
Species Profile: Atlantic Coastal States Plan Studies to Implement Conservation Act Measures

BLACKNOSE SHARK Introduction Sharks are a vital part of ocean ecosystems all over the world. Scientists consider them to be a keystone species because they generally reside at the top of the food chain, having a strong impact on other species either directly or indirectly. Removing or reducing shark populations in an area can cause an imbalance in

SHORTFIN MAKO the food chain and produce far reaching negative impacts. Because of this, the health of shark populations in an ecosystem is often an accurate indicator of the overall health of the system.

Though well understood today, managers did not always fully understand the life cycle and ecological role of sharks. In the mid-1980s, sharks were consid- ered an under-utilized resource and fishermen were encouraged to target them. Over the next few years, effort increased considerably and the impact of BLACKTIP SHARK unregulated harvest was beginning to take its toll on some shark species.

In the early 1990s, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) implemented a Management Plan (FMP) for Sharks of the Atlantic Ocean to rebuild depleted stocks and protect healthy stocks from overfishing. In May 2008, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission adopted an Interstate FMP for Atlantic Coastal Sharks to complement federal management actions and increase protection of pregnant females and juveniles inshore in nursery areas. Passage of the Shark Conservation Act of 2010 instituted additional measures to Coastal Sharks protect shark species from illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activi- ties, as well as allowed for the continued, regulated harvest of smooth dogfish within Interesting Facts: U.S. waters. As part of these efforts, the Act adjusts the required fin to carcass ratio * Sharks have a special sensory or- gan called the Ampullae of Lorenzini of processed smooth dogfish from 5% to 12%. The Commission’s Coastal Sharks which enables them to detect elec- Technical Committee will conduct studies this fall to determine the appropriate fin to tromagnetic fields emitted by living carcass ratio for the smooth dogfish fishery, based on a fishery’s particular processing . methods. These efforts will help ensure continued enforcement of shark regulations * The earliest known sharks have been identified from fossils from the and protection of other shark species. Devonian period, over 400 million years ago. Life History * The life span of sharks in the wild Sharks belong to the class Chon- is not known, but it is believed that many sharks may live more than 30- drichthyes (cartilaginous ) that 40 years. also includes rays, skates, and deep- * There are ~350 species of sharks; water chimaeras (ratfishes). Relative ASMFC’s FMP addresses 40 of these. to other marine fish, sharks have * Extreme diversity among shark species exist, with the pygmy shark a very low reproductive potential. being the smallest at 7.8” and the Various factors create this low re- being the biggest at 39’. productive rate such as slow growth, * The 1st hybrid shark, containing late sexual maturity, one to two-year both common and Australian black- tip DNA, was found off the coast of reproductive cycles, a small number Australia in 2011. Scientists theo- of young per brood, and specific re- rize this may be a potential sign that quirements for nursery areas. These predators are adapting to cope with biological factors leave many species climate change. of sharks vulnerable to overfishing. Stock Status: Varies by species and Sharks have internal fertilization and species group Nichola Meserve (MA DMF) with a common the embryo of most species spend captured during the SEAMAP * Shark illustrations by Diane Rome Peebles their entire developmental period Winter Cooperative Tagging Cruise. Excerpted from ASMFC Fisheries Focus, Vol. 21, Issue 6, August 2012 1 protected within their mother’s body, Table 1. Stock Status of Atlantic Coastal Shark Species and Species although some species lay eggs. Females Groups produce a small number (2 – 25) of large pups, which have an increased chance of survival due to their size. Adults usually congregate in specific areas to mate and females travel to specific nursery areas to pup. These nursery areas are discrete geographic areas, usually in waters shal- lower than those inhabited by the adults. Frequently, the nursery areas are in highly productive coastal or estuarine waters where abundant small fish and crustaceans provide food for the growing pups. These shallow areas have fewer large predators than deeper waters, thus enhancing the chances of survival of the young sharks. Commercial & Recreational Fisheries Commercial shark fishing effort is gen- erally concentrated in the Southeastern the nearshore area to surf angler or small stock is increasing in biomass, the stock is U.S. and Gulf of Mexico. Commercial boaters. Most recreational shark fishing considered to be overfished with overfish- fishermen catch sharks using bottom takes place from small to medium-size ing not occurring. longlines and gillnets. The Atlantic fishery vessels. Makos, white sharks, and large targets both large coastal shark (LCS) and pelagic sharks are generally accessible The 2007 SouthEast Data Assessment small coastal shark (SCS) species. Bottom only to those aboard ocean-going vessels. Review (SEDAR 13) assessed the SCS longline is the primary commercial gear Recreational shark fisheries are exploited complex, finetooth, Atlantic sharpnose, employed in the LCS and SCS fisheries primarily by private vessels and charter/ and sharks. The SEDAR in all regions. Gear characteristics vary by headboats although there are some shore- 13 peer reviewers considered the data region, but in general an approximately based fishermen active in the Florida Keys. to be the ‘best available at the time’ ten-mile long bottom longline, contain- and determined the status of the SCS ing about 600 hooks, is fished overnight. Stock Status complex to be ‘adequate.’ Finetooth, Skates, other sharks, or various finfish are Stock status is assessed by species complex Atlantic sharpnose and bonnethead were used as bait. The gear typically consists for most coastal shark species and by spe- all considered to be not overfished and of a heavy monofilament mainline with cies group for species with enough data not experiencing overfishing. lighter weight monofilament gangions, for an individual assessment (see Table 1). SEDAR 11 (2006) assessed the LCS or branch lines coming off the main line. A 2011 benchmark assessment of dusky complex and blacktip sharks. The LCS The Southeast shark gillnet fishery is ( obscures), sandbar (Carcha- assessment suggested that it is inap- comprised of several vessels based primar- rhinus plumbeus), and blacknose (Carcha- propriate to assess the LCS complex ily out of ports in northern Florida that rhinus acrontus) sharks indicates that both as a whole due to the variation in life use nets typically 456 to 2,280 meters sandbar and dusky sharks continue to be history parameters, different intrinsic long and 6.1 to 15.2 meters deep, with overfished with overfishing occurring for rates of increase, and different catch and stretched mesh from 12.7 to 22.9 cm. dusky sharks. Blacknose sharks, part of the SCS complex, are overfished with overfish- abundance data for all species included in Recreational fishing for Atlantic sharks ing occurring. The Board approved the the LCS complex. Based on these results, occurs in federal and state waters from assessment for management use in Febru- NMFS changed the status of the LCS New England to the Gulf of Mexico and ary 2012, and NOAA Fisheries’ Highly complex from overfished to unknown. Caribbean Sea. In the past, sharks were Migratory Species Division (HMS) is As part of SEDAR 11, blacktip sharks often called “the poor man’s marlin.” incorporating the results of the assessment were assessed for the first time as two Recreational shark fishing with rod and as part of Amendment 5 to its FMP. separate populations: Gulf of Mexico and reel is now a popular sport at all social Atlantic. The results indicated that the and economic levels, largely because of Porbeagle sharks were assessed by the IC- Gulf of Mexico stock is not overfished accessibility to the resource. Sharks can CAT Standing Committee on Research and overfishing is not occurring, while be caught virtually anywhere in salt water, and Statistics in 2009. The assessment the current status of blacktip sharks in with even large specimens available in found that while the Northwest Atlantic the Atlantic region is unknown. 2 Excerpted from ASMFC Fisheries Focus, Vol. 21, Issue 6, August 2012 There is no assessment for smooth dogfish on the Table 2. List of Species and Species Groups within the Interstate FMP Atlantic coast. The Commission’s Coastal Sharks Technical Committee has identified a smooth dogfish assessment as a top research priority.

Atlantic Coastal Management In August 2008, the Commission’s & Coastal Sharks Management Board approved the Interstate FMP for Atlantic Coastal Sharks. The FMP addresses the management of 40 spe- cies, including smooth dogfish, and establishes a suite of management measures for recreational and commercial shark fisheries in state waters (0 – 3 miles from shore). Prior to this plan, shark man- agement in state waters consisted of disjointed state-specific regu- The Commission does not set quotas for the SCS, LCS, or lations. The plan allowed for consistency across jurisdictions. pelagic species groups but rather opens and closes the fishery in response to the federal fishery. The Board has the authority, The complementary Interstate FMP also closed loopholes and but not the requirement, to set a quota and possession limits allowed for joint specification setting throughout the entire for smooth dogfish. Fishing effort for the allowed species groups Atlantic shark range. In addition, the FMP protects shark is controlled through possession limits. Fishermen may harvest nurseries and pupping grounds that are found primarily in species contained in the smooth dogfish, SCS, LCS, and pelagic state waters. Interstate regulations provide protection to sharks species groups as long as the fishery is open and all sharks are during a particularly vulnerable stage in their life cycle in a loca- caught according to the regulations contained in the FMP. tion that federal jurisdiction cannot protect. Commercial and recreational fishermen are prohibited from possessing silky, tiger, Commercial fishermen must have a general state commercial blacktip, spinner, bull, lemon, nurse, scalloped hammerhead, fishing license or permit to harvest sharks. Dealers are required great hammerhead, and smooth hammerhead sharks species to hold a federal commercial shark dealer permit to buy and sell from May 15 – July 15 from Virginia through New Jersey to sharks in order to monitor the quota as efficiently as possible protect pupping females. All fishermen are required to keep the and reduce the chance of quota overages. Fishermen may use fins attached to the carcass through landing as well, with the handlines, gillnets, trawl nets, shortlines, pound nets/fish traps, exception of smooth dogfish from March to June. This change and weirs to harvest sharks commercially. Captains and vessel in management occurred as part of Addendum I in 2009, which owners must use circle hooks and attend a NMFS Protected allowed processing at sea of smooth dogfish from March to June, Species Safe Handling, Release, and Identification Workshop when overlap with other shark species, mainly protected sandbar in order to harvest sharks using shortlines. sharks, is extremely low. Addendum I, approved in 2009, modified recreational posses- Recreational fishermen are prohibited from harvesting any spe- sion limits for smooth dogfish and other species, allowed at-sea cies that are illegal to land in federal waters. Recreational land- processing of smooth dogfish from March – June, and removed ings are controlled through possession limits with a 4.5’ fork the two-hour net check requirements, which was determined to length size limit for all species except for Atlantic sharpnose, be ineffective at reducing bycatch. Since 2010, consistent with the finetooth, blacknose, bonnethead and smooth dogfish that do federal specifications, the Coastal Sharks Management Board has not have a minimum size limit. Smooth dogfish do not have maintained the 33-fish LCS commercial possession limit based on recreational possession limits. In addition, recreational anglers the successful distribution of the quota throughout previous seasons. can only harvest sharks caught with a handline or rod & reel. The Board also initiated an addendum to consider smooth dogfish state shares in response to a proposed federal smooth dogfish com- The commercial fishery is managed based on maximum sustain- mercial quota, but postponed approving the document for public able yield using quotas and possession limits to control harvest comment until the proposed federal quota is published. It is antici- level and effort. Sharks were split into six commercial species pated that HMS will implement a smooth dogfish quota for the groups based on fisheries, biology, and stock status of the various 2013 fishery. For more information, please contact Danielle Chesky, species —prohibited, research, small coastal, non-sandbar large FMP Coordinator, at [email protected] or 703.842.0740. coastal, pelagic, and smooth dogfish (see Table 2 for a list of spe- cies by species groups). Fishermen are prohibited from catching or landing any species in either the prohibited or research species groups without a state display or research permit.

Excerpted from ASMFC Fisheries Focus, Vol. 21, Issue 6, August 2012 3 Reflections from the Past Society for the Suppression of Man-eating Sharks

The following article appeared in the feet long–which was determinedly try- July 26, 1911 edition of the Washing- ing to climb into the small craft. ton Post. To put it in context, two days earlier, Hiram Bingham had an- While he hurried to the batteau man’s nounced the discovery of Machu Pichu. assistance, the fish made a vicious We have certainly come a long way in leap, and almost got over the gun- our understanding of, and appreciation wale. The man punched the shark on for, the role of sharks in the marine the nose, and it fell into the water. ecosystem. This is the way Capt. Simmons tells Alexandria, Va., July 22.–Savage the rest of it: sharks, which have attempted to climb on board small boats and drag occu- “I was astonished. Throwing on the pants into the water, have created high speed clutch of my boat, I hur- widespread excitement among the river- ried toward the man who stood panting men of this city, and are responsible as he nursed the bruised place where for the organization of the “soci- his hand had come in contact with the ety for the suppression of man-eating shark’s face. fish,” of which Capt. Henry Simmons is president. “Hurry,” he yelled, or you may be too late. This shark is trying to find According to Capt. Simmons, who had an something. I don’t know what it is, encounter with one of the fish, the but I won’t give it to him. sharks are desperate, hardened, and totally without fear of human beings. “I picked up a chunk of iron and cau- They are not even scared of motor- tiously went alongside. As I did, boats, he declares. the enraged shark came to the sur- face, and, with gleaming eyes, again “Something must be done,” said Capt. rushed toward the batteau. His mouth Simmons last night, “before it is too was open, and I could see his in- late. Positive measures must be re- terior works as he lashed himself sorted to if these sharks are to be against the side of the batteau. Just shown where they get off. We cannot as he poised himself for a spring, I afford to have our leading citizens struck. I hit him fairly behind the attacked. As soon as I learn the best ears, and, with a roar, he disap- way of killing a shark, I shall lead peared under the water and made away, a party that will exterminate them; leaving a trail of foam behind him.” yes, suh, exterminate them.” Returning to Alexandria, the captain Capt. Simmons’ adventure occurred spread the news, and, within a short about 30 miles below here, last time, plans were arranged for a shark Wednesday. He was moving along in his hunt. Several other residents claim gasoline boat, when, in the distance to have seen these creatures in the beheld a man in a batteau [sic], who river. The “society for the suppres- seemed to be earnestly punching some- sion of man-eating fish” was formed thing. As Capt. Simmons drew nearer, late yesterday afternoon, and com- his horrified eyes discerned a giant prises the leading fishermen of this shark–a creature between 15 and 20 community.

4 Excerpted from ASMFC Fisheries Focus, Vol. 21, Issue 6, August 2012