Zionism's 4-Year Plan
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....״.»״ e .m ״he Executive in States, tile ~t\. v .ematically and PubIicly re- mansaia, ׳ fodre°H'״ie 1e Diaspora exists 1 jecieJectead unthia s dereliction andpolitics and legislation are in members are loyal aancic..^, su m _ iid^adding hi*S Called f0r specific coun• I n0 wa3^elate^0 our Juda- H^MM•״List 'be restSfeJ• 5 t abroad betorMit I knd cajolery woBd * Gurion Calls on Congress־ .about immigratiBi) bin said. ImmigK- Ben 1 cam? from pcfl- ZIONISM'S (8. But. in additin , jal aspect must Ml H. There must •< housing and un«r For Movement Zionwards' pith regard to FW uifl^H! Begin: All Jews Have One Home• י pr importing pM In ring•. I By SHALOM COHEN, Jerunalem Port Reporter ration under the banner® יייי~ג1 *•-- .״B> S'hau lacov Tsur warn• 4-YEAR fling of eomplacel I come about frol ftuccess of the Zior the major address of plea (or .l.T»• ^ Bient. Since aimoi " lי11-uu.ogneל״T-u® z |111 ־׳^peopic * u*״״p ־״ffiySbv vou°״? •supported Isra< ^H^js^P /1 ,thor th •ttjV the weli-established. pros- Yo»ef Sprinzak porous ^H In what was regarded as Tribute to Yosef Sprin- answer to zak. Knesset Speaker until PLAN his death in January 1359 the debate over and President of the C4th the Zionist Congress, wa* paid to ־־H coined the word "Ziona^ describe the (last night by Kne »e' 25th WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS that the Speaker Kadish Lux at thi the opening of last fight's yes ^H of the last generations who sion of the Zionist Con hDEROUSj Kress in Jerusalem. I brought us to our goal, the f Mr. Luz recalled th« k^H establishment of the State of ^ Sprinzak helped found tt •••BHK^H••• Israel" Tseirei Zion movement his native Russia at tl EMAN SAYS• in uri0 P e turn of the century, ai AN ANALYSIS OF »* ״<׳ ־'" ^ .•r~t«d.r morning ־ Mm Mmisttr ••aaion of lh• Zionist CongreM. Mr Ben.Gurion spoke in remained in the forefrc of the Zionist movemt after, coming Ao Israel 1908. The unity of the OFFICIAL RESOLUTIONS, 1 Call on U. S. jjy11f a i" t Centre o" f Debate ^•xrjxzxswpoints home with blows of hiis tion was a sacred value him and he /fcoriced ^^^eruaalem Post Hi porter' I "at. SPEECHES AND ;c™«i״V:״to Go to Israel The theme "Congress of Aliya" wag. cleailv re- JlP• ed yesterday, when most speakers in th^^^^^l «.!,. •INCENT BUTLER SELDOM-REVEALED ׳lu Tribune Prc.i Sfn 1 GOALS FOR U. S. JEWS •ork, Jan. 9—Clarence LTHE JERU I inan Jr., president of lierican. Council far UESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 I, today termed an- I statements and pru- l)f the World Zionist WITH PROJECTIONS k slanderous to Amer- | Education—a of Hon ism Tool * t Jewish faith, Jeruj»l* lian, of Glencoe, 111.,! Two motor OF HOW ZIONISM I rejects the Zionists' • that American Jews ; Day Schools Urged for U.S. /SewTioi .t Reporter youth in the.• _ on the H*!l WILL AFFECT U, S־•m Posf1״cu1—זJerusale |׳r Be to Israel as a mat-,!' third road Kational duty. The de- migrsnj *fatoxlHm In Tel Aviv |־them !״,״*״־out of J ־e •) «f The making of Zionist ,over a NON-/IOMST GROUPS ״Mvas made at the con- rusalem• Jerusalem Report Diaspora• ^^^ Member from, both New I The Hebrew University Sunday •־I of the 10-day Zionist on On Women• I Is which ended yester- csmpu•• as prepared » new plan Yosef Kj TEMPLES, SCHOOLS, York and Jenisaieni t v,tle, in the Lr JewUh eduction J* of Holon. I gress in*<• borsecart ייי«m Jerusalem. The con- • 1 Dia^pora^nd wui motorcyei• FUND RAISING, YOUTH ־lis the highest policy Bklucatlon as the instru- lh pre-dawn י— ׳״ , n world Zionism. It ment for achieving this was cent• fto "rescue" American stressed by all of them. 1st budget. I BmI^^^ I AND — ABOVE ALL ן — .Dr. Israel Goidatein, slated Towards the endI^of of i Louis L«t!iiR»1 »״fj .״Mto־vom " spiritual decline, as the new Chairman of the ternoon s •ation and conversion." Jerusalem Executive, said the Msoclate and frat«r THE POLITICAL STATUS — ׳ Zionist movement In the U.S. nates delivered me^,mtrnrtMs ״Dr. Sergio Pipe ״, ' -was not making a concen .OF JEWS IN THE U. S .׳lek No Other Home trated effort to establish deUe ComuniU U !baromei rl Zionist day school! aj was itali«ne> brought thl Bman, commenting on« " Can Come from US fatally ir H״״being done by the Zionists in ng. of Italian J Itions taken by the Zion- S k "We would be ]unified in— his moto Grea>. Britain. Dr. Goldstein he said wal united 11 g deliver Ingress, said that the I urged that American Zionists Ing for Israel. !undertaking .« . goal for •I. fa ״five-year plan the bringing•^ gtri • Scil believes its 20,000 M be in the forefront of those DiToroa from P0 aftamooi •lot 25,000 Jew! from the US *״״•who resist the trend in many Dr. Atno S | •ers are whole-hearted •I I communities to place "luxury I to Israel." according to Dr. M way to lis of the United States a I philanthropies locally ahead U.o. EnttdadM a» I Israel Goldstein. co-Chairnmn • lld«d •1' THE AIM IS CLEAR Meek no other homeland.ijj I of the dire necessities of II ot the World Confederation • Mordeca dade I«eUf « »' r tulla. • .of General Zionists ט those who knock at the gates that the Jews 01 1 We reject' categorically 3 • of Israel." The fundamental [ Delivering the keynote ad- I He •1 suggestion that we are I Hkaplta tier Thoae "ho hi [1 dress th• Confederation 1. "CAPTURE THE lets for emigration sim-1 This Clipping From ^ his lalu On I ... -—-—^ןןן,,-^" tl> Israel from Because we have co-re-1 NEW YORK, N. Y. I Sheln. "!Mlnl^er Abb. «« COMMUNITIES׳ !Srt & liists in Israel," he said.l DAILY NEWS I iBabov blll,d t0 sp.ak at this I was ru ^•-״organization• abroad b. t larael P*1JL but » « ^ STARTING WITH ״״I resent the implication! - 1 י**our children will bel FB»f "11 • Icated ' out of American] NON-ZIONIST GROUPS • with only the matter of' , ^'Hits Zionist Rescue ״I open to question." . Rod Mileman said the council1 2. "EDUCATE" U. S. JEWS libers are loyal adherents •udaism and that "Juda- •is at home wherever man __ NOW FOR EVENTUAL Zionist Congress promise 1u .....— See " He said that nowhere •1 tion *nd conversion.'' The council repudiat ed the proposal u•! FMIGRATION TO ISRAEL I Judaism flourished as it II faith be expected to emigrate to Israel as a matter of "national duty." I in the United States, 11 In a press conference at the! at the end of 1 j ~ M" In No Way Related " • council's national headquarters, 10-day assembly y rams of America's 600,000-mem-V 201 E. 57th St., AC J President i" Jerualem. 1[*r Zionist organizations might• I Our religion and our 11a- 11 Bial status are completely J Clarence L,Coleman,J,- of Glen-i The first point of ^^the^resolu-j1^ZV^ho.M plans c.,,1 •ending• some Jews to Israel־ coe. 111., said his L'O.lMW-member tion declared that 'immigration for ן arate and distinct." Cole-J• » organization "categorically re-!shall form a piincipal task of under President-elect Kennedy's• •!proposed "Peace Corps" program ׳ -said. " Zionist and Israeli S jects the entire Zionist philosophy Zionist life in Jewish communi 111 •itics and legislation are in I and all of the new programs lie-, ties all over the world." in the hope that many would•! 1 dl ׳ .holeheartea״ ,״Askeked ii(f hh,e thoughthoughtt AmericaAmericann settle •tlier e^ permanently־^'P ״ .״,״I way related to our Juda-1 aigneand ald l tof advancthe neew itprog The rescue promise which trig- Jews would forsake life in the "We (Jewsl are wKoleheartedtf יncil Drotests was con- United States in any appreciable citizens of these United States '1.,״״ -1 We Negeve, Colemabelieve n it declareda'| . "We seek no'l"יי"i n thי eer״״i- —..— .״ ״ -I' The government philoso My of the United States pax- Bularly provides for sucn AWER'CAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM B>aration of church and one cannot live « full religious' 1 TComlte Central life. We categorically reject any 1 201 East 57th Street | e coo suggestion that we ire subjects־ Kte. To the extent that even Meirteel wanted ir .V emigration, simply because• New York 22. N V״Be United States govern- 'JZTZf Mr. David ^X'tISS ' f Bent has by inaction lent Diaspora He review^ we have coreligionists in Israel. ^ Bme credence to the Zionist ( pride the communal aAivJt "Our religion and our national ־*;י*, >in hU own country. partl epaiiate־ Hncept of Jews as a separate 1 1 status are completely .enough - education must larly the Jewiah schools T "d distinct," Coleman added. 0E810NAI OFF.CES ״• B>dy-politic in the United X uain for a religious-na-l Jewish masse.'Identify M Zionist and Israeli politics and״ wal openl 1 f 571(1 street. New Ycik . N.Y יh selves with the great eff< 01• . ״•'« Hates, the A. C. J. has sys-J tilkun fta-1 tional Jewish Mr Zvl Lurie, Head ot tne of Iwael. hne• added. legislation are in no way re- ^^^^^^mil- ^ulaisn ,.ז ו.״!״CSl- 1 ״* nrtmen• ncau״na׳».! matically and publicly re-1 Im. It . Mr. £V. 1• . ,N Ciaik Sireet Chicago 2 10 י tansactlons Organization Departmen.