Unclass]Fied, Committee Sens]Tive
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1 UNCLASS]FIED, COMMITTEE SENS]TIVE EXECUTIVE SESSION PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELL'GENCE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON, D.C. INTERVIEW OF: HOPE HICKS Tuesday, February 27, 2018 Washington, D.C. The interview in the above matter was held in Room HVC-304, Capitol Visitor Center, commencing at 10:07 a.m. Present: Representatives Conaway, King, LoBiondo, Rooney, Ros-Lehtinen, wenstrup, stewart, Gowdy, stefanik, Hurd, schiff, Himes, sewell, UNCLASSIFIED, COMM]TTEE SENSTTTVE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 UNCLASSIFIED, COMMITTEE SENSI?TVE Carson, Quigley, Swalwell, Castro, and Heck' UNCLASSIFIED, COMMITTEE SENSIT]VE PROPERTY OF TFIE L]NITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 3 UNCLASSIEIED, COMM]TTEE SENSITIVE Appearances: For HOPE HICKS: ROBERT P. TROUT GLORIA B. SOLOMON CHRIS HATFIELD TROUT CACHERIS & JANIS PLLC 1 350 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N.W SUITE 3OO UNCLASSIFIED, COMMITTEE SENSITIVE PROPERTY OF THE TINITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 4 UNCLASSTFTED, COMMITTEE SENST?jrVE WASHINGTON, DC 20036 UNCLASSIFIED, COMMITTEE SENSITIVE PROPERTY OF THE TINITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 5 UNCLASSIFIED, COMM]TTEE SENSITIVE All right. Let's get started. Good morning, everybody. This is the committee's interview of Hope Hicks. -Thank you for speaking to us today Forthe record, my name isI laml forthe majority here at the House lntelligence Committee. There are other members and staff present who will introduce themselves as the proceedings get underuvay. But before we get started, ljust wanted to share a few things for the record. The questioning will be conducted by the committee members and staff. During the course of this interview, each side may ask questions during their allotted time period. Some questions may seem basic, but that is because we need to clearly establish facts and understand the situation. Please do not assume we know any facts that you have previously disclosed as part of any other investigation or review. This interview will be conducted at the unclassified level. During the course of this interview, we will take any breaks that you desire. We ask that you give complete and fulsome replies to questions based on your best recollection. lf a question is unclear or you're uncertain in your response, please let us know. And if you do not know the answer to a question or cannot remember, simply say so. You're entitled to have counsel present with you during this interview, and t see that you have brought them with you. At this time, if counsel could please introduce themselves for the record. MR. TROUT: Yes. Robert Trout of the firm of Trout Cacheris & Janis. MS. SOLOMON: Gloria Solomon, Trout Cacheris & Janis. MR. HATFIELD: Chris Hatfield, Trout Cacheris & Janis. UNCLASSIF]ED, COMMITTEE SENSIT]VE PROPERTY OF THE LINITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 6 UNCLASSIFTED, COMMITTEE SENSITIVE II Thanksverymuch. The interview will be transcribed. As you can See, there are reporters making a record of these proceedings so we can easily consult a written compilation of your answers at a later date. Because the reporter cannot record gestures, we ask that you answer all questions vernally. lf you forget to do this, you will be reminded to do so. You may also be asked to spellcertain terms or unusual phrases. Consistent with the committee's rules of procedure, you and your counsel, upon request, will have a reasonable opportunity to inspect the transcript of this interview in order to determine whether your answers were correctly transcribed. The transcript will remain in the committee's custody, and the committee also reserves the right to request your return for additional questions should the need arise. The process for the interview will be as follows. The minority will be given 45 minutes to ask questions. Thereafter, the majority will be given 45 minutes to ask questions. We will take a S-minute break if you desire, after which time the minority will be given 15 minutes to ask questions and the majority will be given 15 minutes to ask questions. These 1S-minute rounds of questioning will continue until all questioning has been exhausted by both sides. To ensure confidentiality, we ask that you do not discuss this interview with anyone other than your attorneys. You are reminded that it is unlawful to deliberately provide false information to Members of Congress or staff. And, lastly, the record will reflect that you are voluntarily participating in this interview, which will be under oath. UNCLASSlEIED, COMM]TTEE SENSITIVE PROPERTY OF THE I.]NITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 UNCLASSIEIED, COMMITTEE SENSITIVE Ms. Hicks, could you please raise your right hand to be sworn? Do you solemnly swear that your testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? MS. HICKS: ldo. I Thankyou very much. And a reminder for you all, if you courd just make sure your microphone,s green light is turned on, and pull the microphone closer to you so the recorder can hear what you're saying. Over to you, Mr. Chairman, for any opening remarks. MR. ROONEY; Thanks,I Ms. Hicks, welcome. And I'll turn it over to Adam, 45 minutes. MR. SCHIFF: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Welcome, Ms. Hicks. Before I turn it over to my colleague Mr. Himes to start our questions, I wanted to ask as a threshold matter whether you've been instructed by the executive to invoke privilege as to any of the questions we'll be asking you today. We've had some of the administration witnesses who have come in and testified broadly about their time during the campaign, during the transition, and during the administration, and others who have made very sweeping claims of privilege. ls your expectation that you'll be invoking privitege today as to any set of questions? MR. TROUT: Mr. Schiff, let me try to answer that question. We received the invitation from the committee on January 8, I believe it was, and immediately reached out to the committee and atso reached out to the UNCLASSIFTED, COMMITTEE SENS]T]VE PROPERTY OF THE LINITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 8 UNCLASS]EIED, COMMITTEE SENSITIVE White House staff. I was provided with a statement of the parameters of the investigation, which focused on the Russian active measures targeting the 2016 election, which ended November 8. ln my conversations, and l've stayed in touch with committee staff as well as with White House counsel, including as recently as yesterday, obviously this is a voluntary interview, but Ms. Hicks is a White House employee, and as such, she is going to follow the directions of the White House. And my understanding of those instructions are that she is not to answer questions regarding conversations or events that happened after the election. So she is .. neither she nor t are responsible for the issue of executive privilege. That rests with the White House and White House counsel. But she is a White House employee, and she's going to follow the instructions of the White House. MR. SCHIFF: And just So that We're clear, because, as I mentioned, we've had other administration witnesses who served both during the campaign as well as transition and into the administration who have not invoked privilege along those lines - Mr. Bannon was the first to invoke such a broad claim of privilege - has your client been instructed by the White House to invoke privilege as to any questions concerning events that took place during the transition or during her time in the administration? MR. TROUT: I think it is the position of the White House .. flrst of all, her instructions are, and I think this is designed to protect the privilege, not necessarily to say that any question that could be asked is privileged, but I believe it is the view of the White House that because anything after Election Day might involve privileged communications, that she is under instructions not to answer any UNCLASS]EIED, COMMITTEE SENSIT]VE PROPERTY OF THE LINITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9 UNCLASSIEIED, COMMITTEE SENSlT]VE questions regarding conversations or events after the election. To the extent that * and this has been part of the conversation that we've been having, both with committee staff as well as White House counsel, you know, are there some questions that we should get in advance so that the White House could screen what is in bounds and what is out of bounds or at least in their view. And my understanding is, is that there's been very little communication between the committee staff and White House counsel on that in terms of trying to, you know, triage, if you will, questions. And as a result, at this point, she is simply -- it's not a question of invoking the privilege. lt is really a question of abiding by the instructions that she has received from her employers to the answers that she's - or the questions she's allowed to answer. MR. scHlFF: counsel, it sounds like what you're saying then is you have not been instructed to invoke privilege. You've merely been instructed to refuse to answer questions. we don't recognize that as a valid claim of privilege. Mr. Bannon made much the same argument, and he was served with a subpoena during his attendance. lt would be my recommendation, if that's your position, that Ms. Hicks be served with a subpoena today during her appearance, and if Ms. Hicks were to persist, as Mr. Bannon has, that we pursue contempt, as I hope and believe we willwith Mr. Bannon. I would also say that I would expect that we'll follow the same procedure that we did with Mr.