Administration Office 2203 Baldwin Corpus Christi. Texas 78405 (SI2) SR1-lJQ8S GCCLR Fax (512) 881-9994 GL'LF COAST COl~CIL OF LA RAZA A CJuzrter Affiliate of the National Cou.ncil of In Ra:a March 13, 1996 Dr. Maria Luisa Garza. CEO Texas State Board of Education Document Control Center Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 Dear Members of the State Board of Education: This is to request your consideration of the enclosed application for an Open-Enrollment Charter School as enacted by Senate Bill I, on May 30, 1995 by the Texas Legislature. The Academy of Transitional Studies (ATS)is a school accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. ATS has been in existence for fourteen years and has a yearly enrollment of 200 students. ATS works very closely with two school districts that will be positively impacted by this proposed Charter School. The Corpus Christi Independent School District and West Oso School District currently refer students who have been expelled from their alternative centers to the ATS. Dr. Abelardo Saavedra and Dr. Frank Hogan are very supportive of this application as evidenced by their prompt return of the Statements of Impact. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions about this application. I hope that you find this application in order and that your decision to select the Academy of Transitional Studies to become a Charter School in Texas is a positive one. Thank you for your support and assistance in this matter. Respectfully yours, D;fRtM1iri:::•• G.n.. ,ft MLG: ss I) i] • Enclosures Academy Pregnant Teens Emergency Shelter Recreation Centl'!f Family Counseling Center l(j~n Fd\k~Hi()nl Dnt\!/;\Tno;;; (A~~c'~ment C~'n1erl 2801 South Pon 7211h Omaha 2201 BaldWIn Prevention 72.1 Omaha Corpus Chri",ri, TX Corpu~ Christi, TX Corpus Christ i. T\ 2205 Baldwin Cllrpu~ Christi. TX (512) R88-8893 ()12) 887-7767 (512) RR 1-9988 Corpus Christi. TX 24 Hr Hotline Training & Employment ('512) H~7-7766 (512) 881-9988 for Handicapped Youth TAB L E o F CON TEN T S Letter of Transmittal................................... i I. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL .................. ······1 II. STATEMENT OF IMPACT ............................ · 2 III. STATEMENT OF IMPACT FOR ISD's ...................3 IV. OVERVIEW OF SPONSORING AGENCY ...................4 V. OPEN-ENROLLMENT APPLICATION NARRATIVE VI. FACILITY SPACE AGREEMENT .................. ·····12 VII. EVIDENCE OF PARENTAL SUPPORT ................. ··13 VIII. ATTACHMENT 1 - BUDGET ......•.............. ·····16 IX. ASSURANCES .....................................17 X. PROOF OF ACCREDITATION ................... ······19 XI. LETTERS OF SUPPORT (WILL BE SENT DIRECTLY) ..... 002 To be completed by TFj1.: Dale of Receipt by TEA: ________ Date of SBOE Review: _________ -_Approved __ Not Approved Beginnin~ Date of Operation: Application for Approval of an Open-Enrollment Charter In rrTHcrion r: Submit compleled appJication willi the proposed charter (Jmi Q.nurances signed by Ihe Chief Operating Officer of the School and the signed parent/guardian petition 10 lht: Texas Education Agency, Documen{ Comrol Center, 1701 Norlh Congress A).I~., AU.Hill, Texas 787{)J. For l1J:sisumce, conracllne Office of Accountability at (512) 463-9716. Chief Operating Officer ofProposedChaner: Or. Maria Luisa Garza Title: CEO Name of Sponsoring Entity: QJLF CD\ST o::J..N: I L OF LA RAZA, IN:. Sponsor Address: 22 Q 3 Ra Idw in B I yd. City: Corpus Olr i 5 t i, Texas Zip: 78405 Phone Number: _(512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9993 Name of Proposed Chaner: N:N)fM( OF 1W\NS ITI Q\IAL STill IES ChanerAddress: 2203 Baldwin Blvd. City:Corpus Olr is t i, Texas Zip: 781105 Phone Number: (512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9994 Grade Expected Initial Pr' ted T tal Levels: 6 , 7 , 8 ,~,. GEl) Enrollment: ________30 Enrollment:oJec 0 __________200 maxilTUTl _ The chaner will serve an area that is geographically: (Check all that apply.) -L urban __ suburban rural Ifthe proposed chaner will serve any special populations. indicate the approximate percentage of the student population to be served in as many of the following categories as are applicable: pn:-kindergarten special education migrants _X_ economically disadvantaged x limited English proficient x recovered dropouts -X.... at risk of dropping out X pregnant or parent students --lL other: Students \WIO have been expelled from the ISO's Alterr'lativec~aci I ities. L:~: c-! C": The applicant is an "eligible entity" under the following category (check one): --....:: ~ - an institution of higher education as defined under TEC. Section 61.003; '. _ 5:> -- a private or independent institution of higher education as defined underTEC. Scctiofl'.61~,OO3; _ ----X..- an organization thal is ex.cmpt from taxation under 26 U.S.C. Section 501(c)(3); or ~ __ ..::;­ __ a govenunental enLity. The facility to be used for an open-<:nrollment chaner school is a facility of: a commercial entity -1L a non-profit entity a school dismct Identify the entity that owns the facility: _~OJ=LF=,-~ffiI\ST=~~o::J..N:~=~I.::L:....:<OF:!.--.::LA'-!...~RAZA==r-,-I~N:=.__ If the entity that owns the facility does not operate it. who does? -!N=/A"-___________ r. ., O...) .. To be completed by TEA: Date Sent by ,,:ppIiCanllO Dislrict: _______ Date of Receipt by TEA: Date ofTEA Contact: TEA Contact Person: Statement of Impact Purpose of this form: The sponsoring entity entered bdow is submilting an application to the State Board of Education for approval 10 operate an open-enrollment charter schooL The name and location of the proposed charter school is provided. In accordance with Tex,,,, Education Code. Section 1~.11O(d)(2). this fonn must be completed by any school dislrict likely to be affected by the open-enrollment charter school. including information relating 10 any linancial difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have on the dislricl. It should also include infonnation pc:n.aining to any impact on student enrollment tha{ may impair a dislrict's ability to comply with a coun order affecting the dislricl. For more detailed infonnation about the proposed charter. contact the sponsoring entity indicated below. Note: Under Texas Education Code. Section 12.106. an approved open-cnrollment charter school is entitled 10 the dislribution of the available school fund for a student anending the chaner schoolLO which the dislrict in which the student resides would be entitled. This would include any benefits alld any cransponation allorrnent for which the student is eligible under Chapler 42. An approved open-enrollment chaner is also entitled to a portion of the tax revenue collected by the school discrict for maintenance and operations as provided in Texas Education Code. Seclion 12.107. Instructions: Submit the completed fonn signed by the dislrict superinten~ent and board president to: The Texas Education Agency Document Concrol Center. Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin. Texas n701 The form must be received by tbe ioteoiled submission date indicated by tbe sponsoring entity for consideration by the State Board of Education with respect to approval of the proposed open-enrollment charIer schooL For information about the procedures for approval of open-cnrollmenl charter schools. please contact Dr. Deborah Nance or Ms. Belinda Flores in the Office of Accountability al (512) 463-9716. Chid Operating Ofticer of Proposed Charter: ffi. IvAA I A W I SA GARZA Title: CEO Name of Sponsoring Entity: OJLF CD'ST CD...N: IL OF LA RAZA , I t\C. Sponsor Address: 2203 BALDWIN BLVD. City: <XRR.JS ORI STI , TEXAS Zip: 78405 Phone Number: (512) 881-9988 FAX: (512) 8819994 Name of Proposed Charter: POOFMf QE TRANSIIICNA.L. s:DDIES Chaner Address: 2201 BI.AD.\IIN BLVD_ Cily: rn;.~ I<: ORI STI Zip: 78405 Phone Number: (5]2)881-9988 FAX: (512) 881-9994 Grade Levels: 6 , 7, 8, and GED Expected Enrollmenl: 200 maxirrun Intended Date of Submission to the State Board of Education: March 14, 1996 2 Academy of Transitional Studies Corpus Christi, Texas Statement of Impact Check the appropriate response below: The proposed open-enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree. The proposed open-enrollment charter school is expected to impact the school district in the following manner: (Describe the impact in the space below. Attach any supponing documentation.) NOTE: Statements of Impact were provided to two school districts: (1) Corpus Christi Independent School District.- Document was handed to Dr. Abelardo Saavedra, Superintendent on March 5, 1996 (2) West Oso Independent School District.- Doc'ument was provided to Dr. Frank Hogan, Superindentent, on March 8, 1996 Each one of the superintendents assured me that they will send the Statement of Impact to the State Board of Education by before March 18, 1996. (District Name) (County-District Identification Number) (District Address) (Signature of Board President) (Print Board President's Name) (Signature of Superintendent) (Print Superintendent's Name) (Date) (phone Number) 3 005 Overview This application for Open-Enrollment Charter is being submitted by the Gulf Coast Council of La Raza, Inc. (GCCLR), a private non-profit organization founded in 1980 as a charter-affiliate of the National Council of La Raza in Washington, D.C. This agency's mission is to promote the educational, emotional, physical, social, and economic well­ being of troubled youths and their families. The GCCLR fulfills its mission statement through the implementation of the following programs: 1. An Emergency Shelter for Runaway Youths The Shelter is a l6-bed facility licensed by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services to provide emergency and residential services to homeless and runaway youths ages 10-17. 2. Teenage Pregnancy Program The participants receive education in nutrition, family planning, drug abuse education, child development, pre/post natal care, and exercises in human growth and development.
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