^Preparednesswithout Cost " Results in the Elections for United Nevada, No Returns
Wm. D. Reiquam Wins Over J. L Colson, 43; Stark, 25; Matthews, 43; Magee, 55; Gleason, 89; Stone, 36 Boyle, 25; Drake, 36; Easton, 27-; Saylor, 77; Stafford, 56; Peterson, Wheeler and Leavitt Winner^ *or Sen lins In Hot Fight for Sheriff. DemCarroll, 42; Rhoads, 33; Sweat," 43; 103; Carey, 29; Connor, 95; Cain, 81; Ferris, 5; Bohling, 34; Meagher,- 40; Howard, 40; DeHaas, 61; Ferris,- 46; ate and Congress. Evans Leading ocrats Center Entire Efforts on That Kerr, 41; Radcliffe 32; Webb—; ¡Cleland, 46. Warner, 36; Daggett, 40; Reiquam/, Fairfield McCormick. He and Wheeler Only Office. 17; Collins, 60; Foot, 12; Packer, 21; J itiddi ck, 97; Wheeler, 144; Leav- Magee, 44; Gleason, 48; Stone,- 28; "itt, 116; Moss, 105; Callaway, 114; Democrats to Get Across. With returns complete from fifteen> Matthews, (Dem.) 729. Saylor, 35; Stafford, 41; Peterson, ¡Ja&kson, 82; Stark, 91; Matthews, of Teton county’s sixteen precincts; For Railroad and Public Service 46; Carey, 26; Connor—; Cain, 37;-/11?; Boyle, 100; Drake, 102; Easton, Lewistown, Nov.8 .—Carl W. Rid- a. m. Thursday, giving the -repu-blic- the missing one being Dry ' Forks ; Commissioner: Howard 28. .97.; Carroll, 98; Rhoads, 198; 'Sweat, dick, defeated republican -candidate ans the necessary 218 for majority. with a small registration, totals cast| Boyle, (Rep.) 964. ^ Cleland, —. (46; Ferris, 2; Bohling, 104; Meagher, (for United States senator, in an. in-'At this hour the democrats had 205; up late Wednesday evening showed i Drake, (Dem.) 695. Belleview ,109; Kerr, 67; Radcliffe, 167; Webb, terview made public today said: the socialists one, farmer-labor, one that the (republicans had made a For Clerk of the Supreme Court: Riddick,- 28; Wheeler, 16; Leavitt, 1E>9; Warner, 129; Daggett,86 ; Rei- > “I fully expected to be elected, and independent one, with nine dis* clean sweep on congressional, stateJ Easton, (Rep.) 979.
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