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Area gradeschoolsscore Tavern fire losses passing estimated at $10-20,000 gradeson state tests. Niles firefighlerx- were 55m- Acco1ding lo Dint, Chief Wal- mosed to Sullivan'sTnvcrn, 9055 ter Blase, aboul a dOzen custom- Report cards sent ou8 last However, educators caution A Nues pee-leen may sltesd Milwaukee Ave., around 8:30ers werq in thebuilding when fire month on the areas public ele-that there are a variety of varia- classes is any oue of four school p.m. Nov. 10 lo put Out a duct-began spreading- throughthe mentaey schools show that lôcalbics, tuch at truancy and thedistricts - 63, 64; 67 or 71. Across work bre. They were oigo assist-ductwofk into the attic and walls, 3cd,6th and 8th graders are doing nnmbcr of non-English speaking the border, Morton Grove ele- ed by North Maine, MortonThe firefighters cat a hole in the better than the statewide averag-or special education students,mestary students attend ose of Grove and Glenview emergencyroof and ceiling to ventilate the which affect scores. Continued on Page 39 personnel. Continued on Page 39

Nues residents fear reservoir Nifes will lower their property values edition of Reservoir . plans meet 8746 N. Shermer Road. Nues, 60648(708) 966-3900

VOL.34,NO.23,THE DUGLE,THURSDaY, NOVEMt,F.n 5,t990 25C per copy - with protest From the District 63 próposes by Sbeilya Hackett PrOlzsls by Nilesites against a costsideoftheBallard- lo % tax rate increase pltiìiand village waler facility In Camberlandinlcrszctiashave te/e6'aa by EileenHirschfeld theBallard Roud-Cnmberlandhalf ocre lots; three story spart- Avenue ares may have changed ment buildings stand on the soest by Bud Besser Eased ou estimated badgel and A Tralh-in-Taxaliou statement-someminds. side. The sectian was osee call Its haca operating costs for the upcoming will be published and a psbic Tea Isle for the Bugle4ead- Ballard l-lighlmds. oar one mans year, bored members of East hettriog held al 7 p.m. Tazsdoy,line, villtige Bastees helds dpa- Thevillage has laegplannedta opinionvillageslikePark Maine Elemestaey School Dis- Dec.11. Ridge have fassitizcd. Its an rial meeting Nov. 14 to further isslstl sew waler transmission Irict 63 approved a leslative tas Informatioa ou a tau levy rateceiisitter Ihn Sii million fscilily lines10improve the waler pres- old community which has rate of 2.8292 mills which is ap- marl be filed with the countyana- sear. mare trois- nearby resi- ryaintaincditsstatusquo. sore in Nitos' naBhees section. prauimately 10% higher thas last clerk by 1hz end of December al-- dents who fear the plant will low- Lasljane, wilts werk os the lines There's no dynamic which years raIe of 2.fr43fr mills. At- though the district will not knoworllizirproperly valses. moves the community. already begun, Niles seized the lhougtt a targeramonul, therute is tow much money it is receiving Residents fram the Ballard apporlusily lo tell Lake Michi- still 3.6% tower than two years frontthestatenudIseveralRood-Camberland Avenue area Niles, which is right across gas waler to the Nartb Saberban ago. monlhs aflerthe firstofthe year. pttcked another special board Public Ulilily and thefeby share the street from old Park Ridge, If approved, the total tax levy Abont 80 percent of the dis- meeting Nov. 7. Although some han leaped forOvard daring the the Cost of the tise transmission maybringiutathedistrict leid's operating budget is derived Ciime for informulios, most of the work. Nibs officials say their pri- past 35 years, building and ex- Sl3,390,695, esclusive of debtfrom properly taxes and the te-approximately 30 residents came . panding and creating an envi- mary concern is15raise water service. Property lanes to be lev- mainder from sIdle monies, fees, 10protest the planned pumping pressare feraces residents and for raament which makes it a fa- ied fardebt serviceare rentals and miscellaneous. station sud above-ground coo- . vacabloplace to live. firefightisgpeoeedsres. $1,816,530,oratotalof The amount of property tasescrete waterreservoir. At the nieetisg, Fire Chief Rar- $15,207,225. Continued on Page 39 Single family homes on the Park Ridgenever wanted an ry Kinowski said thePire Depart- industrial area within its bor- ment conducted lests three times durs. Nitos developed a huge a week in the Ballard- Nues Historical Society gets check Cumberinnd area, from April to ,arre for industry, Park Ridge residentsarenowover- October in 1989 und 1990, Teste whelmed by real estate ases canfirmed the water system is because their single family weak in providing sufficient ma- homes must pay the brunt of lerpressnre stall limes, théirtotallaxes. Roughly, To residenB who retorled they .. 40% of-Niles Township laxes bud no water pressare prebleins, within Nibs ore paid for byin- it was painted sul white single dustry. family home dwellers don't no-

' tice any lessening of waler pros- - Similarly, Park Ridge has , 55m, third floor apoesnenl dwell- kept ant the big shopping ceo- ers do. 1ers which have bees devel- MatylsndAvenueresident aped in Niles. Snbaequcslly, Tltamas BarIo proposed -moving P.R. resideuls have to foal the facility farther sorth, te s neu- moulaflhatax money la main- residendtd arett sod other resi- lais ils village budget while denls slseslcd ebjcctioos to Ihr - Nites has a plus 5 million dol- .planned site. lar sales las cushion which President Nicholas Btsse asid fliales payirg Niles village Continued nu Page 39 budget much easier far resi- deals. Addiliasally, Nilasiles have free bas service, as ex- celled senior citizen building 'Senior lad saciat services for those 55110needprafessiosal help. Plists by David Miller Seasons As the hokey phrase goes, Nitos Park Díslriel Commissioner Eláine Hei- and witlbepst lowurdspurchusing Iwo air candi- 'Diffeecslslrakes for different neo presented u checkfar $5,000 loMarilyn lionnes fartheHislorical Secielybuilding. Pic- GuideS folks...... PuekRidgerslike Brown ofthe NilesHistoriculSocielyNov.5.The lured wilh Heinen and Brown are members of . Par , 19-25 Conttnued on Page 39 money comes from Nues Evenls 1990 profils the Biles Evenls Commillee Board. PAGE-2 THE MUGLETHURSDAY, NOVEMBERjS, 1990 H underway - Paramedicsexplain Poolco nstruction THEBÚGLE,TRIIìSDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1990 response toDNR notices- -- bySheilYaHackett P MEMBER A Arráarnmedics respond im. pital, ei(her LntheranGeneral in & Nn,tho,nlilinoi. mediately to emergency calls for Park Ridge or Rnsh North Shore N.wnp.p., G Association help. Bat whal if they're met at Medical cenlerin Skokie. - :kir E thedonr With a "do not renusc:tale Both Meier and LI. Calvio uk (DM0) notice - a written agree-Rndway, paransedic coordinator DavidBesser - Editor & Publisher meat between the attending phy- for the Niles Fire Department, An Independent Community Newspaper Establishedin 1957 - - DianeMiller . Director of Advertising sieinn tntd the paliers Or his fa:nt- poiol cxl the DNR asIcaBan is not Linda Burns ' Copy Editor lynot to perform life saving frequent butoccanstonally occurs 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois 60648 (708)966-3900 efforts? with tong-term and terminally ill DNR forms are often mmm- patients in nursing homes. In gen- plete, said District Chief Richard eral, ilte public doesn't consider Meier cf the Mactan Groye Fire DNR5 nntil she need arises, am- DepartmeoL If forms are an- cording to Radway, and then she Color Guard Nues Police conduct random roadside safety inspection signed, he explains, standard np- dactorwill usually neggentil. crating procedure is to follow St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, honors veterans d:cough with life saving efforts,is the local teaching hospital for tell the receiving hospital what sparamedics and the program co- going on nod advise shem of sheordinator offices there. Gfficial DNR. Paramedics man transmit Police roadblocksnags stale gnidelines for the Irealtuent an electrocardiogram by teleme-of DNR patienls are being con- try to tIte closest hospital, talksidered by she Emergency-Mod)- Photn by David Miller with a doctor sud await instase-rat Services (EMS) council, bat lions, currently ore not spelled sal, ne- two for drunk driving Construction continues on Niles Park Dis- expannin of its parking lot is expeclod to be For a DNR to be valid, it must - cording to Bossa Schaible of the complotedbytherognla(opening day in June, meet certain criteria, Meier said: Nancy Keraminas lricrsRecreationCenterpool,7877 Milwaukee SLPrancisEMS office, - 1991. she patient is terminaty ill; she Fire at candy Ave.The$1.4 millionrenovation ofthe pool and The 19-member EMS conocil The semperutere wan in the operationalund -- constitutional DNR is signed by a doctor li-includescoordinatingdoctors Centel celebrates censed in Illinois and it must ex 30's but she heat was on at Mil-considerations, 18 other drunk Reception set and representatives of ambalunce factory under waukee Avenue and Oaklondrivers muy have driven -part conversion to 100% plain the physician/patient rets-providers nodthe paramedic tionsl:ip. investigation Street last weekend while NilesGalctan Street and Milwaukee digital service Emergency Medical Training An. police conducted atwo-hoar Avenueduring sheoperution. The for new MG residents Life-snatainiog efforts are ini-nocialioo. ltis advisory lo the Gyrr tOO gaests, iecludng to. tinted by paramedics unless a pa- Three tawus answered a t'tre roadsidepablicnafesyinspertion, U.S. Supreme Court, while per- Residcnls who have moveddcntstodscussourcommunity. governor of Illinois. call ut Great Lakes Candy Com- Thegood news is shut one male into Morton Grove within Lhe Foradditionalinformation, cal political, regntatory and basi tirol was decapitated; has obvi- milling this type0f roadblock, Living wills, which deal with puny. MortouGrove, around 9:10 and one female drunktirivermet-e stipulates shut cars be selected past year me invited to attend sheplease call the Department of ness leaders, attended a celebra- onsly been deed a long lime; rigorlife sxpport systems and artificial dinner marking -CentrIsmords has set in or body tissae is p.m. Nov, ltl,aflerntennntin the arrested und other motoristsre- randomly and eqttilably. Niles annual New Residents Reception Community Development, (708) tien feeding, are not an oat-nod con- ceived 36 traffic citations. It name industrial complex noticed was pulledovereverytcnthcar. - ou Sunday,Nov. 18. 470-5231. conyersiOa to digital switchingdecomposing. Arca patieuts arccern, said Meier. rqaipment thronghoet its servingnormally taken to the closest Itas- smoke coming from un overhead she second DUS arrest within 12 "The officers ate referring to it The recepsion, hosted by she door. boas for she man, Osher good Community Relations Commis- Scott E. Willason arca in Illinois. Phete by David Miller us 'Operation ll',said Cmdr, MortonGrovefirefighteru news in shat most of shone de- William Reid. using hin otT-duty tios, wilt be held in the Senior Army Nationat Guard FyI. Central Telephone Company District 67 brings The Armed Services Color Cuardparlic:'patedina ceremony ScottE Witluson, son ofRnsh M. oflllinois PeesidentRichard Van- forced she door of she fuclory, ut lamed while officerschecked time ta chock out the three-lane Citizen Centar of the Richard T. honoringveterans Nov, I I at the Morton Grove Library and 6218 Madison CL,formerly their tights, vehicle registrations Center, and Tereence W. Wittason ofderwoade and Centri network checkpoint set np in the Jewel/ FtickingerMssicipal conservation to the classroom marchedintheannualVeteranaDay Parade-through downtown called Testy Candy, und encoun- and licemes, including thosere- 6101 Capulina. from 2 pm. until Skokie, han completed teaiaing at seryices General Manager, Joe Oscopueldug lot, While the num- the U.S. Army Infantry Schnol, Hynes School and Golf Junioropportonity arises, we need to MorIonGrove, Boy scoutsandlise Great Lakes Navy Recruit treed heavy smoke u couple ofeeiving tickets, gave high marks ber 1 1 was significant because of 4p.m. Glejar addreosed the group ex- feet from she floor. uccording ta Fart Benning, Cotambnn, Ga. plaining why digital switching isHigh School students will begindemonstrate to our students we Training Commandßaesdalsomarchedinthe parade, tolheofficers'efforis, theday, month and hour in which Mayor Richard Hohn and Vil- a paper reey- Morton Grove District Chief An- lage AdminisOatoe Larry Arft Daring the conrse, ntndents re- an asset and what new feataresparticipating tu practice what we teach," said Butthe sobering flipnitle of this the operation coiecided,it didn't ceivcd staining which qualilied wiltbeavailabte. cling project. The district hasDr. TromBa. drew Wald. The building hassubarban equation is that due ta Continued on Page 26 will be joined by representativea contracted wish Paper Chase In- He ceedita Dr. Mary Jordan, Crack downon liquor ceilings esttmuted at3O feet. from the police and fire depart.thera as tight-weapons infantry- "Wish she switch to digital Damage was shinny limited to men and as indirect-fire crewmen technology, weare now-in a posi-corporated rd provide the mollee- she principal at Hynes School monts, library, and park disleict to lion mulerials and pick np thefor bringing she idea to shn ad- anandy cooking machine. which Park Ridge mayor mutis inlorma1lmeet with now reti- inh rifleoemortcsrsqnad. tina to offer 100% of oar Illinois -sales to m mors continúes- according to a company spokes- - customers shut Ititest tetecomrnn collected paper. - ministeative team and laygthe --" This prójecl providesour sto- groundaltirk fóh the prájeel. ouliquorsatesConttnutng these crack downIon Grove resident, wan arrested -Coat'tuenden-Page 26 - - over state senate contest nications services and feateres," to minors. Mortoncharged willi the unlawful sale of said Vanderwoude. "In additiondents wish uS opportonity to en- Each classroom and office gage in u practice that will di-will have a bon for waste paper. Grovepoliceon tlteuightofNov.liquor lo a minor und placed ou MG Chamber by Sheilya Hackett to standard features such as call 9 arrested a clink in die Convrn-$1,000 bend. He-has adatein the- waiting,callforwarding andredly bonefil she enviornmeol,"Slnidents wit be asked to discard ParkteidgeMayorMartin Bnt- mayor. Maine Township Repub IsYour Mustang Headed said Dr. Hurry Tnsmfio, superin-used notebook, copy and corn- ,-lent Food Mast. 7630 DempulerSkokieDissrictcourtNov.30ut9 announces shree-way catting, customers Will am, ter on Nov. 12 said he's consider- tiran committeeman and chair- be able lo enjoy advanced fra-tendent of School District 67. poter paper into she bon. When 1990 VIPs ing llsrowing hin hat inta she con- man of the Suburban O'Hare He explained that shis projectthe box if full,it wilt he re- - Putice- investigator Jamen Under the direction of In- lores nsch as automatic callback, Mundsk cloned in after she clerkvesligationsCommander Sgt. teat for the State Senate neat of Commission,said it's usual for ForThe Last Roundup? repeatdialing,call trace, caller IDwill serve IO solidify conserva-moved and a new box will be The Morton Grove ChamberRohertKmlra (R-28). inlerested parsies to apply for the tion lessons taught in tise class-pst in ils place. Full hones will sold a nix pack of beer so un un-Frank Pantaleo, police also nue- and callerlD block." - of Commerce and Industry has "I'mconsideringit,(hut) office, adding "fe politics, you be removed by Paper Chase Inc. --derage, undercover communityveyed Iwo osher stores in the room. "If stodents practice coo- cun'tbebushfut." - Centel's latest and huaI culo- same sweep, but found no viola- announced that ?rIat3s Moore und haven't thrown it in yet," he said. ver to digital equipment tookservalion at school she chancesopon notificalion by she peinci- service officer wishout checking Arthar Foug bave been selected"lt would be a major change in that shey will conlinue she pram- pal. forhisageoridenlificatin, tionsofshevillageordinancepro- my life. Having been (in Spring- GIber rames being circulated - place in Angust with she conver- The clerk. u 47-year old Mor- hihiting tiquer salen lo minors. asshe 1990 VIPu. sian of 15,000 lines lo a $3.5 mil-tice ontside of school and into The district will receive about A dinner will be held in their field) so often as muyor...I know for the post include Rosemary a 15% retace on she paper. Dr. lion AT&T5ESS digital switch atlater life are greatly enhanced. honor at she Fireside Inn, 9101whotrd begettinginta.' - Mulligan, defeated contender for the company's building at 767We in schools must always re- TromBo saidthe proceeds Wuulcegun Road. Wednesday. Kusses, who won his bid for she she 55sh legislative seaL John Pearson Stir Des Plaines. Themain cognieant shat we are rolewould be used in a manner that- North Maine FPD November 28. Tickets are $27post of Illinois Lieatenant Goy- Lacte of Skokie, who lest lo En- new equipment replaced an oldermodels and sherefore. when thewould directly benefit students. per peiNan. Reservations are re-ernorinshecementelecliou. nice Coun in the Republican pri- - electromechanical Syslem,a qeired. leaves open the State Senate seat mary for the 56sh District repre- Number Five Crossbar, which probes suspicious fires For more details call the Mor-he has held since t9S3. His leon nestalive romivalion und Village to replace ton Grove Chamber of Corn- runssintil 1992. Michael Albrecht, Des Plaines - was inservicesiece 1976. byNancy Keraminas Central Telephone Company merce and tedustey at965-0330. Buller, five-term Park Ridge Cenlinued en Page 26 of Illinois serves 135,000 cus- old watér meters Two fires of "suspicions ori-spotted around 7:39 p.m. by u tomer lines in norlhwesl TheVillageofSkokie is begin-cation badge feornshe Village of gin" both in unoccnpiedeenidenc-passerby, who notified u neigh- and the northwest saburban area.sing acomprehensive progmm IoSkokie. Residente- scheduted for esinanincorporutedMaineboo. Joseph DuShune was treated Officers perform safety checks In Central and Southern Illinois,replace all older waler melees iomeIer replacement should ask Io Township are under investigo-at Ladsemo General Hospital for Costei serves another75,000 ens-she village. Begiuning in earlysee the identification before let- tian, according to Wayne Fur-a chest iujary shot occurred when 7omer lines. November, couloaclors for shesing she technician intotheir then,fire marshall for Norsha tool feltofftheroof, injuring the THE BUGLE village will change out residen.homes. Maine Fire Protection District.firefighter. liai water meters shatare4O years Tisis fienI phase of she replace- The fires occurred wishin five "If that fire was deliberately lust's 069-7e0) old scolder, David Besser mentprograrn should he subslan- days ofeachotherand share nomesel, she parsies facean aggruvaled Edilur and Pebttsher The Slate of Illinais Depart-tinily completed in January. Re- similarities. arson charge," Fartlsan usserted ment of Water Resources man-placement ofosher rnesers wilt he ANorth MaiurFPD firefighter"Anyone who has information 990 NnortrINnpsdaIm that commuables reducemade over she next (Itere or foam was injuréd in a Nov. 6 blaze in aabontdsese fires shoald contact s NIWSPAPES sheir unaccounlect-for water loss years; by she end of shut lime, all home at 9305 Lincoln, shat was Ceutinued en Page 26 Even a clannic can turn Into an oldie. And when _L b, .; msoxlnrinrt es. Comprehensive testing of shemetern 20 years old or older will that happent, you need help fast. VOL. 34, NO, 23, NOV, 15, 1990 older meters its Skokie revealedbavebeen replaced, Make a U-turn Into our bank and talk to us about 8746 N. Shermer Rd.shut improper regislration on old- Borg notanoption a car loan. Nibs, IL 60648 er melees was she malo factar he- Honor society Our ratea are great and our service is fast. Pierce: 966-390e-I-2-4 hind she village's unaccounted- Let us pitt you In the driver's neat. Publtshrd Weekly re Thursdayforlosoea. initiate for District70 anymore - tu NOes, Illlnuls Euch residence wish meters 40 Millikin University freshman Thn threè precincts nearest she Remember, shake, rattle and roll is great for Michelle DePosquale of Des Last week District 70 vOlees dancing, but not for driving! second Class Postage for yearn or older will he receiving a put an end to any farlher notions properly, noWknown us she Mes- The Bugle puld at Chicago, Ill. call fram she Waler Service Corn- Plaines was recently ioitiated into tim Community Center, also vot- Postmaster: Send address Alpha Lambda Della nalional she school hoard had about um- chantes ru The Bugle, 8746 patty. she contractor, lo schedale quiring she former Borg School ed sheceferendamsdown, - an appointment to gain access lo scholastic honorary for froshemu OmInes 70 school beard mcm- Shormer Rd., Nibs, IL 6964e and sophomotes, To be eligible, which wan sold by she district last 4MFIRST NATIONAL BANK tise meter. The replacement work year- lo a Muslimpmfcnsional bers must now nddresn osher op- - A slndeols mnst earn at leaosl a 3.5 Phetes by Nancy Keraminas OF MORTON GROVE Suhscrtptlou Rate (lu Advanco) should lake approximately 45 group. lions tu provide additional class- Per slrgle cupy .9.20minateu, Sornejotsswill sabea IiI-grade point average on a 4.0 whichasked room space to accommodate an Walkthinline foe-to-Isee( advises Riles police officer Len Olbrisch, as he administers field Our year scale. Referendums ! AMid-CitcoBank $13.99Ile more time depending so she whesher she district nhould pue- espectedenrollmentincresse sobriety lests 1a 34-year-old Chicago man (piclured left) suspected ofdriving ander Iba inSu- Two years -$22.59 DePasqnale, u mnsical sheatre ovcrlhenentdeCade. Three yeurs $29,09location ofshe meter and shecon- major, is a daughser of Samuel nue efforls Io purchaseand/or ne- ence of alcohol. The man failed teats and was placed under arrest. At lhe station, the acres- I year Sceme Citleens. dition- of the plumbing pipes. qu'ire Borg for school purposes Borg was put np for tule by a 02cl Dnrnpster Street 911.50 and Christine DePasqnale, Des previous school board last year tee's blood alcohol concentration was measured at . 17. Olbrisch and 15 other officers ran- A year (nut or county).., .915.95Thereis no charge for the replace- Plaines, and a 1989 graduate of und whether she Borg School domly checked 83 molorists driving past 7900 Milwaukee Ave, last Saturday night. -Two I year (roretgr) $35.00mens, - property at 6201 MenassI Ave. und the $1,8 milllon garnered Alt APO addresses Maine West High School where were from the sale was staled Io fund drivers were charged with DUt and 35 traffic citations were issued. Bach ofshe service technicians she was a member of the speech shouldhe condemned as fur Servicemen $25.00 soundly defeated at she potluby n an addition to she district's re- Officer Thomas Poilnski (right) performs one m'severa! traffic safely checks on a randomly- will be camping a pholo identifi- team, choir and thespians. 3tolmargin. Continued on Page26 selected motoristduring the surprise roadblode. , . T'. ;,..: ; ,. ".:':.:. ".;.. -:,"' SALE ENDS WED., NOV. 21 Cousins reunite at picnic Hilishiré , ,. SKINLESS " BONELESS Farm SHANKLESS . 'i, . MEATS STEAK SPECIALS i 0 HAM U.S.D.A. CHOICE WHOLE WHOLE SENIOR CENTER MEN'S CLUBCHRISTMAS PARTY NORBEST TOP The Men's Club is now selling ticketSfor their Anneal Christ- mas Party set forFriday, Dec. 7 at Chateao Ritz. Cocktails (cash TURKEY BREAST BUTTS bar) will be held from I t am. ta noon,lnnch from noon to 1:30 SPECIAL '.<.,__ 12 LB, AVG. - p.m. followed byentertainment from 1:30 am. ta 4:30 p.m. The HOLIDAY ------cost of tickets is $14 far chickenand $1 S for roast beef or scrod. PRICE LO, Seating is open oncept for pee-reserved tablesof 10. For infor- motion on tables of 10 reservation procedures and other Christ- 5 LB.$119 LB. mas Party information,call Manreen at the senior center, 967- , AVG. 6100, cnt. 376. All tickets must he paid for by Wednesday, Nov, LIMIT WITH $10.00 FRESH MEAT PURCHASE... WHOLE 28. . DELI $1,49 LB, WITHOUT PURCHASE PLANNING FOB THE FUTURE PAlOT 2 ///,,., STRIP A lecture, Planning For The Fntare Part 2 wilt he held at the CHELLINO CREAMY FRESH FRESH TURKEYS -- ORDER TODAY Nilcs Senior Centcr ou Thursday, Nov. 15 al 1:30 p.m. Repte- FULL NORBEST BARBER HO-KA LO scntalives from First of America Bank in Niles will molte u RICOTrACONTAINER 2 9 i 5 LB preseotaitiori ou Guardianship and Living Trusts. Please mako 5 '7/2 LB, DUCKS- CAPONS -GEESE- RABBITS CHEESE ' AVG. LB. plans to join es for this very important and iolorroasive lecture, I LARGE TURKEY BREAST 10-12 AVG. For arservadons, colt the senior center at 967-6100, est. 376. POUND PRICE $1 .49LB. GREATFOR STUFFING When lhere are 24 cousins in one family, il Mrs. Elizabeth Schoenberger and deceased This lecture is free.

is quite a fete lo gel them at! together. Bal this . PLANNING FOR TIlE FUTURE PART 3 I FRESHMOZZARELLA IN WA TER IHOMEMADE BULK husband, Arthur, from Nues have 10 children LEAN year lite 18 ioca/ couains in the Schoenber.(7 women & 3 men), 24 grandchildren (the A leelure, "Planning For 'The Futuro" Furl 3 will be held at BAG the Hiles Senior CenLer on Thnrsday, Dec. 6 at 1:30 p.m. Repte- IMPORTED PORK,. 3S ger family planned ehat lhey hope lo be an on- "cousins') and I t great grandchildren. mostly 2 LB. GROUND 93 going effort. On Aug. 1 t lhey held a picnic in seslatives from First of America Bank in Hiles will makea AVG. $18? MORE $ living in the Chicago area, but some live in ROMANO . SAUSAGE LB. the Sosse Forest Preserve that was attended prcsentation on investment managemeul. PIenso make plans to $398 CHUCK Wisconsin, Michigan. California, Arizona and join os for this very important and informative lecture, For res- by 39 of the 58 family members. LB. Florida. ervations, call the senior center at 967-6100, est. 376. This lee- CHEESE MINELLI'S HOMEMADE U.S.D.A. CHOICE Annual holiday Lore is free. ITALIAN EYE OF WOMEN'S CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY MOZZARELLA ' -69 HOT $ 99 $389 bazaar scheduled Community lecture The Women's Clnb is now taking registration for the SLB. MILD LB. npcom- BRICK - LB. SAUSAGE ' LB. ROUND Nov. 16 ing Womcn's Club Christmas Party to be held on Friday, Dee, CHEESE . series offered 14 at noon a the senior center, Dur moon will include roast lar- Get a jump on the holiday key, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable, rolls und bill- POUND PRICE ' I 99 LB. Grief, sexual abnse, holidaywith Memories of Child Abuse; --I, season by shopping for gifts at ter, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Following ont luncheon, socas, and overspendingare Nov. 22: Thanksgiving (No lee- Holy Family Hospital's annual we will he entertained by musician Tim Burr. Tickets are $8 per . only a few ofthe topics lo he ad- TT;TT».//';,T/TTz:TT. lure); Nov. 29: Home for the person and any Niles senior is iuvited to attend. To register for holiday bazaar, Friday Nov. 16, dressed by Old Orchard Hospi- GROCERY JUMBO from 9 am. to 4 p.m. Held in the Holidays: A snrvival Guide for the Christmas Party, call 967-6100, ext. 376. CALIFORNIA NAVAL SWEET laIs free community tectnre se- Ca-dependents hospitals auditorium, the bazaar and ACOAs; CENTRELLA ' ries - in November and SENIOR WALKING CLINIC offers unique gifts in convenienl Dec. 7: Stress Management for WALNUTS ORANGES. POTATOES December. The lectures are open A Walking Clinic will be held at the Nibs Senior Center and swToundiVgs that let you escape the Holidays: How to handle CRANBERRY ' OR MIXED NUTS tothepublic,andareheld shopping, relatives and social will be coedueted by an'esereine physiologist from Health Chi- the hectic hustle and bustle of Thursday eveningsfrom 7-9 cago in cooperation with the Chicago Area Rnnnrr's Associa- 160Z.CAN shopping malts. obligations and still enjoy yone- S AUCE p self; and Dec. 14: Overspeading: liOn, The walking clinic consists of botha lecture and a demon- Organized by Holy Family For the holidays, Old Orchard sleali00 on varions walking styles. The program ntso includes. Hospitals auxiliary, the bazaar What's Ihe Payoff? HOMEMADE MEATOS Hospital offers talks on over- "why walking is good for you," safo walking tips,a condition- CHEESE S ') 59 featureshundredsofholiday Old Orchard Hospital is neat- spending,stmssmanagement, ed in Skokie at 9700 N. Kenton 0g progratss and interesting places to walk in yoor community. PKG. '$ crafts, ornaments, jewelry, glass. RAVIOLI. 991v and a survival guide for co-Ave., near Golf Road and Sko- In arder to have this clinic, we need at least 25 peoplo enrolled, LB. 4 LB. BAG LB. ware nod handmade toys. A dependents and Adalt Children Registration is required and may be made by calling 967-6100, 99 beautiful hand.made quitt will kie Boulevard. Reservations are of Alcoholics. requested. For more informa-, est. 376. The cliuicdate is Nov. 29 as 2 p.m. HOMEMADE CALIFORNIA FRESH FRESH also be raffled. Thelectureswillinclude: The hosptial is located at the tiçn, contact the Community Re- MEÑS CLUB SETS SHOOTOUT OCEAN SPRiS.V Nov.15: The Nightmare that MANICOTrI or. $, 29 Comer of Golf and River Roads, lations Depurtment'at 1708) 679- The Meni Club will hold their Thonksgiviag Shoot Ont on . FILLED WITH CELERY SPINACH Won't Go Away: Males Living . ' CRANBERRIES Des Plaines. For more informa. 0760. Monday, Nov. 19 at 10 ans. at Ilse snior center.' Men avilI base S H ELLS NICOflA CHEESE LB, lion, call (708) 297.1800 est. a short meelin followed by varioas games and lunch. The cost is $1 (payable at the door) and open to all senior men. 1160. Store stampscan STOVE TOP n:.. MONTHLY MAILING' STUFFING SENIOR CITIZENS Monthly Mailing Project will be held on Tuenday, Nov, 20 at 'I, . help feed needy 99 EACH 12 OZ. 12:30 p.m. ut the center, Volunteer help for the mailing is need- Shonpoo & Set $2.50 MIX.'FN. 100Z. BAG Maine Township rcsidcnts can ed aud always appreciated. Those interested are asked to drop 69 89 Hnirct S3.00 nonperishable food items, gro. ////,:«T EVEnYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY hclp provide lackeys to fill Isoli- cery store gift cerlificates far fra- by on mailing day. ENTICING Dr. MenE Clipper StyAng $300 day fami baskcts for the needy by eon turkeys or canned hams, and MenU Reg. Hoir StyIiYg HANDICAPPED PARKING CARDS $5.00 donating chain store preussium new toys are also welcome. They Handicapped Forking Cards may he obtained at the Nibs BLACK PITrED 60z. stamps ta the township's General may be dropped off at Maine QQ LIQUORS Senior Cenler, 8060 Oakton (Niles residents only). A form CAN Assistance Department. Township Town Hall from 9 am. which is available at Ilse senior center must be filled out by the OLIVES V/7//7///,TT-'T ' /.2ØTT'//4")Z'7///////)Z.'Z/ z-j,,,-.- ., ,-,.' /'T////.//T/*'.'j/-''ï/IT,;../.':;;. Chain store slumps can be dc- la 5 p.m. weekdays and 9 am. to attending physician and retorned to the seniOr center in order to BAILEYS - STROHS livercd or mailed to the Maine noon Saturdays. The township obtain a handicapped parking card. For additional information, BUDWEISER ;, FRED$RICKS COIFFURES Townstsip Town Hall, 1700 Bal- ropicana / 0301 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. distributes food baskets bcfore call die senior center at 967-6t00, eut. 376. $i 49 COORS $tu0 CHICAGO, ILL. lard Road, Park Ridge, IL 60068. IRISH BEER Thanksgiving und Christmas. ORANGE JUICE.. CAN 631-0574 Donations of canned goods, Maine Township also maie- MEN'S CLUII NOVEMBER TRIP I CREAM MILLER The Men's Club is taking registration for a seip to Berghafl's tainil an emergency food pantry ' year-caned und appreciates con- Restaurant and the Moseum of Science and ludnslry. At the mo- BEER tributions at any linse. This food scum, the group witl visit Gmni Theatre and Christmas Trees $i 79 $44 79PKG, Wiy Around Ihe World. The trip is sel for Thursday, Nov. 29 from THANKSGIVINÓ is distributed to needy families in CANS . I GAL. 750 ML. crisis silnalaons. 10:15 am, lo 5 p.m. The cost of the trip is $21 per person. For - Fer farther information 297- inforsoation, call the senior center al 967-6100, cut. 376. NIKOLAI BERINGER WHITE Thanksgiving 25t0,enl.236. SWISS VALLEY $Q49 NOVEMBER LITE LUNCH FARMS VODKA' 120Z.ZINFANDEL i Ladies Auxiliary Registration is now being token for the November Lite Lunch 24CANS Specials set for Friday, Nov. 30 at noon. The mena incbodes sloppy joe, EGG NÓG $129u slates committee chips and dessert. The featored movie is "Sooth Pacific." Tick- CANADIAN I , cts aro $1 .50 aud may be purchased at alio senior center. SPECIALS FOR SAT., NOV.17th GRADEA $499 W s99 and SUNDAY, NOV. 18th GOLDEN AGE CLUB JUMBO / a Lits, CLUB 750 ML ALMOND Or ! The National Ladies Aunil- Members of the SL John Breheef Golden Age Club, receiveda 7.Q Jewish War Veterans of the pbaqnc from MayorNicholos Blase, for theie dedication and contai- CARLO ROSSI CUSTARD ALMOND ' DOZ. GRANTS USA will hold its Full National botinas for the special children, et Little City, in Palatine. Michael EGGS , COFFEE CAKE Enecntivo Committee meerings Proseazano, and the lute, Petar Leecioni, helpedto organize the 2 LIMIT WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE WINE SCOTCH Nov. l5-t8, at the North Shore campaign, years ago. Our Halloween party was a howling success. LESS $2.00 , Hilton Hotet,9599 N. Skokie Lncky winuers Isard money in their candytreats, and Ike masked MFG. BEFUND = IIiaryBlvd., Skokie. devil looked for victims to use thopitehforkon. The clever costnme FRESH HOMEMADE Lillian Royner, president of won Istpnee forNora Shaw. ASam Spadn mysterywas performed CANNOLIS DAILY 99 I:_ ' $499 the Dept. of Illinois, adviaes liii- by theprofessional Actors Guild, and the slursare slated forthe Os- $ , nois will be the host state for the cars in April. 4 Lits, 750 ML, ' 1,75 Lit., from various We mude another trip to Fishermen's Inn, und96 members had a PLAY LOTrO porta of the country. ' wonderful ame playing games, enjoying the food, andcompanion- The national president, Ethyle ship. K. Bornttein, a resident of Des More fun programs are being planned by Carl Pareen.NenI COCA COLA slop...Las Vegas! w u,en,,ae SAn ,inta in Ii,nit qssuvsiaini end e n,,eci p,,ntinu r,,um. iIrepresentativesPlaines, will conduct the meet- IMPORTED ITSLiAN t ings. It bas been many years Happy Anniversary to all. Joe und Rose Bachochin celebrated SPRITE SPECIALTY FOODS I since this National Organization, their 54th, and Frank und Aun Knapptheiril4th, aiuta,Oar secrelary 7780 MILWAUKEEAVE. Margaret Roth, and her huaband George, recenilytook a trip Io CAFFEINE FREE NEW HOURS: Ronds, to ceIebratheir 45th. Speedy recoverieu tus Father John NILES Soft .REG,, DIET Mon. thrst Sat. 8:30 ' 6:00 P.M. 11&4 Daley, Barbara Kahles, Theresa Offeubecker, and nnc . Rose Tomaska, , PHONE: 7633 MILWAUKEE AVENUE, NuES fromat!0 Illinois. whofell undbrokeherhip. I1II Sun, 8:30 - 2:00 P.M. 965-1315 Our sympathy toourbeloved Sister Alberta, whose sisterpassed s INELLI I away, Oct. 23, uSHEBußLE , ' 12.PK..-. 12 OZ. CANSL.. PAGE 6 THE BUGL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1990 '.p00' heh1u'.yyyeriyts LegioúAudliary . .mE RUGLRi'EIIItRSDAY,'NOVEMBER IS, 1990 - .PAOE7 Orfciaspresie turkey raffle TocelebrateThanksgivid over clean-up efforts once again this yrarthe Auxitiary Unit #134 of tise Americes Lc- Dominick's gion Post wilt hold a tnrkcy give . . bOUNTIFUL FASHION SHOW VA SLWINCS away at the posts regular fish fry ouFriday,Nov. 16. The North Shore Hotel will hold their ounnat Fashion Show ut. Under the direction of presi- 2:30 p.m. on Weduesdy,Nov. 14 in thu Grand Ballroom. The North . - Open dent Dodre Connelly, the Unit Shore Hotel in a retimmentmsidence located ot 161 1 Chicago Ave. Øay witt offer tickets throughout the in Evanston. The latest fashions appropriato for the retired pressa Thanks9i'*I9 evening and othcrprizcs wilt also from Bobbin Ree, Fare Pizzaz, Sears and To Chi will be featared. he awarded. Formore information contaclSandraSmalb al 564-tilOS. b;,.. The Legion Post holds their VISUALLYIMPAIRED MOTI VATORS opes evenlonger. regalar tish dinners cvery Friday iManyslates ISeO hours. evening at their post home, 6140 Morton Groves support gtoup for persons with visual impair- Clleub yourstore tor DempsterSt.,from6-8p.m. Fric- merits, the Visually Impaired Mottvatorn, will hold thcirunnt ment- es are nominal. ing at 10 am. on Tuesday, Nov. 20 in the Flickinger Sroior Center. Several entrees such as shnmp, Helpful informalion and supportive intrraction will hulp partici- n_ , porch and combination in nAti- pasts adjust to their impairments. For more informatioe, or. toar- duo to chicken are served with range for transportation, roll the Morton Grove Senior Hot Line at cole staw, roll and butter, potato 470-5223. and coffee 'GREATBLACKOPERA SINGERS' Oakton Community College prcneubs another progrum in their Volunteers Passages lecture series entitled, 'Great Black Opera Singers.' Pal. Commissioner Nancy Drew Sheehan vice president of the sought at Holy rick Cesati, emeritus insmctOr, will give us a background ofthe Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, straggle and prejudice, hardship and snccess ofblack musiciansun u.s n u Oradod Chsivu Congressman FrankAnnsnzio (D) andLt. COL Randalllnouye of Family Hospital they finally broke intoopera. Theprogram beginsot Ip.m. on Tnrs- soot Loir 24pavkil2 Occorra . All hatreties the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers, kick offthe start ofthe debris day, Nov. 20 at the Oaktou Best campus - room I 12, 7701 Lincoln With Thanksgivingquickly Ave. in Skokie. program to clean the North Branch ofthe Chicago River. approaching, HotyFamity Hospi Boneless Skinless Sweet Bonelsss Coca-CotaClassic, tal, comer of Golf and River CHEMICAL DEIENDENCY roads, Des Plaines, is thankful for The 'Support Group forFriends and Relatives' sponsored Fryer Breasts Potatoes Top Sirloin Steak Pepsi, 1-Up or RC Cola "H.E.A.R.T." letters for its volunteers. But, the hospital is by the Rush Chemical Dependency Program is a chance forconcerned suburban residents in a great need for more vobo- persons to rschange feelings and frustrations, as well as gain teers and asks you to consider sup- The Cook County Departmentrol,dieta.)'fats,sodiuus/satt, port esd information for themselves ant/orn chemically dependent ofpublic Health (CCDPH) wants making a donation of yoar time friend or family member. The group is free and medications and the effect onthis holiday season. mens every Thnrs- 89 i to help subsrban Cook County day from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Rash North Shorn Medical Center. s 24$ blood pressure, In addition. letter For PACK residents with high blood pres- When you hecomba votnnleer, more information contactNatalieGrehon at 677-3910. recipients are asked to respond to Holy Family offers special bene- lb. surc Stay IO control of their condi- simple questions about their last lbs to wetcome yon to the fmsity. $199Limit 3 pkgs 01005e - 10Lrvv2 lbs. pirase Limit 3 Sooss Lrmil a please Addilionsi perchones '500 lion. CCDPH invites snhurbanblood pressure reading and doc- 'MYKINDOFTOWN,CHICAGOIS' people dith high blood pressure Vulanteern receive 50 percent off Perhaps its been awhile since many ofus have visited tor visit, meats, discounts in the gift shop the chang- or soburban resideuts who am on Many people have found the ng nooks and crannies' ofthe greelcity ofChicogo. Avery popu- medication for high blood pres- nod pharmacy, and free fia shots. information in the HEART.Uniforms and parking are also lar, professronal bonrguidr wilt takeus into the neighborhoods fora 50cc tosignupforfree letters very helpful as a reminder free. fascinating lookat thoChicago of today. The trip beginsa 9 n.m. on 'HEART' (Hypertension Edn- Tuesday, Nov. 27,.esd includes visits to Chicngos to keep tbeirbloodpressnre under Volunteers are cotrently oecd- oldest charch, a codon And Reminder Tool) let-control. slop ut Hall House, a toar of a working Italian bakery,a shop io tern. The series of6 letters are de- ed to work an patientescorts, visi- Greek town, and mach more. ta uddition, lunch If you are interested in them tor grenIers, waiting room creep- at a Ukranian res- signed to supplement tise tanrottt wilt inclade hotborscht, staffed cabbage, letters, call lise Cook County De- tionatteudees, and to volantear in a variety of pirro- treatment instructions seceivedpartment of Public Healthat gres, Polish sausage, sauerkraat, strudel and coffret Thissame tour from the doctor and include car- other diverse areas ofthe hospital (708) 865-6125 and ask for Hot- such as StabteLives Diabetes bus been asrd by convention planning agenciesand many major rent information on weight con- ly! Chrrago bussnesses. Formorr infornsation,pteasecallRonee Breo- Unit andOne-DaySurgery. nerat the Morton Grovepark District, 965.7447. trot and exercise, stress, choleste- Schedules are personalized to sii meet the needs ofeach volunteer. Broccoli, Cauliflower or $t79 Iliums With RWler Weekend aud evening hours are FIREFIGHTER'S FOOD DRIVE $99 24SQG9 299-PLUS ' ' - . uuIIuu PACK . Brossel Sprools ' Row & Pot Cover Beer EAT IN OR available. Each year, the hospital The Morion Grove Firefighters Association willaccept non- pertshable food donations again thisyear at 5cr station #4 (Lincoln TAKE OUT honors volunteers with special A CaIlle Aveunes). The firefighters distrihnte thesngifis exclusive- FEATLIRtNG: awards and recognition. ly tu needy families in Morton Grove during the winter holidays. Twenty percent ofHoly Fami- Yogurt Rrsidenls who wotild like tu help ost their neighbors throogh this FRESH BAKED YOGURT 9182 GOLF ROAD lys volunteers are men and many Redeem Your Turkey Certificates Donuts DES PLAINES, IL 60016 volunteers work as husband and charitublegivingcan brgin bringiog in food today. 12 vi. pien. . Huritaus Hsuuo , Buy One, Gen One By November 22, Thanksgiving Day! . Croissants Next To The Gulf wifeteams orgronp of friends. Bananas 3.$100. Muffins Glen Theaters in For more information,call CHRISTMASLIGHTS TOUR Brown'n Serve Rolls FREE! Cinnamon EulE Gstf Gten Murt (705) 297-1500, nat. I 160. Thu Savings of America Bank in conjnction with the Merten Bugles Grove Park District want to invite Morton Grove seniors, parties- i lb pk.Q5ertoro d . Pascal Celery ,49c Gourmet Coffee Beans Rendar erNusLiaht ' larly those who rarely get Ont lo enjoy the outdoor Christmas lights 2 C i ib pkg Kenneth S. Hogan in the Chicagoland area. Imperial Margarine Fue Free! Turkey! SENIOR CITIZENS RECEIVE At Dominick's, spend only 45O.00 Mushrooms $198 Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class On Doc. 3 (weathorpermitting), seniors will travel bydetosemo. V,geIIvv str .AllFIavsrS 25% DISCOUNT ON WEDNESDAYS lorcoach and spend several hours enjoying the Mnsrum of Science Breyet's len Creare, Buy One, Get One Jet Frnsh Kenneth S. Hogan, son of Ken- and still get a FREE 20 lb. Jennie-O Turkey! unte$198 not valid with any other offers neth A. and Patricia L. Hogan of and todasay's Christmas tree display, the Loop and other outdoor Light nr FrozenYogu it AtDnwinicks s '5.00 purchose is all il lobes to get your Gsld Stamp. Hawaiian Pineapples Morton Grove, recently departed decor. Departure time is in the luto afternoon and return between S Al other slates you will need to spend '10.00 Iv gel o stomy Why spend 3 ne Ptg.AllVarieties Sau Diego on deployment to the and 9 p.m. The Seniortean will then provide trips hark homo. This neatly twice as much to get o FREE turbey? We thivb that's u real turkey MEAT Western Pacific Ocean while tarp es free of chargo, coarleny of Savings of America in Morton Jell-U GelatIn 5r. of o deuil US.OA Gradedchoice serving with Strike Figher Squad- Grove but sign-np is limited lo the first45 on a first come/firstserve At Dominick's, we know how important it is tor you lo make the mrosl 0001 chuck First Cur ron-25, Naval Air Station, Le- besis. Register by catting the Prairie View Community Centerat at every holiday dallar. Stop and vnmpare,.,yooll see thol vo ove knows Blade Cut Pot Roast 1! 965.7447 beginning Tuesday, Nov. t3. At that timoyou will re. avivas ond FREE turkey values-like Domivick's. moore, Calif. -The squadron is a e.0 ne pkg . uil Varieties holidoy embarked aboard the aircraft car- cvivc fnrlhcrdetaits including departare lime. 'With tilled turkey vertrtrse eS Compiere deloilsrvsteee u s tao Seul loar. Fully Cookod Croissants Swift Brout 'N StIve Sautsgtt, C Olasvmiihiield Oread . Vacuum Peeked rierUSS Independence. . $109 CARIBBEAN CRUISE Breakfast Sarduiches or Stndeich Sersalions Shank Portion Smoked Ham i A 1987 graduate ofNiles West 31b5.srvere oD hOdcule, Piurucli 25% OFF WITH THIS AD High School, Skokie, he joined The Prairie View Senior Travel Club wilt suil tite MS Caribe be- s _.;vv? Now on sale at all thuNavy inJoty 1957. ginning on Jan. 12, 1991. The ship will leave Miami and make slops Any Canned Ham ave . 'PoV/' osnh Grodo u 0.22 lb aun atPucrto VInta, San Juan, St. John esd St.Thomas. Pine dining, out- i Wilh Pep.vp Timer ueh: Dominick's stores... A L Dominick's Gourmet Fresh C standing evening entertainment, snperior recreational fucitities, Old Foshiorryd -u (J, A NEW DIMENSION IN HIGH 2 U.S. Postage Stamps Young Tore Turkey rs and ofconrnc theromanceofthe tropics promise to mohr this anun- ,, ¡ ,' -. forgotable voyage. Rouen Brenner, Srninr Adult soporvisur from Country Style Bacon 1 u ''_..,r I n slump backs nr os' . i i-' .. , EFFICIENCY HEATING'... , u s Fastoso siomps seid et face u 5D.A seededChoice . Over Chuck ,4m the Morton GrovoPark District, will escort this cecine and br Arre - .l uulueerrheS eruice neskivut Advanced Furnace Technoingy . l, u uselOSs Rolled :::: to make it as hassle-free es can he. Ifinteresled colt her at 965-7447 GENERAL MERCHANDISE nemeses Freer head stores $69 UP TO 92% AFUE. e '.5 e '::- assoon aspossible. i,,,.,.,, Acabo, trieedte 090ppie g setline Boston Cot Beet Roast . .ic . Unique stainless steel heat Largo Ovni ve Lotse RrvraeaUlat trum cose friends er naeieiOk'e. enehanger. 79C Fine' 0.5 n o Gredu V Fresh Fessue VILLAGE OF SKOKIE E.Z Foil Rack'n'RoaSt tO.22 lb er tO.t4 lb Vegetobie Oil nested . 25 your toclury warranty sr Dirt tIprtt'ure voitt warrasteed until 2010. Donna Feldman, director of Ike-Need Planning affiliated with .Ovvi. serrati. 44 Ct. Modsm C . Onolitiesturgan utility rebatos Piscr/Weiostein will present a program "DIE EMOTIONAL, FI- 32 vi tarso sr 25 si. Estrokarge $799 CASH STATIOfl' Butterball Young Turkey up Is $150. NANCIAL BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES OP FEE-NEED PatnperS or Luvs loi Boys or Girls . Advanced solid state ignition. PLAI'bNING' at the Smith Activities Center, Lincoln antI Gatito, Give your table NEPTUNE'S COVE ASSURE' Skokie, onNov. 19, at 1:30p.m. a smart new look at ' Fo, es, bukiS Federally Lot Inspected .u,ìr, DOMINICK'S A HEINEMANN'S BAKERY i, . Eutended ports & labor Feldman will enplalnthe advantages ofpre-planning oar affairs. a very smart price! ,,,1,,iumn II Ir..,. Cub Frosh rost CO551 ( $69 pruleeosn. Forfurtheriuforrnaliou pleese cull 673-0500, Ext. 338. o ivch Frosh naked Gel one urih nuurv Ocean Perch Fillets '.._

. Up lotO Yearn available. . Tevulomps OquuI cee fille dseuer Cash vfelinrl 'Ihr lasfer. nosier. Federeily Lot Inspected . Available only lhrongh The Smith Activities Center will offer woodcarving classes uy Pumpkin Pie e srrscruen str est tu net cash Neo ZeolOvd IPreu. Froeovi authorized dealers. - brschure s $99 Tuesdays, thruJnnnury 22, (8 weeks) from 10 um. to noon, Cost of Orange Roughy Fillets Backed by Amano. Ilse classes is $25 and the iusteuclor is Joe Veracka. Classes will he, FLORAL DEPARTMENT hnldattheSmithAclivitirnCenler,Lincoln andGalitz, Skokie. tHoes tel vet tos sos nue oto truss FndorolLv Lot i irspocro d . ''' «rEM4 4 reh pet $349 vot rstoy isravitroo it rot itsot ttsso tisosto Paflau Learn basic carving technique's. Classes for beginners and ron.. $47 tinning students will include whittling, carving in the round, relief, Mini Mum GulfShrimp SAVE and chip carving. Students will be taught the proper handling und ON HOMEOWNERS sharponingoftools as well. - s .s s s _ s HEATING HEATING b COOUNG SUPPUES VAWE Registrutionsarebeinglaken nomon afirst-come.ftrstnet-ved ha- THIS 8144'/a Milwaukee Ave., Nibs sis. WINTER GAS: YOUR BEST s S S.S Forfurtherinformalion call (708) 673-0500, Ext 335. s .1 s- . Phone 692-2852 ENERGY VALUE i.-. J .- -- u- GE8 THEBUGL,ThURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 1990 axoaaottatrw,?ts9flHVI,.,sfrtsl)rìp.ufj;yjs5lJ:ss ,.. - s ..HE.UGLK THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, auno ieìôIishgroup AgendagOal.. of -SinglesSceneI mayors' alliance T NOVEMBER16 COMBINED CLUB A new avenue fon increasing I NORTH SUBURBAN All singles are invited lo the regional eoopenulion opened Fn- gtonal advcrcacy and joill strate- I SHABBATSINGLES Combined Club Singles Dance$ day, 0cl. 26, with the convening gros fon economic growth Lire sin ,North Suburban Shabbat Sin- of the finsI meeting of the nf the aneas identified by this with Ihn live music of Sundance Metro- untqne eOmmiltee ofeegionnl of- (35-55) November 16 Ser-at 8:30 p.m. on Sutunday, Nov, politan economie Development Igiesat 8 p.m. foiiowedby Oneg ficials, atthe Embassy Suiten Alliance, Sitabbat at the North SubuehanIl. 'Recognizingregional intenda- O'Hare Hotel, 6501 N. Manu- Mayor RichardM.l2aley Synagogue Beth El, t 175 Shed- croaledthin prndency is the key to successful ssvices heim Road. Rmemont, The regional planning problem solving," Mayon Chulay dan Rd., Highland Park. For in- Commilltie Io pnomote economic forntation call (312) 761-6862. dance is co-sponsored by the $ added. "The Alliance nerves bpth Northwest Singles Association, development within themetro- as an advocate for nun negional Singles & Company, and Young polttan area. Eighleeu suburban AWARE SINGLES strengths and as an activist fon Suburban Singles. Admission mayors nepresenling six regional strategy development to address The Aware Singlen Groupwill be$7. Fon more information councils of government and the common problems." and tise Chicagolund Singlen As-call (312)725-3300. counties ofCook, DuPage, Luke, Potential ptvtgrnmn identified sociation invite ali singles to a and Kanejoined Mayon Daleyat Iheinaugneal meeting. by the Alliance include an eco- i, joint singles dunce with the live nomic development conference, tq music ofFull Moon ut 5:30 p.m.THE NET WORK "Suburban and city officials a regional platform on federal and Governor-Elect JimEdgar recantly ou Friday, Nov, 16, at the Hyatt Network-A-Link to Jewish recognize the necessity fon there- metwith go; Roman Plachta, Hawthorne Wood; Edgar; gton lo ad joinlly,° mid Mayoestale issues, joint purchasing op- members ofthePollsh Americans for Edgar and Teresa Pacyniak, Mundelein; Stella Venard, Regencyøak Brookllotel, 1909Friends (Ages 21-39) pnenenlu ponlnnilies, a negional business Spring Rd., Oak Brook, Admis-amaleun night, Sat. , Nov. 17,7- Frank J, Chulay, Village of Lin. und investment necruitmeut suar- Kontra Committee. $eated from left: Halina fie- Park Ridge; ChrisGulínski,Chicago; Frank Biga eoluwood and president of the Iowicz, Glenview; MattAdamczyk, Des Plainen; Ill,Arlington Heights. Third row (fromleft): Don- sion is $7 for non-members. Por9 pm, at Temple Beth Israel, egy, and a regional marketing NoilhwestMunicipal Confer- plan to attract national and inter- Joseph Zyzda, Chicago; Chet Gulinnki, Chica- aidGutowski,Norridge; Ted Pacyniak, Mundel- more information, cull Awaeo at3601 W. Dempstcn, Skokie. Do ence. (312)777-1005. you bave a laIent to show ofl7 nalionalprogramsand events. go; Frank Siga; Nues; Frank Biga ¡I, Arlington ein; Frank Gondola,Norridge; Kathryn Rosypal, "Only through cooperationcan The other members of the Alli- Heights. Secondrow (from left); Ellen Wierzew. Chicago; Al Mazewsk4 Mount Prospect; and Here in your chance! On, just Ihn negion, ils cities, businessm come and waLsh the fun, Cost unce represent education, ceo- ski,Chicago; LucilleGutowoki,Norridge; Wan- Casimir Wytaniec,Park Ridge. aodnesidenlsconlinue to mccl the ¡ CLASSICALMUSIC RAP $5, Cull (708) 827-7453 fon info. nomic development, chambers of da Kahn, Highland Park; Paul Peldyak, Chica- challeages of a Ihniviagmetro- commerce, andstategovern. Volunteer Classical Music Rap polilatt area," ment. MayonChulay is one of the INextsession for singles will be Fn- Regional marketingeffoeta, four Northwest Municipal Cou- Sessions on accelerated options for NORTH SHORE JE WISH solid waste managemenl, trans- Iday, Nov,16,7:30 p.m.ut The North Shone Jewish Sis- fenencn representatives appoint- potlation, job development, ne- ed to lIte Alliance. widowed, singlesIWhat's Cooking Inn (downstairs glas will be going to see the dc- degrèeprogram !Mediterraneau Room), 6107 N. Interestingandmeaningful lightful musical "Carousel",on Information Sessiàns will be To qualify for LUCE?, pros-, ILincoln Ave. (sr. Lincoln & held this monLb byLUCEP (Lew-pective students most be at least volunteer opporlanitien will be McCormick Blvd.), Saturday, Nov, 17 at 7:30pLu., Beware ofcon artists highlighted during a free pro- Chicago. at Loyola Univennity of Chica- is University Caieer EducaLion24 years ofage, have at least tltree Admission is $5, For informa- Program), an new accicrated de- yearsoffall-Limebasiness- gram sponsored by ONE ¡'LUS go, 6525 N, Sheridan Rd., Chi- OPTIONS, a group for widowed tian cull (312) 276-3762 (24 posingas utility workers grec program for working adulLsreluted work experience and at Iwo/day). No reservations ra- cago, After the show we will be who wish lo complete their col-teast4ø semester hours of earned and singtn Maine Township resi- going to a nenlattnant for snacks dOSIS,St 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, qoined. Non-Sntoking utmon- Two cou men got a headstaet friend, lege studies and earn a bachelors college credit, and socializing, Call Deeut degree in business administra- Nov. 20, in thnMaine Township phere. Free parking in adjoining On Halloween recently wBcn they Regardless ofthe melbod used, Credits may be from other col- (312) 561-7794 for informo- mnnqueradrcl as powen company tion/management. legesamt Town Hall, 1700 Ballard Rd., lot.Classical Manie Rap neu- the intention is nearly always the ttniversitiesand/or Park Ridge. tion; send $6 check for theatre employees and treatedIbero- LIJCEP classes ace being of-commnoily colleges, as well as sions for singleu enables anyone same: ta galn entry to the home in -_4-J1 tickel 10 NSJS, P.O. Bon 1501, fered Lisis fall al Lewis Universi- Suzanne Schwartz, president iulcrestcd ia classical music an selves to $2,500 in cash from the orden lo Commit theft, In some from other sources, such us mili- of Volunteer Services of Skokie Skokie, IL 60076-8501, 10 be home of an unsuspecting woman tys campus in Romeoville and in toryexperience,standardized an integral pact of human life to easea, au imposten will keep the OakBrouk and Schausnburg. Valley, Richard Reed, executive mcetothern wills similanlantes in neceivedhy Saturdny,Nov. to. in aunburbsouthwestofChieagó, homeowner occupied- inone testing and a portfolio process Aecondiug to police, the worn- Free Information sessions arethat offers credit through au os- direelor of Volonteer Center of a non-technical, informal dis- room while hin partner ransacks M scheduledas follows: as6:30p.m. Northwest Suburban Chicago, cnssion featuring selected ne- an admitted the men to hen borne anotherpuntof the house, sessmcnt of prior learning. NOVEMBER18 after they claimed they had tos in- Wednesday, Nov. 14, Mondoy, und Nanette Sehouberg, diréctor condings and hosted by apnofes- Commnnwealth Edison does To reserve a place at one of the JEWISh SINGLES spedthe power system. While Nov. 26, and Monday, Dec. 3,at of Volunteer Services of Holy sional musician and teacher, notoonduotunsotinitesj wiriug in- Information Sessions, for more Family Hospital, will provide in- The Jewish Singles invites shewas turniugonalt thelights in the Woodfseld Hilton, 3400 W.information about the LUCE? you to a Citywide Donne ou speetions, and ifarefund is due, it Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights; formation on volunteer opportu- the living mom at them ncquesl,will he made by cheek un bill program, or to apply, call (3t2) or. Sunday, Nov. 18, from 7:4510 - und 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. filies,one-time projects, and C8IICAGOLAND SLNÒLES thepalr roamed throughthe cretlit. Bona Edn ulilily workers (708) or (815) 838-0500, cnt. training programs that can help 11:45, al "Knickers", 1050 E. borne, supposedly conducting an catty pirineo identificalion cards 29, und Monday, Dcc, IO, at the570. Applications are now being The Chicagolaud Singles Au- Oaklon, Des Plaines. Free huf- PACYAGES- inspection. Aflen they left, the Lewis Edocatioa Center io the fill the evenings and weekends sociatino sud the Aware Singles and should display them when 9rrumpti nn,,nor uSer,. Trrthtr s.y,. ElrgonSrn.-r, uccepled for the nest LUCE? ses- of widowed und single adults. fet. Admission only $4. wernan discovered the $2,500seeking entry tou borne. na,.Who,- Butterfield Office Flaca, 2625 Group will sponson a joint sin- rvrr op pror, un yenr kolid,,y eus li,,, yua'B fand i oS Linrolnwnod siso, which will begin Jan. 7, ONE PLUS OPTIONS isa was rnissing,police said. Householders who still doubt Bulterlield Rd., Suite 208 South 1991. gles dance with the live munie of Thin meidest represents the Tuwn'Centrr, Nnw, with morr Shan 70 utnrr,,yoa'ufend even iuOakbruek. now group formed by Maine the identity of a penson claiming rnnrr woys to get yenr ehopping d.nr qninkly and rosily. Township to mart the special Pull Moon at 8:30 p.m. ou Pri-NORTH SHORE JEWISH latest vanialion on schemes thatlo work fon Commonwealth Edi- day, Nov. 16, at due Hyall Re- have been around a long time, needs of widowed and single TheNorlh Shorejewish sin- sonshould conlaclEdison and the WOMEN'S APPAREL GIF'FS/SPECIALTY adults, ages 45 through 65. gency Oak Brook Hotel, 1909glen will be getting together lo Over the years, in various corn-police. The all-purpose Edison s-7-9 Cari,, u' Spring Rd., Oak Brook. All sin- masities, cou artists have arnivcd Co,u,tCoee Cloiree Rontiqnn Nothing lookslikeit0 Members can take advantage watch the Beans ploy at Denver, telephone numberisl-(800)- CosSw.pnCusuol, Mee,oe Laur of free seninars un issues of gles are iuviled, Admission ison Sunday, Nov. 18, ut 2:45 at someone's door, claiming theEDISON-I. Joy Joonk, Cor We.,e,, outre Leath,r,0 Nothing lastslike it. eotttusoninteresl,aSunday $7. Fon more infontnntiou call utility owes a refund, but they ne- Lann Br em Temptaire, p.m. al Boxear Willy's, 7800 .qnire change fon a large denomt- scenerw Ynh Thia,Rrn,emh,red Strollers group to esplore inter- (3t2)545-l5IS. Mnlripin.' Wnhfrnkook, CnldwebI, Nibs. Call Larry nl nationbill. Other timm, they David T. Steimle esling sites, a Cuisine Club for (312) 539-3708 for information PeStS, Sopki.i0eSn, dining adventures, and day trips might elalrn that a borne's wiring David T. Steimle, son of Cart VioSorie', SerreS HOBBY/SPECIAL INTEREST audrenenvutionbyNov. 17. F. Steimle of Omaha, Neb., and Key Bee Toy, and vacations co-sponsored by NOVEMBER 16/18 is causing loouble in nearby pow- MEN'S APPAREL MaineTownship's OPTIONS ST, PETER'S SINGLES er linea and they need lo conduct Linda Berk of Des Plaines, has Je Jnoob.forMnn Trum Opirit Armstrong Alt singles over 35 invited lo an investigaliou. Ott still another been promoted in the U.S.Air Otilar,, 55, a social group for preretire- XSe,io5,for SEn HOME APPLIANCES/MUSIC these big dances...SI. Peter'sSIZZLING SINGLES occasion, irnposterseallrd a nom- Perce ta Ilse rank of nlaff. ser- ment adulta. Sizzling Singlen welcomes Cn,eetoe Mn,io Designer Solarian' The group is open to Maine Singles dances Pniday, Nov, 16 ben of homes ta say Edison was grant. UNISEXAPPAREL Etrotroo, o, Beutiqnr 9 p.m., 32nd Anniversary danceyou lo a gaia singles party havingtransformenproblems, Steimle is a communication The Children', Pl,,,' Niateado Townshipresidents. Member- (25+) evnny Sunday at Private Count S,es RndioShuok ship is free and participants ben- Park Ridge VPW Hall, Caufield that power would be shut off forcable systems iuslaltution/ J,,,, Vea' efit from group r6tet on trips & Higgins, Big Buffet,liveEyes, Deenlield Hyall, Lake- threedays, and il would beagood maintenance specialist at Van- Li,nieed HOME FURNISHINGS band, free parking, $4. Sunday,Cook Road, Deerfield, 7 p.m., idea lo move in with a relative on denberg AinFonee Buse, Calif. Li,,ierd E.pree, Arework,' InlaidColor gines it Santy. and activities. Non-residentsare Prtlo Cuir Eaprou, ly Porteaie, Nov. 15 Early Evening dance ti$6 ineludeu scrumptious huf- Bi,h,,0, Broehree Leoheec', H ensenare, A,mstrono SeXOIUSpv r OJOd coOr welcome to join, but will be fetiPnopenattire nequmled. or ossus bU!IdSt0500vnrndglitrnts chargedasurcharge onfee- lo 9:30 p.m. Aqua Bella Hall, 5,m,uShu Soos, hr floorforo chor. deornr look 3630 N, Harlem. $4. (312) 334-Wherenorthshoresinglen A Perfect Addition. JEWELERS han ono printrd lOor based activities. Solembers will metal Info - 945.3400. DEPARTMENT STORES Arroaero,g',DiamoodCe,ter Mi,bo..d XLkoopnitslik.o,ew also receive a free booklet liul- 2589. To Your 050CPi,ie Oooee SterlingJo,,ete IOokforyn.rnnd lug a wide-variety of community Mndignn, Whieet,,lt Je,or re, TbnM jrabo ndoLwrar su Ocn Thanksgiving Celebration! res!stsscults andsuralc broto keep resources and activities for sin- NOVEMBER17 NORTH SHORE JE WISH FOOD GENERAI, F,,eie Muy MERCHANDISE yourlloorsbrand-newlook lonror gle people. - SINGLE PROFESSIONAL The North Shone Jewish Sin- lhenanyol bervmVIno-woe floor GNC Woolnoreh CeFee,, For information ou member- SOCIETY glm is having a nap session on Me.Bulk ship or Ibis free programon vol- Dining Out - "Pizza 'N Scans" Mioket', Buho,y SERVICES altear opportunities, Sanduy, Nov. 18at "What's k & Cofr' Heir FrrPormee,' call Sue - Join SF5. fon au evening ofCooking" Rentamant, 6107 N,, RubyTee.dey' Repair' Come see the Neusehel, 297-2510, ext. 240, good food, conversation, and CHECK OUR Lincoln Ave., Chicago at 7 pm, FOODCOURT Regis beauty of Designer fun on Satunday, Nov. 17, atThe subject will be "Difficult Save $1.00 Floh b HoC Doe LOW Solarian floors for ILEGAL NOTICEI 6:30 p.m. somewhere inthe (L&ìJr F,r,kre, Yoo,e SHOES yourself. Notice in hereby given, par- western"buchs,"Call Mike Per Pound Grr, e S Se ah Cekbie St,00,' (655-1735) on eitlsen Wednes- NOVEMBER23 & Fey Ewdiooet Jot,o,o, PRICES nuant to "An Act in relation to LoCoso FeSkee&S,o,° the use of as Assumed Name in day or Tharsday fon moro infon-SINGLE PROFESSIONAL On The Following Items: B,rrieoe* Fi,,i,h Lino motion. SOCIETY Mu,eho Wuk Font Looker the conduct or transaction of Shurro', taust, Pu pius BusinessintheState," On Priday, Nov. 23, 5.1'S. Mint Meltaways Hostess Mints Sk,,e tui mstrong au will celebrate a "Thanksgiving ss,. amended, thatacertifteation SPARES SUNDAY EVE Oe.hn,y0 Nee,,rati,,e Shoe, Dance" with Oun favorite OS . Pink Ice Cashews Fey Le,, St,eo Soeee' was filed by the undersigned I The Sparen Sunday Evening with the County Clerk of Cook I Goldy.Danceaway your Assorted Nuts 'New Seer, IClub wilt host u "SentimentalThanksgiving indulgences! The County, dance with music by (L'wCandNeenuhn' 25 - 22) File No. Kt24493 ou Nov. 5,IJourney" dance begins at 8:30p.m. ut the KRAFTEX "Mario & His Society Ocehon- Glen Ellyn Holiday, Finley and 1990 Under the Assumed Name , of BostieInsurance Agency tra, ori Sntardny, Nov. 17 at theRoosevelt Roads, Glen Ellyn. Conveniently Located Throughout LINCOLN WOOD FLOOR CORPORATION Banker Hill Countuy Club, 6635Admission is 55 fur members, with the place of business beat- I The Chicagoland Area. 6444 MILWAUKEE AVENUE ed at 319 Cherry Cl,, Oteuview N.Milwnakee Ave.,Niles.$7 for non-ntemhers, For more 60025, the true name(s) and res- ,Dancing from 9 pm, ta mid-information about this and other TOWN CENTER idence address of Owner(s) tsssight. Members $4, gorsE $5.S.F_s. events, call the HOT- candy IO someone special or to receive afrre Catalog MADIGANS, CARSON P1515 SCO'ITM9D OVIlE 70 FIOlE SThIIES CHICAGO 763-6468 LINE nl (708) 260.1835. Tasend Clandia Birludeuna, 5152 N. Foniofo, call (708)965-5730. Call1-800-333-FMAY TOUHYAVENO/E diMcCORMICK BOULEVAIID,LINCOLNWOOD Christiann, Chicago, IL 60625 PAdÉÒ)Ì9 vi;ii

----Church &-Tempie -

: : News.. - - State of Israel Glenvièw couple receives 'Taking Risks', Economics professor MG church Thanksgiving Interfaith ,, Sermon at speaks at Jewish plans services Thanksgiving Bond Brunchset 'Gates of Jerusalem' award United Fund brunch Eve Worship A serviceofPraise arad Nues Township Jewish Con-thirty years has made the Dana Nues Church Service service in MG Dr. Fred Gottheil professor ofThanksgiving at Morton Grove gregation in Skokie will hold itsmodel program and earned Sara Come so Nilen Community tnlerfaith -Thanksgiving Ser- annualState of Israel Bondshe high regard ofiewish Educo- Church on November economics nl she University uf It- Commanily Church, 0944 Austin An Ecumenical Thanksgiving It, as IO Itnocs, Champaign-Urbana, will Ave., will be the Ihemo of theEve Worship Service will be nice will he Wednesday, Nov.21, Brunch on Sunday, Nov. 18 aslors and parents alike. Eugene am. and hear Howard W, Bas- ill 7:30 p.m. al St. Luke's Uniled 10:30 n.m. hegneslsepakernsabrunch spun- Sunday morning worship serviceheld utSt. Edward's Calbolic correnity works n a froc lance well, ir., Passer speakon "Pura- - Church nf Christ, 9233 Shermer The honorees at this occasionedison and is a devoseet slndeut blmofJudgemeul: sured by Pairs-Young Couples Nov. 10h11 10a.m. Church, 4350 Werl Suenyside, Tatting Il will be moslty music, wihhChicago, Rd., Morton Grove. are Sara and Engene Zncker,ofJewish history and traditions. Risks", basedon Mallhew 25:14- Leadership of the Yoaeg Leader. al7:30p.m.on ship Division nf she Jewish Unit.sorno readings from Scripture, asWednesday, Nov. 21. Fordeipants are Rabbi Edward long-time members of the Con- GeesE speaker atshe Bond 25. Rally withus as we kick-off H, Feldheim, Cantor Joel J. Roz- gregadon with a strong conamit-Brunch will be Gerda Weiss- the Slewardahip Campaign edFund. - - wegive special praise lo Grad for Participatinginthe service on Goltheil's 64k on "Ciranging our moray blessings. will be pastors and members of nick of Ihe Nonlhweut Suburban ment to Judaism and commnnisymoon Klein, renowned author Ibis Thanksgiving Sunday!Our Jewish Congregation; Reverend service.Saraisdisector World Events: How it will Affect A Men'v Breakfast is helih runSI. Edward, Mayfair Pmesbyleni- ofand advocate of human rights. fellowship coffee-hourimmunE- Eugene Faucher, Pastor, St. Mar- NTJCs Party Childhood Pro- Among her book credits nro All ntelyfollnws the worship Your Family Economicatty-in the Tuesday mornings at 7:30 arar.as Chsreh, and Mayfair Melbo- service. '90's will be held at II am. San-Pleasing God, u sis-part vincodint Church. All are invited lo at- Iha Roman CatholicChurch; gram popularly known asthe but My Life, The Blue Rose, Your children are welcome Reverend Jumes Barnes, Pastor, Gan Yelodim. and A Passion for Sharing. Mrs. to day, Nov. Ill,at Coogregalivu tapv series, is being slanwo; tend this evening of thanks Io attend our Church Schoolclasses, SI,Luke's United Church nf Her troderthip daring the postKleinisHnnoraryNatinnnl 9:45 lu 11:15 Enai Emunah, 9131 Nitev Center Tins year's ConvrvuniayGod for our blessings. Refresh- am, (for ngc2 Rd., Skokie. Thanksgiving Servicewillhomeots will be provided follow- Chrisl; and Reverend Mel A. Chairman nf the 'We Remem- through grade 8), whichuse Ihe Strain,Foulon, Morton Grove ber' campaign for State of Israel Bible-based. curriculum Rvest co-chairmen are Dalia held al St. Lokes United Claurching Ihr service. For more infor- Thanksgiving called and Brad Dennison nf Deerfielrl. nf Clrriss un Wednesday, Nov.21matins cull SI. Edward Church Cummonity Church. Bnnds. For further inforntntinn Celebrate, Nurserycare provided Fairs-Young Coaples Leadership ah 7: 311p.m. at 345-6496. Sermon will be delivered by services at obvul this program, please call fur anfants and toddlers,while Rabbi Peldheiin. the syoagngue office, 675-4141. parente attend the Worship Ser- co-chairmen are Dr. Brian Lipvnu vice. . ofLioenlnwrsod unii Vicluria Rn. EPLC scnberg FrazerofthcNnrlr Sido. Nitos Cummusity Cttsrch isat Edison Park Lutheran Church, Christmas 7401 W. Oakstis (hclwcen CuvI of this educalirartal event 6626 N. Oliphant, wilt have a Mil- is S I 2 perpeeson, in advance. Ad- waukeenod t-tarlrm) in Nitos.For Thossksgiving Eve 'service onBazaar, Cookie membership wivsinn at Ihe dvnr iv 515. There Wednesday, Nun. 21, os 7:30 informativa nr will be nu solicitstinn of fusils. a..... Church School rvgissratinn, p_na. The Rev. Daune PedersonWalk Nov. 17 call To nahe resemvahinus and fur the church uffice at (7119)967- wilt give the sermon at the eve- CentralUnitedMethodisl 6921. muro iufvrmtrtion, call Susie Spi- eingwnruhip. Chnrch will hold their annual er ufiUFal (3 12) 444-2097. Thonkugiving Day worship,Christmas Banane and Cookie Nnrmart and Darlene Padnos nfGlenview will their many contributions to the Prrrfessor Gottheit has becara Nun. 22, will be al 10:30 n.m. atWalk on Salurday, Nov. 17, from congregation, to Puppeteercomes member uf, and haler headed aca- UllRIT%1A T.2; rerieive the rtalen of Jerunalem' award at the their community and for their effortsto resettle which time tire Christian, Aunen- 9 n.m. to 3 p.m. in the hislonical 1990 Northwest Suburban Jewinh Congrega- to EPLC demie missious to Egypt, Juntan, cao nod Misaine field flogs, cas- logcnbiu atCensral Uniled Meth- the massive immigration of Jewsto tnrael Syria and Israel in 1975,977 TR A!!.T IQ ned by the Boy Scoots of Troopodisl Church, 8237 Kenlon Ave., boots State of lsraet Bond Banquet, Saturday, through the IsraetBondcampaign to baildhouu- for festival and 1980. Gottheil isa former na- 955,LutherLeagsers arad SundaySkokie. November t7 at 7:30p.m. at the Congregation, ing andprovidejob opportnnities. fosal chairman ofAincnicars Pro. Schvnt children, will mark the The hansarwill fenlnrea varie- 7SOOLyonnAve., inMorton Drove. Serving as chairman for the evening will be fessons for Feaen io tire Midrlle You and your family are inviI- - .- 5v- npeniog precessinoal. The Rev.ly of beautiful hand-made crafts. DarlenePadnosin the president of Northwent Marlene Kaplan, a member of the Chicago Is- ed lu Fall Festival Suntlay, Env. East. 'y David Tryggestad will preach atA conkie wallt will offer dozens Suburban Jewish Congregation and Norman in raet Bund Executive Board Commillee. Lynn tO,aday ofcelcbratiou ttnd achy- this service. of mnnth.walening, homemade a memberofthe board of trasteen. Fiahman in the Congregation ldraelAffairs Com- ityat Edison Park Lutheran Everyone is invited lo bringdelights. Fun workshops will be Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation, mittee Cltairman and Carol Greenberg will han- Church, 6626 N. Oliphant -'inC.,st. John Lutheran- canned goods In support the Lu. cnndueled for chitdnen, and nur- Clticttgo. theran Day Nursery inner cilysery care will be provided for in- one of the bellwether synagogues of the Israel dIe renervationn. Working with the enmmiltee Thanksgiving Bond campaign will fete the Padnos couple for Wneship will be al tite regular misaine, and the necdy of onefasts and toddlers. Admittuuce is willbe RabbiEdwardl-j. Feidheins. times: 7:30, 0:30 tintIt Iana.,services ncighboehnods. These gifts will50 cents and will bay a chance ut with reception of new iveitilnerv bebroughttotho atute atabe timesone of many dour prizes tu be irais sIte cuogregatiort at IlseI I St.JolrsLuhheran Church, of worship and Inter taken toawarded every half hour. Youst. Peter's aM service. 7429 tctitwauke Ave., Nites, will needy families. Gift offerings mustbcpresentto win. OBITUARIES At 4:311 p.m. Urn ct,vgreutirrs celebrteu Thanksgiving wids Ser- VisitSantattiVE may be brought lo the church any A fireside lunch may he pur- Church i will gather fur fou, fund travI ful- vices vo both Thurohvginiog Eve, dnypriorto the services. chased al Ihn Bazaar. lnwship. A tight supper vvill IreNnv. 21 und Tlraeksgivivg Day, Call the church office at (312) plans bazaar nerved und there will be ¿t apecial Nay. 22. 63 1-9131 fnrfnrtberinforsoation, Theresa Moos prugrhtm by Baebara Capers, prrl- The Wednesutay evening ver- Itellldeer at Thanksgiving St. Peter's Parish, Skokie, will peleen extraordinaire! vice, beginniug al 7:30 tra., will present nu arts and crafts show Niles resident, Theresa Mons, Hutchins and son, Frank (Julia) 95, died on Oct. 23. She wasMons, alt of Niles, four geand- Barlrara Capers, a staff remus include contemporary songs of ILEGAL NOTICEI service at and "holiday buzuar" on Saler- intheEvangelicalLulheman Ihanks and praise with s strecial day, Nov. 17 from 9 am. 1o4 p.m. born in Willersdorf, Austria, onchitdreh, Linda (Sam) Caruso of Notice is hereby giveu, pur- Nov. 2, 1694 and came to Chica- Glenview,JeffSchroeder of Chsrcls in America, Clrica)io nf- lime for the entire cangregahivu -HarlemIrvhig Plaza! soont tu 'An Act in relation lo Baptist church and on Sunday, Nov, 16, from 9 fices, carries on a nsiqrte luirlis- ho stt:rrn the things that tlrey are n.m. until 2 p.m. The bazaar and go us a teenager. Mrs. Moos was Prairie View, Ronald (Carol) the sse of so Assnmed Name in ThanksgivingDayService preceded in denlb by her has-Muss of Indiana and Bonnie ley. Fiar the past seven years vIre Ilrhinkfvt for both wills God and Saturday, November 17 the cnndnct or trausnclioo of will craft show will be held in the has boce effectively eomrrsuni- wilh each olher. Special music at be held at Piral Buplislschool bested al: 8149 Nilesband, Carl, who died in 1987 at(Bill) Bickel of Coloiado, seven 10 a.m.-3 p.m. BusinessintheSlate,"as Church ofNiles, 7339 Wnukegsn great-grandchildren andone satingtheGospelruesv:tge lIais service will be peosided by CenteeRoad, Skokin. the age of 94. She is survived by Radiance, tire chsrch's Women's amended, thatncertification Ruad, Nilcs, at 10Nov. 22. herdaughter,Lillian(Philip) great-great-grandchild. Services through the use of puppels. Site Is it Dasher or Denver, or Prancer, nr Vixen, or was filed by the undersigned Geronimn', the newly re- There will be 100 exhibitors Iras loured hospitsts, libraries, ye- Quintet, as they sieg "How Ma- Comet, orCupid,or Donner, or Blitzen?! featuring handcrafled and per- were held at Forest Glen Chapel with the Coanty Cleric of Cook leased Christianlilaswill he Francis (Frank) is Chicago on Oct. 25 and mIen- nul iststitalinns, festinaIs, church- jrsde Is Your Naine," Holy Corn- Connty. sltnwn on Nov. 18 at the 6 p.m. sonalized ilems. In uddilion there es and enspinyco galherings per- irrarriunwill becetebrated. Cerne by Harlem Irving Placa this Oatcrday, will be refreshments, a bakery, a ment was at Ridgewood Ceme- File No. K1l7418 Under the scrviceatthe First Baptist Church Puerkel teey in Des Plaines. foruring puppetry. She shares the The Thursday morning sen- November 17, und enter a nov-rest naming four Assumed Name of Ace Custom of Nues. Roh McMnnns, who silent uuctiou, the annunl cookie Francis (Frank) Pourkel, 69, Word of God in song and draina vice, beginning at 7:30 um., will of. Santa'x li serein deer who urn visiting the HIPI Interiors with the place of busi- plays Spencer" in the film willwalk and the famous "treasure of Niles, died on Nov. 3 at Lu- Hunter Phillip thruogh the use of puppels. inclutle many saaditioohsl hyrus of They urn nhnnhir,g the route that Sante will room," urss tocated ut 2955 W. Devon be with us. tiseran General Hospital, Park Hajduk For further information trlrvue Thanksgiving and praise. Special - travel when he arrivesnevt Friday, November Por addilionol information call music at this service will be pee- Ave., Chicago, IL 60659 the Roh is a member nf First hap- Ridge. Mr, Pnerkel was boro Hanter Phillip Hajduk, 3, of the church office al (312) (r31- 23, ut 9 n.m.! Clues will be on hand to help you true nume (s) ned residence ad- tisi Church, where he served os I (708) 673-0918 or 1 (708) 674- on February 9, 1921 in Chica- 913 1.Tlsere is a lifI available fur sented by the Adult Chum of SI. Out with your guesses. Dne luvlsy winner will 1492. Morton Grove, died on October J o hr rs --, dress nf owser (s) is : Esther misisler ofdrama peine tu attend- go. He was the husband of Lil- the handicapped. reveivu a $00.00 oiFt vertifizate and 4 ',invers 3 1 at Lutheran Geseat Hospital, SI. Jnhu-Lulhonan Church has Bulmush, 6g07 N. Ridge Ave., ing Judson College, Elgin, lIli- lion (nec Rejholec). Falber of Park Ridge. He was the son of up will receive $20.00 gift vertifirnates. Also Chicago IL 60645 nuise. Bonnie, Greg, Jim di Michnel. Shabbat regulíir Sunday services al O and Carp di Donna Hajdntc. Broshee - joining iv On the event will be Santa's elves, Grandfather of Kevin, Scott di 10:30 am. For more information, nf Darcy and April, Grandson , Mr Onown',nn, Mn Christmas Tree, and Rudolph! ;,_ Çnefl Lisa.Funeralserviceswere Servicesset calllire church office al (708) FLOWERS and GIFTS of Chet diColimbis Hujduk 647-9067. -- - -.: Stop by and huip us solve ourrein deer contest! WEDDINGS and FIJNERAI.S held Nov. 6 at Sl John Brebeuf and Angeln di Connie Chiard- Church, Arrangements for Nov. 16 Hiles. li. Funeral services were held Harlem IrvingPlaza bundled by Skajo Terrace Fu- November 3 at St. John Bre- Rabbi Edward H. Peldlreim 823-8570oc.r(?,:rn -- coral Home, Interment wris in beuf Church, Niles, Arrange- will conduct Shabbal Services os Jerusalem - Holiday Season Shopping Hours I Maryhill Cemetery, Hiles. November 16 ut 515 P.M. al mente bandied by Skaja Ter- Lutheran. Mvndzy.-rriday. NOvember 12-10 an ow. _ n em. race Funeral Home. Inlerment NvrthwestSuburban Jewish Con- Sunirday. Nvvembar 17 nao am. - an p.m. Low rates wasinMaryhillCemetery, gregatinu, 7800 Lyons, Mvrsnuslates services Sunday, Nxvernner an al am. - 5 p.m. Niles. Grove. Mvndey-Wndvesdun, November 15-Cl 10 n.m. - o p.m. make State Farm Salarday, Nov.17, services Ttursdnn nTRANK5GIVaN0DAtI Cn,itnr Closed JerusalemLulheman of Merlos Maria Galassi will be held at 9:30 at the syna- . Frrdny, Nevember 23 8 n.m - 5 p.m. homeowners Maria Galassi (nec Paolini), gngae. Grove inviles Ihre enmurunsily 10 Seturday. November 24 9 n.m. - n p.m. il_s special Thanksgiving services. an am. e p.m. insurance a good buy. 92, of Nibs, died on Nov. 3 at - nundun. Noenmber es Resnrrecuon Nursing Pavillion,- Lutheran preschool There will be a Thanksgiving Eve Our servico mukoa ¡fevort botter. Park Ridge. Mrs. Gulussi was service at 7:30 p.m. -on wednes- born on June 28, 1898 in Ar- Thanksgiving - day and a Thanksgiving Day ser- Call me. vice at 10 am. genlinu. She was the wife of - program BILL SOUTHERN the late Egislo. Mother of Au- Both seeoicus will be a irymun- 1942 W. Oakton St. Faivily and friends are invited fest around the theme of "God's SKAJA drew (laIe Ruth) md Delores Niles, Ill. . 966-7302 (Robert) Faustian. l3randmoth- so fire Sonlh Hall ofEdisos Park Spinitoal Blessiugs". TIre Serosa. Tel. 698-2355 er of 6. Gmat Grandmother of Ludseran Church, 6426 N. Oli- hem Handbell Choir will parsici- 13. FaneraI services were held pirant, on Tuesday, Nov. 20. palo is the Thanksgiving Day ser- 7812 MILWAUKEE AVENUE Tite preschool children will vice. The cummanily is cordially ,,",e', NILES, ILLINOIS .Nov. 6 at SI. John Brebenf, Located at Harlem AvenUu, Irving Park Road end NUes. Arrangementshandled present their special Thanksgiv- - invited. Forest Preserve Drive. . by SkajuTerraceFuneral ing program. all about the Indians Jcrnstslgm Lulheras is loenled PAMPHLETS AVAILABLE al 9637 Fernald Ave. iu Morton Phone 3n21625.3036705l4S3.7500 .Oanstinns Abuat Funeral Custu? Home. Inlerment was lu Queen and Pilgrims, at 10 am. and 1:15 s F ancra I Prn.Arrungemnnt Fasts Aheut Farerni nnruise of Heaven Mnnsoteum, Hill- 5,15. Refreshmentswillbe Ganve. Call 965-7340 for moro side, served, informalion. ,-- . '1E , , - -JrE*3( ' - OÌ4R Holiday ORT plans Tax changes for Holiday Craft ---: freelancers discussed - Women's fs Craft Sale Fair - Shoreline Chapier, Women's Chicago Women is Publishinglors, will enpiain the dreaded Lecture examines Holiday cooking American ORT, wilt hold ils 10th preseuls: November FreelanceSchedule C, including iioforma- Local girl competes for Assoal Holiday Croft Fair Sator- Program Meeliug Tuesday, Nov. liOn on Ihmyear's tax changes parenting skills day. Nov. 17, from 10 am. lo 4 20, al TFF&C, 200 W. Madison, 1h01 will affecl freebancern, demonstration Nov.16 p.m., al Highcresl Ceuler, HauEr 31x1 Fioor,Chicogo, Il. Those inleresled in allcndiug USA title Punishmenl Vs. Oiseipline: A Low cholesterol pound calce made for ways to imcnrporale and Illinois Roads, Wilmelte. An informal reception beginslIsis ceding shoold call Jnlaine leas sodium, fat, chaleslerol and More than 60exhibilors will be It6 p.m., program begins al 6:30 Ssvilhers ut (708) 682-5066 10 re- Miss beata Wajdeman, 21, posilive approach toteaching with slrawberries, chocolalc me- child responsibility for their ac- dogue drop cookies, asdnhostofcalories overall io holiday meal selling a wide variety nf hand- pin. al a cosI of $5 for membersserveanpol. dnughter of Slanislaw and Eliza- preparation." crafted items for children and and $8 for 000-meinhers, For more iufonnaliou contad: beth, nf Nuca. has been seloeted liOns,will be presented al CPC other low calorie holiday desuerE Old Orchard Hospilal ou Mon- and appetizers are nfl the menu Among the recipes to be dem- adults; Ike fairwill also feolure an V/ally Dunn, a self-employedJolaineSwithern,(708) 682- as a semi-uinalislin the 199 I Miss enslraled nec vegelabln pieza and ethnic food fesl of breakfast and acc000tanl who specializes in5066. Illinois-USA Pageant which will day, Nov. 19, from 7-9 p.m. fora specialLow Calorie Holidop Muriel Benz, ACSW, a mcm- Cooking demonslralias al thepuny uppetizee suggestions. lunch ilems, o bake sole and a raf- loues for iodepeodcnl contate- lake place in 1hz Grand Ballroom .. ber nf Old Orchard Hospilaln Friday, Nov. 16 ResuerecliOn Taste samples of sume of the ile. Free admission and porhing. ofthr Woodlield Hillon HaEl the recipes us well us weilten recipe For info call (708) 864-5060 wcehcnd ofNnv. 23-25. The win- Medical Staff, will discuss the Aoxiliory meeting. difference between punishmenl The program. which begins at inslrnCliOnS will be available nl (even.) or (708) 251-0782. ncr will represenl Illinois in the Ihr program," promises the dicti 1991 Miss USA Pageanl which and discipline. I p.m. is Macinn Hall àtKenunec- csiçJ1ìeE lion. will be televised live nexl Febra- Selling boundariesfor your lion Medical Cenler, will fealure children and making them re- Ihe tecipes und cooking tips of A specially developed low cal- 1esale my. The Queen of Peace Guild of Our Lady of Ransom Parish'u Receives Miss USA willwin over sponsiblefor Oie conseqnences of Gayle Fichilik, a registered djeli- uric holiday cookbook will be of Iheir aclious empowers them to cias al the Northwest side medi- awarded us a door price, with Calhnlle Womenn Club will hold ilslaIb avoua) HOLIDAY $100.000 in rash and more than CRAFT AND BAKE SALE io Paluch Hall, lower level nf lhe -law degree Clicaqo, Iic. copies avnilublc fora$3 fee. , SlOD,OO() in prizes and awards. make lhier own choices and dcci- cal complex. Miss Wajdeman will be jndged nions, Benz said. Were planning a program For additional inforniution os church, 8300N. Greenwood, Niles, 0v Salurday, Nov. 17, from Rohen D. Rotman, of Skokie, The program will include lime milk a host ofeasy-to-follow bol- volonleer oppnrtunilios or Auxil- IO au). Io 6 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 18, from 8 n.m. lo 12 voeu. en She basis ofbeanly of face and received his Saris Dudar Degree Has beeuti!sl slnttes figure. peise, personalily, groom- fòr pnrenls 10 discuss their own iday cooking lips for healthier iary (nod raising endeavors and Adminuiun is free. reecudy from The John Marshall noIes Sheila Mrdonnky, programs, coulocl Ihe Rcsurrec- E assessurion at ridvulsunly low prìsevl ing, inmlligcnce and speaking enperiosees. ealiog, Featured are allhar,dmade craflu, urvamevin, wrealhu, houue Law School in Chicago. ONCEyne'se shspped st Desineer Resern - :., Reservaliounaroceqnesled, program chairwoman. "Itt oddi- lion Volunteer office al (312) Rolman,'who also holds a B,S. V ou'llvesern hop evyahere elvel obilily. lins, praclical saggeslious will be decorations, jewehy, afghans, baby seis; homemade bahesy Wadeirsan isa jnnior al De- Beata Wajdemanand can be made by calling (700) 792-5110. guado; Guessing Games, Sloeking Tree, Lollipop Boolh; Raf- degreefrom Illinois Stale Usiver- 679-1)760. sity, is a clerk abRolman, Medan- Atrot yaIag.st Cen.ige,eet shop Paul Universily. She went lu SL keling/adverlising firns. CPC Old Orchard Hospital, fleo; lnnlanf Piclureo wilh SavIa on Salurday from 12 000v to 2 Isaac Jegues Grade school und Wajdeman's sponsors fur the Fitness topic Y-ME group's p.m. Allproeeedn benefit lhe Pariah. Coffee and rolls served all shy & Ebovilz. While nl John Open DailyCloned Wedursday graduated from Maine EasI High 9700 N. Kenton Ave., is locoled Marshall, he was a member of the Miss Illinois Pageanl ore: Polish day lonp. For more icformaliort, call lhe OLR Minislry Cenler al 6522 N. LinnoinAnsnu..Linn olnweod,IL $0645 (708) G74-798 1987.Honors. und just rosI nf the inlerseclios ofof NAWIC Gane! Soeicly and the Stadent Schoolin Nalional Alliance; Lime RickysOnif Rd. and Skokie Blvd. in Open Door 708-823-2550. asvurdsinclude:Scholurslsips BarAssocialion. - Oasis Club; Heriloge Clob of Skokie. meeting from Polish Nalional AlliancePolish Americans; Fanlazja Mn- meeting and PokerS Morris College. Her nicol Club; 510dm D Polish Ra- Filoess That Fils Your Life- Santa Claus hobbies include: ari, dancing and The Norhtwesl Group of the dio Program; Mr. Ted Preybylo; NSJC Sisterhoodstylewill be the topic for the Y-ME National Orgauieation for music. Mr. and Mrs. Piolrowski; Legion evening when the O'Hnre Sub- comes to Wajdemons ombilion in life is plans bazaar BreaN Cancer Information and nf Yoang Polish Women; Rel urban Chapter #193 of the Na- Support will hold ils monthly 10 become a lop marketing direz- Max - Mr. Bogdnn Kick; aod tinonal Association of Women Harlem Irving mr und later open her own mar- The Northwest Suburban Jew- Open Door meeling ou Satur- friends. ishCongoegaliOnSislerhootln in Construction (NAWIC) mccl day, Nov 10, at 10 am., at the Jobthe Chrislmos Trudilinu Gift Shop presenta ilsannual on Tnesduy, Nov. 20. Falwuukce Molor Inn, tOBO S. at Harlem Irving Plaza as Sonta SAMSONITE Chunukah Bazaar Sunday, Nov. Personal fitness Baiser, Farli- urrives on Feiday, Nov. 23, al 9 Financiag Milwaukee, Wheeling, n.m. via the Norwood Park fire SUPER SALE 25, 9 am. -5 p.m.at 7800cia OOrady Kivlin of Well Be- The lopic isTrans Flap Re- ings,Inc.will be theguesl cugine! BUSINESS CASES. Futures topic ofLyons, MorIon Grove. construction' and the speaker is We have holiday items for speaker Dr. Robert S Kngau. Upon his arrival, near the His- GALORE OWL meeting everyone, grandparenls, mom, The O'Hare Chapler #193 of Icr Shop, Sauta and his special Breasl cuncer patients, their - dud, sislers, brothers, asuls, un-NAWIC meets monthly at the families and fireuds, und health guesis mil parade lo hjn holiday AT UNBEATABLE Legal Righls and Financial Avalon Restaurato, 1950 E. Hig- homcal456 Szsamn Steed, a tse PRICES ANYWHERE cies,cousins,grandchildren, professionals inlnresled- inthe Pobres will be Ilse subjecl of thebeauticians, teachers, ele. gins Road, Elk Grove Village. 5001k Mall of Ihn plaza. Here he GUARANTEED talk given by Panna 0011cc, o le- Ouests und all women interested topic arc welcome at Open Door wilIvisil boys and girls is his ex- EXCELLENT We carsy crystal, lucite, me- meetings. The sessions are free gal nnpert 00 elder low al anoeahs, gift wrap, gell, cundles . in consleuclion are invited lo at- of charge and reservations are clnsivcSenume Streetholdiayde. HOLIDAY GIFT meeting of the Chicogu/Norlh tend. The regular busineus meet- cor which includes Big Bird, VALUES TO $100.00 aud»many other surprises! We not necessary Chapler of Ihr Older Womanswill bave vendors galorel Offer-ing follows the dinner sud pro- - Bert, Brnie, Oseor, and Cookie RIGHT NOW AT Y-ME offers peer suppeD 10 MousIer! The Ridgewood High League (OWL). ing the latest in childrens books, Scum. 020.00-000.00 Prior 10 opening her office, Reservations for dinner at $10 breast cancer patiente via a 24- School Band will also be a parI nf YOUR CHOICE personalized stalionery, jewelry, hour holline (708) 799-8228 und the festivities playing tradiliunal 0011cc was peojeel director ofperses, women andchildren's cars be mude withArlene edacalion Open Door meetings COME AND SEE Senior Citizens Legal Services, Chmielewski at (708) 307-1401. Chrislmas favorites. The plaza is FOR BEST SELECTION hand-printed swenlsuito and theonghoul the Chicago Meten- u legal aid progrom specializing picturesThe social hour is at 5:30 p.m. Iocalcd atHarlem Avenue, Irving 00 NOT DELAY! shirE,compulerized polilan aren. Y-ME also pro- Farlt Road, and Forest Preserve in legal issuesaffecling oidorand Inys, to name but afew. Aswilh dinner at 6:30 p.m. For vides information on what lo do HOLIDAY persons. always, free gift wrnpping andmembership informulion, cnn- il u breast lamp is delecled. Drive. The talk will be given Salnr-peesonulized shopper, if needed.tact Carol Bennetl, Guest A. For more iuformnlion abusI Sonto will give away "Hugga- LUGGAGE day, Nov. 17, lO am. - 12:30 givenNorberg & Sons, Inc. (708) 234- bIes" plush animals to the fsest 15% Earning Fund Credit the meeting, or about Y-ME, 200 children vinitiug him. The 6725 Dempster pin. at Ike Evonston Civic Ces- on all purchases I 1551. call the Y-ME office at (701) 1er, 2100 Ridge Ave., Evanslon, first 400 fausilien will receive Prairie View Plaza 799-8338. ' Room 2403. "DickensVillage"collcclible Morton Grove Parking available. Bus #201 Lincolnwood holiday ornameuls. Scuame Skokie Valley '-' (708) 967-1776 front HowardSLL' eons Paul Club slates next Women's SIred bullooss und Santa aelivily the renIer. Business women books will also he given 10 the meeting American ORT children, meet Beginning Nov, 23, shoppers The Lincolnwood Aflern000 meets ,. eau neccive a free Chriulmas Club will hold their November The Skokie Valley Business Rabbi Neil Brief mcl Macean wreath with $250 in accumulalcd N sud Professionsl Women's Clubmeeting at the Chambers Res- Shlomo Shuster will pfficiale al Harlem Irving Plaza sales re- 'HaÌrLtcL 6801N. Milwankee will meet on Monday, Nov. 19. lauraul, ceipls doled Nov, 23 thro Dcc. 9. Design foc øve-yone Tricin Mikouchi of Young &Ave., Chicago, at 11:30 am. os the annual ORT Sabbath on Pri- 14Wat.GoltRO0I1 IDs PisareL day, Nov. 16, 8 p.m. at Niles Receipls can be redeemed al Cm- Associates will speak on 'GoTuesday, Nov. 20. derellu in the norib mall. Ptato Ccurvesv self- Township Jewish Congregation. ,nALLMaRK CARDS INC000000TO ... . 1,2bIodtstlrottt0OIlWI For Geslo'a guide for Special Program's Chairmen Half-price pholos with Santa . Guesl speaker, Pea Forresl, . Win $100m Cash improvemenl. Patricia Burger und Judith Pos- will he available from 9 am. Io Social hour 5:30 p.m., dinnerlocelli have planned a festiveg. national vice-president of ORT, wBhSRfVkm will speak on "Women's Arones- noon On Opening Doy, Fridny, . al 6:30 p.m. ut Costof $13 in-lem000 foe members und gnnsta. .S Price Photos with can ORT's Respouse to IkeGb- Nov, 23. Santo can be visiled , FREE Coo sle(image 827-8171 eluding las and gratuity. Bingo will be played after the from 10 n.m. 10 9 p.m. ou week- SANTA Santa 9 AMNoon Pleasecallfrese MoutwillluncheOn. bal Changes und Challenges of Our Times". days, 9:30 n.m. - 9 p.m. os SaIne- ."Snuggables"Plush (708) 965-2097 or Elsa Beh- Make your reservntions by Women's American ORT (Or- days, and noon la 5 p.m. on Sas- Animals to the First rends (708) 675-9039 if ynacalling (708) 673-2781. All res- SOD Children! revalions should hr made before ganizaliorsforRehabilitation days thea Ch,rislmas Eve, Phobos plan 10 J0l5 us. We will then ad- Thru Tralning) maintains and will beavallable ala miuimnl cost "Dickens Village" vise you as ta locution. Nov. 17. ARRIVE S! hasschoolsthroughontthe øf $5. Co!lextable Holiday world teaching technical skills Friday,November 23 Ornaments to the First und 'Helping Man to Help Him- Holiday Bazaar gA.M.Carson's Court 400Familiesl DELICIOUSDIETING'selr. For mare information con- Santa arrivesin his traditional Santa's Activity Books tact Wamen's American ORT, at Mayfair for all the Children! . 21 Fresh Meals PerWeek Northern Illinois Region, (708) 'manner to Harinm Irving Plaza via thnNoreeood Park Pire EnginnI Ginger- Free Sesame Street 676-4076. - . Lose Weight DelIciously . Low Fat Church breadMae, Mr. ta Mrs. Xmas Mousn, Balloons Will be Given . Variety of Calorie Levels Low Cholesterol On Friday, November16, and nurprin e Costume ch arasters will Away to the First 50G No Contracts or Fees Reduced Sodium Welcome! 1990, beginning at 10:00 am., bejoining us For thefestivities.Ses- Childrenl members of the Women's Asso- amu Street's Big Bird, Burt, Ernie. Located at Dempster and Greenwood BRADLEY ROBERT ciados of Mayfair Presbylerian OsCar, and the Cookie Monster also LANGLO Church, 4358 West Ainslie SI., are returning for #nother exciting A boy, Bradley Roberl Lan- wil opes dIck. annual Holiday visitand aro featured in our' holiday gin, 7 lbs., 14 oc., on September Bazaar for luncheos, and sales decor throughout the mall) Join ses DIET CARRY-OUT 29 10 Jeanne & Scott Lunglo of at numerous boolhs. Luncheon for u fun event!! 8226 N. Ozanam, bEles,IL. will be served 01 11:30 anm., Brother: Christopher, oge 2 1/2 asd again al1:00 p.m. Both Losatnd at Harlem Avenue, Irving Park Road and CALL years.Grandparesta: Carob & meals are IO be supervised by Forest Preserve Drive. (708) 803-DIET Bub Langlo of Chicago, IL and Mrs. Marilyn Neil. For feRber Phone a121625-00307081453.7800 . informalionpleasecallIhr aii alr s Nancy & Dus Hoppe of Chicago, ,wsx. uI IL. church office al 685-0103. - PAGEI4 ThEBVCLZTHURSDAY.J4OVEMBER 15,1O mHtAL8xaMavoss ,vuunÚ,nsajsiag aeer ,raiva,,q TUE BUCLE, THURsDAY, NOVEMBER as, tOSO PAGE 65:- Jr -n Police News CONSUMER ÇflNNEcTIoNJL Newspaper vending NEIL F. HARTIGAN Drunk driver Youths contribute General Of uhinois.J to delinquency machines vandalized I Atlorney attacks paramedics of minors Two newspaper vending ma- and found to be driving witha n it A 20-year-old Des Plaines Niles police arrested an 18- chines wem bmken iota in Mor. suspended license. He admitted HolLine' Established tug aad combative, necessitating tonGroveNov. 10. lo having been al the Dempsten approved way, they simply dump man, who also listed a Glenview yese-old froto Evanston and o 17- forReporting Polluters the contente of the truck or the that he be restrained while traes- in 00e, in the parking lot es the Slrcctaddreus, but nolhingmore. address, was charged with drankportad to the hoopital. year-old Chicagoan Nov. 1 1,of- The eyes and cors of the publicbarrels ioto a remote seweror 6900 block ef Dempstcr Street, la the second theft, in the 5700 ore heong enlisted in the effort to driving, reportedly after he was The arrastre also caused peak-ter they reportedly were io the stream, The result is cootarnisu- coropanyoftwo 14-year-old girls Morton Grove, a $20 padlock block of Demputer Street,a start apprehend illegal "dumpers who involved in a traffic accident atlems for the emergencyroam wasjimmied lo enter the machine aun ofthe waterways resulting-in Coartland and Davis Avenue in after carfew. rod and a padlock securinga poor chemical wastes into the staff at Latheran General Hospi togoio $7 in carrency. newspaper machine were dosi. fish kills asti usdesirably high NilesNov. 11. - The officer noticed a car tiny- sewer system er walcrwoys, oc- tal and refased to takea breatha- 21, was aged. levels of heavy metals and cya- Aroand 10 p.m., Park Ridge 0g erratically lhroogh a Shell gas A Chicago man, cordiog to Ihe Metropolitas Wo. lyzer test. The impliedcoaseot picked np as a suspect after a An unknown offender took $8 aide is Ihr lakes und rivers. paramedics answered a service statioo lotatOrecowood Avcsoe terReclamation District of Great- "The Metropolitan Water Ree- law was invoked and hewas atoo truck similar to his was seen testy- from the coin boo, botpolice cati ai the accident in which thecharged with DU! and disobey- and Dompster Street around 2:44 erChicago, lamatioo District has the most driver saslained minor injuries. am. Six anased condoms were iug the scene. He was apprehend- found over $9 stilt intact when The Districts Board of Corn- lag a s1op sign. He will appear in ed ceoe Harlem Avenne aod they arrived. The distnibnlor medres aod efficient systenri in He becameancooperative, insult- foand in the back seat of the car. vat- m:ssiooees has establishedu 24- conelDec. 13. Cleveland Street by Niles patino ned therodand lack at$20. the world foe caplanisg and treat- The girls were charged with hoar "lot linefor citizens to calltug normal waslewotrr,"saïd MÒteI room Attempted carfcw violatioos, as was the Chi- Rash of wallet fthey suspect ony illegal dump-Commissioner Thomas S. Fuller, cagosn. Both young mes were Criminal isg. That namberis 1-800-332-chairman of the Industrial Waste theft retail theft charged with contriboting to the DUMP. Upon notification, Dis-and Waler Foliation Committee. thefts reported - deliqacacy ofa minor. The coon damage tnict personnel will attempt LOap- The agent far a motel in the appearance wassetat Dcc. 20. A number of watleta were sIa- 'Bat cyaoides sad tOuios casuot 9300 block of Wankegan Road, thwarted prebend the offender asti takebe detected sod removed through ten from women's parses lost to cars samples of the waste whichmay Morion Grave,esporlcd two TheeveningofHov. t Ian em- week,aceording to reparla. The owner of a 1989 Chevy oormul Ireutmeot methods. This lamps, lowelsand a 19-inch calor ptoyee ofa food store in the 6900 be used os evidence in criminalis why we are askiog the help of Criminal A 65-year-old Skokie woman Banana reported $1,200paint proceedings. Citizens who call TV takes from a motel reom the btock ofDempslerStreet, Morton roponledly tosta waltetwith $160 damage mnnicti on the vehicle the public in our effort ta appre- maming of Nov. 8. Grove, watched a man nervously need not become involved is thehead these polluters aod prevent damage cash, a 530 scarf and some food by person(s) unknown, Thecar legal proceedings andmay cali He sospected a former acea- sladying the analgesic section of stamps while in a Golf Mitt store the costansisutiov of our water- the shelves. was parkedintheBuilders 0500ymoasly, if Ihey choose. pant of he races, an Idaho man, to property Nov. 10. Aa anknown thief an- Sqaare parking lot at 9000 W. ways. io the$425 loss. The man, visibly shaking. took This hot linewas lanoched "Theprutection of the environ- A resident ofthe 5800 block ofzipped her handbag asd removed Golf Road, Nilea, the night of by the District us part ofa pro- two large baIlles ofTyleaot from the items. meut is everyone's respoosibili- the shelf and pat them into hisLincoln Avenne, Morton Grove, Nov. 7 when the damageoc- gram to intensify its efforts io de- ty,' added Fuller. We are ne- bld police persoas nnknown That saine day, a 4-4-year-old caned. lcct asti apprehend indnstrial pol- cart When he saw he was ob- broke the tamp from the light postBarrington woman's waltet was questing thaI all cilizeus in the Feastyour served, he pushed the caTi to one blets. These "midnightCook Couoly area blurs the hot io his front yard the rooming ofstolen while she shopped at 9555 Both the front andrear wind- dumpers" are frequently hired by side and left the store. The em-Noy.8. Milwaakee Ave. Her total loss lineoamberood alert us mmcdi- eyes. ployce foand aspirin and cotd shields of a Ford F50 pick-np industries lo remove bazardonsably ofany suspected cuses of il- The resident called it a $140was eslimated at $1,250, melad- truck was damaged by bbsor Wastes. tastead of disposing of tablets vaInes] al over $234 in the legaldumping. - - The FrD Aatnmn loss. meg $700 cash. similarprojectitrn, according to a Iberoinanesviroameotally-- cors. The woald-be thief was de- Also on thatday, a 69-year-old Harvest" Bouqnet. scribcd as oversi0feet tall, wear- report filed Nov. 4 with the Nilea EXOUR Jast call or visit iog glasses, grey haired, wearing The morning ofNov. 10, whenChicago woman reported her Police Deparinsent. At least $250 wallet, containing $125 cash sto- as today. a grey coat and driving away in a anar wash attendant in the station damage was done to the vehicle. Alcòhol, drug prévention Thanksgiving in the 6900 block of Dempsterlen while she shopped at tite kw- parked in the 8200 block of Nora grey car with Wisconsin license cl, 5667 Toahy Ave. is Thursday, plates. Street, Morton Gmve, didn't raise Coart program airÑ November 22. the blowerin the wash as request- At 8203 Golf Road, an 82- . ecl. a 32-ycar-oldNiles taxi driveryear-old Morton Grove woman's Triton Còllege; in purtoership HOUI1 Women charged One charged in Self-Esteem: Helping childreti coiled hiscar and smashed the at-walletwasslolen Nov. 8. She had witlt Ihe Illinois Deparanent of $lOOeasls. to like und accept themselves usd, with retail theft Icudant booth window with his attempted scrap Alcoholism and Sabstanee othrrs; improving children's out- A sccarisy guard watched a 35- hand, eaasing $100 damage. The At 7900 Milwankee Avenne, a Abose (DASA), the U.S.Depart-looks os themselvesand who attcndantmenaccd theman withaparse containing a $,300 hear- metal theft topt( ofEdncatiòa,andTri-Marq year-old Chicago woman rcmose A 24-year-old Chietigo. man they eau lera outlobe the tags from ajacket, thOn pat it crowbar, bat the tasi driver dis-ing aid, $170 pair of glaswa and Cotspouascot;onspresentathe FomilV Coivmunications- armed him. $tøeashwas nlalenNov9:. was apprehendedby Nilcu police lw-gout effdrfis the hislóiyofIlii- on, pal her own coat over it and Nov. 8 after officers received a Helpful methods Io apeo comma- - atlempt to leave the store withoal A 47-year-old Park Ridge cois broodcstiag lo educate chit- uicutioñlines among pareotu, A Washington stale womanwoman reportedly lost her wallet call about two men on a roof near dren aod their pareols ea atcohot/ paying the morning of Nov. 8 in Village Crossing shopping ccoo- kids, and othcrfamily members: the Store in the 7200 block of complained to police persons na-Containing $80 cash while she othor drüg prevention andfamity Social Skills: How ta copo -- known used a sharp object toshopped atPhaeMorNov. Il. ter. 7ETF-UL- communications skills. DempsterSlrcet, Morton Grove. One nf the men escaped after with stress und other family pres-

scratch two X's on one of the - When the woman was slopped, (t will be broadcast this fall ou sures; - - . front fenders of her '68 Volkswa- the brief chase in which they Fus Television 32 asti affiliate the gaard found perfame and a Car phone jumped from u bailding into. the Alcohol/Other Drag 1nfomi- ,7orever Çreefl gen while it was pocked in the tot - stations. ijQfl: Lcoming the difference be- designer wallet - store merchao- rearparkinglotneartheiewel. . - Lincalnwnod Town Crntrr hat str io the 9300 block of Waakegan stolen Triton Collego, DASA (The Il- twceo mediciue und drugs, when 1 r r,nu, el rvonta throuh000 ohr 8118 N. Milwukoo Ave. dise valued al abonO $30 is hoe The aerestee, who will appear . .-hoMeytroton . Thrrr'v ,om,,o1,it,g f n-nv,:ryonr, ro vorne cojoy Ohr fon! parse. The jacket was valued at Road,Morton Grove, the night of Someone broke into a 1991 lisais Departm4nt of Alcoholism to take them asti whoa not Io, Nitos, IL 60648 Nov. lO. She estimated the loss at in court Dec. 14 on charges of at- - - oboat$l5. Chevy parked in the 7400 block and Subutanco Abase), the U.S. why people use alcohol and other - A SANTA SIJIOPRISE $100. ofLehigh Avenue Nov. 7 and at- tempted theft. told police he was Doparlmcnl oPducatioo; aad (708) 823-8570 The woman was loben to the trying to get scrap metal foe re- drugs, and what atcohoiJother . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 AT0O:OO A.M. tempted to remove doe stereo. Tci-Marq ComuSinoicatious ace drugs cas do to the body; Houes: police station where she was sate. Bring Ihr kid, sr wer, Snnt,, cohn unnivr, 00 kit gingvrkrrodknorr, Mon.-F,i .9.mto7: charged with retail theft, given a -Persons unknown canoed $100 A $300 car phone was stolen proud tu 0550usce the arrivai of Family Ritual. Tradition. und rrvorted by Crest Amrrkn rhar unters, Bog, Bonny ond Daffy tisch. SMnanto 6:00 $1,000 hood and a Dcc. 17 court damago when they nsed a reck to asti $150-$200 damage eslimat- HighTopTower. Celebration: Differrut ways fam- Sonto wilt br avoilubtr f,,r ohio, ond photor ohrou0koos thrrvrroo Silver, video dormg regolor mall hs,,r. smash a side door window in an ed. Torgctcd at Children ages5io -tool rvrry child wh ovisitrw, ok Sonto will - dato. iliou istegrotr alcohol aud other rncr,ve u sprcial sorpns,-. 85 Plymouth Horizon parked in equipment stolen 12 und their parrots. High Top drags into their lives and an es- the lot in the 6400 black of Oak- Doors stolen from Tower has received overwhelm- omioatiunofthebehuvior; mid - WIN APILE OF PRESENTS! ton Street, MortonGroye,Nov. 7. construction sitein home burglary isg support sod inlèrest. Field Fussily History of Alcoholism A $5000 SHOPPING SPItEE Owners of a home in the 8100 tculiag oflhepilol with tclevisioo or Drervdesce: A took at chit- viewers found that kids und por- Be gonrn g Fridsy, N,,vomhrr 23 sod vsntiosiou Ohroogk Sendoy, There's an open and slfut casobluets of Pield Drive reported a dccv of alcoholics usd ways to ttrsrmbvr 9, y savon regotov to win o 50000 shoppinotprvv, cow- RECALL NOTICE pending against the ankaownbrcok-in between 7:15 and 9:45 ests both loved the show, that deal with tito problems thai stem plimrwol 0 Q101 sod Linvulnwuod Town Crown. There',so porchiov Lawn both Icaroed from it, uod that they thief(s) who twice robbed a con-p.m.Nov. 10. from those situations. Also, help -necrtsor y Lu win, kot yes must br 10 t 5500er. Look fcr rumplrte rules - would tell their friends to watch °" official entry forws io Lineotnwscd Toso C vntvr,tcnes . - slraclionsite,stealing several Missing was a $250 micro- for children tu rccugsize diese : ornaments $1,000 worth of doors on thewave, $1.000 worth of video theshow. prrthcomrsts are sui their fouit stolen promises. At least four robberieseqaipment, $3,650 worth of sil- The series explores the follow- asd where tu receive guidasce -- GINGERBREADALOTOFOOUGH ing topics: - HOUSE DISPLAY have occurred includingmci-ver and a pillow case. A window asd help. - The $2.99 stuffed The night ofNav. 10, persons dents on Sept. 28, Oct. 20 and the io a door was smashed oatin or- NOVEMBI(R 23 . DECEMBER 24 unknown took coocrele lawn or- Linvalnwucd Town Cvnoor is t,,,soiog otpoo nl diaploy of uioorrbrrod following datas: deetogetinside. - hoo,rt nameals in theshapcoftwo sqair. , opuotored by Medi-Ch,,rk. Stop by a,,d oro alt the drlirico,, - Christmas bear As reported to LIso Nitcs Police Nues police fosad a cigarette Safety tips crantions droipnvd and habed l,. aves howl and postry rlroft. roIs, Iwo dogs and a rabbit from Department NovO, seven steelbutt und a fast-food restaurant manufactured by the froot lawn of a hanse in the doors each valued ut $1,050 andcop in the home und retained the forexpresswaydriving -.- - SPECIAL-SEH.%CES FOR YOU 8700 block of Marmora Aveooe, five swinging doors valued at items as evidence. -: Cuddle Wit, Inc. Morton Grove. The owner valued BEGINNING ÑÓVEMBER 23 $500 apiece were stolen from a Cooperation is the key to driv- Check youebtind spola and am UPPER LEVEL FOOD COURT them xt$200. location ia the 8800 block ef isg safely on Illinois express- - is being recalled Notice your tern sigsat before changisg SPONSORED BY MEDI-CHECK - Grace Street. ways. Be aleare of the speed and Nilea village will betest- Itsies Or passing another vehicle. by ALDI. The Sometime during the night of location of sarrousding vehicles, SpoI the cae you have passed io Coat cheek MG driver ingitawarning sirens on - - Nov. 7, threesteet doors were sto- give other motorista room lo ma- your reorview mirror before putt- u Gift wrapping - - - Tuesday mornings at 10:30 bear's nose may ten by someone who pried open neuvee and follow these safely isg back iota the same loue. Do - u Gmgern-ead kits available for aale tries to hit am. and will continue to do service doors to take three doors, - - tips: sut me the shoulder of an eu- - u Stroller rental - not be securely fastened Riverwoods man each costing $800. so eveoTuesday at 10:30 Before entering au eupress-pressway la rest, read a map oc and could be a danger to small After argaing wilh a 20-year- am. foe a while longer to way, approach the entrance ramp chauge drivers. This area is re- old Riverwoads mon and his make sure that the warning sod speed-change tase cautions- served foremergeucy situations. ¡11W children. If you have purchased friend io the parking lot io the Retail theft system is functioning prop- ly. Use yaar torn signal when When leaving an espneasway, 9300 block of Wankegan Road ertp. mergiag with oacomiug traffic. Ifstow dawn to the exil ramp speed one of these Cuddle Wit bears the eight of Nov. 11. a 21-year- arrest When the weekly testing traffic is heavy, slow down at thebeforereaching the speed-change old Morion Grove mandrove his Socarity personel al J.C. Pen- is finished there will be only beginuiog of the speed-changeloue. It is illegal to back up an an from ALDI, please return car directly at him. ney's, Golf Mill, took a 17-year- one test on the first Taeuday lane and match the speed of on- espressway or to cross ike medi- Thefriverwoods mas was ahle old Skokie woman and a 32-ycor- of the month at 1OE30 am. coming traffic befare mergiog. ou. If you miss yoar cuit, drive to LINCOLN WOOD it to any ALDI store for a to avoid the ear, tisis time osti old Chicago woman mb custody as in the past. Adjusl year speed to meet thethonest one. ogaio, when the Morton Grove theyreporledly slots . after .Iegaispcedtimii,whethee65 mph ,fulI refund. ALDI mas reversed his car and aimed it $150.99 worth of gloves, hoofs or 55 mph. Motorista frequently at him a secood lime. The offend- asti eorrings Nov. 6. change lanes on espresaways, so yDRIVERS.... TOWN CENTER er was recognized, bet na cam- They will appear in court Nov. Stop Crime! - stay oatoftheother driver's blind WATCOU1FOR MAI8IGM4S, CARSON P11115 SCOTF AND OVER 70 FINE STORES TOUHY AVENUE&McCORMICK BOULEVARD, LINCOLN WOOl) plaina weresignod. 20. spot and keep a safe foiiowing CILDRENI .... distance. u1IEBUGLE,THIIRSDAY, NOVEMBER Ix, I9O THEBUGLR,'FHURBDAY, 6Ó9'E%IBER 15, 1990

Basketball Tournament BOWLING a aids suicide prevention Men's Saturday I The' Stephen Sexton Memori-their finsI game. Teams regis- 12" League Nues Club 55 al Basketball Tournament hasteeed by November 1will also GOLF MAINE PARK DISTRICT SJB Holy Name -I added a three-point shot contestreceive tonmament caps. FALL SOFTBALL mot1U5190 Senior Men's for indvidna1 players to its tradì- Att enlsyfeesarelas- -FiNAL' Society . tional three-on-three team corn-dedoctible and prizes willin- Team w-L Scores ofNov, 9, 1990 Bowling petition for 1990. dude athletic shoes, gift cerlifi- Tappers Team 10 o Team W-L The tournament, which bene-cales frurn area reslanrants, bas- Procare 2 Beicrwaltes Stase Farm Ins 44 8 Ball Dogs 48-22 fits snicide prevetion programskelbalts and athletic wear. The Char Honte 7 3 Anderson Secretarial 42 and research at Maryvitte, Citycompetitor who best exemplifies One Ways Northwest Farivhcs Crd. 42 Par Bowlers 47-23 of Youth, Ctenview Youth Ser- 5 5 Magic Machise 44-26 the spirit of fair play will be Under-the-Influence 5 5 Disco Video - 39 vices,and Evanston Hospital, Tomahawks 44-26 named the winner of the Father Bradley Printing 3 7 Wiodjammcr Travel 38 has raised almost $30,000 sinceJuhy Smyth Sportsmanship 36 Chata 43-27 Bette The Competition 3 7 LnneTrcetnn it began in 1987. Diuo's Boddies 43-27 Award, A former University of Midwest Movers 3 7 Wiedemann & Sons Ins 30 The fourth annual competitionNotre Daine Alt-American, Fa- Senior Power 42-28 Classic Bowl. 27 . 41-29 wilt take place Saturday, Nov. ther Smyth is the director of Ma- Tappers Win Tournament Skaja Terrace Funi. Howe 26 Saodbaggers 17 and Sonday, Nov.-18 at tiseryvilln, an Organization which Nnrwood Fed. Savgs. 26 Nites Playboys 37-3 3 Maiyville Academy gym, 1150 provides - aannie for children Fautaslic Five 34-36 N. RiverRd. in Des Ptaines. Pre- whose parents are enable so care 12" Sunday Top DossIers Sci,res Five Aces 34-36 timinary rounds of the three-os- GOLF MAINE PARK nisTnrc'l' Rob Severance 632 Magic Five 32-38 for them. L'ALL SOFL'ttAt,L three tourney witt he played on For any entry form or more us or It/S/sn Rob Schroeder 591 SEiko Force 3 t-39 TTFL. Saturday. The three-point con- information, cantad the Stephen 'FINAL. Brian Woesiak 586 Bodiso's 29-4 t Lee Malee 574 mas test witt take place on Sunday T. Sexton Memorial Foundation, Equalizers 27-43 morning, prior to the semi-final 1818 Johns Drive, Glenview, IL Team W - L uro Ficsgerrsltl 558 Road Rssocrs 26-44. and final games of seam play. 60025, (708) 729-7872. Wayne's World 91 MikeJaxke 550 Usknowu Sours 26-44 Eacl comeptitor in the Wil- Sluggers 73 Rayrlloo 542 Pin Chasers 25-45 son Three-Point Shootant, spon- RawTaleut 73 Eroic Marcioiak 539 Recycled Seniors 24-46 sored by Wilson Sporting Turkey Trot set Chur Hosue 64 Carl Liotlqsisl 532 Dragou Playboys 23-47 Goods, wit have five racks of , Skyliners 5 Bill Ochab 532 four balls sod 60 seconds to for Nov. 18 Off-While Suo 4 6 HOT SHOTS: Joe Mussa 598; make m many three-point bas- Knighthawks 4 Catholic Women'sRay Mujsges 579; Clifford Now- keO as possible. The entry fee Registration is now beiug Lak- Brew Crew 4 6 ais 557; Frask Voelker 557; A t . Bowling t for the shootons is $25 per per- en for the 14th Annnal Lincoln- Die-HarrIs 4 Maison 555: Lcouard Schultz "rd o son. wood 'rsrkey Trot. This 5k &Rebels 2 6 542;WaIler Kubacki 540; 10k race wit be held on Sunday, Week ofNov, 7, 1990 The three-on-three portion of Wednesday eveRing 7 pm, George Kovich 537; John Daly this year's tournament is briog Nun.18 beginning at 9:30 am. Tucs.-Thurs. Team 533; Mike Hcaty 531; Jim Filz- supported byfourcorporate at the Proesel Park Shelter. 16" , W-L 1st NatI Brink of Nites gcrald.526; Angie Denash 524; SpuoSors: Fout Locker, Miller Race day registration will he- League 49-2 t Stan Shafar 522; Gary Koresg gis at 8 am. and ihr cost on race 001F MAINE I'AeK DISTRICT Skaja Terrace 40-30 High Life, TCI of Illinois and FAIt, SOVI'BALI, 520; Joe Cerek 517; Joe Kncau Woodscape. The rosy fee is $75 day is $12 while early registra- Slate Farm Ins. 36-34 a, ,,f LI/S/sn A. Beierwalteu 510; William Korps 510; Mike 0 per team, with np lo five players lion prior ioNov.16 will only -FINAL. Cohurn 507; Jobo Oakes 506; .00, Ore allowed ori a roster. Teams cost yoo $10. Team W-L Casdlelighl Jewelers 3 5-35 .,sAoOIi Wintlja,oincr Travel Dino Laodi 505; John Jacobsen may register for one of four dioi- EPI 12 2 34-36 502; Phil Gasczsk 500. sions: Senior Men's (45 years or Applicatioos for this race cou Bad Attitude lo4 Debbie Temps, Ltd 34-36 1L141(E ftq older. Men's (35 years or older) be obtained by calling the Recre- MVP's IO 4 Classic Bowl 29-4 1 Women's or Open. Scial t- asien office at 677-9740 or by Distillers 95Ray Old's-Park Ridge 23-470CC runners shirts will be given to euch par- slopping in die office located at Missing Lins 95 High Series ticipanl when they check in for 6900N.Liocoln Ave. Diamond Cutters 212 qualify for 525 C. Octrioger - championships MVP's Win Toornament Lesuiak 478 The Rsuning Raiders on the M. Coronato . 473 College Wed. - Friday Jocobs 471 OaklonCommunity D. Henricks Cross Country Team placed sec- 16" League 466 nod in the NJCAA Rcgiou IV d GOt,FMAtNE PARK DISTRICT High Games TAKING AMERICA t'all, 5(>VI'ItALI. Champsionships held in Sogar J. oi,,CIt/S/95 M. Wasitewski 197 Grove, Illinois. Preshmen LeszekStoklosa and New and used mode1 Team W-L C. Ociringer 192 °Jackmen 53 t K. Lesniak 183 Tomasz Gnabel dominated the Make plans. Forone e BY STORM. Meat 13 t hilly five-mile race as they led Marge Re 179 e ;'n trains, dolls, toys, &.. Organized Crime 86 R. Suelo 175 froio slart to finIsh, Stoklosa's L_ Ganiecocks 77 timcof24:54 set anewRegien IV day only-Saturday, A's 59 cornue record. Gnabel wasclose e Deadly lolenlions 59St. John Brebêuf behind ix second place. Slototosa modelcars. Many, Overtinse 3II finished over two minales ahead November 17, 19 Ladies BowÎing of Ihr Ihied place rnnxcrI The u Jackmen defeated Meal 16-13 Team W-L Raider's coach, Patrick Savage, many bargains. in IO isoings in a game to deter- Leas, Mean Gr. Berms 47-23 was vely pleased with the perfor- - from 9 to 5, mise the league winner. Squash Ems 45-25 uoaoceofhis sop Iwo rauflers. Slioky Sprouts 45-25 Also scoring for Oaklox was Trade- ins are Meat Wins Toornameot Ravishiug Radishes 43-27 Herb Kral (Qaigley North), Dna Townhouse TV's CookCokes 43-27 Michelis (Evansgon), Peter Tua- Men's Sunday Tricky Torot/toCs 41 -29 las (Mutue East), Jon Sliltman welcome Visa 16" League Hoi Potatoes. 35-35 (HighlandPark) stud Mieto entire stock of. GOLF MAINE PARDISTRICT Luscious Lettuce 33-37 Cowled. Nancy Swieutou (Maioe FALL SOFTBALL Carros Cot-Ups 32-38 South)finishedfourthin1hz MasterCard A,or tiissn Classic Celery 3 1-39 wOmeo'srace_' , Lionel, American Team W-L Perky Parsley 3 1-39 TheNJCAANatiouul Champi- CosntaysideSaloon 9 1 Sweet Pololo Spares 30-40 onships witt be held on Novem- Discover ber 17 in Bresard, Noeth Caroli- Decision Makers 9 1 Corny Castes 29-41 Flyer, Williams, EPI 8 2 Mighty Mushrooms 28-42 na. Coach Savdgc is looking for Class Coorier 5 5 Garlic Presseru 27-43 both Sloklosa mod Gnabel Io & cash SAVE $100 CII AJtIII1ICWS MOST PCÇIA*RTWOSTAGf. Syndicale 3 7 Sweel Peau 20-50 place very high in the natiooal K-Line and others s A's 3 7 meet. Both runners are being - s . The bess-selling two-stage soowthrowrr in America. . High Series . Pnwnrfsl 5.0 isp engine. Sober - 2 8 picked tu make the NJCAA All R are accepted . Throws snow sp to 30 fees. Jean Hoppe 514 American Team. . s CoEd 486 will be on sale. s . Self-propelled with three speeds ThRO Lucille Vilo s forward asid one io reverse. Indoor Soccer Pat Nelsou 482 Football - s Bsiwi*yxsu donewitisout aToro longenough? W-L Anita Rinaldi 481 Boneheads Game players named Us High to AliStar Team Tite MutIs o Jan Gorka 203 Lucille Vilo 200 p-. We Repair What We Sell Maradona , I Five Loyola varsity football . Riveerats o Jean Hoppe 197 players were recestly aamed to Pat Ncluou , 191 the1990ChicagoCatholic RAMA N. Milwaukee CoEd League All-Star First Team: uf- Townhouse TV . Volleyball Youth fense; rusulog back Jack Prikos 7850 N. Milwaukee Ave 647-0646 w L PTS. of Gleoview, quarlerback Peter NuES Flag Football Pallon ofChïcago, Defense; line- Nuke 'Em 3, 0 6 . NUes, IL 60648 708.470.9500 enuxx Giapet W-L backerTerry Glaviu afFOles, De' Mon., Thun. 855 ' 825 214 andAppliances Raiders .3 Turn., Wed., Pii. 0:30 . 600 Chex-tn-The-Mait 122 2fesse back Jim Callahan nf Win- not, 820 . sen sun. son . 300 Ost-Of-Boninds 000 Bears 32nelka and defensive end Pat Team 92 030 49'urt 24Eosrke of Chicago. All Sales Final No Layaways nSale Limited to stock on hand Cash, check, MC, Visa, Discover accepted. Community Activities Album release show Skating team readiesfor competitions at Friendship Hall LE.L11a Aspecial album releaseshow- album, 'AmericanGiri." case featwing MegosMcDo- Singer-songwriter Tim Grimm nough. Tim Grimm, and several placed third in the prestigious other top musicians will he pry- Marlboro Country music compe- ... nested on Friday, Nov. 16, 8 p.m. lition,and has released an album at Friendship Concert Hall, Kol- of original songs 'True Heart, pin and Algonquin Rds., Des Kind Mind.' Plaines. E They will bejoined by a sum- Megon MeDonough, who has ber of Chicago's top studio and secorded five albums spanning a performing musicians. 15-year Career, has performed Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 throughout the counfty including at the doorand may be purchased the musicals Pump Boys and fmm the ML Prospect Park Dis- DineLtes and "Beehive" among thct,4t1 S. MapieSt.,Mt. Pros- many club and concert shows. peeL Shehas just compleled a soon to Phone (708) 255-5380 for bereleasedmovie, 'Miss Missoa- phone ticket orders and dires- . AREA ACTIVITIES SENIORDISCOUNTS ri," and will be debuting her new 6om. Photo byNuncy Keruminus Junior Theatre presents MembersO! the Ni/es Park District Tot Proc!- ter'scOmpetitions. The IBboys andgirishope to - .SPECIAL SERVICESSENIOR NEWS sian team have beenpracticing twice a week at ena anotherfirst-place trophy ai NPO'o sweet. 'Pegora the Witch' the Sports Complex getting ready (or thiswin- heartøpon in February. TheNorthbrook Park Districts These performances will alt Holiday Boutique Junior Theatre will present "Pe-takeptace in IheNorthbrook Park Evangelical church gorathcWitch,' Nov. 16-1g. District's Leisure Center Auditor- &Cookie Walk Performance dates and timesmm, 3323 Walters. Por addition- plans bazaar planned arc:Friday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m.; al ticket and performance infor- - Salarday, Nov. 17 at 11 am., 3 mation, call tIse Leisure Center TheEvangelicalLutheran 5450N. Shermer Rd., NOes, will St. Martha School in Morton and 7 pm.; and Sunday, Nov. 18 Performing Arts Office at 291-Church Women of the Lntheranbe having their annual Pall Ba- Grove will hold a Holiday Eon- at 3 and 7 pm. All tickets are $3. 2367. ChurchoftheResurrection, ease on Satsrday, Nov. 17 fromtique and Cookie Walk on Salur- 9 am. to 3 p.m. day, Nov. 17, from 9:30 am. to 3 Handcrafteditems, a bake p.m. at8523 Georgiana Ave. sale and a white elephant table Fifty professional crafters wilt will be available. The kitchen display Christmas crafts, person-- p will he serving coffee, donuts alized items, ceramics,. jewelry, and homemade sandwiches all hand painted-beadedclothing, day. woOdcrafls, ueedlecrafts, country The Ecumenical Thanksgiv- crafts, silk floral arrangements, ing Eve Service will take place and Iettersfrom Santa Clans. at this church on Wednesday, The Bonlique will also feature A Nov. 21 at 7:30 pm. Pastees a Cookie Walk (where the shop- from the NOes Clergy Associa- permakestheirown coolsie selec- tina will all paeticipate ht this lions). Lunch will be available ut annual event, Refreshments will the Çandy Cane Cafe to all shop- be served following the service. peru for a nominal charge. Ad- A Jase Vesper Seriviceis mission fee of5O will entitle the planned for Friday, Nov. 29 at 8 shopper to a raffle drawing. For Party Corner p.m.Professional jazzartists more information call (705) 965- will he playing ht this service. 0262. (NUTS ETC.) They will include LaiTy Novak, VALUASU COUPON piano; Rusty Jones, drums; NickMG Library 8001Milwaukee, Nues Tountas, bass and Bob Sanders, (708) 470-9252 1$2.00 saxaphone. This event will he aplans opera ISpecial Limited benefit for Augostana Center for Children. The entire community discussion : Coupon Otter is invited to attend. Verdi's 'Rigoletto" will he the- 20% OFF Members are reminded of oarsubject of the next Chicago Lyr- I$2.00 Off On continuing food drive of uon-ir Opera profile at the Morton THANKSGIVING DECORATIONS A One Year perishablefood itemswhich Grove Public Lihrary on Sun. Subscription help Ont the needy in the area. Nov. 18 at2 p.m. wimcOUPON .8XPIRES11122/90 Also, them is a tomado relief This tragic masterpiece will I New collection box in the narthex, to VAWABLE CiON ' ;vv be uniqaely interpreted by noted Subscribers benefit the victims of the torna- musicologist Dr. Thomas ALUAI. donear Jouet. Lutheran Brother-Brown, professor of music at De only hood will match oar gifts. Pani University. Musical setec- 7658 N. Milwaukee LIMIT lions will he included in the ONE COUPON Public skating presentation. - T. V. & VIDEO NILES 967.8282 Refreshments wilt be served PER by the .sponsor of the series, the SERVING THE NORTHWEST SUBURBS FOR 25 YEARS hours SUBSCRIPTION A special holiday skating ses- Skokie Valley Chapter of Lyric Authorized Service Dealers for sian willbeFriday,Nov. 23, from Opera of Chicago. Evetyone is RCA - ZENITH - SONY I -2:30p.m. invited to attend this fine musi- cal program. free of charge. r SAVE cOUPON SAVE Regular public hkating will be i Priday night 8 - 9:30 p.m. Satsr- I So o FF we Smuts. M Muku. SModetul BUGLE day night 8 - 9:30 p.m. and Sus- Woman 's FleEnsffmutes on sar-Ins _i_. 'BI ON TV SERViCE CALL e,, nasp,an,usv.n I NEWSPAPERS slayafternoon t - 2:30p.m. 9R ON CARRY-IN SERVICE 8746N. SEormor Rd. . Come on over and work off Club ofNus- s j ynarlurkeydinner. For farther in- WITH COUPON ONLY -EXPIRES11/30/W Nibs, tHesis6064B meets ; FTEESHOP- ESTIMATES. WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AMODELS j5 fonuationcall 297-8011. HJ2a VAWABL COupö'W996da39SiW 966-3900 The Woman's Club of Niles Contemporary will meet ou Wednesday, Nov. Serving: 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the Niles Ree- NiI...Mmlon Oreo. Literature reation Center, 7877 Milwaukee SPRING GREEN , Golf NIP. Ave. PROFESSIONAL SPR1(t E..I Mein. group meets The program will feature Su- LAWN&TREECARE D..Plein.. y 3M.Coetzee's novel FOE will san Gavin. u textile desigser spe- Thu Profousionuls InToWI L,wn Core GREEN Skoki.-Unoolowood PelIRida.- he discussed aE 8 p.m. Friday, cializmg In Itanit painted scarves. mumb,, of PROFESSIONAL Went Ol.noinw- Nov, 16 by the Contemporary She will present a demonstration r-.:]p' LAWN CARE ASSN. of AMERICA No,Ihb.00k Literature Discussion Group at on tcarftying, uhowing us how to LAWN CARE TREE CABE the Skokie Public Library. 5215 me our own acorves. Members -LLtJ]-°' andguealsareasked tobring their .FERTIUZING s DEEP ROOT FEEDING W. Oakton Ave. S TREE SPRAYING Formoreinfomation call Allen awnscarf.Herhundpainletl s CRABGRASS le WEED CONTROL L ZS - scarves will be available for pur- FREE ESTIMAItS Schwaflz (708)679-4123, s INSECTe DISEASE CONTROL chase. . CORE CULTIVAasON Houtesses for the evening nrc: EE ESTiMATE JoanNicewick. Betty Oonnor. LL8634256 USE ThE BUGLE Loube PhttSki, Dorothy Robots- VALUARLF COUPON ann.andVfrg'miaSoedennann. THEBUGLE,TRURSDAY.NOVEMBERis.t990 PAGE2O --- 1Th Ar.a Activities S.&or Discounts Special Services Senior News Bulletin Board Ar.a Activities Senior Discounts S Special Services Senior News Bulletin Board Edgewater offers AdultDay Care program 'Maine Twsp. NorthshoreEye Surgicenter Betha-n-y Terrace discussion on diabètes helps meet earns statelicense ' hosts Fall Festival seniors needs BethanyTerrace,8425N. fmm t I am. 10 1:30p.m. Edgewater Medical Ccntcr is loss.ljnÇortunately the sy,np- keeps elderlyin communily Waskegun, Morton Grove, will :Space in still available lo rent marking National Diabetestoms of Type H diabetes (non- MaineTownship bas oise of the host theirunnanl Fall Fcxtivttl onfar eshibitomu who are interestéd. Month, in November. by offer-insulin dependent) areno) as cosi- largest senior citizenopalations Friday, Nov. 16 from 9am. ta 4Exhibitors mast provide. their ¡ng aDiabetes Awareness Day only identified; they are blurred vi- in Cook County nambering abont p.m. Own table or display For more in- Friday, Nov. 16 from 9:30 ans. to sion, tingling or numbness is legs 20,000, A wide variety nf servie- -A diverse selection nf crafts, formation call Marguerite Vau. 4p.m. and arms, fiequetu skin infcc- es and programs arc available to baked gobos, plants, books andghun at(708) 965-8100. Speakers will inform the pub-Lions, slow healing of cuts osd seniorsCitizensthroughthe Jewelry mill be available, Bolh n' The proceeds from the Festival lic on essential topics such as dia- bruises and drowsiness. These MaineTowuship govcmnmenL residents and indepcntlenlmer- wilt go to Ilse Terrace's Resident botic cataracts. foot cura, the of-symptoms are frequently mislak- Sspervisor Joan B. Halt said, chants will display theirwares. Council, The. councilis com- feels of exorcise, diabeies andeu for signs of other illnesses or "They are an important part of Food and refreshments will beposed ofrmidents who live ut tise nutrition as well as tips os livioghealth problems. nur community, and we ley to available throughout Ilse tlay, iv- facility, and they will determine with diabetes. Edgewater Medical Center is provide a wide muge of services clnding a hot Inocis and salud bar how the funds are utilized. Public awareness ofdiabctes is located at 57Q0 N. Ashland in . -tomeetthciraeeds," - essential. Nationally, as many as Chicago. For your convcnieoce, One of the key programs of- five million Americans may live free packing is asailable by enter- fermi by Maine Township is an with diabetes and not know it. ing on Rosehill Avenue (5800 information and referral clearing- The symptoms ofType t diabetesNorth from Ashland Avenue) to house to help senior citizens and The Benefits (iosatindepesdenl) are easilyeither lise Visitor or Employee their families obtain information Nnrthxhnre Eye Ssrgieenter, transponlatiOs lo and fronsor- recogoizable: they are fceqoeotParking areas. The haspilal On housing, medical services, so-the outpatient center for cataract gcry at a familiar location anti of Cataract Surgery... seiaation, excessive thirst, ex-should be entered thr-oagh Ihn cial und mental henith services,and laser Surgery at 3034 W. Pe- only a brief stay at the Sorgicen- treme hanger and rapid weightMais Eslrasce. This special pm- nutrition, home-delixered meals,tersnn Avenue in Chicago, re-1er sakes the entire procednre gram will beheld in the AstIllen. employment, energy msistattce,emIly obtaiacd its state license less stressfal. am on theeighth floor. social activities and o variety offrom the Illinois Department of aro very pnrxoval and relnlo lo every day uclivitiex. oses The StableLis'es progron of '-n'other services, PublicHexlth. - Togedner with registered ours- IRoading, watching TV or driving -- all of Ihe Ihclivitins wo Edgewalar Medical Center will You can roach the information Upönils opening in 1988, es mInd as anesthesiologist, the lake tor granlnd. _JBeauty Salon and referral scrviee by cnllng offer free blood sugar testing on Nnrtltxhnre Eye Surgiceuter re- npltdnalmntogisls perform out- Cataracts muy not enable you to enjoy lite Io ils tuilent. Wud Thur ONLY Thnidsday, Nov. 15 from 2 In 4 Lisa KrusiuskiatIhe Maineecived Medicareapproval-- patcilt counsel surgery with leas p.m. As appointment is unces- Township Town Hall, 297-2518, meaning comptixoce willIthe itnplants, laser surgery for glas- At Norlhnhomn Eye Gestor, our Bonrd-certified saty. Please callI (312) 878- ext. 232, - strict standards of federal healthcoma andaftereateract mcm- ophlhnlmologistn can diagnose and treat vision dinordern PERMS 9777 to make yomappointleent. LaC yeoràfter breaking her hip er comes early in the morning ta live services to elderly people ' Krusinski is also available toregalotory agencies had beenbranes and other eye surgeries. including cataracts. lt you nue halos around lightn or have The Diabetes Awareness Dayfrom a fall an an icy Chicago help Lilliantake a balk, get who need a protective group eu- help seniors with Medicare formsshown and accepted. Dr. MelvynThe state-of-the-mt facility and - blurred, fuzzy vision, you may hann calnracls. will feature speakers, vendor es-pavement, Lillian S. seemed con- dressedaud mccl the bus on time. viroamenl, A meal, snacks, pro- - und insurance questions. She hasGcrslcia,medicaldireclor ofeqnipmcnt allow Drs. Gersteis If your Ireatment includes surgery, it will be performed in $18.95 hibils, foot screening and foodfused. Her danghters noticed il At the center, Lillian's medica- gramming, Outings, and transpor- been certified by the lIliumDe-Nnrthshore Eye Surgicenter, unid and Steinlo perform the popular (CUT NOT INCLUDED) Dur fully-equipped, Medicare-approved, Illinoin-liconned samples. For detailed informa-was difficult for their 88-year-old lions me mOniloren by a nurse talion lo and from the ccntsr are Healthparunent of Insurance,, Scuior"This furlher step of stale lices-phacoemutsification, small inri. Surgiconter. Make an nppoinlmenl todny for an eye who also checks her weight and provided, Insurance Prograul sannresultedfrom arecent tion na the events of the day, callmother lo live independently in sinn and single stitch catarttet snr- oxaminulion. - Includo,Sh.mpnn Style .(SHIP)toprovide this service, change in Illinois law requiring & CromoRinto) Nancy Kusses atI(312) 334-her Council for Jewish Elderly blood ptesxure. The nlaff hune "The programs are so wonder- fiery, where appropriata. -. Senior citizens can also findpreviously exempted ambalatoty 7502 N, HARLEM 3895. This spcical event is span-apartmenl. Lillian was phoning been insteumenlal in getting Lil- ful"statenLillian, Thisfall, For further informalios about sared by Edgewater Medicalher daughters as many as eight han oatofawheelchairand walk- Adult Day Care centerhas nf- , fan.and companionship throughsurgery cenlern to he additionally cataract surgery or to sehettule an 774-3308 . Centers Novsing Edscatios De-times a day, ing. feted members new aelivitieu in- - --the many activities offered by thelicensed," - appointment fon an eye exominu- A better life /ioc pantment, Premier Years Sesior LilliannowattendsCIEs An a result nf attending Cono- eluding an Opera Serios with do- - Maine Township Seniors, a so- Dr, Robert Stein, ophthalmn-tian, please call Mary at (3)2) through better vision Program, ted StoblcLives Dia-Adult Day Carecenter fourdays a cil forJemishElderly'n Adnit Day cents from Lyrie Opera: a Warld - cialgroup sponsored by thelnlngintatNorlhshnre Eyn Center973-3283. beten Program. week, A CJE personal care work- Caen center, one duaghter reports Travel clans; a Reminiscence Township, The group offers fre- answers the question "What does na', qtienl,-day tripn,-theater outings, her motherinslintulalcd und Peograns;- mmd trivia' gnótipSnou thu mnàuloapatient?" -"Patients : NorthshoreEye Center alert."lt's keeping her aware, and movies, bible and Jewish 'issues. : -bingo, workshopu, . educationalwith Medicare as their primary 3034 W. Peterson Ave. Ihesociulaspectis wonderful." Trips have taken participants to opportunities, and monthlyinsnrancn have had cataract xnr-Long-term care Council for Jewish Elderly, many art, cultural, and special- Iuncheona utanominal cost tofiery here for 2 1/1 years, butinsu-rance Chicago, IL. 60659 Council for Jewish Elderly based in Chicago, has been a iced museums; ethnic and special ,' members, It also sponsorn popu-many patients with private insu- (312) 973-3223 leader in nervicen Ihatenable old- restaurants; und musicals, thea- lar mini-vacations und longerrance had to travel to hospital ont- presentation -trips. -' patientdepartmenlx,With stale li- er peopin to remain in the com- ter, and special plays. , Helps elderly people and their families munity for as long as possible. ILs Por further information,' con- Nearly 3,000 Maine Townshipcensure, most private- iasaranCe "Long-Term Cam tnsuvttnce - award-winning Adult Day Caretact Hedy Cincel at Cosucil for Seniors belong to the group. Ac- companies will allow and pay forUnder the Magnifying Gktss" Robad M. Stein. M.D. Melvyn A. Gnratoin, M.D. programoffersustructured Jewish Edlerly's Adult Day Cure tivities in most cases are limitadoulputient cobrad und laser sur- will bepresenled by St, Matthew deal with the changes that accompany aging. week-day program featuring ac- (312)262-2535. to members. Applicants mast begcries al 0er facility." The eon-Lntheran Home, 16111 N. West- We accept Medicare assignment - livides, and health and rehabilita- 65 or older and provide proof ofvertience of not needing to travelera Ave., Park -Ridge, ou Mon- residency. to n hopsital, along with freeday, Nov. 26 at7: 15 p.m. The township nIno sponsors Lunch time lectures, OPTIONS 55, a social program Passages Through Life Lee- on Nov, 26, "Coping with Separa- for pmeretirement adults, aged 55 tare Series is a weekly program don and Divorce" ou Nov. 30, through 65. Ttips, theuler pro- from 1 to 2:30 pro. in rouet I 12 "Midtifn's Challenges and Re- grams and special events are ATTENTION: SENIOR CITIZENS on Tuesdays atOaklon East, Sko- wards for Women" on Dee, 7, scheduled evenings asti week- Maine Township has been designated by the Suburban Cook FOR INFORMATION ABOUT,,. kie. "Transcendental Meditation" on end's for the convenience of mcm- Upcoming lecturesinclude: County Area Agency on Aging as the INFORMATION AND RE- Dec. 14, "Wealth Cure: Lowering bers. . CHORE HOUSEKEEPING Great Black Opera Singers" on tite Tax Burden" on Jun.It, MaineTownship'recently FERRAL SITE for SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICES for the Maine . HOMEMAKER SERVICE Nov 20, "Beginning of Musicals' "Changing Roles: Older ParenLs . HOME DELIVERED MEALS - - started u third group, ONE PLUS Township Community. - ou Nov. 27, "Hello Second Httlf nod Adult Children" on Jan,8 OPTIONS, for widowed and sin- . HOME HEALTH CARE of Life" on Dec. 4, "Phobias, und "The Callahan Technigne: file udnits, ages 45 through 65. Through this I & R facility, Maine Township is offering seniors . RESPITE CARE . COMPANION CARE Pears and Anxieties" on Dcc. It, Trealtaents of Phobias and Sub- Membershipinall three "What Can I EnpeCI front My the opportunity to expand their horizons, broaden their outlook, . TELEPHONE ASSISTANCE stance Abuse" on Jan. 25. Par in- grnnpn is free, For iuformntiou widen their social contacts and increase their awareness of all . FRIENDLY VISITING Children" on Jan. 15, "Arthritis" formation,call 635-1812, and membership applications cull . HEALTH SCREENING an Jan. 22 and "Taste of Emeritas Free lectures al Des Plaines Sue Neaschel, 297-2510, ext. the benefits that are available to older adults. . MEDICAL CARE - Spring, 1991 Nos-Credit Coors- Mall arc conducted from 10:3010 240, . COUNSELING es" on Jan. 29. A $1 donados is I :30 p.m. on the first Wcdttesday Momo Township also provides The Maine Township Senior Citizens social group offers town- .ADULTDAYCARE requested at the door. For infor- of each month in the lower level ship residents 65 and older trips, luncheons and bingo on a . RECREATION RTA special users passes and . EDUCATION matron call 635-1415, Community Nutrition Network huedicopped- parking curds monthly basis. Residents aged -55 thru 65 can participate in a Free Iodures at Northbrook Room of Ilse Des Plaines Mall, . SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS A RANGE OF SERVICES EXIST Court MaIl are offered from through the Clerk's office ttnd special OPTIONS 55 social program. . aUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY 700 Pearson SL,Des Plaines. participates in the Paratranxtl Re- LNCOME (SS!) 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. on Fridays in The topics discussed will in- . FINANCIAL AID ASSISTANCE theJ.C. sonee Center (PRC) to prnvide If you need information regarding Senior Citizens Services Penney Community clatie: "Alzheimer'sDisease: transportalion nl special rutes In . EMPLOYMENT I Counseling and Planning Room nf Ike mall, 1555 Lake Cuncern and Care" ou Dcc. 5 und available to Maine Township residents, call 297-2510. . HOUSING ASSISTANCE Cook Rd.,Northmook, seniors who aro anublo E use . EMERGENCY HOUSG s Award winning Adult Day Care Program "The Magic of Hypnosis of Eve- public transportation, Upcoming lecturesinclude: ryday Life" on Jan.9. For infor- If you are involved with providing services or programs for sen- . NURSING HOMES . "Panic Attacks: Taking Control" or citizens, please call the information and referral service at . OMBUDSMAN I In-Home Companion Program mutina, call 635-1812. . LEGAL, PARALEGAL . Home Health Service Passages - 297-2510 to .be sure your service information is available to . PROTECTIVE SERVICES Holiday Bazaar . VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIEO s Group Living and other Housing programs lectúre on black . OUTREACH . TRANSPORTATION s Long Term Care Facility ' at GlenBrìdge Centre opera singers CALL 297-2510EXT. 236 . ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A discussion on thegreat , . MAINE TOWNSHIP SENIORS Residents, staff and guestex- magnets, holiday decoraliaun und black singers in opera durtag Ike Monday thru Friday Call for further information: hibitorn at Glenflridge Nursing baked goods are featured, There 19th and 20th centuries will be BOOam. to 5;OO p.m. and RehabilitationCentrein mill also he u len cent chancela- held at a Passages Through Lfr Nites hold an annual Croft and hIe, a white olephant section and Iectnrr al Ooklon Cnmmnntly . Holiday Gift Bazaar Nov. 16,17 amafileforan 18 inch colur Elevi- Collegr Emt from t to 2:30 p.m. MAINE TOWNSHIP SENIOR CITIZENS INFORMATION AND REFERRAL (312)508-1000 and 18 from 10 am. to 3 p.m. sins, music box und an ufghan. Tnesday,'Nov, 20, in room 112, Park Ridge, IL 60068 ti' 3003 W. Touhy Avenue GlenBridge is located ut 8333 W. Praceeds will he nuotI to buy a 7701 N. Lincoln Avr,, Skokte. 1700 Ballard Road Golf Rd. pottery kiln for the activity de- A $1 donation will ho collect- (prajoatpartia!Iy fundedbySaberban ConkCanytyAreoAgencyonAging) - Chicago,Illinois 60645 A variety ofanique and afford- partmenL For informotion call ed al Ihe door. For information, able handmade jewelry, knits, (708)966-9190. call 635-5415. PAGE 22 THE BUGLE, TIfl.JRSDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1990 'Totht tiittl'.7'tLJ't, litt..v'a' att ,.trIcSJe:tts-. l ty'cy5".. . y. o Q o Ar.o Activiti.. S.nior Discount. Special Servicev Senior News S Bulletin Beard Ar.. ActivIti.. fS.nler Discount, Sp.clal So.'vlc.s S.nlor N.ws BulI.tln Board Literature class Don!t miss out on Medicarebenefits Adult Day Care byjames Rnusevelt au employerplau. Special enrollment period: The NorthwestCommunity offers for seniors Chairman Emeritus yuu are now 65, but are nelt- law allows a special seven month facility honors Bushlers National Committee lo Preservegible for Part A Hospital Insu- enrollment window for yen who Registration is now open for Bed and Board - of Oakton COmmuiSity College Social Security and Medicare rance. chose ta continue coverage by nu Program GrealOpportnuities Adult Day dunulians from friends, relatives Immigrants n American Litera- (0CC) from 9 am. to 11:50am. Medicare eligibility begins at .you have permaneul ktdneyemployer or spouses employer Care, 4555 Church Street, 5ko- und business associates, ture; a 16-week class for older kie, held ceremanieson Tuesday, Thursdays, starthtg Jan. 17,atage 65 ifyou are fully insured for failure. health plan ntther than enroll for Sid BushIer who Servedas adults taught by Allen Schwartz the Maine Township TownHall,Social Security or Railroad Re- you are eligible for Medicare on Medicare Fart B when you first Och 9 to honor the memary Mr. president of the GO Program 1700 Ballard Road, Park Ridge. tieementbencfits. the basis of Federal employmentbecame eligible. and Mes. Sidney BushIer, farmer. Client's Council. was remem- lyofSkokie, - Students may earn three hours If you are already receiviogor you live in Puerto Rien vr out- The seven mondi special en- bereut foe his wanulhas a friend of college creditor audit thebenefits, a Medicare card and fallsidetheliniteil Suites. rollment period begins the mouth 130 Program Staff and clients und mitas a sloryteller, Although joined Hiles Township Sheltered class which explores thecopen.information ou both Hospital In- There ore hasically three dif- in which the empluyer plan ene- he bud suffered a stroke, hepar- ences of American immigrants Surance and Part B Supplemental ferent lypes of enrollment pert- erage ends or the month in wbiclt Warkuhop board presidenk Alice licipuled in exercises in lise large through their roles in literature. Medical Insurance (which payoodo: lhc initial enrollment period employmentends,whichever Gockenbaeh, und the BushIer's sos Jerry, daughter-in-law Lil, uclivily room, and often said it CosI of either class is $30fon docinc bills) will be nent to you.when you firslbecomeeligible; a comes first. Ifapplienliunfor Pta1 should be air conditionedso it 0CC district residents 65or $60Deductions for Part B premiumsspecial enrollmenl period if an B is made during hte month in and grcul-gmanddaughter Aman- would be comfortable for the cli- per credit hoar for persono under willbe withheldfromyoaremplóyen health p1ttn is primary whcih your employer pias ends da to dedicate a memorial gift,un enE. - 60. monthly benefil checks, unlesspayer. And finally, a generul en- or employment ends, She cover- air conditianer, purchased with Community residentsmay eu- coverage is declined in writing. roltment period if you opt 001 tOage will begin retrospectively roll through Jan. 8. Toengster, At age 65, even if yoa are notenroll in Medicare Part B when with Ihn first day ofthat month, If dal Bea Coenelissenat Oaktou,automatically eligible for Mcdi-you are first eligible. If applica- npplicalion in made during lIte re- Introducing JeffCardella, 635-1612. care, you are eligible lo buy thehou for Purl B is made after the reaming sm months, your cover- one of the few professionals still The class io being offeredinimportant protection ofbolh Partinitial enrollment period, a higher age will begin She firstday of that conjunctionwiththeMaine B Medical Insurance and Part A monthly premium is charged us- mondi, Ifapplication ismadedur. making housé calls. 1-j Township Senior Services De- Hospital Insurance. less you are eligible for special ing the remaining sin -mouths, partaient. Por informationou If you arc disabled, Medicareenrollmenl. your Coverage will begin the first JrffCurdrllu iv other Maine Township Hell ment with FROHOCK- programo begins after you have 'been enti- Initial enrollmentperiod: day of the following mondi. ovoof morothus and aclivities for older adults, tIed Lo Social Sccunily disabililyThere are 7 mthtths for you la ap- There is no late enrollment pre- Y5f at hume, se STEWART.. call Sue Nenschel al 297-2510, benefits for24 mouths. t,600EdeordD. ut uny olhor Both Patiow Aid P,oduots to, ply - 3 months before Iho mouth miam increuseforyou if your e,u- Jevro k Cs. ext. 240. If you suffer from kidney fail- in which you lum 65; Ihe monthployer plan has been primary . oration shut your Home Heatthcare needo. lo 000twont Attractively styled, ruggedly ere, you generally will becomeofyourhirthdny,and3 mnnths uf-payenifyoueuroll during the spe- suitn you. He is . Built. Resurrection eligibleforMedicarethree 1er yore birth month. Enrollmentcml eurollmeulpenied. n0 prenotan tino0 rocce lo establish months aflerthe month thaI mala. in the final four months could For mure information about nerving tho usvngsiOe THURSDAY IS tenonce dialysis Irealment be. ,, seniors plan leave you unprotected from one Social Security und Medicare, .' eelutisnnhip with SENIOR CITIZEN DAY gins. tolhree mouths. seeds vIm(,ro 5% OFF Welle She Nulioual Committee, y050nutruu'ted Nov., 17 Bazaar ContareS Social Security for in. Generul enrollment period: If2000 KSL,NW., Washington, none ON ALL PURCHASES Nnrthwest Community Cou- dully senior citizeos who live Choose from three service puck- Ovsnoiol prnfrs- NO OThER DISCOUNTS APPLY Rcsidcnts at thc Rcsurrccdou formation ou enrollment threeyou have Medicare Part A, bnl D.C. 20006, tinning Care Cenlrr, 901 W. - ivdividsul ovonthi before eligibility would alone, day surgery. createssome ages which include one or two siunsl. Jeff Nursing Pavilion in Park Ridge did not purchase Part B al your Kirchoff Rd., Arliuglon Hcighte ivvrot000 iv 44 MEDICAL SUPPLIES begin if: special service needs. Who will nighls lodging, meals, transporta- Cordellehosws iuvitc friends in the constuunity to OrsI eppuninnily, you can sigo up Mr. Roonevelt, the eldest not, uunouucesilu new Bed und Board CONVALUSCENT AJOS ynu or your spouse are still drive mo ta and from surgery? tins to and from day snrgery, and slates. Jeff iv how tu moho SALES& RENTALS join them for a special Holiday during the annual general enroll- of President Franklin Deln,zo Progruiit, the freut of ils kind in ls'erking and you are covered by a Who will stay with me for 24 medicalsuptirvision us required, uvsious to put yuso money geuw Bazaar sale Saturday, Nov. 17. ment period feom January 1 Roosevelt, worked au Secretary ' - IheNorlhwestsabarbs, hones following surgery lo assist his rnp.01'5O From I to 3 p.m. holiday shop- health insurance plan providedlhrnugh March 31. Your cuver- ta the President in Ike White Bed und flaunt oilers vulnuble Accommodations include acom. .. mith smort, - with meals and care? Who will fortably deeoeumd privato room und vhn onion. persarcinvited Lo brevete by either employer. The employ-age will cot begin until after July House when SocivilSecurily was optians for people having ouI- lake me la my physician's office ut the Continuing Cure Center si throughthehometoadecraft er may remain primary payer. If nfthe year nr corellment. Munth- ¡anpleenenred, und woo a Mela- patient day nargcry. More und for the nenl day follow-up visit? e000nou000nn fudmurd D. iuvOstwnntstail000dtvyuur se, yovt may wast to deter enroll-ly premiums will he 10% higher und transportation in the facility ,tnomk Co. tu wnrh foe yoo items. sample baked goods, and ber ofCongress when Medicare more medical pracedures seh as The Bed und Board Programcon odividaut 5nunniul tools. Colt - ment fer Part B insumnce oc dropthan the basic preminm for each bus, p005vnutly. enjoy a special white elephant was enactedinia law. cataract surgery are bbing per- help. - ' - - ' him tsduy. - Fait B if you or your spouse ce- Imagine die peace ofmind and 8337 N. Skoki. Blvd. sate and raffles at the Resurree- 12-meuth period that Furt B mcd- formed on un out-patient basis. If you uro scheduled forsur- Skokl. . (7) 577.5755 tian Nursing Pavilion, lOOt N. turn to work attd are nrcnrolled by icul coverage was deferred. Seniors plan This - helps lower medical costs convenience of nat having Io de- (708) 696.4858 grey at Northwest Community pend au family to scheduleyore 5229 S. Kedzl. Av.. Greenwood Ave., Park Ridge. undpreveuls - hospitalization. Hospital'sDuy Surgery Center, surgery. For a free brochure or ChIcago .(312) 4341420 Foradditionalinformation, Nashville trip However, for some people, espe- lilia service is availableto you. call (312) 692-5600. Advicèon stopping. further details. please eull (705) zEdward D. Jones & Co Registrution isstill open lo 577-4093. Maine Township mutnre adults abusive phone calls for u 'Country ChnisI1uas' ex- - Kenny Roger's concert cursion to Nashville, Tennessee, the phone rings, you pick ii up Inuking for help to stop diese tops off senior trip Friday, Dec. 7 through Monday, - and the calter hangs up. No big kindnofcalls. Dec. 10, A Saturday night concert byTown Hall putting lot at 12:45 deal,nighl?. 'Abusive Calls - New Ways Thetripis sponsored by the Kenny Rogers will cap a holiday Northwest Community SEASONAL For some, maybe nul. Foryou To Control Them,' is u new prcs- p.m. and mourn about 10 p.m. Maine Township Seniors unti 11410 Dcc, 22 for Maine Township Cost of the Inip is $51 for it is. Youve been getting these entatiou by Illinois Bell's Man- OPTIONS 55. adults. mcm- Continuing Care Center hang-up cnlls for the puta fewagement Guest Speakers. -The hernand$56 forgueuls. Accommodationsforthree Regislration is now open to OPTIONS 55 is a social group SPECTACULAR days and this is the third such call presentation offers practical tips nights will be at the deluxe SIten- members of Maine Townnhip's tooighl. for putting u stop to ubunivc, ob- serving Maine Township resi- alun Music City Hotel. High- Options 55 and ONE Plus OP.dents agcns5 llsrangh65. ttoffers \: Abnsive calls are a common scene and annoying calls, plus in- lighls of the trip include din TIONS antI theirgueute. J trips, theater outingn, and special problem. ils eslimaletl 1h11 95 formation about proposednew Grand 01e Opey show, a visit to The day will begin Willi u visit million abusive calls are made services such us Caller ID, which- events geared for peeretirement ut The Hermitage - die antebellum taSLCharles where guanta can udulls, Membership is free. Ap- -ßed each year. The victims of theseshows the phone number of Ihe home of President Andrew Jadk- eujay the town's exquisite holi-plicants must provide proof of calls often are women and senior incoming call before you answer souwhich has been exquiuilely day decorations. nteolling musi- citizens. the lelephune. ageand residency. decorated for the holldays,u cian5, special antique and doll ONE Plus OPTIONS serves Is Illinois, Illinois Bell mli. Pur more informationon tise a way to make day surgery easier- gnided tour past the homes of collections, ice arulptures undwidowed and single adultsages mates its service representatives presentation and lo arrange fora eouulry-wesleru tIans on Mil- gingerbread demonulealianu. receive more than 200,000re.speaker, cull Illinois Bell al I- 45 through 65. Members can lake lionuires Row, und dinner ut the Also included will heastop ut the advantage offree seminars on is- quests a year from customers (800) 972-0442. celebratedMerchantsRestau- Piano Fáctory Mall, a well lr.nowu OUR BED ANI! BOARDPROGRAM OFFERSYOU: rant, sues of common interest, u Sun- discount Shopping center, and day Strollers group Io explore in. There will hr time for shop- diunerut "ErikandMe, lernting sites, a Cuisine Club foe INDEPENDENCE-abiliiy toschedule surgery- without haying pingutthe Following dinner die group Optylund Hold dining adventures, volunteer op. fIrmily orfriendsaccompany you st. Benedict's Home Counsy Chnislmus Ads, Crafts, will continue on to Pheasant Runporlunities. and day trips and va- and Atasques Fair anda visit Io Megu-Ceuter to hear Kenny Rog- Caliaus co-sponsored by OP. 6930 Touhy Avenue the Cheekwood Botanical Gar- erspénfonu holiday favafiles dur- PFAE OF MIND- around the dock nursingsupervision TIONS 55, - to dens, fealuring Christmaslenes ing a limited Chicago-area en- For registration and .infonna- ease recuperation Nues, Illinois 60648 decoruted to represent thecus- gagemenl, toms of may countries. The don, call Sue Nenuchel, 291- re- A deluxe motorcuechwill 2510, noI, 240. COMFORT - dean. comfortably decorated. private tern trip will include u sloput leave from the Maine Township accommodations with meals included 'We Promise Exceptional Care die Christmas Festival of Lights With Much Love" und Crafts in Columbus, India- na. 'Trip totree CONVENIENCE- transportation between the Day Surgery An Intermgdiale Care Facility Cost nf the trip includingde- and Continuing Care Centers with 41 Private Rooms' luxe motorcnaeh Iransportalon, èxhibitplanned - . (additional transportation can be arranged)

- and In February of 191 threenighls lodging,three The spirit of the season will The aflemnon will he free to WE HOPE TO ADD 99 MORE BEDS! breakfasts,twoInnches,and abound attheMunenm of Sciencc tIteen dinners is $497 finish np any holiday shoppingat For a free brochure or per person , -- Come and See The Progreso and Industry's- breathtaking ex-Michigan Avenue's Blooming. dnuble eccupancy and $596sin- hibit of Chtistmun Irres from further details. please eaU(708) 577 4093 On The New Building! gb occupancy. damn. Water Tower Place anti Doerner Jewelers APPLICATIONS FOR NEW RESIDENTS acoandtheworld. A Inip to the ex-other nearby shops. Foc reservationinformation hibit, including lunch and shop. d; 9201 N. Milwaukee Avenue NOW BEING TAKEN. cull The complele taue price is i Sue Neusehelat Maine ping downtown, will be spon- just $35; $32 for Liberty Bank's NueS, Illinois 60648 Township,ut297-2510, I in the northwest suburbs to offer ' Bed and Board cxl, soredbyLibertyBank forSilver Cilizens Club Members, Sister Irene- - 240. - - Executive Director (708) 966-1341 - SavinguonWeiluesduy,Nov. 28, The Iripwill leaveLiherty's Main Membership in both groups is Following the museum emil, a Northwest Community MEMBER AMEBIdAN GEM SOCI6TY.,. Karen Larson -: Administrator- free. Applicants Office, 2392 N. Milwanke, at 9 . must provide holiday lunch will awajt the tourn.m., returning by 5 p.m. For res- Continuing Care Center (312) 774-1440 proof of age and residenc'.- For ut the renowned Marina "300" . membership envalions, call Susan Andrews at SOI W. ICieckoff Rd. Azlln$tnnn Hti IL i000S .. .# informalioncall - Restaurant, oveelooking the Chi-(312) 3844000,ext, 565. 297-2510, est. 240, -- - cago River. PAGE24 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER15. i9O THEBUGLE, TRIJRSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1950 PAGE2S. UL Sc1 Ar.a Activities S.nior Discounts Special Services Senior News S BulletinBoard Arco Activities s Senior Discounts Special Services s Senior News Bulletin Board Saturday night St. Matthew'sRasmussen holiday party planned ear Health expertssay Little City honors St. Isaac Joques Maine Township adults caning Maine Township residents naed Adinistrator O enjoy a Dixieland holiday party ages 55 through 65. Itoffers trips, gét flu vaccinenow - Saturday night, Dcc. 15, at Ban- theateroutings,andspeciut quota by Brigante, 2648 Dcnp-events geared for prerctimcmcnt It's that time again. Cooler their weakened immune systems, sler St., Des Plaines. udnlo. Membership is free. Ap- duys signal the upcoming flu sea- also are al-risk, The party is limited to250 par- plicants must provide pruof nf san, IL's also important lo remember ticipattts and rcgiSLratiOfl is open age and residency. While winter weather is nIEl that euch flu aeson brings a dif- Lo members ofMaine Township's ONE Plus OPTIONS serves mony weeks away health experts fereut strain of influenza virus. OPTIONS 55 and ONE plus OP- windowed and ningle adnits uges are encouraging people to getThat means ifyou were vaccinal- TIONS and theirguestson a first- 45 through 65. Members can take their flu vaccination now, ed last year, you're not protected come, fimnt-srrvrd basis. advantage of free seminars on is- "lt's a bad idea to ignore theagainst his year's virus. Influenza ' The rreningn festivities wilt sues of common interest, a San- Warnings or hold off getting aDa vaccines need to be an annual rit- begain at 6 p.m. and inctntle a day Strollers group to explore in- vaccine until the iuflnenza seasonaal. cnmpleLe dinner, sing-alongt and terexting sites, a Cuisine Club for is underway," said Dr. Robert The 1990/1991 vueeine coo- entertainment by the Banjo Bud- dining adventares, volunteer op- Webuler, head of influenza re- tains theuntigenu A/Shanghni/89, dies Dixieland Band. Participants portnnities, and day trips and vu- search at SL Jede Children's Re-Aft'uiwau/86 and B/Yurungata/ ore niso naked to bring a wrapped cations co-sponsored by OP- sesrch Hospital and u member of 89. 'WhiteElephant' grab bag prize. liONS 55. lhc World Health Orgonizution "It's alarming that so few peo- Cost nf the party is $20 for For registration and infommu- flu tram. "You're not fully pro-pie get the fIa vaccine--typically membernand$25 for garnit. tina, call Sue Nenuchel, 297- tcctcd against the flu until aonly one in three at-risk peuple," OPTIONS 55 is a necia! ncrv- 25l0,enL24Ø, mnulh after you receive the vue- De. Webster said. "lt's surprising, cine, no the smartesl thing to doithecuusc the vaccines are quite nf- Registernow for get inocululed os soon au tite vue- fective," Little City Foundationhonoredthe senior citi- president; Nicholas Blasemayor ofthe Village cinebecomes available." One reason nome shy away zen group al St. Isaac Jogues CatholicChurch ofNilen and chairman ofthe SMILES suburban spring emer Eel who nhould get the vue- from the vaccine is fearofside nf- for lheirfuadraising efforts for the 1990 SMILES.mayors committee; Florence Lencione, and itus courses cinc? While anyone should befects. However, a recent study in Nick Conutantino. glud lo skip a bout Wilh the fin, Tag Days. Present at the presentation were Registration in now open at tu Oaklon mnstpay aune time up- thejonrnaloftheAmerican Mrd- (from left) Mike Provenzano; Anne Romeo, Oakton Commanity College for the vaccination is especintly im- ical Association found that 94 plication fee ofSl5. portant forpeople overage 65 be- the spring, t991 Bmcritus credit Tuition is $20 per credit hour percent of senior citizens who canse the body's ability Io fight - program far adotta over age 50.fur in-district residents nnder 60 went in for u flu shot felt as good SHARES diseuse declines with age. VALUES Ctasnes begin Jan. 14 at Oaleton's and $10 per credit hour for in- orbetteraftee the vaccination. $')) WillRaumusnon, adminiuiraforofSl. Matthewminiutratorcflhe Vearby the lllinniuActivityPro- "While the flu itselfis not life- TO'36" etnttpusen in Des Plaines and district residents over 60, Although, for-most of us, the group plans OU1CSf Lutheran Home visits withresidentEbbaAnder-fesuionafn Association. threatening, it cnn cause seriousonly treatment for the flu is time, IL'DWd Sknkie. Spningofferings include cours- 4s, Hravvwersurnupstlrsrulsw.srEn - arpets mc. Registration is accepted from son.F?aumuuuen wasrecently selected as Ad prohibas for people with respira-aspirin and a warm bed, there is, discussion ssusasusun es in art, literature, humanities, Inry problems like asthma or em- NOW1 8:30 n.m. IO 4:30 psa. in mom dula pmncessing, psychology, mu- urges Congress to decrease the forsome, anotheruitemativn, Au open discussion has been FREE HOME Will Rusmussen,administratornd as a delegate to the 1990 physema and far those whose im- "Two prescriptiondrugs, ESTIMATES I 178 at Des Plaines and in room sic, suciology, political science, nf SL Mutlhew Lutheran Home Illinois White House Conferencepercentage of the budgel redue- planned for the SHARES meet- n,.ssnes.trth,sslu I 14 at Skokie. New orreadmitteet mann ayutems are compromisedamantadine nodrimuntadine ing ou Thursday, Nov. 15, at 7 SAVE 40% TO 60% nperch and unthmnpology. Far a svasrecentlyselectedfrom un Aging. The purpose of thetinu package that calls for cute in eithrr because efdisease or age," students must file an appticationeumplete listiog of courses um fer programs for the elderly. have becs shown to be effective p.m. in the Anderson Pavilion of No ONE BEATS OUR PRICE 1705) 647-7433 amung statewide candidates as cunference was to provide a for- De. Webster mid, "The flu canat warding off the disease in peo- in the admissions office five daysiufnmmation, call 635-1414 (Skn- Administrator of the Year by thuum for oser 400 statewide dele- Delegates at the conference are SwedishCovenantHospital, print to registration. Students nu- leave them vutnembte Io otherpIe exposed to the virus, who 2751 W. Winona, kie) or635-1812 (t7esPlaines). IllinoisActivityProfessionals gatos to discuss issues affectingalso eucouragiug President dungerous,and even fatal, discus-have not yet developed the fin," SAVE WITH ThESE COUPONS dem 60 who were never admitted Asunciatinu. Selection was based Geurge Bush to schedule a na- SHARES is n support group otderadoltsand their faculties. es, including pneumonia."- Dr, Webster said. "The dnigs also-furpersons who eme for an elder- rs;;;rjjr Oue main outcome of the cou- tionu! White House Conference on opinion essays submitted by Regardless of your age, if youcan miligatn the effects of the vi-ly person in their home. The STAINMASTER I thestaffofSt. Matthew Home. ference was thedraftiugofa reso-on Aging for 1990. A national wkunh.,. ndimha,.I .Annho.'.,tnrata.s' nuffer from one of several medi-ras in patienls already affected. meeting's are free and open lo all I11418 o:8 Earlier in the mouth, Rasmus- ludan in response to the Budget coufepence has taken place every cul conditions an influenza van- However, the drugs also hove po- CARPET , ' i Niles Beauty School proposed appropriate individuals, Trained sen was also honored by Govern- Summitregarding decade since 1961. cine is definitely in order, Espe- teutial side effects, and should be conuselors from the hospttal staff L I & L1 -J. In Business Over 25 Years! urjim Thompson bybeing soleeS- Medicare cuts. The resolution eiully at risk are people with used only farpatienls at risk of se- are moderators for the meetiugs. uus.me.,e,a 7503N. Milwooknn Ao.,Nilnn CompleteTotal Service asthma, emphysema, organ trans-rions complications from the.fiu. For more information contact oa hOB) 647-7433 - MOnthly bingo plants, and those on cancer Ibera-Thebest treatment, ofcoueuu, isa Steve Jackson, 878-8200, cxl. TIiKEUPOLDCARPET- NO EXTRACHARGE for Men and Women Forest Villa open. py, AIDS palients, bdcause ofIluvaccine beforehand." 5365, - Wash & Set $3.00 Shaping $4.00 plans craft fair to Maine seniors lVlens Hair Style $5.00 Forest Villa Nursing Center The Maine Township Seniors monthly bingo, luncheons, Free flu shots for Suburban Permanent Wave $1 7.50 and Up willholdits lstCrufl,"WhileEle- will hold their monthly bingoworkshops, and theater, sight- phaut", Bake sale. Friday, Dec. 7, games ut noon Tuesday, Dec. 4, seeing and vacation trips. Most . - Cook County residents All work done by students, teacher supervised & Saturday, Dec. 8, 10 n.m. lo 4 Everything done under watchful supervision at Gakton Arms, 1665 Oakton uctivities ate limited to mum- Place, Des Plaines, and noonbers. Membership isfree and The Couk Ceunty Department be reimmunizedaguin this year in TO FINDAGOODDOCTOR, For moreinformation call: Craft enhibitor tables availa- Thursday, Dec. 6, at the Mainenew members are always wel- of Publie Health is offering free order lo be protected." The virus- hie. Table cast $5. Space is limit- Towuship Town Hall, 1700 BuI-corn. Applicants must he 65 or flu vaccines to seniors uged 65 es which cause the fia differ from (708) 965-8061 ed signtspearly. For more info- lard Rd., Park Ridge. A 50-centolder and provide proof of resi- and olderand to chronically ill in- year to year, in effecl changing 8057 N. MILWAUKEE AVE., NILES mutina contactLisa Orzada (708) fee for coffee and sweet rollsdency. To receive a membership dividuuls 12 peurs and older. the vaccine and making reimmn- STICK WITHSWEDISH. 647-8994,exL36. will he collected at the door. application,calltheMaine FIa vaccines wilt be given Fn-nizutiounecrssary. Nearly 3,000 residents are en-Township Seniors Department at duy, Nov. 16 - 9 n.m. - flaue al the If you have any quesliens rolled in the Maine Township 297-2510, ext. 240 or 241. Des Plaines Seuior Center, 1040about the fin or flu shots, cull the

Seniors. Activities include Thucker,DesPloines. - CookCnunty Depurlsnest of Pub- Dr. Karen Scoli, Medical Di-lic Health, Division of Corumuni- A top-drawer rectum fur Ihe Cook County De- cubIc Disease al 865-6308. Oakton offers parlmeut of Public Health urges NOTE: If you are allergic Io seisinrs und the chronically ill to eggs or have a high fever ou the retirement home- be immunized: "Those who ng-duy ofthe clinic, you will not be travel study program ceived flu shots last year need toimmunized. Norwood Park Maine your uummer travel Niagara-on-the-Lake festivals in plans uow through Oakton's new Ontario, Canada. travel study peogeam, "First Class For deBited itineraries, cull Adventures," which offers u va- (708)635-1672. Seniors plan trip Home. eietyof educationaltoursto unique und exotic places and pro- to HawthorneTrack Como neu our bguutiful new rooms denigned videsspeciallearningexperi- 'Discussions for comforfablo retirement living. Our residents ence. Registration is now underwuy Nearly 3,000 eesidents arc eu- FREE REFRIGERATOR MAGNEr. So call today for you r free magnet. enjoy 24-hour stuffing und secarify, 3 meals daily. All peograms nue escorted by _on Aging' fur the Maine Township Seniors'rolled in the Maine Township Ifyou're looking for a physician or And retssesnber, if you're Looking for und medicul cure if needed. Noendowment college or university faculty whn holiday al Huwlhnmne Race Track Seniors. Most activities are limit- are well acquainted with the cul- a new doctor,orneed ininrtnation on fee. And best of all, Ihe ulule of Illinois hun The retirement yearn are uup- Wcdeesday,NOn. 26. ed ta members. Membership ix anything else to do with youc health, lumI opportunities available in pose 10 be the best yearn. Bat for - uwurded the Home 6 slam, their highent posnible free and new members are always here's n reminder Swedish Covenant almost any health service, call your thecountrybeing visited. sume, itcnuses new stress and de- The festive event that will ix- welcome. Applicants muss ho 65 neighborhood health source, Swedish quality rating. Three spremI tours are sched- pression, If the emotional issues ciado a buffet lunch und eight Hospital is all you need. Come for coffee on us und or older und provide proof of ccxi- 'Ra have information on over 250 Covenant Hospital ut (312) 989-3838. (. uled for older adults over age 50: relnled lo reliremenl and aging thurunghbred races. Also us the dency. lake a look. (You can even keep The Hearloflluglund" from July ace getting lo you, consider join- agenda will be a presentation on doctors in oser 40 specialties. Plus otee We're always on the stick. the mug.( 4 tu 16, 'Castles, Cackles undrug the Premier Years "Discus- horse ruce haudicopping, a juck- To receive a ssembemuhip ap- weight control prognatos, stop smoking Cups:Southern England nod sioux on Aging." plicatiun and obtain reservation ey In answerqaestions, und o visit clinics, fitness classes and our free and Just cali Kay. Wales" from July 22 lo Aug. 1 Board Certified Puyehologiul, from Santa with a drawing ferinformution, call SueNeusclrel or (312) 631-4856 und Santa Fe Summer Opera Pcs- Dr. Hounra Simon will lead the fabulous prizes. HelenJung at the Main Township reduced price health screenings like UnnI from Aug. 6 to 12. discussions in a smallgeoup sel- Town Hull, 297-2510, ext. 240er cholesterol tests and mammography, Swedish Covenant Hospital Other teurs iecludeKenyu, Ou- 1mg allowing the participants lo Deluxe basses will leave ut 10241. lupugos Islands und Ecuudnr, Do- expresa their specific needs, The am. from 1hz Farmers' market 5145 Needs Calilbmia Aseaue Norwood Park Home BONN. Nina Ave. Cheeon minicun Republic, Soviet Uuiun,castisnominal,Fordetails, parking lot ut Lee and Perry, Des Quicugo, Illinois 60625 Australia, Eastern Europe, China,please cull Nancy Kunoon al 1 Pluiees. Alaska, Brazil asd Stratford und(312)334-3095, Cost is $22.50 fur members Stay Healthy! sod $26.S0 forguests. . I M! Contfrom Park Ridge mayor... ContinuedfromPage3 Roadblock snags... naced the instructions tocntur tho-. mayor. . involvement and .preferably, taad prefers to leave the decision alyp,ropresefl8 a,eQIl ob.the.dice lo- - . lot und continued south on Mil- The State Board of £lebLdns nome business experience. He-to the committee. He- does laak 1anize.,. ..;, :-- ...... "We pat great effort intu this waukee Avenue, turning into 515': requires certain procedures Lo has no male or female bias, say- - -for a replacement who wonld ne- otherpeivale lot and parking. She name a replacement for a vacant ingtve served with tao manyfleet the viewn of the constituen- thing," - expinined LI,Charles seat, BaLler said. The post is con- great female aldermen" lo haveey,eompatiblewiththoseofKss-Giovannelli, eating thatcare was then weitt north - on Milwaukee with the NPD chase care in pur- Holy Familyprepares nidered to belong lo the polili- that be an issue. While there is notra; a person with same history in taken to make sure thut there cal party of the person vacatingdeadline for, the choice, Butler would he Polish and Spanish- suit. Ophthalmologist attends the Republican party and some- Officers ubservcd the vehtcle the legislative seat and dro politi- thioksas soon as possible" isooe who would run again in twospeaking.ufficers un duty s well crossing the double yellow muA- for Holiday Bazaar cal hierarchy in the arca makes best, since il gets more confusedyema when theareainre- as a female officer. Police alan laser surgery conference the selection. theloogerittakes. districted. He deeied any isteresImade suar the parking area was an line. When the carwas stopped Martin floUer will be on the Sichel declined lo name eon-in the post himself, because "fmfree of litter when the last flaue and the wôman eniled in the 8000 Mark A. Rusanova M.D., di-tiès is rafractivè corneai surgery committees making the decision, tenders for the post, except to sayhappy whore I am and I dont livewas extinguished at I am. Sun- block of Milwaukee Avcuue, the rector of Advanced Eyecare As- and laser tissue isterutctions. alongwithother Republican There are several good unes,"inthedistriet.' day. officer said the driver almost fell sociales, was invited to partici- The activities included presria- Township committeemen nachm "We've barndoingtraffic and needed support, Herbloodal- pate in the Third InlemutienalLotions of esperimeutal results, Sheldon Marcus, Nibs; Richard counts for the past two Salar- cohol level was Inter shown tobe Congress ou Laser Surgery of the studies andpdteutial fatnre loves. Sichel, Northtiold; Dave Brown,North Maine FPD... days," said SgL RugerWioou be- .17. Cornea in Atlanta, Georgiaox tigatioss, as well as dcmonstra. fore the roadblock was initiated. "Small thin one," SgI, Donald Nov. 2aud3. New Trier and Carl Hansen, Elk Continued from Page 3 tous ofExcimer laser sytems. Grove. Batter suggested James "We expect somewhere in the Leavilt advised Officer Kenneth Participants represent a broad Discussions focnsed on the thoNorth MaineFire Departmentmil, Parthnn noted. A witness toneighborhood uf800 cars tu pass Sali. as u large car moved.errati- international audience of biais. 'Pate Philip, (R-23), Senate mi- at297-5020 orDet. Prank MesMo revolutiouasy Encimer laser that noeily leader, might also have in- that fire at 9326 N. Greenwoodby that intersection," cally julo a center lane. The dciv- gists,physicists,and ophihatmsi.can be used to reshape the romea of the Cook County Sheriffs Po- also saw two males, probably be- Reserve Officer Jane Copley, er, a security guard retarniug ugists, includiag leading ealbori- pal. lice Department at 470-7455. ta allow nearshighteil, farsighted Siebet, whois also Cook tween 14 and 17 years ofage rttn-who wore four layers of cluthiug from work, was nervous rather md even astigmatic people tu see The information will be kept con- ning from the scene. underherregulation shoes, began than drunk. In addition lo the oth- Lecture on - Counly Republican chairman and fidential toprolect the witness. normally without glasses or con- c050ly commissioner, explained There was evidence ofthe fire counting tested cars as li p.m. er vehicle testo, Leavilt and SaIl tact lenses. Thenon-Englishspeaking Thecool weathermatched the de- also ran a check ou his loaded re- controlling During his ose year Asterior oaly those with precincts in theowaerofthe homein the Tuesday being set," Parthun said, declin- senatorial district can vote and ing loelaboratedue to the investi- mranorofmustdrivcrs, volver, which was in view ou the panic attacks SegmentSnrgery Fellowship, Dr. fire was not home and investiga- "When I saw the lights,I frontseatofthe car. After empty- Rosanova stnded is Berlin, 0cc- Battre has the lion's share.' The tors farm the slate fire marshalls galion. Pardas iudicated the fire numheeofvotes arch committee- bagan in a middle bedroom and slowed down. I thought them was ing the legal weapon, the officcen Effective approaches su over-many, with the ophthalmologist office are working with North- an accident," a Ford delver from suggested he keep it in Ihn trunk whopioneered theExcimer laser, man has is based on the camber Maine and CCSPD to interview spread through a hallway. Dam- coming panic attacks will be dis. afvotes cost for the office of goy- agewascoalined to that arar. Chicago said as he wailed behiad in the future: "There'n ail kind's of cussed by Janice Henkel Fleck-Rosanova hopes to return to Eu- cenar in the last Repnblicrm pri- him vina translator, The uwnerof a Plymouth, He then predict- nuts ont there," Leavitt observed. man, a licensed clinical socialrope to continue his study of the the second home that bnrurd was mary. Becauseof the residencesed, "rye had a good record for 20 "Iknow it," replied the guard. worker who is is private practiceEncimen laser and its innovative Bader slated his awn criteriajost identifiedvia records on proximity, the fact there was no nome years. I think I'll puss." Of- Thesecond DUI meestce wan a is Evanston, in a free lunch-timesam far the treatment of the eye. for a replacement woald call for a Tuenday, heeaase the home was one athome, thucloseness in timefleer Victor Gramen aud Officer 34-year-old Chicago mon who lecture al Northbrook Court mallRosunova plans to iutrodnce the vacant. persan who had elective or civic and the fact that both fires appearLeonard Olbriseh sans waved the had just returned from an earlier os Friday, Nov. 16. Excimer laser tu the Chicgo area Saturdaynightssuspicions to be deliberately set, Parthun in- brows sedan through, after per- Oui arrest by another agracy. The program, "Panic Attacks:as soon as stringent FDA experi- foe was in a one-story frame dicated the name individual(s)forming the tests und after Re- According 10 arrest reports, he Taking Control," will bepce-mental uials are complelcd. ILEGAL NOTICEI home that appeared lo be under- may be respoosible. He could notnerved Officer James Mahoocy snack into his car after his I l-10 vested al 12:15 p.m. in the J.C. The Plan Commission ami Zon- goingremodeling. There was cvi- say whether the firm were set by ran a computer check of the driv- tuTest and drove into Niles' road- Penney Communily Room of ing Bawd of Appeals will hold deuce ofplembisg and electrical the same methodin both instare- er's ticenseand registration. . block. Whether or not, h would Membersof the Holy FamIly the mall, 1555 Lake Cook Rd., "t think it's a good idea," com- Hospital Auail- raffledoffatthisyear'a Holiday Bazaar. Complete Service, work bat no evidence of a per-.es. . n public hearing on Monday, have been spotted were it hot for ial)'(from left) 000r0iana McGrath, Arlinglors The upcoming bazaar will be held Friday, Nurthbnoôk. December 3, 1990, at 7:30 P.M. meuted a middle-aged man from the random check is a master of Fleckman has 10 years ofen-, Selection & Repair Chicago, driving une of the first Heights; Mary Rondonet, Clenview; VeraMata- Nov. t6, 9a.m. 104p.m. in the hospital'sauditor- in the Monicipal Council Cham- - - '. - Borg... Contt.sued from Page 3 speculation, ny, Palatine; Fran Sturtevant, Glenview; Agnes perience in treating people with Get it All at bees,7200 Milwaakce Ave., soalhboandcars to he stopped. Failing field sobriety -lests, the mm, corner of Gulf and River Roads, Des anxiety, stress and panic attack I Nues, Illinois, lo hear the fol- mms,ug school, Park View, 6200 members of the seven-member "lt should häppen more often," driver was taken to- the station Erickson, Deu Plaines, Lutte Zmudzk( Mt. Frau- Plaines. - disorders. Village Plumbing towing matter(s): LakeSt. board. Thesenew board membershis wife- added, expressing the where his BAC was also deter- poet; Helen Keefer, Muuhr Prospect; Allee Mi-.. Hundreds of holiday crafts, ornaments, gift Pur information,call wish that Chicago police would - nard( - Harwood Heights. (Violet Poyer, flau 635-1 "GAS; YOUR BEST 90-ZP-l9 Pant A. Kolpak, Io last yew's November eIer- believed reopening Borg would mined to be .17. Police.fceptsim -. wrap,jeweliy, andglassware willbe on sale. For 1812. 4758 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi- tian, however, residests upset provide needed classroom space do the same thing. locked in u cell without retarding,., Plaines; and Helga Vakkinen, Ml. Prospect, not more information, call (708) 297-1800, ext. ENERGY VALUE" "It's a safely check. It's nothing cago,lllioois,Petitioner. Re- over the sale voted in five write- and work so the Park View addi- his car keys when he said-he did shPo6n) proudly exhibita quill they made ta be 1174. qaestiog a parking credit he- ixcandidatesdisplaciogfive tionwaspolonhold. personal,"acheerfal,.Officer not tautly contact anyone about Hospital gets SAVE MONEY - causeofpecaliaroperating Tony Pidanra - told two young-- his isrrest. WI-lENVOLi women ja a black Chevy, as Ose StableLives Diabetes Holiday stress new educational characteristics of a graep of dif- .By.l n.m., Copleyhadcounled - REPLACE fercol ases within a shopping made sure heat! audalail lights-83 cars - cmpledng thé inspec- YOUR . . Program receives recognitionprogram director OLD Fire invesUgation.. , center in order to qualify brad- wereopemlióual. don, indicating that. for.the.-hird JamesMaleyhasbeen apjtoiut--WATER . ditiooat conswactian of retail Cóntinuedfrom Páge 3 "We're doing a vehicle inspec- straight Saturday hight aPodad. ThéSlableLives DiabetesPro- educator,reistereddietitian,at Resurrection eddircciorofeducationpcograms-HEATER spaces in the Oak Mill Shop- tion here," Officer Thomas Cier- 8W vehicles had gone south' gram at Holy Family Hospital in conuselor. and esercise physiolo- Resurrection Medical Ceutrr forForeatHealili Syslems. MaleyWITH man, had been tamed off al theassisted. The firè is under investi- niaktold auotherChevy driver,as Desplaineshaxreceivedprogsum gist. They are available to pro. ping Centre, 7900 Milwankre cioseofbnsiness.--- galion. bound on Milwaukee Avenue wilt offeracommunity health ed- will have responsibility for theA NEW GAS he prepared to issue a broken recognition from the American vidza variety of services.. Avenue. Skokie and Nilar firefighters through that intersection élut ttte' ncatiou program focusing on acadcmic progiuni offered at Lo-ENERGY 9O-ZP-20 headlight citation. "You'll hava Diéhetes Associaliun. . Tu celebrato both the- socisgsi- HelinaKujawa, planning hadpaid off. . "Holiday SOnes" on Monday, vellton Academy, Elgin, as well.SAVER. 8242 Lyons, Nitro, IlIjeais, Pe- to geithat replaced." 'Our goal is to eradicate drosli To achieve recognition status,tian status and November Dia- Nov. 19. asfoc Forest School, which aprogans mustdemunslrate theybotes Month, SlableLines invites Puny titioaer. Renesling a variatioa "I though they wore testing for driving aud drag Osbpsr," Sgt. The program, which begins atserves schuol-agepasienla atFor- 400e.1215407 of reqaimd front yard from 25 Business Instituté alcohol, at-Got," naid a 23-year- hune been able to meet Ilse 59the public to come visit the pro-6:30 p.m., is upen Ers the public. estllospilal,DesPlaines. lo neessyson feel ta an average of 9 feeL to old mas from Chicago, as Officer Wilson said before Operation Il standards of Use Naiioual Stan- gram Thursday, Nov. II and Fn- beganan hue Wilson said before "Holiday Steess' will be offered Maley, who recently josued coosoact a garage at the front of John Hoiukor sal in the warm dards furDiabetesPatientEduca-day, Nun. 16, from noon to 3 p.m. in the Sister Anne Room located ForcutHeallli Systems as director seminars slated Operation 1 1 began. - the hoosu at 8242 Lyons. squad rar writing him ap ide siun Programs. set by the Amen-cachday. - un the lower level uf the medical ofLovelltois Achdemy, has more s/John Prick, Chairman The Institute for Business undter,1650 E. Golf Road, Des During the detail, as another can Diabetes Association. To For more information about served the ticket:- t should haveyoung man who was clearly sut center, 7435 W, Talcott Ave., than 15 years experience in men- Pias Commission & Zoning ProfessionalDevelopmentatPlaines. had the proof of insurance." date. only threeotherpnogeams in StableLives and the services they Chicago. -Free parking will be Ial health administration. Board of Appeals Oaklsn Community College will UnderstandingandUsing sober entered an inspected car, the state of Ilinuis and 140 pro-provide for pasicuts with dia- "Na oar's picking on yaa," ex- LL Giovanuelli found erasou for availableinthefront visitors Luvellion Academy is a resi- s/Sydaey Mitchel, Secretary conduct two seminars from 0:30PC-DOS au Tuesday, Nov. 20, plumed Fidanza, when a luxe- grams in the United States havebeten. call Sue Mrulek at (708)parking lot with direct access to dential ednealional/treatmeut VALUE Pian Commission & Zoning a4n. Io 5 p.m. Toesday, Nov. 25,will provide an understanding of optimism and no reason to make achievedrecognitiou status. 297-9977. doerS man complained absat thean arrest: "See that gay? He's def- the Manan Hall meeting room. center serving youngpcople ages Bawd of Appeals in the Basiness Conference Cee-the basic concepts of a Disk Gp- ticket he received for havieg ex- The recognition status covers a 11 1018 who havecbeonicaily crated System (DOS), review initely lauded. Bot it's-his preg- three year period of time. and Glonda Hudgin, RN., Health ex- pired registration since Fcbraary.nanI wife that's driviog tonighi, Promotion and Wellness healthperiencesj difficulties in solving DOS internal. and enlemal cam- "You've yearly epdales are cequired. known formonthsnot him. The public is gettiag the Berwick educator, will present the special peoblemuon adaytodaybasis.- villag mouds, and discuss the concepts you've had expired plates." SlableLives has a full program holiday offeriag. All children and adolescents und use of batch files and for- message ta always have a desig- staff including a diabetes curse plumbing "I'm going to get married audsated driver." honored "The program is designed tohospitalized at Formt Hospital mattiag, and the directory store. I'm gain5 ta he a husband md fa- help participants prepare for aare eligible for enrollment in the ,saWrRs!avl INC. tare of hard and floppy disks. Both OUI arrestera witi appear Preconception Paul Berwick, a resident of Iher,"rrasaoedanArlington incourlDec, 14. stress-free holiday by offeringForest School, an On-sitepro- 9081Courtland Dr., Niles your The cast is $195. Heights man who had gattro en- Des Plaines, bas liceo honored bytips to improve their lifestyle andgram that allows stadento topar- Feast 966.1750 PlantLayantTechoiqoes" planning class gaged that night. "lt's time to be the Chicago District of Use Inter- teachingthem torecoguizesae academic studien in a thera- C eIner et Milwaukee & Cnselaed witt review the basic techoiqaes Class of '94 VISIT ouc nHowuooe TODAY! The PTDw Aufumas respectable and wear my seat- set for Nov. 19 unIRevenue Service for 30 years stnessfnt sitastions," Hudgin said.peuliceuvironmeni, Harvest" Bouquet. that cou be used to develop im- belt." uf Fedeml service. He is a reve- The cost of the special "NoIi- eyes. peeved layouts for individual de- elected officers Aie you at risk fur a problem "I titink l'il keep wearing my nne agent with the Examination o o o Just call or visit garsments or far the entire cam- pregnancy? Du you know how day Stress" pmgram is $5. Reser. us today. aeatbeil after this," his fiaocee Moine East's Class of 1994 re- to choose a ohstetrician? A hou-Division. votions und additional informa- puny. The seminar is designed said, as the coapie waited for Of. ceully elected their officers. Paul received his Masters de-lion ase available by calling the 0 far plant managers and supervis- Jim pilaI? These urn some of the top- Thanksgiving firer Themas Paiinski ta fixish RosinskyofMorton ics which will he covered in agene ham DePaul University. Hehospital's Health Promotion and Oe/(tf6' ora, lead persoos in production Grove was elected Class of 1994 and his wife, Marianne, have ja Thursday and operations and for manafac- writing theircombixed three tick- two-hune preconceptionplan- Wellncss office ut (312) 792- cts. president alongwith Marinsa threechildren. 5022. November 22. luringengineers. The castis Osheff sing class from 7 to 9 p.m. Mou- Introducing: "I gave 'em some advice," Pa- ofHiles as vice- day, November 19, at Lutheran 5185. president, Kim Klein uf NOes as lioski said taler. "I ras reiute la it. - Dr. Bunten's Associates Far iufoemuiiou and registra. secredlary General Hospital (L011.), 1775 My wife is pregoaot." and Susan Lee of Dempster, Park Ridge. Complete Landscaping Services o lion,call Kerl Thiessen, 635- "This is (expletive deleted)," a Morton Grove as treasurer. 1932. Led by Sbocci Mendelson, 22-year-aid Nues driver rom- Freshman representativeslu RN., clinical nurse specialist, at Reasonable Prices meoted, taughieg io amazemautSladent Council at Maine East Department of Obstetrics, -the BONDING Resurrection after hr learned he was gettingwore also elected, They arr An- course will cover ways tu in- n Lawn Cutting three tickets. "If I knew il wasakza Austria of Morton Grove, crease the chucee for a success- Anno Chaisiriwatanasai of n Bush trimming AND Open House - against the iaw (haviog tioted ful pregnancy, how tu evalnate side wiodaws), I - orner wouldNitos, San Lee of Des Plaines, n Vanessa l..00ugof Olenview, insurancecoverage,aself. Fertilizing BLEACHING Resurrection High Schaai will have gotten them." As he waited assessment to determinerisk . hold its second Open Haase on for his tickets hebecame marere- Eunice Park of Glenview, Anita factors for conception and ptng- Edging - Tharsday, Nov. 15, from 6 ta 9 salved, "Whea I Seni of Des Plaines, Grace Suh , saw ali the nancy and how to choose the: SATURDAY& . :; p.m., at the schaut, 7500 W. Tul- of Morton Grove, Will Sub of nwe.Ve been serving thearea MIKE'S FLOWER SHOP, INC. squads, I thooght they gal same right physician and hospital for. - Morton Grove, Joanna Vakros EVENING i, 6500-06 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60631 cott.Represeotutives from ail poordrivec. Thejoke's an me. I'm you. The inttcuctocs will also es- for 20 years" L. A. Matuneny D.O.S. APPOINTMENTS J. M.ViIt,ria. D.D.S. . iatZi63t-0077 the 22 clubs, 7 sparts teams, and the one. of Hiles and JsEe Yoon of Des iJt2is3t-0640 Plaines, plain reproductive anatomy and AVAILABLE tisai sal-atM organizations will be preseut as Origioaliyofficerstlteonied physiology and early fetal darei- weil. -S s msa accore vtsA . Mass-rn cesa thatsaysse with enough capacity opmenL - : .s AMERtCAN casonas I. Refreshments will be served to deliberately evade the road- READ For moie informuliun aubut 81 18 Milwaukee Ave., Nues floury Mon-501. 8:30 um. to 45 pm. by thePareois Club. block was probabiy relativelyso- THE BUGLE ADS the course fees or to register, sauday sao un,. ra toe pm. Ali are welcome ta visit sud ber. The 45-year-old Chicago FOR YOUR callSharonOlasuman (708). (708) 698-2402 (708) 698-2391 learn moro about Resurrection womax wha was ta become the SHOPPING NEEDS 696-6886. o o o 'o High School. first OUI arrest, howeser, ig- E 1,5 99e PAGE 25 7TT) EJ'T ' 22E191 Y .oirLiA't. School News usiriess:- ' . Nilesite winners, donors. Subway joins Great Real estate Santa makes Tribune selects Scholarship boardsponsors to reviewmovies recognized at.kton American Smokeout charity drives Christmas preparations Linda Chem, 16, a jLrnior at For the fifth straight year, your Ward and Sue Wittmeyer, r Maine East High Schont ja Pork local Sabway store in teamiag apownersoftheMorton Grove Smb- Again this year, the North- Ridge who lives in Nues, has with the American Cancer Socio- way located al 7188 Dempsler west Real Estate Board is spun- ty by supporting the Society'sSt., mid the Great American turing several campaigns 10 ben- bora named to the t990-91 Chi- 14th efitthe needy, hundes's, and cago Tribune High SchontMovie annual Great AmericanSmokaot fils with the Subway f Smokeout, concept because they believe-less-fortunalu in the Chicago Puant, who will review films in land area this holiday Tako2 ofthoFriday sectjoo of the The event happens ou Thars- they have a tiealth-conscioas season. Chicago Tnibaneduringthe day, Nov. 15, and encourages menu and they'rehappy lobe able 1990-91 academic year. smokers to kick the habiLFartiri- as help smokcrskiek the habit. The NWREB Sales Council is In the Chicago Tribaaes Sept. paling Sabway stures nationwide Far more informatisas aboutconducting a "Coat Drive", in 7 Friday section high school s'tu- wilt offer a free sin-inch cold lue- smoking, cancer,and tips on qait-which members throughout the dents were asked to sabmit a 200- key sandwich to smokers who go dug, call The American Cancerboard are encouraged to donate word review of "any recent fitm "coldturkey" and snrrendera halfSociety loll fear al t (800) ACS-clean, wstur-abte coals in good yoave seen.From this initial apackor more of cigarettes. 2345, condition, and lo deliver these call, the Friday acchan mceived winter onterwearitemsto almost lOOP entries. . Nilesite opens NWREB HQs for distribution to Each of the initial entries was the seedy. This campaign, be- readby at least two ofmorethas a gun itt October, concludes the dozen Chicago Tribune editors i nvestment office evening ofTlssrsday, Nov. 15. who served an judges. Through Edward D. James & Co,is-fIre New York Steak Eschange, this, the entelen were narrowed to . The NWREB "Holiday Care pleased to announce that Jeffrey is an old, couservotive invest- 25. n Cordella, a tong-lime resident of & Share Drive" will again be Thç25 finalists were invited to isent firm that pmvides personal held, for the third straighlyear. Niles wilt he openinga branch of- service for the iudividaul isvest- a movie screeningin dowotown Ltndn Chern This effort will address each of fice in town. the NWREB member offices, Chicago au October t3. After the Jeffis a graduate ofMaine East screening,thentudeatscameShe is lb and a junior al Meine Jeff wilt be opesieg his office asking for cash donations, and hack le the Tribune and hod toEast. Lisa lives in Nues wills' her High School and Northern tIti- isRiles sliordy asd will be gel- all monies received will be kepc sois Usiversily where heurt esta write a 200-word review underparents, one sister and her grand- The recipients oft/se Oakton Community Col- are (back rowfromleft): Richard Becker of hog mund aswn is the neat few lu a special, separate accoont at deadline. They were given two mother. She writes for her schoul Nues, Henry Olsen of Des Plaines and Lam Q. bachelor of science degree in fi- 10001115personallyiniroduciag the NWREB administrative of- lege Educational Foundation Scholarship-pose nanee, himself usd the firm to the resi- hours. newspaper, is presidentof the wills Foundation presidnnt James FliebandtNguyen ofSkokie. Front row: LneAnneBra vine fice. Then, in advance of the Rvggis Still, A/K/A "Santa" of Santa Salsain Oak Park works Edward D. Joues, a member uf heIls and basisesses in Rites.. Christmas holiday, local needy The 25reviewssabrrs'itted Reading Club and participates s's (left) and directorHany Tankus (right). Winners ofMorton Grove andSue Dannerai North!feld. on eampaterprograms designed to expedils tine douve ryofmore of t5 Scholastic Bowl. She's aoL sure of families will he provided a large were judged by a panel chelleHustead und Mtinasa Laqa Cr4gin Federal than 3,000 Christmas trees to homes in the Chicagoand subar- judges who jndgedwithout her career goal, bot it wilt probo- Sume 200 guests gathered attul vstue of Ihese scholarships is Finance company food basket with a frozentar- banareas. . Oaktos Community College tonearly$50,000.The averageNabele;GlesvrewresrdentKarea key,dinner items, and other knowiag the name, age, school orbly huye something to do mOb The lrees, coutomchsuen from stillgrowing stockore tobe du- writing-and, maybe the monies.hossr the recipients of the 99Ograde point average of the schal- Botcher; MorIon Grove resideals opens Family sponsOrs non-perishable foods. any otheridentificotiou about the LeeAnne Bravise, Terry France, l:vuredby drivers dreusedas Santa and whs willattempt a pass- entries they were reading. Lisa was a flautist in last year's Oaktos scholarships and 1hz do-arships recipients is 3.47 (nut of Financial Center surs al a recognition dinner host- Tomase Gonbel, Robert ttinssn, food drive Finirly,the NWREB Sales able Santa actwhile ateanh home. - From Ibis judging, Chero was competidos forthe Chicago Trib- 4.0). Cragin Federal Bash for Savings Movie Panel. edrecrsdyatthecollege. Leseek Sloklosa and Kulhleen Council is solicitisg support for named to the five member panel. une High School Scholuiships are made avaita- McDonald; Niles residents Rich. of Chicago recently received ap. AmericenGeneralFinance President Thomas TeaHoevehie la Oaklon sladenls through its firest-annuat "Blood Drive", cosgratulated the winners asd and Becker, Jangsuk Lee, Thorn- provaI from the Office of Thrifttoc. insoanced they will be cele- tentatively scheduled for early thegeaerosrty of communIty as Pierski, Kelly Parlich,JsAnne Supervision (OTS) to operi a newlnrsting Cnsasmer Appreciatiou neat year. All NWREB brokers. Bank conducts thanked the donors for their con-bssinessen, associations, and In- tissunssupporlufOaktoa. Till, Coastasline Veremis, Cher- Fussily Fisancial Center is ParkDays ou Nov. 19 and 20, agonIs, affiliates, and staff have Mather C'assof dinidsals. Donaliuns from bene- Koroskosvski, .Yolaud Miran- Ridge. lu connection with their asnual heno provided with a response Marilyn Appelsos, director of fuelers arogeslrieteit fora specific The new fnit'sorvico brasnb trip giveaway Csllege Development, said Gale- da asd George Lusgu; North- cetebratiun, they will spoussir a form, aud - with enough douera scholarship, a scholarship fund, brook residents Linda Gibbons, will be located at425 Doveri Ave. feuil drive. They ask s'tisitIroir - ttsr NWREB SalesConcil '80reunites ioss schularship program dem-oranesdowmentfsndinmemOrY on the corner ofTaleott and Dcv-cnrreut customers, and the coins- onstrates the eollege% commit- Valerie Lee, Charlene Grube, "Blood Drive" will he adminis- A free tI-day tour of Scandi- er's clock-roSa. - . orinrccogaiaonofanindivldual. ou, replacing Crogiu's cnrrcotsunnily slop in and donate canned Mother High School's Classes and administershigh school iuesttoilsphilosophyof John Lee und Yearn-Kyonrrg lered and coudocted by a profes-navia wilt be given away by Lib- Liberty Bask offices are lo- of 1980 will bu holding their 10-and other reunions. lt is the na- identifying and responding lo 1hz The following is a list of local Chnng; Park Ridge resideals Js- Park Ridge office at 600 W. Tal-g000satthe local office located lit sionalmedicalassociationaterly Bank for Savings to onecaled at 2392 N. Milwaukee, colt. 7746 N. Milwaukee Ave., Riles, Year Reunion al 6:30 p.m., Sat-dos's largest indepeadet reunion needsofsladents. students who received the 1989- lia Moore, Todd Mallen, Nancy NWREB HQs. lncky entrant registering to win 7111 W. Fosler and 6210 N. arduy, Nov. 24, at the Northfirm, with offices nalionwide. 90 Gaklon scholarships: Des Swienton,CarolRiveraand . Tise brauch, afucility itls in the Ruyyas Plaza. belween now and Nov. 15 at any Milwaukee in Chicago, and 01 Appetson reported that io the 10,823 square feet. is scheduled The company will malcln all A spokesperson for the North- ShureHilton,9599Skukin 1990-91 academic year, 150 sta-Plaises residenls Rosina Grande, Wendy Rue; and Skokie resi- Liberty office. 6677 N. Lincoln in Lincoln- For more information,call Jouie Dicker, Robert Roelofsoa, dentsStiadra DahI, See-Song to open in early 1991. It will feu-food contributions, and dinoalewest Real Estate Board invited The trip, scheduled for April wood. All entrants mast be 18 Eoalnvard, Skokie. dents appliedfor the oakton tarz 12 lutter windows, sis drine- thom lo a local pantry. Dunadoss the general pobtic to participate The class reunion committee, (708) 397-0010 or write REUN- scholarship program and 71 sIa-SonalJoshi,Ritn Shah,Henry 01- Rang, lue Choi, Lam Q. Nguyen, 1991, includes airfare via SAS years or older. Winners will be IONS, A Class Organization, ses,JoyceSetmeyer,JOhnflraad- Karen Bdenhofer, Arkady Gittin, up tases, eight acm aeconoLseau be made os these two dyas in each of the three charitable airlines, first class hotel accom- solified and need sot be present chaired by Sirnona Kate Citron, deals were selected to receive desks and entensive parkisg. Tobelwecs 8 am-S p.m. "Sisee wedrives - "NWREB Coat Drive", has employed REUNIONS, Atue., 2155 StoningtOn Avenue, awards. Three students were eli-er,Aogelapnhri,MichnelJeffers, Kyoag Mi Sin, Mark Salmon, modations and full escort. at drawing. No purchase is re- Suite 108, Hoffman EstoIca, IL Sherilyn Lira, Abdalbaseer Mo- better serve its Park Ridge cus-depeud on the local cosvmnsnily "NWREB Holiday Care & Share The second place winner will quired. Limit one entry per per- Class Orgoniralion, tnc. to orga- gible to conlisne receiving Ilse Mary Ktebba, George Kraich, Drive",and "NWREB Blood 60195. hammed,SonalShah, Dong Laura Johnson und Stephanie tamers, the bank is adding a 24-lo support our business, we feti receive a deluse 5-piece set of son. sien the event REUNIONS, A Gaklna Esrellenee Scholarships hour Cash SBlios ATM auddsis woald be an encelleul way loDrive" - and asked that calls or Class Organization, Inc. organic- which were awarded during theSchmitt, Lynda Teichmau, Caro- Clark. luggage; third price is a travel- lys Willetl, Jotit Dinkha, Mi- mortgiigo leailing services to dieshow our thanks to the Riles lire0, reqnests for more information ho h.- t989-,OO academic year. The to- aew office. sad Inetp needy families durinngdirected to NWREB HQs, 6963 The right decision. dicInoliday sctcsou."suited W.BelmontAve.,Chicago, ' Realéstaté brunch munager Scoil Milbours. 60634, (312) 637-8200. Now youcanstay warm ar a very Eimhurst College cumfurrabte prtce. classes IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ThIv York Spark Ignitlun Gnu Fornecelu . hosts music contest scheduled nor netp0e oocapttoeatbay, bel wIll Master dattero. GAS WATER cene you plenty of vperatlnll The Etmhurst Cotlnge Music The contest, Ihn second in two Scheid, regional promotios mau- .: The Century 21 Real Eslale PWMBER Recordn and lt lightu wIth Operk IgnItion, there Business Association and 88.7 years, is bniag sponsored by Ro- ager from CBS i. Academy has announced that Sinne .CUT HEATING BtLLS lv ea pilot lIght le wanta loot.Jant what WRSE-FM, Elmburst College'sselle Music, tac. in Rasntle. ElmbarttCoBege graduate Terri five-week, pm-license salesper- HEATERS ap tu40% .... you'd coped from York, the leedor In 100-wattradiostation,have la 1989, four winsenwere Hnmmerl, Class of 1970, morn- son coarses will begin is No- -with the 52% ellinient Gos CoderWeuther- GAS: maker OX Fumanon with Miei-O euudussin0 energy savIng loaturen, joinçd forces to host the 1990-chosen from a field of 42 en-big disc jockey for 93 WXRT- .. vember and December at vari- tries. Aed Sau cae Count un Il lar qolet '91 totlege Radio Homespan FM. ... . auslocationsthrougtsontthe willincludeMike YOUR BESTA operatIon and lung, depmrdablo lito. Tape ContusI. Judges Entries may be either tapes of : grealer Chicago area. .LARGESFGAS FURNACE SELECTION urigio'al compositions or original - Roger Peake, regional direc- -a medal tor eanrp humo 5 budget ReplacIng an older gas tornano wIth our . ENERGY HIGH EFFICIENCY model Can really Cot arrangements of piares that are tar of Century 21 of Northern 11- in Ihn public domain (written linuis,suidlocalclauses poor gas bItt. TheSonowforneces heno Mostfurnaces - urn VALUE V .CARRIER: AFFORDABLE - RELIABLE - prior to 1900). . scheduledforthefotlowisg VALUE en A.F.U.E. of78.tu%. EFFICIENT QUALITY Model #snsX Entries most be received by .... thIes: Nov,19, Lincotuwood, burn more Nov. 16, and winners wilt be an- 4500 WesI Toshy; Nov. 20, Des Pt LO TLE 00 Ca!! us today and see how VOR K. :..- Master . WATER HEATER ,' you can save. than just gas. noanced Jan. 7, 1991, on 85.7 Plaines, 2340 River Road: and PLUMBER FEATURES: ," ION ITION WRSE-FM. : Dec. 1, Des Plaines 2340 River . LOWMonthly Paymnts . Road. GAS: YOUR BEST ENERGY VALUE VALUE Entries thoulil he submitted to Successful 25YEARS SAME LOCATION GAS YOURBESTENERGY Rouelle Music, 217 East teeing completion of the a 5 YEAR LIMITED WARRAÑTY The Lennox Whisper Heat°°. Park, Rosette, IL 60172 (708) salesperson course mitI prepare Call Your Dealer Today . . R.73 FOAM INSULATION Dial «EM,q Model Number G200E Gas Furnace burns 529-2031. stsdentsforthestateenam, up to 30% less gasthan conventional furnaces. which is offered twice a month e GLASS LINING For Monnysavtng Detalts . . . at various locations in the Chica- r So the choice is yours. Get aLennox WhisperHeat . ENERGY EFFICIENT VALUE go area. All-day reviews, de- with spark ignition. Or watch your st.Scholastica .... n ..--signed lo help students with the WE ACCEPT MAJOR CRÉDIT CARDS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT hard-earned money go up in smoke. schedules . .stale euam, are tcheduled each Lip_i° Bob Williams, Inc. VALUE ...-r. month an Ike Satarday pieced- Itt,A,....W.'m Gal Ill, 24 HOUR SERVICE £j Heating QotkConteot, ONC. Ing lise slaIn tesI, Air Conditioning & SAoik vaae, Open House bring the Nibs Community oeer 2a yearn St, Scholastics High School, lufarmation Onany of the EN EN BAUM 6310 W. Lincoln Ave.,' Morton Grove Courses can be obtained by call- 4 24 HOURS 7416 North Ridge Boulevard, CASCADE HEATING & (708) 967-2200 (312) 774-2600 Chicago,wilthold an Open sog the Century 21 Real Estate House forjnuior high school girls Academy at (705f296-0410 or AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 6771 850 7er M4s, Emeronny ServIce Auallabln No OblIgatIon, Welling the Academy DAYS AWEEK and Ibeirparenls on Sanday,Nov. at 2340 4001 W. MAIN ST., SKOKIE 4171 N. Mifwaukeè .. River Road,Suite 300, Des II GLENVIEW 724- 2430 j l8,at2p.tu. IwlNILES 9664560 :.Plaines,Illinois PHONE (708) 679-5100 CHICAGO SKOKIE 6 LENÑUX Por information, call Donna 00018.Pee- .. , tgsttratiuiiisrequiredfuralt (31 2) 283-5040 (708) 676-3880 7824 N. LINCOLNAVE. SKOKIE, IL 60077 Magauson or Sr. Sosas Qnaia- Llastet. OPEN SUNDAYS FREE PARKING VALUE Qaaibrmnm,aiv,itu'. , = luaceat (312) 764-5715. SALES " '.. Pk1j3 ri ertainment , àinen . Thanksgiving feast Organist Center Theater presents Oscar's celebrates performs at 'The Lucky Spot 60yearsof home cookin' with theanimals Reindeerpave way The Midwest Premiere of Pu- MusicCenter 'graisd opening" of his new club, Dec. by Nancy Keraminas Who wantstocelebrate Il you would like tojoin The Music Center ofthe North litzer Prize winner Beth Henley's 22withperfornsaeces io the he Ends that his dancers have Thnnks8iving byeatingbeetfun, keepers will Shore andNorjnern Trust Bank in The Lucky SpoL will open on Thursday through Saturday at 8 pulp, hog mix, meet you inside for Santa'sarrival hastily depaeted after hearing of Worms, grapen, al- Children's Zoo at t Winneska presnat the concert Wednesduy, Nov. 21 aL 7:30 p.m. the imminent arrival of Sue Jack, p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m. (Dec. 2 falfa hay, and duck p.m. The zoo se- and Dec. lO) and 7:30 p.m. (Nov. chow? Theis Open from lOam.s5 p.m. dai- ries, Sundays At Seven at 7 p.m. as Ceder Theuter, 1346 W. Dcv- 8 :rr Hoakee'seccentric, dangemns 25 and Dec. 9). No performance animals that live in the Chilsiren's ly. Admission to the on Ave., is Chicago. and ex-incarcerated wife. Left ZoaatBrookgieIdZt zoo is $2.75 On Souday, Nov. 18, an St. Lukes Sel in Depression-era Louisia- on Thanksgiving; Wednesday, foeadnits,$tforchildren3 to Il Charch, 939 Hiuman St., Evans- with one weak-ankled dancer, Dcc. t9at8p.m.Ticketsare$l3- On Thanksgiving Day,Thorn-years old and senior citieenn, En. na, the comic-love slory tells theLacey, his befnddled friend Tur- day, Non, 22., ChildrensZoo. poigunnt talc of six misfits who St6. Children's Zoo is freethrough . OrgansstlarnesRnssett Brown nip, and his 16-year-old pregnant Center Theater is located at keepers wilt invite visitorsto helpThornday,Feb. 28, willperform organ works by refuse to be disheartened in thebride-to-be,Cassidy,Hooker them feed nutritiousand deli- .- face of financial and emotional t346 W. Devon Ave. at the cor- For moor information,call Bach, Rcger,Frasck and Duruflo. proceeds with the opening, en- ncr of Devon and Olenwood, ciao5 items sachasthese to IheBronkfield Zoo al (708) 485. Jumes Russell Brown has adversity. Tickets and informa-conntcring the sinislerWhitt Car- per- three blocks west of the Loyola animolnduringa g p.m. banquet.- 0263. formed ensensivoty io due United tian toe available through themichale, out co repossess the Vtsrlors will satisfy the Center Theater Box Office at el'slop. appe- Brookfield Zoo is locatedat StaEn, including recitalsat dro building, and the lonely Sam, tttesofduck,horses,dopjeys lIa- First Avenue and 31st Sl. Piccolo Spoleto Festival, Nation- (3 t2) 508.5422. whom the group befriends in the For tickets, call (312)508- mas, cows and other easily-fed is 5422. Bronkfreld, Ill., and isaccessible al Cathedral, Harsoed University, The Lukey Spat is set in 1934holiday spirit. animats und watchas keepers io a dilapidated Louisiana dance Previews of The Lucky Spot feed oot-not,e animals feam die Stevenson (l-55)and Ei- University of Vcnmont, Uttiversi- Radio personality likescnhower. (t-290)enpressways ty of Connecticut and Stetson halt ssaa by middle-aged Reedwill run Nov. t4-17 at 8 p.m. hawks, porgunines andcoyotes. Hooker in a card game. As Hook- antI theTri-State totlway (I-294). University. Me. Brown is Organ- (58). The show will open on Nov. from Nues ist and Manic Director for erplanstheChristmasEve21 at 7:30 p.m. and run through St. Gutes'EpiscopalChurchis honored Opryland sço uts Northbrook. MORTON GROVE THEATRE There will be an honorary din- ' Admission to the concert is$5 net dance for Lacy Bartoszew. Illinoistalent for adalts; $3 fon seniorcitieeos: 7300 DEMPSTER (708) 967-6010 $2 r ski of Niles for her 33years in Receseutatiyes from Opry- the material you feel students and free to Music tIse radio broadcasting field. Site you do well, land, the Nashville themepark materialyou are comfortableC.,sterssudenis Because seating FourofSanla'nlire reindeer will arrive STARTS FRI. is the first radio personality to with a reputatiou is timtted, you are cocoarged . al Harlem Irving Plaza PRESUMED INNOCENT as a sflppingwith. Most importantly, do what to onSaturday, Nay. l7frem tO Sat. & Sun,: 2:30. 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 feMare live remote polka music stone lo the movies, Broadway order tickets in advance bycall- am. to 3p.m. The deerare check- NOV. 16th you do best and do it first,' he ingtheroute that Santa will travel when Harrison Ford by Eddy Zimas OrchesSa and and the recording indastry, witt ing The Munie Coolerof the he arrives Friday; Nov. n Weekdays: 5:00, 7:30. 10:00 said. 23, atO a.m.l The Plaza is Marino Lnshs Orchestra. be looking for talent io the Chica- According to Haywood, Opry- North Shore at(708) 446-3822. localedal/-Janlem Avenue, Irving Park STARTS FRI. "PROBLEM CHILD" The dinner will be Friday, goareallov, 16. laud is looking for performers Chicago charity RoadandFnreufpreserve Drive. Sat. &Sun.:1:00. 2:40, 4:20, Nov. 16, at Cmcade Banquets, The auditions will beon Fn- proficient in virtually alt styles of Children who viait Santa's reindeer NOV. 16th 800 W. Irving Park Rd., Bensen- can win a $50 or one nf Jahv Filler 6:00, 7:40, 9:20 day, Nov. 16, from nous-3p.m. Aniecican music, with versatility Christmas parade four $20, Harlem Irving Plaza Gift ville.Jerry Zaharadi Happy in Studio I of the Gus Giordano Certificates by entering the PG jWeekdays: 6:00, 7:40, 9:20 being the key factor, Both non- ReindeerNamjng Contest. Stars will be feasared, dinner Dance Studio (614 Davis St., country and country entertainers Nov.24 . STARTS FRI.j PG j 'WITCHES" and 5 hours open bar. Cocktails Evanston, IL). arebeing sought. Chicago's annual Christmas NOV. 16th Sat. &Sun.:1:45, 3:35 are at 6 p.m., dinner 7 p.m. No appointments areneces- spectacular, the Ronald MeDo- 'Phantom of For mord,stgtaits about the an-saId Children's Charities Christ- Anjelioa Haslan Weekdays: 5:25 Dancing di cocksaili 9:30- 8:30 nary fortheopen-call undilions. dition toar, write Oprytand Enter- am. Tickets are $25 per person John Haywood, Oprylandsen. tsixmeot mas Parade is ca-sponsored by the Opera' 'MY BLUE. HEAVEN" Depantruent, 2802Mayor Richard M.Daley and dic with (tan and service charge melad- tertainmeut director,says thoseOpryland Dc., Nashville, Teno. Sat. &Sun.:5:50, 7:50, 9:50 ed). For tickets call: Lillian Za- auditioning have onlya short Mayors OfficeofSpecial Events, discussion set ..- - 37214; ptione(615) 871-6656. Steen Merlin PG-13 Weekdays: 7:50. 9:50 bara (312)625-7408, lime lo impress the uconts. The Cisicago tradition will feu. Portick CoraIl, professorof Loretta PhotobyNancyKeraminas Hamanitirs Kilian (312) 775-2657, or Cas- 'When you aadition, it isvery taro Oven 100 floats, bands, spa- andInternational cade Banquets (708) 860-0086. PalUdell (I) ownerofoscar'sRestaurantonWaukegon Road important that you're rotased. Do Jcc presents ciatly and nqaesiniau units wilt Studies at Oaklou Community ALL SEATS $1.50 FOR ALL SHOWS preernd up Michigan Ave., he- College, will discuss she music, Doors open 5:45 p.m. /v MoRon Grove ntands before a portrait of her parenta. Her puppet show magro ned the mystery surround- grandparents founded the rentaarantin 1930. With herin Dorne Oil paintings tweeu Wacker and Bulbo, on Sat- 'Tire Retonssof tIse Galere,' tiurday,Nov, 24, from noon to 2 jut The Phauton of the Opera Coleochia, an Oscarb employee for23yeara. .- - exhibited at special deama acted out by diepto. on Friday, Nov. 16. 77i(222 vrrv Pappeln of the Oregon Fappet The Christmas extravaganza The program will bepresent- Oscars Restaurant, a favorite make the food,says Pat Udell, Botanic. Garden Theatre, will be presented at theairs on WLS-TV, Channel 7, in rd at 8 p.m. is Stsdio 1600ai Mvrs050roveeasteryforshepast indicatingthefreshly nade, The oit paintings of Hilary Mayer Kaplan Jewish Cerero tini-Chicago on Sunday, Nov. 25at Oaktou 1600 E. Golf Rd., Des 60 years, began as a roadside sy Ceoter (iCC) on Sarsdrry, No- WORLD , soups, relishes, salad dressiago, Eddy will boos eahihitat Ehe Chi- 12:30-2:30 p.m. and againos Plaines, Admissions free. For WRESDt.INt p.. h:enbargcv slop just dowo thesaucesandbiscuits uro cago Botanic Gardan through Fri. vernhen 18, at 1:30 pro. Tiro Ka-Snnday, Dee, 23. information, cati 635-1900. F000001tON that OPEII7'DAY street from its enflent lecotios atoniqneloOacars. day, Nov. 16 in the North Gallery pIrro JCC is at 5050 W. Church, a. 9030 Wankegan Road.Oscar Oscars doth Anniversary cele- of dseflducatiou Center. 5 60k ir. and Edith Faust, who began Os- bration coutisoen through Satnr. The exhibits hours ore 8 am. This pappel theaterevent is «!®î' cars, decided la featuretonic. day,Nov. 17 with cocktails from until snnsetdaity. snitable for an auttience ofill CALL SANTA style cooking and more historythe 1930s, good-old d:tys prices Eddy's work has consistently ages. The coloriai pmdaetion, iIT wasmade. os uetcctrd mesa items and feo complete with an originalrussi- AT / revolved around her love of na- We stilt trave homo cooking cal score, combines and specials throughout. turc. Flowers appear iaher ceceos susperrse, the way my grandmother used to draina and comedy, asrt is p:rntic- (708) 524-9967 r series of works, as colors and YOUR shapes manipulated by the cons- olarly geared for. children who Holiday specials hionlion and overtay of images to can join in a workshop alter die capture the natural entanglesneot show is presested. The worlsslrop CHRISTMAS . Let Santa deliver ttss ambiguity found in the gar- is hunted ta the first 125 people your tree this Bulk Hogan-Capt., Bttinsaln Warrmur-Capt., at Candlelight who porchease tickets. year. No need to hassel with Jim Daggan, Letlan nl Dnnm den, woodsand greenhouse. TREE Fiddler On The Roer', an all-bio to groups.eefurmancgs row Her work has been exhibited io A "Golem,' accordiog to Jew- cold lots, snow. busy traffic- Ta gbna I and Tenas Turnado ish legend, is a creasom nade of and Big Buss Man 6mo favorite Candlelight DinnerTuesdays tiara Saturdays. Kids both one-person andjueiesl shows just call Santa Sales and tellus Playhouseproductionstarringhavethe time of their livent in the United States and Eoglaod clay and brought to tifeby m:rgic and prayer, exactly whatyou require for a 'Ii Chicago favorite Lee Petty is sell- Ta takeudvantage ofany of the and she has many works io pri- TIte internationally acclaimed ing lo standing-roomoolyFiddler Oit The Roof specialsor vateand institutional collections. - Christmas Tree. crowds. Don't miss itl Tobe ad-the Fantastic Fantasy Factory, The Chicago Botanic Garden Oregon Poppet Theatre'sspan- voti CAN CHOOSE PROM a GRADES, vs sors include the Smithsrtniatr Mu- vantage of Candlelight's Holidayweite Or Visit Candlelight Dinner is located ou Lake-Cook Road in 2 DENSITIES - SIZES 4 TO a FEET. Earthquake-Capt., Mr. Petted-Capt., Specials. Playhouse, 5620 South Hartem Glencoc, one-half mile runter the scum, and the Nation:rl Putrpet All treos ore white pino and will keep Dint Braun, Theatre in tida, Japan. Their and Demolition On Thanksgiving, Nos. 22,Ave., Summit, tL 60501,or Edens Expressway. The Botanic pop- growing on our Indiana Treo Farm untlll Rick Rade (An, Crash A Smash> Candlelight offersafaboloosphone (708)496-3000. Garden is opon every day eacept pets are unique and diverse. In and Barbarian this puppet play, 20 rod only a few days before Santa dellversto gourmet feast (5:45 p.m. dinner, Christmas from 8 am. until nus- pnt,ttets your door. "Santa" - our dolivesy men 'T 7:30 p.m. performance>. Fiddler sel. Admission is free; parking is (due Golem stands seseofeet -wlll Os The Roof is die perfect holi- $3 per car. The 300-acre facility tall), and 40 shadowpuppets are arrive dressed as Santa and will day cotertainmeotwhich dteMindscape is owned by the Forest Prestirve used. professionally impersonate him for the FOUR ADDITIONAL SURVIVAL MATCHES BETWEEN: >,tt SURVIVAL MATCH whole family can enjn. presents District of Cook County and General admissioss ta tisispro- benefit of any children present. The ALLIANCE vs The MERCENARIES Throoghout the ran of Fiddler managed by the Chicago Herd- gram is $5. Patron admissioo is "Santa"willeven net ALL SURVIVORS FROM ALL $25. For tickets or inlorotalion ynar lrae up for you lt you The DREAM TEAM vs The MILLION $ TEAM MATCHES JOIN FOR A GRAND On The Roof, a $5 discount isglass exhibit collard Society. For additional wanl . (Waler holiday tree stands available al available to senior citizeos and iofOrmation, call (708) 835-5440. call (708) 675-2200. very lEle extra cual.) The VIPERS vs The VISIONARIES,. FINALE MATCH OF SURVIVALI students on the Satarday e:ely performance. Throogh Dec. 15, Miodscope You PAY NO MORE FOR YOUR TREE, ISattery, newly located al 1506 PRICES AS LOW As $25.00- Candlelight offers large dis- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, 7pm Live/lOpm Replay Sherman Avenne io Evanston, TEMPLEMENORAH counts to groops of 25 or more. presents a special exhibition of C- You teli un when to deliver and Santa will Channel 24 Candlelight's professional Droop "Glass Masters." 4 call to verify acceptance and make Suies Staff has boca plaooing CALIFORNIA NEAR JARVIS ap- Just $22.95 Per View Featarett are three of the best pointment on day or evening of delivery. successful Holiday Fardm farknown talents in contemporary CHtCAGO, ILLINOIS To Order: 1-800-885-SLAM (Live) REI over30 years. P RESENTS Don't mino this unusual opportunity to Familien and school groupa studio glass: John Lewis, Richard brighten your holiday, :UEST' Royal, and William Dexter. flach .1-800-885 DUNK (Replay) loveourChildren'sTlteal.rel LAS VEGAS Fantastic Fantasy Factory, now is nationally acclaimed for his For More Information: 708-383-7280 unique approach ta glans scutp. POKER NIGHT We also can make and deliver playing at Candlelight's Forum tare. Presenled ter private, nan-cevivierciar viewiv. Theatre, is a fun, creative und ed- ANY Christmas decorations to Gallery hours arc Sunday and ucationalshowforehitdren our personal specifications - which includes modem interpre- Monday 12-5, Tuesday throagh wreaths and odnamenta! Saturday, 10-6 undThurnday IO- 41!CzI81EVIMON talions oftiterary classics, magic, 4 hangings acrobatics, and lota of audience 8: the gallery will be open langer $Sann,rr,/argsi honra io December. For further pu,rsfl.a. involvement. Tickets are $4.50 information, phone (708) 864- perperson, withdiscounts uvuila- 2660. THE BUGLF.THURSDAY, NOVEMBERI5I9 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15,5990 PAGE 33 USETHEBUGLE Your Ad Appears In The Following Editions Variety Club Children's Regina presents s NILES BUGLE Theatre celebrates Classilieds Cinderella Nov. 16-18 o MORTON GRO VE BUGLE plans Casino Night anniversary . SKOKIEILINCOLNWOOD BUGLE Varicty Club Children's Chan- The evening will also feature When the Northbrook Park tics will hold ils IdarVeoL Moon cash payoffs on blackjack,ciaps, District Children's Theatre 966-3900 s PARK RIDGE/DES PLAINES BUGLE Casino Night Salnnday. Nov. 17, money wheel,bang, Nevath presents the musical version of s GOLF-MILLIEAST MAINE BUGLE al the HyaLt Lincolnwood, 45 cards,andpoker, "Pinocchio" lite firtt three week- w. Toahy. This is the last in a se- Admission to the event is $5, endsin December, tbeprodnction nies offoor events. All proceeds from the evening will be sentimental journey for The event's highlight will be will benefit Variety Clnb Chit- Dr. Gregory C, Dennhardt, the she 2nd Annual Poken Champion- dren's Charities. founder and dieector of the pro- ship Tournament in which win- For mom infotmation,call geam. nens will neceive, in additiion to (312) 855-0885. It wa tO years ago that Denn- them cmb winnings, loen days in hardi, at the time a newcomer to s p s 5 Las Vegas with ainlane and hotel the Northbrook PadsDistrict GLASS REPAIR provided,on Yuletide í accommodations staff, kicked off the Children's $10 OFF WITH THIS AD pair ofAmenican Ainlines tickets Theatre with the play "Pmnoc- KITCHEN CABINET Lcrrrrd s tordoS Auction '90 Att Ptonrbtnn, Heation A A/C Work FOCE Esr:u*rE: EXPRESS GLASS S MIRROR to anywhere in the United States. chio". For bis premiere predite- ; Rn.tdaotlnl/ Comm.rolu/ hidonirtel FRONTS Windnw Gloso Oeplacemeof Pee-registration is neqtuired for ion,Dennbardtsntagewasaeon- NEW YORK 'G&L slated Toltet,Slnh & Fitaunt Rnp.tm Palans with new door end draw- CARPET WORLD . All Types. participation in the tournament Verted gymnasium in the former Water Hmtnrilmvio. A Pnd. er fronts in formica er wood nod CONTRACTORS 'Ata,oinum Scre005 & Storm The Yuletide Dinner Aucti.,Oakland Community Center. A For Fra. Entimet.., C.11 AMERICA'S LARGEST Windowu Repaired nave over 58% of now onbinet Driveways . Patios 1708) 966-1306 chaiced by Bob Pâwelko will betotal of 68 young actors and:- (708) 307-0007 replacement: CARPET RETAILER held on Friday, NovO 3Oat thetresses appeared in the show, DADS Plumbing & HVAC Foundations . Steps (708) 635-8954 Maine South . Additionnl subi noises d Counter . SHOP AT HOME s Pmo Estimates Licensed & Iesured White Eagle Restuarant in NOes,which played to audiences total- . Tope snailabte at fastory-to-yon Call Aggregato . Brick paving Alumni Choir Beautiful itemsaie waitinging nearly t,000people, prions. Visit oat showroom at: 967.0150 . GUY: for the lucky bidder, An Auniri- Since that ioulaI producOno, . Tra classified I presents concert an Nativity set, uniqee pieces of2,498 local children have made p - 654 N. MILWAUKEE 966-7980 Regina Dominican High School will present Rodgers and Coil tOdog! The Maine South Alumni crystal from Poland, handmade\stage appearancea with the Chil- PROSPECT.HEIGHTS then's Theatre, with an addilional Hammerstein's Cinderella at 8 pm. Nov, IO and 17, and at 2 Choir will prenentilsannual ceramic Statuen, along with col- SENDERAK. (Paiwaukee Bank Plaza) 966-3900 ,1B9 yowtguteen and teens serving in the Cast include (tOp row, left to Christman concert,Sonuds of lector plates, and bountiful, dee- p.m. Nov. 18, Area students CONSTRUCTION or rail furafrneostimnte le your i the Season," on Saturday, De- orative food baskets are just aas hagecrew mcmbc for the 43 right):BrighidO'Shaunessay, Northbrook (stepmother), Jennifer Alnmioow Sidion own home neytimu withont ob- selection of the marvelout itemsptnyn and municain produced by cember 8, ut 8 p.m. at St. Luke's Drugay, Glenview; (front row): Pinar Ozdeger. Glenview, Molly Snffit - Fuuuin ligation. City-wida/uuborbs. that will be available, the Ihealre. RIG CITY al Lusheran Church, 205 N. Pros- Moron (Evanston). Snamless Gutters Fi naeoingnnn itabla tu qonliflod Storm Wiedows, Doom peclAve, in Paek Ridge. All proceeds raised at the aile- The theatre found a permanent boyero. No payment for tin dnyn. SS Replacement Windows Ticketsare$5foradnits,$3 for lion will go to aid the poor mm-home in 1985, when Nordibrook The Cabinet People SEWERAGE & HOME mInes of the Sisters of the Res-voters approved a referendum Classical guitarist (312) 175-5757 RICH sladeula wills t.D., and children IMPROVEMENTS nuderfiveare free. Formore info- urrection, which autherined the conttrwc- (708) 520-4920 DRAINAGE THE HANDYMAN Por more information, pleaselion on anaùdilonium to die Lei- Suiidiog Majnteoonny mation cali (708) 318-1009. performs at Northeastern . Seamless Gutters CATCH BASINS CLEANED Interior & Exterior Ca,pon call (312) 792-6363, est 44, sureCenter. ClassicalguitaristMarc Solfit, Fascia .Electric Power Roddiog . Carpentry Dry Wall ElOolricdI Piùrvbieg Guitar Competiton, the largest . Aluminum & Vinyl Siding 'New Catch Basins Isst. ... Tilo S Decorating Teichotz will perform as part of most prettigioas contest ofits . Paiotinn.ivtyrinr/Esterisr the Chicago Classical Guitar So- Windows, Doors, Repairs .Sump Pomps Inst. -WyuthAr Insolation hand in the United States. This Wooden Decks GUTTER CLEANING ciety's 1990-1991 concert series . Fra. Estimates Insured appearance is part of an Amen- CALL Replacement Back Porch INSURED f1EA5oeASLCRATES at Northeastern Illinois Universi- NÖRWOOD SIDING CO. can and Canadian toar organizad Under $500 FREE ESTIMATES RESTAURANT GUIDE ty, lectnee hail t002, 5500 North by the Guitar Foundation of 631-1555 1-(312) 736-6211 965-8114 St. Louis Avenoe, in Chicago, America as part of the competi- on Friday, November 16, at 8 tien prize. BATH & KITCHEN JOHN'S SEWEÇ 692-5163 u 0a u p m in cooperation with the The Chicago Classical Ositar SERVICE WELCOME Department of Matie at North- Society's peiformsinceo at North- REMODELING 1 + ens Utero, eastern wil conclude with The Oakton & Milwaukee. z + Otis program will include ma- Walter & Manwell Guitar Duo, Ont n sew ceramic tilo tub arno Niles + fur 1475 Stur ont inrlAdudl. + sic of Harris, Bach, Sor, Brouw- Februaryt,at 8 p.m. Ticket KITCHEN CABINETS er, Mompoa, de Palla, Mheniz, .... Call Fur Details 6960889 prices are $12 for the general Pror Expertly Restored 4thJ?q. z and Piazzotta. Estimates no nIl interior Vont Noighkerhuod Sewer Meo + public and $10 for society mero- remudnlinu. by refinishing or by lasrisaing CERTIFIED POIi.h.Am.nlc.n RSStlur.nt Teicholz was the first prizehens. Fon farther information, formica noto noising nabinrts. + i R.R.SER VICES ELECTRIC CO. 6690 Nonhwe$t Hlghwey winner itt the Gaitar Foundation call (708) 475-7877, Jerry Lanning + CEMENT WORK Complete Wiring ChIcago/EdIson Pk. + of Americas 1989 tnternntional (708) 967-5462 :. + (708) 634-4728 CONCRETE Residential - Commercial Home Polish Food , THE BUGLES Liceneud.lu.aru,4.Bnndnd Holiday Folk Fair . Business CARPENTER MIKE NITTJ Romudeljea a Rrpuiru. DAILY CEMENT CONTRACTOR . Nuw Con.tructiun. Service runsNov. 16-18 CONTRACTOR . Patio Decks . Drivew.ya . Seroiceoenisiun u Installation. i COUPON PER TABLE Directory . Sidewelk. ( JI 'I)ÁTI! JAMES B. SENDERAK Free Estimates The47thpresentationof Holiday oa Falr a rich blend of is beckoning & CARPENTRY Free Estimates YOUR HOME America's premier malli-eshnicPolish song, deuce and music, you to: Ccmplrte Remodelinac Licensed Folly Insured 299-3080 -5OO OFF festival. the Holiday Polk Fair, representativeofthemulti- Kitchens, Bauzeneoto. 965-6606 Ask ebuot oar luva dioeeant 2ALACARTE willlakeptaceNov. t6, 17Usd 18 faceted character ofFoland's cal- L 00K AT THE BUGLES Room Additions & Ducks ENTREES at MECCA iii downtown Mil- 1.0w, lOw rotan, which (708)945-6415 MORTGAGES lure. Lechowia's performance at enable eno Sn: WITH AD wankee. the Sixth World Folk Festival in Free Estimates DEMITO, The Fair it an unforgettable B & B ELECTRIC CO. Sun Tue.. Wnd., Tb r + Rzeszow, Poland in 1983 was ADVERTISE CONCRETE ONLY. sensory- feastofstiusulatirtg called "one of the highlights of Let Un Do Parchasen, Rofinnncoo z CARPET Your Cenerete tst Go d On Thankng vin9 + sights. sounds andaromas; exotic the festival" by thePolish press. pa tanti. I custoorersl Equity Mortgegos foods from over 30 ethnic booths, CLEANING Sn YEARS EXPERIENCE :te. Aaompietellneoo mccl + In addition to their participa- Nest - Clean cour tinaroino nsads Expires i i /30/90 folk arts and crafts, speclacslar _os1 EMEfGENCv REPAIRS !tiO9 in theFolle Spectacleson Fn- f) Tnyoatphon050d TOUCH OP aEAUTY All t5pes nf r nocrete work MORtGAGE INVESTORS CORP. entertainment nil weekend long COMMERIcAL day, Satanthy and SUnday and -LiLY CALL NOW CARPET CLEANING prufessioeully done by RESIDENTIAL Soh,owburu. IL 65175 and a shoppers' paradise of hand- notiert e encre te workers. il7R8l 240.5575 THANKSGIVING theirspecial performance on Sat- j.. Full s.eslo. m,pat olnlW spmlel- ALTERATIONS S REMODELING crafled und imported gift items WE HAVEr AT OEAGONADLE RATES I 13121 525-1280 OPEN NOON TO 7 P.M. urdny. the Lechowia Song and tsra. Femewst.e. fully ImArnd W. from the four corners of the siSo s.c L..á &O.l.m oariento. .Eoretteot References e0N5ULTING ADVIcE Ash for Claadia the Dance Bnsemble will matee an .Cnmpositine Primo .VlOtATIONS CORRECTED globe. ease Mttw.,ks. An.o.s -sELLS REPAIRED SPECIAL appearancein the Young People's Nilo., Ililsels 'Frau Essimatej AND Ifs also an intercallural learn- Matinee on Sanday,joining hun- : Insured FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED MIXED PLATE UGEN1E'S Fireside ing esperience, where fairgoers i . 827-80e7 sheds of enthusiastic youngsters (312) 761-1117 restaurant BANQUET CENTER have an opportunity to visit over s, (708) 530-5403 Notice COMPLETE DINNER as they pay Inibate to the spirit of I PRESENT 40 cultural exhibits and a host of Dry Foam Carpet Bugle Nuwspopar. renames the ! cultural workshops. This year,..freedom with a medley of ethnic naht at CItY time to ut.snity all INCLUDES: dances and pariniotic songs. 1 & M BUILDERS Q..,-. & Upholstery s.- advertisemantu and tornioct Thanksgiving Buffet the exhibits will feausre "Toys of ESTABLISHED 1555 Come celebrate your elhnic . , any advertising doamud ubien. ROAST TURKEY Yeilerday," highlighted by a spe- Cleaning i - For The Entire Family! heritage and the advancement of 'Additions .Remndelins A iioeobln. W nr.00 nl b. Inopoesi- -... ROAST VEAL cisl eshibit of dolls from around Kitnh roo .Bothrnums bio forner bnl ntutamnots is -Served in the gracions atmosphere of onreleuanf bolt- globet freedom al MECCA,Mil- eon- BAKED HAM the world. The demonsteaijon 'Family Rooms Siding Well Washinu And Other SUBURBAN 'hint with our pulicin.. All Help nREssING mom .. . Feest fromnnn ebonite onlectioo ai RonSt wankce,Wisconsin,Nsv. 16-18, worhshops have been enpanded .Gonoral Repaira Related S ominen Aveilohie FLOOR CRAFTERS Wantud ed. must npnnify Ihn na- cRANnERRY SAUCE Tnrkey ' Bnkod Ham . Ronod of Beef . Oyster, Corn- to include Chinese brush pains- Admission prices: tickets arr 827-8504 827-5046 7day servies . lnotell.tloo . tasting turn nf the work olfured. Bugle CHOtCE oF POTATO brendaod Snge Sinffiogn . Sweet Puntano, Yams with $5.50 in advance, $7 al the door; uWEET POTATO ing, Spanish dancing, Danish . Ropair Work Nowupapars duos eut knowing- Marofmrnllown ' Sntnds . Vegefabloa . Homemade Apple. phone 9670924 IloIlnIshIna of old and ram Wood. lv neoupt Help Wanted ndvertis. VEGETABLE hears baskets and the beantiful art children between theages of 6-12 SOUP Pumpkin, Pecan, Minoemènt Pien and morel Poroorwily urn floors. Pulir ir,urud. Frau aorlmata. : Ig that in any Way niolatun thu of calligraphy, $5.50.Toordertickets Trg a classifIed CLEAR WAT8R SALAD preparnd by oar ehem. Eeiey the beoafifnt manic et oor through Mastercard llG8l 392-7841 Humno Rinhtn Act. For further copinE or VISA, CLEANING Arlinulun Huts. pinno and String ennemble. These workshnps are in addi- Cull todU!j! iotormutiun Rentad the Dupert- u nesnan lien to nome of Inst year's favor- call the International Institute at SERVICE ment of Human Rinhtn, 32 W. (414)933-0521. $15. 9 995 ites nach as Norwegian nommaI- 966-3900 Rondnlph St., ChicaGo. IL 703. . Call todu 6495. ing. Polish Christmas ornaments, Thursday, Nov.22nd Japanese origami and kite male- ! ing. FOR OESEOVATIONS CALL INFORMATION 0)4 CLASSIFIED ADS Teaveling here from Canath to (312) 792-1718 You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling966-3900 or Come To Out' Office in Person At: 8746 .COCKTAILS CARRYOUTS 9101 N. Waukegan Rd. participate in this celebration of N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois. Notminmm OEAD.r-Sits5.SG freedom are Ilse Lechowia Song Our Office Is Open- Monday thru Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. CATERING . dr Dance Ensemble, The 50- member eroso will bring to the )A' or JJOU'

YourAdAppears . . . . VourAdAppears "SETHE BU'LE. , .hlp . ''CE'-"a, TI-lEI I I B1I1'Ie.pgi_ E .IIp- r In The Following Editions In The Following Editions

Classifieds. : Classifieds : OFGROVE BUGLE o" MORTONGROVE BUGLE neorcnmx flP0 Cl _ . SKOKIE/LINCOLNWOOD BUGLE e SKOKIEJLINCOLNWOOD BUGLE recen reo, _, cowoo', tkEBUGl. mece PARK RIDGE/DES PLAINES BUGLE bb-JUU . PARK RIDGE/DES PLAINES BUGLE ' 9 66-3900 nGOLF-MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE . GOLF-MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Place Your ClassifiedAds by Calling 966-3900 or Come To Our Office in Person At: 8146 N. ShermerRoad, NUes, Illinois. Our Office Is Open- Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. BUSINESS SERWCE. Deadline for Placing Ads is Tuesdayat 2 P.M. Certain Ads Must Be Pre-Paid In Advance: BusinessOpportunity, For Sale, Miscellaneous,Moving Sale, Personals, Situation Want- n , - ed, Or If The AdvertiserLives Outside Of The Bugle's MOVING ROOFING TUCKPOINTING Normal Circulation Area. u L TIME FULL FULL TIME FULL TIME FULL I PART TIME-FULL / PART TIME NOTICE TO TOM LOW COST WOODY'S TUCKPOINTING . . - . CONSUMER THE PAINTER a BRICKWORK Specializing in. Alllocal w cours Incoe beIi- RO FIN .Glunablaâwindwe VCR HEAD CLEANING Reideei,i Complete Ouolrty ACCOUNTING I ADMINISTRATIVE ! I cenco d by the Illinois Ccnrrnerce Reame . Chimneys . Painting REPAIRS ASSISTANT Conrrrriueicn. The lie ensene w- . Roofing Service . Bailding Oe.eina HOOKUPS IN HOMES SECRETARY brr w cotuppe,, in their adver. AI?%iTh Free Written Estimates Fr Entirnate, e REASONABLE RATES Full Turne. Personnel experiencea plus. -- WE'VE Computer wordprocessor. . . . 1705) 965-3927 966-9222 283-5024 Wo era Iook,n0 fo a tOp-notch + GOT h::for CALL DAVE: Ability to work well with . . e peruon wloUrrant computer i-. flot plcceycorbclenginse in 965-6725 people on all levels. . . ornee, Excefle:tbenefits .. I ornfentncncuth PLASTIC COVERS n orleave g .-. j p t b yw/p' . TUCKPOINTING (708) 998 1157 More Opporfurrrtiesi M nr. PLASTICCOVERS BRICKWORK Congniul nos-emoking Office. s b : MOVING? CONSTRUCTION .1:A.e . openirigs for: p,Cn" Itrotlima at Whol.n.ie Prie. CHIMNEYS REPAIRED Salorycommensurote Part lInie 66L1O ANDflEBUILT WALL WASHING MANAGEMENT fi FrnnEsti lenamd .SdwI5.CO:Pc,i We offer competitive salaryand excellent ben- i ree. Or Tre,k:e, Cloth 8 Uphaintey .Drrnewayu .Reu,dcntiul s PERSONNEL GLASS BLOCK Ca ynn Looking for managers in train- efits. Please apply in person Monday thruFriday eck ter DOMINIcKS .P.rkrntLote-Fully Inocrud INSTALLATION NORTHWEST trom9AM to 4PM at: KEN salary $600 - M '' PLASTICCOVERS &Bcndod .W1NOOWCAULKING WASHING rSt9 en :I laS. Main St. Park Ridge "DON'TFUSS - CALI. US" . BUIWING CLEANING .. (312) 774-2556 7801N. Waukegan Road 6a2-5397 Walls. Cmlrnys. Woodwotk I 'rueeomwMc d I Cumm,rc,a'I-Inds r,a'I. . . Wah.venervedthnNorthnrn Call Chuck Ren, en a. washed; Car petseleane d.Spa- 7O8',675-77 11 - - .. (Waukegan Rd. 8 Oakton St.) Fully I nsxra d -Eren Eetrmntes Nues. IL 60648 saborb. ter 20 ynurs I(708) 452-802 1 cielialo9 in Residentiul Cleaning. u,e,9 .- - - 965-2146 . superstore . - San.15%w,thad EraaEutimaten Insured lmmediateFullandpart I IoPOrt tyernp per . SKOKIE (312! 252-4670 Time Openings CHILD CARE I n' 1312) 252-4674 TELLERS ticse child cure coordinator. y norer. dit in goad with as. Wosloy Day Cere Center. Inc. in t n - . Permanent -453f_' - PRECISION I . Glenviewissocking an alter W. aocapt Visa and Master . Good benefits PAINTING C.rd!C.11:Ocfl-3W0 school protram coordinator. This - . . - Trg o clossified . Convenient location is a fall time. yoar rcond position - RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL . Will train with benefits. Oaalified candi- - .- - Complote D acorullo t Plumber Needs Work Ccutesalieln t work cl art .. . w,iheochof on; noxlcwrrs. Pleas. call dates will possess a BA. in Edo...... - . WALLPAPERING Plumbing repaire. Powo, rodding The Bugle Newspapers OOlrOflRecrmt,oflorrelatodfiold . WOOD REFINISHING drc:n fi eeceecteure d. 40 years fin torngon ,,ecl,ly u,,deotenr Kimbarly Sima oaw,..OsC,e - enperrOwc. "The Newspapers That Deliver' (708) - FULLY INSURED tdetuil thaI 692-41 14 son;e to: Wade0 Day Caro Cnn- sod & I coure rl tar. no 7HwIeo,Avon,,e FREE ESTIMATES Cull George: ' nonircl eerIicnto dosorve. ' FIRST STATE SANK Phar-Nior Futures OF TONY ' Are Bright For: - 296-9595 470-1011 THE CALL PARKRIDGE Atte: Ellen Faoerbcrg : OE.t:n1tt 17031 259-3878 . Cell cow te son cur latest 601 DEVON PARK RIDGE LAIII!PlI- - . n pt d'ge. 966-3900,. Cashier FroeEutirnetm CLASSIFIEDS Cont.ot es daring regeler boni- M,meal scm hocen nccepf Wednesday Stock Cferks DESIGN DECORATING $10 OFF WITH THIS AD TICKET . OUALITY PAINTING All Plutebing-Heatina & A/C Wont 'ro COOK IDIETARY - Apply nowto get started with thenations fastest- flosidontlal/Cornrn:reM/lnduei,lul r TREE SERVICE growing deep discount drug chain! ,CFLt.pLASTERING ocs AIDES . Full- and part- 'vi ceunee w&pet ferntureb,nk W.to,He,terSeeeice&P,etn HOMES .._ - ._- . timo positions are available inyour area. Flexible EVERYTHING G I ' S Fo;FronEniitttate.,CeH: HEALT.IENTER I working schedule for studentsand working moms. (708)96J9733 AMERICAN TREE O ' I SERVICE E AST Geed Benefits Competittve salaiy. Free benefitsavailable to quali- Rcfar,nu co F,m EcOnruto, DADS Plumbing & HVAC Excellent working ...Low Rates... hasopen,ngo- f lied applIcants. environment. Apply at: . TREE TRIMMING i MIKES . RmhThoHoflV:00d nBARTENDER Coli or come in fer interview. j r aise Phar-Mor Happy Belveal - - . . PlunebingrepeVe &etnodek0t u s nBUSBOY lines powe B in e s s . - 50,IOIW und DrainfiSewer & SUBURtS... 437-6700 -.:._ .. 8901 Milwaukee Prcteruing rodded. Low wutbbpr estere Pt cesure Treated pumpt ...FULLYINSURED... ,. Ma"c'r'l'rjs THE MOORINGS FREE ESTIMATES FOR FREE ESTIMATES... i . I s ì Nues, IL 60648 J 3517 W. D mpnt r E.O.E. RcctoflnbleRtteslrrscrcd Call: 540-0328 reCtory Skokie 1-13121 338-3748 982-9401 IMMEDIATE CONTRACT FULL TIME FULL TIME C: PHIrt:v:co ,;;' SEARS J:L:RN Ftwe OFflcEeoURi I Has Part Time Opportunities YOUR CHOICE _ç,nnn,u,ni Nibs, III. :t For: jra 4 i''\ DEßDUNES o ir CREDIT I COLLECTION The Bugle Bargain Barn, lP' .n :" aSALES cn:, sh5,rn.Rd:?,.8: CLERK 8746 N. Shermer Road, Niles, Illinois 60648 -n'° SPtddingandleetolluticn ;:o:r::k5ra: : CCOMMISSION SALES .t,,, or ' anailable Corporate effice in Park Ridge needswell , ,OnI . OAUTOIV1OTIVE MECHANICS PIlP'PAIO tirito ______; 966.3900 te plaen poor ads. Fee organized individual towork in busy Credit & PR/PAID $6 50 ad. oely, yea mcv fan yaer Flexible hours. days. evenings. FOR3WEEKSADVEATISING ' copy Collection Deportment processing and/or weekends.ei PLAN FOR1WEEKADVEYTISING PLAN 3 J 965-3900 new credit ' . . Comprehensive r' applications aed calling past due customers benefits including paid - h0ie'ir'51,oal vacation o de dl The right individual should profit sharing employee discountand Insurance IMMEDIATE FAIR PRICES f' Il met. possess excellent :1 PRE PAID $11.00 PREPAID 021.00 fer ear Theraday ditiennis communication, research & fellowup skills. Apply in Person- Personnel Department FOn2wEEKSADVERTIsING PLAN 4 FOR6WEEKSADVERTISING PRINTJN Taeadaypeler te piiblieetiee ut ; PLAN 2 MORTOt GROVE noori;r:17sr Light typing, CRT.experience in Monday thru Thursday. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. . 3pm. Call caer rapeaaantativa credit /co!lection or customer "n;, ILLINOIS for ether apeaSe information. service o plus. :- - EACH ADDITIONAL LINE $1.50 PER WEEK e:, Forconsideration,please call: THE BUGLE BARGAIN BARNS ADS INCLUDE. ri r'. ncetoTheBugIeøarginBam. , BUGLE (708) 692-9130 :i Sorry co pm-paid ads will be ac AUTOMOBILES PERSONALS CLASSIFIEDS / cepted by telephone. Sorry, no A L PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT FOR SALE ' PETS EOE e:: 400 Golf Muli Shopping Center refunds. Ads may also be broutht GARAGE SALES SITUATION WANTED WORK - L Into the office at 8746 N. Shermer HOME FURNISI'4ING SPORTING GOODS s. . s n'i. Nibs. Illinois 60648 Road,Niles,flI,no:s8064t. 4 MISCELLANEOUS WAPS&TRADES Find the help that 'e:: , 296-22 1 1 need ¡n our The Bugle Newspapers etcalnppertenhvorrpl000rnrlrlv/h I classified section. 'The Newspapers That Deliver" -' . : e: 1 : e: ' :x::.d-:. e: : : ' : INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling 966-3900 or Come To Our Office in Person At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois. INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS Our Office Is Open - Monday thru Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. You can place YourClaselfied Ads by CallIng 966-3900 or Come To Our OfficeIn Person At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, NIles, Illinois. Our OffIce Is Open- Monday thru Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. PA6E Your Ad Appears USE THE BUGLE Editions Your Ad Appears In The Following USETHE BUGLE In Thé Following Editions , e NILES BUGLE n NILES. BUGLE Classifieds e MORTON GROVEBUGLE Classifieds . MORTON GROVE BUGLE e SKOKIEILINCOLNW000BUGLE s SKOKIE/LINCOLNW000 BUGLE e PARK RIDGE/DESPLAINES BUGLE e PARK RIDGE/DES PLAINES BUGLE MAINE BUGLE 966-3900 s GOLF-MILL/EAST - 966-3900 n GOLF-MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS Person At: 8746 N. SherrnerRoad, Nues, IllinoIs. . - , You Can Place Your classified Ads by Calling 966-3900 or Come To Our Office in You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling 966-3900 or Come Tö Our Office in Person At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois. Our Office Is Open - Monday thru Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. . Our Office Is Open -'Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. - . Deadline for Placing Ads is Tuesday at 2 P.M. , Situation Want- Deadline for Placing Ads is Tuesday at 2 P.M. . Certain Ads Must Be Pre-Paid In Advance: BusinessOpportunity, For Saler MIscellaneous, Moving Sale, Personals, Certain Ads Must Be Pro-Paid In Advance: Business Opportunity, For Sale, Miscellaneous, Moving Sale, Personals, Situation Want- ed, Or If The Advertiser Lives Outside Of The Bugles Normal Qirculation Area. ed, Or If Thé Advertiser Lives Outside Of The Bugles Normal Circulation Area. FULL1 PART TIME FULL/ PART TIME :CLASSIFIEDS - DATA ENTRY MEDICAL Esen $3004500 weekly In,n,edt perttifl opening. FullJPart Time ateffing aneelupes . inthe comfort uf year heme. Flexible weekdny nohedoligg. OFFICE INWSTMET USED CARS WANTED TO BUY Above enero90 typing & npelling Pleaserush a nlf-addressed. APTS. FOR RENT PERSONALS Varied duties far bony Genniaw stamped envelope te: PROPERTY ANTIQUES PERSONALS okillo denirod. Deo Plomen otfioo. ENT group. Phone. frent desk e.- Cell Lorn DMP InternatIonal onptiesist. filing. COT. noparienc. P.O.Boe 2351. (708) 299-1510 pauferred. Eacnllnnt benefits. Oak Park. Il 60303 I Sedroon, . Apartment OKLAHOMA. ATTNl INWSTORI $5000 CREDIT CARD '18 Olds Regenny 90. 4 DOOR WANTED 4-5 deyn/week. Lnrrain. 7241 N. Clarareont - Chinage 000cLoPEe.90 MILOs N.E. OPTULSA OLD ORIENTAL Happy "13th" Birthday Lcnded. Nom treno. Gnod cued. WURLITZERS Bay a communIty. 118 Iota. matar Guaranteedl No deposit. Free. .)UKE BOXES (708) 729-9122 13121 274-9714 Russell ' Alsonu. GREAT RUNNER. Sf95. 6-d DELIVERY vssInon. septfm, polottod roads. 3 RUGS WANTED $80 oertificatel 17081 906.4567 ALSO Hiring. h nocas . shop 5 aaohoU5e. ourlons November 10 deposit Visa. Ne sredit chackl SLOT MACHINES Need men with open trucks to (708) 729-9128 mwlp. C000ally lountad on e largc Any size er condition doTivor Christrnus trous. Mutt be I Bedroom apurtment. Great Rash fur Christmasl Any Coirdliian Immediately! clout lo NE Oklehoma. Lot. of mees. Call free f7081 985-2742 retable. and make a gond ganth .location. View of acre court- 532051w Imanad. sale. CALLi May you shine 1-(800) 234-6741 1985 - Greed Morqois . Gray. Full Claus. Very geod puy potential. Ambulatory Call: 1-900-8848884 yard. Newly decorated. 1918) 540-1651 I-800-553-8021 In everything anytime power. Vury low miles. Encollent Need janitors. security Rent $450 condition. Coil: 17001 y66-96R3 (708) 524-9967 Surgery warehouse work- you do Center guerds. MALIBU APARTMENTS MISCELLANEOUS ers.drivers. mechanics and (708) 658-8463 Have a Cow-A-Bunga OLD JUKE BOXES has the following full & putt office helpers. (will train)- OUT OF STATE FOR SALE . ..f..- Your credit is good with SLOT MACHINES DRIVERS time openings for individuals s2.\.:.4n-t «v, Happy "8" Birthday Fop Machioa with experience in ambulutnry $15.00 phone fee- FOR SALE Dude US we accept visa and CaroediFancyl Fo toiture Drivers needed oner 18 years .:. - old with gend driving rsoord.outpatient surgery environ- Love,Mom, master card ! Call: Orientai Rags Most have own car. Earn $8.00ment. COMMERICAL Must 5ell . Hcmmel Calleotioe Natasha & Derek 966-3900 1-312-283-2333 aRNs SALES IMANAGEMENT P405Th FLORIDA One or All - Priced te sell en. 060e ¡51000 a month. 10 tu 15 houae MARION COUNTY 17181810-illS Derek LPNs per weak. tiesidael Imome. Ecoico. IDEAL IIETIREMENTOR VACATION r 675-7711 muntal prodaots.Try fi like approoch. 3 ecres, beastitully treed en rued Nov.17 Medical Technicians 30 ta 10% closingrutlu. It one damn 6 Prietern /Cnntractnrs DeLano 1mo Enveclopedla Set. nialor' HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY ty1e ,SOpBp5c& 7245 N. Harlem 42. 1000 ft. S boat dockfrem the brand. neoara sad. Orlo. canon an. cnits/wsab cou nahe 1400 par month. NICK r nMedjcal Assistants office o 24 o 30 ft. warehouse Oblawahn doer. opnoed. Orlo. 01.150. Manteau 5350. L. - For mere information call (708) 677-3982 /shop. 12 ft. everhesd door. $616 lu $5K par 00,0. CalI: ' l.il /7001 800.0585 Sabra 6pm. LOVE, AUTO DEALER DENTAL Helen et: 13121 889-28m (904)288-1115'- AUNTIE BULGIE! Love, Morn, 3/4 5ire Sofa Bed Rossell, LAB (708) 394-0715 Salen,'Manugetfleflt opportu- Partent suedition. Most Sell &Nalasha DIRECTORY No ecperience needed. Variety nitiesavailable.Bi-lingraul INDIANA Call: 965-0413 'TENNESSEE .GAre.iNasUea of duties. Work 4.5 boors dully COMMERICAI- - helpful for intl market Call NEWCHALET starting between 2-4pm. Nues EARN EXTRA $$S Mr. Paul. 108-692.5070 INDIANA - Sales /LoaOO. 2000 s.f. kenmcra wmhur.Hemiltòe dryer- Veer nr.slit is aoud with as. ooàtinn. Some $ght deliveries Heosewwas mothers. students. Untare. spprd 1178K. 194e .1.0.3 e. Avatar Communities plus 1000 s.f. sterego. 5.800 Ib OH hadrnomn.3.1/2hathn.3 Smpinoas. encollent condition. $75 for both. we sanapt Vina and Master involved. Must own ear. fall time pay. pert time hears. crane. Was electric motor shop in C.edl Call: 960.3550 of Illinois. Inc. nuotaI host fi nlr.whlrlpool. Should 17001 966-4t76 SAVE THOUSANDS Complimantary fecisls or products 50E town. Busy main hwy. SUSK HONDA 17051 207.5700 for cesemtic company. ranelor $16K s caer. nesrskl lodge. Coil Joe Rad 1141 LeeSt., Dus Plaines (708) 692-3400 Rensselear. IN1219) 866-7855 5135.500-CALLl Call: Lesiny (615) 497-2492 Living room cochteil &' 17081633-9810 Open Daily and Saturdey (708) 520-3498 ALSO AVAILABLE end tables for sale. PERSONALS 17181 566.4258 .PERSONALS SECURITY INDIANA -Soles ¡Loase. Ware- GUARDS house. Sou end showroom. 8.000 WISCONSIN 180 ACRES Lexus s.f. pias 7,000 s.f. storage in town IDEAL FOR 6000E RANCH FOR SALE NO110E h'ouro.Northwest & on busy main hwy. 00 LEASE WITH OPTiON TO OWN Part time Scenic dairy tane. Cuoteo parodi... CHILD CARE Western suberbs. Uniferms & Rensselear. IN 12191 866-7855 LOREN SUICK/HVUNDN ARLINGTON LEXUS IN PALATINE has eopsnded & is looking for: dmr. turkey. ato. S bedroom compiuto ADVERTISEMENTS 1625 Waukegan Ruad. Glnnolaw 1285 E. Dundee Rd. e HOSTS+ HOSTESSES training famished. redecorated homa.CAE. nno large Any home coring fur more than CONGRATULATIONS! 17001729-8966 Palatina 17061 501-0444 Company benefits available. carptnd deck. $160.000. 3 childroe must bu licunnod by . n FOOD SERVERS Call, 1808f 781-5586 anse Call Mr. West CONDOS the Stete of Illinois. Licenses era ,-T.: ., Pam & Steve n COCKTAIL WAITRESSES FOR RENT Call 16001 959.2443 enes. issued free te homes meeting our newest Bugle Baby Chevrolet Dey and Night Pnsitions. Eoperienoe preferred but will (708) 572-0800 minimum standards nf safety. Mitsubishi train the right people. health and mill-being of the /GEO APPLY IN PERSON AFTER 2 P.M. Equal Housing child. Fur isformatine and icons. RIVER CHEVROLETIGEO RIGGERS MITSUBISHI SNOW Des Plaises - 2 hdrm. Condo-1-1/2 in9. piense cnnteot:lilinnis On- Jon Marcella Theroux PLO WERS baths. Heat iwl. cOlino: 17081 966- Opportunities 1723 Bessa Highway 1325 E. Chicago Stroot DOC WEED'S .parfmunf nf Chiidran aod Family November 5, 1990 Dec Plaines 17081689.7150 Elgia 17191 742-5055 8832 W. DEMPSTER 299-6600 Owner I Operetnrs 0016; howe: 17081 800-1631. 'Fedoral 15w end the Illinois Can. Servico. 703-8046f0 Cook Early mornings stitstien prohibit discrirninstias County residentn. McHcnry and , 6Ibs.l5oz. lAcross from Lutharan General Hespitall . Ncrthbrnnh urea based un raca. culer. riligiul.. Like onnntien please cali 356- 20-3/4' Chevrolet mp psy und gos netiesal angie. eau. haadinap er 1611. DnPaga and Kane onuntios mm familisi elates in ths saIn. rental call 953'0546. /Volkswagon 272-1747 DES PLAINES or lieandng ef housing. Baal. STRINGER WANTED 2 Bedroom Condo Rovtal Newspapers do cot knewingly JENNINGs CHEVBOLET/VOLKSWAGON RIDGE MOTORS PONTIAC Reporter wanted to cover 2 to 3 eve- TEACHER AFTER An ractIoaalsva to, building. Cnoven. aceoptsdnnrtiaing whah rs In 241 Wauhegan Rd. Biner Rond & Oebton lentdowntownlocation. calcony. nidation efth. law. - - Gioeninw 17081 725-1005 Das Flamen 17101634-3141 SCHOOL PROGRAM soothopocvre.Appli envss . 1.1/2 fling board meetings a month in local Wesley Doy Care Caster. Inc. le baths. ParkIng 004er building. Gleriview is sacking es assisteet scoo mactb . lnvludes heat INFORMATION ON JRN'VOUluCHOICE Chrysler area. Castory 95 Trlebult fealty -4 ! teacher te help plea and diract 1708f 72B.6055 Subaru activities for children in a recrua- CLASSIFIED ADS The Bugle Bargain Barn, , Plymouth CALL:(708) 966-3900 , tionel Outtiof. too CenPlaceVour Clesoified Ads - Heats: 3-6PM. Some fall days by Culling 96f3SOO or Coma To Oc, 8746 N.Shermer Road, Niles, Illinois 60648 WALTON CHRYSLER PLYMOUTh STEVEN SIMS SUBARU HOUSE Office In Person At " 6050 Denrpstnr 715 Chicago Avenue. Evanston THE BUGLE NEWSPAPERS when schools ere closed. 0746 N. Shoamor Bead - Ibokie 17081 673-6600 17001 869-5705 - i 13121 SUBARUS Contact: Lisa Diei FOR SALE PRE.PA1D 06.50 5 PREPAID $15.00 8746 N. Shermer Road, NUes , Nile., 111100m PLAN FOn1WEEKADVERT1SING PLAN FOR3WEEKSADVERT1SIN13 (708) 729-0184 Oui Office Is Open ,) Morday 0-ru Fniday 9 AM. to S P.M. p...- Toyota DES PLAINES PRE.PAID $11.00 POE-PAID 021.00 DISPLAY SALES 692 Laurel Avenue Deadlinelo, Placing Ado iv PLAN 2 FOO2WEEcSADVERT1S1NG PLAN. 4. F005WEEKSADVER1l5iNG BUGLE Tonndey 512 P.M. - - DODGE CUY OF OES PLAINES AUTOHAUS ON EDENS Excellent Opportunity Ultique elder henne in got. CertOin Ads Must Be PiePaid 1439 S. Lee Street 1550 Frontnga Rd. CLASSIFIEDS EACHADDITIONALLINE$1.50PERWEEK for Experience Salesperson genus area nf Dos Plaines near lo Advance: Des Pleines 17051298'5200 Nurthbrnnb l7f81 272-79go WORK downtown. Spuciues 9 rooms. Susiooss Oppornonity Mariodlo)togetherwithreevt Fullor Part Time traditional oah trim through. torsolo THE BUGLE BARGAIN BARNS ADS INCLUDE: eut. Ballt in china cabinet-oak Miuvollanovun AUTO DEALERS! Sorry no pm-paid ads will be ac- AUTOMOBILES pERsoNALs -- s Work Close To Home - Must Have Car french doers. Office exolaoive. Moving Sale Cepted by telephone. Sorry, no . Call Helen to place your ad FOR SALE - PETS ' , Personals Your credit is Reduced to $190.000 refunds. Ads may aleo be brought . Salary Plus Commissión 5 atico Wanted GARAGE SALES SITUATION WANTED WIL.SHORE FORD . good with us! into tho office ut 6746 N. Shermer OAWTON REAL ESTATE Or If The Advertiser LivasOotSide tIOME FURNISHINGS SPORTING GOODS 611 Graue Bay Ruad FOR INFORMATION THE BUGLE NEWSPAPERS MasterCard. of The Bugle's Normnl CiroolallOv' Road, Nues, Illinois 60648. . MISCELLANEOUS SWAPS & TRADES Wo accepi Visa & , Wilrnatta 17181251-6300 (708) 966-3900 - - . ¿708) 986-3900 Call (708) 966-3900 (708) 635-7363 Area. . INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS INFORMKIION ON CLASSIFIED ADS ' . . , - - Come To Our Office in Person At 8746 N Shermer Road Mlles Illinois You can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling 966-3900 or Come To Our Office In Person At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues, IllInoIs. You Can Place Your ClassIfIed Ads by Caliing 966 3900 or Our OffIce l Open- Monday thru FrIday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. Our Office Is Open Monday thru FrIday 9 A M to 5 P M 'trat it 'JcIit!j'I Il.JlÌItlf (t lib II i . i . TIlE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE 39 CONTRACT. Reserviir... Dist. 63... CARPETS Continued from Niles/East Maine Page 1 Continued from Page 1 .,. From the ¿'eét $/ ... 8038 Milwaukee When the engineers nay shin is thesitualion into consideradas. estimated Io be eulCflded its the iIes UIL 48 NOUS. SERVICE Continued (roen;gei the location, we do il...it's gonna IEITEV4EAOS Wolff questioned why the fa- educalionfandfor1990is . eNviions happen..we're trying to make ilcility couldn't be moved 212 fI. $9,728,803 -na opposed to . ALL NAME BRANDS . IUSINEU CANOS whal they have ànd NilcsieS an interesting discussion on better.' FIe asked the residents to are most pleased with theV north, to thnpaek behind the Golf$9,117,904 in 1989. District 63 Business . ALL TEXTURES . FLOuS . . thu merita of stale income lax- participate in the planning and di- Mill bank. He was told the land sow is levying al its ceiling in this Padding and InstaHaton . IULLNTINS community. esiucreaxing in Illinois tootle- reeled Village Manager Ahe Sel- . weooINO lt's a little too simple to ask, betosged to the school districtfond which has remained at the available INVITATIONS viale the burden of real estala man to meet with the horneown- and was leased by the park dis-same rate since 1968. Without ç ,SiSY. .IUSINIU TOTOS 'Whasprice does iteosslo live taxeslie led an informal ers On n weekly basis to he& their tricl. passage uforefereedum, no more j SWe quote prices a bit on sise snooty sidC?Is meeting at a Northwest Mn. suggestions on Ilse site. overthe phone living in Park Ridge worth the As she left, u resident named taxes may holevied in this mea. Directory .a, 965-3900 aicipal Conference luncheon A residentwho proposed Connie, who would give only her The fund has operated in the I additional COsI? Obviously, is last Friday in Rolling Mead- buildingthereservoirunder- fient name, unid she hod talked to red for five years but, according isla many who live there. owl. Obvioosly, if osher tases FAIR PRICES groand was told the plan would three realtors and they all said the ts district Superintendent Dr. El- . COMPARE-ThEN SEE US? IMMEDIATE -can't be found, renidents will increase construction and energy-facility would lower her properly You can probably ask, is it des Oleichmau, is beginning to PRINTING CO. have an ever-increasing bor- Casts substantiatty. values. She askedYou knew leak in better shape. "The educa- 692-47 6 worth the extra price lo drive a den lo pay property taxes to Claus Dunkelberg of Dooahue Nues lego--Nilen-whern people Cadillac or a Mercedes, rather ties food is probably the best it's 2 82-8 575 MORTON GROVE, ILL. pay for their communitys und Asjociutes,facilityengi- count? Hiles is not for the people. everbces," he said. thon owning a more moderale bills. Seers, ernphusizcd Ike installa- priced car? Thyms a lot of Anyone want a house on Cam- In other buniseun, board mcm- lion of drain pipes would avert berlund? I'm selling it." bers approved u two-year con- peOple, who feel very good There has to be a meona for flooding problems. He cited a As planned, the five million about silting behind she wheel tract with the Basi Maine Custo- bringing yosnger people into similar installation in un aren of gallon, toned concrete reservoir dims Association. Including sal- . ofan expensive Car. lt inflates Our communities. Not only arc $3/4 million homes in River Por- them.Ismakes them feel good. will be l85fL in diameter mad mayandfringebenefits,the _- - A A Ik. they reqnieed lo insure we eut where residents were sisuf- have u flat roof. lt-will cuBed 15costructwill give Ihecostodiansa -- AntLto them it's worth buying have viable school districts, fecled by the facility. ft. down in the ground und 15 ft. 5.5 percent increase the first year thin good feeling. Similarly, but lo make our villagenpro_ Jay Wolff, who lives immedi- living a maple of bfockx fur- above, with the ground bermedand another 5.5 percent increase gressive in the coming years, ately north of the site, questioned forlundacaping wishmature the second year. thee west, and paying many they are needed ta run the vil- the position ofthe reservoir is re- hundreds of dollars morn in trees. Tho outer wall will be coy- laaprojection on student en- lagen. lution tu his properly tine. Dais- cred with u brick veneer and the rollment, Assistant Principal Dr. laxan, is worth it so Ihose who. kelberg said the facility would be entire facility, including a pump- feel good about their address. Donald Stetinu said this year's to- Wo stalled The Bugle in 30 ft. from hisproperty line; 50 ft. ing stalion,will be fenced in. tal of3,llóntadents may remain Ii(IShLaIt Gsue. Sltskie-tceeswasd. Path Ridge.DN PPaiiie& 1957. We WeIn 32 years old. from the tear one, and on the Waler transmission lines will almost steady through next year .,4Sevis: IfìeN Having weilten that long Less than four years later the west, at Cumberland, 35 ft. from preamble, we wonder how lead from the uouth pumping sta- with about a 300 student average . flewiisd-Cdi&g Pak, Gs iff-goL Ø(EIHS. juut-past-30-yearoldNick the right-of-way. Ion al 7104 Tonhy Ave., norlh uteach grade level. Hiles and Morton Grove and Blase andhis friends took over Linda Leaner, a Maryland Av- Skokie will faro is the coming through varions side streets and He foresees a slight increase in Ilse reins ofNilés govemmens. ruar neighbor, was concerned Milwaukee Avenue mad hook up twoyeurs to 3,141 sludeets.ln the years. Will they Loo fossilize We're now past 60 yeats old. about Ihr impact of the construe- like Pack Ridge? As they rus at Cumberland Avenue. The re-past, Strtina's predictions bave And it's time younger people lion phaseon day campers al Bal- cent Cumherland Aveisua ins- been very recurase. Out of land there will be no become involved at alt levels more area for building. No lard Leisure Center, adjacent so provemeet includedinstalling District 63 has a high mobility of our commanilict. - the planned facitity. She was as- lurgerwater mains. rute with us many us 135 studeists more new shopping ccnlers. lured the park district would take No oppoetanity lo increase the Targeting the faIt of 1991 as a moving in and out of one school If ro infusion of younger completios date, village officials in one year, said Stetiaa. Howev- tax base in their towns. Like people assert themselves oar Parkkidge theschoolu will re- hopo to award bids for trausmis- vr, the projections are aecessasy communities will atrophy, just Tavern... Sian lines and get financing Ibis lo aidindistriclplanoing, he said, main constant. And the status as Park Ridge has done. ItlI Continued from quo will remain more status year. In recognition of Nadonal Ed- cost more. And welt have less. Niles/East Maine Pagel The $6,180,111 projectin- ucatios Weak, seven sislb-grade qnod. And Ihr fatnee tases are And.we won't even have a hit uladeistsfromMarkTwain likely to increase. arcaandcheck for flee spread. eludes $2.7 million forline trans- of snooty to consola su when Mastfirefíghtera lottaI 10p.m. missions; $1.5 million for the res- School presented u progmm on wore paying the hilts. language arts ucdvilies. They We hetird Nick blasa lead While un actual dollar amonarrevoir and $t.5 million for the had nat been placed on the loas, pumpingstationandinter- were Saugiui Eeahmbhnll, CIas- Blase described the smoke and connects. Engineeringcostsdia Del Real, Catherine Gumino, ALL MONEY ORDERS 75 fire damage as moderate. in the could amount to an additionalMinal Kadakia, Briunne Reilly, Continued from Pagel A rea schools... $10_000 tu $20,000 range." $200,000. - Freisthy Sebastian and Dino Ska- OAKTON-WAUKEGAN -riub. Their- teacher is Pamela . NICOLOSIS NORGE District63,67,oE70Osihoo Is:..' social scienciTe7sutIs Irritai the CURRENCY EXCHANGE Illinois Goal Assessment Pro. April 1989 battery oftests show a Stiudes. WESTERNUNION AGENCY . COIN-OP CLEANERS gram (IGAI') reading, math andwidediffcrenceinresults. Dept. of Health Again, board members ap- 8018 WAUKEGAN RD.. NuES .. . HARLEM & MILWAUKEE AVE proved an emergeucy expendi- Scoresby grade level turn ofSl,791 to replace a wood- ...... offers free servces. 967-7770 763-9447 . en- fence at Stevenson School. I CASHADVAMCEWITh VISA.. MSTERCASD »ist Reading Math Language arts Costi Thesugh disease provenlion of Health Statistics and Planning Documentation first will be ob- 3rd 6th 8th 3rd 6th 8th3rd 6th 8th pupil and helth promotion programs, provides birth certificates for in- lamed to determine whether or I PILES cITY SlicKERS NOW AVAILABLE the Cook County Department of dividuals born in suburban Cook noI the fence is within the school 63 318 324 285 296 313 282281 294 266 $5,640 Public Health (CCDPH) works Connty as well as death certifi- distniet'shoundury lines. 64 313 298 298 318 313 315298 298 292 $6,620 to keep you as healthy us posui- cates and burialpermitsfor 67 323 295 294 358 278 290381 348 378 $7,268 bIc. those who die hi suburban Cook 70270 290 269 297 306324 268 334 310 $6,393 Mostindividualsatenot County. 71 294 269 281 289 279 31g326 266 329 $9,514 aware of the wide variety of free Andrew G. Williams RrsidenB of north suhurhan Navy Seaman Apprentice An- Stale services offernd by CCDPH to Cook County Can find out more acores 257 249 254 249 252 248250 250 250 suburban Cook Countyresi- about these services and eligibil- drew G. Williams, participated in dents. "Your tax dollar providel ily requiremento by calling (708) Operation 'Shmp Edge' while many free hrlash education, en- serving aboard ihn deck landing 8t8-2860 and lalking to the staff ship USS Whidhey Island, homo- Corn Ed residential vironmental, and clinic servie- at their local Cook County De- portedinLitdeCreek, Va. es,"saysDr.KarenScott, parlment of Public Health Dis- CCDPH's Director. 'Sharp Edge',a eon-combat charges among lowest Clinic services include; adult niet Office, located in the 3rd evacuation operalion, was orga-- health, AIDS (HtV) counseling District Circuit Court Bnitdiog, uieed Io initiale protection of Commonwealth Edistos resi-$55.08 per month for 1,000 kwh, and testing, child health, dental, 2121 Euclid, Rolling Meadows. American cilizens und foreign denlialcuslomersusing 1,000 kil-compared with charges of $60.22 family planning, immunization, This disaicl office serves Ear- nationals from the Port City of Ella Buchanan and U.S. Embassy in owstthours ofeleclricisy n monthfor lndiaoupoliu, $91.37 far Los maternal (prenatal),refugee ringlon, Grove, Hanover, Malue, New Trier, Niles, North- Mourovia,Liberiu. now pay the second lowest costsAngeleu,$l30.22 forNew York, health,schoolage, sranatly field, Palatine, Schuumburg, md Hejoined the Navy in Novem- PAINT WAGON among comparable utility cousu-and $134.27 for Phitadetphia. Iransmined diSease, WIC (Nutri- . 8014 N. WAUKEGAN RD. mets in 2imelrôpolitan ateas ofChaegcsforSeuttlearo$28.8I. lion), and preschool vision and Wheeling loweships. ber 1988. 966-5460 thecounlry,accordiug to a survey Al 500 kwh, Edison charges hearing. by a Dallas-hantai electric utility.are$34.12,compared wilts C.C.D.P.H.providesmany Air Command 9OI The survey finds thattadison cus-$40.89 for lndianapoliu, $45.84other free services fur individu- Gas Furnace ERA CALLERO &CATINO tomers using 500 kwh a monthfor Los Angeles, $68.16 for New als,schools,and community BEN FRIEND pay tIte fifth lowest costs. York, and $69.62 for Philadel- groups. The Health Education Experience REALTY REALTORS In the 1,000 kwh brackel, only phia. Seattle charges are $12.56. and Information Divisun has od- A New Dimension Seattle, with abundant hydroelec- Several factors have causedueators who can make presenta 7800 MILWAUKEE AVE. 7234 TOUHY AVE. in High Efficiency 714-2500 trie power, has customer chargesEdison'smonthlyresidential lions and provide consultations 967-6800 lower Iban Chicago and northerncharges to become among Ilseon such health topics as AIDS, Heating THIS Illinois. In addition to Seattle, lowentofmujormettopolitan are-hypertension,stressmanage- only Washington D.C., Mcm-as, iuclsding the continuing eu- ment,diabetes,contraception, SPOT phis, and San Antonio see lowerlessive use of low-cast nuclearand sexually transmitted dieuses. ISFOR charges in the 500 kwh categoiy. fuel, an Ittinois Commerce Corn- The Enviommenlal Health Divi- Sain Eovfli,o. 1,0hA YOUR New York City racks 24th andmission (ICC) ordre rolling backsinn tests well watet and takes Philadotphis25thineach brockct. rates lu 1985 levels, the paymentnuisance complaints from the BUSINESS The survey, compiled by Tau-nf ICC-ordered refunds, and thepublic couoerning such issues as :00,,, a,,I ,,th,,,,I .. h.ky s as Utilities Electric Company,annual beginning of lower non- pOsts orgarbage. The DenIal Di- FOR finds that Edison customers paysomrnerseuuonaltuleu. vision offçris fltioride rinse pro- .%"fl.wO. 2u-n..,iisd s,,,,,,te grams and dental hygiene educo- DETAILS wv,asss,,oa. Forest Foundation announces 1990 grantsdon in the schools. The Division 51 CALL The Purest Foundation, Des program, the grants aretItocuted IÇ1 966-3900 Plaines, Itas uwartled a total ofIo fund peer leadership efforts môre than $270,000 in grants Io includiugresearch,educasion, $100.00 REBATE 35 uchuolsaridorganizations USE- peer counseling and other out- GAS: YOUR BEST ENERGY VALUE VALUE- throughout northern Itlinqis, uts- . reach activities. no9nceduthuinisirsturMuiy.. The local 1990 grant recip- THE R & D HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING lane Such, Forest Hospital, Des ients are: Response Center, Sko- - (708) 965-7442 Plaines. kir ($7,500); and Lincolowood BUGLE . msnrurlqonvn ) ;. . Part of a continuing annual Girls Softball ($7,500). .())S J. i L r',, Come to Jewelkr

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