The Shul - Lubavitch - An institution of The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem M. Schneerson (May his merit shield us) Over Thirty five Years of Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 www.TheShul.org Email: [email protected] www.TheShul.org Email: [email protected] www.theshulpreschool.org www.cyscollege.org THE SHUL WEEKLY MAGAZINE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK


THE BOYS WHO ATTEND THE SHUL HEBREW SCHOOL MINYAN EVERY Weekly Message: 3 Thoughts on the Parsha - Sholom D. Lipskar MORNING BEFORE SCHOOL EARNED A BOATING / WATER SKIING TRIP FOR THEIR DEDICATION Celebrating Shabbos: 4 - 5 Schedules, classes, articles & more... Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Community Happenings: 6 -7 Sharing with your Shul Family Inspiration, Insights & Ideas: 8 - 19 Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE A Time to Pray: 20 Check out all the davening schedules and locations throughout the week In a Woman’s World 21 Issues of relevance to the Jewish woman

Get The Picture 22 -29 The full scoop on all the great events around town

THE SOLOMON LEADERSHIP PROGRAM MET ONCE AGAIN THIS WEEK. French Connection 30 TEENS LEARNED FROM THEIR MENTORS AND HEARD Reflexions sur la Paracha INSPIRATIONAL WORDS Latin Link 31 Reflexion Semanal Networking 32 Efective Advertising

Numbers To Know 33 Contacts at The Shul Daily Study 34 A complete guide to all classes and courses ofered at The Shul

Get The Picture 35 - 36 The full scoop on all the great events around town


QUOTABLE QUOTE Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch once met a watercarrier carrying full buckets and remarked: “When one encounters water there is an appropriate maxim of the Baal Shem Tov that one should say, namely: ‘When encountering water one should say that the Baal Shem says that it is a sign of blessing’ – , Tevet 21 THOUGHTS ON THE PARSHA FROM RABBI SHABBOS PARSHAS TOLDOS

n this Torah portion manner. That was their response to minimizing anti- we are introduced Semitism. to Yaacov, our third Ipatriarch. From his At the same time, the Rebbe’s massive army of close beginnings in the womb to 5000 Shluchim were preparing to light public of his mother Rivkah, Menorahs in prominent places in their municipalities together with his and states, including every single Capital of the twin brother Esav, life world and thousands of locations. They would was difficult for him, engage public figures in government and recognized filled with challenges. leaders of communities to participate in lighting the Wrestling with Esav Menorah. They were proclaiming a connection with in the womb; usurped Almighty G-d to the entire world. as firstborn; having to receive his father’s blessings in a seemingly When the environment controls us, defines us, and deceitful manner; leaving the beloved environment imposes its value system on us and we acquiesce, of his parents’ home; pursued by Esav and his son the moment they show any sense of derision for to kill him; going into the lair of the snake by his the Jewish people we are terrified and run and hide. uncle Laban known for his deceitfulness, treachery, Whereas when we look at the world as the platform fraud and fundamentally immoral and unethical for our mission “to be a light to the nations” and share behavior in every way; his life there was 20 years the extraordinary beauty of G-d’s presence, we have of extraordinary challenging work conditions day nothing to fear. They respect our not compromising and night, winter and summer. Ironically, it is there our sense of truth and purpose. where Yakov builds his complete family that would become the Nation of . Yacov shares the etymological origin of the word Ekev, meaning heel, and he is also named Yisrael Why does it have to be this way? which contains the letters for the word Rosh / head. It is our mission to transform the heel, which The Rebbe constantly said it is because we must represents the most desensitized and lowliest part elevate the world and prepare it to become a of the body, to the head representing leadership, Messianic world. For that, we need to go into even sensitivity, and all the vital life forces. the darkest places and employ methods that fit the caliber of behavior in those environments and can If we follow that pattern, we will definitely prepare be effective in transforming and elevating those the world for the coming of Moshiach now, when places. there will be no more wars and definitely no more anti-Semitism. At the same time, when the Rebbe’s Shluchim met for their annual meeting in New York, there was a Have a wonderful Shabbos and great week convocation annual meeting of the European Union . At the conclusion of their meeting, they resolved to share with their communities a request to minimize any public representation of Jewishness and to practice Jewish life in a more discrete Rabbi S Lipskar



Test your Parsha knowledge. Can you tell the story of the parsha using the pictures below

Morah Malkie’s Andrusier Sara Fraida Katan Menashe New Chaya Mushaka Tot Tot Shabbat 2 Pre Tween Girls Pre-Tween Boys Lipskar Aleph Wonder Girls Ages: 0 - 3 Pre1 - K Grades: 4 - 5 Grades: 5 - 6 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Grades: 1 - 3 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Back of Women’s Back of Women’s Section section Montessori 1 Haime Library Montessori 2

Kaylee Andrusier Zalmen Rosenfeld Chayale Lipskar Mendel Shur Teen Girls Davening With Dad Tween Girls Teen Boys Youth Boys Grades: 9th - 10th Grades: 1 - 4 Grades: 7th - 8th Grades: 6 - 8 Grades: 9th - 12th 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Montessori 3 Teen Girls Room Montessori 3 Back Offce Sephardic Shul


KIDDUSH THIS WEEK: SHABBOS SCHEDULE Kiddush this week is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Samuel and Anna Rottenstein. Candle lighting 5:11 p.m. Mincha / Kabbalas Shabbos 5:15 p.m. SHALOSH SEUDOS THIS WEEK: Shalosh Seudos this week is available for Shabbos Day Hashkama Minyan 7:15 a.m. sponsorship. Tanya / Hayom Yom 8:50 a.m. Shacharis (Morning Services) 9:00 a.m. Children’s Programs 10:00 a.m. Upstairs Minyan 10:30 a.m. Kiddush 12:00 p.m. Daf Yomi 4:00 p.m. The caterer for this week’s Kiddush and Men’s Shiur 4:00 p.m. Shalosh Seudos is Food Art Women’s Shiur 4:00 p.m. Shalosh Seudos for Boys 4:00 p.m. Mincha 5:00 p.m. The following dates are available for sponsorship: Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 6:05 p.m. Weekly Video of The Rebbe Kiddush Shalosh Seudos Dec 14, 21, 28 Nov: 30, Dec 7, 14, 21, 28 Sephardic Minyan Friday Evening If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Milena Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat 5:10 p.m. at 305-868-1411 ext 328 or email [email protected] Shabbat Day Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Mincha 5:00 p.m. Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 6:05 p.m. KIDDUSHIM AT THE SHUL Please help us to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush and Shalosh Seudos by becoming a sponsor. Or join the Kiddush Bank by becoming a Partner ($770 annually ) or Patron ($360 anually)

Next Week: Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei Candle Lighting 5:11 p.m.

Mincha 5:15 p.m.

WEEKLY DAVENING SCHEDULE ON PAGE 30 Eruv Information We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is operational. The number to call is 305- 866-ERUV (3788). The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to candle lighting. Surfside: The Eruv in Surfside now includes the walking paths along the beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach. Bal Harbour: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at Haulover Cut is not included.

To pay your annual dues visit: www.miamibeacheruv.com


BIRTHDAYS YAHRTZEITS 2 Kislev Ms. Nily Falic 2 Kislev Chasia Riva bas Moshe obm 2 Kislev Mr. Abraham Osman Mother-in-law of Mrs. Bessie Bedzow 2 Kislev Mr. Ido Salama 3 Kislev Yirmiyahu obm 2 Kislev Mr. Matthew Shear Grandfather of Mr. Andrew Roth 2 Kislev Mr. Harold Tripp 4 Kislev Avraham Meir ben Yisroel Isser obm 3 Kislev Mrs. Deborah Portnoy Father of Mr. Isaac Arber 3 Kislev Mr. Israel Sadovitch 5 Kislev Sara obm 3 Kislev Mr. Isaac Sredni Mother of Mrs. Hana Salama 4 Kislev Mrs. Tamar Attias 5 Kislev Tamara Matlas bas Moshe obm 4 Kislev Mr. Daniel Carmi Sister-in-law of Mrs. Estela Berry 4 Kislev Mrs. Chaya Elbogen 5 Kislev Levi Yitzchok ben Nachum obm 4 Kislev Mr. Marco Lustgarten Father of Mrs. Rose Schreiber 5 Kislev Dr. Brian Dooreck 6 Kislev Menachem Mendal ben Yehudah obm 5 Kislev Mr. Berel Edelkopf Grandfather of Mrs. Roslyn Jafe 5 Kislev Mr. Dovid Mordechai Gilinski 6 Kislev Rona bas Shlomo Ha Levi obm 6 Kislev Mr. Julian Ohayon Mother of Mrs. Joni Blachar 6 Kislev Mr. Jacob Stein 6 Kislev Shulem Aaron ben Yosef Mordechai obm 7 Kislev Mr. Asher Matiah Bublick Husband of Mrs. Rosita Retelny 7 Kislev Mrs. Nily Falic 6 Kislev Yafa Milatin obm 7 Kislev Ms. Dorita Kardonski Grandmother of Mrs. Orly Alexander 7 Kislev Mrs. Orit Osman 6 Kislev Rav David obm 7 Kislev Ms. Rina Chaya Miriam Plutno Father of Ms. Liv-Tiferet De Vitton 7 Kislev Mr. Elijah Salver 6 Kislev Freidel bas Yoshuah obm 8 Kislev Ms. Daniela Yocheved Ben-Arie Mother of Ms. Barbara Ann Taylor 8 Kislev Ms. Raquel Wildes 7 Kislev Sara obm Mother of Mr. Mario Laufer KID’S BIRTHDAYS 7 Kislev Basha bas Menashe obm Mother of Mrs. Miriam Schwartz Wiener 2 Kislev Avigail Haroush 7 Kislev Sarah bas Yair obm 2 Kislev Yetta Alta Shula Schottenstein Mother of Mrs. Peggy Sreter 3 Kislev Shlomo Rubinstein 8 Kislev Shlomo ben Yosef obm 3 Kislev Ahva Scheiner Grandfather of Mrs. Ruth Tzubeli Meloul 3 Kislev Aliyah Schottenstein 8 Kislev Malka bas Yosef obm 4 Kislev Talya Danzinger Mother of Mr. Jerrod M. Levine 4 Kislev Eitan Eliyaho Dovid Greenwald 8 Kislev Uziyahu Eliyahu obm 5 Kislev Lou Bsiri Father of Mr. Betzalel Camissar 5 Kislev Yankel Bsiri 5 Kislev Ariela Chaya Jaimovich 8 Kislev Rayna Strassberg WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Mr. & Mrs. Yitzhak and Deborah Stern ANNIVERSARIES Mr. & Mrs. Moshe & Bluma Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Levi & Rosie Drimmer Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Leah Barouk Mr. & Mrs. Menny & Hindy Antian Mr. & Mrs. Baruch & Chana Liba Dorfman Mr. & Mrs. Sol & Anna Zuckerman Mr. & Mrs. Jefrey & Lillian Glick Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi & Nava Raskin Mr. & Mrs. Chaim & Hinda Cohen Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom & Racheli Raksin


KISLEV LIGHT & POWER THANKS TO OUR DONORS Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & We sincerely thank the following members and supporters of The Shul Havdalah for the month of Kislev is Kindly for donations received between 11/19/19 and 11/25/19 We apologize for any errors or omissions that we may have made. Sponsored by Mr. Joseph Aghelian Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mizraji Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Baumel Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Musikar Mr. & Mrs. Matis & Ronit Blisko Mr. & Mrs. Max Benoliel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Perez Judge & Mrs. Mark Blumstein Mr. Shlomo Pessar In honor of the Bar mitzvah of our Mr. & Mrs. Levi Boymelgreen Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Safier Mr. Raul Chami Dr. & Mrs. Michael Salzhauer son Shmulie Dr. & Mrs. Brad Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schmutter Kenneth Cohen Mr. & Mrs. David and our daughters Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Egozi Schottenstein Shana, Goldie and Malkie Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Feldman Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz Mr. Chaim Fogelman Mr. & Mrs. Marc Sheridan We are so proud of all of you! Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gelb Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Sokol Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Gellman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sragowicz Mr. & Mrs. Josh Greisman Mr. & Mrs. Abe Sreter “Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to pray, those who provide lights for illumination, wine and grape juice for kiddush Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Jacob Ms. Diana Sreter and havdalah, food for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who Mr. Albert Kirshen Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Stauber occupy themselves faithfully with communal affairs - may The Holy One, blessed be He, give them their reward, remove them from all sicknesses, heal their entire Mr. & Mrs. Shaya Mr. Baruch Toledano body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.” Klein-Weberman Dr. & Dr. Jesse Viner Ms. Chana Knight Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Weinbach Mr. & Mrs. Menachem Kurant Ms. Edna Pena Werta REFUAH SHLEIMAH L&L International I LLC Mr. & Mrs. Moises Wertheimer If you have a health update on anyone listed please contact The Shul. We would like to Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lichy Mr. & Mrs. David Wolf keep the listing current and remove names of people who have recovered. LSH Family Investments LLC Mr. & Mrs. Adam Ziefer MEN WOMEN Mr. & Mrs. Asher Mamane Yehonatan HaLevi ben Malka Esther Yocheved bas Raizel Ms. Ellen Manas Eliezer ben Sarah Bracha Aharon ben Beylah Shima Leah bas Gittel Meyer Eliezer ben Sarah Sarah Libke bas Baile CONDOLENCES Menachem Mendel ben Sara Chana Bayla bas Masha Our heartfelt condolences go out to the Toledano, Egozi Yehoshua ben Tamara Rina Chaya Miriam bas and Schmutter families on the passing of their dear wife, Isaac Gilbert ben Nelly Leah Bracha mother and grandmother, Mrs.Rosie Toledano (Rosette bat Esther Genya Baila bas Gisela Simcha Miriam), obm. May her dear soul be bound with the Bentzion ben Nomi Rachel Malka Tziril bas Devorah Margalite Dina Eternal Bond of Life. May Sarah Libke be comforted among Eber Avraham ben Fruma Sonia Simcha bat Sultana the mourners of Zion and . Esther Tzipora Pnina bas Slava Shlomo Yaakov ben Chaya Feige bas Krandel Sarah Rochel Tziporah Pnina bas Slava Chaim Zelig Ben Eidel Chaya Miriam Yehudit bat Ari ben Na’ama Chava VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Tzvi Yitzchak ben Chaya Clara bat Corina Aryeh Leib ben Sura Henya Rivka bat Shoshana Afer every Kiddush and event, The Shul donates Rafael Maya ben Sol Miriam bat Risha Raizel Aaron ben Tamar Dana Ella bas Devorah the lef over food to organizations or families Raphael Moshe ben Hinde in need. We are looking for volunteers to help Miriam Chana bas Shoshana Meyer Yankev ben Chaya Ilana bas Shaina Rochel collect and wrap the food. Etel Chava bas Elka Menucha Alexander ben Esther Chaya bas Rachel If you would like to help please contact the Raizel Fayge bas Chaya Rafael Moshe ben Sarah Miriam Leah bas Helen Mashgiach, Mordechai Olesky afer the Kiddush. Moshe ben Zoila Chaim Tzvi Hirsch ben Guttel Community service hours will be awarded. 7 DAILY WISDOM Inspiring insights on the Torah Portion from the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Shabbat, 2 Kislev Monday, 4 Kislev Showing Respect Respectfully Esau went to Ishmael and married Machalat, the The Source of Confidence and Joy daughter of Abraham’s son Ishmael. Genesis 28:9 Light of foot, Jacob set out for the land of the people who lived to the east. Genesis Esau’s respect for his father was exemplary. He 29:1 waited on his father dressed in special garments. When he decided to kill Jacob, he refrained from Even though Jacob was on his way to enter a doing so despite his raging anger in order not to pain spiritually dangerous environment, his joy in his father. As soon as he heard that his Canaanite fulfilling his Divine mission and trust in G-d’s wives displeased his parents, he lost no time in protection permeated his entire being, down marrying his cousin. to his feet.1 Following Jacob’s example, we can adopt the same joyful and confident attitude Nevertheless, Esau’s reverence for his father did not when we set out to tackle life’s numerous daily, prevent him from speaking to Isaac disrespectfully, mundane activities, even though they may saying, “My father, arise.” In contrast, his brother not seem as spiritual. The key is to make sure Jacob courteously asked Isaac to “Please arise.” beforehand that, like Jacob, we are properly Similarly, Esau later referred to his father’s death nourished (by studying the Torah), properly harshly, saying, “The days of mourning for my clothed (by observing G-d’s commandments), father will soon be here.” and properly focused on our goal (of making the world into G-d’s home). We can learn from Esau’s coarse behavior that an essential facet of doing what is right is doing it in a kind and considerate way. For example, the words we speak should not only be meaningful and free of any prohibited types of talk (falsehood, gossip, Tuesday, 5 Kislev slander, etc.); they should also be refined and The Proper Use of Jealousy delicate, as were Jacob’s. Rachel saw that she had not borne Jacob any children; Rachel was jealous of her sister [Leah]. Sunday, 3 Kislev Genesis 30:1

Feeding and Clothing the Soul Destructive, petty jealousy is born of the Jacob vowed, “If G-d will be with me and protect me on fear that the other person’s successes will this journey that I am undertaking, and will provide me lessen our own self-worth. In contrast, with bread to eat and clothing to wear, returning me to Rachel attributed Leah’s fertility to her my father’s house untainted.” Genesis 28:20-21 righteousness, and was therefore jealous of Bread and clothing refer allegorically to the study her sister’s good deeds. This sort of jealousy of the Torah and to the performance of G-d’s is constructive, since it spurs us on to improve commandments, respectively. When we study ourselves. Our sages similarly state that the Torah, G-d’s wisdom becomes part of us, just jealousy among Torah scholars increases as the food we eat becomes part of us. When we wisdom. Jealousy can be a positive force in perform a commandment, we are enveloped by an our lives when we learn to apply it correctly. external, transcendent feeling of inspiration, much as a garment surrounds and warms us. In this context, “returning to my father’s house untainted” alludes to our return to the domain of holiness after venturing out temporarily into the mundane world in order to refine and elevate it to holiness. 8 Wednesday, 6 Kislev Friday, 8 Kislev Bringing Home the Estrangeds Longing for Home [Rachel] named him Joseph [“May He add” in [Laban said to Jacob,] “You departed now Hebrew], saying, “May G-d add another son for because you longed continuously for your me.” Genesis 30:24 father’s house.” Genesis 31:30

Rachel’s prayer sums up Joseph’s spiritual mission Jacob’s stay with Laban foretold our own sojourn in life – to turn “another,” i.e., a seeming stranger, in exile. Just as Jacob was far away from his into a “son.” This mission expresses itself in three physical home and immersed in an environment ways: First, in making the mundane world – which that opposed spirituality, our exile comprises both appears to be separate from G-d – acknowledge a physical Diaspora and – more importantly – the and celebrate its Divine source. Second, in spiritual darkness of the unredeemed world. And personal repentance, through which we transform just as Jacob was never comfortable in his place ourselves from estranged “others” into “sons” of exile and constantly yearned to return to his who belong. Third, in reaching out to those who father’s home, so must we constantly yearn to seem estranged from G-d, revealing to them that return to our Father’s “home.” No matter how they are G-d’s precious children, for whom living successful we are in fulfilling our Divine mission in life according to G-d’s plan is simply natural. Let exile, we must never feel “at home” in it. us not feel inadequate or incapable of effecting When we consider how long the exile has continued, such transformations, for we do not work unaided. we might erroneously feel that our longing has not Rachel said, “May G-d add for me another son” – born any fruit. The truth is, however, that the more we are merely G-d’s instruments, and it is really we realize the significance of our spiritual exile, the He who lovingly welcomes His estranged children more our longing for the Messianic Redemption is home. intensified, which in turn hastens the Redemption. Thursday, 7 Kislev True Wealth The man thus became exceedingly prosperous. Genesis 30:43 Aside from his material wealth, Jacob also attained true, spiritual wealth: he succeeded in raising all of his children to follow in the righteous ways of Abraham and Isaac, and did not produce a single wicked son (of the likes of Esau or Ishmael, who were born to his forbears Abraham and Isaac). Jacob was able to do this because he synthesized the inspirational approach of Abraham and the self- disciplining approach of Isaac. By relating to G-d with simple sincerity, Jacob both transcended the differences between the opposite approaches of his forebears and was able to relate equally well to each of his children’s different personalities. It was also because of his simple sincerity that Jacob was able to outwit the crafty, scheming Laban. Jacob’s example teaches us that while logic and reason have their place, the foundation of our relationship with G-d is simple, sincerity. This sincerity then enables us to relate effectively to others no matter how different they may be from us. 9 PARSHA & HOLIDAY MESSAGES SHABBOS PARSHAS TOLDOS BUILD - AND NEVER DESTROY By Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz

ully ten pesukim of this week’s as we will live in unending peace. throughout time, as stronger people parsha are dedicated to relating the attacked those unable to defend saga of the wells of Yitzchak. The The Kli Yakar adds to the insight of themselves and unjustly took their FTorah relates how Yitzchak revisited the Ramban. He maintains that a possessions. However, in these the wells that his father, Avraham, had careful reading of these pesukim instances, there was at least a used when he lived in that area. When reveal that in the instance of the significant motive for these actions he saw that the Phlishtim had filled the first well, the shepherds were the – the acquisition of wealth. wells with earth, Yitzchak instructed his ones arguing, while the general workers to restore them. term noted in the argument of In the case of the destruction of the second well seems to indicate these wells, no such intention was The Torah then relates that an additional that all involved parties were in evident (although Rashi does offer series of three wells was dug in the disagreement. an explanation for these actions). All area of Grar. The first two wells became one sees is the senseless destruction a source of dispute with the local The Kli Yakar suggests that in of hundreds of man-hours of residents and Yitzchak was forced to the instance of the first Beis effort in a matter on moments – abandon them. The third well was dug Hamikdash the kings (the with little or no gain for the one and its refreshing waters were enjoyed shepherds, or leaders) were the recklessly wielding the shovel. The by Yitzchak and his family members ones initiating the conflict, as the sad events surrounding the blocking without any acrimony. Yitzchak gave the Jews became divided into two of Yitzchak’s wells seem to be the wells names that reflected the events kingdoms, Yehudah and Yisroel, perfect metaphor for the baseless surrounding them. The first and second shortly after the death of Shlomo and fruitless hatred that destroyed wells were named ‘Esek’ (translated Hamelech. The dispute and the our precious Beis Hamikdash and as contention) and ‘Sitna’ (enmity) acrimony caused in the wake of sent us into the harsh reality of galus respectively, conjuring images of this clash led to the destruction for nearly two thousand years … and dispute. The third, however, was named of the first Beis Hamikdash. The counting. ‘Rechovos’ (spaciousness), with its second Beis Hamikdash was name denoting the peace that comes destroyed due to sinas chinam It is so difficult to build and so easy with open areas and uncontested living (baseless acrimony amongst to destroy. And ultimately those who space. Jews). In this case, the dispute destroy others eventually destroy was more widespread, as the themselves as well. Powerful Symbolism masses became embroiled in Clearly, there is deep symbolic meaning senseless arguments. This The World Trade Center took in the discussion of these wells as the discord is in sharp contrast to thousands of people many years to Torah devoted precious lines to discuss the third Beis Hamikdash, where build. Nineteen people were able to the events surrounding the ups and people will live in tranquility in destroy it in a few hours. downs of Yitzchak’s search for life- open spaces. sustaining water. It takes only a moment to deeply hurt The Ramban offers a commentary Avoiding Acrimony… And someone’s feelings. And sometimes that sheds light into these meaningful Developing Ahavas Yisroel it can take a very long time to undo events. Quoting a pasuk in Yirmiyahu I would like to suggest that there the hurt we may cause, purposely (17:13), he maintains that a water is additional symbolism in the or even inadvertently – sometimes producing well, which symbolizes fact that the disputes involved even to the ones closest to us. physical nourishment, represents the the destruction of these wells. spirituality that emanated from the Beis Plunder in the battlefield has This seemingly trivial incident of the Hamikdash. Thus, the wells represent always been a sad fact of the wells of Yitzchak carries a powerful the three Botei Mikdash – past and human experience almost since and eternal lesson. Build and never future. The first Beis Hasmikdash as the creation of this world. Warring destroy. Support and never hurt. well as the second were quarreled over tribes and countries invaded Live with middos tovos, tolerance and ultimately destroyed. However, the weaker neighbors and walked off and understanding – and help bring third one, may it speedily be built, will with their spoils. In the individual the ˜Rechovos’ of the third Beis be deemed “Rechovos” and last forever plane as well, this occurred Hamikdash. 10 about either. As the verse explains,”Had THE LAST not the G-d of my father, the G-d of PARSHA PEARLS Avraham and the Fear (PACHAD) of Yitzchok been for me, you would now LAUGH OF have sent me away empty handed… (Breishis 31:42) Yizchok is associated And the boys grew up, and with PACHAD! The Chofetz Chaim Esav [Esau] was an expert HISTORY explains that PACHAD, also translated By Rabbi Label Lam - Torah.org as fear, means a fright that is nearby, hunter (Gen. 25:27) hovering close. Eima- would connote nd these are the generations of a fear far away. How is the man of Yitzchok the son of Avraham; PACHAD the man of LAUGHTER? Avraham begot Yizchok. (Breishis “Expert at deceiving his father A25:19) Let us try a few approaches! Yitzchok excelled in drawing himself into into believing him to be pious This is the segment in the Torah where greater proximity of HASHEM. A and a scrupulous observer Yitzchok Avinu is most on display. Yet student opens the door of the class he is still the most invisible of the three and tries to tempt his classmates to of the commandments,” Patriarchs. His words are sparse and cut the next the period. He doesn’t see sparing, and the record of his activities that the teacher is standing quietly comments Rashi, the great is minimal. Why is it so? It is very behind the door. The other students easy to explain. Avraham discovered see it. He pleads with them and uses Torah Sage. in HASHEM’s world and modeled his all his charm of seduction but to no life on a paradigm of ultra-kindliness. avail. When he leaves, the class erupts That was his vehicle for relating to in laughter. How foolish he makes Esav’s hypocrisy is symbolic HASHEM and the world around. Sefer himself to be talking that way with the Orah writes, “Then Yitzchok came, image of the Rebbe towering over him of our present Exile, in which and he added by making known the in the background. attribute of fear. That if one does not Yitzchok had such clarity on the the forces of evil are not as serve Him, one will be punished like a imminence of HASHEM that any offer readily identifiable as they servant who rebels against his master. by the Yetzer Hora was laughable. He He placed terror and awe upon people, stood on a lofty perch where he could were during previous exiles. and entered them under the wings of observe the folly of a world tempted the Shechina.” by and terrorized by trivialities and It is for this reason that our While Chessed inspires action, Yira remain unimpressed. Exile is termed “Galut Edom” arouses a sense of restraint! Both The father in law of the previous are necessary. There are 248 activity Lubavicher Rebbe was in jail in Russia (“the Exile of Edom”), for the Commandments (248 is the numerical for sedition- that is helping Jewish nation of Edom is descended value of the name Avraham) and communities settling in Israel. He was there are 365 Commandments to being pistol whipped by an overzealous from Esav. refrain. Now Avraham’s work in the guard who wanted to strike fear in world is noticeable. He was feeding him. He is reputed to have told the and reaching and teaching the world. man with the gun, “Put away that toy! Yira- restraint is not something can It can only scare a man who believes in When Moshiach comes, be seen. When one holds back a juicy one world and many gods. I believe in the “Deliverers will go up tidbit of Loshon Hora, what is the two worlds and One G-d!” sound it makes? How is it tangibly recognizable?! Of course Yitzchok is The Brachos 31a tells us: It to Mount Zion to judge the not nearly as visible as Avraham. is forbidden for a person to fill his mount of Esav, and kingship mouth with laughter in this world, as Here is another mystery about it says, “Then He will fill our mouths will be the L-rd’s.” Yitzchok: His name! Before he was with laughter.” A similar sentiment is born, HASHEM had already designated found in Sefer Tehillim, speaking about a name, but the Torah records Sara’s the end of times, “He Who dwells in reaction as a prophetic fulfillment. Heaven will laugh; my Master mocks (Lubavitcher Rebbe, Toldot, And Sara said, “G-d has made (Tzchok) them.” (Tehillim 2:4) Yitzchok’s name 5750) joy for me; whoever hears will rejoice really means, “Will Laugh”. While the (Yitzchok) over me.” (Breishis 21:6) The world satirizes the Nation of Israel name of the man of fear and awe is and rejects HASHEM, He and we- laughter! Yiztchok’s children are promised the best and the last laugh of history. It’s not just plain fear we are talking 11 4 POWERFUL INSIGHTS FROM THE REBBE ON PARSHAS TOLDOS

Isaac’s Wells

One activity of Isaac’s on which the Torah elaborates at some length is his well-digging. We are told how he reopened the wells originally dug by Abraham, and how he dug a series of wells of his own.

Isaac is portrayed as a farmer and a well-digger. Isaac had learned the profound secret of the seed: growth and profit come only when you allow yourself to disintegrate and become one with the soil from which you have To Give and Give Again come. Isaac was a digger of wells, boring through the strata of emotion and experience in search of the In the Torah portion of Toldot we read of the blessings quintessential waters of the soul. Boring deeper than that Yitzchak bestowed upon his son Yaakov, beginning feeling, deeper than desire, deeper than achievement, with the words: “And may G-d give you….” Comments the to the selflessness at the core of self. Midrash: “May He give you, and May He give you again.”

Abraham’s love of G-d and humanity took him on a G-d is limitless, surely, His original gift, emanating as journey from the self outward—a journey etched in the it does from his infinite kindness, is without limit. What possible need could there be for G-d to give and then give roads of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Canaan. Isaac never again? left the boundaries of his homeland. For his was an inward journey, a journey into the depths of self, to the The transmission of knowledge from teacher to student essence within. can be achieved in one of two ways: a) the student may understand his master’s teachings, but not thoroughly enough to be able to innovate on his own; b) the disciple may completely master his teacher’s discourse, so that he is able to amplify on these teachings and come up with novel thoughts of his own.

Herein lies the meaning of “May He give you, and May He give you again”: G-d’s blessings are so splendid that not only is the person blessed with unlimited bounty from Above, but he is inspired to make use of these blessings on his own, thereby gaining yet again.

In terms of man’s spiritual service, these two types of students correspond to the righteous individual and the penitent.

The righteous individual follows the path of Torah and mitzvos as they were transmitted from Above, while the penitent, having deviated from the path, transforms iniquity into merit. His method of service uses his power of repentance — the arousal of which is also granted to him by G-d — to perform an additional measure of service, a service not readily available to the righteous.


Yitzchak’s Progeny Prayer and Work At the beginning of the Torah portion Toldot, the Toldot, meaning offspring, relates to the bearing of children. In a Torah relates that when Rivkah was pregnant with spiritual sense, the theme of the portion is spiritual parenthood, Ya’akov and Esav, “the children clashed within drawing Jews closer to , in line with the saying: “Whoever her.” Our Sages explain that, while still within the teaches his friend’s son Torah is considered as if he had borne womb, Ya’akov was drawn to holiness, while Esav him.” was attracted to idolatry.

We must however, understand how this bearing of spiritual Esav’s behavior is difficult to fathom. The children — toldot — relates to Yitzchak, since his manner of Patriarchs were, “completely holy”. Their children service (unlike that of his father Avraham) did not entail leaving were conceived and born in complete holiness. his quarters to involve himself with others. How could it be that Yitzchak’s son, Esav, should innately be drawn to idolatry? While Yitzchak’s manner of service did not involve traveling from place to place and making G-d’s Name known, his inward The Rambam explains that there are two general manner of spiritual service was so powerful that it attracted manners of spiritual service: the individual who people to him. desires to do only good, and the one who desires to do evil, but conquers his evil inclination. This is explained at length in this portion: When there was a hunger in the land, Yitzchak thought he should descend to Egypt Although the Patriarchs experienced no internal as his father had — knowing that, with this descent, he could conflict, they were still faced with external continue his father’s outreach work. opposition to their way of life, opposition that they had to overcome. And, although conquest G-d, however, told him that he should remain in the land. For of one’s own evil inclination may be much more Yitzchak’s manner of service would differ from his father’s; difficult than overcoming outside opposition, living a holy life while he remained in the land, G-d’s Name nevertheless, the Patriarchs’ service in this regard would become known — as a matter of course — to others as also served as an empowerment to their children, well. for the following reason: by conquering one’s evil inclination, a person shows how greatly attached The reason for the Torah portion’s name is now clear: Toldos he is to G-d; although he desires to do evil, this emphasizes that the children are similar to their father. Yitzchak desire does not hinder his will to do only good. remained on his lofty level and drew others to him. This is expressed even more forcefully through repentance. Though the person has actually succumbed to evil, his innermost desire to remain attached to G-d is so strong that he conquers his evil, regrets his past and returns to His service.

These two manners of service — “wholly righteous” and “overcoming evil” — were also mirrored in their children — Ya’akov was completely righteous, and Esav had the task of conquering an innate tendency towards evil.


tarting the night preceding December 5th we begin to add a request for rain in the 9th Sblessing (the blessing where we ask for sustenance) of the Amidah. In years preceding a civil leap year we begin the night preceding December 6th. As this year preceded a civil leap year, we will begin asking on Thursday night. The reason this is determined by the secular calendar is that this addition is based on the solar cycle. 60 days following the autumnal equinox we begin asking for rain, Although December 5th is more than 70 days from the equinox, the calculation is based on the Julian calendar system (as opposed to the current Gregorian system).

Interestingly, the Avudraham, a 14th Babylonian custom. However the opinion of the Rosh century scholar who lived before the continues to have Halachic influence. Gregorian calendar was adopted, In thirteenth century Spain this If one mistakenly added this request writes that the 60 days will always led to great debate. In 5073, a year before or after it’s proper time, but coincide with the 22nd of November of drought, the Rosh (Rabbeinu when the country actually needs rain, unless February has 29 days. It was Asher) had the community continue there is no need to repeat the Amida. only after the Gregorian system asking for rain after Pesach, and While this opinion is not normative, it was put in place and 10 days were start from the Sukkos festival, as can be relied on after the fact. removed from the month of October is the practice in Israel. He argued 1582 that our current discrepancy that just as Babylonia asks for rain If one omits this request during the took place. The year preceding a leap based on its needs so should every Amidah, they should add the request year, where one day must be added large, independent country tailor the for rain in the 16th blessing, which is to compensate for the “extra” quarter prayer to their specific seasons. (This a general blessing for all of our needs. day in every solar year, the date is argument is relevant to southern If one forgets to include it there they pushed back one day to the 6th. hemisphere countries where the must return to the 9th blessing and seasons are the reverse of the north). continue from there. If one concludes This request is unique from the This led to a stormy debate between the Amidah without remembering to addition in the 2nd blessing which the scholars of his era, with one group include this prayer they must repeat begins during Sukkot. There, we accepting the logic of his argument the entire Amidah. simply mention G-d’s power to bring and the other not willing to break rain, whereas the actual request for with the longstanding understanding Rain, especially in agrarian societies, rain begins significantly later. of the relevant Talmudic passages. represents one’s sustenance and livelihood. This blessing underscores In Israel where rain is necessary Despite the power of his arguments, our belief that despite our from the start of the fall season, his position was rejected by responsibility to create a channel for they begin asking for rain from the mainstream Halacha. The custom our livelihood, ultimately it rests in 7th of Cheshvan (to allow all those is that the entire Diaspora starts Hashem’s hands, and we daily ask that made pilgrimage to Jerusalem praying for rain December 5th and for blessing from His overflowing, to return without the hindrance of finish on Passover eve. bountiful hand. rain). In Babylonia which had a more constant supply of water, rain was Even countries with different needs, only necessary 60 days after the in fact even countries in the southern equinox. We continue until the first hemisphere with opposite seasons, day of Pesach. The custom of all follow this pattern. Jews in the Diaspora is to follow the


ll his life, the rabbi had longed before I break every bone in your body!’ for one thing only: to live in the And that beggar would be directed to holy land of Israel. There was no the home of Moshe’s neighbor, Reb Adoubt in his mind that the time had Matisyahu. Now, this neighbor was not now come to move to the Holy Land. wealthy, far from it. But he had a kind Of course, just how he would manage and generous nature and never refused it wasn’t so clear, but G-d would surely a fellow Jew in need. help. The rabbi was sure that a trip to obtain the blessing of the great tzadik “This scene occurred many times over Reb Meir of Premishlan would facilitate the years, and Reb Matisyahu never his plans, and so the rabbi packed a bag failed to rise to the occasion. You might and started off by foot. think that Moshe’s reputation had gone as low as possible, but you would When he finally arrived in Premishlan be wrong. For, since he was a very rich and was led into Reb Meir’s study, the man, there were always those who I heard about the terrible verdict that tzadik asked, “How will you raise the sang his praises in order to ingratiate had been pronounced against Moshe, I money for the journey?” themselves with him - maybe there felt very sorry for him. How could a man would be some gain in it for them. be condemned without fair warning, I “Well,” the rabbi began, “I have many thought. And so, I took it upon myself relatives, and I am sure that when I “Reb Matisyahu’s interminable to provide Moshe with one last chance explain the situation to them, they will kindnesses went unnoticed; after all, to redeem himself. If Moshe would be generous enough to help me.” he was a nice guy and people expected provide the money necessary for the him to be kind. The inequality of the rabbi’s move to the Holy Land, then Reb Meir didn’t respond, but he situation may not have drawn notice he would be worthy of redemption. appeared to be lost in thought. Finally, down here, but in Heaven, it provoked But, if, G-d forbid, he lost this one he said, “It would take many months to the angelic host to fury. It was decided last opportunity, his soul would be accumulate so much money - months that Moshe’s great wealth should lost. He would lose his fortune and be which would be better spent devoted go instead to Reb Matisyahu. The condemned to wander for the rest of to . There is a different way. sentence was about to be carried out, his days, at the mercy of everyone he Remain here and you will obtain all the when Elijah the Prophet spoke up. ‘It’s would meet.” money you need for your journey and not right for a person to be judged on to set up your household.” Needless to hearsay. I propose to go down to earth Then, Reb Meir turned and his eyes say, the rabbi readily agreed. and test Moshe. Perhaps he isn’t as met the terror-stricken eyes of the cruel as we have heard.’ very Moshe of his story, but just for a When the meeting ended, Reb Meir split second, for Moshe fell to the floor didn’t dismiss his visitor as was usual. “This proposition was accepted, and in a dead faint. When he came to, he Instead, he had the next petitioner soon an emaciated Elijah stood at the tearfully said to Reb Meir, “You are so admitted to his study while the rabbi door of Moshe, knocking and begging right about me, and yet you have given was still there. This man was a very for help. Moshe’s reaction was the me another chance to live and redeem wealthy person, and when he entered, same as usual. First he berated the my soul. He reached into his pocket Reb Meir said, “I would like to tell you a beggar for coming, and then he threw and took out a heavy purse which he story, but I want the rabbi to listen as him outside into the bitter cold night. offered to the rabbi. well for it will contain meaning for both Elijah didn’t give up so easily, though. of you. He knocked again and with tears “Here, please take this, and when you streaming down his face, he begged reach the holy city of Jerusalem, please “There was once a man named Moshe, for a bit of food, a drop of warmth. But pray for me,” said Moshe through his who was very rich, but was a cruel all to no avail, and the prophet realized flowing tears. and selfish person. Although G-d had that Moshe had forfeited his chance. provided him with great riches, he The tears which continued to stream The rabbi and his family were soon was the stingiest person you would down his face were being shed for in Israel, living the fulfillment of their ever have the misfortune to meet. Moshe’s lost soul.” dreams. And Moshe completely turned Whenever a poor man came to his door his life around. In fact, every beggar or asking for food or money, he would The rabbi and the rich guest listened traveler who passed through his village throw a veritable tantrum, screaming with rapt attention to the story, and as was directed to his home, which was and cursing the hapless beggar. ‘What Reb Meir paused for a moment, they a comfortable haven for them all until do think this is?’ he would thunder, ‘a looked at him anxiously, wanting to the end of his days. charity institution? Get out of here hear the conclusion of the story. “When 15 RECENTLY IN THE NEWS 5,800 CELEBRATE JEWISH LIFE AT MASSIVE CHABAD CONFERENCE BANQUET COMBATING ANTI-SEMITISM WITH MITZVAHS, LOVINGKINDNESS AND JOY

By Dovid Margolin EDISON, N.J.—Lettered and numbered circular tables lined the 150,000-square-foot New Jersey Convention Center, each one filled with a dozen rabbis and Jewish communal leaders, close to 6,000 people in all. They came together for the annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries (Kinus Hashluchim), which brings together Chabad rabbis and lay leaders from all 50 states and 100 countries, from California to Rwanda to Myanmar. In a year of growing challenges for the Jewish people, with anti-Semitism as well as the country’s first-ever himself, he walked out of the building increasing both domestically and synagogue and Jewish center. and witnessed a man having a seizure, and ran over to help him. worldwide, including the horrific The evening was emceed as always by shooting in April at Chabad of Poway the inimitable Rabbi , “At that moment, I realized that there that left one woman dead and three vice chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei is still a lot that I can do,” said the man injured, the conference struck a defiant Chinuch—the educational arm of the known by thousands simply as “Rabbi and positive tone, focusing on all the Chabad movement—who spoke of Yitzi,” through his son. “I resolved that good that has been accomplished and the challenges and accomplishments no matter what the results of further all the work on behalf of the Jewish the Chabad emissaries encountered tests, I was going to remain positive people yet to come. their work. The first speech was that and find a way to make a difference. I The gathering comes as the world of Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, co-director with couldn’t imagine how high that way of marks 25 years since the passing his wife, Dina, of Chabad of Temecula, thinking would take me.” of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Calif. Hurwitz was struck with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and, living in Los He also acknowledged with Schneerson, of righteous memory, appreciation the love, support, who, following his ascension to the Angeles and unable to speak or move of his own strength, his speech—which friendship, community of the leadership of the Chabad movement 70 brotherhood of emissaries during his years ago, began sending emissaries he wrote with his eyes—was delivered by his son, Shalom, who just recently time of need, and their ability to change around the world. What started as a the world. handful of brave pioneers has grown enjoyed his bar mitzvah. into an army of 5,000 couples, rabbis “My dear brothers,” Shalom read in his “The power, the energy, the love and and their wives, who leave home and father’s name. “How I wish I could be brotherhood in this room is what makes hearth to serve Jewish communities, here with you at the Kinus. The Baal all of the difference in the world. And or, at times, build them from scratch, in Shem Tov says, ‘In the place where a it is in every one of you to share with places near and far. person’s thoughts are that is where each other and with all of the world.” A case in point was Rabbi Chaim Bar he is,’ so I feel that I am with you right Concluding the speech, young Shalom Sella of Kigali, Rwanda, who opened here, right now.” looked into the camera and said the evening by leading the assembled Hurwitz recalled receiving the chilling “L’chaim” to his bedridden father. His in reading a chapter of Psalms. Bar Sella diagnosis, the news that he would lose was an emotional standing ovation. and his wife, Dina, and their 11-month his muscles, and then the ability to The keynote address was given by U.S. old son, Schneur Zalman, packed their walk and then, the doctors said, his life. bags in September and moved to the Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, As he left the doctor’s office, he broke who recalled his first interaction with Central African nation, where together into a fit of tears. After composing they established Chabad of Rwanda, Chabad back in 1994, when Rabbi 16 Zalman and Chani Wolowik established their own tears,” declared Schochet. them? But then again, who would have Chabad of the Five Towns in a little “On the surface, they look strong, gone looking for them? What would storefront in Woodmere, N.Y. It was, forthright, determined, but somewhere have become of them, of their children, Friedman recalled, within a half-mile deep within, at the core, their souls are of their grandchildren; what would radius of probably 15 other synagogues, crying out.” have become of a lost Jewish girl in the and he “thought the had backwaters of Oklahoma were it not as much of a chance for success as a This, he explained, was the charge for the irrational, supra-rational and store selling ice cubes to Eskimos.” the Rebbe had given to his emissaries unconditional devotion of every shliach around the world, to travel out to all and shlucha?” But soon he formed a relationship with four corners of the world and soothe the young Chabad rabbi—one that the crying Jewish child, whether literal The evening wrapped up with the yearly led to them becoming Torah-study or figurative, wherever he or she may Roll Call, during which Kotlarsky read partners for decades. They studied be. out the names of the 100 countries and Tanach, beginning with the book of In a video presentation that followed, all 50 states with permanent Chabad Joshua, which Friedman says not only emissaries. Announcing a new Chabad aided his Judaic studies, but prepared the camera followed the journeys of Rabbi Yehuda Weg, co-director of center in Myanmar (once called Burma), him for his current role as the American as well as one in Turks and Caicos, a ambassador to Israel. Chabad of Oklahoma in Tulsa; Rabbi Zeev Stiefel, co-director of Chabad of Carribean island known for its white He also recalled how, during the weeks Piestany, Slovakia; and Rabbi Mendy beaches and blue water but not its prior to the U.S. decision to move the Chitrik of Chabad of Istanbul in Turkey. Jewish infrastructure, Kotlarsky ended American embassy to Israel’s eternal As the three-part video unfolded, the off with his now-trademark “A round of capital of Jerusalem and other seminal audience learned of the Jewish woman applause for the whole world!” before events, Wolowik took Friedman to of Moroccan descent Weg discovered the room broke out into scheduled, but the , the Rebbe’s resting place in living on the dusty backroads of nonetheless very much spontaneous, Queens, N.Y. Oklahoma, the Slovakian Jew from dance. Kosice who learned he was Jewish from “It’s an oasis of spirituality,” he said. As thousands danced through a maze his Holocaust-survivor grandmother of converging circles—ID tags and “An opportunity to contemplate what on her deathbed and began growing you really need, rather than what you black hats bouncing to the upbeat closer to his Jewish roots via Stiefel, and sounds of Chassidic music—Ron think you want. To ask the Rebbe ... to the Turkish family that found out they be an advocate for those needs. I’ve Kramer of S. Monica, Calif., said it was were Jewish when their grandmother this moment he had come for. Kramer, never left the Ohel feeling anything but revealed that she, too, was a European optimism and joy.” an entrepreneur with homes in Arizona Jew who had escaped to Turkey after and the beachside city of S. Monica, Oklahoma to Slovakia to Istanbul the Holocaust to start a new life. met Rabbi Eli Moshe Levitansky, co- Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, a Chabad “Ask yourself, where would the world director of Chabad of S. Monica College emissary who has served as senior be today without the Rebbe’s vision? (SMC) nine years ago, when they rabbi of the Mill Hill Synagogue in We just saw evidence of Holocaust began a weekly Torah-study session. London since 1991, shared his personal survivors, and no one will have shed This is his sixth Kinus, and if anything recollection of a private audience more tears than them,” said Schochet. encapsulates why he keeps coming with the Rebbe he had together with “After the ineffable events of 80 years back, it’s the dancing his parents and family as a 3-year- ago, they sought to disappear—in “I come to get the essence,” he said. “I old child. Hoping the Rebbe would Slovakia, in Turkey—and who can judge bless him, he burst out crying when come to feel the energy.” he mistakenly thought the Rebbe had not. When the Rebbe saw the little boy crying, he called him around to the side of his desk, placed his hands on his head and proceeded to bless him with the hallowed words of the priestly benediction: Yivarechacha Hashem V’Yishmerecha ... The story, Schochet asserted, has a broader meaning and lesson. “Because somewhere out there is a Jewish child who is crying; sometimes, the tears are readily discernible; other times—indeed, most often—they’re crying internally, sometimes such that they themselves may be oblivious to 17 RECENTLY IN THE NEWS THE WORLD’S MOST MISUNDERSTOOD PHOTO ByBy Rabbi Eli Friedman

Rabbi Eli Friedman in a message of his to believe that they are all the same spends most of his time behind bars community at Chabad of Calabasas in with identical stories, attitudes or tending to the desperate needs of local California personalities. The beauty in the deluge Jewish prisoners. The short, salt-and- of black and white is the colorful pepper beard behind him started off If there is ever a contest for “World’s diversity hidden everywhere in the as a local youth director at the age of Most Misunderstood Photo” the annual picture. 23 and is still at it, devoted to his third class photo of the Shluchim (Chabad generation of kids 30 years later. (And rabbis) will surely be a finalist. You look at one face, you’re looking at that short beard is rolled up; it’s two a prominent community leader, rabbi feet long. I’ve seen it!) You know the one I’m talking about? and spiritual leader to 2,000 people in About six thousand Shluchim (G-d a large American suburb. Grinning right Scroll down to that guy there with the bless them) convene in New York every next to him is the Shliach in a South black beard. Ten years ago, this guy year for an annual conference and American village, a man whose only didn’t know what a Mezuzah was. Shabbaton and on Sunday morning struggle greater than making a living is He was the starting quarterback on they pose in front of 770 (Chabad the struggle to assemble a Minyan so a his high school varsity team and his World Headquarters) for a massive local can say Kaddish. chances of ending up a Shliach were group photo. (This year’s conference is as good as his chances of ending up this weekend.) Pan over to the next Shliach and find starting for the Cowboys. But here he is, the of a massive European flush with excitement, living the dream When you look at the photo, you could country. He rubs shoulders with (the Shliach one, not the Cowboys be forgiven for thinking that someone billionaires. And next to him – the one.) The very tall one next to him was had taken a picture of a Shliach (Chabad Shliach to Nowhere, USA. He can’t rub a successful business attorney who rabbi) wearing a black fedora and black together two pennies. yearned to do more, so he traded in his suit and then hit copy and paste 6,000 law practice for a campus Chabad post. times. Aside from the beard colors In this one picture you have He admits that his 401(k) is poorer but (black, white, gray and red) very little newlyweds, middle-aged parents, that his life is much richer. differentiates one rabbi from the next fresh grandparents, and patriarchs and on the surface it seems like a of massive families with legions of And just above him, with the silky white conformist convention. grandchildren and great-grandchildren, beard, is the rabbi’s rabbi, an expert often in the hundreds, kinehora. in Jewish law, a genius of enormous And that is exactly what it isn’t. It proportions, a man with miles of Torah would be an injustice to the Shluchim The guy with the red beard over there on the tip of his tongue and a heart of 18 gold in his chest. Just one of the guys. hasn’t seen a Kosher restaurant since last year’s conference and has been That one over there brought Tefillin to slaughtering and koshering his own Sandy Koufax. That one put Tefillin on meat for fifteen years. Moshiach Matters Sid Caesar. That one put Tefillin on the president of Ukraine. That one put on The rabbi in the corner is part of a Tefillin with Bob Dylan. That one put family that has been Chabad since The revelations of on Tefillin in Auschwitz. That one sent Chabad began 230 years ago. His Tefillin into space with Ilan Ramon. classmate and colleague embracing Moshiach will encompass The serious-looking one there put on him is the child of two ex-hippies who Tefillin with virtually every Jewish man searched their way to Chabad in the every aspect of worldly in his city. (And don’t let the look fool 60’s and reversed four generations of existence. It will not be an you – he’s one of the funniest men in assimilation. the group.) age of spirituality divorced Most of these men speak Yiddish, This guy here grew up in a mansion in Hebrew and some English. But if from material reality, Missouri and he’s a beloved spiritual you listen closely you can hear the mentor to students. The guy conversations accented by countless but a holiness that will talking to him grew up in a matchbox languages and dialects. Most of these permeate every element in Michigan and he’s growing a men are of Ashkenazic background, but community in Colorado. many are Sefardic, some are Yemenite, of being. To prepare for- some are Persian. Many are fourth or This Italian here runs Chabad in Utah; fifth generation Americans. and in anticipation of that this other Italian runs Sweden. That Russian runs Texas. This Israeli runs Some are natural extroverts, some revelation-we must bring Alabama. That Brazilian runs New are painful introverts. Some are born holiness into every element Jersey. This Australian runs Georgia. optimists. Others struggle to maintain And of course, these boys from their optimism. Some are naturally of existence. The medium Brooklyn are running Nevada, Montana, exuberant; others, melancholy. Louisiana, and Nebraska. And Germany. to gain this understanding And Ghana. and achieve this This tall one saves lost backpackers The differences never end. Each and transformation is Chasidut. in Thailand. That short one saves lost every person in this photo is genuinely souls in Nepal. The gray-bearded one unique and each of them has a one-of- Chasidut is “the essence lives 5,500 miles away in Siberia and a-kind story that will yet be told. he’s laughing with his old friend who of the inner dimensions of lives three miles away in Flatbush. But what they have in common is so powerful that it unites them together the Torah,” revealing the Some of them have encountered like a family. Their love for the Rebbe spiritual truths that lie at astonishing success, like in Paris, spills over into a love for each other. where half the Shluchim were inspired Their love for the Rebbe’s mission the Torah’s core. This in to Jewish observance by the other and vision of a world conquered by half. And some of these men have goodness, kindness and Yiddishkeit turn grants us the potential encountered astonishing resistance, unites them like brothers around a like the man who has loyally served singular, unstoppable sense of purpose. to reveal the spiritual truth an American Jewish community for that is present throughout twenty years and still needs to argue Drenched in that family vibe, all the with the locals about the importance of colorful languages, backgrounds, existence. Yom Kippur. upbringings, personalities and living conditions blend together brilliantly. This shy scholar here? He is in the They produce a spiritual harmony the midst of a $20 million building likes of which has never been seen (From Highlights by Rabbi campaign. The charismatic gentlemen before. E. Touger) listening to him is in the midst of a $300,000 foreclosure. The thin man next to him just opened a Glatt Kosher restaurant in Mexico, just like the guy behind him who just opened a Kosher eatery in China. But the rabbi behind them, serving the Russian hinterlands, 19 A TIME TO PRAY DAVENING SCHEDULES AND LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WEEK

DAILY LEARNING SCHEDULE AT THE SHUL 6:20 -6:50 am The Rebbe’s Maamorim Chassidic Discourse R’ Zalman Lipskar 7:45 am Daf Yomi R’ Dov Schochet 8:45 am (approx) Halacha Sephardic Custom R’ Shimshon Tzubeli 10:15 - 11:00 am Maamorim Maamor of the Rebbe R’ Shea Rubinstein

SHACHARIS MINYANIM (MON - FRI) SUNDAY SHACHARIS MINYANIM Main Minyan 6:50 7:30 9:00 Main Minyan 8:00 am 9:00 am Sephardic Minyan 8:00 Sephardic Minyan 9:00 am

DAILY CHUMASH & TANYA AFTER EVERY MINYAN SUNDAY MINCHA / MINCHA / MAARIV MINYANIM (MON - THURS) MAARIV MINYANIM Main Minyan 2:00 pm Early Mincha 5:15 pm 10:00 pm Sephardic Minyan 5:15 pm Following Main Minyan 5:15 pm

EVENING KOLEL SCHEDULE - MONDAY AND THURSDAY 8:45 -9:30 PM Mon & Thurs 8:45 - 10:00 pm Evening Community Kolel Chavrusah To our beloved Soldiers in the Israeli Defense HALACHIC TIMES Forces, courageously protecting and defending BASED ON TIMES FOR DECEMBER 4 Eretz Yisroel. We pray for you and all of the soldiers safety and well being daily.

Alot Hashachar / Dawn 5:35 am Menachem Mendel ben Chaya Leah Earliest Talit & Tefllin 6:08 am Daniella Malka bat Natanya Netz Hachamah / Sunrise 6:52 am Menachem Mendel ben Aurit (Earliest Amidah) Eden Chana bat Karine Cecile Benyamin Aharon ben Jeniya Gila Rut Latest Shema 9:29 am Zman Tfllah 10:23 am Chatzot / Midday 12:10 pm Earliest Mincha 12:38 pm Plag HaMincha 4:26 pm Shekiah / Sunset 5:29 pm (Preferable latest time for Mincha) Tzeit Hakochavim / Nightfall 5:54 pm (Earliest preferable Ma’ariv)

Times taken from www.chabad.org Please note that during the week times may Vary by a minute or two. If anyone would like to send us the name of a soldier in the IDF we would love to add them. 20 IN A WOMAN’S WORLD ISSUES OF RELEVANCE TO THE JEWISH WOMAN

WEEKLY CLASSES Women’s Mikvah: Monday Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an Women’s Study Group Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 8:30 - 10:00 pm appointment: 305-866 1492 or At the home of : Please call The Shul for details 305-323-2410 Please Note: Shabbos & Yom Tov visits must be Prepaid Tuesday Prayer Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 9:15 - 10:15 am 1111 Kane Concourse Suite 618 The Shul Sisterhood Tanya Class In Spanish Mrs. Vivian Perez 10:45 am -12:00 pm

198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village Who we are... Wednesday The Shul Sisterhood organizes all of The Shul’s programming Morning Torah Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 10:00 - 11:00 am and classes geared toward women in the community. Our The weekly portion - Women’s Perspective objective is to bring women of all ages and backgrounds Haime Library together to learn, laugh, experience, and rejuvenate their mind, Tanya Class in English Mrs. Vivian Perez 1:15 - 3:00 pm body and soul. Meet new friends, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village relax and get inspired! Thursday If you would like to be a part of The Shul Sisterhood, Women’s Tanya Class – Spanish – Mrs. Vivian Perez please call 305. 868.1411 Call Vivian for details – 305.213.3202

VANILLA HEALTH RUSKS PREPARATION 1. Adjust the oven shelf to the middle position. By Sharon Lurie Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C. INGREDIENTS 2. Line the base of a 14x9x1.5-inch (35x24x4-cm) baking tin with baking paper. 1 (21 ounces/600g) packet vanilla cake mix 3. Toss the cake mix, All-Bran fakes, oats, sunfower 2 cups All-Bran fakes seeds and nuts together in a large mixing bowl. Melt the butter in the microwave in a 1-litre glass 1 cup rolled oats measuring jug. Add the oil and buttermilk and mix ½ cup sunfower seeds well. Beat in the eggs. Pour over the dry mixture in the bowl and (using a spatula) stir everything 1 cup chopped almonds or pecans together until well blended. Do not overmix. 250g (8 ounces) butter 4. Scoop the mixture into the prepared baking tin and smooth down to level. Bake for 45 minutes. ½ cup canola or coconut oil While still warm, cut the rusks into singles. Freeze them overnight (still in the baking tin). 2 cups buttermilk 5. The following day, remove the rusks from the 2 extra-large eggs, at room temperature baking tin and arrange them on a metal cooling rack or baking sheet (leaving space between each rusk). Return them to the oven and bake at 250°F/120°C, allowing them to dry out for 2–3 hours. Leave to cool down completely before storing in an airtight container. 21 22 23 How can I? HOW CAN I? ב״ה ?How Can I

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26 27 28 29 FRENCH CONNECTION REFLEXIONS SUR LA PARACHA Vivre avec la paracha Ésaü et ses femmes épouses hittites d’Ésaü est appelé Le premier mariage mixte Yéhoudit. C’est un nom qui « sonne par Tali Loewenthal » tout-à-fait juif et, effectivement, le Talmud5 déclare que « quiconque n point essentiel dans la vie nie l’idolâtrie est appelé Yéhoudi ». d’une personne est le mariage. Rachi explique qu’elle avait en réalité Cela s’applique à tout être un autre nom, mais qu’Ésaü l’appela Uhumain dans le monde. Pour le peuple Yéhoudit afin de faire croire à son père juif, le mariage est également au cœur qu’elle avait véritablement adopté le de l’identité juive d’une personne. culte du D.ieu Unique.6

Cette semaine dans la Paracha de Si ces événements eurent lieu il y Toldot, nous trouvons le récit du a plus de trois millénaires, ils ont premier mariage mixte, qui causa malheureusement une résonnance une grande douleur aux parents du familière à notre époque. Pourtant, partenaire juif. Dans le même temps, on retiendra également qu’Ésaü nous apprenons quelque chose sur la épousa une troisième femme, qui dimension magnifiquement positive était tout à fait différente. Elle était d’un mariage. une fille d’Ismaël, et donc une petite- leur culte des idoles. Il est intéressant fille d’Abraham et son nom était La Paracha de la semaine dernière a de noter que Rebecca elle-même Ma’halat, qui signifie « pardon ». mis clairement en évidence le souci était née dans une famille d’idolâtres. Rachi commente7 que c’est d’elle que d’Abraham que son fils Isaac se marie Pourtant, dès qu’elle épousa Isaac, nous apprenons que les mariés sont avec quelqu’un de sa propre famille, elle se consacra au service du D.ieu pardonnés de leurs péchés le jour de et certainement pas une Canaanite.1 unique, Créateur du ciel et de la leur mariage. Nous voyons ainsi que, même à ce terre. À l’inverse, les femmes hittites stade précoce du développement du d’Ésaü, bien qu’elles fussent dans la Le Rabbi de Loubavitch commente8 peuple juif, il y avait une préoccupation maison d’Isaac, offraient de l’encens que la Torah suggère que le certaine au sujet de qui on devrait ou aux idoles. Rachi explique que c’est comportement de Ma’halat elle- ne devrait pas épouser. la fumée de cet encens qui causa la même reflétait cette idée. Elle était en cécité d’Isaac.3 effet une personne authentiquement La Paracha de cette semaine nous fine et spirituelle. Alors pourquoi Ésaü parle des deux fils d’Isaac, Jacob Plus tard dans la Paracha, Rebecca l’épousa-t-il ? À un certain niveau, et Ésaü. Jacob était quelqu’un de dit à son mari Isaac combien elle est seulement parce qu’il voulait paraître spirituel, tandis qu’Ésaü était un inquiète à l’idée que leur fils Jacob bien aux yeux de son père. Sur un homme violent. puisse finir par épouser une fille autre plan, commente le Rabbi, Ésaü hittite, comme Ésaü.4 Il n’y avait en avait aussi une étincelle de bien, ce Comme on pouvait s’y attendre, ce effet pas d’autres jeunes femmes qui explique pourquoi son père Isaac fut Ésaü qui se maria à l’extérieur. dans le voisinage. Ce fut l’une des l’aimait. Plus tard, dans le cours de La Torah nous dit que c’est à l’âge raisons pour lesquelles Jacob fut l’histoire, cette étincelle de bien en de quarante ans qu’il épousa deux envoyé loin de la maison, au Nord- Ésaü et ses descendants sera révélée. femmes, toutes deux issues de la tribu est, pour trouver une femme de la cananéenne des Hittites. Les épouses famille de Rebecca, comme nous le non-abrahamiques d’Ésaü causèrent voyons dans la Paracha de la semaine « une amertume d’esprit à Isaac et prochaine. Rebecca ».2 Les Sages commentent que ces femmes avaient poursuivi Un point intéressant est que l’une des 30 LATIN LINK REFLEXION SEMANAL Parasha de la Semana Aprendiendo a Reír En la Torá, estos dos estados del ser son La tranquilidad es buena, pero no es la Isaac--Itzjak, en hebreo--significa envestidos en dos personalidades: Noaj e única razón para vivir. La alegría viene de las “risa” Isaac. conquistas, de las batallas arrebatadoras Por Yanki Tauber de la juventud, pero finalmente de la auto- Noaj era un sobreviviente. En un mundo conquista que es la batalla más feroz y Al sonido del gong, expectantes desde una imbuido en corrupción, él permaneció más silenciosa de nuestra vida. ¿Conoce esquina del cuadrilátero, nos lanzamos a justo. Durante el Gran Diluvio, Noaj gente modesta, trabajadores silenciosos, una lucha con esto que llamamos vida. “¿A encontró resguardo en su arca, dentro con alegría interior? Éstos son los Isaacs este mundo nos trajeron? preguntamos de cuyas paredes prevaleció un idilio casi del mundo. arrinconando contra la soga a nuestros mesiánico. El león y el cordero moraron mayores. “¿Esto es lo mejor que pudieron juntos, bajo un mismo techo, la furia y la Hay muchas facetas en la palabra hacer? ¡Nosotros cambiaremos esto, violencia fueron contenidas. hebrea, toldot que significa descendencia, arreglaremos todas las cosas pendientes, producto, logros e historia de vida. El Rebe nosotros anularemos el mal, rejuvenecerá En la Torá, un nombre lo es todo: descifre de Lubavitch señala que hay dos Parshiot el bien, ya verán!” el nombre de una persona o de una cosa, (lecturas de la Torá) que comienzan con las y descubrirá su esencia. Noaj, en hebreo palabras; “Éstos son las toldot de...” ; una Así que salimos al ring y por diez, veinte significa “facilidad” y “tranquilidad”. La es la Parshá que empieza “Éstas son las años somos “explosivos”. Sufrimos, felicidad del retiro. Noaj, un ejemplo de toldot de Noaj” (Génesis 6:9), y la Parshá nos esforzamos, “agonizamos”, nos ello. que empieza “Éstos son las toldot de regocijamos con nuestras victorias, Isaac” (Génesis 25:19). La primera Parshá y, gritando de alegría, volvemos a la Isaac—Itzjak, en hebreo—significa que cuenta la historia de la vida de Noaj se batalla. Pero esto, claro, eventualmente “risa”. En el caso de Isaac, la conexión llama “Noaj”. La segunda Parshá que es la nos va agotando. Empezamos a notar con su historia de vida no está muy clara. única que se centra en la personalidad de lo insignificante de nuestras victorias En la superficie, él es apenas la figura Isaac, se llama Toldot simplemente. y lo profundo de nuestras agonías. exuberante que su nombre sugiere. De “Tómatelo con calma” nos empezamos a hecho, él es casi invisible: aunque sea ¿Qué nos está diciendo la Torá? La historia decir a nosotros mismos, cada vez más el más longevo de los tres Patriarcas, la de vida de Noaj se reduce solo a Noaj; frecuentemente. “¡Relájate!” Torá apenas nos dice algo sobre él. Hay pero la historia de Isaac es la historia un capítulo donde explica como su padre de la vida misma. Que el hombre puede Aprendemos a saborear los pequeños estaba preparado para sacrificarlo, un empezar la vida batallando, oponiéndose placeres de la vida. ¡Eh!, nos decimos capítulo de como el sirviente de su padre a todo y puede madurar en un Noaj, pero (y a la generación más joven, pero ellos encontró una esposa para él, y un capítulo eventualmente debe descubrir su Isaac no lo captan), ¡De esto se trata la vida de como su esposa e hijo lo engañaron. interior. realmente! “Encuentre su lugar, pague sus ¿Pero qué hace Isaac? cuentas, escuche música, relájese”. ¿Qué hay sobre la mujer? Con las mujeres Bien, nos dicen que trabajaba la tierra y la es la misma historia—sólo que no les De esta manera nos relajamos por diez, cosechaba—el único de los tres Patriarcas toma tanto tiempo darse cuenta. Las quizá veinte años. Y entonces, un día, nos que hacía esta tarea (Abraham y Jacob mujeres son “reidoras” naturales. damos cuenta que algo nos está faltando: eran pastores). Y hay una cuenta detallada ¡ya no nos divertimos como antes! Y nos de los pozos que excavó. preguntamos: ¿esto es todo lo que hay? Clases y Eventos ¿Si el punto de todo simplemente es algo Isaac nos enseña que, finalmente, la risa Clases en Espanol de paz y sosiego; nunca haber nacido, de la vida viene—paradójicamente— Porcion Semanal entonces habría sido bastante pacífico y del trabajo modesto. Si quiere biografías Rabbi Shea Rubinstein sosegado también, no? escritas sobre usted, conviértase en un Lunes 8:45 pm - 9:45 pm guerrero. Si está buscando tranquilidad, Tanya( Women) ¿Qué pasa luego? Nos podemos quedar hágase pastor. Pero si es alegría lo Mrs. Vivian Perez paralizados allí, al borde de una crisis a que usted busca, sea un granjero y Martes 10:45 am - 12:00pm la mitad de nuestra vida que se puede un excavador de pozos de agua. Are y 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village extender hacia el final de ella. O podemos siembre, perfore la ajada tierra de su Jueves 11:00 - 12:00 redescubrir la exuberancia de la vida, mundo para hacer florecer la vida de sus Call Vivian for details - 305.213.3202 desde en un lugar más profundo, más profundidades. Excave bajo la superficie Analisis de distintos temas basados en la Perasha propio que nuestra atropellada juventud. de su existencia, para explotar las fuentes Rabbi Shlomi Halsband de su deleite. Miercoles 8:30 - 10:00 pm Domingo 8:30 - 10:00 pm 31 PLEASE READ ONLY NETWORKING AFTER SHABBOS EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING

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CONTACTS AT THE SHUL 305.868.1411 Rabbi Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Ext 311 Associate Rabbi Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Ext 345 Rabbi’s Executive Assistant / CYS Ms. Lydia Hasson Ext 311 Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 305.992.8363 JLAC / Adult Ed/ Singles Rabbi Shea Rubinstein Ext 342 CYS College / Kolel Rabbi Dov Schochet 305.790.8294 Accounting Mrs. Geri Kelly Ext 341 Controller Mrs. Janice Barney Ext 318 Events / Offce Manager Ms. Milena Liascovitz Ext 328 Director of Events and Marketing Mrs. Devorah Leah Andrusier Ext 313 Youth Director Rabbi Shaykee Farkash Ext 329 SHUL GABOIM Operations / Maintenance Rabbi Shlomi Katan Ext 319 Reception Mrs. Mindy Natoli Ext 0 Mr. Andrew Roth Mikvah Mrs. Devorah Failer 305.323.2410 Mr. David Portnoy Pre-School Director Mrs. Chana Lipskar Ext 325 Rabbi Henry Eichler Sephardic Minyan Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli 305.865.4205 Mr. Ettai Einhorn Hebrew School / Editor Mrs. Aurit Katan 786.382.9006 Mr. David Ben-Arie Hashkama Minyan Mr. Lazer Milstein 305.349.3040 Mr. Seth Salver Mashgiach Mr. Mordechai Olesky 786.262.9115

BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOUNDATION TRUSTEES Sidney Feltenstein - Chairman Mike Izak Albert Pollans - President Michael Blisko Alberto Kamhazi Jaime Gilinski Simon Falic Shmuel Katz M.D. David Lichter Matias Garfunkel Leo Kryss Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Ambassador Isaac Gilinski Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Monroe Milstein - Treasurer Jaime Gilinski Lazer Milstein Max Gilinski Michael Perez BOARD OF DIRECTORS Saul Gilinski Ryan Shapiro Steven M. Dunn - President Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Sam Greenberg Claudio Stivelman Mitchell Feldman - Vice President Alexander Matz Abel Holtz Morris Tabacinic Rabbi Zalman Lipskar VP Development Lazer Milstein Eric P. Stein - Treasurer Ezzy Rappaport EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Joel Baum - Financial Treasurer Eliott Rimon Steven M. Dunn - Chair Evelyn Katz Dovid Duchman - Secretary Brian Roller Carolyn Baumel Seth Salver Devorah Leah Andrusier Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Max Benoliel Ryan Shapiro Janice Barney Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Boruch Duchman Michael Tabacinic Joel Baum Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Velvel Freedman David Wolf Maurice Egozi Orit Osman Eli Freund Henry Eichler Marc Sheridan Bruce Gelb Mitchell Feldman Daniel Sragowicz Ighal Goldfarb Daniel Gielchinsky Cynthia Stein Sam Greenwald Jacob J. Givner Eric P. Stein Jerrod M. Levine 33 DAILY STUDY A COMPLETE GUIDE TO ALL CLASSES AND COURSES OFFERED AT THE SHUL


The Rebbes’ Maamorim 6:20 - 6:50 am Daf Yomi 9:00 am In Depth Chumash 1:30 pm PHL 101 PHL-301 PHL-501 Rabbi Z. Lipskar TXT 220 Rabbi Dov Schochet TXT-110 Rabbi Dov Schochet (Men Only) (Men Only) (Men and Women) Daf Yomi 7:45 - 8:45 am TXT-220 Rabbi Dov Schochet (Men Only) Tanya - Sichos 8:00 - 10:00 pm Insights to our Torah Portion Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic 8:45 am PHL-322 Rabbi Shlomo Haltzband (Spanish) 8:45 - 9:45 pm Reb Shimshon Tzubeli (Men Only) PHL-120 Rabbi Shea Rubinstien (Men and Women) Chassisdic Discourses 10:15 - 11:00 am Women’s Study Group 8:30 - 10:00 pm PHL-322 PHL-510 Rabbi Shea Rubinstien TXT-110 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar (Men Only) Community Kollel (Men) 8:00 - 9:30 pm At the home of: Please call The Shul for (Monday & Thursday) LAW-154 details (Men Only)

WEDNESDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY Megillot - Men and Women 8:45 -9:30am TXT 121 Studies in the fve Megillot Rabbi Dov Schochet Parsha (Men & Women) Purposeful Prayer 11:00am - 12:00 pm 11:15 am - 12:00 pm TXT-101 - Rabbi Shea Rubinstein Women’s Torah Class 10:00 - 11:30 am TXT-501 Rabbi Shea Rubinstien (Men and Women) TXT-110 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Tanya Class In Spanish ( Women) Chassidic Discourses (Men & Women) Senior Torah Academy (Men & Women) 10:45 am - 12:00pm 11:30 - 12:30 pm 12:00 - 1:00 pm PHL-120 Mrs. Vivian Perez PHL-320 PHL-501 Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar TXT-120 Rabbi Dov Schochet or Rabbi Zalman Lipskar 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village (Main Sanctuary) Book of Judges - Years 2780 -2835 Tanya Class - English 1:15 - 3:00 pm Senior Torah Academy 12:00 - 1:00 pm PHL-120 Mrs. Vivian Perez Women’s Tanya Class (Spanish) Pirkei Avot ETH-101 Rabbi Dov Schochet 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PHL-320 Mrs. Vivian Perez (Men and Women) Spanish Kolel - Chassidus 8:00 - 10:00 pm PHL-301 Rabbi Shlomo Haltzband - (Men only) Call Vivian for details - 305.213.3202