251 Part 640—Spiny Lobster Fishery of the Gulf Of

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251 Part 640—Spiny Lobster Fishery of the Gulf Of Fishery Conservation and Management Pt. 640 of an application for an ILAP or an ap- Sevengill, Heptranchias perlo peal of NMFS's denial of an initial lim- Sixgill, Hexanchus griseus ited access permit for swordfish. Smalltail, Carcharhinus porosus (12) Falsify information submitted Whale, Rhincodon typus White, Carcharodon carcharias under § 635.46(b) in support of entry of imported swordfish. TABLE 2 OF APPENDIX A TO PART 635± (13) Exceed the incidental catch re- DEEPWATER/OTHER SHARK SPECIES tention limits specified at § 635.24(b). Blotched catshark, Scyliorhinus meadi [64 FR 29135, May 28, 1999, as amended at 64 Broadgill catshark, Apristurus riveri FR 37705, July 13, 1999; 65 FR 42887, July 12, Chain dogfish, Scyliorhinus retifer Deepwater catshark, Apristurus profundorum 2000; 65 FR 47238, Aug. 1, 2000] Dwarf catshark, Scyliorhinus torrei Iceland catshark, Apristurus laurussoni APPENDIX A TO PART 635ÐSPECIES Marbled catshark, Galeus arae TABLES Smallfin catshark, Apristurus parvipinnis TABLE 1 OF APPENDIX A TO PART 635±OCEANIC Bigtooth cookiecutter, Isistius plutodus Blainville's dogfish, Squalus blainvillei SHARKS Bramble shark, Echinorhinus brucus A. Large coastal sharks: Broadband dogfish, Etmopterus gracilispinnis Caribbean lanternshark, Etmopterus hillianus 1. Ridgeback sharks: Cookiecutter shark, Isistius brasiliensis Sandbar, Carcharhinus plumbeus Cuban dogfish, Squalus cubensis Silky, Carcharhinus falciformis Flatnose gulper shark, Deania profundorum Tiger, Galeocerdo cuvieri Fringefin lanternshark, Etmopterus schultzi Great lanternshark, Etmopterus princeps 2. Non-ridgeback sharks: Green lanternshark, Etmopterus virens Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus Blacktip, Carcharhinus limbatus Gulper shark, Centrophorus granulosus Bull, Carcharhinus leucas Japanese gulper shark, Centrophorus acuus Great hammerhead, Sphyrna mokarran Kitefin shark, Dalatias licha Lemon, Negaprion brevirostris Lined lanternshark, Etmopterus bullisi Nurse, Ginglymostoma cirratum Little gulper shark, Centrophorus uyato Scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini Portuguese shark, Cetroscymnus coelolepis Smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena Pygmy shark, Squaliolus laticaudus Spinner, Carcharhinus brevipinna Roughskin spiny dogfish, Squalus asper Smallmouth velvet dogfish, Scymnodon B. Small coastal sharks: obscurus Atlantic sharpnose, Rhizoprionodon Smooth lanternshark, Etmopterus pusillus terraenovae American sawshark, Pristiophorus schroederi Blacknose, Carcharhinus acronotus Florida smoothhound, Mustelus norrisi Bonnethead, Sphyrna tiburo Smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis Finetooth, Carcharhinus isodon C. Pelagic sharks: PART 640ÐSPINY LOBSTER FISHERY OF THE GULF OF MEXICO AND Blue, Prionace glauca Oceanic whitetip, Carcharhinus longimanus SOUTH ATLANTIC Porbeagle, Lamna nasus Shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus Subpart AÐGeneral Provisions Thresher, Alopias vulpinus. Sec. D. Prohibited sharks: 640.1 Purpose and scope. 640.2 Definitions. Atlantic angel, Squatina dumerili 640.3 Relation to other laws. Basking, Cetorhinus maximus 640.4 Permits and fees. Bigeye sand tiger, Odontaspis noronhai 640.5 Recordkeeping and reporting. [Re- Bigeye sixgill, Hexanchus vitulus served] Bigeye thresher, Alopias superciliosus 640.6 Vessel and gear identification. Bignose, Carcharhinus altimus 640.7 Prohibitions. Caribbean reef, Carcharhinus perezi 640.8 Facilitation of enforcement. Caribbean sharpnose, Rhizoprionodon porosus 640.9 Penalties. Dusky, Carcharhinus obscurus Galapagos, Carcharhinus galapagensis Subpart BÐManagement Measures Longfin mako, Isurus paucus Narrowtooth, Carcharhinus brachyurus 640.20 Seasons. Night, Carcharhinus signatus 640.21 Harvest limitations. Sand tiger, Odontaspis taurus 640.22 Gear and diving restrictions. 251 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 09:39 Dec 15, 2000 Jkt 190204 PO 00000 Frm 00251 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\190204T.XXX pfrm01 PsN: 190204T § 640.1 50 CFR Ch. VI (10±1±00 Edition) 640.23 Bag/possession limits. Commercial fishing means any fishing 640.24 Authorized activities. or fishing activities which result in the 640.25 Adjustment of management meas- harvest of any marine or freshwater or- ures. ganisms, one or more of which (or parts FIGURESÐPART 640 thereof) is sold, traded, or bartered. FIGURE 1ÐCARAPACE LENGTH Hoop net means a frame, circular or otherwise, supporting a shallow bag of AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. webbing and suspended by a line and bridles. The net is baited and lowered Subpart AÐGeneral Provisions to the ocean bottom, to be raised rap- idly at a later time to prevent the es- § 640.1 Purpose and scope. cape of lobster. (a) The purpose of this part is to im- Live well means a shaded container plement the Fishery Management Plan used for holding live lobsters aboard a for the Spiny Lobster Fishery of the vessel in which aerated seawater is Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic pre- continuously circulated from the sea. pared by the South Atlantic and Gulf Circulation of seawater at a rate that of Mexico Fishery Management Coun- replaces the water at least every 8 min- cils under the Magnuson Act. utes meets the requirement for aer- (b) This part governs conservation ation. and management of spiny lobster and slipper (Spanish) lobster in the EEZ in Off Florida means the area from the the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico Florida coast to the outer limit of the off the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico EEZ between the Georgia/Florida ° ′ ″ states from the Virginia/North Caro- boundary (30 42 45.6 N. latitude) and lina border south and through the Gulf the Alabama/Florida boundary of Mexico. (87°31′06″W. longitude). (c) An owner or operator of a vessel Off the Gulf states, other than Florida that has legally harvested spiny lob- means the area from the coast to the sters in the waters of a foreign nation outer limit of the EEZ between the and possesses spiny lobsters, or sepa- Texas/Mexico border to the Alabama/ rated tails, in the EEZ incidental to Florida boundary (87°31′06″ W. long.). such foreign harvesting is exempt from Off Monroe County, Florida means the the requirements of this part 640, pro- area from the Florida coast to the vided proof of lawful harvest in the wa- outer limit of the EEZ between a line ters of a foreign nation accompanies extending directly east from the Dade/ such lobsters or tails. Monroe County, Florida boundary (25°20.4′N. latitude) and a line extend- [57 FR 56518, Nov. 30, 1992] ing directly west from the Monroe/Col- § 640.2 Definitions. lier County, Florida boundary (25°48.0′N. latitude). In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson Act and in § 620.2 of this Off the southern Atlantic states, other chapter, the terms used in this part than Florida means the area from the have the following meanings: coast to the outer limit of the EEZ be- Bully net means a circular frame at- tween the Virginia/North Carolina ° ′ ″ tached at right angles to the end of a boundary (36 34 55 N. lat.) to the Geor- ° ′ ″ pole and supporting a conical bag of gia/Florida boundary (30 42 45.6 N. webbing. The webbing is usually held lat.). up by means of a cord which is released Recreational fishing means fishing or when the net is dropped over a lobster. fishing activities which result in the Carapace length means the measure- harvest of fish, none of which (or parts ment of the carapace (head, body, or thereof) is sold, traded, or bartered. front section) of a spiny lobster from Regional Director means the Director, the anteriormost edge (front) of the Southeast Region, NMFS, 9721 Execu- groove between the horns directly tive Center Drive N., St. Petersburg, above the eyes, along the middorsal FL 33702, telephone 813±570±5301; or a line (middle of the back), to the rear designee. edge of the top part of the carapace, ex- Slipper (Spanish) lobster means the cluding any translucent membrane. species Scyllarides nodifer. 252 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 09:39 Dec 15, 2000 Jkt 190204 PO 00000 Frm 00252 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\190204T.XXX pfrm01 PsN: 190204T.
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