By Keren ( Guiqin ) Wang from SMSD,KS


Chinese Calligraphy V Calligraphy is the traditional art of Art of writing Chinese characters. After centuries of creation 书书 and evolution, calligraphy has 法法 become a unique form of art . 艺艺 书法是中国传统的汉 字书写艺术。经过千 术术 百年的创作和发展, 已成为一门风格独特 的艺术。 欣欣 赏赏 V “水”大篆中堂 pre-Chin Dynasty "Water, River or lake"

欣欣 赏赏

Jiaguwen 甲骨文 utensil

文房四宝 文房四宝 Traditional and painting Chinese writing utensutens ilil

V 文房四宝: 书书 “Four Treasures of the Study” 法法 V 笔(毛笔): Chinese Writing Brush:湖笔 的的 V 墨 ink stick: 书书 V 纸rice paper:宣纸 写写 V 砚ink stone:砚台 工工 V 印章seal V 印泥seal paste 具具 V 画毡 huàzhān Match the words: 书书 1.毛笔 1.seal 法法 2.宣纸 2. ink stick 3.墨 3.rice paper 的的 4.砚台 4. desk pad 书书 5.印章 brush 写写 6.印泥 6.paperweight 工工 7.画毡 stone 8.镇石 8.seal paste 具具 书法之种类书法之种类

Categories of Chinese Calligraphy V A. Jiǎgǔwén 1.楷书

书书 V B. Zhuànshū 2.行书 法法 V C. Lìshū 3. 篆书 艺艺 V D. Kǎishū 4. 草书 术术 V E. Xíngshū 5.甲骨文

V F. Cǎoshū 6. 隶书 Chinese scripts are generally divided into 5 categories: 书书 V The seal script(篆书 zhuan) 法法 the representative script of Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC) 的的 种种 V The official script(隶书li) popularly used in Han Dynasty 类类 (206BC-220AD) V The (楷书kai) it is the result of the development of the 书书 official script. V The cursive script (草书cao) 法法 It is a fast way of writing the regular & official scripts. 的的 V The running script (行书xing) It is the script between the regular and 种种 the cursive, neither as neat as the former nor as difficult to recognize as 类类 the latter. It is commonly used & easiest way of handwriting. V 楷书(书画作 品) V 行书“屋漏、足 V隶书 寒”对联

草书洒金扇面 释文:“天机清旷” 著名的书法家著名的书法家 Famous calligraphers V There have been many famous calligraphers, such as Wang Xizhi 著名著名 王羲之, Yan Zhenqing颜真卿 , 的书的书 Gongquan 柳公权, Ouyang 法家法家 Xun 欧阳旬,to name but a few. Each, after years of hard practice, 和他和他 has formed a unique calligraphic 的作的作 style, elevating the Chinese 品欣品欣 calligraphy into a higher level. 赏赏 V 书圣-王羲之 (东晋)(草书) ArtArt 与儿子一起被称为“二王” mastersmasters 艺艺 术术 大大 师师 V ArtArt 颜真卿(唐) mastersmasters (楷书四大家之 艺 一)(颜体) 艺 V Liu Gongquan 柳公权(唐楷 术术 书四大家之 大大 一)(柳体) V Kang Youwei 师师 康有为(清) V Mao Zedong毛 泽东

My daughter- ArtArt Little mastermaster Calligrapher ss 艺艺 术术 大大 师师 卜算子 咏梅 毛泽东 1961.12 MasterMaster piecepiece 风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。 已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏。 俏也不争春,只把春来报。 待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。 学写汉字学写汉字

Learn to write Chinese with brush 醉 learnlearn toto writewrite 学学 写写 书书 法法 The Eight Basic Strokes : BasicBasic strokesstrokes 1 = Dot (dian3): 2 = Horizontal (heng2): 3 = Vertical (shu4): 基基 4 = Slanting to the 本本 left (pie3) 5 = Slanting to the 笔笔 right (na4): 画画 6 = Rising (ti2): 7 = Hook (gou1): BasicBasic strokesstrokes

基基 8 = Turning (zhe2): 本本 笔笔 画画 V Rules for Stroke Order

RulesRules forfor 1:Top down. strokestroke orderorder

Special case: Left side of squares is 笔笔 drawn before the top. 顺顺 2:Left to right.

RulesRules forfor strokestroke orderorder

Exception: Hook on the right side comes 笔笔 first. 顺顺 3:Horizontal lines and squares before crossing vertical lines. RulesRules forfor strokestroke orderorder Exception: Bottom lines are always 笔笔 drawn last. 顺顺 4:Frames before contents.

RulesRules forfor strokestroke orderorder Note: The bottom line of a frame is drawn last. 笔笔 顺顺 5:Centre before symmetrical sides.

RulesRules forfor strokestroke orderorder

笔笔 6:Secondary dots drawn last. 顺顺 V 8 strokes of 永. yong

MagicMagic wordword

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