MINUTES of the MEETING of the AND CONDERTON PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 1 September 2014 at 7.00 pm in Overbury Village Hall

PRESENT: Mrs Georgina Milway Mr Peter Horton Mr David Worley Mr Richard Southby Mrs Jane Carr Miss R Long/Parish Clerk

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence for this meeting, which had been re-arranged due to insufficient Councilors being available to attend on the original date of Monday 4 August 2014.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors were reminded of the need to keep up to date their Register of Interests, and to declare any Personal Interest or Prejudicial Interest relating to any items on the Agenda. There were no Declarations of Interest for the Meeting.

3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 March 2014, which had been circulated with the Agenda papers, were approved and signed as correct by the Chairman.

4. PROGRESS REPORTS (1) New Homes Bonus Scheme Further discussion took place with regard to possible projects under the New Homes Bonus Scheme. The Clerk reminded Councillors that £1441.00 is available to spend under the scheme up to 1 April 2015, and that £4127.00 is the remaining balance for future years. The Clerk reported that the bench that had appeared outside the village hall is a permanent replacement provided by Mr Bossom. With regard to the previous suggestions, it was agreed that a defibrillator would be difficult to manage; Mrs Bossom is not keen on having speed activated sign; but a new dog waste bin is worth considering. However, the alternative suggestion to contribute towards the proposed upgrading of the kitchen in the village hall was approved, and the Clerk was asked to check that this would be an acceptable expense under the Scheme. (2) – Overbury Traffic Calming Project The Clerk reported that Chris Renfrew had confirmed that their questionnaire would be circulated to Kemerton residents only. (3) Vacancy for Parish Councillor to represent Overbury It was noted that a vacancy remained for a councillor to represent Overbury. It was agreed that a Parish Council newsletter should be circulated early in the New Year to encourage interest in standing for election as a Parish Councillor in May 2015. (4) Neighbourhood Plan It was decided not to embark on a Neighbourhood Plan at the present time. (5) Hill Conservation Group It was noted that the Parish Council does not currently have a representative on the Group committee. (6) Competitive Quotation from Zurich Insurance The Clerk reported that Councillor Southby had assessed the quotation from Zurich Insurance in the sum of £288.95 compared with £405.82 quoted by our current insurers Allianz Insurance. After consideration, he had instructed the Clerk to accept the lower quotation. (7) Application for Discretionary Rate Relief The application from the Yew Tree Inn was considered again. The Clerk was instructed to write to the South Revenues and Benefits Shared Service to explain that, due to the uncertain trading situation at the Yew Tree Inn, the Parish Council is currently unable to consider the request for a contribution towards any Discretionary Rate Relief.


2 (1) Police Commissioner’s Grant Scheme The Scheme invites applications that support his vision of a new community spirit, with people working together in partnership to improve society and prevent crime and disorder.

(2) Consultation on Statement of Community Involvement The Parish Council has the opportunity to comment on the Council’s draft new SCI with regard to waste and minerals development as well as the Council’s own developments.

6. DISTRICT COUNCIL (1) SWDP & Written Ministerial Statement by Eric Pickles This had been circulated with the agenda papers and explains the Coalition Government’s planning reforms, which are intended to deliver homes and infrastructure where it is wanted and needed by working with local communities. However, Wychavon Distrcit Council are concerned that insufficient reference is being made to local development plans that are well advanced, for example the South Worcestershire Development Plan. (2) Planning Application The application by Overbury Stallions Ltd to install a lunging pen for horse training and exercise has been approved. (3) Local Enforcement Plan & Planning Compliance Officer Role This new role has been created to provide a proactive approach to ensuring compliance with planning permissions and other consents. (4) New Permitted Development Rights As part of its planning reforms, the Government has introduced a three tier planning system which focuses on:  Allowing small scale alterations through the use of permitted development  Prior approval rights for development requiring consideration of specific issues  Planning permission for other and larger scale developments (5) Changes to Electoral Registration The main change is that every person in a household is required to register individually rather than one person registering everyone in that household.

7. WORCESTERSHIRE CALC (1) The most recent edition of CALC Update (Issue 29) had been circulated with the meeting papers for reference and information. Subjects included: Law & Procedure for Parish and Community Council meetings; Impact on Local Councils of the Bribery Act; Councils’ Powers to Discharge their Functions. (2) A letter had also been received with regard to the withdrawal of funding, not only the £25,000 per year grant funding from the County Partnership, which has ended after its four year fixed period, but also the County Council’s grant of £7,000 per year, which has been discontinued as part of their budget saving exercise. Worcestershire CALC members are requested to write to the County Council Chief Executive in support of the organisation, which the Clerk was instructed to do. (3) Change to 2010 Model Standing Orders: The Standing Order number 1m under “Meetings” with regard to photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting not being permitted without the Council’s prior (written) consent is deleted following the implementation of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.

8. SOUTH WORCESTERSHIRE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (1) Mr Darby circulated the Conservation Group with the good news that Wychavon DC are convinced they have “robust evidence” to prove they have a 5 year housing land supply, although developers are still likely to continue to challenge this. (2) Briefing on Wychavon Council 30 September Meeting – The Chairman and Clerk will attend the meeting on Monday 22 September and report back to the Parish Council.


9. GLOUCESTER, CHELTENHAM, TEWKESBURY JOINT CORE STRATEGY The Parish Council has been notified of an outline proposal to build approximately 550 dwelling, a primary school, supporting infrastructure and leaving room for open space on land to the north of MoD Ashchurch, which is intended to form part of the Ashchurch site already identified.

10. The next PACT meeting has been arranged for 14th October; it has been arranged to hold PACT surgeries on the second Thursday of each month at Beckford Post Office; Steve Tinkler has been appointed as the third member of the Police Community Support team; a member of the team would be available to attend a Parish Council meeting whenever required.

11. BREDON HILL CONSERVATON GROUP The Clerk reported that the proposed Lilworth Solar Farm development on the outskirts of has been withdrawn following the views expressed at the recent exhibition at .

12. OVERBURY CRICKET CLUB The Clerk reported that she had received a complaint from Dave Devereux, Chairman of Overbury Cricket Club, about the problem of dog fouling on the field. After discussion, the Clerk was asked to seek advice from Wychavon with regard to suitable notices for display and the siting of a second dog bin, which it was agreed should be near the car parking area.

16. FINANCE Current Financial Position The Clerk reported that the sum carried forward from the May meeting was £4615.60. Since the May meeting the sum of £288.99 (4p error by Bank) had been paid to Zurich Municipal Insurance, and £187.50 for the Clerk’s wage and tax payment to bring the balance brought forward to the September meeting to £4139.11.

The following bills were then agreed for payment: £ 1. Overbury Farms – May & July mowing 204.00 2. Overbury Estate – Street Market skip & £1 back rent 282.04 3. H Collins – bus shelter cleaning 200.00 £686.04

These payments will leave a balance of £3453.07 to be carried forward to the next meeting.

Audit Procedure The Clerk reported that the external audit of the Parish Council’s finances has been completed without comment, and the relevant announcement has been displayed in the Parish Council notice boards; there is no charge for the audit as our finances are under the £10,000 income or expenditure charging threshold.

17. CLERK’S REPORT ON URGENT DECISIONS SINCE THE LAST MEETING There were no urgent decisions to report.

18. COUNCILLORS’ ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDA (1) Maintenance of the footpath between Overbury and Conderton.


4 The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at Overbury Village Hall on Monday 3 November 2014.

There being no further business, the Meeting closed.