Review of Vertebrate Fishery Resources, Gwaii Haanas, South
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GWAII HAANAS SOUTH MORESBY NATIONAL PARK RESERVE . REVIEW OF VERTEBRATE FISHERY RESOURCES Prepared for: CANADIAN PARKS SERVICE Fc 3 g(4 brae Fishery Resources ~ Gwaii Haanas South al Park Reserve ieNlce I 366 )I I /741 GWAII HAANAS SOUTH MORESBY NATIONAL PARK RESERVE REVIEW OF VERTEBRATE FISHERY RESOURCES Prepared for: CANADIAN PARKS SERVICE RUSS JONES, M.SC., P.E"~. Fisheries Consulmi Off,ce: "Property of: Box 98, Queen Charlotte City Canadian Heritage Hnida Gwaii, VOT IS0 Tel: 559-8945 Prof. & Tec. Services Fax: 559-8951 Residence: For Reference Only" #3 - 291 East 241h Avenue Vancouver, B.C. VSV 127 TeVFax: 879-4113 ~ . .. ~~...~.".".I___.- .- - Gwaii Haanas - South Moresby - Review of Vertebrate Fishery Resources - R. Russ Jones and William Lefeaur-Valentine. Gwaii Haanas - South Moresby Natim.. Park Reserve, Review of Vertebrate Fishc- Resources. Prepared for Canadian Par! Senice. August 1991. 234 p. Pr0du:- by Apropos Productions - Videotape : Printed Material. , - Acknowledgements - Acknowledgements The authors are gratefil for the information provided by a large number of individuals during the course of this study. Special thanks are conveyed to the representatives of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Council of the Haida Nation and the Canadian Park Service. Russ Jones was the editor and primary author of this report. Bill Lefeaux-Valentine was responsible for the review of Pacgc salmon. Tom Shields of Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. was the author of the herring and sablefsh reviews. David W. Ellis was responsible for the reviews of lingcod and roc@sh and the author of the Haida use sections which are based on his unpublished ethnographic srudies. Contractors: Rurs Jones Bill Lefeaux- Valentine P. 0. Box 98 P. 0. Box 564 Skidegate Queen Charlotte City Haida Gwaii Haida Gwaii VOT IS0 VOT 1SO (604) 559-8945 (604) 55P4258 GWAII HAANAS .SOUTH MORESBY NATIONAL PARK RESERVE REVIEW OF INVERTEBRATE FISHERY RESOURCES 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................... 1 2.0 OVERVIEW ............................................ 7 3.0 SALMONIDS 3.1 General .......................................... 31 3.2 Chum Salmon ...................................... 53 3.3 Pink Salmon ....................................... 73 3.4 Coho Salmon ...................................... 85 3.5 Chinook Salmon .................................... 99 3.6 SockeyeSalmon .................................... 113 3.7 Steelhead ........................................ 125 4.0 HERRING ........................................... 135 5.0 HALIBUT ........................................... 161 . 6.0 SABLEFISH .......................................... 185 7.0 LINGCOD ........................................... 201 8.0 ROCKFISH .......................................... 219 Appendix A Terms of Reference Appendix B DFO Management Areas. Regulations and Committees Appendix C Supporting Tables Appendix D Glossary ~~ -.., . .. 11 .Gwaii Haanas .South Moresby .Review of Vertebrate Fishery Resources . LIST OF MAPS Map 1: The Gwaii HaanasISouth Moresby National Park Reserve Study Area 23 Map 2: Map showing Sub-areas in Haida Gwaii ................... 27 Map 3: Regulatory areas for the Pacific halibut fishery ........... 28 Map 4: International major statistid areas along the British Columbia mast designated by the Groundfish Technical Sub-committee of the Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission ................ 29 Map 5: Oceanic distribution of chum salmon in the North Pacific ...... 67 Map 6: Area 2 East management sub-areas .................... 69 Map 7: Oceanic distribution of pink salmon in the North Pacific .... 81 Map 8: Area 2 pink salmon migration patterns based on tagging studies . 83 . Map 9: Ocean migration patterns of Southeast Alaska coho salmon based on coastal and high seas tagging and test-fishing studies ......... 98 Map 10: Area 2W outside troll area and red line closure area ...........111 Map 11: Oceanic distribution of sockeye salmon in the north Pacific .......122 Map 12: Migration patterns for Area 2 sockeye salmon ...............124 Map 13: Offshore distribution of steelhead by geographic area .......... 132 Map 14: North American distribution of Pacific halibut and major fishing grounds .................................... 176 Map 15: Major spawning grounds of Pacific halibut in the north Pacific Ocean 178 Map 16: Important trawling grounds for Pacific cod in Hecate Strait ....... 215 . .Table of Contents . iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Value of Haida Gwaii vertebrate fishery landings. 1988 ......... 24 Figure 2: Value of British Columbia vertebrate fishery landings. 1988 ...... 25 Figure 3: Value of Haida Gwaii vertebrate fishery landings by area. 1988 .... 26 Figure 4: Value of Haida Gwaii salmon landings by area. 1988 .......... 50 Figure 5: DFO operational planning cycle ....................... 51 Figure 6: Chum salmon. Oncorhynchus kera ...................... 66 Figure 7: Historical Haida Gwaii chum catch. 1888-1990 .............. 68 Figure 8: Haida Gwaii chum escapement by area. 1950-1990 ............ 70 Figure 9: Area 2E chum escapement by subarea. 1950-1990 ............ 71 . Figure 10: Haida Gwaii chum catch by area. 1954-1990 ............... 72 Figure 11: Pink salmon. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha ................... 80 Figure 12: Even year Haida Gwaii pink salmon catch. 1888-1988 .......... 82 Figure 13: Odd year Haida Gwaii pink salmon catch. 1989-1989 .......... 82 Figure 14: Haida Gwaii even year pink escapement by area. 1950-1990 ...... 84 Figure 15: Haida Gwaii even year pink catch. 1954-1990 ............... 84 Figure 16: Coho salmon. Oncorhynchus kisurch ..................... 94 Figure 17: Haida Gwaii commercial coho catch. 1888-1990 ............. 95 Figure 18: Haida Gwaii coho escapement by area. 1950-1990 ............ 95 Figure 19: Haida Gwaii commercial coho catch by area. 1954-1990 ........ 97 Figure 20: Haida Gwaii recreational coho catch. 1970-1990 ............. 97 iv .Gwaii Haanas .South Moresby .Review of Vertebrate Fishery Resources . Figure 21: Chinook salmon. Oncorhynchus rshawyrscha ................ 108 Figure 22: Haida Gwaii chinook catch. 1888-1990 ...................109 Figure 23: Haida Gwaii commercial chinook catch by area. 1954-1990 ......109 Figure 24: North Coast recreational chinook catch. 1977-1990 ............ 110 Figure 25: Yakoun River chinook escapement. 1956-1987 ..............110 Figure 26: Sockeye salmon. Oncorhynchus nerka .................... 121 Figure 27: Haida Gwaii commercial sockeye catch by area. 1954-1990 ...... 123 Figure 28: Haida Gwaii commercial sockeye catch by gear. 1954-1990 ...... 123 Figure 29: Steelhead (Rainbow) Trout. Oncorhynchus mykiss ............ 131 Figure 30: Pacific hemng. Clupea harengus pallasi .................. 153 Figure 31: Pacific halibut. Hippoglossus stenolepis ................... 176 . Figure 32: Life cycle of Pacific halibut .......................... 177 Figure 33: Pacific halibut recreational landings ..................... 179 Figure 34: Haida Gwaii and other Area 2B halibut landings. 1951-1990 ......180 Figure 35: Halibut yield by IPHC management area. 1990 .............. 181 Figure 36: Mortality of Pacific halibut by non-target fisheries since 1960 ..... 182 Figure 37: Procedure for estimating the 1990 allowable halibut catch ........ 183 Figure 38: Sablefish. Anoplopoma jimbna ........................ 198 Figure 39: British Columbia sablefish landings by region. 1973-1988 ........ 199 Figure 40: Northern B.C. sablefish landings by gear. 1973-1988 .......... 200 Figure 41 : Lingcod. Ophiodon elongatus ......................... 211 Figure 42: Lingcod landings on the Pacific Coast. 1988 ................ 212 .Table of Contents . V Figure 43: Haida Gwaii lingcod landings by area. 1980-1900 ............ 213 Figure 44: Haida Gwaii lingcod landings by area and gear type. 1988 .......214 Figure 45a: Trawl landings in areas 5C and 5D. 1988 ................. 216 Figure 45b: Trawl landings in area 5E. 1988 ....................... 216 Figure 46: Lingcod landing in the Strait of Georgia. 1909-1989 ........... 217 Figure 47a: Yelloweye rockfish. Sebusres ruberrimus ..................230 Figure 47b: Quillback rockfish. Sebusres muliger ..................... 230 Figure 47c: Black rockfish. Sebusres melumps ...................... 231 Figure 48: Rockfish handline/troll and longline catch by area. 1956-1988 .....232 Figure 49: North Coast and Haida Gwaii rockfish landings on hook and line gear. 1958-1988 ................................. 233 Figure 50: North Coast and Haida Gwaii rockfish landings on longline gear. 1958-1988 ................................. 234 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Coho escapements of key Haida Gwaii streams .............. 96 Table 2: Presence of juvenile rainbow trout and adult steelhead in study area streams ................................... 133 Table 3: Landed weight and value of British Columbia roe herring catches. 1980-1990 .................................... 154 Table 4: Roe herring quotas by area. 1984-1991 ...................155 Table 5: Distribution of herring spawn-on-kelp licenses and hemng by area. 1991 ................................... 156 Table 6: Herring spawn-on-kelp landings summary. 1975-1990 .......... 157 ~ ______I-1" vi - Gwaii Haanas - South Moresby - Review of Vertebrate Fishery Resources - Table 7: Dates and locations of roe hemng fisheries on Haida Gwaii, 1980-1990 ................................... .158 Table 8: Hailed roe hemng catch on Haida Gwaii by statistical a~eaand type, 1984-1990 ....................... .I59