Northern Co-Residence Across Generations

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Northern Co-Residence Across Generations Northern Co-residence across Generations In Northernmost Norway during the Last Part of the Nineteenth Century Hilde L. Jåstad Dissertation for the Dr. Art. Degree Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Department of History and Religious Studies January 2011 Acknowledgements The work on Northern Co-residence across Generations: in Northernmost Norway during the Last Part of the Nineteenth Century was carried out at the Center for Sámi Studies, University of Tromsø, from May 2007 through September 2010. The Ph.D project was a part of the ESF EUROCORES Programme BOREAS, a European Science Foundation (ESF) initiative supported by the European Commission, FP6 Contract No. ERAS-CT-2003-980409. The BOREAS project was made up of five participating projects and this dissertation was a part of Home, Hearth, and Household in the Circumpolar North. Several people have contributed in this process and deserve to be acknowledged. I am especially grateful to my supervisors Lars Ivar Hansen and Gunnar Thorvaldsen for their excellent follow-up throughout the project. I started working with Gunnar during my master’s thesis, and I am deeply thankful for his encouragement and the way he has mentored my career as a researcher over the past ten years. I would also like to thank my colleagues at the Center for Sámi Studies for interesting discussions at the seminar or coffee table. The Boreas project has taken me to parts of the world I never imagined to visit, and sharing thoughts with researchers on our different meetings have been very inspiring. Special thanks to my Boreas colleagues in Tromsø: David Andersen, Bjørnar Olsen, Sven-Donald Hedman, and Ivar Bjørklund. I am indebted to the staff at the Norwegian Historical Data Center at the University of Tromsø, namely Trygve Andersen, Marianne Jarnæs Erikstad, and Karen E Hough Bjørndalen for all discussions considering my data sets and for all technical support. I am grateful to Steven Ruggles, director at the Minnesota Population Centre (MPC), University of Minnesota, for inviting me to stay as a visiting scholar for nine months in 2009. The Research Council of Norway (BILATGRUNN) and the Fulbright Foundation financed the stay. Steven Ruggles was my supervisor, and I am especially grateful for his valuable and constructive suggestions in my work of writing Articles 2 and 3. I am also indebted to all staff at the MPC for giving constructive comments to my work in progress. I am thankful for all comments given on presentations of papers in progress from my Family Demography network colleagues on Social Science History Association conferences in 2007 and 2008. Valuable discussions were also made on a seminar talk at the University in 2 Umeå, with my good friends and colleagues at the Centre for Population Studies and Centre for Sami Research. My thanks go to PhD colleague Mariann Mathisen at Tromsø Museum. She has been my theoretical muse. I am also thankful for final comments given by Arne Solli at the University of Bergen, and I appreciate the linguistic review done by Jan Tore Jåstad, Idar Thorvaldsen, and Ragnar Oppedal on parts of the thesis. Finally, I also gratefully acknowledge the permission from Berghan Books to print Article 1 in a peer reviewed anthology and from Historisk Tidsskrift to print Article 3 in this Doctoral thesis. Hafslo and Tromsø, January 2011 Hilde L. Jåstad 3 Figures........................................................................................................................................ 5 Tables ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Abstracts.......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Historiography: Living arrangements in pre-industrial Europe ...................................... 3 1.2.1. Continuity or change ................................................................................................ 4 2. Theoretical framework ........................................................................................................... 9 2.1. Rules of household formation ....................................................................................... 11 2.1.1. Culture.................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.2. The connection between culture and ethnicity....................................................... 14 2.1.3. Cultural identification: Individualism or collectivism—independency or dependency? ..................................................................................................................... 15 2.1.4. Ethnicity and filial responsibility........................................................................... 16 2.2. Socio-economic conditions ........................................................................................... 19 2.2.1. Political economy................................................................................................... 20 2.3. Demographic factors ..................................................................................................... 23 3. Variables and method........................................................................................................... 25 3.1. Head of household......................................................................................................... 26 3.2. Age and sex ................................................................................................................... 28 3.3. Family relationship........................................................................................................ 32 3.4. Economic variable......................................................................................................... 36 3.4.1. The productive and unproductive........................................................................... 36 3.4.2. Economic variable on the household level............................................................. 38 3.5. Ethnic variable—the observer and the observed........................................................... 39 3.6. Logistic regression ........................................................................................................ 40 4. Further exploration of the NTF area .................................................................................... 43 4.1. Family history and the visibility of ageing.................................................................... 49 4.1.1. Family and household ............................................................................................ 50 4.1.2. Care of the elderly.................................................................................................. 52 4.1.3. Property ownership ................................................................................................ 54 4.1.4. Kinship and property ownership among the Sámi ................................................. 55 5. Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 58 6. Appendix .............................................................................................................................. 63 7. References ............................................................................................................................ 71 Article One: Viewing ethnicity from the perspectives of individuals and households— Finnmark during the last part of the nineteenth century. Article Two: The effect of ethnicity and economy upon intergenerational co-residence: Northern Norway during the last part of the nineteenth century. Article Three: Endringen i samisk og norsk husholdsstruktur—Nord-Troms og Finnmark i perioden 1865 til 1900. (Change in Sámi and Norwegian household structure—Northernmost Norway during the period from 1865 to 1900). 4 Figures Figure 1: Berkner’s family life cycle adapted from Hammel and Laslett’s classification of households (shown in brackets). ................................................................................................ 8 Figure 2: Kinship and households: Constraints and observed configurations: solid arrows show direct effects; broken lines represent feedback and possible associations........................ 9 Figure 3: Age group distribution in five years by sex and marital status. NTF area, 1865–1900 .................................................................................................................................................. 30 Figure 4: Households distributed by size. NTF area, 1865–1900............................................ 45 Figure 5: Distribution of primary family size. NTF area, 1865–1900 ..................................... 47 Figure 6a and 6b: Age distribution in (a) households and (b) families with no more than three members, by year. NTF area, 1865–1900 ................................................................................ 49 Figure 7: Elderly coastal Sámi residing with an own adult child, by age group...................... 63 Figure 8: Elderly Sámi nomads residing with an own adult child, by age group. ................... 63 Figure 9: Elderly residing with an own adult child, by headship and marital
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