Jewish Calendar Spanish & Portuguese 2021- 2022 / 5782 Synagogue 4894 St

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Jewish Calendar Spanish & Portuguese 2021- 2022 / 5782 Synagogue 4894 St HISTORICALLY SPANISH & PORTUGUESE / WESTERN SEPHARDIC CONGREGATIONS Jewish Calendar Spanish & Portuguese 2021- 2022 / 5782 Synagogue 4894 St. Kevin, Montreal, QC H3W 1P2 (514) 737-3695 | THE AZRIELI INSTITUTE OF ISRAEL STUDIES WISHES YOU A HAPPY ROSH HASHANA! שנה טובה ומתוקה May this year be a Sweet New Year for all! THE INSTITUTE TURNED 10! PROGRAMS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS We are proud to share that we are celebrating our 10-year ISRAEL STUDIES MINOR anniversary! Since its opening in June 2011, the Institute has been A unique interdisciplinary program with an emphasis on the politics, the center of the academic study of Israel in Canada. religions, cultures, and languages of Israel. SUMMER IN JERUSALEM Our Summer School is offered in collaboration with the Rothberg Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. @AIISconcordia @AzrieliInstitute GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS 514-848-2424 ext. 8721 [email protected] Our competitive Montefiore Awards are available for incoming and in-program students in any area of research dealing with Israel. T22-72896 JEWISH HOLIDAYS 2021-2022 MAJOR HOLIDAYS MODERN HOLIDAYS Rosh Hashana Sep 6‑8, 2021 Yom HaAliyah Oct 12‑13, 2021 Yom Kippur Sep 15‑16, 2021 Sigd Nov 3‑4, 2021 Sukkot Sep 20‑27, 2021 Yom HaShoah Apr 27‑28, 2022 Shmini Atzeret Sep 27‑28, 2021 Yom HaZikaron May 3‑4, 2022 Simchat Torah Sep 28‑29, 2021 Yom HaAtzma'ut May 4‑5, 2022 Yom Yerushalayim May 28‑29, 2022 Chanukah Nov 28‑Dec 6, 2021 Pesach Apr 15‑23, 2022 SPECIAL SHABBATOT Shavuot Jun 4‑6, 2022 Shabbat Shuva Sep 10‑11, 2021 MINOR HOLIDAYS Shabbat Shirah Jan 14‑15, 2022 Shabbat Shekalim Feb 25‑26, 2022 Tu BiShvat Jan 16‑17, 2022 Shabbat Zachor Mar 11‑12, 2022 Purim Katan Feb 14‑15, 2022 Shabbat Parah Mar 25‑26, 2022 Purim Mar 16‑17, 2022 Shabbat HaChodesh Apr 1‑2, 2022 Shushan Purim Mar 17‑18, 2022 Shabbat HaGadol Apr 8‑9, 2022 Pesach Sheni May 14‑15, 2022 Shabbat Chazon Aug 5‑6, 2022 Lag BaOmer May 18‑19, 2022 Shabbat Nachamu Aug 12‑13, 2022 Tu B'Av Aug 11‑12, 2022 Rosh Hashana LaBehemot Aug 27‑28, 2022 ROSH CHODESH Leil Selichot Sep 17, 2022 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Oct 5‑7, 2021 MINOR FASTS Rosh Chodesh Kislev Nov 4‑5, 2021 Rosh Chodesh Tevet Dec 3‑5, 2021 Minor fasts begin at dawn and end at nightfall. Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat Jan 2‑3, 2022 Rosh Chodesh Adar I Jan 31‑Feb 2, 2022 Tish'a B'Av begins at sundown on the first date specified Rosh Chodesh Adar II Mar 2‑4, 2022 and ends at nightfall on the second date specified. Rosh Chodesh Nisan Apr 1‑2, 2022 Rosh Chodesh Iyyar Apr 30‑May 2, 2022 Tzom Gedaliah Sep 9, 2021 Rosh Chodesh Sivan May 30‑31, 2022 Asara B'Tevet Dec 14, 2021 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz Jun 28‑30, 2022 Ta'anit Esther Mar 16, 2022 Rosh Chodesh Av Jul 28‑29, 2022 Ta'anit Bechorot Apr 15, 2022 Rosh Chodesh Elul Aug 26‑28, 2022 Tzom Tammuz Jul 17, 2022 Tish'a B'Av Aug 6‑7, 2022 Shana Tova to all our members WITH OUR BEST WISHES FROM OUR FAMILIES TO YOURS CLERGY à tous nos membres AVEC NOS MEILLEURS VOEUX DE LA PART DE NOS FAMILLES AUX VÔTRES CLERGÉ 2021 SEPTEMBER - ELUL / TISHREI 5781-5782 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SHABBAT Rebecca Moghrabi Julia Sananes z’l Albert Saleh z’l bat Rahel z’l 1 2 Marcelle Shashoua z’l 3 4 כז ELUL 27 כו Albert Abraham 26 ELUL כה ELUL 25 כד ELUL 24 Shahin z’l Nitzavim 7:09 PM HAVDALAH 8:12 PM Abraham Daniel z’l Yasmina Ruth Dadoun z’l In honour of Archibald Leila & Afram Khamara, Lily & Alfred Bilbul, Edward Mashaal z’l Gemmara Haccoun z’l 5 Shaul ben Hanuka Bilbul z’l 6 grandchildren, Jacob, Chloé, 7 in honour of their family. 8 in honour of the 250th 9 10 Soly Cohen z’l 11 Zachary, Noah, Joshua, Micah birthday of S&P. ה TISHREI 5 ד TISHREI 4 ג TISHREI 3 ב TISHREI 2 א Isaac. 1 TISHREI & כט Irene Buenavida z'l29 ELUL כח ELUL 28 LABOUR DAY PERFECT, RAYMOND EREV ROSH HASHANAH ROSH HASHANAH I ROSH HASHANAH II FAST OF GEDALIAH Vayeilekh Shabbat Shuva 7:04 PM AFTER 8:06 PM 6:56 PM HAVDALAH 8:04 PM HAVDALAH 7:57 PM Isaac Battat z’l Fanny Ohayon z’l Moshe Saad z’l Rachel & Jim Archibald, Familles Selim Sasson Liliane Harari z’l 12 Yosseph Sabbath z’l 13 14 Isaac Tobianah z’l 15 in honour of their new 16 In honour of Rabbi Abittan17 En l’honneur de la famille18 grandaughter, & Beit Nezri. יב TISHREI 12 יא TISHREI 11 י TISHREI 10 ט TISHREI 9 ח TISHREI 8 ז TISHREI 7 ו TISHREI 6 Madeleine Khazzam z’l Hannah Madeleine. Hamidash Helwani. EREV YOM KIPPUR YOM KIPPUR Ha’Azinu YIZKOR 6:47 PM 6:43 PM HAVDALAH 7:47 PM HAVDALAH 7:43 PM Victoria Amzallag z’l Albert Haroun Yousif Meer z’l In honour of 19 20 21 Shouker z’l 22 23 Drs. Samia & Sabah 24 25 Bekhor. יט TISHREI 19 יח TISHREI 18 יז TISHRE 17 טז TISHREI 16 טו TISHREI 15 יד TISHREI 14 יג TISHREI 13 EREV SUKKOT SUKKOT I SUKKOT II SUKKOTIII (HOL HAMO’ED) SUKKOT IV (HOL HAMO’ED) SUKKOT V (HOL HAMO’ED) PM 6:37 PM AFTER 7:37 PM 6:29 HAVDALAH 7:35 PM HAVDALAH 7:29 PM Rahel Halabi z’l Sultana Attia z’l Rosa Sasson z’l Elliot Khadoury ben Raphael Ohayon, en Tishrei is considered the “head” of the year, and Richard Obadia z'l 26 Mavis Shahmoon z’l 27 Jacques Bensoussan z’l 28 Ruth z’l 29 l’honneur de ses Enfants et30 the reservoir from which we draw our strength and inspiration throughout the year. A month that is full כד Petits-Enfants.24 TISHREI כג TISHREI 23 כב TISHREI 22 כא TISHREI 21 כ TISHREI 20 David Elkaïm z’l of momentous and meaningful days of celebration, SUKKOT VI ((HOL HAMO'ED) HOSHANA RABA SHEMINI ATZERET SIMHAT TORAH YIZKOR giving us many opportunities to connect, to be inspired, and to become more fulfilled and in tune 6:23 PM 7:24 PM AFTER HAVDALAH 7:22 PM with our true inner selves. 2021 OCTOBER - TISHREI / HESHVAN 5782 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SHABBAT Marcelle Gareh z’l Anwar Ouri Shahin z’l 1 Jacques Cohen z`l 2 Jack S. Khazzam z’l כו TISHREI 26 כה TISHREI 25 In honour of Claire Penina Helwani. Bereshit PM 6:15 HAVDALAH 7:16 PM Jack, Gilda & Marvin, Mayer Sasson z’l Sami Yousfan z’l Meir Myara z’l S & P community in Jacob Benaich z’l Jacob & Josephine Fattal z’l 9 8 יעקב בן מסעוד ז”ל in honour of 3 Anwar Ouri Shahin z’l 4 5 Gotha Revah z’l 6 honourof Dr. Sabah 7 Bekhor. ג HESHVAN 3 ב HESHVAN 2 א HESHVAN 1 ל TISHREI 30 כט TISHREI 29 כח TISHREI 28 כז their mother 27 TISHREI Evelyn Shahin . Noah . OSH ODESH ESHVAN OSH ODESH ESHVAN R H H R H H 6:02 PM HAVDALAH 7:03 PM Josephine Fattal z’l Hanania Elbaz z’l Haim Mann z’l Fortunee Atlan z’l Naim Karkoukly z’l Karkoukly & Aintabi Gourji Shaoul Shahrabani z’l Hanania Nezri z`l 10 11 12 Jeanne Carolla z’l 13 Nadia Haim z’l 14 Families, in recognition 15 Joseph Rouben Aboody z’l16 י HESHVAN 10 ט of their support 9 HESHVAN ח HESHVAN 8 ז HESHVAN 7 ו HESHVAN 6 ה HESHVAN 5 ד HESHVAN 4 Abdullah Sassoon & generosity to BH & S&P. THANKSGIVING DAY Maryse Miriam Malka bat Zubaida z`l Hanna z’l Lekh-Lekha 5:50 PM HAVDALAH 6:51 PM Claude Helwani, in honour Rachel Hasson z’l Maurice Moshé Claude & Penina Rachel Saleh z’l Emilie Benisti bat Victoria Balaciano of Rabbi Abittan, spiritual 17 Rosa Iny z’l 18 Chetboun z’l 19 Helwani in honour of 20 21 Rachel z’l 22 Hadid z`l 23 יז HESHVAN 17 טז HESHVAN 16 טו HESHVAN 15 יד the S&P 14 HESHVAN יג HESHVAN 13 יב HESHVAN 12 יא leader of 11 HESHVAN Helwani BH. Tikva (Mani) Zilkha z’l Clergy. Vayeira 5:38 PM HAVDALAH 6:40 PM Moise Elias ben Rahel z’l Beverley & Joseph Sasson, Leila & Afram Khamara, Leila & Afram Khamara, Denise & Manny Touaty, Lucie Halabi bat Sara z’l Gerard Malka z’l Mardoché Levy z’l 24 in honour of the Sasson 25 in honour of the wedding 26 in honour of their son’s 27 in recognition of their 28 Nisso Srour ben Esther z’l 29 Simha Mashaal z’l 30 כד HESHVAN 24 כג HESHVAN 23 כב support & 22 HESHVAN כא family, 21 HESHVAN כ of their son, 20 HESHVAN יט Family. 19 HESHVAN יח HESHVAN 18 Evelyn Dahan z’l David to Lindsey. Adel & Laurie & Miriam, Lilian generosity to BH & S&P. & Gabriel. Hayei Sara 5:27 PM HAVDALAH 6:30 PM Elliahou Kazam z’l 31 Congratulations to Sabrina (Mar)Heshvan or simply Heshvan is the second month of the Jewish calendar counting from Rosh Ha- Shemie on her graduation from medical school and shanah. Heshvan is the only month that does not have any holidays or special mitzvot.
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