16th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Control Systems ICALEPCS2017, Barcelona, Spain JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-193-9 doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2017-MOAPL04 SwissFEL CONTROL SYSTEM – OVERVIEW, STATUS, AND LESSONS LEARNED E. Zimoch, A. Alarcon, D. Anicic, A. Bertrand, R. Biffiger, K. Bitterli, M. Boccioli, H. Brands, P. Bucher, T. Celcer, P. Chevtsov, E. Divall, S. Ebner, M. Gasche, A. Gobbo, C.-E. Higgs, F. Hämmerli, T. Humar, M. Janousch, G. Janser, G. Jud, B. Kalantari, R. Kapeller, R. Krempaska, D. Lauk, M. Laznovsky, H. Lutz, D. Maier-Manojlovic, F. Märki, V. Ovinnikov, T. Pal, W. Portmann, S. Rees, T. Zamofing, C. Zellweger, D. Zimoch, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Abstract SwissFEL SwissFEL is a new free electron laser facility at the Paul A schematic drawing of SwissFEL is shown in Fig. 1. Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. Commissioning The accelerator is divided into an S-band injector, a C-band started in 2016 and resulted in first lasing in December main linac (divided into three parts) and an undulator line 2016 (albeit not on the design energy). In 2017, the com- called Aramis. The Aramis line will provide hard X-ray ra- missioning continued and will result in the first pilot exper- diation, in the wavelength range from 0.1 - 0.7 nm, to two iments at the end of the year. The close interaction of ex- experimental stations with the possible extension of one periment and accelerator components as well as the pulsed more in the future. The overall length of the machine (from electron beam required a well thought out integration of the gun to experiment) is around 720 m and the beam pulses control system including some new concepts and layouts.
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