Episcopal Ordination of Most Reverend Anthony John Ireland and Most Reverend Martin Ashe Auxiliary of Melbourne

Saturday 31 July 2021 10.30am

ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL MELBOURNE A Message from Most Rev Peter A Comensoli of Melbourne Alleluia! What joy for the life of our Archdiocese to receive the gift of our new Auxiliary Bishops, Anthony Ireland and Martin Ashe, today. We know well the power and meaning of actions in our communications – the way we smile, the way we stand, how we welcome those we know and those new to us. Today as we gather for this remarkable occasion, you will see gestures and actions within this Rite of Ordination that you may not be familiar with; actions that have the power to transform those present, and to communicate in a special way with God. In particular, I ask that you might open your eyes and hearts to the Laying on of Hands. Done in complete silence, each of the bishops present, one-by-one, confers upon the Bishops-elect the grace each will need to be a good and wise shepherd to the people of this Archdiocese. This simple action and accompanying prayer enters the elect into the unbroken succession of the Apostles, that through the power of the Holy Spirit they will receive the fullness of Holy Orders and the authority to teach, govern and sanctify. We ask God that these men be Good Shepherds after the heart of Jesus, in the Archdiocese of

Melbourne,of the Gospel praying to serve and the caring Church for with the abundantwhole flock, love moving and humility outwards as Successors especially toof the poorApostles. and Mayinfirm, our the prayers stranger, unite and with those theirs who today. are isolated In the orwords lost; ofand St that Ignatius they drawof Loyola, deeply whose from Feast the heart Day the Church also celebrates at this time:

O my God, teach me to be generous to serve you as you deserve to be served to give without counting the cost to fight without fear of being wounded to work without seeking rest and to spend myself without expecting any reward but the knowledge that I am doing your holy will Amen.

Most Rev Peter A Comensoli ARCHBISHOP OF MELBOURNE Welcome to St Patrick's Cathedral Principal Consecrator Masters of Ceremonies Most Reverend Peter A Comensoli Reverend Trevor Tibbertsma Archbishop of Melbourne Reverend Linh Pham

Co-Consecrators Readers Most Reverend Terrence Curtin Yvonne Dias Auxiliary of Melbourne Michelle Verna Most Reverend Gregory Bennet Bishop of Sale Servers Most Reverend Denis Hart Mr Nadhun Buthpitiya Archbishop Emeritus & Mr Patrick Mirabella Most Reverend Archbishop of Brisbane St Patrick's Cathedral Schola President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and other Bishops of Victoria Director of Music Philip Matthias Concelebrants Very Reverend Joseph Caddy VG Organist Vicar General Thomas Grubb and Visiting Priests Sacristans Reading of the Papal Bulls Mr & Mrs Westwood Mrs Annie Carrett Chancellor of the Archdiocese

Priests assisting the Bishops-elect Assisting Bishop-elect Ireland: Reverend Msgr Franco Cavarra Reverend Anthony Doran Assisting Bishop-elect Ashe: Reverend Peter Carrucan Reverend John Hannon 4. I bind unto myself the name, INTRODUCTORY RITES the strong name of the Trinity by invocation of the same, Introit the Three in One and One in Three, Dominus fortitudo plebis suae (Mode II) of whom all nature has creation, eternal Father, Spirit, Word. Translation: The Lord is the strength of his people, Praise to the Lord of my salvation; and the guardian of salvation for the Anointed. salvation is of Christ the Lord! Save your people, O Lord, and bless your inheritance; be their guide for ever. (Ps 28) Text: Attr. St. Patrick, c. 385-461; tr. Cecil Frances Alexander 1818-1895 alt. Music: ST. PATRICK, Traditional Irish melody Processional Hymn All stand I Bind unto myself today Greeting and Introduction 1. I bind unto myself today Archbishop: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, the strong name of the Trinity and of the Holy Spirit. by invocation of the same, All: Amen. the Three in One and One in Three. Archbishop: Peace be with you. 2. I bind this day to me forever, All: And with your spirit. by power of faith, Christ’s incarnation, his baptism in the Jordan river, Penitential Act his death on cross for my salvation, his bursting from the spicèd tomb, Archbishop: Have mercy on us, O Lord. his riding up the heavenly way, All: For we have sinned against you. his coming at the day of doom, Archbishop: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. I bind unto myself today. All And grant us your salvation. 3. I bind unto myself today Archbishop: May almighty God have mercy on us, the power of God to hold and lead, forgive us our sins, God’s eye to watch, God’s might to stay, and bring us to everlasting life. God’s ear to hearken to my need, All: Amen. the wisdom of my God to teach, God’s hand to guide, God’s shield to ward, the word of God to give me speech, God’s heavenly host to be my guard. Kyrie & Gloria Please be seated LITURGY OF THE WORD Missa Brevis in F major by Joseph Haydn Please be seated Collect All stand First Reading Isaiah 61:1-3 Archbishop: Let us pray. O God, who out of the abundance The spirit of the Lord has been given to me, of your untold grace alone for the Lord has anointed me. choose to raise these Priests, your servants, He has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to the ministry of the high priesthood this day, to bind up hearts that are broken; grant that they may carry out worthily to proclaim liberty to captives, under your governance in all things, freedom to those in prison; theythe office may directof Bishop by word and, and example to proclaim a year of favour from the Lord, the people entrusted to their care. a day of vengeance for our God, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, to comfort all those who mourn and to give them, who lives and reigns with you for ashes a garland; in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for mourning robe the oil of gladness, God, for ever and ever. for despondency, praise. All: Amen. The word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 89(88): 20-21, 24,26. For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. Second Reading 2 Corinthians 4:1-2, 5-7 Gospel John 15:9-17 Since we have by an act of mercy been entrusted with this work of Deacon: The Lord be with you. administration, there is no weakening on our part. On the contrary, All: And with your spirit. we will have none of the reticence of those who are ashamed, no deceitfulness or watering down the word of God; but the way Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John. we commend ourselves to every human being with a conscience All: Glory to you, O Lord. is by stating the truth openly in the sight of God. For it is not Deacon: Jesus said to his disciples. ourselves that we are preaching, but Christ Jesus as the Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. It is the same God ‘As the Father has loved me that said, ‘Let there be light shining out of darkness’, who has so I have loved you. shone in our minds to radiate the light of the knowledge of God’s Remain in my love. glory, the glory on the face of Christ. If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love, We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure, to make just as I have kept my Father’s commandments it clear that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not and remain in his love. from us. I have told you this The word of the Lord. so that my own joy may be in you All: Thanks be to God. and your joy be complete. This is my commandment: love one another, Gospel Acclamation All stand as I have loved you. All repeat after the cantor. A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. I shall not call you servants any more, Cantor: I call you my friends, says the Lord, because a servant does not know for I have made known to you his master’s business; all that the Father has told me. I call you friends, because I have made know to you The alleluia is repeated. everything I have learnt from my Father. You did not choose me, All: no, I chose you; Accende lumen sensibus, O Guide our minds with thy blest light, and I commissioned you Infunde amorem cordibus Infirma nostri corporis And with thy strength, which ne’er decays, to go out and to bear fruit, Virtute firmans perpeti. With love our hearts inflame; fruit that will last; and then the Father will give you Choir: Confirm our mortal frame. Hostem repellas longius, Far from us drive our deadly foe; anything you ask him in my name. Pacemque dones protinus: True peace unto us bring; What I command you, Ductore sic te praevio, And from all perils lead us safe is to love one another.’ Vitemus omne noxium. Beneath thy sacred wing. The Gospel of the Lord. All: All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Per te sciamus da Patrem, Through thee may we the Father know, Noscamus atque Filium, Through thee the eternal Son, Teque utriusque Spiritum And thee the Spirit of them both, All remain standing for the blessing of the Word of God. Credamus omni tempore. Thrice-blessed three in One. Choir: Deo Patri sit gloria, All glory to the Father be, THE RITE OF ORDINATION Et Filio, qui a mortuis With his co-equal Son; Surrexit, ac Paraclito, The like to thee, great Paraclete, Hymn to the Holy Spirit In saeculorum saecula. Till time itself be done. Amen. Amen. Veni, Creator, Spiritus Choir: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come Mentes tuorum visita, From thy bright heavenly throne; Imple superna gratia, Come, take possession of our souls, Quae tu creasti, pectora. And make us all thine own.

All: Qui diceris Paraclitus, Thou who are called Paraclete, Altissimi donum Dei, Best gift of God above, Fons vivus, ignis, caritas Et spiritalis unctio. Sweet unction and true love. The living spring, the living fire, Choir: Tu septiformis munere, Thou who art sevenfold in thy grace, Digitus paternae dexterae, Finger of God’s right hand; Text: attrib. Rabanus Maurus, c.776-856 Tu rite promissum Patris, His promise, rightly teaching us Music: Gregorian Chant (Mode VIII) Sermone ditans guttura. To speak and understand. English trans: Anon, from The Catholic Choralist, 1854 Presentation of the Elect Please be seated Homily Most Reverend Peter A Comensoli Mgr Cavarra: Most Reverend Father, the holy , our Mother, asks you to ordain this Priest, Promise of the Elect Anthony Ireland, to the responsibility of the Archbishop: The ancient rule of the holy Fathers ordains that Episcopate. a Bishop-elect is to be questioned in the presence Archbishop: Have you a mandate from the Apostolic See? of the people on his resolve to uphold the faith Mgr Cavarra: We have. and to discharge his duty. Archbishop: Let it be read. And so, dear brothers, do you resolve by the grace of the Holy Spirit to discharge until death The Apostolic Letter of Appointment is read. we are about to pass on to you by the laying on of ourthe officehands? entrusted to us by the Apostles, which All: Thanks be to God. Bishops-elect: I do. Fr Carrucan: Most Reverend Father, the holy Catholic Church, Archbishop: Do you resolve to preach the Gospel of Christ our Mother, asks you to ordain this Priest, Martin Ashe, to the responsibility of the Episcopate. Bishops-elect: I do. Archbishop: Have you a mandate from the Apostolic See? with constancy and fidelity? Archbishop: Do you resolve to guard the deposit of faith, Fr Carrucan: We have. entire and incorrupt, as handed down by Archbishop: Let it be read. the Apostles and preserved in the Church everywhere and at all times? The Apostolic Letter of Appointment is read. Bishops-elect: I do.

All: Thanks be to God. Archbishop: Do you resolve to build up the Body of Christ, his Church, and to remain in the unity of that Body together with the Order of Bishops under the authority of the successor of Saint Peter the Apostle? Bishops-elect: I do. Archbishop: Do you resolve to render obedience faithfully to the successor of the blessed Apostle Peter? Bishops-elect: I do. Archbishop: Do you resolve to guide the holy people of Cantor: All Respond: God in the way of salvation as devoted fathers Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. and sustain them with the help of your fellow Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. ministers, the Priests and Deacons? Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Bishops-elect: I do. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. Archbishop: Do you resolve, for the sake of the Lord’s name, Saint Michael, pray for us. Holy Angels of God, pray for us. to be welcoming and merciful to the poor, Saint John the Baptist, pray for us. to strangers, and to all who are in need? Saint Joseph, pray for us. Bishops-elect: I do. Saint Peter pray for us. Saint Paul, pray for us. Archbishop: Do you resolve as good shepherds to seek out Saint Andrew, pray for us. the sheep who stray and gather them into the Saint James, pray for us. Lord’s fold? Saint John, pray for us. Bishops-elect: I do. Saint Thomas, pray for us. Saint James, pray for us. Archbishop: Do you resolve to pray without ceasing to Saint Philip, pray for us. almighty God for the holy people and to carry Saint Bartholomew, pray for us. Saint Matthew, pray for us. Saint Simon, pray for us. Bishops-elect: I do, with the help of God. Saint Jude, pray for us. out the office of High Priest without reproach? Saint Matthias, pray for us. Archbishop: May God who has begun the good work in you Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us. Saint Stephen, pray for us. Saint Ignatius of Antioch, pray for us. bring it to fulfillment. Saint Lawrence, pray for us. Litany of Supplication All stand Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity, pray for us. Archbishop: Dear beloved, let us pray that the kindness of Saint Agnes, pray for us. Saint Gregory, pray for us. almighty God, in providing for the welfare of the Saint Augustine, pray for us. Church, will grant an abundance of his grace for Saint Athanasius, pray for us. these chosen ones. Saint Basil, pray for us. Saint Martin, pray for us. Deacon: Let us kneel. Saint Benedict, pray for us. Saint Francis and Saint Dominic, pray for us. The Bishops-elect prostrate themselves and the Litany is sung. Saint Francis Xavier, pray for us. Saint John Vianney, pray for us. Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for us. All kneel Saint Teresa of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Mary of the Cross, pray for us. Archbishop: Graciously hear our petitions, O Lord, Saint Patrick pray for us. and pour out upon these, your servants, Saint Columba pray for us. Saint Brendan pray for us. Saint Christopher pray for us. of priestly grace. Through Christ our Lord. All holy men and women, Saints of God pray for us. All: Amen.the power of your blessing, flowing from the horn Lord, be merciful, Lord, deliver us, we pray. Deacon: Let us stand. From all evil, Lord, deliver us, we pray. From every sin, Lord, deliver us, we pray. From everlasting death, Lord, deliver us, we pray. Laying on of Hands By your Incarnation, Lord, deliver us, we pray. The Archbishop lays his hands upon the head of each of the bishops-elect in By your Death and Resurrection Lord, deliver us, we pray. silence. After him, all the other bishops present do the same. By the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Lord, deliver us, we pray. Be merciful to us sinners, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. The Book of the Gospels Govern and protect your holy Church, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. After the Laying on of Hands, the Archbishop places an open Book of the Gospels Keep the Pope and all the ordained Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. upon the head of each of the Bishops-elect. Deacons will hold the Book of the Gospels in faithful service to your Church, above the head of the Bishop-elect, until the end of the Prayer of Ordination. Bless these chosen men, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. Bless and sanctify these chosen men, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. Prayer of Ordination Bless, sanctify, and consecrate these Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. chosen men, Archbishop: God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father Bring all peoples together in peace Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. of mercies and God of all consolation, who dwell and true harmony, on high and look upon the lowly, who know all things before they come to be, and who laid down Comfort with your mercy the troubled Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. observances in your Church through the word of your grace; who from the beginning, foreordained andStrengthen the afflicted, all of us and keep us Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. a nation of the just, born of Abraham; who in your holy service, established rulers and priests and did not leave Jesus, Son of the living God, Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer. your sanctuary without ministers, and who, from Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us. the foundation of the world, were pleased to be Christ, graciously hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

glorified in those you have chosen; All the consecrating bishops with hands joined: Anointing of the Head Please be seated Pour out now upon these chosen ones that power Archbishop: May God, who has made you a sharer of the High which is from you, the governing Spirit, whom Priesthood of Christ, himself pour out upon you you gave to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the the oil of mystical anointing and make you fruitful Spirit whom he bestowed upon the holy Apostles, with an abundance of spiritual blessings. who established the Church in each place as your sanctuary for the glory and unceasing praise of Handing on of the Book of the Gospels your name. Archbishop: Receive the Gospel and preach the word of God The Archbishop continues alone: with all patience and sound teaching. Grant, O Father, knower of all hearts, that these your servants, whom you have chosen for the The Insignia

youoffice without of Bishop reproach may shepherd the ministry your of holy the flock. High Archbishop: God,Receive the this holy ring, Church. the seal of fidelity: adorned with Priesthood,Serving you sonight that, and always day, maygaining they your fulfil favour, before undefiled faith, preserve unblemished the bride of they may offer up the gifts of your holy Church. Archbishop: Receive the mitre, and may the splendour of holiness shine forth in you, so that when the chief Grant that, by the power of the Spirit of the High shepherd appears you may deserve to receive Priesthood, they may have the power to forgive from him an unfading crown of glory.

according to your decree, and loose every bond Archbishop: Receive the crosier, the sign of your pastoral accordingsins according to the to power your command, given by you assign to the offices Apostles. which the Holy Spirit has placed you as Bishop to governoffice: and the keepChurch watch of God. over the whole flock in May they please you by their meekness and purity of heart, presenting a fragrant offering to you All stand through your Son Jesus Christ, through whom Seating of the Bishops glory and power and honour are yours with the The Archbishop leads the newly ordained Bishops to their chairs. Holy Spirit in the holy Church, now and for ever and ever. The Kiss of Peace Please be seated All: Amen. The newly ordained Bishops receive the kiss of peace from the Archbishop and all the other Bishops. Meanwhile, the choir will sing the motet. Sicut cervus Prayer over the Offerings Sicut cervus desiderat As a deer longs Archbishop: May this oblation, O Lord, ad fontes aquarum, which we have presented for your Church ita desiderat anima mea so my soul longs and for these your servants, ad te Deus. for you,flowing O God. streams, newly ordained as Bishops, become an offering acceptable to you; Sitivit anima mea My soul thirsts for God, ad Deum fortem vivum: for the living God. may those you have raised up quando veniam et apparebo When shall I come and behold amongand for yourthe good people of theto be flock, High Priests ante faciem Dei? the face of God? be endowed, by your gift, with apostolic virtues. Fuerunt mihi lacrymae meae My tears have been Through Christ our Lord. panes die ac nocte, my food day and night, All: Amen. dum dicitur mihi quotidie: while people say to me continually, Ubi est Deus tuus? ‘Where is your God?’ The Eucharistic Prayer Text: Psalm 42(41): 1-3. Music: G.P. da Palestrina (1525-1594)


Preparation of the Offerings Ubi caritas

Text: 1 Corinthians 13:2-8. Archbishop: It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, Music: Maurice Duruflé always and everywhere to give you thanks, All stand for the incensation Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. For by the anointing of the Holy Spirit you made your Only Begotten Son and yours may be acceptable to God, High Priest of the new and eternal covenant, Archbishop: thePray, almighty brothers Father. and sisters, that my sacrifice and by your wondrous design All: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your were pleased to decree hands for the prise and glory of his name, for that his one Priesthood our good and the good of all his holy Church. should continue in the Church. For Christ not only adorns with a royal priesthood CI: Remember, Lord, your servants (pause) and the people he has made his own, all gathered here, whose faith and devotion but with a brother’s kindness are known to you. For them, we offer you this he also chooses men to become sharers in his sacred ministry and all who are dear to them: for the redemption through the laying on of hands. ofsacrifice their souls, of praise in hope or they of health offer itand for well-being, themselves They are to renew in his name and paying their homage to you, the eternal God, living and true. to set before your children the paschal banquet, tothe lead sacrifice your holyof human people redemption, in charity, CII: In communion with those whose memory we to nourish them with the word venerate, especially the glorious ever-Virgin Mary, and strengthen them with the Sacraments. Mother of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ, and As they give up their lives for you blessed Joseph, her Spouse, your blessed Apostles and for the salvation of their brothers and sisters, and Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, and all they strive to be conformed your Saints; we ask that through their merits and to the image of Christ himself, prayers, in all things we may be defended by your and offer you a constant witness of faith and love. protecting help. And so, Lord, with all the Angels and Saints, we, too, give you thanks, Archbishop: Therefore, Lord, we pray: graciously accept as in exultation we acclaim: this oblation of our service, that of your whole family, which we make to you also for these your servants Anthony and Martin, whom you have Sanctus Kneel been pleased to raise to the Order of Bishops; and Missa Brevis in F major by Joseph Haydn in your mercy, keep safe your gifts in them, so that what they have received by divine commission Archbishop: To you, therefore, most merciful Father, we make humble prayer and petition through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord: that you accept and CC: Bethey pleased, may fulfil O God, by divine we pray, assistance. to bless, acknowledge, bless  these gifts, these offerings, these holy and approve this offering in every respect; make it spiritual and acceptable, so that it may become for us the Body and Blood of your most beloved Son, toand grant unblemished her peace, sacrifices, to guard, whichunite and we offergovern you our Lord Jesus Christ. herfirstly throughout for your holy the wholeCatholic world, Church. together Be pleased with your servant Francis our Pope and for me your unworthy servant, my assistant bishops and all those who, holding to the truth, hand on the catholic and apostolic faith. On the day before he was to suffer, he took bread CC: Therefore, O Lord, as we celebrate the memorial in his holy and venerable hands, and with eyes of the blessed Passion, the Resurrection from the raised to heaven to you, O God, his almighty dead, and the glorious Ascension into heaven of Father, giving you thanks, he said the blessing, Christ, your Son, our Lord, we, your servants and broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying: your holy people, offer to your glorious majesty from the gifts that you have given us, this pure Take this, all of you, and eat of it, victim, this holy victim, this spotless victim, for this is my body, the holy Bread of eternal life and the Chalice of which will be given up for you. everlasting salvation. In a similar way, when supper was ended, he took Be pleased to look upon these offerings with a this precious chalice in his holy and venerable serene and kindly countenance, and to accept hands, and once more giving you thanks, he said them, as once you were pleased to accept the the blessing and gave the chalice to his disciples, saying: Abraham, our father in faith, and the offering of Take this, all of you, and drink from it, gifts of your servant Abel the just, the sacrifice of for this is the chalice of my blood, spotless victim. your high priest Melchizedek, a holy sacrifice, a the Blood of the new and eternal covenant, (bowing) In humble prayer we ask you, almighty which will be poured out for you and for many God: command that these gifts be borne by the for the forgiveness of sins. hands of your holy Angel to your altar on high in Do this in memory of me. the sight of your divine majesty, so that all of us, who through this participation at the altar receive the most holy Body and Blood of your Son, may be Acclamation

Archbishop: The mystery of faith. III C : Rememberfilled with every also, Lord,grace yourand heavenlyservants, blessing. who have gone before us with the sign of faith and rest in the sleep of peace. Grant them, O Lord, we pray, and all who sleep in Christ, a place of refreshment, light and peace (pause). CIV: To us, also, your servants, who, though sinners, Archbishop: Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil, hope in your abundant mercies, graciously graciously grant peace in our days, grant some share and fellowship with your holy that, by the help of your mercy, Apostles and Martyrs: with John the Baptist, we may be always free from sin Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, and all your Saints; and safe from all distress, admit us, we beseech you, into their company, not as we await the blessed hope weighing our merits, but granting us your pardon, and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. through Christ our Lord. All: Archbishop: Through whom you continue to make all these

with life, bless them, and bestow them upon us. good things, O Lord; you sanctify them, fill them All Concelebrants sing: The Rite of Peace Through him, and with him, and in him, Archbishop: The peace of the Lord be with you always. O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, All: And with your spirit. all glory and honour is yours, Deacon: Let us offer each other the sign of peace. for ever and ever. Agnus Dei All kneel Great Amen Missa Brevis in F major by Joseph Haydn The Lord’s Prayer All stand Archbishop: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Archbishop: At the Saviour’s command and formed by divine Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb. teaching, we dare to say: All: Lord, I am not worthy All: Our Father, who art in heaven, that you should enter under my roof, hallowed be thy name; but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Holy Communion is distributed in the centre aisle and side transepts. Those who Give us this day our daily bread, are not Catholic or not disposed to receive Holy Communion are warmly invited to and forgive us our trespasses, come forward with arms crossed for a blessing. as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Ave verum by Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) 3. Lord, you make the common holy: “This my body, this my blood.” Translation: Jesu, Word of God Incarnate, of the virgin Mary born, Let your priests, for earth’s true glory, On the cross thy sacred body for us daily lift life heavenward, men with nails was torn asking that the world around us Cleanse us, by thy blood and water share your children’s liberty; Streaming from thy pierced side; with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us for the work of ministry. Feed us with thy body broken, Now in death’s agony! Amen. 4. Lord, you show us love’s true measure: “Father, what they do, forgive.” Communion Antiphon Yet we board as private treasure all that you so freely give. Ego vos elegi (Mode I) May your care and mercy lead us Translation: “I have chosen you from the world, in order that to a just society; you might go and bring forth fruit, and that your with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us for the work of ministry. fruit should last” (John 15: 16). 5. Lord, you bless with words assuring: “I am with you to the end.” Hymn after Communion Faith and hope and love restoring, may we serve as you intend, Lord, you give the great commission and, amid the care that claim us, 1. Lord, you give the great commission: hold in mind eternity; “Heal the sick and preach the word.” with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us for the work of ministry. Lest the Church neglect its mission Text: Jeffrey Rowthorn b. 1934 and the Gospel go unheard, Music: ABBOT’S LEIGH 87.87D; help us witness to your purpose Cyril Vincent Taylor 1907-1991 with renewed integrity; with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us for the work of ministry. 2. Lord, you call us to your service: “In my name baptise and teach.” Lest the world may trust your promise, life abundant meant for each, give us all new fervour, draw us closer in community; with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us for the work of ministry. Prayer after Communion All stand Archbishop: Let us pray. By the power of this Sacrament, O Lord, increase the gifts of your grace in these your servants and Bishops, that they may serve you worthily in the pastoral ministry and receive the eternal rewards of faithful stewards. Through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. All remain standing

Blessing of the people by the new Bishops The newly ordained Bishops move through the Cathedral to bless the congregation.

Te Deum

Deacon: Go forth, the Mass is ended. All: Thanks be to God.

Recessional Tell out my Soul Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice, tender to me the promise of his word; in God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his name! Make known his might, the deeds his arm has done; his mercy sure, from age to age the same; his holy name, the Lord, the Mighty One.

Text: Parts I & II attrib. Bishop Nicetas, Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his might! c.400, or St Ambrose, c.385 Pow’rs and dominions lay their glory by. Music: Ambrosian Chant (Mode III) the hungry fed, the humble lifted high. Address Please be seated Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight, Tell out, my soul, the glories of His word! The newly ordained Bishop Martin Ashe address the congregation. Firm is his promise and his mercy sure. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord Final Blessing All stand to children’s children and forever more! Archbishop: The Lord be with you. Text: Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55); All: And with your spirit. Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Music: WOODLANDS Walter Greatorex 1877-1949 Archbishop: Blessed be the name of the Lord. All: Now and forever. Postlude Archbishop: Our help is in the name of the Lord. Fantaisie (from Hommage à Frescobaldi) by Jean Langlais All: Who made heaven and earth. Archbishop: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All: Amen. ABOUT THE NEWLY ORDAINED BISHOPS

Bishop Anthony John (Tony) Ireland was born a short walk from St Patrick’s love and friendship that have supported, and even carried, me along life’s path. Cathedral where today’s ordination is taking place. He is the eldest child of Thanks to the people of the various communities to whom I have been sent as Bernard and Elizabeth Ireland (both deceased). His primary education was at minister. Your lives of prayer, commitment and service, inspire admiration and imitation. Lastly, and really, firstly, a prayer of thanks to God the giver of received at De La Salle College in Malvern. After six years of fulltime work and all gifts – human and divine. I thank the Lord 'whose love endures forever' eveningthe very study,small schoolhe entered of St. Corpus Aloysius Christ Caulfield College, and Clayton his secondary in 1981 education to prepare was for (Ps 136) and recall, once more, the words of St Paul to the Colossians, 'Christ in you, the Priesthood. He was ordained a Priest in this Cathedral in 1987. your hope of glory'." – Bishop Tony Ireland Following ordination, Bishop Ireland did a short summer appointment at Bishop Martin Ashe was born in Kinsale, County Cork Ireland in 1953 and grew as Assistant Priest at St. Patrick’s Mentone. In 1989, he was invited to return up in Killarney, County Kerry. He was ordained to the priesthood at All Hallows toNazareth Corpus Parish Christi Grovedale College as and a part Torquay time before tutor. his In first1990, permanent he was asked appointment to study Missionary College in Dublin in 1978. He arrived in Melbourne in September in Rome where he studied both Moral and Spiritual Theology and was awarded higher degrees in both. He commenced lecturing in Moral Theology at Catholic and Blackburn. In addition to parish ministry, he would serve as vocations Theological College in February 1993. At that time, he was also Assistant Priest directorof that year. and Heat the served Marriage as Assistant Tribunal Priest from inthe the late parishes 1980s. Inof theHadfield, 1990s, Clayton as well at Sacred Heart Sandringham. In August 1995, he moved to the young parish as undertaking further studies at Loyola University in Chicago, he spent time as moderator and then pastoral director of Corpus Christi College Seminary. total of seven years. From 1996 to 2004 he served as Parish Priest in Sunbury. In 2005 he was of St Jude’s Langwarrin, firstly as administrator, and then as Parish Priest for a Later he would concurrently be Parish Priest at St Francis Xavier in Frankston. appointed director of ministry to priests in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, During these years, he served as Dean of the Peninsula Deanery. Archbishop assisting his brother priests in their ongoing formation and providing ongoing Hart invited him to undertake doctoral studies which were completed at the care for their priestly life and ministry. In 2012, he was appointed the inaugural parish priest of Christ the Light, taking in the areas of Doreen, Kinglake, Mernda awarded Summa cum Laude. Bishop Ireland returned to Melbourne where he and Whittlesea. Bishop Ashe has served the people of this parish until his continuedPontifical Universitylecturing at of Catholic St. Thomas Theological Aquinas College;in Rome he where was appointedthe doctorate Dean was of recent appointment as Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne. Studies at Corpus Christi College and then Rector of the same college. “I would like to thank all those who have assisted us in anyway in helping to In 2009, the Archbishop appointed him as Spiritual Director to the Society of prepare and celebrate this special occasion in the life of our Catholic Community St Vincent de Paul State Council, Episcopal Vicar for Health and Aged Care, and in Melbourne.” – Bishop Martin Ashe Parish Priest of St Gregory’s Doncaster. He was later appointed to the Boards of the Catholic Development Fund and Catholic Capital Grants (Vic) Ltd which he currently chairs. He has served as a member and chairman of the Archbishop’s Council of Priests, a member of the College of Consultors, and since July 2017 as the Episcopal Vicar for the Eastern Region of the Archdiocese. Bishop Ireland has represented the Archdiocese of Melbourne and the Province of Victoria at several parliamentary and statutory enquiries. As auxiliary bishops, Bishop Ireland is Titular Bishop of Carinola, in Italy, "Thanks to my parents, Bernard and Elizabeth (both deceased), whose courage and Bishop Martin Ashe is Titular Bishop of Muteci, in Algeria. A titular bishop and faith in the face of enormous challenges was inspirational. Thanks to my is one which does not have direct charge of a diocese, such as an auxiliary siblings, Pat and Greg (who died this year), whose lives have taught me that bishop or an apostolic nuncio (cf. Can. 376). A titular see is an area of ecclesial everyone is unique and that everyone’s life has inestimable value. Thank you to jurisdiction now absorbed into a larger diocese or suppressed due to the my loyal friends who have shared life’s journey and have been examples of faith, withdrawal of a Catholic presence. COPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Excerpts from the English Translation of The Roman Missal copyright © 2010 International Committee on English in the Liturgy Inc. (ICEL); the rite of the Ordination of a Bishop, from the Provisional Text of the Ordination of Deacons, Priests and Bishops, © 2011 ICEL. All rights reserved. Published with permission for one time use only in accordance with the Publications Policies of the International Committee on English in the Liturgy, the Secretariat, 1522 K Street, Suite 1000, Washington. D.C. 20005-1202. U.S.A. August, 1981.

The Scripture Readings are taken from the Jerusalem Bible, copyright © 1966, 1967, 1968, 1985, by Darton, Longman & Todd, Publishers, 89 Lillie Road, London, SW6 IUD. United Kingdom.

The Ubi Caritas music is Ola Gjeilo 2007 Walton Music. The hymn ‘Tell out my Soul’ is © 1962 Ren. 1990 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream. USA. The hymn, ‘Lord you give the great commission’ is © 1978 Hope Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission. The English translation of the ‘Te Deum’ is © 1975 International Consultation on English Texts (ICET).

The music for the Preface Dialogue, Memorial Acclamation, Doxology to the Eucharistic Prayer, Doxology to the Lord’s Prayer, and Dismissal is © 2010 ICEL. The antiphon for the Responsorial Psalm is © P Matthias, and Psalm 96 (95) is © Geoffrey Cox, used with permission.

Relevant items reproduced with permission. Word of Life International Licence No.1688.

Front Cover Image: The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew by Duccio (1308 - 1311)