, I(lA_ UIl-),, r iUNÜA 5 NiLES PUBLIC L1RARY 96OUATON NILES IL 60648 Area gradeschoolsscore Tavern fire losses passing estimated at $10-20,000 gradeson state tests. Niles firefighlerx- were 55m- Acco1ding lo Dint, Chief Wal- mosed to Sullivan'sTnvcrn, 9055 ter Blase, aboul a dOzen custom- Report cards sent ou8 last However, educators caution A Nues pee-leen may sltesd Milwaukee Ave., around 8:30ers werq in thebuilding when fire month on the areas public ele-that there are a variety of varia- classes is any oue of four school p.m. Nov. 10 lo put Out a duct-began spreading- throughthe mentaey schools show that lôcalbics, tuch at truancy and thedistricts - 63, 64; 67 or 71. Across work bre. They were oigo assist-ductwofk into the attic and walls, 3cd,6th and 8th graders are doing nnmbcr of non-English speaking the border, Morton Grove ele- ed by North Maine, MortonThe firefighters cat a hole in the better than the statewide averag-or special education students,mestary students attend ose of Grove and Glenview emergencyroof and ceiling to ventilate the which affect scores. Continued on Page 39 personnel. Continued on Page 39 Nues residents fear reservoir Nifes will lower their property values edition of Reservoir . plans meet 8746 N. Shermer Road. Nues, Illinois 60648(708) 966-3900 VOL.34,NO.23,THE DUGLE,THURSDaY, NOVEMt,F.n 5,t990 25C per copy - with protest From the District 63 próposes by Sbeilya Hackett PrOlzsls by Nilesites against a costsideoftheBallard- lo % tax rate increase pltiìiand village waler facility In Camberlandinlcrszctiashave te/e6'aa by EileenHirschfeld theBallard Roud-Cnmberlandhalf ocre lots; three story spart- Avenue ares may have changed ment buildings stand on the soest by Bud Besser Eased ou estimated badgel and A Tralh-in-Taxaliou statement-someminds. side. The sectian was osee call Its haca operating costs for the upcoming will be published and a psbic Tea Isle for the Bugle4ead- Ballard l-lighlmds. oar one mans year, bored members of East hettriog held al 7 p.m. Tazsdoy,line, villtige Bastees helds dpa- Thevillage has laegplannedta opinionvillageslikePark Maine Elemestaey School Dis- Dec.11. Ridge have fassitizcd. Its an rial meeting Nov. 14 to further isslstl sew waler transmission Irict 63 approved a leslative tas Informatioa ou a tau levy rateceiisitter Ihn Sii million fscilily lines10improve the waler pres- old community which has rate of 2.8292 mills which is ap- marl be filed with the countyana- sear. mare trois- nearby resi- ryaintaincditsstatusquo. sore in Nitos' naBhees section. prauimately 10% higher thas last clerk by 1hz end of December al-- dents who fear the plant will low- Lasljane, wilts werk os the lines There's no dynamic which years raIe of 2.fr43fr mills. At- though the district will not knoworllizirproperly valses. moves the community. already begun, Niles seized the lhougtt a targeramonul, therute is tow much money it is receiving Residents fram the Ballard apporlusily lo tell Lake Michi- still 3.6% tower than two years frontthestatenudIseveralRood-Camberland Avenue area Niles, which is right across gas waler to the Nartb Saberban ago. monlhs aflerthe firstofthe year. pttcked another special board Public Ulilily and thefeby share the street from old Park Ridge, If approved, the total tax levy Abont 80 percent of the dis- meeting Nov. 7. Although some han leaped forOvard daring the the Cost of the tise transmission maybringiutathedistrict leid's operating budget is derived Ciime for informulios, most of the work. Nibs officials say their pri- past 35 years, building and ex- Sl3,390,695, esclusive of debtfrom properly taxes and the te-approximately 30 residents came . panding and creating an envi- mary concern is15raise water service. Property lanes to be lev- mainder from sIdle monies, fees, 10protest the planned pumping pressare feraces residents and for raament which makes it a fa- ied fardebt serviceare rentals and miscellaneous. station sud above-ground coo- . vacabloplace to live. firefightisgpeoeedsres. $1,816,530,oratotalof The amount of property tasescrete waterreservoir. At the nieetisg, Fire Chief Rar- $15,207,225. Continued on Page 39 Single family homes on the Park Ridgenever wanted an ry Kinowski said thePire Depart- industrial area within its bor- ment conducted lests three times durs. Nitos developed a huge a week in the Ballard- Nues Historical Society gets check Cumberinnd area, from April to ,arre for industry, Park Ridge residentsarenowover- October in 1989 und 1990, Teste whelmed by real estate ases canfirmed the water system is because their single family weak in providing sufficient ma- homes must pay the brunt of lerpressnre stall limes, théirtotallaxes. Roughly, To residenB who retorled they .. 40% of-Niles Township laxes bud no water pressare prebleins, within Nibs ore paid for byin- it was painted sul white single dustry. family home dwellers don't no- ' tice any lessening of waler pros- - Similarly, Park Ridge has , 55m, third floor apoesnenl dwell- kept ant the big shopping ceo- ers do. 1ers which have bees devel- MatylsndAvenueresident aped in Niles. Snbaequcslly, Tltamas BarIo proposed -moving P.R. resideuls have to foal the facility farther sorth, te s neu- moulaflhatax money la main- residendtd arett sod other resi- lais ils village budget while denls slseslcd ebjcctioos to Ihr - Nites has a plus 5 million dol- .planned site. lar sales las cushion which President Nicholas Btsse asid fliales payirg Niles village Continued nu Page 39 budget much easier far resi- deals. Addiliasally, Nilasiles have free bas service, as ex- celled senior citizen building 'Senior lad saciat services for those 55110needprafessiosal help. Plists by David Miller Seasons As the hokey phrase goes, Nitos Park Díslriel Commissioner Eláine Hei- and witlbepst lowurdspurchusing Iwo air candi- 'Diffeecslslrakes for different neo presented u checkfar $5,000 loMarilyn lionnes fartheHislorical Secielybuilding. Pic- GuideS folks........PuekRidgerslike Brown ofthe NilesHistoriculSocielyNov.5.The lured wilh Heinen and Brown are members of . Par , 19-25 Conttnued on Page 39 money comes from Nues Evenls 1990 profils the Biles Evenls Commillee Board. PAGE-2 THE MUGLETHURSDAY, NOVEMBERjS, 1990 H underway - Paramedicsexplain Poolco nstruction THEBÚGLE,TRIIìSDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1990 response toDNR notices- -- bySheilYaHackett P MEMBER A Arráarnmedics respond im. pital, ei(her LntheranGeneral in & Nn,tho,nlilinoi. mediately to emergency calls for Park Ridge or Rnsh North Shore N.wnp.p., G Association help. Bat whal if they're met at Medical cenlerin Skokie. - :kir E thedonr With a "do not renusc:tale Both Meier and LI. Calvio uk (DM0) notice - a written agree-Rndway, paransedic coordinator DavidBesser - Editor & Publisher meat between the attending phy- for the Niles Fire Department, An Independent Community Newspaper Establishedin 1957 - - DianeMiller . Director of Advertising sieinn tntd the paliers Or his fa:nt- poiol cxl the DNR asIcaBan is not Linda Burns ' Copy Editor lynot to perform life saving frequent butoccanstonally occurs 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois 60648 (708)966-3900 efforts? with tong-term and terminally ill DNR forms are often mmm- patients in nursing homes. In gen- plete, said District Chief Richard eral, ilte public doesn't consider Meier cf the Mactan Groye Fire DNR5 nntil she need arises, am- DepartmeoL If forms are an- cording to Radway, and then she Color Guard Nues Police conduct random roadside safety inspection signed, he explains, standard np- dactorwill usually neggentil. crating procedure is to follow St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, honors veterans d:cough with life saving efforts,is the local teaching hospital for tell the receiving hospital what sparamedics and the program co- going on nod advise shem of sheordinator offices there. Gfficial DNR. Paramedics man transmit Police roadblocksnags stale gnidelines for the Irealtuent an electrocardiogram by teleme-of DNR patienls are being con- try to tIte closest hospital, talksidered by she Emergency-Mod)- Photn by David Miller with a doctor sud await instase-rat Services (EMS) council, bat lions, currently ore not spelled sal, ne- two for drunk driving Construction continues on Niles Park Dis- expannin of its parking lot is expeclod to be For a DNR to be valid, it must - cording to Bossa Schaible of the complotedbytherognla(opening day in June, meet certain criteria, Meier said: Nancy Keraminas lricrsRecreationCenterpool,7877 Milwaukee SLPrancisEMS office, - 1991. she patient is terminaty ill; she Fire at candy Ave.The$1.4 millionrenovation ofthe pool and The 19-member EMS conocil The semperutere wan in the operationalund -- constitutional DNR is signed by a doctor li-includescoordinatingdoctors Centel celebrates censed in Illinois and it must ex 30's but she heat was on at Mil-considerations, 18 other drunk Reception set and representatives of ambalunce factory under waukee Avenue and Oaklondrivers muy have driven -part conversion to 100% plain the physician/patient rets-providers nodthe paramedic tionsl:ip. investigation Street last weekend while NilesGalctan Street and Milwaukee digital service Emergency Medical Training An. police conducted atwo-hoar Avenueduring sheoperution. The for new MG residents Life-snatainiog efforts are ini-nocialioo. ltis advisory lo the Gyrr tOO gaests, iecludng to. tinted by paramedics unless a pa- Three tawus answered a t'tre roadsidepablicnafesyinspertion, U.S. Supreme Court, while per- Residcnls who have moveddcntstodscussourcommunity. governor of Illinois. call ut Great Lakes Candy Com- Thegood news is shut one male into Morton Grove within Lhe Foradditionalinformation, cal political, regntatory and basi tirol was decapitated; has obvi- milling this type0f roadblock, Living wills, which deal with puny. MortouGrove, around 9:10 and one female drunktirivermet-e stipulates shut cars be selected past year me invited to attend sheplease call the Department of ness leaders, attended a celebra- onsly been deed a long lime; rigorlife sxpport systems and artificial dinner marking -CentrIsmords has set in or body tissae is p.m. Nov, ltl,aflerntennntin the arrested und other motoristsre- randomly and eqttilably.
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