Rr. Armend Daci Nr. 1 Prishtinë, Kosovë Kuvendi i Kosovës Tel: +381 (38) 240 252 Skupština Kosova Fax: +381 (38) 245 844 Assembly of Kosovo E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.kosovo-mining.org INDEPENDENT COMMISSION FOR MINES AND MINERALS ANNUAL REPORT 2016 INTRODUCTION The Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals based on its legal obligations it has, has prepared the Report on the duties performed during 2016 and the same one is obliged to publish in its official web site and to submit it to the Assembly, which: - analyses the condition of the mining industry in Kosovo; and - summarizes all regulatory, investigative and enforcement actions taken by the ICMM during such calendar year; provided however, that such report shall not include any reference to an ongoing investigation to the extent such reference would jeopardize legitimate secrecy concerns with respect to such investigation. The overall purpose of the LMM respectively of the ICMM as implementer of law is: to promote the environmentally acceptable exploration, extraction and processing of minerals by regulating and monitoring persons engaged in the mining industry, to facilitate and sustain greater private sector participation and competition in the mining industry, to maximize the exploration and mining of Minerals, and to regulate the collection, management and archiving of geoscientific data for the economic development for the benefit of Republic of Kosovo. This report presents summarily the work performed based on these goals within a calendar year. Work report contains the work and activity in the area of geology - exploration, mining - exploitation, processing and enrichment, results achieved during the year, the problems and challenges faced by this regulator during its work, and the objectives set for future.