Congressional Record—House H170
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H170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 6, 2002 to go down in history as the President who The question was taken. (2) extends it deepest condolences to the made Americans believe in themselves again. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the family of Jack Shea and to the Olympic I believe that he has. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of community on their loss. On behalf of a grateful Nation, Happy 91st those present have voted in the affirm- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Birthday, President Reagan. ative. ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, today we honor a Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speak- Florida (Mr. WELDON) and the gen- man who has had a profound impact on the er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each lives of us all, a positive impact that has had The yeas and nays were ordered. will control 20 minutes. a reverberating positive effect, not just here in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The Chair recognizes the gentleman the United States, but worldwide. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the from Florida (Mr. WELDON). In the past I have taken time on this floor to Chair’s prior announcement, further GENERAL LEAVE expound at length upon many of President proceedings on this motion will be Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speak- Reagan’s achievements. He more than fulfilled postponed. er, I ask unanimous consent that all his pledge to help restore ‘‘the great, confident f Members may have 5 legislative days roar of American progress, growth, and opti- RECOGNIZING AND HONORING within which to revise and extend their mism’’ and ensure renewed economic pros- JACK SHEA, OLYMPIC GOLD remarks on H. Res. 340. perity. MEDALIST IN SPEED SKATING, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Today I simply want to pay tribute to the FOR HIS MANY CONTRIBUTIONS objection to the request of the gen- man who has left his permanent stamp on the TO THE NATION AND TO HIS tleman from Florida? course of history. We salute that gentleman COMMUNITY THROUGHOUT HIS There was no objection. who has turned 91 today and pay tribute to LIFE Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speak- er, I yield myself such time as I may him. Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speak- God bless you, President Reagan. We are consume. er, I move to suspend the rules and Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to have all eternally grateful for that unprecedented agree to the resolution (H. Res. 340) the House consider House Resolution role that you played in our national experience recognizing and honoring Jack Shea, 340. I commend my distinguished col- and it will never be forgotten. Olympic gold medalist in speed skat- league, the gentleman from New York Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, today, our 40th ing, for his many contributions to the (Mr. SWEENEY), for introducing it. This President, Ronald Reagan, is celebrating his Nation and to his community through- resolution recognizes the enduring con- 91st birthday. I want to wish this Great Amer- out his life. ican a peaceful birthday and to thank him for The Clerk read as follows: tributions, heroic achievements, and his leadership which has endured well beyond dedicated work of Jack Shea. H. RES. 340 his years in the White House. Mr. Shea died on Tuesday, January Whereas John ‘‘Jack’’ Amos Shea was born 22, 2002 at the age of 91 from injuries in Ronald Reagan rekindled our nation’s patri- September 7, 1910, in Lake Placid, New York, otism and pride. Today, as we continue to a village in the Adirondack Mountains; a car accident a few blocks from his wage a war against terrorism—a war against Whereas Shea was the son of James Shea, home. The driver of the car that hit those individuals who jeopardize our freedoms a New York State Assemblyman, and Grace Jack Shea’s car was charged with driv- and liberties—the confidence Ronald Reagan Shea; ing while intoxicated and other counts. had in the American spirit provides every one Whereas at the age of 3 Jack began ice Mr. Speaker, Jack Shea devoted his of us with the strength and will to see this war skating and by the age of 10 he was com- life to living the Olympic ideal and to its rightful end—to victory. peting in speed skating; passing his inspiration and knowledge In the 106th Congress, I was proud to intro- Whereas Shea was the North American to younger generations. At 22, Jack speed skating champion in 1929 and 1930; duce legislation to award the Congressional Whereas at the age of 21 Shea entered the Shea won gold medals in speed skating Gold Medal to Ronald Reagan and his wife, 1932 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New in both the 500 meter and the 1,500 Nancy. This legislation was signed into law York, during which he won the gold medal in meter events in front of his hometown and the award will stand as a fitting tribute to speed skating for both the 500 meter and the crowd at the 1932 Winter Olympics in the commitment and dedication the Reagans 1,500 meter events; Lake Placid, New York. With this ac- have had to this nation. Whereas Shea was elected to the Speed complishment, he became the first dou- As President, Ronald Reagan was dedi- Skating Hall of Fame, was among the first ble gold medalist in Winter Olympic cated to encouraging economic growth, recog- group of honorees elected to the Lake Placid history. Hall of Fame, and received numerous other Later Jack Shea recalled, ‘‘When I nizing the value of hard work, and sparking honors from the speed skating community; hope and pride among Americans. Whereas after graduating from Dartmouth stood on the dais to get the gold medal He believed that ‘‘everyone can rise as high College with a degree in political science, and I heard the national anthem of the and as far as their ability will take them.’’ This Shea served as the town justice of North United States, how proud I was to rep- principle became a guiding creed of Reagan’s Elba, New York, from 1958 to 1974, after resent my country, my community, my Presidency, as he successfully turned the tide which he became the town supervisor until father, and mother.’’ of public cynicism and sparked a national re- his retirement in 1983; Jack Shea not only promoted the newal. Whereas Shea was a member of the Execu- Olympic ideal of peace, he lived that President Reagan fulfilled his pledge to re- tive Committee of the 1980 Lake Placid ideal. He had a chance to win more Olympic Organizing Committee; store ‘‘the great, confident roar of American Whereas in 1982 Shea was appointed to Olympic medals at the 1936 winter progress, growth, and optimism.’’ During his serve as vice chairman of the Olympic Re- games in Germany, but Lake Placid presidency, Americans once again believed in gional Development Authority; had a large Jewish community whose the American Dream. Whereas Shea was a loving husband to his rabbi asked him not to take part in an Today, as we face a great evil, we build wife of 67 years, Elizabeth Steams Shea, and event linked with Hitler’s Germany. upon this ‘‘confident roar’’ and find solace in had 4 sons and several grandchildren and Jack Shea honored that request. Ronald Reagan’s everlasting faith in America great-grandchildren; and Back troubles kept Mr. Shea from and her people. Whereas Shea’s son Jim competed in the skating much after the 1950s. However, 1964 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria, Thank you Mr. President for your inspiration and his grandson Jim Jr. will compete in the he continued to serve the Olympics and and leadership which continues to guide our 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, the Lake Placid area. He served as the nation and which will help us to protect our Utah: Now, therefore, be it town justice of North Elba, New York, freedoms and liberties in the twenty-first cen- Resolved, That the House of from 1958 to 1974. He then became the tury. May you have a peaceful and relaxing Representatives— town’s supervisor and remained in that birthday and God bless. (1) recognizes and honors Jack Shea, Olym- position until his retirement in 1983. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. pic gold medalist in speed skating, for his Jack Shea also served on the execu- many contributions to the Nation and to his LAHOOD). The question is on the mo- tive committee of the 1980 Lake Placid community throughout his life, and for tran- tion offered by the gentleman from scending the sport of speed skating and be- Organizing Committee. He realized his Florida (Mr. WELDON) that the House coming a symbol of athletic talent and a role personal quest to bring the Winter suspend the rules and pass the joint model as a loving husband, father, and Olympic games back to Lake Placid. resolution, H.J. Res. 82. grandfather; and When speaking about the winter games VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:34 Feb 07, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06FE7.017 pfrm01 PsN: H06PT1 February 6, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H171 held in 1980 at Lake Placid, Mr. Shea the Shea family was the first to have So I am particularly proud and ex- said, ‘‘I felt I would like to accomplish three generations of Winter Olympians. cited about the idea that we have been one more medal, to bring the Olympics Jack’s son Jim participated in three able to come forward today as a body back to Lake Placid.’’ He accomplished skiing competitions at the 1964 Winter to recognize the great achievements of that goal.