Maritime Community State Rank: S3 – Vulnerable

patches of herbaceous or low shrubby Differentiating from plants interspersed with areas of bare Related Communities: , and often grades into shrubland or Barrier beach and dune woodland communities on more sheltered communities occur in a mosaic areas. Vegetation in wet areas between with others that shift location is classified separately as a distinct over time as the dunes move – Interdunal Marsh/Swale community. even in stable situations community edges may not be Characteristic Species: The clear. Sandplain Heathlands are Maritime Dune Community is structurally similar to Maritime characterized by expanses of beach grass Dune Communities in that each (particularly dominant on the foredunes) has low shrub, herbaceous and Trees perched on dunes eroded by a recent and beach heather with seaside goldenrod, storm. Photo: Patricia Swain, NHESP. grassy growth with patches of beach pea, and non-native dusty miller. bare soil. Maritime Dune Communities at the base and sides of dunes and in the Description: The Maritime Dune Poison ivy is often dense. Patches of are on sand dunes and dominated by interdunal area. The particular species Community is usually on barrier beaches shrubs in protected back dune areas beach grass and beach heather which are depend upon topography, and the amount in a mosaic with other communities on the include bearberry, bayberry, black cherry, much less dominant in the species mix of and type of plant cover. Vernal pools dynamic system’s shifting in an and beach plum; extensive shrublands Sandplain Heathlands. The two occur in some dune systems, serving as extremely harsh physical environment. may be considered as a distinct community types may overlap along the important feeding and breeding areas for a Winds move and carry salt and sand prune community. Salt hay, common hairgrass, edges of dunes, necessitating arbitrary variety of reptiles, amphibians, birds, and bury plants and limit species little blue stem, and poverty grass grow in assignment based on land form or the mammals, and invertebrates. Generally, in diversity. The dunes behind the protected areas of the dunes. Scattered prevailing community type. Maritime more salt influenced environments, fewer beachfront may occur as a single ridge or pitch pines, scrub oaks, and red cedars Dune Communities are the most sparsely animals will be expected. a series of parallel ridges that extend back occur in some dune systems. Actual vegetated communities on dunes with through shrub and forest thickets to salt composition and structure of the scattered patches of low shrubs, forbs, and Examples with Public Access: marsh and tidal flats associated with the vegetation depends upon dune stability grasses with lichens and earthstar fungi on Sandy Neck, Barnstable; Cod protected or estuarine system. The ( and ) and distance bare sand. The distinctly wooded National Seashore, Wellfleet. Boston dunes directly behind the beach are the from the ocean. Maritime Juniper Woodland/Shrubland, Harbor , Hingham; Parker River most severely stressed by wind and Maritime Pitch Pine Woodland on Dunes, NWR, Newburyport. airborne salt. These shifting foredunes are and Maritime Shrubland communities all stabilized by colonies of beachgrass. Few have dominance of woody plants in larger other plants in the beach/dune community areas than occur in the defined Maritime grow out into the unprotected foredunes. Dune Community. Very small patches of On back dunes, the community has sparse any type within another community The Maritime Dune Community consists should be considered to be part of the of patches of herbaceous plants variation of the main community. interspersed with areas of bare sand and shrubs; It occurs on windswept dunes Habitat for Associated Fauna: No within the salt spray zone, and often animal species are restricted to Maritime grades into shrubland or woodlands on Dune Communities. However, a variety of more sheltered back dunes; Beach pea (L) and beach grass (R) on dunes. , shorebirds, and song birds nest Dunes with beach heather, and bayberry Photos: Patricia Swain, NHESP. thicket. Photo: Patricia Swain, NHESP.

From: Classification of Natural Communities of Massachusetts htthttpp://www;mass;gov/nhesp/://www;mass;gov/nhesp/ Updated: 2016 Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program, Division of FishFisheeriesries & Wildlife, 1 Rabbit Hill Rd;, Westborough, M! 01581 (508) 389-6360