COLORADO SIGNIFICANCE OF RELATIONSHIP and Mrs. Weeks attends that church today. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WITH THE CARIBBEAN DURING She is among the church’s staunchest sup- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 CARICOM CONFERENCE IN NEW porters and serves in a number of capacities. YORK She is a Church Mother, a member of the Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Madam Speaker, I rise Senior Choir and Sunday school class, and today to honor the Koshare Indian Dancers, HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL serves as a pastor’s aide. She is an avid fund- who are celebrating 75 years of history and raiser, a homecoming and friends and family OF NEW YORK culture. day captain, and a member of the building and The Koshare Indian Dancers offered refuge, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES kitchen committees. She also serves as the hope, and a spirit of camraderie to boys dur- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 church historian. When asked about the secret ing Depression-era America. In 1933, a group to her longevity, Mrs. Weeks replies, ‘‘trusting Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today of young boys from southeastern Colorado de- in the Lord.’’ She also adds, ‘‘I like it on this to bring your attention to remarks made by cided to study the heritage of their area. They side. This is all I know, so I will stay as long New York City Comptroller William C. Thomp- formed an archaeology and Indian club where as I can.’’ they could study the history, culture and arti- son, Jr. during the CARICOM Conference Among her other pleasures when she was facts of the lower Arkansas Valley. Soon, with luncheon at the Brooklyn Marriott Hotel on able were making Lye soap and quilting bees. the help of their young Scout master, J.F. Thursday the 19th of June. The Weeks home was always the gathering ‘‘Buck’’ Burshears, they were meeting with el- Bill spoke first and foremost to the unique- place for friends and family. Today she still ders representing both the Plains Indians and ness of the New York Caribbean relationship. enjoys sitting on the porch and entertaining many different Pueblos across New Mexico He mentioned, ‘‘While Caribbean Americans visitors. She is also a very avid voter, and and Arizona. The elders embraced the youth- made up only 5 percent of the United States’’ never misses the opportunity to cast her bal- ful enthusiasm of these boys, teaching them foreign-born population in the 2000 Census, lot. dances, songs, and many different aspects of over one in five foreign-born residents of New Mrs. Weeks family provides her tremendous the ways of their ancestors. Buck dubbed the York City came from the Caribbean. He also strength and joy. She is the mother of four new club Koshares, the Hopi word for ‘‘clown’’ recognized the tremendous economic potential children: daughters Rebecca Weeks Brown or ‘‘fun maker,’’ and the Koshare Indian Danc- that the New York Caribbean population has; and Hattie Belle Weeks Scott and sons Jesse ers have been going strong ever since. ‘‘Caribbean Americans are creating jobs and Weeks, Jr. (deceased) and Julius Weeks. ‘‘The club grew beyond anything we ever stimulating the economy with businesses She is the grandmother of eight; great thought it would be,’’ said Dr. William Sisson. across the city . . . [and] helping to insulate grandmother of eighteen; and the great, great He and his friend Robert Inman held the first us from the cyclical highs and lows in our fi- grandmother of three. In addition she has a meeting of the Koshare Club. Soon it was an nance and real estate sectors.’’ host of nieces, nephews, cousins and many, organization of hundreds of boys, who contin- Most importantly, Mr. Thompson spoke of many friends. ued to pass on their knowledge from genera- the increasingly influential role that emerging Madam Speaker, I invite you and my col- tion to generation. An important part of what markets are having on the world economy. leagues to join me today in wishing a happy they passed on was love for, and protection ‘‘Since 2002, emerging markets have out- 100th birthday to Cassie Keitt Weeks. This of, the land, living honestly and with integrity, performed many developed markets’’ and ‘‘It is strong matriarch remains independent and ac- and learning how to be a leader who em- estimated that forty-five percent of the aggre- tive, and serves as an example to us all. I braces community service. That sense of serv- gate Gross Domestic Product in the world wish her health, happiness and Godspeed on ice grew from a community focus to a nation- comes from emerging markets today.’’ He this momentous occasion!

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.029 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1407 COMMENDING NAHRO Michigan, for his 25 years of distinguished tics on and off the battlefield. His valor in de- service to the Kalamazoo Community Founda- fense of his country and his unceasing love for HON. JIM McDERMOTT tion and the greater Kalamazoo area. his community and family lend credence to the OF WASHINGTON Jack began working with the Kalamazoo notion that the fullest lives are those lived for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Community Foundation in 1983 and was the greater good. named its president/CEO in 1994. Under his f Tuesday, July 8, 2008 esteemed leadership, the foundation’s assets Mr. MCDERMOTT. Madam Speaker, I rise have grown exponentially, allowing millions to INTRODUCING THE ENERGY EFFI- today to commend the National Association of be invested in the local community. At the CIENT AND ENVIRONMENTALLY Housing and Redevelopment Officials same time, Jack has volunteered with more FRIENDLY AUTOMOBILE TAX (NAHRO) and their partners in the non-profit, than 30 local nonprofit organizations dedicated CREDIT ACT governmental, and private sectors for embark- to enhancing the economic vitality and cultural ing on their 2008 Housing America Campaign. richness of the Kalamazoo region. Further ac- HON. RON PAUL The affordable housing issues that the complishments include his work to help create OF TEXAS Housing America Campaign raises affect the Arts Fund of Kalamazoo County, establish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES every Congressional district in this country. an active Youth United Way program, and ini- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 The statistics are grim: 750,000 Americans are tiate the Community Foundation’s homeless on any given night and 31⁄2 million BetterTogether/Kalamazoo social capital initia- Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, I rise today to experience homelessness at some point in tive. introduce the Energy Efficient and Environ- each year. I’m worried that these numbers will Apart from his work in Kalamazoo, Jack has mentally Friendly Automobile Tax Credit Act, only increase as the foreclosure crisis con- also been a leader at the regional and national legislation that will help Americans reduce pol- tinues. levels. He was the first chair of the Council on lution and the amount they pay for gas. My More than 15 million American families now Foundations’ Community Foundation Leader- legislation accomplishes these important goals pay more than half of their income for hous- ship Team and board vice chair of the Council by providing Americans a tax credit of up to ing. Too many of these families also make of Michigan Foundations. He has also served $2,000 when they sell or trade in a car and less than 50 percent of their area’s median in- on the board of the Community Foundations of obtain a vehicle that has at least a 20 percent come and yet still are stuck on waiting lists for America and was former chair of Michigan higher average fuel economy than the sold or government assistance. Where I live in Seattle Community Foundations Ventures. traded-in car. The bill also creates a Federal there are thousands of families on waiting lists The Kalamazoo Community Foundation was tax deduction for any State or local taxes paid for Section 8. established for the betterment of the greater on the purchase of the more fuel-efficient In Seattle the ‘‘fair market rent’’ established Kalamazoo community. Jack’s personal and automobile and makes interest on loans to by HUD is over $900 a month for a 2-bedroom professional legacy is one that exemplifies this purchase the more fuel-efficient automobile apartment. In order to be able to afford this, mission. Jack Hopkins has been a truly excep- tax deductible. without paying more than 30 percent of their tional asset to the Kalamazoo community. This legislation will help Americans cope income on rent, someone in Seattle would Once again, I would like to personally con- with high gas prices by making it easier for have to be making $37,000 a year or about gratulate and thank Jack for his many years of them to obtain more fuel-efficient cars. I hope $18/hour, which is more than double the min- service. Southwest Michigan is and will forever my colleagues would agree that Congress imum wage in Washington State and about tri- be a better place to live and work because of should provide free market incentives to make ple the current Federal minimum wage. his contributions. it easier for Americans to exchange their cur- I am relieved that the House has taken f rent cars for cars that create less pollution. meaningful action to address the affordable Providing tax deductions and tax credits to housing shortage by passing legislation to cre- IN HONOR OF JASON DALE LEWIS make it easier for Americans to purchase fuel- ate an Affordable Housing Fund. This critical efficient automobiles is a win for American fund will provide about $500 million per year HON. CHRISTOPHER S. MURPHY consumers, a win for the environment, and a to finance construction, maintenance, and OF CONNECTICUT win for those of us who favor free market solu- preservation of affordable housing throughout IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions to pollution and high gas prices. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation. the country. Tuesday, July 8, 2008 In addition, the House has passed legisla- f tion that increases the loan limits for govern- Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut. Madam A TRIBUTE TO MATTIE STEPANEK ment-backed loans, helps homeowners in speaker, I rise today to celebrate the life of trouble refinance their home loans and to pro- Jason Dale Lewis, who was killed in combat vide funding to revitalize neighborhoods where just over a year ago on July 6, 2007, in Bagh- HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN foreclosures have been rampant, and to mod- dad. Petty Officer 1st Class Lewis called OF MARYLAND ernize and expand the Low-Income Housing Brookfield, Connecticut, his home, along with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his wife Donna and their three children. Tax Credit. Tuesday, July 8, 2008 We have more work to do in Congress and Just 30 years old, Petty Officer 1st Class it will probably require an administration with a Lewis was a uniquely skilled member of an Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, I am greater commitment to addressing the afford- elite Navy SEAL unit. Highly decorated, he honored to pay tribute today to Mattie able housing crisis in the U.S. But we should earned the Navy and Marine Corps Com- Stepanek, an extraordinary young man who all be grateful to NAHRO and their partners for mendation Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps touched thousands of people with his mes- sounding the alarm and raising awareness Achievement Medal, the Navy ‘‘E’’ ribbon, two sages of hope and peace. both in the Congress and around the country. Good Conduct Medals, the Navy and Marine Mattie was afflicted with dysautonomic They make our jobs much easier. Corps Overseas Service ribbon, the Expert Ri- mitochondrial myopathy, a form of muscular I look forward to continuing to work with the fleman Medal, and the Expert Pistol Shot dystrophy, which took his life at age 13 in Housing America Campaign as we fight for af- Medal. Petty Officer 1st Class Lewis was truly 2004. Despite his illness, Mattie dedicated his fordable housing opportunities for every family an elite among elites. life to promoting hope, peace and tolerance in this country. A year has passed since Jason left us. But through his role as a national goodwill ambas- sador for the Muscular Dystrophy Association f the example he set, for his family, for his com- munity, and for his Nation, will last forever. and through his advocacy for people with dis- RECOGNIZING MR. JACK HOPKINS Our society is beset by those who live lives abilities through his inspiring words of poetry. defined by unmet, wasted potential. That Mattie is remembered for his kindness, HON. FRED UPTON wasn’t a problem for Jason. He knew how grace and vitality. He saw his disease not as OF MICHIGAN great he could be, as a man, as a father, and a hindrance but as a vehicle to reach out to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as a SEAL. And in 30 short years, he the hearts of many. He shared his message of achieved that greatness. peace and tolerance with school children, Tuesday, July 8, 2008 As Americans, we hold dear the values of business leaders, medical personnel, religious Mr. UPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today in honor, courage and commitment. Petty Officer groups and so many others throughout the recognition of Mr. Jack Hopkins of Kalamazoo, 1st Class Lewis embodied those characteris- world. Indeed, his message touched people of

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.033 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 all ages, races, nationalities, faiths, abilities HONORING ALBERT CAREY movement like ‘‘We Shall Not be Moved,’’ ‘‘Lift and aspirations. He lived by the words of his CASWELL Every Voice and Sing,’’ and ‘‘We Shall Over- timeless philosophy, ‘‘Remember to play after come,’’ were sung by all and served as uniters every storm.’’ HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE rather than dividers. Many of the most celebrated musicians in Mattie is being remembered in my congres- OF COLORADO the history of Jazz, Soul and Blues were Afri- sional district this week, which has been pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can Americans; Lena Horn, Billie Holiday, claimed ‘‘Mattie Stepanek Week’’ by the city of Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington Rockville, Maryland. The week’s primary event and John Coltrane are all legends in their own is the second annual Heartsongs Swim, Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Madam Speaker, I rise right and have brought innovation and hosted by the Rockville Municipal Swim Cen- today to honor Albert ‘‘Burt’’ Carey Caswell, freshness to music that continues to inspire ter, which will raise money to expand the who for 22 years has been giving tours of our musicians today. handicapped accessibility of the Mattie J.T. Capitol building. Burt Caswell was born in Baltimore, MD, in Black music is much more than words and Stepanek Park in Rockville and for the com- rhythm: it is an encapsulation and reaffirma- pletion of statues of Mattie and his service dog 1953. He graduated from the University of Maryland and obtained a master’s degree in tion of a cultural identity that was formed out Micah, which will be installed and dedicated of years of struggle and triumph. It is distinc- this fall in the park. education from Bowie State. Mr. Caswell went on to teach physical education, health, and tive in the way that it uplifts the spirit and en- Madam Speaker, I am honored to remem- science to K–6th graders in a private school in thralls the intellect. We must recognize that ber with fondness and humility Mattie Washington, DC. He also served as the as- black music has served for generations as Stepanek, an ambassador of peace for all hu- sistant lacrosse coach at the University of more than a pastime; it has been a source of manity, and to join my constituents in com- Maryland for 5 years. strength and inspiration for a brighter future. memorating Mattie Stepanek Week in Rock- In 1986, Mr. Caswell joined the Capitol f ville, Maryland. Guide Service. Burt is well known by members HONORING MERCY SISTERS ON and staff for the enthusiasm he brings to his 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF CASA f work, and for his love for members of the United States military. For approximately 14 HON. HENRY CUELLAR IN RECOGNITION OF REVEREND years, he has given personal Capitol tours to OF TEXAS CLANSTON SEYMORE UPON HIS injured soldiers from Walter Reed Army Hos- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 40TH ANNIVERSARY AS PASTOR pital. Several times each week, Burt picks up OF GREATER PEACE MIS- soldiers in the evenings to give them tours in Tuesday, July 8, 2008 SIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH his free time. Mr. CUELLAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today Another demonstration of Mr. Caswell’s love to honor the Sisters of Mercy on the 10th an- for his country is his poetry. He has written niversary of their establishment of Casa de HON. JEFF MILLER numerous works on various patriotic themes. Misericordia (CASA), a shelter that provides OF FLORIDA His poems pay homage to soldiers, Members safety, planning, education, and support for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Congress, and the Capitol building. His elo- victims of domestic violence and their children. quent tribute to Martin Luther King, titled ‘‘A In 1997, Sister Rosemary Welsh and her Tuesday, July 8, 2008 King Among Men,’’ was printed in the CON- staff of health care providers from Mercy Pri- GRESSIONAL RECORD in 2002. mary Health Care Programs recognized the Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on Mr. Caswell’s enthusiasm for the Capitol is lack of existing community support for victims behalf of the United States Congress, it is an an extension of his passion for life. He is the of domestic violence and their children in La- honor for me to rise today in recognition of proud father of Jennifer Maxine Caswell, and redo, Texas. A starting grant and local com- Reverend Clanston Seymore upon his 40th according to him, ‘‘The greatest thing in my munity support enabled them to open the anniversary as pastor of Greater Peace Mis- life is my daughter.’’ doors of Casa de Misericordia. The shelter sionary Baptist Church. I want to thank Burt for 22 tears of service provides court accompaniment, assistance For the past 40 years, Reverend Seymore to our Capitol, and for his sacrificial love for with VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) ap- has been passionately committed to his com- the men and women of our armed services. plications, and takes in victims of domestic vi- munity. Prior to serving as the fourth pastor of f olence and their children, not just from Webb Greater Peace Missionary Baptist Church, County, but from other counties and states as Reverend Seymore had already ministered SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND well. five other churches. He was ordained in 1965 IDEALS OF BLACK MUSIC MONTH CASA obtained independent non-profit sta- and immediately began what he knew was his tus by becoming a 501(c)3 in 1999, and be- calling. SPEECH OF came an annual contracting agency with the His dedication to the area has resonated in HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL State (TDHS) in 2001. CASA received funds leadership positions in civic activities as well OF NEW YORK from the United Way and from the Office of as community service projects. From 1975 to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Attorney General. It is due to the efforts of Sisters of Mercy and to the hardworking staff 1977, Reverend Seymore served as president Monday, June 23, 2008 of the Okaloosa County branch of the National that CASA has been able to help thousands of Association for the Advancement of Colored Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today victims of domestic violence and their children. People, NAACP. Additionally, multiple commu- to acknowledge the tremendous contributions CASA is committed to involving the community nity outreach organizations have taken root of black music to American culture. From in changing the perception of domestic vio- through the efforts of Reverend Seymore, in- times of slavery to the Civil Rights Movement, lence, and has dozens of volunteers from La- cluding Community Love Center of Fort Wal- Black music has served the Black community redo Community College, Texas A&M Inter- ton Beach, Florida, and Positive Encourage- as a source of inspiration and strength and national University, and local high schools in ment and Character Enhancement, PEACE. continues to serve as a narrative of Black His- raising awareness about the mission behind Reverend Seymore also serves as an advisor tory and culture. CASA through the new Lamar Bruni Vergara to the Martin Luther King Holiday Celebration Spirituals that grew from the cries of slaves Education Center, which was opened in 2004. Committee. have evolved over hundreds of years to the The Education Center provide counseling, Gospel, Soul, R&B, Jazz, Blues, and Rock & support groups, educational classes, and sum- The civic duties Reverend Seymore has Roll we know today. Black music is enjoyed mer activities to members of the community performed, as well as his outstanding tenure by the larger community in the U.S. and by an who suffer from domestic violence but do not as pastor of Greater Peace Missionary Baptist ever larger global community. need shelter services. Church, is a reflection of his dedication to the Black music was and continues to be a tool Madam Speaker, I am honored to have had First District of Florida. to reveal the very soul of the black man to the this time to recognize the dedication of Sister Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United rest of America. In times of division and hate, Rosemary Welsh and the Sisters of Mercy, States Congress, I am proud to honor Rev- black music was one of the few cultural arti- and their staff, on the 10th anniversary of the erend Seymore for his enduring allegiance to facts that was shared with all Americans. establishment of Laredo’s only domestic vio- our great Nation and the State of Florida. ‘‘Freedom Songs’’ used during the civil rights lence shelter, Casa de Misericordia.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.037 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1409 A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE Humanities. She was also talented in playing YOSHITO TAKAHASHI OF KATHLEEN CEPEDA the guitar. Her music was an important part of SARMIENTO her ministry and a means for reaching out to young people and senior citizens. HON. JIM COSTA HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Kathleen has been recognized for her many OF CALIFORNIA OF GUAM achievements. She has been honored through IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Marquis Who’s Who Publications Board; Who’s Who in American Education; 1991 Out- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Tuesday, July 8, 2008 standing Young Women of America; 1990 Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I rise Governor’s Art Awards Program; Service Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to today to honor Kathleen Cepeda Sarmiento for Award from the Department of Parks and pay tribute to the life of a special man, Yoshito her lifelong service to Guam’s community. Recreation; and the Special Olympics. Takahashi of Fresno, California. Yoshito re- Kathleen, daughter of Jose Babauta Kathleen Cepeda Sarmiento will be remem- cently passed away at the age of 88 years Sarmiento and Maria Cepeda Sarmiento, was bered for her dedication and commitment to old. He leaves behind his loving wife of 61 an educator who influenced many young peo- young people and her service to our commu- years Yoshiye, three children and three grand- ple in Guam since 1981. We honor her for her nity. The people of Guam join her religious children. dedication to her religious community and community, her family and friends in honoring Mr. Takahashi was born on June 16, 1920 service to our community. her and remembering her contributions as an at his family farm in Clovis, California where In 1976, Kathleen graduated from the Acad- educator and community leader. he lived all his life. He was the eldest son of emy of Our Lady of Guam, and subsequently f eight children of Yoshibei and Shizuyo attended the College of San Mateo in Cali- Takahashi, Issei immigrants from Japan. He fornia. She returned to Guam to begin her ca- INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION attended Clovis Grammar School and grad- reer as an educator. At this time, she also HONORING THE OREGON NA- uated from Clovis High School. made to become a member of TIONAL GUARD YOUTH CHAL- During the outbreak of World War II, Yoshito the Catholic religious order of the Sisters of LENGE PROGRAM and his family were sent to a U.S. Internment Mercy as Sister Mary Kathleen Cepeda camp in Poston, Arizona, where they re- Sarmiento. HON. EARL BLUMENAUER mained until 1945. Upon returning home to Kathleen pursued a Bachelor of Arts degree OF OREGON Clovis, Yoshito and his brother Ted went into in Education from the University of Guam, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES farming together. Takahashi Farms was born, graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1986. In Tuesday, July 8, 2008 becoming a recognized brand in the Fresno- 1995, she graduated from the University of Clovis metropolitan area. In addition to raising San Francisco with a Master of Arts degree in Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, I am stone fruit, melons, vegetables, and berries, School Administration. introducing this resolution to honor an organi- the brothers were also engaged in a custom Kathleen served in several positions within zation committed to the Oregon ideals of lead- grape harvesting business. Yoshito continued Guam’s private Catholic school system, all cul- ership, self-reliance, and fortitude. For nearly to farm with his brother until 1992 when he re- minating into her role as a leader to both 15 years the Oregon National Guard Youth tired. Yoshito was a member of the Fresno teachers and students. She taught Theology Leadership Challenge Program has served the County Farm Bureau, the Central California and Art at the Academy of our Lady of Guam, State by promoting self-confidence and fellow- Freestone Peach Association and Treasurer of Bishop Baumgartner Junior High School, and ship among at-risk youth. More than 3,500 Or- the Nisei Farmers’ League. He was also a finally at Saint Anthony School. During the lat- egonians likely to drop out of high school or supporter of the Central California Nikei Serv- ter part of her life, Kathleen served as Vice engage in destructive behavior have entered ice Center for seniors. Principal and Principal of St. Augustine School this free and voluntary program. I’m pleased to Yoshito was an active member of his in Laredo, Texas. say that the majority of these cadets have Kathleen was an innovator. At Saint An- church, the community, and many professional gone on to graduate the program and earn a thony School on Guam, she initiated the After and civic organizations. He served as presi- high school degree or its equivalent. School Extended Care Program allowing stu- dent of the Fresno Buddhist Church, Sec- This program has made a positive dif- dents greater opportunities for enhancing their retary-Treasurer of the Clovis District Coordi- ference in countless lives and communities. educational interests. She implemented the nating Council, the Clovis High School Agri- This tremendous success has garnered the Rainbows Program to help students with so- culture Advisory Committee, Director of the Oregon Program high praise, including the cial and emotional difficulties. She also pro- Clovis Chamber of Commerce, and he served United Service Organizations’ (USO) award for moted the Student Cultural Exchange Program on the Board of Directors with the Fresno ‘‘Best Overall Program’’ in 2007, 2003, and with students of Ako City, Japan and the County Cancer Society, Fresno Community 2001. Chamorro language and culture program. Hospital, Community Medical Foundation and Oregonians have a great deal to be proud Kathleen helped to develop the academic the Clovis Rotary Club. He was the Founding of. We are proud of these cadets, who are de- strengths of students by encouraging their par- Director of the Community Hospitals of Central termined to succeed despite adversity, and of ticipation in extracurricular activities. Under her California and Co-Chairperson of the Clovis our National Guard, which draws strength from guidance, her students excelled in the Aca- Unified School District Foundation. our communities and gives back so much. It is demic Challenge Bowl, Spelling Bee, Geog- my hope that our Nation will learn from the ex- Yoshito’s community involvement was felt raphy Bee, Math Olympiads, Best of Carols ample provided by the Youth Challenge Pro- throughout the valley and was recognized by Program, and several competitions in art, gram and will be inspired by Oregon’s suc- many. In 1977, he was named Clovis ‘‘Citizen essay, and speech. Her leadership and em- cess. of the Year’’ and, in 1979 he was inducted in phasis on academic performance contributed f the Clovis Hall of Fame for his longstanding to the accreditation of Saint Anthony School support and service to the community at large. by the Western Association of Schools and HONORING COLONEL PAUL J. Yosihto’s strong community ties and service- Colleges. At St. Augustine High School, Kath- KENNEDY centered activities led him to receive regular leen was credited for enhancing the fine arts recognitions by numerous local leaders as well program. She helped to advance information HON. DAVID DREIER as state and federal representatives. technology at the school by implementing a OF CALIFORNIA It goes without saying that Mr. Yoshito laptop ‘‘lease-to-own’’ program for high school IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Takahashi was a humble man and as well as students and by encouraging teachers to inte- a forever farmer at heart. His love for the out- grate more technology into their lessons. Tuesday, July 8, 2008 doors led him to places such as the nearby Si- Kathleen was blessed with many talents. Mr. DREIER. Madam Speaker, today I erras and many destinations abroad. I am Her artistic and musical abilities were appre- would like to honor Colonel Paul J. Kennedy. honored and humbled to join his family in ciated throughout the community. As a visual Colonel Kennedy is taking command of the celebrating the life of this amazing man. His artist, her work was featured in numerous dis- Second Marine Regiment, Second Marine Di- presence will be missed in our community and plays such as the American Cancer Society vision, Camp Lejeune North Carolina on July by many others whose lives he so graciously Art Auction, Guam Micronesia Island Fair, and 17, 2008 after serving two years as the Direc- touched. displays by the Guam Council on the Arts and tor of the Marine Corps House Liaison Office.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.042 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1410 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 Since June 2006, he has very ably served as mendation Medals and the Combat Action IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL a direct link between the Marine Corps and Ribbon. HIV TESTING DAY the House of Representatives, providing Mem- bers of this body the information necessary to f HON. STEPHANIE TUBBS JONES effectively equip, maintain and support the OF OHIO United States Marine Corps, and ultimately HONORING CAPTAIN SILVESTER R. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES provide and ensure the nation’s security. I DEL ROSARIO, THE HIGHEST know that everyone of my colleagues who had RANKING DOMINICAN AMERICAN Tuesday, July 8, 2008 the pleasure of working with him shares the IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY Mrs. JONES of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I deep respect I have come to hold for Colonel rise today in recognition of National HIV Test- Kennedy, and has trusted his straightforward ing Day, celebrated on Sunday, June 27th, and dependable assistance. His candor and HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS 2008. Every year, the National Association of knowledge have been key in maintaining su- People with AIDS (NAPWA) and the Center OF NEW JERSEY perb relationships on both sides of the Poto- for Disease Control (CDC) work in conjunction mac. He has demonstrated a unique ability to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to sponsor National HIV Testing Day. This translate the language of the House of Rep- year, National HIV Testing Day used the slo- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 resentatives to the language of the Marine gan: ‘‘Take the test, take control’’. National Corps and vice versa, enabling him to provide Mr. ANDREWS. Madam Speaker, I rise HIV Testing Day is used to provide vital infor- Members of Congress with a keen under- today to honor Silvester R. Del Rosario for be- mation about the HIV/AIDS epidemic, educate standing of the issues that affect the men and coming the first Hispanic Aviation Limited Duty people on the affect it has on an individual women who wear a Marine uniform. and on the community, help decrease the Over the course of two very busy years, Officer in the United States Navy to achieve the rank of Captain. This promotion makes Mr. number of newly infected Americans with HIV/ Colonel Kennedy successfully planned, coordi- AIDS by increasing the availability of HIV tests Del Rosario the highest ranking Dominican nated and escorted over 30 international and and encourage individuals to seek voluntary American in the United States Navy. domestic Congressional and Staff Delegations. counseling. I had the opportunity to work closely with the Captain Del Rosario was born and raised in Worldwide, there are 14,000 new HIV/AIDS Colonel on many of these Congressional Dele- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He cases daily and a total of 22 million people gations as part of the House Democracy As- moved to Queens, New York at the age of 17 who have died from the epidemic. As the sistance Commission, as we have worked to and enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1976. After number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the strengthen legislatures in emerging and re- basic training, he was rapidly promoted from U.S. today increases, it is crucial to acknowl- emerging democracies around the world. ‘‘striker’’ to Aviation Structural Mechanic Chief edge the significance of knowing your HIV/ HDAC works directly with the Members and Petty Officer. His first assignment was to AIDS status. Every year, 40,000 Americans staff of these institutions, and our Members Naval Air Station Keflavik, Iceland where he are newly infected with the disease and ap- must travel to places as diverse as Afghani- trained in structures, hydraulic, and flight con- proximately 1,200,000 people in the U.S. are stan, Mongolia and East Timor to conduct living with HIV/AIDS. Twenty-five percent of these programs. The technical and logistical trol systems. Mr. Del Rosario was subse- quently moved to the prestigious Navy Flight them are unaware of their positive status. support he provided in traveling often to re- Over time, as scientific developments mote or dangerous regions ensured that our Demonstration Squadron ‘‘Blue Angels’’ Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. around HIV/AIDS have progressed, HIV/AIDS delegations were always conducted safely; is no longer a death sentence, but can be professionally and effectively, and afforded us In 1990, Captain Del Rosario was selected treated with proper medical care. Although the the ability to focus entirely on the quality of to serve as Officer-in-Charge for the VP–45 positive diagnosis of HIV/AIDS is life altering, our programs with these legislatures in bur- Detachment at Cecil Field, Florida where he everyone deserves to know their status—for geoning democracies. But just as important earned distinction when he was honored as themselves, their partner, and their family. were his insights into conflict and post-conflict ‘‘1990 Maintenance Officer of the Year’’ by the Worldwide, the HIV/AIDS epidemic carries a regions, based on his first-hand observations Association of Naval Aviation. Over the course negative stigma that results in societal dis- from the field. They were an invaluable asset of two tours to the Mediterranean and North approval and rejection. As a country and com- to our delegations. Arabian Gulf, he was awarded the ‘‘LTJG Clint munity, we need to stand together and fight Colonel Kennedy also took a number of del- Neidecken’’ award for leadership, selected by this disease to provide a healthier America for egations to Iraq and Afghanistan, helping to Strike Fighter Wing, U.S. Atlantic Fleet as the generations to follow. educate Members of Congress on the suc- ‘‘1993 Maintenance Officer of the Year’’ and On behalf of the people of the 11th Con- cesses and challenges facing our service men gressional District in Ohio and the United and women who are currently in harm’s way. honored as the 1994 COMNAVAIRLANT ‘‘Capt. Charles J. Nechvatal Aviation Mainte- States Congress, I extend my condolences to Due to his professionalism, dedication, experi- the friends and family of people who have lost ence and knowledge, Colonel Kennedy be- nance Officer of the Year’’. Under Captain Del Rosario’s management, the Naval Air Mainte- a loved one to the disease. As we stand to- came the most sought-after military escort for gether as Americans, we can make a dif- nance Training Unit Norfolk won the 2002 delegations traveling into Central Command. ference, we can save a life. He has made lasting contributions to the Bronze Hammer Award, the 2002 NETC f House of Representatives. I wish the Colonel Training Excellence Award, and the 2002 the very best as he pursues other duties with- NETC Retention Award. In 2003, his com- A TRIBUTE TO TIMOTHY RUSSERT in the Marine Corps. He will be missed tre- mand was recognized by the U.S. Secretary of BY WILLIAM O’SHAUGHNESSY mendously. Education as a nationally accredited institu- Colonel Kennedy’s 23 years of service have tion. HON. NITA M. LOWEY included: Executive Officer of a Weapons Over his long career Captain Del Rosario OF NEW YORK Company; Instructor at The Basic School and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Infantry Officer Course in Quantico, Vir- has won many awards, including four Meri- ginia; a Weapons Company Commander and torious Service Medals, five Navy Commenda- Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Battalion Operations Officer in Camp Pen- tion Medals, four Navy Achievement Medals, three Navy Good Conduct Medals, Navy Rifle Mrs. LOWEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today dleton; Recruiting Station Commander in San to honor Timothy Russert by submitting for the and Pistol Expert Medals, and various service Francisco, California; Plans Officer for Pre-Op- record a tribute to him by the Buffalo, New campaign and unit decorations. In light of his eration Iraqi Freedom and Plans/Future Oper- York native, William O’Shaughnessy on June considerable achievement, it is fitting that Mr. ations Officer for the First Marine Division dur- 16, 2008. ‘‘A Death in the Family’’ was broad- Del Rosario was promoted to the rank of Cap- ing Operation Iraqi Freedom; Battalion Com- cast on WVOX and WVIP in New York. tain on Thursday, July 3rd, 2008. Captain Del mander for Operation Iraqi Freedom II; and Di- A DEATH IN THE FAMILY Rosario is an exceptional role-model for young rector of the House of Representatives, Ma- And although we were in the care and rine Corps Liaison Office. Colonel Kennedy Americans considering a career in the United keeping of the German Jesuits some ten has received the Legion of Merit with combat States Armed Forces. I congratulate him on years apart, Russert and I both got whacked ‘‘V’’, Bronze Star, two Meritorious Service this achievement and wish him the best of upside the head by the same worn old leather Medals, two Navy and Marine Corps Com- luck in his future endeavors. prayer book belonging to the Reverend John

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.045 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1411 Sturm, SJ., who took most seriously his himself reminded us, ‘‘Tim never forgot The newsman-journalist known as Tim title and high estate: Prefect of Discipline. where he came from and he never let us for- Russert has been mourned by millions and Father John was built like a fireplug. And get it either . . . and we loved him for it.’’ eulogized in all the journals and periodicals although an equal opportunity discipli- He would summer on Nantucket and go to in the land. But the most exquisite tribute, narian, he made Timmy Russert his favorite parties at Sally Quinn’s in Washington. But and probably the one he would have liked the charge almost from the minute he first en- Russert never denied his roots in Buffalo. most came from Michelle Spuck, a waitress countered the personable Irish youngster There was a realness about him, a genuine- at Bantam Pizza in the Litchfield hills, who from South Buffalo with the bright eyes and ness, on and off the air. told a customer over the weekend, ‘‘I’m so easy smile. That was back in the 60’s and A few summers ago, Russert was the main sad about this . . . I never met him . . . but they have been friends ever since. Canisius speaker at an important conference of the I knew him.’’ has turned out federal judges named Crotty New York State Broadcasters Association up He died in front of a microphone. and Arcara, political power brokers like Joe at Bolton Landing on Lake George. After his This is Bill O’Shaughnessy. talk he was persuaded by our mutual friend Crangle, big car dealers, stellar athletes in- f cluding a few Holy Cross and Notre Dame Joe Reilly, the head of the broadcasters in quarterbacks, and doctors and lawyers of the Empire State, to linger and give out the RECOGNIZING ACCOMPLISHMENTS great renown. The Jesuits spotted Russert’s Association’s Awards for Excellence . . . even OF TOMMIE ANN GIBNEY beguiling potential early on. Even then they as an NBC plane waited on the tarmac at the knew. nearby Glens Falls airport to rush him back He would go back to Buffalo over the years to Washington. HON. PHIL ENGLISH to see his father and during summers better There were many awards and citations in OF PENNSYLVANIA than this one Tim Russert would sit at Cole’s every category. But Russert was his usual IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES generous self and so he stayed late into the bar in the Elmwood section to talk sports Tuesday, July 8, 2008 over a beer and a ‘‘beef on a weck,’’ Buffalo’s night as the awards presentations wore on. legendary version of roast beef, a steamship And when it was announced that your own Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania. Madam round of which was personally carved by the WVOX had won the designation for ‘‘Best Speaker, I want to bring to the attention of my Editorials in New York State’’ (which we bartender and then piled on a Kimmelweck colleagues the important accomplishments of roll covered with salt to be dipped in Heinz clearly did not deserve), Russert arched his eyebrows and the Irish eyes twinkled as my Tommie Ann Gibney. Ms. Gibney is a shining Ketchup. The music in the air on those example of a woman who tries hard and suc- nights was provided by ancient tapes of Fred son David and I advanced to the front of the ballroom to receive our award. Klestine’s old radio programs from the 50’s ceeds brilliantly. She does it all. She is a pro- As we posed for the cameras and the flash- and 60’s which survive to this day at Cole’s. fessional, a distinguished attorney, friend of bulbs popped, Tim asked, sotto voce, ‘‘How’s They would order another Simon Pure beer many, wife, mother, and in June of this year Mario? . . . how’s Nancy? . . . how are the or a Carling’s ale and talk about the rich kids? . . . how’s the station?’’ And now as Ms. Gibney will add president. She will be one girls who went to ‘‘The Mount,’’ a boarding my mind drifts back on this weekend after of only three women to ever hold the pres- school, and about Johnny Barnes, the old he died, I wonder if I remembered to inquire tigious position as president of the Association Canisius High football coach and sometimes about his own welfare? I hope so, but I doubt of Trial Lawyers of America/New Jersey, an about Cornelius MacGillicudy, a favorite it, given that heady moment in the spot- teacher who owned a bar in the Parkside sec- organization of over 2100 attorneys, para- lights. But he remembered. tion over near Delaware Park. legals, law clerks and law school graduates Russert then thoughtfully pulled away my who protect New Jersey families by advo- He never lost touch with the Jesuits. And son David for a shot with just the two of just a few weeks ago, Father Sturm, now in them . . . and said, again on the QT, while cating for safer products and workplaces, a his 90’s, sent out invitations to a scholarship still smiling for the cameras, ‘‘How the hell cleaner environment, and quality health care. luncheon in his own honor with the obliga- did your old man win this damn thing . . . it Ms. Gibney attended Seton Hall University ´ ´ tory picture of his protege Tim Russert on must have been by shear guile! Or did Cuomo for her undergraduate, graduate, and law the cover. write it for him?’’ As the two of them school degrees. As an associate at Andres Before his dazzling work on television cracked up with laughter, no one in the audi- which made him famous, Tim labored in the and Berger in Haddonfield, New Jersey, Ms. ence of more than 500 had a clue what they Gibney fights tirelessly for victims of nursing service of the two brightest minds in public were chuckling about. life during our time: Daniel Patrick Moy- James O’Shea, who owns The West Street home abuse and neglect. She volunteers her nihan and the estimable Mario M. Cuomo. Grill, a high class saloon in Litchfield, Con- services and vast legal knowledge to Trial Someone said yesterday on television: ‘‘He necticut (he much prefers the designation Lawyers Care, 9–11 Legal Assistance, and to wasn’t exactly a pretty boy.’’ With his ‘‘fine dining establishment’’) called while I the Hyacinth Aids Foundation. She is a role cheeks and jowls, Russert was the complete was thinking about all this. According to model for all law professionals both in and antithesis of all the hyper, vacuous ‘‘talking O’Shea, ‘‘Russert possessed the genius of the heads’’ and all the bimbos—male as well as outside of the courtroom. My congratulations Irish. Just say he was Irish. People will know to Tommie Ann Gibney and her family. female—who sit each day in those anchor what that means. He was Irish!’’ As O’Shea chairs praying the teleprompter doesn’t fail provides libation and sustenance for the f lest they be forced to utter something more likes of Philip Roth, Rex Reed, Jim Hoge, SUNSET MEMORIAL profound than ‘‘absolutely!’’ Bill vandenHeuvel, Rose Styron, George Only Chris Matthews was his equal in Clooney, Peter Duchin and Brooke Hayward terms of depth and intelligence. And maybe . . . I will bow to his wisdom. Russert did in- HON. TRENT FRANKS Jon Meacham or Lawrence O’Donnell or deed have the genius of the Irish. OF ARIZONA Peggy Noonan. George Stephanopoulos can Nancy and I would see him around town of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hold his own in front of a camera (and in an evening, when he would come up from front of George Will). And classy Deborah Washington to do some business at the NBC Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Norville has a brain. While among the Universal mother ship at Rockefeller Center Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Madam Speaker, I youngsters coming up—William ‘‘Billy’’ or if one of us had to emcee a dinner. And no Bush and Chris Cuomo are bursting with in- matter how late the hour or how tired and stand once again before this House with yet telligence and promise. Ditto Bill Geist’s kid rumpled he appeared, it was always the another Sunset Memorial. Willy. And David Gregory and Tucker Carl- same: ‘‘How are the kids? . . . how are the It is July 8, 2008 in the land of the free and son are easy to take. Barbara Walters and stations doing? . . . how’s the gov?’’ the home of the brave, and before the sun set Diane Sawyer are class acts in any season. NBC delayed the news of his passing and today in America, almost 4,000 more defense- We’ve always liked Bob Scheiffer and Judy actually got scooped by the New York Post less unborn children were killed by abortion on Woodruff. And how can you not like Mike and the Times until someone from their shop demand. That’s just today, Madam Speaker. Barnicle and Joe Scarborough (but not the was retrieved to go and inform his wife girl with him, the one with the famous fa- Maureen Orth, their son Luke, and his be- That’s more than the number of innocent lives ther, who talks over everybody). And I hope loved father Big Russ. But who, I wonder, lost on September 11 in this country, only it Larry King, like Paul Harvey on the radio, had to knock on the door of the old priest in happens every day. goes on forever. Plus I still take pleasure in the Jesuit retirement house on Washington It has now been exactly 12,951 days since our infrequent sightings of Rather and Street up in Buffalo to tell Father John the tragedy called Roe v. Wade was first Brokaw. Sturm, S.J. Timmy Russert was gone? handed down. Since then, the very foundation Russert, however, operated on a level far I always thought Russert would have made of this Nation has been stained by the blood beyond most of them. And he didn’t need a wonderful politician himself or a great high tech production values or fancy over- teacher. Or even a priest. And with his sud- of almost 50 million of its own children. Some head lighting in an ultra-modern studio to den, untimely departure at 58, he probably of them, Madam Speaker, cried and screamed enhance and amplify his unique genius. He taught us one more lesson learned from the as they died, but because it was amniotic fluid was to network news what Mario Cuomo is old Jesuits: ‘‘You know not the hour . . . or passing over the vocal cords instead of air, we to public discourse. And as the great Cuomo the moment.’’ couldn’t hear them.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.048 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2008 All of them had at least four things in com- The bedrock foundation of this Republic is human slavery and marched into Europe to ar- mon. First, they were each just little babies the clarion declaration of the self-evident truth rest the Nazi Holocaust; and we are still cou- who had done nothing wrong to anyone, and that all human beings are created equal and rageous and compassionate enough to find a each one of them died a nameless and lonely endowed by their Creator with the unalienable better way for mothers and their unborn ba- death. And each one of their mothers, whether rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happi- bies than abortion on demand. she realizes it or not, will never be quite the ness. Every conflict and battle our Nation has Madam Speaker, as we consider the plight same. And all the gifts that these children ever faced can be traced to our commitment of unborn America tonight, may we each re- might have brought to humanity are now lost to this core, self-evident truth. mind ourselves that our own days in this sun- It has made us the beacon of hope for the shine of life are also numbered and that all too forever. Yet even in the glare of such tragedy, entire world. Madam Speaker, it is who we this generation still clings to a blind, invincible soon each one of us will walk from these are. Chambers for the very last time. ignorance while history repeats itself and our And yet today another day has passed, and And if it should be that this Congress is al- own silent genocide mercilessly annihilates the we in this body have failed again to honor that most helpless of all victims, those yet unborn. foundational commitment. We have failed our lowed to convene on yet another day to come, sworn oath and our God-given responsibility may that be the day when we finally hear the Madam Speaker, perhaps it’s time for those cries of innocent unborn children. May that be of us in this Chamber to remind ourselves of as we broke faith with nearly 4,000 more inno- cent American babies who died today without the day when we find the humanity, the cour- why we are really all here. Thomas Jefferson age, and the will to embrace together our said, ‘‘The care of human life and its happi- the protection we should have given them. So Madam Speaker, let me conclude this human and our constitutional duty to protect ness and not its destruction is the chief and Sunset Memorial in the hope that perhaps these, the least of our tiny, little American only object of good government.’’ The phrase someone new who heard it tonight will finally brothers and sisters from this murderous in the 14th Amendment capsulizes our entire embrace the truth that abortion really does kill scourge upon our Nation called abortion on Constitution. It says, ‘‘No State shall deprive little babies; that it hurts mothers in ways that demand. any person of life, liberty or property without we can never express; and that 12,951 days It is July 8, 2008, 12,951 days since Roe due process of law.’’ Madam Speaker, pro- spent killing nearly 50 million unborn children versus Wade first stained the foundation of tecting the lives of our innocent citizens and in America is enough; and that it is time that this Nation with the blood of its own children; their constitutional rights is why we are all we stood up together again, and remembered this in the land of the free and the home of the here. that we are the same America that rejected brave.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:42 Jul 09, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.052 E08JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS