SEPT. 3. THE NEvV ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3471 63691 Robinson, AHred Christopher, Farm Assistant, Kapuka. 63764 Stewardson, Edward Thomas, Ploughma.n, care of E. 63692 Robinson, John, Mine!, Globe Mine, 1'I.eefton. Stewa.rdson, 61 Gladstone Rd, Dunedin. 63693 Robinson, Richard, Rouseabout, Beaumont Station, Night. 63765 Stewart, Thoma.~, Labourer, Dipton. caps. 63766 Stimpson. Ch,nles Arthur, Farm Assista.nt, Longbush, South 63694 Robinson, William Benton, Gu,nsmith, 50 Oteramika Rd, Ia.nd. Invercargill. *63767 Stone, Richard John Christopher, Ironmonger, Lewis St, 63695 Robinson, William Robert, Labourer, Winton. Gladstone, Inverca rgill. 63696 Robson, David Alexander, Farmer, Wairio. 63768 Stott, John James, Pa.inter, Leet St, Inverca.rgill. 63697 Robson, Thomas, Farmer, Bayswater, Otautau. *63769 Stott, William, Plumbcr, William St, South Invcrcar<Jill. 63698 Rodgers, Joseph, Labourer, Railway Hotel, Riversdale. (;;{770 Strang, Thomas Percy, Cheesema.ker, care of Ha.ldane Dairy- 63699 Rose, Charles John, Gardener, care of Post· office, Waiki",i, fa.ctory, Southland. near Invercargill. 63771 Streatfield, George, Ha.irdresser, Foyle St, Bluff. 63700 Rose, Kenneth Stewart, Shepherd, Dipton. 6:3772 Stroud, George William Ernest; Farmer, Wrey's Bush. *63701 Ross, David, Coach-painter, Mary St, Gore. 6377:3 Rtyles, Arthur Ernest, Farmcr, Wendon Valley. *63702 ROBS, John Alexander, Printer's Machinist, Mary St, Gore. 63774 Sullivan, Daniel Francis, jun., Farmer, Makarewa.. 63703 Ross, Walter Norman, Labourer, Glenorchy, Lakc. 63771i Rutherland, Leslie Cornfute, lronmonger, 3 Grace 'St, Inver 63704 Roulston, George, Shepherd, Spur Head, Edendale, South cargill. land. 63776 Sutton, Owen, Farmer, Thornbury, Southla.nd. *63705 Rome, William, Labourer, Frankton. *63777 Ta.lI, Albert 'Edward, Oysterma.n, Henderson St, Bluff.
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