Administration Office 2203 Baldwin Corpus Christi. 78405 (SI2) SR1-lJQ8S GCCLR Fax (512) 881-9994 GL'LF COAST COl~CIL OF LA RAZA A CJuzrter Affiliate of the National Cou.ncil of In Ra:a March 13, 1996 Dr. Maria Luisa Garza. CEO

Texas State Board of Education Document Control Center Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701

Dear Members of the State Board of Education:

This is to request your consideration of the enclosed application for an Open-Enrollment Charter School as enacted by Senate Bill I, on May 30, 1995 by the Texas Legislature.

The Academy of Transitional Studies (ATS)is a school accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. ATS has been in existence for fourteen years and has a yearly enrollment of 200 students. ATS works very closely with two school districts that will be positively impacted by this proposed Charter School. The Corpus Christi Independent School District and West Oso School District currently refer students who have been expelled from their alternative centers to the ATS. Dr. and Dr. Frank Hogan are very supportive of this application as evidenced by their prompt return of the Statements of Impact.

Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions about this application.

I hope that you find this application in order and that your decision to select the Academy of Transitional Studies to become a Charter School in Texas is a positive one.

Thank you for your support and assistance in this matter.

Respectfully yours, D;fRtM1iri:::•• G.n.. ,ft MLG: ss I) i] •


Academy Pregnant Teens Emergency Shelter Recreation Centl'!f Family Counseling Center l(j~n Fd\k~Hi()nl Dnt\!/;\Tno;;; (A~~c'~ment C~'n1erl 2801 South Pon 7211h Omaha 2201 BaldWIn Prevention 72.1 Omaha Corpus Chri",ri, TX Corpu~ Christi, TX Corpus Christ i. T\ 2205 Baldwin Cllrpu~ Christi. TX (512) R88-8893 ()12) 887-7767 (512) RR 1-9988 Corpus Christi. TX 24 Hr Hotline Training & Employment ('512) H~7-7766 (512) 881-9988 for Handicapped Youth TAB L E o F CON TEN T S

Letter of Transmittal...... i








VIII. ATTACHMENT 1 - BUDGET ...... •...... ·····16

IX. ASSURANCES ...... 17



002 To be completed by TFj1.: Dale of Receipt by TEA: ______Date of SBOE Review: ______

-_Approved __ Not Approved Beginnin~ Date of Operation:

Application for Approval of an Open-Enrollment Charter

In rrTHcrion r: Submit compleled appJication willi the proposed charter (Jmi Q.nurances signed by Ihe Chief Operating Officer of the School and the signed parent/guardian petition 10 lht: Texas Education Agency, Documen{ Comrol Center, 1701 Norlh Congress A).I~., AU.Hill, Texas 787{)J. For l1J:sisumce, conracllne Office of Accountability at (512) 463-9716.

Chief Operating Officer ofProposedChaner: Or. Maria Luisa Garza Title: CEO Name of Sponsoring Entity: QJLF CD\ST o::J..N: I L OF LA RAZA, IN:.

Sponsor Address: 22 Q 3 Ra Idw in B I yd. City: Corpus Olr i 5 t i, Texas Zip: 78405 Phone Number: _(512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9993

Name of Proposed Chaner: N:N)fM( OF 1W\NS ITI Q\IAL STill IES

ChanerAddress: 2203 Baldwin Blvd. City:Corpus Olr is t i, Texas

Zip: 781105 Phone Number: (512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9994

Grade Expected Initial Pr' ted T tal Levels: 6 , 7 , 8 ,~,. GEl) Enrollment: ______30 Enrollment:oJec 0 ______200 maxilTUTl _

The chaner will serve an area that is geographically: (Check all that apply.) -L urban __ suburban rural

Ifthe proposed chaner will serve any special populations. indicate the approximate percentage of the student population to be served in as many of the following categories as are applicable: pn:-kindergarten special education migrants

_X_ economically disadvantaged x limited English proficient x recovered dropouts

-X.... at risk of dropping out X pregnant or parent students

--lL other: Students \WIO have been expelled from the ISO's Alterr'lativec~aci I ities. L:~: c-! C": The applicant is an "eligible entity" under the following category (check one): --....:: ~ - an institution of higher education as defined under TEC. Section 61.003; '. _ 5:> -- a private or independent institution of higher education as defined underTEC. Scctiofl'.61~,OO3; _ ----X..- an organization thal is ex.cmpt from taxation under 26 U.S.C. Section 501(c)(3); or ~ __ ..::;­ __ a govenunental enLity.

The facility to be used for an open-<:nrollment chaner school is a facility of:

a commercial entity -1L a non-profit entity a school dismct

Identify the entity that owns the facility: _~OJ=LF=,-~ffiI\ST=~~o::J..N:~=~I.::L:....:

If the entity that owns the facility does not operate it. who does? -!N=/A"-______

r. ., O...) ..

To be completed by TEA: Date Sent by ,,:ppIiCanllO Dislrict: ______Date of Receipt by TEA:

Date ofTEA Contact: TEA Contact Person:

Statement of Impact

Purpose of this form: The sponsoring entity entered bdow is submilting an application to the State Board of Education for approval 10 operate an open-enrollment charter schooL The name and location of the proposed charter school is provided. In accordance with Tex,,,, Education Code. Section 1~.11O(d)(2). this fonn must be completed by any school dislrict likely to be affected by the open-enrollment charter school. including information relating 10 any linancial difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have on the dislricl. It should also include infonnation pc:n.aining to any impact on student enrollment tha{ may impair a dislrict's ability to comply with a coun order affecting the dislricl. For more detailed infonnation about the proposed charter. contact the sponsoring entity indicated below.

Note: Under Texas Education Code. Section 12.106. an approved open-cnrollment charter school is entitled 10 the dislribution of the available school fund for a student anending the chaner schoolLO which the dislrict in which the student resides would be entitled. This would include any benefits alld any cransponation allorrnent for which the student is eligible under Chapler 42. An approved open-enrollment chaner is also entitled to a portion of the tax revenue collected by the school discrict for maintenance and operations as provided in Texas Education Code. Seclion 12.107.

Instructions: Submit the completed fonn signed by the dislrict superinten~ent and board president to:

The Texas Education Agency Document Concrol Center. Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin. Texas n701

The form must be received by tbe ioteoiled submission date indicated by tbe sponsoring entity for consideration by the State Board of Education with respect to approval of the proposed open-enrollment charIer schooL For information about the procedures for approval of open-cnrollmenl charter schools. please contact Dr. Deborah Nance or Ms. Belinda Flores in the Office of Accountability al (512) 463-9716.

Chid Operating Ofticer of Proposed Charter: ffi. IvAA I A W I SA GARZA Title: CEO

Name of Sponsoring Entity: OJLF CD'ST CD...N: IL OF LA RAZA , I t\C.

Sponsor Address: 2203 BALDWIN BLVD. City:

Zip: 78405 Phone Number: (512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 8819994

Name of Proposed Charter: POOFMf QE TRANSIIICNA.L. s:DDIES

Chaner Address: 2201 BI.AD.\IIN BLVD_ Cily: rn;.~ I<: ORI STI

Zip: 78405 Phone Number: (5]2)881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9994

Grade Levels: 6 , 7, 8, and GED Expected Enrollmenl: 200 maxirrun

Intended Date of Submission to the State Board of Education: March 14, 1996

2 Academy of Transitional Studies Corpus Christi, Texas

Statement of Impact

Check the appropriate response below:

The proposed open-enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree.

The proposed open-enrollment charter school is expected to impact the school district in the following manner: (Describe the impact in the space below. Attach any supponing documentation.)


Statements of Impact were provided to two school districts:

(1) Corpus Christi Independent School District.- Document was handed to Dr. Abelardo Saavedra, Superintendent on March 5, 1996

(2) West Oso Independent School District.- Doc'ument was provided to Dr. Frank Hogan, Superindentent, on March 8, 1996

Each one of the superintendents assured me that they will send the Statement of Impact to the State Board of Education by before March 18, 1996.

(District Name) (County-District Identification Number)

(District Address)

(Signature of Board President) (Print Board President's Name)

(Signature of Superintendent) (Print Superintendent's Name)

(Date) (phone Number)

3 005 Overview

This application for Open-Enrollment Charter is being submitted by the Gulf Coast Council of La Raza, Inc. (GCCLR), a private non-profit organization founded in 1980 as a charter-affiliate of the National Council of La Raza in Washington, D.C. This agency's mission is to promote the educational, emotional, physical, social, and economic well­ being of troubled youths and their families.

The GCCLR fulfills its mission statement through the implementation of the following programs:

1. An Emergency Shelter for Runaway Youths

The Shelter is a l6-bed facility licensed by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services to provide emergency and residential services to homeless and runaway youths ages 10-17.

2. Teenage Pregnancy Program

The participants receive education in nutrition, family planning, drug abuse education, child development, pre/post natal care, and exercises in human growth and development.

3. youth Intervention Program

The participants receive education in the prevention of drug abuse and participate in a leadership course that allows them to learn parliamentary procedure and the participation of a social club.

4. Recreation Center

A 6000 sf facility that offers after school recreational programs for youths under 16 years of age.

5. HIV/AIDS Education Program

This program provides education and information sessions for risk reduction behaviors that can prevent the HIV/AIDS contamination.

6. Family Counseling Center

Master's degree level counselors provide professional counseling services to dysfunctional and troubled families with children ages 7 through 17. An LPC oversees the program.

006 4 7. Parental Involvement Program

Parents participate in support groups that meet on a monthly basis. Parents who have (or have had) children in anyone of the programs provide support and advise to other parents who are experiencing family problems with their children.

8. Academy of Transitional Studies

This school is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It provides educational and counseling services to students in grades 6,7, and 8 who have been expelled from two collaborating districts in Corpus Christi. These students return to their neighborhood school at the end of the semester or at the end of the year. The students progress to the next grade level or to the second semester of the school year if their grades show academic improvement while in the Academy. This school also has a GED component for students who have progressed through the grades in high school and have earned from minimum to no school credits.

The Academy of Transitional Studies had an enrollment of 202 students last school year. 60 of these students obtained GED's; 58 were middle school and returned to their respective schools; others obtained grade level increases, moved out of town, or dropped out to obtain full time employment.

The Academy of Transitional Studies is a successful school and is seeking to become a charter school for several reasons. The most important of these reasons is that the Academy's teaching personnel usually leave as soon as a school district offers them a teaching position. Although they say they like teaching in this small setting, they want to participate in the teacher retirement system. If this school is going to survive in its mission, it must have a stable and satisfied personnel with the privilege and ability to feel full professional partners with the personnel teaching in the public school districts.

007 Open-Enrollment Charter Application

Instructions: The open-enrollment charter proposal may be either entered in the spaces below or submitted in contractual form including, in the order of the items below, the same components. Attach a proposed budget and evidence of parental support for the proposed charter. Note each school district whose enrollment is likely to be affected by the open-enrollment charter school and the date a Statement of Impact form was sent to Dr. Abelardo Saavedra on March 5, 1996 and to Dr. Frank Hogan on March 8, 1996. Both administrators pledge support and assistance in the faithful completion of the document and to follow through in forwarding it to the State Board of Education on a timely manner.

The applicant for the proposed open-enrollment charter, if approved by the State Board of Education, agrees to operate the educational program described below in accordance with the provisions described within this document and the attached assurances.

(1) Describe the educational program to be offered, including the required curriculum under Texas Education Code (TEC) s 28.002, and student attendance requirements.

The educational program to be offered will address the educational needs of the following population:

1. Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 who are at risk of expulsion from traditional school districts or who have already been expelled for disciplinary problems.

2. School dropouts in grades 9,10, 11, and 12 who are behind academically and who are discipline problems for the teachers in the traditional setting. These students have the option to study and prepare for a GED or, study to bring up their academic scores to their grade level and return to their respective school.

3. Students who have failed the TAAS test at least once. These students prepare for retaking the TAAS test.

The curriculum utilized is eclectically selected by the team of teachers who have determined, by the results of placement tests, the achievement level of the students. The Academy of


Transitional Studies has thirty computers with a curriculum that can be utilized from grades first through college level. The students are placed in a level that is appropriate for their actual academic development in the different subject areas of study. The Corpus Christi Independent School District provides with State-adopted textbooks to this Academy for the use of the students. The Academy staff has access to the audiovisual materials from the Education Service Center Region II and the staff can participate in staff training right along with the district's staff. This partnership and professional relationship has existed between these two school districts and the Gulf Coast Council of La Raza Academy.

Student attendance requirements is the same required by the Texas Education Agency. It is all being performed manually at this time.

(2) Specify the period for which the charter, if approved, will be valid: It is desired that the charter be valid in perpetuity. However, we will abide by the decision of the Texas Education Agency and the State Legislators as to the duration of the charter.

(3) Identify the specific levels of student performance on assessment instruments adopted under TEC Chapter 30, Subchapter B that constitute acceptable performance for the open-enrollment charter:

Levels of performance will depend on three things:

(a) The level of achievement the student brings in at the time of enrollment.

(b) The degree of interest the student possesses in his/her own achievement.

(c) The innate intellectual characteristics of the specific student.

Each student takes a placement test upon admission in order to ascertain individual achievement levels and to appropriate serve the student.

The Academy of Transitional Studies has trained personnel who take their assignments as a mission, not as a job. The commitment and professional capabilities of the teaching and administrative staff has been manifested in the success of this school for the past fifteen years.


(4) Describe any additional accountability provisions in addition to those required under Texas Education Code, Subchapters B,C,D, and G, Chapter 39, by which the performance of the open-enrollment charter will be assessed.

Each student admission to the Academy as a student takes an Adult Basic Education Test (TABE). The test currently approved by the Texas Education Agency. The results of the test provides grade level achievement in each discipline. The results of this test are utilized to place the student in individualized instruction. The students are tested every six weeks to ascertain their academic gains (or lack of them). The Academy also utilizes the Fry Test in an alternative manner.

Provide the deadline or intervals by which the performance of the open-enrollment charter will be determined for accountability purposes:

Baseline data is collected from each student when they enroll in the Academy. Scholastic achievement growth is measured every six weeks by administering the Texas Adult Basic Education Test (TABE). Individual scores are saved and made available to the students and to the entities requesting them.

(5) Specify any basis, in addition to a basis specified by the State Board of Education, on which the charter may be placed on probation or revoked or in which renewal of the charter may be denied:

(a) The students are not showing academic improvement. (b) There is proven abuse and neglect by the school staff, (c) An act of impropriety and moral torpitude (d) Commit a violation of the Charter including failure to satisfy the accountability provisions prescribed by the charter; (e) Failure to satisfy generally accepted accounting standards of fiscal management, or (f) Failure to comply with the Texas Education Code, Chapter 12 subchapter D or Federal law or rule. (6) Describe the governing structure of the open-enrollment charter:

This organization has a board of directors that set policy for the organization. A list of Board Members is attached.

(7) Specify the qualifications to be met by professional employees of the program: Ole


The school administrator has a Doctor's Degree in education and 23 years of experience in teaching and administration. Teaching personnel is certified by the Texas Education Agency and the teacher-aides are trained in-house. The school counselor has a Master's Degree in counseling.

(8) Describe the process by which the person providing the open-enrollment charter will adopt an annual budget:

A determination of the financial need to operate the program will be demonstrated in a budget including the following categories and line items:

I. Personnel Salaries II. Fringe Benefits III. Office Supplies IV. Participant's Supplies V. Postage and Mailing VI. Contract Work (Audit fees and student assessments) VII. Travel (to make home visits and encourage parents to collaborate with the needs of the student and the school) . VIII. Other Expenses 1. Building maintenance 2. Electricity 3. Utilities 4. Telephone expenses 5. E-Mail expenses 6. Copying expenses 7. Outside Printing 8. Insurance 9. Computer capability system for Management Information System.

(9) Submit a proposed budget as an attachment to this application.

See attachement # 1

(10) Describe the manner in which an annual audit of the financial and programmatic operations of the open­ enrollment charter will be conducted. Describe the manner in which the charter will participate in the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). information, as required by state statute or by State Board of Education rule:

It is the policy of this organization to conduct an agency­ wide financial audit of all of its programs and activities.


The Academy of Transitional Studies is, and will continue to be, part of this policy to audit. The Academy of Transitional Studies will observe the same fiscal year as that of the agency: September I, through August 31. This school (Academy of Transitional Studies) will participate in the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) by utilizing an appropriate software to be in full operation at the beginning of the school year in which this school is operating as a Charter School. The appropriateness of the software will be selected with the assistance of a consultant with expertise in this field.

(11) Describe the facilities to be used:

The Gulf Coast Council of La Raza Academy of Transitional Studies is currently holding classes in three classrooms. The agency owns this building and there will be no delay in start-up time in respect to personnel, facility, and educational materials.

(12) Describe the geographical area served by the program.

The geographic area to be served is predominantly the westside of Corpus Christi. This area is characterized by a high population density, especially, youths under age 21, very economically depressed, and within the boundaries of the Corpus Christi Independent School District.

(13) Provide a list of all districts within the geographical that may be affected by the open-enrollment charter with the date the Statement of Impact Form was sent to each affected district.

This school is currently contracting with the Corpus Christi Independent School District and West Oso Independent School District to provide educational, counseling, and family services to youths in grades 6, 7, and 8, who are expelled from these districts for a semester or for the school year. The youths served under this contracts are youths who cannot adjust to the traditional school setting. This youth's inability to adjust and to succeed in the traditional school setting is manifested by committing repeated truancy acts, assaulting teaching personnel, bringing weapons to school, or otherwise involved in intolerable actions. Dr. Abelardo Saavedra, Superintendent of the Corpus Christi Independent School District and Dr. Frank Hogan, Superintendent of West Oso School District are supporting this application as evidenced by the documentation they will be filing directly with the State Board of Education.


These two school districts are the only two districts within the geographical areas proposed to be served that will be possitively affected by the Academy of Transitional Studies becoming a charter school. The Statement of Impact has been provided to each school district and a conference held with the superintendents. Both school superintendents are pledging full support in assisting The Academy of Transitional studies becoming a Charter School.

(14) Specify the type of enrollment criteria to be used. (For admission to an open-enrollment charter school, the person operating the school may require the students seeking admission to complete and submit applications not later than a reasonable deadline the school establishes.) Indicate whether the open-enrollment charter provides for the exclusion of a student who has documented history of criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under TEC, Chapter 37 Subchapter A:

By definition "open enrollment" in this school means that students can apply for admission at any time during the school year. The component for middle school students will accept admissions by referrals by the school districts collaborating With the Academy of Transitional Studies. The students who are expelled from these two school districts are referred to the Academy of Transitional Studies to continue their education. This practice will continue under the Charter school designation. The GED component of this school will also be open to accept students into the program as other students obtain their GED and make a slot available for another stUdent.

The Academy admission policy is to serve students who have a documented history of criminal offenses (Class C misdemeanor only), adjudicated youths, and discipline problems under TEC, Chapter 37.

(15) Describe provisions for transportation, if any, for students served by the open-enrollment charter school:

The Academy of Transitional Studies does not provide and will not provide transportation for the students. The public transportation provides this agency with bus tokens that are made available to the students who need them. Parents have been providing transportation for some of the students in grades 6,7,and 8. The GED students walk to school, ride the bus, or drive their own cars to school.

11 .t:U.:..;h.J. ... uJ.) V..I.. J.L·au~.J.~.L.Una..1. .::'ll:UU~CS Corpus Christi, Texas













Armando Cavada, Attorney/Board Chair


Sworn to and subscribed before me, a NO~;~ Public, on this the ,lIe/ day of 2i:)aA,,? 19«'" .•

My commission expires: J _-"'o'--c"'to"'b"'e"'rc....,.3!.,!1....,______' 19·~9,,-6__ ~ Texas

! ~~*!'~~\ PALMIRA S. HINOJOSA Notary Pubhc, State 01 Texas '\"'0'':':'(;) My CommLssion hlllles IO·JI·96 12 014 Academy of Transitional Studies Corpus Chriti, Texas

February 7, 1996

We, the undersigned, are residents of the immediate geographic ares in which the Academy of Transitional Studies is located. Some of us have had members of our family obtain a GED or have attended classes in the middle school component of this school. We hope that this school becomes a Charter school because this school really serves those students that no one else is wanting to serve in any other setting.

Hoping that the State Board of Education makes a positive determination of this application and approve it as an Open­ Enrollment Charter.


13 0 ..!'­ ~I .n.~aut;;Hly u"" J...l,:i;:Li.l::>..I..I....I..Vn...... L .J"'U.U..L.~::J Corpus Christi, Texas

14 Academy of Transitional Studies Corpus Christi, Texas

15 Corpus -Christi, Texas

lOrA!.. I J'W-tE AM) POSmON Tm..E A/'IMJIJ.. AMOI..JNr i (lNUICATE ...... CAI<'lLSl SALAJ{ y ItATE QI'rUUUD II I m I) I ,., ' PERSONNEL 4 .CERTIFIED .TEACHERS @25,OOO EA. 100,000. 2 TEACHER AIDES 17,000 EA. 34,000. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASS'T 17,000. 1 BOOKKEEPER 20,000. 1 RECEPTIONIST ­ 15,000. 1 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 45,000. 231,000. FRINGE 18% ($231,000 x 18%) 41,580

TRAVEL 200/MlLES/MO X .28 X 10 560.

OFFICE SUPPLIES 50/MO X 12 600. MAILING & POSTAGE 40/MO X 12 1,80. 1,640 •.

CONTRACT WORK 1. AUDITING WORK 10,000. 2. JANITORIAL SERVICES 2,400. 12,400. 3. EQUIPMENT 1. COPIER 10,000. 2. COMPUTER 3,000. 3. PRINTER 700 I OTHER 13,700 " 1. BUILDING MAINTENANCE 500/MO 6,.000 . 2. ELECTRICITY 1000/MO X 12 12,000. 3. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5,000. 4. UTILITIES 300/MO X 12 3,600. 5. BIN RENTAL 100/MO X 12 1,200. I 6. PARTICIPANTS SUPPLIES 50/ST.X 200 10,000. I 7. TELEPHONE 200/MO X 12 2,400. ,I 8. COMPUTER SOFTWARE 600. 9. RENT 2400 square feet at 50cents/ft 12,000 46,800

TOTAl.., $ 347,120

16 OJ8 Academy or Transitional Studies Corpus Christi, Texas


Signature of the Chief Operating Officer certifies that the following statements are addressed through policies adopted by the charter school and, if approved, the governing body, administration, and staff of the open-enrollment charter will abide by them:

I) The proposed open-enrollment charter school prohibits discrimination in its admission policy on the basis of sex. national origin. ethnicity. religion. disability, academic or athletic ability, or the district the child would otherwise attend in accordance with state statute.

2) Any educator employed by a school district before lbe effective date of a charter for an open-enrollment charter school operated at a school district facility will not be transferred to or employed by the open­ enrollment charter school over the educator's objection.

3) The proposed open-enrollment charter school will retain authority to operate under the charter contingent on satisfactory student performance on assessment instruments adopted under TEC, Chapter 39, SUbehapter B and as provided by the open-enrollment charter agreement approved by the State Board ofEducation.

4) The proposed open·enrollment charter school will not impose taxes, use financial incentives or rebates to recruit students, or charge tuition other than tuition allowable under TEC Section 12.106.

5) If the proposed open-enrollment charter school provides transportation, it will provide transportation to each student attending the school to the same extent a school district is required by law to provide transportation 10 district students.

6) The proposed open-enrollmenl charter school will operate in accordance with federal laws and rules governing public schools; applicable provisions of the Texas Constitution; state statute pertaining to provisions establishing a criminal offense; and prohibitions. restrictions, or requiremems, as applicable, under state statute or rule adopted relating to: the Public Education Information Management System (pEIMS) to the extent necessary to monitor compliance as determined by the commissioner; • criminal history records under TEC Subchapter C of Chapter 22; high school graduation under TEC Section 28.025; • special education programs under TEC Subchapter A of Chapter 29; • bilingual education under TEC Subchapter B of Chapter 29; • prekinderganen programs under TEC Subchapter E of Chapter 29; • extracurricular activities under TEC Section 33.081; health and safety under TEC Chapter 38; and • public school accountability under TEC Subchapters B, C, D, and G of Chapter 39.

7) The governing body of the school is considered a governmental body for purposes of Chapters 551 and 552, Government Code, and will comply with those requirements of state statute.

8) The employees and volunteers of the open-enrollment charter school are held immune from liability to the same extent as school district employees and volunteers under applicable state laws.

9) The open-enrollment charter school will ensure that any of its employees who qualify for membership in the Teacher Retirement System ofTexas will be covered under the system to the same extent a qualified employee of a school district is covered. For each employee of the school covered under the system, the chaner will be responsible for making any contribution that otherwise would be the legal responsibility of the school distnct, and will ensure lha( the state makes contributions for which it is legally responsible to such employees.

10) The open-enrollment charter school complies with all health and safety laws, rules, and regulations of the federal, state, county, region, or community that may apply to the facilities and school property.


17 Academy of Transitional Studies Corpus Christi, Texas

11) The open-cnrollment clwtc:r school agrees to assist in the completion of an anDuai eValuation of the clwtc:r thaI incl udes consideration of:

• students' scores on assessment instruments administered under TEC, Chapler 39, Subchapter B; • student attendance; • studenlS' grades; • incidents involving student discipline; • socioeconomic data on students' fiWIilies; • parents' satisfaction with their children's schools; • studenlS' satisfaction with Uu:ir schools; • the COSIS of instruction, administmtion, and transportation incurred by the open-enrollment charter; and • the effect of the open-enrollmcnt charter On surrounding school districts and On teachers, studenlS, and parents in those districts,

(12) An assignment of the operation of the charter to another entity is a revision to the charter, and must be submitted to the State Board of Education for approval.

(13) Charter schools will provide parenlS of prospective students with a one-page prospectus of the charter which inCludes, but is not limited to, information about staff qualifications and the instructional prognun.

Signaruu ofChief Operating Officer ofIhe School, Signa/ure ofthe Chair ofthe Stale Board of testifying 10 ,~'- proviSions ofIhe chaner J:.uuctJIion. Approving Ihe Open·EIITolimelll and Ii", ass!JIp.ce_ve: Chimer in accordaJlCe wilh liJe provisions of Ihi.l° doculMnr:

DtJle: ______


18 1.'21

19 Texas House of Representatives

P.O. BOX 2910 Vilma Luna 4525 GOLUHAR SUITE 200 CORPUS CHRISTI. TEXAS 78411-2931 AVSTIN, TEXAS 78768-2910 DISTRICT 33 512463-D484 312-8S~·9816 FAX NO. 512463-8090 FAX NO. 312-852-0665

March 18, 1996

Ms. Patricia Linares State Board of Education Chaner Schools 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701

Dear Ms. Linares:

I am writing to encourage the State Board of Education to approve the application of the Gulf Coast Council of La Raza, Inc. (GCCLR) for a Charter School. The GCCLR is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to promote the educational, social, physical, economic, and emotional well-being of troubled youth and their families.

The Proposed Charter to be known as the Academy of Transitional Studies will have an expected initial enrollment of 30 with a projected total enrollment of 200 maximum. The proposed charter will serve a special population in the 6,7,8, and GED grade level. It will serve the economically disadvantaged, those limited in English proficiency, recovered dropouts or those at risk of dropping out, pregnant or parent students, and students who have been expelled from ISO's Alternative facilities.

I urge you to approve the GCCLR application for a Charter School. Please feel free to call me if I can provide any other information.


Vilma Luna



Committees: Economic Development· Public Safety Tu be completed by TEA .. Date Sent by Applicant to District: ______Date of Rcceipt by TEA: ______

Dale ofTEA Contact: TEA ConL'lCt Person:

Statement of Impact

Pumos. of this fonn: The sponsoring entity entered below is submitting an application to the Stale Board ofEducation for approval to operate an open~nrollmem charter school. The name and location of the proposed charter school is provided. In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 12.1 IO(d)(2), this form must be completed by any school district likely 10 be affccted by the open-enrollment charter school, including information relating to any financial difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have on the district. It should also include information pcn:llning to any impact on student enrollment that may impair a district's ability to comply with a Coult order affccting the district. For more deLailed information about the proposed cbaner, contact the sponsoring entity indicated bolow.

Note: Under Texas Education Code, Scction 12.106, an approved open~nrollment charter school is entitled to the distribution of the available school fund for a student anending the charter school to wttich the district in wttich the srudent resides would be entitled. Tttis would include any bone fits and any transportation aIloll11ent for wttich the student is eligible under Chapter 42. An approved opcn-enrollment charter is also entitled to a portion of the taX revenue coUected by lIle school district for maintenance and operations as provided in Texas Education Code, Section 12.107.

Instructions: Submit the completed form signed by the district superintendent and board president to:

The Texas Education Agency Document Control Center, Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701

Tbe form must be· received by the· inteniled submission date indicated by the sponsoring entity for consideration by the Slate Board of Educatiou with respect to approval of lIle proposed open-enrollment charter school. For information aboul the procedures for approval of opcn-enrollmenl charter schools, please contacl Dr. Deborah Nance or Ms_ Belinda Flores in the Office of Accountability at (512) 463-9716.

Crud Opcratins Officer of Proposed Charter: Dr • ~ria Lui sa Carza. Title: an

Name of Sponsoring Entity: Cui f Caast !:!JUO!; i ! of La Raza, Inc. Sponsor Address: 2203 Baldwin City: Corpus O1risti, Texas

Zip: 78405 Phone Number: (512 ) 881-9988 FAX: ( 512) 881-999L1

Name of Praposed Charter: AcadEmY of Trans it i ana 1 Studies

Chaner Address: 2203 Baldwin Blvd_ City: Corpus Cllristi, Texa~ 881-999L1 Zip: 78L105 Phone Number: (512) 881-9988 FAX: (512)

Grade Levels: 6, 7, 8. and GED Expected Enrollment: 200

Inlended nate of Submission 10 the State Board of Education: Ma rch 20. 1996

x To be complered by TEA: Date Sent by ":pplicant to District: ______Date of Receipt by TEA: ______

Date ofTEA Contact: TEA Contact Person:

Statement of Impact

Purpose of tbis foon: The sponsoring entity entered below is submitting an application to the State Board of Education for approval to Operate an open-enrollment charter school. The name and location. of the proposed charter school is provided. In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 12.1 lO(d)(2) , this form must be completed by any school district likely to be affected by the open-enrollment charter school, including information relating to allY financial difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have On the district It should also include information pertaining to any impact on student enrollment that may impair a district's ability to comply with a court order affecting the district. For more detailed infonnation about the proposed chaner, contact the sponsoring entity indicaled below.

Note: Under Texas Education Code, Section 12.106, an approved open-enrollment charter school is entitled to the disaibution of the available school fund for a student anending the charter school to which the district in which the srudent resides would be entitled. This would include any benefits and any transportation alloanent for which the student is eligible under Chapter 42. An approved open-enrollment charter is also entitled to a portion of the tax revenue collected by the school disaict for maintenance and operations as provided in Texas Education Code, Section 12.107.

Instructions: Submit the completed form signed by the district superintendent and board president to:

The Texas Education Agency Document Control Center, Room 6-108 170I North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 7870 I

Tbe form must be received by tbe· ioteoiled submissioo date indicated by Ibe sponsoriog eotity for consideration by lb. State Board of Educatioo with respect to approval of the proposed open-enrollment charter school. For information about the procedures for approval of open-enrollrnent cbarter schools, please contact Dr. Deborah Nance or Ms. Belinda Aores in the Office of Accountability at (512) 463-9716.

Chid Operating Ofticer ofProposedChaner: Dr, Maria Luisa Carza, Title: CEO

Name of Sponsoring Entity: Cui f CoaS t Coyoci I of La Ra za, IOC ,

Sponsor Address: _...;2:..:2:..:0:..:3:.....:Ba:::.,:I;;dw::.:.:.,i:..;0______City:Corpus Olristi, Texas

Zip: 784Q5 Phone Number: (5121 881-9988 FAX:(512) 881-9994

Name of Proposed Charter: Academy of Traos it i ooa I Studies

Chaner Address: 2203 Ba Idwi 0 Blvd. City: Corpus Olr i st i, Tex'!s

Zip: 78405 Phone Number: (512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9994

Grade Levels: 6 r 7, 8 r and CEO Expected Enrollment: _2:,0::.0=-______

Intended Date of Submission to the State Board of Education: Ma rch 2°, 1996 024

x "FROM : West OSo I SO PHONE 1'<1. 512 B55 3327 Mar. 26 1996 12:26PM P2 03'12 '95 1~:47 ID:G-C-C-oe-LA-RA2A FilX: PAGE ~

rIO IHClIIPIp/t.od. ~ ~: . Dille of nOE&vie,., ______DalC otbcdpt by 'reA: -'-c.....,----.....

A Dyed B 01110 of ration: Application (or Approval of an Open-Enrollment Charter N /anmrjfW: s.bIoil c_~.,.J ~ ..rJI/IIe prppo.t4 y 1M chtI/ ' (T, op""iIII 01f\c0, t>/'M ScJrDol_ 1M AttwJ jlQrt'~8_di411 po

SpollSOtAddrtss: pOl ElpldWin BIllS!. City, Co~f1IS Chrhtl. Teus Zlp: 71 "OS !>honeN...... : (SU) 181-9981 FAX: (512) 881-9993

l'iMUeofPl'oposacIo..-: /ICJa1II'{ a: TlW6ITIQIjAl S1UlIES

Cl>or'..or~: 22£1 BaiciNl n BIllS!. CiQ';Olryo..& Chrl st I. Texil5 Zip-: 78110; FAX: (512) UI-99911'

IcIo: 6.7 ,'.~ a:o EMlnlll8lll: _3_o_____ EnroI/""",r, 200 1IB1"""'"

Tbe c!wtor 'IInl ...... an ..... dial \a I"Jf¥IIIealI~: (Cheek aD !hal apply.) -1L....bUl _ "",,,,boll _ Nral

Ifu.. prapose4 cbllW' ...m,,""0 allY SpcdaI ""puIadoas. incIioa.e the ~ po~e of IIIc stu4~1\t poplllmon to ~ ICtV1III ia ..lIIII1y of die foUawillll CllCiIlrifS .. ore JfPllCabIe: prMirW.- _ speclaIllllIOIIiae mipnrs ---A.. ~y dl~.-.,..I ...A.. Umiled En,Usb proficicDl .L ROO...dIcpow

--"- other. SturtmU. hIIw: been e!!J?!!led from the ISO's Alternative facll itio••

The appIicOlIt is til ".Upbia enciry" 1IlI4ef!he fol~. -aort (cbcck lIN): _ &11 inI!k1Aiall 01 hl&bcr cducarioa Ifclcfillo4 ""do< T8C, Scciioo 61.003; _ • Jlriva10 or IlIdepeIldd\ illStlaJdoro of hip.... dveltioa If ~ ulldor'Il>C. Seet;on 6Ul03: -X.. UI oraWudoo dw is Uemp! fl\)m WWion yndcr 26 U.s.C. Scctlon SOl (e)(3): or _ ·aov~'rIIiCy.

Th81oci!ity to> be usC tar &11 opon-enroU_ chotu:f sdIool is a ,..ility of :

.._mal entity ....x.. a /I01Io1'fOli1 "IiI)' _ • $0Il001 di~1rkt

ldealify "'" c:m!f;)' tba1 0 ..... &ha I.cW.,.: Q..l.F COo\ST CXJ.N: II. OF u\, AAZA. I/c' lfabcel>lilY Iholowas v.. fuWly 110M ootopooraook, wloo_'-cNIL'c"______FROM : West OSo ISD PHONE NO, 512 855 3327 03,12 '96 14:48 ID:G-G-C-OF-LA-RAZA Mar, 26 1996 12:21PM P3 FC)(: PAGE ~

r... _In.. i7 nM Dale S-toy .~t lD DiI1r!CI: . ~ cf ~lpl by TI!A: ______D••ofTBACoatl.:c' :TEA~l'et

Pl!1"99M et tbl. rprm. Th8lp011sorin, mUlf cMcr04llelow Is Iubmlulnzlll appli'~ 1O.llIe Swe of""PClriOG foo- opp<'O'Ili lD opotale ... open-cmolJINDI chaNt soMel. tbo llalM and"" of \h. propoBed obar1z:r adaCOIls pIO'Iided. In oocard& willi T.-IId!JUlicll Code, Sectlon IZ.IIOAve on the district. It sbouW olso iaclude illfonnalloa pcnalrulillD an~ ImpKt Cft SIIIdeIIt earoUnuonlmal may illlpait • di~1 abllit)' to COIIlPb willi _COUll order Iffectina !be dlSlrict. Por _ detlilad informllliCft .bClutlhc p!'(IpOfN 9n.n.r, 00_the """';';"S encily indi"ad boI_.

:tiI:Ii&:: Under Tcus !ld'_ion CocSa. Seetlo.. 12.106. an rpprovod opM ..orollmttlt clI&ncr ""hocl is .nti!1ed 10 tbe diolril>U1Ica ofdie •..u.ble ochool fUn4 for a.tudooIl< aII&adib, I!& ;haNt "'-110 w!IiolI the dlitrlrt in which IlIo 11Udent~. WOIIkIIle mlldzd. This would iccllJ ~ Ie. pGI'!Ion orllw (all. revU\1IC c:all..

n.. 13dllC. Alency Ooo;wuna ~1t'OI Cenler, Itoom 6-10& - . ~- : 1701 NanII Con..- A_lie --....:.:- Au1in, T_ 78i01 ..

TIle fo_ lIIut be ~nt II, 1M' IIl"'W lum"sloll date \a4lcalcd 10,. the 'P_orlDI atllJ f... --"'-dOll IoJ tJ.c s...,. BeI.rll of Edllcalloa IItIIh r.spect 10 approval or \be proposed opcII-eIIIIII!INolll e!wtu scllaOl. For IDfurnacjoa obooIt<>oe..... for """",val o{ opca~l\lOllIncDt CIIInIr IdIaGls. pleuc con*! Dr. DoIIorah Naace If( Ml. BeUaea I'Iorcs in IIIc Off," of "'oouncabilil)'11 (512) ~9716.

ChiclOperuia, Ollar o(Pmpooec! Chanu: !:R•. MfoRIA WISA CAAZA T'lClc: (B) NameofSponsarm:~: <1JLF ~ a::ucIL ~ lA RAlA , IN:.

Sponsor Addrao: 220) ~IN 8LVO. CIIr-

Ora4c I. 7, I. andf~. E.l.peolld Bnrolltnonr: ~!!2 max!1'IUTI Intended Dale of S~l:mjujon '" '*'" s.a.. 80ItII or!dllQllion: Milrc" ,. au

1 FROM : W~st Oso ISD PHONE NO. 512 855 3327 Mar. 26 1996 12:22PM P4 ')3d2 '96 u:se JD:G-C-C-OF-LA-RAZA F.:.i(: petiE 2

I Statement of Impact

CMCI: the approprlare re~ ~!ow:

J-. The proposed opo!H:N'Ollmenl chaner sc:hool is l!Q{ e.'(pected to adversely Impact the s:bool dlstriCt 1O a significant degree. The proposed open-enro!\ment cbaner school ilexpected to impact the school district fn the following 1rIIIlIIer. (Describe the /mpQc1 in/he lpacr below. Attac:h QIIY JUPportirzg docU/llDllutioll.)

WEST OSO 1.S.D. 178-915 (Counl)'-D!str!<:t Idendlk:ation Number) 5050 ROCKFORD OlIVE, CORPOS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78416

HECTOl GOMEZ (J'riat Board Pmieeat', Nam.) FRANK R. HOGAN. PH.D. (Prim Superiatendcn!·. Namo:) MABCH 26.1996 (512) 855-3321 COale)

027 To be comple.ui by TEA: Date Sent by Applicant to Distticc ______Date of Receipt by TEA: ______

Date ofTEA Contact: TEA Contact Person:

Statement of Impact

Pumose or tbis form: 1bc sponsoring entity entered below is submitting an application to the State Board of Education for approval to operate an open-cnrollment charu:r school. 'The name and location of the proposed charter school is provided. In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 12.IIO(d)(2), this form must be completed by any school disttic! likely to be affected by the open-enrollment charter school. including information relating to any financial difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have on the district. It should also include information pertaining to any impact on student enrollment that may impair a disttict"s ability to comply with a coun order affecting the disttic!. For more detailed information about the proposed chaner, contact the sponsOring entity indicated below.

~: Under Texas Education Code. Section 12.106. an approved open-cnrollment chaner school is entitled to the disttibution of the available school fund for a student ancnding the charter school to which the disttict in which the student resides would be entitled. "This would include any benefits and any transportation allotment for which the student is eligible under Chapter 42. An approved open-cnrollment chaner is also entitled to a portion of the tax revenue collected by me school discicl for maintenance and operations as provided in Texas Education Code, Section 12.107.

Instructions: Submit the completed form signed by the district superintendent and board president to:

1bc Texas Education Agency Document Control Center. Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin. Texas 78701

The (arm must be received by the' inteniled submission date indiC2ted by the spoosoring entity for coosider-oOtioD by the State Board or Education with respect to approval of the proposed open-cnroUment charter school. For information about the procedures for approval of open-cnrollmcnt charter schools. please contact Dr. Deborah Nance or Ms. Bclindo& Flores in the Office of Accountability at (S 12) 463-91 16. Operating Officer ofProposcdChartcr: Dr. Maria ll.Iisa Garza, Title: CB)

Name of Sponsoring Entity: OJlt Coast Coyncj I of La Raza. Inc.

Sponsor Address: _...;2:.;2:.;O:..:3:.....=Ba=I.::dw=in:..:....______City: CorPJs OIri s t i, Texas

Zip: 18405 PhoneNumber: (5121 881-9988 FAX: ( 512) 881-999'1

Name of Proposcd Charter: Academy of Trans it i ona I Stud ies

Charter Address: 2203 Ba Idwin Blvd. City:CorPJs OIristi, Tex'!s

Zip: 78405 PhoneNumber: (512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9994

Grade Levels: 6. 7. 8! and CEO Expected Enrollment: _2::.0::,:0::....______

Intended Date of Submission to the State Board of Education: Ma rch 20, 1996

028 x Statement of Impact

Check the appropriate response below:

---..X.. The proposed open-enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree.

The proposed open-enrollment charter school is expected to impact the school district in the following manner: (Describe the impact in the space below. Attach any supponing documentation.)

This school is already in operation and works in collaboration with the Gorpus Christi Independent School District. The students we serve are referred to our facility by the school district. The GED program serves students who have already dropped out of schoo I.

Gorrus Chr i 5 tilndependent Schoo I Di s t r..:.i.>;:c'-'t__-:-'I>W=:..::c:..::e:.;:s'--:-17_8:--_9_0_4--:-___ (District Name) (County-District ldentification Nwnber) 801 Leopard Street Gorpus Christi, TX 78403

Dorothy Adkins (Print Board President'S Name) Abelardo Saavedra, Ph.D. (SignaT of SJperintendent) (Print Superintendent's Name) ~-Is-- 7(; ~ (512) 886-9032 (Date) (phone Number)

l'1? ,_ S

Xl FROM : ~st Oso ISD PHONE NO. 512 855 3327 Mar. 26 1996 12:26PM P2 ID:G-C-C-OF-LA-RAZA FAX: PAGE :2 _. ,.•.•. -,.

r~ o.:ClIIfJpl...,ray n:A: .Date of SBOE Rc>iew: _____.___ :Dateolll.ecdpt by.'rnA: ..-'-...... ,.--~""7"~

c--.. o;,;...'~ Application for Approval of an Open-Enrollment Charter ;... .. :­

lanr",';,r!!,' Satwrlu ~ompJ.,•.1 ypIiftI1foIt witll lite prOPrJted ~Mrfer _ tUIIJI'tIMU si"." .it)' 1M CIIJ!t/ ~) ) Op....,fftS 0jflL:s, ""he ScllDDrwwJ ,•• n:Md p"...IIS....dl.:ul ~rtllon ID dr< Toms Ed_,,,,,, A,••ey;·. :- ': Dt>C1IIfI••, C"",fOl C.,.,rr. 1701 l'ionh Co.,...# Aw,. Aus,in. T.- 78701. For ""ISlDllCe. eom"", II!< OlJice ,,:.• of A«.....",MiI».' (S12) 463-9716, ­

Title: 050 Ndle of SpoRlOrirlg Enol)': OJLF ~ OUCI!. a: LA RAZA.. IIC,

SpoIISOr Addre:sl;! ,,03 en Ictwj D 81l1d, City: Co~PUS Olr 1st l, Tel'lls 2Jp: 7n05 I'boneNuznI>er: (SIl) 881-9988 PAX: (SH) 881-9993

Namco(l'roposerl CIurr<=: /IGtDfM( C1' TRA'IISITI~ snDlES

Clwtor Adrireu: 2203 Baldwl n Blvd. Cit)';Cbrpus Christ i. Tel(;'~

Ziy. 78905 l'Ilo<>a Number: /512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9994

CinD: ~pected Iniliol Projected Tolal ' Level., 6 r 7 ,8. ~ c:eo I!Aronmont: -''-'-lO ____ BnrolllMnl! 20C milX 'I\'UII

'Ibc chaner ....UI _ an area thalia ,_graphically, (Check IIIllhat apply.) ..1L utblUl _ .ab....boII _ nita!

If Ih. ~ chaI\W ....ilI '"""'. allY specla! populations, indicate \he appnWmate pe!C!elllIIge oflll&: ....d,'nl popula

~ ~y cIi_...-as

-lL luiak of cIroppinll OUI ..2l. FIgIIIIII or palenl JIIIdo.... -X... other: SWrl..... ts have been exp!lIed fran the ISO's Alternative facilities,

The ~t ia III -.nJlblccntiry" wlliel'lM follawillll"""p1)' (ebeck one): _ III insIilUlion of hicher c4II~&tion II$lIefinod ••

Tha facility !II be \IIIII! for lUI opon~M)lI_, ~h....: u:bool is • Ucility of :

If1M .tltilY !hal 0"''''' 1M fa

, . . I !J3D Statement of Impact

Check the appropriate response below:

---.X.. The proposed open-enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree.

The proposed open-enrollment charter school is expected to impact the school district in the following manner: (Describe the impact in the space below. Attach any supporting documentation.)

This school is already in operation and works in collaboration with the Corpus Christi Independent School District.

The students we serve are referred to our facility by the school district. The CEO program serves students who have already dropped out of schoo I .

Corpus Christi Independent School District Nueces 178-904 (District Name) (County-District Identification Number) 801 Leopard Street Corpus Christi, lX 78403 A (District Address) ... • 4-1~~ Uil. d ) Dorothy Adkjns (Print Board President's Name) Abe1ardo Saavedra, Ph.D. • (Signat ofJperintendent) (Print Superintendent's Name) .>-{:>- 7~ (512) 886-9032 (Date) (phone Number)


xi .n.";""I.Io.;auy vJ.. J.l...i;&.n~.L.~.L.UUd.J. z>(.uul.t::s Corpus Christi, Texas

Statement of Impact I Check the appropriate response below:

The proposed open-enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree.

The proposed open-enrollment charter school is expected to impact the school district in the following manner: (Describe the impact in the space below. Anach any supporting documentation.)


Statements of Impact were provided to two school districts:

(1) Corpus Christi Independent School District.- Document was handed to Dr. Abelardo Saavedra, Superintendent on March 5, 1996

(2) West Oso Independent School District.- Document was provided to Dr. Frank Hogan, Superindentent, on March 8, 1996

Each one of the superintendents assured me that they will send the Statement of Impact to the State Board of Education by before March 18, 1996.

(District Name) (County-District Identification Number)

(District Address)

(Signature of Board President) (Print Board President's Name)

(Signature ofSuperintendent) (Print Superintendent's Name)

(Date) (phone Number)

3 To be completed by TEA: Date Sent by ,\pplicant to District: ______Date of Receipt by TEA: ______

Date of TEA Contact: TEA Contact Person:

Statement of Impact

Purvos. of tbis form: The sponsoring entity entered below is submitting an application to the State Board of Education for approval to operate an open-enrollment charter school. The name and location of the proposed cbaner school is provided. In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 12.11O(d)(2), this fonn must be completed by any school district likely to be affected by the open-enrollment chaner schOOl, including infonnation relating to any financial difficulty that a loss in .nrol1ment may have on the district. It should also include information pertaining to any impact on student enrollmcnt that may impair a district'S ability to comply with a coun order affecting !he district. For more detailed information about the proposed charter, contact the sponsoring entity indicated below.

Note: Under Texas Education Code, Section 12.106, an approved open-enrollment cbaner school is entitled to the distribution of the available school fund for a student anending the chaner school to which the district in which the student resides would be entitled. This would include any bendits and any transportation allotment for which the student is eligible under Chapter 42. An approved open-enrollment charter is also entitled to a portion of the LaX. revenue: collected by the school di.srrict for maiutcn:mce and operations as provided in Texas Education Code, Section 12.107.

Instructions: Submit the completed form signed by the district superintendent and board president to:

The Texas Education Agency Document Control Center, Room 6-108 1701 NOM Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701

Tbe form must be received by tbe' intended submission date indicated by tbe sponsoring entity for consideration by tbe State Board of Education with respect to approval of the proposed open-enrollment charter school. For infoonation about the procedures for approval of open-enrollment charter schools, please contact Dr. Deborah Nance or Ms. Belinda Flores in the Office of Accountability at (512) 463-9716.

Chid Operating Oftic.r of Proposed Charter: CR, M'IR I A W I SA CAAZA Title: CEO

Name of Sponsoring Entity: UJLF CXlASr

Sponsor Address: 2203 BALDWIN BLVD, City: CXRfUS GRISTI, TEXAS

Zip: 7840S Phone Number: ISI2) 881-9988 FAX: (SI2) 8819994

Name of Proposed Charter: I'ODFrvW Of mANS I I I CNAL. s:n DIES Charter Address: 2201 BlADN I N BLVD , City: cmRJS ORISTI .....--.

Zip: 7840S Phone Number: (S12l881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9994

Grade Levels: 6, 7, 8, and CED Expected Enrollment: 200 maxirrun

Intended Date of Submission to the State Board of Education: IV1a rch 14, 1996

2 GULF COAST TRADES CENTER "Preparing adjudicated youth for life through education and vocational training."

P.O. BoI 515 New Waverly, Texas 77358


Tbomas M. Buzbee F~bruary 18, 1998 Executive Director FEB 28 1998 CHARTER SCHOOLS

\11' Brook., F ";~~~l!G( Director Steven E. Williams Onic.c of S,:::i1!1(ljI{ "{;\!i"-IIi.LilHV SUpOOIl Chair Tt7:-::s Educati':)fJ .'-\.g(;n:.::·, . !locllment ('~'ln;I":',l (',:~nt;"'· Lois Ham 1st Vice Chair : 70 I :'

TomCbamben Dear Ivlr Flellllsre, Treasurer Thi, ,-e-\\,;I<: "'" 'ei'cr"nce to the tax [received on February 18, 1998, requesting ',dditio!1RI cl,,,';i;c

William R. Powell

L.N.D. (Nat )Wells I'MB, SO EncloslIrt.,

Otto MuHinax General CounseJ "Emeritus"

~ i~.

Accredited by Council on Occupational Education

( 4(9) J~~77 Fax (-109)J44-2386 e-mail [email protected]. Open-Enrollment Charter Applicatiun SHOE District 8

The Center provided a .\'lal(,III(,1I1 (if 11II1!lIL1letter to New Waverly Independent School District on December 19, 1997. The Distri<:[ Superintendent indicated that a response would be submitted to TEA by the deadline.

6. GEOGRAPHICAL AREA The Center serves, and agrees f" C'cllltinue to serve, the entire state of Texas, accepting referrals/students irom state and ,:OUllty youth agencies across the state. Primarily, the student population has resided in the larger "rban areas (, Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio).

7. ENROLLMENT Gulf Coast Trades Center agrees t(\ wntlllue its 26-year history of serving a hard-to-serve "at-risk" population -- adjudicated or delinquent youth from across the State ofTexas. As a result, the Center agrees to not exclude a student who has a documented history of criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under TEC, Chapter 37, Subchapter A Approximately 95% of enrollments will be adjudicated delinquents

Almost all of the students are leferred I,x admission to the Center by public agencies the (TYC), Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services (TDPRS), and county sub-divisions ofthe state, such as juvenile probation department~ and judicial districts having jurisdiction over delinquency cases from over seventy (70) counties in the State.

Students have traditionally resided at the campus residential facilities at New Waverly during their enrollment. However, the Center', admissions policies would not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic or athletic ability, or the district the youth would be otherwise attend in accordance with the Texas Education Code.

The Center will not discriminate against students who are more academically inclined! or motivated for college or post-secondary bound pursuits.

General admission policies are stated as tollows. The student: (] Must be between I 5 " and 2 I years of age; .:. Must be willing to participate in a personal interview and campus visit; (] Must be academically and vocationally motivated; (] Must be willing to participate in a battery of tests and assessments to determine skill functioning and competencies; and :...i Must be able 10 demonstrate an ability to benefit from the vocational training offered.

The Center takes an active role in student recruitment using several approaches, including, staff visiting with county probation departments to review and interview potential referrals or applicants. The Center is widely known and has a well established track record for its quality of programming and program integrity in service delivery to "at-risk" youth.

GulfCoast Trades Center Page 12

035 GULF LUHST TRHDES CENT ID:4093442386 9:12 NO.UUl ~.Ul

~\.f0CO C 0 , E R ~Ot;~;"j )I~\ ~r ., .~~ FAX S H E E T ~,-=.--.1$ ~Ols Ct."~

DATE: J'cbnl<,ry J x. J'J'JK

TO Brooks Flemister

FAX 1/ (5 J2)463-'1732

FROM: Thomas M. Buzbee

Allache,d is " C('JlY (,j" the requesled information for the Open Enrollment ChaneI' School Applicalion An original copy will follow by mail.

IUlcaut __

P.O' ... _w-'Y.T_ mea'l.

(~_77 ,,-=(..)~-

....\ -.,_, cu

02/19/98 THU 10:33 [TX/RX NO 5287] GULF COAST TRADES CENT ID:4093442386 FEB 19'98 9:12 No.001 P.02 ;,.~\., .Co.. v .r",. GULF COAST TRADES CENTER ''Preparing adjudicaled YOUlh (or life Ihmugh education and v0C8lionallraining."

P.O. Bo. 515 New W.verly. T..... 77JS8

Tllolllu M. Buzbee February 18, 1998 ~xeClutive Director

Mr. BI'O(lks l'lc::J11isl~l, S,'J,iol' Director Stevo. E. wm"m. Offl.;.e (If S~h()(lI/Commul1ity SUPl'orl Choir Texas Fducation Agency. Document Control Ceiller LoioHom 1st Vice Chair 1701 North Congress Avenue. Austin. Texas 78701-1494 Cecil WIIIIRma ~"dVI"" CMir Re: RI'AII 701-97-021< C.rro HiadClntola Open Enrollmcnl Charlc.r School Application Sec"""TY DClir Mr. Flcmistcr

This rl,-wrile is in rc1crcllec 10 lhe fax I received on February 18, 1998, requesting a

M.nlu Ballow The re-wr;!" will rcpl"cc the Enrollmcnl section of lhe application found on page 12.

Morris Brooks there are ~lIy question', (lr darificatillll needed, please advise. AlCnd C. Garda <::..:.:.­ . ADdre" M.rtiaez

WilbUr Moo",

Albert Murin

M_ry V. Novark

WIIII.m R. Puwell

L.N.b. (Not )Weli. TMn/sb Enclosure

Olio Mulll... General Coun~ol "Emerirua"

iJ 3 '7 Accredi(Cd by ('",uncil on O:.eupauonal ndllCBtian

( .w!I) 344-6677 ",mall p.....r@tcll.."'m

02/19/98 THU 10:33 [TX/RX NO 5287] GUL~ LUH~T TkHUt~ CENT 1D:4093442386 ~:13 NO.UUl ~.U~

.'tHI IE District 1/

The ('enler provided a Sll1Ie/1/('1II '!llmp"ci Jetter to New Waverly Independent School District on Decemher 19, 1997. The District Superinlendent indicated thai a response would be submitted to TEA by the deadline.

6. GEOGRAPHICAl. AREA TIl(: Cenler serves, ~nd agrees to Gontinuc to SClve, the entire state of Texas, accepting relerrllls/studeJlt~ fi'om stale lind ~{)unty youth agencies across the stale. Primarily, the student population has resided in the larger urban areas (Hollst{m. Dallas, Fori Worth, and San Anlonio).

7. ~:NROLLMENT Gull'Coast Trades Center agre.,,,, to cOlltinue its 26-year history of serving It hard-to-servc "at-risk" population -- adjudicated or delinquent youth from a~ross the State of Texas. As a result. the Center agrees to not cxclude II stlldent who hils H documented history of criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under TEe. Chapter 37, Subchapter A Approximately 95% of enrollrnents will be adjudicated delinquel,ts.

AlnlOst all of the students are referred for admission to the Center by public agencies: the Tcxas Youth Commission (TYC), Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Serviecs (TDPRS). and county sub-divisions oflhe stat~, slIch as juvenile probation departments and judicial districts having jurisdi~tilll1 over delinquency ""ses from over scventy (70) counties in the State.

Studet1ls h~ve traditionally re,ided al the campus residential facilities at New Waverly during their enrollmcnt. However, the Center's Ildmissions policies would not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, national origin. ct.hnicity, re.Jigion, disability. academic or athletic ability, 01' the distri"t the youth would be otherwise attend in accordance with the Texas Education Code.

The Center will not discriminate. against students who are more academically inclined/or motivated for Gollcge 01' post"secon

General .dmission policies are stat~d us follows. The student: Cl Must be betwe~n 15.5 l\IId 21 yellrs of age: o Must be willing to pal1icipllte ill II personal interview and campus visit; U Must bc academically 11111.1 vll(;utionally motivated; o Must be willing 10 p~rticipHtc in a ballery of tests and assessments to determine skilJ functioning and r.ompetencies: ~nd U Must be able to t1~ll1on~tratc an ability 10 henent frorn the vocational training offered.

The Center lakes an active role in sludcll! recruitment using several approaches, including, slaff visiting with county probation departments to review and inlerview potential referrals or applicants. The Center is widely known lind hfls " well established track record for its quality ofprogrHmming and program integrity in service delivery to "HI-risk" youth.

Gu{fCc",.t Trade.• Celllel' Poge 11


02/19/98 THU 10:33 [TX/RX NO 52871 TeA CI!A1H'liH ~CHUUL~ '!!IOOl

*************************** ••• ERROR TX REPORT n* ***************************






February 18. 1998 DATE: Charter School Applicant TO:

FAX NUMBER: Brooks Flemister FROM:

Total Number of Pages Including Cover Page: ~ Utbere are problems with tbis fax, please can Glenda Lackey at (511) 463-9575. Tii U lO;~S. FA.\. 51~ 4tiJ 973~ TEA CIiAKTER SCIiUUL~ ~UIJ.l

$$$************************ ••• ERROR TX REPORT u* ****.********** •••.,1:****:*:1:**


TX/RX NO 0633 CONNECTION TEL 917136838758 SUBADDRESS CONNECT! ON ID ST. TIME 02119 10;27 USAGE T 00'00 PGS. o RESULT NG o #018




February 18. 1998 DATE: Charter School Applicant TO:

FAX NUMBER: Brooks Flemister FROM:

[140 Total Number of Pages IDduding Cover Page: --4.­ H there are problems with this fax, please can Glenda Lackey at (511) 463-9575. 02/19/98 THU 10:27 FAX 512 463 9732 TEA CHARTER SCHUULS iI!IOOl

*************************** ••• ERROR TX REPORT ••• ***************************





DATE: February 18. 1998 ((.~ViO (j(~ TO: Charter School Applicant



Total Number of Pages Including Cover Page: -L 041 Ifthere are problems witb tbis fax. please can Glenda Lackey at (Sil) 463-9575. U2/19/9~ THU 10:2H PAX 512 4H3 9732 TEA CHARTER SCHUULS I(!JUOl

*************************** ••• ERROR TX REPORT ••• ***************************





DATE: February 18. 1998

TO: Charter School Applicant


FROM: Brooks Flemister

Total Number of Pages Including Cover Page: ..-!­ 0.12

Ifthere are problems with this fax, please caD Glenda Lackey at (SIl) 463-9575. Other communiLy members have expl'cssed Interest in. b9ard involvement with the East Schot)}..The remainder of the positions on the board will be filled w hen the charter has bi;en approved by the State'Board of Educa lion. The board positions will be filled as outlined in the by-laws of the corporation Including faculty" staff. parents. cducat:ors. and "orporate/buslncss individuals. Great attelltion will be given to repcebentatlon from the population that the school will serve. '

-_._------_.•_---_ .. _.. _.----'--­


We are dcUghted ", have this space to utilize for the schooL In the future, it is our hop~ to be able to house the school on the campus of Paul QUinn (two blocks from the <:hurch faciU()'). This would allow for significant expansion space as the school adds grade levels each year. If [bis bC!comcs possible, the school will 1he proper request to the Smte Board of Education for approval.

(f) Oesc:rlbo,: provisions for transponacion. if any. fur students served. by the opc:::n~ enl"ollm~nt I.:h"l"ler school.

It is andc:lpated U\~\t the student population 'Will draw from the neighborhood and thus faciUtate chndren walking to schooL Parents 'VIfill be encouraged to develop carpool..!:/. ro assi~t those who have diffic'!1lty wilh transportation. For students enrolled. fI'om the 76104 2;ip code who exceed the distnnce from 5chool that allows them any poss~ble access to the facilit.ies, and who cannot- arrange for or be included in carpools, transpo.ft3.1'ion will be arrancea and. provided. Those students from gcographl<.:al areas. oU1.:Side tile 7G704 zIp code who elect to fHI open slots in the school Will be responsible for providing their own transpoctadon. Tcansporta.Uon will be provided for special education students when requIred by AltD Com.tnittee_

(g)' Describe proviSions for food servtc:e, if any. for sUJdents served by the opcn­ enrollment chart[!r $chool.

Lun(:h will be provided by individual students (brown-bag s.tyle) with ~e .excepuon of those qualifying fur Free/Reduced Lunch pcogram_ Those meals. will be conl.-actca throuch a catering service_ As finances aUow, kJtchen fa-ellltle:> VII111 be Pl-ocuced arid the students will parUcJpaut in meal preparation as part of the learning application projects.

Submltted by:

Nancy Grayson Willa Jones

January 1. 1998

"1tQ.."'\.~: ~e.\ ~ L"I

02/19/98 THU 10:39 [TX/RX NO 52BBJ TO: Brooks Flemister CharterSchool Division Texas Education Agency Austin. Texas Fax: 1-512-463-9732

From: East Waco Scpool Nancy Grayson 3413 Chateau Waco, Texas 76il0 Phone: 254-753-2330 Fax: 254- '"ISS-itS'" Email: [email protected].

RE: Revisions to Charter Schaal Proposal - Spring 1998 DATE: February 19, 1998 .

For calls in reference to East Waco School. plea$!=': conta.ct Nancy Grayson - 254-753-2330 (particularly on March 6th!). Also, feel free to email meaboutquestl~ns/ .

Thanks so much for your· help. Let me know Ifyou need anything else.

.." ...".- ....•.. ------, -- -.. ,---.~ .....,...... ,..---'---.~ /1, •

Board of Dlrectol"S East Waco Innovative School Development, Inc.

Nancy Grayson Psychology Prof. McLennan. Community President College - completing PhD In Developmental Psychology at Texas A&M - Texas TeachIng CerUficatlon (secondary) with 12 years experienCe teaching In hl~h school Willa Jones.' . Retired teacher - ChIcago. UnIversity of Vice President Chicago Lab ,Schools 20+ years ~ masters in elemcll.taryeducation

Mark Harren Accountant with first City Financial Treasurer Corpc:iratlon - CPA

02119/98 'fill! 10: 39 [TXlRX NO 5288] 02/18/98 WED 15:45 FAX 512 463 9732 TEA CHARTER SCHOOLS I4JUUl

********************* *** TX REPORT *** *********************





DATE: February 18. 1998

TO: Charter School Applicant


FROM: Brooks Flemister

Total Number of Pages Including Cover Page: -L

Ifthere are problems with this fax, please caU Glenda Lackey at (512) 463-9575. ---~---




DATE: February 18, 1998

TO: Charter School Applicant


FROM: Brooks Flemister

Total Number of Pages Including Cover Page: _4_

Ifthere are problems with this fax, please call Glenda Lackey at (512) 463-9575.


(l ·16 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 1701 NORTII er"',"ESS AV""JI' * At's.,.". TEx.\s n71J 1-14Y4 * 5121463-9734 ... FAX: 51214(i3-~~3~

MtKE ~Il)st's URGENT MEMO Co 1\1\11\~i( "I:I~ 111- Eill ( \TlI)\' 8. 77. .. ;, ... tf ;.ob'?O TO: / /lv.'<-,/I:" /. ~',-< '- DATE: February 17, 1998 0ul[ (a/}.5 1 (;L-4cNS (~/;'~ FROM: Brooks Flemister ® Senior Director

After review of the open-enrollment charter school application submitted by your organization, staff at the Texas Education Agency has determined that your application is incomplete or proposes a policy or practice that is inconsistent with State or Federal laws. Your application is not eligible for consideration by the State Board of Education until the following items (indicated by a check mark) are supplied to the Agency. Except as provided below, the items must be addressed in writing and submitted to the Agency no later than 5:00 p.m.• Tuesday, February 24, 1998. The items, other than those requiring an original signature, may be faxed to the attention of Brooks Flemister at (512) 463-9732. Items requiring an original signature may be delivered to the above address. Applicants who have not yet submitted a signed lease agreement, as described below, or evidence of ownership of a facility may submit such agreement or evidence no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 27, 1998.

Please supply the following:

__ Assurance that the proposed charter school will provide a curriculum designed to address the requirements of Section 28.002, including Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.

__ Assurance that the applicant has the ability to compile baseline performance data for students served by the proposed open-enrollment charter school on the assessment instruments adopted under Chapter 39, Subchapter B, including the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills.

__ Evidence that the sponsoring entity of the proposed charter is an organization that is exempt from taxation under Section 501 (c)(3), Internal Revenue Code or has applied for such status. Note that the sponsoring entity must itself be tax exempt or have applied for such status. It is not sufficient that the sponsoring entity belongs to or be associated with a tax-exempt organization. A copy of the last tax return filed by the sponsoring entity.

A list of the board members of the sponsoring organization. The list must identify the officers of the sponsoring organization.

__ Evidence that a facility has been secured for use by the proposed charter school. If the school will be housed in a leased facility, the applicant must supply a copy of a lease agreement signed by the owner of the facility, the president or chair of the governing body of the proposed open-enrollment charter school (if members of the governing body have been identified), and the chief operating officer of the proposed charter. Note that the agreement may be structured as an option to lease the facility upon award of a charter. Any agreement provided must, however, be enforceable. It must contain all essential terms of a lease agreement, including the location of the property, the rental amount, and the term of the lease (Le., number of months or years.) If the charter school will be housed in a building owned by the sponsoring entity, the applicant must provide an enforceable agreement between the owner and the chief operating officer of the proposed charter providing for use of the facility by the school.

Evidence of parent/community support.

Four complete copies of the Assurances provided in the application packet, each with an original signature.

__ A description of the geographical area to be served. Note that this description must be specific and definite. For example, descriptions such as "the southwest portion of the city,' or the "greater metropolitan area" are insufficient. Acceptable descriptions include those defining the area in terms of city or county limits, street names, boundaries of school districts, or zip codes.

__ Clarification that the proposed charter school will admit and fully serve eligible students with disabilities or handicapping conditions. This clarification must include an assurance that the charter school will provide transportation to a disabled student when required by the student's Individual Education Plan. This clarification must also include an assurance that certified teaching personnel would be employed when required by law.

/clarification that the admission policy of the proposed charter school will not discriminate on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic or athletic ability, or the district the child would otherwise attend in accordance with the Texas Education Code. Clarification that the policies of the proposed charter school will not provide for segregation or discrimination on the basis of sex except where required or allowed by federal law. (Title IX applies to open-enrollment charters)

Assurance that the admission policy of the proposed charter will not condition admission into the charter school on the promise of a student or parent that the student will meet certain attendance requirements.

Assurance that the admission policy of the proposed charter school will not favor students currently attending a predecessor or affiliated school. In other words, once a school or organization receives an open-enrollment charter, it may not give preference to students affiliated with the school or organization prior to the grant of the charter. A charter school may in its second year, however, give enrollment priority to students and siblings of students who attended the school in its first year of operation as a charter school.

Assurance that the proposed charter school will not withhold student records in violation of state or federal law.

Assurance that the proposed charter school will not charge tuition or impermissible fees, including fees charged as penalties for the failure of a student or parent to comply with the school's requirements.

Assurance none of the members of the governing body, personnel, or students of the proposed charter school will be required to subscribe to particular religious beliefs or belong to a particular church or denomination.

Clarification that the applicant assures compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and the Texas Public Information Act. Note that in some instances the applicant will be required to delete or revise statements in the application that are inconsistent with these acts.

Clarification that students will be provided due process prior to expulsion.

Completed application form (provided by TEA in application packet).

Assurance that the governing body of the sponsoring entity will retain authority to ensure that the policies and operation of the school comply with all applicable laws and requirements of the charter contract.

:1 l 0 . " GULF COAST COUNCIL OF LA RAZA "i' 512 881 9994 02/19/97 18:30 i5I :01/02 NO:574 u." ,., tI, 1lI1:. 1~: 1" rA,\ ~!'l'.\ I::lllICA')'IlIN A(iIo:Jllc"y ~OOl




DATE: B(7)fJts Flcm,.5-kr; -, ell TO: R " • Q • 3d "2::£65 IICEdlu

FAX NUMBER: (511t'3

FROM: II 'p F' "r 'BY. M. L Gg t?!\

Total Number of Pall.' Includina Cover Pate: &:

Ifthere are pro..h,lTl...nh lhl. r.... , 1.1....." ~..II GI"..d .. Lln·key al (512) 463.9575,



RECElVED DATE 02/1~/91 11:10 fROM : GULF COAST COUNCIL OF LA RAZA iii 512 881 9994 02/19/97 18:30 i5l :02/02 NO:574 ,,~.' I·"HI 'I'llt: l~:!~ ~'A,\ ST" ErmCATI ON A"DI,~\' Ij!]OO.'}

Academy of Transitional Studies. Corpus Christi. IfX!S

Silldents in 2Iade5 six, ~, and miglll who arc at risk iIlId dropout students in 3t'l!d~., nine Uuouih twelve, who are benind aClldenllcally and are discipline problem~ for l"ll~hers in tne trnditlonaloetdnll. will attend the Academy of TnuliliollaJ S~"lie,;, St\,j

RECEIVED DAlE 02/18/97 11:10 FROM 02/18/98 WED 15:45 FAX 512 463 9732 TEA CHARTER SCHOOLS Il1lUUl

***********$********* ••• TX REPORT ••• *********************





DATE: February 18. 1998

TO: Charter School Applicant


FROM: Brooks Flemister

Total Number of Pages Including Cover Page: -L

Ifthere are problems with this fax, please caD Glenda Lackey at (512) 463-9575. GULF COAST COUNCIL OF LA RAZA tiii 512 881 9994 10/07/96 16:57 B :02/03 NO:583 lJJLI" ~ I ULN.IL Ut" LA I


I • PERSOINEL 100% . 50,000 2 CERTIFIED TEJIO-IERS @ 25,000 50,000 50% 25,.000 2 CERTI FlED PIT lCIOIERS @ 25, 50,000 2 @ 17,000 3

1 1Dv\INISlRATIVE ASSIST. 19,000 1 F'IUJW.1 0 I RECTal. 26,000

FR II'CE BENEF ITS : 1RS 199,000 X 6.5= 15,224 FICA 35,000 X 7.65= 2,678 W/C 234,000 X 03 = 7,020 UII 23Q,OOO X 03 = 7,020 HI! 9.5 X 130 X12='14;82~ 46,762

ITEMlZATION OF FRINGE: FICA S 267B Unemploymcnllfl$WW1CC S 7Q 2 0 Workers' Compcn$lllion S 7020 " ' Hcalih InsUIIUICc 5 lI!820 OtlIctlRS $ 15224

FRINGE BENEFITS (Ra.e ) FRINGE SL8-1OTAL. 280,762 CR60/A-4 GULF COAST COUNCIL OF LA RAZA iii 512 881 9994 10/07/96 16:57 i5I :03/03 NO:583 OA.F ~ a:t.N:1 L CF LA RA1.A /IGt1EM( CF 1RANS ITICML. ST\D/ ES

I I • mAVEL - l..OCAL 101£ VISITATICN:i 2001Mb 0 .28~/Mi X 12 672 OOT-ATTCNl CIH'. & TfA NeETI~ Airfare 20~ e trip X 10 20~0 Perdlem 25/day )C 20 500 Mlsc.Cparklng,ground trans.) 100 lodging 10 nltes ~ $55/nlte 550 Registration fees A:-Alv, 200 ----" lOTAL -- , ~~062 ,

III. CFF ICE SUPPLI ES Paper,pens,penel Is, ect. 150 X 12 1800 Postage 6 Mall ing 501Mb X 12 600 lOTAL 2,~00

IV. CIlIITRACT IICR< 1. JILOITI II(; 2. J~lltRIAL 6oo/Mo X 12 ~,200 lOTAL .17,.200 V. EQJIFMSNT 1. CXPIER 10,000 2. HB'IITTIPACJ

CONTRACT entered into this day of April, 1996 by and between the Texas State Board of Education (the "Board") and Gulf Coast Council of La Raza, Inc, ("Charterholder") for the purpose of establishing a charter to operate a public school.

The term of the charter granted by this contract is from September 1996 through August 200l. The charter may be renewed for an additional period by mutual agreement of the parties at any time prior to its expiration.

The charter granted by this contract is contingent upon full and timely compliance with the following, all of which are incorporated by reference: I. The terms of the Request for Proposals dated October 1995, including the assurances required by the Request; 2. All applicable requirements of state and federal law and court orders, including any amendments thereto; and 3. All additional commitments and representations made in Charterholder's application and any supporting documents which are consistent with the provisions and requirements of this contract.

Charterholder understands that the Board may modiry, place on probation, revoke or deny renewal to a charter if the Board determines that a material violation of the charter has occurred, that Charterholder has failed to satisry generally accepted accounting standards of fiscal management, or that the Charterholder has failed to comply with an applicable law or rule. The parties agree that failure to satisfy accountability provisions adopted under Subchapters B, C, D and G of Chapter 39 of the Texas Education Code, or their successor provisions, or failure to operate an open-enrollment charter school during the period of this contract are material violations of the charter. Charterholder understands that its charter may not be assigned, encumbered, pledged or in any way alienated for the benefit of creditors or otherwise.

Charterholder represents that it is qualified to enter into this contract and agrees to immediately notiry the Board of any legal change in its status which would disqualiry it from holding the charter, of any violation of the terms and conditions of this agreement, and of any change in the chief operating officer of the Charterholder.

Entered into this.2..!!.t.h day of April, 1996.

Texas State Board of Education Gulf Coast Council of La Raza, Inc. 2203 Baldwin Blvd. Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

ristie, Chairman