
The King County Council, through Ordinance 9128, has established a Conservation Futures Levy Fund and appropriated proceeds to King County and certain cities. This amendment Is entered into to provide for the allocation of additional funds made available for open space acquisition.

THIS AMENDMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SEATTLE and KING COUNTY, and amends and attaches to and is part thereof of the existing Interlocal Cooperation Agreement entered into between the parties on the 5th day of June, 1990,as previously amended.

The parties agree to the following amendments:

Amendment 1: Article 1. Recitals

Five paragraphs are hereby added to the Recitals Section to provide for 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 Conservation Futures Levy proceeds allocations to projects, and hereby read:

• On November 14,2016, the King County Council passed Ordinance 18409, which appropriated a total of one million three hundred and forty thousand dollars ($1,340,000) in 2017 Conservation Futures Levy proceeds to the City of Seattle for the Bitter Lake Playfield Addition, Delridge Open Space, Lakeridge Park Addition, Longfellow Creek Addition, Magnolia Greenbelt, North Beach Natural Area projects.

• On November 6, 20 17, the King County Council passed Ordinance 18602, which appropriated a total of one million six hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars ($1,665,000) in 2018 Conservation Futures Levy proceeds to the City of Seattle for the Broadview-Bitter Lake Open Space, East Duwamish Greenspace, Genesee Park Addition, Greenwood Park Addition, Ktwams Ravine Greenspace, Northgate Urban Center Park, Thornton Creek NA; Little Brook, and West Duwamish Greenbelt projects.

• On July 9, 201 8, the King County Council passed Ordinance 18766, which appropriated a total of one million dollars ($1,000,000) in reallocated 2018 Conservation Futures Levy proceeds to the City of Seattle for the Kubota

Amendment AG CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 CFT Proceeds Gardens and North Rainier Town Center/Urban Village Transit Station projects.

• On November 13, 2018, the King County Council passed Ordinance 18835, which appropriated a total of two million and fifty thousand dollars ($2,050,000) in 2019 Conservation Futures Levy proceeds to the City of Seattle for the Aurora-Licton Springs Urban Village Park, Cheasty Greenspace Addition, College Street Ravine Addition, Duwamish Waterway Park, Madrona Ravine Addition, Orchard Street Ravine Addition projects.

• In accordance with Section 8.2, the executive or designee is authorized to execute this Amendment.

Amendment2:_Article V. Conditions of Agreement

Section 5.1 is amended to include the Exhibit 1 attached to this Amendment, which lists 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 Conservation Futures Levy proceeds allocations as follows: 2017 allocations for the Bitter Lake Playfield Addition, Delridge Open Space, Lakeridge Park Addition, Longfellow Creek Addition, Magnolia Greenbelt, North Beach Natural Area projects; 2018 allocations for the Broad view-Bitter Lake Open Space, East Duwamish Greenspace, Genesee Park Addition, Greenwood Park Addition, Kiwanis Ravine Greenspace, Northgate Urban Center Park, Thornton Creek NA: Little Brook, West Duwamish Greenbelt projects; 2018 reallocation of proceeds for the Kubota Gardens and North Rainier Town Center/Urban Village Transit Station projects; and 2019 allocations for the Aurora-Licton Springs Urban Village Park, Cheasty Greenspace Addition, College Street Ravine Addition, Duwamlsh Waterway Park, Madrona Ravine Addition, Orchard Street Ravine Addition projects.

Amendment 3: Exhibit 1

The Interlocal Cooperation Agreement is hereby amended by adding Exhibit 1, attached hereto.

In all other respects, the terms, conditions, duties and obligations of both parties shall remain the same as agreed to in the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement as previously amended.

Once fully executed, this Amendment shall be incorporated into the existing Interlocal Cooperation Agreement as if fully set forth, and shall become Amendment AG.

Amendment AG CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocatlon, and 2019 CFT Proceeds IN WITNESS WHEREOF, authorized representatives of the parties hereto have signed their names In the spaces set forth below:


Dow (?onsfantine King(G6unty Executive

Date: (I 7^/2^[f Date:

Approved as to form:

^. \/v , .---\ J -;'4"t yl-jf Dan Satterb^rg King County Prosecuting Attorney

Amendment AG CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocatlon, and 2019 CFT Proceeds EXHIBIT 1


Year Juris. Project Name (Project Number) Allocation 2017 Seattle Bitter Lake Playfield Addition (1129231) $1,000,000 2017 Seattle Delridge Open Space (1129233) $40,000 2017 Seattle Lakeridge Park Addition (1129234) $30,000 2017 Seattle Longfellow Creek Addition (1129235) $200,000 2017 Seattle Magnolia Greenbelt (1129237) $40,000 2017 Seattle North Beach Natural Area (1129238) $30,000 2017SUBTOTAL $1,340,000 2018 Seattle Broadview-Bitter Lake Open Space (1132071) $750,000 2018 Seattle East Duwamish Greenspace (111 6258) $70,000 2018 Seattle Genesee Park Addition (1132073) $105,000 2018 Seattle Greenwood Park Addition (1123823) $290,000 2018 Seattle Kiwanis Ravine Greenspace (1132078) $85,000 2018 Seattle Northgate Urban Center Park (1132081) $100,000 2018 Seattle Thornton Creek NA: Little Brook (1126740) $100,000 2018 Seattle West Duwamish Greenbelt (1127641) $165,000 2018SUBTOTAL $1,665,000 2018 Seattle Kubota Gardens (1116259) $700,000 Realloc. 2018 North Rainier Town Center/Urban Village Transit Seattle $300,000 Realloc. Station (1126739) 2018 REALLOCA TIONSUBTOTAL $1,000,000 2019 Seattle Aurora-Licton Springs Urban Village Park (1133804) $500,000 2019 Seattle Cheasty Greenspace Addition (1133805) $125,000 2019 Seattle College Street Ravine Addition (1133806) $300,000 2019 Seattle Duwamish Waterway Park (1133807) $550,000 2019 Seattle Madrona Ravine Addition (1133808) $450,000 2019 Seattle Orchard Street Ravine Addition (1 133809) $125,000 2019SUBTOTAL $2,050,000 AMENDMENT AG TOTAL $6,055,000

Amendment AG CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 CFT Proceeds Project Descriptions 2017 Conservation Futures Levy Proceeds Allocations*:

1129231 Seattle - Bitter Lake Plavfield Addition This new project will acquire a 3.5-acre open space addition to the Bitter Lake Playfield in north Seattle. It is located north of N. 130th Street and west ofLinden Avenue at Bitter Lake Place. The project will provide passive shoreline access to Bitter Lake and protect a rare large open space in north Seattle's Bitter Lake Hub Urban Village.

1129233 Seattle - Delridge Open Space This project will acquire a .46-acre degraded wetland open space, located at 23rd Avenue SW at the corner of SW Findlay Street in West Seattle's Delridge neighborhood. The project will provide a setting for environmental education and community restoration of the natural features of the property.

1129234 Seattle - Lakeridge Park Addition This project will acquire a .125-acre inholding in south Seattle's Lakeridge Park. It is located on Holyoke Way South at South Ryan Street in south Seattle.

1129235 Seattle - Longfellow Creek Addition This project will acquire a .12-acre property located on 24th Avenue SW, near the intersection with 25th Ave. SW in West Seattle. The project will provide an addition to Seattle's Longfellow Creek Greenspace, and allow for future restoration of the creek channel. The property contains a house that will be removed.

1129237 Seattle - Magnolia Greenbelt This project will acquire two inholding parcels totaling A acres, in the Magnolia Greenbelt, located north of the Magnolia Bridge in Seattle's Magnolia neighborhood.

1129238 Seattle - North Beach Natural Area This project will acquire a woodland .26-acre parcel located in the North Beach Natural Area. It is located on the mapped street NW 91st Street, east of 30th Avenue NW in northwest Seattle.

^Note: Lake City Urban Village Addition (project 1129232) was cfwarded $1,200,000 in 2017 CFT proceeds. In February 2018, Seattle reported that the project has been abandoned. Funds were reallocated m King County Ordmance #18766 adopted by King County Coimcil on July 9, 2018. Therefore those funds are not included in this amendment.

Amendment AG CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 CFT Proceeds 2018 Conservation Futures Levy Proceeds Allocations:

1132071 — Seattle - Broadview-Bitter Lake Open Space The goal of this project Is to acquire a 0.89-acre Seattle City Light property connected to the Interurban Trail for use as a neighborhood park. The open field with mature trees is currently used as open space for the neighborhood. City Light has indicated its intent to surplus the property in 2018, and the property could be developed into seven homes at current zoning. The community is supportive of retaining this site as publicly accessible open space; this area is a documented service gap area for city parks. The city matches the CFT funding with Seattle Metropolitan Park District funding.

1116258 — Seattle - East Duwamish Greenspace This project will acquire inholdmgs in the East Duwamish Greenbelt in south Seattle. The city has protected approximately 90 acres of this regional views protection corridor over the last 20 years. The area provides a wildlife corridor and forested buffer between the neighborhood and the freeway. There are significant restoration opportunities in this area. 2018 fiscal year: This project protects a 0.14-acre property within the East Duwamish Greenbelt above 1-5 on the western edge of Beacon Hill. With the purchase of one additional parcel in the future, the city would be able to decommission the access road into the area. The city has tried to purchase this target parcel for 15 years, and reached agreement with the landowner in 2016. The city has purchased the property using 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy and seeks reimbursement from CFT.

1132073 - Seattle - Genesee Park Addition Nearly two decades ago, 0.24 acres of land associated with a former Seattle City Light substation was made surplus and incorporated into Genesee Park. The property was not paid for by Seattle Parks at that time, and Seattle Parks is responsible for reimbursing the City Light Fund for the market value of the property. This portion of the park is only used for pathways and grass; it is not part of the active recreation portion of the site. A match is provided through Seattle Metropolitan Park District funding.

1123823 - Seattle - Greenwood Park Addition This project has targeted inholding parcels in Greenwood Park, located on Fremont Avenue North at North 88th Street in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle. The inholdings would have structures removed and be incorporated into the park. 2018 fiscal year: Seattle has worked for nearly two decades to remove four inholdings from the east side of the park. This acquisition removes the final 0.1-acre inholding and completes city ownership of the site. The park supports a variety of uses serving the local community including play structures and ball courts; this portion of the site will be managed for passive uses in keeping with CFT funding restrictions. Friends of Greenwood Park are active partners in planning for the park. The landowner was willing to sell in 2016; the city completed the acquisition at that time using 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy funding, and seeks reimbursement from CFT.

Amendment AG CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 CFT Proceeds 1132078 — Seattle - Kiwanis Ravine Greenspace Seattle has gradually been acquiring inholdings in the Kiwanis Ravine in the Magnolia neighborhood, building a large protected urban greenspace in this area. Kiwanis Ravine was home to the largest colony of great blue herons in the city until the colony moved to nearby Commodore Park in 201 I due to eagle predation. This area remains an important area for local wildlife, urban green space protection, and regional views protection from the Ballard Locks and ship canal. Heron Habitat Helpers continues to work on habitat restoration in this area. Acquisition of this 0.1-acre parcel prevents further development of land along the ravine. The city acquired the property in 2017 when the landowner became willing to sell, using Seattle Metropolitan Park District funds; the city seeks reimbursement from CFT.

1132081 - Seattle -Northgate Urban Center Park King County and Seattle have entered into a Cooperative Agreement for the redevelopment of the King County/METRO-owned park-and- ride lot. It is a goal for the city to acquire a neighborhood park in the Northgate Urban Center near the Sound Transit Station, which will open in 2021. This area is currently underserved for parks, and the city anticipates major population growth in the next decade as the area densities around the station. As part of the Cooperative Agreement, the city is exploring funding options for a publicly owned park on a portion of the site. The funding would not be needed until 2019, and the CFT Committee grants a partial award to the project recognizing that a request can be made next year.

1126740 - Seattle - Thornton Creek Natural Area: Little Brook Seattle has been working to add to more than 2 acres of protected natural area along Little Brook, a tributary to Thornton Creek. The Thornton Creek system has the highest hydrologic integrity of any creek in Seattle, and has the greatest existing and potential diversity of fish populations. Acquisition furthers the goals of Seattle Public Utilities Thomton Creek Master Plan. The Thornton Creek Alliance and the Homewaters Project are community partners in site conservation and restoration. 2018 fiscai year: Seattle seeks to acquire a 0.17-acre parcel. The city has recently purchased and restored an adjacent property off of 35th Avenue NE, providing a viewpoint toward the site. This parcel protects the view across the creek corridor from the overlook. This acquisition could facilitate additional trail extension on the eastern side of the creek.

1126741 - Seattle - West Duwamish Greenbelt The West Duwamlsh Greenbelt is the largest greenbelt in the city, and provides a regional viewshed visible from 1-5 and the West Seattle Bridge. The greenbelt provides important wildlife corridor benefits and opportunities for habitat restoration. Seattle seeks to continue acquisition of the few remaining inholdings. 2018 fiscal year: The 0.39-acre target is surrounded on ati sides by city-owned land. This acquisition will allow for removal of a home and restoration of the site. The landowner has indicated willingness after nearly 20 years of discussions with the city. Matching funds are provided by the 2008 Seattle Parks and Green Spaces Levy.

Amendment AG 7 CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017,2018,2018 reallocation, and 20 19 CFT Proceeds 2018 Reallocations of Conservation Futures Levy Proceeds:

1116259-Seattle - Kubota Greenspace Addition Mid-Year 2018: Seattle completed the purchase of one property (713130-0345), and continues to negotiate for the second property (713130-0340). The project will receive an allocation of $700,000 CFT funding.

1126739 - Seattle - North Rainier Town Center/Urban Village Transit Station Mid-Year 2018: Seattle has contacted various landowners, and is working with the community and other city agencies to identify an appropriate location -which should be done by late 2018. The project will receive an allocation of $300,000 CFT funding.

2019 Conservation Futures Levy Proceeds Allocations:

1133804 - Seattle - Aurora-LJcton Springs Urban Village Park Seattle seeks to acquire 0.29-acre parcel 099300-1605 in the rapidly developing Aurora- Licton Springs Residential Urban Village in north Seattle. In the City's 2017 Parks and Open Space Plan, this urban village is identified as having one of the largest open space gaps in the city, with over half of the urban village not served by a park. There is strong community support for creating additional park space in this area. The parcel is sizeable, mostly open grass and landscaping with an older home on one side of the lot. The parcel is surrounded by recently built townhouses and multi-story apartment buildings, with additional buildings under construction. In this challenging real estate market, the City has a unique opportunity to work with a landowner who is interested in seeing the property preserved as a park rather than redeveloped. Seattle proposes to match CFT funding with Seattle Park District funding.

1133805_^Seattle - Cheastv Greenspace Addition The City seeks to add 0.24-acre parcel 162404-9095 to the Cheasty Greenspace in southeast Seattle, which provides open space and wildlife habitat on the eastern side of Beacon Hill. The greenspace encompasses the historic and scenic Olmstead-designed Cheasty Boulevard, a scenic corridor which supports soft-surface trails instead of paved sidewalks, and which provides significant visual relief to visitors and drivers as a protected green corridor in a dense urban landscape. Cheasty Greenspace contains about 65 acres, with additional protected lands at adjacent Golf Course. This area of southeast Seattle is designated as a Neighborhood Revitalization Area where the City strives to achieve revltalizatlon by providing recreation and environmental amenities. The acquisition of this 0.24-acre inholding parcel would prevent development of two homes, and avoid disturbance to the boulevard greenway and the trail from two new driveway crossings. As part of the Green Seattle partnership, this parcel would be revegetated and restored when it is added to the protected corridor. Seattle would match CFT with Seattle Park District funds.

Amendment AG CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 CFT Proceeds 1133806 - Seattle - College Street Ravine Addition Seattle seeks to add 0.28 acres in five parcels to the College Street Ravine. These parcels have been longtime targets to consolidate and complete greenbelt ownership. The College Street Ravine is part of the Duwamish Head Greenbelt, an identified preservation priority for Seattle since the 1993 Urban Green Spaces Policy. Portions ofDuwamish Head Greenbelt are visible from downtown Seattle. This ravine and the adjacent Duwamish Head Greenbelt provide important habitat for many birds and small mammals in a dense urban environment and provide neighborhood separators between residential and commercial/industrial areas. At College Street Ravine, trails lead through a forested landscape that is actively being restored and maintained by neighborhood and stewardship groups such as Green Seattle Partnership and the Nature Consortium. The City owns most of property on both sides of the ravine. Acquisition of the target parcels located on the edges of the ravine would help preserve the character of this forested corridor, and prevent development of homes that visually impact the greenspace experience of the College Street Ravine (as has happened on one or two nearby parcels along the corridor). Seattle would match CFT with Seattle Park District funds.

1133807 - Seattle - Duwamish Waterway Park While Duwamish Waterway Park functions as a Seattle park, the 1.26-acre parcel 732790-1195 that comprises most of the park acreage is actually owned by King County. This area is the site of an old oxbow lake which was filled in during the 1920s. The County has owned this parcel since the early 1900s, operating a dock on this property for the first few decades of its ownership. The site has been used as a park since the 1970s, managed by Seattle Parks under an agreement with King County. In 1974, the City installed a carved wooden whale sculpture and dedicated the park to the Duwamish Indian Tribe as part of the "Rediscover the Duwamish Festival." In addition to this County-owned parcel, the park acreage and protected Duwamish River shorelines enjoyed by visitors includes land owned by Seattle Parks and Recreation, Port of Seattle, and unopened Seattle Department of Transportation rights-of-way. The South Park neighborhood in which this park is located has a significant deficit of green space within the community. This park is an important feature in the neighborhood, providing open space to gather and play, and visual and physical access to the river. The Friends of Waterway Park and more than a dozen other community groups have already been involved in discussions of redesign of the park. The City of Seattle is seeking funding to acquire the 1.26-acre parcel from King County, matching CFT with Seattle Park District funds.

1133808 - Seattle - Madrona Ravine Addition Seattle seeks funding to complete a long-sought acquisition of0.6-acre parcel 142220- 0501 in the Madrona Ravine. This one parcel had been held out of the purchase agreement when a family sold several adjacent properties to the City in recent years. This parcel currently has a small house. Recent redevelopment proposals include a multi-story home set on the edge of the forested ravine, which would change the character of the site. Acquisition would allow removal of the home and would complete the vision to protect

Amendment AG 9 CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 CFT Proceeds the site. Madrona Creek flows through this forested ravine, through , to Lake . More than a decade ago, a community-initiated project funded in part by WRIA 8 helped to daylight the creek, restore the shoreline, establish creek culverts to allow fish passage, and build new pedestrian paths and bridges. This urban greenspace is an important wildlife corridor supporting small mammals and many bird species (including nesting eagles and Coopers hawks), serving as an upland extension of the 31- acre Madrona Park on the shoreline. Friends ofMadrona Woods is actively involved in stewarding the Madrona Ravine greenspace. The City of Seattle will match CFT with Seattle Park District funds.

1133809 - Seattle - Orchard Street Ravine Addition The Orchard Street Ravine is a pocket of open space within a West Seattle neighborhood which serves as visual respite and a neighborhood connector. The undeveloped Orchard Street right-of-way is bordered on both sides by 2.2 acres of Seattle Parks land. The property was acquired in the 1990s to conserve the unique conifer-madrone forest on site (a habitat type present on only 52 acres out of 2,700 acres owned by Seattle Parks). The community actively stewards the park, and helps maintains a network of trails through the site. The City seeks to purchase 0.13-acre parcel 431920-0080 with an abandoned home adjacent to the park that will help buffer the site from adjacent development and allow for restoration. The City of Seattle will match CFT with Seattle Park District funds.

Amendment AG 10 CFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Seattle and King County 2017, 2018, 2018 reallocation, and 2019 CFT Proceeds