Public Hearinghearing
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YAQUINA RIVER ANDAND TRIBUTARIESTRIBUTARIES OREGON REVIEW REPORTREPORT TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC HEARINGHEARING Held atat Toledo, OregonOregon 27 AprApril i I 1965 !1j Ii IIIEIj PREPARED BYBY U..U.S. S. ARMYARMY ENGINEERENGINEER DISTRICT,DISTRICT, PORTLANDPORTLAND CORPS OF ENGINEERSENGINEERS JULY 19651965 1 YAQUINA RIVER AND TRIBUTARIESTRIBUTARIES OREGON REVIEW RRPORTREPORT TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC REARINGHEARING HELD IN TOLEDO, OREGON 27 APRIL 19651965 Prepared byby U. S. Army Engineer District,District, PortlandPortland Corps of Engineers July 1965 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Index of Participants ------------------------------------------ i Attendance ----------------------------------------------------- ii List of Exhibits Presented ------------------------------------- iv Oral Statements ------------------------------------------------ 1 23 ExhibitsExhibits------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- 23 PARTICIPANTS IN HEARING HELD AT TOLEDO, OREGON 27 April 19651965 NAME PAGE Colonel William J.J. TalbottTalbott 1 Alfred J. Jones 3 Bert J. Olin 5 Alan D. Anderson 6 Dr. MatthewMatthew CruberGruber 7 Walter D.D. Jaspers 8 Rollie F. Rousseau 9 Roy E. SamsSams 9 Ralph H. ImlerImler 11 Sid Knox 14 Thomas M.N. Lashbaugh 15 Edward C.G. DahlDahl 16 Claus Christiansen 16 Ralph MacomberNacomber 17 MattNatt Spellman 17 Thor Linden 18 ATTENDANCE AT HEARING HELD AT TOLEDO, OREGON 27 AprilApril 19651965 NAME ADDRESS Anderson, Alan D.D. Newport, Oregon Bates, Opal V.V. Toledo, Oregon Bell, Lowell G. Newport, Oregon Black, George 0. Portland, Oregon Breese, Wilbur P.P. Newport, Oregon Busher, Sylvester C.C. Toledo, Oregon Campbell, Don R.R. Corvallis, Oregon Christiansen, ClausClaus Toledo, Oregon Coxen, Betty J.J. Toledo, Oregon Dahl, EdwardEdward G.G. Toledo, Oregon Dahi,Dahl, LoreneLorene J.J. Toledo, Oregon Eggen, Harold A.A. Newport, Oregon Fieber, Dorothy E.E. Toledo, Oregon Gilstrak, Faye Harlan, OregonOregon Gilstrak, RalphRalph J.J. Harlan, Oregon Gruber, Matthew Toledo, Oregon Holt, Lavera Newport, Oregon Hooven, EdwardEdward F.F. Corvallis, Oregon Imler,linler, RalphRalph H. Portland, Oregon Jaspers, Walter D.D. Salem, Oregon Johnson, Mrs. HansHans M.M. Toledo, Oregon Johnson, Morris W. Toledo, Oregon Jones, Alfred iJ. Toledo, Oregon Knox, SidSid Seal Rock, Oregon Larson, Philip J.J. Newport, Oregon Lashbaugh, ThomasThomas M.M. Newport, Oregon Lawrence, Shirley A. Toledo, Oregon Lechner, Eula 3.J. Seal Rock, Oregon Lemmon, Walter I.I. Toledo, Oregon Linden, ThorThor Toledo, Oregon Maconiber,Macomber, RalphRalph E.E. Toledo, Oregon Macpherson, GordonGordon L.L. Waldport, Oregon Miller, Harry R.R. Logsden, Oregon Miller, Mike Siletz, Oregon Mitchell, Millie E.E. Toledo, Oregon Moffitt, David S.S. Waldport, Oregon Montgomery, RubyRuby E.E. Toledo, Oregon Morrison, GeorgeGeorge W. Toledo, Oregon Olcott, Gordon W. Salem, Oregon Olin, Bert 3.J. Toledo, Oregon OVerholser,Overholser, James L. Corvallis, Oregon Ralphs, H. H.H. Salem, Oregon ii11 NAME - ADDRESS Roberts, Alvin L,L. Toledo, Oregon Rousseau, Rollie F.F. Newport, OregonOregon Rymery, Harold W.. Newport, Oregon Sallee, ErnestErnest W.w. Newport, Oregon Sams,Sains, RoyRoy E.E. Milwaukie, OregonOregon Sanderson, Roy B.B. Beaverton, Oregon Scoville, Buell H.H. Toledo, OregonOregon Snow, Charles D. Newport, Oregon Speliman,Spellman, Matt L.L. Newport, Oregon Stoevener, Herbert H.H. Corvallis, Oregon Stone, William C.C. Toledo, Oregon Trevillian, Wilma R.R. Toledo, OregonOregon VanSanten, George E.E. Salem, Oregon Wimer, GeraldGerald W. Salem, Oregon i-li-iii EXHIBITS PRESENTED AT HEARING AT TOLEDO, OREGON 27 April 1965 Exhibit Presented by No. (Person or Agency) Page 1 Port of Toledo, Alfred J. Jones 23 2 Dr. MatthewMatthew GruberCruber 214.24 3 U. S.s. Public Health Service, Walter D. Jaspers 211.24 4 Oregon State Game Commission, Rollie F. Rousseau 25 5 Fish Commission of Oregon, Roy E. Sams 25 6 Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Ralph H. ImlerImler 25 7 State WaterWater Resources Board ofof Oregon 26 8 R. W. Harris, George W. Morrison,Morrison, Dee E. Henderson, Albert F. Nosack 27 9 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural StabilizationStabilization and Conservation Service, Lavera Holt 27 10 Edward G.C. Dahl 27 11 Virgil Folmsbee 28 iv RECORD OF ORALORAL TESTIMONY PUBLIC HEARING YAQUINA RIVER ANDAND TRIBUTARIES,TRIBUTARIES, OREGON Toledo, Oregon 27 April 1965 COL. TALBOTT: If everyone is all set,set, we will openopen andand followfollow nownow with this public hearing on the Yaquina River andand tributariestributaries inin OregonOregon for discussion ofof thethe needs,needs. andand desiresdesires forfor waterwater resource developmentdevelopment and general planplan ofof improvement.improvement. I am Colonel Talbott,Talbott, PortlandPortland DistrictDistrict Engineer of the Army's Corps of Engineers. I have withwith meme several people here who will help me keepkeep a good record of the proceedings today so that we will havehave aa completecomplete transcript ofof thethe hearing.hearing. Mr. Fred Ingram,Ingram, ChiefChief ofof PlanningPlanning in thethe Portland District; Henry Stewart, Chief of Basin Planning;Planning; Jerry Belian, who isis inin thethe back; Mr. Rice and Mr. ClossonClosson areare keepingkeeping aa recordrecord ofof thethe hearing. This hearing is being held to obtain and record anan expressionexpression ofof views of allall interestedinterested parties regarding potentials,potentials, needsneeds andand desiresdesires for water and related resource development inin the.areathe area drained by thethe Yaquina River. The Corps of Engineers has been authorized by thethe CongressCongress toto make aa review of past studiesstudies onon Yaquina River.River. Funds for initiationinitiation of thisthis review study have been mademade available by the Congress. This hearing isis the first stepstep inin thatthat review It is your hearing.hearing. I'll saysay thatthat several times in mymy introductory remarksremarks -- I want toto emphasize that it is your hearing. The work of the people inin thethe YaquinaYaquina RiverRiver with thethe Congressional delegation resulted in both thethe studystudy authorization,authorization, which was made inin 1947,1947, and the present appropriationappropriation ofof funds.funds. Your statements, as presented and recorded here, and you have twotwo choiceschoices ---- you cancan eithereither come up and sit in a chair and use this mike, oror youyou cancan standstand rightright atat the speakers standstand andand make youryour statementstatement --- - butbut II wouldwould appreciateappreciate it if those whowho havehave statements to makemake wouldwould put it into the microphonemicrophone to make sure we have a full record of the hearing. Your statements, asas recorded then, will be a guide to the Corps andand otherother cooperatingcooperating agen-agen cies in prosecuting the studies and this complete transcripttranscript of thethe hearing will accompany our report to the Congress when thethe studystudy isis com-com pleted. Before going further, I would like toto saysay aa fewfew words aboutabout thethe cards. Most of you have already received oneone ofof thesethese cardscards andand filledfilled it out. I'd like to have the cards filled outout byby everyevery person present to be sure we do have aa completecomplete recordrecord ofof whowho isis We also get your names and addresses, or whether or not you have anyany particularparticular statementstatement in case we later want to follow up by contacting someone whowho waswas presentpresent today. There isis room on the card to write a brief statementstatement if you do not wish to make an oral presentation, but you do have an opinion you'd like to explain. If you have notnot filledfilled inin thethe cardcard andand handedhanded itit in,in, please dodo soso Is there anyone here whOwho has notnot receivedreceived oneone ofof thethe cards? The flood control studies of the Corps of Engineers in the Yaquina River area began in 1936 under the authority of the Flood Control ActAct approved 22 June 19361936 andand anan ActAct approvedapproved 11 JulyJuly 1935.1935. A preliminary examination was made as prescribed by law and was reviewed by the BoardBoard of Engineers forfor Rivers andand Harbors.Harbors. On thethe basis ofof thatthat preliminarypreliminary examination, aa surveysurvey report was authorizedauthorized 2929 JulyJuly 1937.1937. On 26 December 19401940 thethe CorpsCorps submittedsubmitted thethe surveysurvey The Corps had investigated the possibilities of providing suitable protection to tidal areas in the vicinity of Toledo and on Pooles Slough but found that the cost of thethe necessary workwork wouldwould exceedexceed thethe benefits.benefits. The Corps did findfind thatthat protectionprotection ofof landland inin thethe MillMill FourFour DistrictDistrict werewere justified.justified. The plan provided forfor the closureclosure ofof Boones andand Nutes Slough by earth dams equippedequipped withwith tidetide gatesgates toto taketake carecare ofof interiorinterior drainage.drainage. As a result of these recommendations, the closures of Boones and Nutes Slough were constructedconstructed inin 1948.1948. The only work the Corps of Engineers has done in the area since that time is the 1955 emergency flood repair work to rehabilitate a levee and tide gate onon DepoeDepoe Slough.Slough. As requestedrequested by you and thethe Congress, when thethe reviewreview study