October 31, 2019 Steven L. Pfeiffer
[email protected] D. +1.503.727.2261 F. +1.503.346.2261 VIA EMAIL ONLY Mayor Joe Benetti City of Coos Bay City Council Coos Bay City Hall 500 Central Avenue Coos Bay, OR 97420 Re: City of Coos Bay Land Use Application #187-18-000153 Jordan Cove Energy Project - Navigation Reliability Improvements Applicant’s Second Open Record Period Submittal to City Council Dear Mayor Benetti and Councilors: This office represents Jordan Cove Energy Project, L.P. (“JCEP”) with regard to City of Coos Bay Land Use Application #187-18-000153 – Jordan Cove Energy Project - Navigation Reliability Improvements (hereafter “Application”). The Application seeks approval of a zone change of approximately 3.3 acres of submerged land in Coos Bay from 52-NA to DDNC-DA zoning and permits to dredge a “Navigation Reliability Improvement” intended to facilitate more efficient navigation of vessels transiting Coos Bay. JCEP timely submits this letter, and attached Exhibit CBCC-8 in further support of the Application pursuant to the City Council’s first open period which closes October 31, 2019 and which includes the following: Exhibit CBCC-8: Technical Memorandum - Response to Comments – Land Use Application #187-18-000153 – ODFW Recommendation to Restrict In-water Work Window to February 1 (October 2019) which addresses the following issues: . Responds to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) recent communique to JCEP which proposes to truncate the in-water work window (IWWW) for the Application to February 1; Mayor Benetti October 31, 2019 Page 2 . The Technical Memorandum addresses ODFW’s error in relying on Yaquina Bay herring spawning data to apply to Coos Bay, and further cites the relevant Coos Bay herring spawning studies which support maintaining the current IWWW of October 1 through February 15; .