Draft Work Plan for the Office of Diaspora Affairs (ODA)

Submitted by Interim Diaspora Initiative Working Group Submitted to Ambassador Derrick James 4/6/2015 Interim Diaspora Initiative Working Group Draft Work Plan for the Office of Diaspora Affairs (ODA)

Submitted by Reviewed by

Anika Harford 21 March 2015 Anika Harford Date Ambassador Derrick James Date Chair, Diaspora Initiative Working Group Humanitarian and Diaspora Affairs

Cecil Peter 31 March 2015 Cecil Peter Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Dunstan Phillip 31 March 2015 Dunstan Phillip Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Jana Colville 31 March 2015 Jana Colville Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Joseph J Andrews 4 April 2015 Joseph J Andrews Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Kay Baptiste 22 March 2015 Kay Baptiste Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Kyron Lewis 30 March 2015 Kyron Lewis Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Mansfield Lambert 6 April 2015 Mansfield Lambert Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Maria Meyers 31 March 2015 Maria Meyers Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

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Michelle Passee 31 March 2015 Michelle Passee Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Paul George 22 March 2015 Paul George Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Sandra Pierre 21 March 2015 Sandra Pierre Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Terry Branch 22 March 2015 Terry Branch Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

Trisha Mitchell 22 March 2015 Trisha Mitchell Date Member, Diaspora Initiative Working Group

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Contents Introduction ...... 4 Rationale ...... 5 Purpose ...... 6 Objectives ...... 6 Proposed Work Plan and Timeline ...... 6 1. Government Feedback Phase ...... 6 2. Local Needs Assessment ...... 7 3. Identification of Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators ...... 7 4. Diaspora Affairs Advisory Committee ...... 8 5. Unveil -Diaspora 5-year Strategic Plan ...... 9 6. Project Implementation ...... 9 Project Execution Plan (PEP) ...... 10

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Part I Preliminary Work Plan for the ODA

Introduction This document outlines a proposal to improve the operating structure of the Grenada Diaspora and the Office of Diaspora Affairs (ODA). It is presented in two parts. Part I outlines the proposed preliminary work plan and Part II highlights steps necessary to facilitate implementation.

A proposed work plan is presented with key activities, objectives, timelines and targets. It is intended for this plan to set the stage for the long term viability of the Office of Diaspora Affairs and preserve the vital resource capabilities of current Diaspora Organizations, by improving the effectiveness of the current Diaspora infrastructure. The suggested timelines are only recommendations.

The Interim Diaspora Initiative Working Group1 has identified the following key requirements in order to set the stage for the development of a coordinated Diaspora.

 Policy objectives of the Grenada Government as it relates to the diaspora in all regions

 Cabinet decisions that have been passed in this regard

 Terms of Reference of the Office of Diaspora Affairs

 Terms of Reference of the New York Diaspora Office

The necessary steps for the preparation of a Project Execution Plan (PEP) have been included. The PEP would be developed using the information gathered through the proposed work plan. It would then serve as a roadmap for the ODA and other Diaspora Offices to better coordinate the efforts of individuals and Diaspora Organizations across all regions. Its purpose is to act as a coordinating and communication tool that helps to streamline projects and activities at home and abroad. It is essential to have a policy objective as it relates to Diaspora Affairs before moving forward with the proposed work plan and development of the PEP.

1 The Interim Diaspora Initiative Working Group was formed on Saturday, November 8th, 2014 to create a work plan to guide next steps of the Office of Diaspora Affairs and provide a framework for establishing a 5-year Grenada-Diaspora Strategic Plan.

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Rationale Grenada, and Petite ’s (herein referred to as Grenada) diaspora is widely dispersed throughout the Caribbean, Europe and North America. In the United States alone, reliable estimates put the Grenada expatriate population at well in excess of 100,000 persons residing mainly in the metropolitan centers. Significantly, the impact of the Grenada diaspora on the nation’s social, environmental and economic development cannot be overstated. Both the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank report that remittances to Grenada from citizens abroad exceeded $100m in 2006 approximating one quarter of the country’s annual budget. Comparable figures have been reported for the and Jamaica; not surprisingly this and other factors have led to the formation of vibrant diaspora organizations from these two Caribbean nations.

Grenada’s diaspora (whether by nationality, descent or extension of family members) reside all across the world from Trinidad to Toronto, Montreal to Miami, New York, London, Birmingham and elsewhere. However, there is no organized structure to coordinate efforts such as disaster relief, school repair, hospital and public health enhancement, health clinic repair and technology support.

The current state is a somewhat fragmented set of organizations, groups and individuals responding to calls from the homeland for help. Through the creation of the Office of Diaspora Affairs, Grenada’s diaspora would have an avenue to not only contribute to systematic national development but also participate in the political process and voice their concerns on issues affecting the tri-island state at home and abroad. The Office of Diaspora Affairs would also work closely with the Government of Grenada and the Diaspora to ensure that policy objectives to strengthen relations with the Grenadian communities overseas are achieved.

The creation of the Office of Diaspora Affairs is not to replace, substitute or negate the efforts of existing independent organizations, individuals and overseas missions. It is not intended to alter or interfere with their current governance, structure or operations. Instead, the Office of Diaspora Affairs will function to coordinate the work of diaspora organizations, strengthen the linkages with the Grenadian Diaspora and to encourage and foster the participation of Grenadians overseas in all aspects of national development. Through the Office of Diaspora Affairs, the Diaspora would be able to better coordinate, capture and address the needs of Grenadians both at home and abroad.

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Purpose The ODA is a Special Unit within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The central purpose of the Office of Diaspora Affairs (ODA) is to create an institutional mechanism in Grenada to advise on and implement Government’s policy with respect to the Diaspora. The Office of Diaspora Affairs will work closely with Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators and the Diaspora to ensure that a system is put in place to ensure accountability and transparency in operations.

Objectives 1. Operate as an information centre and contact point for Grenadian communities abroad. 2. Mobilize Grenadians abroad to assist in the national development of their homeland through coordinated action. 3. Support the interests of Grenadian communities overseas through social, political, educational, cultural and economic activity. 4. Facilitate the provision of trade-related assistance. 5. Create favourable conditions for Grenadians in the diaspora, return to the homeland 6. Increase the human resource potential available to Grenada through skills and attributes of returned nationals. 7. Ensure transparent and accountable measures are put in place to carefully and accurately track pledged donations and materials from the diaspora.

Proposed Work Plan and Timeline The Office of Diaspora Affairs would begin their mandate in the following 6 phases:

Identify Unveil Diaspora Regional Grenada- Government Local Needs Affairs Project Diaspora Diaspora 5- Assessment Advisory Implementation Feedback Affairs year Strategic Committee Coordinators Plan

1. Government Feedback Phase Key Activity Consult with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of Diaspora Affairs, Ambassador Derrick James responsible for Humanitarian and Diaspora Affairs in New York. Objective Consultations will assist in better understanding the Government of Grenada’s approach and policy objectives to strengthen relations with Grenadian communities abroad. It will lay the foundation to develop action plans for engaging the Diaspora which will ensure that overall objectives are aligned and fed into the 5-year Strategic Plan. Timeline September 2015 – December 2015 Targets 1. Establish Terms of Reference for the Office of Diaspora Affairs.

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2. Confirm priorities, roles and responsibilities of the Office of Diaspora Affairs. 3. Receive policy direction from the Government of Grenada regarding their approach to strengthening relations with the Diaspora. 4. Obtain clear direction and communication from the Government of Grenada. 5. Establish scheduled annual feedback sessions and/or reports from the Government of Grenada outlining their plans with the Diaspora. 6. Provide update to the Interim Diaspora Initiative Working Group of government feedback and results. 7. Create Grenada-Diaspora policy objective.

2. Local Needs Assessment Key Activity Create mechanism to conduct local needs assessment in collaboration with all identified local groups in Grenada. Objective To identify priority areas by parish (i.e. education, healthcare, sports etc.) and identify Government of Grenada priority areas. Timeline January 2016 – April 2016 Targets 1. Develop strategy to engage parishes to conduct needs assessment. 2. Collaborate with all parishes across Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique to conduct local needs assessment. 3. Prioritize and identify immediate needs. 4. Inform -Diaspora policy objective. 5. Parishes to identify contact lead to stay involved and connected with the ODA. 6. To ensure quick turnaround, parishes should be encouraged to run their own consultations.

3. Identification of Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators2 Key Activity Overseas Missions and the Ambassador for Humanitarian and Diaspora Affairs to issue call for qualified applicants. Objective To assist the Consulate Office and Overseas Mission in executing

2 Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators will be appointed to serve their region. The regions are as follows: North America: (a) North East Region ( New York , New Jersey & Pennsylvania ), (b) New England Region ( Connecticut , Boston and region), (c) US Capitol Region ( Washington D.C. , Maryland & Virginia ), (d) Southern Region ( Carolinas , Georgia & Florida), (e) South West Region ( Texas & locales), (f) Western Region ( Ohio, Michigan , Illinois & Western locales) United Kingdom: London, Birmingham, (others to be determined) Canada: Toronto , Montreal, Quebec Caribbean: Jamaica – St. Kitts – St. Lucia Trinidad & Tobago (TBA)

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the Grenada-Diaspora policy objective and the coordination of Grenada Diaspora Organizations3 across all regions. In addition, Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators should maintain inventory of individual and group initiatives undertaken by those in the Diaspora. They will help to streamline processes and ensure that efforts of Diaspora Organizations and individuals are well coordinated. Timeline May 2016 – October 2016 Targets 1. Establish Terms of Reference for Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators. 2. Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators to devise template for region specific plans. 3. Create a network for Regional Coordinators to stay connected and coordinated. 4. Ensure decisions are aligned with objectives of the ODA. 5. Conduct baseline analysis of Grenada Diaspora Organizations work in each region. 6. Work with Grenada Diaspora Organizations in each region to develop a plan for region specific projects. 7. Prepare region specific plans based on local needs assessment and government priority areas.

4. Diaspora Affairs Advisory Committee Key Activity Identify suitable candidates to sit on the Diaspora Affairs Advisory Committee. Objective To ensure smooth project implementation, guidance and governance of broader Diaspora Initiative. Timeline November – December 2016 Targets 1. Establish Terms of Reference for Diaspora Affairs Advisory Committee. 2. Establish guidelines for Committee membership 3. Call first meeting of the Diaspora Affairs Advisory Committee4 4. Review region specific plans 5. Devise template and format for Strategic Plan 6. Set guidelines for each region 7. Develop Grenada-Diaspora 5-year Strategic Plan based on

3 Grenada Diaspora Organizations shall include organizations identified by the ODA and the Overseas Missions in the cities/countries and any entity which is comprised of 10 or more persons of Grenadian descent and whose by-laws, mission, charter or purpose includes supporting more than 10 persons in Grenada, schools, hospitals, religious organizations, non- governmental organization(s) including civil society group(s), and any other organization(s) located in Grenada, Carriacou or Petit Martinique. Individuals that do not identify within specific groups or organizations will also be included. 4 The Diaspora Affairs Advisory Committee will include the following; ODA Chairman and Director (Based in Grenada), Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators (one per country/region), and any other members deemed necessary.

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region specific plans 8. Identify potential collaborative projects and ideas based on local needs assessment and government priority areas 9. Identify region specific priority areas and broader Diaspora Initiative major projects

5. Unveil Grenada-Diaspora 5-year Strategic Plan Key Activity The Diaspora Affairs Advisory Committee to present 5-year Strategic Plan to the Government of Grenada, Overseas Missions and Grenadian Diaspora abroad. Objective To ensure that the Grenada-Diaspora goals and objectives are communicated to all. Timeline January 2017 Targets 1. Strategic Plan will identify policy priorities and key project objectives for the next 5 years based on consultation with locals, Grenada Diaspora and the Government of Grenada.

6. Project Implementation Key Activity To develop goals and action plans for project implementation across regions. Objective To begin execution of 5-year Strategic Plan and project implementation. Timeline February 2017 onwards Targets 1. Begin to implement new region specific collaborative efforts and better coordinate existing initiatives. 2. Ensure upkeep and review of Strategic Plan 3. After 1-year of project implementation, conduct thorough monitoring and evaluation exercise to ensure expected outcomes are being met 4. Regional Diaspora Affairs Coordinators will continue to ensure that initiatives of individuals and Diaspora Organizations in their region are well coordinated.

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Part II

Project Execution Plan (PEP) The PEP should include the following steps:

1. Clear description of the project plan 2. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities 3. Project Scope 4. Project Baseline 5. Baseline Management Plans 6. Communication Metrics and Tools

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