02-9005-15-SI REV. NO. 0






AUGUST 9,1991






Mr. William Seay Site Manager Technical Services Division Department of Energy Oak Ridge Operations P.O. Box 2001 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8723 Dear Mr. Seay:

Attached please find the review, prepared by our contractor the NUS Corporation, of the reports submitted by DOE in fulfillment of a Site Inspection for the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS), Albany, NY for the purposes of evaluating this site for possible listing on EPA's National Priorities List (NPL) of Superfund sites under Section 120 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).

EPA is assigning this facility a No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) status meaning that, based on current information, the site does not qualify for inclusion on the NPL However we are recommending that your agency conduct some additional sampling. Of concern is the nearest groundwater well to the CISS, which is approximately 2.5 miles northwest of the facility and serves the residents of a small trailer park. We recommend that you sample this well for full Target Compound List (TCL) organics and inorganics and radionuclides and determine if this well is impacted by contaminant migration from the CISS. Because of the limited target area, we do not expect this data to alter the evaluation of this site for the NPL. Nevertheless, this data should be provided to the New York State Departments of Health and Conservation and the Albany County Health Department for possible other regulatory action. Also, as lead agency under the National Contingency Plan (NCP) for sites within its jurisdiction, custody or control, DOE should take action if appropriate.



If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (212) 264-8670 or Helen Shannon at (212) 264-6664. Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Robert J. Wing, Chief Federal Facilities Section

Attachment cc: W. Demick, NYSDEC, w/o attach S. Lukowski, ACHD, w/o attach R. Tromontano, NYSDOH, w/o attach ^^A Halliburton Company






Site Name: Colonie Interim Storage Site Aliases: NL Industries Inc./Bearing Div. EPA ID No.: NY0890137854 Address: 1130 Central Avenue City: Albany County: Albany State: New York 12205

1. Provide the name of document(s) used for the SSI and the organization responsible for its preparation: HRS Score Sheet-Colonie Interim Storage Site, U.S. Department of Energy, September 10,1987.

2. Rating or Priority given: HRS Sm = 9.44 Check one • Agree (go to line 7) E Disagree (go to line 3) • No priority given (go to line 4)

3. If disagree, why?

The report addressed radioactive contamination of the site and residential properties in the vicinity of the site. The radioactivity is due to uranium that was used and is currently stored on site. Depleted uranium was used for most plant operations, although small quantities of. natural and enriched uranium were used for selected manufacturing processes Pathways which were considered in the report are groundwater and surface water exposure. Air sampling was performed at selected locations on site, however, exposure via air contamination was not ^considered in the HRS scoring. The air pathway exposure route was not considered because concentrations of airborne particulates were considered too low in the absence of stack emissions. Environmental exposures to increased radiation levels attributed to the site were considered insignificant upon comparison with background levels. However, the soil of residential properties was determined to be contaminated with uranium that was released into the air by the plant. The soils have since been cleaned up, using the Department of Energy (DOE) guideline of 35 pCi/g for uranium concentration, averaged over any 100 square meter area. The analyses were reported as concentrations of uranium - 238.

Contamination due to other hazardous chemicals was not considered in the assessment of the site. Chemicals which were used on site, and currently stored at the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS) include: cyanides, lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, nickel, nitric acid, other acids, bases, and mixed waste, i.e., hazardous waste that is also radioactive. Exposure pathways that need to be considered include groundwater, surface water, soil, and air. Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) has a closure plan in place for the storage, treatment, and disposal of the hazardous chemicals of concern. However, the contamination that resulted from the handling/storage/disposal of these chemicals during the lifetime of the facility operations needsTo^be addressed; National Lead Industries (NLI) operated the site from the 1950s until 1984. The site is currently not in operation; it is now owned by the Department of Energy. 02-9005-15-SI Rev. No. 0

Is information adequate to provide a recommendation? 0 yes (go to line 6) n "0 (goto line 5)

If information is not adequate, check the type of information needed to complete the PA, then go to line 7. Waste source type(s) Site slope Containment Topography Physical state of waste Surface water use Hazardous constituents Location of sensitive environments Hazardous waste quantity Surface water population Aquifer description 1-mile radius population Overlying geology 3-mile radius population Groundwater use 4-mile radius population Groundwater populations Potential for fire and explosion conditions Location of wells Accessibility of hazardous waste

Is there sufficient environmental sampling data to support the migration assessment and to evaluate any potential imminent health threats?

Dyes |x]no (go to line 8)

FIT Recommendation:

Comments (if any):

The CISS is located at 1130 Central Avenue in the Town of Colonie, New York. It is approximately 4 miles northwest of downtown Albany and about 3 miles southeast of the Village of Colonie. The CISS covers 11.2 acres. The site consists of the former National Lead (NL) Industries, Inc. property and buildings where a variety of products using uranium were manufactured. Several vicinity properties are radioactively contaminated as a result of airborne releases of uranium compounds produced during operations at the plant. Depleted uranium was used for most plant operations. Although small quantities of natural and enriched uranium were also used in selected manufacturing processes.

Land use in the vicinity of the CISS is primarily industrial and residential. The site and adjacent area are currently zoned as industrial by the Town of Colonie; the site and the Yardboro Avenue area are zoned for light industry by Albany County. Many small businesses are located on Central Avenue; the area across Central Avenue from the CISS is primarily residential. To the northwest and west, the site is bordered by open land and an electrical substation owned by the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. The southeastern and eastern boundaries adjoin various commercial properties. To the southwest and south, the facility is bordered by the Penn Central Railroad right-of-way (Ref. No. 6). 02-9005-15-SI Rev. No. 0

The NL Industries plant began producing uranium products in 1958 under a license issued by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), a predecessor of the DOE. After the contract was terminated in 1968, plant production was limited to fabrication of shielding components, counterweights, and projectiles from depleted uranium. On February 15, 1980, the New York State Supreme Court issued a temporary order restraining NL Industries from operating, on the basis that the facility emitted uranium compounds in airborne releases. The temporary restraining order was amended on May 12, 1980, to allow NL industries to continue limited operation. The amended order also required the company to initiate an independent investigation to assess all adverse environmental effects to surrounding properties that could have resulted from airborne discharges of radioactive materials from the plant. In 1980, Teledyne Isotopes was contracted by NL Industries to survey the radioactivity in the vicinity of the facility (Ref. No. 6).

In 1984, Congress assigned the Colonie Interim Storage Site to the DOE as part-of a decontamination research and development project under the 1984 Energy and Water Appropriations Act. DOE then included the site in the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). FUSRAP is a remedial action program directed by the DOE to identify, clean up, or otherwise control sites where residual radioactive materials remain from the early years of the nation's atomic energy program or from commercial operations (Ref. No. 6).

Since 1984, the CISS has been used for interim storage of waste materials contaminated with low-level radioactivity that were removed from vicinity properties under the auspices of FUSRAP. The excavated contaminated materials are stored temporarily in the former NL building until a permanent remedial action alternative is selected. Three properties that are adjacent to the CISS property will be cleaned up when the site is remediated (Ref. No. 6).

The CISS is located within the Patroons Creek drainage basin, about 1.6 miles east of Rensselaer Lake. Patroons Creek lies approximately 0.25 miles south of the site. A small, unnamed stream enters the site from the northwest through a culvert and exits through another culvert on the south side of the site. The stream re-appears and empties into Patroons Creek after it passes under the Penn Central Railroad tracks (Ref. No. 6).

The site is underlain by Ordovician Shale of the Normanskill Formation at a depth of about 150 to 200 feet. It consists primarily of dark gray to black argillaceous shales; it also contains red and green shales and heavy beds of chert and grit. The Normanskill Shale are impervious rock (permeability less than 10'7 cm/sec) and yield small quantities of water from its joint and bedding planes. The bedrock is overlain by unconsolidated deposits of clay and silt. These deposits have poor water-bearing characteristics, but, due to its large area, the unconsolidated zone is the source for many wells in Albany County. Groundwater in the vicinity of the site is available in small quantities from the bedrock aquifer and in moderate to large quantities from the unconsolidated deposits (Ref. No. 2). The groundwater table around the site ranges from approximately 2 to 18 feet below the ground surface. The groundwater flow is to the south in the CISS vicinity (Ref. Nos. 4,6).

Other hazardous chemicals of concern were not addressed in the assessment to the site. These chemicals have been discussed in previous reports prepared by BNI for the site (Ref. Nos. 3, 6, 7, 8). The Closure Plan for the Colonie Interim Storage Site includes a comprehensive list of chemicals that are located on site; their quantity, and location in the facility (Ref. No. 3). Some of these chemical are also radioactive, and ultimately will have to be disposed of appropriately. Chemicals on site include cyanides, heavy metals, acids, and bases. BNI has written workplans that describe the treatment and disposal of the hazardous materials on site. However, there are no sampling data available that includes these parameters. Assessments need to be made of exposure pathways of these chemicals to the environment.

The pathways to be considered are groundwater, surface water, and air contamination. 02-9005-15-SI Rev. No. 0

Groundwater Exposure is a potential route of exposure of concern: • any outdoor storage of hazardous chemicals • any spills of hazardous chemicals • improper handling or maintenance of drums/containers which contain hazardous chemicals

• improper procedures or maintenance at the loading dock area * »v • contaminant transfer from any surface water discharge

The nearest groundwater well is approximately 2.5 miles northwest of the CISS; it serves approximately 76 people at a trailer park. The Town of Colonie is served by the Latham Water S District (LWD). The primary source of water for the LWD is the ; wells located approximately six miles north of the CISS are the secondary source of water. The CISS is served by the City of Albany water system, which obtains water from the (Ref. Nos. 1,4).

Subsurface radioactive contamination exists to a depth of approximately 26 feet on site. Approximately 1,500 cubic feet of wastes, including uranium oxide, were buried at the site under an Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) license in 1961. A radiological survey conducted in 1981 confirms the presence of two areas of soil on site that are radioactively contaminated. These areas may also be contaminated with other hazardous chemicals. Chemicals of concern include lead, cadmium, copper, and zinc (Ref. Nos. 1, 5, 7).

Surface Water Exposure An unnamed stream enters the site through a culvert, and exits the site through another culvert. The stream flows approximately 0.25 mile south to Patroons Creek. Patroons Creek flows east; it discharges to Patroon Lake', approximately 2 miles east. It has been alleged that one-third of the "former Patroon Lake" is filled with waste from NLI. Potential surface water contamination sources include discharges, if any, to the storm water drain (Ref Nos. 4,6) Surface water samples, which were collected quarterly from three off-site locations downstream of the CISS, were analyzed for radioactivity. The data are presented on page 42 of Reference No. 6. The increased radioactivity levels may be attributed to operations at the site. However, contamination of surface water with other hazardous chemicals was not considered.

Air Exposure

There is documentation that a release to air has occurred. A radiological survey conducted in 1980 indicated that properties adjacent to the site were contaminated with uranium that had been released into the air by the plant. The contaminant of most concern is uranium-238 (DRG= 35 picocuries/gram) (Ref. Nos. 6,8). Radioactive contamination of an on-site landfill to a depth of 26 feet is also documented. (Ref. No. 1). Depth to bedrock is 150 feet in the area of the site. Assessments have been made which conclude that any exposures to radiation outside of the site are at levels which are insignificant upon comparison to background. The radioactive levels inside the site need to determined. The locations of "hot zones" needs to be ascertained. All hazardous chemicals/waste that are radioactively contaminated must be treated and disposed of accordingly. The potential for a release of other contaminants, including volatile organic chemicals, heavy metal particulates, and acid/base particulates must also be considered.

FIT Reviewer: Robert Yaeqer Date: August 9.1991 02-9005- 15-SI Rev. No. 0


1. HRS Scoring of Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS). Reviewed by D. Levine, September 10,1987.

2. Remedial Action Work Plan for the Colonie Site, Revision 2, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Oak Ridge Operations Office, March 1986.

3. Closure Plan for the CISS, Revision 2, Prepared by Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) for the Department of Energy (DOE), Technical Services Division Oak Ridge Operations Office (TSDOROO) under contract No. DE-AC05-81 OR 20722, November 1986.

4. Arnow, Theodore, U.S. Geological Survey, The Ground-Water Resources of Albany County, New York, Bulletin GW-20, 1949.

5. Letter from Tom Ellis, Albany Peace and Energy Council, and A. Rabe, Citizens Concerned About NL, to William M.Seay, Deputy Director, (TSDOROO). October 24, 1990

6. CISS Annual Site Environmental Report, Calender Year 1988, Prepared by BNI for the DOE TSDOROO under Contract No. DE-AC05-81 OR 20722, April 1989.

7. Engineering Evaluation of Disposal Alternatives for Radioactive Waste from Remedial Actions in and Around Colonie, New York, Prepared by BNI for the DOE under TSDOROO Contract No. DE-AC05-81 OR 20722, March 1986.

8. Post-Remedial Action Report for the CISS Vicinity Properties-1985, Prepared by BNI for the DOE TSDOROO under Contract No. DE-AC05-81 OR20722, March 1988.

9. Work Plan for the Treatment and Disposal of Uranium Contaminated Emulsified Oils for the DOE/CISS at Colonie, New York, Prepared by BNI, May 1987.

10. Work Plan for the Disposal of Toxic Plating Wastes, Prepared by BNI, May 1986.

11. WorkPlanfortheTreatmentof Electroplating Residues at the CISS, Prepared BNI, August 1986.

12. WorkPlanfortheTreatmentof Unidentified Chemical Testing at the CISS, Prepared by BNI, July 1986.

13. Work Plan for Nitric Acid Neutralization, Prepared by BNI, June 1986.

14. Work Plan for Cyanide Destruction, Prepared by BNI, May 1986.

15. Post-Remedial Action Report for the CISS Vicinity Properties-1984, Prepared by BNI for the DOE TSDOROO under Contract No. DE-ACO5-810R20722, March 1986

16. Notes: From K. Stone, U.S. EPA, Region 2, Subject: Status of the CISS, December 22,1987.

17. General Sciences Corporation, Graphical Exposure Modeling Systems (GEMS). Landover, Maryland, 1986.

18. Four-Mile Vicinity Map based on U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey Topographic Maps, 7.5 minute series, "Albany Quadrangle, New York", 1953 photorevised 1980; "Niskayuna Quadrangle, New York", 1954, photorevised 1980; "Troy South Quadrangle, New York", 1953, photorevised 1980"; Voorheesville Quadrangle, New York," 1954, photorevised 1980.

19. A Survey of Uranium In Soils Surrounding The NL Bearings Plant, prepared for NL Bearings/NL Industries, Inc., Teledyne Isotopes, October 31,1980 * i t i ATTACHMENT 1 i I I i i i i i i ir I Facirty narr-e: Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS) isean-w Colonie, New York r~

EPA flegicn: L

?tfsoo(s) in tfia-s of tre 'aciity: U.S. Department ofEnerqy

. Mr. Stan Ahrends, Oak Ridge Operations

Nam. of Peyser D. Levine --Datt: 10^ September 1987 Ga*nar_i oaac.-;non of ?•• faeiity: (For axamcia: ianeflll. surface imocuresment. pia. ecraairtec tyces of ha2ircsus sucstancaa: iecaflcn'sf trie facitty; ecrnaminanon reu:a of maicr ccncsfn; tycaa of infcrmaaon naaoec for rating; a^ancy aeon, ate) Ten acre site located adjacent to the border between the town of Colonie and the city of Albany was formerly occupied by NL Industries, Inc.

The facility was used primarily for the fabrication of shielding compo-

nents from depleted uranium for the Department of Defense, but also for

fabrication of 3.5 percent enriched fuel elements and the chemical

processing of unirradiated enriched uranium scrap for Department of

Energy (DOE) predecessors. The roof of the plant, (continued)

s Scsres: SM •g>44(S-w-14.978^ - 6.55 a" 0 ) S«» N/A sOC " 0


Grcunc Water Route Worn She*

Sating Factor Assignee vaiue Multi- Max. i-e:. tC.rcie Cr.ei oner score Score :Ssc::cr) LU CCservec fietease © 2.1 If ocserveo reiease is given a score cf *i. proceec to line fTi. If ocserveo reiease is given a score or 0. orocsec to ime JTL

03 Acute Characteristics 3.2 Cestn to Acuifer of 0 1 2 Concern © Net Prectoitatien 0 llL/3 Permeaoillty of tne 2 Unsaturates Zsne Physical State 2 3 :Q / Total P.cute Characte^stxs Score III — Containment 0 1 2Mj 1 3 J 2-3

Ti Waste Characteristics 2.4 Tox:c:ry/Persistence 0 3 6 9 16 16 hazarrcus Waste 0 12 3 1 & ,a 8 e Quantity ©

TotaJ Waste Characteristics Score 2G 25

LU Targets 3.5 Ground Water Use 0 3 G 9 Av^ 40 Distancse to Nearest We!i/ couiatcn 0 {*) T 8 10 Servea '2 rr is 2D 2< 30 ^ y *0

Total Targets Score IO «

•J} If line Mj is 4«, muiticiy Qj * GO » LU •— IfJine Mj is 0. muitioiy ^1 x (Jj x [Ti x £1 9,^0 £7.320

LZJ Oivice ime [fij oy 57.220 and muiticiy By :00 Sgw- 1+97 COLONIE

Sunace Water Route Won* Sneet

Assignee Value MuifH Mai. •) Ref. Rating Factor .•! Score (Circle Cnei cue- .,; Score (Section

Ll! Ccservec Release 45 45 4.1

If ccservec reiease is given a vaiue of *5. eroceec to line E- If ccservec reiease 13 given a vaiume ~ of 0 . proceec to line [Tl.

— Route Characteristics 4.2 Facility Siooe and Intervening (o) 12 3 Terrain \Zs ^m^ 1-yr. 24-nr. Rainfall 0 1 wjA, 3 Distance to Nearest Surface 0 1 TT3 water v G a Physical State '0 2 3 I Total Route Cnaraetenstics Score 15 Hi Containment 0 1

TctaJ Waste Characteristics Score Z6

Targets 4.5 Suriac9 Water Use G 9 Distance te a Sensitive O 6 Environment Peculation Serves/Distance 4 6 8 10 40 to water Intake 16 13 23 Downstream 24 20 32 25 40

Tout Targets Score 55

E "H "ne-E is 45. multiciy E x E * E If line £] is 0. muittoiy E * E * E * E f\2l2 54.250'

E Divioe line E 6v ^'~u *"0 muiticiy oy 100 Sjw • Q.&D COLON IE

Air Route Work Sneet

Assignee vaiue Multi- Max. *e Rating Factor Score (Cirt:e One! oner Scrre LU Ccserved Release 0 - 1 O 45 5.1 Cate ar.a Location: None

Samoiing Protocol: N/A

If line fji] Is 0. the Sa - 0. E-ter on line [fj . • If line []H is *5. tnen prcceea to line (Tl.

LI! Waste Characteristics Reactivity ana 0 12 3 Incompatibility Toxicity 0 12 3 Haxarccus Waste 01234*678 Cuantlty

Totai Wast* Characteristics Score

Hi Targets Peculation Witftin 0 3 12 "!5 18 30 *-Miie fiacius 2' 24 2? SO Pstance to Sensitive 0 12 3 Environment Lano Use 0 12 3

Totai Targets Score

LU x Multiply CD L=3 * Lii SS.'CC LTJ Oivice line Qj py 35.100 ana muitipiv py 100 • O COLONIE

Oirec! Contact Wor* Sheet

Assignee Vaiue Muith Max. Raring Factor Score Set. (Circle Cnei Siier Sccre (S«:.cni LLI Ccaervefl lnc:cent f 0 J 45 1 O 45 €.1 If line [TJ ta **' Proceed to line E If line Q is 0. precede to line (TH

1 2 3 1 L±3 Accessibility CO O 3 8.2

L— Containment 0 15 1 15 8.3

•7\ Waste Characteristics Toueity 0 12 3 5 15 8.4

«J Targets 8.5 PoDuiaoon Wltnir a 012345 4 20 1-Mile R*eius Distance te a 0 12 3 4 12 Cnticaj Macitai

Total Targets Score • 32

[71 If line Q3 IS

LJ Oiviae line H[J sy 21.600 ana muitioiy oy 100 Sec " 0 COLONIE

S S2

1 Grcunowa:er Acute Scsre (S-.„) • ** 14.17 2Z+.0 Surface Water Route Scsre (Ssw) G.& 4Z.£ Air Route Scsre (S») O - O

•i.-»;.*•? ^^ 2.££,6 ^»jw ••'„•«; /£,33 */ S* * S? • - sf /l.73 • Sv, - W////Mmm

1 OBSERVED RELEASE (Ref; 1, Table 3-3 and p.' 29 ) Cootacinants detected (5 aaxiaum): Ground water was monitored at seven wells located at the CISS. In 1986, the highest average uranium concentration for any well was less than 6.7 x 10-9 vCi/ml and the highest average radium-226 concentration in any well was 5 x 10-10 *Ci/ml. Both the uranium and radium concentrations are below Department of Energy (DOE) derived concentration guides (DCG's) for water released to uncontrolled areas (guides limiting exposure to members of the general public). Monitoring data for the site measured total uranium in the water. No isotopic analysis was performed on these samples; however, based on the results of soil sampling in the area, the predominate isotope present is 238U (Ref: 2, p. 2-3). This is consistent with the processing records which indicate most of the material handled at the site was depleted (continued) * * *


Depth to Acuifer ef Concern flase/description of aquifers(s) of concern:

surficial glacial till and Ordovician shale of the Mormanskill Formation

(Ref: 2. p. 3-1 ) De?th(«) frca the ground surfaee to the highest seasonal level of the saturated rone [water table(s)] of the aquifer of concern:

surficial glacial till: 2 feet bedrock: 150 feet

(Raf; 1, p/5 and Ref. 2, p. 3-1 ) Depth froa the ground surfaee to the lowest point of waste disposal/ storage:

Radioactive contamination at an onsite landfill extends to a depth of 26 feet.

(Ref; 4, p/ 11 COLONIE



Cntaminant detected (continued)

uranium. Therefore, comparison of the concentrations of uranium in the ground water was made to the DOE DCG for 2^°U (6 x 10" 7 uCi/ml). However, the DCG's for the other two uranium isotopes that may be present are essentially the same (235y at 6 x 10"7 and 234y at 5 x 10"7 yCi/ml).

The 1984 and 1985 measurements, although not demonstrating any identifiable trend, show similarly low concentrations of uranium and 226R9 in ground water. These levels are far below permitted release levels for DOE sites and are, therefore, considered not to constitute observed releases. It should also be noted that while concentrations of radium are measured and discussed in this analysis, the operations at this site would not be expected to contribute any significant radium L to the present day environment. As a result, the concentrations ' identified are most likely representative of background radium. COLONIE

Net Precipitation

Mean annual or seasonal precipitation (list nonths for seasonal):

average annual precipitation is 35.7 in.

1, P. 5 (Ref: ^*S-*frygT>*May»ai»»Fi«wcn6V)

Mean annual lake or seasonal evaporation (list nonths for seasonal):

27 inches

(Ref: EP.S Users Manual, Figure &) Net precipitation (subtract Che above figures):

8.7 inches

Per=eabilitv of Unsaturated Zone

Soil type in unsaturated zone: Surficial soil consists of fine brown sand and layers of grey sand, silt, and clay (Ref. 2, py3-l). This most closely matches the thir3 type of material in Table 2 of Ref. 3. (Ref: ; ' ) Permeability associated with soil type:

10"3 to 10"5 cm/sec

(Ref: 3, Table 2 ) Physical State

Physical state of substances at ciae of disposal (or at present tine for generated gases):

contaminated soil, I.e., unconsolidated solid

* * #




Method(a) of waste or leachace containment evaluated:

no engineered barriers to waste migration


Method vitb highest score*:

no containment

(Ref: ERS Users Manual, Table 3)


Toxicity and Persistence

Ccmpound(s) evaluated:


(Ref: Compound vich highest score: The toxicity of a carcinogen is assigned a value of 3. The persistence is 3; the combined toxicity /persistence rating is 18.

(Ref: 3 ^ Hazardous Waste Quantity

Total quantity of hazardous substances at Che facility, excluding chose vich a containment score of 0 (Give a reasonable eseimace even if quantity is above maximum):

30,000 yd3

Basis of estimating and/or computing waste quancicy:

J engineering estimate (Ref. 4, p. 16)

* * *



Ground Water Use

Used) of acuifer(s) of concern within a 3-oile radius of the facility: The surficial aquifer yields water that is potentially useable, both i-n terms of quality and quantity (Ref. 2, p. 3-2 to 3-3). However, most potable water in the vicinity of the plant is supplied by municipal community water systems. _Colon_ie is served by the Latham Water District system which draws its water primarily from the "Mo'hawk River. The system~"is" felTby some wells, but they"are . Jpca^e_d^bout_6 mj_les_north_of the_ plant (Ref. 5 and 6_). (References not available Distance to Nearest We 14 The NL~~Industries" site" is" served by the Albany "City system " which is supplies by Alcove Reservoir (Ref.' 2 and 5). Location of nearest well drawing frcn acuifer of eoncern or occupied building not served by a public water supply: The nearest wells that supply a public water system are part of a non- municipal community system serving Whitestone Mobile Home Park, located about 2.5 miles northwest of the site. The wells serve about 76 people.

(Ref: 5 (Ppfprgnrp 5 ic; pn+ awa-HaMc^ _ , : •

Distance to above well or building:

2.5 miles

Population Served bv Ground Vater Veils Within a 3-Mile Radius

Identified water-supply well(s) drawing from acuifer(a) of concern within a 3-rile radius and populations served by each:

76 people

(Ref. (see above) J Coaputation of Land area irrigated by supply well(s) drawing from aeu'ifer(s) of concern within £ 3-aile radius, and conversion to population (1.5 people per acre):

none known ) (Ref: • . . — Total population served by ground water within a 3-aile radius:

76 people



y 1 OBSERVED RELEASE (Ref: 1, Table 3-2 and Table 3-6 ' )

CoBtaaiBants detected in surface water at Che facility or downhill r^am it (3 eaxifflua): Surface water was monitored at three off-site locations downstream of the CISS. In 1986, the highest average uranium concentration at any location was less than 1.38 x 10"8 yCi/ml and the highest average radium-226 concentration at any location was 4 x 10~*° pCi/ml. Both the uranium and radium concentrations are below Department of Energy (DOE) derived concentration guides (DCG's) for water released to uncontrolled areas (guides limiting exposure to members of the general public).

Monitoring data for the site measured total uranium in the water. No isotopic analysis was performed on these samples; however, based -on the results of soil sampling in the area, the predominate isotope present is 238U (Ref. 2, p. 2-3). This is consistent with the (continued) * * *

2 ROUTE CHARACTERISTICS racilirv Slooe and Intervening Terrain

Average slope of facility in percent:


(Ref 7

Haae/descripcion of nearest downs lope surface water:

unnamed tributary of Patroon Creek that flows through site in underground conduit

(Ref: 1. p.^5 , _ Average slope of terrain between facility and above-cited surface water body in percent:

less than 1 percent . 1 - -

(Ref: 7 . ; . Is the facility located either totally or partially in surface water?


(Ref: 7 • COLON IE



Contaminants detected (continued)

processing records which indicate most of the material handled at the site was depleted uranium. Therefore, comparison of the concentra- tions of uranium in the surface water was made to the DOE DCG for 238U (6 x 10"7 uCi/ml). However, the DCG's for the other two uranium isotopes that may be present are essentially the same (235u at 4 6 x 10-?and-" U at 5 x 10-7 uCi/ml). The 1984 and 1984 measurements show similarly low concentrations of uranium and 226R3 in surface water. These levels are far below permitted release levels for DOE sites and are, therefore, considered not to constitute observed releases. It should also be noted that while concentrations of radium are measured and discussed in this analysis, the operations at this site would not be expected to contribute any significant radium to the present day environment. As a result, the concentrations identified are most likely representative of bakcground radium. COLONIE

If che facility eooplecely surrounded by areas of higher elevacion? Tes hlo)

(Re f: 1 1-Year 24-Heur Rainfall in Inches

2.5 inches

(Ref; 3» P- 33 Distance to Nearest Downs lope Surface Water

on-site (unnamed tributary of Patroon Creek) - . tRe£:__7 Physical State of Waste

contaminated soil, i.e., unconsolidated solid

* * *



Hechod(s) of vasce or leachace containment evaluated:

no engineered barriers to waste migration

(Re f: — Method with highest score:

no containment



Toxicity and Persistence

Compound(s) evaluated " .,%


(Ref: " ; _) Compound with highest score: The toxicity of a carcinogen is assigned a value of 3. The persistence is 3; the combined toxicity/persistence rating is 18.

(Ref: Hazardous -f- Waste Quantity

Total quantity of hazardous substances at the facility, excluding those vith a containment score of 0 (Give a reasonable estimate even if quantity is above maximum):

30,000 yd3

Basis of estimating asd/or computing waste quantity:

•engineering estimate (Ref. 4, p°. 16)

* * *


Surface Water Use —.-".*•

Use(s) of surface vater within 3 miles downstream of the hazardous substance: ••.-. _ -. .

Patroon Creek is used for fishing downstream of the plant..

(Ref: 8 (Reference not available) COLONIE

Is there tidal influence?

none known

(Ref: Distance to a Sensitive Environment

Distance to 5-acre (minimum) coastal wetland, if 2 miles or less:

none known

(Ref: 2» P- 3"4 Distance to 5-acre (minimis) fresh-wacer wetland, if 1 mile er less:

none known

(Ref: 2, o. 3-4 Distance to critical habitat of an endangered species or national wildlife refuge, if 1 mile or less:

none known

(Ref: 2, p. 3-4 Population Served by Surface Water

Location(s) of water-supply intake(s) within 3 miles- (free-flowing bodies) or 1 mile (static water bodies) downstream of the hazardous substance and population served by each intake:

none known

(Ref: 2. P. 3-2 I' COLONIE

Coaputation of land area irrigated by above-cited intake(s) and conversion to population (1.5 people per acre):


(Ref: • Total population served:

none known

Naae/descripcion of nearest of above water bodies:

Patroon Creek

(Ref: 2, p. 3-2 ; Distance to above-cited intakes, measured in stream miles.

none known

(Ref: 2. P. 3-2




Contaminant* detected: No air sampling has been performed since the plant was shut down. Because the material used at the site was depleted uranium, radium concentrations are low. Therefore, radon would not be expected to be a significant hazard. Concentrations of airborne . radioactive particulates would also be low in the absence of stack emissions. Date and location of detection of contaminants


Methods used to detect the contaminants:


Rationale for attributing the contaminants to the sice:


* * *


Reactivity and Incompatibility

Most reactive compound:

•" •• " N/A

(Ref: Most inconoatible pair of compounds:


(Ref: "" 11 COLONIE


Most toxie compound:


(Ref: . ; ; ; ) Hazardous Waste Quantity

Total quantity of hazardous waste:


Basis of estimating and/or computing waste quantity:


* * +


Population Within 4-»Mile Radius

Circle radius used, give population, and indicate how determined:

0 to 4 mi 0 Co 1 mi 0 to 1/2 mi 0 to 1/4 mi


(Re f: ; ) Distance to a Sensitive Environment

Distance to 5-acre (minimum) coastal wetland, if 2 miles or less:


(Ref: __ _J Distance to 5-aere (minimum) fresh-water wetland, if 1 mile or less:


(Ref: »•» COLONIE

Distance to critical habitat of an endangered species, if 1 mile or less:


(Ref: Land Use

Distance to commercial/industrial area, if 1 mile or less:

• N/A

(Ref: ) Distance to national or state park, forest, or wildlife reserve, if 2 ailes or less: N/A

(Ref:, Distance to residential area, if 2 ailes or less:


(Re f:__ Distance to agricultural land in production within past 5 years, if 1 mile or less:


(Ref: ) Distance to priae agricultural land in production within past 3 years, if 2 ailes or less:


(Ref: Is a historic or landmark site (National Register or Historic Places and National Natural Landaarks) within the view of the site?



"Colonie Interim Storage Site Annual Environmental Report," DOE/OR/20.722-146 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee: Bechtel National, Inc., June 1987).

"Action Description Memorandum, Proposed FY 1984 Remedial Actions for Vicinity Properties at the Colonie, New York FUSRAP Site" (Argonne, Illinois: Argonne National Laboratory, June 5., 1984).

"Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Site Ranking System, A Users Manual," HW-10 (Washington: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984).

"Engineering Evaluation of Disposal Alternatives for Radioactiv3 Waste from Remedial Actions In &nd Around Colonie, New York," D0E/0R/20722-78 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee: Bechtel National, Inc., March 1986).

Community water system data for Albany ^nd RensseUer Counties (Albany County Health Department).

Schmelz, Bernard,- Senior Planner, Town of Colonie Engineering Department, Personal Communication (October 1, 1985).

7.5-minute Topographic Map: Albany Quadrangle (U.S. Geological Survey, 1980).

Lukowski, Steve, Albany County Health Department, Personal Communication (October 1, 1985). COLONIE REFERENCES

"Colonie Interim Storage Site Annual Environmental Report," DOE/OR/20722-146 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee: Bechtel National, Inc., June 1987). "Action Description Memorandum, Proposed FY 1984 Remedial Actions for Vicinity Properties at the Colonie, New York FUSRAP Site" (Argonne, Illinois: Argonne National Laboratory, June 5, 1984). "Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Site Ranking System, A Users Manual," HW-10 (Washington: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984). "Engineering Evaluation of Disposal Alternatives for Radioactive Waste from Remedial Actions In and Around Colonie, New York," D0E/0R/20722-78 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee: Bechtel National, Inc., March 1986). Community water system data for Albany and Rensselaer Counties (Albany County Health Department). Schmelz, Bernard, Senior Planner, Town of Colonie Engineering Department, Personal Communication (October 1, 1985). .

7.5-minute Topographic Map: Albany Quadrangle (U.S. Geological Survey, 1980).

Lffkowslcl, "Steve, Albany rnunty-.Hea.lth Department, -Personal Conwuni cation (October 1, 1985). Telecon "note~~&etWeen "Sanay'Crystall bfHEPA HeadquaFters and Kay Stone of EPA Region II on January 7, 1988 on Toxicity and Persistence Scores. REFERENCE NO.2 9345.0-01 OSWER OIRECTIVE PA CHECKLIST v>


0 Site name \ fc*^ 0 Site number • O Address * ( n• ^ 0 Coordinates (latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds, or township and range numbers) 0 Directions to site (starting from nearest public road) C L\\


0 Owner 3 ( ^) 0 Address (current and past, if available) _^ 0 Telephone number 0 Operator 0 Operator's address 0 Operator's tefephone number O Type of ownership (specify private, Federal, state, . county, municipal) 3 (v\


O Site operations - history/years of operation && • nature of operations (manufacturing, waste disposal, storage, etc) 3 (A 0 Description of any emergency or remedial actions that 3(4) have occu rred at th e site


REFERENCE (PAGE NO. 0 Description of any prior spills % (j\ 0 Description of relevant permits 3 i\\

0 Description of existing sampling and analytic data and ,/ \A/\ / briefsummary of data quality 6> (31-^41 8(*) \fl O Evaluate the data quality for the following: jl

- sample objectives

• age/comparability m ' • analytical methods - detection limits • QA/QC


O Describe as specifically as possible the methods of Q .. hazardous substance disposal, storage, or handling. I"\l • Describe the condition/integrity of each storage disposal feature or structure. Evaluate from the perspective of each migration pathway (e.g., ground water pathway • nonexistent natural or synthetic liner, corroding underground storage tank; surface water • inadequate freeboard, corroding bulk tanks; , \ air • unstabilized slag piles, leaking drums, etc). /3.(i) O Describe any secondary containment features/structures (such as run-on diversion system, feachatt collection systems). • O Describe s/ze/volume of all features/structures that contain hazardous substances or volume of previously . reported spills. "-IT 0 Describe asprecisefy as possible existing permits and # v I the types of hazardous substances handled on site. 3 \(^^AA\^ I


REFERENCE (PAGE NO. • Discuss any records or manifests which provide data on volume of hazardous substances /\ /\ handled/disposed/released on site. 5~(Q Cyi) V. GROUND WATER PATHWAY

• Determine if ground water within four'miles of the i - site is used for any of the following purposes (if the r answer to this is unusable," then it is not necessary , / \ to answer the following questions). > IS")

private or public drinking water source | (s~) commercial _ irrigation (5-acre minimum) industrial

not used, but usable m unusable Determine the population drinking groundwater drawn from wells within four' miles of the site. lid Identify nearest well within four' miles that is a source of drinking water. U£L As precisely as possible, describe the geology and hydrogeology of the area (including names, thickness, types of material and depth from surface, including . /v , / \ / \ soils). HftjtO) }1 (J) Discuss any evidence of discontinuities between / I aquifers/aquitards within four' miles of the site. 4 If*) Discuss any evidence of interconnections between aquifers within two' miles of the site. __ Estimate annual net precipitation (by summing / >. monthly values). if 3}

'Distance based on proposed revisions to the HRS.


REFERENCE (PAGE NO O Discuss soil or geological conditions that might inhibit / \ or facilitate ground water migration. H l^)

O Discuss, if possible, alternative water supply sources / N that are readily available. i^ (30] • Discuss any qualitative, quantitative, or circumstantial (e.g., closure of a well) evidence of a release to ground water. ffcy^) VI. ADDITIONAL FACTORS BASED ON PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE HRS FOR THE GROUND WATER PATHWAY

O Identify if any sources lie within a Wellhead Protection Area as designated according to Section 1428 of the Safe Drinking Water Act.1 O Determine if the site is located in an area of karst terrain.


0 Discuss the probable surface runoff patterns from the / >s site to su rface waters. C l-H O Discuss whether the facility is located in surface water (e.g., marsh, swamp) or a floodplain. 0 From a topographic map, calculate and discuss the slope between the point where hazardous substances begin to migrate and the probable point of entry into the surface water body. 0 Describe surface water bodies of concern within the 152-mile target distance limit. AlA

1 Factor based on proposed revisions to the HRS. 2Distance based on proposed revisions to the HRS.


REFERENCE (PAGE NO. 0 identify if surface water drawn from intakes within 15 ^ miles from the probable point of entry is used for any of the following purposes:

- irrigation of commercial food or forage crops (5-acre minimum) - commercial livestock watering - commercial food preparation - commercial/industrial purposes other than drinking water, recreation, or fishery uses • Identify and discuss the nature and size of any of the following targets within the 15'-mile target distance limit:

• population served by intakes drawing drinking water • population associated with recreational use? dt • sensitive environments (including fresh water or coastal wetlands [5*acre minimum] and critical habitats of a federally-designated endangered species) - economically important resources (e.g., shellfish)? li • Discuss any qualitative, quantitative, or circumstantial (e.g., contaminated surface water downstream of the , \ / \ site) evidence of a release to surface water. \(C) . 6» CMC)


0 From a topographic map, estimate the size (in acres) of the upgradient drainage area from the site. l$ iDistance based on proposed revisions to the HRS. 2Factor based on proposed revisions to the HRS.


REFERENCE (PAGE NO.) 0 Discuss the average annual stream-flow in the vicinity II of the site. M 0 Discuss any biological sampling that might assess the food chain and recreational impacts. O If fisheries (recreational or commercial) exist within the 15-mile target distance limit, assess each of the following:

- acreage of oceans, large lakes, or rivers • - acreage of ponds or lakes fed by low-volume streams ]%


• Determine the population within a four-mile radius of the site (allocated in 1/4,1/2,1,2,3,4-mile ring distances). M I • Determine the distance to the nearest residence or regularly occupied building as measured from any I onsite emission source. If onsite. determine how , \ j many residents or workers occupy the building. &(.<) O Determine the distance to the following land uses within a four-mile radius: ! commercial/industrial C6) I residential schools I parts agricultural Identify, locate, and discuss any nearby fresh water or I oastal wetlands (5-acre minimum) or critical habitats of federally-designated endangered species that could ii4 I be affected by a release. I I e-6 9345.0-01 OSWER DIRECTIVE PA CHECKLIST

REFERENCE (PAGE NO • Discuss any quantitative or qualitative evidence of a release to air. 0 Determine particulate source mobility value (see Figure 2-3 in the proposed rule).


• Discuss any qualitative or quantitative evidence of onsite soil contamination. If there is no evidence of onsite soil contamination, then it is not necessary to / \ answer the following questions. 1 III) 0 Determine the onsite population (i.e., people living or attending school or day care on contaminated property). i& 0 Determine the population within one mile of the site (i.e., individuals who live or go to school within one mile of the site). H 0 Describe any restrictions/barriers on accessibility to onsite waste materials. 0 Identify and discuss any onsite terrestrial sensitive environments. 0 Describe the area of surface contamination (both on \ / \ and off site). afc), Till)

B-7 I

ATTACHMENT 2 •• 02-9005-1 1 Rev. No. 0 1 1









site grounds and private residences in the vicinity became contaminated as a result of airborne emissions of particulate uranium. Subsurface uranium contamination also exists on the site, indicating that some material may have been buried. Surface contamination is greatest in the direction of the prevailing winds. Thirty six private properties have been identified as having soil contaminated in excess of remedial action guidelines. Most of the contamination is in the top few inches of soil and is concentrated along roof drip lines and downspouts. DOE is cleaning up the site and vicinity properties pursuant to the fiscal year 1984 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act (P.L. 98-360). Contaminated material from the vicinity properties is being placed inside the NL Industries plant, acquired by DOE on February 29, 1984. After the vicinity properties have been decontaminated and a permanent disposal facility identified, remedial action will be performed on the former NL Industries site itself and the adjacent vicinity property formerly owned by Niagara Mohawk Company (now owned by DOE). This analysis considers only the DOE property, because it contains the bulk of the radioactive material. Primary pathway of con- cern is groundwater. ORO-B47 Revision 2 «




I MARCH 1986 I I I 1 I I 1

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1 OAK RIDGE OPERATIONS i i LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United Sutes nor the United Sutes Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe 1 privately owned rights. 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.0 Introduction and Objectives 1.1 Background 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Management Approach 1.4 Remedial Action Criteria 1.5 NEPA

2.0 Site Description 2.1 Location 2.2 Characteristics 2.2.1 Radiological 2.2.2 Chemical 2.2.3 Geological and Hydrological 2.3 Waste Volume Projections

3.0 Work Plan 3.1 Design Engineering 3.2 Access Agreements 3.3 Characterization 3.4 Remedial Actions 3.4.1 Progress to Date 3.4.2 FY 1986 Work 3.4.3 Future Work 3.5 Occupational Exposure 3.6 Quality Assurance 3.7 Surveillance and Maintenance

4.0 Schedule and Cost




The 1984 Energy and Water Appropriations Act directed the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to conduct a decontamination research and development project at four sites throughout the nation, including the site of the former NL Industries plant and its vicinity properties in the Towns of Colonie and Albany, New York. Remedial action at these properties is being performed under the Pormerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), a DOE effort to identify, decontaminate, or otherwise control sites where low-level radioactive contamination (exceeding current guidelines) remains from either the early years of the nation's atomic energy program (Ref. 1) or commercial operations causing conditions that Congress t has mandated DOE to remedy. FUSRAP is currently being managed by the DOE Oak Ridge Operations Office. As the Project Management I Contractor for FUSRAP, Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) acts as DOE's representative in the planning, management, and implementation of I FUSRAP. I 1.2 PURPOSE This work plan describes the actions completed in past years and I provides a detailed description of actions planned for FY 1986 relevant to implementing remedial action at the Colonie Interim I Storage Site (CISS) and vicinity properties. 1 1.3 MANAGEMENT APPROACH

All FUSRAP activities are under the direction of the DOE Assistant I Secretary for Nuclear Energy, through the Office of Remedial Action and Waste Technology and the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects. II II II DOE Headquarters (DOE-HQ) has the responsibility for developing overall policy applicable to FUSRAP. DOE-HQ provides broad guidance and establishes the program budget.

The Oak Ridge Operations Office, Technical Services Division (ORO-TSD), manages FUSRAP on a day-to-day basis and oversees the work of the Project Management contractor (PMC) chosen to implement project activities. In addition to the technical and administrative management of FUSRAP, ORO-TSD manages the authorized project budget.

The PMC, Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI), acts as DOE's representative in the planning, management, and implementation of FUSRAP. As PMC, BNI is responsible for analyzing site conditions and planning, recommending, and engineering remedial actions for the various FUSRAP sites. Upon approval from ORO-TSD, BNI implements remedial actions as required. BNI administers construction subcontracts, coordinates the sequence of operations, controls the relationships among subcontractors, and ensures completion of each authorized project according to plan. In implementing approved remedial actions at a specific site, BNI will maximize subcontracting in the local region.

At each FUSRAP site, BNI is responsible for defining and implementing quality assurance procedures and environmental monitoring, safety, and radiological programs. BNI is responsible for monitoring and controlling all activities at the site through close cooperation with its radiological support subcontractor, Eberline Analytical Corporation (EAC), and all remedial action subcontractors.

Argonne National Laboratory (AND is responsible for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation process as outlined in the Council on Environmental Quality NEPA guidelines and implementing DOE Orders. Through the NEPA process, DOE will advise federal, state, and local agencies and the public of the results of preliminary engineering evaluations, environmental analyses, and

2 ij conclusions regarding options for disposition of contaminated u materials. As part of its NEPA responsibilities, ANL performs the required types and levels of environmental assessment necessary to u support work activities. J 1.4 REMEDIAL ACTION CRITERIA The radiological guidelines determined by DOE to be applicable to J cleanup of radioactive materials at the CISS are summarized below. These site-specific guidelines were developed by DOE and New York J State officials and were reviewed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Ref. 2). The Design Criteria for Formerly J Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) presents additional information J regarding applicable federal regulations (Ref. 3). The site-specific remedial action guidelines for the Colonie u vicinity properties are:

o Soil contaminated with depleted uranium will be removed u if concentrations exceed 35 pCi/g when averaged over the top 5 cm of soil and a 100-m< area. u o Any contaminated area exceeding 100 pCi of depleted uranium per gram of soil averaged over the top 5 cm of soil and 1 m* will be removed. u o At depths greater than 5 cm, the criteria are | numerically the same; however, concentrations will be j averaged over a 15-cm depth. o For contamination of surfaces such as roofs and asphalt, remedial action will be conducted if the beta-gamma measurement averaged over 1 m2 exceeds 0.2 mrad/h or if the maximum exposure rate in any 100-cm2 area I exceeds 1.0 mrad/h.

In addition, many of the hazardous chemical problems at CISS fall IJ under the authority of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and II! Liability Act (CERCLA), or the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Ill III i 1.5 NEPA iI The National Environmental Policy Act promotes environmental •L considerations in federal decision making. DOE implementing • guidelines for NEPA are followed in evaluating proposed interim J remedial actions and final disposition of all the contaminated Wr material. Through the NEPA process, DOE conducts the applicable I level of environmental analyses and advises appropriate federal, J* state, and local agencies and the public of proposed remedial I, actions. i-


2.1 LOCATION u The ciss comprises the former NL Industries property and plant building located at 1130 Central Avenue, Town of Colonie, New York (Figure 1-1). The building is about 45 years old, of irregular 2 u shape, and has about 120,000 ft of floor space. A small front section of the building is office space and consists 2 u of approximately 6800 ft including a two-story section at the northern corner of the building. This area, is not radioactively contaminated. The remainder of the building was used for u manufacturing operations and consists of four large bays with 19-ft-high ceilings, several smaller rooms or work areas around the u bays, and a loading dock. A railroad spur with access to the building is located on the southern side of the building. These il areas are radioactively contaminated. il In 1985, DOE acquired the 2-acre Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation property located immediately west of the former NL Industries u property. 2.2 CHARACTERISTICS I! 2.2.1 Radiological The NL plant produced counterweights and conventional weapons Ill projectiles using depleted uranium. Low-level radioactive material is known to have been buried north of the building, and northwest of the area currently fenced, i.e., on the former Niagara Mohawk power HI Corporation property (Ref. 4). Most of the radioactive contamination on the vicinity properties originated f&om airborne ^ III releases of uranium from the plant. III III In 1980 Teledyne Isotopes was contracted by NL Industries to survey the radioactivity in the environment at the facility and in the surrounding area (Refs. 4 and 5). The results showed measurable deposition primarily to the northwest and southeast of the plant in the directions of prevailing winds.

To date, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has completed radiological surveys of 67 residential properties in the vicinity of the plant. Of these properties, 37 have been designated for remedial action. Eleven (Refs. 6-15) were decontaminated in FY 1984, and 24 were decontaminated in FY 1985. One designated property belonging to the Town of Colonie is a vacant lot adjacent to the CISS and will be decontaminated at the same time as the CISS. One owner refused remedial action on his property. ORNL wit 11 continue the survey of other potentially contaminated residential properties in 1986.

2.2.2 Chemical

In addition to the radioactive waste at the former NL plant site, acids, bases, and cyanide solutions that were used in nickel and cadmium plating trains are still stored in the building. These chemicals have been sampled and analyzed, and procedures have been developed to neutralize them. As an interim safety measure, the solutions have been transferred to approved storage containers pending neutralization. Preliminary data indicate that all chemical solutions used in the plating train contain significant concentrations of uranium.

The building also contains unused chemicals that were left in the laboratory. Although no radiological testing has been conducted, it is anticipated that some of these chemicals are contaminated.

Also remaining in the plant are large amounts of industrial grade chemicals. Many of these chemicals are in unopened containers and

6 therefore are not radioactively contaminated. They may be removed and disposed of as deemed appropriate.

2.2.3 Geological and Hydrological

The CISS is underlain by Ordovician shale of the'sNorraanskill Formation at a depth of approximately 150 to 200 ft. This bedrock formation is overlain, by thin layers of glacial till and stratified drift, which are in turn- overlain by a 100- to 150-ft-thick layer of unconsolidated deposits of clay and silt. Soil borings in the vicinity of the former NL plant indicate the presence of gray clay and silt at a depth of 42 to 60 ft beneath the site. Layers of gray sand, silt, and clay extend upward to within 10 to 20 ft of the surface; over most of the site the surficial material is a fine, brown, dune sand.

Groundwater in the vicinity of the site is available in small quantities from the bedrock aquifer and in moderate-to-large quantities from the stratified drift. The groundwater flows to the southeast or east in.the vicinity of the site.


The actual and projected waste volumes for the CISS and vicinity properties, based on the proposed FUSRAP criteria, are presented in Table 2-1. The volumes shown must be verified by radiological surveys.

7 REFERENCE NO. 3 058471

DOE/OR/20722-74 Rev. 2



Prepared for



Bechtel National, inc. Advanced Technology Division Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Bechtel Job No. 14501

T >>

LEGAL NOTICE — This repon was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United Sutes nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. 053471


The former National Lead Industries (NLI) facility in Colonie, New York, was involved in the production of uranium products beginning in the 1950s. The NLI facility was primarily involved in manufacturing counter weights and conventional weapon projectiles using depleted uranium. All operations at the NLI site have ceased and radiological decontamination activities are currently underway. The site is currently owned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and has been renamed the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS).

In addition to radioactive contamination on-site, hazardous chemical wastes are also present. Because of the hazardous chemical wastes on-site, NLI was required to file a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part A Application. NLI was granted interim status as a storage facility for hazardous chemical wastes. After DOE acquired the site and informed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region II that it did not intend to continue operations, EPA requested that DOE submit a revised Part A application and a closure plan. The revised Part A application was submitted to EPA on December 5, 1984. This closure plan was submitted in September 1985 to fulfill the requirements of the EPA request.


2.1 Responsible Organizations

In order to maintain an efficient working relationship between the appropriate agencies, a division of responsibility is provided as follows:

o Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) - Develop closure plan and work plans and perform closure operations o DOE - Review and approve plans

1 C58A71

o New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) - Review and approve plan o EPA - Review and approve plan (delegated to NYSDEC) 2.2 Scope

This plan addresses closure of the building at the CISS with respect to hazardous chemicals and hazardous chemical wastes per the closure requirements for interim status facilities (40 CFR Part 265). A separate closure plan addressing the landfill in the vicinity of the building will also be submitted. In addition to addressing RCRA wastes, this plan addresses closure with respect to PCBs as regulated by NYSDEC hazardous waste regulations, Chapter 371.4(e),: and asbestos as regulated by the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP).

2.3 Approach

In view of the continuing evaluation and cleanup of the CISS facility, a "partial closure" approach was developed to meet RCRA closure requirements.

Partial closure is the closure of a discrete part of a facility in accordance with applicable requirements. RCRA regulations in 40 CFR Part 265.112(a)(1) allow the partial closure of a facility still in operation. The regulation is currently in use by landfill operators and allows the closure of individual disposal cells as they are completed. Although partial closure of a facility such as the CISS is not specifically addressed by this regulation, it is the same in principle.

The schedule of sequential closure activities is integrated with the on-going radioactive decontamination efforts.

To meet closure information requirements, work plans are submitted for processing operations for each functional group of chemicals.

2 058471

The work plans vary in scope from specific (e.g., cyanide destruction) to general (e.g., facility inventory) depending on the subject materials and the complexity of the operation. These specific work plans include the detailed inforir.artion required by 40 CFR Part 265 Subpart G. In effect, this method treats each functional group of chemicals separately and allows sequential closure in accordance with RCRA requirements. This overall approach is shown as a flow diagram in Figure 1-1.

The approach developed for possible treatment and disposal options is based on the three types of waste present: radioactive, chemically hazardous, and mixed wastes. Chemically hazardous waste may be treated, e.g., to reduce volume or for cost-effectiveness before off-site disposal, or be sent off-site for disposal. When feasible, mixed wastes_ will be separated with the radioactive component retained on-site and the chemically hazardous component disposed of off-site. PCBs and asbestos will most likely be sent off-site for disposal. Figure 1-2 is a fault tree diagram delineating the possible treatment and disposal options.

Once the hazardous chemicals are removed from each area, thatarea will be c"onsT"dered closed with regard to RCRA requirements. .-"^\ . _. r / v^ However, the area may still be radioactively contaminated. '->_-- '

Closure certification will be accomplished after processing of all groups of chemicals is complete. DOE, as owner of the CISS facility, and a professional engineer registered in the State of New York will certify the closure (Proposed Rule 50 FR 11068, 3/19/85).

2.4 Schedule

The tentative schedule projects closure of the CISS facility by the middle of FY 1987. The schedule of activities for each group of functional chemicals and submittal of work plans is shown in Figure 1-3.

















The former NLI property and plant building is located at 1130 Central Avenue, Town of Colonie, New York (Figure 1-4). The building is about 45 years old, of irregular shape, and has about 120,000 ft2 of floor space.

A small front section of the building is office space and consists of approximately 6800 ft including a two-story section at the northern corner of the building. The remainder of the building was used for manufacturing operations and consists of four large bays with 19-ft ceilings, several smaller rooms or work areas around the bays, and a loading dock. A railroad spur with access to the building is located on the southern side of the building.

Most of the building has built-up roofing over a wooden deck. Bay 4, however, has a precast concrete roof. The roof is generally in fair to poor condition. From a structural standpoint, however, the building is in reasonably good condition.

An underground drain, enters the site northwest of the building and • runs almost due south across the property. Surfa_ce_dr_ainage collectors feed into the underground drain.

Based on the description of areas within the facility, work plans were anticipated for each of the following areas(see Figure 1-5):

o Electroplating room o PCB contaminated oils o Oil storage room o Emulsified oils o Laboratory o Boiler room o Welding room o Metals plant o Paint storage room o Chemical room o Bay 2 o Bay 3 o Spray booth o Penetrant dye storage o Bay 4 TOWN or cotowjg ._.. cifTofi^v





Bay 3 will remain open indefinitely for storage of mixed waste; however, the remainder of the plant will be closed with respect to hazardous chemical waste.

After completing a facility inventory and evaluating the hazardous chemicals on-site with regard to efficient operations, the area-specific approach was modified to address functional groups of hazardous chemicals in the following work plans.

o Transfer of plating room solutions o Evaluation of plating room solutions o Destruction of cyanide electroplating baths o Compositing and sampling of known materials o Neutralization of nitric acid electroplating baths o Treatment and disposal of emulsified oils o Testing of unidentified chemicals o Treatment of electroplating residues o Disposal of incinerables (subcontract) o Disposal of laboratory chemicals (subcontract) o Disposal of uncontaminated labeled industrial chemicals (subcontract) o Disposal of unidentified chemicals (subcontract) o Stabilization of cocontaminated materials on-site When these work plans and subcontracts are completed, all of the area2.6 s in Chemica the facilitl Inventory wilyl be closed with exception of Bay 3.

Appendix A is the most complete list of chemicals currently available. A comprehensive inventory of a subject waste group will be provided with each work plan.

CISS Facility

The CISS structure is suspected of being contaminated with radioact iye.matprial-and y.arious heavy metals such as lead, zinc, copper, tin, and arsenic. Decommissioning of the structure will be accomplished either by^decontaminating the structure before demolition or byndemolition followed by disposal at a properly

10 058471

permitted facility. The schedule fcr decommissioning the structure will be determined when the final disposition of the radioactive materials in interim storage is resolved.


3.1 Work Plan Outline

The following is a generic outline of the work plans to be submitted. The basis for the outline was provided by NYSDEC (Transmittal from M. Bayramzadeh, NYSDEC Permits Section, to J. Alexander, DOE-Oak Ridge Operations, 9/20/84), and includes additional requirements by Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI). This outline may be modified to address the requirements of a specific

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Facility Area (see page 3) 2.1 Number of Units (e.g., containers) 3.0 Waste Description 3.1 Inventory 3.1 Physical/Chemical Characteristics 3.2 Ma-ximum Waste Inventory 4.0 Closure Procedures 4.1 Method of Treatment (a) Treatment Technology Evaluation (technical risk) (b) Equipment/Supply Requirements 4.2 Contingency Methods (a) Treatment Technology Evaluation (technical risk) (b) Equipment/Supply Requirements 4.3 Cleaning Methods (a) Contaminated Equipment (b) Estimated Cleaning Residue 5.0 Contaminant Determination (Residue) 5.1 Criteria 6.0 Disposal 6.1 Solids, Liquids 6.2 Identification of Treatment/Storage/Disposal Facilities 7.0 Evaluation of Risk

11 058471

8.0 Cost Estimate 9.0 Ouality Assurance y, 10.0 Certification

3.2 Review

During work plan development, comments from both peer and management reviews are incorporated. A minimum of two review cycles are used. When BNI completes the work plan, review copies are given to DOE, which may request that a formal readiness review be conducted before operations commence. Copies are sent to the NYSDEC with the understanding that operation will begin on a certain date subject to NYSDEC indication to the contrary.

3.3 Contingencies

Before a particular work plan is developed, alternatives for processing the specific .group of chemicals are evaluated. The best alternative is chosen on the basis of estimated waste quantity, cleaning method and residue, disposal, and cost. The work plan is then developed according to the outline presented in .Subsection 3.1.

The on-site BNI supervisor makes the final decision regarding alternative treatment methods by employing a three-tiered field change decision procedure. The three tiers are as follows:

o Field Change Decision o Field Change Request o Defer

The Field Change Decision will enable the responsible BNI supervisor in the field to: 1) change a treatment alternative which has been specified in the approved work plan and 2) make minor modifications as deemed necessary. This does not include changes to a treatment method which has not been approved, or disposal methods which have

12 058471

not been approved in the plan. Minor modifications are intended to include modifications to procedures for accomplishing an approved task and may include changes for reasons of worker health and safety.

The Field Change Request will require the BNI supervisor to receive approval from DOE and NYSDEC before implementing the change. This includes alternative treatment/disposal options which have not been approved in the plan. This approval may be given verbally.

The Defer option will be used only if the approved work plan alternatives cannot be carried out, and a readily available, feasible alternative is lacking. This will "defer" the specific activity to a later date following reevaluation.

In the event any of the above mentioned field change decisions are made, the change will be thoroughly documented and submitted as an amendment to the approved work plan.

3.4 Quality Assurance

The quality assurance approach is to build quality into the work plan during its development. A Quality Assurance Assessment (QAA) will be performed as one of the initial steps for each work plan to assess the risk, or probability and consequence, of failure. The assessment will consider technical risk, safety, the environment, public reaction, and management. When the risk of failure is unknown or unacceptable, a Quality Action Plan (QAP) will be developed and implemented. The QAP will describe the specific action(s) to be taken; the responsible person for taking the action and when, and a verification sign-off that the action was satisfactorily performed. When the risk of failure is low or reasonable, the project Quality Assurance Program will be implemented.

13 058471




I 056471


ER Electroplating "room OR Oil room • MP Metals plant J>S Paint storage CR- Chemical room SB Spray booth Bl Bay 1 B2 Bay 2 B4 Bay 4 OB Outside bin OA Office area TR Tool room SBA Salt bath area BR 2 Boiler room 2 LD Loading dock FS Fuel storage 058471

MAIN LABORATORY A d Ammonia Plus (Ammonium Hydroxide) (2) 110 fl. oz. bottle - 220 fl. oz. (1) 24° (1) 26° ARP 2 (Allied-Kelite (1) 1 pint bottle (est) #1 Acetone (which appears to have uranium chips in bottle) (1) est - 1 pt. #2 Acetone (Same as above) (1) 10% Ammonium Molybdate (liquid with settled out white powder on bottom (1) est - 1/4 pt. 50% Ammonium Citrate - just liquid (1) - est less than 1/4 pt. Aluminum 1,000 ppm (1) 1 pt. 1% Barium Dipilenyl Amine Sulfonate in 60% HAC(l) less than 1/4 pt. Barium hydroxide - (1) est - 1/4 pt. Bg (DiPheuce)? Sulfate (1) est - less than 1/4 pt. Buffer pH 7.00 § 25°C (1) est - 1/2 pt. Buffer solution pH 4.00 (2) 1.1 pt container (plastic) - 2.2 pt. " pH 7.00 (2) 1.1 pt container - 2.2 pt. • pH 10.00 (2) 1.1 pt container - 2.2 pt. • pH 8.00 (1) 1 qt. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 pt. Std. Cd. Stock Solution 0.0001 gm/ml DiL Hod) 1 pt. plastic bottle - est 1 pt. Collodion U.S.P. (1) 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt. Copper Cyanide Strike (date of 6-5-72) (1) 1 gal plastic bottle - est 1 gal. 2.6% Dimethyl Glyoxime (1) 1 plastic bottle - est -less than 1/4 pt.

A-l 058471

•Chips Doloram X-9016-50 (2) est 5 lb. can - est - 9 lbs. Did not •Solid open. " Doloram X-11462 (2) est 5 lb. can - est - 9 lbs. Did not open. Liquid 5% Elvanol Water Polyvinyl Alcohol (1) 1 pt. plastic bottle dated 10/73 - est - 3/4 pt. " " Hg(N03)2 - 5.43 mg/jnl - 25 g/1 (1) 2 pt. plastic bottle - est - 2 pt.

• " HN03 Plating Tank No. 2 (1) 1/2 pt. plastic bottle - 1/4 pt.

• " HSO3 NH2 1.5 M (1) est 1/2 pt. bottle - est - less than 1/4 pt. • " 10% HA-HCL (1) est 1/2 pt. bottle - less than 1/4 pt. (2 or 3 drops) " ' H2SO4 1 M (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1 pt. " " 5% 8-Hydroxy quinoline 1N2N HAC (1) 1/4 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/4 pt. " " HNO3 Plating Tank (3) 1/2 pt. plastic bottles - est - 1-1/2 pt. ' " Fe 100 ppm - (1) 100 ml containers - est - 50 ml • • Fe 200 ppm - (1) 100 ml containers - est - 50 ml • " Fe 1 ppm - (1) 200 ml containers - est - 100 ml • • Fe 3 ppm - (1) 200 ml containers - est - 150 ml " " Fe 5 ppm - (1) 200ml container - 100 ml " • Fe STK (1) 1 pt container - est - 1 pt. • " FeSC-4 1M dated 07/02/81 (1) 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/4 pt. Chips Ferrous Chloride (1) 1/4 lb. Liquid Genesolv DTA (196-8090 (1) 10 lb. bottle - est - 8.0 lb • " Genesolv Dl AZEOTROPE Code 8802 (1) 10 lb. bottle 7.5 lb. est.

• " KMn04 (1) est 1/2 pint bottle - est - 1/4 pt. • • K^FKCNJg (1) est. 4 or. plastic bottle - est - 4 02.

A-2 056A71

Liquid 0.002 IJ KI (1) est. 4 02. plastic bottle - est - 3.5 oz. " " 10% KCN est. 3/4 pt. bottle - est - 1/4 pt.

' " II KMn04 1 pt. bottle - 3/8 pt. • " KCl Solution (Beckman 3502 saturated) (1) 150 ml plastic bottle - est - 60 ml • • Luster - POS (2100) (1) est - 1 1/2 pt. plastic bottle - est - less than 1/4 pt. • ' Luster - FOS Sealer 900 (1) - 1 pt. bottle - 1 pt. • • Luster - FOS (2100) (1) est. 10 lb. plastic bottle - est - 8.5 lbs. Powder Mannitol D-Mannitol (1) 500 g bottle - est - 20g Liquid Std. Magnesium 1 mg/ml (1) est - pt plastic bottle - est - 2/5 pt. " " Manganese (standard solution 1,000 ppm) (1) 1.1 pt. plastic bottle - 1.1 pt.

" • Methyl Cellosove (H20) (1) est - 1 1/2 pt. est - 1/2 pt. • " 4 molar KCl saturated with Ag (Beckman) (1) est - 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 pt. • " Mogul Products 'Co. with label reading Acid - est - 1 pt. plastic bottle - est 1/2 pt. • " " " chromate - est - 1/2 pt plastic bottle - est - 1/2 pt. • " • • " pH Indicator - est - 1/2 pt plastic bottle - est - 1/2 pt. • " " " " Silver - est - 1/2 pt plastic bottle - est '- 1/2 pt. • " " • " Soap - est - 1/2 pt plastic bottle - est - 1/4 pt. • • Molybdenum (reference solution 1,000 ppm (1) 1.1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 pt. • • Mo (1,000) 7/19/78 (1) est - 1 pt. bottle - est - 1 pt. • • Mo (300) (1) 200 ml bottle - est - 25 ml • • Mo (Az) (1) 200 ml bottle - est - 25 ml • • Mo (10) (1) 100 ml bottle - est - 25 ml " " Mo (100) (1) 200 ml bottle - est - less than 10 ml • • Mo (30) (1) 100 ml bottle - 25 ml

A-3 058471

Liquid Neocuproine in ethyl ale. For Cu (1) est. 1/2 pt. plastic bottle - est - less than 1/8 pt.

" " (NH4) MO 2.4 Sol (1) est. 1 pt.- bottle - est - 1/2 pt. ' " NaF 313 g/1 (1) 1 pt. plastic bottle and cardboard container - est - 3/4 pt.

" " NOC20i in H2SO7 (glass cleaner (1) est. 1 pt. bottle - est - 1 pt. Flakes NaOH (1) 10 lb est - bottle - est - 8 lbs. Liquid (NO2CO2O4 in Kiss)? (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - less than 1/8 pt. " " Nickel - alkaline (electroless) P4 86 Metal Finish 1967 (1) est pt. plastic bottle est - 1 pt. " " 4% NaF (1) est 4 02. plastic bottle - est - less than 1 oz.

10% NaOH (1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - less than 2 oz.

" 2% NaOH (1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - less than 1-1/2 oz.

• " 10% NH4OH (1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - less than 2 oz. " " 1% NaCu (1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - less than 1 oz. " • 1% NaN02 (1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - less than 2 oz. " " OPCARB (1) est 2 oz. bottle - est - 1 oz. Crystal- lized Oakite (1) est pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/8 pt. Liquid 2R 1.0 ug/ml (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 1 pt.

0 • Std Mo 0.1 mg/ml I1) est - 2 pt. bottle - est - 1 1/2 pt. • " Th 20 gm/lL (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 3/4 pt. • " Potassium Sodium Tartrate (1) est - 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 3 oz. • • Phenolphthalein 0.02% (pR rage 8.2-10.0) (1) est 4 oz. bottle - est - 2 oz " " Phosphate Carbonate for Cu (1) est - 1 pt bottle - est - 1 pt.

A-4 r 058471

Liquid Nickel - Lume (H-VW-M) MAR 1972 (1) 2 L plastic bottle - 4 lbs. " " Nickel sulfamate as rec'd 8-29-73 (1) est 1 qt. plastic bottle - est - 1/2 qt. • " Silicon (reference solution 1,000 ppm (1) 1.1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 pt. • ' Nickel Sulfamate Plating Soln. (1) est. 10 lb. plastic bottle - 4 lbs. Pellets Sodium Hydroxide - pellets (electrolytic) liquid and pellets in bottle (1) 500 gm bottle - est - 100 gm Liquid Sodium Trate for Cu(l) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 2 oz • " SOD Meta Silicate (1) est 1/2 pt. - est 1/4 pt. • • 10% Tartaric Acid (1) est 4 oz plastic bottle - est - less than 1 oz. " " Ti (150) (1)- est 1 qt. bottle - est - 1 qt. ' " Ti (200) (1) 200 ML bottle - est - 75 ML " " Ti (150) (1) est. 1 pt plastic bottle - est - 1 pt. • " Titanium (reference solution 1,000 ppm) (1) 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/3 pt. • " Thorium Stock Sol. (1,000 g Th/L) 2.38 gm Thorium Nitrate (1) est 2 pt. bottle - est - 1 1/2 pt. Cry- stals Tri Sod Phosphate (1) est 1/2 pt bottle - est - 1/4 pt. Liquid VOSO (1) est 1/2 pt bottle - est - less than 1/8 pt. • " Wetting agent used in ultrsonic tank (1) est 2 oz. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 oz. • " Working solution (Si Mn Fe Al) (1) 500 ML bottle - est - 250 ML • • Working solution (Pe Si Mn) (1) 500 ML bottle - est - 250 ML • • 2 Trays of Unknown Chemicals, Mostly Liquid, With (1) Bottle of Large chunks • • Std U (.0168 gm U/ML (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/8 pt. • • 500 mg/1 (U) (1) est 1 qt. bottle - est - 1/2 qt. • • Std U 1 mg/ml UjOa in dil. HNO3 (1) est 1 1/2 qt. bottle - est - I 1/2 qt.

A-5 058471

0.02 gm/ml (U) (1) est 2 qt. bottle - est - 2 qt. 0.2 mg U/ml (1) est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/2 pt. 6 Si 6 Fe 1.5 Al 1.5 Mn unalloyed (l)-est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/8 pt. ; 4 Fe 4 Si 1 Al 1 Mn unalloyed (1) est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/8 pt. 2 Si 2 Fe .5 Al ..5 Mn unalloyed (1) est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/8 pt. Std U .20 g/L (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 1 pt. Std U 0.01 Mg/1 (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 1 pt. Std U .05 g/L (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 1/2 pt. Std U SO4 0.01 mg/ml est 1 pt bottle - est - 1 pt. Std U 3.84 mg/ml est 1 pt bottle - est - 3/4 pt. Std u .10 g/L est 1 pt bottle - est - 1 pt. Std U .50 g/L est 1 pt bottle - est - 1/2 pt. Std U 50 mg/ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est- 1 1/2 oz. Depleted uranium std (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - less than 1 oz. Std u 20 mg/ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - less than 1 oz. U 50 ug/ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 4 oz. U 3.0 ug/ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 4 oz. U 1.0 ug/ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 4 oz. U 4.0 ug/ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 5 oz. U3O8 1 g/10 ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 3 oz. U3O8 3 g/10 ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 3 oz. U 0.5 ugm/ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 4 oz. U 7 ugm/ml (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 5 oz. Depleted uranium std (1) est. 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 3.5 oz.

A-6 058^71

Liquid Normal U 10 ugm/ml (1) est. 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 4 oz. • " Normal U 25 ugm/ml (1) est. 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 5 oz.

AREA B - Bottom Shelf Liquid AgN03 (1) 500 ml bottle - est - 300 ml 10% ammonium carbonate (1) est - 2 pt. bottle - est - 1 pt. Buffer pH 6.86 (1) est - 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/2 pt. Buffer pH 9 (1) est - 1 pt. plastic bottle - est -1/2 pt. 10% BaCl2 (1) est 1/2 pt. bottle - est - 1/4 pt. (CAS) Ceric Ammonium Sulfate (1) est - 2 pt. bottle - est - 1 1/2 pt. Std Cu. (Rocheltex) (1) est 2 pt. bottle - est - 1 1/2 pt. EDTA 0.1M (1) est 1 1/2 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/4 pt. EDTA 0.01M (1) est 1 1/2 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1 1/2 pt, Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate 0.J0 N (1) 2 pt. bottle - est. - 1 pt. 1-Hexanol (CH3 (CH2)sOH (1) 3 kg bottle - est - 2 kg HNO3 1.4N Max OR 10% Max (1) 2 L bottle - 2 L 2% NaOH (1) est 1 1/2 pt. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 pt. 2 N H2SO4 2.027 N 56 ml/1 (1) est 1 1/2 pt plastic bottle - est - 172 pt. 10% NaScN for Fe in Ni plating (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt.

0.15 M Na2C204 for BNO3 N (1) est 2 pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt.

Sat. K4Fe (CN)g . 3H20 for boric acid (1) est 1 1/2 pt bottle - est - 3/4 pt. 2% Sodium Chromate (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - less than 1/8 pt. Sodium Oxalate (1) 1 lb. plastic bottle - est - less than 1/4 lb.

A-7 i 058471 AREA B - TOP Shelf i Liquid AgN03 0.0192 N for CN plating waste (1) est. 1 1/2 pt. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 pt. i 10% AgN03 (1) est 4 oz. bottle - est - less than 1/2 oz. Alizarin Red S (1) est 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 1 1/2 oz Bromocresol purple 59% (ethesol)? (1) est - 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 1 oz. Bromocresol purple 0.04% pH 5-2-6.8 (1) 500 cc plastic bottle - est - 100 cc. Bromocresol purple plus bromocresol blue on label (1) est 2 oz. bottle - est - 1/4 oz. Bromthymol blue Bromocresol purple (1) est. pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt. Bry-CAD #53 (1) est 1/2 pt. bottle - est - 3/5 pt. Std Cu 1.2482 gm/1 -(1) est 1 1/2 pt. bottle - 1 1/2 pt. Erichrome BT 0.5% w/v (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 1/4 pt. 50% HCl (1) est 2 plastic bottle - est - 2 oz. K2Cr2°l 5% ID est 4 °2« plastic bottle - est - 2 oz. 2 KMn04 1.038 x 10~ N (1) est 1 1/2 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/4 pt. PAN 0.1% (1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 1 1/4 oz. Methyl Red .2% w/v (1) est 2 oz. bottle - est - less than 1/4 oz. NACN 3% -(1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 1 1/2 oz. NA2CO3 20% (1) est. 8 oz. plastic bottle - est - 1 1/2 oz. Mogul Products Co. (Phenolphthalen) O-Phenanthroline Ferrous Sulfate Complex (1) 4 fl. oz. - est - 3 fl. oz. 1,10-Phenanthroline Ferrous Sulfate Complex (1) 4 fl. oz. - est - 3 fl. oz. Phenol - phthalen (1) est 2 oz. plastic bottle - est - less than 1/8 oz. 4% Rocheltex (1) est. 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 3 1/2 oz. A-8 058471

Liquid 2% Sodium chromate (1) est. 1 pt. bottle - est - less than 1/8 pt.

" " Sodium diphenylamine sulfonate (1) est - 4 oz. plastic bottle - est 3 oz. V> . • • 1% starch (1) est 8 oz. bottle - est - 3 oz.

Crys- 10% starch (1) est 2 oz. bottle - est less than 1/8 oz. talized (min.)

Liquid Tyopaeolen (1) est 2 oz. bottle - est 1 oz.

• • 15% Tartaric Acid (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/3 pt. " " 1% Thymolthalfin (alcohol sol) (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt. " " .1% (Tropalolin)? 0 Water Base (for NAOH in Cd baths) (1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 2 1/2 oz. • " 1/2% (Tropaeclin)? for NAOH Cd. Tank (1) est 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 2 oz. AREA C

Liquid Amyl Alcohol (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 7/8 pt.

AcH Hydro (cannot identify) (1) est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/4 pt. Ammonium Sulfide (1) 1 pt. bottle - est - 3/4 pt.

Beryllium nitrate (Be(N03)2.3H20) (1) est 200 gm bottle - est - 75 gm Butyl Acetate (1) 1 pt. bottle - est - 3/8 pt. Collodion U.S.P. (Alcohol 24%) C 407 (1) 1 qt. bottle - est - 3/4 qt. Diacetyl (CH3COCOH3) (1) 4 fl. oz. bottle - est - 3 £1. oz.

Dodecyl Alcohol (1) 4 fl. oz. bottle - est - 2 1/2 fl. oz. Dowex 1-X8 (used) (1) - est. 500 gm bottle - est - less than 100 gm Ethyl Acetate (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/4 pt. Formaldehyde Solution 37% w/w (1) pt. bottle - est - 1 pt.

• (1) 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt.

A-9 058471

Formic Acid (1) 1 qt. bottle - 1 qt. Glycerine (1) 1 pt. bottle - 1 pt. Hexyl Alcohol (CH3(CH2)sOH (1) est - 500 gm bottle - est - 300 gm Hydrochloric Acid (1) 2.72 Kg 6 lbs. - est - 5 1/2 lb. (Area D> Lactic Acid Merck U.S.P. - 85% (2) 1 lb. bottle - est - 5/8 lb. Lime Water U.S.P. - (1) est 1 qt. bottle - est - 1 qt. NW Kleer Aid #35 dated 02-22-79 (1) est - 1 qt. plastic bottle - est - 1 qt. " #5-A " " " (1) est - 1 qt. plastic bottle - 1 qt. " #2-X " ' " (1) est - 1 qt. plastic bottle - 1 qt. Nitric Acid (A.C.S.) (1) 7 lb. bottle - est 1 lb. (Area D) 2,2,2-Nitrilo - Triethanol (1) 250 gm bottle - est - 125 gm Nitrobenzene (1) 1 pt bottle - est - 1 pt. Acid Oleic, U.S.P. (1) 1 qt. bottle - 1 qt. Potassium Hydroxide Solution (1) est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 pt. Acid Perchloric 70-72% (1) 1 lb. bottle - est - 3/4 lb. Pyridine (1) 1 pt. bottle - est 3/4 pt. 10% Sulfuric Acid (1) 9 lb. bottle - est - 1 1/2 lbs. Sulfuric Acid (2) 40 ml plastic bottles - est - 30 ML (Area D) Acid Sulfuric, Fuming (Oleum 65%) (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt.

Toluene - 3,4 - dithiol (CH3C6H3(SH)2 MW 156.27 (1) 5 gm bottle - est - 2 gm. Triisooctyl Amine, Tech. (2) 100 gr - 125 gr Titanium Trichloride 20% solution (1) 1 kg bottle - est. 1/2 kg.

A-10 055471

Liquid Thioglycollic Acid (1) double container est 2 oz.

" " Tri-N-Butyl phospha(Label Torn) (1) 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt.

" " Hydrogen Peroxide (4) 1 pt. bottles - est - 4 pt.

• • Hydrofluoric Acid (6) 1 lb. plastic bottles - est - 3 lbs. AREA D

Liquid Acetone (used) (1) 1 qt. bottle - est - 1 pt. Ammonium Hydroxide (1) 4 lb bottle - est - 2 lbs. Benzene (1) 1 gal. bottle - est about 1 qt.

(Brobine?) water (1) est. 1/2 gal. bottle - est - 1 1/2 qt. Carbon Tetrachloride (1) 1 gal. bottle est - 1/8 gal.

Chloroform fl) 1 gal bottle - est - 1/8 gal. Ethyl Alcohol (1) 1 gal bottle - est - 1 gal. Hexane (1) 1 gal. bottle - est - 1/8 gal.

Methanol (1) 1 gal. bottle - est- 3/8/ gal.

Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (2) 1 gal. bottles - est - 1 gal. AREA E

Liquid Ba(N03)2 10% w/? dated 9/23/81 (1) est 1 qt bottle - est 1/4 qt. • " Bromo Cresol purple (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 3/4 pt. • • Bromophene Blue (1) est 2 plastic bottle - est - 1/2 oz. • • Bromothynol Blue (in water) (1) est - 4 oz. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 oz. " • 1% Diphenolamine indicator in acetic acid (1) est - 2 oz. plastic bottle - est - 3/4 oz.

• • 1% Diphenolamine indicator in H2SO4 (1) est - 2% plastic bottle - est - 3/4 oz. " • E.D.T.A. - Di Sod. 21.500 gl/liter dated 09/13/83 (1) est 1 qt bottle - est - 3/8 qt.

Powder Eriochrome (Cd) Black T ind (1) est - 1 pt. bottle - less than 1/8 pt. (Mim.)

A-ll 05S471

Liquid 8% Formaldehydez (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/4 pt. " " 25% H2SO4 (1) est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/4 pt.

" ' HgCl2 saturated (1) est, 1 pt. bottle-- est - 1/2 pt. " " H3PO4 Cone. 0.85% (1) est. 1 qt. plastic**>ottle - est - 3/4 qt. * " 10% KI - (1) est - lqt. bottle - est - 1/4 qt. " " Methyl Orange (1) est. 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/4 pt. Powder (Murexide or Marexide) (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - less than 1/8 pt (Mim.) Liquid 0.1 N AgN03 (1) est - 1 qt. bottle - est - less than 1/6 qt. (Mim.)

" • 01N K3cr307 (1) est - 1 qt bottle - est - less than 1/8 qt. " " Phenolthalein pH 9.0 2 drops/100 ml 1 gram/0.1L Ethanol 50 L dated 05/28/80 (1) est. 4 02. plastic bottle - est - less than 1/8 02. " ' 9.9 g/lL 9.9% NLX Sol. U in AcL + HNO3 dated 12/01/80 (1) est 1 qt. bottle - est -1/2 qt. " ' HSO3NK2 1.5 M (1) est 1 qt bottle - est - 1 qt.

* " Na2S203.5H20 for Cn03 and Iridite F=2.243 (1) est - 1 qt. bottle • • SNR dated 11/13/80 (1) 4 02. plastic bottle - est - 2 oz. Crystal Stannous Chloride (1) 1/4 lb. bottle - est - less than 1/8 lb. Liquid sulfo Orange pH 11.0 - 12.6 (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 3/4 lb. 0 • 5% Srcl in HCl Sol (1) est - 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/2 pt. Powder Thyodene (indicator for IODIM (lODIMETRY) (1) 4 02. bottle - est - 2 ozs.

Liquid 15% v/v H204 15% v/v H3PO4 15% (1) est - 1 qt. bottle - est - 1/4 qt.

A-12 056471

AREA F Liquid Acetic Acid (Glacial) (2) 5 lb. bottles - est - 6 lbs. Hydrochloric Acid (written across bottle is contaminated) for cleaning - (1) 5 lb. bottle - est - 1 1/4 lbs Hydrochloric Acid (1) 5 lb. bottle - est - 4 3/4 lbs. Hydrochloric Acid (10% written on label - (1) 5 lb. bottle - est - 2 1/2 lbs. Hydrochloric Acid (52%) (2) 1 lb. plastic bottles - est - 1 1/4 lbs. 8N HN03 (1) est 5 lb. bottle - est - 4 3/4 lbs. 12N HNO3 (1) est 5 lb. bottle - est- 3 lbs. Nitric Acid (1) 7 lb. bottle - est - 3 1/4 lbs. Phosphoric Acid 85% (2) 1 gal bottle - est - 1 1/2 gals. Sulfuric Acid (3) 9 lb bottle - est - 4.5 lbs. Ammonium Hydroxide (NH4OH) (1) est pt bottle - est - 3/8 pt. HNO3 Cone (1) est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - less than 1/8 pt. HNO3 1:1 (1) est. 1 gal bottle - est 1/4 gal NAOH Sol to Neutralize HNO3 (1) est - 1 gal bottle - est - 5/8 gal. Cone Acid Sulphuric (H2SO4) (1) est - 1 pt bottle - est - less than 1/4 pt. Misc, (6) Unknown contents (4) in open containers (powder form) Chips (2) in est 1 pt plastic bottles Liquid (1) Magnesium chips in sealed bottles - est - less than 1/4 lb. Sulfuric Chromic Cleaning Sol. (1) est - 1 gal bottle - est - 1/2 gal

A-13 058471

G d O-Tolidine dated 09/30/69 (1) Est. 1 pt bottle - Est - 3/4 pt. 0-0.5 M Vanadyl Sulfate (1) Est. 1 pt bottle - Est - 3/4 pt (liquid has film on top and bottom) Kerosene (odorless) (1) 1 gal. bottle - Est - 3/4 gal. Note: Probably not kerosene. AgN03 0.25% (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 3/8 pt. Alizarin Red S (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 3/4 pt. Alkali - iodine Azide (1) est - 1 pt plastic bottle (liquid with crystals on top and bottom) - est - 3/4 pt. 1% Ammonium Molybdate (1) est - 1 pt plastic bottle - est - 3/8 pt Al Ammonium Benzoate (1) est - 1 pt bottle - est - 5/8 pt Arsenazo (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 5/8 pt Diphenylamine Sulfonate; Barium (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 1 pt 0.1% Ditzo (1) 100 ml bottle - est 50 ml Erichrome BT (1) est 2 oz. bottle - est - 3/8 of 2 oz. 1M Ferrous Sulfate (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 1/2 pt. Manganese Sulfate (1) est 1 pt. bottle - est - 5/8 pt. Al 8-quinollinol in d.L HAC (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 3/4 pt. 0.025N Sodium Thiosulfate (1) est 1 qt. bottle - est - 3/4 qt. 10% SnCl2 (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 1/4 pt. Nitric Sulfamic - Molybdate (1) est - 1 qt. bottle - 1/3 qt. Si Reducing Sol. (1) 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1 pt 0.01M - 0.27% Sodium Diphenylamine Sulfonate (1) est 1/2 pt. bottle - est - 1/4 pt. Sodium Arsenite 5 g/1 (1) est 1 qt bottle - est - 7/8 qt. 1.5M Sulfamic Acid 150 g/1 (1) est 1 qt. bottle - est - 3/8 qt. A-14 058471

AREA H Kodak Glass Plates - unopened (2) boxes - 36 plates 4" x 10" - Total 72 y> Spectrum Analysis Plates # 1 Kodak Spectroscopic Plates (2) opened boxes - 12 plates 4' x 10" - Total 24 Dylon Graphite Cement (1) opened 1 gal can - est - 1 gal Dylon Super Refractory Cement (1) opened qt can - est - 1 qt Liquid 2% Benzoinoxime in ethyl alcohol (1) est 1 qt bottle - est - 1/2 qt Buffer Solution Concentrate (1) pt bottle - est - 3/4 pt 4% Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate (1) est qt plastic bottle - est - 3/4 qt Frinchrome Cyanine R (1) est qt bottle - est - 3/4 qt 5% HF (1) est 1 pt plastic bottle - est - 3/4 pt Methylene Blue 0.001M (1) est 1 pt plastic bottle - est - 5/8 pt Methylene Blue-Stock Sol. 3.676 g/1 (1)1 1/2 plastic bottle - est - 1 1/2 pt 0.5M TTA/Xylene (1) est 2 oz. bottle - est - 1 oz. 20% NH4SCN (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 1/4 pt 20% NH4SCN (1) est 1 pt bottle - est - 3/4 pt 0.1M KMn04 (1) est 2 oz. plastic bottle - est - 1 oz.

H20 Distilled (2) est 1 gal bottle - est - 3/4 gal (Dump it unless rad) 1% 0 - Phenanthroline/ethylalchol (1) est 4 oz. bottle - est - less than 1 oz. 0.5% Ortho Phenanthroline (1) est 1 pt plastic bottle - est - 1/2.pt 35% SnCl2 (1) est 1 qt. bottle - est - less than 1/4 pt. 0.1% Thoron (1) est 1 pt. bottle.'- est - 3/4 pt. Titanium Reference Solution 1,000 ppm (4) 1 pt. plastic bottls - est - 3 3/4 pt.

A-15 058471

Liquid Triethanolamine buffer dated 3-2-73 (1) est 1 pt. plastic bottle - est - 1/2 pt. Ethyl Acetone (1) 4 liter can - est - 4 liters Unknown Liquids Liquid (4) 1 qt plastic bottles (D-19 on label dated 10/24/79 - est - 4 qt Crystal (1) dried and crystal formed - (1) qt. bottle Liquid (1) Est pt. bottle - est - less than 1/4 pt. Liquid (1) Est 4 oz. bottle - est - 3 oz.

LABORATORY STORAGE ROOM INVENTORY - UNOPENED Sulfuric Acid (2) 9 LB. (4 KG) Bottles Hydrochloric Acid (16) 6 Lbs. (2.72 KG) Bottles Hydrogen Peroxide (36) 1 Pint Plastic Bottles Acetic Acid Glacial (6) 3 Lbs. (2.26 KG) Bottles Sodium Cloride - 25 Lb. Box Sulfamic Acid (1) 500 g (1.1 Lbs.) A 295 Sodium Phosphate (1) 453 g (1 Lb.) S 373 Sodium Oxalate (1) 453 g (1 Lb.) S 356 (78722) Sodium Hydroxide (3) 500 g (1.1 Lb.) S 318 Vanadyl Sulfate (1) 100 g (3.5 oz.) V8 Stannous Chloride (4) 113 g (1/4 Lb.) T 142 (78998) Silver Nitrate (1) 100 g (3.5 oz.) S 181 Barium Diphenylamine Sulfonate 5 g (0.18 oz.) B 38 Zinc Metal (1) 453 g (1 Lb.) 2-12 (80126) Carminic Acid (4) 5 g (785550) Congo Red (1) 453 g (1 Lb.) A-795 Mannitol D-Mannitol (1) 500 gm (1.1 Lbs.) M-120 Ferrous Sulfate (3) 453 gm (1 Lb.) 2070

A-16 058^71

Magnesium Perchlorate (1) (size unknown) Magnesium Acetate (1) 453 gm (1 Lb.) M-13 Citric Acid (canhydrous) (1) 2.26 KG (5 Lbs.) A-106 Kodak (Liquid) X-ray Fixer and Replenisher (2) 5 gallons Kodak (P-122) Color Print Processing Kit (1) (1 gallon of 6 solutions) Kodak Hardener Stop Bath Process P-111 (1) to make (3-1/2 gal) Kodak First Hardener - Fixer (1) to make 3-1/2 gallons Kodak Rapid Fixer with Hardener (1) to make 1 gallon of film and plate fixer and 2 gallons of paper fixer Kodak Bleach and Replenisher (1) can to make 3-1/2 gallons of f solution (13.2 Liters) process P-111 Type R Kodak Developer D-19 (1) can to make 1 gallon (3.8 Liters) Kodak Developer C-22 (1) can to make 3.5 gallons (13.2 Liters) Kodak Color Developer Process P-111 (1) can to make 3.5 gallons of solution (13.2 Liters)

DARK ROOM - OPENED Liquid Kodak - Versatol Developer (2) 1 gal. Bottle - Est. 1 gal. Stop Bath - (1) 4 Lb. Bottle - Est. 3 Lbs. Kodak - Photo- Flo Concentrate (1) 1 gal. Bottle - Est. 1/2 gallon Foto Flow 1:600 (1) 1 gal. Bottle - Est. - 1/2 gal. Kodak - DEKTOL 2' (1) 1 gal. Bottle - Est. - 3/4 gal. Microdol 476 (1) 1 gal. Bottle - Est. - 3/4 gal. Kodak - indicator Stop Bath (1) 1 Pt. Plastic Container - est - 1/2 pt. Fixer (1) 1 gal. Bottle - Est. - 3/4 gal. Kodak Hardener (contains sulfuric acid) Est. 8 fl. oz. (1) plastic bottle - Est. 8 fl. oz. Kodak - Print Flattening Solution (1) 8 fl. oz. Bottle - est - 1 fl oz. I A-17 C55A71

" Kodak - Photo- Flo 200 Solution (1) 4 fl oz bottle - est - 2 fl 02.

• Kodak - Print Flattening Solution (1) 1 gal bottle - est - 1/2 gal. • * Stop Bath - (1) gal bottle - est 1 pt. 's • Versatol for Paper (1) 1 gal bottle - est - 3/4 gal. • Kodak - Print Flattening Solution (1) 1 gal bottle - 1/2 gal

• (1) Bottle of Liquid - Unknown contents - 3/4 gal (in acid bottle - Red Cap)

DARKROOM - UNOPENED Kodak First Developer Replenisher (1) Can Process 111

Type R to make 5 gallons of solution (19 liters) Kodak First Developer Process P-lll Type R (1) Can to make 3.5 gallons of solution (13.2 liters)

Kodak Buffer P-122 (1) Can to make 3.5 gallons (13.2 liters) of solution or 2.25 gallons of replenisher (8.5 liters) Kodak Direct Positive Film Developing Outfit (1) Box

Kodak Developer P-122 (1 Box) to make 3.5 gallons (13.2 liters) Kodak Processing Kit for Processes E-2 and E-3 (1) Box 1/2 gallon size (1.9 liters) Kodak Color Print Processing Kit P-122 (1) Box Net Wt. 3.25 lbs. (1.2 kilos) 1 gallon size (3.8 liters)

A-18 058471

SODIUM COMPOUNDS - UNOPENED I Powder or Sodium Acetate (1) Bottle 5 lb. bottle - est. - 2.5 lbs Crystals Sodium Ammon. Phosphate C.P. (2) Bottle - est no. wgt. Sodium Arsenite (META) (1) 1 lb. Bottle - Est - 3/4 Lb. Sodium Azide (1) 1 02. Bottle - Est - 1/4 oz. Sodium Bicarbonate (1) 5 lb. bottle - est - 1-1/2 lbs. Sodium Bisulfate C.P. (1) 1 lb. bottle - est - 1/4 lb. Sodium Bisulfite (META) (1) 1 lb. bottle - est - 1/2 lb Sodium Borate (1) 1 lb. bottle - est - 1/2 lb Sodium carbonate (1) 5 lb. bottle - est. - 2 lbs Sodium Chloride (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/16 lbs Sodium chromate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 7/8 lbs Sodium Cobaltinitrite (1) 1/4 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lbs Sodium Dichromate (technical) (2) 1.1 lb bottle - 1.1 lbs Sodium Fluoride (Acs Reagent) (2) 1 lb bottle - 1.3 lbs Sodium Hypophosphite (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lbs pellets Sodium Hydroxide (1) 1.1 lb bottle - est - 2/3 lbs Powder or Sodium Nitrate (2) 1 lb bottle - est - 1 lb Crystals sodium Oxalate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 2/3 lbs Sodium Perborate (1) no weight on bottle - est - 3/4 lbs Sodium Phosphate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lbs Sodium Potass. Tatrate, C.P. (1) 1 lb bottle 1/4 lb Sodium Pyrophosphate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb Sodium Silicate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Sodium Silicofluride (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Sodium Sulfate, N.F. VII (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/16 lb

A-19 058471

Powder Sodium Sulfate (Anhydrous) (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2 lbs Crystals Fused Flakes Sodium Sulfide 60% (1) 5.5 lb bottle - est - 4 lbs • " Sodium Sulfite (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 3 lbs " " Sodium Thiocyanate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb • • Sodium Thioglycolate (1) 100 gm bottle - est - 50 gm Sodium Thiosulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb • " Sodium Diphenylamine Sulfonate (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 3 gins Powder Sodium Diphenyl-Benzidine Sulfonate (1) 5 gm bottle - 1.5 gm " Sodium Rhodizonate (1) 1/10 gm bottle - est - min. amount - " Magnesium Uranyl Acetate (1) est 1 oz bottle - est 3/4 oz " Granular-Sodium Chloride (3) 5 lb containers - est - 13 lb SODIUM COMPOUNDS - OPENED Powder Potassium Bicarbonate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb • Potassium Binoxalate, C.P. (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb • potassium Bisulfate (3) 1 lb bottles - est - 2 lbs " potassium carbonate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lbs • potassium Bromate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 4 oz • Potassium chlorate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lbs " Potassium Chloride (1) 5 lb bottle P-217 - est - 3.5 lbs • Potassium cyanide (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1 lb • Potassium Dichromate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2.5 lbs • potassium Dichromate (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1.5 lbs " Potassium Ferricyanide (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1 lb • Potassium Ferricyanide (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2 ozs " potassium Iodate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3 ozs A-20 056^71

Powder Potassium Iodide (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1/2 lb Potassium Fluoride CI) 5 lb bottle - est - 2.5 lbs Pellets Potassium Hydroxide (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb Flakes Potassium Hydroxide (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3.5 lbs Powder Potassium Nitrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb Potassium Oxalate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2 lbs Potassium Permanganate (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 3/4 lbs Potassium Periodate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2 oz . Potassium Phosphate (3) (Dibasic) 1 lb bottles - est - 2 lbs Potassium Phosphate (1) (Monobasic) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Potassium Phthalate (1) 4 oz bottle - 1/2 oz Potassium Pyrosulfate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 3 lbs Potassium Sodium Tartrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Potassium Thiocyanate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 1/4 oz Potassium* Xanthogenate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lbs Crystal Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 1.5 ozs Liquid Potassium Chloride Solution (1) 4 fl oz (maybe not used?) OPENED - A'S Powder Alizarin (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 1 gm Alizarine Sodium Monosulfonate (1) est - 1/2 oz Alizarin Red S (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 25 gms Alizarol Cyanine RC (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 6 gms Aluminon (2) 25 gm bottles - est - 15 gms

Wire Aluminun Metal (1) 1 lb box Powder 1-Amino 2-Naphthol-4 Sulfonic Acid (1) 25 gm bottle - 12.5 gm

A-21 056H71

Powder Aminopyrene (1) 5 gm bottle - est - 2.5 gins • 4-Aminoantipyrine (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 12.5 gms Lump Antimony (1) 1 lb container - est - 1/2 lb Powder Antimony Metal (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb l-(0-Arsonophenylazo)-2-Naphthol-3/6-disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt (1) unknown weight bottle - est - 1/2 oz 3-(2-Arsenophenylazo)-4,5-Dihydroxy-2,7 - est - Naphthalene Disulfonic Acid (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 5 gm Crystal Solid Arsenic Metal (1) 4 oz botle - est - 3 oz Crystals Aerosol OT (1) est 5 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Fiber Asbestos (1) large bottle - est - 2 lbs Powder Aluminum Green CZ (1) 1 lb metal container - est - 1/4 lb Alundum (Norton) "RP" (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2 lbs Alumina, Adsorption (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Crystal Aluminum Potassium Sulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Powder Aluminu (caustic) (1) plastic container - est - 1/4 lb Amberlite CG 400 (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Amberlite CG 50 (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Crystal Ammonium Acetate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2.5 lbs Powder Ammonium Bifluoride (1) plastic container - est - min. amount Ammonium Borate C.P. (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3 oz Crystal Ammonium Bisulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Lumps Ammonium Carbonate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 1 lb Powder Ammonium Chloride (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 1-1/2 lb • Ammonium Citrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 2 oz Crystal Ammonium Fluoride (2) 1 lb botrtles - est - 1.5 lb

A-22 U j 0 A / i

Crystal Ammonium Formate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Ammonium Oxalate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Ammonium Nitrate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 3.5 lbs Ammonium Nitrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - less than 1/4 lb Aluminum Nitrate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 3 lbs Ammonium Molydate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - less than l'oz Ammonium Molydate (1) 1.1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Ammonium Perchlorate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb \ Ammonium Sulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Ammonium Sulfate (2) 4 oz bottles - est - 6 oz Ammonium Tartrate (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1-1/2 lbs Ammonium Thiocyanate (4) 1 lb bottles - est - 2-3/4 lbs Anhydrome (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

Powder Atomized Aluminum - 325 (1) can - est - 1 lb Atomex - Immersion Gold Solution (1) bottle - est - less than 1 oz Liquid Atomex (Cyanide) Immersion Gold Solution (1) 1 gal bottle - 1 gal Powder Alodine 1200 (paint-bonding) (1) 1 qt can - est - 1 pt

OPENED - B's Powder Barium Carbonate C.P. (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Barium Carbonate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Barium Chloranilate (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 3 gm Barium Chloride (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lbs Barium Fluride (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Barium Hydroxide (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

A-23 J 5 C• M /

Powder Barium Nitrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb Benzenearsonic Acid (1) 100 gm bottle - est - 60 gm Benzidine Base (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 16 gm Benzohydroxamic Acid Potassium Salt%(l) 25 gm bottle - est - 10 gm Benzoic Acid Ammonium Salt (1) 250 gm bottle - est - 200 gm Benzoin Oxime (cupron) (1) 100 gm bottle - est - 75 gm Benzoyl Peroxide, C.P. (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3 oz 2,2'-Bipyridine (1) 5 gm bottle - est - 1 gm Granular Bismuth Metal (1) unknown weight bottle - est - 1 lb Powder Bromcresol Green (3) 5 gm bottles - est - 5 gm " Bromcresol Purple (2) 10 gm bottles - est - 4 gm • Bromothymol Blue (2) 10 gm bottles - est - 4 gm * Bromophenol Blue (1) 5 gm bottle - est - 1.5 gm Liquid Brom phenol Blue indicator (1) small bottle - 1 oz Powder Boric Acid (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Boric Acid (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 1.5 lb • Barium Diphenylamine Sulfonate (2)-(l) 5 gm bottle-(l), 10 gm bottle - 7-1/2 gm

OPENED - C'S Sticks Cadium Metal (1) 1 lb container - est - 3/4 lb Turnings calcium (1) 1/4 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb Powder Calcium Acetate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lbs " calcium carbonate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2 oz Granular Calcium Chloride (1) 1 lb bottles - est - 3/4 lb Crystals calcium chloride (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb 20 Mesh Calcium Chloride (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2.5 lb 4 Mesh calcium Chloride (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 3.5 lb

A-24 053471

Powder Calcium Hydroide (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1.25 lb Granular calcium Oxide, N.F. (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2.5 lb Powder Carminic Acid (1) 5 gm bottle - est - 1 gm • Ceric Ammonium Sulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb ' Cerium (ic) Sulfate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3 oz • Ceric Sulfate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2 oz Granular Chromium (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/3 lb Powder Chromium (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 10 ozs " Chrome Powder Grade #1 (1) 1.1 oz jar - est - 1.1 oz " Chromium Oxalate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lbs • Cinchonine (2) 140 gm bottles - est - 110 gms " Citric Acid (Anhydrous) (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb • Cobalt(ous) Chloride, C.P. (2) oz bottles - est - 6 ozs " Clayton Yellow (2) 100 gm bottles - est - 70 gms Cobalt Metal (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2 oz Granular cobalt Metal (1) 1.1 oz bottle - less than 1/4 bottle Powder Columbium Metal (1) 4 gm bottle - less than 1 gm Chips combax Accelerator (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2 lbs • copper (1) est 2 oz bottle - est - less than 1 oz Powder Copper Oxide (1) 1 oz bottle - est - 1/2 oz • copper(ous) chloride c.P. (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Granular Cr03 (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1 lb Powder Cupferron (1) 100 gm bottle - est - 25 gm • Cupferron (1) 100 gm bottle - est - 25 gm • cuprous Cyanide (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb • cupric Fluoride (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lbs • Cupric Oxide (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1 lb • cupric Sulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb

A-25 ,058V

Powder Cupric Sulfate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 3.5 lbs " Curcumin (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 8 gms Resins Carboset 525 (1) 5 lb plastic bottle - est - 3/4 lb Liquid Carboset 514 H (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 1/2 pint

AREAS D AND E - OPENED Powder Dimethyl Glyoxime (1) 4 oz. bottle - est - 3.5 oz 5-(p-Dimethylamina)-Benzylidene Rhodanine (1) 10 gm bottle - est- 8.5 gms 2,9-Dimethyl-l 10-Phenanthroline (1) 1 gm bottle - est - 1/2 gm 1/3-Dipenylguanidine (1) 100 gm - est - 90 gms P-Dipenylaminesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt (1) 5 gm bottle - est - less than 1 gm 1,5-Diphenylcarbohydrazide (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 1.5 gm Diphenyl Carbazone (1) 5 gm bottle - est - 1.5 gm Diphenylthiocarbazone (2) 10 gm bottles - est - 9 gms 5-Diphenylcarbazide (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 15 gms Dithizone (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 2 gms Spheres Dowex 50W-X8 (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 3/4 lb 50-100 MESH Spheres Dowex 50W-X8 (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2.5 lbs 50-100 MESH Spheres Dowex 1-X10 (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb 200-400 MESH Spheres Dowex 1-X8 (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb 100-200 MESH Crystal Dextrose/Anhydrous-D-Glucose (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Granular Devarda's alloy (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/3 lb

A-26 058471

Powder Dextrin (Bacteriological) (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2 oz • Disodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (1) 1 lb bottle - 1/2 lb ' Eriochrome Black T (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 2 ?V.s • Erythrosine Red (1) 1 oz bottle - est - 1/2 oz " Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic Acid (3) 1 lb bottles, est -. 1-1/2 lbs

Crystal Drierite (caS04) (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 1 lb

AREAS F AND G - OPENED Granular Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate (2) 1 lb bottles - est Purified - 3/4 lb Lump Granular Ferric Sulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Powder Ferric Sulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb Fuchsin (Basic) (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 8 gms Flouescein (2) est 10 gm bottle - est - 10 gms Powder Graphite Powder (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1 lb Powder Graphite Powder (2) 8 oz bottles - est - 3/4 lb 325 MESH Powder L-(+)-Glutamic Acid - (1) 100 gm - est - 90 gms

AREAS H AND I - OPENED Granular Hexamethyl-Enamine (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Hydrazine sulfate (2) 100 gm bottles - est - 120 gms Rydroxylamine Bydrochloride (2) 100 gm bottles - est - 50 gms Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride (2) 500 gm bottles - est - 350 gms Hydroxylamine Sulfate c.P. (1) (1) 100 gm bottle - 50 gms Powder Iodine, USP (1) est 100 gm bottle - est - 90 gms

A-27 05847'

Powder Iron metal (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

• Iron metal (reduced by Hydrogen), (1) 1 lb. bottle - 3/4 lb

Iron, N.F. (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Granular Indicarb 6-10 Mesh (1) 1 lb bottle - est - Foil Indium Foil from Film Badges - 3 pes in a bottle Chips/ Flakes Iron Chip (1) unlabeled plastic bottle - est - 1/2 lb


Powder Lanthanum Chloranilate (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 10 gns

Shot 20-260 Lead Metal (1) 1 lb container - est - 3/4 lb Granular Lead (4) 1 lb bottles - est - 2-3/4 lbs

Crystal Lead Acetate (1) 4 02 bottle - est - 2 ozs

Lead Acetate (2) 1 lb bottle - est - 1-1/2 lbs Powder Lead Chromate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb

• Lead Carbonate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1 lb

• Lithium Chloride (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3.5 oz Lithium Chloride (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Powder Macro Bronze # 4 (1) 1 lb plastic bottle - est - 3/4 lb • Mg (1) 1 gal tin cans - est - 4 lbs • 2-Methyl-8-Quinolino (2) 5 gm bottle - est - 2 gms • Magnesium Sulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1 lb Crystal Magnesium Nitrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Powder Magnesium Perchlorate (1) est. 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb • Manganous Sulfate, Monohydrate (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 3-1/2 lbs • Manganous Sulfate Monohydrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb

A-28 058471

Powder Manganese Dioxide Special (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 25 gms Magnesium Ribbon (2) 12" pc in bottle - est - 24' Mercuric Chloride (2) 4 oz bottles - est - less than 1 oz Crystal Mercuric Chloride (1) 4 oz bottle - est - less than 1 oz Powder Mercuric Iodide (1) Red 1 oz bottle - 1 oz Crystal Mercuric Nitrate (1) 1 lb bottle - 1/2 lb Powder Mercury (ic) chloride (2) 1 lb bottle - est - 1-1/4 lb Mercuric Thiocyanate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Methyl Oxalate (1) 100 gm bottle - est - 100 gms f Crystals Methylene Blue (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 12.5 gms Methyl Red (1) 1 oz bottle - est - less than 1/2 oz Methyl Red (2) 4 oz bottles - est - 4 oz Methyl Orange 4 oz bottle - est 3 oz Molybdic Anhydride (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2 oz Powder Murexide (1) 1 gm bottle - est - less than 1/2 gm

AREAS N AND 0 - OPENED Powder 1-Naphthylamine (1) 100 gm bottle - est - 60 gm 1-Naphthylamine Hydrochloride (1) 100 gm bottle - 70 gm Nickel Ammonium Sulfate (1) 1 lb bottle - 3/4 lb Nickel Formate (1) est. 4 oz bottle - est - 3.5 oz Nickel Metal in Powder Form (1) est 4 oz bottle - est - 2 oz Nickel Metal (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Crystal Nickel Nitrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb powder Niobium Pentoxide (1) est. 4 oz bottle - est - 1 oz Nitrilotriacetic Acid (1) 500 gm bottle - est - 250 gm Nitrilotriacetic Acid (2) 100 gm bottle - est - 125 gm

A-29 -i c. p /, 7 -

Powder P-Nitrodiazoamino-Azobenzene (1) 2 gm bottle - est - less than 1 gm

Nitron (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 12.5 gm

Nitro Phenol (1) 10 gm bottle - est* - 10 gm

Crystal NiS04

• - NiS04 (l) 1 lb bottle - est - less than 1/4 lb Powder Nickel Sulfamate (SNAP) Anti Pit (1) 1 lb box - est - 1/4 lb

Liquid Nickel Sulfamate (concent) (1) 1 gal bottle - est - 2 pints

Crystals Osmic Acid (2) 1/4 gm bottle - est - 1/2 gm Powder Oxalic Acid (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1-1/2 lbs Granular Oxalic Acid (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

Oxalic Acid (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 1-1/2 lb

AREA P - OPENED Palladium Chlo(Missing) (1) 1/4 oz est. bottle - est - less than 1/4 oz Powder Pan (1) 1 gm bottle - est - less than 1/4 gm

Pan indicator (1) 1 gm bottle - est - 1/4 gm O-Phenanthroline (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 1-1/2 gm

Liquid Phenanthroline Ferrous Sulfate Complex (1) 1 fl oz - est - less than 1/4 fl oz Crystals Phenol (1) 1/4 lb bottle - est - 1/8 lb powder Phenol Red (1) 1 gm bottle - est - less than 1/4 gm Phenolphthalein (1) 1/4 lb bottle - 1/8 lb Phenolphthalein (1) 1 lb bottle - 3/4 lb

N-Phenylanthranilic Acid (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 10 gm est

Phenylmercuric Acetate (Pract.) (1) 100 gm bottle - est. - 75 gm

A-30 058471

Powder Phthalic Acid Monopotassium' Salt (1) est 1/4 lb bottle - est - 1/8 lb " Phosphorous (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Crystals Plantanex 111 L.S. (1) 12 gm bottle - est - 9 gm • Platinum Diammino Nitrate (1) est 4 oz bottle - est 1 oz Powder Phosphorous Pentoxide (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb. (Powder appears to have gotten wet just on top.) • Primuline Yellow (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 6 gm • Pumice Stone N.F. (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 2/3 lb. " Pyrocatechol violet (1) 5 gm bottle - est - 1 gm

AREAS Q AND R - OPENED Powder Quinalizarin (1) 5 gm bottle -.est - 1 gm " 8-Quinolinol 8-Hydroxyquinoline (1) 1/4 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb " 8-Quinolinol 8-Hydroxyquinline (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1 lb Powder Rexyn *RG50 (H) (1) 1 xlb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Rexyn *101 (H) (1) 5 lb bottle - est - Crystal Rhodamine B (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 8 gm

AREA S - OPENED Crystals Salicylic Acid (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Powder Silicic Acid (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb BBs or Pellets Silver Chloride (3) 20 gm plastic bottles - est - 10 gm Crystals Silver Nitrate (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1/4 lb • Silver Nitrate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 1-1/2 oz Powder Silver Sulfate (2) 1 oz bottles - est - 1/4 oz Crystals Stannous Chloride (1) 1/4 lb bottle - est - 1/8 lb. (Crystals appear to have gotten wet on top.) Powder Starch (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

A-31 058471

Crystals Succinic Acid (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

• Sulfamic Acid (1) 500 gm bottle - est - 250 gm " Sulfamic Acid (1) 1 kg - est - 1/2 kg

Sulfanilic Acid (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

Sublimed Sulfur, N.F. (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 2/3 lb Crystals Silica Gel - Air Dryer (5) metal discs 1/2" x 3' - est - 5 oz Liquid Sel-Rex Temperex HD Gold Solution (1) 1 qt plastic bottle - 1 qt

AREA T - OPENED Powder Tannic Acid (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2-1/4

• Tannic "Acid Merck (1) est 25 gm bottle - est 20 gm " Tantalum Pentoxide (1) est 5 gm bottle - est - less than 1 gm • Tantalum (1) est 5 gm bottle - est less than 1 gm Crystals Tartaric Acid (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2 lbs • Tetramethylammonium Hydrotriborate (1) est 4 oz bottle - est 1 oz • Thenoyltrifluoroacetone (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 5 gm

• Thioacetamide (1) 4 oz bottle - est 1 oz

" Thiourea (1) 500 gm bottle - est - 400 gm • Thorium Nitrate (2) 4 oz bottle - est - 3.5 oz Powder Thorium Oxide (1) est 1 lb bottle - est - 1/3 lb Chunks Thorium Oxalate (1) est 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Powder THQ Indicator (1) est 4 oz bottle - est - 3 oz • Thymolphthalein C.P. (1) 10 gm bottle - est - 5 gm • Thymolphthalein (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 2 oz

• Tin Metal 30 Mesh (2) 1 lb bottles - est - 1 lb

Tin Metal (1) 1/4 lb bottle - est - 1/8 lb

A-32 353471

Crystals Trichloroacetic Acid (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb " Tri-Sodium Phosphate (1) est 25 oz bottle - est - 5 oz ' Titanium(ic) Oxide (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb • O-Tolidine Dihydrochloride (1) 100 gm - est - 120 gm Powder Trioctylphosphine Oxide (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 12.5 gr • Tropaeolin Or Dry indicator (1) 25 gm bottle - est - 20 gms • Tungsten 30 Mesh (1) 4 oz plastic bottle - est - less than 1 oz " Tungsten Oxide (1) 4 oz bottle - est - less than 1 oz

AREAS U, V, AND Z - OPENED Crystals Uranium Acetate (1) 1 oz bottle - est - less than 1/4 oz " Uranyl Acetate (1) 1 oz bottle - est - less than 1/4 oz Uranyl Acetate (1) 1/4 lb bottle - est - 1/8 lb Urea (1) 1 lb bottle - est 7/8 lb Powder Vanadium Pentoxide (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3-1/2 oz Crystals Vanadyl Sulfate (1) 1/4 lb bottle -est - 3-1/2 oz Crystals Zinc Acetate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3-1/2 oz Zinc Chloride .(1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb Dust Zinc Metal (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb Granular Zinc Metal 30 Mesh (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 5/8 lb • Zinc Metal 30 Mesh (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb • Zinc Metal (8 to 30 Mesh Combined) (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb • Zinc Metal 40 Mesh (1) 5 lb bottle - est - 2-1/2 lb Chips Zircaloy 2 (1) est 1 lb bottle - est - 1/4 lb Powder Zirconium Chloride (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 1/2 lb • zirconium chloride (1) 4 oz bottle - 1.25 oz • Zirconium Oxide (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

A-33 Powder Zirconium Sulfate (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3 oz

Zirconyl Nitrate (1) 1 lb bottle - est - 3/4 lb

Zinc oxide (1) 5 lb bottle - est - less than 1 lb

A-34 058471

SPECTROGRAPH ROOM Spectrographically Standardized Substance (1) Ammonium Metavanadate 1 g Three sealed wooden boxes. NK4VO3 - Ammonium Cannot determine actual -weights. Weight listed on Aquochlororuthenium wooden boxes. (NH4).2Ru.(H20) Cl5 Ammonium Molybdate 20 g Three sealed wooden boxes, (NH4)6 MO7 024 4 H20

Antimony Tetraoxide (Sb204) 1 g Ammonium Titanyloxalate 10 g Three sealed wooden boxes, (NK4) Ti0(C204)2 H20 Barium Carbonate (BaC03) 10 g k

Bismuth Oxide (Bi203) 10 g Crado Oxide 10 g Cadmium Oxide (CdO) 5 g Cobalt Oxide (C03O4) 10 g Cupric Oxide (CuO) 10 g

Dysprosium Oxide (Dy203) 1 g

Europium Oxide (Eu203) 1 g

Hafnium Oxide (Hf02) 1 g

Iron Oxide (FE203) 5 g

Lanthanum Oxide (La203) 1 g Lead Oxide (PbO) 5 g Manganese Oxide (1^304) 10 g Molybdenum Trioxide (M0O3) 20 g Nickel Oxide (NiO) 10 g

Silver Oxide (Ag20) 5 g Sodium Nitrate (NaN03> 5 g

Tantalum Pentoxide (Ta20s) 1 g

A-35 058^71

(1) Tin Oxide (Sn02) 5 9 (1) Thorium Oxide (Th02) 5 g (1) Tungsten Trioxide (WO3) 5 g (1) Vanadium Pentoxide (V2O5) . 5 g •'s (1) Zirconium Oxide (Zr02> 10 g (2) Aluminum Oxide (AI2O3) 20 g Unopened; est

(1) Boric Acid (H3BO3) 10 g Unopened; est

(1) Beryllium Oxide (BeO) 5 g Unopened;

(1) Calcium Carbonate (CaC03) 10 g opened est. 7 gm (1) chromium Sesquioxide {^203) INCOMPLETE

SPECTROGRAPH ROOM - LABORATORY Standards - Spectrographically standardized substances "Matthey Specpure' Johnson Matthey and Limited London Container sizes are 1 to 10 grams. Magnesium Oxide Cobalt Oxide Yttrium Oxide Dysprosium Oxide Silicon Dioxide Cadmium Oxide Zinc Oxide Lithium Carbonate Sodium Nitrate Lithium Nitrate Silver Oxide Chromium Sesquioxide Molybdenum Oxide Calcium Carbonate Barium Carbonate Beryllium Oxide Boric Acid Bismuth Oxide Aluminum Oxide Ammonium Titanyloxalate Nickel Oxide Antimony Tetraoxide Potassium Perrhenate Molybdenum Trioxide Thorium Oxide Molybdenum Trioxide Tantalum Pentoxide Cupric Oxide Ammonium Molybdate Tin Oxide Lead Oxide Europium Oxide Zirconium Oxide Gadolinium Oxide Vanadium Pentoxide Hafnium Oxide Iron Oxide Ammonium Metavanadate Ammonium Aquochlororuthenite A-36 ;RA"

Standards - Spex Industries, Inc. Container sizes are 2 to 20 grams Titanium Dioxide (6) Thulium Oxide Lanthanum Oxide Niobium Pentachloride Neodymium Oxide Ammonium Phosphate Germanium Oxide "Al" Gallium Oxide/Graphite Copper Flouride Strontium Flouride Gallium Oxide Spex Mix Sodium Chloride

Standards - New Brunswick Labs

U3O8 Analyzed Samples for Spectrographic Use (30) 25 g each Th02 for Spectrographic Analysis (6) Miscellaneous Standards and Samples Cresilver (75% Pure Ag) Thorium (9) Misc. Lab Standards (21) Magnesium MgOs (20 g) Lacquer samples U3O8 Samples (4) Yellow liquid (4) 100 ml Vollmetric Three pint-size boxes of miscellaneous standards, including nickel, uranium, molybdenum iron, chromium. Each sample contained in small vials of 1-g capacity.

Standards - Miscellaneous

Five 1-quart cans of miscellaneous standards and samples, primarily U3O8. Samples are contained in 1-g vials.

A-37 055471


U.S. Department of Commerce NBS Silicon Steel 131 c (1) U3Oe 950 b (1) U-900 (1) U-850 (1) U-800 (2) ' UO3 Analyzed Sample # 18 (4) OPENED STANDARDS

Powder U-005 (2) Few Partials U-010 (1) Few Partials U-015 (1) Few Partials U-020 (1) Few Partials (Less than 1/2 lb total) U-030 (2) (1) Few Partials U-050 (2) (1) Few Partials U-850 (2) (1) Few Partials U-900 (2) (1) Few Partials Crystals Th Metal Chips # 20 (1) less than 3/4 lb Th Metal Chips # 19 (1) est - less than 1/4 lb Wire Iron metal (1) 4 oz container - est - 3 oz

Solid Cadmium, R (1) container reads 20 gr

" Zr 1 (1) container reads 57.0 g " Zr 4 (1) container reads 56.5 g

• Zr .2 (1) container reads 59.5 g Powder Synthetic Salt Std. (1) 4 oz bottle - est - 3 oz

Large Chips Unknown Metal Punchings for Carbon - est - 1 oz Small Chips Unknown Metal Turnings for Carbon - est - less than 1 oz Shot Unknown Metal Shot for Carbon - est - less than 1 oz 100 Mesh Stainless Steel (1) est - 3/4 lb Powder Chips Unknown Metal (3) bottles read just 1,2,3 - est - 4 oz

Solid Depleted Unalloyed Uranium (2) bottles - est - 5 lbs

Pellets Normal Uranium (1) bottle - est - 1/4 lb

A-38 053^1

Powder Normal Uranium Oxide (1) bottle - est - 1/4 lb * NBL Std Uranium Oxide (1) bottle - est - less than 1/4 lb ' Depleted Uranium Oxide (1) bottle •- est - less than 1 02 Chips Unalloyed Depleted Uranium (1) bottle - est - battle reads 699 g Powder 9.3% Enriched Uranium (1) bottle - 32 gms " 4,9% Enriched Uranium (1) bottle - est - 32 gms Pellet Ag (1) bottle - (1) pellet - est - less than 1 02 Thick Fused H3B03 (1) bottle - est - less than 1 02 Flakes Powder Ignited Si02 (1) bottle - est - 1/4 lb Powder Nb20s (1) bottle - est - less than 1 02 Liquid Mixed Indicator Methyl-Red & Methylene Blue (1) - est - 4 o bottle - est - 2 02 (6) bottles of unknown contents


Item Type and No. Estima No. Item of Containers Quanti Comments


ER-1 SNAP (1) 10-gal 7 gal Allied-Kellite. Non-hazardous and Non toxic. container

ER-2 SNAC (1) 10 gal 3 gal Allied-Kellite

ER-3 Isobrite 541 (1) 5-gal Carboy 2 gal Allied-Kellite. Cadimum Plating Brightner Non-hazardous and non-toxic.

ER-4 Iridite 8P (1) 1-gal can 1 gal Allied Kellite. Cadmium or Zinc Blue Bright, Contains chromic acid.

ER-5 SNR 24 (1) 55-gal drum 20 gal Allied-Kellite.

ER-6 Caustic Soda (2) 400-lb 400 lb Crystal drums

ER-8 Muriatic Acid (1) 55-gal plastic Hydrochloric Acid. drum

ER-9 Caustic-Soda (1) 55-gal drum 20 gal (Solid)

ER-11 Boric Acid (1) 30-gal drum 5 gal Drum marked for Magnesium Chips.

ER-12 Water Conditioner 20 gal Tower contains white "rock salt" like Packed Tower material.

ER-13 Unknown (1) 10 Gal 8 gal C3 ER-14 Unknown (1) 5-gal 2 gal container

ER-15 Unknown (1) 5-gal 1 gal Contains white crystalline substance. drum MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments


OR-1 Misc. Oil 6 5 gal Grease Cans

OR-2 DTE Heavy Oil (1) 55-gal 40 gal Mobi1 Corp. drum


MP-1 Carbon 6 Graphite (1) fiberboard 10 lb Union Carbide Corp. Causes Irritation. Powder container

MP-2 Carbon t Graphite (1) 1-qt can 1 qt Same as above Bonding Liquid

£ MP-3 Enamel Paint (1) 1-gal can 0.5 gal Protective Coatings.

MP-4 Reducer (2) 1-gal cans 1 gal Michigan chrome and Chemical Co. Plammable

MP-5 Pep Epoxy (1) 1-gal can 1 gal Protective Coatings. Toxic, combustible. • Activator Component B

MP-6 Pep 1 Epoxy (1) 1-gal can 1 gal Same as above. Enamel Component A

MP-7 Aerosol Cans c::> Paint (5) 15-oz cans Plammable oo Cleaners, (13) 15-oz cans plammable x- Lubricants, and Penetrating Oil

MP-8 Tap Zol Tapping (2) lpt cans 2 Pt Rust Lick Corp. Non-Combustible. Contains Fluid 1,1,1 Trchloroethane, Inhibited E.P and Fatty Oils. MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of containers Quantity Comments

MP-9 Red Gauge Oil (1) Plastic Tube 0.75 Oz. Dwyer Industries

MP-10 Silver Plating (1) Lb Can 1 Lb The Cool Amp. Co. Powder (Cool-Amp)

MP-11 PR-1 Polyester (1) Qt Can 1 Qt Townsend Inc. Flammable Liquid. Contains Resin Styrene

MP-12 Hi-Temp Anti- (1) 4 Oz Can 2 Oz Fel-Pro Inc. Lubricant and Sealer Seize Compound

MP-13 DAP 33 Glazing (1) 1 Qt Can 24 Oz Dap Inc. Glazing compound »

HP-14 High Vaccum (I) Plastic 50 Oz Dow corning Silicone Lubricant Grease Container (II) Tubes

HP-15 Flint Hill (6) 100 Lb 600 Lbs Dresser Industries. Harbison Walker Refractory bags

MP-16 Unlbond P/19 (1) 55 Gal 25 Gal Unicast Development Corp. Flammable Liquid Drum

MP-17 Terra Paint (3) 100 Lb 225 Lbs Foseco. Foundry Products Division. Irritant. cans Liquid Ceramic Facing » .- MP-18 Silicon Spray (1) 60 Lb 60 Lb IMS Co. + Canister

MP-19 Dolemite (5) 55 Gal 200 Gal J. E. Baker Co. (pueller's Drums CD Earth) cx> MP-20 Zlrconla Powder (1) 5 Lb 1 Lb Container

MP-21 Yttrium Oxide (2) 25 Lb bags 30 Lbs Research Chemicals Division of NUCOR MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated NO. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

MP-22 capacitors General Electric (1) Cat | 19F622 No. M376264 Pyranol Capacitor. Contains PCBs. Red Label (2) Cat I 19L622H SN N512359. 0.78 Gal of Combustible Liquid. Green Label (3) Cat | 19L522 No. HO92002 Pyranol Capacitor. Red Label (4) Cat • 19L582NH No. H514339. Blue Label

MP-23 Reactor Hunteroon Transformer Co. Fleming, NJ Spec. I A-1851-16 315 AMP.

MP-24 Hardener (7) 0.5 Oz 3.5 Oz 60% Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide tubes

MP-25 Quick Setting (1) Gal Can 1 Gal Sauereisen Cement Co. Cement (Binder)

I MP-26 Molybdenum (1) 45 Kg 34 Kg GTE Sylvania-Preci8ion Metals Group Metal Powder Container

MP-27 Tasil 301 Cement (1) 100 Lb 25 Lbs Chas. Taylor Sons Co. Contents solidified, Container

MP-28 Preon 113 (1) Gal 1 Gal E. I. DuPont Bottle Trichlorotrifluoroethane

MP-29 Lampblack (11) 100 Lb 1100 Lbs R. T. Vanderbllt co. Medium Thermal Carbon (Thermak Powder bags N991) CJ MP-30 Taycor 414 PH (14) 100 Lb 1500 Lbs Taylor Refractories Hydrocast (1) 30 Gal Drum Refractory -1 (Aluminum Oxide)

MP-31 Stab-fused (6) 100 Lb 500 Lb ,Refractory ZR02- 61.163 (Lustergrip) MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of containers Quantity Comments

MP-•32 X-12263B (42) 100 Lb Cans 4200 Lbs Refractory MP--33 Carbase Sodium (2) 30 Gal 500 Lbs BASF Wyanndote. Sodium carboymethylcellylose CMC (5) 100 Lb bags

MP--34 Dura-Pak (4) 100 Lb bags 400 Lbs Refractory Powder

MP-35 Acid Proof (4) 100 Lb bags 400 Lbs Sauereisen Cement Co. Cement #31 Filler

MP-36 Zircon Plaste (2) 300-lb 400 lb No other markings barrels

MP-37 Acryl 60 (1) 2-qt 1 qt Thoro system products contains acrylic resin

MP-38 Celvacene Medium (3) 1-lb 1.5 lb Consolidated Vacuum Corp. Vacuum Grease containers

MP-39 Moroline White (1) 16-oz Ragh Inc., Memphis, TN Petroleum Jelly container


PS-1 Latex Paint (26) gal cans 20 gal Brand names: Dutch Boy, Protective Coatings. Typical composition-pigment including titanium dioxide, CaCOj, BaSOj, Silicates. Vehicle including acrylic latex, non-volatile acrylic latex, water

PS-2 Enamel Paint (53) gal cans 40 gal Brand Names: Dutch Boy, Protective Coatings. Epoxy and marine enamels. Typical composition-pigment including metal (iron, titanium) oxides, Cac03, silicates. Vehicle-Alkyd resins, solvents

PS-4 Multi-Purpose (1) gal can 0.5 gal Roberts Consolidated ind. Latex base adhesive Floor Adhesive containing small amount of toluene MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No.. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

PS-4 Kencove (2) qt cans 2 qt Combustible Mixture Adhesive

PS-5 Parks sealer (1) Gal Can 0.3 Gal Primer

PS-6 Catalyst (T-916 (11) Gal Cans 8 Gal Hoppers. (Brolite) Pire hazard. May contain T-917, mild for (2) Gal Plastic lead or chromium oxide Epoxy) Primers Containers

PS-7 T-120 Wash (2) Gal cans 1 Gal Koppers (Brolite) Thinner

PS-8 P-908 Epoxy (2) Gal Cans 1 Gal Koppers (Brolite) Component (Skyspar Epoxy)

PS-9 Topcoat Thinner (1) Gal Can 0.5 Gal Sterling Lacquer Co. Paint flammable liquid

PS-10 Topcoat Gloss (1) Gal can 0.5 Gal The Marblette Co.

PS-11 Polyurethane- (3) Qt Cans 2 Qts Sterling. Flammable Aliphatic

PS-12 Epoxy hardner (1) Qt Can 0.5 Qts Buehler Ltd.

PS-13 Epoxy resin (1) Gal can 0.5 Gal Buehler Ltd.

PS-14 Epoxy primer (1) Gal Can 0.5 Gal Koppers (Brolite)

PS-15 Polyurethane (2) Gal Cans 1 Gal Sterling Lacquer. Flammable Coating

PS-16 Resin-acid Metal (6) Gal Cans 5 Gal Koppers company. Inc. Contains phosphoric Pretreatment acid and alcohol solvents Compound

PS-17 . Primer Coating (3) Gal Cans 2 Gal Koppers MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

PS-IB A932 Epoxy Coat (2) Gal cans 1 Gal Koppers. May contain lead or 1718 Aluminized Chromium Oxide

PS-19 Primer Coating (2) Gal Cans 1 Gal Koppers. Spec. No. Mil-P-7962

PS-20 Laminar X-500 1 Pt Can 1 Pt Manufacturer: Dexter-Midland, Past Production/ Flammable Solvent Reducer

PS-21 Unknown 1 gt can 1 qt

PS-22 Primer Coating 4 Gal cans 2 Gal Deft. Flammable Phosphate, Ester Resistant, Catalyst Component

PS-23 Component 2 (3) Gal Cans 2 Gal Bostick. Flammable. Flash pt< Polyamide 28«F. MFR Code CA-158 I Converter

PS-24 Epoxy Topcoat (3) Gal Cans 1 Gal Bostick. Flammable Gloss

PS-25 Corrosion (5) Gal Cans 4 Gal Bostick. Flammable Inhibiting Primer

PS-26 Fluid Resistant (2) Gal Cans 1 Gal Bostick. Flammable Flash pt. 23*F Code Catalyst CA116. Spec DMS 1786 D DPM 2232

PS-27 Resin Acid Metal (6) Qt Cans 4 Qts Koppers Co. Inc., Brolite Div. MPR Code I P- Pretreatment 204 B. Expired Shelf Life Coating

PS-2B U1344 Catalyst (3) Gal Cans 2 Gal Sterling Lacquer Co. Flammable. Contains Aliphatic Polylsocyanates, Ester and Petroleum Distillate Solvents. Lung Irritant.

PS-29 . Paint Thinner (1) Gal can Negligible Combustible MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

PS-30 Polane Catalyst (1) Gal can 0.5 Gal sherwin Williams. Combustible. Lung irritant V66 V27 500-1318

PS-31 Polane (Polyure- (1) Gal Can 0.5 Gal Sherwin Williams. Plammable thane Coating) F 63 W13

PS-32 Crystalloid (1) Gal Can 0., 5 Gal Dutch Boy. Combustible

PS-33 Fluid Resistant (8) Gal cans 6 Gal USM Corp. Bostick Chemical Group. Code CA-116 Catalyst Spec. DMS 1786C

PS-34 catalyst Solution (15) Qt Cans 151 Qts Bostick. Code X-304, X-306

PS-35 Fluid Resistant (5) Gal Cans 3 Gal Bostick. Flammable. Code 463-12-8, Spec DMS 1789c Primer > PS-36 Primer Epoxy (5) Gal Cans 5 Gal Bostick. Flammable. Flash Pt. 28"F. MFR Polyamide Code 463-7-10. Expired Shelf Life Component 1-Epoxy Resin Compound

PS-37 Corrosion (1) Gal Can 0.5 Gal Essex Chemical Corp. Flammable. Contains Inhibitive Sealant Toluene. Expired shelf life.

PS-38 Accelerator (1) Pt Can 1 Pt Essex. Contains Manganese Dioxide

PS-39 Rust-Oleum (1) Pt can 1 Pt Rust-Oleum. Combustible

PS-40 Spra-Tool (15) 13 oz 195 oz Crown Industrial Products. Spray cans Dichlorodifluoromethane Propellant. CO on PS-41 Green-zinc (15) 13 oz 195 oz Flammable XT Primer Spray Cans

PS-42 Hetal Working (9) 31 kg 279 kg. Van Straaten eHemlcal Co. QC 14808 Fluid Plastic 951 (Samples) Containers

PS-43 Thinner 1t2 J^JD qt can 0.5 q^^ TheMarb^^tte co^ MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

PS-44 Primer coating (1) 1-gal cont. 0.25 gal DefU code I 02-GN-28; Lockheed Spec LCM-37-1035A. ester resistant base coponent

PS-45 PEP 10 epoxy (10) 1-gal cans 9 gal The Passano Corporation, Hatervliet, NY. enamel clear component A

PS-46 PEP epoxy, (1) 1-gal can 1 gal The Passano Corporation, Hatervliet, NY. activator com- ponent B

PS-47 T-916 catalyst (1) 2-gal can 2 gal Brolite - Andrew Drown Co., Marietta, GA. for A-932 17178 aluminized

PS-48 Catalyst for (1) 2-gal can 2 gal Brolite - Hoppers Company Inc., Spec No. M11P23377 epoxy primer

PS-49 T-916 catalyst (1) 1-gal plastic 1 gal Brolite identification number 53409250 for A-932 epoxy container coating

PS-50 PEP-1 epoxy (1) 1-gal can 1 gal The Passano corporation, Hatervliet, NY. enamel white component A

PS-51 Grey enamel #750 (1) 1-gal can 1 gal The Marblette Company

PS-52 U1146 catalyst (1) 1-qt can 1 qt Sterling Lacquer Mfg Co., Sunbrite Subsidiary, batch No. 5083


CR-1 Nicklad Electro- (4) 5 Gal 15 Gal The Richardson Company. Allied-Kelite Div. less, Nickel Con- Plberboard con- Corrosive. centrate, 794, tainers 794B MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

CR-2 Solar Salt Dealer (3) 80 Lb bags 240 Lbs International salt Company (Sea Salt)

CR-3 Xridite 8P (1) Gal Can 1 Gal Allied-Kelite. Oxidzer Cadmium or Zinc Blue Bright

CR-4 Snac Barrett (2) 50 Lb 75 Lbs Allied-Kellite Sulfamate Nickel Piberboard Acid Compound Containers

CR-5 Metso Granular (1) 55 Gal 30 Gal The PQ Corporation. Sodium silicate Detergent Drum Detergent. Contained in drum labeled for Magnesium chips.

CR-6 soda Ash (Dense) (1) 100 Lb Bag 100 Lb Allied Chemical

CR-7 Chromic Acid (1) 100 Lb Can 100 Lb Allied Chemical. 99% CrC<3 Technical Flake. Strond oxidant. Posion

CR-8 Air Dry Rock (3) Gal Cans 3 Gal Michigan Chrome and Chemical Co. Flammable Coating Liquid

CR-9 C1452 Primer (1) 5 Gal Metal 2 Gal Michigan Chrome and Chemical Co. Container

CR-10 C-12 Activator (1) 5 Gal Metal 3 Gal Container

CR-11 Nickel Carbonate (1) 5 Gal Metal 5 Gal No other marking or lables. Container

CR-12 Aluminum Cleaner (1) 55 Gal Drum 10 Gal Oakite Products, Inc. Mildy alkaline with with biodegradable surfactants.

CR-13 Lacolene Petro- (I) 55 Gal 15 Gal Ashland chemicals. Flammable leum Naptha drum Liquid

CR-14 Desiccite 25 (II) 5 Gal 55 Gal Filtrol Corp. Each container contains 300 Metal Containers bags of ness 1 cant^ ^^^ •••» a^M -WarM-** — *&*+• ^, >HH»i«i


Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

CR-15 cadmium Oxide (1) 5 Gal 2 Gal Amax Zinc Co. Amax Lead and Zinc Div. Toxic Container by inhalation and ingestion.

CR-16 Sodium Sulfide (1) 55 Gal 38 Lbs PPG Industries. Corrosive solid Drum

CR-17 Trisodium (1) 100 Lb Bag 100 Lbs Monsanto Co. Technical TSP Crystalline. Phosphate

CR-18 Boric Acid (1) 100 Lb Bag 100 Lbs Stauffer chemical Co. Granular Technical Grade.

CR-19 Sodium Cyanide (2) 200 Lb 350 Lbs Phillipp Brother Chemicals, Inc. Poslon. Drums 99% NaCN

CR-20 Nickel Chloride (1) 20 Gal 5 Gal Drum labeled for flake caustic. Metal Container

CR-21 ZE-3 Emulsifier (1) 5 Gal Metal 3 Gal Magnaflux Corporation. Zyglo-Pentrex Containers Emulsifier. Contains petroleum products and surface active agents. Combustible mixture. Flash Pt exceeds 200°F.

CR-22 ZL-30A Penetrant (1) 5 Gal 2 Gal Magnaflux Corp. Spotcheck Penetrant Formula Container A. Type SKL-W. Contains petroleum distillates and surface active agents. Combustible Mixture. Flash Point exceeds 190°F.

CR-23 Netso Penta Bead (1) 100 Lb Bag 100 Lbs The PQ Corp. Pentahydrate Sodium Metasilicate.

CR-24 Unknown (1) 20 Gal Drum 20 Gal No markings or labels

CR-25 Unknown (1) 55 Gal Drum 50 Gal The Mogul Corp. Irritant Marking - AG470

CR-26 Dearborn 157 (1) 55 Gal 30 Gal Dearborn Chemical Co. Corrosive Liquid Drum MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

CR-27 8083 Energized (1) 15 Gal 10 Gal Crown Industrial Products. Poison. Contains Rust Remover Drum Acid.

CR-28 Waste Oil & Debris (1) 20 Gal 5 Gal No Harking or Labels Drum

CR-29 Wheelmate High (1) 5 Gal Metal 3 Gal Norton Company. Grinding Wheel Division Performance Container Metal Working Pluid Nitrite Free 674

CR-30 Rust Inhibitor (1) Gal Metal 1 Gal No Markings or Labels Container

CR-31 Unknown (1) 40 Gal Drum 30 Gal Amitron Chemical Industries. No other > markings or labels. i in CR-32 Rins A Mint Plus (1) 5 Gal 3 Gal Amitron Chemical Industries, Inc. Mild Container Alkaline (pH 8-8.5) Cleaner. Non-flammable Non-Toxic, Biodegradable.

CR-33 Metal Working (1) 5 Gal 4 Gal Daystar Corp. Non-flammable. Non-Toxic Fluid Concentrate Container

CR-34 Mighty Strip (1) 55 Gal 10 Gal Environmental Chemical and Equipment Co. (Ammoniated, Drum Contains Sodium Meta Silicate. Butyllzed Detergent)

CR-35 Sentry Dry chlori- Oxidizing Agent. Calcium Hypochlorite. nating Chemical

CR-36 Unibond P/19 (1) 55 Gal 30 Gal unicast Development Corporation. ,„> Drum Flammable Liquid

CR-37 Petisol 202 (2) 4 Gal 3 Gal Silo Incorporated. Flammable Liquid. Contains Carburetor Containers Orthodichlorobenzene and Xylol. .and Metal Cleaner MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

CR-38 Microseal :Impreg - (1) Gal can 0.5 Gal Themicro Seal nant

CR-39 Hydro Seal (1) 55 Gal 20 Gal Radiator Specialty Company. Contains Drum Chlorinated Hydrocarbons and Cresylic Compounds.

CR-40 Unknown (1) 55-gal Tank contains "bricks." Possibly for Porcelain Tank neutralization.

CR-41 Unknown (1) 5 gal 3 gal Container is unmarked and not labeled. metal container

CR-42 Potassium (16) 100 lb 1500 l b Majority of bags are opened and spilled Carbonate Bags onto floor.

CR-43 Microsol heat- (1) 5-gal 4 gal Michigan chrome & chemical cured rack coat- container ing El003

CR-44 Unknown (1) 55-gal drum 50 gal The Mogul Corp. drum markings 64560, EG5345

CR-45 ? (1) 55-gal drum 50 gal The Mogul Corp., AG470 irrintant.

CR-46 Buehler Metadi (1) 1 gt plastic 1 qt Buehler Ltd.; extender for diamond pastes. fluid container

CR-47 Microtex micro- (1) 1-gal can 0.5 gal Michigan chrome 6 chemical

CR-48 Pormula A (1) 5-gal can 4 gal Magna Flux Corp. type SKL-W water washable penetrant combustible mixture. Plash point exceeds 190F.

CR-49 Unknown (1) 30-gal 30 gal Amitron Chemical Industries, 9143520660 container


SB-1 Unknown (1) Gal Bottle 0.3 Gal Yellow viscous liquid MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

SB-2 Paint Thinner 1) 5 Gal 2 Gal Protective Coatings. Petroleum Distillates. Container

SB-3 Laminar X-500 19) 1 Gal Cans 19 Gal The Dexter Corp. Midland Div. Contains Organic solvent. Expired shelf life. Batch lll-MT-48 Spec I BMS-10-86A. Flammable

SB-4 X-500 Lt. Stable 22) 1 Qt Cans 5 Gal Dexter Corp. Fl. Pt 108°F Flammable Hardener Batch 5 N H44 10-C-81N. Expired shelf life.

SB-5 Dope t Lacquer 6) 1 Gal cans 6 Gal Koppers Company-Brolite Div. Batch 12-119 Thinner Spec-TT-T-266C

SB-6 Acrylic Lacquer 4) 1 Gal cans 4 Gal The Koppers Company. Spec! Mll-t-19544 Thinner

> I SB-7 . Lacquer Acrylic 4) 1 Gal Cans 3 Gal Koppers Spec! M11-L-19537C en Nitrocellulose 17178 Aluminum

SB-8 Epoxy Polyamlde 3) Gal Can 1.5 Gal Bostick Corp. Spec • Mil-P-23377 D Type 1. Primer Batch 20677. Expired shelf life.

SB-9 Primer Epoxy 1) Gal Can 1 Gal Bostick Component 1. Pigmented epoxy resin Polyamlde compound. Flash Pt. 28°. Expired shelf life Spec I HH-P-23377C Class 2 Batch 112090.

SB-10 Epoxy Polyamlde 3) Gal Cans 2 Gal Bostick. code X-369. Expired shelf life. Catalyst Spec • Mil-P-23377 D Type 1 Batch 20199. CD SB-11 component No. 2 5) Gal cans 4 Gal Bostick. Flash Pt. 28°F Expired shelf life Polyamlde Converter Spec M11-P-23377C Class 2 Batch 11380 CXI - I SB-12 18CA28T322 1) Qt. can 1 Qt Technical Research. Highly Flammable Flash Tereco Compound B Pt. 20°F. Contains hydrocarbon and oxygenated solvents. Expired shelf life. 175 M Liquid NOS. MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

SB-13 General Purpose (1) Qt Can 1 Qt Brolite. Spec. Lac 37 722 Type I. Batch Coating Primer 44001.

SB-14 Aluminum Paste (1) Qt Can 1 Qt Brolite. Batch 12026.

SB-15 Catalyst Solution (1) Qt Can 0.25 Qt Bostick Corp. Flammable.

SB-16 Metyl Ethyl (1) 5 Gal can 3 Gal Ashland Chemicals. Flammable Liquid Ketone

SB-17 Reducer for Rule 66 (1) Gal 1 Gal Deft Chemical Coatings. Flammable Liquid Epoxy Polyamide Primer Spec. Mil-T-19588 Mod. Batch 20564.

SB-18 03-GY-202 (2) Gal Can 2 Gal Deft Chemical. Flammable. Aliphatic, Catalyst Isocyanate Reactant coating, Polyurethane Component II Aliphatic. Spec Mil-C-83286 B > I SB-19 OZ-Y-19 Catalyst (2) Gal can 2 Gal Deft Chemical. Flammable Spec. M11-P-23377C Component II Poly- Class 2 Epoxy Polyamide. Chemical and solvent Amide Converter resistant Primer

SB-20 Methyl Alcohol (1) 5 Gal can 4 Gal Malllnckrodt. Reagent Grade.

SB-21 Component I (1) Gal can 1 Gal Deft Chemical. Polyurethane, Aliphatic Sptec.' Pigmented Resin M11-C-33286E Base Coating

SB-22 A 315 General (1) Gal Can 0.5 Gal Purpose Coating

SB-23 Top Coat (1) Gal Can 0.75 Ga 0.75 Gal Finch Paint & Chemical. Spec. Bms 10-11 H Type CD

Gloss Paint

B-24 Epoxy Enamel (1) Gal Can 1 Gal Zynolyte Products Co. Flammable. . Paint

SB-25 1344 catalyst (1) Gal can 1 Gal Sterling. Flammable Liquid. Batch 10025. MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated NO. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

SB-26 Urethane Abrasion (1) Gal can 0.75 Gal Desoto Inc. Contains Ester and Ketone Resistant Enamel Solvents. Flammable.

SB-27 Blue Label Sil (1) Lb Jar 0.75 Lbs United Wire and Supply Corp. Contains Flux Flourides and Boric Acid.

SB-28 unknown (1) Gal can 0.5 Gal No other markings or labels.

SB-29 wheel Bearing (1) 5 Lb 2 Lbs Vavoline Grease Container

SB-30 Dykem Steel (4) 8 Oz 16 OZ Dykem Co. Blue Layout Fluid

SB-31 Dykem Layout (2) 8 Oz Cans 12 Oz Dykem Co. Flammable White (DXX-327) > i SB-32 Unknown (1) Pt Jar 4 oz / White solid; no other markings or labels in SB-33 Dutch Boy White () 16 Oz can 8 Oz Dutch Boy. 891 Carbonate White Lead Lead

SB-34 PC 7 Bpoxy (1) 16 Oz Can 8 Oz

SB-35 Component I pig- (1) 1-gal can 1 gal Deft chemical Coatings Mfr. code No. 02-Y-19 mented epoxy resin compound, class 2

SB-36 Acetone (1) 5-gal can 1 gal Ashland Chemical

SB-37 Master Quik-Bild (1) 1-gal can 0.5 gal The Kindt-Collins Co

SB-38 K-lens-M-lens (1) 1-gal plastic 0.5 gal The Wilkins Co. cleaner container

SB-39 Permatex thread (1) 16-oz can empty Permatex Company Inc sealant with teflon MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments


Bl-1 Oily Sludge (8) 55 Gal Drums 400 Gal oily sludge from machinery catch pans

Bl-2 Tool-Hate (1) 5 Gal 2 Gal Container

Bl-3 Unknown (1) 55 Gal Drum 30 Gal Drum marked "For Lab"

Bl-4 Chemtrol 307 (1) 100 Lb 100 Lb Precision Finishing, Inc. Highly alkaline Container

Bl-5 Finishing Stones (1) 30 Gal Drum and Finishing Mill

Bl-6 Aerosolcan8 (21) Spray Paint > i (31) Spray Lubricant (24) Spray Cleaner (3) Spray Adhesive (1) Insecticide (1) Penetrant

Bl-7 Phillips Vapor Contains Philsol Solvent (Perchloroethylene) Degreaser

Bl-8 Sump Contains oily water


B2-1 Alcaid Oil (1) 55 Gal 50 Gal No markings or labels. CD Drum v.n OO l> B2-3 Rex 13 Lube (1) Gal Can 1 Gal Magnaflux Corp. Contains inert mineral powders.

B2-4 Spotcheck (2) 25 Lb 35 Lb Magnaflux Corp. Contains petroleum products Developer SF.D-W Containers and surface active agents. Flash pt. exceeds (wet type) 150°P MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

B2-5 zyglo zi-lc 1) Gal Container 1 Gale Magnaflux Corp. Penetrant

B2-6 Spotcheck SKL-HP 1) Qt Containers 24 Oz 3M Company. Flammable mixture. Penetrant

B2-7 Thermofax Belt 1) 8 Oz Can 8 oz Crown Industrial Products. Flammable Cleaner

B2-8 Toolmaker's 3) 8 oz 16 Oz Acco Wilson Ink

B2-9 Eel skid 1) 8 Oz Can 3 Oz Dykem Lubricating Oil

B2-10 Dykem Steel 2) 8 Oz Can 8 oz Dykem > Blue I B2-11 Dykem layout 1) 8 oz can 4 oz Dykem white DXX-327

B2-12 Liquid Wrench 1) 8 Oz Can 8 Oz

B2-13 LACO Sllc-Tite 1) 16 Oz Can Lake Chemical Co. Non Toxic. Paste

B2-14 Zyglo developer 1) 5 Lb Bag 5 Lbs ZP-4A Dry Type

B2-15 Tarn Zirconium 1) 36 Lb 36 Lbs Scrap Container CJ oo B2-16 unknown 1) 5 Gal can Residual No markings or labels. Container

B2-17 Niobium Metal 1) 50 Lb 50 Lbs Kawecki Chemical Corp. KCl 26C 30/700 powder Container

B2-18 crystalline 1) 50 Lb 50 Lbs WAH Chang Corp. Tungsten Powder Can (-30 + 325 Mesh) MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

B2-19 Pelpro Antl--Sleze (1) 16 Oz Can 8 Oz Cmp.

B2-20 Pllo Bond (1) Qt Can 10 Oz Goodyear. Flammable mixture. Industrial Adhesive

B2-21 Cove Base (1) Qt Can 24 Oz WW Henry Co. Combustible mixture. Contains Adhesive Methyl Alcohol.

B2-22 Angle Cyclinders (24) 50 Lb 1200 Lbs Ceramic Tumbling Boxes Media

BAY 4 > i m oo B4-1 Unlsorb V-l Non- (3) 48 Lb Bags 120 Lbs Unlsorb Machinery Installation Systems ahrlnk Grout

B4-2 Embeco 636 Grout (7) 55 Lb 385 Lbs Master Builders Bags

B4-3 Insblock 19- 2 Boxes A. P. Green Refractors Refractory

B4-4 MC-25 Refractory (13) 45 Kg Bags 585 Kg A. P. Green

B4-5 Castolite (11) 100 Lb 800 Lbs A. P. Green Insulation Castable

B4-6 Unknown (1) 5 Gal Can 5 Gal Supplier: Sager-Spock Supply, Albany

B4-7 Safety-Kleen (1) 30 Gal 10 Gal Safety Kleen Drum

B4-8 Magnesium (1) 30 Gal .5 Gal Reade Manufacturing. Flammable solid. . chips Drum

B4-9 Jebco (1) 180 Lb 180 Lb J. B. Baker Co* Spilled onto floor contents. ****>*«


Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

B4-10 Jebco 1) 25 Lb Bag 10 Lbs J. E. Baker

B4=ll Sunicut RD 406 1) Gal Can 1 Gal Sun Oil (Sample 3927)

B4-12 Loresco TWPB 1) 200 Lb 150 Lbs Loresco DWI Backfill Container

B4-13 nuitifax 2 1) 120 Lb 90 Lbs Texaco Grease Container

B4-14 Used Oil 1) 5 Gal 2 Gal

B4-16 Acid Proof 1) Gal can 1 Gal Sauereisen Cement Co. Cement

B4-17 Carbon and 10 Lbs Union Carbide. Causes Irritation Graphite Powder


OB-1 No. 900 Neutral (35) 400 Lb 7 tons Park Chemical Co. Poison. Contains Barium Salt Containers Chloride.

OB-2 San Heat 900 (8) 400 Lb 3,200 Lbs Henry E. Sanson & Sons, Inc. Containers

OB-3 K-17 Neutral Salt (4) 400 Lb 1,600 Lbs Park Chemical Co. Poison. Acid Soluble Salt Containers of Barium

OB-4 Nu-Sal Neutral Salt (4) 400 Lb 1,600 Lbs Park Chemical Co. Containers


OA-1 Calcium Sulfate 5 Lbs In various containers including volumetric (Dessicant) flasks. Jars, baking pan MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated NO. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

OA-2 Sodium Chloride 5 Lb Jar 5 Lbs Mallinckrodt USP. Grade (Granular)

OA-3 Kleen-Peel 1 Qt Jar 16 oz Beck Chemicals

OA-4 Visolite Filter Bag (1) Gal can 1 Gal Baghouse Accessories, Inc. Tracer Compound

OA-5 Unknown 1 Qt jar 1 Qt Pale yellow liquid

OA-6 Brake Fluid (1) 5 Gal can 2 Gal Scholle Co.


TR-1 Permatex (1) 11 Oz Tube 11 Oz Permatex Co. Combustible Mixture. Form a Gasket o TR-2 Master Quick (1) Gal can 0.5 Gal The Kindt-Collins Co. Contents Solidified Bild Plastic Filler

TR-3 K-Lena-M (3) 1 Gal 2.5 Gal The Wilkins Co. Non Flammable Lens Cleaner Bottles

TR-4 Yellow 77 Hire (2) 1 Gal Cans 0.3 Gal Ideal Industries Pulling Lubricant

TR-5 Contact Cement (1) Gal Can 0.3 Gal Roberts Consolidated Industries

TR-6 Wheel Bearing (1) 5 Lb 2 Lbs Vavoline Grease Container

TR-7 Unknown (1) Qt can 0.25 Qt

TR-B Bar fc Chain (1) Qt Can 1 Qt Sabre Townsend Saw Chain Co. Lubricant

TR-9 Vibron A-43 (5) Qt Cans 3.5 Qts Burgess and Associates Drive Lube MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

TR-10 GRP-Orange 1) 4 Oz Can 4 oz Shellac

TR-11 Vaspar I 70 1) Qt can 5 Oz The Valspar Co. Combustible Contains Petroleum Danish Oil Distillate

TR-12 Sunoco 1) Gal Can 1 Gal

TR-13 Klnseal Vacuum 2) Qt Cans 2 Qts Kinney Vaccum Co. Sealer

TR-14 Unknown 1) Qt Can Qt Harry Miller Corp.

TR-15 Gram Traction 1) Qt can 1 Qt Graham Transmissions Lube

I TR-16 Paint (2) 1 Qt Can 1 Qt

TR-17 Lapping and (4) 1 Lb Cans 3 Lbs Clover Hfg. Co. Grinding (1) 0.25 Lb Can Compound (Grease Hix)

TR-18 Dykem Layout (9) 8 Oz Cans 50 OZ Dykem Co. Flammable White DXX-327

TR-19 Dykem Steel t7) 8 Oz Cans 24 Oz Dykem Co. Blue

TR-20 Parker Lube (1) 4 Oz Tube 4 Oz Parker Seal Co. Barium Base CD V_n TR-21 Special Purpose (1) 8 Oz Can 8 Oz Seeburg Corp. OO Oil

TR-22 Sanding Disc ID 8 Oz 4 Oz Sear8 & Roebuck Co. Cement IContaine r

TR-23 . Quick Drying (26) 1 Oz 26 Oz Honeywell ink for Strip <:ontainer 8 Chart Records •**». . ,-«***


Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

TR-24 York's 3 in 1 (3) 1 Lb Cans 2.5 Lb9 York Engineering Co. Special Plux 77

TR-25 General Purpose (2) 16 Oz 32 Oz MG Welding Products. Corrosive. Contains zinc Soldering Plux Bottles Chloride

TR-26 sure Poot (8) 1 Gal Cans 8 Gal Hemisphere Chemical Corp. Non-skid Safety (Component A) Surface (7) 1 Qt Cans 7 Qts (Component B)

TR-27 Perro Plux (1) 16 Oz Can 12 OZ Union Carbide. Contains Soda Ash.

TR-28 Nokorode (1) 1 Lb Can 8 OZ The M.W. Dunton Co. Contains Zinc Chloride Soldering Paste

> TR-29 Snopake (1) Pt Can 4 OZ Litho Art Products. Plammable. Contents Solidified. I ON TR-30 Solvent and (1) Pt Can 4 OZ Union Rubber and Asbestos Co. Extremely Plammable. Thinner

TR-31 Kleerlte Rubber (1) Qt Can 16 OZ American Writing Ink co. Cement Type I

TR-32 2 cycle Oil (1) Pt Can 1 Pt Homelite

TR-33 Rld-a-Bird 4 Rods Rid-A-Bird Inc. Poison ROdS

TR-34 Haste Oil (2) Pt Jars 8 OZ CD TR-35 Unknown (1) 16 oz bo 16 oz Clear liquid in Pepsi bottle. OO TR-36 Sil Plux (3) 16 Oz 32 Oz -J Soldering Containers

TR-37 Kester Soldering (1) 1 Lb Can 12 OZ Litton Systems. Contains Zinc chloride. Paste MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No. Item of Containers Quantity Comments

TR-38 Pipe Joint 1) 16 Oz Can 12 Oz Hercules Chemical Compound

TR-39 Metal Marker 6) 8 Oz Tubes 48 Oz John P. Nissen Jr. Co.

TR-40 Tasgon Penetrat- 1) 3 Oz Can 1.5 Oz Samuel Cabot, Inc. ing Rust Solvent

TR-41 Liquid Wrench 1) 8 Oz Can 8 Oz Radiator Specialty Co. Combustible Mixture

TR-42 Hi-Temp C5-A 1) 10 Oz Can 10 Oz Fel Pro, Inc. Anti-Sieze Lubricant

TR-43 Kodak Rapid 1) 4 Oz. Tube 4 Oz Kodak Mounting Cement > I TR-44 Motor Oil 28) 1 Qt. Cans 28 Qts Mobile

TR-45 Silicon Rubber 2) 8 Oz. Tube8 10 Oz Holykote 111 Compound Dow Corning. GE 1) 2.8 Oz. Tube8

TR-46 Pen Rust Paint 1) Gal can 1 Gal passonno Paints. Combustible.

TR-47 Dow Mag Qt. Can 1 Qt Reade Manf. Co. Metal Power Division

TR-48 Unknown 2) Pt Bottles 20 Oz Contents unknown. Silver metal appearance 1) 4 Oz Bottle

TR-49 High Vacuum 1) 8 Oz 8 Oz Grease Container

TR-50 Air Motor 1) 4 Oz 4 Oz Lubrication Oil Container

TR-51 ink 6) Bottles 10 oz

TR-52 . Rector Seal PVC 1) 16 Oz Can 8 Oz The Rector Seal Corp. Extremely Flammable Cement MATERIALS INVENTORY

Item Type and No. Estimated No* Item of Containers Quantity Comments

TR-53 Tap Zol (3) Pt Cans 24 Oz Tapping Fluid

TR-56 No. 630 Multi (1) 14.5 Oz 14.5 Oz Purpose Grease Tube

TR-57 Aluminum paint (1) 1-qt can 0.3 qt All-purpose aluminum paint; other markings obscured by paint.

TR-58 Allen soldering (1) 2-oz can 1 oz L.B. Allen Co. Inc. paste

TR-59 Heavy duty (1) 5-gal can 2 gal Scholle: combustible mixture

SALT BATH AREA > 1 2 8BA-1 Spotcheck (1) 55 Gal 25 Gal Magna Flux Corp. Combustible mixture. Formula Drum

8BA-2 8NR (1) 55 Gal 25 Gal Drum

8BA-3 Rysol surface (2) Gal cans 2 Gal The Dexter Corp. Hysol Division. SP14 Coat (TC8-6328) Classification. Nay cause skin sensitization.

flBA-4 Rysol Tooling (4) Gal Cans 3 Gal Same as above. Compound (TC8- 6329,TC8-6328)

SBA-5 Hardener (3) 0t Cans 2 Qts Same as above. TH-3201 O CO SBA-6 Hold Release (2) 1 Gal CaCani s 1.5 Gal Hysol. Extremely flammable. SPI Classification .r>- AC4 4368 SPI 2

8BA-7 Ferric Chloride (1) 220 Lb 100 Lb Manufacturer: Nallinckrodt. corrosive Container T**S:-


Itea Type and No. Estimated No. ItM of Containers Quantity Comments

8BA-8 Press Sump Contains approx. 18" of oil and debris.

SBA-9 Acetone (1) 5 Gal Can 2 Gal Ashland chemical. Flammable Liquid.


BR2-1 Salrset Bonding (1) 50 Lb Can 25 Lb A.P. Green Refractories Mortar

BR2-2 Waste Oil (1) 5 Gal Can 1 Gal Appears to be heavy gear oil.

BR2-3 Boiler Boiler is insulated. Appears to be fiberglass.

LOADING DOCK > i LD-1' Unknown (23) 55 Gal 80 Gal Drums may contain waste oil.


F8-1 Fuel Storage (3) 11,000 Gal Tanks probably contain "bottoms"

F8-2 Unknown (1) 5 Gal Can Nay be fuel oil. REFERENCE NO. 4





Prepared by the





PERRY B. DURYEA Conservation Commissioner, Chairman B. D. TALLAMY Superintendent of Public Works .VATHANIEL GOLDSTEIN Attorney General JOHN C. THOMPSON, Executive Engineer



WILLIAM E. WRATHEB Director C. G. PAULSEN Chief Hydraulic Engineer A. N. SAYRE Chief, Ground Water Branch M. L. BRASHEARS, JR. District Geologist CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduction '. 2 Purpose and scope of investigation 2 Methods of investigation 2 Acknowledgements 2 Geography 4 Location and culture 4 Topography and drainage 4 Climate 6 Geology and water-bearing properties of the formations 7 General geology 7 Geologic history 7 Rock formations 10 Normanskill shale 10 Snake Hill formation 10 Schenectady formation 13 Brayman shale and Indian Ladder formation 13 Rondout and Cobleskill limestones 13 Manli us limestone 13 Coeymans limestone 13 Kalberg limestone 14 New Scotland limestone 14 Becraft limestone 14 Alsen and Port Ewen limestone 14 Oriskany sandstone 14 Esopus shale 14 Schoharie grit 14 Onondaga limestone 14 Bakoven shale 15 Mount Marion formation 15 Ashokan formation 15 Kiskatom formation 15 Onteora formation : 15 Glacial deposits 15 Alluvium ,. 17 Ground water 17 Source 17 Occurrence 18 Normanskill shale 18 Snake Hill formation 19 Schenectady formation 19 Late Silurian and early Devonian limestones 19 Esopus shale 20 Onondaga limestone 20 Hamilton group 20 Glacial deposits : 20 Alluvium 21 ii CONTENTS — Continued Page Recovery 21 Types of wells, by R. H. Brown 21 Well-drilling equipment and pumps, by R. H. Brown 23 Local drilling techniques, by R. H. Brown 25 Methods of developing or improving yield, by R. H. Brown 25 Recovery in Albany County 27 Dug wells 27 Driven wells 27 Drilled wells 27 Springs 28 Infiltration galleries 28 Utilization 28 Domestic supplies 28 Commercial supplies 28 Industrial supplies 30 Public supplies 30 Quality 31 Mineral constituents 31 Dissolved solids 31 Iron (Fe) 34 Manganese (Mn) 34 Chloride (CI) 34 Sulfate (SO«) 34 Hardness 34 Hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) 35 Temperature 35 Relation to rock type 35 Shale 35 Limestone 35 Grits 35 Hamilton group 36 Unconsolidated deposits 36 Summary of ground-water conditions 36 References 38

ill Commerce and the New York Water Power and Control Commission. Thanks are offered also to the many well owners, well drillers, consultants, and municipal officials who provided information without which the report could not have been written. Water samples and well and spring records used in the report were' collected by Mr. F. J. Engel. and the samples were analyzed at the laboratories of the New York State Health Department. The w.^rer is in- debted to the members of the U. S. Geological Survey, particularly to E. S. Asse.'stine, for suggestions and assistance provided during the preparation of the report. R. H. Brown of the Geological Survey prepared that part of the report entitled. "Ground water, recovery" dealing with types of wells and general methods of recovering ground water.


LOCATION AND CULTURE One of Albany County's chief natural assets is its favorable location. Situated in east- central New York at the juncture of the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers, it has been since the days of Indian occupation a main thoroughfare for travel across the State by both foot and boat, and more recently by train and car. The is navigable by ocean-going vessels as far north as the city of Albany, where it connects with the New York State Barge Canal (to Lake Erie and Lake ) and the (to Lake Champlain). Sev- eral major highways converge in the area, and the proposed -Buffalo super- highway is planned to pass through Albany County. In addition, Albany County is served by four major railroads, the New York Central, the Delaware and Hudson, the Boston and Maine, and the Rutland. Albany County covers an area of 531 square miles and has a population of over 200,000. The average density of population is 416 persons per square mile as compared to 272 for the State as a whole. Eighty percent of the residents, however, live in Delmar, West Albany, Green Island, and the cities of Watervliet, Cohoes, and Albany, all incorporated places of over 2,500 population and therefore considered urban in character. According to the New York State Department of Commerce, the farming population of the county in 1939 consisted of 2,927 people who were working on 2,177 farms which covered two-thirds of the area of the county. The value of farm property was $13,508,000 and the total value of all farm products in 1939 was slightly over $4,873,000. The manufacturing industries, on the other hand, employed an average of 12,900 people who earned $14,772,000 while turning out $95,093,000 worth of products in 306 plants. The chief industries are printing and publishing, and the manufacture of textiles, machinery and metal products, and stone products. Of the latter the most interesting is the Albany molding sand, which con- sists almost wholly of quartz grains bonded by clay and is of such excellent quality that it has been used throughout the nation in brass, aluminum, and iron foundries. The value of the molding sand produced in 1946 was $135,000, whereas the value of other stone and clay prod- ucts amounted to nearly $500,000.

TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE The topography 6f Albany County has been described by Ruedemann1 as consisting of the remnants of two major peneplains bounded on the east and northeast by the valleys of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers. The older peneplain covers most of the western part of the county and its eastern limit is marked by the , which rises abruptly just west of Ravena, South Bethlehem, New Salem, and Altamont (pi. 1). The altitude of the top of the escarpment ranges from about 1,500 feet above sea level in the northwestern part of the county to about 800 feet in the southern part of the county. Toward the southwestern part of the county the topography becomes more rugged and the elevation averages from 1,500 to 1,900 feet above sea level. The highest point in Albany County, southwest of Rensselaer- ville, is 2,110 feet. The topography directly reflects the underlying geology in that the terraces and slopes are developed on the less resistant shaly beds, whereas the cliffs are formed by the tougher, massive limestone formations (fig. 2). A thin covering of soil pierced by numerous outcrops is found throughout most of the Helderberg region, but some of the hill slopes and several of the stream valleys are mantled by thick deposits of till or glacial outwash. Except 1 Ruedemann. Rudolf. Geology of the Capital district: New York State Mus. Bull. 285, p. 19. 1930.







SCALE 100 0 100 200 FEET

Figure 2.—Counfrymon Hill near New Solem, New York (modified ofter Prosser and Rowe, 1899).

5 for Switz Kill and Fox Creek, which form part of the Mohawk drainage, all the larger streams •flow in a southeasterly direction toward the Hudson River. The only large natural lakes in Albany County are in the Helderberg area. There are five small lakes, averaging about an eighth of a square mile in area, near Rensselaerville, and farther north are two lakes about a quarter of a square mile in area. One of the latter, Thompsons Lake, lies in a sinkhole in the Onondaga limestone2 and is an outstanding example of the karst topography that has been developed over some of the limestone terrane in this region. The largest bodies of water in the county are the Alcove Reservoir and , near the Greene County boundary. Together they cover over 21/2 square miles and constitute part of the water sup- ply of the city of Albany. The younger peneplain stretches from the Helderberg escarpment east to the Hudson River. At its southern extremity, near Ravena, the plain is narrow and attains a maximum •altitude of about 200 feet above sea level. Extending northward the plain broadens, the alti- tude increases, and in the northeastern and northwestern parts of the county is as much as 400 feet above sea level. The underlying bedrock consists of Ordovician sandstones and shales, which are flat lying in the west but greatly disturbed toward the east. As the whole area, however, has been thickly covered by glacial deposits, most of which were laid down in standing lake waters, the region presents a generally flat, uniform appearance. This flat- land has been dissected by several southeast-flowing tributaries of the Hudson River. The most important of these are , , , and Vlauj man Kill. The only large body of water in this area is a reservoir which covers almost half a square mile and is used as a source of supply by the city of Watervliet. East of the younger peneplain, bounded by steep clay banks rising over 100 feet, lies the valley of the Hudson River. The present stream flows over a bed of glacial fill which has buried an old rock gorge formed during pre-Pleistocene time.* The tributaries of the Hudson occupy postglacial channels and have less erosive power. Thus they have not been able to erode their beds to grade level and many of them now reach the Hudson over a series of waterfalls. These falls serve as an excellent source of water power and have influenced the location of some settlements, particularly Cohoes (on the Mohawk River) and Normansville and Kenwood (on the Normans Kill).

CLIMATE Meterological records have been maintained at the city of Albany since 1795 and they indicate that the mean annual temperature is 48° F. January is the coldest month, with a mean temperature of 24°, and July the warmest, with a mean of 72°. The highest and lowest temperatures recorded were 104° F. on July 4, 1911, and -24° F. on January 5, 1904. The average date of the last killing frost is April 24, and that of the first is October 16. The mean annual precipitation in the area is 37 inches. It is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year, with the heaviest precipitation occurring during June, July, and August. These months constitute over half of the growing season, which averages 175 days. The great- est annual precipitation recorded is 56.76 inches, in 1871, and the least is 24.58 inches, in 1941. The mean annual snowfall for the area, included in the foregoing annual precipita- tion figures, is 50 inches, with almost all of it falling during the months of November to April, inclusive. The heaviest snowfall ever recorded, 110.0 inches, occurred during the winter of 1887-88, and the lightest, 13.8 inches, during the winter of 1912-13. These precipitation records are compiled from observations taken in the City of Albany and are fairly representative of conditions in the eastern part of Albany County, from the Hudson River to the Helderberg escarpment, where the elevation exceeds 400 feet in only a few places. In the western part of the county where altitudes are higher, reaching a maxi- mum of 2,110 feet, and where the topography is rolling and hilly, the temperatures are lower and the precipitation is somewhat greater. > Goldring, Winifred. Guide to the geology of John Boyd Thacher Park (Indian Ladder region) and vicinity: New York State Mus. Handbook 14, p. 31. 1933. > Cook. J. H., Glacial geology of the Capital district: New York State Mus. Bull. 285. p. 188. 1930. Berkey, C. P.. Geology of the New York City aqueduct: New York State Mui. Bull. 146. p. 95. 1911.


GENERAL GEOLOGY The geology of all except a small portion of the southwest part of Albany County has been thoroughly described in three publications of the New "^ork State Museum.4 A generalized stratigraphic column for Albany County is shown in ta-fc>

GEOLOGIC HISTORY Except for the period represented by a small inlier of the Lower Cambrian Nassau formation at Barren Island, recorded geologic history in Albany County begins during Lower Ordovician time. At that time the area was covered by part of the huge Appalachian sea which stretched from Newfoundland to Alabama and was over 400 miles wide.5 Early writers stated that the large Appalachian geosyncline was divided into separate north-south troughs .by long barrier ridges, and that in each of these troughs an independent sequence of rock materials was deposited.* More recently, however, it has been suggested that the entire basin was one continuous unit with deposits of different character, varying according to distance from the old shore line and the source of the material, being laid down simultaneously in dif- ferent parts of the sea. Ruedemann7 has summed up the entire situation by saying "It would seem that the varying conditions in the geosyncline allow the conclusion that both working hypotheses may be applied at certain times ...." During Middle Ordovician time Albany County was covered by a deep sea in which were deposited the Normanskill and Canajoharie shales and the Snake Hill and Schenectady formations. The Canajoharie shale, which crops out in only one small area in Albany County, is very closely related to the Snake Hill formation and for the purpose of this report is in- cluded with the Snake Hill. The black graptolite-bearing Normanskill and Canajoharie shales represent a total thickness of more than 5,000 feet, and the base of the entire trough must have been sinking rapidly to accommodate the entire sequence. The basin continued to sink, but, owing to very rapid deposition of sediment and the presence of shifting currents, the character of the materials deposited changed and a great mass of alternating sandstones and shales, the Schenectady formation, was laid down. The youngest Ordovician sediments deposited were those of the Upper Ordovician Indian Ladder formation that are restricted to a very narrow trough located in the vicinity of the Indian Ladder at the Helderberg escarpment, west of Albany. Then followed a long period of emergence and erosion, during which time the Taconic orogenic disturbance took place. The area was again invaded by the sea in late Silurian time. The thin Brayman shale is thought to have been a residual soil, formed during the long erosional period and subsequently reworked and redeposited by the advancing sea.8 The overlying Silurian deposits consist of three formations, the Cobleskill, the Rondout, and the Manlius limestones. The boundary between the Silurian and Devonian strata is not strongly marked in the Albany area but the Coeymans limestone, directly overlying the Manlius, is considered to be the first of the Devonian deposits. Overlying the Coeymans limestone are five Lower Devonian f os- siliferbus limestones, the Kalkberg, New Scotland, Alsen, Becraft, and Port Ewen limestones. Following a fluctuation of the sea, deposition was once again resumed and the Oriskany, Eso- pus, and Schoharie formations, representing a series of sandy beds, were laid down. The over-

* Ruedemann. Rudolf. Geolory of the Capital district: op. cit. Goldring. Winifred. Geolofy of the Berne quadrangle: New York State Mus. Bull. 303. 1935. Goldring, Winifred, Geology of the Coxsackie quadrangle: New York State Mus. Bull. 332. 1943. * Ruedemann. Rudolf. Notes on Ordovician plankton and radiolarian of New York: New York State Mus. Bull. 327. p. 56. 1942. * Ulrich. E. O . and Schuchert. Charles, Paleotoic seas and barriers in eastern North America: New York State Mus. Bull. 32. p. 638. 1902. Ruedemann. Rudolf, Geolorr of the Capital diitrict: op. cit.. p. 132. T Ruedeman, Rudolf, Geology of the Catsklll and Kaaterskill quadrangles, pt. 1: New York State Mus. Bull. 331, p. 174, 1942. * Ruedemann. Rudolf. Geology of the Capital district: op. cit., p. 173.

7 Table 1.—Geologic formations in Albany County and their water-bearing properties.

Age Maximum 8yit*m | Scries Geologic horizon thickness Character of material Water-bearing properties (feet) Quaternary Kccent Alluvium 60 f Sorted deposits ranging in size from clay to gravel; A productive atiuifer if properly developed. May be afiMirciatrd with the larger streams. subject to stream recharg*-; if MO. water will have chemical characteristics ainular to those of sur- face wster. Pleistocene Glacial drift 170 f Till-heterogeneous mixture of uniit ratified material Kxtensively tapped hy dug wells whirh obtain suffi- ranging in site from clay to boulders. Variable cient wster for household uw, in nature and aometimea grading into sorted material. Out wash-sorted depoaita ranging in site from clay Fine deposits are practically impervious. Coarse de- to iNiuldera and In many places stratiAed and posits are best aquifer in county. Yields range cross-bedded. up to 700 gallons per minute and average 800 gallons per minute in developed wella. Quality of water from glanal drift vitrii's greatly and is de- pendent upon local condition*!. Devonian Upper Devonian Onteora formation 1.160 + Nonmarine foaailiferoua red sandstones and shales Unimportant as nn aquifer. No well records ob- with conglomerates at the base. tained. Ktekatom formation 1.000 + Nonmarine, fossiliferous. alternating red, greenish or gray sandstones with interbedded red and green shales. The sandatonea ate generally heav- Middle Devonian ily bedded. Ashokan formation 860 — Nonmarine, nonfossiliferoua, laminated, arkoaic, Yield* rsn,re under 20 gallon** per minute nnd aver- tough sandstones, which contain interbedded olive age H gallons per minute. Quality of water is shales weathering red or brown. excellent. Mount Marion formation 1.400 + Marine, fossiliferous, primarily thin-bedded sand- stones vith intercalated beds of dark, often bluinh to greenish shales. The sandstones Kplit along the bedding planes Into flagstone slabs 1 to 3 inches thick. Hamilto n frou p Bakoven ahale 200 — Black, bituminous, pyritiferous, very fissile ahale. characterised by concretions of carbonate of lime in layers or aeattered through certain portions. bower or Middle Onondaaa limestone 100 — Moderately pur*, massive, light blue-gray limeatone Yields range from 1 to 20 gallons per minute, with Devonian rnntftining parallel chert lenses. Subject to solu- a mean yield of about 3 gallons per minute. tions! action, which develops cava* and karat Water geneially hard. topography. Schoharie »rit zo- Dark, bluish-gray. Impure siliceous limeatone, which Unimportant aa an aquifer. weathers to a dark buiT porous aandstone; shaly in parts. Grades Into the Onondaga limeatone and is sometimes considered a phaaa of the Onondaga. Ksopas ahale 120 — Dark-gray to black grit or aandy shale of a very A productive aquifer; yields avernge about 20 gsl- uniform character, which weathers to a dark- Ions per minute. Water is very soft. brown color and readily crumbles to gravel. Lower Devonian Oriskanr aandetone 4 Dark, bluish-gray, hard, quarttitic sandstone with Unimportant as an aquifer owing to thinness of a strong admixture of calcareous matter. The formation. HM well records obtained. lime is often dissolved out, leaving a porous brown sandstone. Port Ewen and Alien »0 + Transition beds. Unimportant aa aquifers. No well records obtained. limestones Hecraft limestone 27- Light-colored, massive, pure, coarse-grained shell Unimportant as an aquifer. No well records ob- rock, which darkens upon weathering. tained. New Scotland limeatone 100 + Dark, blue-gray, thin-bedded, very impure shaly Unimportant as an aquifer, r'ew wells with aver- limestone and calcareous shale. Varies from gray age yields of 4 gal lorn* per minute. Quality of to gray-brown when weathered. water good. Kalkbere* limeatone 28 — Transition beds between the Coeymans and New Unimportant as an aquifei. r'ew WI'IIN, with aver- Scotland formations. age yieM of 4 gallons per nunulc. Quality of water good. Coeymena limestone 60- Mluish-gray, coarse, semi-crystalline limestone com- Unimportant as an aquifer, r'ew wells, with aver- posed largely of shells. Hard and resistant and a age yifld of 3 gallons per minute. Water gen- chaiarteristic cliff-former. erally hard. I ri.llr IINI.I

Tabic I.—Geologic formations in Albany County ond their water-bearing properties (Concluded)

Aca Mailmum iiaoJogk borlaoa thkkneea Character of malarial Water -bearing proper ilea BysWai OarkM (feel* Silurlu Manllus lunsslona A Ihln.bedded, dark-blur, pura limestone which con- Unimportant aa an aquifer, r'rw wrlle. wllh aver. « + tain* alternating lighter and darker IM-«I». Vrry age yield of > gallon* per minute. Water gen- hard and resistant ami a characteristic cliff - erally hard. former. Sub feet to cava formation. Kondout llmeslon* 14 A bluish-gray, handed. Mm* mudrnck, which weafli- No well rocuida obtained The l(i>ndmit underlies era lo a characteristic brown Color. I'unlalne an me the lowrrmo*! H*ld*riHrig cliff, hnw.-vt-r. *... » stone. lilonl Miayman chat* t (ireenkh aandy ahale containing much Iron |iyrlle. Unimportant aa an aquifer. No well records ob- Cro|»a out only In tha llelrfrrbrrg cliff rrgion. tained. Imprrvhtua nator«* of ahale prevent* fui. thi r downward pri«nlaltor». however, aiol la ihv caoae for the line of aprlnga iMiiIng from the fiatt of the low rat IMdn berg cliff. Orduvtclas Upp«r Ordovklan Indian Ladder formation 400 + Dark-gray U» black argillaceous aha!**, which alter- Unimportant as an aquifer. No well record* ob- nate with thin, y«-llow. rutty-looking calraieoue tained. aandalen* beds. Occasional heavy sNitdalune bed »ra**nt. ScawnacUdy formation 1.000 + lllack and gray argillaceous ahalea Inlerbrddrd with Very poor aipilfer; ylehU avei age Irae lhan 1 a el- grit* ami sands to nre of variable trslore. Uni- lone per mlotiU- ; complrtrly dry wetle emmnxn. formly alternating arrive showing rlppl* mark* ifoalilr of w«l«r vn y poor and a high solfalr and other sign* of •hallow-wafer dtpoaltlon. content oft*n ftem-n* MkJdJ« Ordovklu dnak* Hill formation. S.M0 + I.lthologkally similar lo the Normanekill. but with- Yields range up lo 100 but average about || gal- (Including the out the atrong development of chert and grit beda, hrua per minute. t*ooi|>lei<-ly dry wrlli n«.t on- Canajohark ahala) Alao, contains occasional layer* of limeelonc. eomniun. Quality of water generally poor and a high sulfate con|< ni uficn pr«-»c»t. NorKanafclll afcak 1.000 + Primarily dark-gray to black argillacenva ah air* Poor aiiuifer; yield* average 4 gallons per minute. containing heavy beds of chart and grit, lied and Water highly variable In quality but often con- green ahalro ara preacnt locally. lalna hydrogen sulfide.

i i lying Onondaga limestone was followed by the Bakoven shale.* which in turn gradually gave way to the alternating shales and sands of the Mount Marion formation of Middle Devonian age. Later in Middle Devonian time, as the sea began to shrink, great quantities of continen- tal deposits were laid down. These formed the Ashokan and Kiskatom formations, which, except for a limited deposit of the Onteora formation in the extreme southwestern corner, represent the youngest consolidated deposits in Albany County. The close of the Paleozoic era was marked by the Appalachian revolution, a time cf intense mountain building. As a result of the crustal deformation during the Taconic a-3: Appalachian revolutions, the rocks in Albany County have been faulted and folded in varying degrees. Those in the eastern part of the county are everywhere intensely folded and con- torted and, though the general strike is about N. 20- E., they have a wide range of dips. The folding gradually dies out toward the west and disappears near the thrust plane that marks the boundary between the Snake Hill and Schenectady formations (fig. 3). The Schenectady formation west of this zone is undisturbed and has a southwest dip amounting to only 1 to 2 degrees. Except for a few small faults and some occasional gentle open folding, the rocks in the Helderberg region are also undisturbed. Throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras Albany County was subjected to a long period of erosion which lasted until the invasion of the Pleistocene ice sheet. One of the larger tongues of this great ice sheet moved down the Champlain-Hudson trough and com- pletely overrode the Helderberg plateau,,u depositing a great mass of debris which now cloaks most of the surface of Albany County. These deposits brought about major changes in the local drainage pattern. The present course of the Mohawk River from Schenectady to its juncture with the Hudson at Cohoes is of postglacial origin and was established after the ice had melted but had left the preglacial channel completely filled with debris. The old channel extended from the present river bend at Schenectady to a point of confluence with the Hudson about 10 miles south of Albany. The position of this old valley has been defined by Simpson11 and is shown on figure 4. Another preglacial stream, theColonie Channel (fig. 4), drained the Saratoga-Round Lake depression and flowed south to join the old Mohawk Channel southwest of the city of Albany. After the Pleistocene ice sheet stagnated and melted away, the present drainage pattern was established and the modern streams assumed the work of erosion and alluvial deposition that is continuing today.

ROCK FORMATIONS Normanskill shale.—The outcrops of this rock in Albany County are the classic hunting grounds for the largest and best-known graptolite fauna of America. Although termed a shale, the Normanskill ranges greatly in lithologic composition. It consists chiefly of dark- gray to black argillaceous shales but also contains red and green shales and heavy beds of chert and grit. The chert occurs in' beds ranging from 2 to 10 feet in thickness and weathers to a characteristic white or light-gray color. The grit is a gray, coarse sandy rock, which along freshly fractured surfaces is very dark in color." The Normanskill strata have been subjected to much folding and contortion and, although its exact thickness is not known, Reudemann1' has stated that the formation probably has a maximum thickness of as much as 2.000 feet The Normanskill is an impervious rock and yields only small amounts of water from joint and bed- ding planes, but because it underlies a large area (pi. 2), which is covered by overburden having poor water-bearing characteristics, it has therefore been tapped by many wells in Al- bany County. Snake Hill formation.—Beds of the Snake Hill formation consist primarily of dark- colored, argillaceous shales which, except for the enclosed faunas, are very similar to those of the Normanskill shale. The layers of the grits and white-weathering cherts so evident in the Normanskill, however, are not strongly developed in the Snake Hill formation. Incalations of sandy limestones and also gray crystalline limestone which sometimes reach half a foot in thickness are frequently observed. Owing to the extreme pliability of the shales, the Snake Hill formation has been intricately folded and crumpled. The exact thickness of the formation

• Ruedemann. Rudolf, Gcolocy of the Capital district: op. eit.. p. 175 .—«—- >• Cook. J. H.. The (lacial geology of the Berne quadrangle: New York State Mua. Bull. 303. p. 233. IMS. » Simpson. E. S.. Buned preglacial channel* In the AJbany-Scberwetadr area. N. V.. anouMUfcea naitvicripi. U. S. Ceol. *»r—r. >• Dale. T. N.. The slste belt of eastern New York and western : V. S. Ceol. Survey I9th Ann. Kept., pt. 1. p. IK. in* >• Ruedemann. Rudolf. Geology of the Capital district: op. clt.. p. ft.

10 Figure 3.—Gancroliied cross section from Countryman Hill to the Hudson River showing relationship of folded ond Hot-lying strata (adopted from Ruedemann, 19301. Figure 4.—Preglocial channel of rhe Mohawk River in the Albany area (after Simpson). is therefore difficult to determine, but Reudemann14 has estimated it to be at least 3,000 feet. It underlies a large heavily populated area in the county and this, coupled with the generally poor water-bearing qualities of the overburden has resulted in its widespread use. Schenectady formation.—The Schenectady formation consists of black and gray argil- laceous shales interbedded with grits and sandstones of variable texture,.# This formation is over 2,000 feet thick,1S and the whole sequence consists of uniformly alternating beds of shale and sandstone. The sandstone beds range up to 15 feet in thickness and, under the name of "bluestones", formerly were much quarried for crushed rock and building stones. The Schenectady formation underlies a large part of the northwestern part of Albany County and has been tapped by many wells. The„yield of each well is small, however, and in several places "dry" wells have been reported. Brayman shale and Indian Ladder formation.—The Indian Ladder formation is over 400 feet thick16 but crops out in only a narrow area along the Helderberg escarpment in the vicinity of New Salem and Knox. The lower part of the formation consists of dark-colored argillaceous shales and thin beds of calcareous sandstone. The upper part is composed chief- ly of massive beds of sandstone interbedded with dark shales and occasional layers of lime- stone. The overlying Brayman shale, a greenish sandy shale containing much iron pyrite, crops out in only a few places in the Helderberg region in Albany County and reaches a maximum thickness of only 9 feet.17 The Indian Ladder formation and the Brayman shale are both restricted in areal extent and are unimportant as aquifers. Rondout and Cobleskill limestones.—The Cobleskill limestone is a heavily bedded, fos- siliferous limestone, in part consisting largely of shell fragments and in part of impalpable waterlimes. There is just one small area of outcrop in the western part of the county and the formation there is only about 5 feet thick18. It is overlain by the Rondout limestone, a drab-colored impure magnesian limestone having some shaly intercalations. It is character- ized in some places by pentagonal mudcrack structures, which indicate exposure while the beds were drying. In Albany County the Rondout crops out in the Helderberg region in only a few places and attains a maximum thickness of 14 feet1*. Because of their small areal extent and thinness, both the Cobleskill limestone and the Rondout limestone are unimport- ant as sources of ground water. The Rondout, however, because of its position at the very base of the Helderberg cliff and its tendency to form caves, has become the formation through which many springs issue. Manlius limestone.—The Manlius limestone is a thin-bedded, dark-blue limestone. Its layers range from 1 to 3 inches in thickness and weather to a characteristic light color. The formation is remarkably hard and resistant and, together with the overlying Coeymans lime- stone, forms the Helderberg cliff (fig. 2). Although extremely hard, the Manlius is subject to solutional activity which, particularly at the contact plane with the Coeymans, has resulted in the formation of numerous caves. The thickness of the formation has been placed at 45 feet by Goldring,20 but because it is largely confined to the rugged portion of the Helderberg re- gion the Manlius has been tapped by only a few wells. Coeymans limestone.—The Coeymans limestone is a massive bluish-gray, coarse- grained, limestone which carries occasional shale partings and thin lenses of chert. It weath- ers to a characteristic light-gray color and is in large part composed of shell fragments. Though it is not subject to solutional activities as much as are the Manlius and Rondout limestones, caves are frequently formed in the Coeymans. One of the better known is the Knox Cave, which is now open to the public. Because of its massive character, extreme hard- ness, and characteristic vertical jointing, the Coeymans is one of the major cliff-producing formations of the Helderbergs. It reaches a maximum thickness of about 60 feet in Albany County and, together with the Manlius, forms the lowest and most famous of the Helderberg cliffs. Like the Manlius, the Coeymans underlies only the more rugged sparsely populated Helderberg area and consequently has been tapped by only a few wells.

» Ruedemann, Rudolf. Geology of the Capital district: op. clt.. p. 118. *• Goldring. Winifred. The Geology of the Berne quadrangle: op. clt.. p. 57. >• Goldring Winifred. Handbook of paleontology for beginners and amateurs, pt. 2: New York State Mus. Handbook 10, p. 212. 1931. " Goldring, Winifred, Geology of the Berne quadrangle: op. clt.. p. 77. " Goldring, Winllred. ibid., p. 78. >• Goldring. Winifred, ibid., p. 82. •° Goldring. Winifred, Geology of the Berne quadrangle: op. eit., p. 84.

13 Kalkberg limestone.—The Kalkberg is a transition formation between the underlying Coeymans limestone and the overlying New Scotland limestone. It is darker in color and more fossiliferous than the Coeymans, and more siliceous and less shaly than the New Scot- land. It is about 25 feet thick22 and in the Helderberg region forms either a low terrace below the New Scotland or a small portion of the cliff above the Coeymans. It is unimportant as a source of ground water. .YfK' Scotland limestone.—The New Scotland limestone, the least conspicuous and the most fossiliferous formation of the late Silurian and early Devonian limestone sequence, con- sists of thin-bedded, shaly limestones and calcareous shales. In fresh exposures the limestone has a dark bluish-gray color but weathers to a gray or gray-brown color. The New Scotland usually forms a gentle slope behind the cliff formed by the Coeymans limestone, and the thick- ness of the section is estimated to be about 100 feet22. Confined primarily to the sparsely pop- ulated mountainous Helderberg area, the New Scotland limestone is unimportant as an aquifer. Becraft limestone.—The Becraft is a pure massive limestone which is typically very coarse-grained and composed largely of shells and shell fragments. It is light-colored, with pinkish and light-gray and, occasionally, yellow tints, but it darkens somewhat on weathering. In Albany County the Becraft attains a thickness of about 27 feet23 and because of its massive character sometimes forms conspicuous ledges (fig. 2). The Becraft is subject to much solutional activity but, because of the thinness of the section, is unimportant as a source of ground water. Alsen and Port Ewen limestones.—The Alsen limestone appears to be a modification of the Becraft in that it is less pure and finer-grained. It is dark blue-gray in color and often weathers to a buff color. The Port Ewen limestone consists of a series of shaly limestones carrying a fauna that is a mixture of New Scotland and Oriskany forms. Both the Alsen and the Port Ewen limestones, therefore, appear to be transitional beds. They appear in areas in the western part of the county and are of no importance as aquifers. Oriskany sandstone.—The Oriskany is a very dark bluish-gray hard quartzose sandstone having a variable admixture of calcareous matter. In places where the rock is exposed the lime is dissolved, leaving a brown porous sandrock. In Albany County the formation has a maximum thickness of 4 feet24, but because of its extremely resistant nature it often forms a broad level terrace from which the overlying soft Esopus shale has been removed. Because of its marked thinness the Oriskany sandstone is unimportant as a source of ground water. Esopus shale.—This formation consists of a dark-gray grit or sandy shale of very uni- form nature which readily crumbles to a gravel and weathers to a dark-brown color. Because of its soft character the Esopus forms a characteristic slope between the terraces on the harder Oriskany and Onondaga formations. In Albany County the Esopus shale attains a maximum thickness of nearly 120 feet, but it is of only minor importance as a source of ground water. Schoharie grit.—The Schoharie is an impure siliceous limestone, dark bluish-gray in color, which weathers to a dark-buff or brown porous sandstone. It merges in places with both the Esopus shale and the Onondaga limestone and is considered by some as a phase of either the Esopus or Onondaga. The formation attains a maximum thickness in Albany Coun- ty of only about 20 feet25 and is discontinuous in horizontal extent. For this reason it is unimportant as a source of ground water. Onondaga limestone.—The Onondaga is generally massive in appearance and contains characteristic parallel layers of chert, particularly in its lower part. It forms the second great cliff of the Helderbergs and because the comparatively soft beds of overlying Bakoven shale have been eroded away, the Onondaga remains as a broad terrace in some places more than a mile in width. The formation attains a maximum thickness of about 100 feet and is particu- larly subject to solutional activity, which creates sinks and underground caves. Thompsons

•' Huedemann, Rudolf. Geology of the Capital district, op. cit., p. 51. 3- Goldnng. Winifred. Guide to the geology of John Boyd Thacher Park (Indian Ladder region) and vicinity: op. cit.. p. 67. " Goldring. Winifred, ibid., p. 72. =• Goldring. Winifred. Handbook of paleontology, op. cit.. p. S80. i'- Goldnng. Winifred. Geology of the Coxsackie quadrangle: op. cit., p. 224.

14 Lake occupies part of one of these sinks. Because it forms a broad, flat terrace which usually provides good farming land, the Onondaga has been tapped by many wells and constitutes a fairly important aquifer. Bakoven shale.—This formation, formerly termed the "Marcellus shale", is the basal formation of the Hamilton group in Albany County. Typically, it is a black pyritiferous fissile shale. The Bakoven attains a thickness of about 200 feet26 in Albany County and forms gentle slopes in the hillside above the terrace formed on the Onondaga. These slopes are used chiefly for grazing land and the Bakoven shale has been tapped by only a few wells. Mount Marion formation.—The Mount Marion formation consists of argillaceous sand- stones and sandy shales which are dark blue-gray in color when fresh, and heavier sandstones. The heavier sandstones predominate in the higher horizons and the entire formation tends to weather to a brownish color. The formation is over 1,400 feet thick" and underlies much of the south and west-central part of the county. The formation, therefore, constitutes one of the more important bedrock aquifers in Albany County. Ashokan formation.—The Ashokan formation consists of tough laminated arkosic flag- stones (bluestones) containing interbedded shales which weather red or brown. The sand- stones are generally coarse-grained and range from thin beds to flags thick enough to be quar- ried. The maximum thickness of the beds in Albany County is nearly 350 feet," but they crop out in only a small area. The Ashokan has been tapped by only a few wells in Albany County. Kiskatom formation.—These are continental "red beds" which were formerly regarded equivalent in age to the Oneonta sandstone. They are coarse dark-gray to green flaggy sand- stones with intercalations of red and green shales. Red sandstones are characteristic but thin beds of dark-gray or black shales appear in places. The thickness of the section is over 1,000 feet29 in Albany County, and as the formation underlies much of the southwestern part of the county, it furnishes ground water to many wells. Onteora formation.—The Onteora formation consists of red sandstones and shales quite similar in character to the red beds of the Kiskatom formation. They contain, however, a larger proportion of sandstone and also several layers of conglomerate. The thickness of the Onteora has been estimated to be about 1,150 feet'0, but the formation occurs in only a small part of the southwestern portion of the county and is therefore of little importance as a source of ground water. Glacial deposits.—Glacial deposits mantle much of the region, and constitute the most important source of ground water in Albany County. The glacial deposits may be divided into two major groups, till and outwash. The approximate areal distribution of till and outwash in Albany County is shown in figure 5. Till is a heterogeneous mixture largely of unstratified material ranging in size from clay to boulders. It consists of debris dropped by the glaciers and it may assume the form of ground moraine, which is a relatively thin widespread layer of till; drumlins, which are rounded hills composed of till; and lateral and end moraines, which are masses of till deposited at the sides and end of a glacier respectively. All these land forms, containing more or less similar materials, are represented in Albany County. Till usually yields only small quantities of ground water and wells tapping it are generally suitable only for home or farm use. Outwash consists of sorted material that has been deposited directly by glacial streams, or has been deposited in standing water of glacial age, or has resulted from the reworking of unsorted deposits by moving water. Outwash deposited by streams emanating from glaciers often varies widely in character because the velocity and volume of the streams themselves varied according to the rate of melting of the ice. These deposits are generally cross-bedded and show marked gradations in size, ranging from silt through coarse gravel. In places, out- wash is underlain, overlain, or intermingled with till deposits. The coarser beds of outwash may yield large supplies of ground water. The outwash deposits laid down in standing glacial meltwaters are generally well sorted but usually consist of relatively fine materials such as sand, silt, or clay. Albany '• Ruedemann. Rudolf. Geology of the Capital district: op. cit.. p. M. »• Goldrinf. Winifred. Geology of the Coxsackle quadrangle: op. cit., p. 254. " Goldrinf. Winifred, ibid., p. 269. >• Goldrinf. Winifred, ibid., p. 277. •<> Chadwick. G. H . Geology of the Catskill and Kaaterskill quadrangle. Part 2. N. Y. State Mut. Bull. 336. p. 126. 1944


Figure 5-Approximote areal distribution of till and outwash deposits in Albany County, New York. County is particularly rich in this type of deposit According to Woodwork,*' material was laid down as a huge delta in a lake which covered the entire plains region west of Albany during the time of the retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheet Woodwonh named this body of water Lake Albany. Cook," however, believes that rather than one large lake there existed a series of smaller lakes created by temporary barriers during the stagnation of the ice in place," and that the clays and fine sands accumulated to various summit levels in these lakes. The highest level of deposition, according to both, is about 320 feet above sea level. Mostly clay was deposited south and southwest of the city of Albany, but northward the clays in the upper section disappear and deposits of sand appear (see table 4, logs for A99 and A272), and farther north, in Schenectady County, gravel beds overlie the clay deposits. The thickness of the outwash deposits varies widely, a maximum of 370 feet being penetrated by well A362 in the buried Mohawk Channel. Outwash deposits, particularly the gravels, are generally excellent aquifers and constitute the most important water-bearing horizons in the county. Substantial deposits of gravel are situated in the Mohawk and Colonie Channels (fig. 4), in a triangular area near VoorheesviHe and New Salem, in a small area at Medusa, and in a larger area near Kenwood and Glenmont Thinner deposits are situated in the valleys of . Fox Creek, and Switz Kill. Alluvium.—The most recent deposits in Albany County are the alluvial clays, silts, sands, and gravels found associated with the larger streams. The deposits are limited in areal extent and though in the Hudson River valley may attain a thickness of over 50 feet (see table 4. log for well A143), they are in most cases much thinner. If tapped properly by a modern, efficiently developed well, the alluvium will yield substantial quantities of water.


SOURCE Ground water has been defined by Meinzer" as "that part of the subsurface water which is in the zone of saturation," but it is popularly regarded by the layman as the water that is obtained from wells and springs. Although it is pumped or issues from the ground, its source lies in the atmosphere, and essentially all ground water is derived from rain and snow. In almost all parts of the county the underground reservoirs are replenished directly from precipitation over the immediate area, but in the limestone region of the Helderbergs there is considerable underground movement before the water is returned to the surface. Ac- cording to Cleland," most of the ground water follows solutions] cavities down the dip of the bedding planes of the limestone and emerges to the south, at Fox Creek east of Berne. It has been found, however, that a large quantity of water flows in the opposite direction and, emerges in springs from under the Helderberg cliff. Several of these springs are used as public water supplies for Voorheesville (AllSp and A12Sp) and one was formerly used as part of the Bethlehem public supply (A14Sp). In the remainder of the county there is little large-scale, long-distance movement of water underground and the local precipitation serves as the supply for most wells and springs. That the precipitation is sufficient to meet all demands is shown by the fact that an inch of rain will yield more than 17 million gallons of water per square mile. Thus the aver- age rainfall of 37 inches contributes annually about 630 million gallons of water to each square mile of land surface in Albany County. This, in turn, indicates that a total of about 335 billion gallons of water falls on Albany County each year. Of this, part runs off directly in the streams, a part evaporates or is transpired by plants, and the remainder seeps into the ground and recharges the water table. Although the supply of ground water generally varies directly with the amount of precipitation, other factors also control the rate of re- charge. If the temperature is very high the rate of evaporation materially decreases the potential supply of ground water. If, on the other hand, the temperature is so low that the ground is frozen, an unusually high percentage of the water, finding its descent blocked, _ •< Woodwerth. 3. B.. Ancient water levela of tne Charaplala tad Hudson Valley*: Hew York Stat* Mui. Bui. M. p. ITS, IMS. •• Cook. 1. H.. Claelal r*ofc*y of ta* Capital rflrtrfct: s*. dc >. 1M. " Mciiuer. O. E.. The occurrence of (round water In the United State*: U. S. Ceel. Survey Water-supply Paper 449, p. 3t. 1K3. *• Cleland. H. T.. Pott Tertiary eroaion and wtatherlnf: Am. Jour. Scl. Jill »*r, rel. It, p. J»». 1*30.

17 runs off directly into the streams. During the growing season the demands of vegetation, both natural and cultivated, make heavy inroads into the ground-water supply.

OCCURRENCE All rocks, regardless of their density, contain some pore spaces. Only those pores which are large enough, however, can release water to springs and wells tapping the rock. The amount and size of the openings vary with the character of the rock, and the yields of wells are therefore directly related to the type of rock tapped. The percentage of total rock volume that is occupied by open spaces is a measure of the porosity of a rock. According to Meinzer,*'' the porosity of a sedimentary deposit depends chiefly on (1) the shape and arrangement of its constituent particles. (2) the degree of assortment of its particles, (3) the cementation and compaction to which it has been subjected since its deposition. (4) the removal of minerals through solution by percolating waters, and (5) the fracturing of the rock, resulting in joints and other openings. Although the porosity of a rock indicates the total volume of pore space available for storing water, it is necessary to use a term, called specific yield, that indicates the amount of water that will drain out of a rock because of the action of gravity. The specific yield of a rock or sojl. with respect to water, is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of (1) the volume of water which, after being saturated, it will yield to gravity to (2) its own volume, k It is a measure of the water that is free to drain out of a material under natural conditions. The value for the specific yield of a rock or soil will be less than the value for porosity since capil- lary forces will prevent the draining, by gravity, of all the interstices or pore spaces. In addition to specific yield, the term hydraulic permeability must be introduced to indicate the capacity of the rock or soil for transmitting water under pressure. This term, however, is useful primarily when dealing with uniform, unconsolidated deposits, and should be used cau- tiously (if at all) when the aquifer is an indurated rock which transmits water only through fractures or solution planes. In general, the smaller the interstices of a material the lower will be its specific yield and hydraulic permeability. Thus, clays and silts, which usually have higher porosities than sands or gravels, will yield considerably less water. The water table is an irregular plane immediately below which all rocks are saturated with water. The source of this water is rainfall which percolates down from the surface. The water table is influenced by but does not exactly reproduce the configuration of the surface topography. Depth to the water table, below the land surface, varies seasonally and annually with variations in precipitation, runoff, withdrawals by wells, temperature, and other related factors. Under normal water-table conditions water will rise in a well to a height corresponding to that of the water table. When a water-bearing bed is overlain by impermeable beds which serve to confine the water under pressure, an artesian system is created and water will rise in the well to a level other than that of the water table, and in some cases will flow out of the well. Four percent of the well records obtained for Albany County describe flowing wells developed in both consolidated and unconsolidated deposits that are overlain by impermeable materials of sufficient thickness and lateral extent to confine the water under pressure. Each flowing well represents purely limited local conditions, as there appears to be no evidence of any widespread artesian aquifer in the county. Wells A374, A375, and A376. however, located within a short distance of each other and all drawing their supply from the Mount Marion formation, indicate the existence of a small basin throughout which artesian condi- tions exist There were no other flowing wells reported from the Mount Marion formation. A445, a flowing well from the Onondaga limestone, represents an unusual case. The over- burden there is reported as 10 feet of earth which does not appear to be sufficient to create artesian conditions. The well may encounter a solution channel through which the water is flowing down dip after having entered the formation at a higher elevation to the northeast. The difference of head would account for the flowing well. NormanakiU shale.—The rocks of this formation are extremely dense and are prac- tically impervious. They do, however, contain many joint, cleavage, and bedding planes that yield small supplies of ground water. These openings are sometimes subject to calcina-

>• M*in>rr. O. t. TV* Kcimwt of fretifi4 •ahr I* tto llnltW Sum: •>. «IU ». J.

18 I I tion which tends to reduce the yield of the formation. Records for 14 wells in the Normans- kill indicate an average yield of only 4 gallons per minute Two other wells, A320 and A36T, are reported to have yielded 30 and 40 gallons per minu:e. respectively. Such yields, how- ever, seem to be exceptional. Records for 26 wells ending in *he Normanskill show an average rock penetration of 92 feet, an average depth of 169 feet, and avange in depth from 38 to 301 feet. Pumping tests at four wells show an average specific capacity of 0.1 gallon per minute per foot of drawdown. The joints and other openings in the Normanskill tend to diminish in size and pinch out with depth, and it is generally advisable to discontinue drilling if a suit- 1 able supply of water has not been obtained after penetrating about 200 feet of the formation. Snake Hill formation.—This formation is similar to the Normanskill shale in that it also is dense and nearly impervious, and contains recoverable ground water only in joint, cleavage, and bedding planes. The Snake Hill formation differs from the Normanskill, however, in that 1 it contains beds of sandy limestone which are believed to be responsible for the larger yields occasionally obtained from the Snake Hill. Twenty-four wells in the Snake Hill formation for which figures are available show an average yield of 16 gallons per minute. Of these, however, four were reported to be dry and five yielded more than 25 gallons per minute. A test at well A352 caused a drawdown of 130 feet after 20 hours of pumping at 30 gallons per minute, which indicated a specific yield of about 0.2 gallon per minute per foot of drawdown. Thirty-seven wells ending in the Snake Hill show an average rock penetration of 152 feet, an average total depth of 205 feet, and a range in depth from 45 to 480 feet. I The location of joints and bedding planes in rock cannot be accurately predicted. It is difficult, therefore, to forecast yields in advance of drilling, and the success or failure of a well depends largely upon the number and size of the fissures encountered. As in the Nor- manskill, the possibility of increasing the yield of wells in the Snake Hill decreases with depth II and very deep drilling is generally inadvisable. For example, wells A9, A115, and A130, which were all dry. were replaced by wells A10, All6, and A131, which were drilled within 200 feet of the original wells and all of which yielded water from shallower depths. Schenectady formation.—The rocks of this formation, like those of the Snake Hill and 1 Normanskill formations, are dense and relatively impervious. They yield small amounts of water, however, from joint and bedding planes. Figures available for 16 wells in the Schenec- tady formation show an average yield of 2.6 gallons per minute. Only two of the wells yielded over 5 gallons per minute and five were reported completely dry. A test at well A459 showed a 97-foot drawdown after 20 minutes of pumping at 1.5 gallons per minute, indicating a II specific yield of 0.02 gallon per minute per foot of drawdown. Thirty-four wells ending in the Schenectady formation show an average rock penetration of 94 feet, an average total depth of 125 feet, and a range in depth from 12 to 400 feet As in the Normanskill and Snake Hill formations, the rocks of the Schenectady formation tend to become more compact with depth and it is generally regarded inadvisable to continue drilling to great depths. I Late Silurian and early Devonian limestones.—Included in this sequence are the Ron- dout, Manlius, Coeymans, Kalkberg, New Scotland, and Becrait limestones. On the whole they are dense impervious rocks having little pore space available for storage or transmission of water. A series of open joint and bedding planes, however, permit some movement of ground water. Records have been obtained for only seven wells in these limestone forma- tions and yields for these average about 4 gallons per minute. The average depth of these wells is 112 feet A test at well A348, which is ended in the Coeymans, showed a drawdown of 55 feet after 20 minutes of pumping at 3 gallons per minute. The joint planes in the limestone have been developed in two main groups, one trending northeast-southwest and the other northwest-southeast There are also several sets of minor fissures. The joint and bedding planes have1* been enlarged by solutional acitivity and in places form broad, deep fissures. Caves and sinkholes also have been developed, resulting in small-scale karst topography. According to Newland," the caves may have been formed by ground water flowing along and enlarging the joint systems. Much of this water percolates down through the limestone formations and issues from the Rondout limestone at the base of the lower Helderberg cliff. The uniform line of springs issuing from the base of the cliff is

M Celdrtng. Winifred. Geology of th« Bern* quadrangle: op. rlt.. p. M. " Newland. O. H.. at quoted In Goldrlng, Winifred. Oology of the Berne quadrangle: op. ett.. p. VI.

19 caused by the highly impervious Brayman shale which underlies the Rondout and prevents further descent of the water. Esopus shale.—The rocks of this formation are very dense and, like the limestones of the area, are incapable of transmitting water through the body of the rock itself. They are traversed, however, by an extensive system of joints. Yields reported for seven wells ending in the Esopus range from 2 to 40 gallons per minute, the average being about 20 gallons per minute. Four wells ending in the Esopus shale have an average rock penetration of 83 feet. Nine wells which pass through the Onondaga limestone and end in the Esopus show an average rock penetration of 160 feet. As is the case with the older formations, yields from the Esopus depend largely upon the number and size of fissures encountered. Yields from wells tapping the Esopus, high in comparison to those obtained from associated limestones, are probably due to the more extensive jointing system developed in the shale. Onondaga limestone.—Like the other formations of the region, the Onondaga limestone is a dense impervious rock which transmits water only through joint and bedding planes. The joints appear to trend in the same direction as those in the lower part of the late Silurian and early Devonian limestone sequence. The Onondaga is also subject to solutions! activity and an extensive underground drainage, including caves, sinkholes, and broad solution chan- nels, has been developed. Karst topography on a fairly broad scale exists over the area un- derlain by the Onondaga. Yields from wells tapping the Onondaga can be expected to vary considerably because of the large variation in size of the solution channels. Records are available for only eight wells and four of these show yields of 1, 3, 4, and 20 gallons per minute. The relatively large yield of well A445, which penetrates only 33 feet of rock, suggests it has intersected at least one sizable solution channel. The wells ending in the Onondaga have an average rock pene- tration of 72 feet, an average depth of 116 feet, and a range in depth from 43 to 225 feet. A test at well A429 showed a 60-foot drawdown after 30 minutes of pumping at the rate of 1 gallon per minute. Hamilton group.—The Bakoven shale and the overlying sandstones and shales of the Hamilton group are all dense impervious rocks which transmit water only through joint and bedding planes. Reported yields for 12 wells tapping these rocks show an average yield of 7.5 gallons per minute, with the maximum being 16 gallons per minute. The average rock penetration of 45 wells reported to tap the Hamilton strata is 88 feet, the average depth is 105 feet, and their depths range from 8 to 552 feet. According to Parker,** the Hamilton is traversed by two major intersecting sets of joints which trend northeast-southwest and north- west-southeast. These joints have not been enlarged by solutional activity and consequently do not form as continuous underground conduits as are sometimes found in the underlying limestones. This fact is borne out by operational experience at the dam for the Alcove Reser- voir (city of Albany water supply), part of which rests upon sandstones of the Hamilton group. Since the completion of the dam in 1930 there has been no evidence of any appreciable loss of water to the rock formations. Glacial deposits.—Of the wells in Albany County for which records have been obtained, over 55 percent draw water from glacial deposits. Data are available for 76 drilled wells, 73 dug wells, and 54 driven wells which tap the Pleistocene drift. The thickness of the glacial deposits varies within wide limits. The till deposits which cloak the mountainous region in the western part of the county are comparatively thin. In contrast, more than 100 feet of outwash has been penetrated in the valleys of this region. On the plains west of the city of Albany the deposits thicken considerably and a maximum of 370 feet of outwash is known to occur in the buried valley of the Mohawk River. Till, in one form or another, although relatively impervious, yields sufficient water to wells for general household and farm purposes. Ground water is usually pumped from the till by means of dug wells, which offer the advantage of a large infiltration surface, a large storage area, and comparatively inexpensive construction cost Records for 25 wells dug in till have been collected in Albany County, and all appear to have furnished adequate supplies of water for household use, except in times of extreme drought. Wells of this type are gradu-

" Parker, J. M.. Rational lyetematic Jolntlnf In tllfhUy deformed aedlraentar? rocks: Gaol. Soe. America Bull., vol. S3. p. 317. March 1941.

20 ally being replaced by deeper drilled wells wherever the till is underlain by more permeable rocks. In some areas, however, the underlying rocks are less permeable than the till and it is not possible to tap more abundant aquifers. The glacial clays are even more impervious than till. A test on A169, a dug well 3 feet in diameter and 22 feet deep, loosely stoned up in blue clay, resulted in a yield of only about half a gallon per hour. Wells of very large diameter are needed to extract even a small supply of water from glacial clays. In many cases such wells serve merely as an auxiliary to a rain-water cistern supply. Sands of lacustrine origin, though very fine in texture, are much more permeable than the clays of like origin. The sands yield water readily to dug wells and also permit recovery from driven wells of quantities sufficient for household use. Records are available for over 50 driven wells, all between 1% and 2 inches in diameter and averaging about 25 feet in depth. A test at well A363, 21 feet deep and lty inches in diameter, resulted in a yield of 50 gallons per minute after 36 hours of pumping, with only a small drawdown. The coarser glacial stratified deposits are the most prolific aquifers in the county. Data for 17 wells that tap sand or gravel deposits indicate an average yield of 30 gallons per minute and an average depth of 162 feet. Most of these wells are 6 inches in diameter and have not been screened or developed. Yields of 21 other wells which have been screened and thor- oughly developed show an average of 300 gallons per minute. These average 10 inches in diameter and about 114 feet in depth. Pump-test data for 12 of them shows a large specific capacity, an average of 175 gallons per minute per foot of drawdown, and a maximum of 931 gallons per minute per foot of drawdown (well A82). The advantages of properly devel- oping a well are thus clearly obvious. Alluvium.—The sand and gravel deposits of Recent origin are also excellent aquifers but are tapped by only a few wells. Three 10-inch wells, A143, A144, and A145, obtain water from alluvial deposits along the Hudson River and have reported yields of 350,100, and 75 gallons per minute, respectively. The maximum thickness of alluvium reported was 58 feet. Although river infiltration is not definitely established at those wells mentioned above, there is the strong possibility that wells tapping alluvial deposits in the stream valleys may induce considerable recharge from the nearby streams.

RECOVERY Types of wells" Meinzer40 has defined a well as "an artificial excavation that derives some fluid from the interstices of the rocks or soil which it penetrates, except that the term is not applied to ditches or tunnels that lead ground water to the surface by gravity." Well construction is probably one of the oldest trades or arts known to man. The history of its development may be traced from the primitive activities of the Egyptians, 5,000 years ago, up through the improvements introduced by early Chinese engineers, to the early well-construction work performed in Europe and the United States. The majority of wells constructed in the United States, up to and for some years after the Civil War, were dug wells cased with brick or stone or any other material that would prevent the excavation from caving in. Settlement of the Middle West, however, created an early need for addi- tional water supplies as the creeks and ponds that were first used by the pioneers became over- taxed. The drilled well thus came into common use as a relatively inexpensive means of obtaining water in a short time. Wells are commonly classified by types according to the particular method of construc- tion. Thusfive genera ] types are recognized; namely, dug, bored, jetted, driven, and drilled. Each has particular advantages that make it more desirable than the others under certain local conditions. The type names themselves suggest the type of construction of the wells. Wells of the first four types usually are put down to relatively shallow depths (less than 50 feet) and often are constructed with hand tools. The fifth type, the drilled well, is probably the most important type of well in use today. »• In assembling data for thia section frequent reference was made to War Dept. Tech. Manual TBI S4S7, Well drilling, Nor. ». 19*3. M Meinzer, O. E.. Outline of (round-water hydrology, with definitions: U. S. Ceol. Survey Water-Supply Paper *M. p. 60. ins.

21 Two wells, A 101 and A 384, are used to provide water for swimming pools and the consumption is about 3,000 gallons per day each. These wells, however, are used only sea- sonally. Industrial supplies.—Most of the industrial activity in Albany County is concentrated in the urban areas and consequently any large demand for water for industrial purposes has been met by municipal supplies. Records of private wells or springs used exclusively for in- dustrial purposes have been obtained in only 18 cases. Of these, only three supply more than 10,000 gallons per day. Well A 363, a driven well 21 feet deep, supplies 14,000 gallons per day, the water being used for cooling purposes connected with apple storage. Well A 57, at Voor- heesville, supplies 100,000 gallons per day, which is used in the manufacture of cider. The largest consumer is the Alleghany Ludlum Steel Corp., which obtains about 150,000 gallons per day from well A 241 for cooling purposes. The Behr-Manning Corp., one of the largest con- sumers in the area, uses an average of 400,000 gallons per day, but this is obtained from the Latham Water District, a public supply which obtains its water from wells. Public supplies.—Although this report deals with ground water, it may be well to point out that by far the largest developed water supply in the county utilizes surface water. This supply is for the city of Albany. It is obtained from a watershed about 20 miles south of Albany, and provides for an average daily consumption of about 23 million gallons. Of the remaining 16 public supplies in Albany County, 9 utilize ground water. The Bethlehem Water District No. 1 obtains its supply from two 12-inch drilled wells and several auxiliary springs. The wells, A 82 and A 83 (table 5), are 94 and 87 feet deep, respectively, and are of "gravel- wall" construction. They tap a bed of coarse gravel lying about 70 feet below the ground sur- face. A test at well A 82 indicated a 7-inch drawdown after 46 hours of pumping at 540 gallons per minute. A similar test at well A 83 showed a drawdown of 1.2 feet after 19 hours of pumping at 500 gallons per minute. Recovery was immediate. The auxiliary supply con- sists of two springs and an infiltration gallery at New Salem, across the highway from wells A 82 and A 83. Another spring, A 19Sp, issuing from the Helderberg cliff, was formerly part of the system but is no longer in use. The Bethlehem Water District serves the commu- nities of Delmar, Slingerlands, Elsmere, New Salem, and New Scotland and supplies an aver- age of about 300,000 gallons per day. The water is chlorinated, and an anaylsis is given in table 3. The community of McKownville is served by two small privately owned systems, one supplying surface water, and the other ground water. The ground-water system consists of more than 20 driven wells (A 199), which obtain water from a bed of sand about 15 feet below the surface. The wells are pumped by three interconnected pumps and the water is piped to several pressure tanks, whence it is distributed by gravity. The system supplies an average of 10,000 gallons per day. The water is not treated. Continued expansion of the community has made the present supplies wholly inadequate, and an investigation is now under way for establishing a larger community supply. The Green Island public supply consists of an infiltration gallery and two dug wells. Water is first pumped to a filtration plant and from there it is pumped to a half-million- gallon distributing reservoir. The average consumption is about a quarter of a million gallons per day. The Green Island system is interconnected with the Watervliet supply so that the latter acts as a stand-by; in emergencies, water can also be pumped from the Hudson River. The Hurstville supply consists of two privately owned wells, A 99 and A100, which supply a group of houses located near the Albany Municipal Golf Course. These wells, both 6 inches in diameter, are 239 and 246 feet deep respectively and tap a bed of gravel. A test at well A 99 showed a 4-foot drawdown after 1 hour of pumping at 12 gallons per minute. • Neither well is finishedwit h a screen. Water is pumped to a 5,000-gallon pressure tank whence it is distributed at the rate of about 4,500 gallons per day. The largest ground-water supply in Albany County is operated by the Latham Water District, which serves a large area in the northeast portion of the county. The system consists of 10 drilled wells, A 265—A 274, inclusive, from which water is pumped to one of several pressure tanks and subsequently distributed by gravity. The wells are, on the average, about 150 feet deep and 12 inches in diameter, and they qbtain their water from various lenses of glacial sand and gravel scattered through the area. All the wells arefinished wit h screens and several are gravel-packed. The quality of the water from each well is somewhat different and

30 therefore the treatment applied is different. In general, the water pumped from most of the wells is either chlorinated or aerated, and one well, A 271, has a complete softening plant. Pumpage from two of the wells, A 267 and A 273, averages over half a million gallons per day each. Total pumpage for the district exceeds two million gallons per day. As the water is withdrawn from limited aquifers a gradual lowering of the water table has occurred in the immediate area. When installed in 1930, well A 265 flowed at the land surface, but by the end of 1942 the static water level had declined to 29 feet below the surface. Similar condi- tions exist at well A 267. It flowed when installed in 1932 but by the end of 1942 the static water level had declined to 14 feet below land surface. The decline of water levels in the water-bearing beds around these wells has caused a lowering of water levels in several nearby privately-owned wells. The population served by the Latham district is continually increasing and a search for additional sources of water is being made. The Southern Boulevard Heights development southwest of Kenwood is served by a small privately owned supply, which furnishes about 10,000 gallons per day. The system consists of a 223-foot, 6-inch drilled well, A 197, which obtains water from a gravel formation. The water is pumped to a pressure tank for eventual distribution; it is not treated. An anal- ysis is given in table 3. Another small privately owned supply serves the Tawasentha Heights development, lo- cated between Slingerlands and Albany. Water is obtained from two drilled wells, A 96 and A 97, 200 and 198 feet deep, respectively, which tap a bed of sand and deliver over 7,000 gal- lons per day. The water is not treated. An analysis is given in table 3. The Voorheesville public supply is obtained from well A 58, which taps outwash sand and gravel; and an auxiliary spring, A HSp, located at the Rondout-Brayman contact plane in the Helderberg cliff. Normally the well is pumped continuously, and excess water is forced up to a 45,000-gallon buried reservoir located at the foot of the Helderbergs. This reservoir is kept full by inflow from spring A llSp. When consumption exceeds the output of well A 58, the direction of flow from the reservoir is reversed and the spring water runs down to aug- ment the town supply. Connected into this system, but used only during fire-fighting emer- gencies, is an additional 1,000,000-gallon open reservoir which is fed by another spring, A 12Sp. The average daily consumption is about 140,000 gallons, which normally is supplied from well A 58. The water from all sources is chlorinated and, in addition, the open reser- voir is treated with copper sulfate. The supply for the U. S. Army Supply Depot at Guilderland Center is obtained from a shallow well screened in a layer of gravel. The average daily consumption is about 70,000 gallons per day. The water is not treated.

QUALITY The general chemical characteristics of the ground water of Albany County is shown by the analyses in table 3. Analyses are given for 31 samples collected by the U. S. Geologi- cal Survey and analyzed in the laboratories of the New York State Health Department at Albany or of the U. S. Geological Survey at Washington, D. C. The relative location of the wells from which samples were taken is shown in figure6 .

Mineral constituents Dissolved solids.—The dissolved solids are the residue left upon evaporation of a water sample. This residue is made up chiefly of the minerals shown in table 3, but a small quan- tity of organic material and a little water of crystallization are sometimes included. Water with less than 500 parts per million (one grain per U. S. gal. equals 17.118 p. p. m.) of dis- solved solids is generally satisfactory for domestic use, except for the difficulties resulting from excessive hardness or iron content. Water with more than 1,000 parts per million is likely to contain enough of certain constituents to produce a noticeable taste or to make the water unsuitable in other respects. All the analyses of ground water in Albany County show less than 1,000 parts per million of dissolved solids butfive show more than 500 parts per mil- lion. Only two show less than 100 parts per million (table 3). Water obtained from uncon- solidated deposits is generally lower in mineral content than that obtained from the con- solidated deposits. Of the latter, the shales underlying the eastern plains area generally yield

31 i i i i

I REFERENCE NO. 5 1 i i !i

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William M. Seay Deputy Director Technical Services Division • Department of Energy Oak Ridge Operations P.O. Box 2001 - October 24, 1990 Oak Ridge, Tennessee' 37831 Dear Mr. Seay: Thank you for informally granting us additional time to comment on the proposed Field Sampling Plan and the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan on the former IJL Industries dump. We recommend that the Department of Energy (DOE) require a full Environmental Impact Statement. There is no reason for a "finding of no significant impact" (FONSI) as every remedial option will have a potentially substantial environmental impact, especially in a residential community. By DOE voluntarily agreeing to conduct a complete EIS, the residents of Albany and Colonie, New York will be more likely to have confidence in DOE's activities at the site. As you know, DOE's environmental record nationally has been extensively criticized in the last few years by legislative leaders and community and environmental organizations. An EIS is a necessary and prudent step in any cleanup effort. COMMENTS ON FIELD SAMPLING PLAN In reviewing the reports and proposed workplan, DOE noted a number of times there are still some important gaps in information about the site. Among these are: 1) were nonradioactive hazardous wastes disposed of at NL?; 2) what kinds of wastes, what quantities, where are they disposed of and are these nonradioactive wastes leaking into surface or ground waters?; 3) what is the extent of contamination of buried radioactive wastes?; and 4) what is the nature and extent of the aquifer under the property? As a general recommendation, our organizations urge DOE to substantially increase the scope of its proposed workplan so that these critical questions can be answered definitively. Specifically, we recommend more extensive core sampling for all suspected hazardous and radioactive wastes throughout the plant property. In addition, we recommend more extensive testing of the sewer system, creek and water table. - On page 15 of the Field Sampling Plan, it is stated that uranium oxide was part of the 1,500 cubic feet of wastes buried on site under the AEC license' in 1961. Other radioactive materials, including depleted and enriched uranium and chemicals wastes, should be tested for in this area. It is our understanding these estimated 200 barrels largely contained depleted uranium. Also on page 15, it is noted that one-third of the former Patroon Lake was filled in with NL's waste and the other two- thirds were filled with "trash and debris not generated on site." We would like to know, in detail, what your sources are to substantiate this conclusion. We would like a map which details exactly where these areas are and what the sampling plan will be. On page 22, it is noted that a number of studies will be undertaken on treatibility and remediation options. We strongly recommend that two additional studies be added. 1) A study to determine how to safely excavate the buried wastes without causing air contamination problems and worker exposures. 2) A study of the main building to determine if it can be upgraded to serve as a long-term radioactive waste storage building with monitoring devices. On page 26, Figure 2-1 shows the boring, well and sampling locations. We recommend additional monitoring wells of 20, 50 and 150 feet near the left loading dock (CISS4 and CISS5) and the creek area in the adjacent field. Enclosed please find a map with yellow highlighter in the areas we are recommending additional monitoring be done. On page 33, Table 2-3 shows the depth of sampling for organic constituents. We recommend that all five wells be sampled to a depth of 30 feet for all organic constituents. On page 34, the subject of waste locations and volumes is discussed. We recommend that it clearly .state that former NL Industries workers, including those who have contacted DOE through CCNL, all be interviewed and involved in reviewing the topographical maps and sampling plans to ensure that all known burial areas are fully tested for. On page 39, it is noted that NYS water well permit records and local utility documents will be utilized to locate wells and current groundwater for the survey. It is then stated that only where the well owner grants permission will sampling be done and then water samples "may" be collected for an isotopic analysis for total uranium. We recommend that all surrounding wells in the area be tested and groundwater and that all such tests include total uranium analysis. On page 42, it is noted that the building survey will be limited in scope and only used to determine if the 1978 Atcor Survey is reliable. We have never heard of the Atcor Survey and would like two copies at your earliest convenience. We cannot comment on the adequacy of the limited scope of the proposed building survey without seeing the Atcor Survey results. On page 43, the list of chemicals is given for the soil and groundwater analysis. We recommend that PCB's be added to the list. On page 46, it is noted that filtered surface water samples will be analyzed only if elevated levels of contaminants are detected in the unfiltered samples. We do not understand why this procedure is being followed. Why filter the surface water at all? On page 51, it is noted that sampling frequency will be a one-time effort. Seasonal changes can impact on groundwater flow and we strongly recommend that all the Phase I, II and III radiological boreholes be sampled quarterly for a year to more fully assess the contamination at the site. On page 62, it is noted that a baseline public health evaluation will be done during the Phase II. We request detailed information about the plans for conducting such an evaluation. We request that CCNL and APEC, local residents and the State Department of Health be involved in the design and review of the baseline public health evaluation plan. On page 67, a number of reports are listed which we would like copies of. They include: 1) 4/8/59 Letter by J. Noyes, NL. 2) 5/5/59 Letter by J. Huss, NL. 3) 5/20/59 Letter by F. Wilson, NL. 4) 2/12/62 Letter by F.Wilson, NL. 5) 1979 Study by Albany County Env. Man. Council. WORK PLAN FOR THE REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY Section 3.4 of the Work Plan for the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study-Environmental Assessment for the Colonie Site very briefly discusses conceptual remedial action alternatives. We agree with DOE that the No Action alternative (3.4.1) is unacceptable. We oppose on-site disposal with a containment in-situ (e.g. with caps and slurry walls - 3.4.2). As you know, the uranium wastes are hazardous for billions of years and there is no known landfill which can contain them for that length of time and assure that there will not be exposures to the public. Any landfill is only a stop-gap temporary' solution which will eventually require re-remediation when it begins leaking. The concept of disposal is generally understood to mean that wastes can be placed somewhere and never dealt with again nor will they cause environmental harm. The federal government's premise that disposal technologies exist to permanently isolate radioactive wastes from the environment has been shown by history to be scientifically impossible. We join with a growing number of citizens around the country in saying there is no permanent disposal technology or solution available for radioactive wastes. Option 3.4.3. recommends off-site disposal which would include taking the wastes to an existing or proposed facility, such as New York State's proposed "Low-Level" Radioactive Waste facility. We oppose disposing of NL's waste at any "Low-Level" radioactive waste facility, especially in New York State where environmental groups are advocating storage at the point of generation of such wastes and have successfully opposed the siting of any such facility at this point. We also oppose off- site disposal for the same aforementioned reasons. Option 3.4.4. recommends on-site treatment with on-site disposal. On-site treatment may be a viable option in the future only if it does not result in off-site exposures to the public and any additional environmental degradation. For instance, on- site incineration of NL's waste would be strongly opposed by our organizations and the community. The workplan contains virtually no information about the potential treatment technologies, their costs and their environmental impacts and past effectiveness. On- site treatment would require a very detailed workplan and EIS and an additional public comment period. Again, we would oppose on- site disposal. Option 3.4.5. recommends on-site treatment with off-site disposal and is equally vague about the types of treatment. As mentioned earlier, we would oppose disposal and have many questions about what type of on-site treatment is being proposed. Option 3.4.6. recommends off-site treatment with off-site disposal. Again, we would not support any treatment which would cause a public health exposure to a community and there is ho information about what specific type of treatment is being considered. We would oppose off-site disposal. Citizens Concerned About ML (CCNL) and the Albany Peace & Energy Council (APEC) recommend on-site storage in an above ground, fully monitorable and retrievable facility for an indefinite period of time. The important performance criteria of any on-site storage facility is that the wastes be removed from the ground and water and isolated from the environment. We recommend that the existing building be upgraded to serve as the storage facility and installed with a redundant monitoring system. If the existing building is too deteriorated to serve this purpose, it should be razed and a new storage building constructed. Our groups are aware that technologies are being developed which might successfully decontaminate radioactive soil. If this technology actually works, then the volume of radioactively contaminated soil at NL could be substantially reduced which would ease the problems of managing such wastes and perhaps reduce the cost. We recommend that DOE investigate these separation technologies and determine their current effectiveness and applicability to HL's waste. Lastly, we recommend that public comment periods of at least 90 days be held on the proposed remedial action and the Draft and Final EIS. We request the DOE provide community groups (with no financial conflict of interest) with a Technical Assistance Grant of $50,000, similar to the Federal Superfund program. Such a grant would allow impacted community groups to hire technical consultants who would assist them in providing technical comments. Please let us know if you need a clarification on any of our comments. We request a written response to our recommendations on the testing workplan and the remedial options. Thank you very much.


^•^ Tom Ellis Anne Rabe Albany Peace & Energy Council Citizens Concerned 429 Hamilton Street About NL Albany, New York 12203 156 Second Ave. 518-427-9761 Albany, N.Y. 12202 518-462-5527 (W) i I I i i 1 1 REFERENCE NO. 6 i i 1 i i i f f l i 1 -•%


APRIL 1989

Prepared for



Bechtel National, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Oak Ridge, Tennessee Bechtel Job No. 14501 LEGAL NOTICE — This repon was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United Sutes nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. ABSTRACT

During 1988, the environmental monitoring program continued at the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) facility located in Colonie, New York. The CISS is part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), a DOE program to decontaminate or otherwise control sites where residual radioactive materials remain from the early years of the nation's atomic energy program or from commercial operations causing conditions that Congress has mandated DOE to remedy. As part of the decontamination research and development project authorized by Congress under the 1984 Energy and Water Appropriations Act, remedial action is being conducted at the site and at vicinity properties by Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI), project management contractor for FUSRAP. The environmental monitoring program is also carried out by BNI.

The monitoring program at the CISS measures external gamma radiation levels and uranium and radium-226 concentrations in surface water, groundwater, and sediment. To verify that the site is in compliance with the DOE radiation protection standard (100 mrem/yr) and to assess the potential effect of the site on public health, the potential radiation dose was calculated for a hypothetical maximally exposed individual. Based on the conservative scenario described in the report, this hypothetical individual would receive an annual external exposure approximately equivalent to 3 percent of the DOE radiation protection standard. This is also approximately equivalent to the exposure a person would receive during a round-trip flight from New York to Los Angeles (because of the greater amounts of cosmic radiation present at higher altitudes). The cumulative dose to the population within an 80-kro (50-mi) radius of CISS that results from radioactive materials present at the site is indistinguishable from the dose the same population receives from naturally occurring radioactive sources.

Activities at the CISS are controlled in part by an interim status permit issued pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

ii t 1 (RCRA) for the management of a hazardous waste storage facility. I The permit. EPA ID Number NYD002084721, was issued in 1980 to NL I Industries for wastes generated from their electroplating l* operations. The RCRA program is implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Department of Environmental ! Conservation. The hazardous wastes on site are those remaining from l operations conducted by NL Industries before DOE acquired the site .) in 1984.

Results of 1988 monitoring show that the CISS is in compliance with I the DOE radiation protection standard. I I



1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Location and Description 1 1.2 Site History 8 1.3 Hydrogeological Characteristics of the Site 12 1.3.1 Upper Sands Groundwater System 12 1.3.2 Lower Sands Groundwater System 15 1.3.3 Discussion 20 1.3.4 Conclusions 20

2.0 Summary of Monitoring Results 23

3.0 Data Collection^ Analysis, and Evaluation 25

3.1 External Gamma Radiation Levels 26 3.2 Water Sampling 30 3.2.1 Surface Water 30 3.2.2 Groundwater 32 3.3 Sediment Sampling 34 3.4 Radiation Dose 37 3.4.1 Dose to the Maximally Exposed Individual 37 3.4.2 Dose to the Population in the Vicinity of the CISS 38 3.5 Trends 39 3.5.1 External Gamma Radiation Levels 39 3.5.2 Surface Water 41 3.5.3 Groundwater 41

4.0 Related Activities and Special Studies 45

4.1 Related Activities 45 4.2 Special Studies 45

iv References

Appendix A Quality Assurance

u Appendix B Environmental Standards

Appendix C Abbreviations

4 Appendix D Radiation in the Environment

< I Appendix E Well Construction Log

Appendix F Distribution List for Colonie Interim Storage Site Annual Site Environmental Report Ll LJ u !J IJ u


Title Page

Location of the CISS 2

Map of the CISS Showing Interim Storage Ajea • 3

Aerial View of the CISS 4

Map of Surface Water Drainage in the CISS Area 6

Annual Wind Rose for Albany, New York 7 Generalized Land Use in the Vicinity of the CISS 9 Locations of CISS Groundwater Monitoring Wells 13

Hydrographs of Upper Sands Wells 1, 11, 5, 6, and 7 16 Potentiometric Surface Map of the CISS Upper Sands Groundwater System (4/18/88) 17 Potentiometric Surface Map of the CISS Upper Sands Groundwater System (10/17/88) 18 Hydrographs of Lower Sands Wells B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, CISS-3, and CISS-4 19 Potentiometric Surface Map of the CISS Lower Sands Groundwater System (4/18/88) 21 Potentiometric Surface Map of the CISS Lower Sands Groundwater System (10/17/88) 22 External Gamma Radiation Monitoring Locations at the CISS 27 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling Locations at the CISS 31


Table Title Page

1-1 Waste Volume Projections for the Colonie Site 11 1-2 Monitoring Well Construction Summary - CISS Upper and Lower Sands Wells 14 3-1 External Gamma Radiation Levels at the CISS, 1988 29 3-2 Concentrations of Total Uranium and Radium-226 in Surface Water at the CISS, 1988 33

3-3 Concentrations of Total Uranium and Radium-226 in Groundwater at the CISS, 1988 35 3-4 Concentrations of Isotopic Uranium and Radium-226 in Sediment at the CISS, 1988 36 3-5 Annual Average External Gamma Radiation Levels at the CISS, 1984-1988 40 J 3-6 Annual Average Concentrations of Total Uranium and Radium-226 in Surface Water at the CISS, 1984-1988 42 N/

3-7 Annual Average Concentrations of Total Uranium and Radium-226 in Groundwater at the CISS, 1985-1988 43 A-l Summary Comparison of Water Sample Results (EPA and TMA/E) A-3 B-l Conversion Factors B-2


In 1984, Congress assigned the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS) to the Department of Energy (DOE) as part of a decontamination research and development project under the 1984 Energy and Water Appropriations Act. DOE then included the site in the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), a DOE program to " decontaminate or otherwise control sites where residual radioactive materials remain from the early years of the nation's atomic energy program or from commercial operations causing conditions Congress has mandated DOE to remedy. Under FUSRAP the first environmental monitoring report for this site presented data for calendar year 1984. This report presents the findings of the environmental monitoring program conducted at the CISS during calendar year 1988.


The CISS is located at 1130 Central Avenue in the Town of Colonie, New York. It is approximately 6.4 km (4 mi) northwest of downtown Albany and about 4.8 km (3 mi) southeast of the Village of Colonie, as shown in Figure 1-1. The CISS covers 4.5 ha (11.2 acres); it consists of the former National Lead (NL) Industries, Inc. property and buildings where that company manufactured a variety of products using uranium, and approximately 0.8 ha (2 acres) of land northwest of the original property that was acquired by DOE from the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. Several vicinity properties are also radioactively contaminated as a result of airborne releases of uranium compounds produced during operations at the plant. Although depleted uranium was used for most plant operations, small quantities of natural and enriched uranium were also used in selected manufacturing processes. The CISS property and the interim storage area inside the building are shown in Figure 1-2. Figure 1-3 is an aerial photograph of the site.

Remedial action will be conducted in a manner designed to preclude migration of contaminants from the CISS via groundwater or surface water. Pollution control measures implemented during maintenance


li <

J u u u 0 I 16 3.2 4.e KM u !J id FIGURE 1-1 LOCATION OF THE CISS

L_i m^T:nTLTLTLT.T:TLr:T.T.T.rL,^^'^^


FIGURE 1-2 MAP OF THE CISS SHOWING INTERIM STORAGE AREA FIGURE 1-3 AERIAL VIEW OF THE CISS and removal actions include the use of prudent engineering controls, such as installation of sedimentation barriers in excavation areas and discharges of treated, impounded surface water in batches in accordance with the requirements of the Albany County Sewer District.

The CISS is located within the Patroons Creek drainage basin, about 2.6 km (1.6 mi) east of Rensselaer Lake (Figure 1-4). Patroons Creek lies approximately "0.4 km (0.25 mi) south of the site. A small, unnamed stream enter§ the site from the northwest through a culvert and exits through another culvert on the south side of the site. After it passes under the Penn Central Railroad tracks, the stream reappears and empties into Patroons Creek.

The site is underlain by Ordovician shale of the Normanskill formation at a depth of about 45.7 to 60.9 m (150 to 200 ft). The bedrock is overlain by unconsolidated deposits of clay and silt (Ref. 1).

Groundwater in the vicinity of the site is available in small quantities from the bedrock aquifer and in moderate to large quantities from the unconsolidated deposits (Ref. 2). The groundwater table around the site ranged from about 0.6 to 4.9 m (2 to 16 ft) below the ground surface during borehole drilling in March 1981 (Ref. 3). Depths to water measured in wells installed during November 1984 ranged from 1.1 to 5.5 m (3.5 to 18 ft) below the ground surface (Ref. 4). Groundwater flows to the south in the CISS vicinity (Refs. 4 and 5).

The average annual daily maximum temperature for the Albany area is 14.2°C (57.6°F), and the average daily minimum is 2.7°C (36.8°F). The highest average monthly temperature is 28.4°C (83.2°F) (July), and the lowest is -11.2°C (11.9°F) (January). Average annual precipitation is 89.35 cm (35.7 in.), with average annual snowfall of 143.8 cm (57.5 in.). As 6hown in Figure 1-5, winds in the area blow predominantly from the south at a mean speed of 16 km/h (10 mph) (Ref. 6).

5 t t i








7 The residential population of the Town of Colonie is approximately 74,600. The 1980 population of the City of Albany was 101,727; that of Albany County was 285,909 (Ref. 7).

As shown in Figure 1-6, land use in the vicinity of the CISS \s primarily industrial and residential. The site and adjacent area are currently zoned as industrial by the Town of Colonie; the site and the Yardboro Avenue area are zoned for light industry by Albany County. Central Avenue is lined by numerous small businesses, but the area across Central Avenue' from the CISS is primarily residential and is zoned residential by the Town of Colonie (Ref. 7). To the northwest and west, the site is bordered by open land and an electrical substation owned by the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. The southeastern and eastern boundaries adjoin various commercial properties. To the southwest and south, the facility is abutted by the Penn Central Railroad right-of-way.


The NL Industries plant began producing uranium products in 1958 under a license issued by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), a predecessor of DOE. After the contract was terminated in 1968, plant production was limited to fabrication of shielding components, counterweights, and projectiles from depleted uranium.

On February 15, 1980, the New York State Supreme Court issued a temporary order restraining NL Industries from operating, on the basis that the facility emitted uranium compounds in airborne releases. The temporary restraining order was amended on May 12, 1980, to allow NL Industries to continue limited operation. The amended order also required the company to initiate an independent investigation to assess all adverse environmental effects to surrounding properties that could have resulted from airborne discharges of radioactive materials from the plant. In 1980. Teledyne Isotopes was contracted by NL Industries to survey the radioactivity in the environs of the facility (Refs. 3 and 8).



0 0 5 Ml N —« 0.8 KM


9 In February 1984, the Secretary of Energy accepted an NL Industries offer to donate to DOE the land, buildings, and equipment at the Colonie site, including the radioactively contaminated wastes and residues on the property. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accepted the property on behalf of DOE on February 29, 1984, at which time the title was transferred to DOE. In addition, in 1985 DOE acquired a portion of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation property that borders the C1SS to the north and northwest and designated it as part of the CISS.

Since 1984 the CISS has been used for interim storage of waste materials contaminated with low-level radioactivity that were removed from vicinity properties under the auspices of FUSRAP. The contaminated waste materials removed in 1984 include rocks and dirt,: tar paper roofing material, grass and sod, surface material removed during the scabbling of asphalt, and crushed stone. Contaminated materials removed from vicinity properties during 1985 include gutters, topsoil and sod, crushed stone, and asphalt dust from scabbling operations. Work was also completed on removing contamination from off-site properties in 1988. In total, 53 properties have been cleaned, 18 of them in 1988. The material removed from the properties remediated in 1988 consisted mainly of topsoil and sod. The excavated contaminated materials are stored temporarily in the former NL building until a permanent remedial action alternative is selected. Three properties that are adjacent to the CISS property will be cleaned up when the site is remediated. Waste volume projections for Colonie are presented in Table 1-1 (Ref. 9).

During 1988, work was completed on repairing and stabilizing the building roof. General cleanup of the building interior was also performed.

Investigations of on-site contamination were conducted in 1988. This work consisted of drilling boreholes both inside and outside the building to determine the extent of vertical and horizontal


Projected Actual Fiscal Volumes Volume Year Property (m3/yd3) (m3/yd3)

1984 Yardboro, Central, and 266/350 532/700 Palmer avenues properties

1985 Yardboro, Central, and 517/680 182/240 Palmer Avenue properties and Reynolds Street residence 1988 18 vicinity properties 2.718/3,660 148/194 and Town of Colonie properties west of the CISS

Out Years Buried and surface waste 19,304/25,400° at the CISS; plant building rubble, metal, and equipment, and 3 remaining vicinity properties

Total: 22,800/30,000°

^Projected volume estimates are based on current information (Ref. 9) but are not definitive. For example, the volumes may change as the extent of contamination is defined by radiological characterization. blncludes building rubble. ^Includes actual volumes for FY 1984, 1985, and 1988.

11 u contamination, walkover surveys to locate surface contamination, and installation of new monitoring wells to aid in determining the u potential for contaminant migration.

In 1989, on-site investigations will be completed. Some new wells u will be monitored for radioactive .and selected chemical contaminants, There are no continuing commercial or industrial activities at the u CISS; therefore, no radioactive effluents exist at the site. 1.3 HYDROGEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SITE

J This section presents data on the hydrogeology at the CISS. The data and interpretations are based on groundwater levels measured in 4 wells during calendar year 1988. The two groundwater systems monitored were designated "upper sands" and "lower sands" in the II well installation report (Ref. 10) and monitoring wells are similarly designated. Groundwater monitoring wells (Figure 1-7) were installed at the CISS site by BNI in late 1984 to supplement existing wells installed in 1982 by NL (Wells B-l, B-2, B-3, and U B-4; Figure 1-7). Further background information on site geology, hydrogeology, and well installation methods can be found in HI Ref. 10. A summary of well construction information is shown in Table 1-2. An example of well construction details is included in J Appendix E of this report. 'J Groundwater levels in wells at the CISS site were measured with an electric downhole probe water level indicator. In 1988, these J measurements were taken at intervals of 2 weeks at all of the wells. J 1.3.1 Upper Sands Groundwater System The potentiometric surface of the upper sands groundwater system is J approximately 1.5 to 4.3 m (5 to 14 ft) below ground. (Potentiometric surface is defined as the level to which water will il rise in tightly cased wells. Delineation of the potentiometric surface of an aquifer indicates groundwater slope and flow il 12 KEY: B-1 ® NL WELLS



100 200




Total Screened Interval Well Completion Depth Below Ground Construction Number Date [m (ft)] [m-m (ft-ft)J Material

Upper Sands IIJ CISS-1 Nov. 1984 4.3 (14.0) 1.8-3.4 (6.0-11.0) PVC« CISS-5 Nov. 1984 6.7 (22.0) 3.5-5.5 (11.5-16.5) PVC J CISS-6 Nov. 1984 6.7 (22.0) 4.0-5.1 (13.1-18.1) PVC CISS-7 Nov. 1984 6.1 (20.0) 3.7-5.2 (12.2-17.2) PVC

CISS-11 Nov. 1984 6.1 (20.0) 3.9-5.4 (12.7-17.7) PVC

Lower Sands

B-lb Aug. 1982 11.0 (36.0) 9.4-11.0 (31.0-36.0) PVC

B-2° Aug. 1982 11.0 (36.0) 9.4-11.0 (31.0-36.0) PVC

B-3*> Aug. 1982 8.9 (29.3) 7.4-8.9 (24.3-29.3) PVC

B-4b Aug. 1982 9.5 (31.0) 7.9-9.5 (26.0-31.0) PVC

CISS-3 Nov. 1984 13.0 (42.7) 10.9-12.4 (35.6-40.6) PVC

CISS-4 Nov. 1984 14.3 (47.0) 10.5-12.0 (34.4-39.4) PVC

aPVC - polyvinyl chloride.

hwell installed by National Lead of Ohio.

14 jl direction.) Wells are screened in unconsolidated sands at depths of from 1.2 to 6.7 m (4 to 22 ft). Elevations of the groundwater level it measured in 1988 for each well are shown as hydrographs (Figure 1-8). Precipitation records for CISS are also presented in Figure 1-8.

The hydrographs for the upper sands groundwater system show minimal seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels from well to well. it Water levels in-all of the wells in the upper sands are highest during late winter and early spring, then slowly fall 0.6 to 1.5 m (2 to 5 ft) to their lowest levels in late summer and fall.

The slope and flow direction of the upper sands groundwater system were calculated from shallow-well potentiometric surface mapsl The water levels contoured on these two maps (Figures 1-9 and 1-10) were measured on dates during the seasonal high and low water table periods to show the small seasonal variation. The contours show a smooth slope from north to south on both maps. The slope of the 1 potentiometric surfaces on both dates is on the order of 0.01.

M 1.3.2 Lower Sands Groundwater System

I The potentiometric surface of the lower sands groundwater system is' approximately 1.8 to 5.8 m (6 to 18 ft) below ground. The BNI lower sands wells (3 and 4) are screened at depths of 9.4 to 14.3 m (31 to 47 ft). The construction details of the NL wells (B-l. B-2, B-3, and B-4; Figure 1-7) are not known, but the wells are believed to be open to the lower sands.

i Hydrographs showing elevations of water levels in wells of the lower sands groundwater system (Figure 1-11) indicate the same seasonal variations in water levels as those for the upper sands system. Precipitation records for CISS are also shown in Figure 1-11.

Slope and direction for the potentiometric surface of the lower sands groundwater system were calculated using two


1 —



-Eh 226 1 J3 J O

228 & -*-

z o 216 £~ : p^ ~«


1 . _. ...___._ ._ 1

288 LI LU ,_! JUDI JL ii OJL Il_ Jl ]] APR MAY JUN JUiiL l AUG ID. MO"V J JAN FEB MAR SEP OCT DEC LEGEND: D B-l TIME, months u. * 8-2 O B-3 YEAR 1988 X B-4 + CISS-3 CISS-4

FIGURE 1-11 HYDROGRAPHS OF LOWER SANDS WELLS B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, CISS-3, AND CISS-4 potentiometric surface maps (Figures 1-12 and 1-13) from the same dates as used for Figures 1-9 and 1-10. The potentiometric surface contours (Figures 1-12 and 1-13) show a gradient direction from north to south, with a slope of approximately 0.01.

V, 1.3.3 Discussion

Figures 1-8 and 1-11 show very little correlation between the water levels and precipitation events. The only clear exception is well 1, which is screened from 1.8 to 3.4 m (6 to 11 ft) deep; the water level in that well rose a few feet after the 6.9-cm (2.72-in.) rain in late August. This may be because well 1 is installed in a grassy area; the others are installed in areas where much of the ground surface is covered with asphalt or concrete. Therefore, much of the water from direct precipitation is removed from the site as surface drainage and minimal recharge takes place near those wells.

The lower sands potentiometric surface is 0.6 to 1.2 m (2 to 4 ft) below and parallel to the upper sands potentiometric surface, which suggests that the upper clay layer (Ref. 10, Figure 3-1) separating these systems acts as a leaky aguitard.

The potentiometric maps of both systems (Figures 1-9, 1-10, 1-12, and 1-13) highlight the lack.of groundwater measurements downgradient from the site building. New downgradient wells should .be operational in early 1989 (Ref. 11).

1.3.4 Conclusions

o Both the upper sands and lower sands groundwater systems flow from north to south at a slope of 0.01. The potentiometric surfaces of the two systems are parallel and separated by 0.6 to 1.2 m (2 to 4 ft), which indicates that the upper clay separating the two groundwater systems is leaking.

20 FIGURE M 2 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP OF THE CISS LOWER SANDS GROUNDWATER SYSTEM (4/18/88) «~, — «—. p". f-t pa- p*. ft r-« r5- P** r2* r** r55* r=* i*** i*1- ^pff


The environmental monitoring program, which began in 1984, continued during 1988. Water and sediment samples were collected and analyzed, and external gamma radiation levels were measured to verify compliance with the DOE radiation protect'io.n standard of 100 mrea/yr (Ref. 12). The external radiation dose was calculated to determine the degree of compliance with the radiation protection standard.

During 1988, average annual external radiation levels at the CISS property boundary ranged from less than 1 mR/yr above background to 34 mR/yr above background. The average background for the CISS area was 70 mR/yr. External radiation levels are discussed in Subsection 3.1. There has been no overall trend in external gamma radiation levels measured since 1984 (see Subsection 3.5.1) (Refs. 13-16).

In surface water, the highest average concentrations of uranium _9 and radiua-226 were 7.x 10 vCi/ml (7 pCi/1) and -10 . 1 4 x 10 vCi/ml (0.4 pCi/1), respectively (see Subsection 3.2.1). In groundwater (see Subsection 3.2.2), the highest average _9 i concentration of uranium was 4 x 10 pCi/ml (4 pCi/1). For radium-226, the highest average concentration was -9 ... 2.1 x 10 pCi/ml (2.1 pCi/1). There has been no significant trend in the concentrations of radionuclides in groundwater since 1985 (see Subsection 3.5.3) (Refs. 13 and 14). Concentrations of radionuclides in surface water and groundwater may 1 be compared with the levels of radioactivity in the commonly i consumed liquids listed in Appendix D. In stream sediments, the average concentrations of total uranium and radium-226 were 10.5 and 0.5 pCi/g, respectively (see 1 i 23 It Subsection 3.3). These concentrations may be compared with the levels of radioactivity in phosphate fertilizers listed in Appendix D.

Calculations were made of the potential radiation doses received by a hypothetical maximally exposed individual. This individual is one who is assumed, when all potential routes of exposure are considered, to receive the greatest dose. Review of potential ii exposure pathways indicates that the only plausibly significant pathway involves exposure to external gamma radiation at the CISS boundary. Other potential pathways of exposure were not factored into the calculations because monitoring data indicate that contributions from them would be insignificant. The calculated it exposure to the maximally exposed individual at the CISS from this pathway was 3 mR/yr above background. Because 1 mR is approximately equivalent to 1 mrem, this exposure is approximately equivalent to 3 percent of the DOE radiation protection standard. The cumulative dose to the population within an 80-km (50-mi) radius of the CISS that would result from radioactive materials present at the site would be indistinguishable from the dose the same population would receive from naturally occurring radioactive sources (see Subsection 3.4.2).

Results of 1988 monitoring show that the CISS is in compliance with J the DOE radiation protection standard. ui

ii 24 i| Because of these factors, the background radiation level is not constant from one location to another even over a short time. Thus it is not abnormal for some stations at the boundary of a site to have an external gamma radiation value less than the background level measured some distance from the site.

In April 1988, additional background locations were established at the Albany County Airport, the Colonie Town Hall, and the Colonie Fire Station. Because of the measurement system operating parameters, the 6 months of exposure time on the TLDs is not representative of the yearly fluctuations in background that occur because of seasonal weather variations. Data from these locations will be presented in the 1989 environmental report.

For comparisons of external gamma radiation levels measured from 1984 through 1988, see Subsection 3.5.1.


Sampling was performed during 1988 to determine the concentrations of total uranium and radium-226 in off-site surface water and • on-site groundwater.

3.2.1 Surface Water

Surface water samples were collected quarterly from three off-site locations (Figure 3-2). These sampling locations are downstream of the CISS to enable the effect of runoff from the site on surface waters in the vicinity to be determined.

Nominal 1-liter (0.26-gal) grab samples were collected to fill a 4-liter (1-gal) container and were analyzed by TMA/E. The concentration of total uranium was determined by a fluorometric method. Radium-226 concentrations in water were determined by radon emanation. (This method consists of precipitating radium-226 as sulfate and transferring the treated sulfate to a radon bubbler, where the radon-222 is allowed to come to equilibrium with its





FIGURE 3-2 SURFACE WATER AND SEDIMENT SAMPLING LOCATIONS AT THE CISif radium-226 parent. The radon-222 is then withdrawn into a scintillation cell and counted by the gross alpha technique. The quantity of radon-222 detected in this manner is directly proportional to the quantity of radium-226 originally present in the sample.)

Analysis results for off-site surface water samples are presented in Table 3-2. The annual average concentrations of total uranium ranged from 5 x 10"9 to 7 x 10"9 vCi/ml (5 to 7 pci/l). The annual average concentrations of radium-226 ranged from 3 x 10"10 to 4 x 10" ° pCi/ml (0.3 to 0.4 pCi/1). These values may be compared with the levels of radioactivity in the commonly consumed liquids listed in Appendix D.

For comparisons of radionuclide concentrations measured in surface water from 1984 through 1988, see Subsection 3.5.2.

3.2.2 Groundwater

In 1988, groundwater samples were collected quarterly from seven on-site wells installed as part of a hydrogeologic investigation conducted at the site in 1984 (Ref. 4). Wells designated 1, 5, 6, 7, and 11 are shallow wells in the upper sands groundwater system. The depths of the screened intervals of these wells range from 1.2 to 6.7 m (4 to 22 ft). Wells 3 and 4, which are screened at depths of 9.4 to 14.3 m (31 to 47 ft), extend into the lower sands groundwater system. Groundwater gradient is southerly to southeasterly. Well6 1 and 3 are the upgradient wells for the site. The locations of these wells are shown in Figure 1-7. Samples were collected with a hand bailer after the wells had been isailed dry and allowed to recover or three well casing volumes had been removed. Nominal 1-liter (0.26-gal) grab samples were jjollected to fill a 4-liter (1-gal) container. Using the analysis methods described for surface water, TMA/E analyzed the samples for I lissolved total uranium and radium-226.


Sampling Number Of Concentration flO"9 uCi/ml)b Locationa Sampl »S Minimum Maximum Average

Total Uranium 2 4 7 9 7 3 4 5 7 6 4 4 3 6 5 Background IOC 1 2 2 2 Radium-226 2 4 0.2 0.5 0.3 3 4 0.3 0.6 0.4 4 4 0.2 0.6 0.4 Background IOC 1 0.4 0.4 0.4

^Sampling locations are shown in Figure 3-2. Locations 1 and 5 are on the site. t>l x 10-9 vci/ml is equivalent to 1 pCi/1. CLocated at the Town Hall Lake, Newtonville, NY, which is approximately 4.8 km (3 mi) north-northwest of the CISS. Established in October 1988 to represent background. Back- ground has not been subtracted.

i > 33 Analysis results for groundwater samples are presented in Table 3-3. The highest annual average concentration of total -9 uranium for all samples was 4 x 10 vCi/ml (4-pCi/l). The highest annual average radium-226 concentration*was -9 '** 2.1 x 10 vCi/ml (2.1 pCi/1). Statistical evaluation of radionuclide concentrations in groundwater at the CISS indicates that no significant differences exist between upgradient and downgradient wells. These values may be compared with the levels of radioactivity in commonly consumed liquids listed in Appendix D. For a discussion of the comparisons of radionuclide concentrations in groundwater measured from 1984 through 1988, see Subsection 3.5.3.


Sediment samples consisting of composites weighing approximately 500 g (1.1 lb) were collected quarterly at one of the sampling locations established for sediment and surface water (Figure 3-2, Location 2). TMA/E analyzed the samples for isotopic uranium and radium-226. Total uranium concentration was determined by summing the results of analyses for isotopic uranium. Isotopic uranium concentrations were determined by alpha spectrometry, in which uranium is leached, organically extracted, and electroplated on a metal substrate. Radium-226 concentrations were determined by the radon emanation method described for surface water analysis.

Data were collected from Location 2 to measure the potential for migration of contaminated sediments to off-site areas. Results of the analyses, based on dry weight, are presented in Table 3-4. These data indicate that the uranium is depleted of uranium-235.

The average annual concentration of total uranium in sediment measured at Location 2 was 10.5 pCi/g, which is approximately aqual to the background concentration, and the average annual radium-226 concentration was 0.5 pCi/g. These concentrations may be compared with the levels of radioactivity in phosphate fertilizers listed in Appendix D.


Sampling Number of Concentration flO"9 uCi/ml)D Location3 Samples Minimum Maximum Averagec

Total Uranium

id 4 <2 3 3 3d 4 <2 5 3 4 4 2 6 4 5 4 <2 3 2 6 4 2 3 3 7 4 <2 4 3 11 4 <2 5 3 Radium-226

Id 4 0.1 0.5 0.4 3d 4 0.2 7.2 2.1 4 4 0.2 0.8 0.5 5 4 0.3 0.8 0.5 6 4 0.6 1.1 0.8 7 4 <0.1 0.3 0.2 11 4 0.3 0.6 0.5

^Sampling locations are shown in Figure 1-7. t>l x 10-9 yCi/ral is equivalent to 1 pCi/1. cwhere no more than one value is less than the limit of sensitivity of the analytical method, values are considered equal to the limit of sensitivity, and the average value is reported without the notation "less than." dupgradient well, considered to be the background well. Background has not been subtracted.


Sampling Number of Concentration fpCi/g (dry)] Locations,b Samples Minimum Maximum Average


2 4 0.8 2.7 1.7

3 4 0.8 3.2 2.0 ,Tranium-235

2 4 <0.1 0.2 0.1 3 4 0.1 0.4 0.2 Uranium-236 2 4 5.3 13.0 8.7 3 4 3.1 13.0 8.6 Total Uranium0 2 4 6.2 15.9 10.5 3 4 4.0 16.6 10.8 Radium-226 2 4 0.4 0.7 0.5 3 4 0.4 1.1 0.8

asampling locations are shown in Figure 3-2. *>No baclcground location was established for 1988 reporting. CTotal uranium concentration was calculated by summing the concentrations of all three isotopes. I I I 36 I 056471

4.9.2 Health Physics

The health physics requirements for all activities that involve radiation and/or radioactive material are defined in Project Instruction No. 20.01. Project Radiation Protectidh Manual and the implementation procedures. A copy of the Project Instruction 20.01 is located on-site.


All batches will be sampled and analyzed for total uranium and priority pollutant metals. Sampling will be performed using the guidelines in the Work Plan for compositing and sampling of materials (39-0O-IG-07).


Drums of solidified precipitate will be interim stored on-site pending the development of a permanent disposal option.


Sufficient funds have been budgeted for the support of the chemical closure at the CISS as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These funds are mixed for common activities that support several work plans, so specific cost estimates for each work plan are not feasible. The budget includes direct labor, material, travel, supplies, equipment, and subcontracts. Additional funding is available for FY 87 to complete tasks identified during the execution of the planned work for FY 86.


The process operation (4.5) will be used as a check list for each batch to assure that steps are taken in sequence.

6133B 12 05/30/86 058471

If all field test results are belov release criteria, samples vill be sent to an analytical laboratory (Controls for Environmental Pollution. Santa Fe. New Mexico) for verification. The analytical results will be provided to the Albany County Sewer District (ACSD) prior to releasing the water.

Because the nickel sulfamate tank is already below water discharge limits (600 pCi/l) for uranium, an attempt will be made to have this disposed of as hazardous waste.


As part of the design and implementation process. Bechtel conducts}a Quality Assurance Assessment (QAA) which addresses the consequence and likelihood of failure. The QAA for this work plan is attached as Appendix C.


Because all plating wastes are radiologically contaminated, decontaminating equipment between batches is not necessary. At the completion of all batch processing, the equipment will be decontaminated with water (adding soap only if necessary). The decontamination will be verified by direct surface measurement as well as wipe sampling and gross alpha counting.


4.9.1 Industrial Hygiene

All work activities shall be performed in compliance with Project Instruction No. 26.0. Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan, and Project Instruction No. 26.04. Addendum to the Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan.

6133B 11 05/30/86 058471

4.5.7 Silicate Phosphate Tanks (906 liters)

1. Immerse a pH electrode and sixer into the tank.

2. Carefully pour 11.4 L concentrated' H.SO and six until pH <3.

3. Pour in. 39 kg Ca(OH) and six until pH >11. Continue to •ix for 5-10 minutes.

4. Allow the precipitate to settle and transfer the supernate to the storage tank for sampling and analysis of Betels and total U. |

5. Sample the solids for metals and total U.

6. Solidify the solids with Envirostone using the procedure developed in the field.

7. Adjust the supernate pH to between 9.5 and 5.5 with concentrated H.SO.. If laboratory results indicate the solution is below discharge limits, the solution is ready for release to the ACSD after notification and approval.


Field test kits have been purchased for the primary metal ions in these wastes and their test results verified with laboratory analysis. Additionally, a SAC-4 gross alpha counter is available on-site to perform total uranium analyses. After a batch has been treated, field analyses will be conducted. If the results for any tests »f in excess of release standards, additional benchscale work will be conducted at the site to determine the appropriate corrective actions.

6133B 10 OS/30/86 056471

4.5.5 Nickel Sulfamate (1.022 liters) Transfer contents of the tanks in 70 L batches to 55 gallon drums. v Add 210 kg Envirostone to each drum slowly vhile mixing. Allow drums to remain open until mixture sets, then seal for disposal.

4.5.6 Nickel Activator (416 liters)

1. Immerse a pH electrode and stirrer into the tank.

2. Pour in 4.7 kg Na.S.O. and mix until all reductant is dissolved.

3. Pour in 4.0 kg Ca(OH). and mix until pH >11.

4. Pour in 0.5 g FeCl and mix for 5-10 minutes.

5. Allow the precipitate to settle and transfer the supernate to the storage tank for sampling and analysis of metals and total U.

6. Sample solids for metals and total U.

7. Solidify the solids with Envirostone using the procedure developed from field tests.

8. Adjust the supernate pH to between 9.5 and 5.5 with concentrated H.SOj. If the laboratory results indicate the solution is below discharge limits, the solution is ready for release to ACSD after notification and approval.

6133B 9 05/30/86 058*71

Allow the precipitate to settle and transfer the supernate to the storage tank for sampling for metals and total U.

Sample solids for metals and total U.

Solidify the solids with Envirostone using the procedure developed from field tests.

Adjust the supernate pH to between 9.S and S.5 with concentrated H SO . If laboratory results indicate the solution is below discharge lisiits. release the solution to the sewer after notification and approval from the ACSD.

Wastewater Tank #9 (379 liters)

Immerse a pH electrode and the sixer into the tank.

Carefully pour in 190 ml concentrated H,SO and six until pH <3.

Add 0.6 kg Ca(OH)_ and six for 5-10 minutes.

Allow the precipitate to settle and transfer the supernate to the storage tank for sampling for metals and total U.

Sample solids for metals and total U.

Solidify the solids with Envirostone using the procedure developed from field tests.

Adjust the supernate pH to between 9.5 and 5.5 using concentrated H.SO . If laboratory results indicate the solution is below discharge limits, release the solution to the sewer after notification and approval from the ACSD.

8 058471

2. Pour 13.3 kg Na22205 into the tank and aix until all reductant is in solution.

3. Pour in 3.6 kg Ca(OH) and six until the pH is above 11.

4. Allow the precipitate to settle and transfer the supernate to the storage tank for sampling and analysis for aetals and total U.

5. Sample solids for aetals and total U.

6. Solidify the solid6 with Envirostone using the procedure developed from field tests.

7. Adjust the supernate pH to between 9.5 and 5.5 with concentrated H.SO . If the laboratory results indicate the solution is below discharge limits, the solution is ready for release to the ACSD, after notification and approval.

4.5.3 Wastewater Tank «8 (454 liters)

1. Immerse a pH electrode and the mixer into the tank.

(~2. , Carefully pour 22.7 L of concentrated H_SO and mix ^-^ until pH <3.

N S int0 the tan nd Bix until a11 3. Pour 9.2 kg *2 2°5 * * reductant is in solution.

4. Pour in 4.4 kg Ca(OH) and aix until pH 11.

5. Pour in 0.5 g Fed. and aix for S minutes.

6133B 7 05/30/86 058471 take place in the storage container the solutions are now in. If the solutions are stored in two containers, they will be combined into a larger vat before treatment. A checklist for each bath will be used in the field (Appendix B).

4.5.1 Cadmium Activator (568 liters) \1 7"^

1. Immerse a pH electrode and the mixer into the tank.

2. Pour 5.9 kg Na^S^ into the tank and mix until all reductant is in solution.

3. Pour 4.7 kg of Ca(OH) and mix until the pH is above 11. \

4. Add 0.6g Feci, and continue to mix for 5-10 minutes.

5. Allow the precipitate to settle and transfer the supernate to the storage tank for sampling and analysis for metals and total uranium.

6. Sample solids for determination of metals and total uranium.

7. Solidify.the solids with Envirostone using the procedure developed from field tests.

8. Adjust the supernate pH to between 9.5 and 5.5 with concentrated H-SO.. If the laboratory results indicate this solution is below discharge limits, the solution is ready for release to the Albany County Sewer District (ACSD) after notification and approval.

4.5.2 Irridite 8P (530 liters)

1. Immerse a pH electrode and the mixer into the tank.

6133B 6 OS/30/86 058*71 o Due to the large aaount of Ni present in the nickel sulfaaate baths, solidification with Envirostone was chosen as the aethod of treatment. o Ca(OH)? successfully precipitates the aetals. causing the resulting solutions to be within discharge Units. o The precipitated aetals and uranium can be solidified with Envirostone. and disposed of MB radwaste. 4.3 EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION

Several large tanks are present on-site which are suitable for these operations. A gear drive aixer will be used for aixing reagents and Envirostone. Centrifugal pumps and a pneumatic diaphram pump are available for transferring liquids and precipitated solid6. t


The supply requirements listed below are based on laboratory studies and are the total amounts required for this work plan. An excess aaount is listed for each treating agent to insure adequate quantities in the field.

Sodium metabisulfite. Na2S2Os 33 kg (73 lbs.) Calcium hydroxide. Ca(OH) 57 kg (126 lbs.) Ferric chloride. FeCl, 1.6 g

Sulfuric acid. H2S04 35 liters (9.25 gal.) Envirostone. determined after appropriate field tests


Bench scale tests on field samples have been performed at the Bechtel Service Center Analytical Laboratory. Solutions from each tank to be treated were tested for pH. effectiveness of treatment and temperature change during treataent (Appendix A). Based on these tests, the following procedure has been developed for each bath. For field application of the procedure the treataent will

6133B 5 05/30/66 055*71

42 M • Ca(OH)2 • H* •» M(OH)x • Ca • H20 ± Where M - metal species H » hydrogen ion present in low pH solutions

After treatment, the supernatant vill be pumped into a holding tank. Samples vill be analyzed for metals and total uranium, if the results are belov the New York State Pretreatment Standards the Albany County Sever District (ACSD) vill be contacted and if approved, the supernatant vill be released to the sever system. The precipitated solids vill be analyzed for metals and total uranium and solidified vith Envirostone.


Bench scale tests of the precipitation method have been performed on each plating bath. A measured amount of solution vas placed in a beaker and the pH and oxidation state adjusted (if necessary). Calcium hydroxide vas added to the solution, vhile mixing, until the pH vas above 11. The amount of Ca(OH), required vas veighed to anticipate the amount needed at the jobsite.

Results of the tests vere as follows: o The pH of several baths vas <3, making the acid addition unnecessary. o Ca(OH)2 precipitates the metals more effectively than NaOH. o The N«2S2°5 successfully converts all Cr(VI) to Cr(III), vhich then precipitates as the hydroxide. o The addition of CafOH)? does not result in a significant exothermic reaction, eliminating heat exchange problems. o The pH must be above 11. or appreciable amounts of uranium remain in solution. o After raising the pH above 11. addition of FeCl3 as a flocculant aids some solutions in precipitation.

6133B 4 OS/30/86 058471


The following table summarizes the contents of the storage

vaiino • >>

Uranium Tank No Name Volume (Cal) (pCi/1)

6 Cd Activator 150 350 7 Irridite 8P 140 35.000 8 Rinse Water 120 300 9 Rinse Water 100 350 16 Nickel Sulfamate 120 500 17 Nickel Sulfamate 150 500 16 Nickel Activator 110 650 19 Silicate Phosphate 130 450 20 Silicate Phosphate 110 450



The method of treatment for all plating baths is essentially the same with some variations for valence adjustment of baths that contain Chromium VI. The pH of each solution is adjusted to below 3 (if necessary) and all metals and uranium are then precipitated as their hydroxides with the addition of an excess of calcium hydroxide [CaCOH},]. Calcium hydroxide was selected over sodium hydroxide because the particle site of the resulting hydroxide species was larger and therefore more effective in precipitating the metals.

Sodium metabisultite (Na2S205) is added to all baths containing Cr(VI) to reduce the Cr to the +3 valence state. For all

baths, the Ca(OH)2 is then added until the pH is above 11. Laboratory tests have shown that if the pH is not increased above 11. an unacceptable amount of uranium was left in solution. The theoretical generic reaction for the metals precipitation is:





In 1984, the Department of Energy (DOE) assumed ownership of the National Lead Industries (NLI) facility in Colonic. New York. The facility is presently called the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS). One of the operations conducted at CISS was the electroplating of depleted uranium metal with nickel and cadmium.

As a consequence of the electroplating process. 1.130 gallons of toxic plating solutions which are contaminated with depleted uranium remain on-site.

Closure of the CISS with regard to hazardous chemical materials includes the disposition of this co-contaminated material. The hazard associated with this material is the heavy metal toxicity.

The objective of this work plan is the treatment of these wastes to remove the heavy metals from solution.


The plating wastes addressed in this work plan are located in the electroplating room of the Colonie facility as shown in Figure 2-1. These solutions were transferred from open-topped plating vats into plastic bulk storage tanks in January 1985 (39-OO-IG-Ol). All tanks are equipped with forklift saddles. Operations will be conducted in Bay 2. (stippled area of Figure 2-1).

6133B 1 05/30/86 TABLE OF CONTENTS





A. A. A . A Ittvt for UM gr& ThpT NO mm. DATE RTVISiONS CMK'D OftttIN EE: Work Plan For Disposal of "0 m 1450 1 AT Toxic Wastes derating Proc *cv Colonie, New York U3.9-0.arJLG-.P.8__ SWEET 1 Of 13 I I I



AAOS = Acid Alum Oil Split EOPU = Emulsified Oil Precipitator Uranium

5400B B-l REV. 05/14/87 056«?*

Sorbent filtration reduced the amount of oil in the aqueous phase. This is a qualitative assessment only. Oil and grease analysis was not performed.

Uraniun activity was reduced in each of the samples by filtration with sorbent.

Sanple 3A did not change in appearance with a second filtration and the uranium activity was not changed.

All three treatments reduced the activity of the filtrates.

Treatments 2 and 3 were more effective for samples 3 and 3A than Treatment 1.


1. Sorbent can be used to reduce the amount of oil in an emulsified solution.

2. Sorbent filtration reduced uranium activity for all three sanples. Since these samples are used for cutting oils iron uranium machining, this result indicates that uranium metal particles are suspended in the emulsion and remain in the filter with the oil phase.

3. Treatment 1 reduced the activity of all four filtrates. Raising the pH from 7 to 12 will only affect uranium in solution. Therefore, it may be concluded that a portion of the uranium in each filtrate is in solution. 4. The effect of treatments 2 and 3 on filtrates 3 and 3A suggests that these filtrates contained a particulate uranium component which was dissolved by acidification and then precipitated with the base.

5. The minor differences between treatments 2 and 3 indicate that at a pH of 1, the uranium particulates in these samples were rapidly dissolved. 6. Acidification of the aqueous filtrates followed by precipitation with a base is an effective method for reducing uranium activity below the release criteria of 600 pCi/1.

5400B A-3 05/14/87 TABLE A-l

Uraniur concent pa?iio n (pCi /I) Sanple 1 2 3 3A*

Initial 1257.4 1196.9 4908.6 Sorbent Filtration 737.5 507.8 2696.1 2696.1 Test 1 36.0 64.6 907.2 665.0 Test 2 12.1 24.2 205.5 331.3 Test 3 48.4 108.8 265.0 205.5

•Second filtration of sample 3.

5400B A-2 05/14/87 APPENDIX A

Bench scale tests were performed on emulsif-ied cutting oils to determine the effectiveness of polypropylene fiber for separating oil emulsions and pH adjustment for precipitating uranium from the aqueous phase. The rationale for these tests are that:

1. Polypropylene is a hydrophobic material which will adsorb the oil phase of an emulsion and repel the aqueous phase. 2. Uranium is a heavy metal that dissolves in acidic solutions and precipitates as a salt in basic solutions.

A Sac-4 gross alpha meter was used to determine the uranium activity of the various solutions.

A sample (400 ml) was taken from each of three drums of emulsified oil. After determining the initial uranium activities (Table 1) each of the samples was filtered with (polypropylene fiber) sorbent. An aliquot of sample number 3 was filtered a second time to assess the effect of increased contact time with the polypropylene. The activity of the four filtrates was determined (see Table A-l).

Uranium precipitation of the filtrates was evaluated with 3 treatments. Each of the solutions was neutral (ph 7) prior to treatment.

The reagents used for pH adjustment were sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.

Treatment 1: pH raised from 7 to 12

Treatment 2: pH lowered to 1 for 60 minutes then raised to 12.

Treatment 3: pH lowered to 1 for 60 minutes then raised to 12.

5400B A-l 05/14/87 8.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE

A Quality Assurance Assessment (QAA) will be performed prior to commencement of work operations to assess the risk, or probability and consequence, of failure. The assessment will consider technical risk, safety, the environment, public reaction and management. To assure quality in the actual work operations, a checklist of activities to be. verified has been prepared and will be used throughout the work operations. A copy of the checklist is attached.


The Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan and Addendum Project Instruction 26.01 along with the Bechtel Safety Programs outline the health and safety requirements for the Colonie Interim Storage site. A copy of the above documents are located on-site.


As stated in the closure plan for this facility, DOE and a professional engineer registered in the State of New York will certify the completion of chemical closure of the facility within 30' days after execution of all work plans (proposed Rule 50 FR 11066, A 3/19/85). Work plans will be individually certified as complete by the Licensed Professional Engineer by issuing 'As-Built" revisions of the plans, as they occur.

5400B 13 REV. 1 05/14/87 in a 500 gallon vertical plastic tank. Clean tanks are available for storage pending release to ACSD. The solid and oily waste.? can be stored directly in the drums in preparation .for solidification. There are pumps and hoses available on the site for the purpose of moving and mixing the liquids. A fork lift is available for movement of tanks, barrels, etc. There are no facilities for the final disposal of the wastes on-site. The drums of solidified waste may eventually be transported from the site for disposal. The water will be temporarily stored in the site waste water tank, but it too must be transported for final disposal.


The supplies to be procured for this treatment process and their costs are listed below:

Iter' Quantity Estimated cost

Envirostone brand 4,000 lbs. $1,720.00 cement

Envirostone brand 24 gal; $ 100.00 emulsifier

Polypropylene sorbent 200 pads $ 160.00

Industrial grade alum 100 lbs £ 30.00

Septic service $ 50.00

Total Estimated cost: $2,070.00

5400B 12 PEV. 1 05/14/87 05S^71


A total of three composites of Alum slurry and four composites of precipitate were analyzed for priority pollutant metals, RCRA characteristics, and total uranium. The data is located in Appendix B.



All of the solid by-products of the treatment process, including the aluminum hydroxide slurry and organics from the acid-alum split, the uranium precipitate, and oil saturated sorbent pads will be placed in drums that previously contained the spent coolant. These materials will then be mixed with •Envirostone* brand cement and allowed to solidify in the druns. Any residual oils will be treated in the same manner. Because this waste will likely be radiologically contaminated, it will be treated as mixed waste (see Closure Plan, Section 2.3, paragraph 5). A disposal site for this type of waste has yet to be determined. Thus, the drums will be placed in interim storage on-site until a disposal facility has been located. Once the water has been tested and approved for disposal in the sewer system, it will be pumped into the waste water collection tank located on-site. Finally, the water will be transported for disposal by a local septic service.


All of the facilities necessary for the treatment and storage of the wastes are available on-site. Some of the treatment will be done in the 55-gallon drums that presently contain the spent coolant. For the acid-alum split, several 200 gallon vertical plastic tanks are available for use on-site. Uranium precipitation will be conducted

5400B 11 05/14/67 056A7 i containing oil and grease in excess of 100 mg/1; and radioactive wastes or isotopes which exceed limits established by the Director in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations (a standard for uranium of 600 pCi/1 has been -established).

In order to determine the quantity of uranium in the 55-gallon drums containing solidified waste, it will be necessary to determine uranium content of the emulsified oil solution before and after treatment. For each 800-gallon batch of solution, a sample will be taken before and after treatment. After the last batch of solution is treated, the pre-treatment samples will be combined to form one representative sample. The same will be done for the post-treatment samples. The two representative samples will then be analyzed for uranium concentration.

These concentrations will be used to estimate values for the total amount of uranium contained in the waste before and after treatment. The difference of these two values will be an estimate of the total amount of uranium removed from the solution. This value will be divided by the number of drums of solidified waste to provide an estimate of the quantity of uranium in each drum.


Approximately 3,500 gallons of .water was released to the Albany County Sewer District after treatment with this process. Seven drums of alum slurry have been solidified with envirostone. Each drum contains 35 gallons of slurry.

An additional 8 drums of slurry and salts have not been solidified. This material is being proposed for incineration at the K-25 incinerator. The concept has been discussed with K-25 personnel and they have agreed to accept incinerable wastes from CZSS. Incineration is a preferred option because the waste is destroyed.

5400B 10 REV. 05/14/87 , r' *. £ A / At 1 w > w *• ' (


An alternative treatment plan that has been investigated is to solidify the entire volume of waste in the drur^ in preparation for disposal. Although this process is simple and effective, it is not the most cost-effective plan due to treatment and disposal costs. If the original approach is not satisfactory, the data obtained during the treatment protess will be evaluated to determine if another alternative can be developed.

A third method using polypropylene fiber is detailed in Appendix A.


There is residual contamination on the equipment used for this process. A variety of other treatment processes will make use of this equipment. The final cleaning and disposition will be addressed during the general facility clean-up after waste treatment has been completed.



The waste products that must be disposed of will include water, oil, and solid by-products.

The oil and solid by-products will be prepared for disposal by solidification in 55-gallon drums. The waste must be stabilized in the form of a totally solidified monolithic material to eliminate the possibility of liquid leakage before or after disposal.

\ The criteria for disposal of the waste water into the Albany County sewer system is established by the Albany County Sewer District Local Law Number 1, Article V and VI. These criteria prohibit the following: waste waters of low (5.5) or high (9.5), pH; water

5400B 9 REV. 05/14/87 f. The clear water layer should now be suitable for disposal as plant effluent. At this point, the water must be separated from the aluninum hydroxide slurry which has settled to the bottom of the tank. This will be done by pumping the water off the slurry into a holding tank. The water will remain in the holding tank while tests are made to determine its oil and uranium content (uranium analysis will be handled by Eberline Analytical Corporation; oil and grease analysis will be done by a local, independent laboratory). The aluminum hydroxide slurry will be removed from the tank and stored in 55-gallon drums.

Removal of Renainina Uranium I • JIM

In the 'acid-alum split' process much of the uranium should be removed from the water. If the uranium content of the water remains above 600 pCi/1, further treatment will be necessary. This treatment step is based on the fact that uranium, a heavy metal, goes into solution in acid and precipitates out in a base. Consequently, the following process should sufficiently remove the uranium from the water:

a. Reduce the uranium in solution by adding sodium meta bisulfite. The amount to be added is determined by bench testing.

b. Drop the pH of the water down to about 1 by the addition of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). c. Raise the pH up to about 12 by the addition of Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). d. Test for uranium content in field with a SAC-4. e. If water is below criteria pump water off, adjust pH to between 5.S and 9.5, and store temporarily. f. Remove uranium slurry from the bottom of the tank and store in 55-gallon drums. g. Sample the treated water for oil and grease analysis and uranium analysis.

h. Release water to Albany County Sewer District (ASCD) upon acceptance of the analytical data by ACSD.

5400B 8 REV. 1 05/14/87 In order to remove the remaining thin layer of tramp oil, pads of fibrous sorbent material will be placed on the surface of the drums. These polypropylene pads .are effective for selectively absorbing oil from oil-water mixtures. The saturated pads will be deposited in 55-gallon drums for temporary storage.

Separation of Emulsified Oil from Water

This procedure was suggested by the manufacturer of Trim-Sol for treating spent coolant. The process is termed an "acid-alum split" and it is a batch process. The following steps are based on treatment of 1000 gallons of spent coolant.

a. Separation of organic materials and emulsified tramp oil from the coolant solution:

- Add enough concentrated sulfuric acid to the trade waste to lower the pH below 2.0. Two to seven gallons of concentrated sulfuric acid was required per 1000 gallons of spent coolant. Mix the solution continually while these additions are being made.

- Add 5.0 gallons of 17 percent alum (aluminum sulfate) solution to the acidified trade waste while mixing. b. Allow the mixture to stand undisturbed until a good separation of the insoluble materials is achieved (usually 24 to 48 hours). c. Remove any solid materials and residual oil which floats to the top of the tank by skimming the surface and using polypropylene sorbent pads if necessary. The materials will be temporarily stored in 55-gallon drums. d. While slowly mixing, add 50 percent caustic soda to the solution until a pH between 6.5 and 7.0 is reached. Two to seven gallons of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) will be required per 1000 gallons rf mixture.

e. Allow the aqueous mixture to stand undisturbed for 24 hours to permit the aluminum hydroxide floe to settle to the bottom of the tank. This will remove any residual organic matter remaining from the previous treatment.

5400B 7 REV. 1 05/14/67 3.3 MAXIMUM WASTE INVENTORY

The products of this treatment process that must be disposed of are water, oil, and solid separation by-products. The working V, concentration of the coolant was 2 parts oil to 50 parts water, or an oil concentration of about 4 percent. Due to tramp oil accumulation and evaporation of some of the water, the actual oil concentration is somewhat higher than 4 percent. Based on a conservative estimate of 10 percent oil, a maximum oil volume of 350 gallons has been determined. Solid by-products from the separation process will likely add only slightly to this volume. The volume of water to be disposed of will be approximately 3150 gallons. S 4.0 CLOS'JPE PROCEDURES


Due to the nature of the treatment process and in consideration of cost effectiveness, real time decision-making and quality control of treatment, employees of Bechtel National, Inc. will be performing the treatment.

There are three basic components in the treatment of this oii-water-uranium mixture:

a. Removal of tramp oil from the surface of the drums b. Separation of the emulsified oil from the water c. Removal of any uranium remaining in the water

The detailed procedures for each of these components are described below.

4.1.1 Removal of Tramp Oil

The most viscous of the surface oils will be skimmed off the surface of the drums and deposited in 55-gallon drums for temporary storage.

5400B 6 05/14/87 058471

druns of coolant that have been unsuccessfully treated previously. The druns are filled to about 80 percent of capacity on the average.



The total volume of uranium-contaminated emulsified oil to be treated is approximately 3500 gallons.


The oil portion of the spent coolant is a water soluble oil with trade name Trim-Sol. The oil is manufactured by Master Chemical Corporation which describes it as a chemical emulsion concentrate containing a friction reducing lubricant. It is a dark green fluid with a mild odor, a specific gravity of .99, and a pH of 9.4. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSKA) Material Safety Data Sheet, Trim-Sol is a non-hazardous mixture of petroleum oil, non-ionic surfactants, chlorinated parrafin wax, petroleum sulfonate, odorants, silicone defoamer, dye and water. Most "of the drums of spent coolant have a layer of unemulsified tramp oil floating on the surface. This layer is a mixture of lubricating oils that leaked out of various parts of the machine and mixed with the coolant. These oils are yellow or brown in color and in some cases are highly viscous. The uranium in the mixture is believed to be present in both dissolved and suspended form. Uranium concentrations of up to 5000 pCi/1 have been determined. There is no indication that the mixture contains significant quantities of any other substances.

5400B 5 05/14/87 iNVId lOld Ail IOVJ UN I 3U09IJ






The former National Lead "Industries (NLI) facility, now owned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), was involved in the production of uranium products beginning in the 1950s. The production process often involved the machining of depleted uranium. Some of the machines used in the process required a mixture of oil and water as a coolant, in the machining process, small uranium particles were mixed in with the coolant, creating a uranium-contaminated oil emulsion. Some of this spent coolant has been stored on-site in 55-gallon drums, and it must be treated and disposed.

Due to oil and uranium contamination effects, the spent coolant cannot be disposed of -directly into sanitary or storm sewers. The contaminants must be removed to comply with criteria established by the Albany County Sewer District (ACSD) before disposal into the sewer system is acceptable (see Section 5.1).

The objectives of this instruction guide work plan are:

a. To develop a procedure to separate the oil and uranium from the water b. To develop a procedure to stabilize the oil, uranium, and process by-products


The drums of spent coolant are located in Area D (machine shop) as shown in Figure 1. There are sixty-four 55-gallon drums containing spent coolant that are untreated. There are also twelve 55-gallon

5400B 3 05/14/87 TABLE 25


Concentration fpCi/g) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 2.4 • 1.1 2 1.6 + 1.6 3 3.6 + 0.7 4 7.8 • 2.0 5 3.3 + 0.2 6 1.6 ± 0.1 7 1.3 ± 0.8 8 2.0 + 0.8

57 TABLE 24


Concentration (pCi/o) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 3.8 + 0.6 2 3.2 ± 0.7 3 5.7 + 0.5

55 TABLE 23


Concentration (pCi/g) Sample No, Uranium-238

1 15.2 + 6.7 2 9.9 ± 3.0 3 7.4 + 0.9 4 2.4 t- 0.2

I 53 TABLE 22


Concentration (pCi/q) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 2.2 + 2.0 2 2.5 ± 1.3 3 2.0 + 0.8 4 1.1 ± 0.9

51 TABLE 21


Concentration (pCi/q) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 1.8 ± 0.6 2 9.0 + 4.5 3 6.7 +. 1.5 4 2.7 • 2.2

I ii

49 i TABLE 20


Concentration (pCi/q) Sample No, Uranium-238

1 4.7 + 0.3 2 11.7 • 0.4 3 2.1 + 0.1 4 16.3 + 1.6 5 8.0 i 1.5 6 26.8 ± 1.7 7 1.2 i 0.4 8 1.4 + 0.7

f f

i H

47 I TABLE 19


Concentration (pCi/g) Sample No. Uranium-238

l <1.3 2 <2.2 + 0.7 3 0.8 ± 0.8 4 7.8 + 0.1

ai f


Concentration (pCi/a) i Sample No. Uraniura-238 1 1.0 + 0.7 i 2 <1.3 3 1.6 ± 1.1 i 4 1.4 +. 0.4 i 5 2.2 + 1.1 t I I I •r

l I I I it f* 43 im TABLE 17


Concentration (pCi/q) Sample No, Uranium-238

1 3.2 •. 0.2 2 15.4 + 1.5 3 5.9 ± 0.1 4 1.6 ± 0.4 5 2.9 + 1.2 6 5.0 ± 0.7 7 3.4 + 0.9 8 8.7 + 0.2 9 5.0 + 0.1




Concentration (pCi/g) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 14.7 + 0.9 2 1.4 + 1.1 3 13.7 •. 4.2 4 1.4 + 0.9 5 8.2 ± 2.2 6 5.1 + 1.7 7 4.7 + 1.7 8 4.9 ± 1.1 9 2.6 •. 1.3 10 8.0 +. 3.5 11 10.1 ± 5.7 12 2.3 • 0.9 13 6.8 + 3.3



Concentration (pCi/q) Sample No, Uranium-238

1 2.6 +. 1.1 2 1.8 +. 1.2 3 4.4 + 1.2 4 4.4 ± 0.2 5 3.0 + 1.1 •F ii i ii i ii i ii A I |1 1

i 37 i mmm mm*ra^^*m TABLE 14


Concentration (pCi/a) '• Sample No. Uranium-238

1 1.5 £ 0.9 '* 2 2.1 0.1 3 6.8 1.7 4 7.0 i.4 i 5 4.6 0.5 6 8.9 5.1 7 2.8 1.2 8 12.1 2.2 9 12.1 5.7 '• 10 28.5 8.3 11 9.8 £ 3.5 lH

'I I a I'M

35 I* TABLE 13


'* — j -m Concentration fpCi/o) '-•4• Sample No: Uranium-238 1 13.2 • 5.0 4 2 17.8 ± 6.3 3 13.2 ± 2.3 4 4 3.6 ± 1.2 5 17.5+6.6 4 6 12.8 ± 0.9 7 14.2 + 0.3 '4


Number of Average Range 4 Type of Surface Measurements* mrad/h mrad/h J| Asphalt 315 0.07 0.04-0.12

The measurements were based on a 1-m grid with measurements taken on contact at the four corners and in the center of the grid 4 block. The measurements were taken in the areas where the asphalt was remediated. 4 J 'J Jl 33 TABLE 12


Concentration (pCi/o) Sample No, Uranium-238

1 <1.7 2 2 0 + 0 .7 3 1 4 + 0 .3 4 11 2 + 1 .2 5 6 3 ± 0 .3 6 21 3 + 3 .2 7 2 8 + 0 .9 8 5 5 + 1 .3 9 1 1 + 0 .9 10 1 3 + 0 .8 11 1 0 + 0 .8


Concentration (vCi/Q) Sample No. Uranium-236

1 8.7 +. 0.1 2 4.1 ± 1.7 f 3 18.5 ± 0.2 f 4 5.0 + 1.0 I I f f ii i f I I W ! ill ii 28 TABLE 10


Concentration (pCi/g) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 12.6 ± 4.2 2 20.8 +. 4.9 3 9.4 + 2.6 4 13.1 + 4.5 5 16.8 ± 6.5 6 15.7 + 5.4 7 33.3 •. 8.0 8 2.2 ± 1.1 9 1.3 + 0.9 10 11.3 ± 3.7 11 ^ 1.5 + 0.2

26 fl TABLE 9 ll POST-REMEDIAL ACTION SAMPLING RESULTS « 1 1150 CENTRAL AVENUE ll ^ ._ Concentration (pCi/cr) • Sample No. Uranium-238

i 1.7 + 1.7 i 2 2.8 +. 0.1 3 3.8 + 1.3 I 4 12.6 •. 4.2 5 20.8 + 4.9 6 5.9 + 1.2 i 7 17.7 ± 7.8 i 8 2.5 + 2.8 i I i l l l


Concentration (pCi/q) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 11.5 ± 1.6 2 11.6 +. 4.5 3 23.6 + 4.4 4 20.2 +. 5.5 5 14.3 i 1.5 6 20.2 + 6.4 7 15.5 ± 7.8 8 15.3 + 3.2 9 7.8 * 3.7 10 2.1 ± 0.3 11 13.6 ± 3.0 12 17.2 + 3.9

22 TABLE 7


Concentration (pCi/g) l Sample No.. Uranium-238 1 2 7 + 0 f 3 0 +. 0 4 1 ± 0 1 5 8 + 1 i I I i I i I

J f

20 if TABLE 6


Concentration fDCi/o) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 5.7 + 2.2 2 11 .5 +. 1 .6 3 5 .5 + 1 .4 4 7 .0 +. 0..2 5 7.. 1 + 1.. 1 6 10 2 + 4. 2 7 19 .6 + 4. 5

18 11 TABLE 5 1 II POST-REMEDIAL ACTION SAMPLING RESULTS I II 1129 CENTRAL AVENUE a II Concentration foCi/a) 1 Sample No. Uranium-238 • I • 1 1.1 • 0.8 I 2 0.5 +. 1.0 1 3 <0.9 I 4 <1.2 1 I I II i

I ! I 1 I 1 I I I I il ll II 16 ll TABLE 4


Concentration (pCi/g) Sample No. -, Uranium-238

1 20.0 +. 4.0 2 2.9 ± 1.7 3 2.6 i 0.3 4 1.7 +. 0.9 5 3.8 + 1.1 6 29.6 + 4.1 7 2.2 ± 0/2 8 <1.5 9 3.8 + 2.5


Number of Average Range Type of Surface Measurements* mrad/h mrad/h

Asphalt 305 0.09 0.04-0.13

•The measurements were based on a 1-m grid with measurements taken on contact at the four corners and in the center of the grid block. The measurements were taken in the areas where the asphalt was remediated.


" • Concentration (pCi/q) Sample No. Uranium-238


Concentration (pCi/o) Sample No. Uranium-238

1 13.3 • 5.0 2 22.1 ± 1.7 3 16.0 +. 1.4 4 32.6 +. 5.1 5 3.3 + 0.5


II Indoor/Outdoor Structure Surface Contamination

Allowable Residual Surface Contamination3 II (dpm/100 cm2) Radionuclide0 Averaqec»d Haximumd»e Removable**^

II Transuranics, Ra-226 Ra-228, Th-230, Th-228 Pa-231, Ac-227, 1-125, 1-129 100 300 20 I Th-Natural, Th-232, Sr-90, Ra-223, Ra-224 U-232, 1-126, 1-131, 1-133 1,000 3,000 200 I U-Natural, U-235, U-238, and associated decay products 5,000 a 15,000 a 1,000 a

Beta-ganma emitters (radionuclides with 1 decay modes other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission) except Sr-90 1 and others noted above 5,000 B-Y 15,000 B-Y 1,000 B-Y aAs used in this table, dpm (disintegrations per minute) means the rate of emission by radioactive i material as determined by correcting the counts per minute observed by an appropriate detector for background, efficiency, and geometric factors associated with the instrumentation.

°Where surface contamination by both alpha- and beta-ganrna-emitting radionuclides exists, the limits I established for alpha- and beta-ganrna-emitting radionuclides shall apply independently.

^asurements of average contamination should not be averaged over more than 1 m2. For objects of less I surface area, the average shall be derived for each such object. dThe average and maximum radiation levels associated with surface contamination resulting from I beta-ganma emitters should not exceed 0.2 mrad/h and 1.0 mrad/h, respectively, at 1 cm. 'The maximum contamination level applies to an area of not more than 100 on2.

I fThe amount of removable radioactive material per 100 on2 of surface area should be determined by wiping that area with dry filter or soft absorbent paper, applying moderate pressure, measuring the amount of radioactive material on the wipe with an appropriate instrument of known efficiency. When I removable contamination on objects of surface area less than 100 cm2 is determined, the activity per unit area should be based on the actual area and the entire surface should be wiped. The numbers in this II column are maximum amounts. II represents the lower bound of the quantitative capacity of the instrument and technique used and is based on various factors, including the volume, size, and weight of the sample; the type of detector used; the counting time, and the background count rate. The actual concentration of the radionuclide is less than the value indicated. In addition, since radioactive decay is a random process, a correlation between the rate of disintegration and. a given radionuclide concentration cannot be precisely established. For this reason, the exact concentration of the radionuclide cannot be determined. As such, each value that can be quantitatively determined has an associated uncertainty term (+^, which represents the amount by which the actual concentration can be expected to differ from the value given in the table. The uncertainty term has an associated confidence level of 95 percent.

For those cases where surfaces other than soil required remedial action, the pancake beta-gamma detector was used to perform another survey after.removal of the contaminated surface. If no additional contamination in excess of DOE guidelines was found, the surface was restored (when necessary) as indicated by the notes on the figures.


As shown in Tables 2 through 25, analysis of the samples taken after removing the radioactive soil shows that there is no area where radioactive contamination exceeds the remedial action guideline of 2 2 35 pCi/g for uranium (when averaged over a 10-m by 10-m area) agreed upon by the State of New York and DOE (Ref. 7). An independent review of the remedial action performed by BNI on the subject properties was been conducted by the Oak Ridge Associated Universities Radiological site Assessment Program to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial' action and to confirm the that the site is in compliance with remedial action guidelines agreed upon by the State of New York and DOE. Based on all data collected, these parcels conform to all applicable radiological guidelines established for release of these properties for unrestricted use (Ref. 12).

6 radiation protection observed all operations to ensure that safety procedures were followed. In addition, on-site remedial action activities were observed by New York state officials. Air monitoring showed that airborne uranium concentrations were below -12 DOE guideline of 5 x 10 yCi/ml for uranium-238 in air (Ref. 11). Of the fifty-eight measurements obtained, concentrations 12 -12 ranged from 0.0007 x 10" to 0.8 x 10 wCi/ml.

Removal of contamination in areas other than soil was also required in order to comply with DOE remedial action guidelines for surface contamination. Methods used to remove this contamination included vacuuming of asphalt, scabbling of asphalt on two properties, and cleaning and replacement of gutters on seven properties. The notes on Figures 2 through 26 indicate the types remedial action performed.


After the uranium-containing soil was removed, another radiological survey was conducted to ensure that the property was indeed clean; i.e., that there were no uranium-238 concentrations in excess of 35 pCi/g. This survey used two techniques. First, another FIDLER scan of the excavated areas was performed. If the FIDLER showed some remaining contamination, more soil was removed until the FIDLER indicated levels below 35 pCi/g. After each FIDLER scan, 15-cm- (6-in.-) deep soil samples were collected and analyzed by TMA/E. This process continued until the samples exhibited contamination levels below 35 pCi/g. In addition to the sampling performed by BNI for DOE, New York state officials performed an independent survey of some properties as they were cleaned.

The numbered locations in Figures 2 through 26 show where soil samples were collected after the cleanup had been performed. Tables 2 through 25 show the uranium-238 concentrations remaining at those locations after the completion of remedial action. Use of the "less than" ( < ) notation in reporting results indicates that the radionuclide was not present in concentrations that are quantitative with the instruments and techniques used. The less than value

5 content determined by TMA/E under laboratory conditions. From this calibration, it was determined that a FIDLER reading of 10,500 cpm represented a uranium concentration of 35 pCi/g in the soil (Ref. 9). The calibration line is shown in Figure 1. The FIDLER measurements were checked periodically by taking a soil sample and analyzing it at the TMA/E laboratory to ensure that the calibration remained consistent. The areas of above-guideline contamination were mapped by plotting all readings exceeding 10,500 cpm (Ref. 10).

To determine whether surfaces other than soil were contaminated (e.g., gutters, asphalt, concrete, or wood), a pancake-type beta-gamma detector was used. This detector was calibrated so that the readings in cpm could be converted into mrad/h and compared to the appropriate guideline. In general, radioactive contamination of building or structure surfaces was found only on properties immediately adjacent to the former NL plant. It was usually found on rough surfaces (e.g., wood.or asphalt) where it had become trapped and would not wash off. In all cases, uranium contamination was found only on the outer surfaces of these materials.

Cleanup/Decontamination Activities

Drawings showing the extent of the contamination in the soil on each property were then given to the excavation subcontractor. The subcontractor removed the soil from the areas indicated, placed it in covered boxes, and transported it to the former NL plant, where it is being stored until a permanent disposal site is selected for this material. The shaded areas in Figures 2 through 26 indicate the limits of contamination and excavation for each property. The depth of most excavations was less than 3 in. The uranium released during plant operations was insoluble (i.e., would not dissolve in water) and was deposited in the top few inches of the soil. In a few cases, excavation was slightly deeper because the uranium had washed further down into the soil and had become deposited around roots of trees and shrubs. During excavation, the subcontractor was required to keep all areas free from dust and to avoid spilling the contaminated soil onto any clean areas. Personnel trained in

4 (such as roofs), a supplemental guideline has been developed for selected vicinity properties. This supplemental guideline allows release of a property for unrestricted use if it is shown that the DOE radiation protection standard limiting the annual dose to an individual to 100 mrem is not exceeded. To determine whether the residual uranium contamination in the roofs wotiid result in a dose of more than 100 mrem over a 1-year period, the doses from three potential exposure pathways were estimated. Based on the assumptions and exposure pathways considered in the analysis, the most significant route of exposure would be external gamma exposure received by individuals working inside the structures. Calculations indicate that the largest realistic annual dose would be 6 mrem, which is only 6 percent of the DOE radiation protection standard. The procedures used to calculate the estimated potential doses from the various pathways evaluated are contained in the hazard assessment report being prepared by BNI. Once compliance with these guidelines has been demonstrated, a property can be released for unrestricted use.


After a property was determined to be contaminated based on the ORNL survey, BNI began engineering design work based on the survey data (Ref. 8). BNI and its radiological support subcontractor, Thermo Analytical/Eberline (TMA/E), then performed another radiological survey to more precisely define the boundaries of contamination.

BNI/EAC Survey Methods

To conduct this survey, each property was subdivided into grids that were typically 6 ft by 6 ft. At each grid intersection, a radiation measurement was made using a Field Instrument for Detecting Low Energy Radiation (FIDLER). The FIDLER is a special type of instrument that can detect the very low-energy gamma radiation emitted by depleted uranium. The FIDLER was calibrated by measuring the radioactivity in the soil on the former NL plant site using the FIDLER, then removing the soil and having its uranium

3 Radiological Surveys

Teledyne Isotopes (Ref. 1) surveyed the neighborhood surrounding the NL plant for radioactivity in 1980. Survey results indicated that uranium released into the air had become deposited on residential properties and structures and that most of the contamination was deposited in the direction of prevailing winds in the area.

Beginning in October 1983, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) began performing more detailed radiological surveys of the individual properties surrounding the NL plant (including private residences) to identify all locations where uranium contamination exceeds DOE remedial action guidelines (Refs. 2 through 6).


The cleanup guideline.for the Colonie properties was derived based on site-specific information concerning the distribution of the uranium in the soil. Based on discussions with New York State and EPA officials, the DOE agreed to clean the properties to a uranium concentration of 35 pCi/g when averaged over any 10-m by 10-m area (Ref. 7). For spotty contamination, uranium concentrations should 2 not exceed 100 pCi/g in any 1-m area. All post-remedial action analysis results are reported as concentrations of uranium-238.

All soil contains trace amounts of naturally occurring radionuclides. Typically, soil contains about 1 pCi/g each of uranium, radium, and thorium. These amounts are called "background" levels, and do not originate from manufacturing operations using radioactive materials. The annual dose to a New York resident due to background radiation is typically 100 mrem.

For surfaces of structures and equipment, the radiation dose rate 2 2 must be less than 0.2 nrad/h averaged over 10 ft (1 m ), or a 2 2 maximum of 1.0 mrad/h in any 15-in. (100-cm ) area. This guideline is given in Table 1. In addition, to provide a cleanup standard for contamination on surfaces to which access is limited 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION

The purpose of this report is to document post-remedial action sampling performed by Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) at certain properties in the vicinity of the former National Lead (NL) Industries plant in Colonie, New York. This report briefly describes the origin of the radioactive contamination on the properties, the methods used to determine its extent, and the types of remedial action performed. It also provides the guidelines used in performing the remedial action and data on the current radiological status of the properties.


The NL plant began working with depleted uranium in 1958, performing operations dealing with the casting, machining and milling of this uranium into various items. In subsequent years, the plant primarily made depleted uranium counterweights for airplanes and projectiles for the armed services. In 1980, the State of New York ordered the plant to reduce its level of production because uranium dust was being released into the air, and in the spring of 1984 operations were halted. Following plant closure, the Department of Energy (DOE) took possession of the plant to begin the cleanup process as part of the Formerly utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) after congress assigned the site to DOE under the 1984 Energy and Water Appropriations Act. FUSRAP is a DOE effort to identify, decontaminate, or otherwise control sites where residual radioactive contamination (exceeding current guidelines) remains from the early days of the nation's atomic energy program. Although the contamination at the Colonie properties did not result from the atomic energy program, it was included as part of FUSRAP by the DOE after congress gave responsibility for the site to DOE. FUSRAP is currently being managed by DOE's Oak Ridge Operations Office. BNI serves as Project Management Contractor and is responsible to the DOE in the planning, management, and implementation of FUSRAP.


I Page It

; Abbreviations vii « » 1 1.0 Introduction 1 ^ ! 1 2.0 Remedial Action Guidelines 2 s I 3.0 Remedial Action 3 4.0 Post-Remedial Action Sampling 5 5.0 Post-Remedial Action Status 6 I References 58

Glossary 60

in DOE/OR/20722


MARCH 1988

Prepared for



Bechtel National, Inc. Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Bechtel Job No. 14501 REFERENCE NO. 8 the building is projected to yield 17,000 yd of waste, including machinery and contaminated woody waste materials.

The above volumes are presented in Table 2-1* ,.

For Alternative 2, it has been assumed that by 1992 an additional 1/2 to 1 acre of land-ad joining the. buried waste at the northwest corner of the CISS property will have been acquired. Further, it has been assumed that for Alternatives 1 and 2, all existing utilities would remain in place until the start of work.

For all three alternatives, it has been assumed that access to the site would be via the existing Central Avenue entrance.

All radioactively contaminated chemicals present on the site will have been neutralized and solidified.

15 '•*&•'**. -««*«



FIGURE 2-4 LOCATIONS OF WASTE MATERIALS AT THE CISS of. The NL laboratory also contains large amounts of unused chemicals thought to be uncontaminated.

All waste at the site will be tested for radioactivity and hazardous chemical waste content. All co-contaminated waste will be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements prior to final disposition of the site. Nonradioactive chemical waste that falls under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) will be shipped to an off-site location for disposal in accordance with applicable Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) regulations prior to the final disposition of the CISS.

The chemical contamination in the former NL Industries landfill northwest of the plant will be characterized as part of the radiological survey to be conducted by BNI beginning in FY 1986.


At the beginning of long-term management of the waste, a total projected volume of 30,000 yd of waste will be present at the CISS. Remedial action will have been completed on all vicinity • properties, and the 4,600 yd. of radioactively contaminated waste from these properties will have been consolidated and stored in Bays 3 and 4 of the plant building. An additional 4,000 yd will be present in the deep burial area on the CISS. The shallow burial area, the miscellaneous site foundations, and the soil cover over the entire site, which is assumed to be contaminated to an average depth of 3 in., are expected to yield 4,400 yd of waste material. Figure 2-4 shows the locations of these volumes. They are based on surveys completed by Teledyne Isotopes and ORNL, and on supplemental radiological characterizations performed by Eberline Analytical Corporation (EAC).

The plant building (including the roof, foundations, and interior) is assumed to be radioactively contaminated in excess of levels permitted by DOE guidelines. Based on BNI estimates, demolition of

13 waste. Further characterization will determine the areal extent of this subsurface contamination,, and will also determine whether it extends beyond the site boundaries. .

This document also assumes that soil over the entire CISS property is contaminated and would have to be excavated to an average depth of 3 in., producing an additional 2,500 yd of waste. This waste, the 500 yd from the parking lot, and the waste from other miscellaneous foundations account for a total of 4,400 yd of surficial waste.


Radiological designation surveys of vicinity properties are scheduled to be completed by ORNL during FY 1986. Characterization of the NL plant grounds will be conducted by BUI in FY 1986 and FY 1987 to verify and clarify the 1981 Teledyne report (Ref. 4) and to further define the limits of contamination.

A radiological survey of the plant itself is scheduled for FY 1987. Since contamination is so widespread in the building, the entire structure is considered.contaminated; it will therefore be necessary to demolish the plant instead of decontaminating the entire structure. It may, however, be possible to reduce the volume of contaminated rubble by decontaminating selected masonry and concrete walls and slabs prior to demolition and hauling the decontaminated rubble to an off-site disposal area.


Several types of chemicals are stored in the NL plant. Acids, bases, and cyanide solutions used in nickel and cadmium plating operations remain in the building. Preliminary data indicate that all chemical solutions used in the plating train contain significant amounts of uranium. Chemicals used in the processing of uranium during operation of the plant are currently being neutralized and disposed

12 uncontaminated. However, widespread contamination was found in the process areas of the building, although neither the degree nor extent of the contamination has been precisely determined to date, it is also thought that much of the building foundation is contaminated. Bays 3 and 4 of the building are known to be contaminated. In addition, Bays 3 and 4 will contain a projected volume of 4,600 yd of waste removed during cleanup of the vicinity properties.

For the most part, porous materials were used in constructing the plant; this would render decontamination extremely difficult. Therefore, for purposes of this engineering evaluation, it is assumed that demolition of the NL plant building would be required, producing approximately 14,000 yd of contaminated concrete and masonry rubble, 1,000 yd of steel and machinery waste material, and 2,000 yd of contaminated woody waste materials, for a total projected volume of 17,000 yd .

2.4.2 Grounds Contamination

In December 1981, the plant grounds were radiologically surveyed by Teledyne Isotopes to determine the concentration and geographical extent of subsurface uranium-238 to a depth of 28 ft (Ref. 4). Significant concentrations were found in two areas northwest of the plant building. These two areas cover approximately 1/2 acre. The first area was used by NL Industries as a landfill where various contaminated wastes were dumped. Radioactive contamination at the landfill extends to a depth of about 26 ft. The landfill is also thought to be chemically contaminated as a result of past operations involving lead, cadmium, copper, and zinc. The volume of waste is estimated to be 2,600 yd . To excavate this waste, an estimated 1,400 yd of clean material would have to be removed and could become contaminated, for a total of 4,000 yd .

The second area, located in a parking lot close to the building, is relatively shallow, with contamination extending to a depth of 2 approximately 2 ft over an area of approximately 6,000 ft Excavation of this area is expected to produce aDout 500 yd of

11 located in the buried Colonie River Valley to the east of the site at a depth of about 200 ft, has also been identified as a possible groundwater reservoir. No groundwater usage from the unconsolidated deposits underlying the site has been reported.

Groundwater moves to the southeast or east in the vicinity of the CISS. The upper aquifer has a groundwater gradient sloping from the north to the south beneath the site. The groundwater level in this aquifer has an elevation of approximately 226 ft m.s.l. near the northern property boundary (Central Avenue) and an elevation of approximately 217 ft m.s.l. near the southern property boundary.

The surface hydrology of the CISS itself consists of a stream (flowing from an old lake bed) that enters the site from the northwest in a culvert and exits on the southern side of the site, still in the culvert. The culvert discharges to a surface channel after passing under the Conrail main line south of the site. The surface channel connects with Patroons Creek.

Detailed geological investigations would have to be conducted during the final design phase of the disposal .facility to ascertain whether the clay underlying the site would be adequate to prevent migration of contaminants into the groundwater.


2.4.1 Buildings

Detailed radiological surveys, of the NL Industries plant have not yet been performed. However, a radiological survey of the roof performed for NL Industries in 1980 by Teledyne Isotopes (Ref. 3) showed most of the roof to be contaminated in excess of DOE guidelines.

Interior surfaces of the building have been surveyed (on a quick check basis) on several occasions to monitor radiation levels as part of the employee health protection program. These surveys have shown the office areas in the front portion of the building to be

10 Mohawk Electric Company donated the parcel of land located immediately west of the plant to DOE, who then designated it as part of the CISS.

After DOE acquired the site and informed the EPA Region II tnat it did not intend to continue plant operations, the EPA requested that DOE suomit a revised Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part A application (NL Industries had previously filed a Part A application and had been granted interim status as a storage facility for hazardous chemical wastes). EPA also requested that DOE file a closure plan. The revised Part A application was submitted to the EPA in December 1984; the closure plan (Ref. 5) was published in Septenoer 1985.


The CISS property, located within the Patroons Creek drainage basin, slopes gently from north (approximately 230 ft m.s.l. along Central Avenue) to south (approximately 220 ft m.s.l.) toward Patroons Creek, located approximately 0.25 mi to the south.

The CISS is located approximately 1 mi west of the buried Colonie River Valley, which is filled with glacial till and stratified drift deposits. The surficial material covering most of the site is a fine, brown, dune sand. The CISS is underlain by unconsolidated deposits, the upper 70 ft of which include very fine- to fine- grained silty sand layers and varved clayey silt and clay. A relatively low permeability silty clay layer at least 13 ft thick underlies the site at a depth of 40 to 45 ft (Ref. 6). Underlying these deposits are the same glacial tills and stratified drift that fill the Colonie River Valley. The bedrock (Normanskill Formation) is composed primarily of shale and underlies the unconsolidated deposits at depths of 150 to 200 ft.

Groundwater in the vicinity of the CISS is present in small quantities from the bedrock aquifer and in moderate-to-large quantities from the stratified drift. The Elsmere gravel blanket,

9 We ClMHUBST *vt



t•'••••••• ••••1 PROPERTIES TO BE CLEANED IN FY 1985



8 required the company to initiate an independent investigation to assess all adverse environmental conditions in soils and on properties in the vicinity of the facility that may have been caused by the aircorne discharge of radioactive particulates from the plant.

In 1980, Teledyne Isotopes was contracted by NL Industries to perform a radiological survey of the facility and the vicinity of the CISS (Ref. 3); results indicated measurable deposition of radioactive contaminants on properties primarily to the northwest and southeast of the plant (i.e., in the directions of prevailing winds).

Additional radiological surveys of the plant grounds performed by Teledyne Isotopes in December 1981 (Ref. 4) identified two contaminated areas northwest of the building.

In 1982, the Division of Safety and Health of the New York State Department of Labor requested that NL Industries conduct a groundwater monitoring program at its Colonie plant. Data from the four monitoring wells showed that gross alpha and gross beta activities were within levels approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New York State.

In 1983, 1984, and 1985, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) conducted radiological surveys of the residential and commercial properties in the vicinity of the plant. The locations of these properties are shown, in Figure 2-3. Radiological surveys of additional vicinity properties are planned for FY 1986.

The 1984 Energy and Water Appropriations Act directed DOE to conduct a decontamination research and development project at four sites throughout the nation, including the former NL plant and its vicinity properties in the Town of Colonie and the adjoining City of AlDany. In February 1984, NL Industries donated the Colonie plant to DOE for use as an interim storage site for contaminated materials removed from the affected vicinity properties. In 1985, Niagara






—..— FENCE







C I 2 S «H.O*ETE»



The CISS comprises the former NL Industries property and plant located at 1130 Central Avenue in the Town of Colonie, New York (Figure 2-1). Central Avenue runs along the northeastern side of the CISS property; the Conrail main line and a railroad siding border it on the southern side (Figure 2-2). Residential properties lie oeyond the railroad. Land to the west of the CISS is owned by the Niagara Mohawk Electric Company. In 1985, DOE acquired part of this land, thereby increasing the area of the CISS from its original 9.2 acres to 11.2 acres. As shown in Figure 2-1, the Town of Colonie is located near Albany, which has a population density of 4,710 persons per square mile.


During the 1950s, NL Industries began manufacturing uranium products at the Colonie plant, operating under a license issued by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), predecessor of DOE. Between 1958 and 1968, NL Industries held numerous AEC contracts for fabrication of slightly enriched (in the uranium-235 isotope) uranium fuel elements and chemical processing of nonirradiated, slightly enriched uranium scrap. Since termination of the AEC contracts, work at the NL plant has been limited to fabrication of shielding components, ballast weights, and projectiles from depleted uranium. The building and all equipment contained therein are contaminated with levels of uranium the average uranium-235 to uranium-238 abundance ratio of which is well below that of natural uranium.

On Feoruary 15, 1980, the New York State Supreme Court issued an order temporarily restraining NL Industries from operating its Colonie facility on the basis that the facility emitted contaminants as airborne releases of uranium compounds. The temporary restraining order was amended on May 12, 1980 to allow NL industries to continue operating on a limited basis. The amended order also

4 Colonie-specific environmental impact documentation than would the other two alternatives, since the NEPA documentation for the NYDS would De one of the activities associated with-the development of the NYDS. '

Alternative 3 would be the least expensive to implement, at an estimated $33.9 million in year-of-expenditure dollars. Alternative i and Alternative 2 would cost $43.3 million and $44.2 million in year-of-expenditure dollars, respectively.

Radiological hazards to the general public and workers from the contaminated materials are approximately equal for all three alternatives and are minimal in all cases based on current DOE guidelines.

Alternative 3 carries a risk of highway fatalities during long distance transport that would not be associated with the other alternatives. Alternatives 1 and 2 would have a higher risk of local traffic accidents associated with the import of construction materials for the Colonie Disposal Site (CDS).

The engineering features of the alternatives considered and evaluated herein have been discussed with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) representatives.

3 (NYDS). All three alternatives would require demolition of tne NL plant, excavation of the contaminated soil covering the Colonie Interi.-i Storage Site (CISS) property, removal of contaminated rubble and other waste from facilities at the site, consolidation of the waste, and placement thereof m the location prescribed by the respective alternative. The total volume of waste is estimated to ze 30,000 yd .

Alternative 1 (On-Site ADOve-Grade Disposal) would involve excavation of all stored, surface, and buried waste on-site, and construction of a waste disposal facility within the present limits of the CISS property. I Alternative 2 (On-Site Above- and Below-Grade Disposal) is essentially identical to Alternative 1 except that deeply buried waste in the extreme western section of the CISS property would remain in place and a slurry cutoff wall would be installed around it. Construction of this wall would necessitate the acquisition of approximately 1/2 to 1 acre of additional property.

Alternatives 1 and 2 would require construction of an engineered earthen structure (dike, bottom, and cap) with control and stabilization features that would ensure, to the extent reasonably achievaDle, an effective life of 1,000 years and, in any case, of at least 200 years. The CISS would become a DOE-managed, long-term. disposal facility. Therefore, long-term groundwater monitoring wells would be required to monitor for potential contaminant migration from the disposal facility.

Alternative 3 (Transport to and Disposal at the NYDS) would require excavation of all stored, surface, and buried waste on the CISS property and its transportation to and disposal at the NYDS (assumed to be 200 mi from the CISS, in the western half of the state).

Field activities for Alternatives 1 and 2 would take 4 years to complete; those for Alternative 3 would require 3 years to complete. Alternative 3 would also require significantly less


The 1964 Energy and Water Appropriations Act directed the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to conduct a decontamination research and development project at four sites throughout the nation, including tne site of the former National Lead (NL) Industries plant located in the Town of Colonie and vicinity properties located in the Town of Colonie, New York, and the City of Albany, New York. Remedial action is being performed at these properties under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), a DOE effort to identify, decontaminate, or otherwise control sites where low-level radioactive contamination (exceeding current guidelines) remains from either the early years of the nation's atomic energy program (Ref. 1) or commercial operations causing conditions that Congress has mandated DOE to remedy. FUSRA? is currently being managed by the DOE Oak Ridge Operations Office. As the Project Management Contractor for FUSRAP, Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) acts as DOE's representative in the planning, management, and implementation of the program.

This report compares three alternatives for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste generated by the remedial actions in the Colonie area [Colonie Project (CP)]. Based on the current DOE Energy Systems Acquisition Project Plan (ESAPP) schedule (Ref. 2), the consolidation and interim storage of waste from vicinity properties in the Town of Colonie and the City of Albany will have been completed prior to implementation of any of the three alternatives for disposal.

Ocean disposal of this waste has not been considered because its viability is in question at this time. Should it become a viable alternative in the future, a separate evaluation will be performed.

The three alternatives for disposal described herein are (1) On-Site ADove-Grade Disposal, (2) On-Site Above- and Below-Grade Disposal, and (3) Transport to and Disposal at a New York Disposal Site


cm centimeters V> 2 square centimeter cm cm/s centimeters per second dpm disintegrations per minute ft foot ft2 square foot gal gallon gpm gallons per minute in. inch ID pound

i^t • 5 . Lump Sum 2 square meter m mi mile 2 milligrams per square centimeter mg/cm mrad/h millirad per hour ;uR/h microroentgens per hour mrem millirem mrem/yr millirem per year m. s. 1. mean sea level /uCi/ml microcuries per milliliter pCi/g picocuries per gram pCi/1 picocuries per liter pCi/m2/s picocuries per square meter per second s second yd3 cubic yards yr year WL working level


AEC Atomic Energy Commission ADM Action Description Memorandum ALAP.A As Low As Reasonaoly Achievable ANL Argonne National Laboratory BNI Bechtel National, Inc. CDS Colonie Disposal Site CFR Code of Federal Regulations CISS Colonie Interim Storage Site CP Colonie Project DOE Department of Energy EA Environmental Assessment EAC EDerline Analytical Corporation EIS Environmental Impact Statement EPA Environmental Protection Agency ESAPP Energy Systems Acquisition Project Plan FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NL National Lead (Industries) NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NYSDEC New York State Department of Environ Conservation NYDS New York Disposal Site ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery A SFMP Surplus Facilities Management Progra TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act


Title Waste Volume Projections -for the Colonie Site Sur.mary of Residual Contamination Guidelines for F'JSRAP Sites Surveillance, Maintenance, and Monitoring Requirements for the Colonie Disposal Site Cost Estimate for Final Disposition of the CISS Comoarison of Alternatives

IX 'isure Title * Paae 4-1 Schedule for On-Site Aoove-Grade Disposal at tne Colonie Disposal Site (Alternative 1) 53 4-2 Schedule for On-Site Above- and Below-Grade Disposal at the jTolonie Disposal Site (Alternative 2) 57 4-3 Schedule for Removal and Transfer of Waste from the CISS to the NYDS (Alternative 3) 60

0073t:DRAFT vin 02/20/86 LIST OF FIGURES


Location of tne CISS

Existing Facilities at tne CISS Locations of Contaminated Properties in the Vicinity of the CISS Locations of Waste Materials at the CISS Support Facilities During Construction of tne Colonie Disposal Facility

Relocation of Utilities at the Colonie 'Disposal Site Colonie Disposal Site Construction Phases (Alternative 1)

Typical Section of the Colonie Disposal Facility (Alternative 1)

Plan View of the Completed Colonie Disposal Site (Alternative 1)

Typical Cross Sections of the Completed Colonie Disposal Site (Alternative 1)

Locations of Monitoring Wells at the Colonie Disposal Site (Alternative 1) Typical Section of the Colonie Disposal Facility (Alternative 2) Colonie Disposal Site Construction Phases (Alternative 2) Plan View of the Completed Colonie Disposal Site (Alternative 2)

Typical Cross Sections of the Completed Colonie Disposal Site (Alternative 2) Locations of Monitoring Wells at tne Colonie Disposal Site (Alternative 2)

vn ?aae

4.0 Evaluation of Alternatives 51

4.1 3asis • 51 4.2 On-site AOove-Grade Disposal (Alternative 1) 51 4.2.1 Work-Related Advantages/Disadvantages 51 4.2.2 Radiological and Safety Hazards 51 4.2.3 Schedule 52 4.2.4 Cost 52 4.3 On-site Aoove- and Below-Grade Disposal (Alternative 2) 55 4.3.1 Work-Related Advantages/Disadvantages 56 4.3.2 Radiological and Safety Hazards 56 4.3.3 Schedule 56 4.3.4 Cost 56 4.4 Transport to and Disposal at a New York Disposal Site (Alternative 3) 58 4.4.1 Work-Related Advantages/Disadvantages 58 4.4.2 Radiological and Safety Hazards 53 4.4.3 Schedule 59 4.4.4 Cost 59

5.0 Conoarison of Alternatives 62

References 65

Appendix A Radiological Guidelines for the Final A-l Disposition of tne CISS

Appendix B Quantities of Materials Handled During Final 3-1 Disposition Operations


nvms eviations

Introduction and Summarv

Site Description

2.1 Location 2.2 History 2.3 Site Geology and Hydrology 2.4 Radiological Conditions 2.4.1 Buildings 2.4.2 Grounds Contamination 2.5 Radiological Survey Plans 2.6 Chemical Conditions i 2.7 Site Conditions at the Completion of Interim Remedial Action

Remedial Action

3.1 Remedial Action Guidelines 3.2 Remedial Action Alternatives 3.2.1 On-Site Above-Grade Disposal (Alternative 1) 3.2.2 On-Site Above- and Below-Grade Disposal (Alternative 2) 3.2.3 Transport to and Disposal at a York Disposal Site (Alternative


This report was prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DDE) oy Becr.tei National, Inc., to facilitate DOE decisions regarding tne disposal of waste resulting fron DOE actions to remedy radiological conditions in the area of Colonie, New York.

T.nis report compares three alternatives for the final disposal of 30,000 yd of low-level radioactive (natural uranium) waste. These alternatives are (1) On-Site Above-Grade Disposal, (2) On-Site ADOve- and Below-Grade Disposal, and (3) Transport to and Disposal at a New York Disposal Site (NYDS).

in DOE/OR/2072


MARCH 1936

Prepared for



Bechtel National, Inc. Advanced Technology Division Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Bechtel JOD No. 14501 I -•% I I

LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United Sutes nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

1 I I 1


I I DOE/OR/20722-78

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•=*» Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Contract" NaT DE-AC05-81OR20722

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March 1986 • :-V V'

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/ ^ ' Technical Information Center Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Department of Energy 056*7*


As 6tated in the closure plan fox this facility. DOE and a professional engineer registered in the State of New York vill certify the completion of this vork plan vithin 30 days after its execution (Proposed Rule SO FR 11068. 3/19/85).

6133B 13 05/30/86 055*71


Experimental Results of Bench Scale Tests for Plating Solutions


One hundred Milliliters of each plating bath was tested using the previously listed procedures (Section 4.5). The results of the precipiution tests are tabulated below. The results for the nickel sulfamate bath are listed separately.

H2S04 Ca (OH)2 Effec^ of Required for pH *i2s205 Required Required to Fe CI3 Solution pH Adjustment <3, Ml to Reduce Cr (VI),g Raise pH >H,g Addition II I Cadmium Activator 1.0 1.03 0.83

Irridite 8P 1.8 2.50 0.66 None wastewater Tank *3 13 5 2.03 0.97 Ltrfer crystals formed wastewater Tank #9 8.0 0.05 - 0.16 None

Nickel Activator 1.1 1.12 0.95 Larger crystals formed

Silicate Phosphate 10.5 1.25 4.3

Nickel Sulfamate Tank. A 200ml sample was tested and had a pH « 5.1. Four tenths al of H SO was required to adjust the pH <3. Ca (OH) was added until the pH >tl. This required approximately 30g. which correlates to I50g/1 Ca (OH) . This is due to the high nickel concentration (approximately 66 g/1). Because of the large amount of solids generated during the precipitation, the decision was made to solidify the waste with Envirostone.

61338 A-l 056-71



PLATING TANK VOLL*€. LITERS WS04.1 N*2$20S.kg C*(OH)2.kg ' *C13,9

C*Ctniijn Activator 566 - 5.85 4.7) 0.57

Irridite 8P $90 - 13.30 3.(0 -

Wastewater Tank #6 454 22.70 9.20 4.40 0.47

Wastewater Tank n 379 0.19 - 0.61 »

Nickel Activator 416 - 4.66 3.95 0.45

Silicate Phosphate 908 11.35 " 39.04 -£—

TOTALS 34.24 33.01 Si.31 1.49

61536 A-2 ui>s«/i



Volumes after treatment in ag/!, except where noted

Solution Ag* •a* Cd* CT* a Mg* Ni Pb* SE* U.pCi/1* 2n

Cadmium <0.01 <0.1 O.001 0.01 0.1 0.0006 <0.7 O.01 0.01 <0.33

Irridite 8P <0.01 <0.1 0.073 0.S5 0.1 0.0007 <0.1 4.01 o.os 17.4

16 Wastewater <0.01 <0.1 <0.001 o.os <0.1 0.0004 <0.7 <0.01 0.08 2.00 <0.2

#9 Wastewater <0.1 0.1 <0.2

Nickel <0.01 <0.1 <0.001 0.01 0.1 0.0004 <0.7 <0.01 0.01 6.01 <0.2 Activator

Silicate <0.01 <0.1 <0.001 0.16 0.1 <0.0004 <0.7 <0.01 0.05 90.8 <0.2 Phosphate

•Results supplied by Controls for Environmental Pollution, Santa Fe, New Mexico

61338 A-3 APPENDIX B

Checklist for Treatment of Toxic Pitting Baths

Treatment Action Cowpleted

Cadniun Activator A. Insert wixer into tank

B. Iwnerse pH electrode

C. Add 5.9 ko *U^0& and »i»

P. Add 4.7 kg CatOH) and mix until PH 11

E Add 0.6 o FeCI

F. Separate supernate and solids

6. Sample supernate

H. Sanple solids

I. Solidify solids

J. Adjust supernate pH tc between 9.5 and S.S

K. Notify ACSD of analytical results

t. Release solution to ACSD

B-l TreatJignt Action Completed

A. Insert mSttr into Utile -

8. Imnerse pH electrode ...

C Add 13.3 ItcNiSO t C 9 0. Add 3 6 to Ca(OH) and m\t until pH 11

E. Separation of solids and supernate f. Stole Hibernate

C. Sanple solids

H. Solidify solids

1. Adjust supernate pH to between 9.5 and S.S

3. Wotif'y ACSD of analytical results

K. Release solution to ACSO

0-2 TreatiweM Action Completed

A. Insert wiier into tank

8. Iimgrse pH electrode

C Add 72.1 L concentrated H 50 p. Add 9.? kg Ha^

E. Add 4.t kg Ca(OH) and m\t until pH 11

P. Add 0.5 0 FeCI

C. Separate solids and supernate

H. Sanple supernate

I. Sanple solids

J. Solidify solids

K. Adjust supernate pH to beUeen 9.5 and 5.5

L. notify ACSD of analytical results

M. Release solution to ACSD

»-3 05S-*7

Tank Treatment Action Completed

4. Wastewater Tank #9 A. Insert »iier into tank

B. Utrgrse pH electrode

C. Add tX> r.1 H SO 2—4 D. Add 0.6 tro Ca(OH)

E. Separate super-nate and solids

F. Sancle suoernate

C. Sanple solids

H. Solidify solids

I. Adjust supernate pH to between 9.5 anj 5.5

3. ttotify ACSD of analytical results

K. Release solution to ACSD

0-1 Tank Treatment Action CcwpleUd

5. nickel Su1f«m»te A. Transfer TO I to 55-MUon druw i

B. Add ?10 fcaEnviroston e and mii

C. Allow wi«ture to tet

P. S—1 drums


B-5 I

! *** Tr«tji»nt Actinr CcnpleUd i * Uickel Activator A. Inurt m\,*r i

L Imtrt* OH electron*

C. Add 4 U,», < « —m- P. Add 4 0 Ir, r.^ ,-rf „h )|n| „ ^ n

E. Add 0.5 fl FtClj

F. Seo«r

C. Side superrute

H. Srple solids

I. Solidify lolidt

J. Adjust superrnte pH to between 9.5 and S.S

K. notify ACSD of analytical results

I. Reins* solution to ACSD L- ^ 0 "*

Tank Treatment Action flatpleted

1. Silicate Phosphate A. Cent in* tanks into large vat

Insert aiier

tonerse OH electrode

Add 11.4 t H SOj

Add 39 kc Ca(OH). and m\t until pH 11

Separate suoernate and solids

Sancle stcernate

Satiple solids

Solidify solids

Adjust supernate pH to between 9.5 and 5.5

notify ACSD of analytical results

Release solution to ACSD



This assessment is for the, workplan to destroy the cyanide plating solutions located in the former NL1 facilityj 39-00-IG-O6 QAA items 1,2.3,4,5,6,7,11

Neutralization of Nitric Acid plating solutions: 39-00-IG-07 QAA items 2, 4, 7, 8. 9. 10, 11

Disposal of toxic plating wastes: 39-00-IG-08 QAA items 2, 7, 11

Pelated operations of sampling and analysis are addressed in QAA# 139D-08

30% QAA held on 12/20/85 100% QAA Held on 05/16/B6

• tSEMMENT RECOUMENCATIONS (••• ottacnmont(«)} T«» no

D E A Quality Action Plan (CUP) It rtQulroO. If yot. Or D K A Rovliafl GAP It r»oulro0. If y«». fey

PROJECT TICM. PROJECT ] OE*UTV PROJECT f. CONST. POAt REv-l %•"• ENO. MAN. UANASER'OIPECTOR OtRECTOP DATE 30% \jNFf !*fS£ e&- & \P ' ~)u>b «J»»-7fe 0 MFf »M g^ &K 0 ML_ If* &/fc r

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• *•"*•• •*••» •»• *ajaSa--a asa ••••••aaa -«i an.il MajaM W *•• * «aa-«iMa c* >••••••

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C-6 i i *

I REFERENCE NO. 11 i i 058471 lioctt


A. A

Issued for Use exvuoe tu*v 7 Work Plan For Treatment MO .?4!>0^nrcs1 r of Electroplating Residue*as ftp^.tJnp Prcc. KCv at the Colonie Interim AT ^9-nn-TG-lQ JJ Storage Site •MEET 1 0*26 'JTIIWW;1""! G 5 S i 71 •396*8 TABLE OF CONTENTS




National Lead Industries electroplated depleted uranium with nickel and cadmium at their former facility in Colonie, New York. When the plant was closed, uranium-contaminated materials remained. The facility is now owned by the U.S. Department of Energy and it has been renamed the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS).

Nineteen tanks were used as part of the electroplating operations at the facility. The electroplating solutions which were contained in 17 of these tanks have been removed for treatment as part of another work plan. Salts from these solutions are deposited on the inside of the plating tanks and on the cathode baskets which were used in the tanks. Some of the tanks also contain small, hollow plastic spheres. Materials were added to all the emptied plating tanks to neutralize acids, complex cyanide and absorb free liquid.

The ferric chloride etch tank and the solvent degreasing tank process have not been emptied. The contents of the above tanks and sump are contaminated with both depleted uranium and hazardous chemicals. The objective of this work plan is to provide a method for treatment and stabilization of all these materials, as part of the site closure procedures. 2.0 FACILITY AREA The electroplating waste materials described in this work plan are located in the CISS facility electroplating room. This is shown as the shaded area labeled A in Figure 2-1.





As part of the electroplating operations, the following chemicals or mixtures of chemicals were routinely used in the indicated tanks. Tank Identification Number Chemical (Mixture)

6, 11, 12, 13 nitric acid (HN03) 14, 15, 18 - 10 ferric chloride (PeCl3) 19, 20 sodium metasilicate (Na2Si03 . H2O) trisodium phosphate (Na3 PO4 . 12H20) 6, 9 water (rinse tanks) 7 sodium chromate (Na2Cr04) nitric acid (HNO3) 16, 17 nickel sulfamate (NiNS03H) sulfamic acid (SNAC) wetting agent (SNAP) boric acid (H3BO3) (pellets in bag suspended in tank) 1, 4, .5 cadmium sodium cyanide (NaCN) sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 21 tetrachloroethylene (C2C14) 2, 3 Plating wastes including: high pH solutions contaminated with cyanide, cadmium, nickel, chrome and organics Solutions of these chemicals remained in the tanks when electroplating operations were ended at the facility. Salts precipitated from the solutions both as loose solids and as scale in the tanks after shutdown. This is especially the case for the concentrated solutions in those tanks which, during facility operation, were heated to keep salts dissolved during operation.

8512M 3 08/29/86 058A71 039656

After the plating solutions were removed from the plating tanks, the small amount of remaining solution and the precipitated salts in the tanks were treated with various combinations of potassium carbonate, ferrous sulfate, and 'oil dry", depending on the contents of the tank.

Potassium carbonate was added to plating tanks which contained, nitric acid in order to neutralize the acid. Ferrous sulfate was added to the tanks which contained cyanide in order to convert free cyanide to the undissociated ferrocyanide form. The purpose of the "oil dry" was to absorb liquids for improved manageability. Ferrous sulfate and oil dry were also added to the contents of the sump. A small amount of oil was added to the tetrachloroethylene tank in order to prevent complete evaporation of the solvent. All of these materials are contaminated with depleted uranium and many of the tanks have been contaminated with hazardous chemicals by "drag-out* from preceding tanks in the train. Relatively high levels of uranium contamination (as indicated by alpha activity of the contents) were found generally in the tanks vhich were operated at low pH (those which contained HNO3 or FeCl3), tanks which followed the low pH tanks in the plating train, and the sump. /

There is also a small pile of salt (a few pounds) on the floor between and behind the two cadmium plating tanks which contains cadmium and cyanide and is contaminated with uranium. The salt will be combined with the contents of the cadmium plating tanks for further treatment.

4.0 CLOSURE PROCEDURE Procedural details for treatment and stabilization of C2SS electroplating residues and associated materials are discussed in this section. 4.1 FERRIC CHLORIDE SOLUTION TREATMENT Because of the high concentration of dissolved solids used in the FeCl3 etching solution (about 800 g/L), it forms a sludge when it is made alkaline. Metals, therefore, cannot be removed from the solution by precipitating at high pH unless a large amount of water is added. This is undesirable because it would increase the amount of contaminated waste.

For this reason, the solution will be transferred to 55 gallon drums with a pump and solidified. The solidification procedure and apparatus used will be aimilar to those used for solidifying the nickel plating solution in, *Work Plan for Disposal of Toxic Plating Wastes", 39-00-2G-08.

8512M 4 08/29/86 0564U I 039656 After transferring to drums but before solidification, 15% sodium hydroxide solution will be added to'the ferric chloride solution while stirring with a gear mixer until a pH of 5.5 ,+0.2 is reached. The drum will be cooled during the operation usTng the cooling jacket and the procedure developed for the •work Plan for Cyanide Destruction - Colonie, New York, 38-00-IG-06. Solution pH will be monitored with a pH meter, during the addition. A lid with a cutout for the mixer, NaOH addition, and' pH electrodes will be used to control any splashing.


Tanks 1-9 and 11-20 will be treated as follows (see the procedure in Appendix A for details). Treatment of tank No. 10 and contents will be the same as for the other tanks commencing with step 3 below.

Step 1 The boric acid contained in bags in the nickel plating tanks will be distributed among the slurries in the nitric acid tanks. The salts in a pile on the floor behind the two cadmium plating tanks will be transferred into one of those tanks for treatment.

Step 2 Sufficient water will be added to form a slurry with the / residues and treatment chemicals in each tank. The slurry will be mixed and salts on the bottom and sides of the vessel will be broken up and brought into contact with the treatment chemicals. Dry salts on the sides of the tank will be wetted with the slurry to bring them into contact with treatment chemicals and to keep down dust production.

Completeness of mixing in the nitric acid tanks will be checked by monitoring pH in the slurry. Additional potassium carbonate will be added, if needed, to neutralize remaining acid.

In the sump and in tanks which contain cyanide, completeness of treatment will be checked by testing for free cyanide. Laundry bleach solution will be added to destroy free cyanide if cyanide is detected. Cadmium- plating cathode baskets will be suspended in the slurry during treatment.

Step 3 The slurries in all tanks (including the ferric chloride tank) and the sump will be transferred to 55-gallon drums. Slurries from tanks with similar contents may be combined in a single drum. Por instance, the contents of two nitric scid tanks might be combined in a single drum.

Slurry transfers will be conducted on a piece of EPDM to aid in cleanup in the event of a spill. The edges of the EPDM will be rsised 1.5* with 2x4 framing lumber lsin flat on the floor.

8512M 08/29/16 7; »38m A pump will be used to transfer most of the slurry in each tank. The remaining .slurry will be transferred in the next step. Step 4 Residues remaining on the walls and bottom of the tank will be removed by a combination of mechanical scrying with various hand tools (see 4.6 f.or types of tool*}, steaming with a small steam cleaner, dissolution by scouring with water and rinsing with water. The particular combination of methods used on a specific tank will depend upon its contents and the tenacity of the salt deposits in it. Deposits will be revetted, as necessary to minimize dust. The remaining slurry in the tanks will be transferred by one of two methods, depending on which is the most effective for a specific tank (a. is the preferred method): a. moving the tank, as necessary, and tilting it without lifting from the floor then using a wet/dry vacuum to remove its contents. The tank of the wet/dry vacuum would be emptied into the storage drum using rinsing, as needed. b. lifting the tank and tilting it to drain into the drum Tilting as in a. above may also be used to improve access for removing residue from the walls and bottom of the tanks. Overhead cranes with capacities between one and five tons and a large forklift are available for this work. Shackles, clamps, chains and related equipment are also available at the CXSS.' A new sling with a one and a half ton capacity will be used. All of this equipment will be used in conformance with safe rigging practices. The largest tank to be treated in this manner is rectangular and has a capacity of about 350 gallons. It is 45 inches by 48 inches by 60 inches high which is equivalent to a total wall and bottom area of 68 square feet. The walls are about 5/16 inches thick and, weight of 12.8 pounds per square foot. The tank's calculated weight is about 1250 pounds. The slurry remaining after pumping iB expected to be less than ten gallons weighing a maximum of 125 pounds. Total maximum tank weight is therefore expected to be about 3/4 ton. Complete radiological decontamination of the tanks is outside this scope of work and will not be attempted. The tanks will be stored with the solidified residues.

6512M 08/29/86 056471 639*56 4.3 STABILIZATION

Semi-quantitative gross alpha analyses of the contents of the electroplating room tanks and sump show them all to be contaminated with uranium. Therefore, the inorganic residues and associated treatment chemicals will be stabilized with Portland cement. Cathode baskets and other tank-associated, contaminated equipment will be stabilized in the same manner.

Test castings of each residue have been made in bench scale tests at a laboratory and will be verified with bench scale tests of the residue slurries before full scale solidifications are conducted. Note: If the total volume of water used for transferring solids to the drums is greater than the volume needed for solidifying the solids in the drums, excess solution will be transferred to an empty drum. This contaminated water will be used for stabilization of the plastic spheres in cement (see 4.4).

The measured weight of cement and additives will be added to each drum while agitating with the gear mixer. After all the solidification agents have been added, mixing will be continued /• for a few minutes to obtain a homogenous slurry. The mixer will then be shut off and moved to the next drum to be solidified.

The cathode baskets and other contaminated equipment will be submerged in freshly mixed concrete immediately after removing the impeller. Drums will be left with the lids off for at least one day to enhance setting. They will then be sealed with their lids and stored on-site. The storage location within the CISS will be recorded on the residue treatment form checklist.

4.4 PLASTIC SPHERE DISPOSAL Several hundred plastic spheres were used to retard evaporation from the heated silicate/phosphate solutions in Tanks 19 and 20. These spheres remain in the tanks and are contaminated with uranium.

The spheres will be stabilized in concrete in the same manner »s the cathode baskets with the following exception: the drum containing excess transfer water will be filled to a point about 12 inches below the rim with the concrete/sphere mixture. If tome of the spheres should rise to the surface of the concrete, additional concrete will be mixed and poured on top, after the initial batch has started to set.

0512M 7 08/29/66 053-71 039156 4.5 TETOACHLOROETHYIENE DISPOSAL Tank 21 contains a few gallons (less than ten) of tetraehloro- ethylene which is contaminated with uranium. A small amount of motor oil has been added to it to prevent complete evaporation. The contents of this tank will be transferred to one or more of the drums containing uranium-contaminated oil by lifting the tank and tilting as in Step 4b of Section 4.2. Any metallic particles remaining in the tank will be removed by brushing and rinsing with a small amount of acetone applied with a polyethylene wash bottle. Disposal will then be the same as for the uranium-contaminated oil, which will be addressed in a later work plan. 4.6 EQUIPMENT The following equipment will be used for treatment of electroplating residues: \ 1. large forklift, two one-ton overhead cranes (larger cranes are available, if needed), pallets, shackles, clamps, and related equipment. A sling of 1.5 ton capacity. 2. double-diaphragm, pneumatic pump with air compressor with one inch ports for pumping slurries and capable of accepting 1/8 inch slurry particles 3. steam generator 4. gear-drive mixer for mixing concrete in a 55 gal drum 5. portable pH meter with combination pH electrode and thermocouple 6. plastic holding tank with forklift saddle, about 400 gallon capacity 7. Cooling jacket 55 gallon drum capacity. 8. LaMotte Cyanide Test Kit* or equivalent 9. Eberline Instrument Corporation SAC 4 Gross Alpha Counter with infrared drying lamp and planchets 10. Eberline Instrument Corporation BP210 alpha, beta, gamma survey Instrument 11. mortar nixing hoe for nixing slurry and scraping 12. diamond point trowel, putty knife, wire brush, barn scraper, etc., for scraping salt deposits and a stiff-bristle push broom for scouring salt deposits

8512M 8 08/29/86 056^71 83*658 13. shovel and nop 14. rustic ladle 15. garden hose with spray nozzle

16. 2 plastic buckets with bails, about*3%gallon 17. EPDM liner material 18. InterScan HCN monitor 19. InterScan NO2 monitor 20. wet/dry vacuum 21. 18 55-gallon steel drums with lids (DOT spec. 17H). 22. heavy-duty polyethylene bags 23. plastic, disposable, graduated beakers, 100 mL 24. plastic stirring rods Iters 1 through 17 are available on-site (except the sling which will be purchased prior to operation. Items 18 and 19 are available to the project without purchase. 4.7 CONTAMINANT DETERMINATION Samples will be taken from each drum of waste with a ladle, while mixing to obtain a sample representative of the solids content in the drums. The samples will be transferred to labeled plastic bottles. * Blanks consisting of uncontaminated treatment materials in deionized water, duplicates, and spikes will be transferred to appropriately labeled sample bottles for analysis by the outside laboratory as a quality control measure. These will be recorded on the Residue Treatment form. The samples will be properly packaged and labeled then sent to a laboratory using established transfer of custody procedures. The laboratory will analyze the samples for total uranium, and RCRA characteristics. 4.8 DISPOSAL The drums of stabilised mixed wastes will be stored on-site pending the determination of a permanent disposal option. Their storage location in the CISS will be recorded on the Residue Treatment form.

8512M 9 08/29/86 •iiiW1 5.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY

In addition to the safety measures incorporated in the work plan checklists shown in Appendix B, the following health and safety requirements will be followed in carrying out this work. 5.1 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE

All work activities shall be performed in compliance with Project Instruction No. 26.0, Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan, and Project Instruction No. 26.04, Addendum to the Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan.

5.2 HEALTH PHYSICS The health physics requirements for all activities that involve radiation and/or radioactive material are defined in Project Instruction No. 20.01, Project Radiation Protection Manual and the implementation procedures. A copy of Project Instruction 20.01 is located on-site. 6.0 CONTINGENCY METHODS

Most of-the procedures in this work plan are based on standard industry practice and past experience at CISS. Alternative methodology has been provided in Section 4 for some of the less routine procedures in the work plan. Therefore, no significant problems are expected with its execution.

Minor changes~to the work plan may be required for problems encountered during its execution and these will be made and documented. Should significant problems be encountered, work will be halted, the problems evaluated, and modifications to the work plan prepared accordingly. 7.0 EVALUATION OF RISK

Based on the gross alpha analysis results and the volume of contaminated residues, the total amount of depleted uranium which will be solidified in this work plan is estimated to be less than 1 »Ci. Most of the uranium is present in the PeCl3 solution, which is about 140 gallons in volume. The remainder is distributed in about one ton of electroplating residues and treatment chemicals which have been added to the plating vessels.

The amount of hazardous chemicals in these mixed wastes is also relatively small. The one ton of residues plus treatment chemicals contains cadmium, nickel, and cyanide in varying concentrations as shown in Appendix A. The free cyanide will be treated so that the only remaining hazardous materials in the stabilized mixed waste will be the heavy metals.

•512M 10 01/29/86 056i71 039656 Since the total amounts of uranium and hazardous materials are relatively small and because the-work plan has been designed to keep the mixed wastes contained, a spill resulting in release of measurable quantities of hazardous wastes or depleted uranium to the environment is unlikely.

The health and safety procedures incorporated in this work plan will minimize risk to workers. 8.0 COST ESTIMATE

Sufficient funds have been budgeted for the support of the chemical closure at the CISS facility as part of the V.S. Department of Energy's Pormerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These funds are nixed for common activities that support several work plans, so specific cost estimates for each work plan are not feasible. The budget includes direct labor, material, travel, supplies, equipment, and subcontracts. Additional funding is available for FY 87 to complete tasks identified during the execution of the work planned for FY 86.


A form will be used to record data relating to the treatment, analysis, and stabilization of the electroplating residues. Completed forms will be kept as part of the site closure records.

Transfer of custody forms will be maintained as a record of samples sent for outside analyses. Blanks consisting of uncontaminated treatment materials in deionized water, duplicates, and spikes will be used as a field method for maintaining quality control for analyses performed by the off-site laboratory.

The laboratory will be required to follow procedures specified in their QA/QC manual and the procedures will be in accordance with EPA guidelines. Reports of QA/QC data will be required with the analytical results for each CISS sample analyzed by the laboratory. Analytical data reports and QA/QC reports will be maintained as part of the site closure records. Checklists detailing step-by-step procedures, and for documenting drum contents, are shown in Appendix B. Any field changes or modifications to procedures or equipment will be documented.

A Quality Assurance Assessment (QAA) was conducted for the work plan at the 30 percent project review and another will be held at the 100 percent review.


As stated in the closure plan for this facility, DOE (owner of the CISS facility), and a professional engineer registered in

6512M 11 08/29/86 839SS8 the State of New York will certify the Colonie Interim Storage Site has been closed In accordance with the closure plan within 45 days after completion of the plan (40 CPR 265.115 and Proposed Rule FR 11068, 3/19/85). V,

I512N 12 08/21/16 I3*ft£




/ 05347- •35658 RESIDUE TREATMENT AND STABILIZATION Page 1 of 7 This procedure vill be used on the electroplating room sump and On all plating tanks except Tank 21 (tetrachloroethylene). For Tank 10 (ferric chloride), steps 14 through 20 will be used. PROCEDURE Preparation 1. Take the bags containing boric acid pellets from the nickel plating tanks (Tanks 16 and 17) one at a time and empty their contents into the nitric acid tanks (Tanks 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16). Distribute the boric acid evenly among the seven tanks. 2. Remove cathode baskets and other types of equipment. Place them in plastic bags labeled with the number of the tank from which they were removed. Temporarily store the bags nearby. \/l 3. Use the hose to add about two gallons of water to a plastic bucket. Add sufficient sodium hydroxide to raise the pH above 10 (this will be a small amount). Dampen the pile of salts behind the cadmium plating / tanks (Tanks 4 and 5) with just enough of the alkaline water to moisten the salts without runoff. Use a shovel and trowel with another plastic bucket to scoop up the damp salt and transfer it into one of the cadmium plating tanks. Add more pH 10 solution if dry salts"are exposed. Check to see that the tank of the wet/dry vacuum is empty then use the vacuum to pick up any remaining salts on the floor. Rinse the wet/dry vacuum tank three times with the excess pH 10 solution, using about a third of the water each time. Transfer -each rinse into the transfer bucket. Rinse the transfer bucket each time and transfer those rinses into the cadmium plating tank. Treatment 4. Add sufficient water to form a slurry in each nitric acid tank (Tanks 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, IS, and 18). Use the hose with spray nozzle to add the water and nix. Check completeness of nixing in each nitric acid tank by monitoring pH in the slurry while mixing. Continua mixing until pH remains constant within 40.2 units. Make initial checks with pH paper but fin"al checks must be made with the pH meter. If final pH is <5, mix in sufficient potassium carbonate to raise the pR above 5. 056471 •39656 RESIDUE TREATMENT AND STABILIZATION Page 2 of 7 As mixing is completed in each tank, record the final pH of the slurry next to the Tank Number on the Residue Treatment form.

Add sufficient water to form a slurry in'the cadmium plating tanks (Tanks 4 and 5), the cadmium rinse tanks (Tanks 1 and 8), the sump and the sump holding tank (Tank 2). Monitor pH before and during the addition of water. Add 50% sodium hydroxide solution as required to keep the pH at a minimum of 11. Check for completeness of treatment in each tank as follows:

Take a few grams of slurry from near the wall or bottom and place it in a beaker. Take the beaker to the loading dock and place it in a stream of air from a fan. Monitor the air in the beaker with the HCN monitor while carefully acidifying the beaker's contents. If the monitor indicates more than ten ppm of HCN, mix the slurry some more. If continued mixing does not cause the slurry to pass this test, verify the presence of free cyanide with the colorimetric cyanide analysis kit by decanting some of the liquor from another slurry sanple and analyzing it with the kit. If the colorimetric test indicates no detectable free cyanide, confirm the result by testing another aliquot of the liquor spiked with a known amount of cyanide. Spike the sample by adding 1.00 mL of 1 mg/L cyanide standard to 10 mL of liquor and mixing before analysis. If the result is in the range of 900 ,4200 ug/L CN, treatment is complete. ""

If the presence of free cyanide is verified by the colorimetric test, add about 1/2 gallon of chlorine bleach solution to the tank and mix. Add sodium hydroxide if the HCN monitor Indicates and increase in HCN above the tank. Retest the slurry for completeness of treatment and continue to add bleach solution if free cyanide is indicated.

Also use the colorimetric test to verify that treatment is complete when the BCN monitor does indicate lt»B than 10 ppm upon acidification of the sample. Add sufficient water to form a slurry in each remaining tank except Tank 10 (ferric chloride) and Tank 21 (tetrachloroethylene). Use the hose with spray nozzle RESIDUE TREATMENT AND STABILIZATION Page 3 of 7 to add the water and nix'with the nixing hoe as before. Mix until all residue and treatment chemicals have been wetted and the mixture appears somewhat homogenous with no large lumps.

7. Serape the salts from the walls of the tanks. If necessary, to decrease dust, wet the salts with liquid from the treatment slurry.

If needed to improve access, tilt the tank forward. Use the overhead crane and the appropriate equipment including clamps, shackles, and a sling. The weight of the tank is about 1/2 ton. It may be necessary to move the tank out and away from adjacent tanks before tilting.

It is not necessary to remove all trace of salts, but thick scale and caked material should be loosened and allowed to fall into the treatment chemicals in the bottom of the tank.

8. Place the cathode baskets which were taken from the cadmium plating tanks (Tanks 4 and 5) into the slurry in their respective tanks. Push the baskets around in the ' slurry with a hoe in order to bring the salts on the baskets into contact with the chemicals.

Scrape a sample of salt from each basket in one of the tanks into a beaker and check for f)CN, as described abovet to verify completeness of treatment. If necessary, add about one quart of bleach solution and mix. Add sodium hydroxide if the HCN monitor indicates an increase in RCN above the tank. Repeat for the other cadmium plating tank. When treatment is complete, return the baskets to their storage bags. Solidification 9. Use the diaphragm pump to transfer tank contents to 55-gallon drums. If necessary to improve pumping, mix in a minimum amount of additional water. The contents from sore than one tank may be combined in a single drum if the tanks hold similar wastes (e.g.* nitric acid tanks). Do not fill the drum more than 12 Inches from the top. Label each drum with an identification number and the source of its contents (the tank(s) number(s)). Record the drum number on the Residue Treatment form. 058471

RESIDUE TREATMENT AND STABILIZATION Page*/'frf* 1 10. Remove remaining salts on the walls and bottom of the tank with whatever combination of the following is necessary: o mechanical scraping with hand tools o steaming with the steam cleaner o scouring with a brush and water o rinsing with water. If needed to improve access to the tank walls and bottom, tilt the tank. Use the overhead crane as in step 7. It is not necessary to remove all trace of salts, but thick scale and caked material should be loosened and allowed to fall into the treatment chemicals in the bottom of the tank. 11. Adjust the final contents of the drums so that each has a total volume of 35 gallons (12 inches from the top) or less and the solids are evenly divided among the drums. Adjust the slurry or liquor volume in the drum, if necessary, by pumping some out (into another drum) or by adding liquid from another drum which contains excess liquor or by adding water. To reduce slurry volume, pump slurry out while stirring. To reduce the liquid to solids ratio in the drum, shut off the mixer and allow solids to settle before pumping. Recheck percent solids and adjust again, if necessary. 12. Take a slurry sample with the ladle while continuing mixing. Transfer to a labeled sample bottle. This sample will be used for laboratory determination of total uranium and RCRA characteristics. Record the slurry volume and percent settled solids in the drum on the Residue Treatment form. 13. Set the gear sixer up in a drum and set it so that the slurry is being mixed. 14. Add the proper weights of cement and additives (as determined in the bench test), while continuing to mix. 15. When all the cement has been added, eontinut to mix for a few minutes until a homogenous slurry is obtained. 058471 • 39-656 RESIDUE TREATMENT AND STABILIZATION Page 5 of 7 16. Shut off the mixer then transfer it to the next drum to be solidified. After the final drum has been solidified, place the mixer in the drum containing excess transfer water where it will be used to stafc>,li2e the plastic spheres as discussed in Section 4.4 of the workplan.

17. Submerge the cathode baskets and other contaminated equipment in freshly mixed concrete immediately after removing the impeller. 18. Leave the lids off the drums for one day then attach the lids and move the drums to a storage area. Record the storage location on the Residue Treatment form.




Tank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Operator Data 058471 •39656 RESIDUE TREATMENT AND STABILIZATION Page 7 of 7


Treatment step Check Comments 4 5 € 7 8

Solidification Step 9 10 21 12 " , 13 14 13 16 17 18

Notes (continue on back as needed)

Operator Date •39*W




•TTE ©ENTIFICAT»©N Coionie Interim Storage Site OAA # 139S-13

SUMMARY D£*C#WPTfcON This assessment is for the work plan for traataent of electroplating residues at the former NLI Facility (39-00-20-10). The work Includes:

o Neutralizing or destroying ehealcal hazards of the residues

o Resoving the residues froa the plating tanks and putting theo in 55 gal. druas

o Solidifying the residues In the drum

1001 QAA sieetlng held 9/3/66 30S QAA aeetlng held 6/5/86 for Notes and Rationale Codes for assessing probability of failure, see Attachment No. 1,

'COMMEND/ >«•» ft ae D IS A OeelHt Aetlea Plaa (OAF) Is repaired. If aas. »r D O A Revised OA» la retake*. IT tee. t>r

re7 «•«• M Lltt TMAM tt»V ••Tt* % COMPUTE tAi»

^i^^-_ SM^A t/9 flP WmW 09/ ZZ^ZZZZZm QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET atv-fw* *m V Colonle Interim Storage Site 1 tUMm WlfaJhf " •# H^lM • f ffi 1. Acidification evolution of HCN a. Release of 1 Incomplete con- Only small quan- of treated toxic fume 9 to version of cyan tities of wastes cyanide waste environment » lde ion to fer- are Involved. rocyanide com- Acidification b. Poor public- plex. agent is weak relations acid and cannot cause HCN to evolve as rapidl as strong acid at equal concen- trations. K^CO* will be kept on hand for raising pH if HC evolved at low pH.

Worker expos- Adhere to health ure to toxic and safety plan fumes or dust will protect workers.'

2. Mixing and Spill Increased cost due EDPH will be use tranaferring to spread of con— on floor in work residues taninatlon area. Wet/dry vacuum will be available forajs> spill pickup.Cs*

3. Residue solidi- CD Inadequate Waste not properly r.H Improper mixture Bench tests wfff fication solidification OD contained for be run at site^y disposal to ensure proper procedure is use< for each waste. 0"?8StG-O3 *?fiE*«5Sft OUALITY ASSURANCE ASSCSSMCNT WORRSHCCT Colonic Interim Storage Site "smsrsarssssasar nsacRT I 4. Addition of Large volume of Excessive Increase F.M Difficulty in ir volume of water to eater needed for in volume of mixed dissolving all water needed for residue effective treat- waste leading to residue and treatment is ment increased cost lot treatment large, it will disposal chemicals be separated by settling and pumping, then treated like electroplating solutions for removal of uranium contam- ination.

5. Treatment of Free cyanide Tonic cyanide F,H Bench tests have cyanide "•con- remains In treated remains in mixed. shown adequate taining waste as indicated waste treatment., If residues by HCN evolution process does not fro* test sample work on full- when acidified scale, the con- tingency -dis- cussed in the workpjan will be utilized. 6. Permits required

7. Access Agree- «•> ments required o «/v 8. Relocation of Dropping tank Personnel Injury Tank G? 058471 639656 QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WQRfSHEET



1. Consider: Personnel and Public Health and Safety, Environmental Insult, Progran Objectives, Monetary Loss, Public Reaction Per Section S.2.1 of Procedure.

2. If consequences of failure are 'insignificant* or •unacceptable" 90 directly to Assessment Classification.

3. Provide rationale for elements having insignificant consequences of failure or low probability of failure oecurrance. See rationale codes for Routine Classification.

4. See Section 5.2.1 of procedure for guidance on basis for classification.


Insignificant Consequences of Failure

1. Contamination should be local and can be cleaned up. >. 2. Entrance of small amount of water to waste will not cause spread of contamination. 3. Amount of radioactive saterial would be snail.

4. Backup system provided to prevent or ninimize release of radioactive material.

5. Other - (Identify in cconents).

Low Probability of Failure

A. History of low failure frequency in similar application.

B. Standard off-the-shelf hardware of proven application.

C. Redundance or backup system is provided to naintain plant performance in •vent of failure. *

D. Design* test and operational esperience will establish nature, reliable design.

C. Part derating techniques used to provide low failure frequency.

P. Normal use of proven and established standard praetiets (test, inspection, procedures, etc.) will assure adequate tjuelity.

C. Training program and standard operating procedures will provide adequate human reliability in operating and Maintaining plant.

N. Other (Identify in connents).

C17«B -*\

1 I I REFERENCE NO. 12 I I i I I I i I 058471 f I



A 7-2*-fi£ Issued for use NO. DATE iEL2£ REVISIONS S• Y BJCH K D Su»v. *£ ORIGIN JL Work Plan For Treatment of JOI NO 14501 AT Unidentified Chemical Testing at the Colonic Operating Proc. Mv. Interim Storage Site 39-OQ.TG-09 058471




1.0 INTRODUCTION >> National Lead Industries electroplated depleted uranium with nickel and cadmium at their former facility in Colonie. New York. When the plant was closed, uranium-contaminated materials remained. The facility is nov owned by the U.S. Department of Energy and it has been renamed the Colonie Interim Storage Site (C1SS).

In addition to materials contaminated with radioactive uranium, there are many hazardous compounds stored in unlabeled or inadequately labeled containers at the CISS. These compounds must be analyzed for hazardous characteristics and proper disposal must be provided for them as part of the site closure procedures.

Analysis is more cost effective if chemical wastes which are present in small volumes are first composited. In some cases. the volume of unidentified waste is so small that aost of the waste would be required for testing.

Before these materials may be composited, they must be characterized to the extent that unsafe combinations of incompatible compounds can be avoided. This information is also useful in determining which specific RCRA analyses are aost likely to give the data needed for hazardous waste disposal, thus reducing analytical costs and time. Additionally, knowledge of general characteristics is an aid to safe storage and shipment of the materials prior to disposal.

Finally, it is preferable to avoid combining waste material containing depleted uranium with material which is not uranium- contaminated to avoid unnecessarily increasing the volume of these mixed wastes. Mixed wastes are subject to additional requirements for disposal beyond those required for hazardous wastes which are not radioactively contaminated.

The objective of this work plan is to provide a field aethod for determining the characteristics of unlabeled compounds at the CISS site for the purpose of safe and effective disposal. Specifically, inforaation will be developed so that they can be safely composited with a ainiaal increase in the volume of depleted uranium-contaminated wastes. Characterization information will also be used for narrowing the scope of RCRA analyses needed prior to hazardous waste disposal and for safe storage and shipment of wastes.

6269B 1 058471

The work plan also provides a procedure for compositing small-volume, unlabeled compounds into compatible composites after their characterization. 2.0 FACILITY AREA

The unlabeled materials described in this work plan are stored throughout the Colonie facility (see Figure 2-1).

Characterization of each compound will be carried out at its present location. Compositing will be conducted on the loading dock outside of Bay 2. The loading dock is a contaminated area. 3.0 WASTE DESCRIPTION

Unknown compounds which will be classified in this task are listed in Table 3-1. extracted from the CISS inventory. Additional unknown substances in small quantities, including unlabeled solutions in the plant laboratory, will also be classified.

4.0 CLOSURE PROCEDURE Prior to disposal of unlabeled compounds at the Colonie site, evaluation and preparation will be carried out in steps: 1. Classification of the unknowns into compatible waste groups 2. Compositing wastes based on these compatible group classifications. No composite volume will exceed five gallons.

3. Sampling of all unknown compounds; either as a composite or the compound itself, in those cases where the compound was not composited 4. Analysis of the samples for total uranium and RCRA characteristics

The equipment required for steps 1 and 2 and then the procedures for steps 1 through 4 will be discussed in the following sections. Disposal will be addressed in a following work plan.





ITEM TYPE AND NO. ESTIMATED NO. OF CONTAINERS QUANTITY COMMENTS PS-21 (1) 1 Qt Can 1 Qt CR-24 (1) 20 Gal Drum 20 Gal No markings or labels CR-25 (1) 55 Gal Drum SO Gal The Mogul Corp. Irritant Marking-AG470 CR-28 (1) 20 Gal Drum No markings or labels. 5 Gal Apparently waste oil and debris. CR-31 (1) 40 Gal Drum Amitron Chemical 30 Gal Industries. No other markings or labels. CR-40 (1) 5 Gal Tank contains "bricks". Porcelain Tank Possibly for neutralization. CF-41 (1) 5 Gal 3 Gal No markings or labels. Metal Container CR-44 (1) 55 Gal Drum 50 Gal The Mogul Corp. Markings-64560 EG5345 CR-49 (1) 30 Gal 30 Gal Amitron Chemical Industries Container 9143520660 B4-6 (1) S Gal Can 5 Gal Supplier: Sager-Spock Supply, Albany B4-14 (1) 5 Gal Can 2 Gal Apparently used oil 82-16 (1) 5 Gal Can Residual No markings or labels. PS-2 (1) S Gal Can ? May be fuel oil. ER-7 (1) 55 Gal ? Magnus(?). Contains Plastic Drum •ethylene chloride. Corrosive liquid. Formula contains no phosphorus. ER-10 (1) 55 Gal Drum 15 Gal Chemtech. Liquid with crystalline material.

6289B 4 058471



1) 5 Gal 2 Gal Container 1) 5 Gal Drum 1 Gal Contains white crystalline substance. (23 ) 55 Gal Drums SO Gal May contain waste oil. 1) 1 Gal Bottle 0.3 Gal Yellow viscous liquid. 1) 1 Gal Can 0.5 Gal No markings or labels. 1) 1 Pt Jar 4 02 White solid. No markings or labels. (1) 5 Gal 2 Gal Appears to be kerosene in Container old Ashland Chemical can. (1) 1 Ot Can 0.25 Ot (1) 1 Ot Can 1 Ot Harry Miller Corp. (1) 16 Oz Bottle 16 Oz Clear liquid in Pepsi bottle. 2) 1 Pt Bottles 20 Oz Silver metallic appearance, 1) 4 Oz Bottle 1) 1 Ot Jar 1 Ot Pale yellow liquid. 1) 55 Gal Drum 30 Gal Marked Tor Lab" 1) 5 Gal Can 1 Gal May be heavy gear oil. 1) 55 Gal Drum 25 Gal SNR

6289B 5 058471

4.1 EQUIPMENT For classification testing, the following equipment vill be used: a. Portable pH/mV meter vith a combination pH electrode and a combination platinum redox electrode b. ENMET Corporation Model CGS-100 Tritector portable gas . detector

c. Portable electrical conductivity meter

d. Eberline Instrument Corporation SAC 4 Gross Alpha Counter

e. Infrared lamp for drying solutions in planchets f. Hach Company Model CYN-3 Cyanide Test Kit. or equivalent

g. Hach Company Catalog Number 393-33 H2S Test Papers h. pH test paper, vide range

i. Kl/starch test paper

j. Small, disposable, plastic transfer pipets vith integral bulb (about S mL)

k. Small, disposable, glass culture tubes (about 12x76 mm) vith test tube racks

1. Plastic, disposable beakers (100 mL) m. Planchets for use in alpha counter After characterization, certain of the unlabeled compounds vill be composited in 5-gallon pails. Pails vill be made of either plastic or steel; Table 4-1 shows vhich container materials may be used for each compatibility group.

Strong oxidizers vill be composited in 1-gallon safety bottles. These bottles have an exterior coating of PVC to help contain the bottle contents in the event of breakage. A metal funnel vill be used for transferring oxidizers into these bottles.

The container vill be held inside a tray vith a capacity of at least ten gallons during the compositing process.

One or more fans vill be used for increased ventilation, during the compositing process.

Air bloving across the mouth of the composite vessel vill be monitored vith the ENMET Tritector. an InterScan HCN monitor, an MSA H2S monitor, and an InterScan N02 monitor.

6289B 6 058471

Table 4-1 CONTAINER MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION COMPATIBLE WITH CHEMICAL CROUPS SHOWN IN FIGURE 4-1 AND TABLE 4-1 >, CONTAINER MATERIAL MAY BE USED FOR ___ Polyethylene, polypropylene, polymethylpentene Groups 1-A. 1-B. 3-A, S-A Steel or tinned steel All groups except 1-B and 6-A (1-A cannot be stored in tinned steel) Glass All groups except 1-A and KF in Group 1-B Teflon All groups

6269B 7 058471

A polyethylene wash bottle will be used for rinsing equipment with deionized water.

A paddle for hand-mixing or a lab sixer will be used while compositing wastes.

A digital thermometer with a thermocouple will be used, when needed, to monitor the temperature of the mixture during the mixing process.

The containers used for mixing will also be used for storing the waste composites until FCRA analyses are completed and final disposal is made.


The primary aim of the classification scheme is to prevent the combination of incompatible substances which could result in an explosion or fire or the evolution of hazardous gases or fumes. The information it provides will be used for safely compositing and storing unlabeled materials, for packaging and shipping samples of these materials to an analytical laboratory, and as an aid in determining what RCRA analyses to request from the laboratory.

In addition to testing for compatibility, liquid wastes will also be analyzed for gross alpha emissions, when the nature of the liquid makes this feasible. Results of this analysis will be used to avoid compositing liquids containing depleted uranium with those which are not uranium-contaminated.

The basis for the compatibility classifications is the system for segregating potentially incompatible wastes listed in 40 CFR 264. Appendix V. Table 4-2 displays the waste groupings identified in that system.

The field testing discussed here will not result in precise and definite classifications. Instead, the test results will be used as an aid in determining compatible chemical wastes. The process of making composites will be carried out with caution and safety precautions as discussed in Section 4.3 of this work plan and. for additional safety, only small volumes will be composited. See Section 7.1 for potential problems in the area of compatibility class identification.

Field testing results will be recorded on the "CISS Unlabeled Chemicals Test Sheet" form which is shown in Appendix B. Immediately after the completion of field testing on an unknown compound, i label will be affixed to the container showing its identification number, to which compatibility groups the compound belongs, and whether it is contaminated with depleted uranium.

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Many hazardous wastes, when nixed with other waste or materials at a hazardous waste facility, can produce effects which are harmful to human health and the environment such as (1) heat or pressure, (2) fire or explosion. (3) violent reaction. (4) toxic dusts, mists, fumes, or gases, or (5) flammable fumes or gases.

Below are examples of potentially incompatible wastes, waste components, and materials, along with the harmful consequences which result from mixing materials in one group with materials in another group. The list is intended as a guide to owners or operators of treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, and to enforcement and permit granting officials, to indicate the need for special precautions when managing these potentially incompatible waste materials or components. t The list is not intended to be exhaustive. An owner or operator must, as the regulations require, adequately analyze his wastes to that he can avoid creating uncontrolled substances or reactions of the type listed below, whether they are listed below or not.

It is possible for potentially incompatible wastes to be mixed in a way that precludes a reaction (e.g.. adding acid to water rather than water to acid) or that neutralizes them (e.g.. a strong acid mixed with a strong base), or that controls substances produced (e.g., by generating flammable gases in a closed tank equipped so that ignition cannot occur, and burning the gases in an incinerator)

In the lists below, the mixing of a Group A material with a Group B material may have the potential consequences as noted.

1. Potential consequences: Heat generation; violent reaction.

Group 1-A Group 1-B Acetylene sludge Acid sludge Alkaline caustic liquids Acid and water Alkaline cleaner Battery acid Alkaline corrosive liquids Chemical cleaners Alkaline corrosive battery fluid Electrolyte, acid Caustic wastewater Etching acid liquid or Lime sludge and other corrosive solvent alkalies* Pickling liquor and other Lime wastewater corrosive acids Lime and water Spent acid Spent caustic Spent mixed acid Spent sulfuric acid

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TABLE 4-2 (continued)

2. Potential consequences: Fire or explosion; generation of flammable hydrogen gas.

Group 2-A Group 2-B •'•. Aluminum Any waste in Group 1-A or Beryllium Group 1-B Calcium Lithium Magnesium Potassium Sodium Zinc powder Other reactive metals and metal hydrides 3. Potential consequences: Fire, explosion, or heat generation; generation of flammable or toxic gases. f Group 3-A Group 3-B

Alcohols Any concentrated waste in Water Groups 1-A or 1-B Calcium Lithium Metal hydrides Potassium S02Cl2.SOCl2.PCl3 CH3SiCl3 Other water-reactive waste 4. Potential consequences: Fire, explosion, or violent reaction. Group 4-A Group 4-B Alcohols Concentrated Group 1-A or Aldehydes 1-B wastes Halogenated hydrocarbons Group 2-A wastes Nitrated hydrocarbons Unsaturated hydrocarbons Other reactive organic compounds and solvents 5. Potential consequences: Generation of toxic hydrogen cyanide or hydrogen sulfide gas.

Group 5-A Group S-B

Spent cyanide and sulfide Group 1-B wastes solutions

6289B 10 058471 TABLE 4-2 (continued)

6. Potential consequences: Fire, explosion, or violent reaction.

Group 6-A Group 6-B Chlorates Acetic acid and other Chlorine organic acids Chlorites Concentrated mineral acids Chromic acid Group 2-A wastes Hypochlorites Group 4-A wastes Other flammable and Nitrates combustible wastes Nitric acid, fusing Perchlorates Permanganates Peroxides Other strong oxidizers •40 CFR 264. APPENDIX V Source:""Law. Regulations, and Guidelines for Handling of Hazardous Waste." California Department of Health. February 1975.

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The test solutions resulting from field testing vill be composited and disposed of as hazardous wastes depending on the results of the testing and on any chemicals added during the testing procedure.

Field blanks, duplicates, spikes, and standards vill be included in the testing as QA/QC measures. The testing methodology which vill be utilized is shown in schematic form in Figure 4-1. Following is a discussion of the methodology keyed to Figure 4-1:

tests to be used in classifying unknowns. These will be discussed below. "O" refers to organic dD analysis steps. "I" to inorganic analysis steps. classifications of unknowns. These are keyed to the Groups of potentially incompatible wastes shown JUL in Table 4-2.

Test Discussion

a Vieual inspection of an unknown compound to separate liquids from solids. Solid unknowns are further visually sorted into granular or powdered metals, salts, or inerts. 01 The vapor above unknown liquids will be tested with an ENMET Tritector portable gas detector. The ENMET aspirator/sampling probe apparatus will be used to draw a sample from just above the container opening or. for low vapor pressure substances, from just inside the container opening. Aspiration will be stopped immediately if the Toxic reading nears the right side of the scale, to avoid overloading the sensor. Overloading will require clearing the system before the next sample can be checked.

If the sampling system and Toxic sensor become contaminated with high levels of organic fumes, they vill be cleared by pumping uncontaminated air through the sampling system.

NOTE: In this step indications are obtained vhich are useful as evidence in helping to decide vhether a liquid is organic or inorganic. The tritector reading is not conclusive evidence in itself but only an indication.

A "high" reading on the Toxic scale vill be interpreted as an indication that the unknovn contains an organic material. A "low" reading will indicate an inorganic material. A reading of near full scale vill be considered to be a "high" reading. Less than 90% of full scale vill be considered a "low" reading.





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Discussion "High" readings are dependent on the vapor pressure of the unknown and on the sensitivity of the detector to the particular chemical. However, the fumes above cost solvents and many other organic chemicals will give a high reading. See Appendix A for test results of ENMET bench tests.

NOTE: If this test is positive, the unknown will be considered an organic liquid, otherwise unidentified. No further testing will be conducted and it will not be composited.

This test will be carried out in deionized water with a pH kept above 10 as a safety precaution in case the unknown contains cyanide or sulfide. The test provides further verification for a liquid classed as inorganic by the ENMET Toxic analysis. An unidentified liquid which is insoluble in water is probably organic.

The test i6 carried out as follows: 1. Place about 10 nL of NaOH solution (pH > 10) in a test tube.

2. Take about 1 mL of the unknown liquid in a transfer pipet and cautiously discharge it below the surface of the water in the tube.

If the liquid is suspected to be a petroleum hydrocarbon because of past history at the CISS and/or appearance, insolubility in water together with a negative Enmet response will be interpreted as. verification of that assumption.

The electrical conductivity of the unknown is measured in this test. The conductivity of liquid unknowns will be measured without dilution, unless there is reason to suspect that the liquid is a concentrated mineral acid.

Heating in step b2 would be reason to suspect such an acid. Conductivity will be measured in the dilution made in step b2. for these samples. If conductivity in the diluttd sample is low. conductivity will be measured in the undiluted sample.

The conductance of water soluble solid unknowns will be measured in the solution prepared in Test •• Solutions of organic materials will have a relatively low conductivity. Measurement of a conductivity of >• 2.000 umho/cm will be used as an indication that the unknown is an inorganic material.

14 058471

Test Discussion d An aliquot of an undiluted aqueous unknown will be evaporated to dryness in a plahchet under an infrared lamp and then analyzed with a gross alpha counter. Sample alpha activity indicates the presence of depleted uranium in the solution. e Inorganic testing will be carried out in a water solution. The water used for dissolution will contain NaOH as in Test b. Unknown salts will be dissolved before testing as follows: 1. Place about 25 mL of NaOH solution (pH > 10) in a beaker. 2. Cautiously transfer a small amount of the salt (a few grains or < 20 mg) into the water. 3a. If the small amount of solid initially added reacts with the water, the solid will be classified as water reactive. Group 2-A.

3b. If no visible reaction takes place, add about 1 g of salt to the water and mix. It is not required that the salt completely dissolves. This is the solution which is analyzed in the following te6ts.

3c. If the unknown appears to be completely insoluble, check another sample of the solid with the Tritector by placing the Toxic sensor above it. It may be an insoluble organic material. Also, the nature of the unknown may be evident from observation. For instance, it may be a grease.

If the solid is insoluble and and cannot be further classified, it will be placed in the "unreactive" classification of solids.

11 Measurement of pH with wide range pH paper will be used to identify strong acids and alkalies. Since pH paper can deteriorate, a new roll of paper will be checked before use with unknowns, by measuring the pHs of a pH 4 buffer and a pH 10 buffer with it. If there is interference with the reading due to solids or a bleaching agent in the liquid, then a pH meter will be used. In general, pH will be measured by placing a piece of pH paper or the pH electrode in the liquid. However. volatile mineral acids such as HN03 and HCl may be identified by holding a piece of pH paper dampened with deionized water in the fumes above the liquid. If the pH paper color changes to red. a volatile acid is indicated.

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est Discussion Ammonia solutions may also be identified by holding a piece of pH paper dampened vith deionized vater in the fumes above the liquid. In this case..the color change vill indicate a high pH instead of a low pH.

Anomalous readings obtained in this test vith liquid unknowns can be due to the liquid being either organic or a concentrated mineral acid.

If an inconclusive pH reading is obtained and the pH paper fume test gives no usable results, a dilution vill be made as discussed in Test b. The pH vill be rechecked on the diluted unknown.

12 A lead acetate test paper for sulfide vill be vetted vith pH 4 buffer solution and then touched vith a drop of the unknown. If the paper darkens then the unknown vill be considered to contain sulfide. Group 5-A.

13 A field colorimetric cyanide test vill be used to check unknowns for placement in this classification. A positive test result vill place an unknown in Group 5-A. free cyanides.

14 This test vill be used to determine if the unknovn vill be classified as a strong oxidizer (Group 6-A) vhich is at least as strong as iodine. The test is carried out as follows:

1. Prepare a solution containing 10 g of KI and 5 g of soluble starch per liter of deionized vater.

2. Pour about 25 ml of the Kl solution into a 100 mL beaker. 3. Carefully drop a very small quantity of a solid unknown (a few grains or < 20 mg) or a few drops of a liquid unknown (about 0.1 mL) into the KI solution.

4. If a blue to black color develops vithin about a minute, the test result is positive.

5. If no color develops, add a fev drops of glacial acetic acid. mix. and vait another minute for a blue or black color to develop.

Commercially prepared Kl/starch test paper strips may be substituted for the Kl/starch solution. To test solid unknowns with test strips, the solution prepared in Test e vill be used. Met the test strip vith pH 4 buffer

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Discussion then transfer a drop of either an undiluted liquid unknown or a drop of the solution of solid unknown. Blackening of the paper will indicate that the unknown is a strong oxidizer.

If there are problems in utilizing the KI test for oxidizers (such as the formation of a precipitate), the oxidation potential of the solution say be Measured with an oxidation/reduction (ORP) electrode with a calomel reference electrode and a pH/mV meter as follows: 1. Prepare a ZoBell solution by dissolving 1.267 g potassium ferrocyanide. 0.988 g potassium ferricyanide. and 7.456 g potassium chloride in 1 liter of deionized water. Shield from light, during storage.

NOTE: During oxidation potential measurements in the following steps, the temperature of the electrode and the temperature of the solutions measured must be the same. ± 1 C. and near to 25 C. 2. Use the pH/mV meter with the ORP combination electrode to measure the oxidation potential of an aliquot of the ZoBell solution.

3. Rinse the electrode with deionized water then measure the oxidation potential of the unknown. Rinse the electrode with deionized water into the aliquot of unknown, then store the electrode in a beaker of tap water.

4. If the reading obtained for an unknown is more positive than the reading obtained with the ZoBell solution, the unknown will be considered to be a strong oxidizer.

See Appendix A for bench test results for the ORP electrode.

An unknown which is a liquid will be placed in Group 3-A if this test is negative.

If the test is negative for the solution of an unknown which is a solid, its solution will next be tested for conductivity using Test c. If the conductivity is < 2000 umho/cm. the solid will be assumed to be an organic solid. If the conductivity is >« 2000 umho/cm. the unknown will be assumed to be an unreactive inorganic solid, not falling into one of the Table 4-2 groups.

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Testing results will be recorded on the CISS Unlabeled Chemical Test Sheet (see Appendix B). Immediately after testing is completed en an unknown, it will be labeled with the compatibility group it belongs to and whether or not it is contaminated with depleted uranium.

4.3 COMPOSITING PROCEDURES After unknown compounds have been classified as described in Section 4.2. small-volume inorganic compounds and petroleum hydrocarbons may be composited.

Composites will not exceed five gallons in volume. Unknown compounds with volumes exceeding five gallons will not be composited with other wastes. Composites of strong oxidizers will not exceed a volume of one gallon.

Glass bottles will be used for containing strong oxidizers. Plastic containers will be used for most other composites. Steel containers will be specified for other types of wastes.

The labeled, empty containers remaining after their contents have been made into composites will be resealed and set aside for later disposal. They will be segregated for storage, on the basis of field test results. That is. containers will be stored in close proximity only with other containers which held compatible compounds.

The final disposal of these containers will depend upon the results of the total uranium and RCRA testing of their contents. If a composite is determined to contain depleted uranium or to be a hazardous waste, then the containers of all the compounds that were used to make that composite will be considered to be similarly contaminated and disposed of accordingly. The procedure for their disposal will be discussed in another work plan.

Compositing small-volume waste compounds will be accomplished in two steps. First, testing results will be used together with the groupings of potentially incompatible materials shown in Table 4-2 to determine the combinations of unknown compounds which will be made into composites.

Second, the selected combinations of compounds will be composited, using appropriate safety measures.

The details of these procedures are discussed in the following two subsections.

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4.3.1 Selection of Waste Combinations for Compositino A Composite List will be prepared showing each waste compound which will be used in a composite and with which wastes it will be combined. An identification number will be. recorded on the list together with the identification numbers of the compounds which will be composited. The type of container to be usedwfor each composite will also be indicated on the list. See Table 4-1 for container compatibilities and Appendix B for an example of the Composite List form.

Compounds belonging only to the same compatibility groups will be composited. The only type of organic unknowns which will be considered for compositing are petroleum hydrocarbons.

Unknowns which have more than one layer (e.g.. an aqueous layer and an organic layer) will not be combined with any other materials. However, a small amount of undissolved solids contained in a liquid unknown (e.g.. metal particles in waste cutting oil) will not exclude the liquid from consideration for compositing.

Since only unknowns with a volume of less than five gallons may be composited (to keep final composite volume from exceeding five gallons), unknowns contained in S5 gallon drums will generally not be composited. A small amount of unknown in the bottom of a 55 gallon drum may be considered for compositing only if it can be clearly seen that there are not multiple layers in the liquid.

For increased safety and to simplify the tasks of RCRA testing and disposal, the following combinations of wastes will also be avoided, despite possible compatibility:

o Depleted uranium-containing solutions with liquids which do not contain depleted uranium

o Materials which contain cyanide with any material which does not contain cyanide.

o Materials which contain sulfide with any material which does not contain sulfide.

o Immiscible combinations of liquids

o Liquid materials with solid materials 4.3.2 Compositino Materials which will be made into composites will be composited on the Bay 2 loading dock.

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The following check list will be used for Baking composites: 1. Prepare the aixing area for work:

a. Place the tray in a convenient location.

b. Place a fan so that any gases evolved will be carried away from the workers and away from the building. If more ventilation appears desirable, use additional fans. c. Activate and place the ENMET detector, the HCN detector, the H2S detector, and the N02 detector near the tray on the side opposite of where people will be working.

d. Place a Class ABC fire extinguisher out of the immediate work area but nearby and in an obvious location.

e. Check that the digital thermometer is functioning properly. Calibrate the pH meter and temporarily store the pH electrode in a beaker containing tap water.

2. Put on the following protective apparel in addition to that which must be routinely worn in contaminated areas of the C1SS facility:

a. Face shield b. Chemical protective gloves c. Respirator with cartridges for organics. acid fumes, and particulates. The respirator must be worn for all of the following steps.

3a. Refer to the Composite List and transport only those compounds for one composite to the mixing area. Place the containers near or in the tray. 3b. Alternatively, the compounds for more than one composite aay by assembled in the mixing area if the components of each composite are carefully segregated from the components of other composites. For example the containers of compounds for one composite aay be placed inside a plastic tub.

4. Select an unused one-gallon bottle or five-gallon pail Bade of the material indicated for the composite on the Composite List. Label the container with its identification number and place it in the tray. If the container is a bottle, place a funnel in the mouth of the bottle.

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Use pH paper to recheck the pH of all inorganic liquids which will be coaposited. If there is any question about the result, use the pH meter to determine pH. If the meter is used, rinse the pH electrode with a small amount of water into the container of the compound being checked. blot it dry with a paper towel, and place the towel in a plastic bag for later contaminated waste disposal. Return the pH electrode to the beaker containing tap water.

Refer to the Composite List for the unknown compounds to be combined. Carefully-transfer all of the first compound to the composite container.

NOTE: In case of a spill into the tray - o if the spill is small, wipe it up with paper towels and put the used towels in a plastic bag for later hazardous waste disposal

o If the spill is larger, transfer it from the tray to the composite container and then wipe the tray with paper towels as above

Add a small quantity (<5 g) of the next compound to be composited.

Observe carefully for any sign of reaction: e.g.. effervescence, temperature rise, or color change. Use the digital thermometer to check if temperature appears to be rising slowly.

If there is a violent reaction or if any of the monitors indicate the evolution of a hazardous gas. immediately leave the area until the reaction is complete. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COMPOSITE THE COMPOUND WHICH CAUSED THE REACTION!

If there was not a violent reaction and no hazardous gas was evolved, wait for the completion of any minor reaction before proceeding. Start mixing then continue with the addition of the remainder of the compound in portions small enough that violent reactions do not occur. Continue mixing during this process.

When all of the compound has been transferred, replace the cap on the empty container and set the container aside.

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14. Repeat steps 8 through 13 for each of the remaining compounds in the composite. If a funnel vas used to transfer aqueous liquids, rinse it with a small amount of deionized water into the composite.

15. Close the composite container then place it in a storage area away from composites of compounds incompatible with it. Record the storage location on the Cctsjjsite List.

16. Place the empty containers together in a storage area away from other containers which held compounds incompatible with the compatibility group represented by this composite. Record Che storage location of the containers on the Composite List.

17. Repeat steps 4 through 16 for each of the remaining composites.

4.4 CONTAMINANT DETERMINATION Samples will be taken of each composite and of each incompletely identified compound which was not made into a composite. Sampling will be conducted according to the procedures described in "Work Plan for Compositing and Sampling of Materials > Colonie. New York". 39-00-1G-07. The samples will be transferred to bottles which are compatible, according to Table 4-1. Sample bottles will be labeled to indicate the sample they contain.

Duplicates, blanks, standards, and spikes will be transferred to appropriately labeled sample bottles for analysis by the outside laboratory as a quality control measure.

Sample bottles will be checked for exterior uranium contamination by wiping then counting the wipe in the gross alpha counter. They will be decontaminated, if necessary. If cleaning solution is used for decontamination, the solutions used for each bottle will be combined into a uranium-contaminated but non-hazardous composite for disposal. The volume of this composite is expected to be small because little or no cleaning solution should be required for each sample bottle. The samples will be properly packaged and labeled then sent to a laboratory using standard transfer of custody procedures. The laboratory will analyze the samples for total uranium and for RCRA characteristics.

Both samples which are found to be uncontaminated with uranium and samples which are contaminated with uranium will be analyzed for RCRA characteristics, as required for disposal of hazardous wastes.

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The analyses ordered for RCRA characterization will depend on the results of field testing, any label information available, and and any pertinent historical data available.

The analytical data which will be obtained is the following: Inorganic Samples -

o Reactivity including cyanide and sulfide o Corrosivity

o Ignitability

o priority pollutant toxic metals (13 metals)

o If waste is acid, identification of type and determination of concentration by specific gravity Organic Samples -

o Ignitability o Identification of >95% of constituents as follows GC/MS screen for volatiles or GC/MS screen for semivolatiles based on nature of sample. If <9S% identified with screen, do the other GC/MS screen and/or % water, as indicated.

o PCB's may be analyzed if found at low concentration in the screen


Disposal of the unlabeled compounds characterized in this work plan will be addressed in a future work plan.

5.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY In addition to the safety measures discussed in Section 4.3. Procedure for Making Composites, the following health and safety requirements will be followed in carrying out this work plan.

5.1 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE All work activities shall be performed in compliance with Project Instruction No. 26.0. Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan, and Project Instruction No. 26.04. Addendum to the Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan.

6289B 23 055^71 5.2 HEALTH PHYSICS

The health physics requirements for all activities that involve radiation and/or radioactive aiaterial are defined in Project Instruction No. 20.01. Project Radiation Protection Manual and the implementation procedures. A copy of the Project Instruction 20.01 is located on-site.


During the execution of this work plan, the primary concern is for a dangerous reaction occurring during the compositing process. Rapidly rising temperature, the evolution of gas. or other violent reaction will indicate an undesirable reaction between composited compounds. Workers will leave the vicinity until the reaction is completed.

No further attempt will be made to composite the compounds responsible for the reaction.

If initial experience indicates that the compositing procedure cannot be carried out safely, then no attempt will be made to composite the remaining compounds.


There are two primary areas of risk associated with the execution of this work plan:

1. Worker safety 2. Release of hazardous compounds to the environment. The most likely sources of problems leading to these risks are incorrect compatibility classifications and unexpected results in compositing materials which have been properly classified. These will be discussed in the next two sections.

Potential problems have also been addressed in the Quality Assurance Assessment which is attached as Appendix C.


The testing procedures which will be used are relatively unsophisticated since they have been selected to provide useful information in the field in a simple manner. Their purpose is only to supply data for assisting in the evaluation of waste compatibility for handling including identifying potential combinations for composites. The RCRA "fingerprinting" which is required prior to disposal of the wastes, will be carried out at a laboratory with more elaborate equipment and instrumentation using standard EPA procedures.

The field tests do not result.in precise classifications and their results must be interpreted. Potentially misleading

62B9B 24 056*7* results and some steps which will be taken to decrease the uncertainty of their interpretation are discussed in the following paragraphs. Two potential problems in the testing of organics are the following: >> 1. The organic tests will be made on the vapor above the unknown. This could lead to an incorrect assumption that the substance was inorganic if the unknown had a very low vapor pressure and no further testing was done. 2. Although the primary sensitivity of the Tritector Toxic sensor is to hydrocarbons, it will also sense ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, and some other inorganic gases. This leads to a possibility that an inorganic material might be considered to be organic. The sensors do not give a positive response to chlorine, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide.

These potential problems will be addressed as follows: Dilution with water (Test b) will help to clarify whether an unknown liquid is organic in nature. Most inorganic liquids found at the site are likely to be aqueous solutions and therefore soluble in water. (There are some exceptions to this. including mercury.) Water soluble materials will be further checked by electrical conductivity (Test c) for confirmation that they are inorganic. Since most organic materials are not ionized or only very s-lightly organized, their electrical conductivities tend to be very low.

The partial pressure of cyanide or sulfide in an alkaline solution is likely to be so low that a very low indication or none at all will be obtained when testing either of these solutions with the ENMET Toxic sensor (see Appendix A). Since only readings which are at least 90% of full scale will be considered positive, this reading would be negative and thus properly place the unknown in the category of an inorganic liquid. Further testing (as outlined in Figure 4-1) would lead to the proper classification of the unknown as a cyanide or sulfide compound. Another potential problem is that unknowns may be a mixture of more than one potentially hazardous chemical. To some extent, this potential problem has been addressed in the testing scheme. Classification testing is completed as shown in Figure 4-1. even after an unknown is found to belong to a particular incompatibility group.

For instance, a strongly alkaline material will also be tested for sulfide and. if sulfide i6 not detected, for cyanide. If it

6289B 25 05647; contains neither sulfide or cyanide, it will be tested for strongly oxidizing Baterials. Similarly, a strongly acid unknown will also be checked for strongly oxidizing Baterials. Still, there remains a possibility that an unknown which should be ranked in Bore than one incompatibility group, will not be.

As a Bore comprehensive safeguard, organic Baterials will not be composited at all. with the exception of petroleum products. This step is taken because the possibilities for incompatible reactions between mixtures of organic unknowns are auch broader and sore complex than with inorganic aixtures.

In the case of acidic and alkaline unknowns, the classification scheme has been arranged so that errors will be on the side of safety. That is. such unknowns will be placed in a Bore reactive category than is warranted because of the conservative pHs used to classify Baterials as strong acids or strong alkalies (less than pH 3 and greater than pH 10 respectively)

However, errors will not be considered to be invariably on the side of .safety and these safeguards will be carefully evaluated. If initial experience indicates that the compositing procedure cannot be carried out safely, then compositing will not be attempted with the remaining compounds. Also, if unexpected problems are experienced only with compositing a specific unknown, that unknown will not be composited.


The process of compositing unknown compounds will present possibilities for both dangers to workers and release of hazardous compounds to the environment. The purpose of the initial testing program and the procedures used to determine compatible mixtures of wastes, is to prevent these types of mishaps; but complete safety cannot be assumed.

Although compounds will not be deliberately combined in such manner as to cause violent reactions or the generation of toxic or flammable gases, this remains a possibility. During the compositing process, the following safeguards will be used to protect against dangers to workers and the environment from these sources:

1. Workers will wear protective apparel. See 4.3.2 for details.

2. The initial addition of each compound will be a very small quantity to confirm that it is compatible with compounds already in the composite. It it likely (but not certain) that reactions will occur immediately rather than some period of time after compositing has been completed. If there is an immediate strong reaction, only very small quantities will have been brought into contact.

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3. Only small quantities of materials will be composited and the total volume of composites will not exceed five gallons. Thus, the volume of potentially reactive mixtures is limited even should the reaction be delayed until after compositing is completed.

4. One or more ventilating fans will be used to quickly remove from the working area any fumes generated. Fumes will be monitored with toxic and combustible gas sensors (ENMET Tritector). an HCN monitor, an H2S monitor, and an NO2 monitor. 5. A tray under the mixing container will be used to catch any spills before they can contaminate the working area. Spills will be transferred from the tray to the composite container or. if the spill is small, it may be wiped up with an absorbent material which will be disposed of properly.


Sufficient funds have been budgeted for the support of the chemical closure at the CISS as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These funds are mixed for common activities that support several work plans, so specific cost estimates for each work plan are not feasible. The budget includes direct labor. material, travel, supplies, equipment, and subcontracts. Additional funding is available for FY 87 to complete tasks identified during the execution of the planned work for FY 86.


The testing and compositing procedures detailed in this work plan will be carried out at the site by a chemist familiar with the potential problems presented by this type of work.

Forms based on the procedures detailed above have been prepared for recording the carrying out of both the initial testing and the compositing procedure (see Appendix B). They will be used during the entire field testing and compositing process for each compound. Completed forms will be kept as part of the cite closure records. Transfer of custody forms will be maintained as a record of samples sent for outside analyses. Duplicates, blanks, standards, and spikes will be used as a field method of maintaining quality control both for field testing and for analyses performed by the off-site laboratory.

The laboratory will be required to follow procedures specified in their QA/C/C manual and the procedures will be in accordance with EFA guidelines. Reports of QA/QC data will be required

6289B 27 055-71 vith the analytical results for each CISS sample analyzed by the laboratory. Analytical data reports and QA/QC reports vill be maintained as part of the site closure records.


As stated in the closure plan for this facility-. DOE (ovner of the CISS facility), and a professional engineer registered in the State of New York vill certify the Colonie Interim Storage Site has been closed in accordance vith the closure plan vithin 4b days after completion of the plan (40 CFR 265.115 and Proposed Rule FR 11068, -3/19/65).

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The ENHET Corporation Model CGS-100 Tritector was used to sample the fumes above various chemicals to evaluate the suitability of the Tritector for use as an aid in classifying unknown chemicals. The results of these tests are shown in Table A-l.

Placing the instrument's detectors directly over the south of a bottle containing the liquid under test was found to be unsatisfactory because the sensor was not adequately sensitive when used in this Banner. A more satisfactory method for utilizing the detector was to use the sampling probe/aspirator accessory to draw fumes out of the bottle and to direct them across the sensors.

One problem found with this procedure was that when it was used with chemicals whose fumes were particularly reactive with the sensor, the sensor could become overloaded and indicate full-scale for a period of time after removing it from contact with the fumes. The sensor could be cleared fairly rapidly by using the instrument's PURGE function, but there appeared to be some contamination of the sampling probe tubing also. The tubing could be cleared after clearing the sensor by aspirating clean air through the tubing until the Toxic reading was reduced to zero. These procedures were used, when necessary, to clear the instrument before making the next reading. To reduce the frequency of overloading the Toxic sensor, aspiration was stopped and the sampling tube withdrawn from the container when the Toxic reading approached full-scale. An approximate reading was taken on the Combustion scale at this point, but a higher Combustion reading probably could have been obtained if aspiration were continued after the Toxic reading reached full-scale.

A possibility explored was the use of the ENMET's Combustion scale to indicate flammable liquids. However, the Combustion readings obtained were not usable for this purpose. For instance, the Combustion readings obtained for acetone and kerosene were lower than the readings obtained for the chioroethanes which are not flammable (see Table A-l). According to a technical representative of the manufacturer, these results are not unreasonable. The sensor does not actually respond to combustibility, but to the relative ease of oxidation of a fume or vapor on the surface of the sensor. A larger, more complex molecule might be expected to oxidize more easily than a smaller molecule, under these circumstances, and this is not necessarily directly related to the molecules' relative ease of combustion.

6289B 058471


Draeaer Tube ResDonse ENMET Reading DDm (Strokes) Compound Toxic Combustible Alcohol CH?Br Methanol fs 0.3 X fs 500 (1) 0 (2) 2-Propanol fs 3 350 (1) 1-Butanol fs 3 trace (2) 1-Hexanol fs 3 0 (2) Ethylene Glycol 4 0 Glycerol 0 0 Acetone fs 0.3 X £6 0 (2) 0 (2) Methyl isobutyl ketone fs 1 Chloroform fs 0.3 X fs 100 (2) 45 (1) 1.1.1-Trichloroethane fs O.S X fs 5(1 (.5) fs 0.5 X fs 12 (1) Xylene fs 2 0 (2) 0 (1) Hexane fs 0.3 X fs 0 (2) 10 (2) brovn Kerosene fs 2 Mineral oil 0 0 Bunker fuel 5 0 Water 0 0 HNO3. Concentrated 0 0 0 (2) 0 (2) H202. 30% 0 0 •Na2S 0 0 •KCN 2 0

Compounds marXed with an •*' are solutions made up by dissolving 1 g of salt in 100 mL of deionized water containing l g NaHC03/L. ENMET readings are the number of bars displayed on the instrument's Toxic or Combustible bargraph scales. These readings are not linear. The notation 'fa' indicates a full-scale reading of 20 bars. ENMET readings are taken by inserting the ENMET sampling probe into the chemical container and aspirating until a maximum reading is obtained on the Toxic scale or until a reading near full-scale and rising is obtained. The Combustible scale reading is taken at this point. Draeger responses are taken with a Draeger Alcohol 100/b or Methyl Bromide 5/b detector tube using a MSA detector tube sampling pump. The inlet of the tube is placed in the sample bottle above the liquid. The number shown in parentheses in the table is the number of strokes of the pump used. More strokes mean more vapor passed through the tube. The alcohol detector tube warmed when acetone vapor was sampled with it. but no color developed. The tube would not respond to 6289alcohoB l vapor afterwards. Evidently there was a reaction in the detector tube which did not involve production of the color. 056^

Results showed the ENKET capable of indicating aost of the organic liquids tested. Low or zero readings were obtained only for organic liquids with very low vapor pressures.

The Toxic readings obtained for aqueous solutions were found to be low or lero even for sulfide and cyanide to which the v detector is sensitive when they are present as gases. ° A.2 DRAEGER TUBE TESTS

The Draeger tube concentrations shown in Table A-l indicate relative sensitivity to the various compounds; they are not meaningful in terms of an actual concentration. If the concentration obtained for a chemical required two strokes to obtain, the same concentration obtained for another chemical, but with only one stroke, would indicate more sensitivity to the second compound.

One instance was found where the alcohol tube incorrectly gave a positive response; 100 ppm for chloroform. However, the alcohol tube is sensitive to 100 to 3.000 ppm as methanol; while the methyl bromide tube, which is more sensitive, measures & to 50 ppm methyl bromide, in standard usage. The reading of 100 ppm obtained with the alcohol tube was therefore a minimum indication. To aid in interpreting positive results from these tubes, the testing scheme shown in Figure 4-1 requires that both detector tubes be used to analyze organic liquids so that more information will be available for classifying such unknowns.

The brown color obtained with the sample of hexane indicates that the sample was no.t a halogenated hydrocarbon because the positive response color is purple.

When the alcohol tube was used to test acetone, it did not give a positive response. However, it became warm and would not later indicate properly for alcohol samples. Evidently, a reaction took place in the tube which did not produce color. For this reason, the detector tubes will only be used once.

Results of the Draeger tube testing show that these tubes may be used for indicating whether an unknown belongs to the class of compounds to which the tubes are sensitive. As with the other tests, the Draeger test gives information useful in classifying unknowns into compatibility categories but cannot safely be assumed completely accurate.

A.3 OXIDIZER TESTS A number of liquid compounds and salts were tested for oxidation/reduction potential (ORP) with a pH/mV meter and ORP electrode. The meter used is an Altex portable pH/mV meter and the electrode is an Orion Model 9778 platinum redox electrode which includes a calomel reference electrode.

6289B 058471

Compounds which were salts were prepared for testing by dissolving then at the rate of one gram of salt per 100 «L of water which also contained one gram of sodium bicarbonate per liter. The sodium bicarbonate will be used as a safeguard when testing unknown salts to prevent possible safety problems with the dissolution of cyanide or sulfide salts.

The ORP readings obtained with unknowns were to be compared to the reading obtained with a 0.1 N iodine solution in order to define the unknown as more or less oxidizing than iodine.

Results (see T»ble A-2) were usable for this purpose except that they were highly dependent on hydrogen ion concentration. The ORP readings obtained for solutions with a low pH indicated an oxidizing solution even when no oxidizer was present. The indicated oxidizing strength appeared to increase as pH decreased. For instance, the potentials obtained for sodium chloride, ammonium chloride, and hydrochloric acid were +49 mv, 4190 mV. and +530 mV respectively compared to +390 mV for 0.1 N iodine. The reason for this is unknown and rather than investigate the problem further, a different test was utilized.

The second method evaluated for classifying oxidizing compounds was reaction of the compound with potassium iodide in solution using soluble starch as an indicator. The results of these tests are shown in Table A-3.

The first step in this testing was to prepare a testing solution by dissolving one gram of potassium iodide in 100 BL of deionized water, then adding a few mL of starch indicator solution and mixing. The test was carried out by adding the chemical to be tested to about 25 mL of the testing solution in a 100-mL beaker. A few drops of liquid chemicals were added with a transfer pipet. while salts were tested by dropping a few grains into the.solution from a spatula.

A blue to black color formed when the test was positive. indicating that the chemical was a stronger oxidizer than iodine so that iodide was converted to iodine. If the test was negative, a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid was added to the solution for a further check of oxidizing capability. Results of testing the chemicals listed in Table A-3 indicate that this should be a useful method for determining whether an unknown chemical is a stronger oxidizer than iodine except in the case where a precipitate is formed.

6289B 058^71


Compound (ORP BV) Compound (ORP »V)

Iodine. 0.1 N • 390 •K2S04 • 49 Iodine. 0.01 N • 440 Iodine. 0.001' N • 480 •NaCl • 49

Bleach. S% Cl2 N 700 (unstable) •Na2co3 • 59 Bleach. 0.5% Cl2 N 600 (unstable) Bleach. 0.5% Cl2 •NH4C1 • 190 • acid >700 •NH4CI • acid • 470

•K2Cr04 • 260 HC1. 1:100 • 5&0 "K2Cr2°4 * acid >700 NH40H. 1:100 -77 •KMn04 • 608 •KMn04 • acid • 700 NaOH. 1:100 -75

HNO3. concentrated >700 H2S04. 1 • 100 • 698 HNO3. 1 • 100 • 650

•Na2S03 • 60 *Na2S03 *• base -110 o Readings were made with an Altex portable pH/mV meter, using the •700 to -700 mv potential scale, and an Orion 9778 combination platinum redox electrode which includes a calomel reference electrode. o Compounds Barked with an '•' are solutions made up by dissolving 1 9 of salt in 100 BL of deionized water containing 1 g NaHC03/L. o '• acid1 aeans solution was acidified with a few drops of dilute HC1 solution. o •• base* aeans solution was Bade alkaline with a few drops of dilute NaOH solution. o •1 • 100' aeans 1 aL of solution was diluted with 100 BL of deionized water containing 1 9 NaHC03/L. o '1:100' aeans 1 aL of solution was diluted to 100 BL with deionized water (containing no NaHC03).

6289B 058^71


Compound Reaction Comments

H202. 30* Positive Slow H2O2 • acid Positive Slower than with no acid KNO3. concentrated Positive

Br2. in H20 Positive

•KMn04 Positive Off-color but distinctly not KMn04 color alone

•K2Cr207 Negative i •K2Cr204 «• acid Positive

*FeNH4(S04)2 Negative •FeNH4(S04)2 • acid Positive Very slow

•CuCl2 Precipitate formed

•SnCl2 Negative Reducing agent

H2S04. 1*1 Negative o Salts marked with an '•' were tested by adding a small amount of the undissolved salt to about 25 mL of the test solution. Liquid chemicals were tested by adding a few drops to about 25 mL of test solution. o '* acid' means the test solution was acidified with a few drops of dilute HC1 after the addition of the chemical to be tested.

o A 'positive' reaction is indicated by the formation of a blue to black color. A 'negative' reaction is indicated when there is not a formation of a blue to black color.

6289B Q3Si71





•0. or CONTAINERS OUANTITT CONHENTS 1 "ISIIAI. 1 Oil b I c 1 Oil a 1 # 1 11 1 rj 1 IJ 1 I» fcUP 'cOHMtHT!l

IPS-21 1 III 1 Ot Can 1 1 Ot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I

II II Tho Hoaul Corp. Irritant 1 llllllllllll 1 ICR-29 1 III 99 Cal Brae I 90 Col 1 Herd 1n«-AC«to 1 llllllllllll 1

ICII-2* 1 III 10 Cal Draa 1 9 Cal I Apparently «a.t» oil 4 Obrlal llllllllllll 1

II II Aaltron Chealcel Induatrl** 1 1 1 '1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I

ICR-40 I Porcelain Tana | t 1 Pseelbly (or netttral1 rat Ion. 1 llllllllllll 1

I 1 II 1 9 Gel I 1 1 llllllllllll i

II II Tho Hoftrt Cora. Heralnde- 1 llllllllllll 1 ICR-44 1 fit 99 Sal Drtie I 90 Cal I •«»»« CCSItS 1 llllllllllll 1

1 . 1 III 30 Cal Drva I 1 Aaltron Chealcel Iniluatrlee 1 llllllllllll 1 ICR-4« 1 Container 1 30 Cal 1 «I4)*20**0 1 llllllllllll 1

II II Supplier! See»r-Spoc» 1 llllllllllll 1 )•<-• 1 III 9 Cal Can 1 9 Cal 1 Supply. Albany 1 llllllllllll 1

irs-l 1 III 9 Cal Can 1 T I Nay bo fuel oil. 1 llllllllllll 1

1 1 ( 1 1 99 Cal I 1 NaanuaCM. Contain. CIWCll. | llllllllllll 1 ICR-T 1 Plaatlc Dtua I T | Corroelve lla. Contalna no P.I llllllllllll I

II 1 1 Cheaterh. Liquid with 1 llllllllllll 1 ICR-IO I III 99 Cal Praa I 19 Cal 1 cryatelllne att'tlnl. I llllllllllll 1

1 1 III 10 Cal 1 1 1 llllllllllll 1 ICR-11 1 Container 1 • Cal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I CD CO t- - J

Sinn.ii HIP IMI «• ciss UML»i>rLrn c»ir:Mir»i,s TEST SHEET p*

Ml 9 Cal EMM Container > Cal

Contain* hhitr rrrtltllInr EM- 19 Ml 9 Cal Oraa 1 Cal

LD- 1 (211 99 Cal Draae • 0 Cal >l I .

S»- 1 Ml I Cal tattla t 1 Cal Tallow vlaroua liquid.

Ji- 2« Ml I Cal Can 0 9 Cal 1 1 Mo aarklnaa or lab»l*.

Si ]i Ml I P* Jar 4 Ot Whit* *ol14.•

Ml 9 Cal Apoatvnttr A*ro**n* In an ss 19 Container J Cal ol4 Afhland Chvalral ran.

TM T Ml I Ot Can 0 29 Ot

TM M III I Ot Can 1 Ot Hat rr Ml I In Corp.

TM )9 Ml la Ot fottlo la Ot Cl**r llauM In Prpal bottl*.

121 I Pt lottl** TM »'• Ml f Ot lotlli 20 Ot Sllv#r nvtallle ap»«aranr<

OA 9 Ml I Ot Jar 1 Ot Pal* r*llow liquid.

91- I Ml 99 Cal Oraa JO Cal Harb>4 "Pot tab"

— • ~""~ a ""' "~ • • • . " , ' ' . t - """ . ••2-2 fI I 9 Cal Can 1 Cal M»» b» hr»vY «»«r oil.

-,IA ; Ml 99 Cal Oraa 29 Cal SHN

'S • t I

* I1ti.it in t> n.iii- ciss OML»PEi.rn CHEMICALS Trr.T SHEET r*«« of • CLASSIMCATION TCST RESULTS ITCH TTfC UNO NO. rSTMATEO NO. Or CONTAINERS QUANTITY rohnrMTS I USUAL I on b i t I on i I ,uni?i ni ,i -our •roHnrsH

C5 en


% i fin.it in i< IMIr ^ z z ** ^ L- -/ w •• ' i


Coaposite No. Composite Type: Container Type: Coaposite Voluae: Coaposite Location: Volute Container Capd. Itea No. aL Location Coaaentt 2 .

2. 3. 4. T * 6. 7. e.

44i***i*****44*4******* + *«t»**»****4»****44****44444***4*444***

C&apiisite No. Coapciit* Type: Container Type:

Coaposite Voluae: Coaposite Location: Voluae Container Capd. Itea No. aL Location Comments

1 . 2. 3.



e. t page of Cheaiit f 056471 m I I I I APPENDIX C H QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT •

I I I I I I I I I I I 6289B I I 058471


•TTE IDENTIFICATION Colonie Interim Storage Site QAA # 139D-10

SUMMARY DESCRIPTION This assessment is for the vork plan for unidentified chemical testing at the former NLl facility. It includes compositing of small volumes of unidentified vastes after testing.

100% QAA meeting held 7/18/86 30% QAA meeting held 5/23/86 For notes and rationale codes for assessing probability of failure, see Attachment No. 1. AtftCltMtMT Ml COM M£ MO ATM Ml (»•• etMCfcatHtU))

D IS A OctlMi A«t(«* rill tQAt»> Mv r««atr»t. If y«t. fey ,


!#- @> 30% t£6 M/jJr ^ 0 H^ rac ^ © jMC S Nps V w pi 1 .^"X. it«IM«W» t Mil «J* JflUTII H^rMt^mMMf «OMM«t »" i QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET JmV MMMM. Kl m ••is* ««_jjrr _. **C»/ Montil>tfc, tm CIS S (Unidentified Chemical Testing) ttwt —»t '/m/Bft •• iwww m. i tgn-1 r


1. Chemical Drop - container a. Uncontrolled I i krhemicals which Transport will container burst spill (generate toxic be in a containei transport fumes will be carrier. (on-site) transported for b. Worker exposure varying dis- b. Workers will to toxic fumes tances through have respirators and to skin the facility to which will be put contact from J loading dock on in the event splash for further of a burst con- testing and tainer and will rompositing. wear plastic Thus, increased booties and opportunity for coveralls. dropping. <

2. Analytical Defective or Misclassification a. Instruments instrument miscalibrated causing composition will be routinely operation instrument of incompatible calibrated. chemicals b. Compositing procedures reduce the severity of misclassificatior errors.

3. Testing scheme Does not provide Misclassification Test methods a. Redundancy is proper identifi- causing composition are simple field] built in for re- cation of a of incompatible procedures which checking results particular chemicals may be inade- which can have a o unknown quate for un- significant effete usual chemicals on testing con- f, elusion. —» C3SC1G <: rtmmik.1 •tmtia tiff* mml_w 6 & Mawi Kiwwimg QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET CISS (Unidentified Chemical Testlnal "illliM ••••«• mi iiumriottw « 1 f

3. Testing scheme, 1 i b. The system is continued conservative in tending to assign e. more reactive classification than necessary when there is a question.

c. Compositing procedures reduce the severity of misclassificatlon errors.

Chemical may The system belong to more requires further than one testing after hazardous initial classifi classification cation where thi category. is a significant possibility.


G3S31G-<: REFERENCE NO. 13 *

i t i 058471







In 1984. the Department of Energy (DOE) assuaed ownership of the National Lead Industries (NLI) facility in Colonie. Nev York. The facility is presently called the Colonie Interia Storage Site (CISS).

One of the operations conducted at CISS was the electroplating of depleted uranium aetal vith nickel and cadmium.

As a consequence of this process. 760 gallons of nitric acid solutions which are contaminated with depleted uraniua remain on-site.

Closure of the Colonie facility with regard to hazardous chemical materials includes the disposition of this co-contaminated aaterial. The primary hazards associated with this material is that nitric acid is corrosive and a strong oxidizing agent.

The objective of this work plan is the controlled neutralization of these solutions.


The acid solutions addressed in this work plan are located in Bay 3 of CISS as shown in Figure 2-1. These solutions were transferred from open topped plating vats into plastic bulk storage tanks in January 1985 by Beehtel National. Inc. (BNI). All five tanks are of 200 gallon capacity and are equipped with fork lift saddles. Neutralization operations will be conducted in Bay 2. (stippled area in Figure 2-1).


r -o— -1- H


The following table summarizes the contents of the storage tanks.

Tank Identi- Volume Acid Concentration Uranium fication No. (gal) (Moles/1) (pCi/l)»

11 165 4.17 1.5 X 108 12 170 3.76 3.3 X 10? 13 154 7.52 i.l X 10? 14 ISO S.44 5.4 X 107 IS 140 4.S8 1.9 X 10*

•Order of magnitude accuracy.



Two considerations for neutralizing HNO are; 1) production of NO gas and. 2) formation of explosive coapounds. Three cheaicals have been evaluated for neutralizing the nitric acid plating wastes. They are potassium carbonate (K.CO.), aluninum hydroxide (Al(OH) ) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH) ).

Potassium carbonate was not selected because the neutralization reaction generates CO gas which bubbles through the reaction mixture and strips NO gas.

Aluminum hydroxide was not selected because it is very insoluble.

Calcium hydroxide is the reagent of choice because the NO generation is ainiaal (Section 4.7). The material is inexpensive, readily available, and does not Cora explosive nitrate coapounds. The theoretical reaction is as follows: *

Ca(OH)2 4 2HN03 •• Ca(NOj)2 • 211^0

0660k 3 06/03/86 055471 1 At high teaperatures (>100»Cj the Ca(WOj)2 product will g decoapose to fora NO gas as follovs: |

2Ca(N03)2 «• 2CaO * 4N02 4 <>2 I

Heat generation froa the neutralization reaction is about 22 Kcal/gJ| aole HN03. Theoretical calculations (Appendix A) show that this heat can be dissipated vith a vater jacket configuration shovn in Figure 4-1. I 4.2 OPERATIONS CONSIDERATIONS I Bench scale deaonstrations of the process have been perforaed using I a voluaetrie screv feeder and a laboratory scale aixer. A fuuys hood and air puap vere used to deteraine the off-gassing characteristics ft of the reaction vith regard to NO . The purpose of this P configuration vas to aiaic the anticipated full scale equipment vith regard to Ca(OH) addition and aixing. I Results of the bench scale tests vere as follovs: I 1. The neutralization of HNO3 can be accoaplished vhile tl generating ainiaal aaounts of NO2 gas. « Nitric acid neutralization vith Ca(OHJ2 is exotheraic. (-22 Kcal/ga aole).

Given the aaount of heat generated by the reaction, a cooling 1 — aechanisa for the reaction vessel is necessary. I 10 Voluae increase due to the addition of Ca(OH)2 i* *« therefore, the total final voluae for this vork plan is about 860 gallons. 1 All of the solutions are contaainated vith depleted uranium. % Therefore, concentrated HN03 solutions vill be coabined vith veak KNO solutions to aake an average concentration of about S.O aoles/1. The advantages are that the lover concentration vill I result in a aore controllable reaction and all batches vill be siailar. reducing the process aodification froa batch to batch. I I 0660k 4 06/03/86 EQUIPMENT SCHEMATIC



Figure 4-1 055-71 ' 4 The solutions will be combined to produce a 5.06 normal solution as follows:

Tank Wos. Batio v/v Tanks Completed I 12 and 13 1.90:1 12 I 11 and 13 2.74:1 11 -, IS and 13 5.12:1 13 I 14 and 15 1.28:1 14 and 15*

The above combinations will be performed by pumping the solutions to m be combined into the reaction vessel. For example. 40 gallons of . 5.06 normal solution is produced from tanks 12 and 13 by: J

1.90 X * X m 40 2.90 X • 40 - i X • 13.8 1 13.8 gallons of 13 26.2 gallons of 12 I


Figure 4-1 is a schematic of the equipment configuration for this work plan. Fabrication of the mixer support bracket (6) and I installation of the cooling water outlet (5) have been completed for another work plan. i

4.4 SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS I I 10 GPM cooling water supply 680 kg (1500 lbs.) Ca(OH)2 I 4.5 PROCESS OPERATION

Theoretical calculations have been performed to estimate the heat I transfer requirements for HNO neutralization at a rat* of three hours per 40 gallon batch (Appendix A). These calculations are I meant to establish the feasibility of using the proposed equipment • configuration. Tho actual reagent feed rates and cooling water flow

0660k 6 06/03/86 1 058*71 cates vill be determined ••piclcally in accordance with Appendix B of this work plan.

The initial batches of this vock plan will be used to optimize the following parameters:

o Batch size o Bate of Ca(OH) addition o Cooling water flow cate

The following pcoceducal steps will be used for both the optimization of the above parameters and the completion of the wock. Initial conditions and the aeans of parameter optimization are discussed in Appendix B.

1. Set an empty 55 gallon stainless steel drum in the empty water jacket. 2. Clamp mixer and drum in place.

3. Pump HN03 solution into the drum (not to exceed 40 gal). 4. Cheek pH and temperature probes. 5. Clamp probes in place. 6. Start water flow in water jacket and check flow rate. 7. start mixer. 8. Start ventilation fan.

9. Check operation of N02 monitor. 10. Start screw feeder. 11. Monitor pH and temperature.

12. Add 1.70 lbs Ca(OH)2 P»r gallon of KN03 solution (this includes at least 5% more than bench scale results). The actual end point will be determined by the pH meter.

13. After Ca(OH)2 addition is completed, stop cooling water when batch temperature starts to drop. - . * 14. Bemove mixer and clamp.

0660k 7 06/03/86 058471 15. Clasp the lid on the drua. 16. Beaove the drua with a drua sling. 17. Puap cooling water out of jacket with drua puap. v 4.6 CONTINGENCY METHODS ^

The priaary contingency for this operation is to adjust the operating conditions. Batch teaperature can be controlled by adjusting the cooling water flow rate and/or the rate at which

Ca(OH)2 is added. If off gassing of NO in excess of occupational health levels cannot be prevented, an air handling systea will be ••ployed to strip the gasses. Such a system is not presently available on site, and would require an iteration of this work plan.


As part of the design and iapleaentation process. BNI conducts a Quality Assurance Assessaent (OAA) which is intended to address the consequence and likelihood of failure. The OAA for this work plan is attached as Appendix C.

Specific design features incorporated to reduce the likelihood of failure follow:


Benchscale tests were conducted to deaonstrate the applicability of the proposed creataent process and to acquire eapirical data for MO generation. Calculations have been perforaed to astiaate the fenceline concentration of NO based upon these data (Calculation 139-9). Using the aost conservative assuaptions of ataospheric stability: Class P and a wind speed of 1 a/s. the hourly average NO concentration at the fenceline is 0.04 ppa. The regulatory criteria is 0.05 ppa. Therefore, under the aost conservative

0660k 8 06/03/86 055*71 assumptions, the fenceline concentration of N02 does not exceed the regulatory guideline.

The calculated rooa concentration for NO is 0.11 ppa. This is 3.6% of the threshold liait value of 3.0 ppa.

In the unlikely event that NO gas is generated in excess of occupational levels, the following procedure will be followed:

1. Personnel will leave the iaaediate vicinity of the batch reaction. 2. Screw feeder (which adds the Ca(OH)2> will be unplugged froa its power source. 3. Two personnel will don protective equipment.

4. The outside doors of the rooa will be closed and any hi2 gas in the rooa will be allowed to escape via fugitive release. 5. When the reaction teaperature starts decreasing, the cooling water will be stopped.

6. BOOB will be checked periodically by the Industrial Hygienist using Draeger tubes and the nitrogen dioxide aonitor to determine when re-entry without protective gear is permissible.


Exposure of the environaent to uraniua is possible in the event of the batch reaction vessel boiling over into the cooling water jacket. To prevent this occurrence, the outlet cooling water will flow into a 200 gallon vessel and then be puaped to the parking lot southeast of Bay 2. If the reaction vessel does boil over, all of the cooling vater will be contained. Any contaainated cooling water will be put in barrels and tested for uraniua. Disposal options will then be evaluated.

0660k 9 O6/03/S6 058471 4.8 CLEANING METHODS

Since all HNO} solutions are radiologically contaminated, decontaminating equipment between batches is not necessary. At the completion of all batch processing, the equipment vill be decontaminated with water (adding soap only if necessary). The decontamination will be verified by direct surface measurement as well as wipe sampling and gross alpha counting.

The empty bulk storage tanks will be rinsed with O.sflflNaOH *is= solution. All cleaning and rinsing solutions (about 20 gallons) will be combined with the completed batches.


4.9.1 Industrial Hygiene

All work activities shall be performed in compliance with Project Instruction No. 26.0. Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan, and Project Instruction No. 26.04. Addendum to the Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan.

4.9.2 Health Physics

The health physics requirements for all activities that involve radiation and/or radioactive material are defined in Project Instruction No. 20.01. Project Badiation Protection Manual and the implementation procedures. A copy of the Project Instruction 20.01 is located on-site.


All batches of treated acid solutions vill be sampled and composited for analyses. Five composites vill be made. The composites will be analyzed for priority pollutant metals and total uranism'by a commercial laboratory.

0660k 10 06/03/S6 055471 6.0 DISPOSAL

Completed batches vill be temporarily stored in 55 gal drums. Excess water vill be decanted and treated prior to release to the Albany County Sever District. The precipitated solids vill be solidified vith Envirostone. Each barrel of Solidified material vill be labeled to identify its contents.


Sufficient funds have been budgeted for the support of the chemical closure at the CISS as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Formerly Utilized Sites Bemedial Action Program (PUSRAP). These funds are mixed for common activities that support several work plans, so specific cost estimates for each vork plan are not feasible. The budget includes direct labor, material, travel, supplies, equipment, and subcontracts. Additional funding is available for FY 87 to complete tasks identified during the execution of the planned vork for FY 66.


The process operation (4.5) vill be used as a check list for each batch to assure that steps are not taken out of sequence.


As stated in the closure plan for CISS. DOE and a professional engineer registered in the State of Nev York vill certify the completion of this vork plan vithin 30 days after its execution (Proposed Rule 50 FE 11068. 3/19/85).


Nitcic acid concentcations vece determined using a field test kit pcoduced by the Laaotte Cheaical Coapany (Model 7604-DR/FMA-DR). This kit titcates the acid and gives cesults »s pacts pec Billion CaC03 by weight. Convecsion of ppa CaCO ^to normality of HNO is as follows: "^-v^: -•

Molecular weight CaC03 • 100 r,t7J density CaCO3 • ga/al - Density H_0 • 1.00 ga/al Pacts pec Billion (w/w) of CaCO is convected to gcaas/kilograB by:

PPB 1.000 > ga CaCO /Kg total

The quantity of HO pec Kg is

1.000 - go CaCO, > ga H„0 3 2 and

ga H2O lTo « Bl HO


ga CaC03 > Bl CaCO3 2.71

ga CaCO /liter is detecained by:

ga CaC03 • Xicu Bl CaCO • Bl HO 1000 Bl

X - ga CaCO /l

0660k 12 06/03/86 OCR ' ~! 1 •oles CaC03/l • ga CaCQ3/l 100

1 sole CaCO • 2 Equivalents 1 Equivalent -IN


Noraaiity HNO • 2 x soles CaCO /l * 3

Tank ID Mo. Voluae Voluae HM03 . Total HN03 gal. (1)

11 16* •2S 4.17 2.606.3 12 170 643 3.76 2.417.7 13 1S4 S83 7.S2 4.384.2 14 ISO S66 S.44 3.089.9 IS 140 S30 4.58 2.427.4 2.949 14.92S.S

The average concentration of KNO is S.l N.


1. Neutralization of KNO with Ca(OH)

The neutralization of UNO with Ca(OH) occurs according to the following reaction:

Ca(OH)2 • 2 HNO «• Ca(N03>2 • 2 H20

Bench scale tests have deaonstrated that this reaction can be accomplished without generating excessive aaounts afNO (CCN •33078). Using the results of this benchwork. the NO,

0660k 13 06/03/86 058471 concentration at the property fenceline has been estimated to be 4.0 x 10" ppm, (atmospheric stability: Class P and wind*peed . 1 «/s). The regulatory criteria is 5.0 x 10*2 ppm. Therefore under the planned operating conditions, the maximum fenceline concentrations of NO due to this work vill be 80% of the regulatory guideline.

Details of upscaling to full size batches (final volume • 50 gallons) are given in Appendix B.

II. Heat Transfer

Nitric acid neutralization with Ca(OH) is an exothermic reaction (-22 Kcal/gmole). Dissipating the reaction heat is needed to prevent the solutions from boiling over during . neutralization.

Heat transfer calculations were performed to evaluate the feasibility of using an 85 gallon waste hauler's overpack as a cooling bath and a 55 gallon steel drum as a reaction vessel.

Conditions used for the calculations were as follows:

inlet cooling water temperature 4.5*C reaction temperature 49.0#C volume of batch 40 gallons rate of destruction 40 gal/3 hrs


Bate of heat generation • 6.8 Kw Cooling water flow rate • 1.0 gpm

The calculations are theoretical; actual field observations will differ. However, the theoretical values vill provide reasonable estimates for planning purposes.

0660k 14 06/03/86 058i71 APPENDIX B


Bench scale tests have demonstrated that Ca(OH ) can be added at a rate of 16.4 gm/min/1 in a two liter batch without exceeding air quality standards. The purpose of the scale up operation is to increase the size of the batch in a series of steps to determine the operating parameters for a full size (final voluse • SO gal) batch and to verify that gas emissions froa the vessel are not excessive. The anticipated full scale batch rate is 1 batch per 90 sin (2.2 ga/l/min).

Three paraneters will be evaluated during the scale up of the batch process operation. They are in order of importance:

1. NO gas generation 2. Temperature 3. Final volume after HNO neutralization

The conditions of the first batch will be:

o 10 gallons in HNO plating waste o l.o GPM cooling vater flow rate o 19.0 gm/min (O.S gm/l/min) addition of Ca(OH)

The total amount of Ca(OH) required for ten gallons of plating waste is 7.6 Kg (17.0 lbs). At the initial rate of 19.0 gm/min the total time required is 400 min (6 hr 40 min).

The initial feed rate is O.S gm/l/min and the desired feed rate is 2.2 gm/l/min. The following schedule shows the steps to be taken. If no problems are encountered, each step will last about 20 minutes. This provides ample time for the batch parameters to respond to the increased feed rate and stabilize. A parameter will

0660k IS 06/03/66 055*71 be considered stable when there is no net change over 10 minutes.

Batch size • 10 gallons (37.9 1). Ca(OH>2 required . 7.6 Kg^fi9.0~ ,b,)- ^TvJ' Step Bate om/l/min Time fain) Anount Ca(OH) added, om

Initial O.S 20 379 2 1.0 20 758 3 1.5 20 1.137 4 2.0 20 1.516 5 2.5 41 3.B85 7.675 go

At the completion of the batch (pH -7). the final volume will be •easured. This amount can then be extrapolated to determine th4 amount of plating waste which will result in a final batch volume of 50 gallons.

If any problems are encountered in the above process, modifications will be made according to the process schematic (Pig. 1). and the batch will be completed. Another 10 gallon batch will then be run, using the above steps and incorporating the modifications.

When a 10 gallon batch can be successfully completed using increasing feed rates, another 10 gallon batch will run from start to finish at the highest feed rate (2.5 gm/l/min).

Pull Scale Operation

At the successful completion of the 10 gallon batches, full scale batches (final volume 50 gallons) will be started. The initial batch(es) will be performed with sequential increasing rates in the same manner that the 10 gallon batches were conducted. Finally, full scale batches will be run from start to finish at the maximum safe rate until all KNO plating wastes are destroyed.»."

0660k 16 06/03/86 055471



• •

Xk /




COMPLETE BATCH /MZIMEASUR E FINAL VOLUM7 SCHEMATIC OF MONITORING ACTIVITIES AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS C55-7 i PBOCESS CHECKLIST BATCH NUMBER 1. Set an eapty 55 gallon stainless steel drua in the water jacket 2. Claap airer and drua in place 3. Puap KNO3 solution into the drua (1* • 1.65 gallons) Total Aaount • 4. Check pH and teaperature probes 5. Claap probes in place 6. Start Mater flow in cooling jacket and check flow rate Plow Bate • 7. Start sixer e. Start ventilation fan j

9. Check operation of K02 aonitor 10. Start screw feeder Addition Bate »

11. Add 1.7 lbs Ca(OH)2 per gallon Of HN03 solution

12. After Ca(OH)2 addition is eoapleted. stop cooling water when teaperature starts to drop 13. Remove aixer and claap 14. Claap the lid on the drua 15. Remove the drua with a drua sling 16. Puap water (COB cooling jacket 17. Decant neutralized batch into a steel drua


Operator's Signature Date

0660k IS 06/03/86 053-71




• •)

SITE IDENTIFICATION Co.ionie Interim Storage Site OAA 4 > 339D-0C | v, ' SUMMARY DESCRIPTION

This assessment is for the workplan to destroy the cyanide plating solutions located in the former NL2 facility* 39-00-2G-O6 QAA items 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 11

Neutralization.of Nitric Acid plating solutions : 39-00-IG- 07 QAA items 2. 4, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11

Disposal of toxic plating wastes: 39-00-IG-08 QAA items 2, 7, 11

Felated operations of sampling and analysis are addressed in QAA* 139D-08

30% QAA held on 12/20/85 . 100* QAA Held on 05/16/86- i

•SSE08UENT HECOWWENDATiONS (••• • tt»cnm«n|(i)) *•• no D O A Ouality Action Rl«n (OAP) It r«Qwlr«0. If yt». fey DO* *t»litfl GAP It rtaulrta. If f. by •


30% $? )Pf && 4P. kH ^b yt^fa 0 — Mff m.Mf M^ free # ML ' Mr

• 9 ••

i 1 • i 1 i 1 • 1 • * ' i i •IF r.tsio* •» i*»i Tr^H ic*%. ***** » r'•0*t+;\*- u MmMtwtwT e» tatasv rcwMoif vtn.itto sifta C?G223 •OirCO- •tMfOI/M. aCIIOM WOWM MvlfMW & •ccMTCi Mm Meet irwsaae) QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET IIIOC Oalfcfcrt

•0- :CTI ctt. fi—if.i n««.f. ic-B4 07 na •• assfeaaivT •»,» Mjop-0« lt» •ssiswcnt torn tut met* or 'M.v*t MIIOHtl J o> iirnm '.* CO5S»H «nan «

ITtM raauat crrccr •OSMHI 'cames .11 ! L -ading Screw f"eeder Largo quant It* of Uncontrolled destruction Screw feeder ia Helper with Ca(COCI| CalOCll- falla into of CM~ with possible mounted on a cart reaction vessel boiling over, CI, gas which will be rolled general ion, ami flCN qaa away froo> the reaction general ion vessel when filling, the hopper

Ml sing reactant* Minor Impeller hits Watte BO lot Ion mlsea Miner la clamped to a with gear drive druai aid* and pone tor* Ith cooling water and I *T* angle Iron bracket aimer tho vessel exhausted which is In turn clamped to the water jacket to prevent the miner orientation frost changing

J. Add!'.Ion of WeOH Inaufflclant amount of Off gassing of CI. and 0, H Bench scale testa have prior to reaction NaOH la added iter* * provided information on how much MaON to add. The amount of NaOH needed is related to the rate of additloi of CalOCll.. The Inltial rate of CalOCll. addition will he slow and increased as react ton stability is demonstrated. Liquid "aOM will be on hand In stop any off gassing that occurs

•f <

«ott«_ xiioaatt coats row MWMWI raaa—aiTy or rsa.ua*. *•• •"• asmnm—s ea—t »ww ami smwntaaki *•''. •"•••>•» 0»|mtr.—, M*M lata, f*M« **a»M «•»•»/»•••• ta»»* »»•• I (Mwio <•! «a lei trfiMN Mama*a» • M%t atMw *man nawmf b> dmn

(HM«»M » (afcaa«a „t e«»*M af aa>*> la a*** am aat ' N Ha-aW aft m» •*•» aarSvpa •» m ta»M wm o> «Maa>mal.w> MMIMI •*•. <» •••»-•» «a> IMMI niins »i|iiiwi cam* >'• t laiiha*. • f ((.let a> '•• mas^a-iita •• !•.'«•• KOMI *•« f * *•*•> •* imumi aai«iat aaaM »• a*a)M c f .1 li i « ••»• *•»••*»•. ••€ •••ii a«M>» aaaaxm a kh. - ..., . , . __ „ _ *•»• em*"""*" - ma«i «« latlata •Ml.ll « KHI «w»i» •" i ••* la »>a«aal a> mmatn nMN t ban»af mwm WW) •••»•< am»a* 1 W<«tK••'•' ••••asuil* • •«—••»« el all a m •> 1 - «—*lt romxa*.. .>«'IIO titfB •italDUK. uraowaw* atvivow wo II 49 HCWIll M* Maw IfVMaa) QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET ivsuc o»'t ICf»-Chrmtrnt CloaMfg IC-Bt.Ot.OII anttMtar — ._ f| J9P-C6

Path is inat'tmentril to monitor tesprroturi Temporalura can fee regulated by rate of Caiocil. addition and rale of cooling water

Bench acala teat a have demonstrated that I her is a color change lio». fellow to brown-purple upon comple'e drat rue - the cyanide.. Sre Sa(attached p. *)

Ventilation fan will be uaed to direct any and all fume* from the react Ion vessel. rrrsonnci will approat I from *up-w|nd* and be In •eapiratory protect Ion


•t •• w» •» «• «rakaMn> at Horn* Mr " " " 4 9M tac*«a IM «f • SJMnim amam* •*• i»a I w—•- . „ lUntfmtlaa. If OD

-J •TM«^.

•tea «aac ana- raauaar MOM ru.u*t crrtcr 4 •OIMXC cavtt* J. o unrontrollro' ealll of >. raaoln* Haala! fn«» ft!** bt lone ciperatnr la at I ha lilaallc atnraca tan* a la rvaotnc eolation Haul*' waetr lot it Ion at bnee r-wtnar. rrarttoa «raarl for I lone, la ll>» eaent or a Iratrjctlun irjk. tar euna «lll W •hut off. a. fana oat let knaa ruaes OanMe entutlnn paaprtf a. r. ii a ruio outlet la »lao>re# li mil af rr.icttna rrteel onto floor • Ihr rractl»n reeael. sianrtare: practice la far a aorkrr (not tne raaa j norrator I tn Mala the eat- Irt aa a back »a to Ike clear anil* enerratne. tftr . tranafrr rroreaure aoa *ll"ji: alien eufflrlent llgni<: na* bran Irer.eferre

Inlet la kest la Bract Ion aeeeel near rilla ». p. II ManOera practice la to el mage lank aa4 ana eamtaall* o«er Moan. loll the pump Inlet ovt eolation tranefrr of tn* at ir>cr tank eMer enntlnere after abet- I or iraoafrr. Iiratrat t l-n ting aff raaa Boter rrocro'ere reqelree cbrckln eta ta alfnnn. reaction aoluae or I or «i Oratructlon.

• wrra flllrrec? ael/ilfa •aruun rleaner will fee or- I altr for cleaning u| aail.r

«o»«» cot** rwt wmwi ITT ay ranaan ' ta ilea » laXfaaat mtm eel MMtJlaaaaaaM J tea >»*. niaw okniiiiM. mm—it loae, *e»a eaaewee aw leriN» JI • at nwatoa. I i taa»a>v at aa> fa**** a* •> • •****' waacaliai t. *»i earenaa. - —-j u m* t • r r.

' *»••«> aiia»aj a» r>a«aai< twNHlm .Z.T. J»a«aej««e. ••» I •••I «•»• « wilaj aaaaa aMMOee amnl m eeaaalre

4 ow».|f—Mt a» i» IWI,[ M OWe> l«eeat»> •> ,« .--». M»«*»«tIK)W*Hr ) «»»^«Mf«Jt n i*M<«it i.t o» **n ir«c Cia«s« Kalian «

COawfnfi lit* MM —4 ajMMJf* Mania* amor ftumir trrtcr 3 •> potsiait cauwi i O m c a> a * %- \ » ! 5 5 ,t I i s S. CatOHI. addit ton addition ro»« le too Off qnsatnq of WO in t H ». H X 'onchac.ilc teat a hav to MHO? soiutinn* fant rnrrnn of environmental Irmonatrated ratca o: si •indarrts J(OM», addit inn at <•• is. The f ullacai* -nrtalJon rale will i l/« of the aadaum a. ^enchscale rat*.

• • Cool In? the reaction Drat buildup In reaction Tenperoture riaca to t II 0. H X 1. Calculatlona Indi- v •»sel veaael "here C.»|NOI. decnn|»oae* cate a ccolma to form NO, «j»ri. water requirenent ' of 1 CPN. a flow rate of at leaat 1 10 CPH la avail- 1 able for vessel coolmq. 1 • 1. Reaction teajpera- • 1 ture will be atoni- tored with a theratocouplo. t 1 / 1. Initial barchea will be uard to acslc both the batch volune and • Caiotll. addition rate in order to 1 prevent hiqh temp- era! urea and •«- • cesaive qaa relrasea. 1

aetct natMaatt coots ran am—aw anoaaaw.it* or ranuat I Ca-a*a> aanaiai —J not «aa*» a— taXf J •* waii i .a»af_r.*.* ta»w iinanraraanwa *•» i. *»aaia» pawn iii. Ma in t teaa. nataa waaiina •* Sat>a» »» I at r»ataawa. a lima i athwlmiwa fra t » mum uie*aj«wa — ' at wata* ta vaaaj aat aat n, aiaaaanl aft'Ma.aaaW aarvaaia at I Pntt., «a aataaaaaw ca. • *v*^a mm iii fcrMw * IH>|U|W»W awnaaa * *»»»•« » «•» rata

a taa larftaa »»I at >maa»n aj» I • e*»JO .••n-hcaiaja •••••a**** «• aaiiaii'a a*^ »• ^Hr^T^ M o>kOT tia*»

o« ttsttiwr*? •»._•! I*»r»-I»« IIIH MMf m* I '«tV*t MOOt ranuac trrttr

cosmtur* 10. Loading aerew Large quantity ot feeder with Ca(OH|, Sufficient he«t la Cafotll falls In rea general >-ri to cause tion vessel decomposit Ion ol Screen feeder la CalHo.lj iiiiil formation counted on a carl of Ho; *

fcolidlf iratlon will be '-ench tested prior to onriuctIng fu'l site atehes.

if color changs is (inclear. s sm.il! amoun 15 mil can be eclrliflr nd tested with the he ton!tor ample* will '«e inalyrej by a commercl. laboratory to verify 'hat all rN h.ts t-cen test royed.

I m _L MtCS ^**!!!!!!»J*J»»»s ' »—•»--• - ... _ _,— _ • • • • •• i « ^^r^ •> HM»V v to* wi»mmtr •• ••••*• «ta 'mtfmmmi M . •"•fnlisM. -mm .•Hil«W * omw-nm-Mt ». O « 0m«, IM.M.1, „ , - I i i J I t i i i REFERENCE NO. 14 i i 1 C 2 '• 7 1 037299


A. A. -

, -•—_- ~ jy 1 Issuer U-.' p«» 6 /flfc'~ £* *^XA fVo4 MO f DATE •rvisjONs 9r ICMK'o ORIGIN *#I * ifflK V£TX« JC6N0. 14? jl Morkplan for Cyanide Destruction REV AT Colonie. NY t# JO-00-IG-06 0 l_ •MEET 1 OF 32 058471 037229


Section Page




In 1984, the Department of Energy (DOE) assumed ownership of the National Lead Industries (NL1) facility in Colonie, New York. The facility is presently called the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS). One of the operations conducted at CISS was the electroplating of depleted uranium metal with nickel and cadmium.

As a consequence of this process. 1.130 gallons of sodium cyanide solutions which are contaminated with depleted uranium remain on-site.

Closure of the Colonie facility with re^jrd to hazardous chemical materials includes the disposition of this co-contaminated material. The primary hazard associated with this material is the cyanide radical which is extremely poisonous.

The objective of this work plan is the controlled destruction of the cyanide in these solutions.


The cyanide solutions addressed in this work plan are located in the electroplating room of the Colonie facility as shown in Figure 2-1 (stippled are*). These solutions were transferred from open topped plating vats into plastic bulk storage tanks in January 1985 (39-00-IG-Ol). Three of the tanks are of 400 gallon capacity and two are of 200 gallon capacity. All five tanks are equipped with fork lift saddles.





The following table summarizes the contents of the storage tanks. \ - . 1 •- ' Tan* Identi- Volume CN Concentration Uranium tication No. (gal) (Moles/1) (pCi/1)* pH

1 120 Trace 3.200 11 2 310 <0.003 15.000 11 3 190 0.34 108.000 13-14 4 210 2.17 170.000 14 5 300 1.86 144.000 14 •Order if magnitude accuracy.



The method of treatment for the cyanide solutions is selected from Pollution Control in Metal Finishing by M. P.. Watson (1973. I6t Ed.). Of the several methods for cyanide destruction available, reaction with calcium hypochlorite is the method of choice. The theoretical reaction is #* follows:

4 NaCN + 5Ca(OCl)2 • 2H 0 •» 2N «• 2Ca(HCO ) • 3CaCl2 • 4NaCl

The reasons for selecting this process are:

o Destruction of cyanide with this method results in a minimal increase in total waste volume. o Ca(OCL)2 is a readily available commercial chemical.

o Handling and metering Ca(OCL)2 is relatively simple and non hazardous. o The reaction can be operated az a batch process which simplifies equipment requirements.

5431B:227B 3 05/27/86 Treatment by gas chlorination was not chosen because chlorine gas is i hazardous and the process requires sophisticated equipment. I Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is less preferred because the process will result in a larger increase in volume. NaOCl will be used to rinse bulk storage tanks after they have been emptied (see 4.8).


Bench scale demonstrations of the process have been performed using a volumetric screw feeder and a laboratory scale mixer. A fume hood and air pump were used to determine the off-gassing characteristics of the reaction with regard to HCN and CL_. The purpose of this configuration was to mimic the anticipated full scale equipment witih regard to Ca(OCl) addition and mixing.

Results of the bench scale tests were as follows: I 1. The destruction of CN~ can be accomplished without generating J HCN gas. 2. The means for control of HCN off-gassing is to add NaOH to the i cyanide solutions, prior to reaction, sufficient to maintain an elevated pH. 3. CI2 fuming is also controlled by adding NaOH. 4. The amount of NaOH required is related to the rate of Ca(OCl)2 addition.

5. At a Ca(OCl)2 addition rate of 3.56 gm/l/min. 160 gm/1 of NaOH will prevent HCN generation and minimize CL2 off gassing.

6. If insufficient NaOH is present, the Cl2 will fume before HCN gas is generated.

) 7. Cl2 is visible at low concentrations and detectable with Draeger tubes. I 8. Fuming can be stopped immediately by adding NaOH.

9. Cyanide destruction with Ca(OCl)2 is highly exothermic. 1 (-200 Kcal/gm sole).

S431B.-2276 05/27/86 037889,

10. Reaction temperature was allowed to exceed 100°C and boil over. No off gassing occurred under these conditions.

11. Given the amount of heat generated by the reaction, a cooling mechanism for the reaction vessel is necessary.

12. Volume increase is between 20% and 33% depending upon whether NaOH pellets can be used dry or if they must first be dissolved in water at 50% weight/weight.

All of the cyanide solutions are contaminated with depleted uranium. Therefore, concentrated cyanide solutions will be combined with weak cyanide solutions to make an average concentration of about 1 mole/1. The advantages are that the lower concentration will result in a more controllable reaction and all batches will be similar, reducing the process modifications from batch to batch.

The solutions will be combinei as follows:

Tank Nos. Ratio V/V Tanks Completed

1 and 4 1.28:1 1 2 and 4 1.29:1 4 5 and 2 1.03:1 2 3 and 5 1.51:1 3 and 5

The above combinations will be performed by pumping the solutions to be combined into the reaction vessel. For example. 40 gallons of one molar solution is produced from Tanks 1 and 4 by:

1.28X • X - 40 2.28X - 40 X - 17.5 17.5 gallons of No. 4 22.5 gallons of No. 1

5431B:227B 5 05/27/86 058471 037223


Figure 4-1 is a schematic of the equipment configuration for this work plan. Fabrication of the mixer support bracket (6) and installation of the cooling water outlet (5) will be performed on-6ite as per Figures 4-2 and 4-3.


10 GPM cooling water supply

1360 kg (3.000 lbs.) Ca(OCl)2 725 kg (1600 lbs.) NaOH


Theoretical calculations have been performed to estimate the heat transfer requirements for CN~ destruction at a rate of three hours per 40 gallon batch (Appendix A). These calculations are meant to establish the feasibility of using the proposed equipment configuration. The actual reagent feed rates and cooling water flow rates will be determined empirically (see Appendix B).

The initial batch destructions performed in accordance with this work plan will be used to optimize the following parameters:

o Batch 6ize

o Rate of CaCa(OCl)i 2 addition o Cooling water flow rate

The following procedural steps will be used for both the optimization of the above parameters and the completion of the work. Initial conditions and the means of parameter optimization are discussed in Appendix B.

5431B.-227B 6 05/27/86 r-•-.«4 •




CO 0372S9*71



Figure 4-1 Z^OD INLET HOS£






1. Sat an empty 55 gallon drum in the empty water jacket.

Clasp mixer and drum in place

Pump CN~ solution into the drum (not to exceed 40 gal.)

Add 1.35 lbs of NaOH per gallon of CN* solution.

Check pH and temperature probes

Clamp probes in place

Start water flow in water jacket and check flow rate.

Start mixer

9. Start ventilation fan.

10. Check operation of HCN monitor

11. Start screw feeder.

12. Add 2.75 lbs Ca(OCl), per gallon of CN~ solution (this includes at least 5% more than bench scale results).

13. At the halfway point of the batch destruction, check the screw feeder calibration.

14. Affair Ca(OCl) addition is completed, stop cooling vater vtMJ£tateh temperature starts to drop.

15. Remove mixer and clamp.

16i Clamp the lid on the drum.

17. Remove the drum with a drum sling,

16. Pump cooling water out of jacket with drum pump. 5431B:227B 10 05/27/86 4.6 CONTINGENCY METHODS

The primary contingency for this operation is to adjust the operating conditions. Batch temperature can be controlled by- adjusting the cooling water flow rate and/or the rate at which

Ca(OCl)2 is added. Off gassing of CI and HCN can be controlled by increasing the amount of NaOH in each batch. If off gassing in excess of occupational health levels cannot be prevented, an air handling system will be employed to strip the gasses. Such a system is not presently available on site, and would require an iteration of this work plan.


As part of the design and implementation process, Bechtel conducts a Quality Assurance Assessment (QAA) which is intended to address the consequence and likelihood of failure. The QAA for this workplan is attached as Appendix C.

Specific design features incorporated to reduce the likelihood of failure follow:


Bisk ol occu^^tioaal and envitonaeiit

The process described in this work plan has three independent procedural and equipment factors which are designed to prevent releases of HCN. which are as follows:

5431B:227B 11 05/27/86 1. HCN formation is prevented by the presence of OH~. (pH > 10} the initial condition of the plating wastes is pH > 14. During destruction of CN~ with Ca(OCL) some OH" is consumed. Bench scale tests have been performed to determine the amount of NaOH per liter which wii'l prevent off gassing of HCN. This amount of NaOH will be added to each batch prior to adding Ca(OCL) .

2. The batch process is monitored with redundant pH instruments. The initial concentration of OH~ is greater than 1 molar (pH > 14). If during operation the pH reading of either meter drops below 14, Ca(OCL) addition can be stopped and liquid NaOH added (50% NaOH solution will be kept near the work area for this purpose). Any equipment malfunction will be resolved before the batch is continued.

3. A continuous HCN air monitor will be operating in the vicinity of the batch and downstream of the ventilation fan. The monitor can detect HCN at 1 ppm and is set to alarm at 10 ppm (occupational health level).

In the unlikely event event that pH drops below 10 and HCN gas is generated, the following procedure will be followed:

1. Personnel will leave the immediate vicinity of the batch reaction.

2. Screw feeder (which adds the Ca(OCl) will be unplugged from Its power source.

3. Two personnel vill don protective equipment.

4. One worker vill enter room and add 50% NaOH to the reaction vessel until off gassing stops. Five gallons of 50% NaOH vill be available near the reaction vessel exclusively for this purpose at all times. The second vorker in protective gear is available for backup and rescue, as per standard practice. 5431B.-227B 12 05/27/86 5. The doors of the plating rooa will be closed and any HCN gat in the rooa will be allowed to escape via fugitive release.

6. When the reaction temperature start6 decreasing, the cooling water will be stopped.

7. Room will be checked periodically by the industrial hygienist using Drae.ger Tubes and the hydrogen cyanide monitor to determine when re-entry without protective gear is permissible.


During bench scale operations, some off gassing of chlorine was observed. The quantity of gas generated can be controlled by the amoui.c of NaOH in che reaction vessel. The amount of NaOH to be added to each batch is based upon control of both HCN and CI,. 2 However, there will be continuous low level generation of CI, in the reaction vessel.

The following calculation is based upon the CI emanation rate measured during bench scale testing.


X - Q * oy at v

X - perimeter concentration Q « concentration exhausted « - 3.14 ey m o.e aeters 02 - 1.5 aeters v * 4.6 meters/sec.

Operating Worst Case Under Continual Exhaust of 3000 ft. /min.

Q • 2.72 mg CI /Bin. - 0.045 ag CI /sec. e»

X » 0.045 aq/sec. 3.14 x 0.8 meters x 1.5 aeters x 4.6 aetecs/sec.

- 0.003 mg/M3

* 0.00.1 ppm

This calculation shows that with continuous ventilation under j operating worst conditions the chlorine concentration at the fenceline would be a factor of 10 below 1% of the occupation standard. These calculations were perforaed in accordance with ' "Workbook of Ataospberic Dispersion Estimates," Turner. B.D. 1970, Office of Air Prograas. Environmental Protection Agency. I i i t 5431B:227B 14 I 05/27/86 URANIUM

Exposure of the environment to uranium is possible in the event of the batch reaction vessel boiling over into the cooling water jacket. To prevent this occurrence, the outlet -cooling water will flow into a 200 gallon vessel and then be pumped out to the environment. If the reaction vessel does boil over, all of the cooling water will be contained. Any cont«.minated cooling w-atei will be put in barrels and tested for CN~ and uranium. Disposal options will then be evaluated.


Because all cyanide solutions are radiologically contaminated, decontaminating equipment between batches is not necessary. At the completion of all batch processing, the equipment will be decontaminated with water (adding soap only if necessary). The decontamination will be verified by direct surface measurement as well as wipe sampling and gross alpha counting.

The empty bulk storage tanks will be rinsed with NaOCl. All cleaning and rinsing solutions (about 20 gallons) will be combined with the completed batches.


4.9.1 Industrial Hygiene

All work activities shall be performed in compliance with Project Instruction No. 26.0. Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan, and Project Instruction No. 26.04. Addendum to the Generic Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene Plan.

5431B:227B IS 05/27/86 4.9.2 Health Physics

The health physics requirements for all activities that involve radiation and/or radioactive material are defined in Project Instruction No." 20.01. Project Radiation Protection Manual and the implementation procedures. A copy of the Project Instruction 20.01 is located on-site.


All batches will be sampled and composited for analyses. Five composites will be made. The composites will be analyzed for RCRA characteristics, total uranium, total cyanide and priority pollutant metals.


Completed batches will be temporarily stored in 55 gal. drums. Excess water will be decanted and treated prior to release to the Albany County Sewer District. The precipitated solids will be solidified with Envirostone. Each barrel will be labeled to identify its contents.


Sufficient funds have been budgeted for the support of the chemical closure at the former National Lead Plant as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (PUSKAP). These funds are mixed for common activities that tupport several work plans, so specific cost estimates for each work plan are not feasible. The budget includes direct labor, material, travel, supplies, equipment, and subcontracts. Additional funding is available for FY 87 to complete tasks identified during the execution of the planned work for FY 86.

5t31B:227B 16 05/27/86 • •• • •'•. .->«..* *


The process operation (4.5} will be used as a check list for each batch to assure that steps are taken in sequence.


As stated in the closure plan for this facility. DOE. (owner of the NLI facility) and a professional engineer registered in the State of New York will certify the completion of this workplan within 30 days after its execution (Proposed Rule SO FR 11068, 3/19/85).


Cyanide concentrations were determined using a field test kit produced by the Laraotte Chemical Company (Model MF07 6583). This •tit i6 designed for electroplating solutions and gives results in ounces NaCN per gallon. These results were converted to moles per liter as follows:

1 ounce • 28.35 grams 1 gallon > 3.785 liters Molecular weight NaCN * 49

1 oz/gal. - 28.35 gm/3.785 1 - 7.49 gm/1

7.49 am/1 49 gm/m

- 0.153 m/1

The total amount of cyanide in equivalents may be determined as follows:

I 1 m CN" - 1 EQ. moles/1 x 1 - Total EQ

The test results, conversions, and total quantity of cyanide are as follows:

Tank Identi- Volume Volume CN CN Total CN fication No. (gal) (1) (oz/gal) (m/1) (EQ)

1 124 469 <0.O2 < .003 1.4 2 310 1.173 <0.02 < .003 3.5 3 192 727 2.2 0.337 245.0 4 210 795 14.2 2.173 1.727.5 5 2?& 1.117 12.2 1.667 2.08 5.4 1.131 4.281 4.062.8

5431B:227B 18 05/27/86 J i .W ^ J


1. Destruction of NaCN with Ca(OCl)

The destruction of NaCN with Ca(OCl) occurs according to the following reaction:

4NaCN 4 S Ca(OCl)2 4 2H20 -• 2N2 4 2Ca(HC03)2 4 3CaCi2 4 4 *J*CL ,4Ka(H-

Previous bench work demonstrated that the reaction rate is limited by destruction of the CN~ radical.

If Ca(OCl) is added in excess of the reaction rate, free CI gas is liberated.

Chlorine gas will also react with CN_. The reaction is as follows:

NaCN 4 CI 4 2NaOH -» NaCNO 4 2NaCl 4 HO

2NaCNO 4 4NaOH 4 3C1 -» 2CO 4 6 NaCl 4 N, 4 2H,0

This dsstrucrion pathway consumes 4 on" foi feach CN~ destroyed.

The net result of this reaction pathway is the destruction of CN~ and the consumption of OH~. If insufficient OH* is present, the pH of the solution will drop and HCN gas will be generated. The other effect of insufficient OH* is that at least some of the Cl_ evolves as a gas.

Bench scale tests have demonstrated that off gassing of HCN can be prevented and CI. controlled by adding NaOH. The conditions of the test were as follows:

5431B:227B 19 OS/27/86 Batch size 2 liters Concentration 1 aolar NaCN NaOH 160 ga/l Ca(OCl) feed rate - 3.5 gm/l/min. Total time - 1.5 hrs. Total amount of Ca(OCl)_ used • 315 gm/1.

At the completion of the cyanide destruction, a color change from light yellow to dark brown-purple occurs.

Details of upscaling to full size batches (final volume « 50 gallons) are given in Appendix B.

II. Heat Transfer

Cyanide destruction with Ca(OCl) is a highly exothermic reaction (-200 Kcal/gmole). Bench scale tests have demonstrated that increases in temperature to the boiling point of the cyanide solutions do not pose a problem with regard to gas generation. Dissipating the reaction heat is needed to prevent the solutions from boiling over during destruction.

Heat transfer calculations were performed to evaluate the feasibility of using an 85 gallon waste hauler's overpack as a cooling bath and a 55 gallon steel drum as a reaction vessel.

The boiling point of the bench scale reactions was about 100°C. Conditions used for the calculations were as follows:

inlet cooling water temperature 4.5°C reaction temperature 49.0°C volume of batch 40 gallons rate of destruction 40 gal/3 hrs


I 5431B.-227B 20 05/27/86 I l

Rate of heat generation > 12.14 Kw Cooling water flow rate - 1.4 gpm

The calculations are purely theoretical; actual field observations will differ. However, the theoretical values provide reasonable'estiaates for planning purposes.

S431B.-227B 21 05/27/86 C0&72S3



Bench scale tests have demonstrated that Ca(OCl ) can be added at 2 a rate of 8.5 gm/min/1 in a two liter batch without exceeding air quality standards. The purpose of the scale up operation is to increase the size of the batch in a series of steps to determine the operating parameters for a full size (final volume - 50 gal) batch and to verify that gas emissions from the vessel are not excessive. The anticipated full scale batch rate is 1 batch per hour (5.0 gm/l/min).

Four parameters will be evaluated during the scale up of the batch process operation. They are in order of importance:

1. HCN gas generation 2. CI gas generation 3. Temperature 4. Final volume after CN destruction

The conditions of the first batch will be:

o 10 gallons in NaCN plating waste o 13.5 lbs NaOH (1.35 lbs/gal) 04 1.5 GPM cooling water flow rate o 37.9 gm/min (1.0 gm/l/min) addition of Ca(OCl)

The total amount of Ca(OCl) required for ten gallons of plating waste is 12.5Kg (27.5 lbs). At the initial rate of 37.9 gm/min the I total time required is 330 min (5 hr 30 Bin).

The initial feed rate is 1 gm/l/min and the desired feed rate is I 5 gm/l/min. The following schedule shows the steps to be taken. If mo problems are encountered, each step will last about 20 Binutes. I I 1 5«31B:227B 22 05/27/86 This provides ample time for the batch parameters to respond to the increased feed rate and stabilize. A parameter vill be considered stable when there is no net change over 10 minutes. Batch size - 10 gallons (37.9 1). Ca(OCl)2 required - 27.5 lbs (12.5 Kg).

Step Rate om/l/min Time (min) Amount Ca(OCl) added am

Initial l 20 758 2 2 20 1.516 3 3 20 2.275 4 4 20 3.030 5 5 26 4.927 12.500 gm

At the completion of ttie batch, the final volume will be measured. This amount can then be extrapolated to determine the amount of plating waste which will result in a final batch volume of 50 gallons.

If problems are encountered in the above process, modifications will be made according to the process schematic (Pig. 1). and the batch will be completed. Another 10 gallon batch will then be run. using the above steps and incorporating the modifications.

When a 10 gallon batch can be successfully completed using increasing feed rates, another 10 gallon batch will run from start to finish at the highest feed rate (5 gm/l/ain).

Pull Scale Operation

At the successful completion of the 10 gallon batches, full scale batches (final volume 50 gallons) will be started. The initial batch(es) will be performed with sequentially increasing addition rates of Ca(OCl) in the same manner that the 10 gallon batches were conducted. Finally, full scale bate^s rfill ba run Icon «t*rt to finish at z*yt maximum sals rate unf.il all cyanide *latiig wastes are destroyed.

5431B:227B 23 05/27/86 05843372O3 z INITIAL CONDITIONS 7






FIGURE I :£37220


1. Set an empty 55 gallon drum in the water jacket 2. Clamp mixer and drum in place 3. Pump CN~ solution into the drum (1" • 1.65 gallons) Total Amount - 4. Add 1.35 lbs of NaOH per gallon of CN~ solution Amount • 5. Check pH and temperature probes 6. Clamp probes in place 7. Start Nater flow in cooling jacket and check flow rate Flow Rate • 6. Start mixer 9. Start ventilation fan 10. Check operation of HCN monitor 11. Start screw feeder Addition Rate •

12. Add 2.75 lbs Ca(OCl)2 per gallon of CN~ solution 13. At the halfway- point of the batch destruction, check the screw feeder calibration. Rate « 14. After Ca(OCl) addition is completed, stop cooling water when temperature starts to drop 15. Remove mixer and clamp 16. Claap ihe lid on the drua 17. Reaove the drum with a drum sling 18. Pump water from cooling jacket

5431B.-227B 25 05/27/66 APPENDIX C


' <

54 31B.-227B „. 05/27/86 " X,? MUVMIXCCU i eunrvutOUT UivlSluN _ ^K^i 0372SI V ^7,/

This assessment is for the workplan to destroy the cyanide plating 1 solutions located in the former NLI facility: 39-00-IG-O6 OAA items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11 I Neutralization of Nitric Acid plating solutions: 39-00-IG-07 QAA items 2, 4, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 Disposal of toxic plating wastes: 39-00-IG-08 QAA items 2, 7, 11 Related operations of sampling and analysis are addressed in QAA# 139D-08

30% QAA held on 12/20/85 100* OAA Held on 05/16/86'

SSESSWENT RECOMMENDATIONS (••• atl«crtm«nt(a)) yaa no D O A Quality Action Plan (OAP) la faaulrad. If y«». by_, DO* «aviaaa OAP la rtouirad. If yaa. by ______


^ 30% & 0Pf && && & ' Khb JJ»M#« 0 MPf >MM &K Sty&: -^ ~W> 0 M_ K1 r

i 1 i 1

i I i i i i ! i__ • it r-cstO— N -- «• itM Tr\« iorv r»M»*«> ». r 27 •aTlk- MFMTmlMT 0» CIWMM l aWLrfll 'oawtaiv vimtt wiiuttoo tin* fvSrf •tNteiai. atlKM H !«?»KM*Mr: ••*!•/ MCHTtL aM M»OI (rui QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET ISSUt 0»«_

•%mtinimniiii r-h..iu» tcoi « aa •• aiMSSaaiMf «*• JU'P-06 cowr. out acts eaoaaaiurv ASStSSMCNT or lanmK I.I or ranuac CL*ss»ir«i«n 4 * ittaj MUM «M MMata ma.uat eaaa r*a.uac trrtcr . | «r eot*sit causes coaxacara 1 a i 1 3 1 5 X 1 i i 1 1. Loading Screw Feeder Large quantity of Uncontrolled destruction I IX J X H X Screw feeder la Hopper with CalCOCll CalociK rail* into of CN with possible mounted on a cart reaction vcaael boiling over, CI, qaa which will be rolled •feneration, and flCN gas away from the reaction general Ion vessel when filling the hopper

X 2. Hitting reactanta Hiaar tepeller hits Waste anlutinn Mixes X II X Hi Her is clamped to a wltH gear drive drum aide and puncture «tth cooling water and 1? *T" angle iron bracket niter the vcaael mhaust ed which la in turn clamped to the water jacket to prevent the Bluer orientation from ' changing

3. Addition or NeOH insufficient amount of Off gaaalng of CI. and X X D, II X flench scale teat a have prior to reaction NaOH la added HCN * provided information on how much NaOH t o add. The amount of NaOH needed is related to the rate of addition of CnfOClI-. The mil ial rata of CalOCIIj addition will h« slow and increased as reaction atahility Is demonstrated. Liquid NaOH will he on hand tn stop any off gassing that occuri o _ , WOTCS waiiowatl coots row asstssara eaoaaaa. itt or ranuae. *w '«•>••• — eww* -mm a** *«—«?•« niinw hititHmrtmitfimitmj*jr—K»» . law** ta a< »lajra) . «>aea~ 0»».t'.-~. anM, lata, e«k« *aaa« fm mm*m» •*•»«' k» lata! MWIN KHll a* a Hajari •» *• *Mkm fata* «- •*•• *»•«••; n a mn

r" *N •'•' «*a at naiaji aa> > •*•»»«•» ratt*** far ••>•> 'I h***"* IM*^->«^**« r«n**«l,«A<«« •(*Mtfari a«*t i»* *• !*»••. m a»»««aw«a, air la.ll ataara « Haciaa IIMH rmiiiu i, ...... I «, auaiatta raw*** « 1aa ^«, a. tini. a. In, far 0 0a»*». '••• ••« aawafkjaal • •aatlaoca alll 0 t>a»>l*« mvemai ••« •'•' »• « a»»»a<—« 1 Oilm • (Maai-f f • f • <>•<<.I.catlaa •>••» ••i.tbtii* f»»al»»a. tai.aaw a**!** »*af aaWaa *HI a*awa*a aanula »•»••« failaaml* « aaata****) ana 'aaw*! pta** ,f-»v- IMIMII. .1 v» IM>M«I jALfM rtmmm.1 om.icoHKMaa vrafMl •«*r.l_0» M VISION •' VtMs MCM't.. JO* HOOt iruM iruMta* QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET i»sue MI.

*OJtCfnM.»«OJtC?i'rtwa. I ca I Cloaure IC-n*,OT.OH oa MMlaaiit no- 11 corweurwc.fi ("•oeasmtv r oi HIQUHI '.* ir loiirae ftaTKBUI C J cia'.'.irKaivm a

r«N.UM »««.un« crrtcr 4 rossmt causes COaNMMT* D

4. Trmperaluic control Re.irl rtiil a am with I).II Reaction boil* ovrr s Oath is in»i-i* o( n action co«* I i mi *.,al «*r niifl ar <• (•.lOlVc) to monitor leap* CRhaus I ••*. to I tii* rnvuoi Temperature o_i mi-nt See *a. besow. I r gill.lied by i a CalOCl I- add it i>. rate of conline •* flow.

V Destruction of CM Insufficient CalCCll. Not all CN is ilrstroy- Clench scale teol nl with Ca(OCl I. ia addrd demrmat rated tha

is a color chanv yellow to brown-), upon complete de« t ion of the cyani.' Sec 5a|at Inched p «. Add it.on *V KaOH •erannnel atandlng in Personnel exposure during batrn den roc- CI. and HCN fumes Ventilation fan •*• I tion to it tip olf- be used to dirrc' gaaaing and all fumee fr< traction vessel personnel will a from "up-wind* ». in respiratory 4a. COMHIIIII Continued. proteriion

cooling water m will be collect* a tank. If ie«.i does boil over. a' cooling water will contained.

aofto i Ci utm cvMM* %*- •%«•• nan art |»mi.t**«H»—» awaa. **t— OH*"—"• Mi iwwt las*. *•>««• Wilt 11 »» laciiaa *i 11 a< nacaavti. f V f *waaaaa •• m af laaail, a#*> " Waal af «—i wl aaaaV l'*ltr J) *»*» J I C a II a» aorta* avaaaa •» i , a*t I or** anwa mi- »* **>«M ««• **••«• cia vunmmaa at la*l*»a « Oacaas «i>lwa ma ft la aiml a> uliiUlla 'atom* . ._ CD an Ma> if I •> : S OlMr-tWaaN'r aXawawaal • Puma, mat mat aawwHamjl animma *»M * "'"'••a »»*»>— aaa miaa • "•• i ajwa) fWMMwat**. atiaaaai •wlata, naaaia Saaaja **y?*^**_ **" " ""* •»•«*•'• —«*- •^ laaaaail. la m>alHw a-a «*aa*» -• i a*U 29 HIMfWM o» l«N« tammm.1 uutiita sites *»»«-i_o»_ WMMl OCT WW WOIIHI QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET atvlSKM) «0 McmiL tarn MMM I'u-maff &E rhoair.il Clncurr tC-fH.01 .tit tCf p i'"l«'nlr lulerlai M.iran "itr. »v|"«lr. »••»»•' far •».•'• •'-'«• COaMOOtMfS HMMMIIIItr asMtsawnr or ranuat 1,1 aatKMut J OF >*«.u*t Ciassn-icafaju) «

ItIM ••AIM MOM Milan trwtci •OMnHt causes Majfa

uncontrolled aplll nf Tuni'lnjc lla,til*l fr'i« liMf fen** Irate »klle l. i |'*M>I» operator la at the plastic storage Link* to I li|ut.l u.mtr lor it Ion of hnitf (oitnrr • react Ion impel for I lona. In the evenl of a deetructInn lr.il, the puap "III kr mint off. b. Pima> nwllat k-ae rnw* rr.lnl»lr eolol Ion | ti'ii-rtl I n«p oul let la clasped In

    t'uap Inlet la kept In Reaction vreeel o»er rilla Standard practice Is to • (•trace tank anil anil evrniu.il ly owr flnun. pull the piana Inlet out eoliitton transfer nt the atoragr tank after ronllnura after ahnl- Ike tranafrr. Pentnicl nn llna, off l iinf not or prorr.liire rrqulira rkerklir due tn all lion. i-r.it t Itin volua>« prior In deatructIon.

    \ iirrn rillercd net'drr vnrun* rlr.iner ulll h« an alte Tor cleaning up apllla

    MOTCt •atioaiatc coots row »mn»a) rwooadkutr or >»nu^^A fjaasaaahdanw M I *snaal aannSadnna ^•LBHbriaa^akoal Bana Jajiiaumga af eottore It* af •"»•••", ""T»J»W»»»nj fpTaafaWe^PaVa •a^nana'aw .f faiMaa*Jk> k*Sa»l»aaSs; k»JBBaTn"*^u»»» I W lenP., tatfia* S * I af kiiikt I Can* li ji'in auadd ka hwat niaalt ikml ap MMMnr af too Mhjt* ftaajaatf k> akakat *aa*r*fMa t k»i d*>etaa. - - i a** la l

    » I MU aaall —•> i «f mtt, |* **M* aM **t I li*nd*.d art •>. dadiaajmd arena* k» fen*** r.a «Xat a« cn»» i .,•«, •••**•*** 9. kjannal aaa af i _ ^ ^_ . M»**>d »>aiiK««l«*»'.~ •"nuTaVT J eSn««> aatarhM aaaW k* aaall t . aia.ai.ca a» karany epH— k • l Hi h» ••niaki pinkra, aw l»ai turn* atm'H i « •ackap *>»»•• anmdad hjannant ar adaaMia n>h auwi pwajrawca •> an>M af '«ta>* .»•••'.'> '—«-n ' I Cnnn, •••• and apantwaal aipulfta old » oinrisWfr «• ci iii.) •••eWia> «•!•>«, rataaw atiion I »"f—« "'cjfcjf H Oik*' iMMMHf I* I o 30 «--W- W»*tM».t 0» IKK lllf« rtcr * •< t, atJUrfll tommum umiuii si I |»UMa* QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET l»MH - **iMs orcNiti joa MMI'I • •wv4.rirjui»ijt. n rjK-|»LrB| Cl"*

    i»ncharale tr- hjvr Icawnat rated . a of :a(OH).addlt ' at 'hlch fV>j rvolir' ion 1oca not cuccr ^j- tc-ria. Thu fi, cal>r ipcration rata >-111 l>« 1/8 of the ataxia.,*, aalr iienchacale r«i«. Calculation* indi- cate a coo. water requ; *ant of I CPH. * I low rate of at t -HI 10 CPN ia a"x>l- ablc (or vr»ir| cool In?. Reaction t* ra- ture will L> -ni - tored with < t he raiocoup 1 Initial bate. • will be uaed • •• acale both %>\- batch volum - 4 CalOMI. add I n rate IB or dp. . o prevent high "•»>- rraturea an<: M- ccaaive ojaa releaara.


    M 0». |W»M4( * , O

    31 1 0 «ras.MSot vt tea ant •oawraif utMitro SUM HIKMI tcimnocaui & WCHICL «M MS0»!»US94»e QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET

    rti .CJtc»lrn 1 Closure IO-q*,0T.0§ _ oa afststawm no- tlJtnnt '.'M^tSUI Nt(S c i*nu*' 1,7 o» Muni eailGMM.1 J

    IftM MUK «M I 'MUM r**.uac trrtct rOSSHHf CMIW1 a art s 10. loading screw Large quantity of Sufficient hrol Is Screen feeder la feeder with CatOIII, CalciHI. falls la reac- icnrrrtlcd to cause i •ounted. on a cart tlon vassal decomposition of >hich will be rolled CalHO I and formation •way from the react Ion of Noj * 'easel when filling he hopper.

    II. Solidification of pN of aaterlal la out- material docs not A. D. r >H of sol Ida will be solids •lda of effective range solidify H idjiiatcd to conform to tor envlrostone cqutromenta for the -nviroatono fa. Convents Continued Solidification will be >enrh tested prior to onducting full site latchea.

    If color change la jnclear. a small amount 15 nl| can be acidified ind tested with the hrn •onltor

    Samples will be inalysed by • commercla laboratory to verify thai all CM haa been lestroyed.

    l__ naTwemt coon mm asm—a wtoaasxtTv or mutual fl


    REFERENCE NO.15 DOE/OR/20722-72



    I By

    1 Bechtel National, Inc. Advanced Technology Division I Oak Fidge, Tennessee

    I Bechtai Job No. 14301 i i — LEGAL NOTICE

    This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States GovenuoenL Neither the United States nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of tbeir employees, nor any of tbeir contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. TABLE OF CONTENTS

    Page Abbreviations V, 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Remedial Action Guidelines 2 3.0 Remedial Action 3 4.0 Post-Remedial Action Sampling 5 5.0 Post-Remedial Action Status 5 References 31 Glossary 33


    The purpose of this report is to document Bechtel National, Inc.'s (BNI) post-remedial action sampling of. certain properties in the vicinity of the former National Lead (NL) Industries plant in Colonie, New York. This report briefly describes the origin of the radioactive contamination on the properties, the methods used to determine the extent of it, and the types of remedial action performed. If also provides the guidelines used in performing the remedial action and data on' the current radiological status of the properties.


    The NL plant began working with depleted uranium in 1958, performing operations dealing with the casting, machining, and milling of this uranium into various items. In subsequent years, the plant primarily made depleted uranium counterweights for airplanes and projectiles for the armed services. In 1980, the State of New York ordered the plant to reduce its level of production because uranium dust was being released into the air, and in the spring of 1984 operations were halted. In February 1984, the Department of Energy (DOE) took possession of the plant to begin the cleanup process as part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) after Congress assigned the site to DOE.

    1 Teledyne Isotopes (Ref. 1) surveyed the neighborhood surrounding the NL plant for radioactivity in 1980 and determined that uranium released into the air had deposited on residential properties and structures. Teledyne's finding also showed that the majority of the contamination was in the direction of the area's prevailing winds.

    In October 1983, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) performed more detailed radiological surveys of the individual properties surrounding the NL plant (Refs. 2 through 10)/ which included private residences. These surveys were designed to locate all properties on which uranium contamination exceeded DOE guidelines.


    The cleanup nuideline for the Colonie properties was derived based ori si^.e-specific information concerning the distribution of the uranium in the soil. Based on discussions with New York state and EPA officials, the DOE agreed to clean the properties to a uranium concentration of 35 pCi/g.

    For surfaces other than soil, the DOE guideline is that the radiation dose rate must be less than 0.2 mrad/h averaged over 10 2 2 2 ft (1 m ) or a maximum of 1.0 mrad/h in any 15-in- 2 (100-cm ) area. These guidelines were adopted from Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidelines for the release of facilities (such as the former NL plant) for unrestricted use. These guidelines are given in Table 1.

    All soil contains some trace amounts of radionuclides because uranium is a naturally occurring element. Typically, soil contains about 1 pCi/g of uranium, radium, and thorium. These amounts are called "background' levels, and do not originate f-*om manufacturing operations using radioactive mater^ls. The annial -'ose to a New York ;: ->.5id«at due to background 4J;<*t.ion is •.ypicall/ 100 mrem.


    After a property was determined to be contaminated based on the ORNL survey, BNI began engineering design work based on the survey data. These activities included hiring local subcontractors to perform the cleanup work (Ref. 11). Also, BNI and its radiological support subcontractor, Eberline Analytical Corporation (EAC), again surveyed the property for radiatfon. This survey more accurately defined the boundaries of contamination.

    BNI/EAC Survey Methods » To conduct this survey, each property was subdivided into grids that were typically 6 ft by 6 ft. At each grid intersection, a radiation measurement was made using a "FIDLER" type detector. The FIDLER is a special type of radiation detector that is made for detecting the very low energy gamma radiation emitted by depleted uranium. The FIDLER was calibrated by measuring the radioactivity in the soil on the former NL plant site using the FIDLER, then removing the soil and having its uranium content determined under laboratory conditions by EAC. From this calibration, it was determined that a FIDLER reading of 11,000 cpm represented a uranium concentration in the soil of 35 pCi/g. The calibration line is shown in Figure 1 (Page 7). The FIDLER measurements were checked periodically by taking a soil sample and analyzing it at the EAC laboratory to ensure that the calibration remained consistent. By plotting all the readings taken on the property in excess of 11,000 cpm, the areas of contamination were mapped (Ref. 12).

    To determine if surfaces other than soil were contaminated (e.g., asphalt, concrete, or wood), a pancake-type beta-gamma detector was used. This detector was calibrated so that the readings in cpm could be converted into mrad/h and compared to the appropriate guideline. In general, radioactive contamination of these surfaces was found only on properties immediately adjacent to the former NL plant. It was usually found in rough surfaces (e.g., wood or

    3 asphalt) where it would bsoma c^appec and would not wash off. in all cases, the uranium contamination was only found on the outer surface of these materials.

    Cleanup/Decontamination Activities

    Drawings showing the extent of the contamination in the soil on each property were then given to the excavation subcontractor. The subcontractor removed the soil as indicated in the drawings, placed it in covered boxes, and transported it to the former NL plant. It is being stored there until a permanent disposal site is selected for this material. The shaded areas in Figures 2 through 11 indicate the limits of contamination and excavation for each property.

    For most excavations, the depth was less than 3 in. The uranium released while the plant was operating was insoluble (i.e., would not dissolve in water) and deposited in the top few inches of the soil. In a few cases, excavation was slightly deeper because the uranium had washed deeper into the soil around roots of trees and shrubs. During excavation, the subcontractor was required to keep all areas free from dust and to avoid spilling the contaminated so

    Removal of some material other than soil was also required to comply with the DOE surface contamination guideline. This included removal of tar paper from one flat roof, scabbling of asphalt on two

    properties, removal of a pfone ^.''evny *ni r vv:.ac«Tient of a wo-^sa dco: to a coal ohuce. Th» rotes on figui s ? through 11 ioc'lca'-R any remedial action taken on these types of materials.

    4 II il 4.0 POST-REMEDIAL ACTION SAMPLING After the soil containing the uranium was removed, another II radiological survey was conducted to ensure that the property was indeed clean (no uranium concentrations in excess of 35 pCi/g). This survey used two techniques. First, another FIDLER scan of the II excavated areas was made. If the FIDLER showed some remaining contamination, more soil was removed until the FIDLER indicated II levels below 35 pCi/g. Soil samples were taken after the FIDLER scan, were analyzed by the EAC laboratory, and showed contamination II levels below 35 pCi/g. The numbered locations in Figures 2 through 11 indicate where soil samples were collected after the cleanup had I been performed. These location numbers correspond to those in Tables 2 through 11 and give the concentrations of the radionuclides I remaining at those locations. For those cases where surfaces other than soil required remedial II action, the pancake beta-gamma detector was used to perform another survey after removal of the contaminated surface. If no additional III contamination in excess of DOE guidelines was found, the surface was restored (when necessary). Notes on the figures indicate these types of remedial action.

    In addition to the sampling performed by BNI for DOE, New York state ^officials performed an independent survey of some properties as they were cleaned.


    As shown in Tables 2 through 11, the samples taken after removing the radioactive materials show that there is no area where radioactive contamination exists that exceeds the remedial action guideline of 35 pCi/g for uranium agreed upon by the state of New York and DOE. An independent review of the remedial action performed by BNI on the parcels discussed in this report has been conducted by the Oak Ridge Associated Universities Radiological. Site Assessment Program. The purpose of the assessment was to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with remedial action guideline agreed upon by the State of New York and DOE. v Based on all data collected, these parcels conform to all applicable radiological guidelines established for release of these properties for unrestricted use (Ref. 13).

    In addition to the surveys that have been performed on behalf of DOE, measures have been taken by the New York state officials to monitor remedial action activities. These measures include observing on-site operations and procedures, and analyzing archived soil samples.

    6 TABLE I

    REMEDIAL ACTION GUIDELINES FOR STRUCTURE SURFACES in Indoor/Outdoor Structure Surface Contamination

    Allowable Surface Residual Contamination0 (dpm/100 cm2)

    0 6 Radlonuclldeb Averagec»d Maximum ' . Removable0'*

    Trensuranlcs, Ra-226 Ra-228, Th-230, Th-228 11 Pe-231, Ac-227, 1-125, 1-129 100 300 20 Th-Natural, Th-232, Sr-90, Ra-223, Re-224 U-232, 1-126, 1—131» 1-133 1,000 3,000 200

    U-Notural, U-235, U-238, and associated decay products 5.000Q 15,000a 1,000Q

    Beta-gamma emitters (radionuclides with decay modes other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission) except Sr-90 and others noted above 5,0000-V 15,0000-V 1,0000-V

    aAs used In this table, dpm (disintegrations per minute) means the rate of emission by radioactive material as determined by correcting the counts per minute observed by an appropriate detector for background, efficiency, and geometric factors associated with the Instrumentation.

    bWhere surface contamination by both alpha- and beta-gamme-emlttlng radionuclides exists, the limits established for alpha- and beta-gamma-emlttlng radionuclides shall apply Independently.

    cM»asurements of average contamination should not be averaged over more than I m2. For objects of less surface area, the average shall be derived for each such object.

    *The average and maximum radiation levels associated with surface contamination resulting from beta-gamma emitters should not exceed 0.2 mrad/h at I cm and 1.0 nrad/h at I cm respectively, measured through not more than 7 »g/cm2 of total absorber.

    *The maximum contamination level applies to an area of not more than 100 cm2.

    *The amount of removable radioactive material per 100 on of surface area should be determined by wiping that area with dry filter or soft absorbent paper, applying moderate pressure, measuring the amount of radioactive material on the wipe with an appropriate Instrument of known efficiency. When removable contamination on objects of surface area less than 100 cm2 Is determined, the activity per unit area should be based on the actual area and the entire surface should be wiped. The numbers in thl column tr* maximum amounts.


    Concentrations. (pCi/g) Sample No. Uranium-238

    1 2.0 + 0.2 2 3.0 + 0.3 3 3.0 ± 0.3 4 5.0 + 0.4

    SURFACE CONTAMINATION SURVEY Number of Average Range " Survey Location Measurements* mrad/h mrad/h f

    RoofUrea C) 330 0.1 0.1 - 0.1

    Scabbled asphalt 156 0.1 0.1 - 0.3 on side of dwelling (Area A)

    Scabbled asphalt 120 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 (Area B)

    •Measurements were taken at each intersection of a 1-m grid.


    S-^N0. £afl£Kl^?ff5i££^ '

    1 <2.0 2 <2.0 3 2.2 • l.o 4 <2.0 5 <5.0 6 <1.4 7 <5.0 <1.4 e9 2.0 • 0.8 10 <2.0 n 1.0 ± 0.2 12 3.0 ± 0.3 13 1.2 •. 0.6 , 14 13.3 • l.o 15 <5.0 16 <1.4 17 1.5 • 0.7 18 <1.5 19 2.5 + 0.7 20 <2.0 21 <5.0 22 <1.4 23 2.4 ± 0.6 24 <1.4 25 3.0 • 0.8 26 6.1 + 0.7 27 <5.0 28 <5.0 29 <1.6 30 <1.2 31 <2.0 32 <1.34 33 2.3 • 0.7 34 <5.0 35 <5.0 36 4.0 ± l.o 37 8-0 • 1.4 38 <1.6 39 1-7 • 1.2 40 <1.7 41 1-0 • 0.7 42 <1.4 43 6.0 ± 1.4 44 5.3 ± 0.7

    I I TABLE 3 1 Page 2 of 3 Concentrations (pCi/q) Sample No. Ucaniura-238

    45 16.3 ± 1.4 46 13.0 • 1.0 47 11.1 ± 0.6 48 12.2 ± 0.4 49 8.4 • 1.0 50 3.0 ± 1.0 51 <2.0 52 0.4 ± 1.0 53 2.0 ± 0.7 54 <1.2 55 <2.0 56 <1.4 57 <2.0 58 2.0 • 0.4 59 <5.0 60 <5.0 61 1.1 • 0.6 62 <5.0 63 3.0 ± 0.4 64 3.0 • 1.0 65 2.3 ± 0.3 66 3.1 • 0.3 67 <2.0 68 2.4 ± 0.6 69 5.0 ± 0.8 70 8.3 • 1.2 71 1.6 ± 1.3 72 <5 0 73 i.O ± 1.0 74 <5.0 75 <5.0 76 3.0 + 0.8 77 1.5 • 0.3 78 2.2 • 0.3 79 <2.0 80 7.2 ± 0.8 81 2.2 ± 1.0 82 <2.0 83 2.0 ± 0.8 84 <2.0 85 2.0 ± 0.7 86 3.2+0.0 87 1.5 ± 1.0 88 13 <5.0 89 <2 ) 9C <••! TABLE 3 Page 3 of 3 Concentrations (pCi/q) Sample No. Uranium-238

    91 2.4 • 0.7 92 2.0 + 0.7 93 <5.0 94 <5.0 95 1.4 • 0.6 96 <5.0 97 2.3 «• 0.3 96 15.0 * 0.4 99 <5.0 100 9.0 + 1.3 101 9.0 + 1.0 102 4.1 • 0.7 103 3.2 + 0.3 104 5.4 ± 0.3 105 5.1 + 0.4


    Number of Average Range. Survey Location Measurements* mrad/h mrad/h

    Scabbled asphalt 50 0.2 0.1 - 0.4 (Area 8)

    'Measurements taken at each intersection of a 1-m grid.

    14 I TABLE 4 1 POST-REMEDIAL ACTION SAMPLING RESULTS 1159 CENTRAL AVENUE I V Concentrations (pCi/a) I Sample No. Uranium-238 1 <5.0 2 <5.0 3 <2.5 4 <1.4 5 <2.0 6 6.3 * 0.6 7 4.5 ± 0.9 8 3.0 + 0.6 9 2.3 7 0.7 10 <1.6 11 <2.0 12 2.3 + 0.5 13 <1.6 14 14.7 • 1.1 15 <2.0 16 5.1 «• 0.9 17 2.3 + 0.8 18 2.0 + 0.6 19 <5.0 20 <5.0 21 <5.0 22 <2.0 23 3.0 • 0.7 24 <2.0 25 <5.0 26 <2.0 27 1.5 ± 1.0 28 <2.0


    Concentrations (pCi/o) Sample No. Uranium-238

    1 4, 0 +. 0. 2 2 + 0. 3 e, 5, 3 ± 0, 4 2 + 0, B 5 0 + 0. 6 5, <2.0 7 3.1 ± 0, e 2.2 + 0,


    Concentrations (pCi/g) Sample No. Uranium-238

    1 2.0 + 0.6 2 5.0 • 1.0 3 4.0 • 0.3 4 2.5 • 0.3 5 14.0 + 1.0 6 4.0 + 0.9 7 10.0 ± 1.2 e 1.4 + 0.7 9 6.0 ± 0.5 10 13.2 +. 1.2 11 1.0 ± 1.0 TABLE 7 POST-REMEDIAL ACTION SAMPLING RESULTS 52 YARDBORO AVENUE

    Concentrations (pCi/q) Sample No. Uranium-238

    1 3.0 • 0.3 2 3.6 + 0.3 3 6.2 ± 0.4 4 1.7 ± 0.2 5 5.3 i- 1.0 6 1.5 • 0.3 7 3.5 • 0.6 8 2.6 + 0.6 9 3.6 + 0.3 10 4.9 • 0.3 11 8.7 + 1.0 12 3.3 + 0.6 13 3.1 + 0.7 14 4.2 + 0.7 15 7.1 + 0.9 16 <5.0 17 2.3 + 1.0 18 4.0 • 0.7 19 <5.0 20 <;L. 7 21 1.1 • 0.6 22 5.2 • 0.7 23 3.4 • 0.8 24 5.0 + 0.6

    I I


    Concentrations (pCi/q) Sample No. Uranium-238 r- l <5.0 2 0.9 • 0.5 3 4.3 + 0.5 4 1.2 + 0.6 5 1.4 • 0.7 6 <5.0 7 1.4 • 0.3 8 5.0 • 0.3 9 3.3 • 0.7 10 <1.7 11 <2.0 12 <1.5 13 1.7 • 0.7 14 3.0 • 0.6 15 2.5 i 0.8 16 <1.7



    Concentrations (pCi/q) Sample No Uranium-238

    1 0. 0. 2 6, 0, 3 3, 0. 4 3, 0. t 5 1, 0, 6 2, 0, 7 7. 1. 8 2, 0. I 9 5, 1. 10 15, 0. 11 6, 0. 12 6, 0. 13 5.3 0.3 i

    26 1 TABLE 10 1 POST-REMEDIAL ACTION SAMPLING RESULTS 1 78 YARDBORO AVENUE Concentrations (pCi/a) fc 1 Sample No. Uranium-238 1 0.5 • 0.1 2 1.4 + 0.4 1 3 3.1 + 0.3 4 3.0 ± 0.2 5 1.4 + 0.3 I 6 3.0 + 0.3 7 <1.5 1 8 0.7 • 0.2


    Concentrations (pCi/a) Sample No. Uranium-238

    1 1.0 + 0.4 2 5.4 + 0.3 3 2.2 + 0.3 4 2.0 ± 0.3 5 11.0 • 0.3 6 9.1 • 0.6 7 6.0 + 0.3 8 1.0 ± 0.2

    30 REFERENCE NO. 16

    I 1 1 0 1 1 REFERENCES

    Teledyne Isotopes. A Survey of Uranium in Soil Surrounding the NL Bearings Plant, IWL-9488-461, October 31, 1980.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Results of the Radiological Survey at 1144 Central Avenue, Colonic, New York (AL 010), Oak Ridge, TN, March 1984.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Results of the Radiological Survey at 1144A Central Avenue, Colonie, New York (AL 010), Oak Ridge, TN, March 1984.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Results of the Radiological Survey at 33 Palmer Avenue, Albany, New York (AL 006), Oak Ridye, TN, March 1984.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Results of the Radiological Survey at 27/29 Yardboro Avenue, Albany, New York (AL 012), Oak Ridge, TN, March 1984.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Results of the Radiological Survey at 52 Yardboro Avenue, Albany, New York (AL 005), Oak Ridqe TN. March 19*<,

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Results of the Radiological Survey at 68 Yardboro Avenue, Albany, New York (AL 004), Oak Ridge, TN, March 1984.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Results of the Radiological Survey at 74 Yardboro Avenue, Albany, New York (AL 003), Oak Ridge, TN, March 1984.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Results of fcha Radiological Survey ji * _ 78 Yardboro Avenue, Albany, New Yo

    31 '•Si*1

    • \^ :;<;^.V^,^^..



    .f L ; . _, n . c ! •. 1.1 . ,n £;urage £ i t e Colonie, New York (Status - December, 1987)


    The Colonie Interim Storage Site is a 12 acre DOE FUSRAP site on the border between Colonie and Albany, New York. The DOE completed the HRS package for the site and on September 10, 1987, assigned it a score of 9.44. The site is currently being reviewed by EPA headquarters regarding the DOE's request to combine cleanup of this site with three other sites in Tonawanda, New York. It is unlikely that this site will be combined with the other sites, and it is also unlikely it will make the NPL, in which case it will be turned over the New York State. According to Paul Simon in ORC, the site may have RCRA issues.

    The site was formerly occupied by NL (National Lead) Industries, who produced shielding components from depleted uranium for the DOD and enriched fuel and uranium scrap for DOE predecessors. On February 29, 1984, the DOE acquired the site and a contaminated adjacent property formerly owned by Niagara Mohawk Power Cumpany. Radio 1ogica1 1y contaminated material found on-site and on vicinity properties is being stored here until a permanent disposal site can be found.

    In addition to radioactive wastes (primarily depleted uranium-238), contamination includes chemical wastes (including cyanide and nitric acid) used in processing, heavy metals (including lead, cadmium, copper and zinc), and mixed waste (including uranium contaminated oils). In 1380, the facility received a ^mpcrary restraining order against operating because they were emitting uranium compounds into the air. Incineration of uranium contaminated wastes resulted in contamination of about 35 neighboring properties, mostly located downwind. The on-site building currently contains waste? removed from som? ot inese properties 'cov-rad with ta^pc :--nJ sardbagS/, a» -.<


    Groundwater is the primary pathway of concern. Seven monitoring wells are currently in place on the site. The surface aquifer is potentially usable, but most, of the area receives water from municipal community water systems. The nearest wells are part of a non-municipal system sexving about 7C people in a mobile home park about 2.5 mi kjs northwest of ths 3ite. Groundwater ir the area flows sou"-, h u east. Quarterly sampling of groi'ndwa ?r on the :- i \ & shows it to be v. i thin DOE standr-.ids ind beiTw per m i t *..-.• d re'eise standards, £o it was r.oz counts") as an observed release fur HRS scoring.

    1 GEMS> I


    SECTOR KM 0.00-.400 .400-.810 .810-1.60 1.60-3.20 3.20-4.80 4.80-6.40 TOTALS

    S 1 0 3895 7884 27512 59956 49605 148852

    RING 0 3895 7884 27512 59956 49605 148852 TOTALS

    GEMS> I


    SECTOR KM 0.00-.400 .400-.810 .810-1.60 1.60-3.20 3.20-4.80 4.80-6.40 TOTALS

    S 1 0 1533 1627 11287 22335 20079 56861

    RING 0 1533 1627 11287 22335 20079 56861 TOTALS REFERENCE NO. 18


    ~ ^ '.-•"^M

    •:' ..-.;v


    REFERENCE NO. 19 •-'!-'i'


    f»i>.*-- IWL-9488-461 * i i \r ISOTOPES





    Doug:as M. Eaglescn


    31 October 1980

    Prepared for Si- Bearings/NL In-k:scries, Inc. UJO Central Avenue Albany, New York 12:05 - 1 _mm,- —— -I'r

    I 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Design of Sampling Grids 2.2 Soil Sampling and Bulk Radioactivity Measurements 1 2.3 Areal Radioactivity Measurements

    3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Soil Survey Results 3.2 Roof Survey Results 3.3 Depth-Dependence cf U-238 in Soil 3.4 The Relationship of Areal to Bulk Activity 3.5 Regulatory Liaits 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECO^ENDATIONS


    2.0 METHODS

    In order to characterize a large area for radioactivity it is

    necessary to have an efficient sampling plan. This study is intended to

    \ identify all areas having high uranium content, but not to conduct detailed

    surveys within those areas. Care was taken in project design to accomplish

    these objectives without superfluous sampling.

    In any field program it is desirable to use a portable instrument

    which can be read on location. For quality-control purposes, however, it

    is necessary to relate field results to standard laboratory measurements.L

    Consequently, both field and laboratory measureaents have been taken in this

    study. The relationship between the two can be used in further programs where

    it will be expedient to use only field instruments.

    2.1 Design of Sampling Grids

    Airborne emissions from stacks take the form of plumes which spread.

    both horizontally and vertically downwind from the source. Because of this

    dispersion, soil saaples can be less densely spaced with increasing distance

    from the emission point. This argument is developed acre quantitatively

    below for purposes of designing sampling grids.

    It is common practice to simulate emission plumes using Gaussian

    mathematical models (Turner, 1970; ASME, 1973). These methods are generally

    applied to--compounds which are lighter than uranium oxides and which settle

    less rapidly, but the methods are used here as a first approximation. At

    short distances from a stack, ground-level concentration can exhibit abrupt

    change* and patchy behavior beuuse of changing patterns of plume descent

    from I'M emission level. This iz especi.; 11/ true jhen there arc obstacles

    to air flow such as building*. In order to "resolve nearby patterns of I -^rTELEDYNE ISOTOPES

    basis for designing a sampling grid in which the areas of sectors vary

    approximately as the square of distance from the plant.

    A radial grid system is shown in Figures 1 and 2. The center of

    the system was chosen to be within the building perimeter such that a 100 a * radius circle would approximate the plant grounds (Figure 1). An off-site

    grid which is concentric with the interior system is shown in Figure 2. * This grid is superimposed on a Departaent of Transportation map although it

    is recogTiiied that some changes in roads and construction are not represented. I Larger scale portions of this map are presented in section 2.2. Radial lines (rays) in Figures 1 and 2 are drawn at 15 angle

    |! increments from true north. Concentric circles are drawn at increasing

    distances from the center in order to define sampling sectors. Table 1

    I summarizes the radii and the resulting areas of sectors which were chosen I to vary as described above. Numbering of sectors is indicated on Figures 1 and 2, accomplished I separately for on-site and off-site locations. Nuialiring proceeds clockwise at each radial distance, beginning from north and increasing outward from

    I the center. The site map shows that many sectors are occupied by rooftop H or paveaen'., preventing soil sampling. The roof of the NL Bearings plant was divided into a simple rectan-

    H gular grid, each element measuring 3a x 3a (see section 3.2). This system was chosen because high resolution is desirable if any corrective action

    is to be taken. Grid elements can be identified simply by row nmnber and

    column number. / .*/ I FIGURE 1 I ON-SITE GRID SYSTEM f^Ti} rooftop

    P3 pavement


    ?IGUR£ 3 P ON-SITE SAMPLE LOCATIONS 1 10 i W4, C>—~—' i*4*ff4_=-r I £} I =Q_ • V i 1 5 w. i ^ >s ^ 'Q io*- ?3 c ^ >^ V i?^l

    -\ n« --, c, ^^^

    \ jm: i\ Xo> \ V »#. "J- >; // tV? // K.O-'.-. ^ \ ~v <0u .2*'- v ** .o '/. •»c^' v // •"N ;o^ ,\-^ v :v/ >^ ^Y\OCS&#<\ i


    c \ ^ AV —i. _•* ^ mm^

    t_^ 2&



    Soil sampling tools consisted of two 6 inch diameter hole-saws,

    modified to penetrate 0.5 inch and 1.5 inch, respectively. The shallow

    sampler was twisted by means of an attached handle until it penetrated i to 0.5 inch depth. A flat aluminum spade was then driven beneath it using a mallet to remove a 0.5 inch thick soil sample, 6 inches in diameter. 1 This was placed in a plastic bag marked with the sector number and location code (A, S, or C). The de*p sample was taken with the other tool by lowering

    it into the previous hole and twisting it to penetrate an additional 1.5". i The aluminum spade was again used to remove the deep sample, measuring L lh inches thick by 6 inches diameter.

    Samples from locations A, B, and C within a sector were mixed

    in aluminum pans at Teledyne Isotopes (the shallow and deep samples being

    processed separately). They were then dried overnight at 105 C in an oven. t The dried and mixed samples were loaded into tared ISO mi polyethylene bottles i and reweighed to determine the soil weight. Portions of vegetation were included in the sample but rocks greater than \ inch in size were excluded. i I'J anium-23S md I'il "*tz-; •?•?-«•' -d *y .•'.*»*u spectiai .-.n^lyb.s of the bulk soil samples. Activity of the former isotope was inferred by i measuring the 93 keV emission of its daughter product, Th-234 (?,»24 days)

    assuming secular equilibrium. Activity of U-235 was measured by its

    185 keV emission. Four Princeton Gamma Tech, Inc. lithium-drifted geraanium t Ge(Li) detectors were used having nominal efficiencies of 20\ relative to i sodium iodide. The detectors are connected to a Nuclear Data, Inc. ND6620 computer system for da*a acquision and reduction. Peak search and spectral

    analysis were performed usi .^ Nuclear Data software. Samples *ere counted

    for 1 to 2 hours giving detection limits near l pCi/gram for U-238 and i 0.1 pCi/gram for U-23S. Measurements of U-233 were obtained by spectral analysis of the

    93 keV Th-234 peak. U-23S was not analysed using this instrument. Spectral information were written on a data form as 3 regions: the peak region having a constant width of 101 channels and two adjacent shoulder regions including approximately 20 channels each. Data reduction was performed on a programmed calculator. Integrated counts in the two shoulder regions were expressed on a per-channel basis and averaged to give the background in the peak region.

    Subtracting this, background from the integrated counts in the peak yields a net count rate for purposes of calculating activity. A 200 second interval was used for data acquisition, resulting in a detection limit near 35 pCi/ca2.

    Calibration was performed 3 times a day in the field by reading a urT.ium 2uo-s;s.r.dcrd obtained frcm » cor.vertsr at the NL Btarings plant.

    This sample was previously analysed both by its gamma spectrum and by isotope dilution mass spectrometry at Teiedyne Isotopes, giving results which agree within 0.4%. The compound was found to contain 0.212 yCi/gm U-23S and.

    0.0031 yCi/gm U-235. By comparison, NBS natural U,0. contains 0.2S0 yCi/gm

    U-238 and 0.0131 vCx/gn U-23S. The NL sub-standard is thus ~b\ pure based on ics U-233 ratio to che standard. Depletion of the NL sample i.- evidenced by its U-235 activity of 1.5% with respect to U-238. This compares to a level of 4.7% for natural uranium.

    The field calibrator consisted of 1 gram of the uranium sub-standard spread uniformly over a 5 inch diameter circle in a flat pan. A thin layer of epoxy covered the uranium to keep it in place. Attenuation of radiation by the epoxy was compensated through use of a factor determined by counting

    =Mi id".ti.:il ^v-it.r.-i.ii w;;h-*vst ?he epoxy coating. Efficiency of the sodius iodide jystem .'as found to ave.'ag-: 0.215 ov»c the 2 wnt'i satvli;ig peric?' vith 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.

    This study involves a large number of aeasureaents which must be asso- ciated with geographical locations. Stippling patterns on maps are usSd to convey information simply. The individual measurements are reported in ap- pendices.

    Depth-dependence of uranium concentration and the relationship of areal to bulk activity are analysed in this section. Such information is useful for planning any further surveys or corrective action. Finally, regulatory limits are presented for comparison to the data obtained.

    3.1 Soil Survev Results

    The U-238 content of soil on the NL Bearings plant site is shown in Figures 5 and 6. The former exhibits a shallow sample (0-0.5 inch depth) and the latter exhibits a deep saaple (0.5-2.0 inch). Identity of sectors may be found by referring to Figure 1. Areas occupied by rooftop or pavement are designated by contrasting patterns because soil sampling was excluded.

    Individual measurements of soil on the plant site are displayed in

    Appendix I. This includes laboratory analyses of U-238 and :.'-23" in the ess- posited bulk samples as well as areal measurements of U-238 at all three locations within a sector. Conventions for reporting tolerances are ex- plained on the appendix flyleaf.

    Ina similar manner, data for the off-site grid are presented in

    Bap form on Figures 7 and 8. Sectors are identified by referring to Figures

    2 and 4. Individual aeasureaents are listed in Appendix II.

    The deposition patterns ar? strongly dependent upon direction.

    Uranium concer.tratior • -kbove V' ,*.'!, £»i e*tBiid \o che 500 a radius NNW of

    the plant. Thi.** corresponds to ;vr.'do-)v.'vf.t summer winds C^otn the S and SSE 20



    i £<3 rooftop


    Q] < 20 pCi/pn f E3 20 - 100 ^ .100 - 2C0 FIGURE 6 BULX U-238 IN SUB-SURFACi SOIL (0.5 - 2.0 in.) ON SITl i " > so° I 22 i k i

    < 20 pCi,

    2P - 100

    FIGURE 8 ::j 100 - 20>. aUU U-2 58 IN SU3-5UUFACE SOIL iO.S.2.1 in.) t;Fr SITE 200 - 50

    > *nn . 2 J < 500 pCi/ra ] 500-2000 ] 2000-6000

    FIGURE 9 3 6000-10000 r AREA! U-738 ON THE NL | > io.ooo ^I ~ s:-:.>u BEARINGS PLANT *Ouf 3 not measured because of stajvli.ig wjt^r •A--*'-"-- - 26

    for this data. It appears that lower concentrations often exhibit a scalier ratio, however, and that the overall slope is increased by high concentrations which are shallow.

    The on-site plot in Figure 10 shows poorer correlation (r « 0.51).

    The regression line has a low slope and an intercept far from zero. This con- trasting behavior could be related to distance from the release point. Varia- tion in particle size, differences in the character of soils, and the chronol- ogy of releases may also be factors.

    Rapid decrease in concentration with depth implies that corrective action can be accomplished by removing a shallow layer of soil.

    3.4 The Relationship of Area! to Bulk Activity

    One purpose of this study is to relate areal field measurements of

    U-238 (pCi/ca ) to bulk laboratory measurements (pCi/gm). Such relationships will be useful in future surveys where it will be expedient to use field mea- surements alone.

    A laboratory study was performed at Teledyne Isotopes in which ensured amou/'.s of N'T. substandard uranium cxide were added to soil. Concen- trations'of 216, 427, and 649 pCi/gm were made using 10 kg of soil. The'mate- rial was mixed by tumbling for several hours on a mechanical roller.

    Aliquots of the active soils w-re distributed evenly in the bottom of an 11-inch (28 cm) diameter cardboard cylinder. Thicknesses of 1, 2, 4, 6,

    8, and 10 ca were separately prepared and then aeasured for areal U-238. Each measurement employed the field spectroscopy instrument as described in section 2.3.

    Straight lines in 7'iiu^e 11

    Circles in Figure 11 are a portion of the field data from Appendices

    I and II. Concentrations above 200 pCi/gm exhibit an areal-to-bulk ratio near

    2, falling close to the laboratory relationship for a 1 cm uniform mixing depth. Concentrations below 200 pCi/ga generally exhibit a ratio higher than 2.

    The laboratory and field data are not totally comparable because uranium in the field is not expected to be uniformly mixed with depth.

    Figure 11 does suggest, however, that high concentrations of uranium are generally shallow. This rssult is consistent with the observations of section


    If the field instrument is to be vised alone in a decontamination survey, an areal-to-bulk factor of 2 would piovide a conservative over-tstixate of U-238 concentrations. As shown in Figure 11, lower concentrations generally have ratios higher than 2. Dividing an areal measurement by the factor 2 will generally produce a high estimate of bulk U-238, especially in off-site locations where activity is diminished.

    3.5 Regulatory Limits

    Authority for regulating rauioartiv^ aaterials is discussed in a status rspor-; prepared >y ;he H.'l v>. 3;

    Department of Environmental Conservation (i)EC) regulates environmental releases m


    This study reports measurements of U-238 and U-235 in soil surround-

    ing the NL Bearings plant to a distance of 600 a CO.37 ai]. The ar^a was

    divided into 120 sampling sectors on a radial grid centered at the building.

    In addition, 44 sectors were sampled on the plant site itself. The roof of

    the building was divided into approximately 1100 square grid elements which

    were surveyed for areal radioactivity.

    Each sector has been characterised by separately compositing 3

    shallow soil samples (0-0.5 inch depth) and 3 deep samples (0.5-2.0 inch).

    These were analysed by gamma spectroscopy at Teledyne Isotopes. In addition,

    a field instrument was used at all 3 locations within each sector to obtain

    areal U-23S activity.

    Results have been presented in the form of maps and tables. Stip-

    pling patterns on maps readily identify the uranium contents of sectors.

    Deposition is greatest to the northwest and southeast of the plant in the

    directions of prevailing winds. Little uranium was found at distances

    gTpater than 400 a; only 3 sectors beyond this Targe exceedsd 20 ?Ci/gvan,

    the highest being 56 pCi/gram.

    The measurements show a rapid decrease in uranium content with

    depth. Samples from 0.5 to 2.0 inches depth generally.exhibit a small

    fraction of the concentration in the top 0.5 inch. ^Areal U-233 (expressed fin.pCi/ca ) was found to be about 2 tiaes the bulk U-238 (expressed in

    pCi/graa). This relationship varies with aixing depth, as shown by a labor-

    atory experiment.

    Regulatory limits for uranium in incoutrolled areas ire prescribed

    by the State of New York Departaenc at Latar in Code Rule 38. Soiii contain-

    ing greater than 0.05 percent uranium by weight are co be considered source SOfOPES 32

    3ingle areal U-238 reading greater than 400 pCi/an be re-surveyed as Well.

    This criterion is based on the relationship of areal to bulk activity (section 3.4),

    The concentrating factor above is not included in this calculation because many

    areal measurements were taken at driplines.

    Detailed surveys within a sector can be accomplished with a field

    instrument alone. Sufficient data exists to relate these measurements to bulk 2 activity. Any area within a sector which reads 400 pCi/ca or greater should be

    scraped of surface soil for disposal. The rapid decrease of activity with depth

    (section 3.3) indicates that removal of a thin layer will generally be suffi-

    cient. The area should be re-surveyed after the removal operation to verify its


    Further study is recommended for the NL Bearings plant roof. Code

    Rule 38 cites separate limits fcr fixed and removable activity. The relative

    amounts of fixed and removable uranium should be determined at several locations

    using a vacuuming, brushing or washing operation. If a large portion is fixed,

    cores of the roofing material should be analysed to determine penetration depth

    in case a i-emovji ^paration is ^equiT* . A."yl. c^Z '.o.i of -nr :o fi.-- ^ii activ-

    ity, and implementing security to designate the roof a controlled area should

    also be considered. APPENDIX I


    Tolerances of individual neasureaents are 2 standard deviation counting errors. Tolerance of the areal average is 1 standard deviation, calculated without regard to counting error. If the areal average includes a detection limit, it is preceded by a "<" symbol.

    / Areal U-238 (Th-234), pCl/cm* Composited Bult'. Measurement, pCl/f» Special U-238 U-23» Sector, Comjo^lto XThjJl^ depth neajj;n»tloil 368 i 33 239 1 125 99 1 22 249 t 29 162 • 9 283 i 40 4.5 i 0.4 151 1 26 169 1 30 S 165 • 28 S-48 35 i 2 0.8 1 0.1 202 • 189 0 95 1 24 92 t 24 0.9 t 0.2 420 1 33 85 t 24 143 1 98 61 t 4 256 t 30 89 1 23 S-49 S 0.8 i 0.2 48 i 4 196 1 27 288 i 180 D 494 4 33 173 t 26 168 1 141 345 1 17 4.5 t 0.7 128 1 26 52 t 24 S-50 S 0.1 i 0.1 325 i 31 3 1 2 136 i 26 191 i 58 D 252 1 28 186 i 27 94 t 30 302 t 18 4.2 i 0.8 82 t 25 71 1 25 S 128 i 26 S-Sl 40 3 0.9 1 0.2 192 i 41 t 189 1 27 153 i 26 4.0 x 0.7 23S 1 28 53 4 24 95 4 */ 297 t 10 • 146 i 26 87 i 25 S-S2 s 23 1 3 0.4 i 0.2 266 t 3 D 264 i 28 268 4 29 157 1 41 240 t 8 3.3 1 0.3 186 i 26 i» AB only 128 4 18 S-SS 64 i 5 1.1 t 0.3 351 4 120 D AB only 266 t 34 2.5 J 0.2 436 i 41 247 4 173 AB only 144 t 4 370 t 38 125 t 33 S-65 S l.ti i 0.2 802 4 229 AB only 75 i 3 SS9 37 i) 1014 i 46 833 t 41 303 ± 219 452 t 7 6.o k 0.3 120 t 32 244 34 S-66 s 545 1 39 70 1 4 1.* i 0.2 47 1081 4 497 D 1336 1 47 1399 9.2 1 0.3 508 i 38 315 34 286 i 14d 645 i 5 125 i 31 417 t 36 S-67 S i.:. i 0.2 B97 4 3t)l 72 1 4 1032 42 D HOB 4 41 552 i 37 405 4 155 S09 i 8 6.9 t 0.3 576 4 37 367 34 S-68 S 1 273 i 32 1 62 1 3 1.1 * 0- 944 44 1013 4 I '? D 860 i 44 1235 t 47 590 4 189 373 4 9 6.4 t 0.4 565 1 40 414 38 S-69 S !.: i 0.2 790 i 42 103 4 5 652 1 3S 723 4 127 D 870 t 38 648 i 32 295 4 79 524 i 11 6 & t 0.5 246 1 29 386 i 31 S-70 S 252 t 30 104 • 4 t. •' 1 0.2 D Compo sit.s. l Bulk Areal U-238 (Th-234), pCl/cin Meastir cmciir , pCl/gm Special Sector, Composite U-238 11-235 ABC Jepth Designation S-86 S AB only 114 1 2.3 *• 0.2 336 i I 35 711 t 41 524 AB only 87 1 1.6 1 0.2 276 i . 33 405 1 36 34 i S-89 S 85 t 1.2 1 0.2 183 i I 34 250 t 33 221 1 34 21 : n 6 • 0.2 1 0. 1 113 iI 32 93 • 30 155 • 33 12( S-90 S 126 • J.9 i 0.2 588

    '//•/ •' Compos Ited BulK Areal U-238 (Th-234), pCl/cia2 Measureinent , pCi/jfrn Special Sector, Compos It* U-238 U-23S A B C Avu depth DeilgnatIon (Th-234)

    1 S A only 82 • 8 1.0 • 0.3 119 1 2i 119 n ; on »y 17 • 3 0.3 t 0.1 71 • 2 3 71 2 s *u only 77 • 4 1.0 • 0.2 148 i 24 87 • 23 118 1 4i i, All only 9 • 3 0.3 t 0.2 61 t 2 3 54 t 23 58 1 5 3 s X only 85 i 6 1.1 1 0.3 101 t 24 101 0 A only 19 • 3 0.5 l 0.2 68 i 23 68 4 s 41 i 4 0.6 t 0.2 112 i 24 49 t 21 54 i 20 72 1 3 D 6 • 2 0.2 t 0.1 67 1 23 40 • 20 32 • 20 46 1 1 c 5 AS only 179 • 6 2.7 i 0.2 118 t 25 80 • 23 99 • 2i u. AB only 144 • 5 2.2 .• 0.3 50 t 24 <37 <44 • 9 6 s 189 ^ 6 2.5 s 0.3 145 1 23 307 i 27 165 26 157 • m n 70 . 4 1.2 • 0.2 52 i 23 143 • 25 114 i 26 103 • 4.

    7 s 99 t 5 1.1 1 0.2 663 t 39. 140 t 30 18S i 22 329 S i • i D 52 » 3 0.9 1 0.2 179 1 34 111 • 30 189 i 22 160 < 8 AB only S04 i 9 6.6 i 0.4 250 t 26 494 i 29 372 1 1. t. D AB only 72 • 4 1.2 i 0.2 137 1 25 339 • 26 238 • i 9 S pavcaent pavement 10 5 3689 t 45 42 1 18 916 i 40 1337 • 43" 866 1 39 1040 i 2,9 n 351 • 7 5.2 • 0.3 578 1 36 887 t 40 493 i 35 65 3 1 207 11 V 199 i 6 2.7 i 0.3 364 t 30 323 1 28 232 t 27 306 t £B r» 64 • 4 1.) ; 0.2 115 • 26 158 • 26 134 i 26 146 1 1^ 12 s 1036 • 22 ii.;• 0.7 501 t 31 293 i 29 218 i 26 337 i 117 i. 151 4 5 1.9i 0.2 225 i 28 175 • 26 108 i 24 169 • 50

    * drlpllne A low spot o Composited Buin Measurement, pd/gm Areal 11-238 (Th-234), pCi/cm* special Sector, Composite U-238 U-2.\5 ABC depth Designation (Th-234)

    24 S 148 ! S 2.0 • t 0.2 236 26 191 • 32 257 • 29 27b D . 44 1 2 0.7 • 0.1 119 1 24 100 1 30 205 4 27 141 25 S AB only 56 • 4 0.7 i 0.2 167 1 24 118 1 20 143 D AB only 23 ! 1 0.4 • 0. 1 92 1 23 80 1 20 86 26 S nc soil D no soi1 27 S no soil D no soil 28 S 10 ! 3 0.2 1 0.1 35 t 21* 44 ± 22 39 i 19 39 D 6 i 2 0.1 • 0. 1 <34 • <36 <30 <33 .29 S AB only 59 t 3 0 6 1 0.1 178 • 25* 66 1 22 122 D AB only 9 • i 0.3 t 0.1 71 • 23* 42 t 22 57 30 S A only 17 • 2 0.5 i 0.1 <38 <3f D A only 3 t 2 0.1 • 0.1 <38 <3c) 31 S r.o soil D no soil

    32 S AB oniy 87 1 3 1.3 t 0.2 126 1 26 60 i 21 9.i D AB on!y 14 t 3 0.1 • 0.2 103 • 23 55 t 20 7«J 33 S 290 1 5 3.o • 0.3 512 1 30 321 1 27 204 i 24 346 D 59 • 3 O.S • 0.1 338 • 28 139 1 25 175 i 24 21? 34 S 10S i 5 I.1 i 0.3 590 t 33 223 t 27 290 i 28 36P D 90 1 4 1.4 • 0.2 252 1 28 81 i 24 16B t 26 167 35 S 72 i 4 • 0.2 192 i 26 166 i 26 144 i 23 16 0 22 ! 1 0.3 • 0. 1 113 • 24 91 t 25 123 1 22 10'.

    drlplIne Composited Bulk Areal 11-238 (Th-234), pCl/cm* Measurement, pCl/gm Special Sector, Composite' U-238 U-23S A B C depth Designation

    48 S 308 » 9 4.S • 0.3 1396 • 43 • 481 t 32 420 i 29 7 17 D r>o .1 4 2 i • 0.2 791 • 37 • 246 1 28 171 1 25 4 <38 49 S S(> .• 4 0.9 i 0.2 82 • 22 107 i 22 344 1 33 1 '15 D VJ .• 3 0.5 i 0.1 92 • 2? 84 i 22 320 1 32 i i M4

    50 S S -! 2 C.2 1 0. 1 41 1 19 55 i 20 122 i 24 * > 13 D 12 iI 2 0.3 • 0.2 45, • 19 50 t 21 69 1 23 « 11 SI S 39 i l 3 0.C 1 0.2 <32 62 • 21 * 46 1 21 15 D 6 i• 2 0.2 • 0.1 3s i 20 45 • 20 • <33 7 52 S IS I • 2 0.3 1 0.1 4. 1 19 49 • 22 • 66 i 19 :. li D 8 i! 1 ().? 1 0.1 <3I 53 • 22 <31 - ! 13 53 S 16 i• 2 ft.4 1 0.1 <35 60 • 21 <33 i5 D 6 .1 2 0.1 • 0.1 <35 <34 48 ± 20 8 54 S 17 iI 3 0.3 .• 0.2 <36 46 i 20 * 48 t 19 6 0 8 it 1 0.2 1 0.1 <36 <33 • 38 i 19 3 55 "> AG only 21 i1 3 0.4 1 0.2 55 • 21 56 i 20 1 D AB only 9 i• 2 0.2 • 0.1 18 1 20 36 t 20 . .8 56 b 46 iI 2 0.6 • 0.1 127 1 24 145 • 24 121 r 22 . ; 12 D 27 J •2 0.4 • 0.1 107 • 23 86 1 23 70 t 21 < 19 57 S 128 i !7 1.8 • 0.3 120 • 24 468 i 31 161 i 24 / i 190 3 30 i 1 3 0.5 1 0.2 68 • 22 213 i 27 52 i 22 « n : 89 58 S 58 i• 3 0.8 • 0.2 3^1 • 37 98 i 24 147 i 22 '• 101 n 37 i• 4 n.s • 0.2 267 • 26 82 • 24 89 i 21 \ 102 59 S 54 <• 3 0. 7 • 0.2 134 • 22 69 1 20 129 1 22 ii i 36 D 24 .• 3 0.5 S 0.2 84 • 21 52 • 20 115 i 21 .«'. ! 32

    * drlpllne ** Composited Bulk Areal U-238 (Th-234), pCl/cm* Measurement, pCl/gra Special Sector, Composite U-238 U-235 A B C dej.rh resignation (Th-2 fl 72 S 68 1.0 •0.2 176 t 23 169 4 23 • 123 1 21 156 1 D 24 0.4 • 0.1 BO • 22 77 4 23 * 87 • 20 81 • 73 S 38 0.4 1 0.2 <34 63 4 22 CO t 25 <52 • D 8 0.2 • 0.1 50 ± ?l 76 4 22 88 i 24 71 1 74 S 8 0.2 • 0.1 <35 96 1 25 38 • 22 <56 i D 7 0.2 1 0.1 <35 55 4 24 <36 <42 1 75 s 12 0.5 i 0.2 93 1 22 • 38 t 19 <35 <55 1 D 3 0.2 • 0.1 73 • 22 * <32 <35 <47 1 76 5 6 <0.1 <34 64 4 24 - 33 t 20 <44 1 0 2 0.1 1 0.1 <34 45 4 23 * 48 • 20 <42 1 77 s 5 <0.1 41 i 23 <34 <36 » <37 i 0 4 <0.l <37 <34 48 i 22 • <40 1 78 s 9 0.2 i 0.1 43 t 19 <35 <31 <36 1 3 0.1 t 0.1 <31 60 4 22 37 f 19 <43 1 c* 79 i 17 0.2 1 0.1 <32 <32 77 i 20 <47 .• D 6 0.1 1 0.1 47 i 19 <31 47 1 20 <42 . 80 S 42 0.7 1 0.2 S16 i 35 • 6S 1 22 68 1 22 216 . D 103 1.5 • 0.2 403 i 34 * <35 67 1 22 <168 1 81 S 164 2.3 1 0.2 224 ± 30 • 194 4 23 96 1 23 171 * D 46 0.6 1 0.2 192 t 27 • 77 4 21 S7 1 21 109 1

    82 S 26 0.4 i 0.1 <34 35 1 21 <32 <34 i D 10 0.2 10.1 <34 <34 <31 <33 83 S 27 0... 10.1 <34 <33 44 1 20 <37 • I) 6 0.2 1 <». 1 <33 <32 <32 <32

    * drlpllne Composited Bulk Arettl U-238 (Th-234), pCi/ca.* Measurement, pCl/grn Special - - i o Sector, Coiirposltfl U-238 U-2 J5 ABC/ depth De it gnat Ion

    96 S 19 • 2 0.3 i 0.1 59 i 21 73 • 22 64 i 21 65 D 12 • 2 0.2 • 0.1 39 f 20 37 1 22 74 1 21 50 97 S 6 1 2 0.1 i 0.1 <35 <31 <37 <34 D 4 • 2 0. 1 t 0.1 <35 <31 <37 <34 98 S <31 <30 <33 <3I D <2 0.1 t 0.1 <3I <30 <34 <32 99 S 4 t 2 <0.1 <35 <38 <33 <3S D 1 i 1 0.1 • 0.1 <35 <39 <34 <36 100 S 4 i 2 <0.1 <40 <32 <33 <35 0 1 i I 0.! 1 0.1 <43 <32 <34 <36 101 S 3 it 2 <0. <32 <32 <36 <31 n <2 0. . t 0.1 <32 <33 <36 <3< 102 S 4 it 2 <0. <34 <35 <37 <34 D 1 it 1 O.i i 0.1 <33 <35 <36 <35 103 S 4 1t 2 <0 1 <3S <33 60 i 23 • <4! <33 D 8 is 2 0."' 1 0.1 <35 50 i 23 • <3f. 104 S 19 1t 2 0. ' 1 0.1 44 i 22 39 i 23 <37 <40 D 12 <• 2 0.. i 0.1 64 i 22 <37 38 i 22 <4f> 105 S 33 1I 3 O.b 1 0.2 <36 75 i 23 <38 <5( D 6 it 2 0.2 • 0. 1 <36 <36 <37 <3d 106 S S it 2 0. f ! 0. 1 <34 <34 <31 <3- D S it 1 0.! t 0. 1 <34 <36 <3I <3« 107 S 16 :c 2 0. ! 0. 1 <33 <33 <33 <3" 0 2 • 2 0. k i (J. 1 <33 <32 <33 <3.- •Jf

    drlpllne OS -JfTELEDYNE ,n



    J Are.l Areal „ ., Ar*a; Grid Activity Grid Activity Grid Activity Location pCl/c»2 Location pCl/cm2 Location _jCl/cm^__

    3-17 220 4-14 490 5-11 1310 3-lfc 220 4-15 450 S-12 890 3-19 360 4-16 400 5-13 940 3-20 310 4-17 540 5-14 1020 3-21 370 4-10 450 5-15 BOO 3-22 450 4-19 , 360 S-16 450 3-iJ 400 4-20 490 5-17 360 3-24 400 4-21 . 540 5-18 400 li 25 310 4-22 1120 5-19 400 2-26 400 4-23 710 5-20 490 3-77 310 4-24 450 5-21 220 3-26 450 4-2S 360 5-22 270 4-3 <100 4-26 540 5-23 220 «-4 <100 4-27 5B0 5-24 220 4-5 <100 4 28 400 5-25 220 4-6 450 S3 270 5-26 270 4-7 360 5-4 270 5-27 310 4-6 540 5-5 360 5-26 270 «-9 540 S 6 400 6-3 310 <-'«0 710 5-7 34BO 6-4 270 4-11 400 5-8 4020 6-5 360 4-12 450 5-9 4020 6-6 1250 „ 4-13 580 5-10 3570 6-7 2590 Areal Areal Grid Actlvlt Grid Activity Grid Activity Local Inn pCl/cnr Location pCl/cm* Location pCi/cm*

    6-22 670 9-11 1160 10-4 2190 8-23 580 9-15 940 10-5 2630 8-24 714 9-16 710 10-6 2190 8-2S 890 9-17 2190 10-7 2190 8-26 940 9-18 3530 10-8 1518 8-27 1070 9-19 5760 10-9 1210 8-28 940 9-20 4420 10-10 1250 8-31' 360 9-21 1520 10-11 1030 8- i5 360 9-22 710 10-12 940 6-34 310 9-23 760 10-13 980 8-3S 400 9-24 710 10-14 980 8-o6 360 9-25 1300 10-15 760 9- -*• 1740 9-26 1610 10-16 800 9-4 1740 9-27 1560 10-17 1210 9-S 3080 9-28 1160 10-18 2630 9-6 2630 9-32 760 10-19 2630 9-7 2230 9-33 540 10-20 3080 S 8 1790 9-34 630 10-21 1070 9-10 1790 9-35 710 10-22 &• 850 9-11 1340 9-3D 400 10-23 850' 9-!.? 1340 10-2 890 10-24 800 9 13 1340 10-3 2190 10-25 BOO

    •li-9 1340 Areal Areal Areal Grid Actlvit Grid Activity Grid Activity 2 Location pCl/cjn2 Location pCl/cm* Location pCi/cm

    12-25 2630 3-12 1250 3-34 3(>0 12-26 980 3 13 2500 3-35 510 i 2-27 940 3-14 2140 3-36 400 12-2? 940 3-15 1340 4-2 940 i2-29 980 3-16 1030 4-3 2140 12-30 670 3-17 14 30 4-4 3480 12-31 1030 3-18 , 1250 4-5 4420 .12-S2 400 3-19 1380 4-6 2590 12-33 S40 3-20 1210 4-7 1700 12-34 400 3-21 2590 4-8 2190 12-3S 450 3-22 1470 4-9 2630 12-36 4S0 3-23 1520 4-10 2140 iJ-2 490 3-24 2630 4-11 2190 13-3 1300 3-25 3480 4-12 2190 n-4 8S0 3-26 670 4-13 4870 13-5 16S0 3-27 710 4-14 3970 !3-6 1700 3-28 760 4-15 2190 13-7 1340 3-2") P90 4-16 2590 13-8 1030 3-31) 1070 4-17 5310 13-J 1430 3-^1 14 30 4-18 4420 13-10 3040 3-32 4<<0 4-19 S760 13-11 1300 3-33 450 4-20 3040 Areal Areal Areal Grid Activity Grid Activity Grid Activity 2 pCl/cm2 2 Location pCl/cm Location Loc«tlor pCl/cn — - — - _ 3480 19-15 3040 17-9 12S0 18-18 1700 19-16 4820 17-.0 710 18-19 2S90 19-17 1430 17-.'I 3480 18-20 19-18 1700 i7-;:2 4380 18-21 3930 19-19 1070 i7-23 3930 18-22 3480 19-20 1380 !7-24 3480 18-23 2590 3040 19-21 1070 !7-25 4380 18-24 3040 19-22 1470 17-26 10600 18-25 6160 19-23 540 i8-2 490 18:26 19-24 1650 ',8-3 12S0 19-2 540 1120 19-25 1380 18-4 1610 19-3 19-26 800 18-5 4380 19-4 1700 20-2 800 18-6 2140 i9-S 2140 20-3 1120 18-9 2140 19-6 2140 20-4 2140 18-10 3480 19-7 3930 20-5 2590 18-11 1160 10-8 3040 20-6 2140 18-12 2590 19-9 2590 20-7 3040 18-13 2590 19-10 3040 20-8 3040 18-14 3480 19-11 1700 20-9 3480 18-15 3040 19-12 1610 20-10 3480 18-16 4380 19-13 1520 20-11 1430 kS-17 3930 19-14 4820 I 60

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    39 17 5310 41-5 1340 42-12 1070 39-td 4420 41-6 2140 42-13 8S0 39-19 4420 41-7 3040 42-14 540 40-3 760 41-8 3480 42-15 710 40-< 800 41-9 2590 45-3 490 40 S 1520 41-10 2140 43-4 450 40-6 . 1560 41-11 1700 43-5 760 40-7 3040 41-12 1160 43-6 1070 40-ft 3480 41-13 940 43-7 1250 40-9 2590 41-14 2630 43-8 2200 40-10 2140 41-15 1520 43-9 1340 40-11 1700 41-16 <100 43-10 1380 40-11 2190 42-3 400 43-11 1070 40-13 3080 42-4 450 43-12 S40 40-14 3530 42-5 890 43-13 800 40-IS 3480 . 42-6 1430 44-3 450 40-16 3930 42-7 2190 44-4 540 40-17 5270 42-8 2630 44-5 850 40-18 5270 42-9 2630 44-6 890 41-3 630 42-10 1470 44-7 cr 980 41-4 670 42-11 1160 44-8 670

    /K/» l Ml

    /1'-7 3b'ir>b