
A Alvarez de Toledo, Juan (Cardinal Academy of the Elevati (Accademia Inquisitor), 247 degli Elevati), 199, 237 Amboise Conspiracy, 337, 338n17 Academy of the Filareti (Accademia Peace of Amboise, 374 degli Filareti), 199, 237 Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques, Academy of the Intronati, 223 289, 314, 360, 362, Adams, Tracy, 335, 343 362n13, 369–371, Affaire des Placards, 11, 100, 100n6, 369n26, 370n35, 371n38, 107, 176, 222, 266 375, 376 Agnes (Renée’s dwarf), 242 Les Plus excellents bâtiments de Alamanni, Luigi, 230, 231 France, 362 Alexander VI, Pope, 290 Angers, 36, 47 Alfonsino d’Este, 291, 293 Anguissola, Sofonisba, 301 Alfonso d’Este (Son of Laura Anna d’Este, Duchesse of Guise Dianti), 6, 302 (Anne d’Este), 293, 296, Alfonso I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, 2, 308, 320 13, 285, 301 Anne Boleyn, Queen consort Alfonso II d’Este, Duke of of England, 6, 51, Ferrara, 8, 271 134, 350

1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 385 Switzerland AG 2021 K. D. Peebles, G. Scarlatta (eds.), Representing the Life and Legacy of Renée de France, Queenship and Power, 386 INDEX

Anne de Bretagne, Queen consort of B France, Duchess of Brittany, 1, Baptism, 1, 2n3, 3–6, 3n5, 16 2n3, 3n7, 7, 9, 10, 13, 21–58, Barbaro, Marcantonio, diplomat, 352 70, 75, 80, 81, 86n21, 87, Basel, 106–109, 106n18, 107n21, 87n22, 194, 195, 202n40, 220, 107n23, 121n48, 268 220n3, 258, 260, 267, 290, 294, Bas-Poitou, 53 295, 301, 303, 314, 335, Beatrice, 200, 201 343, 381 See also Dante Anne de France, de Beaujeu, de Beatrice d’Este, 222, 303 Bourbon, Duchess of Bourbon, Beaune, Guillaume de, 36 2–4, 3n7, 3n8, 7, 13, 16, 22, 23, Beaune, Jacques de, Baron de 28, 38, 47, 52, 55, 56, 195, Semblançay, 26, 31, 33, 36, 58 197n23, 202n40, 210n71, 220, Beccari, Agostino, 232 220n3, 253, 255, 257, 258, 260, Belfore (Gardens), 228 267, 335, 343, 381 Belligni, Eleonora, 9, 13, 14, Les Enseignements à sa flle, 258 142n36, 142n37, 146n49, Anne de Montmorency, Grand Master 147n50, 255n22, 260n41, of France, Grand Marshal of 265n60, 268n69, 271n82, France, Constable of France, 102, 271n83, 273n87, 273n88, 129, 129n6, 130, 133, 138, 142, 274n89, 274n90, 145–147, 341, 342 360n3, 382 Anne de Parthenay, Madame de Pons, Belriguardo, 7, 14, 308–321 36, 37, 53, 119, 233, 235n49, Belvedere, 175–181, 182n47, 227 266, 292 Belvedere (delizia of), 226, 227 Anne de Pisseleu, Duchess of Bembo, Pietro, 168n3, 177–178, Estampes, 294n38 178n32, 187 Antoine de Bourbon, King of Navarre, Benedict, Philippe, 339, 340n24 263, 337n16, 341, 342, Bentivoglio, Ercole, 199, 239 352, 353n65 Berthon, Guillaume, 11, 12, 128n4, Architecture, 360, 365, 372 129n6, 135n21, 145n45, Aretino, Pietro, 207, 231 145n46, 147n51, 169, 169n6, Argenta, 233 173, 174, 179, 179n37, 181, Ariosto, Ludovico, 177, 187, 198, 181n43, 182n47, 184n52, 186, 222, 223, 223n8, 226n15, 227, 187n60, 198n26 228, 230, 231, 239, 239n60, Bertoni, Giulio, 128n3 287n10, 307, 311 Betussi, Giuseppe, 193n5, 208 Armagnac, Georges d, 315 Bèze, Théodore de, 9, 9n30, Astarac, Jacqueline de (Dame de 98, 98n2, 109–115, 117, Mailly), 30 117n40, 117n41, 122, 264, Astarac, Madeleine, 50 268, 333, 334, 334n4, Astell, Mary, 275 355, 375, 375n52, Auton, Jean d, 259 375n53 INDEX 387

Blaisdell, Charmarie Jenkins Webb, British Museum, 362, 362n13, 100n7, 102n12, 104n15, 122, 367n22, 376n55, 376n56 142n34, 142n37, 144n43, Brucioli, Antonio, 39, 40, 40n73, 146n49, 265, 344, 199, 203, 207 347n45, 360n3 Brunetto, Orazio (Horatio), 12, 193, Blois, 23, 52, 285, 287, 299, 314 207–209, 382n5 Château de Blois, 1 Brusantini, Vincenzo, 293 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 257 Budé, Guillaume, 42, 44, 259 De Claris mulieribus, 257 Bullinger, 269, 274 Bocchi, Achille, 318, 320, 323 Boghlat, Jean de (Renée’s almoner), 230 C Boiardo, Matteo, 223, 223n8 Calcagnini, Celio, 179, 180, 180n39, Bologna, 102, 114 223n8, 230, 231, 235n50, 237, Bolsec, Jérôme, 115, 115n39, 116 316, 318, 320 Borso d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, Calcagnini, Giulio, 199 307 Calvin, Jean, 8, 8n24, 11, 14, 97–99, Bouchefort, Jehannet de, 97n1, 98n2, 98n3, 98n4, 99, 100, 100n7, 118, 119, 104–122, 105n17, 106n18, 142, 144, 268, 269n74, 315 106n19, 106–107n20, 107n21, Bouchet, Jean, 259 120n47, 196, 196n19, 221, Boudon, Françoise, 362n13 234n46, 260, 264, 268, 269, Bourbon, house of, 195 271, 272, 274, 333–335, 334n4, See also Antoine de Bourbon; 335n6, 338, 343–347, 347n44, Charles de Bourbon; Louis de 347n45, 349, 351–353, 352n64, Bourbon; Pierre de Bourbon; 355, 373n44 Suzanne de Bourbon Calvinism, 260, 264 Bourdichon, Jean, 79–81 Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, MS Boussiron, Françoise de, 105n17, 159, 80, 86 119n45, 195n15, 197 Camilla Borgia, 300 Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeille, sieur Campani known as Strascino, 231 de, 56, 57, 193n5, 208, 334n2, Carafa, Gianpietro, Cardinal 337, 338 Inquisitor, 247, 267 Brasavola, Antonio Musa, 292, Carbonnier-Burkard, Marianne, 374 308, 316 Carnival, games, 226 Brasavola, Margherita, 197, 292 Castellani, Suor Girolama, 12, 193, Bretagne, François de, sire 204, 204n43, 206 d’Avaugour, 295 Castelvetro, Ludovico, 240 Briçonnet, Denis, 31, 35, 44, Castiglione, Baldassarre, 228 47, 293 Catherine de Bourbon, 261 Briçonnet, Guillaume, 31, 33, 39, Catherine de Foix/Navarre, 28 47, 48, 293 Catherine de Lorraine, Duchess of Brie, Germain de, 42, 44 Montpensier, 263 388 INDEX

Catherine de Medici, Queen consort 91, 136, 193, 194, 265n58, 286, of France, Queen Mother, 8, 191, 305, 383 229, 230, 260, 261, 336, Clavier, Etienne, 40 337n16, 338, 343, 375 Clement VII, Pope, 103n13 Catherine de Parthenay, 275 Cles, Bernardo (Cardinal), 318 Catherine of Aragon, Queen of Clouet, Jean, 4, 49, 50 England, 28, 253n14 Collodon, Nicolas, 268 Catholics/Catholicism, 7, 11, 15, 16, Colombe, Michel, 24 196–197, 199, 200, 200n34, Colonna, Francesco, 367, 203, 206, 206n54, 210, 221, 367n21, 373 369, 372 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 367 Cavalli, Ambrogio, 270 Colonna, Vittoria, 199, 206, 207, Cervini, Marcello, Cardinal 274, 287 Inquisitor, 247 Concours du beau tétin, 171, 180, 181, Cesare d’Este, 293 198, 231 Chantereau, Louis, 33, 39n70 Consandolo, 7, 58, 104, 196, 233, Chappuys, Claude, 134 241, 269, 271, 288, 360 Charles V, Charles Quint (Emperor or Cornazzano, Antonio, 299 Carlos I de España), 103, Cornillau, Jean, 101, 101n11, 118, 119n44, 134, 145, 146, 308 144, 147n50, 315 Charles VIII, King of France, 24, 80, Correspondence, 334–336, 338, 257, 314 344–349, 352, 353 Charles IX, King of France, 8, 338, Cortese, Giovanni Andrea (Cardinal 340, 353, 353n65, 354 Inquisitor), 247 Charles d’Alençon, 261 Counter-Reformation, 13, 192, Charles de Bourbon, Constable of 235, 243 France, 28, 28n31, 53 Court, ducal court, royal court, 333, Charles de Lorraine, Cardinal, 334n2, 335–337, 336n12, 334, 334n2 337n15, 339, 341, 343, 344, Charles-Orland, dauphin of France, 347, 349n50, 351, 352, 353n65 44n85, 48, 49, 80, 81, 86, 88 Crawford, Katherine, 338, 338n19 Charlotte de Laval, Dame de Cvetkovic, Cyril, 15, 383 Châtillon, 371 Cybo, Caterina, 274 Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 6 Cythera, garden of, 367, 375 Chatelain, Jean-Marc, 136n25 See also Colonna, Francesco Châtenet, Monique, 343n31 Chazal-Benoît, 31 Choque, Pierre, 27, 28, 31, 42, 44 D Christianity, 252 da Carpi, Girolamo, 286, 287n9, 292, Christine de Pizan, 259n35 309, 322 Claude de France, Queen consort of da Cortona, Domenico, 314 France, 1, 9, 21–58, 70, 79, 88, Dante, 201 INDEX 389

See also Beatrice Epistle, 167, 169–171, 170n9, Dassy, François, 305 170n10, 173, 175, 176, 178 Daussy, Hugues, 338n19, Epistolary diplomacy, 349–353 344, 347n44 Erasmus, 42, 44, 51, 52, 316, Defaux, Gérard, 128n2, 128n3, 129, 319, 322 130, 130n9, 130n10, 148, Ercole I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, 13, 167n1, 168, 170, 170n9, 298n64, 336 170n11, 174, 174n21, 179, Ercole II d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, 56, 179n36, 180n41, 89, 91, 142, 144, 146, 147, 177, 181n44, 184n52 192n3, 197, 200, 202, 219, 223, Del Piombo, Sebastiano, 286 230–233, 230n33, 234n45, 237, Della Frattina, Isabella, 274 247, 248, 255, 266, 273, 274, Della Palla, Battista, 39 290, 294n40, 298, 314, 382n4 Demoulins, François, 44, 48 Espeville, Charles d, 106, 108, 268 Diane de France, 295 See also Calvin, Jean Dianti, Laura, 291 Este (House of), 191, 194, 197, Diego (Spanish jester), 227, 243 201–204, 202n40, 206, 208, 210 Diplomacy, 343, 349–353 Evangelical/evangelism/ Dolce, Ludovico, 207 evangelic, 266 Domenichi, Lodovico, 203, 204, 207, 225, 239n60 Dossi, Dosso, 291n21, 291n22 F Doudet, Estelle, 136n23 Ferdinand II, King of Aragon and Dovizi, Bernardo, 223, 229 Castile, 2, 4 Du Bellay, Jean, 318 Ferrara, 36, 52, 56, 58, 128, 128n3, Du Mont, Charles, 136, 136n26 129, 131, 133–138, 141–143, Dufour, Antoine, 37, 299 142n34, 142n37, 144n42, 146–148, 146n49, 147n52, 168–183, 170n11, 174n22, E 182n47, 187, 253, 260, Eastern Orthodox Church, 254 264–271, 269n74, 273, Ebreo, Leone, 319 287–289, 287n7, 291, 296, 299, Eleonora d’Aragona, Duchess of 300, 304–307, 313, 314n127, Ferrara, 197, 204, 220, 297, 298, 315, 322, 336, 341, 344, 347, 300, 301 349n50, 352 Eleonora d’Este, 204, 292 Reformation, 266 Eleonora of Austria, queen consort of Ferrarese imbroglio, 11, 97–122 France, 6, 23, 191, 307 Feruffni, Girolamo (Ambassador to Elizabeth I, Queen of England, ), 100n8, 102 191, 222, 335, 336n12, 337, Féry-Hue, Françoise, 133n18 350, 351 Filles de France, 22, 28, 220, 221 Epigram, 178–181, 183, 185, 186 Fleur de Lys, 202, 203, 211 390 INDEX

Florence, 225, 239 Giraldi, Gianbattista Cinzio, Florio, Michelangelo, 222 12, 13, 193, 199–201, 201n37, Fontainebleau (Château de), 371, 372 201n38, 206, 208, 221–223, Fontana, Bartolommeo, 99n5, 100n8, 223n8, 225, 225n13, 226n16, 101n10, 101n11, 102n12, 114, 229n28, 230n31, 232, 233n42, 114n37, 265 234–243, 293 Fontana, Benedetto, 227n19, 228n22 Giraldi, Lilio Gregorio, 322 Fra Giocondo, 314 Goggi, Bartlommeo, 299 Franceschini, Chiara, 360n6 Gonzaga, Giulia, 274 Francesco d’Este, 228 Gorris, Rosanna Camos, 128n3, Francis Russell, Count of Bedford, 350 137n27, 142n36, 174, 174n21, François I, King of France, 1, 2n2, 174n22, 174n24, 198, 2n3, 3n8, 4, 4n12, 5, 14n33, 23, 201n37, 360n6 30, 35, 40, 44, 50, 50n106, 55, Grandi, Giulio, 247 58, 71, 128, 131, 136, 145, 146, Grands Réthoriqueurs, 259 194, 220n2, 223, 224, 228n22, See also Bouchet, Jean; La Vigne, 228n24, 230n32, 260, 266, 290, André de; Lemaire de Belges, 293–295, 303, 304, 305n102 Jean; Marot, Jean; Saint-Gelais, François II d’Avaugour, 50 Mellin de François II, King of France, 8, 333, Graville, Anne de, 51, 53, 54, 301 336, 338, 338n19, 341, 352 Gritti, Andrea, Doge of Venetian François de Lorraine, Duke of Guise, Republic, 315 6, 238, 354 Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 224, Françoise de Foix, Countess of 224n10, 237 Châteaubriant, 53, 294n38 Guiffrey, Georges, 129, 130, 135 Françoise de Rohan, Countess of Guillaume, Jean, 362n15, 371n38 Tonnerre, 48, 57 Guise, house of, 352

G H Gabre, Dominique du (Bishop of Habsburg, 12, 103 Lodève), 270 See also Charles V, Charles Quint Gaignières, François-Roger de, 137 (Emperor or Carlos I de Gambara, Veronica, 206 Espana); Maximilian I (Emperor) Garofalo, 309 “Hachette Hours,” Ireland, private Gaspard II de Coligny, Admiral of collection, 79 France, 334n2, 351, 371 Hall, J.T.D., 372n41 See also Charlotte de Laval Haton, Claude, 368 Genethliac, 138 Henri II de Navarre, King of Geneva, 105n17, 107n20, 108–110, Navarre, 261 114–116, 119, 121n48, 122 Henri II, King of France, 6, 7, 270, Giolito, Gabriel, 203 333, 343, 347, 347n47, 348, 353 INDEX 391

Henri III, Duke of Orléans, King of King Louis XI, King of France, France, 341 257, 258 Henri IV, King of France (Henri III, Kinship, 349–353 King of Navarre), 263 Krumenacker, Yves, 373, 373n43 The Heptameron, 261 Heresy, 142n34, 142n37, 144n43 Holy week ceremonies, 232 L Hudson, Robert J., 12, 14, 198n26 La Recepte veritable, 373, , 260, 261 373n46, 374 See also Protestants La Rochelle (Siege of), 275 La Vigne, André de, 259 Lansac, Jacqueline de, 305, 305n102 I Latremolière, Élisabeth, 361n8 Idolatry, 129, 143, 144 Lauro, Pietro, 322 Inquisition, 207, 207n59, 347, 353 Le Baud, Pierre, 23, 24n12 See also Roman inquisition Leblanc, Paulette, 130, 130n11 Ippolita d’Este, 296 Lefèvre d’Etaples, Jacques, 31, 33, 35, Ippolito d’Este, Cardinal, 222, 223, 44, 48, 51, 52, 259, 293, 314 228, 230, 230n32 Leli da Foligno, Gianantonio, 302 Ippolito II d’Este, 367 Leloup-Audibert, Huguette, 361n9 Isabella d’Aragona del Balzo, 294 Lemaire de Belges, Jean, 41, 143, 259 Isabella d’Este, 222, 227n19, 286, Lent, 11, 99–102, 112, 118 303, 304, 309, 320 See also Ferrarese imbroglio Italian Wars, 260 Leo X, Pope, 33, 222 Leonello d’Este, 290 Lestringant, Franck, 373n47 J Locus amœnus, 169, 175–181 James V, King of Scotland, 134 London, Christie’s, 20 November Jamet, Lyon, 199, 270, 315 2013, lot 56, 88n25 See also Ferrarese imbroglio Louis XII, King of France, 1, 2, 2n2, Jean de Parthenay-l’Archeveque, 2n3, 21, 24, 26, 27, 31, 42, 70, Baron de Soubise, 260 75, 87n22, 194, 290, 291 Jeanne d’Albret, Queen of Navarre, Louis XIV, King of France, 222 15, 261, 263 Louis de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, Jew, Jews, 196, 267 337, 337n16 Jouanna, Arlette, 334n2, 353n65 Louise de Montmorency, 263 Julius II, Pope, 31 Louise de Savoie, 3, 3n7, 7, 13, 22, Julius III, Pope, 248, 322 23n7, 24, 24n16, 28, 36, 39, 44, 47, 55, 57, 195, 290, 294, 299, 300, 381 K Louise de Valentinois, Duchess of La Kemp, William, 129n6 Trémoille, Luisa Borgia, 305 392 INDEX

Loyola, Ignatius of, 264, 274 Marot, Clément, 5, 6n15, 11, 12, 37, Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara, 39, 55, 57, 100–102, 101n11, 6, 129, 138, 197, 204, 220, 267, 114n38, 127–147, 167–188, 285n1, 290, 294, 298, 299, 196, 198, 198n26, 199, 222, 299n71, 302, 304, 308 231, 260, 268n72, 269, 270, Ludovico il Moro, 222 287n10, 313, 314 Luigi d’Este, 6, 294 Marot, Jean, 37, 38, 40, 259 Luther, Martin, 264 See also Ferrarese imbroglio Lutheran, Lutheranism, 99, 101, Mary Stuart, Queen of France, Queen 102n12, 119n44, 254 of Scots, 333 Lyon, 39, 55, 167, 174n22, 229, 230, Master of Claude de France, 4, 48, 76, 230n32, 287, 309 79–81, 79n15, 88, 90 Lyrical comedy, 228, 231 Master of the della Rovere Missals, 79 Lyricism, 182–186 Maximilian I (Emperor), 2 Mayer, Claude Albert, 128n2, 129, 130, 130n10, 134n20, 135n21, M 144n42, 144n43 Madeleine de France, 134 Mazzoni, Guido, 301, 314 Mailly, Antoine de, 30 Meaux, circle of, 39 Maison, 382 See also Briçonnet, Denis; Briçonnet, Manfredi, Lelio, 304 Guillaume; Lefèvre Manuscripts, 129–138, 129n6, 130n9, d’Étaples, Jacques 133n17, 133–134n18, 134n19, Meiss-Even, Marjorie, 360n4 134n20, 135n21, 135n22, Melanchthon, Philipp, 263, 264 136n26, 141–147, Mélançon, Robert, 130n12 145n46, 147n52 Merle d’Aubigné, Jean-Henri, Marguerite d’Autriche, 22–24, 36 98n4, 113 Marguerite de Foix/Navarre, 23, Messisbugo, Christoforo de, 305, 315 230, 230n33 Marguerite de France, Duchess of Michel de l’Hospital, Chancellor of Savoie, 45, 50, 51, 136, 192, France, 318, 320, 341, 342 207n59, 261, 286n4, 318, Michelle de Saubonne, Baronne de 341, 342 Soubise, 2n3, 11, 26, 30, 142, Marguerite de Navarre, d’Alençon, 142n35, 195, 233, 260, 292, 381 d’Angoulême, Queen of Navarre, , 40, 49, 303, 309 7, 9, 11, 13, 38–48, 51, 52, 128, Milan, Biblioteca Trivulziana, MS 134, 146, 195, 206, 263, 269, 2163, 75n11 272, 305, 309, 352, 381, 383 Modena, 227, 293, 308, 322 Marie de Luxembourg (Duchess of Modena, Biblioteca Estense Bourbon-Vendôme), 28n31 Universitaria, MS Lat. 614 = Marnef, Jean et Enguilbert de, 131n14 α.U.2.28, 69n1 INDEX 393

Mondovì, 240, 241, 243 O Montargis, 110, 120n47, 254, 255, Orléans (Estates General of, Siege of), 288, 304, 305, 339, 354, 355 337, 339–344, 349, 351, 355 Castle, Gardens, 8, 9, 15, Orléans, Jeanne d, 295 359–377, 383 Orléans, Souveraine d, 295 Montefalco, Sebastiano Ory, Mathieu, Inquisitor general of Clavignano da, 232 France, 270, 347 Morata, Olimpia, 195n12, 197, 199, 293 Morato, Pellegrino, 292, 316 P More, Thomas, 134 Pagazani, Xavier, 369n27 Morin, Dom Guillaume de, Paleario, Aonio, 241 362n12, 365n18 Palissy, Bernard, 373–375, Morone, Giovanni, 272 373n45, 377 Muratori, Ludovico, 113, 116 Panigarola, Arcangela, 40, 47 Panniers, Catherine de, 197 Papino, Girolamo, 270 N Paris, 227, 230n32, 236n50, Nantes, 24, 27, 36, 42, 58 303–305, 314 Naples, 298, 301 Bibliothèque nationale de France; Nascimbeni, Nascimbene, 199 MS lat. 9474, 79; MS lat. Negri da Bassano, Francesco, 222 18014, 87n24 New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Notre-Dame, 31, 33 Rare Book and Manuscript Pont Notre-Dame, 314 Library, MS 390, 87n24 Sainte-Chapelle, 87n22, 290 New York Saint-Germain-des-Près, 33, 35 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Parthenay sisters, 197 Cloisters collection, Album of See also Anne de Parthenay, Madame Flowers by the, 79n15; Master de Pons; Renée de Parthenay of Claude de France, 76, Pastorini, Pastorino de, 296, 323 79–81, 79n15, 88, 90 Paul II, Pope, 13, 232, 234 Morgan Library & Museum; MS Paul III, Pope, 103, 103n13, 104, M.50, 81; MS M.1166, 76; 104n16, 144, 146, 266, 269n73 PML 586, 88n26; PML Peebles, Kelly D., 141, 141n33, 78955/ChL 1513T, 88n26; 176n28, 185, 196n19, 208, PML 126016/ChL 1513R, 208n67, 359n1 88n26; PML 129150/ChL Pellettier, Jean, 270, 273, 273n87 1514M, 88n26 Petrarchism, 168, 168n3, 169, Niccolò d’Este (Duke of Ferrara/son 173, 182–186 of Francesco), 296 Philandrier, Guillaume, 315 Nicodemites, 199 Philippe de Luxembourg (Bishop/ Nobili, Francesco de, 231 cardinal du Mans), 31, 33, 35, 56 394 INDEX

Pichore, Jean, 37 R Pico della Mirandola, Ludovico, 295 Rabelais, François, 208, 222, 316, 318 Pieri, Marzia, 13, 200n35, 201n37 Raimondi, Marcantonio, 320 Pierre de Bourbon, Duke of Ramsen, Heribert Tenschert, Bourbon, 253 Antiquariat Bibermühle, Hours of Pietro Martire da Brescia, Claude de France, 76 Inquisitor, 268 Raphael, 320 Pius IV, Pope, 266 Reformation, 192, 193n8, 194, 256, Platform, 343, 347 260, 272, 274 Polizzi, Gilles, 373n46 Renea d’Este (Daughter of Alfonsino Poltrot de Méré, Jean, 351 d’Este/Daughter of Cardinal Pomatelli, Domenico, 296 Ippolito), 293, 295, 296 Pons, Antoine de, 291, 292 Renée de France, Renea/Renata di Pons, Jacques de, 305 Francia, Duchess of Ferrara, Pons-Parthenay (Family of), 374 Dowager Duchess of Ferrara, 7, See also Anne de Parthenay, Madame 191–211, 219–243 de Pons; Catherine de Madame de Ferrare, La Madama, Parthenay; Pons, Antoine de; 1–16, 21, 23, 48–51, 57, 58, Pons, Jacques de; Renée de 69–91, 98, 115, 127–147, Parthenay 167–188, 247–276, 285–323, Porto, Francesco, 267n68, 270 333–355, 359–377 Poyer, Jean, 79, 81 Testament of, 15, 16 Primaticcio, Francesco, 286, 286n7, Renée de Parthenay, 292 371, 372, 372n41 Rewriting, 130, 133–135, 138 Primer of Renée de France, 69–91 Richardot, François, 102n12, 118n43, Modena, Biblioteca Estense 119, 119n44, 120 Universitaria, MS Lat. 614 = Rigolot, François, 129n5, 130, 130n9, α.U.2.28, 69n1 183n49, 184n52, 198n26 Prisciani, Pellegrino, 223 Ringhieri, Vincenzo, 208 Protestants, 15, 199, 200n34, 361, Rodi, Filippo, 288 369, 371–375, 374n48, 377 Rodocanachi, Emmanuel, 8n23, 99n5, , 263 102n11, 114n38, 347n47 Protestant network, 334 Roman de la rose, 259 See also Huguenots Roman inquisition, 247, 270, 275 Public reading, 239n62, 241 See also Inquisition Rome, 222, 225, 231 Rouget, François, 136, 136n26, 180, Q 180n41, 183n48, 186n58 Querelle des femmes, 250, 253, Rouillé, Guillaume, 287 257, 261 Ruzante (Actor), 227, 228, 230 INDEX 395

S Studio, 223, 226, 235n50, 241 Sagon, François de, 131–133 Suchon, Gabrielle, 275 Saint-Denis, 27, 31, 33, 50 Suzanne de Bourbon, 38, 258 Saint-Gelais, Mellin de, 134 Saint-Gelais, Octovien de, 259 Salic law, 265 T San Francesco, 7 Tagliacarne, Benedetto, Théocrène, 40 San Pedro, Diego de, 304 Tasso, Bernardo, 194 Santoro, Giulio Antonio, 272 Tasso, Torquato, 191, 192, 192n3, Sassoferato, Olimpio da, 181 192n4, 224 Sauli, Caterina, 274 Terrence, 225, 233, 234 Scarlatta, Gabriella, 6n15, 12, 169n8, Teste, Jérôme, 370, 370n34 187n60, 193n5, 237n53, 382n5 Theater, 219–243 Scève, Maurice, 230 Thou, Jacques de, 334n2 Schaeffer, Otto, 373, 373n44 Throckmorton, Nicholas, ambassador, Schifanoia, 7, 231 14, 335, 336, 336–337n12, Screech, Michael Andrew, 338n17, 349, 350, 352 143n38, 143n40 Tillet, Louis du, 268 Selve, George de, Bishop of Rodez, Tinguely, Frédéric, 130n12, 143 102, 315 Titian, 291, 315 Serlio, Sebastiano, 230, 230n32, Tivoli, 367 314–317, 320 Tortorel, Jacques, 339, 347, 351, Seyssel, Claude de, 55 352n64, 355 Sicard, Claire, 133n17 Quarante Tableaux, 339, 340n24, Silent reading, 235 342n27, 355 Simulated celibacy, 247–276 Toussaint, Daniel, 15, 16n35 Sinapio, Giovanni, 234, See also Renée de France, 234n46, 235n49 Testament of Sinapius, Johannes, 105, 105n17, 106, Tragedy, 222, 224n10, 227, 106n18, 109, 119n45 234, 235, 237, 239, 239n60, Social status, 338, 347 241, 242 Solfaroli Camillocci, Daniela, 376n54 Tragicomedy, 237 Sonnet, 169, 181n43, 182–186, Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis, 271 183n49, 183n51 Trent, Council of, 240, 317 Sowerby, Tracy, 336n12 Trigollot, Joseph, 370 Sperandio (Savelli da Modena), 298 Trivulzio, Gian Giacomo (Renée’s Speziari, Daniele, 136n26 godfather), 1, 2n2 Spirituals, 192, 193, 199, See also Baptism 201, 204–210 Tuileries, 375 Stabellino, Battista, 307 Turias, Odette, 349n50, 359n2, 360n6 396 INDEX

U Wars of Religion (France), 8, 15, 192, Urbino, 224n9, 225, 233n43 255, 261–263, 275, 335, 339, 361–362, 374, 376 Welch, Ellen, 343, 343n31 V Widowhood, 344, 346 Valdés, Juan de, 269, 271, 274 Wieck, Roger, 4n13, 11 Valgrisi, Vincenzo, 322 Wilson-Chevalier, Kathleen, Valois (House of), 9, 10, 103, 202, 10, 14, 193, 339n23, 265, 266, 349, 349n50, 381, 382 343n31, 350n55 Variants, 127–147 Wursten, Dick, 11, 129, Venice, 42, 128, 129, 135–138, 143, 129n7, 131, 137n29, 142, 144, 144n42, 146, 302, 314, 143n38, 144n41, 144n43, 146, 315, 322 147n51, 186n58, Venus, 367 188n64, 196n19 Vighi, Giacomo, 322 Villamarina, Isabella, 274 Viola, Alfonso della, 228 Y Viret, Pierre, 9, 342n27 Yiu, Mimi, 342n28 Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro), 138, 187 Vitruvius, 314, 316 Z Zane, Bernardo, Bishop of Spalatro, 6n15, 12, 193, 201–203, W 203n41, 206, 208, 210 Walsh, Sebastian, 336n12, Ziegler, Jacob, 207, 316 337n12, 338n17 Zoppino, Niccolò, 231