PoS(ISGC 2012)043

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E Taipei - Cheng National Department, MIS 

(ISGC on Grids and Clouds The International Symposium Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanAcademia 2, 26 – March 2012 February Taipei E Eric Yen Gr Sinica Academia Simon C. Lin C. Simon (ASGC) Centre Computing Grid Sinica Academia Grids and Clouds Activit Clouds and Grids

PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin on Initiative (VLSCI), which which (VLSCI), on Initiative


a has has thisa focused on extending network significant to a research s to establish a light path between the two countries and optimize the optimize the and countries two the between path light a establish to s

funded project providing at Melbourne aimed funded of life University the the at

- stralia Recently, Australi Australia has also seen the rise of several specialized facilities in high performance computing, such as the Victorian Life Sciences Computati extent (cf. Fig. 1). As part of the Australia's and New Zealand's joint bid between to part As New joint 1). and Fig. bid Australia's between extent the Zealand's of (cf. most the project of to Kilometer one Array, host Square the ambitious astronomy radio date, preparation underway. currently are existing network Fig. 1: Current infrastructure projects Fig. state a is with substantial are power. There number a also of sciences computing amounts of existingthe expansion an of to addition in country, the across emerging facilities other some attempt to black in not the an previously spots, of network reach were which serviced. bankruptcy of Australian in the 2006, major fiber optics company a the Following Australia's Academic and Research Network (AARNet) partnered up with another large large a resulted network, to secure which in this the portion of company fiber that Australia in cities major the between network fiber extensive an of establishment starting point wished the they whichever at to. speed This run marked the be of could backbone. 10 Gbps AARNet Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 1.Au PoS(ISGC 2012)043


the and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin

nd computing high performance general


ustralian Government project, conducted as part of the Super Science initiative and Science initiative part Super and the conducted as of Government project, ustralian Fig. 2: Timeline of the ongoing infrastructure extension infrastructure ongoing of the Timeline 2: Fig. 2011, In the eResearch landscape in Australia underwent a major change, after 2), to opted makewhich in structural some adjustmentsresulted government (cf. Fig. Collaboration National the of Resources (NeCTAR) creation eResearch Toolsthe and dollar, million 47 a is NeCTAR of Melbourne. the University by led is that project A is NeCTAR by the of The Educationobjective to Fund. facilitate financed Investment i the since tools applications research of and remotely use collaboratively, to work and partners. conducted in with cooperation other usually facilities. Australia is also currently funding a nationwide data storage fabric, which is is which fabric, storage data nationwide a funding also is currently Australia facilities. 20 PB site. of 2013, four five per or By sites proposed to with have capacity a looking able be to will facilitate infrastructure built research newly the andprovide researchers projects. their Overall, powerfor computational substantial amount of with the a sizable infrastructure for amount has a investment, with seen of funding country's it in put will which dollars, Australian from million ranging 22 toindividual 80 projects position to to provide good solida a infrastructure researchers. Asia Federation Report Federation Asia number substantial projects Australia of a underway, With intends to large achieve a infrastructure There by 2013. current expansion the of are plansto have teams working locations in software several as well tools, as on metadata to laboratories provide virtual to underpin cloud some workflows, progress, in and fabric examples eResearch of a specialized the of addition to expansion the PoS(ISGC 2012)043

as a ect storage. and Eric Yen


hentication and Simon C. Lin


nd of projectsnd of within nextexpected the are 12 months. ry, 48 eResearch Cloud 6 Research Node 48 eResearch Tool, and proposals.ry, of As gaps and have a transformative impact in their respective research areas. Fig. 3: Organizational structure of NeCTAR 3: of Organizational structure Fig. highly programs need into (cf. Fig.3). the for is Realizing four NeCTAR devided reliable infrastructure for hosting core eResearch services, such as aut around need the which NeCTAR service, available access clock, is to be currently which the Server Program, provides server robust national National funding a infrastructure. As the central part of the infrastructure, the Research Cloud acts discipline any research any researcherfor at in any institution, designed cloud, service NeCTAR Cloud is The expected to widely use. which free to live in be went Research 2012February with a 4176 total of cores and several hundred terabytes of obj of that barriers the entry Research of the some can down aim of Cloud The is to break observed in traditional infrastructure. spread help To usually eResearch itsbe use, to cre designed Virtual isthe funding program, NeCTAR also Laboratories communities already supporting that are and funding eResearch by exemplars for high in quality NeCTAR conducting eResearch. The of pillar fourth engaged is the thatTools Program, sponsors softwareprojects Research fill which help development existing Asia Federation Report Federation Asia For Request substantiala process, Following Proposal (RFP) received has NeCTAR including 21 round, first the during fromgroups research and universities response Laborato Virtual its process negotiation stage contract 2012, the final for first reached the has March first second month. to the withround start a The round, results following scheduled from the first rou PoS(ISGC 2012)043 and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin


s on how to annotate their data or to data s information on how annotate their with end science. -

facilities and expertise to support Square Kilometre Array (SKA) (SKA) Array Kilometre Square support to expertise and facilities

metadata so that it can be shared; (2) the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure which urban (AURIN), to of resource improve understanding created Network the was develop the through management ment and use of multifaceted research infrastructure; (3) the Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI), which currently has proposals the substantial amount evaluation storage; (4) a Pawsey to and procure data under of has hostingn and under of constructio new that is primary currently the Centre goal supercomputing research and other high Asia Federation Report Federation Asia Other current projects include: (1) the Australian National Data Service (ANDS), a of reuse workshops the increasing at project metadata withaimed ongoing mature research data by educating researcher PoS(ISGC 2012)043

ger Science rid is is rid and Eric Yen

Science. - performance performance - year plan in 2012, the year re, also the as known

Simon C. Lin -


pported by the Ministry the and Science the largest of currently Technology grid Ministry and by pported n . As China has entered the second the of its five twelfth entered n China. China has As year system in China. The objective of the initiativeobjective the PFlop supercomputing in is of China. The to develop system this top system. On of integrate these into grid and supercomputers grid a systems high- made and being also to efforts are develop computing grid system, theIn recent years, great efforts have been made toward the development of e- i of sustainable the is development committede to supporting government China in 2002, the initiative (CNGrid) grid is national Grid the National Launched su disciplines. applications incomputing selected (GOS) System Operation Grid theCNGrid of Architecture 4: Fig. illustrates of CNGrid figure the above structure The the middlewa of system, Agora form the (GOS). and core Operation Grip the are System Grid which security service the and management. for resources three them are topresponsible On of and grid High Gateway data Computing the the namely (HPCG), Performance systems, deployed at system. few past the Over the been GOS has workflow CNGrid the years, supports high application on several 10 sites and grids. It heterogeneous UNIX, multiple as such and Windows. platforms, and CNG computing Linux the through the public with enabled. Users only HTTP port can connected network special browser, various through such web clients, resources grid a or client access as CNGrid client. 11 sites acrosscurrently has GSML lar China, in addition few to a Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 2.China

PoS(ISGC 2012)043

rid, the the rid, and Eric Yen

bilities of up up of bilities he he first of phase Simon C. Lin performance environment, grid -

scale high -

7 called ChinaGrid, called which Chinese by the is funded -

scale sites to be integrated into CNGridscale sites integrated currently to soon. CNGrid be - s. Examples of current applications supported by CNGrid flu bird s. Examples applications include current by of supported ng, magneticng, and hydrodynamics. supports about 230 services to approximately 1.500 users with major to 230 services the either supports approximately about users institutes research at community computing scientific the or industry the from coming universitie and drug screening, car safety design screening, simulations, tunnel construction safety car analysis, Carlo Monte drug sand design storm physics, aircraft aerodynamics, simulations, weather computational forecasti Fig. 5: Distribution CNGrid China of sitesFig. across storage, of power processing 2200 TB of and 430 TFlops than more 11 sites provide The PFlop three with so the is system grid Another Network Education China of Education on the Research andMinistry and based CNGrid. pilot supported is a also application T by (CERNET). It grid large a of establishment the entails ChinaGrid Asia Federation Report Federation Asia by centers anduniversitiescenters computer operated supercomputer several and institutes. research

which has resulted in the creation of a grid system covering more than 20 key of than in system the more resulted a 20 key has creation grid which covering capa the The computing encompasses country. grid throughout universities supports storage of a up to the and 180 TB. already also capacity toIPv6 16 TB It deployed environment network be on CERNETandnetwork can 2, the in China. IPv6 include Processing applications Bioinformatics Grid, the G Current the Image Grid. important Massive Processing the Another and application Grid CFD Information PoS(ISGC 2012)043

elfth elfth and Eric Yen

xpand the

Simon C. Lin onal links have been linksonal have emy of Sciences (CAS).

8 performance grid centers; (3) increase the number of 2 site with support the CAS. of The site grid currently IHEP -

rovides free educational VoD services Grid, services educational VoD free 22 on provides Line which year plan. However, been plan. secured. for time the beyond The not has funding year yet - ch is reflected by a high rate of availability and reliability. About a millon jobs were were jobs millon a About reliability. and of availability rate high a by reflected is ch established with ORIENT/TEIN3 in Europe with in America. ORIENT/TEIN3 in Europe established North and 2011, GLORIAD In more than 1 PB of data from the experimentLHC was exchanged. Over the past few years, IHEP has been able to ensure very stable operations of the site, whi ATLAS CMS for number in the completed jobs 2011, while of completed amount to 570,000. part by the as currently financed of are ChinaGrid tw government the and CNGrid five WLCG the smoothly of from to support the due operation HEP site is going CAS. Plans operates 112 nodes (about 900 CPU cores) and 640 TB of disk 112 nodes 640 of storage. runs and (about TB gLite operates 900 CPUIt cores) but in to plans the future.middleware, on to move EMI Internati Fig. 6: Map High Energy Grid Physics of (HEP) inFig. China Physics is by the 6) coordinated in High Energy China Grid (cf. Fig. The (HEP) Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Acad IHEP is also a WLCG Tier Asia Federation Report Federation Asia - On is Course the of university students by that across be ChinaGrid China. The servers accessed can universities key 20 300 college include courses than from more resources video and than total is disciplines. more The 8000 average hits the length many and hours daily amount to 5,000. 2011, the phase second was ChinaGrid to are In goals (1) of launched. e Its scale of ChinaGrid; of build (2) - scale high the technologies advance key of enforce the grids; (4) campus ChinaGrid; (5) second the CGSP; of more of deploy applications development phase (6) on ChinaGrid; organizations. establish ChinaGrid (7) management PoS(ISGC 2012)043 and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin


rently being developed to build a larger and and developed computing being rently for comprehensive to build larger system a Asia Federation Report Federation Asia desktop and computing, at volunteer cloud computing are toIHEP integrate grids cur physics. energy high PoS(ISGC 2012)043 and Eric Yen

in the country. in the country. Simon C. Lin tecture (GARUDA) grid is

India network, providing a unified a network, providing India - performance computing clusters located

10 eraflop higheraflop - t -

at Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad with fourteen of the partner institutions Chennai, partner the with of and fourteen Bangalore, at Hyderabad also Fig. 7: Network (NKN) Map National the of Knowledge Fig. The to Access Resources Using Distributed Global Archi and scientific academic, together brings and initiative computing national grid India's their communities data intensive forand developing computationally research projects partner include in collaborationapplications with 60 institutions. International and caBIG. All resources approximately and 600 institutions are EGI across India the through 10 speed a network with toconnected high plans Gbps increase institutes 2015. to 1,500 by participating GARUDA currently uses three 4 high speed network backbone all knowledge institutions related speed network for high its 7), wide coverage (cf. Fig. NKNhigh of are geographical advantages Major high capacity, high reliability. and scalability, Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 3.India pan is Knowledge (NKN) a National The Network PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen


Construct - ensemble forecasts

and Simon C. Lin - ng ng and analysis as well as e developed, - developed, grid e hous speed network, the or Internet.

11 rug Discovery has project, than rug which more (OSDD)

ntly GARUDA infrastructure on the running is the grid g technologies, architectures, standards, and and applications architectures, standards, well g technologies, as

based data storage is used for maintaining repositories, storage indexing of is for while used data course based - throughput virtual screening. Depending on the data intensity of Depending on the throughput screening. virtual intensity submitted the data jobs, nnected is co 20 additional and DAC, 40 than to more with to labs plans connect having access to distributed computational resources and storage and to This distributed resources access computational capacities. having - - RM number has teamed large on GARUDA also to up with partners collaborate a of research and engineerin maintains GARUDA of resources. aggregation tocurrently the to contribute as It than academic with more institutionsand 50 research partnerships centers 8 in 17 cities, of C supports eleven virtual by 2015. laboratories research user currently more in It India the to the 2013. number of end intends tocommunities 20 by increase and applications the of curre One has which was ChemoinformaticsOSDD and Community, 400 users about initiated by operates the (CSIR) in Research under It and India. Council Scientific the of Industrial for Open D the Source of umbrella users together 130 countries. computer from than Bringing more 5300 registered to the chemistry progress in fieldand discovery, the science drug make of uses GARUDA mini Community forChemoinformatics data high high NKN,- either are a connectedusers through Prediction in Protein- Structure an (PSP) The project, splitting processed application is an Concurrent PSP in by jobs bioinformatics. code are into parts. molecule protein the multiple This overlapping Devide Asia Federation Report Federation Asia resources. more power The than totalcontributing reached computing has 6200 CPUs, is space 220 TB. The whereas storage the to 70 teraflops, isequivalent which supercomputers PARAM Yuva at Pune and PARAM Padma atBangalore are also available if users require more resources. for the possibility of is the of used reduction in for a complexity, allow possibility to achieve approach larger enable of and molecules. concurrency, processing the application Class uses major Room is which Collaborative the Another (CCR) project, resources to support high like storage,quality distributed video computing power grid professionals, Working laboratories. on virtual based transmission simulations and other educationaland stakeholders to of benefit students, expected teachers institutes are from in located institutions academic since to India, significance particular of is project remote areas of the country do not have sufficient access to educational resources. GS downloaded and can be which material after is material words, the based on key course lectures throughout for used India. to scientists prompted has that area research major another is modeling Climate implement the Seasonal Forecast Model (SFM) on GARUDA to make ensemble models different performed the simulations using to several assess after forecasts, were of been models. to has make these framework accuracy A developed services. supports uses existing storage the middleware and GRSM data using It grid for 40 km to resolution of 40 km. a PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin uler so that applications sched - being written for for written is paper being now A . to mere time reduce the simulation 24 days

of 12

om nuclear reactors. This is particularly important, since since important, particularly is This reactors. nuclear om eep the temperature below the specified limit. Due to an increase nitial estimated time estimated nitial

espite an i d her areas of collaboration include: (1) the Indian Cancer Grid; (2) protein Grid; protein of (2) the folding areas Cancer collaboration (1) include: Indian her an increase in heat extraction makes the generation of electric power less expensive. However, the generation of electric power has to meet certain safety standards, which k to ability the includes in available resources, CDAC and wereZN able to three days Asia Federation Report Federation Asia nuclear aimed of project reactors at is recent simulation safety the the Another of fr extraction heat the studying can be run run be across both infrastructures. can

publication. Ot and (3) technology; and caTissue; transport security using caGrid the workflow, analysis Memorial Tata the at system based a caTissue on of establishment the biobanking (4) Hospital in Mumbai. and Center the include priorities current grids, international with interoperability the for As EGI, and such and as gLite GARUDA of technical components the of integration meta Gridway the of customization the as well as Globus PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin range (up to one week) -

resolution predictions. - the height of the of volcanic plume. height the


rediction domain, predict the distribution the rediction of domain, predict ution of the fromution the changed input of 1° with was data . The WCPL is planning to extend its weather forecasts forecasts to extend its is planning weather WCPL The . Science applications. -

meteo.itb.ac.id n for the tropical belt domain Its is another research area of theWCLP.

epuluh Nopember developed the Nopember Educationepuluh developed Higher Network Indonesia Science activities for several disciplines. currentlyITB focuses on areas such Science. In 2011, the resol the 2011, Science. In Local predictions use a grid resolution of 3 km, which requires a large amount predictions resolution of a a requires 3 km, use Local which large grid - ly require a significant amount of computer memory and CPUly computer and require cores. amount of memory significant a er toer and inforecasting research common platform collaborative establish a for http://weather. Science activities in Indonesia began in 2006 when the Institut Teknologi Bandung Bandung Teknologi in 2006 when inScience activities the began Institut Indonesia - e Mada of and of Gajah together University with University (ITB) Institut Indonesia, S Teknologi resources of in universities limited several the availability Despite have Indonesia, e initiated library. digital a of establishment and the ves, initiati grid desktop forecasting, weather as Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 4.Indonesia joined the ITB later, few years A National first the in NREN (INHERENT), Indonesia. grid wider the to integration regional assisting of goal the with project EUAsiaGrid moting pro e and infrastructure is to only currently home the meteorological (ITB) Bandung Teknologi The Institut institute in Indonesia, where weather forecasting remains one of the major research areas in e- an interval of 6 hours to 0.5° with an interval of 3 hours, which translates into a larger into to 3 6 hours of of translates larger interval which interval hours, 0.5° with a an an forecast Experimental weather latency. same the volume with roughly download extensions use the tropical belt as a p of data storage and processing storage power. and data of volcanic ash,and assimilate radar data for local high and Climate PredictionWeather The Laboratory (WCPL) at usesITB computational on quick dispersion research ash to conduct forecasting up toresources volcanic 24 of to used are volcanic eruption.a enable rapid after hours Computational resources processing of available satellite data in near real time, calculate the trajectory of the volcanic ash using the PUFF model and estimate These calculations are of particular importance to ensure an accurate and prompt the of determination the as such measures, mitigation hazard of implementation evacuation area in case of a volcanic eruption. The predictio tropical with weather whole area to the are prediction provide objectives for downscaled resolution middle horizontal 27 km that isa of grid for suitable weath tropical weather forecasting usingWRF the model. There are plans to increase the grid these simulations resources in future. the However, grid resolution to 9 km using general radar assimilation of prototype data made a being also system to are develop for Efforts transfer in bandwidth data near the for forecasting, large requires weather which local time. real The weather forecast for the Java region is available to the general public at PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin Agency), (Indonesian of LIPI Agency), Institute HERENT is used to build the nationwide is to build used nationwide the HERENT

14 rid rid community in Desktop computing Indonesia. echnology, grid system administrators and users as and as administrators users system grid echnology, n the indexing process, and storage, and currently are indexing process, n the iative has organized an event on desktop on desktop event grids withan a hasiative organized

Sciences), Ministries Education the well of as and CommunicationSciences), as and Informatics. format, in digital a resources library for system a is management Library Digital The text, data. includes audio IN which and video universities with other across Digital Network Indonesia Indonesia. Library universities to other technology in to extend will its grid Indonesia, continue efforts ITB raise awareness of the grid grid infrastructure to access the enable and applications, its encourage development the individuals the and of to propel help resources, interested will planned being currently are that Activities applications. and grid infrastructure grid development t on the focus grid of WCPL increase the the of Other desktop include plans as resolution of well grids. applications to adapt preparations GDL Digital the for As Library, experiments to 3 km. which can assist on grids, i to run underway. grids are of particular importance to Indonesia due to the lack of high performance to high particular performance of due of are importance to lack the Indonesia grids Participants resources. included from delegates seminar computing the BMKG of Geophysical and Climatological (Meteorological, the GridDesktop Init Last year, of objectives the The discussions, on mini and focus workshops. group seminars on desktop cooperation knowledge grids, establish a is to Grid foster Desktop Initiative g a form and IDGF, and ITB between Asia Federation Report Federation Asia the of whole increase the or and tonine to resolution grid Indonesia cover three of oncomputational depending availability kilometers, the resources. PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin Science. "RENKEI" means -


federation and federation with ID management systems. management with ID federation and federation he goal of the project to the is of goal he middleware utilize to develop scIence (RENKEI) is a research and development project on -

h focuses on different resources. The first group focuses on computing resource first The focuses group resources. on different h focuses the development of new technologies of development the e middleware for E liNKage for REsources 8: Overview the project of Fig. RENKEI of 8), middleware (cf. Fig. four for each currently has groups development RENKEI whic that middleware to application with goal develop the allows and hosting federation whereas middleware, second the group using to different submitusers jobs to resources specializes in file sharing and file catalogue federation aimed at enabling unified access The middleware. different catalogue resources through file using to and systems files on databasefocuses third group is dedicated one of fourth programming to development application The the interfaces middleware. the is evaluation different the responsible and fifth A for for grid group of this building project. for is testbed support. in the also charge community It Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 5. "federation" in Japanese.T operational applications, as and such databases, infiles, different resources, The middleware. localas with machines such and environments, grids different currently are infrastructures interoperability mu ltiple grid for standards among room but much improvement. still Grid (OGF), for leave in Open Forum the discussed PoS(ISGC 2012)043


and Eric Yen

POP at somePOP - Simon C. Lin


mentioned testbed was used for number testbed purposes, research mentioned used a of was which of one - middleware. As for file sharing, RENKEI developed a distributed RENKEI file a As sharing, file system for developed middleware. anage the physical location of files, so users can query the file catalogues to eloped, one of one system aimed job which submission eloped, enabling workflow at is a in a N is used to network the nodes together. nodes the is toN network used The federation of file catalogues is another major research area. File catalogues are used to m there numerous are since different However, locationfile. the requested the of determine file catalogue systems, users cannot query multiple file catalogues in a single query. named Gfarm, which grants users at remote sites access to the file sharing system. sharing file the to access sites remote at users grants which Gfarm, named focuses on computing resource federation and file sharing. Two software kits software were Two federation file on computing and resource sharing. focuses dev other job is a The one scheduler middleware. to work different resources single using HPCBC, which interoperability on OGF standards, as with such features also based different Fig. 9: Composition testbed RENKEI the Fig. of above The Asia Federation Report Federation Asia by as of well operated as number institutionsresearch a is Japan currently testbed The in 9). institutions problem US partner that (cf. Fig. the One was and inseveral Europe but service, resources level supercomputer in production institutionssome offered task. research the veryresults proven difficult deploying has a supercomputers on such RENKEI named of service deployment in appliance the Thisan resulted sites, making it easy for quantities large of research datain the supercomputers of location. utilized to be Data another at organizations research and universities various is developed This being nodes. retrieved transmitted be and technology between can resources software and 3 SINET3a using Globus layer Toolkit Gfarm, like the and VP PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin

17 ibuted database server is currently located at the National ientists at the University of Vienna, Austria to enable access to to access enable Austria Vienna, ofientists University the at abase federation.The goal is to allow for a unified, easy access to a article Therapy Simulation project and the Human Cell Model Cell Model Human the and project Simulation Therapy article

o developing an an (API) programming foro developing application multiple interface POP is the appliance used used is middleware appliance evaluation the for and deployment within POP -

Fig. 10: (UGI) Universal Grid User Interface Fig. RENKEI is als This developed using Gridis User Universal Interface being the infrastructures. grid provides code which application in the to Python, developers write allows which (UGI), interface, OGF standard. the words, can other developers In interface for the SAGA middleware programs on various can than run without application kinds grid of develop implemented been examples applications of that have Two additional modifications. using UGI are the P project RENKEI to developers hostingVM allowing application service, a project. offers RENKEI the It is dat focus Another Web, implementations, XML, RDB, as such variety databases of with different large on search been breath collaborating and has engines.a analysis RENKEI gas RDF, sc medical with project several databases with varying implementations.This project has succeeded in distributed, heterogeneous environment a collaborative database to support a providing only distrThe workspace. are (AIST) in Japan, but there Technology and Advanced Science Industrial of Institute toplans establish additional sites in Europe. Asia Federation Report Federation Asia new a file of system, which catalogue on RNS,development OSF is an standard, based aims at standardizing OSF interfaces and offering users a single interface that can be locations. catalogues various to different access at used PoS(ISGC 2012)043

- scale - and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin tributed computing computing tributed her supercomputer centers, supercomputer enabling her ect promoted by Ministry ect by Education, promoted of POP has alsoPOP been deployed at the - level dis level performance whichperformance includes computing, level operations scheduled level scheduled for November operations

18 UBAME 2.0, RENKEIUBAME rcomputer at the University of Nagoya, Japan, and uses Japan, and University RENKEI the rcomputer at Nagoya, of

ations on VMs running on the supercomputer sites, in addition on thesupercomputer to running VMs a ations on performance shared storage service, based on Gfarm 2 and based shared service, on 2 and performance 10 Gbps a storage Gfarm network - POP to share and visualize the simulation results after transferring the data. These These transferring data. visualize the and after to simulation share the results POP results can then be accessed from anywhere. orderIn to share and analyze genome data TS supercomputer on the production of - with launch the infrastructures the integrated operation of the K computer operation computer K with integrated the ot the of 2012. high plasma running project is space currently A Authentication GSI. on is based connection. simulations supe on a the Japan. and National Genetics, Institute of Technology of Institute Tokyo High Performance the will be also for project used RENKEI the Some of results proj national a (HPCI), Computing Infrastructure establishing aims at a (MEXT) in Japan. It Technology Culture, Sports, Science and high- infrastructure for distributed computing machines. supercomputers to K user from the access and computer seamless Large first the also is This supercomputers. the among shared be will systems storage project- that focuses production on government Asia Federation Report Federation Asia their applic deploy PoS(ISGC 2012)043

- hance and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin speed network for speed network for - bit encryption. Other

Ns. is notIt affected by r a wide range of research Culture (Digital Culture and and Culture (Digital Culture - ust Federation and became and the ust Federation ies in Malaysia. This will become become will This Malaysia. in ies term availability of the infrastructure. infrastructure. of the availability term -

19 cture (OnDIRECT), which will further en demand rich learning.demand rich for of goals media Important ity to enhance tospeed network enhance dedicated connectivity and uplift the autonomy, had a soft launch. MYREN also offers a range of of a range had soft launch. offers also a MYREN autonomy, -

ves include the provision of virtual servers, identity and security services, and security and provision and services, the include identity servers, ves virtual of essors and 8 GB RAM of memory and will offer 50 GB of disk 50 GB of storage to 10,000 RAM will and offer essors 8 GB memory of and fic region. education sector while exploring the research capacity and capability of the Malaysian education and research sectors. MYREN offers a dedicated high similar and to other education andresearch RE is connected since behavior users their itnot of and does number in like the fluctuations the Internet, online games, Twitter, as such to services, commercial Facebook, access provide applications current videosThe cove radios. and streaming areas, such as computational science and engineering,e Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 6.Malaysia (MYREN) is in Education March 2005, Research Network & Malaysian the Launched aimed at enabling high Certification Authority (CA) for Malaysia. As of 2012, Malaysia of As has an March seen Authority Malaysia. (CA) for Certification 20 to number the raise to plans with six to sites, two from sites grid certified of increase of number universit current the equals sites, which researchers in the first phase MYREN respectively. 2 will also facilitate access to more Asia and andeducation entities the research U.S., the China, Japan, Korea in Europe, Heritage), and office automation. office and Heritage), is network 2010, its itsApril characterized by 2, which MYREN successor advanced In architecture and greater that under cloud the MYRENCLOUD, private of community a services umbrella cloud relies on the availability of MYREN2 as a dedicated private network, single entity long to the and and governance e subscrib policy ManagementAccess 2012, the Federation and Malaysian During Identity ISGC was inducted Asia(MyIFAM) as member a Pacific to the Grid Policy Management Tr (APGridPMA) Grid and Authority International in Malaysia. infrastructure computing distributed the of part MYREN On the for activities 2 include Proposed Demand Infrastructure for Research Collaborative Education and Infrastru video virtual collaboration for services will collaboration offer and international the VideoBridge, individuals between sites, 158 concurrent at groups meetings or portal on- and sharing video uCAST MYRENCLOUD will be to ensure secure data services, including a data fabric system for storing research data, a data transfer service, a database hosting service for 256- implementation the of and efforts, research collaborative objecti are OnDisk collaboration Preparations and services. to establish OnVM currently web includes which with Quadcore installation servers dual the 1,000 virtual of underway, proc Paci Associate Professor Dr. in 2008, the project is by led a Biruni Center Launched Grid the at (iDEC) Development the Centre Suhaimiof Director Napis, InfoComm the on of has Malaysia. Putra technical work development focused the University Its PoS(ISGC 2012)043 and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin

20 FOAM. generation sequencing and comparison and genome sequencing illustrate generation -

nfrastructure that serves as the grid foundation for scientific research. Deployed Deployed research. that serves for foundation scientific grid the nfrastructure as in outreach its its to 2 willMYREN promote purpose continue educational regional extensionfurther of A to countries and Cambodia such Myanmar. as Laos, efforts is centers also munity intended. and com libraries hospitals, ministries, all to 2 MYREN the to as intensive computationally RAM analysis, transition intensive single run from a sequence approximately data 200 of of data, makes and which produces raw GB 7.5 GB the use of MYREN necessary to move the data. Other applications cover graphic/image scre Open CFDen - and using rendering Asia Federation Report Federation Asia i medical and informatics. cheminformatics concentrate bioinformatics, on applications Research topics such as next PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen erature of

ia the Internet Simon C. Lin

term research activities and field f Mongolia,f connects all aimag (orand 21 (or county) centers . The number of of . The number mobile county) phone centers (or

urrently, the three major operators, Railcom, three major the Mobicom, operators, Gemnet, provide and urrently, Fig. 11: connection Map backbone current the of Fig. Internet and universities Mongolia, out different In at carried research being activities are The (MAS). MAS of Academy Sciences institutes Mongolian various the consists of of 22 research institutes and centers, which are located at six different locations within a up to 17 km. of distance the institutes the of centres Mongolian and in universities Mongolia, different Unlike Sciences have of multitude on history, information archaeology, collected a Academy of lit biology, language and natural resources, botany, geography, paleontology, the which are long the - Mongolia, of result to important vitally it is information, this to access public to grant order In investigation. create an integrated computer database and disseminate the information v publishing. electronic and of Mongolian providing has the been Academy 1996, the of Since Informatics Institute Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 7.Mongolia The over last five has the rapidly of advanced development Mongolia The years. ICT thousand network over fiber of thirteen of telecommunications kilometers cable optic covers all of Ulaanbaatar, the capital city o province) centers someand centers province) 151 sum over in has 2.3 millions. all sectors used of reached subscribers is widely Internet social and development Mongolia. of economic C total connectionis connection in bandwidth Mongolia. The wholesale Internet services 12 Gbps.

PoS(ISGC 2012)043

he and Eric Yen Science

- nsortium, ch.

6 July 2011 in -

Simon C. Lin

ociety (OKDE) in Asia" for SGC), organized

Intensive Science andIntensive Science applications and - ps, Fiber backbone). ps, Fiber Science. However, the Science. However, use cloud of - erence was held on 4 21 October 2011. 21 October

6 July 20116 July in Ulaanbaatar. - 22 technology, biotechnology producingtechnology, and natural - 5 October 2011 on Dr. Lin's initiative. 2011 on The workshop Dr. 5 October Lin's rs On" held on 30 October 2011 in , 2011 in On" held rs China and on 30 October Beijing, ) Computer Science Mathematics School the of and the at trained professionals, which makes it necessary for for which itMongolian trained necessary makes professionals, -

Science in Asia", one section of the conference. During the conference, - ed the the ed scholars attention of as and as MAS well institutes, universities ISP various 2012 in Taipei. ISGC

scientists to participate in international research projects. projects. research international in participate to scientists production of natural medicine has been developing rapidly medicine been Mongolian has universities at natural of production Mongolia's institutions. economic impedimentsare major research situation Two and well shortage of a and of was the Grid" consortium named founded Mongolia's A under "Mongolian guidance organizations: Agency, the following the consistsEnergy of (1) which Institute Nuclear of Informatics, MAS; (2 the Mongolia; of (3) Telecommunications University and of National Institute of University Technology. Science and Mongolian Technology the at Information Council Conf (SCA) 11th Science Asia The of computing has become an urgent necessity, as Mongolia is located in Mongolia is as located active seismic an an become necessity, has urgent computing in research t nanotechnology, biotechnology, recent Asia. Central zoneIn of years, the Memorandum of Understanding for Research Understanding for of the between Memorandum Cooperation the e In In recent years, research of nano institutes. science in and Mongolian rapidly universities is developing medicine in resear successfully physicists participating have been LHC Mongolian to promote only begun recently has e Mongolia the presided of over Science Academy 2011, the Sciences Mongolian Mongolia. In Sciences, of Mongolian the request At the of Dr.Council Asia. Academy of Simon Lin, (A Centre Computing Grid Sinica the Academia of Director e "Developing Sciences Sinica Grid of Mongolian Academia the of and Group Academy Working The signed. showing its memorandum was very results started first Centre Computing workshop its instance, after a signing. on e shortly For Asia Federation Report Federation Asia Sciences with electronic mailingand Internet service. Over 600 computers are to the 15 Mb current (speed of connected network member the 2011, a became Pacific the of Neighborhood of In Informatics Institute Sciences from of Mongolian the Consortium delegates attended Two (PNC). Academy Co the Neighborhood Conference of and Annual Pacific the JointMeetings technology organizedwas on 3- technology attract the with 90 participants. from than delegates Three companies, more totaloperator of a Conference 2012 attended TELDAP of the Academy Sciences Mongolian International and in held Bangkok, were on 19- which Thailand, Mongolian the (ICSU), Academy of Council Science member the of a As International of Sciences also sent delegates to the conference "Data- Discovery – CODATA 45 Yea this of organization. member a become to willingness its expressed and successfully side organizedKnowledge "Workshop the Mongolian on Open The for Environment Education S Research, and Data Innovative Council on 4 Science the of International PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin site as system administers system administers as site l channel to link the l channel Centre Irkutsk ance openness and access to scientific h of the Russian Academyh of the of Russian Sciences.The

23 19115/19119/19110, while extensive testing and and extensive while testing 19115/19119/19110, - ernational standards for metadata, such Dublin as metadata, ernational standards Core, for speed communicationa -

1998, and ISO - 001 - year joint project on the establishment of an integrated information and integrated joint an project establishment of on the year STD - - for the educational grid, which is based on gLite 3.2, while six students are scheduled to educational on scheduled the is six based for which 3.2, while grid, gLite students are summer in 2012 the school. participate A three in network Mongolia's cooperation institutions research of technology is ongoing still of Branc Siberian Centre the with the Irkutsk creation integrated the information at is an technology aimed of and project research to the institutes support interdisciplinary the of at centers infrastructure and AcademyMongolian of Sciences as well as to enh The Sciences community. of Academy the for global Mongolian the of information There MAS costs 70:30. the the of and the ratio using of a Centre bear project Irkutsk are also plans to lease a high Asia Federation Report Federation Asia Academywith the collaborates Sciences also of Information Mongolian The of Research for Joint inNuclear the Dubna, Russia,Laboratory on Institute Technology the from National teachers Two system. educational an of establishment the grid being are on- trained Technology of Mongolia andUniversity with the Institute of Informatics later this year. The Irkutsk Centre will bear the the bear will Centre The Irkutsk this year. later of Informatics the Institute with expenses of the lease. configuration of the comprehensive catalogue are also currently being carried out. Mongolian the information to of the metadata is resources added being At present, Academy of Sciences using int FGDC PoS(ISGC 2012)043 and Eric Yen

. To help help . To objectives: (1) (1) objectives:

to life science and Simon C. Lin destruction shaped area - Science Grid (PSciGrid) was funded -

established two leading research institutions, institutions, research leading two established 24 ing of ing of horseshoe a Fire,

Infrastructure. Grid called Pacific R Advanced ScienceInstituteTechnology (ASTI)and serves as Science infrastructure in the Philippines, enabling collaborative infrastructure in Philippines, the collaborative Science enabling - -

performance computing resources and applications - nowhere in found theelse half . Many nowhere than 52,000 species world than with more ore National Biotech Institute in 1979 and the Philippine Genome Center inthe Center Biotech 2009, both National Genome Philippine the Institute in 1979 and ASTI. with collaborate which of conserve the biodiversity, government the conserve by the Department of Science and Technology. As of March 2012, preparations As of Department March Technology. the of Science and to by submit proposal a for second phasea The underway. are program had two e national a establish to local institutions; research among educational and research seamless to provide (2) access to high Earth sciences. The reasons for selecting these focus areas is mainly based on the geographical location consists which Philippines. country the Southeast Asian 7,000 islands, of about The of are aligned along the so The is earthquakes eruptions. by its of and area large number volcanic characterized major a are 12). area sciences research by Fig. (cf. struck typhoons frequently also Life home biodiversity hotspot. Philippines mega The a are status to Philippines' as the due to m of these species are endangered and threatened by environmental Asia Federation Report Federation Asia Philippines 8.The inEstablished the 1987, the research and development institute on andICT microelectronics of the Department operates in Philippines. manages the the and Technology National Science and of It Research NetworkNational and Philippine 2011, the to January 2008 June e From PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin

25 orresponding cold phase, La Niña, in 2011, which which in 2011, Niña, orresponding cold phase, La

Fig. 12: Map of the 2010 and 2011 Pacific typhoon Pacific season 12: Map 2010 the of 2011 Fig. and ic 2010, El Niño, phase, warm ocean a In resulted in an increase of the surface temperature of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean and high airsurface pressure in the typhoons record of was a Pacific, caused low in number which the the also that western followed c El Niño was by a year. triggered a decrease of the surface temperature of the eastern Pacific and low air surface pressure in the western Pacific.The extremes of this climate pattern's oscillations cause extreme such weather, as regions world, the of among droughts, in many floods and on most fishing the countries are and developing dependent agriculture which affected. in dollars billion several and fatalities of number substantial a in results usually This damages. Asia Federation Report Federation Asia PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin


prone areas

tive volcanoes located on the Philippines tends to vary between different tive volcanoes Philippinesdifferent on the between to tends located vary - and tsunami faults ctive raints. raints. Fig. 13:Fig. A the Eurasian two tectonic and located the Philippines between plates, PhilippineThe are On number country. of across the earthquakes large This a causes 13). Plates (cf. Fig. magnitude a while 5.0 event peres day, seismologists detect 20 earthquak average, to This very tsunamis the susceptible from area the makes month. once per occurs Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. The Asia. in Southeast (cf. active illustrates the volcanoes below map 14) Fig. The ac of count 21 to between range estimated definition, but on their isinstitutions generally depending only 5 dueactive monitored volcanoes currently being are to resource to 25. However, const Asia Federation Report Federation Asia has weather stations, developed three stations, tsunami 80 automated warning and ASTI flexibly. deployed be can that systems monitoring field PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

anography rtified production Simon C. Lin used to be 6 to be used computing ity, and the University the of University the and ity,

: (1) boosting Grid computing using computing using Grid boosting : (1)


Fig. 14: Map of active volcanoes in Southeast Asia 14: Map active volcanoes of in Southeast Fig. There are two projects under the PSciGrid program technological boosting and hardware social (2) and technology; reconfigurable consists sites, of PSciGrid network The three bioinformatics for research. capabilities ASTI as theAteneo central de site, Manila the Univers which sites connects also the to network, the the link physical for The Philippines. partner other community research sitesand in Philippines,international the is provided Governmen Network and Philippine the t Education Research, by Information (PREGINET). 408 51 consists 51 nodes, high facility of (HPC) performance cores, computing ASTI’s with 16GB/24GB 300GB/500 RAM nodes disk of GB and of space node computing per There in storage capacity. TB and capacity 30 in computing middleware operation ROCKS the system: using and the gLite 5.2.2 for clusters nodes), cluster (6 meteorology the (8 sandbox the cluster cluster nodes), bioinformatics EUAsiaGrid the collaboration EGEE nodes), (EGEE ce (2 and cluster The nodes), (7 nodes). virtual nodes), 1 (16 2 (13 andcluster) cluster cluster virtual AutoDock), BioBoost, Bioinformatics (BioRoll, include installed applications Progeniq (WRF and MM5), Meteorology Oce(SPECFEM3D), , RegCM, Seismology (SeaDAS). Since last these clustersyear, have private beenASTI’s cloud integrated into of As physical into the one. infrastructures Nebula on Open that is 3 to based merge the the 2012, 17 nodes of of in integration operation, rest already the are while March this later year. be completed to scheduled is clusters Asia Federation Report Federation Asia PoS(ISGC 2012)043

Eurasia depth - and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin

28 ing the SPECFEM 3D in August 2010, theing SPECFEM in 3D sembly (PRAGMA). It also has international ties ties international has also It (PRAGMA). sembly

her FPGA applications, as well expandas visualization FPGA her proposal for phase 2. PSciGrid for will proposal phase Meanwhile, continue Pacific Advanced Network (APAN), and the Trans the and Network (APAN), Advanced Pacific -

nstitute, PAGASA (Weather Bureau), UP National Institute of Physics, UP UP of Physics, Institute National UP Bureau), (Weather PAGASA nstitute, day talk in the Philippine Genome Center. talkday Philippine Center. in the Genome - Several trainings were conducted, includ on programmers senior ASGC in- for in collaboration workshop with is a which simulation. SPECFEM propagation Other application seismic wave of 3D for usage Philippine the Forum 2011, Computing include inactivities Grid 2008, 2009 and and Portal 2011, in February Warehouse on UPLB Biotech training Data one an the of member institutional an and EUAsiaGrid of member contributing a is PSciGrid As Middleware Grid Rim and Pacific Asia Grid, the with PANDA Network 3 (TEIN3). Information Science UPLB International Rice Biotech, Marine Institute, UP include: users Current Research I Seismology), and Manila (Volcanology Department, PHIVOLCS Computer Science Development Corporation. the and Energy Philippine Center, Genome Observatory, There are plans to develop ot by impeded which limitation a is physical currently of capacity, data and computational Government Philippine the with PSciGrid of integration also the will This year space. Data Center and the program and research technology to grid support, advocate and universities promote to local communities. Asia Federation Report Federation Asia the system, Rocks and uses middleware Cluster operating for PSciGridAs the currently Progeniq (BioRoll, Bioinformatics gLite. include 5.2.2 and applications Installed (WRF , RegCM, Seismology Meteorology (SPECFEM3D), ck), AutoDo BioBoost, MM5), and Oceanographyfacilitate (SeaDAS). accessTo to the resources, a job available on the developed and was made Internet. PSciGrid submission for portal PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin Asia VO is to share - IN2P3 from France and and from France IN2P3 -

Asia VO was preceded theby - Asia VO. nd Vietnam have expressed their interest - e

29 Beijing a Beijing - Beijing is currently also considering the establishment of of establishment the considering also currently is Beijing - ional at threesites, namely KISTI, CC

Asia Virtual Organization (VO) was in 2011 Virtual successfully deployed Asia (VO) Organization October level grid services to the ALICE Grid. It is funded by the Ministry of of Ministry the by funded is Grid. It ALICE the to services grid level Asia VO as members. IHEP bility and availability with and two 15) bility (cf. Fig. availability minor exceptions in August and ation (KISTI) has served as an official Tier2 site for ALICE experiment, offering nths, which equals a 0.62% contribution to ALICE in terms totalcomputing contribution of to ALICE 0.62% a equals nths, which computing resources to make them accessible to multidisciplinary scientific projects projects scientific to multidisciplinary accessible them to make resources computing joined March Asian of As have scientists other countries. 2012, 106 users of and France- joining of KEK in Japan. newly KEK the of of deployed goal joining France The Fig. 15: KISTI Accountability of CREAM andFig. reliability The France- is fully funct now and Japan disk total 8 (cf. Fig from of of providing a and KEK 16), 25,000 CPUTB cores VO migration to France The the FKPPL of storage. and applications accessdrug of deployment to the in it astronomy in having for discovery, respectively. IHEP Franc the to contribute to at IHEP site grid a Education, Science 2011, KISTIAnd Science to level was maintainEducation, able Technology. high In a of relia site and to respectively. problem due March reorganization, of monitoring As a October nearly 35,000 jobs past been the month processing has on average for 2012, KISTI per six mo job execution. Science and of Technology WLCG the in Korea MoU 2007, the signing Since Institute Inform - production Asia Federation Report Federation Asia Korea 9.South PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

silico drug silico drug - Science - Simon C. Lin munications (CPC). spite some recent cuts in estbed for for e estbed ands of QCD jobs to be run on the on the jobs QCD run to of be ands s a consortium of 14 high- consortium of s a

Asia VO include: (1) in (1) include: VO Asia

Byeong Lee from the National Cancer ationally intensive simulations relevant to to relevant simulations intensive ationally - -

ollaborative effort is also aimed at allowing allowing at aimed also is effort ollaborative 30 color Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) Quantumcolor ChromoDynamics class computational science research.The is target to ment docking of simulations, of with hundreds Asia VO sites Asia - Federation has been established recently, after the KISTI

scale deploy 2011 Geant4, GATE 2011 Medical GATE Grid Applications”and for Tutorial Geant4,

Japan NAREGI - 45 participants from 15 institutes in Korea and 7 and with 45 participants 15 institutes infrom held Seoul in in October Korea was lecturers from France, the US, Japan and Korea. named workshop “ A Korea The t is a up set RENKEI 2012. site was inNAREGI January Infrastructure based on NAREGI middleware to ensure seamless usage between local coud This remote c and grid and resources. in 2007 and and funded by KISTI, for internally Partnership Leadership Launched the (PLSI) Supercomputing i Nationwide Infrastructure in HPC Korea. is distributed goal computing tocenters establish a performance Its environment for- computing world 140 HPC De across by linking centers Tflops Korea. 400 reach computing by capacity of Tflops 100 has around established PLSI already its funding, 18 computing high sites dedicated - 10 partner at combining resources through performance networks. Korean scientists resources the 3 supercomputer. toand KEK Korean access Tsubame simulations in theoretical physics in collaboration with Prof. Seyong Kim from Sejong Sejong from Kim Seyong Prof. with collaboration in physics theoretical in simulations which thous or includes hundreds University, several with job 10 days. published each taking about 2011, were grid, on in two papers - In Medicinal discovery (BMCL) and in Bioorganic the Chemistry & Letters silico drug on the one QCD Comanother Physics simulations in Computer Asia Federation Report Federation Asia thousands of potential chemical compounds against viruses; (2) Geant4 against Geant4 potential chemical compounds applications thousands of (2) viruses; for Se Dr. with collaboration in physics medical (3) and two- treatment planning; cancer Fig. 16: Map current of France Fig. on the running France currently Applications Chonnam National in Kim collaboration from Doman withUniversity, Prof. discovery which entails a large- comput at aimed in Korea performing Center PoS(ISGC 2012)043

on and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin

a service 1 distribution in April 2011, with versi 2011, April 1 distribution in -

2 in April features 2012, which publishing 2 in - 31

s and is also of in charge data registration and the design of the metadata is an EMI metadataAMGA catalogue software that has been developedAs at KISTI. AMGA files provides to metadata for distributed grid. access on the AMGA such, released EMI the 2.1.2 was of version part as of released part toEMI be as 2.3 scheduled Asia Federation Report Federation Asia Fig. 17: The use of AMGA as Belle metadatII AMGA TheFig. 17: use of and information support for Nagios enabled and SL6 in BDII, monitoring, the service session wider held to audience, a training was ina Lyon, AMGA promote To Debian. been adapted has in use for AMGA last Forum year. Technical EGI the during France, being behind experiment driving adaptions. force a these BELLE the with KISTI II Group the of part Belle as computing II Working Data the Handling is leading KISTI activitie schema for Belle PreparationsII. to set up and operate the Belle metadataII service at currently underway. are KEK PoS(ISGC 2012)043


o the o the 1 - - and Eric Yen

The e Science - based - Science. Another - Science

- Simon C. Lin ocial sciences and

Infrastructure to keep - Science development with an grids. This incorporat concept also grids. -

Science to advance human collaborations advanced research and international - 32

cific region, ASGCcific hasregion, been able to reach the Pa -

Science applications. For WLCG alone, this translates alone, intWLCG applications. For Science -

Science. - ntegrating new technology to allow the e the allow to technology new ntegrating demand use. All resourcesdemand use. are integrated and managed by the grid with - nnection and the other links has become a top priority. nnection top links priority. and become a other has the

e is the development of a new generation of the distributed computing distributed computing new the is of development a generation the e of Pacific region. ASCG has also been participating in the global grid the global in participating been also ASCG has region. Pacific performance performance well intelligentcomputing as ensuring operations as through upport of flexible computing models by integrating service service integrating and desktopgrid, models by flexible grids, of upport computing - - PU cores and 1,110 TB of disk storage are allocated as a separated pool of allocated are separated diskTB a of storage as resources 1,110 and PU cores Center since 2005. As such, it has been conducting and and e such, conducting As fostering it been has 2005. since Center e infrastructure and distributed computing Academia Sinica The Grid Computing Center (ASGC) has been the WLCG Tier operations and as well infrastructure development as the inthe of the collaborations Asia with scientific the closely communities,WCG working and joining knowledge. By e developmentASGC through sustainable human explores topics of objectiv infrastructure and related technologies. on e ASGC focuses its of overall part strategy, As Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 10.Taiwan emphasis on lifeemphasis science, earth sciences, environmental change, s high energy physics in an effort to support physics in an effort energy high distributed computing the conducted infrastructure. collaborations through to is maxi development, designed important area, core mizeInfrastructure another performance, automation operation operation minimizing costs, while and availability, i includes which disk TB of and storage, ASGC 4,688 CPU 4,400 dedicates cores, 2012, January of As WLCG, tape including of libraries infrastructure, TB to worldwide the grid 4,000 EGI, e and EUAsiaGrid, evolving, such as merging distributed with clouds such merging as evolving, the s high the of part integral an forms also outreach and Dissemination monitoring. intelligent promotion broader overall e a implementation strategy of and for ASGC’s EGI, WLCG, Collaborations international and as concepts. such withregional projects, the fundamental are drivers for continuous WeNMR, CHAIN, DEGISCO, and EMI, e of development handling of 33,300 jobs per day or 33,300 jobs or of day 1 million High- about handling per month on average. jobs per environmental applications science, includes computing, which inperformance earth 1,984 diskTB of storage. HPC, up 5,000 CPU 120 and takes change cores and another C for flexible on integrated into flexible being worldwide the to technology grid provide on- cloud theASGC upgraded networks dema across nd resources services sites. and Last year, to 10 connections, connected are within Ethernet clusters Gb center some its while data DDR 10 Gb InfiniBand, seamless the through so QDR, the between integration and Ethernet co of 13 PB than inbound and ASGC transmitted more has lasttwo the years, Within of availability in to high the reliability and Due networks WLCG. for outbound traffic Asia the U.S. the and Europe, (cf. Gbps 18). Fig. speed of 11 traffic maximuminternational PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

of the the of storage Simon C. Lin

tem and a power its at tem and power generator a disposal. Pacific region Pacific - 33

of 1.6 of GB/s. rk nodes nodes rk is 2012, the servers, still and storage early ongoing. February In Science networking in the Asia in theScience networking 0 GbE network, tuned the Castor and DPM performance, merged the ATLAS ATLAS the network,0 GbE DPM merged and Castor the tuned performance, - ce costs, improve its energy saving properties, early saving warning and enhance and itsce costs, improve energy Asia Federation Report Federation Asia automation systems. In terms of the storage system and data management, ASGC management, data system and storage the of terms In systems. automation the after installation right bandwidth of large density withdisk a array higher a deployed the new 1 Fig. 18: e Fig. maximize performance, to ASGC for priority ongoing an been has optimization System redu storage class with DPM, as well as evaluates and deploys distributed file systems.The various nodes well work as system, particularly between optimization computing the of as between wo Castor systemsASGC’s reachedCMS access a to new peak speed of 4 GB/s on five storage servers after their tape libraries reconfiguration, whileATLAS access to the reached a speed The monitoring. intelligent on operations through focused ensuring ASGC also has the applications information the is and to system, services, to on the gather purpose ions the of limitat potential and efficiency of resource range threshold the identify respective system. It also enables the establishment of early warning mechanisms to the This of monitoring data the includes critical potential failure of services. the prevent tracking the and power consumptionregarding center energy, to save job data transmission to ensure optimal execution performance, networking, system and services. other and grid in is the now data largest center ASGC’s terms data throughput, of capacity In data and power sys aASGC has also backup Taiwan. Uninterruptible protects (UPS) these only Supply most Power the systems However, PoS(ISGC 2012)043

- - -

scale - and Eric Yen

—the , is costly and and , is costly Simon C. Lin Science infrastructure and - scaledata analysis, flexible on - process of result analysis (cf. Fig. protein docking. GVSS docking. portal protein - - , or virtual, or screening Bank (PDB) in(PDB) its system, Bank presented Enabled Virtual Screening Service (GVSS)

change research, social sciences and high 34 based distributed infrastructure, thus computing on. Another important is task performance the on. - optimization of the file system, the integration of of integration the system, file the of optimization s aims to improve the e the improve to aims s

esource to use on to use simulation.esource docking a y simulate the ligand the simulate y process of protein ligand and preparing structure tificate authentication and a browser to access the GVSS ) using Autodock allowing users as engine, docking the -

oriented science integrating andenvironmentorientedcloud science by -

scale genome sequencing using Blast and HMMR. About half About the of scale using Blastgenome sequencing HMMR. and for several years. isIt also part of a joint project with a local research -

http://gvss2.twgrid.org/ Science applications that are currently inASGC development are aimed at at term sustainability. sustainability. term - . All that users need is a cer implementation of BLAST and of HMMR hasimplementation increased the performance by sixty times, usual to month the 0.5 down one computer timefarm running from 20 node cutting a at on grid. with the 100 workers days genome annotation pipeline has already been ported to the EUAsiaGrid. been ported already has to EUAsiaGrid. Large pipeline the annotation genome evaluation aimed at identifying bottlenecks for identifying bottlenecks right at metrics software and tools, aimed and evaluation optimization applications. the Autodock include plans Future 3, Blast MPI and as such information the of use the systems, of trust framework, etc. repository, & VM appliance pilotthe management, job, data molecular docking process the discovery, drug of In ( portal to easily, swiftly, and accuratel sage within research communities and ensuring within communities reliable research services and usage daily ensuring providing for long in large group energy physics, generally make use of the distributed the to infrastructure of physics, due use computing make generally energy simulations, for and complex need modeling their large demand resources, and resource federati The e- Asia together in working partners theASGC been with has several life science, In on drug region the for discoverycheminformatics as inPacific cases such avian and flu Dengue fever Grid the - ASGC developed time consuming. the from services pre provides simulation post to docking the the file and parameter its services. As part of its efforts to promote distributed cloud services, ASGC has distributed to promote services, cloud partAs its of efforts its services. service a developed grid the into technologies virtualization enabling the automation of data analysis, management and research life cycle and in communities user target ASGC’s clouds. other with integration resource for allowing life science, earth sciences, environmental 19) computing incorporated has for ASGC As the team portal. resources, recently Cloud Grid in existing and resources the on top Service Grid GVSS of the Desktop resources can choose Users portal. r which structure and PDBQS/PDBQT file can protein apply GVSS site, the users On portal by step step simulation up the set then GVSS site. Currently parameter on the portal 700 proteins about are there Protein Data the from ligand can the upload users for in As smallpreparation, 3D. the molecule build in or one is chemical formula There no need the to remember library. compound the Asia Federation Report Federation Asia critical services, such as networking, the databases, and data services from potential data loss. new of technologie deployment The PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin here are 10 million are in compounds here ng energy distribution of all docking distributionng energy all docking of


results, the ranking table, and the 2D and 3D principle 3D and 2D table, the analysis ranking and component the results, (cf. (PCA) 20). Fig. our database for users to search from. The docking simulation results are downloadable, downloadable, users simulation docking to for are results The database our from. search The online result. each analytical can of see visualization users conformation and the of docki the histogram showing tools the include Fig. 19 GVSS Workflow Asia Federation Report Federation Asia in system; of the iscompounds searchable structure t PoS(ISGC 2012)043

s is he

i and Eric Yen

the ground ground the Particularly, Simon C. Lin he LCG and gLite gLite and LCG he

the production, the proces Infrastructure project for NMR -

Pacific region; (2) Service activities activities Service (2) region; Pacific

: - calculations performed based on ly implemented on the EUAsia implemented ly and threaded GROMACS as well as offer in the form of animation, of , in form the

based program developed WRFwas (gWRF) They provide suchThey information as wheret - structure. However . 36

a few hours to create one frame on a large rescue resources can be directed to where they are needed the geologic the

features include: time result Job and outputs log


occurs so that

- multi MD with for simulations eues Shake movies are produced according to according produced movies are . Shake term disp dustersion, transportation, biomass burning. aerosol and - ers swiftly once earthquakes occur. software stack User Interface (UI): suite is of that users a UI User gLite andclients and Interface APIs applications can use to access the gLite services from both t Running WRF solver (MPI) on gLite grid infrastructure through a package on a through (MPI) WRF bash solver infrastructure grid of Running gLite scripts job submission basic Providing function monitoring and input GridFTP for output and retrieve Using preparation Generating real

parts (cf. Fig four inare gWRFThere 21) workflow      earthquake modelsas well as it takes intensive; resource computing time the With computingresources, to cluster. required volunteer the computing shake providing valuable the movies informationgenerate significantly, to shortens rescu Academia of logical Sinica's Bio Institutes ASGC, with along 2011, December In worldwide e a WeNMR, Physics, joined and Chemistry occur they after events seismic of motion shake strongest mostthe on simulations weather ASGC been for working has change environmental research, In weather such prevailing or typhoons, events, as butissues, for such also regional global long as gLite a simulations, the weather regarding Grid, and itsGISELA Asia Federation Report Federation Asia PCA inFig.GVSS 3D 20 by our team, porting the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) to the gLite team, (WRF) our Model porting the Research to gLite Forecasting the by and Weather program infrastructure. The gWRF is grid current and structural biology. A detailed program has been defined for to all for contributing been program defined has detailed A biology. structural and which translating dissemination outreach, includes and Networking, activities: (1) covering major and NMR, abstracts publication into and Chinese documentation Asia structural in the and events biophysics biology at aimed activities research joint (3) Chinese; in support user and material training SAXS and protocols of and enhancing for NMR with docking jointdeveloping usage the working capacity the of Radiation the at Synchrotron SAXS National beamline Research Centre (NSRRC)Taiwan. in been mitigation also and simulations disaster have improve help generated that could instance, movies visualize For shake performed. with the aim to allocate and operate ASGC resources for WeNMR VO, provideVO, WeNMR forASGC resources and operate with aim toallocate the dedicated qu In ASGCearth sciences, has integrated the sensor network, forward seismic wave movies, and tsunam shake maps, Intensity center. simulations seismic data the and PoS(ISGC 2012)043

and Eric Yen

gy physics, such such gy physics,

ener Simon C. Lin cluster, where a job gets sers. Thisservice is now available at

37 nitoring in collaboration with industrial partners, in withnitoring industrial partners, collaboration . Users need to log in with their certificates to use use to certificates their with in to log need Users .


-- Computing Element (CE): Computing nodes, usually a a usually nodes, Computing (CE): Element Computing executed GridFTP for A job input/outputGridFTP: gLite server, transfer Workload Management WMS tasks (WMS): for System Workload Management gLite is responsible job appropriate resources, to a an itdistribution passes across management grid and execution CE for

Fig. 21 gWRF Fig. 21 gWRF Workflow been made so in users have in WebGUI can and the this upload Efforts putting program brow their through simulations their manipulate website this ASGC- supports also in high projects addition sciences, toIn social this service. CMS, Belle ATLAS, as and AMS. in the are addressed to in be reliability Issues continuous future improvement and the operation of a simplified robust middleware, and reduction the costs, including mo and intelligent model, sustainability introduction the new of through enhancement the efficiency as well as resource of DCI The of the through beadvantages also could enhanced further technologies. distribution data and of continuous development management as well asnetworking. help could collaboration, an which address ASGC on regional emphasis will place also such mitigation. common concerns, disaster as   Asia Federation Report Federation Asia  PoS(ISGC 2012)043 and Eric Yen

project was

and education. and education.

Science - Simon C. Lin mentioned application areas - FP7 Coordination and Support Coordination FP7 and

- hed.

year project from 2004 to that ran 2009 and year 38 ting on the infrastructure. national Current II Cluster was cores up set 340 computing totalof with II a he next two years, National Computer and next he Electronics two years, MoU at Chulalongkorn University. It is open to is open It new Chulalongkorn University. at MoU

ScienceThailand. in Focus area applications included life science, - ogy Center (NECTEC) and Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute ogy Center (NECTEC) Hydro and and

ro and Agro Informatics Institute (HAII), (HAII), Agro andand Science Informatics National the Institute andro produced 192 nodes. With a budget of 3.7 million US dollars, its goal was to 3.7 million was of budget a provide US its dollars, goal With 192 nodes. produced infrastructure for e engineering, science, computational computing, enterprise media, digital Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 11.Thailand ThaiThe National Grid Project was a five- Resources were shared through gLite middleware. Similar to other projects in digital digital in projects other to Similar middleware. gLite through shared were Resources supervised the National was Thai Project Grid by computing, the enterprise and media The of Ministry the and ICT. (SIPA) Agency Promotion Software Industry own their while budget, consortium, that all members a managed means as which run project the was institutes the of heads the However, committee. constituted the the of phase. its to for first lack funding second due after discontinued phase The EUAsiaGrid project was a 2 projectyear (EU Action) spanning from 2008 to 2010. In the the 2008 EUAsiaGrid of from spanning end project, four the Action) to2010. has In Asian Electronics including partners, National and partners eleven and European Computer Technol (HAII) from Thailand. Chula the members consortium,University, its founding including September 2011, In Thonburi (KMUTT), Technology, King Mongkut's University of University, Suranaree the Hyd signed e National (NSTDA), the Agency Development Technology Infrastructure Consortium with intention collabora the of members applicationareas include high energy physics, climate change, water and energy environment, computer and and engineering, and resources science computational science and engineering. and HA NSTDA the 2011, In resources their to the will of storage. connect 2012, data TB July KMUTT In 300 and data of TB bringing up cores to of 315 infrastructure, and number the 706 CPU cores t Within 22). (cf. Fig storage under NSTDA, the Center (NECTEC), statutory organization a government Technology depending availability of on the intend to double capacity, current HAII their and of strengthening on the output focuses targeted The 23). (cf. hardware Fig. affordable students, 24 Ph.D 45 students and including 59 Master’s capacity, human the covering the 59 projects above Moreover, undergraduates. publis to 77 papers are be and will serviced be PoS(ISGC 2012)043

s and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin Science Infrastructure -


Science Infrastructure Consortium Project; windmap simulations; potential potential simulations; windmap Project; Consortium Infrastructure Science - Fig. 22: upgrades Planned 2012 expansions and for Fig. 23: upgrades Planned 2014 for Fig. signing named the of workshop a MoU, the Following “e Thailand’ covering Sofitel at Centara Grand held Bangkok, Consortium was Seminar”, e Asia Federation Report Federation Asia PoS(ISGC 2012)043

user and Eric Yen

graduate - 13 October 13 October - Simon C. Lin 6 and 7 6 and ated activities include the the include activities ated Science Infrastructure week activities). - rel week activities), and the -

CERN collaboration MoU,

40 rent infrastructureas well as the ongoing . Current members are developing a procedure a developing are for members . Current that ensures the right design and sustainability by right and design by the sustainability that ensures

ment commit and Science Infrastructure Consortium is an example of collaborative - Lane from IBM to from business processes. transform Lane IBM - Consortium; strategy for a national science and paper and science (a for national fromengineering a NSF); Consortium;grid strategy as computing engineering scientificmechanism uting and a to comp deliver cloud services; Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) and successful been with that have completed inprojects collaboration with and universities Janis E. Landry Thailand- 18, 2012, 13 the institutions January On signed Thailand Synchrotron which both by the press of hosted were by a conference, followed CERN ongoing Past and Research Institute, MOST. Light Program, post Teachers High School & Program CERN Summer Students Asia Federation Report Federation Asia National the Thai e though universities with collaborations - 2010 (4 Thailand CERN the School CERN, at and research level infrastructure development infrastructure 2010). Similar activities planned for 2012 include 2012 for Similar2010). visitin planned activities researchers 2 postdoctoral g at in SUT at Workshop Novice Physics Particle Experimental Thailand first the CERN, 2012, the CERN in May SUT 2012 at Thailand CERN second 2012, the April School students, university 8- 2012 (2 Program Summer Students teachers, 2012 (2 3- Program Teachers School CERN High e National involvement are the addressed issues to new be members expanding consortium. Other and accepting the procedures; and admission additional members managing of operating governing, ongoing the expansion cur the and of participation in CERN related activities. A trend toward an increase toward flood an of trend and A in CERN activities. participation related possible. also is applications related disaster PoS(ISGC 2012)043

REN) and Eric Yen

Simon C. Lin icons and builds phylogenetic builds and icons phylogenetic ormed using ArcGIS software. It using ArcGISormed software. It HUT). No improvements No HUT). to the - ta international the grid storage, 3, 2010. community research The

generation sequencing, generationwhich the makes sequencing, launch, all grid nodes were reinstalled, - - calculated earthquake/tsunami scenarios. So - 41

VAST, HPC - rid development development rid and deployment. 2011, after links from VinaREN to IFI, links 2011, after from toand had VinaREN HUT IOIT IFI, - r fo Applications International Workshop Computing on Grid 5 CPU cores) and the data storage (733 5 CPU storage been (733 data the GB have HDD/node) and cores)

h INPC, IOIT, IFI, HCMUS, CNRS, HealthGrid, IRD, ASGC, and ASGC, and IRD, CNRS, HCMUS, HealthGrid, IFI, IOIT, h INPC, integrated into the EUAsia VO. VinaREN is a TEIN3 member and hosts member VinaREN and VO. TEIN3 isintegrated into a EUAsia the -

id resources (CPU cores and storage capacity), (CPU and id limited resources unstable bandwidth, cores established in Juneestablished - Internet connections, and lack of a National Grid Initiative (NGI) to efforts National coordinate a connections, Grid and of (NGI) Initiative lack Internet and resources. and Network (Vina difficulties, Research Education these Vietnam the Despite named " workshop A was 1- in Hanoi held on December Vietnam" to to take due begun in applications root that Vietnam support the have concluded grid project need A for partners. applications CNRS EUAsiaGrid real of been the has and in researchidentified areas, such as earth science, life science, physics, and chemistry, as several projects have been launched. However, Vietnam still needs to overcome several obstacles,such as a lack of experience, very limited research funding, very gr limited was re Asia Federation Report Federation Asia 12.Vietnam been suspended 12 months. suspended itsfor re been After certified and re all VietnameseEGI nodes (IFI, IOIT - power (3 processing the real applications. of for the unsuitable use renders which network made, Wisdom include the a project comparison Production Current performance between nextand DIRAC, (WPE)Environment and sequencing of genomes and transcriptomes much faster and cheaper than ever before by parallelizing nucleotide sequencing procedures, but challenge huge a poses in terms of data analysis and storage. Vietnamese scientists are also porting ePANAM, a phylogenetic pipeline dedicated to analyzing massive sequencing results that automatically affiliate sequences from SSU rRNA ampl help very to of large numbers the sequences, can reduce of trees which grid, the processing time to a significant degree. on local is discovery compounds area. important research Drug biodiversity In another wit collaboration docking and tested environment UPM, tests grid were in 45 compounds with a DIRAC the is successful. Within also compoundyears, The nextready. were database the 3 the scientists to plan continue g ASGC, also efforts and with CNRS, collaboration are In IGP, IFI, IPGP, IOIT, IRD being made to establish a database of pre 1,000 planned 25 out of simulations been perf far, have to a queried get simulations be with thousands of portal to establish a that can is planned a require simulations these Since tsunamis. from risks stemming the of picture clearer processing da amount of time, power and large infrastructure will process the data, whereas private cloud systems will be used for data web submit data so the users a portal. through can storage, access jobs and PoS(ISGC 2012)043 and Eric Yen

s for the ate ate kinds various

Simon C. Lin

funded institute “Computational named -

42 based prototype of of learning private prototype cloud virtual a based -

to be finalized and submitted to the government for approval by the of end approval by finalized and to be for submitted to government the nology in order tosolve national tonology meet and demand tasks addressing interests the environment based on cloud computing technology. Their is technology. on to cre based computing goal cloud environment to different incoursework labs virtual order serve of practices. to plans new establish a government are There Asia Federation Report Federation Asia nologyin of with Grid New University the the Zealand, Tech collaboration Auckland In is Chi in Cloud Ho of Groupand Minh University Computing the City at Science building web a currently Science and Technology Institute” at Vietnam National University (VNU) with a proposal research experts a with of strong and objective team to will develop gather be 2012. Its computing advanced and equipment modern with build to facilities as well as capacities tech computing and applications economic, science social for of technology, fields inthe and security. national Compu CNRS third school the ting andand in by "Advanced Sponsored GRID IRD, Research" held October 4, 2011), for was from focusing Technology 24 to November middleware cloud and A on DIRAC cloud. and on grid StratusLab computing workshop certificate grid with participants 30 held. also was applications scientific for EUAsia VO attended the school and ran more attended the than VO ran its and EUAsia school 5,000 jobs with After DIRAC. is in in now Hanoi, installation, server allows a which service successful access DIRAC to resources in Vietnam, France (Biomed VO), and Korea (KISTI).