NATIONAL NATIONAL Sittway-Kyaukpyu cruise resumes Departments integrate research and with COVID19 guidelines education for mechanized farming PAGE 2 PAGE 5

Vol. VII, No. 318, 2 nd Waning of Tabodwe 1382 ME Sunday, 28 February 2021 PRESS RELEASE

THE informal briefing by Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar to the United Nations General Assembly was held on 26 February 2021 at UN Head- quarters in New York. During the briefing, Ambassador/ Permanent Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun gave his statement in which he expressed that he was representing the NLD-led civilian government elected by the people of Myanmar and delivered the message of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH). He added to sup- port the people who are resisting the Tatmadaw and to render assistance to those people by the International Community, to release detained leaders and to end the military coup. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar instructed all Myanmar Missions abroad not to accept, reply and make any comments on communication such as e-mail and correspondence from the CRPH, which is committing the destructive acts. Ambassador/ Permanent Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun did not comply with the instruction from the Ministry and committed the act of high treason. He also acted as a representative and followed the instructions of the CRPH, which is an unlawful organization, as well as abused his assigned duty and mandate. Therefore, he was dismissed as a civil servant on the morning of 27 February 2021 in accordance with the Civil Services Personnel Law, rules and regulations.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nay Pyi Taw Dated 27 February 2021

Three naval vessels bring 1,086 citizens back from Malaysia

THREE Myanmar naval ves- sels have already brought back a total of 1,086 Myanmar nationals from Malaysia, ac- cording to the Senior-General and officials meeting held on 2 February. The three naval vessels named Mottama, Thanlwin and Sinphyushin, left Yangon for Lumut Maritime Terminal in Malaysia on 15 February. The vessels arrived at the Lumut Maritime Terminal on 21 February. The Myanmar nationals were handed over by Malay- sian authorities on 23 Febru- ary, and healthcare services plus donations for the return- ees were provided by the Tat- madaw officials along their trip to Myanmar. After arriving in Myan- mar, Tatmadaw doctors and Naval vessels carrying Myanmar nationals are arriving in Myanmar from Malaysia on 27 February 2021. PHOTO: MNA nurses provided healthcare services to the returnees who Tatmadaw quarantine centres to the officials. fare, Relief and Resettlement opportunities and reunion with are currently staying at the for COVID-19 safety, according Officials from Social Wel- Ministry will cooperate for job their families. —MNA


NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS Myanma Railways Padaung seizes Farmers Growers earn inspects capacity illegal pyinkado enjoy high extra income from of railway systems lumber from yield of green manageable bottle and stations vehicle gram gourd cultivation PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 6 PAGE 6 28 FEBRUARY 2021 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Effective period for Temporary Measures Announcement on Extension of the to Prevent Importation of COVID-19 to Precautionary Restriction Measures Re- Myanmar through Air Travel extended lating to Control of the COVID-19 Pan- until 31 March 2021 demic until 31 March 2021

THE effective period for the Temporary Measures to Prevent Importation of COV- 1. With a view to the further strengthening of measures to contain the spread of ID-19 to Myanmar through Air Travel issued on 29 March 2020 by the Ministry of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Health and Sports was extended up to 28 February 2021, 23:59 hours of Myanmar Union of Myanmar has issued the following announcements regarding tem- Standard Time, in line with the approval of the Central Committee on Prevention, porary entry restrictions for visitors from all countries. All those restrictions were extended until 28 February 2021 by the Ministry’s announcement dated Control and Treatment of COVID-19. 30 January 2021. As the infection of this disease remains increasing in most of the countries (a) Announcement dated 15 March 2020 regarding precautionary measures for and more infectious variant of the COVID-19 virus first found in Britain has spread all travellers visiting Myanmar; to other countries, including Asian nations, the existing effective period will be (b) Announcement dated 20 March 2020 regarding additional precautionary meas- further extended with the approval of the Central Committee on Prevention, ures for travellers visiting Myanmar and temporary suspension of issuance Control and Treatment of COVID-19, untill 31 March 2021, 23:59 hours of Myanmar of visa on Arrival and e-visa; Standard Time. (c) Announcement dated 24 March 2020 regarding additional precautionary Ministry of Transport and Communications measures for travellers from all countries visiting Myanmar; (d) Announcement dated 28 March 2020 regarding temporary suspension of all types of visas (including social visit visas) and visa exemption services. 2. In order to continue its effective response measures to protect the population Public Announcement of the country from the risks of importation and spread of the COVID-19, the (21 February 2021) Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has decided to extend THE 22 February is the day for more than 900,000 pensioners to withdraw the afore-mentioned entry restriction measures until 31 March 2021. their pensions, and they also rely only on their pensions. It is found out that the 3. In case of urgent official missions or compelling reasons, foreign nationals, news is spreading on Facebook to conduct various ways to destruct or block the including diplomats and United Nations officials, who wish to travel to Myan- ways to banks by force to fail in pension withdrawals. Moreover, some people mar by available relief or special flights, may contact the nearest Myanmar threatened others to participate in the CDM movement, and so the people who Mission for possible exception with regard to certain visa restrictions. However, want to stay peacefully sent letters to the State Administration Council many times all visitors must abide by existing directives issued by the Ministry of Health to solve these cases. According to the culture of democracy, people can stage a protest in accordance with the law. But now, the lawless actions like threats or and Sports relating to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic. use of force that affect the stability of the people lead to occur riot. Therefore, it is announced that action will be taken against these moves according to the law. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nay Pyi Taw State Administration Council Information Team Dated. 26 February 2021

Sittway-Kyaukpyu cruise resumes with COVID-19 guidelines

THE Sittway-Kyaukpyu (coastal di- Now, in accordance with the guide- rect) cruise from the Inland Water lines of the Ministry of Health and Transport of the Ministry of Trans- Sports, it reopens for the conveni- port and Communications resumed ence of the travellers as the disease in accordance with the COVID-19 is also under control. disease prevention regulations yes- The Kissapanadi-3 measures terday morning. 34.71 metres x 6 metres x 2.70 me- The Sittway-Kyaukpyu (coastal tres and can carry 150 passengers direct) route, operated once a week at a speed of 20 nautical miles per by the Kissapanadi-3 cruise in the hour. The route is scheduled for the Rakhine branch, was temporarily departure from Sittway every Satur- suspended for the safety of passen- day at 6 am and the departure from gers during the rainy season as well Kyaukpyu is scheduled for Sunday 7 Sittway-Kyaukpyu cruise is seen reopening its services. PHOTO: MNA as due to the COVID-19 outbreak. am.—MNA / GNLM

Request to health workers

1. It is appreciated for the strenuous efforts of the medical doctors, nurses, medical experts and other health works at the respective departments under the Ministry of Health and Sports at the front-line in the fight against prevention, containment and treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). 2. As the vaccination programme of COVID-19 is being conducted for the public and the real-time healthcare services are required for the people, all the staff mem- bers at the respective departments under the Ministry of Health and Sports are strongly urged to return to their duties with taking the well-being of patients into consideration. Ministry of Health and Sports 8 February 2021 28 FEBRUARY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3


SECURITY forces are hardly working in their duties in line with international rules; other countries, except the western states, have advised solving the

internal problems in line with democratic practices; fraud voter lists are being scrutinized at present and will be announced worldwide; full cooperation of the

MNM council members is needed for democratic practices in the country. MNM

(Excerpt from the speech to the coordination meeting of the State Administration Council made by the Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Chairman

NN Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on 16 February 2021) NN

MNMMNMMNMMNMMNMMNMMNMMNMMNMMNMMNN Announcement of Union Election Commission 27 February 2021 The Union Election Commission inspected the figures of voting lists in Waingmaw Township of Kachin State and Magway Township of Magway Region in the multiparty democracy general elections held on 8 November 2020. The findings in the respective townships were as follows:

Sr Township and polling station Figure of township Figure of MoLIP Voter lists without any Same national scrutiny card found Same national scrutiny card Commission scrutiny cards three times and above in voter lists found two times in voter lists 1 Waingmaw Township with 58 polling stations 94,153 77,220 7,605 724 8,934 in Kachin State 2 Magway Township with 263 polling stations 242,199 212,688 23,112 3,421 32,998 in Magway Region Union Election Commission

Police to take action against leaders of protests

MYANMAR Police Force an- way Region, and the police used nounced that they would take tear gas to disperse the crowds. action against those who lead Meanwhile, the people gathered the protests in accordance with in front of the Thiho Shin pagoda the law. of Pakokku township and the se- The statement said Section curity members used the sound 144 of Criminal Procedure was bombs to disperse and detained imposed in some townships to six men. protect the safety of people, the The security forces also rule of law and community peace detained a total of 17 people—8 and to prevent occurring riots, men and 9 women in Mawlamy- effective 8 February. Despite the inegyun township of Ayeyawady order, some cases that seem to Region while 15 people 11 men oppose the State occurred, and and 4 women in Hpa-an and at No the information team of the State (1) friendship bridge of Myawady Administration Council released of Kayin State. the statement again to take ac- The security forces also tion for violating the stipulations disperse the protest crowds in of Section 144 of Criminal Proce- Haka Township of Chin State and dure on 26 February. the security forces detained two The protesters gathered the protest crowds did not dis- lay railway station, 58th street of Sagaing Region in accord- women in Waingmaw Township at Hledan junction of Kamayut perse. Therefore, the security of Mahaaungmye (between 35th ance with the law. The security of Kachin State. township, Myaynigone overpass members used sound bombs to and 36th streets), 62nd street of members dispersed the protest The police also dispersed the of Sandyoung, Pinlon Square of disperse and detained a total Mahamyaing ward (between 39th crowds by using sound bombs protest crowds in Mawlamyine Dagon Myothit (North), 5 junc- of 166 people—106 men and 60 and 40th streets). The security and detained a total of 173 peo- township of Mon State and de- tions of Tamway, near City Hall women and seized 4 vehicles and forces used sound bombs to dis- ple—104 men and 69 women. tained two men. of Kyauktada, Ocean Centre of two tents that blocked the roads. perse and detained a total of 92 The security forces detained The police will examine the Bahan, Singapore Embassy, Inya Similarly, the protesters people—53 men and 39 women. six men in Kawthoung, Myeik detainees to uncover the lead- Myaing road, Insein road and San staged strikes at 66th street Moreover, the security forc- and Dawei townships of the ers of protests against the State Yeik Nyein bus stop of Kamayut (between 33th and 34th streets) es also warned not to occur mass Taninthayi Region. and serious action will be taken Township yesterday morning. of Chanayethazan of Mandalay gathering at Sin Phyu Yarma Moreover, about 300 peole against them in accordance with The security forces warned Region, 30th street (between Pyathet monastery in Ayethar- protested in front of the Pauk the law, the statement said.— to disperse for many times, but 77th and 78th streets), Manda- yar ward of Monwya township township police station of Mag- MNA/GNLM 28 FEBRUARY 2021 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Nine Objectives

1. Political aairs sectors of the economy as well (a) Building of a Union based on democracy and federalism in practising genuine (b) Stability of market economy and inviting international investments to develop disciplined multiparty democracy in a full fairness manner the economy of entire ethnic people (B) Emphasizing of restoration of eternal peace for the entire nation in line with (c) Encouragement of local businesses to create employment opportunities to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) be able to produce many products of the State (c) Continuous practising of the “principle” of peaceful co-existence among countries by holding up the independent, active and non-aligned foreign 3. Social aairs policy (a) For ensuring of dynamism of Union spirit which is genuine patriotic spirit (b) Following customs and traditions of all ethnic nationalities and preservation 2. Economic aairs and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national characters (a) Further development of production based on agriculture and livestock (c) Enhancement of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation breeding through modern techniques and all-round development of other

Five future programmes of State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted to carry out tasks that should be done, including inspection of voting lists in accordance with the law. 2. Effective measures will be taken for the prevention of current infectious COVID-19 with added momentum. 3. Efforts will be made to recover businesses that faced loss caused by COVID-19 in various ways as quickly as possible. 4. Emphasis will be placed on restoring eternal peace in the entire nation in line with agreements from the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) as much as possible. 5. When missions will be accomplished in accord with provisions of the state of emergency, a free and fair multiparty democracy election will be held in accordance with the Constitution (2008), and further tasks will be undertaken to hand over State duty to the winning party meeting the standards of democracy.

Announcement Announcement

1. The State of Emergency was declared in accord with Section 417 of the Con- 1. In the announcement of the Union Election Commission released on 5 Febru- stitution, and the legislative, executive and judicial powers of the State were ary 2021, it said, “The Union Election Commission has begun its investigation handed over to the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services. In accordance on the voting fraud in the 2020 General Election. Therefore, the letters of with sub-section (b) of Section 418 of the Constitution, the members appoint- accreditation issued by the Union Election Commission to the MPs of the ed with the approvals of respective Hluttaws were already suspended from respective Hluttaws will have no effects during the investigation period.” their duties from the date of transfer of powers, and the new Union Election Moreover, it is found that those who do not complete taking oath according to Commission was formed according to Section 419 of the Constitution. Section 125 of the Constitution, Pyithu Hluttaw Rule 5 and Amyotha Hluttaw 2. The currently-formed UEC released an announcement dated 5 February Rule 5 are not deemed as Hluttaw MPs. 2021. The announcement said, ‘‘ The Union Election Commission has begun 2. The announcement of UEC on 25 February also stated,” “It is illegal to per- its investigation on the voting fraud in the 2020 General Election. Therefore, form the Hluttaw works such as forming committees representing Hluttaw the letters of accreditation issued by the Union Election Commission to the without authority, holding committee meetings, making announcements and MPs of the respective Hluttaws will have no effects during the investigation notifications and appointment of representatives during the investigation period.” The announcement released on 25 February said, “It is illegal to per- period of UEC.” form the Hluttaw works such as forming committees representing Hluttaw 3. The formation of “Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH)” without authority, holding committee meetings, making announcements and by the ones who have no rights to stand as Hluttaw MPs does not conform notifications and appointment of representatives during the investigation to the law and seem to violate the serious crimes. Those who do not want period of UEC.” to participate in CRPH can report in person to the nearest region/state/ 3. According to Pyithu Hluttaw Rule 5 and Amyotha Hluttaw Rule 5, out of 3 re- self-administered division or self-administered zones, district administration quirement to elect Hluttaw representatives, it states “the elected person must councils between 28 February and 6 March. sign and make an affirmation in the presence of Chairman if the Speaker is not 4. It is here announced that those who make a report during fixed period will selected yet or in the presence of Speaker if selected, in accordance with the not face action, and if not, serious action will be taken in accordance with the appendix (a). Those who do not make an affirmation or take an oath in accord existing laws of the state. with the stipulations of law are not deemed as Hluttaw representatives. 4. Therefore, the formation of “Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH)” by the ones who have no rights to stand as official Hluttaw represent- Information Team atives does not conform to the law and seems to violate the serious crimes. State Administration Council Therefore, it is here announced that not to cooperate with this unofficial com- mittee directly or indirectly, and action will be taken against those who fail to follow.

Information Team State Administration Council Call 09251022355, 09974424848 28 FEBRUARY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5 Departments integrate research and education for mechanized farming UNION Minister for Agricul- nary ploughing; crop produc- ture, Livestock and Irrigation tion for livestock feed which is U Tin Htut Oo, accompanied the main source of meat pro- by officials from the respective duction; the full use of machin- departments of the ministry, ery in the post-harvest process arrived at the Training School and the practical demonstra- for Agricultural Mechanization tion of the use of equipment in Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw Union so that farmers can use the Territory yesterday morning. technology in the application The Union Minister and of input pesticides effectively party discussed the coopera- and economically and safely. tion between the Department Similarly, it is also plan- of Mechanization Agriculture ning to expand agricultural and the Department of Agri- machinery skills training, cultural Research on applied which will guarantee gradu- industrial agriculture research ates with direct access to the and technology dissemination workplace, including agricul- and inspected the works. tural science and technology. The Ministry of Agricul- Agricultural equipment ture, Livestock and Irrigation services are growing rapidly will integrate all respective de- in Myanmar, and the current MoALI minister and ocials look around the Training school for Agricultural Mechanization in Yezin, Nay Pyi partments for the successful 135 agro-industrial service Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA transition to mechanized farm- associations are being sup- ing; to be able to make full use per acre and the productivity research and technology ser- the activities to carry out sys- ported to be expanded into of the power of the machinery; of individual farm workers; to vices. tematic procedures including strong businesses and coop- to increase the productivity expand agricultural equipment The Ministry will speed up soil development from ordi- eratives.—MNA

Myanma Railways inspects capacity of railway systems and stations

MYANMA Railways is taking conditions of the railways and necessary steps to increase the 22 stations within 78 miles of the capacity of railway systems and Mandalay-Khinoo railway sec- stations to resume the regular tion with the facilitation of the transportation services. regional military commands, Heads of Department and the police force and general ad- officials from the Myanma Rail- ministration departments and ways Headquarters boarded the relevant departments for the short-distance RBE train and safety and necessary work. inspected the strength of the Myanma Railways will railways and bridges, the com- soon resume regular services munication and signal systems for short-distance and long-dis- and the staffing duties at the tance passenger trains as well stations within 59 miles of the as freight trains depending on Toungoo-Pyinmana section and the strength and durability of within 62 miles of the Pyinma- important railway lines, trans- na-Pyawbwe section on 26 and portation system and station 27 February. conditions. All kinds of railway Similarly, officials from services in Myanmar have been the Myanma Railways (Upper reduced due to the outbreak of Myanma Railways will soon resume regular services for short-distance and long-distance passenger and cargo Myanmar) also inspected the COVID-19.—MNA trains. PHOTO: MNA

15 new cases of COVID-19 reported on 27 February, total figure rises to 141,890

MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rose to 141,890 after 15 new cases were reported on 27 February 2021 according to the Ministry of Health and Sports. Among these confirmed cases, 3,199 died, 131,454 have been discharged from hospitals.—MNA

Updated at 8 pm, 27 February 2021 Daily death toll until 8 pm 27 2 2021

Total Cases 141,890 New Cases 15 1

Total Death Tally 3,199 Discharged from Hospital 131,454 Ministry of Health and Sports 28 FEBRUARY 2021 6 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Padaung seizes illegal Farmers enjoy high yield of green gram pyinkado lumber from vehicle ILLEGAL logs were seized from a 10-wheel vehicle that stopped near Milepost 24/6 on Padaung-Taunggup main road, Nyaung Chaydauk village-tract, Padaung township, Bago region on 25 February. According to the investigation, a combined group comprising the officials from the Forest Department and the village admin- istrators searched a 10-wheel HINO vehicle, which stopped on Padaung-Taunggup main road and found illegal 65 Pyinkado lumber weighing 11.1354 tonnes. This Pyinkado lumber was carried on board the 10-wheel car illegally. The team could not find the vehicle’s drivers and conductors. The police attempted to arrest them. The loggers, the vehicle driver and the helpers, were charged under Section 42(A) of the According to the local farmers, the green gram yields abundantly and has a fair price in Minbu (Sagu) Forestry Law. —Aung Myint (Padaung)/GNLM township. PHOTO: ZEYAR HTET MINBU ACCORDING to the local farm- ing period. However, the plant bean commodity depots in Min- ers, the farmers are happy with will grow well only with the right bu town, the gap between the the high yield of green grams in volume of water. Sufficient mois- different green gram prices is U Yin Zin village, Minbu (Sagu) ture should be available with- about K500 from one another. township in the Magway region, in two months of germination. According to the local farmers, and their product’s fair prices. There will be an abundant yield the green gram yields abundant- The green grams are being of the green gram if the soil is ly and has a fair price in Minbu grown by many farmers in that cool with a little soil moisture (Sagu) township. village, and they can earn a good from blossoming to harvest sea- Myanmar annually pro- price in the local market. Some son. The high temperature in duced only over 300,000 tonnes are raising the green gram af- the blossoming time may affect of green grams earlier. Later, ter monsoon paddy cultivation. the yield. more than 600,000 tonnes of Some are growing their bean This year, the green gram green gram were being pro- species by supplying the irrigat- price has dropped slightly from duced. The country also export- ing water. K41,000 per basket to K38,000 ed green gram mostly to China, The green gram needs wa- per basket, said Ko Bo Gyi, a India, Indonesia, Malaysia and The loggers, the vehicle driver and the helpers, were charged under ter during its growing period, local farmer. Europe. –Zeyar Htet (Minbu)/ Section 42(A) of the Forestry Law. PHOTO: AUNG MYINT PADAUNG seed sowing period and blossom- Although there are many GNLM

Growers earn extra income from manageable bottle gourd cultivation

THE local growers earn extra income from a manageable scale bottle gourd cultivation in Kula village, Kyaukse township, Mandalay. The bottle gourds are growing with natural fertilizer cow dung. The plants of calabashes are raised at least three feet away from each other to have fresh air and enough sunlight. If the bottle gourds are to be cultivated, the seeds must be germinated to prevent death. Each acre of bottle gourd contains 1,000 plants. The fruits could yield 45 days after growing. The bottle gourds are sold for K300 or K500 per piece depending upon the size. The fruits could be harvested up to 2 months. The bottle gourds are water-loving plants that need to be irri- gated to keep the soil moist. The fruits could yield on alternate days, and the growers could earn daily family income. The bottle gourd is a crop that should be grown, said U Myo Myint, a local grower from Kula village. —Thet Maung (Kyaukse)/GNLM The bottle gourds are sold for K300 or K500 per piece depending upon the size. The fruits could be harvested up to 2 months. PHOTO: THET MAUNG KYAUKSE

Request to Public 1. Democracy practices have granted the public freedom of speech, practices and living. Such freedoms should not harm others. Diverse views of others should be understood, but should not be disturbed or harassed. However, with the reason for human rights, some persons are now under pressure, harassed and threatened in breaching the laws. Undisciplined acts could lead to tarnishing the image of democracy. 2. For preventing destructive actions against the stability of the State, the safety of the public and the rule of law, it is also required to take proper actions in line with the law. 3. All the people who favour justice, freedom, equality and safety are requested to oppose breaching the laws and prevent such actions for the benefit of country and people. 28 FEBRUARY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR GLOBAL NEWS 7

UK’s decision to focus on age, not occupation enrages police, teachers NEWS

BRITAIN’S next phase of novel done,” he said. IN BRIEF coronavirus vaccines will be ad- Britain has vaccinated 19 Party’s over: Covid- ministered based on age rath- million people, 35 per cent of er than occupational risk, an all adults, with at least one dose hit Hollywood cuts advisory group said yesterday, and says it plans to finish the the award season sparking anger from police and whole population by the end glamour teachers who said they should of July. get priority. It is aiming to give a first THE weeks building up to Hol- Speaking at a televised dose to people over 50 and vul- lywood’s awards season are press conference yesterday, nerable groups by mid-April, usually a whirlwind of glitzy Health Secretary Matt Hancock before moving onto those in Los Angeles parties, lavish said Britain’s Joint Committee their 40s, followed by those in celebrity “gifting suites” and on Vaccination and Immuniza- their 30s and the other over-18s, the raucous Golden Globes tion (JCVI) had opted to offer the JCVI announced earlier Nurse Maggie Clark administers a dose of the AstraZeneca/Oxford themselves -- but not this year. the jab based on age “in order yesterday. COVIDŸ19 vaccine to a patient at a vaccination centre set up at Fiveways Not even Tinseltown’s to save most lives”. Professor Wei Shen Lim, a Islamic Centre and Mosque in Nottingham, central England, on February glamorous galas could avoid 22, 2021. HOTO: AFP “This is the fastest and member of the committee, said being turned upside-down by simplest way to roll out the jab. it would be speedier to move “Following an age-based cornerstones of the current the coronavirus pandemic. Our moral duty is to put saving through groups by age, rather programme will be simple, and programme in terms of speed “If a studio has a hot ƒlm, lives first, and that’s what we’ve than occupational risk. simplicity has been one of the and success,” he said. —AFP they will throw a lot of events, and invite people to attend to honour the ƒlmmakers,” said Mexico’s overstretched doctors face another foe: long Covid Variety awards editor Tim Gray. “Those ƒlms seem to Torres, a 31-year-old engi- Two private doctors, includ- become serious contenders neer, fell ill with the coronavirus ing a neurologist, agreed with because there’s so much atten- last June but the worst of her that diagnosis. tion (given) to them. initial symptoms lasted only four Torres tried therapy, yoga “I haven’t been to any days. and exercise but still “half her events this year, in honour of She tested positive three body was numb,” she said. a ƒlm.” times up to August but decided ‘Be patient’ Hopes of a return to the to try to return to her normal life. It was in February that “normal” carousel of VIP Q&A A month after she was in- another doctor identified the sessions and elite soirees fected, however, parts of her problem as inflammation of the designed to entice voters were body began to go numb. nervous system as a result of dashed long ago, as California Now, it is one of her legs that the coronavirus. was slammed by a staggering gives her the most discomfort. Among other things she was winter Covid-19 outbreak. — At least 1.6 million people are known to have survived Covid-19 in “Everything’s uncertain. advised to “be patient,” although AFP Mexico, but some have debilitating long-term e£ects. PHOTO: AFP Everything’s been an ordeal. by then she had already had to AFTER Areli Torres caught Her case illustrates the I’ve seen four doctors,” Torres postpone her wedding. the coronavirus, the fever and huge challenge that the coun- said. At least 1.6 million people American incomes headache disappeared in a few try’s already overwhelmed The first doctor, from the have survived Covid-19 and surge in January due days, but she says it took seven health system faces helping Mexican Institute of Social Se- around 184,000 have died from to pandemic aid months for Mexican doctors to people with “long Covid” -- the curity (IMSS), concluded that it in Mexico, a country of 126 correctly diagnose the debilitat- symptoms that sometimes lin- it was anxiety and prescribed million, according to official fig- AN injection of pandemic aid ing long-term effects. ger long after the infection. antidepressants. ures. —AFP ƒlled Americans’ wallets last month, though spending rose modestly, according to gov- looks to reopen borders with virus-free countries ernment data released Friday, giving a boost to the economy CORONAVIRUS-free Vanuatu as it claws its way back from has announced plans to cau- recession. tiously reopen its borders, start- A key in‘ation measure ing with a safe travel bubble with in the data showed prices also its Southwest Pacific neighbour are starting to bounce back New Caledonia. from the depths of the crisis, From April, the so-called which could add to investor’s “Tamtam Bubble” will allow ac- fears about rising borrowing cess to Efate Island, Vanuatu’s costs amid the recovery. largest island and home to the The $900 billion Covid-19 capital Port Vila. stimulus package approved A government spokesman in late December sent $600 said Saturday that leaders would checks to nearly all US meet next week “to formalize the workers and extended extra Tamtam Travel Bubble between unemployment payments for Port Vila and Noumea”, the cap- those who lost their jobs. ital of New Caledonia. Children on the Paciƒc Ocean island of Vanuatu are learning, thanks to UNICEF, how to protect themselves As the checks started against COVIDŸ19 by proper hand-washing. PHOTO: UNICE Vanuatu Prime Minister to roll in, personal incomes Bob Loughman told communi- and visiting family and friends. tend the bubble to other coun- The bubble is named after surged by 10 per cent -- the ty leaders that priority would New Caledonia was chosen tries which have been free of the tamtam drum, which is com- second biggest increase on initially be given to people trav- because it is “a low-risk country Covid-19 for at least a month, mon in Melanesian countries as record since the start of this elling on compassionate grounds with no active community cases with the government spokesman a means of communication and data report began in 1959 for healthcare, education, em- for more than 28 days”. saying Fiji was at the head of is usually erected in a chief’s -- the Commerce Department ployment, technical assistance Plans were under way to ex- the list. “nasara” or compound. —AFP said. —AFP 28 FEBRUARY 2021 28 FEBRUARY 2021 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL ARTICLE 9 For the health of UN Security Council demands COVID-19 vaccine ceasefires; Objectives of 76th people, restrict Anniversary Armed WHO pushes for more action to speed up inoculations Forces Day tobacco products FOR the Tatmadaw to join hands with the entire nation to The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously passed a resolution calling on all Mem- safeguard democracy, which is the aspiration of all the nation- alities of the country, from deviating from its path, in accord he number of deaths caused by cancer, hypertension, and respiratory diseases would be higher in the ber States to support a “sustained humanitarian pause” to local conicts, in order to allow with the basic principles of the Constitution, while observing coming years if the current levels of consumption of Our Three Main National Causes, which is the national policy; T tobacco products, including betel quid and cigarettes, for COVID‚19 vaccinations. Brie†ng journalists afterwards, World Health Organization To protect the people from all dangers including natural do not reduce. disasters at any time and in any situation and to provide all- Smoking and consumption of tobacco products kill more (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus argued that more could be done. than 60,000 people every year in Myanmar. Tobacco products, round assistance for ensuring social security of the people; including cigarettes, can cause at least 16 different cancers of To restore eternal peace based on NCA, without deviat- the body, including lung cancer, cancers of the mouth, larynx, hile welcoming the his- bilateral deals with manufactur- “This current crisis comes ing from Our Three Main National Causes, as the cessation pharynx, oesophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, liver, cervix, toric resolution and ers producing vaccines that CO- at a time, after years of conflict, of armed conflicts is the principal requirement in realizing stomach, colon, and rectum. W upholding the impor- VAX is counting on. when there is now a real oppor- On average, people who tance of vaccine equity, he said “I understand full well that tunity for peace in Yemen. We democracy; smoke die about 10 years that “concrete steps should be all governments have an obliga- have to act on it”, he said, urging To build a strong and compact Standard Army, which has Tobacco earlier than people who have taken” to waive intellectual prop- tion to protect their own people. donors to generously support the the combat prowess and combat power, to effectively safeguard never smoked. erty rights to increase vaccine But the best way to do that is 2021 Response Plan for $3.85 bil- the State peace and stability and sovereignty. Tobacco products con- production “and get rid of this by suppressing the virus every- lion during a High-Level Pledg- products sumption, including smok- virus as soon as possible”. where at the same time”, under- ing Event next Monday. ing, is the most preventable scored the WHO chief. Strategic Preparedness cause of premature death in “The virus has taken the “Now is the time to use Meanwhile, on Wednesday, consumption, our country. The time comes whole world hostage”, Tedros every tool to scale up produc- WHO officially launched its now to enforce rules on said. “The UN Security Council tion, including licencing and Strategic Preparedness and smoking and consumption can do it, if there is political will”. technology transfer, and where Response Plan (SPRP) for 2021. including of tobacco products. The Council resolution calls necessary, intellectual property It builds on achievements, Myanmar Daily Weather Report To improve the effec- for review of specific cases raised waivers. If not now, then when?”, focuses on new challenges, such tiveness of the policy on to- by the UN, where access to vac- he added. as mitigating risks related to new (Issued at 7: 00 pm Saturday 27 February 2021) smoking, bacco use, crowded places cinations is being hampered and Yemen: ‘Opportunity for variants, and considers the road nationwide should establish to “consider what further meas- peace’ towards the safe, equitable and BAY INFERENCE: Weather is partly cloudy over the South- no smoking and betel quid ures may be necessary to ensure In a bid for more funding, effective delivery of diagnostics is the most west Bay and a few cloud over the Andaman Sea and elsewhere chewing zones. Meanwhile, such impediments are removed the WHO chief said that Yemen and vaccines as part of the over- we should not underesti- and hostilities paused.” remained the world’s largest all strategy to successfully tackle over the Bay of Bengal. preventable mate the risk associated Vaccine deliveries humanitarian crisis, with more the pandemic, according to the FORECAST VALID UNTIL NOON OF THE 28 February with e-cigarettes and vaping Tedros noted that Côte than 20 million people desper- WHO chief. 2021: Light rain or thundershowers are likely to be isolated in devices, which are popular d’Ivoire had received its first ately needing assistance. Some “The 2021 SPRP outlines Ventilators are one of the most important tools hospitals have for keeping Covid-19 patients in the most critical Upper Sagaing Region and Kachin State. Degree of certainty among teens today. doses of the COVID-19 vaccine five million are at risk of famine, how WHO will support countries cause of condition alive. PHOTO: AFP The designation of with more to be shipped to oth- while half a million children un- in meeting these objectives, and is (60%). Weather will be partly cloudy in Taninthayi Region smoke-free areas creates er countries in the days and all countries within the first 100 cine initiative COVAX, he said and distributions must be ac- der-five risk death without ur- the resources we need to do it”, and Shan, Chin, Kayah, Kayin and Mon states and generally premature a healthier environment, weeks ahead – with the goal of days of the year. that fragile progress has been celerated. gent treatment and the contin- he said. fair in the remaining regions and states. getting vaccination underway in Crediting the UN-led vac- made, but that vaccine supplies However, he warned against uing spectre of COVID-19. SOURCE: UN News makes travel to that particu- STATE OF THE SEA: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar lar destination more attrac- waters. Wave height will be about (4-7) feet off and along My- death in our tive, and reduces damage to heritage sites and the risk of anmar Coasts. country. stray fires. OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood of It took researchers US expert panel recommends authorizing J&J Covid vaccine isolated light rain or thundershowers in Kachin State. at least 50 years to under- FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING stand that cigarettes cut the lifespan of smokers by 10 years. US panel of independ- making the J&J vaccine the third lowed a day-long, live-streamed which "offers logistical and prac- Van Hoof said that if author- Anaphylaxis case AREA FOR 28 February 2021: Generally fair weather. Every year, more than 8 million people die from tobacco use, ent experts voted unan- to be greenlighted in the United virtual meeting to decide if the tical advantages." ized, J&J would apply to amend During J&J's presenta- FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA according to data from the World Health Organization. More A imously Friday in favor of States after Pfizer's and Moder- known benefits of the drug out- Placebo crossover their trials so that people who tion, company scientist Macaya FOR 28 February 2021: Generally fair weather. than 7 million of those deaths are from direct tobacco use, while recommending Johnson & John- na's were provisionally approved weigh its known risks for use in In a global trial of almost received the placebo could now Douoguih revealed that a case of FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING around 1.2 million are due to exposure to second-hand smoke. son's one-dose Covid-19 shot for in December. people aged 18 and over -- which 40,000 people, the vaccine's effica- receive the vaccine. anaphylaxis occurred in a health Tobacco products, including cigarettes, can cause at least emergency approval, clearing the "We've all seen the news gave the public an inside look at cy against severe disease was 85.4 The idea is to compare rela- worker in South Africa -- the first AREA FOR 28 February 2021: Generally fair weather. 16 different cancers of the body, including lung cancer, cancers way for a third vaccine to soon be- about (the) Johnson and Johnson the details of the scientific debate. percent, but it fell to 66.1 percent tive efficacy between people who time this has happened for the of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, oesophagus, bladder, kidney, gin shipping in the world's hardest vaccine today -- (the) third, safe "Janssen's vaccine candidate when including moderate forms were vaccinated earlier against shot. pancreas, liver, cervix, stomach, colon, and rectum. hit country. effective vaccine," President Joe will play a critical role in the global of the disease. later, to see if immunity wanes Some rare anaphylaxis cases According to a survey conducted by the WHO in 2014, the The committee's 22 members Biden said from Houston shortly efforts to fight Covid-19," Johan This makes it slightly less over time. have been reported for the Pfizer prevalence of risk factors for contracting non-communicable were convened by the Food and after the vote. Van Hoof, global head of vaccines protective than Pfizer and Mod- The company is also planning and Moderna shots. diseases was one for 94 per cent of the people and three to five Drug Administration and includ- "We're going to use every research and development at erna's two-shot regimens, which to soon begin testing its vaccine In almost 44,000 people stud- for about 19.6 per cent of the people. ed leading scientists as well as conceivable way to expand man- J&J's Janssen subsidiary, had both have an efficacy of around on children. ied for safety issues, the vaccine 09251022355, To make the tobacco-free policy — which is a good consumer and industry repre- ufacturing of the vaccine... and told the meeting, emphasizing 95 per cent against symptomatic It is separately studying was well tolerated, with typical Call 09974424848 measure to improve people’s health — realistic, we also need sentatives. make even more rapid progress in the shot's high efficacy against Covid-19. whether two doses might be more side-effects like injection-site to impose fines on businesses that sell tobacco products to Although their recommen- getting (shots) to people's arms." severe Covid-19, including against Nevertheless, experts say protective than one -- which raised pain, headache, fatigue and mus- kids and in restricted areas. dations aren't binding, they are Administration officials said new variants. J&J's shot will bring to bear a concerns among some panelists cle pains. There were a handful with us/ Most important, we need to make young people un- usually followed. this week they hoped to deliver He also stressed the fact powerful new weapon against the who felt people who got one dose of cases of people who developed derstand how incredibly foolhardy it is to inhale and swallow An emergency use author- three to four million doses next that it was proven to work with a outbreak in the United States, might feel short-changed if two hives, which could have been A d v e r t i s e Hot Line : chemicals whose effects we do not understand and which lead ization (EUA) will likely follow, week. single shot, and could be stored where more than 500,000 people doses ends up proving more ef- linked to the shot. to an addiction many cannot escape. probably in the coming days, The recommendation fol- long term at fridge temperatures, have died. fective. SOURCE: AFP 09974424848 28 FEBRUARY 2021 10 WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Iran suspected in explosion on Israeli- WHO-backed policy brief owned ship in Arabia Sea calls for action to address ‘long COVID’ WITH one in 10 people still fering. feeling ill 12 weeks after having “It’s important that patients COVID-19, authorities must do reporting with symptoms of long more to support them, a UN- COVID are included as part of backed policy brief issued on the COVID-19 response to mit- Thursday argues. igate some of the longer-term The document summarizes health impacts of the pandem- what is known so far about “long ic”, he said. COVID” and how countries are Long COVID is not fully addressing the condition, whose understood, but available data troubling symptoms include se- indicate that roughly a quarter vere fatigue and increased dam- of people suffer from symptoms age to the heart, lungs and brain. four to five weeks after testing The policy brief was pub- positive for the coronavirus, and lished by the World Health Or- about one in 10 still experiences ganization’s (WHO) Regional symptoms after 12 weeks. Office for Europe and the Eu- Patients, who include med- ropean Observatory on Health ical professionals, struggle to Systems and Policies. be taken seriously. They report Israeli navy ships manoeuvre at the military port of Ashdod, southern Israel, on July 29, 2018. PHOTO: AFP Struggling to be taken se- feeling stigmatized and unable FILE riously to get a diagnosis, receiving “dis- AN international intelligence the backdrop of steeply rising Singapore as its destination on Dr Hans Kluge, WHO’s Re- jointed” care, while also facing firm pointed to Iran as possibly threats between former US its tracker. gional Director, said long COVID problems in accessing health being behind an explosion that President Donald Trump and A United Nations ship da- is an extra cause for concern and disability benefits. struck an Israeli-owned cargo Iranian leaders. Tehran denied tabase identified the vessel’s amid the pandemic, which has Involve patients in research ship sailing out of the Middle the accusations, which came owners as a Tel Aviv-based firm already caused immense suf- and response. —UN News East on Friday, an unexplained amid heightened tensions over called Ray Shipping Ltd. Calls to blast renewing concerns about Tehran’s tattered 2015 nuclear Ray Shipping rang unanswered ship security amid escalating deal with world powers. Friday. tensions between the US and Dryad Global, a maritime The US Navy’s Bah- Iran. intelligence firm, identified the rain-based 5th Fleet was “aware The crew and vessel were vessel as the MV Helios Ray, a and monitoring” the situation, safe, according to the United Bahaman-flagged roll-on, roll-off Cmdr. Rebecca Rebarich told Kingdom Maritime Trade Opera- vehicle cargo ship. The Associated Press. She de- tions, which is run by the British Satellite-tracking data from clined to immediately comment navy. The explosion forced the website further. vessel to head to the nearest showed the Helios Ray had been While the circumstances of port. nearly entering the Arabian Sea the explosion remain unclear, The site of the blast, the around 0600 GMT Friday before Dryad Global, said it was very Gulf of Oman, saw a series of it suddenly turned around and possible the blast stemmed from explosions in 2019 that the US began heading back toward the “asymmetric activity by Iranian A man receives the ­rst dose of a COVIDƒ19 vaccination at a temporary Navy blamed on Iran against Strait of Hormuz. It still listed military”. —AFP centre in Beijing. PHOTO: AFP

Airbus reveals carbon footprint Norwegian Air posts record loss on pandemic, of its planes writedowns AIRBUS unveiled on Friday forecast rise in passenger air LOW-cost Norwegian Air Shut- posted a net loss of 23 billion kroner in the fourth quarter to the carbon footprint of its air- traffic means it could add more tle, currently under bankruptcy kroner (€2.2 billion) last year, or take into account the planned craft, a move that will help pollution to the skies unless protection as it battles for sur- 15 times the loss registered a reduction of its fleet. measure progress made by measures are taken rapidly. vival, posted a record loss in 2020 year earlier of 1.6 billion kroner. The company had 140 air- the aviation industry towards And between the “flyg- due to the pandemic and mas- Like other airlines, the com- craft pre-pandemic, a number its goal of reducing emissions. skam” movement, a Swedish sive writedowns, the company pany has been hard hit by the set to be slashed to 53 over the It is the first time an neologism meaning “flight said on Friday. dramatic drop in air travel due coming months providing Nor- aircraft manufacturer has shame”, to increasing social Placed under bankruptcy to the COVID-19 pandemic. But wegian can find buyers, strike released lifetime carbon responsibility expectations protection in both Ireland and it also registered a mammoth deals with leasing companies emissions of its aircraft, and among investors, the industry Norway, the no-frills carrier impairment loss of 12.8 billion and cancel existing orders. Airbus Executive VP Cor- is under mounting pressure Teetering on the edge of porate Affairs Julie Kitcher to meet its promise to cut its collapse, the company is also said it was an opportunity carbon emissions by half from trying to secure massive reduc- to increase transparency in 2005 levels by 2050. tion of its debt from creditors, the sector. “We really want to Airbus calculated that the from around 67 billion kroner demonstrate our commitment 863 planes that it delivered at the end of the third quarter to driving decarbonization of in 2019 will emit 740 million to 20 billion kroner. It hopes to the sector,” she said. tonnes of CO2 during an esti- emerge as a slimmer airline and The industry currently mated 22 years in service. As has already dropped its long- represents two per cent of a point of comparison, France haul operations – where it was a global CO2 emissions, accord- is estimated to have emitted pioneer in the low-cost segment ing to the International Civil 441 million tonnes of CO2 in – to instead focus on the Nordic Aviation Organization, but a 2019. —AFP Norwegian Air Shuttle CEO Jacob Schram. PHOTO: AFP market. —AFP 28 FEBRUARY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR PANDEMIC: WORLD 11 New Zealand’s largest city back in Ecuador’s health minister lockdown as Covid lingers resigns over vaccine

PRIME Minister queue-jumping ordered New Zealand’s largest city back into lockdown on Satur- ECUADOR’S health minister Announcing the resig- day as Covid-19 cases continued Juan Carlos Zevallos resigned nation on Twitter, President to be detected in the community. Friday in the latest scandal to Lenin Moreno thanked his The latest restrictions in hit a South American govern- now ex-minister for his work Auckland will last at least sev- ment over well-connected cit- during the pandemic that he en days and come less than two izens jumping the queue for said “helped save hundreds weeks after a three-day shut- coronavirus vaccines. of thousands of lives.” down in the city. Zevallos has admitted that Zevallos, now under inves- Ardern said a new coronavi- his mother, 87, and “several” tigation, occupied the health rus case confirmed on Saturday others close to him had re- ministry for 11 months. He said could not be directly connect- ceived a shot among the 42,000 he decided to resign “given the ed to other positive tests over doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech current political situation and The latest restrictions in Auckland come less than two weeks after a the last two weeks, although a vaccine the country has re- in order to allow continuity” of three-day shutdown in the city. PHOTO: AFP school in South Auckland was a served for workers in health the vaccination campaign that common link. Since the latest outbreak suring people with symptoms care and old age homes. began in January. —AFP From Sunday morning the first emerged in a family of three, came forward, the prime min- city’s 1.7 million residents must several people have reported ister added. stay at home except for essential symptoms, with the school in “We will always weigh up, shopping and work. South Auckland the connecting are we creating an environment Schools and non-essential factor. Ardern blamed the creep- where people will be open and shops will close, and entry in and ing spread of community infec- honest?” she said. out of the city will be restricted. tion on people not isolating when “We are dealing with young The remainder of the they should have been. people here and what we ask country will be under level two In the latest case the person them to do is share with us restrictions which include lim- visited a doctor on Friday and their entire lives, and it’s very its on the size of public gathe- then went to the gym. important that we have a situa- rings. “It’s frustrating,” Ardern tion where people are able and Ardern said there was said. willing to do that.” New Zealand “cause for concern” that the lat- Authorities have the abil- has been widely praised for its Ecuador’s health minister Juan Carlos Zevallos resigned Friday est case involved a person who ity to take enforcement action handling of the pandemic, with in the latest scandal to hit a South American government over had been infectious for a week against rule breakers but that just 25 deaths in a population of well-connected citizens jumping the queue for coronavirus but had not been in isolation. needed to be balanced with en- five million. —AFP vaccines. PHOTO: AFP

NEWS South Africa receives second IN BRIEF batch of Johnson & Johnson jabs Brazil states tighten Covid restrictions as virus rages

Brazilian cities and states have been imposing a new round of restrictions in a bid to contain a surge of Covid-19 cases threatening to overwhelm their already stretched hospitals. Brazil, whose death toll passed 250,000 Thursday, is struggling to deal with a rising tide of infections that has pushed intensive care units close to the brink in a worrying number of ‰ashpoints. The country continues to have a piecemeal response to the new coronavirus, with individual cities and states setting their own policies in the face of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro’s repeated attacks on restrictive measures and face masks. —AFP

Estonia tightens measures against ‘critical’ virus surge The spread of Covid in Estonia is reaching critical proportions, a top health o‹cial warned on Friday, as the government tightened restrictions to Œght one of Europe’s highest per capita contagion South Africa on Saturday received its second consignment of Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines, the health rates. minister said, as the continent’s hardest-hit country scrambles to shore up its inoculation drive. PHOTO: AFP Estonia’s infection rate is currently running at 887.75 per 100,000 SOUTH Africa on Saturday re- rus, has been widely criticised ago have been administered to inhabitants on a 7-day average and the pace is growing fast, o‹cials ceived its second consignment for a slow procurement of vac- healthcare workers,” Mkhize said. of Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 cines and lack of strategy. tweeted as the precious cargo “The situation is highly critical,” Ullar Lanno, head of Estonia’s vaccines, the health minister Health minister Zweli Mkh- landed in the financial capital Health Board, told reporters. said, as the continent’s hard- ize tweeted that the second Johannesburg. Lanno said hospitals were working at the limits of their capacity est-hit country scrambles to tranche of Johnson & Johnson According to the ministry and planned vaccination centres may have to be used as Covid-19 shore up its inoculation drive. vaccines had touched down at over 63,600 healthcare workers wards instead.Estonia, an EU member state of 1.3 million people, The country of almost 59 OR Tambo International airport. have been vaccinated since in- was largely spared during the Œrst and second waves of the pan- million people, which has seen “It comes as the majority of oculations began 11 days ago. demic that have swept through the rest of Europe but has strug- nearly 50,000 succumb to the vi- initial doses received two weeks —AFP gled during the current third wave. —AFP 28 FEBRUARY 2021 12 GLOBAL AFFAIRS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

NEWS US $1.9 trillion COVID relief package IN BRIEF Russians mark sixth anniversary clears US House, heads to Senate of Kremlin critic’s THE US House passed an enor- for Democrats, when a key Sen- murder mous, $1.9 trillion coronavirus ate official ruled Thursday that SEVERAL thousand Russians relief package early Saturday, the final version of the bill cannot along with Western diplomats hailed by Democrats as a critical include a minimum wage hike. gathered in Moscow on Satur- step in funnelling new funding Biden had campaigned ex- day to mark the sixth anni- toward vaccinations, overbur- tensively on raising the national versary of the assassination dened local governments, and minimum wage to $15 an hour, of opposition politician Boris millions of families devastated from a rate of $7.25 that has stood Nemtsov. by the pandemic. since 2009. Nemtsov was one of Pres- Four days after the Covid-19 He aimed to include it in ident Vladimir Putin’s loudest death toll surpassed 500,000 in the rescue plan, which directly critics until he was shot and the United States, the sprawling provides $1,400 checks to most killed on a Moscow bridge near measure backed by President Americans and allots billions of the Kremlin on February 27, Joe Biden and seen as a moral dollars to boost vaccine delivery, 2015. imperative by many now heads A man walks down 34th Street in midtown Manhattan in New York City help schools re-open and fund The sixth anniversary of to the Senate for consideration on February 26. PHOTO: AFP state and local governments. his death comes after Putin’s next week. lawmakers approved the pack- comes weeks after Biden’s Jan- It extends unemployment current most prominent critic “After 12 months of death age on a rare post-midnight vote uary 20 inauguration, when he benefits, set to expire mid- Alexei Navalny was sent to and despair, the American recov- of 219 to 212. called for unity in the face of a March, by about six months, as a penal colony this week to ery begins tonight,” congress- No Republicans voted for once-in-a-century health crisis. well as a moratorium on evic- serve a nearly three-year term man Brendan Boyle told the the bill. The package cleared the tions for millions of people strug- he denounces as politically House chamber shortly before The sharply partisan result House despite a major setback gling to pay rent. —AFP motivated. Beginning Saturday morning, a steady stream of Russians and Western diplo- mats took turns laying ”owers Britain says farewell to pandemic hero Captain Tom Moore at a makeshift memorial at the spot where Nemtsov was felled became a global hero for his ex- mensely proud to contribute to with four bullets.—AFP traordinary fundraising efforts the celebration of his extraordi- during the pandemic. nary life of service,” the defence Soldiers formed a guard of ministry said in a statement. Dissident leader honour at the small ceremony Moore died on February 2 af- Ferrer released by held by Moore’s family at a cre- ter being treated for pneumonia Cuba: supporter matorium in Bedford in central and testing positive for Covid-19. England. Six soldiers from the He raised nearly £33 mil- LEADING Cuban dissident Yorkshire Regiment, the suc- lion ($45 million, €37.4 million) Jose Daniel Ferrer was cessor to the one Moore served for healthcare charities by com- released late Friday after 10 in during World War II, carried pleting 100 lengths of his gar- hours in police custody and his coffin, draped with the Union den before his 100th birthday ordered by a judge to end his Jack and his military cap and in April last year.The image of political activities, he said. sword as 14 soldiers gave a firing the stooped but dapper veteran, Ferrer denounced his salute.A World War II-era plane leaning on his walking frame and “violent and arbitrary de- Soldiers from the British Army’s Yorkshire Regiment carry the co n of from a nearby RAF base flew rarely seen without shining mil- tention” in a video posted to Captain Tom Moore during his funeral service at Bedford Crematorium over the crematorium and later itary service medals pinned to the YouTube channel of the in Bedford, north of London. PHOTO: JOE GIDDENSPOOLAFP a bugler sounded the Last Post, his blazer, and a regimental tie, banned opposition organi- BRITAIN bid farewell on Sat- with a televised funeral for the followed by a minute’s silence. was a rare good news story in a zation he leads, the Patriotic urday to Captain Tom Moore 100-year-old war veteran who “The Armed Forces are im- gloomy year. —AFP Union of Cuba (UNPACU). Ferrer, one of the most recognizable dissidents who New protests over writer’s death in Bangladesh jail has chosen to stay in Cuba rather than go into exile, Bangladesh Prime Minister der which Ahmed was detained law and Ahmed’s death. also not desired that unrest will had been under house arrest on Saturday last May. The protests followed “No death is desired. It is be created,” she said.—AFP before being taken into shrugged off criticism of her clashes between police and se- custody. government’s rights record as curity forces in the capital on He was jailed in 2003 hundreds marched in a second Friday night. Police said six peo- after leading calls for demo- day of protests over the death ple were arrested while activists cratic political reforms. of a prominent writer in prison. said at least 30 were injured. Released in 2011 follow- Demonstrators marched ‘Custodial murder’ ing pressure from the Roman at Dhaka University chanting The wide-ranging DSA has Catholic Church, he formed slogans condemning the govern- been used to crack down on dis- UNPACU. ment’s treatment of dissident sent since it was enacted in 2018. An activist said police Mushtaq Ahmed as well as other Speaking Saturday at a rare had entered Ferrer’s house journalists and activists. press conference to mark a UN -- the organization’s national Another protest was staged recommendation that Bangla- headquarters in Santiago at the National Press Club, while desh be reclassified as a ‘devel- de Cuba, around 550 miles dozens of people carried a sym- oping’ economy, Prime Minister (900 kilometres) southeast bolic coffin to Hasina’s office de- Hasina -- who has been in office Protesters were out in the Bangladesh capital Dhaka on Saturday of Havana -- and taken him manding the scrapping of the for 12 years -- brushed aside in- demanding the repeal of the country’s Digital Security Act. PHOTO: out through the back door. Digital Security Act (DSA) un- ternational concerns over the AFP —AFP 28 FEBRUARY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ECONAD 13 G-20 finance chiefs agree on more aid to vulnerable nations, stimulus THE finance chiefs of was the first since U.S. tic lockdown measures and the Group of 20 advanced President Joe Biden took travel restrictions to stop and emerging economies office in January and shift- the spread of the virus. agreed Friday to continue ed course from his prede- “I called for further supporting low-income na- cessor Donald Trump, G-20 unity in supporting tions and avoid a “prema- who shunned multilateral low-income countries as ture” withdrawal of fiscal engagement in pursuit of the gap is widening (with and monetary stimulus as national interests. richer countries) in vacci- economic recovery from Multilateral coordi- nations in addition to their the coronavirus pandemic nation and cooperation lagging economic recov- is still fragile and uneven. are taking on greater ery,” Japanese Finance After a virtual meet- importance to overcome Minister Taro Aso told ing, Italian Finance Min- the pandemic and chart a reporters. ister Daniele Franco said path to economic recovery. Aso said the G-20 the group agreed to bolster The rollout of vaccines has countries need to remain international coordination raised hope for further vigilant against uncertain- in tackling global challeng- Finance chiefs from the Group of 20 economies attend a virtual meeting on Feb. recovery of the world’s ties, noting that “compe- 26. PHOTO: KYODO es as the equitable distri- economy, which is now pro- tition” continues between bution of vaccines is seen ting weaker economies rican countries,” the Ital- rotating G-20 presidency. jected by the International progress in vaccinations as critical in containing the more severely. This risks ian minister said in an on- The meeting of the Monetary Fund to grow 5.5 and the emergence of new COVID-19 crisis globally. jeopardizing development line press conference after G-20 finance ministers and percent this year after a se- coronavirus variants. — “The pandemic is hit- prospects, especially in Af- the meeting. Italy holds the central bank governors vere hit in 2020 from dras- AFP

ANA to offer digital Brazil unemployment dips, but sets record in 2020 BRAZIL’S unemployment and contain a second wave in the annual series, less Brazil’s death toll from in-flight magazines to rate dipped in the fourth that threatens to be worse than half the working-age Covid-19 passed 250,000 quarter, but set an annu- than the first. population was occupied in Thursday, the second-high- cut carbon emissions al record in 2020 with a The yearly average the country,” IBGE analyst est worldwide, after the monthly average of 13.5 jobless rate was the high- Adriana Beringuy said in United States. ALL Nippon Airways Co. lications comes as the percent as the coronavirus est since the current meas- a statement. “In 2020, the President Jair Bol- has said it will offer dig- company, hit hard by pandemic battered Latin urement was introduced in level was 49.4 percent,” in- sonaro faces criticism for ital in-flight magazines the coronavirus pan- America’s biggest econ- 2012. In 2019, the rate was cluding non-workers and flouting expert advice on and newspapers from demic, is planning to omy, officials said Friday. 11.9 percent. those who had given up handling the pandemic. — April to help reduce car- reduce its workforce The jobless rate was “For the first time looking for work, she said. AFP bon dioxide emissions. by roughly 20 percent 13.9 percent for the period Planes will be light- over the next five from October to December, er as they will no longer years through natural said the national statistics carry printed versions, attrition, sources fa- institute, IBGE, which saving fuel and slashing miliar with the matter measures the indicator in carbon footprints by an have said. According sliding three-month inter- estimated 10,690 tons per to ANA, its Tsubasa vals. year. Global Wings in-flight That was down from The airline said the magazine will be avail- 14.1 percent for Septem- move is expected to cut able online and via the ber-November and the all- annual paper usage by airline’s mobile appli- time high of 14.6 percent 1,540 tons and costs by cation from the April for July-September. 530 million yen ($5 mil- issue. For passengers But unemployment lion) per year. The digi- who prefer printed remains a major concern talization of in-flight pub- versions, the company as Brazil struggles to will offer smaller-sized bounce back from the eco- In this le photo taken on June 11, 2019 unemployed people look for job opportunities at a booklets. nomic havoc of Covid-19 governmental workers service department in Sao Paulo, Brazil. PHOTO: AFPFILE Passengers will be able to download the in-flight magazines as well as newspa- CLAIMS DAY NOTICE CLAIMS DAY NOTICE pers through the app M.V ISEACO GENESIS VOY. NO. (116N/S) M.V KOTA HALUS VOY. NO. (KHLU0168N/S) up to 24 hours prior to Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ISEACO Consignees of cargo carried on M.V KOTA HALUS scheduled departure GENESIS VOY. NO. (116N/S) are hereby notified that VOY. NO. (KHLU0168N/S) are hereby notified that the times and the content the vessel will be arriving on 28-2-2021 and cargo will vessel will be arriving on 28-2-2021 and cargo will be will remain available be discharged into the premises of HPT where it will lie discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will lie for download up to at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. 24 hours after their Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am scheduled arrival. to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now While all pas- declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo sengers will be able from the Vessel. from the Vessel. to access the digital No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. the Claims Day. magazines, the digital Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 newspapers will not Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department Photo shows the cover of an be available to those Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority All Nippon Airways Co. in- Agent For: Agent For: †ight magazine displayed traveling in economy on a smartphone. PHOTO: class, the airline said. M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA LINES M/S ADVANCE CONTAINER LINES ALL NIPPON AIR — Kyodo News 28 FEBRUARY 2021 14 SOCIETY THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Prince Harry: British press were ‘destroying my mental health’

BRITAIN’S Prince Harry said what any father would do. I in a rare one-on-one interview need to get my family out of that he left royal life because here.” the British press was “de- Harry and Markle’s shock stroying” his mental health, announcement in January 2020 and revealed he watches “The that they were stepping back Crown”. from royal duties rocked Brit- Harry gave an intimate in- ain’s royal family, with British sight into his young family’s newspapers dubbing it “Mex- new life in Los Angeles during it”. an open-top bus tour of the city Earlier this month, Buck- with “The Late Late Show” ingham Palace announced that host James Corden. the couple had permanently “We all know what the quit royal duties following a British press can be like, and one-year review of the new ar- it was destroying my mental rangement. Queen Elizabeth II health,” said Harry, who relo- ordered the Duke and Duchess cated to the United States with of Sussex, as they are formally wife Meghan Markle last year. known, to relinquish their hon- “I was, like, this is toxic. orary titles and patronages. Britain’s Prince Harry said in a rare one-on-one interview that he left royal life because the British press was So I did what any husband and —AFP “destroying” his mental health, and revealed he watches “The Crown”. PHOTO: AFP

Victims of mid-February Nigeria NEWS IN BRIEF school abduction freed Family of UK man held in India appeal to PM KIDNAPPERS have freed 42 governor Abubakar Sani Bello ducting residents after looting for help people, including 27 children, said on Twitter. and torching homes. snatched from a school in central In mid-February, gunmen On Friday, in the Jangebe, a Nigeria 10 days ago, officials said in military uniforms raided the village in Zamfara state, a gang THE son of a British man held in India -- in a case linked with a Saturday, a day after gunmen ab- college, killing one student and attacked the Government Girls Dubai princess who claims she was kidnapped -- has appealed to ducted more than 300 schoolgirls taking 42 others. They included Science Secondary School. Prime Minister for help. in the northwest. 27 schoolboys, three teachers It was the country’s third ARMS dealer Christian Michel, 59, has been detained in India “The abducted students, and other relatives of school school attack in less than three since December 2018 after being extradited from the United Arab staff and relatives of Govern- staff, officials said. months -- a series that has re- Emirates over a helicopter deal. ment Science College Kagara Northwest and central Nige- vived traumatic memories of INDIA on Saturday dismissed calls by UN rights experts for him to have regained their freedom and ria have seen a surge in attacks the “Chibok girls” kidnapped be freed, rejecting suggestions that his detention had been politi- have been received by the Niger by heavily armed criminal gangs by jihadists nearly seven years cally motivated and without any legal basis. state government,” Niger state raiding villages, killing and ab- ago. —AFP THE UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) said Michel’s imprisonment lacked a legal basis. AND it raised concerns that his extradition “was a de facto swap” for India’s capture and return of an unnamed high-pro—le detainee Haiti prison breakout leaves 25 dead, to Dubai in March 2018. —AFP 200 inmates on the run MORE than 200 prisoners were Indian rooster kills owner with cock—ght on the run in Haiti on Friday, a blade day after they escaped from jail A rooster —tted with a knife for an illegal cock—ght in southern in a violent breakout that left 25 India has killed its owner, sparking a manhunt for the organizers of people dead including the prison the event, police said Saturday. director, officials said. THE bird had a knife attached to its leg ready to take on an oppo- About 400 inmates fled nent when it inšicted serious injuries to the man’s groin as it tried on Thursday, with AFP photo- to escape, o„cers said. graphs showing at least three THE victim died from loss of blood before he could reach a hospi- dead bodies lying outside the tal in the Karimnagar district of Telangana state earlier this week, prison and some captured pris- local police o„cer B. Jeevan told AFP. oners under armed guard in the THE man was among 16 people organizing the cock—ght in the vil- back of a truck. More than 200 prisoners were on the run in Haiti on Friday, a day after lage of Lothunur when the freak accident took place, Jeevan said. they escaped from jail in a violent breakout that left 25 people dead “Twenty-five people died THE rooster was briešy held at the local police station before it including the prison director, o„cials said. PHOTO: AFPFILE including six prisoners and Di- was sent to a poultry farm. visional Inspector Paul Hector were some ordinary citizens to go far,” Exantus said. One “WE are searching for the other 15 people involved in organizing Joseph who was in charge of who were killed by the prison- of the prisoners who died was the illegal —ght,” Jeevan said. the prison,” Secretary of Com- ers during their escape.” About gang leader Arnel Joseph, who THEY could face charges of manslaughter, illegal betting and munication Frantz Exantus said 200 prisoners were still at large, was gunned down on Friday at hosting a cock—ght. of the mass escape from the jail but “the police are working hard a police check 120 kilometres COCKFIGHTS are banned but still common in rural areas of Telan- in the suburbs of capital Port- to get them back. Some are in (75 miles) north of the prison. gana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Odisha states -- particularly au-Prince. “Among those killed handcuffs, they will not be able —AFP around the Hindu festival of Sankranti. —AFP 28 FEBRUARY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATURE 15 Flood-prone Miami to spend billions tackling sea level rise neurs have proposed creative, if THE US city of Miami is to invest expensive, ways to adapt to the billions of dollars to tackle its challenge. vulnerability to rising sea levels, For example, Miami resi- a reality that already affects the dents are used to seeing a house- daily lives of residents used to boat that often docks near the constant flooding. port, although it has also ap- Miami-Dade County Mayor peared in other waters around Daniella Levine-Cava said Fri- Biscayne Bay. day she will protect communities It is valued at $5.5 million hardest hit by rising sea levels, and adjusts to rising sea levels. which eat away at beaches and “It looks like a house, but leave residents particularly vul- technically it’s a boat,” said nerable to flooding during hurri- Nicolas Derouin, co-founder and cane season. managing director of Arkup, the “We must continue to focus Miami-based company that cre- on restoration, preservation and ated this floating “villa” with a protection of this sacred space,” drop-down terrace over the sea. she told a news conference. The Arkup luxury oating villa docked at Star Island in Miami Beach, Florida, on February 5, 2021. It costs $5.5 The house, covered with “And so we will be together million and ts in with the rising sea levels that are threatening Florida. PHOTO: AFP a roof of solar panels, remains investing billions of dollars... in stable thanks to four hydraulic our infrastructure so that we can raising low-lying roads, and water- makes the state one of the most their windows. pillars that fix it to an underwa- lift this community and others proofing and converting southern at risk from rising sea levels. The city of Miami Beach ter bed. that are so affected by sea level Florida’s widely used septic tanks The problem is so visible -- which is part of Miami-Dade The Environmental Pro- rise,” she added. into sewage systems. that, during the summer rainy County -- invested millions of dol- tection Agency says the sea She cited “adaptation ac- The area, with extensive season, it is common to see Mi- lars in raising the level of many level could rise by 30 cm to 120 tion areas” as a first priority to wetlands and sitting on porous amians kayaking along flooded of its streets in 2016. cm over the coming century. be studied, which would include stone that acts like a sponge, avenues and cars sunk up to And some private entrepre- —AFP Colombia’s apiarists say avocado Healthy and safe, Asiatic buzz is killing bees lion prides now search for new homes THREE years after a deadly virus struck India’s endangered Asi- atic lions in their last remaining natural habitat, conservationists are hunting for new homes to help booming prides roam free. The majestic big cats, slightly smaller than their African cousins and with a fold of skin along their bellies, were once found widely across southwest Asia. Hunting and human encroachment saw the population plunge to just 20 by 1913, and the lions are now found only in a wildlife sanctuary in India’s western Gujarat state. Following years of concerted government efforts, the lion population in Gir National Park has swelled to nearly 700, ac- cording to an official census last year. But just three years ago, the conservation success looked to be in danger when several lions started to die in one part of the 1,400 square kilometre (545 square mile) forest. The canine distemper virus -- a highly infectious disease -- was detected among dozens of the royal beasts, killing at least 11 of them. —AFP Hundreds of hives have been killed o in Colombia in recent years, and some investigations have pointed to pronil, an insecticide banned for use on crops in Europe and restricted in the United States and China. PHOTO: AFP

FOR the second time in two in recent years, and some in- pollen from nearby passion years, Gildardo Urrego is vestigations have pointed to fruit orchards. In 2019, he lost scooping up piles of dead bees fipronil, an insecticide banned 10 of his 19 hives. after an invisible evil invaded for use on crops in Europe and This time, he said, a third his hives in northwest Colom- restricted in the United States of his 12 hives were wiped out bia, wreaking havoc among his and China. -- a loss of some 160,000 of the swarms. It is used to control all industrious little pollinators. Urrego has no proof, but manner of insects, including “There is a theory that, he suspects the culprit is pesti- ants and ticks, and has been yes, this is due to poisoning, cides which have been fuelling blamed for several bee mas- there are some crops around a commercial avocado and cit- sacres around the world. here that perhaps have not Three years after a deadly virus struck India's endangered rus boom in the country. Urrego’s apiary in Colom- managed their agrochemicals Asiatic lions in their last remaining natural habitat, Hundreds of hives have bia’s Antioquia Department well and so this area was af- conservationists are hunting for new homes to help booming been killed off in Colombia produces honey flavored with fected,” he told AFP. —AFP prides roam free. PHOTO: AFP 28 FEBRUARY 2021 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ONE Fist of Fury: Ilias beat Superlek via unanimous decision

ILIAS Ennahachi shaped a Giorgio Petrosyan beat Davit sweet victory over Superlek Kiria via unanimous decision. Kiatmoo9 via unanimous de- Next, in the Flyweight cision in the main card of the Kickboxing fight, Rodtang ONE Championship’s Fist of Jitmuangnon claimed his Fury event held on 26 Febru- victory over Tagir Khalilov ary in Singapore. via a split decision. As the fight was the main In the Bantamweight bout under the category of Kickboxing fight, Hiroki Aki- Flyweight Kickboxing World moto beat Zhang Chenglong Championship, both fight- via unanimous decision. ers launched with superb In the Strawweight Muay actions. Thai fight, Jackie Buntan de- Ilias Ennahachi beat Su- feats Wondergirl Fairtex via perlek Kiatmoo9 via unani- a unanimous decision. mous decision after the won- In the Atomweight fight, derful fight. Victoria Lee made a win over Also, in the Feather- Sunisa “Srisen via submis- weight Kickboxing event sion (rear-naked choke) at Ilias Ennahachi (right) lands a punch on Superlek Kiatmoo9 (left) during their Flyweight Kickboxing World of the ONE Championship, 1:03 of round two.—GNLM Championship bout of ONE Fist of Fury event in Singapore on 26 February. PHOTO: ONE CHAMPIONSHIP

Man. City chase quadruple as Man Utd aim to spoil Tokyo Olympics should have Tuchel’s record fans in stands: president LONDON — Manchester City have set their sights on TOKYO — The Tokyo Olym- fans just for the Olympics a clean sweep of the four major pics should take place before and Paralympics when other trophies as the runaway Pre- a live audience, Japan’s new competitions are allowing in mier League leaders prepare Olympics chief has said, de- spectators,” Hashimoto told to host high-flying West Ham spite concerns about hosting reporters, according to the this weekend. the Games during a global Asahi Shimbun newspaper. To have any chance of pandemic. “Everyone wants an early putting City under pressure, Seiko Hashimoto, who decision about the direction second-placed Manchester became the Tokyo 2020 presi- to be taken regarding fans to United must end Thomas dent last week, told Japanese prepare tickets and hotel ac- Tuchel’s unbeaten start as Manchester City have set their sights on a clean sweep of the four major media the Games should have commodations,” Hashimoto Chelsea boss. trophies as the runaway Premier League leaders prepare to host high- spectators just like other ma- said, according to the daily. AFP Sport looks at some ying West Ham this weekend. PHOTO: AFP jor sports hosting events be- The seven-time Olympi- of the main talking points Manchester City’s march gree, but their record-breaking fore fans, although in limited an-turned-politician last week ahead of the weekend action to the top of the Premier surge has fuelled belief that numbers. replaced Yoshiro Mori, 83, who in the English top-flight. League was not a surprise they can achieve greatness. Any final decision will stepped down after making Man City flex muscles given their title-winning pedi- —AFP depend on the coronavirus sexist remarks about women pandemic, she said in an in- with only five months left be- terview conducted Friday and fore the Games. Milan try to keep title push afloat in Rome as Inter published a day later. Olympic officials have “When we think about said there could be separate host Genoa the possibility of holding the decisions made in the coming to a goalless draw last time out Olympics without fans in the months about spectators from against Benevento. stands, athletes will definite- inside Japan and spectators Both Roma and Milan drew ly wonder why there are no from abroad. —AFP 3-3 in the reverse fixture. It’s a clash between a Roma side who have collected the most league points at home this sea- son with 30, and a Milan team that boasts the best away record — picking up 28 points on their travels. “It will be a very important Milan take their title push to Rome on Sunday looking to keep touch match against a great team that with leaders Inter in a top-four clash which could boost champions is doing well,” said Roma coach Juventus’s hopes of a 10th consecutive crown. PHOTO: AFP Paulo Fonseca. TURIN — Milan take their title Stefano Pioli’s Milan are The two teams advanced push to Rome on Sunday look- coming off back-to-back defeats to the Europa League last 16 ing to keep touch with leaders and trail four points behind Inter on Thursday, Roma easing past Inter in a top-four clash which who can hammer home their Portuguese side Braga 5-1 on ag- could boost champions Juven- advantage against 11th-placed gregate, with Milan beating Red Seiko Hashimoto, who became the Tokyo 2020 president last week, tus’s hopes of a 10th consecutive Genoa. Roma in fourth, five Star Belgrade on away goals af- told Japanese media the Games should have spectators just like other crown. points behind Milan, were held ter their tie finished 3-3. —AFP major sports. PHOTO: POOLAFP