
VOL. VII. DOVEK, MOEEIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JULY 7,1877. NO 30 THE IRON ERA liuslii<iss Cards. POETIC. aiMiKU I1V A TIUIN ON FIltE. d ooze out all over HIP. I know I was PLANTED. jut any of tbo Bt'iidVi-H lurning up, A Valtiiible Ophiiun, Ivo )n<ou down the tank morc'ii laleoan (jLootJorlcoiilil/uelit. Jiiu- You wouldn't havo k-liovcd thai bucb i jest in youruflS if curpnoij canttiru Mm. Wuabingtuu, the wife of him who fCBMnnsD ETIBI BAIURSAI r i L'SDKIt THE VIOLETS. 1 Jl. «T let;, mi' liud a fnw badainaab-ttpsin (be 'd beou iniirridil jin u week ufore, un uiigb-lonkiiig old chap could road at mid walk nrcmml !'" •OR " llrut in wur, flrat in peace, nnd flr^t BVUUVKB WKNOIXL LDLJltJ. i thelicarfwof bia hibcounlrjincii," utcd BENJ.H.VOGT. IO MCEO'J? JV THIC 'euty ycrir I've run a locomotive, but uow'd huw much be thnuglit o" tbat but after tliu train l«ft St. Jo hv 'WIJUU you in... tho ollicra diucovercJ EDITOB no mOMETOn. HUHBHEEIS' ..amis «fo coM ; li.rlste {• wllio ( 0 cloaeat oali I ever bnd wait tbo time I .la woman o' bia'u. X bnd a wife 'n ilrsd t. &*• Louis pnperfmm bin pockt't iat the family hud llud, wbat did you Buy, "It in porbiipsiuorc desirable that PU1SICIAN & SUltGEOiV, EOMEOPATHIO SPECIFICS > mura licr piilfcti como ind RO ; i chased from Mayville to Broclou 'on children. It was a kiudur tin ole ttled buck iu bin sent, and fur bulf an ?" nuked the truveller. hoping todiuw ting ladies should play, sing, and' OHM on Harris Strait nt>r Blaekwell, Be i l f or. Blackwell & Warren Sts., eo In wrneral nm> fnr tirrntif yrnra. uvoatcalmi to lito uoi light; ictiou bjr nu oil train all tifiru, I k'n witb me, but tliore wnsu't no place iur be wus buuy witb tlm iiewn. All ol ; old tnuu'u BC-ci'ot, ancc, only so well aa to amuse tbem- TEIUII ov suBScnirrioN Ssveirywhere proved liie uiiint MA Ft:, ild IIID wbii(> rcuttirpB, BIIOIT un snotr, [ilvcu cud tlioir frionda thau to practieo (Opposite Dnvur Hunt,) HIM iost fool my buir turn white tow wbou me like tbat little botue o" mine an' ilduu b© throw tlie pnpar down, 'Hat right down and sunked our PIiK.KCONonKIAIiftBli'I-VIICHtNT l«yliiTwbwo lUo violet* blow. io arta iti so eniinent a degree as to medicine* known, - Tbey are Jimitwliat lliuku'timl," cuuteuts. ed a wickud ontli, and, ruuehina ntiibs, of course I" he chuckled. uovnit.N.j., , not bcrciitli tiidpraven fitune, itoiiiBli tlie pnblie ; because a great op- One tear, ------- «2.00 uci of Woninn and OblidrL-n, ana of tUe pconle want, ftnvliiFF time, ituonev. i pkftU fnr tuaia fur alien ojm; He tras ono of the oldest engineers on 'If tbey don't turn tb' switcii, Juok,' irward, lie ifnicbci] a follow* passenger Thut'a what wo did ; but some uf the •ick mi and MiireriDir. Hri-ry BlMCIC reut attention to trivial anconipHsb- Six Months, ------- 1.0 KjOf»D(lEar si^t'laltiw. r-mlor crinw or wood oluno Lako Bboro road, aud was tiding me ys Jimmy—'good b.yel' i tlie slionlcler and blurted out: hud maro pluck. Tbey started out 1 m« the wm tM*d prescription of mta iu linblo to give a suspicion ttat oHnun.: 7 to9 A. M., 1 to 3 nml7 to 8 I . H. mil any that lie re « jjiaidcii lies bis engine from BruoLou to Dunkirk- Be Btuck out his blind. I kuow'd "They are fools, sir, cussed fools I" as plain a truil as ttioy wanted to Tttree montbs,- - - - - - - D aa eminent pbjulclan. >ro valuablD acquiBJtious have beca lS30d WM. Cure*. Cent". otto beucalli tbo poacuful siaioa, I van uu Ibo Buffalo, Corry aud Erie it he meant. I telcbcJ hold 'n bi» 'Who ?"uskcd tho iislouiBhod traveller. Her, uud IJefoin Binmpo Ibeio WHBD'I • hlllTII. |i. C. UKO.K, TO. lUnn, Inflnmmktioni, . 93 ea'ceted. And as tbey consist in an ex- id tlien. It was in. 1809—AuguBt the iud, u.id wa bid cnoli other good by I "Why, Ihem newspaper men I Blast y further WHO ot iiuybody hunting lor " Dr. P. A. HARRIS, enr 3ia Iracn or Imnunt limb ibition of tbe person, they ore liable to SMITH & MECIE, 'ontcentb. Tho bit o' track 'twill ill tbo time we was sweepm' like tlie icir ojes I Can't tbey take u bint with- i, of Children or AdtuH°,'t U all WIIDOI tlioir clicliuR siiailons round a Eeudurs!" 3 attcudcil with vunity, nud to extln- . PHYSICIAN anil SUltGEON, ayville nod Brocton ia about tlio crook- nd toward tbo otatiou. witli tho blnuiu' it a kick ?" VTTORNEYS AT LAW. •Why?" uislt tbo blush of youthful timidity, '••:::S jat drinks tho grtomiiK from tbo ground [eat an' steepest stretch tkcro is in tbe il only ten fcctbeliiud me. 'N tbitnk 1 DOVEB, N. J. OTPICE OVEU riEIHOVB HAT 8I0IIE, e, . 15 I Orop ibeir dead Itavos un licr mound. 'Wliat do you meati V" "Why ? Woll, what's the use o look- bicb is iu young ladies tha most pow- try. It's ten mile from one place 3d 1 tboy did tnru tbo swilcli, au' we 3rn» AT SKJI1DEH0B OH OIICIMUD BTIIEET. BUCKWEIX KCOEET, i. HemnacnH, PICK iicaaaciic, vuUjp, . U He picked U|) tbe pupur and pointed ig for auyhody after tbey have been rful of their exterior charms. And I 1 Dr*pcp«l*« Billunn Slomadi S3 in oe'r their boughs tlio »qulrrel» tuu, itlier, but tho twista In tlio road it in on tb' Sliord tniok, toroliytlio , DOVEH, isr. ar. il, MunprcMGil, or I'tlnful I'ertadi,, . 15 ]n\rnRrii|)lj, wbicli read that olil t full o' IIOILK ond pluntoil ? Ireckou ulso ButibtlL"] tbat, if a young woman IL WBIIM, too Profaw Farloop. • • , * IS ai throHRh tholr Itaved tliu robina «!l, ke8 it fourteen. Tue grade 's 'bout jpot like a mckcit; au' on through tlio 13. CVonp. Ootutn, tf I ulcxi 11 Brci tbi off, . , *3 (1, rrpcnioe la Ibe autumn aun, tndor, tliP EHUHUS tuurdorer, budbiten ut Ibe aid woman quit knitting and luuotporUikn of tha amusements uf a IL BRHBhemu, Emipelsa, Krupliutu. U ;bty foot t' tli" mfle. TIIB toad 's so >wn, au' on up the rond. Wo kuow'd Jonir F. amcKus, L. W. THURBER, )i. Bbeumatl*ni, Ithcuinatlc I'nlni, . • S3 HJO kcorutj end tlio clicBtunli fall, [>n iu Murykud, and then growlml out; iging ntligiouB songs jest ubaut duy- all-room, except at tho expense ol beu- Dkcd that it'B n stnndiu1 joke 'mODg icu tbat tlio express bnd been warned TEHIKTENDENT OP VVU1A0 S0UO0L8 is. FeTcr and Atnie, Chill Fever, Auoci,, 60 tlbt not that alie will boad then. ull. "I'll givo $10,000 toouy man whoever ;liL 1 'Bout tbat timo, ulso, that HIIS- roleuce, of frendubip, of diffidence, of ]T. Pile*.blindorblewllDg, W boys tbat they doan't put more'n ten ' our approach. Wo soou ou [stripped Counsellor at Law IS. opbthalmr, and Bot« or Weak EJCI, . M her tlio mornlDg choir ehnll tutg Us eyea on old Bender, or any o' tlie vil Kale and her lioes thief of a bus- incerily of good humor, at tbe expcnut) OF SlOillllfl COUSTY. " C^tJirrfa, Mill* "f chronic, infimuiM, . BO .ra in a train er the engino'll butt the ie buiuiu' cars, the/ losin' tliemmi AUD DiatiiiK irfila tliu liranulica IIIRII, !Bt o' tbut fum'lj 1" id pulled hair uud culled cuch otber Homo OhriBtiim diBpositioD, Botnu n ovir GEO. itlcnAIiDSiCo.'n BT0I.E, ose curtain. The road im of tbe gmde. We uluwed ourbruve HAST Jilt IN CIIANCEIIY, eTcrjr mluMrcI TtiiccurttjirliiK "Wbut ilo yon know nbnut the Bnn- in] u nines for Ibo last time. Tbe atrun- r'fltian virtue, sbo has no buaincsa tlie i'enDByfrnuiti oil country, an' gitl up by degrecB, an' stojipcd witli- ROCKAWAY.N.J. DOVER, N. J. at tlirillH bmoaih tlio April Bliy 1 }rs ?" asked the Iraveller, grcully inler- r nho was vtiih tbe family might have icre, Tho recreation to others may bo enpa u' petroleum is run over it. That a hundred yanla o' th cxprcna that lall stool Lcr with Iln earlicHt cry. n!l at oLce. LoBulljief, u preacher, or an angel inocent; but to bar it iajwrtainlvfl iglit, * 'buut 9 o'clock, I was gettiu' y in tho track, ivailin' for tbe upshot J. J. VREELAND, •n turning round tliolr tlial truck, The old mnn ebuclled, as lfgrontly it I guess our boys didn't wnit to usl; y t' leave tb' summit with a box cur, tbe rnco. - Jimmy 'n me got off, but BLANCHA11D, ibtnard the lenfttbeuing thnilona pnsi, 1, bat flfltr a inomeat bis face my quc-slinns I" Carpenter ftiifl Builder, liltlo monniRTB, EI.KI in Mock, >il corn, un' two passepgei can. Th' ucx' wo kuow'd wo didn't kuow uotu- :rioUF nnd uleru. Leuuiiig uvur tw "And ul.f Beuder himself V Tbo criukutu ilidliig tlnonuli I lie eran, tier waa full, Th' box car bud two val- , We faiuled dead away, and when Jobbing promptly attended to. t> MASTER IN OlIANOEUY, ' t nloscr to the traveller, be ftbisiicroi]: "I RUCHS ltd didn't git away, strangerl A SiicccHKnil ltnt-Trap. nil plpo for hor BII ayculnif tuni. ible trottiu' horses in it, I got tlie sig como to, wnsbotk of us home, unto.
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