THE IRON ERA liuslii mura licr piilfcti como ind RO ; i chased from Mayville to Broclou 'on children. It was a kiudur tin ole ttled buck iu bin sent, and fur bulf an ?" nuked the truveller. hoping todiuw ting ladies should play, sing, and' OHM on Harris Strait nt>r Blaekwell, Be i l f or. Blackwell & Warren Sts., eo In wrneral nm> fnr tirrntif yrnra. uvoatcalmi to lito uoi light; ictiou bjr nu oil train all tifiru, I k'n witb me, but tliore wnsu't no place iur be wus buuy witb tlm iiewn. All ol ; old tnuu'u BC-ci'ot, ancc, only so well aa to amuse tbem- TEIUII ov suBScnirrioN Ssveirywhere proved liie uiiint MA Ft:, ild IIID wbii(> rcuttirpB, BIIOIT un snotr, [ilvcu cud tlioir frionda thau to practieo (Opposite Dnvur Hunt,) HIM iost fool my buir turn white tow wbou me like tbat little botue o" mine an' ilduu b© throw tlie pnpar down, 'Hat right down and sunked our PIiK.KCONonKIAIiftBli'I-VIICHtNT l«yliiTwbwo lUo violet* blow. io arta iti so eniinent a degree as to medicine* known, - Tbey are Jimitwliat lliuku'timl," cuuteuts. ed a wickud ontli, and, ruuehina ntiibs, of course I" he chuckled. uovnit.N.j., , not bcrciitli tiidpraven fitune, itoiiiBli tlie pnblie ; because a great op- One tear, ------«2.00 uci of Woninn and OblidrL-n, ana of tUe pconle want, ftnvliiFF time, ituonev. i pkftU fnr tuaia fur alien ojm; He tras ono of the oldest engineers on 'If tbey don't turn tb' switcii, Juok,' irward, lie ifnicbci] a follow* passenger Thut'a what wo did ; but some uf the •ick mi and MiireriDir. Hri-ry BlMCIC reut attention to trivial anconipHsb- Six Months, ------1.0 KjOf»D(lEar si^t'laltiw. r-mlor crinw or wood oluno Lako Bboro road, aud was tiding me ys Jimmy—'good b.yel' i tlie slionlcler and blurted out: hud maro pluck. Tbey started out 1 m« the wm tM*d prescription of mta iu linblo to give a suspicion ttat oHnun.: 7 to9 A. M., 1 to 3 nml7 to 8 I . H. mil any that lie re « jjiaidcii lies bis engine from BruoLou to Dunkirk- Be Btuck out his blind. I kuow'd "They are fools, sir, cussed fools I" as plain a truil as ttioy wanted to Tttree montbs,------D aa eminent pbjulclan. >ro valuablD acquiBJtious have beca lS30d WM. Cure*. . Cent". otto beucalli tbo poacuful siaioa, I van uu Ibo Buffalo, Corry aud Erie it he meant. I telcbcJ hold 'n bi» 'Who ?"uskcd tho iislouiBhod traveller. Her, uud IJefoin Binmpo Ibeio WHBD'I • hlllTII. |i. C. UKO.K, TO. lUnn, Inflnmmktioni, . . 93 ea'ceted. And as tbey consist in an ex- id tlien. It was in. 1809—AuguBt the iud, u.id wa bid cnoli other good by I "Why, Ihem newspaper men I Blast y further WHO ot iiuybody hunting lor " Dr. P. A. HARRIS, enr 3ia Iracn or Imnunt limb ibition of tbe person, they ore liable to SMITH & MECIE, 'ontcentb. Tho bit o' track 'twill ill tbo time we was sweepm' like tlie icir ojes I Can't tbey take u bint with- i, of Children or AdtuH°,'t U all WIIDOI tlioir clicliuR siiailons round a Eeudurs!" 3 attcudcil with vunity, nud to extln- . PHYSICIAN anil SUltGEON, ayville nod Brocton ia about tlio crook- nd toward tbo otatiou. witli tho blnuiu' it a kick ?" VTTORNEYS AT LAW. •Why?" uislt tbo blush of youthful timidity, '••:::S jat drinks tho grtomiiK from tbo ground [eat an' steepest stretch tkcro is in tbe il only ten fcctbeliiud me. 'N tbitnk 1 DOVEB, N. J. OTPICE OVEU riEIHOVB HAT 8I0IIE, e, . . 15 I Orop ibeir dead Itavos un licr mound. 'Wliat do you meati V" "Why ? Woll, what's the use o look- bicb is iu young ladies tha most pow- try. It's ten mile from one place 3d 1 tboy did tnru tbo swilcli, au' we 3rn» AT SKJI1DEH0B OH OIICIMUD BTIIEET. BUCKWEIX KCOEET, i. HemnacnH, PICK iicaaaciic, vuUjp, . U He picked U|) tbe pupur and pointed ig for auyhody after tbey have been rful of their exterior charms. And I 1 Dr*pcp«l*« Billunn Slomadi S3 in oe'r their boughs tlio »qulrrel» tuu, itlier, but tho twista In tlio road it in on tb' Sliord tniok, toroliytlio , DOVEH, isr. ar. il, MunprcMGil, or I'tlnful I'ertadi,, . . 15 ]n\rnRrii|)lj, wbicli read that olil t full o' IIOILK ond pluntoil ? Ireckou ulso ButibtlL"] tbat, if a young woman IL WBIIM, too Profaw Farloop. • • , * IS ai throHRh tholr Itaved tliu robina «!l, ke8 it fourteen. . Tue grade 's 'bout jpot like a mckcit; au' on through tlio 13. CVonp. Ootutn, tf I ulcxi 11 Brci tbi off, . , *3 (1, rrpcnioe la Ibe autumn aun, tndor, tliP EHUHUS tuurdorer, budbiten ut Ibe aid woman quit knitting and luuotporUikn of tha amusements uf a IL BRHBhemu, Emipelsa, Krupliutu. . U ;bty foot t' tli" mfle. TIIB toad 's so >wn, au' on up the rond. Wo kuow'd Jonir F. amcKus, L. W. THURBER, )i. Bbeumatl*ni, Ithcuinatlc I'nlni, . • S3 HJO kcorutj end tlio clicBtunli fall, [>n iu Murykud, and then growlml out; iging ntligiouB songs jest ubaut duy- all-room, except at tho expense ol beu- Dkcd that it'B n stnndiu1 joke 'mODg icu tbat tlio express bnd been warned TEHIKTENDENT OP VVU1A0 S0UO0L8 is. FeTcr and Atnie, Chill Fever, Auoci,, 60 tlbt not that alie will boad then. ull. . "I'll givo $10,000 toouy man whoever ;liL 1 'Bout tbat timo, ulso, that HIIS- roleuce, of frendubip, of diffidence, of ]T. Pile*.blindorblewllDg, W boys tbat they doan't put more'n ten ' our approach. Wo soou ou [stripped Counsellor at Law IS. opbthalmr, and Bot« or Weak EJCI, . M her tlio mornlDg choir ehnll tutg Us eyea on old Bender, or any o' tlie vil Kale and her lioes thief of a bus- incerily of good humor, at tbe expcnut) OF SlOillllfl COUSTY. " C^tJirrfa, Mill* "f chronic, infimuiM, . BO .ra in a train er the engino'll butt the ie buiuiu' cars, the/ losin' tliemmi AUD DiatiiiK irfila tliu liranulica IIIRII, !Bt o' tbut fum'lj 1" id pulled hair uud culled cuch otber Homo OhriBtiim diBpositioD, Botnu n ovir GEO. itlcnAIiDSiCo.'n BT0I.E, ose curtain. The road im of tbe gmde. We uluwed ourbruve HAST Jilt IN CIIANCEIIY, eTcrjr mluMrcI TtiiccurttjirliiK "Wbut ilo yon know nbnut the Bnn- in] u nines for Ibo last time. Tbe atrun- r'fltian virtue, sbo has no buaincsa tlie i'enDByfrnuiti oil country, an' gitl up by degrecB, an' stojipcd witli- ROCKAWAY.N.J. DOVER, N. J. at tlirillH bmoaih tlio April Bliy 1 }rs ?" asked the Iraveller, grcully inler- r nho was vtiih tbe family might have icre, Tho recreation to others may bo enpa u' petroleum is run over it. That a hundred yanla o' th cxprcna that lall stool Lcr with Iln earlicHt cry. n!l at oLce. LoBulljief, u preacher, or an angel inocent; but to bar it iajwrtainlvfl iglit, * 'buut 9 o'clock, I was gettiu' y in tho track, ivailin' for tbe upshot J. J. VREELAND, •n turning round tliolr tlial truck, The old mnn ebuclled, as lfgrontly it I guess our boys didn't wnit to usl; y t' leave tb' summit with a box cur, tbe rnco. - Jimmy 'n me got off, but BLANCHA11D, ibtnard the lenfttbeuing thnilona pnsi, 1, bat flfltr a inomeat bis face my quc-slinns I" Carpenter ftiifl Builder, liltlo monniRTB, EI.KI in Mock, >il corn, un' two passepgei can. Th' ucx' wo kuow'd wo didn't kuow uotu- :rioUF nnd uleru. Leuuiiig uvur tw "And ul.f Beuder himself V Tbo criukutu ilidliig tlnonuli I lie eran, tier waa full, Th' box car bud two val- , We faiuled dead away, and when Jobbing promptly attended to. t> MASTER IN OlIANOEUY, ' t nloscr to the traveller, be ftbisiicroi]: "I RUCHS ltd didn't git away, strangerl A SiicccHKnil ltnt-Trap. nil plpo for hor BII ayculnif tuni. ible trottiu' horses in it, I got tlie sig como to, wnsbotk of us home, unto. The kitchen and sforeroom ofabotel DOVEH, N. J. 1 "llmew every ou

•""f"';'.', ''•', ••i^--v.;--'' Notes from the Banner- FOR SALE CHEAP. HOUSE and LOT INDEPENDENCE DAY. undutliDrti vi'll kiiowu, uuder comuiutul of J. MARSHALL & BALL We clip tuii following from the JIuir.Bluwn THE BUCKEYE MOWER, Mr. Tbo* Hi-adluy, flllfj a uio-lie i" thfc B.^on(l-hniid MOWINO 3IACIUNK, i FOIl SXLE! THE IRON EgA. pumae tint was noted by all. mur: I FAKH WAGON mid a SIK(JLE CAK OT- tnico tho number of BISINESS SUITS of any houso in «i6 city, Tlio -PLimny PhantustiouV « moilo* OU. I»,uifoot A ,UDiJ0N C[)F_ BESJ H. TOOT, Editor nod l»r«p*r Tlio Morrin County Courts mot on Monday ulirKl aacrraiB beavj and Mack all around ipplled ultli nralvlaa BOATS oii.l KISH- A Tramii>» Vitality. horiaou fttid tlio ruin nt tiiwn fell in tor- ith a HOU of John 11. Rpor, on the Fourth, An accident uttoDjod with the most iialnuro of tho profit!**! on was nadu IKG TA0KLU «t s, portending that tlio nttivo iirqiara- ill uud brt'kc ono of hie legs. J. HAIRHOTJSE, txtmordiuarv ciroiunntanoei occurred carrinwu rontniiiing tbe Mnyo The anmul jJo-iiIe In aid of St. Patrick'fi I $12 BUSINESS SUITS., the Nortliofu Central Ruilwny, n • l»inB nmdc around town for tlio ii.or- 'fltiuuil, tbe omtor, rentier Troy, !?«., Snnda.v nigM. A trni . wouM ].rove fniitJtiMH. At tho eiieiue •h, rhalUain, will bftlold iu Dunning'« •thof the Sharp llcmne, bnlwwu bowling 'ATOHMAKEBnnd JEWELEE, icnilly. uciiied Jnnioa M. BonerB was walking .o tho fkdniu nnd their liidy frwndt* lift at tbnl plni-'o. on Wednesday, July IK. Iloj- nnd Hlorp, nnd aceoiiiinodiitinufi for ,11 in "11,ibo panule wns tho llucHt i; A MltGE AND Kr.EOAyr AHBO1ITMENT OF on thn truck lon'ardts thnt place. Being t Kiinj- d^ornliug the nppnmtuh nf CIKII nuciluiun Hull aud brother ntnrt for the riC-NICB AND rABTIKS. THE BEST IN USE tired nnd hungry, lio "nt do™ bj tho it UJl tSV iiiDf iver, nni WBH g* uidfti&if nctt Monday. Thoy expw* to |,,,,,j. and a sronp »l •boot twenty Udl» Alflo tobacco, ci(,iira, and l-on ALT, IIKQUIHEMENTS. oido ofjtlio railroad und fell asleep. 1 by tiic pcrforini men (if iilnrgp nmuuinl of gnthrml i» n titorc room in Kwwi'X me o ctniplo of wecku and will ramp out. Wlien he nwoke lie attempted to eel up, ir and iin' little rxpeiulltiire »f liiciuoy oil tbu bant limiw. ALL WOOL PANTS from $2 to $6. WI, a« ho .aid when di.eoren»l. foand t, thfir deft houils plwing in foniiH. The insect thnt hntt bi:t-u HO duetructivo to E. L1NDSLEY & SON, Agents, [iiirt of tlio orfrini/JitioiiB Unit III|POB«1 that Lo conld not oae III FORS. Ho had »f h.nnly for tho truck lliu flown* Unit bur-, lieautlful clniH hup* in mont enwu accom- Au U w.'iiil<"l its lutigthy jirojiortmnB In tliia iumirnso »toclt you will finil all tlio LATEST STYLES oi thrown tlicm ncroaa the rail in his Bleep, Li>d tlie twlik's nvomid tiii'iii. Tim work-j lod Lin work and is no* drtweniliiig CELERYFLANTS irougli tliu struct* thn night wan 1ml; beou- uid u train l.nd mo over tbein. One at tlio uiigiue IIOUHO weru cUiTed, liinv-, reea imd nocking a UuliUt iu or under rm nesrly severed below He knee, and It iiroutedt.il Ujrgngli DlcchweU FOlt BAIJJ. r, wlifo- at about miaiiifilit the slarstfttije! lie liark, wli-re b« chiuigea into o white ClASSIMERES AND V.'ORSTEDS the other »a« broken. Nn train tns in t and up ProbjHiet, mid ut tho iiuimiit COE'S PHOSPHATE. sat, nml tlie .town of tlie Fourth wiiih-d up. | iiiBljot that chnogi'H into tho ily NOW HEADY. •IfClil. nor hid bo heard tho l.c.l.e ol un.v itenuiirchfil tlirongli tin- Uwu iu (rout of train nasaiue IIo took hie knife from i as fair ft mowing us t'ould he desirod.. tiat reiiroiluci'K tho KMHO destroy**, For our retail Wile ra Iliii <»»»0 olTrr N«w it ,l>o sciisnn tn eiirUli vmir luiitl OUT AND HADE IN A SUPE3I0a MANNEE. nyor Kicliurdn. Itthun returned through 1,™ ,,!Xlund entth. .kin and ne8l, nrly duriiiu tlio moruiuK HIT people bt-gnu Some eight or ti-n students rciunln at tho tiilal liLuti of CEI.E11V irU* •« mJ HOC'H J'l.wpWo in tlio bu.-t fertiliser in by wuy tif UolJ, Chestnut, Orrliard, known. Hulii hj tlmt Hlill held hifl one lcR. severing iten- < Jliwt in, nml it wiiti nHtiinntcd that when Theological Seminary during vacntiou; Oil r tirrfv. He mva lie laj thrro unable to TIHTWHI nml Humi-x htrLctn to tbu public o«d B T!ir tarjjvnl nnbU-lim-iit of WATCHfij AKlf So pnina liiiriiig lieen ajnred to nuke tlioso fully equal to tho best I.I crowd lmd faiily KBllien-tl tiuTO were at ,ey nre from a dintauco, EOIIIO four or five mote, wholly conbcions mid •nfferinp, itiol liuiliiing; tbt-iwc tUroiifili McFnrbu y c.ru in thcinoal im-ipcr HliL-tiT-rii N.w X-irli »i:il Kajitou. E. LINDSLEY & SON, :lintom mado wirl:. In corrox MIXTUIIES wo have pants for $1 por pair. tint moBt interne agony, fur lit lonit an foreigner!.. Tho large claw of grnd- 1 I'tijiiFtimork htrculH to tbo comer of tral by i>pr. •• "tore it il«-> AKolhrr Rr...tt ri"liic!ir,n in tVALTII.UI, , isr. a*. Iionr. Finally ho hoard a train an- ixTuldcd by tbe firing of wi- alfH (thirty-seven) him mndo quito a redue- Tlio (1,1)' HlOIl, wheru it divided, till Tiro Deport- iLaiXfliitlifTKlN'm-iKMI V.*.\TCMiy. Tt.i- crouching. He bad a mutch in hi; tc« by Hi llauiluljih K-nht Artill- mid ion in Ihu number of Ktudeuta, but from tlio W. i 0. JESK1SK. 4.1h*tt*ji n iiuvonidiit. Linnufa^tiirrd In lt(>tTi.- puckol an,l a Mmpaper. He li llW iiit rc^'J^u'iiR tu the rniiiiie houso nud tbo TRIFLING 8 K of Alm.it town wem to be or ajiplicatioiiH received It bid« fnlr tliiui Hill.K.J. il. Illiiuii, talus tjo IciJ; tli' Ubi. lui, OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENT lho paper when tho train fame 111 light iimber of ilrconillunK, l"«iuii- nnimlt-r coutiuuiug on to UcFitrlnn'tt tin uHual coinplenient of nbout one tu relltvii* time Lcopor nude,, WITH A COLD 18 ALWAYS I) AN OK 110 US. and •iirnalled by waving it. Ihe «ngl- bioli wns tbe Ibillof tlib Atnur- undred al the opuiiiut,', Beptombnr 2011J. rjEi-oitr ot- TUB nosDiTius OF Tin. in the lin^cflt hi tlio Rfnto, occupying ono entire separate store. nner .aw the ligiitand .topped thclrnin. iit-ul IIMMIK Tim puliUe excrribM cowmi-ncitd with a L\ N*T»NAI. llwnK HANK of UuT*r. mt CLOCKS AND TIKE PIECES. USE Bnron wa« Ukon on hoard and carried All tbe and outbuildings belonging ovor. Iii ibu Slat* «f «ew Jotiay, tl tin dM» wn Mcebnnlp-i. by tin, lit. Hope litind, nfti-'r which to Troy. Ho rover lost eonamoiwcna, Tilt! praciwion was formed ou IUarktrcU Sir. Isaac 8. Cnmo of Wimt Livingnlon, I liukluutu on Ilio Mil d«v of June, W7J. JI-.WFI.UY of ••! IIPH H^tloim Ki-.-nlirv! dc- WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, CHILDREN'S SUITS from • - $2 to $10 r. SU-plmii H. Tiiim rend tUo old but ever and uhtu a doctor ivn. summoned who Iroct, with tie riybt rL-Hting unon SUSKPI, mt over thu county line iu linsui county, BESOOBCKfl. a mini remeily fur frOCGJH, ami ftll ilinciiih r.... nronouncod another amputation of tin DuclarntioD of Indep^ndtiico iu a 1225,810.33 :Y.-'\ t u ti iniTi-i ml moved nt nltout 10 oVlotk, n. in., uwlur •era dfihlrojcd by firu on Monday noon, umlDls viu ic. 'riiltOA'I*. LUNGB.t'IIllST *iidMUC0UK BOYS' " " - - - $4 to $12 Sacred leg HMHHT, Bower. reliisK iry gratify tug tnaiiuiir. Theu crnne auother » HITCTACI.3 ANl» EXE MBnAKK. Dinninud of Mnj. Clmt. I'. Gugo, Mnrelml, farm hnoda had just jiasKud through tin We purchase our goods entirely for cash, and an tho tendency of tn take any nnlo.thotie, ond coollv an I remlurrd by tha Dorur Baii.l, after i.H. llnnil'i, to menre POT UP ONLY IN BLDK JJOXES. ieclod himself to that operation and to nd Capt. AlU'ii and LIFHIM. Lumlwrt, nnd urn into tbo hoimo to dlunor when fljinwH tM.DOO.OO prices uro downward, we are prepared to give you corresponding prices. Mr. Win. T. Lejiort, tlio orator of tU. Circnlatiuii, til. setting oltb. bones in In. broken iVolfi', aids. cru diHcovi?red leaping up tha hay mow und 6,o: A SPKCIALTY ij", WIIH iulruductd. Tlie wisdom of tin luo froni uplirovod lee. Ho was removed to the CDiiniy IrfndiiiK tlie Una wns City Unndul -IfW. P. »rlly tho biilkVng wan in ruitu. The 9,ol MAKE IT A POINT lo come antl aoo UB and examine OUll Hou»e"»ud it !• thought tbat ho .ill ro- •lnction uf llilu {jLutlcmnu fur the place lie :ellcy and n corpi of ten poliviiuicn. elliny of Mr. Crauo which WHS neur the from otlior National Hanks, UI3IEMSB STOCK before .you h,iy. :r, July tVli, 1H,"7. Eanil umlcr thii lcudi^mliip of Mr. Gcorgi ,11 the hiniCBH, wnfjonK and a valuable lot iiiiR.'C'D.. N.Y. 28 '- timi. Si'liluui hnvii we nver bennl or read J. MARSHALL & BALL, House. Tor tliis occiisiun tlify bud added to . foru. implemeulrt WITH destroyed, beside ulit eipensos sud laice paid, l*O7H.t»3 ' that mil no fully tlio icijuirem K ? <--Tn. ar.»l their number nevcrol rery finu pliiyrn, uud _ part of the crops just gathered. Mr. Crane'B 1,010.00 CHTiunnii, Ins.ti.riJ uf the n ret THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHIERS, Jury. »• time i" J«n«. l»"»a "">"•: :dan nitircly new c!fts«of UIIIMIL',wkioli V lonfi !B about $tl,O(H), the buildings boin{{ ir>a.*7 ugyrlcH that nr« ho coininou nt mich n lai'iits nnniuflt IVellB and Anderaon. but was retidiTL'd HO fitu-ly that they art> entitled naured in the Nownrk Mutual for sjl'00. 228.00 807, 809, 811, BROAD St, NEWARK, N.), inm wo liHtonrtl tu nil offori thnt wu> l-nilt to cspecinl muiitioii aud credit. There in no cluo m to the origin of the fire. " HIlTW 111, omanfiaHon of tbe Grand Jnrj. be :ion a fou mint ion uf hard sense, Oui al Toalo' Suti'i, iudletmKuU were not presented, but_tlic The Fir* Vep trtiiiont ciune next i»nil wan Another tad necident hna occurred to a iill)OR nnd our fiiullH UH H [HIUJIIEI iecelTe< u ptr ctnt. wduioptloi Mud, Clrana Jury recommended the Diitric •ended hy Chief Eufiinetr HeDavit, whowi ]<>ubcr of tho family of Mr. ltohcrt Mc- leritud cikKtigntiiin; our lovu of country and TOTAL, Attorney to filefi inf.rm»tion »e»t •wiortcd by ftuiiiiiatur e board of Fire Wa lonnn, his ilnnghlnr Lilly Bgnd uino years LARGEST STOCK! NEWEST STYLES! „ 9 Sup wtitmnl p-o/itnesa were rewanled with UUIUTIW. AT them. A »pocM K«»K«»ioi n of tu. Superior inintine »f Hnrry lUrtunrdH/AOelbe nTJr. been uliot through tbe left foot by 2on.rao.nt ,,-jnrt conveued on Monday il but unt fuliiouic pniUe, aud our duty B k paid in 1K.0IHI.0U (Jriminol C I'ulnier ond Frank Gordon, orraytd in tbe jino careless villain wbo wim 18,511.1.*" w lepal Grand Jury was organ- '< poiutod o'it iii an iinj'rewHivo ninmi inilomia of tba urtridgDs on tli" cteiiing of the Fourth. Tlie 45.O9U.I • •adf Tlure !• »» doubt hero that till, uked all wero of tlie opinion thnt i ;k Ba.tBB.1 little girl was standing iu front of llccker'i Practice the First and Secure the Latter ML L. FELL & Cos body will Indict tb» members of "•« ««• rigiln.it lloso company, cotuninnded by assjsffjsasss ifteil towohiunu hud snrjniw.cd lih nmuy tnrninir Hoard for porjiirj and forgery, Forfiman Frank Cox and ftssiKtant John V. drug utoro (it the lime, nurrouniicd by rcviouH flno efforts ou public occasiooi and Cud cprliiV.U. ot 51?:' tho ev"denooaBain«t them Irani Cain, had th«i riglit of the Una and turned en of peoplo, and ilwna thought tbn ahol to D H'anled him heartily tin tuved of praii 5,'joa, ostbn noondajeun. Wels ui ml their full coinplemont of mcu, their uui- flrud bya boy from Day's sldownlk. Tbe "by purchasing your Democratic re|»rter jMiterdaj Hi JurmB bciiifi eulunct'd. by new fatigue caps, 10 juKtly duo him, After ROHIO untimwl ai 351,431.03 I1II0TH CLOTIIIB HOUSE, bull ontcrod on tho inniilo of the h«td paBflillg .rnor Nicholli »•> oppo.cd to tin vlibli they wore nt their Iiipn. Tbeir bout nl been discouiwil by tho Duvurtuudtho 3TATS of K«r Jersey, J dictments, and that it won d bo a nob- mowt through tlio foot, and losing undci :nrriage WUH a thing of boauty.nnd was loud. largo concourse dlspcned for dii County of Morris, [ ' rion of the compromi.es of lut npnnK ,6 uldn on the opposite ciile whore It Ttio athlt'tiu Biiorta began nt two o'clock MORRISTOWN, N. J, Woll. has telegraphed Anderson, who In .y iiralMcd along tlio line. Tlio reel wan noatl> it out by lho phymeifltw. It h very pain, L J»TR.TIUI, Cashier of tbo abpvs-mmei in St. Landrj, to come to thiis. -•'•t*• covered with tlie imtioniil colors, and theiti tlie ftftcrnooii, uiidur the direction ol thi il mid may prove a wrimis wound, the ball ALL WOOL SUITS ^8.00 t to be Wells and Anderson now exp Hibn, uitriiiliU, urchin, nnd all p.iriB of lli£ iniittee of Arrange in tuts, with a tub nui ring flattened ou ono nido from contact St. JAYH.TftBAT,C«W indicted. »nd are making arm , ippnntiH. wero ndorucd witb deHigtiH of tin lio liABln, wbero nn Juiuieuse tliroDg c with a bone which it unaltered. Hubscriliiid and sw.'ni to boforc me, ll» tu Kivo b»udi and then ?n to Wn.hinif iboicBt Bowcnt, which were particularly no. .le had UBfiombled. There were five «•! BOYS'SUITS $3.567-^ ton to .olicit the interposition ot Fr" •• iccublo for their beauty. Three rery fine entries—Ed Senring, Clmrlio Cain, 3< Sot»rj I'ublio of New Jersey. dent Hayes. ^ birds ndded lo the deniRnH, and tho wholt Hubert, Arty White and Lew Sanderson, Mr. Charles F. Edward*, an old CORRECT—AUegt, was effectively crownod by two younR inU- Tlio rcault showci that the partlcipauls hnd of Chnthi.ni, died auddcnly Monday aftur- L. D. BABBITT hna full charge of tlio Oitstom Permvtmenfc. Affairs in till W«* Hills. C. Uunn, ^ Director Bis, Kellto Melicli nnd Kellio Dicluon, who Lho nit of tub racing reduced to a BCICUC he waa a Tory Inrge uian, •wotguin o tho blnck Hills tbli UEnnaK liiniAim. ) "Wo liniko tipccinl (iflbrts to ploiise tlio most frtstidious, Don't fail to Tbe rnali of occupied Hcataon the sides,nud elicitednuuh for they took mnlterfl coolly uuil guidui] Wpoapdn;be him not been well U limcr iminprocedMitol in the biatnry of nent by their fine nppenrftneo. Tbi couio and see us •when in our towi>. their crufta with Huch HICIII tbat tlmra w< BOUio niontlitt, but has been nbout the IIOUHO NSURE in a HOME COMPANY, ,u In age was drawn by two horses driven tun tha West slt»°" the openinR of CtliU it ono upset. Scaring and Cain rowed ind place. Monday ho nto hit) d: iiit to fully 1W per and Burroimdcd by lho membera on 1B19. Tb» RrrivnU i try cron race, tho former winning thu fir ununl, told oiio of MB noris ho felt first rnto iW tbevn»tmnjorilyofwhom icacb Dcnd tho rope. The taato dinplnyed in thi jirize, a Mirer enp, by only a few feet, and went up staini noon after dlnaer, and it «,dirlth slmurt notbinR left with which adornment of tho carriaKO wim onrried out ii Morris County Mutual W the latter tlie nccond prute, $3. Lambert about fifteen uiinutou hia >fif« :nt up t. in iran»rl tbonwelvM. It is e-timatefl tbnl cference to the barnenfl, wbkh was flurlj him BOTDO medicine aud found him dead there nw now fully 1B.O00 men in tlio Hilli lecorated with ribbons. For the fine effect as a good third. The niytl thing on tho programme was Howa^onnof thu best mUlwrightn in thi Clothier and Merchant Tailor. BU.l mimy jndge M blgb at) lE,OfiO. 01 produced the mnnben nro dcHcrring of the county aud boil n largn uiatjjlnu tdiop on th< couno Ibero in not nnnuyb diiy work fo hiphest pmii pigciase, which took phca on Hie ope: Sly stock or clothing embraces suits finm u child to a mau, wliieh I have with PoBHoio uuar ChnUtani, IIu louvtm &va BOI HIBBO, And so tat no now Riilclioa capable ground in front of the riatilcn of Forco 1 irait lining mnnagail tn scenro so law us In SELL VERY ADVAHTA0E0TJ8LY who have been connoctodwith him for son a thcKc Imrti timpx. Mv I'ltiCBd AnB As rcix.T>on*ii:" «upplyiuB ground f.ir IU many men as Dead- Protccticn Hook and IjidJur Compnuy, COSB. Wmt might hare proved an intermnly limn in buslnass and we suppow will ctr M0BEI8T0WH, N. J., 0A33IMEHE SDITa, from - - - -' • • • • *7to»U wood lifts Imve beon found. ponimnudeilby Foieninn Hirnin Ftlver am exciting moo was greatly marred by thi lho donso cr#wd to make room nue to cony on the name. BIAaOSAL CO.VTH nud VESTS, bu 9 lo 18 Prowpootliip; partieH nru nlready nfarling Jeliu a OibEOii, mado an elegant CLOTHING HALL! -*» 0AS8MEBE PANTANTS fromm - - Hi i iind artistic dUplny. With tlio officers nt sufficient for the performance. The pig, loBif(noru, Wnd River, tha Ycllofffito Pteaoo Explain. CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS---••--• , ...... to 17 the hi>ad of tin; lino were Ausibtaut Liudsle; very lively cnuturo, wan let looto, witl 8 mid Toupie River. Tie gulobe* nud nuijj- BOOMTOV, N. J., June 31th 1877. OHartorod in. BIAQONAL OVEBCOATS, ...... 0 to U nnil 3Ir. J. It. Hoflmnn, of Imlepciidenl ibout a Abaro of pursuer* at h\n heels. •• Foi en of lli»< 0 locrfllieB aw thouRbt to b if Mr. EDITOR. In (he published report of thi TODTHB'SDITS, from .. - 6 to 15 Hose of Morrintown, who were invited gnesta a tima hit eluded his would be captcre In «ron«, fin-lheforB the Ul of July. jadffiDg bj Common Council meeting of Mnj 21st I m MOERISTOWN, N. J,HOI'S (SUITS, " . - . . - . - 4t«'U tdi l of tho Company. Following tb«mcamofoiir :he ring, and then middflnly bowsed througi 0HILDBENB SUITS, from •....'. . . . 2 to 8 ntwr of me trending tiiwd Ihe folk)' [N8UHANCE TAKHS AT AB LOW IUTE9 A pinuorra willi men anil tlmn their full mini ;ho baud and out among tha crowd, where tliercwill bo fife thousand miners Bcattercil The Committee on Trwwircr had' mnii TOE IlIBK WAH»AST. KTNo PANTS from - - Cfi ctn. to91.C 0FlNI BlAOOKAJ. OOITS AKD VUHT8 ALABGESTOOKpF • icr of men, looking very neat in tbeir fi M was cornered and cnpluwd by a mnn win Ibnmgb tie gorc-3* nf Korthern lTyni»ii.K. bill little pronrem ondthnt no final concltwin ALL Von. " " 9S.2fi " It.OO from 810.00 to S10 Tho country tn bo explored lien to the souUi- :IRUQ capn and white leffglngB. Along tin land not entered tlio list, no vas than hnlmd been narriver d at. Itoport received ant FIHK OASSIUEBB PASTS from fl,2fi " COOVtm BWOK HDITB rroin lfi.00 " 20. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PIECE GOODS Bides of tbo truck wero fcKtoond, of green*, eommittne (l nolwrRofl, WOBJUHO SPITB " 4.0(1 " 0.00" Yovxiu' " " 8.f.0" 12, MKl of the Htmtniii. planer dhlrleta. In returned to tbo ring, but again inailo a fran. 11 looped up with boquita ond striiiRH of daiK Ic daub for liberty through lho crowd am JUlJUwnlveill , Ihnt tha Clerk Doltry ItnlItnliie LOSSES PAID PE0MPELY. OBEOK " 7.00 Bora' " " 8.O0" 10.of nil grades nDc] toalerinK Strict QKeotmt ia ]»I>H1 to my Custom DepnrtmeDt, J8U1 1602, and 1B03, rcpRftled uttem]m were Green nnd IIIH BBnuilnmnnl . JJubbn AbAblel, thntht t AibVom.'11 " H.00 " 10.00 " Km " " 2.M" tt ami I wi)) ffunronloo a good (It or no ealo, nml Jofj competition througlioat tbe puA« l.y profiiwctont from that Tcrrlior>- to Bonentli linng four lntge bafileta ran into a Midi vith a horao, who not liking tho deficiency- - • du- e th•o -Tow n • l ttld: GOOD BDBnnaa Burnt " 13.00 " 14.00 BLITS I'LASHEIJ SUITS from 12.00 " lfi.i oenEon. I linva also on bond a full lino of oxplnn* tliewmrcep, l»t in «ny DM «* 'Bt flowers nnd nt tbo corners were si bin cDmpauioosliip hnrricdly ejected him, two weekB fruin duta of not:iei o action will piT.T. AT OFP10I OaDKB FIKB OitEoxa AMO STIHTES. . Surra n Bpooioity 2.O0 <> ) T«itarotwme mluera wero either driven Wk AH he m altout to git not of tho door again taken thereon. Sorrsor JLI ltichardx, dniighUr Arthur Joonmn, nccnud iiritc . TAX Finut. G nnd the production of dunl !i footinc np brt- ltiebardHnhoiievery appeamuce betokena! Idcomlt Justly (laetiiaMurriiCoD ulv Mtiln*l finclt RHCO—Coerce ElftueliftH, lflt nri: Liru and Flro Insnranco Company iliat tbf- t«r than wan expected. A great dral of nt-a fairy, nnd tlie appenrauco vim mode perfi ' lias. Uatlim and Guy Fr.nclMO clividei Killed by U0ntng. pnbilo scknDnledqmcol be made or the rcwir ifution in being given to lodo miuiug. At by tho addition of gauzy wings, wand, ai scent] d priio. Retailing at Wholesale Prices. We received tbo following dbipntcb froi from il»m tbll o>y or tho fnll imouiit of tie htnd of the gulch a number of very lug the ribbons with which BIIU drove th« swan, Whetibiirrow rnce, falindMil—Jnn. Moore, lot priza ; Oco. Bfonchnrd, n«wnd prize. Port Morrhbwt evening: uunranoi) ($l,GOO)on thr Elnnth Blrurt Church, PRICE3 MABKED IN FUIN FIQUKES. veinH have been fonnd wbichara easily work- Oror her head n small cauopy was (.impend Durittff nil th» uporis the Dover band fnr- About lwlf-pnst fi»o o'clock this afternoon fltiuat robtte of IntcrcBt, for low br tlio O cil and an quite rich. About CO Bbunpn ore they liavo junt rcceiyed for Spnma and SUMMER, compriniug ovtirythinj eil, and tho whole rcrtod in a repreBentatioi nlihnd mcdlont mUHic, a hoatiunn by tho name of John Ooonoy wai n iUe 10th ia>t.. anil to ciprciH our RrtWf »e-oisrE] PRICE, o. o. D.-®a nuw mnuing, and fully 200 more oro ou the new and doeirable far Indies wear. A complete uew stock of of w'avtB nnd was Hurrcnnded'by bemitifi At tho conclttHion of the nccn we rifritc Htrook by lightnlnff nntl instantly kiIke* ,ppreolot(on of ttiuir liber il and nrotnnt action Vo soU Clotting at LOWER PRICES load or in procesa of erection. The chnrgra pond lilllcB. In tho design and v, tlid pic-nio of the Indira of SL Mnry'n churol was engaged in rnnuing his boat in t n. o. MAiiaii, nnd give MOIIE VAiuK-for ttiraoncj for crOBblng nre down to «& per ton, nndp in the lienntifal grove mljoi n big tha chnrc! AND iF'.A.israY GOODS eil tho tnsto ai wtirii nfftrod a shady id real to thooewl plane ear, when the lightning htrock him Trmnirer Bnotb St. ProBbvlcrinn CUorcl will probably go lowor when tbo new mills ship of the shell tvas d ithnn miy retail coneom in New York, wortmanfibip of Mr. J. Frank Meno, ' had beon twi-ltering in the kot mm ilorir tho hoftii, travened his body to bin fcot BUI tConiitmu. N. J.j Jauuary 30th, WI, Dl THE LKIi OP nre np. Tbere in an nbusfltnce of water lor tbi f M the flay, A flyingcirc m Keenied to be doh JOB WO MAKOTAOTOUE 411 omt aoom, ™^ though but a young innn, in rno of thn finesi knocked him luta tho wntei, ~ Iliti two hoys, all purpoKR- n cood bnniuoM, Iha tidies iu tlie boutl » yon have tho advantage of buying them meclianicB of our town. The track w wnre regaling their friends with wiumnahl MB»&U anS 10 years, wore with bim al «e- GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,-^ |> it MANUFACTU11EHS'PMOES. h'o new diBCoveriea cf uiUer mints have drawn by two gray liontcB, tandem. Tl WrcHbmento, tBe danolnR plnlform w orowdud with niorry couples louping time tlin TEAS, . CANNED ITTOITS, CROCKER' been mft'lo. In fact, tbe silver excitement display wnfl lustily applauded as it passi .{HARNESS [ Our GOODS AJE THE BOBT and par prices lint died out In nil probability there will tlio mnsic of KftiHtr's fluo ntrlugbnuu, a SUGAKS, VEQETABUSS, FISH, along the straets and reflecUdhonor upon tl nil HCOIUCKI to bo enjoying tharanelvoii benrl V101 NITY NEWS. SPICES, DRIED MEATS, positivolj tlio rowEBT.iH TIIE cm. bo Borne valuable discoveries of ores of tbiH puny that originated it. Tlio flow 11*. NaiuUisiwitinH liquors were allowi 130OTS, COFFEES, SALT PORK, ' P1«IRO tnicojiotjce tlint our aOODS nn K- • uet.il onteidA of the BUck 11111a buforo long vreath nnd tbe fairy, iheU mi swon hai near the cronndH, not n diBdrdcily persi The Blairstown Itailroiul wan opened < SHOES, In'that part of tbo Nwotch Itinge wbicb ex- WHS tnbe>Men,'nnd wo felt lho fureo of PASUIONADEVCUT. WEtLMADE nnd»l« SAVE 35 PER CENT [ivo nB a call. It will certainly pay you. and Aftsifltant Jus. It. Bseraei. They wiael titnea. gineer & Mining Journal. be hiuig in Augnet. Remember "we are UP STAIRS, entrnnco conoludcd not to decorate to a great At tho Oild Fellowa' pic-Dlc In McTnrlnt " Bo nenr and yet so far,11—tho new Court BY GOING TO NEWARK TO BUY YODE their apparatus, which is really too beautift . on Broadway, Nortb-wtist Cprnpr Grovo we again met ci large ooticourse House fltllelvldfrfl. The Russian Disaster's. of itself to cover wp, and ou this occasic people, and obBflrvfid the niniD ncene of goc of Grand St., and Broodwnj. LCHIXJX. July 4.—The report that tho wan polished 60 brightly that every partid. urilvr ftuil cnjoyiiiont. Tliw Htatidti Two nowcornctpUycrfib,iv€i beon nddod to bt all well pdtronlwsd and on the tAegt otfarnhas been mined is atlcftitprcma- tbe choir of tho Bolvldere U. E. church. of it Rbono with' nlmofit dazzling briglitncex. iliitforui. froiu which tie attains of Soarch turo, 1ml tho detent of the Ituqaian fieldar -The auction wu wrapped with tho national excellent string bund floateil oat tbroni* The Ilelridcre Apollo cLJma thst the I HIRSHKIND, PARKER & CO., mies of the left and cuiilre, mid urUif invest- colors, and on men Blikawhw lookiiiaon' the grnTO, a bappy tlircug of dnncera plii IIWH vu daily vlolatod la Warrca county. CLOTHING! 463, 465, 467 BROADWAY, ing force before Uatoam ia beyond qncBtlon, kept HolDran gnsrd. About tho Htflck were their bnsy foot Elsewhere mnrastocn trii their Hkill at tba shooting pill cry, nod others A. J. 8vayzef near IIopo la getting . ENTIRE KT3ES-V7V STOCK. (JORNRR. GnASD STIIBET. , . UP STA1BS. and altogether IH likely to Jpterfcro with, if few very pretty designs and from tho top c nramed thetnuelvp-a in iariouH wavR. OTC largfl qnnntitieH of iron" ore upon bis farm. not terminate, the opnntioni rgnlnst Kura. it loomed a black boquet-the head am nil hung tha broad banner of tho order beiu OP OUR OWN 5IANCPACTURE, CUT BX Large Wliitq Marble Building formerly occupied by ,U)np ft TAlLon. 1 DBrao ftlld Three AVaHhlngtoh eUEzcna wen fined$ 1 The latent TnrHflh news about Kars IG that Bhouldcre of a youthful "cullud punBon, iiiH it" «™Mem. Tho prcci«i ntnount of tho receipts and prnftls we htv each for fast driving in the itratls last week- the bombardment has been matcriuUy nlack- who crented much merriment all aloug tin CHEAPER THAN EVER PATTERlVS,iai uut guinefl, bnt leam tlmt they aro 7«-i, The wife of A. F. TTiirdt cf Newton, eul cnod. Judging from disconnected bullet- route. Four forgo horses drew the i Kmtilyiug to tho projectom, who mny we] Elcgnnt in ntylo tmi finiBli. Wo. pny OAan for onr dooDs and Bell foi DOVER lua, both BuBslan and Turliish, it locks as if and contributed greatly by thmr flae appear, pride theinnolTcs upon tba Huucem «f thoi ofl one of her finge m hut week while euttln. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ancetotha display. Tbo work of putting iilc-nic, aii<1 tho gtnUQcfttion It (.fforJed thel. UndHneH. Small Profit Our atom oxponiios aro niuon loss than any ol our com General TergukasofTB column, the Itusriatta' friends. Of lea-cream alone over one huu- -515; S16, SI7, S18, SI9,- pctitors, Uioroforo cnstomerBwillnadita grent BaTing by looking for thi HARDWARE STORE- left, U endeavoring to reach Kagysruan, eith- the steamer in uefc (xcellBnt shape was dred anil fifty quarto were disposed of. Her. P. Riser, patter of the StevrartvlUe moro than compensated by the flno appear- S. H, BBRHY, er to gain a fresh lino of eomtnunication [n The lftdica ol the UcFarlnn street IL Lutheran church, hna resigned bocaui ance which did such credit to tho componj $20 and 525. place of tlio onn via Bnjezid, which is in Uie Church, who hod erected on Worren strtel 111 health. OLD ESTABLISHED STAND 1 BLACKWELL SL.'NEAE MOKBIS handflof theKurdfl, or to unlto with Mell- large lent In which to supply dinner and i t " John Baxter, of Newton, who has The neit feature of procoHsion was tinfrenhmenta, were idw liberally patronize htB & complete stock of - kofTn conmiand and abandon tlie attempt to little old hmi engine from tho rolling i " and netted, wa aro informed, about $100. graduated at "Wost Foint lias applied for A PniST HATE BET OP TEAM WOKi IBolireanWiorlwen Broi. Hardwsro Store ai flint Ezeroum, via tho Euphrates Valley. mauned by a company of boys under., The exercisea were concluded in tbo even. position on the Santa Fe route. 815 BROAD STREET. NalUioal Iron Hunk.) FARMEB'S STOOLS, A3vicei from Turkisb sourceg are that the command of Foreman Fred. Dickcrson' and Ing by a dJitplfiT of firework* on tho hill i IMQ HAENES3 FOB the rear of the old Dcrulemy, during whic The Kational Kennel Club hna elected BuBxian left Tfing is retreating in disorder In Assistant Will Ilummell. ,Tbe hoys wei tba Dover band diB«mr«ed notional aim am itflviccPmkkntUr. Theo. Alorford, oae «®- SEE THE PRICE LIST: Euililcrs' Hurilwnve, thn direction of Bayezid. Faick pR8ua,from tastefully uniformed and had tbe old " other piooes. The attandanca was larger,' ler of the SUBWX Nutionnl B.mt. ring Overcoota, Diagonal nnd Gaasimoro, - - - - $8,10,12 1 Van, threatens their line of retreat north of ihino " neatly docoraU-d with flags and flow-anytuing than at any time during the da; C.H.DALRYMPLB, Mooliniiiou' TooWi Of couno there nro name wlio bad witnessed '.n'a Bueiness Snils, Now Stylo Flaid nnd Stiipo ' Buyeiid. Moitar nud SIoiiRRa riwhaa are !M. IU puny proportioni wuru grcsUy' displays of flnworliH in the dtlca coatin l^vtters rcmniiunff unclalmct BLiOKSMTHS AND GABBIiHE . within twelve miles of Kara. Three battal- contrast with tho large and powerful steam in tUe TuBt Office alDover.N.J Cnssimero, S7.50, 9,10,12,15, II Uiouaandflof dolhira who thought that thi Blue Flannel Suito, Double «nd Single Breasted Sacks Inna of the Imperial beard hare reached Er- tbat preceded it and formed a good coropai display wtm not what it ought to be j bnt!. Jot* Ctb, 187T. MAKER'S SUPPLIES. waa generally noticed that theue grumblers Zcronm from Trebizonn. The Timei corres- son of tho fire deportment of the olden timi E. Cu-lMcn, >I. B. Hurioo, and WallicK Coats', - '--•.... $13,1, wore composed of tiiot class who did &Ba.re»d hj Mr. E. 8. Blnek, of will preach in tba Fresbyterian Chmoh en niodioaB ttora house with Fairbank *cales lVAnEH ID(1 ircntiluiion men!, No. 50, of thin phee, »nd delegaUona TO BENT LOW. : "Newmrlc.in Rood ityle, and a vote of Ibaulu "Tho Providence of God in Ajnencan His- . . ..IE HALL ovtr lienoa'a hit itors 'ill offricn.bi from other lodges.' CbuHn attached, now occupied by D. B. ALLEN 'i'Owa'i teJidendlhtMrgsntlcman for their vdna- L k* »i » «ry low rent Tor ono jcaiormo! TOILET ATtTIOLlSS PorpirtlcnUrt, Inqalre of . ^bl jgirvicw'" «& ;^A SPSCTATOB. regalia of their order they presented an Co. FMunion after August'1st. All the YfOODPOBT, BORtilfCo., N foracr); laid io(t OTCrylhJDjr Diaally foncd lo & drnf- store. cmaumly flan appsawnee, which vu dm A meeting of Kelukah Degree lodge wil iron ore thipptd from Snecasnnna rtatii J.H.AQ. PUGRSON. t great extent to the nnaxoeptloriBbly fir l«j faeldnett Wednesday evenbig. • : Dow. MtT*th. 1877. • 3X ^^ forilXlV,-S!. THIRTTDOLi-iKS„„_. ^r^^pw tWty pBr»bn>,;Bot raembe™ of the panes then scales.; Addras . body of men that composed their line. IBVOLVEttl-nEB, BercntholrerolT4 •Ddmillnij* .I*H rcfldetlnn on ill ollior iivlci. HMIIIR tKILLED AOENTH ONLTIO«1 V?>v Washington Xodga of Hiinfaurg, hsvo signed Vigilant How regular muting noi W. % witb box aUilrldgft. JAB.IlOffK'JtBO: / C. H. DALRYHPLE. i ''%-' tbapleJgeitocothogwpclteiDpcrnnconioeU A delegation of Enagtre BATlSFAGTlbl* la tury partionlar. Son? for otf: Or,1, 'g?J "wmS$8SS5 neoday avtnlog. ' fluccftranna, N. Id and JS8 Wood BU, Pitt lira rC, p», •••. rB including tb« senj of Congrceamia s« ' > '/. THB snraxn uro; o... pwudeirhu cm.*, I.IW Morriitown, N. J., Jane 7tb", 1877/ . ' " . ,;..: While volts ut rcducod prices nt Fknmn'i, THE IRON ERA. From Gusto. R'JLL OF HONOR OF ROCKAV/, Of tLoiHlN. J. CiViJry. Now iu tlio Opportunity. DraktBtown. Rcckawa/s Ro// of Honor, Oo to Viemm'a tor Samume andernhirU HI NG WOOD- 6t. FAwia Zeek, Ca. E. di^I Juii. IS, IBM, If ever there IB ii time iu Hie rich KiPi FOL'IITU or JULY O AT UILTOM, SI TOWNSHIP AS REAO MAV 30, '77. . Mit. EPITOC;— II nctmxa long time KIUCI TJjfrc- JJ* i>ut Jittlf SICVH of ijujwrtanco in j In uiotlier place we publish tbe Roll of at Kurli'lk nr.ii in burkd hure. life vhiu hu oluulil iimke mouL'V it :, ETC \\V begin 4ln roll with tho member* I Lavu neut yon uuythiun Uum Kiiigwood, thitf (juiut uid towu. ' Ir. llanco has movod Honor of tbe towimhip of Kockaway, show- Twn.ty.two fiiimuicr YiHi(orMftrc nginti:rcL Co!uj),ii y Lj, 27lh Itigiiui'iit N. J. VuK whi 05. Williiiui K. Shorch, Co. E, kilU-d Apii but ax I hml uctRKioa tu tdi you i'Uce bef< liuit? uf dL'j>rci*'iiiiD lilic tlii^- If ing that no leas than seventy-seven soldlors at tlio county j u. l in his L''w ]K)>oinnt(()i court houhv. Itiu^wood iw uot a guod plu<.d U c items building to do, let him Ijuihl. \ of that tuwubhip died of wounds received or The air nliop force waH given a vacation No. 101, bus passed iuto the great has bean. llivcr in Tcntiewec. il. tlC. L-tuuei O. Smith, Co. K, killed Apr uud lubiir aro ditwp, uud Lu will never h. diseaso contracUd while ia actual nervicu from Tncud&s kst (ill Monday. y'e inuoaioa it fust approach- e hare returned our v, places b±, lSG'A. TUM loiuixinj wwt kuuwu iw the 9, JSC5, jujir Appomiitloi court honwj, u 'ilia mining tiueinecs of this place has cot *a Kootla time lujuiu. He certuiuly will during the recent war of 111* rebellion. Thin il'he wuiiH until bettor tiiue<* urrive. V •, and wheu flaizheA will be The Morris County FUliing club has de- iu tlie content of UfL-. To many of m these Rockiiu uy Mjuj^Lity, itmmubi bclug UIUIIMI burii'd ut PopLir OroToctfiuttery—t,T4Vi:2' improvc-d any during tlio Huumitr* Our Co. simple announcement says more for (he pa- rtbettilN.'J. Cuvulry. culler liuic* iriniK-H tin- im-cuHe in t!,^ j. «>f the n-ii ,t privato n-sidfiiceB i& llorria :idud nut to lease '" Htgbuiu i) w.ijwiirka buglu to crowd clnn.r together tilled fi.mi this tuwnship, ami ar« aliippiug forty tons «f urc pjr d«y to th triotism aad luyalty of that puople than . Klijiih Htrublu, Co. C, dicJ June )f Imulieruiiil wujj.js. Ii it, UK>UW t,i t-r letlUer thiiu formorly, rewindiuff u< that they BUK>| dcutli of uiu tu tbu number in ntown Iron Co., aud that U hUtlieoro wi fuluOQiA praises could—it tells of heavy 1801, at WbJtd'tf Stuliou, Tt-uu., of typhoi ibjut D'litr liuviDgn-ueht'it ili (jn>-.uh A u«w gnibshopper has made iU appear- our individuul day tilled tlm uhiiWiionin.uiiity with HOT sciidiuK nway Irctu thff uiinon. burdfDB boruo by many a Borrowing house- (ever. 'ciiiiiiuinj,'iu iU piubei.t cuuiiitiuu for tu. uru in Warren Co. A farmer descril)tn it as and that tlie last one el bcsl, is not far off The t'irctiHj,t.i!iee« of the disaster r. Hewitt and family mou'd from th< hold for IOTQ of country—itti'llx nf thfl im- wo dollura were tedia >uniH to come. Yuu uiiiy rtly upon it, Ibui rjjet lliau tLu ordiiinry gnuwhcifper, ot a tho future—a gerioiiB and acleuiii thought vim by oii3 of the oflkeru of tbe coin) Oft.ill.ryli, N. I. city to Itingwood some time ngo, but tbc:j tnohition of tho bravcutand bent iii tl.u ren^i htmwtii-rry nnd i^e e*lftl. i follow*: The 27th N. J. Vuln., 103 Ohioi dark brown color nnd lcn« very long. So turn from scuneH or mirth and gayety to coi 08. Multlcm SUcklo, died Sq>t. 1, 1BG! do not mean to Ktuy long, an !>'r, Hewitt and ro liJimy of you Wll'i, two JOillrt tlfjl of Jmmfln frtedum. We doiiht JflborC' i*i A cow Monging to CIWVIM, id'JdEaBtlVuncHHrrluft theircampatHtu iwerful is their Hprinf they can jump o' LIIIH, of t*niplnte. On tho morning of tbe 4th inut. id in liuriod hero. part of his family nail for Europe on tin rogrut tlmt you iliil iiot iu{>r>>^u- c another community of iu me In the ituW ras killed liy lightning ford OH tiid infunlry piirL uf u. COIUJ u hon*e. They n-adily devour wheat had o Kundiiy aei'tjitodin invitfttion from a friend to tgk 09. Jueob P.,Stickle, waa ('JHobarged No< fourth of July. I believe thoy intend to b< during tho "hiinl linns." Them ur. of New Jcrtiey that can nhow such u morning. a bunny rule, aiid ti.., ;d oil without havin, Iho rebt-1 Oen. Mor«3H, AfUr driv 1, 18C2, for disability and died aflurwardj, tti it could now 1» cut •Iliroiigii property «t tiuiotby, hendj, btalkn, and everything they cticord an this, and her peojila have done ing him out of they were return, Iffleut about two montim. Itev. W. J. H«Ddr«oD, was iiula]I«l partor uy di Unite route or place, iu view. Cluiuc Loontoo. frilliut; c>ijx:uue that will tost tl.i slight uu. Hm the llocky uiouakxiu gtusa- well to preserve it. It Mill prove a nobis ing toHouttrMt!t'*io*Tje ucnr their supjili Mr. Miller and fumily of Now Yurk hav< if the Lowur Vulley I'retibyteriuu Church on -fur it won inoro of a cliancn matter tba: •turned from their triwelu abroad, and it )ii> II>1 t >cr. CALOITEK*H SPUKTUH (1;HLEII), BO heritage for tbeir childroD, by making them 1 tlioCumberlund, lVliwiU Hitirmliy. tliTwiKi , took uu up tUroilyh Utrk 70. Jubtz Wiueet, Oo. I). Eicelsinr brl ld inlie |il:u iictivo in the Wetit, got here ? Il in early to know the terrible cost of the privileges 27lh ifiiebej the river Ihsy found two roji taken up their residence at thoir mntiBioi iii|irovc uii[;wood ViJluy, nnd me long n glide. Killed by a sbot through thu huud 1.1 ]r •inn II for a 1": o Htiwou for our coininou red-legged Ju%o Iticlinnnv. StitcH, or MorriBtown, aerotw, fiutteuod about ICO feel ajmrt to t^ Hiugwood for thu teuton. thuy enjoy, nnd it will iiiatil in them a pa- 7illmmHburR, VA., lUy 6tb, 1602. fit «,-«T(l nilw.e d torei ihopper, FLMCU KUBUCM, so plentiful in »ot the old CJiatuU-rlfliu bi trees on the south buiik uud criming ti 'ITio watering Beaunn has fairly opened at triotism that will prove a souvenir for good 71. ^iUinm II. Stickle, Co. £>, lni ltc\ •t'l Onlie of youth ut AuguKt in dry samuus, 75 years of nga. ; I'LterHhyre, now owned and oecupied b; Orconlo nut Hting thu elms, They Uieso hcrocB died tha brief niouionmda hour or two very pleasantly, during iv hioh tii Uiiuk. Tho urtillury w^is crunuiuy by tin day, bewido jiiu-nics aud escurhloiw nearly pgga fell nt Pcfcnbiim liwtt Suuduy, but th( 72. Edwiinl L. Mnn.h, Co. E, 38 N. Y, [unlnrnjierty hutweeu thoihl rewdfuc attached to each camu GIIOWR. our Iionin wns aired fnr, nnd we wcro ma lower roi»! uud Iho infuntiy by tho up every day. I nhouid judge the rnad wan do- «ore too few to do inuuh damage. one on Outboiitti luniiued Iy a tlotnil fi Yuls., diodvit nuckuwiiy May 3U,lBil2,uf di* io wimil. If ilih I'ropi-ity coulil bu »i aa much HH othcrH. Tlio ti»lli?r trues are not "Gaslicl tvitli honorable sc»rs, to share tie hosj'italit** of llmt geutltm ing a good buHlncKH. Uy tlio way, tho It. It. Among our correspondence tiiin week Ihe l'2th Illliiois ik-giuiuiL Ax tho bcut con Cottiravifd whilo a jiriwoijcr iu Libl> ' Vurl Omtti tiw thy would not be fur dii ig as iiint'h HH the ah ru liber j- and I^.w tn Glory's lap tliey lio ; and liin fumily ihomj rupntatiou for cnU Prlflou. ban cautwd eocsidemble damage to Cooper, TUdugb tliey Ml, lliov fell liho il»n, to found gonrt reports of nhout ull ti lulniiiif our men WIIH croHuiuu nud ut when ,i coiiiixicily Ixiilt tfn-H won s. I foil nil in SOU ifMrusta 2L' mules; tninii g fii^uiiH it: well known nud which o Hewitt A. Ca. tor some time back, iu killing HirL-nniiiR vp\vut\<\: through the iky." rondied tho middle of Ihe wtroiim tha me 73. Jonenh E. Dlckenon, Co. A, 2d N. Y. maraud th« ovrnrr riiili/n mnro ibi of the females hud their jirobcs o r7.E,E. TIME TABLE. Fonrth of J uly oWrvnuecn lu tlun section Uiin Dccttniiiu would hiiTe doue honor to some viiluablo stock,. They had eovun head A pleading feature of tho record m the lint thnir IKIM an the rojio aud thu bout drilled ivulry. Uid Fob. 3, 1862, at Arlii mulieJ fuhl. Wait (ill Utter tim- itui; tho fenmles make inuiric, too, rnoM DOVER OOIKO VIIT j All the meu of the JJuthkhein Iron Cu nhWtunn. Wo found a fow board.>rn att neigUu. of cuttla killed in one week rt>eoutlv. and of Bome of tlie Itcvolntionary soldi ere of Through Hail, 0.S5 A. iff.; Omega Ezpren, down Iho Btrciun. lynching the lower rope ID riKit *onl«] bo KU miieh mure tliat tli li an octavo ,'cr than the mules. paay at Ililwrnin, mnuhmiiig about o uM iitniiflioii, and thought tlint a more !tr 74. Cuileon Oiloll Co. A, 101 N. Y. VoU earlier lu the HTONOU several fine liorwn, bfl Kockaway who fought for the institution of EJX.1I.; Ewton'ExpreEB, I.53P.M ; Eastou the mcu mini fully endeavonul (o throw II moHl luheu'uioui* would JUHIIIIIO. DO il Fmet " American freedom. It i» fl fitting prelude hundred and forty, were on Monday lnitl t iiif; N{iut fur city people to pass thu summer billed Aii[i. 20, 18(i2, at Boll Bun, Vu. Jtfl having liuudreiUt of aumn of val- linrcii, 6.19 P- M.'i Onwego Eiprew, 0.37 P. tboir hetiilfi but the ciifrout swelled b) mid thn wholfl titwt of tho iiupruvun to the roll of honored OUCH who died to pre- "irawoelc. miuitliH IK rare. Lenviug Petenburg, w iblo timber burned. The It. R. iu bcinp f. • UKkcttalown P.»prona, 7.20 P. H.; Harrii- the recent ruiua wet very Kwift mid their 75. Kdwurd Smith, Co. F. GO K. Y. vola, woulil hu hftved. Wo Lave lately nntici:cl Hibcrnia Pubtio School. pfiiMtitd over t«, JliHou, where we found 1 serve it. Tho Iron Bank, nf MorriBtown, has di fort wns unHuceewful. The rope caught and lied Feb'y 1,1802, rapidly computed to tliu New York Htitti enil iiiHtiinecH in other places wh. 'j ad of School District No. lCJiiberiiift, ,utB Hrr.dal, 10.M ?. M. .ni-jjn girthtring ia a grove belonging to Mi urrd u HU mi-annual divide »d of 4 per cent, in iuHtiiut the bout won upnet nud «iitj 70. John Henry Beach, 135 Indiana Vulu. alcBflrH. Himptrin aud Purliniynt ha' tiigo iu Iming taken of the t men iu thin tho year ending Juno ii'Mi, 1A7T. Bcbcuck'* He*. Weed Tmnlt. . J1WH DOVEE GOIJIO MIT ! J. It. KiggH—a pretty pluoe—and hero every, B atmoipbcre eiptnenetd here during and tha First Ifatiuiin! of tha .vuua place, , i vrv.xe Nfruggliiig together In tho water. liudJuno 30,"18C4, BtHrideoporl,Ala., and : tho contract. ticulnr. At KnKluwoo.l in till* Slato SIJO, In. of ninntliH school lias been kept HirrfohurK Rpochl, *.ll A. M.| Dover Ex- body fictiint'd OA ngroiaWy disposed on Uuiermoutlii, tlio lotbtrfyproduetdby dividend of il-per cent. Host of tliein hnd their rifles, lilnnliutH nti iuried hero. We artt still afllictcil with chills nnd feve CM 10 vero voted l;wt wouk for drainiug, Bni rcn, 7.» A.M.! HackettBtov. n Mail, 7.83 X. The.Hilton Sand was present nnd con- of pup iln ej rolled 14 i> tt Ukca nway the dculra for wboleioioo Tho R 1 to their filiouldii 77.-Edward Barnes, Co. C, 4llJ WU. Cai but not so bad tu we weroin the Spriug. Mr. ing, liuihliuf,' BOWOIH, tec, anil tlio citiie [ • East onExpress, 8.13 A.M.; WDRliampton B nttaulicd to ItftnoiiHa's Fann ood, nod frequent peraplrttiom reduce bsdily tributed lurgulr to tho iuU-rcjt of thtifairiuid vhiuh prevented theiii frwii imikins U'o t ulry, died Jlnj 8,18IH, at Baton Ilougo, Ln . It. Oeorgo and family Bcem to be I of thut villugo f-ny tlmt in 1esn tluin tire inergy, partlculirlj tbone suffering from the iprosi, 1.07 P. H.; Tlimuch Mill, 2.17 1'. M, j Hotel accidentally caught fire about 'i o'clod huU thcru. Wo wore loo lato to hoi irt they olhorvriiie inighLluiVQUiiulo to c [u addition lo theno 77 names, we road tin •cutest uuffereru ut tho present tlm1 diem who ka- !o. wiio linvo attended ten mouth- C bilisve, Imt we heard it commented oa in ed. Buino of tlielroJica were, recovered at di fid Kiucu tho war, auJ all with one eioeplic flno indeed j upland grnKKBufrorciisonio fn town in tlm Rl«u>, not even Jturliu VBioust resort lo irtlQcM ateim. For tbii CHESTER BBAKCH : Tlio engine compnny wish us to retui but 1PM than 1« "8 rather (Uttering terms. From blilU>nwe tied by thrir cotnnides, but otbtra wm urioJ iu our church yard. dry wontlttr in tho early part of the nenn< wberu thcru uro di.Ci.'it Hltanding we have tho potato bugs - IT fl.is Jem Dt-'inouth, 11- Thoiiuu Odt-11, 3. Cupl, II. A. MfeLauguliu, Co. L, 27 N, flighted IIesM and cinvartllinowx. Everj e vi-rji^e attciiditnci> 42 .ifa WttU Uuinu ]Q iti uiiuie in totftlly differ- 08 62H Sr.AE.Jnncfu7.13 inortmu. One di homo of th nod. Tlia SehoAeld mine has, apparent- LoimielDuGniw, 12. JiimtH OKcil, irgu c|uuutitIcH but by by lining rnriii gri o. wbo luivo nltended I«n montliB,., ent rruui such drugi. It contaloe uo corro»l»o PortOmm 7.16 .voln. • , . priso that ho uugiigi>H in, puts brcul mluer*li oracidi; iu laci II mmiiitt tbe regular Won,t enflea. Voi Killgoru'n 'if, contn ly, beou Jillii for BOIUO tima, and everytliing JnnioH'H. , ]». Oidcnu ltimteiln, they an doing very little daiiiage. ontha but lew than 10 Dover 7.20 LcwiwO. Ornen, 14. Ititinton Peer, 4. Gilbert Z^k, Co. I,. 27th H. J. huu^ry muutliH. TIKI IKJIHO which uperaliuiiB ol nalure, null iiaii|iliea her ilencitn- . Mile. it it HMined, from a hanty glanci Doctor Pelem of New York city adminis- cii'E, Tlie tonic In tl» ntluici aa uiuclt roiem- DanalNiB K. Mlller.lC. Wllaou Pitteuger, E. Honry l'ornind Bturtovunt, Co,'A, 8Uh built] in u lime of 100 uraIBK l— solven --t. ,.u _ hekltliJiyy ei Willlaia Oe»Uock, 18. Brtiuut Ii. Bmilh, 1!, bndr. ciupiot tlie food to bo dlfftistod ; an'1 in Wl. DOWH TRHK1 coining from KCIIOOI fell into tho canal ahov youru (IRO when I lant saw it, -olu. who diod Aug. 19, 1873. preached a very able oernion from tho wordi A.M. IU. Jiimos Shaw. it. Tha fact In thut the unw\ timo wenre Of tho four, Thulium mier, IXW.luud IIu,,u- in tbis juico is not eicrctod in iiifllcieat . H. r.v. P. » ho Turd mine wan different j imprav "And an often as ye do this, do itiarcmcin milieu, indigoiliou, with «ll Iln dlilraeiiiifr .4.1 4.00 Now York. 9.50 fl.65 tho diaw bridge. Sins wiut uiukinpr the third Of tliin'Bauio Company L, 7. LOWIH Ilumilton, Cu U 27'h N. J. vu all writing for inhii'kntl up in the form c kn, OWDU Lynch and Frod. Hiler, who Philadelphia, losn fi.li it« were purceptiblo bcre. Bev^nil sni .. -jptorni fullowi. Tbe Sea Wucd ronlopcr- ,30 a.w time when KorUiey plunged in and 20. AVilliam Howell, died April 10th, 180.1, Lo diod Nov. 20, 187$, and iu buried brance of mo." IuopcninghisdiBcoune, h tioncy, nnd when it ooinotf to bo unml the: ,ve attended more than ton mouths. ThomaR fonua tbe duty of tint git trio juico wbon the 0.10 Hipli BrldRe, IAS her. Dokhig hoimed bad been built,anit flie eugli nckettatown. sjwkff of (lie custoai'of erecting JUDJIU- ii(h it rriJl route rcgrcltf. These ore th rvt-s special mention as he has cot lattir ii defleiODt. Hcbenck'n &t Wood Xooio •i,un fl.27 cnlir-in, 7.B7 US Baltimore, of fever and in hurled in iler Am sold lij ill Druggisti. I.Ofl much etilargml, and thiugs generully DDU to tho memory or Uie dead, that near, imi'H when the poor ninn wihhoit he luu >r has be been absent a day for 81 (.36 Middle Vallev, Notwithstanding the adrtrso circus •arA Tho following Revolutionary soldiers aro en tardy L 17 (.17 German Valley, '7i07 s.e.i rmked cheerful. Tlie Dodge mine, like the IHO bnriud here. nil perxonB did il. Ifo then Raid that ukun advaiitu^oor the Hush times furcvf S3 7.01 pt the past week tho Dover baud will still bo 21. John Tenilte. died llnruli Mlh, 1803, a whole " How I wlaU that my Skin was «B white and t.sa Hiubrlght, * lc:hoficld,was ailcnt,nnuBeveral of tho dwell one. The timo is mjiidly apuron^hini J. SEWAHD LAWUON, Principal tfl 0.6B Hart lev, CBS 8 22 ti permanent ftaturo In this town. They . Ohcsnpoake Ilospital of fever nnd is bidli Gen. William Winds, died Oct. 12, 1780, Fur as he knew, nono had been erected to our *oft an vuuri," .aid a Wj tbo otlior day to a fffl 7.03 riatn)t>r», IMS _ _ liflonging toil tenantluaw, ull having n -lion thu rich mini will winh hu had Uikm femalo Irieud, "You cau uastly msko ft io," an hove just received a flno collection of now D ere. fiour, nlno if any hnd hecn erect III T.lff ' Krnvft. , 2.5S id iniprcua of tho panic. At tliw mine t r the iwril times. Thin, (lonllu •pcently publishpd tho fact of thoile- •ftiu tbo lady atUlrvBncd. ''HUT I" inquired (tie 10 7.23 6.25 ifiio aud with tlio addition of no' 23, iiwta Ward, diod Aug. 27th, 18C3, James Kltrffef, died Oat. 1, 1812, fmbeni promUo to ho Btrongei- tbnn eve w weeks after bin disclmrge from disoiL Oupt. JobAlIon.diodMnr. 10,17U8,a(iDd4fl >f agen [ but he said our Saviour in giving md a largo pyramid was abso ntuekud DII tbe Cnpt. BilsK Hathaway, died Feb. 17, 1803 lafit supper lo his disciplcn bad erected a Jvmitjigu" uf thu poor iimn—givo him work 'nntngo, Bufwo* County, aud his flight from Veekly Statement of Iron Ore hufore. jutmcLod iu tho service aud is buried here. Htafe. Tho defalcation was for $G,00D, ik at tbo Kurdtowu mine. Aa we passed gedfi3. nument thnt should outlast time itself The Aoitrlrnii People. 23. Jnuics M. Frsomnu, died Juao fith, Fire at Stanley, id depleted the treasury of tbu town. The 8SIK0 TKB JJAOKBTTSTOWM fJOAlKfi, VIA Luii'ly, of ilie Itepublienu, !H retiring from renldenofl of Ur. Elijah Nichols Copt. John Oarrisus, diod Aug. i3,1850,' presenting tho sutiject in an entirely new _. after »i maoh with Bii3, at SouierHCt, Ky., of fever uud U bui About in o'clock on the evening of Iln (lint paper like a meteor, brilliauily. }ll» learned that his daughter Mary, who veasso light to mo making it very inloreutlug indeed, JWU Committee have just compromiiied KH Americans, Although yoan of [irngrnmino for tlio fourth of July celobra- id uonr tho Cumliorlnnd river. ourtli tho hnll at Slaulcy «M discovered (. lit GOX'B bottdnmeo by accepting 4*1,000 '.a in mnlfdne bid failed to acootn- recoutly an object of unusual interest won O.pl. tilephen Jackson, died Murch 26, Tnio. irtain mid snro remody for th(sddoa«o it lloninlowa wte good, but j>tombed 21. Jameit II. Collurd, diod Juu. 8lh, 18G3, o ou Cro by Mr. UnliUlt, (wenpmit uf tin mt them. 'J'hey have now imtucd a cull •nd iln eOwJin, mcli in - r HtomicU, Uearl- improving in henlth tho "thing" having iyphoid fever at Wiu*liiogton. US, agod 08. u hie uon-jttoudnneo, from llio fact that • MUlbroolt. OUHO ndjoiuiug tho hall, l'ortuuntely IHOK ir a town tuektliiff, 1o bo held on tho 7th burn, Wnter-braflh, Sick Ueidnobc, Coativ«. [>nrted compnny vrith her no doubt. 25, JoBojiliDoGrnw, ditdMuy Int, I Qordon, died June, 1852, nged 93. ncsn. pntpilnUou of llio Heart, Li»cr Complaint, to bo represented by an empty Nothing of npeoinl intercfit was BdUr bo- "Gmu theo Fourth V" was tlio gcnenil ug of tht) people were juut rctiiruing from the ir tho purpose of afikiiiR the taxpayers to coming up of tho food, law spirits, general bottle ? iftml, Ky. exhibition of fireworks, and a lino of buckcti ithorize the township to make good the do- 'lubihty, etc, yet sitico the introduotion of i-ecu Iliirdtowu nnd DrakoviJIo. At tbe lal- 2(1. William BoSlonltt, died Feb. 2S(h, lorly (juery on the evening of tbo third, imiKK'H AunuiT FuiKZa wo bcliert) there Iu no Nontness nnd comfort are denlred by all. place wo observed quite a cotniiany out- UR. EDTTOS :—I would like to tell you of on iu thin retired pfnee, thednwu of the formed iu tho building; aud ou tho roof, mcy by torrowiag the- money ou bond, KM at DyntmigU tJtiS cannot bo immcOlgleir IR&, at camp near Newport Neww, Va. whilo others went to work wiUi crowbars, i eooluoRfl of tho prociitding boa orounct olioved. 811,000 dozen Hold la^t yi.nr without •I. Smith A, Son's ladies glove fitting; nldo Uio church ivliere tlio fair nnd festival 27. ThouniH DtJIoutb, diud Jan. 2Cth, few facts ia connection with tho leccut jrth uf July wns iiubered In l>y nolsea n itie caao of tailuro reported, Oo to your drug. button cnu hu had at Wright uriod there. irty years, during whtoh time I hiivo lived itorical fire cracker aud torpedo, Ui huff many urglpct to praclleaUy teoogulzo this who, reading that the Kubscriptlon to TUB A touching litllo Incident,' eviuuing Iho ritlett iu lSTJi, but kept tbo matter secret »ibed more whiskey than tliey could re- Of tbo 11th npginiaut, K. J^ Vols. ere. What happened before tlmt I cannot 3er (heso QircuniHlauccB Bleep WUB entirely plain truth whon health Is tn tbo bainnoo. Or IJIOS EBA is two dollars a year In ndvaui heartfelt rcjjnrd tho people ot StAulcy hnr irniKting IIIB re-election and tho oltniulng be many premonitory symptoms of di«e.«io i re.? .. •; cents each. ' in outside of quietly, managed to kick up ill, but I think I would knowjf anjthing lut of the (]ueMiou, imil there mw uo alleni- lacking cough ii thu moitt pronliotfoof peril. ir fifty cents par quarter, or one dollnr 30. Eliplmlut Sturlevuut, 1st Serpennt, Co. for "Stanley Hall," was tho folio wing : Tin nnoL'Cnt boniUmeu. llio Town Com mi t- vtako'bW "^^.anclshoot woodcock— uaiputt, which was BOOQ quelled, however, died at GoltyHbnrg. Pu. July 13tL, 1803, f Iho kind was going ou, as I am geporaUy ivo but to gel up nnd nsmimo us much jmtri- Arrtstlt at ibo on I set with Dr. Wishart'i.Pins HQinl-annurJly, mippoiio thnt we aro to plug to (ha large boHin of tlio fountain va ImvonlNO laid tho Township liable ti TreoTnr Cordial, and BO acold Couaumptlon. tho yoiiUKKterM being placed uudcr arrest, nn wounds recoivi'd in battlo July 2, 1803, •ound with my fellow minors. I bell ova RmasBueh an unwonted deprivation ol you can. . advance tlio money ourHulves, Thiu Is a inilng Hlniuber would adroit of, Soma of displaced aud tho precious water was being i of *800 for neglect in oomplylag with llruucbltiH. Inflainmnilouof tlio Lonsa, Coldi, nlong our roiilo tho paoplo, young and [1 is buried herd. tat the circulation of traoh a report IR invlt Coughs, auu, Indeed, all Aflocllons of tha Trices reduced In all kinds of straw goods initituke, gentlemen. ie old revolutionary natrioli? wcro an: wfiMed. JIIBS Susie Kopp ninhed forward law in relation lo linger posts. "Wnntage Id, with but a fow exceptions were enjoying 31. Cyrun L. TalmadRD, Ca P. dim! Sept. ig crime, aa bod, men could take advantage ltcspirstorT OrGftnB »re cuiircly ourod by ibit "io eelabratiou ol indepenritaco iid thiuirt her flno caiubrlo handkerchief lio only Towimlii[» [n Kuw Jersey where mtereigu remedy, wuloh tha endlcaton Byi- Adums Flalicr, a well-known ijeiitlenian of day aa bent they could; and the only :l, 1801, at AtiderMinvillo, Go. of starvation ' such to commit crime and conceal them- ihonld dlo nwny; but one oouM luii ito tbo opoiiiiig, effectually rctoiiitn the law has boon vinLitcJ. A meeting of m^Hla, UrnTol, I'lios, Nerroau Debility, Xoi ' 1, 00 cents pergollPQ. at Vought Sdioaloy'H llountnln, while worltiog in Ids thing to mar its pleasures, which came to my liiln a prisoner, nud in buried there. - by laying It on the Mollies, If you R u on utthuir honeg'nitlle willi Mitlhifaotir ty of tbo Liver, Urinary DffflmUli bamlaet Saturday.morulng, droppo^ P knowledge, was thu foolifh acts of tliose boys dnilt they nro here nnd that they'committed 'atur. In the ouUct of thu flro it seemed ikpiiyeni will probably'bo held to demand 32. That. Tinncy, Go. E, wiw kilted by u io noiny displny of pent up patriotixiu whiph inn, ralpjtatlon of tin Bummer goodn in ftbondanoe Bt Wright & the floor, of heart disease. No one was his crinio, and then do, not try to hunt iinposHiblo to xavo tha building with tho lim- rcnifniatiou of the delinquent committee, - ;unna. On tho whula.lt will be an- bull or KIK-11 July 2,1803, at Gultya- lis diiy annually brings furlh. Mfcctiuna. and t ' " present with him at tie time, and the find- ietn up and punish them—or if you lead ited means at baud, tax him not returned to tho Btnto since Lleracx. Till xiated with pleasant memories of tho past. nrg, Mid is buried there. From nine o'clock in tho ninrniHg, until Ing of hie lifeless body was tho first Intlma- Iiem to thick you are a/raid ot (hem—they An there are uo houses within fiOOfoo t mid fl, but coolly watches tba proceedings ni t: )t«blo tiugilom, and in lufinUoly Urge lot of Btrnw bate oloeUig out at rier- The ladles of tbe M. E church, Stiasamm- 33. JoHbna Denoh, Co. E, died Aug. 1st, to be preferredI,, both on account of Its superior tior. his friends had of Uie snd affair. o ot night, ovtry coiiditioa v>-nn rendi-rui] lie linll was closed during tho day, it iu aup- i just over tha New York State lino. I'H, only -10 cantq each. , ' tnade Mrs. F. M. Duck a handsome veil- E(H, at Audononvllle prinou and iu burled fill of course become more, daring than efficacy anil froodom (ram icntial to tbosa whotlenircd to fluiHh their >oseil that the origin of the Qre was due to Xlio little paraalte continues Us woik of !a-TnrkJsh war having tUrtetl up ing present in tho form of a silver cake-baa, bcre, grave No. 1518 iu tbe national ceiu- iier before. Then who will bo to blame wing uttiMi-evory thing being as quiet n incendiary. A filrange man was met run- Wednesday nfloruoon about 4 o'clock Miss Btruction.upon the potato bngs, . ' pretty TiRorouBly during tbe Wt week, wo at in recognition of her Borvlses ua organhit 'or all thia? Bimply your prominent liar, eta as a church yard. Neatly every body, ning from the hall immediately after the B •will ha»o enough of hortih'tloB to Intercut uf. f tbat cburch far tieveral yearn, for which 3-1. Daniel II. Palmer, Co. F, (lied Juno people of Dover, however, know him Id ami yonng, staited for Dover to attou'i larga number ot Rummer boarders first alarm, and although hailed by MOBUTU. rapauiod by the largo hmiflo dog, to and mnrt therefore decline our periodical •stimonialauQ returns grateful acknowledge, J, 1803, from woiinds received at Cbaucei' w well to believe him, but among those at •elebintion, A btmll through tho nclgb- Fittnjat dcpaNo" 010 FilU ed at Budd's Lake on Batnrday lauL ti. She bad scarcely started lith tho BulIeUn. Wo difllikoto lenta. ' " GUSTO. dlstonca who do not know him no well is lood dnriug the afternoon would -hai int, French and Muohmore, made no reply A balloon, GTidently from Dover, landed uujs.isaa,- lint increased IIIH speed, TLo building and 'borne with tlio cowswhen tha dog sprang at do it, too,fo r tho editor ot that puper in 35. fiicburu Haudereou, Co. U, died Duo. •here tho hum will ba dona. _ Let ui hear [ested Uio "Deserted ViUnge." Even the Itoooton at C:80, P. M.t on tbe Fourth. Tuntiture ara fully Insured in the Amcrii oof them which to frightened tbo animal 1 more of tho Mollies until it can be proved ilgs and chickens wore a lonely nort of ] iok, Vital weikneii or depresalon: a weak ei auob a nloo man, and always nays imch pretty CHESTER. Oih, 1602,* near FMdoricliibure, Va-,amt in t slio ran nt full speed,and striking MISA K Tery brilliant meteor was Been, above the it they ore in reality among us. rhllo the birds suspend oil their muslo oltb- Mutual-of Newark, and a New York com- iBUBtod feeling, no energy or eooraga; tbo uried there. ' .. inaman knocked her down. Strange to say itlieni horizon on Friday evening of tout I new sign on the corner of Main BL aud We are all ierj- sorry that Mr, Jamps B, rfroni suspicion of the oniinauABlluncenftor pany. It will be immediately repaired. roiult ol muntal oror-work IndoEcrclloua or la a movement on loot, wnong HU- 30. Abrom Stickle, Co. V, died Aug. 18th, scow did a ot proceed any further, but Blood U It. Aveuno, infonns Ihe travelling pablii wis Is going from among us. Ev«n the ie morning noise, or else in inoiient ac- t, or snwe drain open ihe tjilein, in pcrintendontA of cortaia rollronde, to begin B62, and is buried bore, .' Hies Kinnaman's body and defended her- bat the Chester House is now kept? by mine men and ohildren regret his • going, for swledgement of tho right of tun OENDB no- Budd'a Lake. always cured by llamphroyi'" Homeoptthla Cho Boonton Council Toted to raise for the practice of requiring all pnseongerB to 37. ColuiubiiH M. Blinwger, Oo. E, died of agaiuEt tlio attacks of tho dog. Mrs. ipeclBe No.'IS. It tonci up and 1 ' poratioa pnrpoBeilS cents per $100 of oat Chas. E. Kmmons. Tbe tiign 1B on ar- thoy nay he never passed by them on tho to tnonopoliso ull tho noise on this par- MB. EDITOH : We nre always ready to meet g .enter the care at tba front ends, nnd t& lei iliold fc«r*t Folinoulh, Vu- M.ircb 20th, ird, whh o hahdd becb o l b th« eyito i tlie f-loom aud Weapon3uney, etifl production.and is cue more of the many rood without auking them to ride, unless his icular day, gentleman in argument, bnt exceedingly ulnnned at tbe pro- nation, . • •' ' If tho proposed iG3. '•'•'. igcd absonco of her sister, wont cut into imparti s suength and energy—Htopt a tbtb o draidin at tlie rear < traotionB that Borround this fnvorito rcBort. corHiige was loaded. In fact bis works have iuliko to hlioot Into tho hushes at n coward, t i looth, Hair, Clothon and Faint ErutdieH, a prftctico could ba adopted, there would be Of tiio 7(li Ifcgimatit, N. J. ViJs.". field, and Reeing the situation, drove the and rejuvonktci tbo entire m«n. Been ntedsp Tho mines of the North Jersey Iron Co. iiocn the Ufa of Mine Hill for the last two Notwithutnndiug the extremely unlrtTorn- who Hkulkn behind troeu, or in other wunh, fie" assortment at Vougbt &, KiUfioro's 38. William'Thoinpaon. Co. K. killofl off. She called to some of the neighbors yeara wftii perfect vuccor* by tLoataudi, Said not only a saving of time, but an nvoldanco le weather, tho fcntlviil which tlio ludlon ol A'ho hiilrn liimnt'lf muUr a Knu DE PLUiinr by dQDlcrs. Prlcu SI per single vlii, or S5 pt-r 1 abtmt tho only ones in thin Tlcinlty tlmt tpt. 20lh, 1B&1," by nhurrmhooter, before Pu- ugStor©.. '-;. -.•,,•:'•:..• of crowding and liability to accident. wheru he mnkes a nowopapen attack npou io came over and carried Mins Kinnuman, iw H!gnB of life, and ihcso are being vigor- iwhurg. Vn. and js burled h«re. did not domineer aver Wi men, even II. E. Church hclil Juuu lllh nnd 22il, paekogo - BVB lUh'anil 13 viil of powdtr. (Vhat boa became of the Tax Payers' Asso- Tbe three mile race between Courtney nnd fas qilito it HuraeBS; tho prooecdu boiug lie- ono whom he may rogtml, OH nn opponent, w covered with bloodandiaanlp- Bent by mail on receipt ot price, AdOren isly worked. 39. Ooorgn WcHloy Peer, Oo.' K, died Hay I he could hove done it with ease, Uo 1 Uon 7 BM the worm weather been too ltiley will .take place en arccnwoort Inike on in eighty anil ninety dollars, I am re- 'he article of "Vtoilur" in the Into itsuo ol condition, back to tho honnG. Dr Hntnphrey* Homeuratbic Medicine Conpkdj Tho now coiciuifaing kiln Is doingaU timt \th, J8G2, at YorktmvD, Vft-,'and is buried r paid hie men lest UIRU $1 per day, lohforitl .-••"• .'...''".'_. . Rnlnrdoy next, tli4 14th, nnd tho victor will itod to hereby (eruJt-r (lie (limits of Um uur jxipor,. is ua worthy of Rpoctnl notice itoa was Rent for who found her injuries to SCI Droadwiy, Now York. ST-Iy ildbo eipected of it,andthooldoDo ii also ;Denville, 'on whtn mines in the neighborhood were Fhs now choir of Iho Blftckwcll street M.' >lve ft hamWmo gold builgo from tbo .dies to Uie Dover band for their very vuln- id would not at Ilils time hold our Bltentinn anhi of a largo ecolp wound, a fructare of rorkiug .finely,' Tbo companies propose 40.' flamnel Forrnnd Kitehol, Co. E,dicd nt nd are paying 00 oenta, : II? Ut what wo coll Church furnlBhetl BomaTcry fine nmfiic oiiwood Lake SportKmru'u Club. These )lo services ou the oouidion, [or n uiomcnt, - only on the principle tbut jawbone, two'ribs fraolured, a bone of ; tutting np two more Immediately. . ndersonvillo,- Oa., Bept. 12jl6(vl,oml is bur- gontieman In the truest sense of the word. SBbbnlhlaaL : ' •'. • ;• I are regarded as the two foreinout non- Qiuirterly meeting will be held nt the M. i roofsqnito mny bo nnnoylug. Tho truth .he left hand broken, and her fnoe anil neck BBUB nnnn EEEE REEK HSHS EEEB " The great and evergloriona-" lins come id thero at tbo National Cemetery, Grave Ifa all join in wishing him welt wherever frMMonnl; oarH'men In Uie country and Church here on Qtmdiiy next, when tlio ur thu mntter lien la a nut shell, Mr. Dink- crribly cut and braised. Theno injariet " BU REB B BE. Iro you going.«p? Tba Airentlsts id gone with ite nsual quietude and witb- 3 goes, and. we hops'fate'nay send him B B II E " B B E :li gratiflcntlon is fall at the, pnwpect of v. Mr. Palmer, of Dover, will prowl). t, the gftutlciDnu now ronaiag tJjo pl&w- vcre all inflicted by tho cow stamping on IB ItBRIi EEE EEE 8S8S EEE inoe p'oflitiToIy that tbe "world vDl como it mfmy events worthy ot special notice, 41. . Bnicn, Co. K, died June 7, nong us again.' . ' ngtbe qutKtioaof anporiority between lid old people ntill left herenboutu cxn'reii& n ure boutx, leased tlio siuuo of the proprietor With careful nursing Bbo may recover. -SIt»£ £ 8 E on end to-duy. iei morning was damp nnd, putriotigm at a 105, of d coutmutul iu tha service, mul Ills bon«, Mr. rotter, In also a very good of tho Forest Homo, after the former ICSECC- H D n It E E .0 8 E • tbemBeUled. . " lesiro to hour Ihe voico of tho veteran in tbe I tar. D&BU H It KE£E EEEB SPSS EEEB working force at tlie cor ehopa w ebb. ' Our beautiful colors that have n, Qv.ft every man hero that I have'spoken had declined to release them upon, tho tonnf, Id church within which he labored-, many The Engineering and Mining Journal &ny« heretoforegracedourlibcrty.pole ongrpatoo- 42. George Washiugtoa BUkely, Co. K, regrets what 'happened his home on :ceptcd by Mr. Dickentoti. If two price« Fashion Notes... iln reduced! on fiaturdky last by tlto, diB- i[p, OCCASIOKIL.' J... irging of fourteen mcu. t wccJt of;tha pig iron market: The ero not forthcoming from ttiefrhid- lied July 28,1862, at Bt, Luke's Hcwpitul' inday night,- I have known him rioce he vrora ever charged it n*j not ot tho dictiilioit Widow's veila ara about two yards long Thoiniw Iron Compauy report wiles of 1,000, I. Y., mid is bnrietl at Ovprcw Hill. [r. Wuren Begur' feill lead tlio prayer , and tho chief displa}*of bnnHng on this hill and havo worked for him. The 0,, LAW. Railroad, ni any one CDUucclo.il wilh the Votmt House, a hem onrfoartu of a yard. ** Is «xhitiitlQ£ on elegant .took of tons of iron on the . basis of *10 for No. 1 43. JohnBpoor.Ca K, dioil Bee. 13,1604, cling of th'jV. M. O._A.,in tlio lecturo 'as from the various and varied signs of the iinvo always found him ftnic o nan—one Tie directors of tho Delaware, Lackawnn- mt eiaiply the inriividunl action of tbo cue llonnets nre rcmabibig more generally Foundry. Tlie market is Weak, however, LOnnewl Hospital, .WustinBlon, nud in bur. m of tbe M, E. chotch, to-morrow after- losliug.' Enthusiasm reached a higher iinbi n raixn to doa fair day's work i and Western railroad Company on Friday IOW niniiiuj tho opposition boot*, There- 10 to tlie yellow tints> in foBbloa .than PICTURE IRA1IES, OBpeoIally for prompt conh, it being rumored id at Ennville, N. J. ' 1 in an old proverb (jiut you cauuot teach an n. , ^ ,'.;.. plane In tho afternoon, but It wan reserved and not hurt himself, , Eat 1 wppate he last week authorised by n unaulmouH vote er parts of costume, thnt Rood Lehigh Iron has been sold on thiB 44. John It. Lyon', Co. K, killed at Bristol old hnrso now tricks. The ofpoj.jtiuri hoatu Wall Pockets, tho evening lo vltaese the beotJio cento. cannot Buit every one, and*, he would'ba a' tie issue ot 910,000,000 HOyear 7 per cent, Tho latent novelty in handkerchiefs is red. Tbiboa, a' Boonton boy, oon^ of basis at allow «s$17.Ji0perton, Tile in- iliou, Y«:, BupU 3. 1803, nnd is Iiuriad uu mny rau at an CKtivnlitiheil mte, from which iy Uiatnrinea from the endeavor to ''keep Fool to try.'' lie has Irisbmcn and English-, nda, the timo to run from the first day of k blue eilk, embilllahai with the portrait ilor Thlbau, vhile firing ft pistol on tho quiry IB very ligut.'and purchnsenara boing jbnltluficM. ' - hero Khali bo no.duviation, but Iho past doc* Fplrits up by {inuring spirits down," A ,en working tot him—about crealy dlrided icxt September. Of these bonds $2,800,000 , favorite octrees. Thoy aw' carried by urthFlol tho UUIe finger of his left hand d f ly pressing neccftiticB 45. Gilbert D. niauchaid.Co. C.troimfcned lot eteoim^e tlio hope that fticb mny bo the nly preKsIng :liovo.. Gome Iblrtk othon'oM getting o to bo hold to redeem that amount of out- li men and women. . Household Ornaments. Irelyoff. - • - ..-.-: . • celebration " nt the depot resulted hi a om Oo. K., died Aug. 13, IBM, of dropsy.At ct. The Like is Inr^o enough for viKitnr oi Tho Morris county borrowers of the Mutual re fair play than they are, and that there itanding Ibndn, which constitute Uie only ow broochcfi, pendants and enr-rings are Lmong the graduates at tbe State Normal ioro or inoro of potriota becoming no tired itdcrsonvllle,6a., and'in buried there in tha mideiit, or who so evei he may be, (o ruu and Equitable Ufo Inmiraneo Companies, of where the trouble begins. Whether it is on tlio present main Hop of tho road. gold and colored Ivory, In the form of IOOI hut week were MiraLillio Mot-chouse, i Hint nicer* of enthusiasm (and npple- llional Cemetery,.grave No. Bi83. i many baits as be may pleow. New York, will be glad to learn that they vk ) that they were forced to neek tha sboi- us or not I cannot loIL But there is'one *ho remainder ore to ba used for such pur- iwers artistically carved out of ivory And Confectionery, Momstowu, And.Misa Mnry I, VaJl, of t Of tha 121U Itugiuent Jf. J. Vcl's. Tlie Forest Uoune Is pcrfectly;willinB thnt havo followed the lead of thoBowcry Savings an I do know. You could toko any rnnn as may bo necessary; At the meeting, io midst of a Rpray of g&'facn leaves, d it dliowed that the company ig the nngoutlcDianly articlo in Tour lost BOOK.S, Mlllbrook II, E. cbnrch on Snnday July inorigaffcfl held by the bank will bo reduced UD thim ten to ono, for I think the sore-, /ildt cotitums whtin tolum ua a whule, and wtWsl"'V" lost'himself andwokoup 47. Alfred B. Jack»on, Oo. D, killed ot earned interest ou Ita bonded debt anil all ssuo tfl, thnt wo want tho pnblio to know Preaching by^Eor. Wr. Palmer of from 7 to 0 per cent, Thoy are force4 to do da lira Tery few, But s few bad ones *~patleni' of each garment may bu used in a Htrauge bed tbo next morning. TJnole li, end WM bnrifld i cbligatloniTfcr leased lines. It is believed int Mr. Dickersou is lawfully in potHrntfon BLANK BOOKS, orer, at;8P, M.' ; " ' this becausfl owners of idle capital are com- Hedges promennded the Bt««t with his ao- do a great deal of mischief. nt the bonds will be tukou at A premium, if his boats, and ii cvwry way worthy' of en- scjiarattly, or else form ports of other sulta. I. Richard George and L, C. Bicr- peting with them for safe investments for a cuHtomed urbanity, bnt mlmiBhis coKtigating Your prominent liar would ho about nt they maka a comparatively small dobt for argeii patronaito. "Viiiitor" having seen fii 48. Johu Mown, Co. D, died JTvy 12,1801, The residence of E. A. Cause, of.Wasli- Stationery. &o. \h', of this plttce, hnye gona to California lower mte of interest . , rawhide, with which ho wns want to bull- nwelconio a victor on this hill now as bin e property^ The etflck murkut was altorn- to clutuipion the cnuno of the "Old Fiihor- of.wouadt.wcdvcdoritheBth.atSnottfljlvauio,. ivllle, near Newton, was badly shat- ) business trip and eipeet lo be absent George W. Smith of Hadixon, was last re nil buyers nnd sellers of flre-crncVrr. iirty, lying shoot is. But those only como .tely strong' and weak. Delnwnro, Lacka- mau"a8hocalU"Jukc,"wo thought it net iind wwf burled tint*- , - rod by lightning et 5:15 A. M., on Sunday, The best brands of it one month, week arreaU'd on complaint of Prosecntor re we aekad our candid opinion for this here when he gives them away. We havo anim and Western and Blorrfn and ESBOI amius to say a woid fnr "Billy." 49. Ihruoy Johnson, Co. D. died lliiy Sf], he fluid entered on tlie north sido of tlie Smith, for having' in his posnewuon a prom, nwiiwion, wo should say, Willie in Undo H's hard work to live from month to rnontli—wo 'ere in tha main strocg until tho Inst hour, I Orders for tents for the Denvlllo camp 1804, of wounds received on tlio 8th, at Spott- limnej*. lifting the rafters off the plates and FOBEIQN AUD DOMEHT issory note made on parties la Jlonmouth I, and "Borb" ban left town, ItisaS* ire poor and have no one'to toko our part, latter because of tlie common impression pecting sbould ba addrcseed two weeks Bjlvanin, and was buried there. Tourn, Ac, Cnifl. O. BRO^-MSOH. ring the timbers down, scattering in oil County, and purporting to be signed by II. loniflhing bow ft little interest will some times >ut we do not wont to bo belied. : t tbo now 510,000,000 of tlio Delaware, Kton the meeting to tho Superintendent, 60. Felix Canh, Co.-F, died HnylO, 1603, rectlons, demolishing a clock by which Mr. ]1 &W. II. Bmith. Some Umu ago he, in uwga a penan's principles. Tho dormant Fjia PLAT w Aix. Lackawanoa and Western may be used In a &. EU» Earl,), DGDWUo. ' wound* neeivfid nt Siilem Heightn, H*y 3, lunawas silting and passing out of the conjunction vita his brother, won tried on ft rnlrybelwefcoourtwo reatanrateurs which ay to benefit iform and Enscx stock. Port Morris j Mlohiwl H, Koefo,ofPaterGon,ft lawyer [8C3. . Succfisunna.. ' : \ ueo ou tho south side throwing tho weald- DOVES BANK BUILDING charge of forgery, but waa acquitted, the naturally exifitfi, oiMumcd a new Hhnpo iu an The buxincss of the road for May, as In mentioning the names of tbi :hlldrei *ho used to reside in Dover tod hoa many Cl OPOIUO D. Fonldn, Co. F, killed at" tht The closing exorcises of iha Chestnut Bill loorcls a distance of four or five rods. A latter being convicted and sentenced to State efforteoch to out do tha .other in a pyro. ihowa in tho accounts laid befort the Direct- who spoke their pieces N well on children* 7-tf BOVER, N. J. friands and acquaintances in thia BCCUOU, angle,'" at Bpottsylviiuift, Vn., May 12,1804, School on Friday aftorriobn, Juno 29th, were quilt caught lira but was thrown out Priaon for nino months. Ho will bo tried ib technlo display; but Willio'a rockets knocked )ra, yielded enough to pay'nll cxpcnsci, in- dny, I forgot Lillian, Stella and Aurclia died atPaterson, on Thursday, .- and was buried on the battle fluid. hstcned to by quite a' number of parents tors before any farther damage was done, the Monmouth county courts. iu Bjjola off of Plilhj, penny pin wheels nnd rcet and rentals, teavingatrido to thecred- mall, daughters of Mr. John Email, one ol Rev. W. IL Fairy, forme pastor of the 62. Btnojjih'D. TVner, Oo. F, died May 9, and friends of the p'uplb, 'all of whom did Ilcgifitcr. TliaFrcB Mothodifita arOMtenainc tbeii ie totter called Charley away and he beat an as well an could bo expected oonslderinR tho of Delaware, Lockawanna and Wettcrn Dur engineers. Wr. Howell closed his school ~ a UetbodUt Church, Sabbath after- 9G3 and in burled near camp ut While Oak AMERICAN WATCHES1 ; field of labor into SUBBCX County, and are continent retreat. itock. For tho five months onding May 31, ir tbo quarter, lust Fritlny afternoon. Tin once]ubrat«dtlie "crergr glorioul s etc"' n hut baptised a convert by Immcrslo Httls practice they bid., Th« exercises con- working principally at Stanhope and Frank- sifitcd of alngiog, dialogn played in Chester on Saturday last, boti a good name for a dog, but ba ei 50. Jacob IL Kinney, Ca A. taken pHnon- EUa Vcorhct, Ada Endean, Amelli 1,600,000. The company's snrplus con- iva forgotten the nnmo of tlio most Fred Boper, son of Mr«. Itopor, of llorri er at hospital at Fuir Oitkit, Ya., Juno 23, ' lbs Qulokatepa of Owt' place and a Idoutly docs not relish being whistled hither Dooring, Anna-Meeker, Venlo Yoorhes, EU& siBtlng of securities of iU leaned lincR, nr il speller, though litUn Johnnie Uowell,who Plairstown and Ilardwick townililpB, War. street, wos about town on the Fourth firing 18C9, and died at Belle Island, Ya., ofprivn- and van by every chance cor on tho street akehnan, C*tri* WilHatnBon, Hiittio Steel- Is not old enough to talk plain, dcacrvcB en- county, vcra viutcd by a uevero hall Tillaiuno; which end«l ina victory for tho canon be had, when another boy Ang, Ctli, 1802. botweon A and C n Tha now raori- Kuttfl Sharp, .Carrie ^Reere, J pedal mention forboth spelling and speaking. stonn an Sunday Afternoon last, wuioh broke lormorbya scorei'cf 4fl to.'lH- WoodmlTn throw a flro cracker in a tin fruit can that G7. John W. P.vlm , Ca. IT. killed June ff, ot wWrh $7,200,000 Is aTalfob'le, 11 in, Lulu Jnghardt, Lena Laity, The " glorious Fourth " passed very quiet odowc of haancn *ntl damaged the •Walfhnm Watches from $13 icy "Hank nmplwd th« g«m«, contained bin powder. In tho explosion that A gentleman informs us that as be won 01111. on (lie retreat from Richmond a&d cxpresaod in a 7 por couL 30 yrar boud, t leeker, Anuie Thomas, Peter Oaron, Addio with us hero. The'boyn burned a little ps. The Btan«j runted in etta from i upwards, test quality P. 8. Szehangea havo been mads bywhich Bev. followed yonng Roper was terribly burned passing over Shanghum mountain on Monday mrled near Hichmond, . ' lecured upon property valued at threo timoi :IIK>, Charles Dyram, Emily Crater, John A. iwdorln tho forcnoon.and made ickory nut to n hen's egg. BAETLETT with chronometer Dr. Tan'Bcnschoten, of MomBlown, will about the head, face and body. His clothing evening he noticed a man declaiming and 68. Thotms Jeffaruou Hiler, Co. H, killed vk, CUra J-Awrenoo, Emll Hopkhu, lAz- amount. Should tbo view, which ovi balance in 8 OK. caso, rednobd The parndo ot tha Itogmuffin Club nt Btan. oconpy the pulpit of tho -BlackweU street M. also caught flro, but ho jumped Into* tbe gesticulating with great Tohomonoe in a car- nbuttlell.) 3, 18GJ,'utCbii Hamblcj, Mi&uis Hopkins, Albtri Jack- icnUy influoncod tbo rtook market turn ou to $19. b/pe WOH quite a success. They captured llr.' James Gary of Now FonntUand It- £. Ghnroh the coming Sabhalh and Rev. J. tnnnl and «xtingn!nhe9. Churlee Bpuncer, Oo. D, dUd Juno 14, [Jrater, »nd Western Company van part of tho irnlng homo Into in tlio evening having Ladies' solid | 'old American Both an cOT^aered Tory oble preacherB. taken to his homo. lie will bo confined to tliat was soon dispelled, however, when he led, and is bnrieS at Fairfax Beminary, Va. proceeds of tho mortgage to retire Morris to bo fishing at Lake Ilopntcong, and bnd a Watches from $ 30 up. very Ir. IJonj. Biro hst week B&d his property Tbe«hool fuml of Beltldero has b*(n pressed ia words until »n individual la tho nch plc&Bura' aa scrambling over rocks, Scwsrd Wills, made npocches from e porth so nnmenms'th&t the-dover and timothy Cl. Jfttnes Dougherty, Co C. ilieil of dyt- In Madison, consulting of six bnilding'lobt, iiBodbytho omnou (ounoil for town pur- Wntkins Glen and vicinity. At tho dinui Ticinlty vociferated, "Oh, cheese it," when cruwling through csves, aud enjoy on cxten- of Mr. Caao'-i hotel. Tlio UethodisU had a All ORADES and STYLES on tare* an stripped from thoitalks in entire OaUrjAuB. 3, ltiO4. nt Andereouvillo, On, ith dwelling and bam improvements, to oses, and there ia no money in tlie treasury at the Mountain House, BOO guctts sat down the orator gathered op tho neglected ribbon* [TO view of the surrounding country, to go "pio-nio aljoining tho church, and took hi hand to seleot from. to a fine entertainment, a feature of which and drove rapidly away.' An three gentle- ond'ls buried tbero -yr.tvu 4O5U. , . knhvw Hawkipi, Eeq., ol Now York city, replace il » hen needed, he salary 11 H > High Ledge. . . - ar five thouULnd dollars cash. Mr. Haw abont one hundrtd, and fifty dollars, I am On .ThnrwlAy Wn/Itant and John waa the" abaertcfi of all intoxicating liquon. men of (be legal fraternity of Jiris place wero Of tha 1st Begimeut M. J. Yob.. told. Pcr&an* somo ot tha Stanhope folks taachen IH iow rvboiit two r> onths '. CLOCKS. JEWEr.nY.BPEC- klnn is a ship-builder and propoaes to build CofebetVvtwo utcmbern of the Uorri^towtt The speeches were made by Judga Guild of chosen for Fourth of July orators, the ques- 02. OHflon Peer, Co. K, died Feby.' 6,18CG,1 Will give you f allor particulars, TACLES.EYE-GI.ASSES.ko. at Reliable Turnip Seed. handsome residence on his Dew pnrcfaue AUtUo boy of nino years, nn of John OospftJ Temporanoo iteTona Clnb, caused Newark, ex-Senator TotU of Honterfon, tion arises, who was it? fc ; » few taontta after 1 eariugectvice, from dii EliUAl.Cv LOW PR1CT8. Call «»« arrest of Oca HeOdcn, John B. Piper, WawiUwceivo on MonoUyour »tsck of nd ,100110 hla residenao In Madison next Thero wcro 2G,G9O cars of coal forwarded 3ur>, was drownml in tho canal war Hack- Fnncii Murpby of Fittsburg, Prof, Atber. MM contracted In tbe service, - from hero in Juno.. Hirsahman; Wm. Eaokky and ton, Oev, 6oweU, Senator Kirk, of Essex, Tnrnlp Seed, grown, this veir, fnim tho oring. The property ig localcd on tho high itUtown Eum'ay bofora last ' or write for pilcc-llit. Of the 3Ihh Regiment H. J. VoU. • .. ColUnij, of- MdrHttown, for illicit Her. Dr. Btecle of Now Brattswick, BflT. Ur. .The g.gr.o/Prof.-Gregoryy , of Blair trustworthy house of Luuh-eth's of PhUa- gwnnd in the Mtlh of UadUon. '" Mr. John Lawless, of SUnhope, has the . 83. Abraham E.irls.0* .K, died May 6,' N. H. WHITE, 441 BROAD St., Poole, Itev. Oeo,-E. Morris, Mr, Oatnt Aealemy, BhJrrtown,,l]a,i'gonl e lo Enrop* ilelphlo. Oho weds will be >uo to' same contract for building the two largtrt briagei Thoiru SJoEtroth, for many yean tha Benr, Mr. Oeorge Worts, Col. Coldwdl i to c•' 12 i\. LIMli. OB.1IEST, COLUMBUS UKAOH, Prev'L n?HH OoflfiR. CaslHittrcn, Kilk, llourcttaa, count i3&0 weevil. ulli o'cltitili I'. M.t Hint i* to Bay nt d t.'d.icl. GLENN'S CAIiCINCb PLASTEH, AY. H. THICAT, Cashier. Dress Goods, omiiw Striju's. llromileH, LuMroH, I»oi»- tliu artrrtioati ot wh\ iky. all tlat i:Lr!a;ii FllOKT UltICK, .\ legal bushel of oats must weigh E«P«nKlfK. DiiiRfiuiils, Alpacas, Vcitiua, I ufluml iii.l i>rcmiHL'i 4itu.ilx. iwu; «"d SULPHUR SOAP. nilEULAV.FlIlELHICH, PIKECI'Ont. thirty yoni-iiU iu Maine, New Hiiinpslii Shawls, Skirts, Prints, J ,m time to time iw tlicy nppuir m mwkel. ii'iltyir Wf>rri""nii(r.s!ak' '-r SiV JiWJ, STERUNC REMEDY FOE DISEASES AND QEOitau IlinuAUDS, EI'HIIAIJI Lisujii-iii', Htx, New Jerwjy ; thirty-four iioumls 1 n LAU STONES. Ct-UHIXO. anil Cambrics, &o., &c. WHITIi OOOUS, n vciy full line, pur- iiiit: nil tent curlalu 1'U or |inri;rl t'l" w'" "j! INJURIES OP THE SKIN; A HEALTHFUL iluDSOH UoAOIiAND, JAH. W.Bl.OTHKltTyN Ciiiudu, thirty-%ix pounda iu Oiufcu lSfd of importer* ftiid nt AIICTIOS. Olid FOB ,-t hv div:d (mm The lxliif,'li l-'ruio Iron BtAlfTlFlER OF TUX COUFLEXION; A FJJiAH BTEW, COPKQ, yir.T.3, LISTEU AiiUEin It. HrnuB, CobUMlius CCACU, i. H. 1>1C1VEI;BON, JOHN IIAWV thirtj-ilvu iu Missouri, tliirty-thifu LE CIIIvVI'. D .ii'it-ai.)', dated Atttl'Ui I2th, 1871. and in Jiart tHAAO W. SEAHINO, ISAAC B. JOLLLY, .£N]IV£*\ia'JI, JASJLN1I irr-w , Priuta, B.tto. RHUABLE MEAHS OF TKEVZHTLXO AND AND CISTE11N SECJIH, Io\ui, aud thirty-two io renimylvnu Girting, Htrii»a, tliVlarnlcoiivimd tn tbo «ai-l cunipauv t.j iticuAiiu Gnoityc, Jons \V. JACKSON, liitiKlint , Ac Tho rccr a til rmiit r.irli^filmw anil »vifu datt-d April KHUEVI.S'0 RHEUMATISM AND GOUT, AKD Mit^baicliasotts, New York nnd most ti ld not he mmtftiiird. All li, IRiiJ, and tlie imrt Iwri-liy roiirlgfcBwli * AN UNBQUALED DISINFECTANT, DEODO- WHANN'S PHOSPHATE, liKhl.T Mt'PAllbAH, JotllAIi ftlEI'.KEJI, dn nro Hnm.iwbnt lower ami Borne iiiftittU'ii *H lot nmnbrr IT on a niai> ol tiiiti AtJ'Hi'.tiH liEEin:i,. other elates. (it co j,i| made bv Amlru* lWi .nil b.'i>iiiH at • RIEER AND COUNTER-IRRITANT. jr limn before tbo odronco. All lone Dust, Gitnmi. INmdrctto, The Country Genlhman Hays: "Early l lakvln theslilh llu« c.r ilii-irliidii hit, «W Glenn's Sulphur Soap bes.d« eradi- 91f. Dcvsr Savings Institution, I iirmtnnrfHfJlmgnt 7 ct«. pcryftrd; :aki! IH-IIIB « ninier U. lul IIUIDIH i lfl.aiwl tlio cating load disuses of the ikin, banishes de- upriiig tmuHp.uutiug of strawberries is jurtli turner In mhf'1 fnun mid coinpaa* to LAND PLASTER, ite. nd I wide i»iiEN» CAMBIIIC, new utyli* and fect* of the complexion, w>d imparts to It Hie Miticrs' Saiiugs ltonli CI'1'ii.i; IN EOVED BASS. following with the mubt uniform success. il for 8 cl* Our LAI1GE CARPET DcMaruaret Meliau datixl HO.-OHIIILT MUI, l H70. oud ilul; wci.i'ilcil.iind niiih IIILDJU nlolIK gratifying clearness and smootliness. It should be doue as soou us tho f>ruu»d OOM [R fully stocked with line of In iminhcrlG (i)*outh tiriy-nino do- WOOD sawed iu stovs lengtlip. OP DOVJCK, N. J. lAUPETfi. OIL CLOTHS, jur nnd rony-ilvu iniiiure.. \x<-m two liuinlre pnid cni dftpnmit mndci iNTnow SII'ADES. Full lino IlnUBflELH CIEI'ET, beeimii ; lliiiut' nlons mild ccnln' lliu> (2) at a most trifling expense. This admirable TOVE. - - - $4.25 ji. uolum tlio ..rat iUv* uf lUiica, Ji'xt:, 'AltltLN BWSUB - • • - TmlSj during the season. Those who want tli yard, good ofiaoHmeut: ot pedfic also speedily heals toni, ttviia. ttatdt. EUSllllUFxrJIDKll. .. ami,r if. «d rtyle U>r «l. Lnrye l unu, ttrains and tuft. It icmoves dandruff EGG, - - - - 4.00 best crops next year do uot allow tli tf _.j""ii fwTui'iwiwrwf W numbsr • Open dally from 9 o'clock i. «. to 1 THUBTEEh: o TABLE Oil, CLOTHS. KGIIAISB bogtuning nt 110 ctfl. per ynrd, i; tlKiueo i'i) uurth tlrty-iiino awtee* and nd prercnts the hair from failing out and young plants to hear this year ; Itul si irtincnt very lnrm', i""1 PriceB lowct llm,n iru- (ivo iiiliiuivK wm iwn liuii'lriil nnil two irning gray. HESTNUT, - - 4.00 tF.a. uni y linker. Join Hniice it a deaire a moderate supply froi /^amT\lV«lT\C.K- « AT.MI niauy y.'iirs. Wa ki'i-p tho best good* Ttinii dclivcrr 4o rts.; Mi>io Hill 75 cti. MANAGEHS: . li. 0iulierson, James It. Lth]., A •pk'Iidid !««• lot "' Clothing and linen used in the sick room J.o..Il.CflU4ad™, new plantings, will not deeerely (J Avv. U.VM itijiimiiv j1;-1;"^ iiule in thin country- Wo m j ' Oidera may no addrciKtU tliroiifh tliOl'oHt diilnfccteii, and diseases communicable by HEN'BI McFABLAN, lux. WiL'hton, atrmig-growinf/ plants by allowing , innko nud Iny cnn>«l«. w f) intact with the penon, prevented by it* J^ock Hut 23, or lift nl A. Jl< .•mur'soillc. ja. llodtri-'i*, Btrt benC. llr.rrv loth, lioolonm. atnltitiB, i»nku »nd linog OEOBOB WCUAIIDS, iavid Jtn- Hiiicl in p r.icnlaily rucltcd JAMEH H. SIMPSON, J. N. Morniai,, turned out en maue, lately Iiiwdea by u is- CLOVER ~£» itius, "nd no ono nnd.m-lls VK Exuaav 1 .1 Ltd at fiilk am! out rtl.f an tlie Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1,20. XPilEltl BEBUEH. 1. D. VALUr.lt. H. B. PtLJIElL. Hi Id (1 said COL.UBIB'DH BEACH, Wm.l .land uf musicians, aud fought grnss- of goodM IUKI jiriccB rwiucutcd. R-Buy lh« Urge okss and.iheftby W. H. LAJIDEBT, . ipnnv t d Fury. Sold br ill Dmssuu. licippors tbo livelong duy. Uriguilu uftcr VillL' r 1. B. JOLLY, brigiido was burled ngniust tlio potum TIMOTHY SEED- W. S. BABBITT, irtuii"(Jf'"iT< Kiln-in] I'm t aad wile to Cb«v. Stoves. Stoves. ttaut" lbltni Jlllv IUt1'i UT3' ntl(l rucorded EUJ/H HAIB AND WHISEEl i(ui Sc IIENI1Y McFAII'JN, Pmlllonl. invaders. Tbo cobortH of grusabopiTu M0BRIST0WN, N. J liuuk V 2 of m-irt«»K'«i P K" t - Blmek or Brswti, SO CenU. THE OLD STAND. Tils Institniion Is now orgmuied iad „)„ hold their owu bravely, fighting with [MIIIVS. Himij Dust, &c. PIERKOS A. FltElvMAN. SborilT, EPHHA1M L1NHSLEY, Vice PreeUient. [orriilown, N. J., April TtU, 1877. D»t»d W»y lull, IHTT. ' Pr. h. f u.oo , S. CWTTEITOB, Prop'r, 7 8btl IT., IX JAY 8. TllEAT, Tidnxurer. dib^'ration and impelled by tho mad- Dover, l'oli. J7,1878. l'J-tf Interest filial] commence rutiofni ness ofdeapair. Butfluallj tliairgi.llnut It. H. BICKEESOH, UNION HALL BUILDING, ' ' dayofu ccuturion fell, and tliey fled, never Btoii- QE0EOE W. DRAKE, BlacVircllHIrcct, Dover, pin(j (ill tlio bauks of tbo "Fathers of 1 D O V K R, N. J UNION FOUNDRY larsr.t «nd njil «ncc«Mtol do«l«r LIME AND PHOSPHATE! wnii'rs " impeded further flight Twos AND SPRING & SUMMER Hot Air Furnaces, a terrible, conflict, thousands fell in tbo Dovur, N. J., April ctb, 1677. 3f tbo lulfsl And mi.nt ImpnniW itvl.B, fi arniltiE public ami iirfvalv biiilJingn. A inrgt BEEMER & PALMER agony ot death, but, it terminated in u BOOTS and SHOES aiBuctmt-ii*. or Stutox, ubcui- fur cat!,. R.iirious victory for the preservation of MACHINE'SHOPS ru now prepare J to furnish FA II ME IIS an The New Empire that over did haginosnin WUIXL0CK& LEWIS, COOK, PAltLOR, HEATING potatoes. Farmers of Northampton $55 tO $77' others in csr-losd In'U an cjtra quality or IIot-Air Gas & Base-burn, county 1 Go you aiii do likewise. MOERISTOWN, AI. lloasland, Proprietor, STOVES, RANGES, t (10 ODTFIT FlU'f- BROWN LIME baa Just flnlslicd fitoctiug tils »luro wlib Dealers iu Ac. Ainu a vitriol)-uf riiit.1 tho BlowirtnTlllii Quarrlm. Tbfa Lima I ing Cooking Stove, Growing Chickens. ROCKAWAY, N. J- ruL'tiiuuu-mlcd as tho itioiigcht Inmurliot,an IF YOU WANT P. O. VICKEEY, will he sold nt lower rateu limn tmr hoforo m vAKur&crcBiuiB or As u rule, the poultry-raiser feeds his tlio linn of tlio Motrls & Emix %ad Ghcclc youug chicks liberally; nud this in A"nUSTA. MAINE. tifttlos Ic tin Huf, In DRY GOODS', lUIIruad*. A ho ;iiill and Dry SanU Rolls, KEBOSENE OIL, uecesanry iu tho early part of the season. WRIETY.of MAKE and STYLE, LANTKBN8 AKD TiiBfccJfor the firet month in ground 1877. SPRING. 1877 and all Hindu of Groceries, DI1ITIANU WABE, com, welted with water. This U A ful aaaortmant of Ralston & Kirke's Bone Dust, marly uavarjlug bill of fare. &nu P. H. HOFFMAN, fortiiilTcri'il. THE CEIXDllATED ROLLING MILL WORK, give yaaug cliicka soaked stale bread {or Crockery,' North Birer Barrel Lime. tlio tirst month. This is very good fetid ; Engines, Pumping Machines, TIN & JAPAN WARE, DELIVERED Al DOVEIt. aud where tUa bounowifo hna tho tiuiu LADIES, MIRBE8 AND CHILDREN'S T Umo In m loads.'pcr liusttcl, (A0 !b«.) 131 ol anil the inclinafon to do tho baking, it or l'lace, jU.x-.in lo \jiprilM, MERCHANT TAILOR, ILL BIZEd OE S S, &C., TIN U00PINO. Wbanu'B I'hunphatc, per ewt, tt2.2S i H nil right; but it becomes burdensome GEAUI.VO fc I'ULLEVS. Glass Ware, UoneD..ai,i)i!rcHt. -I.5U THE BEST BAKING BTOVE IN THE WOBtD - whore largo numbers are raised and fed MOltlUSTOWN. N. J., SHOES, EAVES, TBODQHS, North Itirer Lump Limo. per bblbl. . 1.80 Also, ft Largo Assortment of other Btjlft ffamntcd nlirayt lo fit, aro to be found in MINING MACIIINEHY Sorlli ItlTtT FlumUiuu Lluiu, perr LidL . 1.76 of Cooliinp; HtoveB. - HanK»i. i'ulot in this way. LEADERS, and all kinds ofjoliijins itimyllu - SIOTBR, 4c, . tliln atoro in thu grcatcBt profualoii AOT ilono lu Iho beat inaiuior ana at thu isliortcu{ j.io dvllrcred to any point ou tlio C Homo poultryuion, who desire to raise IVoHi, notlcu. lliulieitprlcca ]iald foroli l ]roi |A DresB nr a Flunnt NEW <*OOX>S of »tjlcit and meaBiircmanlB, anil Wood & Wiilow "Ware Bailroad it IU cts. per bubbcl. FOR SUMMER & WINTER USL extru fluo chickens, feed thorn for the CfDi Copper leal and riswter -taken In uxcliaiigf A fluo quality of WHITEWASH LIME oi CHEAPER THAN AT ANY 0T1IEII 8T0HE Hoisting Apparatus first month, at Inut ouce a day on bnrd- fur goods. baud aud sold iu any quantities. iUo, acliolco.lockor is ttnimis COUNTY. is will rvcolTo prompt fttttiittfup. AJdrci bailed eggs, crumbled and mixed with AT PANIC PEICES. or.llklnji.iptnnlll;, .nd A1EXAKDEB WiaHION. December 2tth. l§70. l-l¥i BKCMEU & PALM Hit, Hardware, ^ Cutlery, inoistcnad bread crums or ontinel. Tlio SOUTH SI1JK THE PARK, PumUhed at Shorten Notice, HARDWARE, nvernge poaltry-kooper, however, will SUITS MADE TO ORDER, uaryBtli.ie?!. D0VEH, N. Olaa., Woodiii], Copper, Tlaln and Japund HAKRI8, TL1WABE. . . not eeo the proSt of fhia method, und TIinEE DOORB FHOU HAHKET ST., ROLLS, ivill not practice i'* WATCH MAKER and JEWELER OilClotha, Oarpolfl, Lamp., Painta Rn_.^ AND WA.UKANTED TO PIT, All the MOREISTOWN, N. J Turned and Grooved to Order. Iron and Steel, MORRIS COUNTY- bird Cagta, l'oatliern, Prall'a Aalral Oil In, Wheu tho chickens ara one or two Slarc'li lOtb, 1877. j9-uattBoac Strooti cxplonlvf.) Alao, wotitliB old, sour thick milk will be Elrjjai (OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE.) JFEAXER IN COAL. Opulci LATEST STYLES GAS PIPES found a good feed fur them, It should •lay. Com •ii or Dull, I NSURE in a HOME COMPANY. Gas Pipe and Fittings, be scnldcd aud miied with wheat bran, Wills, OF OODUH FOB MACfflNE&IRONCo Rooiliig, Plumbing and Jot !;Dlvii > A Nl) FIXTURES COTA1TD FITTK or com cud oats chopped together. No • acll tn city crt4.iir<>*.Clotlien rciidv mado, TO OKDEB. Work prompt); attcntlftd to. yront deal of tho thiokeniug is .required, UmonilH, jlrifrcartot'fraile, BUSINESS SUITS. FURNITURE, CARPETS, 01 BONNELL'B PATENT BTEAM C0OKK0 Morris Oountj Mutual APPABAIDS. but enough to make a slop. BRASS CASTINGS DOVEE, N. J. ••"alrljouk'K ScaleB nt Mnnufat. Unless the potato bug Daimlers the SUJfi!,' i^plum, SPRING OVERCOATS, . OF ETBHY BE801HPTI0N. nUiiulino, we always include boiled ji VM\I for tlirlrresitjirespt AJI Uiidn of F.iml, CLOTHS, MATTINGS, 4c, &i WATCUE9, CIZ)CKB, JEffELTtY, toes in our bill of fare for gro it'll an j odd tlilun, iMiijilc. Afilrtil >|;y, and DRESS SUITS BILVEIU'LATED WARE, n chickens. A potful is boiled in tho Impairing .cheap] j ttano mill warranted. nkinn, the water is drained eff nud tl Powder, Fnso antl Minim Kookanar, llarcb 1, ]87a. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. MOERISTOWN, H. J., jiotiiloes turned into a stout wooden INSIXRANOE A SPECIALTY. THE MEnOHANT WBO BESTrLEltB vosael and mashed. Sourmilk and Iran itllulrnills, IIiitH, K mnlcniU'til CruvatB, DaT «.sl.IriHnrf;Ol[Brfl, IDS ODSTOMEM IS HE WHO ST1D are then stirred in, and tho wliolo poured utlnu or lk'tT; Almlgliiy DnlUrfl, READY-MADE SUITS Freeman Wood. Materials constantly on LONQEST AND SUCCEEDS. into troughs. Wo bare always led this ihl 1111 r OhArtorod ±xx , E. & G. H. Ross & Breese, ftrw, Tcucmnit, ' my awn manufacture(m CHEAP as tin lnosa liberally, ind found it profilablo to SB;;; Iiand, osiTRnai. nnn jixn Lira Jo so. Cash to li» H|iimt, O1ICAPK3T, ond rondo iu a FOTEBIOB The Old Reliable,Market!) Locks, Scout. •tack i, . T.ut, bTiLB. Call anil BCO Uicm. ISStmiSOE TiKEN AT AS LOW IUTE3 A! STEAM ENGINES. Whole grain should seldom be given [•ortmnnteRu or Bo " mi Cotncnl, INSURANCE AGENT, Insurance Agents, NEW -QUARTERS! to chickens in hot weather. Tue-y wil 'In, nil cop or Ox, P. II. HOFFMAN THE IHStt WAIUIANT. Cor. Blackwell and Morris Streets, OrovoD a Ikim— Omce, Old lion Dank Building, lio hnalthior and grow better on suel Head tlio advice (ornox DM nuicKwixL BTBKET, KKXT TO atotu Then in a trti'o K»r bovpnrl prlco Morriatown, Jlnreli Utli, 1877. 4 OO.'B BToat) J. RBEEMEB tlictaa bero recommended. Of courst Tato tlio I'lrlcG WrilU-u bolow— Morristown, N. J. Wrll ton below- RAILWAY TURNTABLES, they should lia?o tbeir feed of groum L0S8K8 PAID PK0MPT1Y. liavlog removed bli market—the olden i Assignee's Notice. I)OVER,1V. EmrutRom, Gao. n.noM. STErarjt Bniass. Dover<-to hi« - • grain night and morniog, but not tor OTICE U licrehy i;ircn io Ibe creilitoi SHERIFF'S SALE! IltON and BH ASS CASTINGS, mnch of it, especially of corn, which U of Francis N. GOTO, of Dover, Jlorrl Loftally antboriud agent of the frllewtng flnt NEW BUILDINC Cunut.vN , New JL-I my, >l)i)| all cluims uRnit li 'laaa companies—tho beat In tliu world Ne«; Jeraov Snpromo Oonrt, Morris Cotintj A. J OOE, Collector, liouting and tiUmulattng, ami hoa a ton* i,uto raaxv lie oililbilct] tu tlio Buliscrir,litu raSBSSEXSCTBET, »o Joor. «o«IU .llbi ARHISIIGC:, inidor oath nr (ffircutwn bolore tho LpHDON »na LIVEBPOOIi and UUB. et ten In roue.' Kctnmibio to Navoi , DOVBK, H. J. FOROma of ali EESOEIPTIOHS old aland, nill liercaftor furnlab (boict tiyucy to cholera. Oats and 'wheat are IBlti tlaj or July mut, bolng tlircu montl burTorin, A.D.WTfl. : - .; - .... better.—Farm Journal. Jrom the data of the miKiitiiimt, or bo foruVL GLOBE, Capital $20,000,001 ; jfEionuooRisiirrH, AU'JS COMPANIES BEPltESENTED. MEATS AND VEGETABLES, Uirral from cnnilnu in for s (lividcri) of llic NATIONAL, IRON BANK 1 Uorria (jlronlt Conrt. Francis B. ^reemin ALLEN & MONINGTON rntnto. Ami naici ^rciiitors aro further iiutiflpil LANCASHIRE ol MANCHESTEB, Pavld King and Sarah King. Fi. ft. de bo (CHEAPER TUAK B?BB.) tliai n llatorilmciairagBKaiQiit llicualdFrunQlP Anerioon Mutual Im. Co., of Howork Low Trices For Dalrj Products. Capital (10,000,001 ot tor. In case. Itnturnublo to Jinuarr ~ ADYEETISE X. Govc will l.c Bird with theKnrrognic ef tho A. D. 1877. H.J., AMOUOYM 91,00.000. iiEEP, irurroK, L*W Tho price of butter and cheeso Caiinly ciTlIorrlB before tho fnanlns Ortobct OUT MINION, Att'f. DOVER, CHESTER, POltK, VE4L, . BAU8101 term of thu Or|itiaiV« Court, ti STATE HUE INSBBANOE Co., 1 Tnpidly fulling to the basis of 1801, vbeu ITorriu Circuit Ooort, Uartin Vandorboof i UeiohaLti Mutual Iuj. Oo., of Kawul CINCINNATI HAMS, ' oto ma7y Io Jllcil h* my Capital, «300,00l David XtDRaudHkrah King. Fi.U.tkbon. H. J., AmaU ovoi 600,000 ordinary State butter sold from nine to C JAS. M. BONSALL, Beo'y, otter. Inuie. totarntbletojinoirjXenn tlm best in iho marltot. -Wo mako a spMUlt twelve cents and cfaecso for eight cents. BOYAL OF LnrEBPOOL, A.D.1B77. Firemen's UutnaJ IHB. DO-, of KewarV, and SUCCASUNNA, N. Juf Milling all our on>n moat, and tliorcforo .DM IJatcuJcne Dtb, 1877. SWhr (hat It ia of the lent, All kinds of A well-known leading butter mcrcliaut, U.J., Atsets over. 600,000 Capital 810,000,00 MorrlB Oircait Court. Tiio National Dtiloi could only get offered, May 1, eleven MOBIUSTOWN, N. iLuroricTDiiEni OTVLNE DEILEBB IN FRANKLIN OP PHILADELPHIA, Banb at Dovor vs. David King and Wllliaa mania Untnal Ins. 0o.t of New ceuts for one hundred tuba of different H. MCDITII. . 71. h. do hnn. nl tor. ID eam BARNUM'S. Coital «5,000,00l Rotaruabk to December lfltb, A. D. 1870. H.J., Oapltal, 100,000 kepi on lima AS loon an the; tnpur Ii* dairies. He tbiaks'that tho very best . THOMAS'ANDE11S0N. Att'j. markuta, and tolil nt n-asouiblu priori, . TIlEPtNCHT tlltFLAV OF HE All T-U IDE I doom U Jnstly dan tbo Morris County Miiln' JCtna Iasjnranoo Oompaa, of Hartforq, TIN i» JAPANNED WAR qnnlity of butter will not bring thi HOME, - - " \ 600,O0( orris Circuit Conrt. Lewlslt. Frocmin TS. hbigbtk*>tprt>us |>»ld ID oaih I«J Llfo BI«1 Flro In»nr«iica Grthpany that thi - Oonn, AnaU, 6,000,000 wrH.dea.YoalBkitiinDdB summer tnoxe than twenty or twenty.fh CLOTHIIVG UDatid King and Harah KtnR. FI. fi. dc bon. At tbo uiarktt. CuBlomom sappliidj public aEknowlcdKineut ho made of the. recell STAB, Jeisoj City, • " 500,001 (.tier. iDuaie, ItelnraabloloJ»uu*rjTcr STOVES, tBo. cants. There ore from 2,000 to 5,000 IK SEW TOHK. from them tUtn daj or tbo full amount or' Continental Insiu&noe Oompiin;, of Vt on Tnei4ayi,, TharsJuyg »nd Silurdiji, HUDSON CODKIX, Jcnwj City, A.D.1B77. 17-Iy . ' ,» packages of old butter now iu the Our Spring and Hummer BIVIPB of S lDBiiranco(tl,BOO)i>u thoHnuth Street Cim AOO. W. SELL, Alfy. lork. Oapital, 1,000,000 FUENACE8 AND EANaES, Plnlpreciation of tbuir liberal and prompt actloa. 3TANDAHD, Tnulou, " _ 800,001 otter, In«»ie, ltetuniab]* loJanoarr'" ~ N.I.. Auiti, 0,000,000 both t>ortabla ana brick let. WE AT^O HAKE exported 0,000 packngoa and thia yeai ' $1Q TO glQS. Mcrchantu, DnHlntns Men, Laboring M H. O. MAK«r tho exportation has ranu p to 50,000, al claKsca, can get JiiHt itio lliiug tbuj n Trettpnrer Sonlli 81. FrcibytariaQ Clioi PEOPLE'S, Newarl. " 800.001 Uorrls CWcM Court. Tbo National TJn mi average of SID "a hundred, which hue MorrUtDwn, N. J.,"3annivry SQtti, 1B77. Hank at Saver vs.Saviu King aad H&i PLUMBING WORK HIBERNIA, " " 200,001 Kiaa. FI. h- dubou. at ter. In caiiu. lki- CHAS. F. GAGE. prevented a complete break down in tin EEADY-MADTCLOTHING. HUMBOLT,- .. .. lurnthlo to Uay Term A. P, 1877. market. The market is clean of clicese. Tlio larccst men savQ much 1 rouble by cornl E.D.HAt3KT,Att'j, dcilor in SPECIALTY, aud employ only praeflci wbich now rates at fourteen cents, Tim direct to nn, an nt> ore always prepintd to Now Jersey Saprome Ooart, Morrin Oountj Ilinci. B01W DEI'AltTBJEi4T cnmpldo tltatj Euglonian vn. DaTliI King. Alist f LUMBERS for ll.ifl b[ancU or the traje. Tlio Viaroi has proved Jtaelf not only p4 iu owing to tho faot that many olicem- ovt-ry riBpcot. Gmtom Depart men tUnimua jHAKNESS} ta. do bon. lit tor. In caso. Kulnraable but bent It-wn« avnrded firet'premium> > makers last joar made buttor, and to Altraottro this HcaRon. Ko I OUR continued REAL ESTATE lane Term A. D. 1B77. ' thn toWowina Fafni, durinp ttio Full of U!> SUCCOUR can ho tub r en nit ol accident. Phoa and tipEcIflEtttioDfl fjlTcn when roqnlrci tho prcsoncfl of largo quantities of artifi- or OX UKI» LUMBER Poltnor, Amherst, Hurra, Nortbomjiton, B -T>T tirtna or the i'bove lUted writs ot'iloi chortown and fitbtfieia. Mas*.,, und B\*ci cial butter—oloomargnrinc— wbich • ITiTo for 30 vottm ftiways BOIII Road ROD d if I Letter of CommondaUon, fttNe w York fil* Ion iinci's, but are mm icllinir.at low or nrl« n PURCHASEDand SOL 11 PUULlOI1VlisbUE'at tlitt UuU^d "'"* KOOPIXG, GUTTERS, fcc, F»1r.' hPifl stt Klndm.'' - -'"'-- nuuinfactarod from tallow and the: than orer Inown bi>roro. WE CHALWAOF. churned with a littlo milk to giva it 1KKPECTIOK and CHALLESOli COMPLY I- Hotel, in MurrialHWU, N. J., ou and In 1H7G, nt Oolnmbla Count? ifrir, ' atloiroil marketra,U«. - knrie County, nnd Union Agrienlturtl Sodrtj] Bort ot butler flavor. A number, o[ fa< TION. HitnploHof Roods wllb prlcts, fusltcr SHERIFF'S SALE! platen, "nil liiatiiicKnn* for nolf-iuoiauroaii-' MONDAY, the 9th day of JULY otHavnun. At Aliu-gotr.iUatCrolonF.lV toriai ara. scattered throughout tin Iu Chancery of Sew Jersey. VI. fa. Cui N. V., U was tlie lightest draft,ft "dOD1 ' W iiiuitgacuil mcinisoH. \V1iercin He ry W aontlrconnapplfcallnn to ; Choice Lots in Dover, •Wood and Iron Pumps and Pipe Uuitcd States turning out tallonr butter Ford nmUgikn Ford,iruHtetisutid<)rd,l f noil, A. D. 1877, bctwuoo Iho Uinra or 12 M, TIMBEE, that did not clog In a wet piece of l^P Ford mill S P. C. HAllNlTfll &, Co., for lalo cheap, and " iDil 5- flock P. U., thai In to say at 3 < will and tua t or enry A. 100,19SASD20OCiUTUAuSqDAn«, HER YOBI. daver. At Wurelionso Point, first premlno. Tbo imitation la BO SO close that it Clmlii lu tlie ittumouu of ttaid «»j,iillllii)ne tn At tliiH trial, o'poiiy, weighing GOO.lt*, wcro cnmnhitmnUl , nnd Clamlii SI. (llfmniti cr Uod mud |iromlaus situate, Ijmg am ; • AL5O, difficult to tell the difference, and tin and Af-»ib» BI. CIIRUQIH hi* worn re parcl worked a lour Sett cut for one hour, u bcin!- in tho Iran ot Duver, in iho Oomtl npnriuus article finds its way to innnj rr-udauU. But lima" lo lo Mnr T-rni, A. I> icary mm. At Klnderhook, N. %, Ji» 1877. JACuIl VANATTA, Hol'r. HOUSF.S TO LET. LulHhedateWarriorthsogentdeollningbtlt tnblcfl where it is entcu under tlie eupjio Htirttl writ or floi F-att TJUCT begim at a point In Fittings of all kinds for DIUVEN WELLS. SHERIFF'S SALE! toil lino uf PuiuabnockstreBt.iTaioro At the abovo Fairs it voa in competna flition that it is freali miulo and put »oiitl> lloo ol Palrrlftw avenue iuUiseola— SASH..BLIND, DOOR, with nil tha so-callod flret-closa MacWnw, iu iHotol New Jersey Saprorab Oonrt.. AnvtEn 8niJfr, Our many jean cxporicnct> In tbo abovo thu : butter. Grocery men buy it obenpci Trennitrcr, v«. AoRanlnB F, A. Prndou. Fi, PcqutDDOckitreetiaadmni (1) vrait alons; the vaa triumphant over thorn all. - It has xot fa. do bou. ct trr. ID caie. ItuturnBlils to Freeman "Wood, •oath Uiie oIFklmew avenue nnu huodrcd am eiuib!aB na to amort with confidence onr ahtlii ntroBTiHT IDVANTAORS over any other Mt» and, with tho incentive of large profits, Juna Turm, A. D. 1877. fifty ft»t lo m comer of a lot heretofore con- to do noy and all work Ia this lino or trade to MONDAY, the 23d day of JUL voyed by BAld Ooodale and wifa to Lewis Bill cor MOULDINGS & BBACKET among which are the following:.; do not hesitate to palm it off on n HOLT BROS., Att'yi. Jaitlce or tho Pei|ce ana Police &U Istnt tbo cntlie BaltsTmttlon of the empluyer. It wM mow wia'thtOntUrBirfiuj «|h next, A. D. 1B7T. bctwcin tlio hoors or 12 II theuce (I) noutb parallol with Puqaaonock pectiog customers. Y ?Irtno of tbo aboro elated writ of fi>it Frank Cox street «pd alouft the Jine nf laid Spiuur lot one ON the Knives atwajs throw to the catn and 6 o'clock 1\ M., (hat (B lo my at 3 oV-k fociKH lu in; linudM, I »li»ll mposD for aala : lu flic afternoon ot said dny, all that tract B handred feet; tbance (8) oast parallel wjt ofll'eQuard• ' J •":';-•- ' 1 at fabllo VonJtio, nl the United State» Qotol, •'ftirtiew sTHduanne hundred and fitly feet parcel at I ind ncd promlties, Mliiati , lying a in MorriBtovro, K. J., on CHEAPER THAN EVER EMPIRE ALL WOEK GUABANTEED. luing It. tha town ot Morrislown. countr &.. be wml lino of Pvqnannookstreet; ttionce( Tbo Kulvea start Uie instant the V*cti«£ lurtli alciiK tbawcat lino of requiouock itree moved, tlioreforo will not clog In MJ cm Tlio Noiv Fodder Finnt. Stale aforesaid, beginning al an iron pin drive JIONDAY, Ibo Gtli UiyofAUOtST next, BatUfaotory roferenco given wboo requirei ID llio uorttioaBtcrlj eido liuo of Midland Av<>. mo hnndruil feet to tbe plico of bc^nning. Dover, S.J. of gmBB.' • ••'•--•' V-.- • :ontiining BRvcn tbouiand iqusro Feet of Uni A gentleman of experience, writes it bclusnlxo the ninat ixirtlnrest corner or lo A, D. 1877, bnltrocn tbo liotira Ot 12 M. and fi UEJLTUAESE Q. A. MOKINGTON. It la tlio only Maoblne that lift* xnimiu'r number ttiiny j tlicnco [1) BIOUK thu Himb. litii ..'clock P. M., that ii to my at 2 o'clock In the -SI5, $16, $17, $18, $19,- and la tho mtno landa eouTOjod to a*id Davit BUT TOTe n os BiTcmcT, vhlcli li BO1S<,*I relation to the ''Prickly Cotnfrey" thi .rternoou of i»iu day, all His catato, licit, Ring by dord tram Jamoi 1. Ooodalo and wif S3-ly 1 Orders for Sawing and Planing idallitsonarations. fnieEarconl*!* ™ new and much talked of fodder plant .itlo «nil intDrcat of defendant, AU(?untuj t\ A. Warron 8t, datt.-d Jaly SPtli, 1870 { a»id drod Is recorded live minutes oast, two" linndrcd and nlnotrai t'rudtin, in and to all that farm or tract of Mums CoQLty Uncord of Dew]«, bouk It or lowered without throwing out of gtu. "Imt full a friend nont mo a roo feet tu in iron DID ilrlvun on tlia bant or tin po^es 037, Ac. Wliippaiiy river; thence (2) nlnnr, thti bint la ml Bliuatat lying tuj lialnjr fn tlio toirtmhip $20 and $25. DOVER promptly eieouted. ,o part of the genrlno nuu when ont of B* wliich witb the top, required a barrel to "•--r— nlnotj-lwD feet and BUI.V-11« hi if MorrisMris,, lu to countj of MorrinMorri . and State H. P. SANDERSON, Tlie Pole is BO adjusted tliat tho horses daK* if New. JcraorJraor , Ijine uponupn, botbotlli ila off th thee even cany its woight, while at work. hold it The lea?oa were cat away, ni ra foot to nnnthnr Iron piu : Uioi.. om\ IfftdinR friin Morrlitonn tu B ^ridsc Dover, on tbe ooatborly ildo of McFirlsn tit" auonhiDdalars. alocaof (3) along Iho with lino of lot number thirty A. FIBST HATE BET OF TEAM "WOUB Hudquartm for *n kind, or ftt»H-wiapliilwJ and begiuningi at a aUlio atandltiK tin tbu Tbo toom .Iruwa Uiio JlrvcLmo ty tli. MM;, the toot left in tho cellar, until March, " rn smith Bovcnty-clglit dosrcci and forty- . rjHiorti n thorrotlfr tu*mttt, tliathtt IjlniIi r npnnn ...tito. •onttieait eornur of HcFsrlan aud 1'oquannock llll stilo or etiid rnnd BIIII conlainlun aboubtt 0ABKIAGE ana HEAVY do not carry it on their neel*. when -wiflhing to try a few rods as foddi clit minutes vrcFt two hundred and Ililrty- lily ciiio acruB and ol^tituon linndrfldiliiiof itreetsitbttneornnnlngfllalonfftbeauutborly tvon and four-llltli* fcrt lo mi iron pin driren INQ HA11SEB3 ME •Ida ot silil UcFarlan stroet cortL ciffUly-putvn SHERIFF'S SALE. [t boa a Wooden Framt, as all fl«W« we began to propagate, putting piccoi acre and In tlio mmo prqwriy dimorlbod in " WAGON WOOD TORK, Tor the louthnutt cor it or nflot nnmfior thirty co-J from Btcphmt A; Wtnlen nnd wife U, duRrccn Oast ono hundred ftoi; tntincD ** a Clmucury of Sow Jen»*. Fi. U. Tor Bile of Moweri havo. - . via in tho nnrllicnBt >ido lino or Mldlan Booth tbrov 'degrees east one bnodn-il ft WHEELS,iuI(nrBaS8.I!0DerBet. AUlinda 1 nf the root about four inches long intc oiib Pruilnn, Jr., by Hoei datcdJnly lltli, mortgaged prcminei. Wucrela Honry llillov The underside ie not obstructed hj gc" * .vanan Aforesaid; tUoneo (4) nlnng the Hal e; fluid (Iticd is recorded .n the Morrii Ihcnae (8) tonth elftlity-soven decrect -vctt anil M»rj Italln/ his wiro iro eomplnlnintfl, or FINK COLORS for carrioco ana -wagon the sand of thn cotting beach ; thai noortlio tM avonne but not memuted o hondredlwt to tlie oast side of reaoann.. minlbg. Also OILS ami TAilNIEH, both therefore wUl paw OTCT Inrgo shmp"* lio enrro of said »Tcninc, bill In n itmlRtit Iln -..iintyRcconlof Dectln.iu book E E,pt(jo 185, •trt-ct; Ihcnca (4) along Iho naat nflvo hun- ka. Also ntiolhcr portion ofaanl firm lo-wll. Cnllogc iu Hew Jcrftor, Utatr blre, Ellis IJ, 'orcignondDomeHtis. TraMnrnn, Wnr 1 is the'lisbtout dmft, owinff to.lbo &"*: lint portion Ijinff ppnn tlie north aide of waid of the beat ni aim; " ^-joe* street north tbrco dcffroei we Witltams and Eliza weir eiocotorsofTfaos. LIAD, etc.' Paint, Coloring and Vunlii application of tho driving power. Hie chumps of root might lio cut lcngli drtatha of a font to tlio placo or bftginnti idred K-ot lo tba place of bfulnnin "cms loi numbor tlilrly-onn on tnup of bni. oud and ooutalnln? about twenty-1 wo acroa We»r, iItice*Bcd.*reUorend*nts. Iteltunabli Brushes and Striping PehciU a full stock.. - X It vary eaflily nuumgod.' , „„ wise,- in balvea, quarters, or less, aa and li tbo Bitne Ismii Otforiltod in » duvd from t ten tlonntidnqtiiro fce.,boin? tl to May Terra, A. D. 1877. • ic l»t» of tlicoutntc of Iho lite Ilcnr.v A, Ford, Kyhotlcr D. Ituneoll anil wiHt to the iul3 Joa- eontejed to Mid David El DP bydei All of the above goods from tie btat mok- trial and compariBoa with' others ii *« Ktill grow. I have no doubt, that i ^icenncd. and nlilcU BRIJ map in fllcd ' ' oph Pradcn, Jr., dated July 21th. 1811; si id The heat ia mnr- tnm Thonia« A. Undsiej jini wire, dafed Octo- PITHEY 4T0DNGBL00D, Bol'w. cra known bjpiUnterB. , ' nai. '.•. .;* •..'.-'. ... ' cbopped into pieces as big as A pen or ClctU't OOico or Morrit County. B«l.iF, .. ,1,0,1 !• recorded In ssld Clerk'soIBco, ID bonk ber 13tb, 1370; laid deed-i* rocordrd la the Y Tirtoo of tbo shore staled writ of fieri 'OORIIEESBBOS., HAMWJUE M»«HW Mtno land and ^rfmines coticcycd Id' HID sntJ X of dcailii, p\".e 14. Ac. Morris Oonnty Clerk'a Office, in book F 9 _ fariam in my bands, I nbalt vipoio for sale X1RST-0LAS9 CAHRIAOE AND pepper corn, property dried »Dd tbci ~!e«clicr lial-lwln bv Haiti coinpininantB. COME ADD SO! OUBLAEOE STOCK. El • ing tor Hi loDds,naBelBa,*o. ••, B MOERISTOWN, N. J,, TIEESON A.FHSEMAN.8bcrflT. BLEIOH ORNAMENTS. ria Comity. Alao.de " BOWH in n gontle liffvt, orery bit, with A.FKEEStAN.Bbijrlff. Dated Jono lib, 1817. [IV. fi. 17.CO TBK TntnD TRACT bocint at ilia northwi Mill, 1877. [Vr. T*, $7.Q(I -orner or MeParian and Poqmnnori atwr of Agrionltural' k. fragment of bark to it, woaltl maku Hating bad a long oxpoHoRco In thoOftrrI»KC In the town of Dovur, and rnis from tbtcoo MONDAY, tne'a^il day ot JULY Brtaincis anablei me to lw » competent Jnilce rim Seeds, Kortilttirs, plant. Should the Comfroy prove to b< thlii. ODiytl.COc A GREAT OFFER M™ GEO. GREEN & SON, per pound. All kinds of . i westerly conrae alunR tbo lino ot UcFuUn r >ij article connected with ilie DOSIDOBS, and aired t<.gt«rtranvi.. Hreet fifty-six feet! thence 11) ip a northerly hoxt, A. D. 1S77, bttwoonthobonrs of 13 M. pontons favoring mo with tbolr uril«r« nay half as Tftlanblo as its ndvocates claim .... MARIE TWAIN'S NEV disnoso of 100 PIANOS tviid 01.0 ;onrio and nirillet r lib FeqquiQock Btrwt oi and 0 o'clock r, x., tbat is to saj at 3 o'clock rtfy upon rayrurntibfa g Ihon wilh an article will beeomfl a standard crop, and it BOOEfscnir-iiooKi . Appi*. with Bccond-bnud of flnt-clmm makt... Uqndred feet; thcuea (3) In an enstoilT conr ia tbe afternoon or said any. nil that tract or sttf.alTe.t<>tlieir nola, and at aa reasonable TIIE SUCCASUNNA WATE1IB' ft lover prices for cash or innL.. parallel wltb UtFarlin street flrty-slx ftot parcel of land and premises lieralnaf ter rartl» prices uican be obtained at any oilier ' well to know that it ctn foeprcpngatc d uiftils ct to let anlil paid Tor than ««r beforf o roeeived froth every day upon their tniVal ibo treat line orFttjnann