ri Sunday, October 22,1922. THE GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE. Page 9. FORD REPORTED STOLEN. Aviator Is in Bad A new Ford touring car belonging to SMALL CROWD NEGLECT BRINGS With Shea Because C. H. McLean, insurance solicitor, was INTERESTS DEMAND reported stolen early Saturday right INDUSTRIAL BOON IS NOT FARMING He Scattered Bills from the side of the First National bank biulding on Third street south. DEATH OF BABY, McLean told the po'ice that he had OUT TO HEAR There's some difference between the been in his office in the building only chap who shot an arrow in the air, that a few minutes. When he came out his came to earth he knew not where, and car was gone. The car carried license DEFEAT OF RIDDICK-MARSH the present day birdman, who sails over IN SIGHT, TREGOE SAYS HERE JURORS DECIDE plates No. 53269. SPRY ADDRESS Great Falls distributing leaflets in gen­ erous quantités in all districts of the Speaker Points Out That Business Shows Im­ National Council Manager Says Candidate for city. At least Sanitary Policeman Wil­ Land Office Commissioner Reports Circulated by Neigh­ liam Shea says there is a difference. provement But Still Much Work Is Left Senate Was Arrayed Against Agriculture bors Lead to Investigation On Friday afternoon baleB of leaf­ Speaks Here for G. O. P. lets that carried information concerning While in Lower House. by McBurney. information on the sweetness of 6ugar to Be Done. Party. blew from a swooping airplane. The sight gave thrills to children, who liken­ A sparsely populated orchestra pit n A report concerning the death of an ed tbe papers to birds, but it curdled There should be no spéculation with Election f Carl W. Riddick to the the farmers are anxious to see cer­ The industries of the United States |greeted William Spry, commissioner of tain features of it repealed. infant at the home of Mrs. L. A. Dia­ the creamy disposition of the sanitary credits. No matter how easy i' may i the general land office and former United States senate would be inimical policeman. On Saturday he commented are not facing a "boom,'* according to Riddiok's Record mond. 813 Sixth avenue south, circu­ J. H. Tregoe, secretary of the Na­ be to give the credit, yet if should i governor of Utah, when he appeared to i he agricultural interests of this sourly on the episode, saying that he not be given unless there are proper lated by neighbors of Mrs. Diamond, tional Association of Credit Men, in a Saturday evening at the Grand country, Benjamin C. Marsh, managing "Why should the farmers vote for had been obliged to work a squad of bases for it. theater in behalf of republican candi­ Riddick? It's true that he did vote I lead to a personal investigation of the talk before business men of Great direc tor of the Farmers' National coun­ men all day in order to pick up the pa­ Kails Saturday night in the palm room "The favorable factors are: dates and to discuss issues of the to give a few thousand dollars' aid to I case Friday afternoon by Dr. Lee Roy pers from yards, streets and alleys. "increased volume of business. This of Hotel Rainbow. He gave this warn­ campaign. The seats in the pit were cil at Washington, Ü. C., told newspa­ Montana drouth stricken farmers, but McBurney, county coroner. Shea's advice to the aviator is to ing after pointing out some of the increase is reflected by carlosdings, I" ;haps half filled when the speaking per men in Great Falls Saturday. he voted against, giving the farmers "take the air" for ne declares that be bank clearings, and other indices of An inquest was held over the body tendencies to better business. began and the audence bad diminished Marsh, who has been speaking this $100,000,000 which Congressman will nab him when he lands. lie urged that business men be not business volume. to about one-third the seating capacity Wingo's amendment to the war fin­ of the infant, and a coroner's jury re­ |too inclined to grasp at predictions "Adjustment of the coal strike and be ore Spry finished his address. week in northern Montaua in behalf of ance corporation bill would have given turned a verdict that the baby had SUES FOR $4,000. the collapse of the shopmen's strike. The speaker was introduced by met. its death through natural causes founded only on false optimism. Busi­ of the, senatorial candidacy of B. K. them on the same terms as your Mon­ Foreclosure action was filed in dis­ ness facts show improvement but We put these in the favorable column James W. Speer, republican candidate Wheeler, went through this city on his tana livestock men were aided last because of gross neglect on tbe part Cantlon Piano House merely because of their immediate for state senator, the only other of the caretaker of the child. trict court Saturday by Karl Skoog there is work to be done, he said. way to Idaho, where he will campaign year. On the other band. Itiddick against Evert Evans for judgment in Wholesale and Retail The dinner meeting was one of the effect*,and not because they betoken a orator of the evening. Spry urged the for the election of two republican con­ voted on October 21, 1921, to reduce No further action in the case was election of Carl W. Riddick. repub­ taken. the amount of $4.000, the interest on 'best attended of any business lecture permanent settlement of the questions gressmen. the surtax on incomes of $50,000 to that amount since March, 1021. and the : held recently by civic organizations. involved. They might just as well lican candidate for United States sen­ Factories announce large reduc­ "It's the right kind of men that the $5,000,000, so that the farmers and court costs in the case. It is alleged • The palm room was filled with busi­ be placed in the unfavorable column ator, and of Scott Leavitt, republican wage earners of Montana would be tions on Pianos and Phonographs. for congressman. As a speaker for the farmers want in both houses of con­ Exams Next Month that $4,000 is overdue as payment on ness men of the city and heads of de­ of this summary. obliged to pay more. But then, I a promissory note. partments and employes of business republican party. Spry defended the gress," said Marsh. "We don t care a $1350 Reproducing Pianos, $1175 "Large increases in the production do not suppose taxes ihterest Rid­ $1100 Reproducing Pianos . .8850 houses, of basic commodities, apparent in administration's tariff law and other whit whether they are democratic or re­ for U. S. Engineers publicans. so long as they stand for and dick particularly. I'm told he doesn't $750 Upright Pianos »635 R. E. Cunningham presided at the enactments since the beginning of the pay any in Montana. dinner meeting. An orchestra pro­ republican regime. He favored expan- work for legislation that will benefit in­ Civil service examinations will be $650 Upright pianos 9525 stead of handicap the farming popula­ "Riddick did his best to prevent the held in Great Falls December 13 and $550 Upright Pianos 8435 vided music during the dinner. son of Montana's irrigated areas and $475 Upright Pianos 8390 m Tregoe said in part: further agricultural development of the tion of this country. I am not a demo­ enactment of adequate legislation to 14 for the filling of vacancies as junior '"At no period of the present year state. crat. My purpose in coming to Montana control the big meat packers, al­ engineers and deck officers with the $425 Upright Pianos »35© was not to aid the democratic party, though he was a member of the house United States coast and geodetic sur­ $375 Upright Pianos 8320 has it been more difficult to summar­ Accompanying Speer and Spry on the $350 Upright Pianos $290 ize conditions with a confidence that stage were all of the republican county but to help defeat a man who has committee of agriculture, which could vey. The applicants are required to entire justice is being done to the sit­ candidates, the commissioner's visit thrown his support in congress invari­ have voted out such a bill. have had at least three ana a half The New Phonographs Also uation. î». being made the occasion for a party ably against farm legislation and in fav­ "Riddick has refused to give any years in a recognised school of en­ Reduced "I discover a confused sentiment in rally. or of special legislation favoring rail­ support to secure the enactment of gineering, and a degree. The examina­ $225 Electric Phonographs ..8165 some directions bordering on tbe pes­ roads, meat packers and financiers. I legislation to stabilize the prices of tions will be held in the federal build­ $175 Elee; ric Phonographs ..8125 simistic. and in others making a broad have nothing against Mr. Riddick per­ farm products. Until the (iriee of ing. $150 Straight Phonographs . .890 I swing in the opposite direction. We sonally. But his record as a congress­ farm products are stabilized, agricul­ $100 Streicht Phonographs ..875 'must be watchful against committing man lias been abominable. tural development in Montana is go­ An American missionary tells that $S5 Stra'gbt Phonographs ...875 errors just now. Therefore, I want VETS OBSERVE Not Interested in Politics. ing to be slow and tedious, t an farm­ the ancient Koreans used gunpowder $75 Straight Phonographs .
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