Welcome to the Moscow Program! Dear Moscow Program Participant: This Moscow Orientation Handbook has been prepared to make your transition to Moscow and the Russian educational system a little smoother. If you have any questions, contact the Center for Global Study and Engagement (CGSE) at (717) 245- 1341 or
[email protected] . The Center for Global Study and Engagement is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (EST). 1 IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION On-site Program Contacts: To dial Moscow directly from the U.S., dial (011-7-495/499) and then the local number. Irina Filippova, Program Coordinator Russian Embassy in the U.S./Consular Tel: (011-7-499) 250-6511 (work) Section: T (011-7-495) 935-2762 (home) There are also Russian consulates in New York, (011-7) 925-298-56-76 (mobile) San Francisco, and Seattle E-mail:
[email protected] 2641 Tunlaw Rd. N.W. Washington, DC 20007 Tel: (202) 939-8907, 939-8913, 939-8918 FAX: (202) 483-7579 Russian State University for the Humanities Web site: http://www.russianembassy.org I.V. Eliseev, I.I., Director 125267 Moskva Miusskaia Ploshad, dom 6, korp.6 Major Emergency Protocol: Tel: 011 - 7 -499 - 250-65-11 If you need to contact the Center for Global Fax: 011-7-499-251-10-70 Study and Engagement after hours for Email:
[email protected] emergency assistance in a very serious situation, call the Dickinson College Public Safety 24-Hour On-Campus Coordinator: Hotline (001-717-245-1111), identify yourself and Prof. Elena Duzs the program, describe the emergency briefly, and Department of Russian give a number for call back.